By Mandi Goodsett and Emily Schneider
Collection Overview
Title: Walter J Kasura Russian Folk Music Collection, 1960-1983

ID: 12/5/61
Primary Creator: Kasura, Walter J. (1918-1983)
Other Creators: Grushko, Nicholas
Extent: 98.1 cubic feet
Organized into three series. Series 1: Published Songs, Series 2: Instrumental Music--which contains Sub-Series 1: Russian, Belorussian, and Ukrainian Folk Song Arrangements, Sub-Series 2: Nicholas Grushko Arrangements, Sub-Series 3: Emanuil Sheynkman Arrangements, and Sub-Series 4: Prima Balalaika Music-- Series 3: Personal Papers, and Series 4: American Popular Music.
Processing of this collection was done by multiple people over multiple years; therefore, there is some differences in formatting within the finding aid. Originally, the collection was organized by EC number, some of which are indicated in the finding aid. Some of the records are also cataloged in the University of Illinois Library Catalog. Box 264 was found after the collection was finished--it fits intellectually in Series 2, Sub-Series 1 between Box 90 and 91. Box 265 was also found after the collection was finished--it fits intellectually in Series 2, Sub-Series 1 between Box 113 and 114. Original EC numbers 732 and 1058 are still missing.
Date Acquired: 05/12/1986. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Folk music, Music -- Russia, Vocal music
Formats/Genres: Sheet music
Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of manuscripts, research notes, personal papers, and published works, including Russian and gypsy folk songs, other vocal and choral works, instrumental solos, scores and parts for orchestral and chamber performing ensembles (including many arrangements by Kasura), instrumental methods books, and reference books on performance practice, repertory, and historical development of the balalaika, domra, and Slavic folk orchestra.
Note to researchers: Many of these scores are written in Cyrillic, and there are some differences in transliteration. Here are some examples of the same Cyrillic combinations transliterated different ways: ch and zh; yaya and iaia; cz and ts; skaya and skaia; skogo and sky and ski(i). When searching for a particular piece, please use both options. For example "tanecz" and "tanets"; "Rimskogo-Korsakov" and "Rimsky-Korsakov."
See also record series number 35/3/68.
Biographical Note
Walter Kasura was born in New York City to Russian emigre parents. He studied music theory and arrangement under Alexander Ivanoff, a graduate of the St. Petersburg Conservatory. He also received further guidance from the well-known Peter Biljo, who performed regularly on the CBS radio program "Around the Samovar." His performing experience included a small group called the Moscow Balalaika Ensemble, the professional wing of the Balalaika and Domra Society. He played club dates, parties, on radio and television, at leading hotels in Miami, Quebec, and New York, and at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
In 1977 the Ridgewood Symphony Orchestra of New Jersey and the North Jersey Philharmonic with Leonard Davis as balalaika soloist performed one of his arrangements. The latter concert drew a crowd of over 5,000 people. In 1979 Walter was awarded a grant to teach balalaika and domra seminars at the University of Illinois and to direct in concert the University of Illinois Balalaika Orchestra.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Additions acquired from the Music and Performing Arts Library on May 3, 2016.
Acquisition Source:
Walter J. Kasura Family
Acquisition Method:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Published Songs, c.1810-1970],
[Series 2: Instrumental Music, c. 1910-1980],
[Series 3: Personal Papers, c. 1905-1987],
[Series 4: American Popular Music, 1921-1938],
- Series 1: Published Songs, c.1810-1970

- Consists of photocopies and manuscripts of Russian vocal music. Arranged alphabetically by title in Russian.
- Box 1

- Folder 1: A byt' mozhet, i ne tak?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 2: A chto pilotu nuzhno?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frenkel', Ia
- Folder 3: A gde mne vziat' takuiu pesniu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 4: A gde mne vziat' takuiu pesniu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 5: A gde mne vziat' takuiu pesniu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 6: A gody letiat (TV film "Dobrovolt'sy"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 7: A gusi, vy gusi, undated

- Folder 8: A gusi, vy gusi, undated

- Folder 9: A i gore, gore-gorevanitse, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M. arr.
- Folder 10: A i ne zhal' mne-ko bitogo, grablenogo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M. arr.
- Folder 11: A ia khitraia, i ukhom ne vedu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pergament, V.
- Folder 12: A ia liubliu Petrusia, undated

- Folder 13: A ia ne veriu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zhivtsov, A.
- Folder 14: A ia po lugu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blok, V. arr.
- Folder 15: A ia po lugu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gleikhman, V. arr.
- Folder 16: A ia po lugu guliala, undated

- Folder 17: A iak pryishla karta, undated

- Folder 18: A iz Krymu li, brattsy iz Nagaiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M. arr.
- Folder 19: A koly ia ishov do toi Ameryky, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ladyzhizhskii, S.
- Folder 20: A kto u nas kholostoi, undated

- Folder 21: A kto u nas kholostoi, undated

- Folder 22: A kto u nas kholostoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N. arr.
- Folder 23: A kto u nas moden, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A. arr.
- Folder 24: A liubov' vsegda byvaet pervoiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 25: A liubov' vsegda byvaet pervoiu (Molodye), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 26: A my proso seiali, undated

- Folder 27: A my proso sieiali, undated

- Folder 28: A my proso seiali, seiali, undated

- Folder 29: A my roschist' chistili, undated

- Folder 30: A popid teren, undated

- Folder 31: A Rus' ostaetsia (1974), 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, V.
- Folder 32: A s chem sravnit' liubov', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ekimian, A.
- Folder 33: A sneg idet, undated

- Folder 34: A tam dolov v toi dolyni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dovgoliuk, F. arr.
- Folder 35: A tam vse v zhizni ne pochem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aliakrinskii, S.
- Folder 36: A ty dziewcze (A ty divcha), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sadaj, Cz. arr.
- Folder 37: A u nas vo dvore, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 38: A u nas vo dvore est' devchonka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Box 53

- Folder 97: A u pole lepin'ka (The Garland), undated

- Folder 39: A u poly verba, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 40: A v nashoi perepilon'ky, undated

- Folder 41: A v seredu rodylasia, undated

- Folder 42: A v tomu sadu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Leontovych, M.
- Folder 43: A vremia toropitsia (TV film "Nasledniki") (1976), 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Kladnitskii, V.
- Folder 44: A vzhe zh tretii vechir, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lenskii, A. arr.
- Folder 45: Abiturient (Perestupi porog), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chernyshev, V.
- Folder 46: Ai, da ia dumala, gadala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shtrekher, L. arr.
- Folder 47: Ai, da kak na gorke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levi, N. arr.
- Folder 48: Ai, da riabinyshka, undated

- Folder 49: Ai, da Vasilechki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B. arr.
- Folder 50: Ai, dedushka, dedushka, undated

- Folder 51: Ai, dudu, dudu, dudu!, undated

- Folder 52: Ai, matushka, ne mogu, undated

- Folder 53: Ai, na gore dub, dub, undated

- Folder 54: Ai, na gore dub, undated

- Folder 55: Ai, na gore dub, dub, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N. arr.
- Folder 56: Ai, ne ne, undated

- Folder 57: Ai, po ulitse molodets idet, undated

- Folder 58: Ai! Sbory, sbory grushin'kiny, undated

- Folder 59: Ai, vo pole lipen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N. arr
- Folder 60: Ai, vo pole lipen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N. arr
- Folder 61: Ai, vo pole lipen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N. arr
- Folder 62: Aist, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 63: Akh, choto eto za serdtse, undated

- Folder 64: Akh, choto zl ty, golubchik, ne vesel sidish', undated

- Folder 65: Akh, choto zl ty, golubchik, ne vesel sidish', undated

- Folder 66: Akh, choto zh ty, mila, priunyla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakovich, M, arr.
- Folder 67: Akh, da ne vecherniaia zaria spotukhala, undated

- Folder 68: Akh, derevnia ot derevni, undated

- Folder 69: Akh, esli-b schast'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borodin, A.
- Folder 70: Akh, eta krasnaia riabina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zoslovskii, S.
- Folder 71: Akh, i skuchno mne, devochnke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 72: Akh, ia vliublen v glaza odni (Oh, I am in love with someone's eyes) (1934), 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G. arr.
- Folder 73: Ahk kak po motsu, motsu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 74: Ahk kak toshno mne toshnen'ko, undated

- Folder 75: Ahk kak toshno mne, toshnen'ko, undated

- Folder 76: Akh, kogda b ia prezhde znala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M. arr.
- Folder 77: Akh, krasnotal ..., undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 78: Akh, moroz, moroz, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Diudiuk, A.
- Folder 79: Akh na chto zh by ogorod gorodit', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artel'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 80: Ahk na chtozh bylo da k chemuzh bylo, undated

- Folder 81: Akh! Niet, niet (1886), 1886

- Composer/Arranger: Prigozhii, Ia. arr.
- Folder 82: Akh, po moriu, undated

- Folder 83: Akh! Po moriu, undated

- Folder 84: Akh, po moriu, undated

- Folder 85: Akh, po motsu, motsu / The Village of Don Juan, undated

- Folder 86: Akh, po motsu, motsu, po Kalinovu mostu, undated

- Folder 87: Akh! Pod visheneiu, pod chereshneiu, undated

- Folder 88: Akh! Rechnen'ki, rechen'ki, undated

- Folder 89: Akh, Samara-gorodok!, undated

- Folder 90: Akh, Samara-gorodok!, undated

- Folder 91: Akh, seni, moi seni, undated

- Folder 92: Akh! Shla nasha Fedos'ia, undated

- Folder 93: Akh! So vechera poroshitsa snegu vypadala, undated

- Folder 94: Akh, talan li moi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N. arr.
- Folder 95: Akh, talan li moi talan, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N. arr.
- Folder 96: Akh, talan li moi talan takoi, undated

- Folder 97: Akh, talan li moi talan takoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N., arr.
- Box 2

- Folder 1: Akh ty den' li moi denechik, undated

- Folder 2: Akh ty dolia, moia dolia, undated

- Folder 3: Akh ty, dushechka, undated

- Folder 4: Akh ty, dushechka ..., undated

- Folder 5: Akh ty, dushechka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanov, N. arr.
- Folder 6: Akh ty, dushechka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanov, N. arr.
- Folder 7: Akh, ty, dushechka krasnaia devitsa, undated

- Folder 8: Akh, ty koten'ka-kotok, undated

- Folder 9: Akh, ty noch'-li, nochen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M. arr.
- Folder 10: Akh ty, noch' li, nochen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nasonov, V. arr.
- Folder 11: Akh ty pole moe (The Slain Cossack), undated

- Folder 12: Akh, ty pole moe, pole chistoe, undated

- Folder 13: Akh, ty pole moe, pole chistoe, undated

- Folder 14: Akh ty sad li, moi sadochek, undated

- Folder 15: Akh ty sad li, moi sadochek, undated

- Folder 16: Akh, ty step' moia, undated

- Folder 17: Akh ty, step' shirokaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abakumov, S. arr.
- Folder 18: Akh, ty step' shirokaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A. arr.
- Folder 19: Akh, ty step' shirokaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A. arr.
- Folder 20: Akh ty, step' shirokaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A. arr.
- Folder 21: Akh ty, step' shirokaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Triodin, P. arr.
- Folder 22: Akh ty, tprus'ka-bychok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M. arr.
- Folder 23: Akh ty Volga, Volga matushka, undated

- Folder 24: Akh! Ty vremia, vremiachko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 25: Akh ty zhizn', moia zhizn', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Malashkin, L.
- Folder 26: Akh, ty zimushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev, M. arr.
- Folder 27: Akh ty, zimushka-zima, undated

- Folder 28: Akh ty, zimushka-zima, undated

- Folder 29: Akh ty zimushka zima (My vstretilis' v Moskve) 1946, 1946

- Composer/Arranger: Khrenikov, T.
- Folder 30: Akh ty, zimushka zima (Svinarka i pastukh), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrenikov, T.
- Folder 31: Akh! Ulitsa, ulitsa shirokaia (The Broad Road), undated

- Folder 32: Akh ulitsa, ulitsa shirokaia (Little Yashka), undated

- Folder 33: Akh ulitsa ulitsa shirokaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N. arr.
- Folder 34: Akh! Utushka lugovaia, undated

- Folder 35: Akh! Utushka lugovaia, undated

- Folder 36: Akh utushka lugovaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N. arr.
- Folder 37: Akh! Vechor toska napadala, undated

- Folder 38: Akh vo sadu sadu, liubliu sadovuiu, undated

- Folder 39: Akh, vy, kosy, kosy rusye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Koposov, A.
- Folder 40: Akh! Vy kumushki golubushki podruzhki, undated

- Folder 41: Akh vy, seni, undated

- Folder 42: Akh, vy, seni moi, seni, undated

- Folder 43: Akh, vy, seni, moi seni, undated

- Folder 44: Akh vy sieni moi sieni, undated

- Folder 45: Akh, vy sieni, moi sieni!, undated

- Folder 46: Akh, vy sieni, moi sieni (Ach, du meine enge, kleine Kammer), undated

- Folder 47: Akh, zachem ty menia tsielovala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Batorin, P.
- Folder 48: Akh, zachiem eta noch', undated

- Folder 49: Akh, zachiem eta noch' (Ach, warum war so schon), undated

- Folder 50: Akh, zachiem eta noch' 1829, 1829

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, N.
- Folder 51: Akh, zachiem eta noch' (Why was that night so beautiful) 1923, 1923

- Composer/Arranger: Lampkovitz, P. arr.
- Folder 52: Akh, zachiem ty menia tsielovala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Batorin, P.
- Folder 53: Akh! Zelena grusha v sadu shataetsia (The Bride's Farewell), undated

- Folder 54: Akh zharko v tereme svechi goriat, undated

- Folder 55: Akh zhil ia molodets vo svoei derevne, undated

- Folder 56: Akhti, matushka, undated

- Folder 57: Akhti, matushka, undated

- Folder 58: Alena 1976, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 59: Alenushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, V.
- Folder 60: Alenushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Martynov, E.
- Folder 61: Alenushka

- Composer/Arranger: Martynov, E.
- Folder 62: Alenushka 1976, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Martynov, E.
- Folder 63: Alesha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 64: Alesha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovski, E.
- Folder 65: Allaverdy 1934, 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Kirillov / Stone, arr.
- Folder 66: Avgust, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frenkel', Ia.
- Folder 67: Ax, na chto zh by ogorod gorodit', undated

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Bab'e leto, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Markovaia, T.
- Folder 2: Babochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Andreev, V.
- Folder 3: Bachochka, undated

- Folder 4: Babochki letaiut!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarkovskii, A.
- Folder 5: Babushkie ot maliutok, undated

- Folder 6: Babushkinskie chastushki, undated

- Folder 7: Babusiu ridnen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevich, B.
- Folder 8: Bai, bai, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B. arr.
- Folder 9: Bai, bai, bai, undated

- Folder 10: Bai, bai, liudi, liudi, undated

- Folder 11: Bai, kachi, kachi, kachi, undated

- Folder 12: Baikal, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev, M. arr.
- Folder 13: Baiu, baiushki, undated

- Folder 14: Baiu, baiushki, baiu, undated

- Folder 15: Baiu, baiushki, baiu, undated

- Folder 16: Baiu, baiushki, baiu, undated

- Folder 17: Bal gospoden, undated

- Folder 18: Balalaika, undated

- Folder 19: Balalaika, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rudenko, V.
- Folder 20: Ballada o muzhestve, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kogan, L.
- Folder 21: Ballada o neizvestnom matrose, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chichkov, Iu.
- Folder 22: Ballada o russkikh mal'chishkakh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 23: Ballada o soldate, 1961

- Composer/Arranger: Solovev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 24: Ballada o trubachakh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shamo, I.
- Folder 25: Ballada o zemle, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frenkel', Ia.
- Folder 26: Baltiitsy-krasnoflottsy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 27: Bandura, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Davidovskii, G. arr.
- Folder 28: Barkarolla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 29: Barkarolla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grodskii, B.
- Folder 30: Barynia-rechka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarkovskii, A.
- Folder 31: Bednoe serdtse, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 32: Bei vraga (Strike the Foe), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G.
- Folder 33: Beisia serdtse, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fomin, B.
- Folder 34: Belaia akatsiia, undated

- Folder 35: Belaia akatsiia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sharov, M.
- Folder 36: Belaia bereza, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Filin, F. arr.
- Folder 37: Belaia bereza, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Filin, F. arr.
- Folder 38: Belaia bereza, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V. arr.
- Folder 39: Belarus', Belarus', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 40: Beleet parus odinokii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 41: Beleet parus odinokii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 42: Beleet parus odinokii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 43: Belka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Berezniak, A.
- Folder 44: Beloi akatsii (Weisze Akazien), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Marliukov, A., arr.
- Folder 45: Beloi akatsii grozd'ia dushistye ..., undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shteinberg, M. arr.
- Folder 46: Belokrylye chaiki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pritsker, D.
- Folder 47: Belolitsa kruglolitsa krasnaia devitsa, undated

- Folder 48: Belorussia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutovaia, A.
- Folder 49: Belorussiia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutovaia, A.
- Folder 50: Belorussiia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutovaia, A.
- Folder 51: Belovezhskaia pushcha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutovaia, A.
- Folder 52: Belovezhskaia pushcha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutovaia, A.
- Folder 53: Belye lebedi (Bili lebedi), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bilash, A.
- Folder 54: Belyi sneg, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 55: Belyi svet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 56: Belym kamnem nogi moi (See Alaila Dip Her Feet), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bronskii, G. arr.
- Folder 57: Bereg detstva, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Portnov, G.
- Folder 58: Beregovye ogon'ki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 59: Berezka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulatov, S.
- Folder 60: Berezka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shiller, B.
- Folder 61: Berezon'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 62: Berezovyi sok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Basner, V.
- Folder 63: Berezy ("Pervyi den' mira"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradin, M.
- Folder 64: Beri shinel', poshli domoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, V.
- Folder 65: Bessonitsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Polikarpov, N.
- Folder 66: Bez tebe, Olesiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Oprishek, M. arr.
- Folder 67: Bezhit Aragva, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Taktakishvili, O. arr.
- Folder 68: Bezhit dorozhka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Makarov, N.
- Folder 69: Bezhit reka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 70: Bezumnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 71: Biarozka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Luchanka, I.
- Folder 72: Biednyi chizhichek, undated

- Folder 73: Bieloi akatsii grozdi dushistyia (Weisze Akazien), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shteinberg, M. arr.
- Folder 74: Bielolitsa, kruglolitsa, undated

- Folder 75: Bielyi val's, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kogash ?
- Folder 76: Biriuzovyi, zlat' kolechki, undated

- Folder 77: Blagoslovliaiu vas, lesa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chaikovskii, P.
- Folder 78: Bliny, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A.
- Box 4

- Folder 1: Bober, undated

- Folder 2: Bobylevskie napevy (In the window stands a red rose), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shimkov, L.
- Folder 3: Bodai sia kogut znudyv, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsimbor, Iu., arr.
- Folder 4: Boevaia krasnogvardeiskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A.
- Folder 5: Boevaia zarnitsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shutenko, K.
- Folder 6: Bog vam sud'ia, undated

- Folder 7: Boiarynia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B.
- Folder 8: Bolit serdtse vremenami (Tret'iakovskie pripevki), undated

- Folder 9: Borodino, undated

- Folder 10: Borzyi kon', undated

- Folder 11: Bozhe tsaria khrani!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N. arr.
- Folder 12: Bozhe velykyi, tvorche vsesyl'ny, undated

- Folder 13: Bozhe vysluhai blagannia, undated

- Folder 14: Brat Ivan, undated

- Folder 15: Brianochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gippius, E.
- Folder 16: Brodit paren', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Medvedovskii, E.
- Folder 17: Bubentsy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bakaleinikov, A.
- Folder 18: Bubentsy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nalei, M (?)
- Folder 19: Bubna zvon, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lentsev, A., arr.
- Folder 20: Bud' prezhnim, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 21: Bud' samim soboi ("Prizvanie"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Uspenskii, V.
- Folder 22: Bud' so mnoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Badadzhanian, A.
- Folder 23: Bud zdrava zemlytse (Bywaj zdrowa ziemio), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chachaj, T. arr.
- Folder 24: Budet zhizn' khorosha!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Manukov, R.
- Folder 25: Budet, budet nam krushit'sia, undated

- Folder 26: Bud'te zdorovy (May You All Prosper), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liubin, I.
- Folder 27: Budu zhdat', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Binkin, Z.
- Folder 28: Bukhenval'dskii nabat, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 29: Bukhenval'dskii nabat, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 30: Bula sobi Marusia (Petrus), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lysenko, N.
- Folder 31: Bulo lito, undated

- Folder 32: Bulo lito, undated

- Folder 33: Buran (Zvezdochka), undated

- Folder 34: Burenushka, undated

- Folder 35: Bydu soby kupyla, undated

- Folder 36: Byla zhynka, undated

- Folder 37: Byli dva druga, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Germanov, S.
- Folder 38: Bylo delo Poltavoi, undated

- Folder 39: Bystra voda, undated

- Folder 40: Bystry kak volny, undated

- Folder 41: Bystry kak volny, undated

- Folder 42: Bystry kak volny (Wogen gleich wallen), undated

- Folder 43: Byt' mozhet da, byt' mozhet net, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokras
- Folder 44: Byvali dni veselye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bukhvostov, V.
- Box 5

- Folder 1: Chaban, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Hnatishin, A., arr.
- Folder 2: Chai, druz'ia, my -- gor'kovchane, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nesterov, A.
- Folder 3: Chaika ("Moriaki"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miliutin, Tu.
- Folder 4: Chaika, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sharov, M.
- Folder 5: Chaiki krylatye - Birds Fly Delightfully, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Schwartz, L.
- Folder 6: Chardash, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bitner, Z. Noviikim, G.
- Folder 7: Chas dodomu, chas, undated

- Folder 8: Chastushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vasilenko, S.
- Folder 9: Chastushki doprizyvnikov, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A. arr.
- Folder 10: Chastushki o tselinnykh zemliakh, undated

- Folder 11: Chelovek -- ogonek ("gorod -- odna ulitsa"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muravlev, A.
- Folder 12: Chelovek pridumal pesniu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Granov, I.
- Folder 13: Chelovek za rulem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dedonitskii, P.
- Folder 14: Chem tebia ia ogorchila, undated

- Folder 15: Chem tebia ia ogorchila, undated

- Folder 16: Cheremshyna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mykhailiuk, V.
- Folder 17: Cheremukha, undated

- Folder 18: Cheremukha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kutuzov, N.
- Folder 19: Cheremukha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kuznetsov, A.
- Folder 20: Cheremushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Efimov, V.
- Folder 21: Cherepovetskie pliasovye pripevki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gippius, E., arr.
- Folder 22: Cherevychky moi, undated

- Folder 23: Cherez dve zimy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 24: Cherez god ("Eia ad "iutant"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vinterberg, R.
- Folder 25: Cherez pole shyrokee, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lysenko, N., arr.
- Folder 26: Cherez rechku cheremkha lezhala, undated

- Folder 27: Cherez richen 'ku, undated

- Folder 28: Chernaia shal', undated

- Folder 29: Chernobrovyi, Chernookii, undated

- Folder 30: Chernobrovyi, chernookii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vil'boa, K., arr.
- Folder 31: Chernobrovyi, chernookii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vil'boa, k., arr.
- Folder 32: Chernye gusary, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Georgievskii, G.
- Folder 33: Chernyi lokon, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev,, A.
- Folder 34: Chernyi tom, undated

- Folder 35: Chernyi voron, undated

- Folder 36: Chertovo koleso, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 37: Chervena ruzha troiaka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dovnoliuk, F., arr.
- Folder 38: Chervena ruzha troiaka - Czerwona roza trojaka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sadaj, Cz., arr.
- Folder 39: Chervonaia oi ta kalynon'ka, undated

- Folder 40: Ch'ia tam pesnia razdaetsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsimze, D., arr.
- Folder 41: Chiem tebia ia ogorchila, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 42: Chiki, chiki, chikalochki, undated

- Folder 43: Choho vikna psyvily - Czemu okna posiwialy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chachaj, T., arr.
- Folder 44: Chohozh mene holovon'ka bolyt, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dovholiuk, F., arr.
- Folder 45: Chom, chom, chom?, undated

- Folder 46: Chom ia neschaslyvyi (Czemu jestem nieszczesliwy), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chachaj, T., arr.
- Folder 47: Chom, chom ne priishov, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chishka, O., arr.
- Folder 48: Chonguri, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Machavariani, A.
- Folder 49: Chorni ochka, undated

- Folder 50: Chornii brovy, karii ochi, undated

- Folder 51: Chornushko, dushko, undated

- Folder 52: Chort s toboi, undated

- Folder 53: Chort s toboi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liutsenko, N.
- Folder 54: Chovnyk khytaiet'sia sered vody, undated

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Chto bolit, gdie bolit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sartinskii Bei, D.
- Folder 2: Chto bylo prezhde - ne vernetsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khait, Iu.
- Folder 3: Chto bylo, to bylo?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 4: Chto bylo, to bylo?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 5: Chto grustish', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Panchenko, S.
- Folder 6: Chto I u batiushki vorot, undated

- Folder 7: Chto mne gore, undated

- Folder 8: Chto mne ona?, undated

- Folder 9: Chto mnie zhit' I tuzhit', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 10: Chto ne belaia bereza, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 11: Chto ne belaia bereza k zemle klonitsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popov, S., arr.
- Folder 12: Chto ponizhe bylo goroda Saratova, undated

- Folder 13: Chto pridet?... ("Rozygrysh"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarkovskii, A.
- Folder 14: Chto proshlo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S. (?)
- Folder 15: Chto skazali - So pkhendle, undated

- Folder 16: Chto sklonilasia ty nad rekoiu, undated

- Folder 17: Chto so mnoi?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dubravin, Ia.
- Folder 18: Chto soldatu nuzhno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dorman, D.
- Folder 19: Chto tak serdtse rastrevozheno - "Vernye druz'ia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 20: Chto tak serdtse rastrevozheno - "Vernye druz'ia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 21: Chto tak skuchno, chto tak grustno, undated

- Folder 22: Chto tak zadumchiva, undated

- Folder 23: Chto tak zadumchiva, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grekov, S., arr.
- Folder 24: Chto takoe komsomol, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 25: Chto takoe so mnoiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 26: Chto ty, belaia bereza, undated

- Folder 27: Chto ty klonish' nad vodami, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Matveev, M.
- Folder 28: Chto ty rano travushka pozheltiela?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 29: Chto ty sdelala, podruga, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, V.
- Folder 30: Chto ty spish', muzhichek, undated

- Folder 31: Chto ty zhadno gliadish'na dorogu, undated

- Folder 32: Chto ty zhadno gliadish'na dorogu, undated

- Folder 33: Chto ty zhadno gliadish na dorogu - Why Do You Gaze?, undated

- Folder 34: Chto ty zhadno gliadish'na dorogu, 1977

- Folder 35: Chto ty zhadno gliadish'na dorogu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lukavikhin, N., arr.
- Folder 36: Chto ty zhadno gliadish'na dorogu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Volkov, V., arr.
- Folder 37: Chto ty znaesh' pro sneg?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 38: Chto v pole, ploe kaliuzhki, undated

- Folder 39: Chto vilis'-to moi rusy kudri, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N., arr.
- Folder 40: Chto vilis'-to moi rusy kudri, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N., arr.
- Folder 41: Chto vo gorode bylo vo Kazane, undated

- Folder 42: Chto vo svetloi vo svetlitse, undated

- Box 53

- Folder 96: Chto za mesiats, chto za iasnyi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Omel'chenok, A., arr.
- Folder 43: Chto zatumanilas', zoren'ka iasnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kliuev, V., arr.
- Folder 44: Chto zatumanilas', zoren'ka iasnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Osipov, V.
- Folder 45: Chto zatumanilas', zoren'ka iasnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zhivtsov, A., arr.
- Folder 46: Chto zhe mne delat'?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Polikarpov, N.
- Folder 47: Chtoi-to zvon, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Karpov
- Folder 48: Chubchik, undated

- Folder 49: Chubchik, 1937

- Composer/Arranger: Lefkowitch, H., arr.
- Folder 50: Chudak, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Binkin, Z.
- Folder 51: Chudnyi mesiats, undated

- Folder 52: Chudnyi miesiats - Stille Nacht Umhullet rings?, undated

- Folder 53: Chudo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tabachnikov, M.
- Folder 54: Chudo-chudesa, 1893

- Composer/Arranger: Aliakrinskii, S.
- Folder 55: Chudo-divo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A.
- Folder 56: Chudo-pesenka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, L.
- Folder 57: Chukotka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 58: Chumarochka riabesen'ka, undated

- Folder 59: Chy ia v luzi ne kalyna bula, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sandler, O., arr.
- Folder 60: Chy iazh komu vynovat, undated

- Folder 61: Chy ie v sviti molodytsia, undated

- Folder 62: Chy se-zh taia krynychen'ka? - Is This the Same Brook?, undated

- Folder 63: Chy to toia kulyna, undated

- Folder 64: Chy ty, mylyi, pilom prypav, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Oprishka, M., arr.
- Folder 65: Chye to polechko, undated

- Folder 66: Chye to polechko, undated

- Folder 67: Chyezh to polechko neorane, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dovholiuk, F., arr.
- Box 7

- Folder 1: Da kto zh u nas lebedin?, undated

- Folder 2: Da prosyv mene horasym, undated

- Folder 3: Dai, milyi drug, na schast'e ruku! - Lasz, teurer Freund?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Luchin, K.
- Folder 4: Dai, milyi drug, na schast'e ruku!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Luchin, K.
- Folder 5: Dai mne upit'sia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aliakrinskii, S.
- Folder 6: Dai ruku, tovarishch dalekii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kats, S.
- Folder 7: Dal' sibirskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krepkikh, A.
- Folder 8: Dal' velikaia - "Liubov' zemnaia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ptichkin, E.
- Folder 9: Dalas' nia mamochko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popvich, G., arr.
- Folder 10: Dalekaia khoroshaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Matveev, M.
- Folder 11: Dalekie dorogi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharkovskii, E.
- Folder 12: Daleko, daleko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nosov, G.
- Folder 13: Daleko-daleko - Far away, far away, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nosov, G.
- Folder 14: Daleko-daleko step' za Volgu ushla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rechmenskii, N., arr.
- Folder 15: Dal'nevostochnaia morskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lepin, A.
- Folder 16: Davai pogovorim, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khanka. E.
- Box 53

- Folder 102: Davai prostimsia, 1926

- Composer/Arranger: Orlanskii, S.
- Folder 17: Davai zakurim, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tabachnikov, M.
- Folder 18: Davno my doma ne byli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 19: Davno my doma ne byli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 20: Davnym-davno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 21: Den' li tsarit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B., arr.
- Folder 22: Den' pobedy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 23: Den' pobedy, 1975

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 24: Den' pobedy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 25: Derevenskaia Serenada - Village Serenade, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G.
- Folder 26: Dereviannye loshadki - "Rebiata s nashego dvora", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Minkov, M.
- Folder 27: Desiatyi klass - "Perestupi porog", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chernyshev, V.
- Folder 28: Devchonki, Kotorye zhdut, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 29: Devchonki tantsuiut na palube, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutov, A.
- Folder 30: Devchonochka po gaiu khodila, undated

- Folder 31: Devich'I popevki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 32: Devich'I stradania, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ushkarev, A.
- Folder 33: Devki po lugu guliali, undated

- Folder 34: Devushka I gorlinka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mitin, S.
- Folder 35: Devushka pela - In the cathedral a girl sang, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vassilenko, S. - Gnesin, M.
- Folder 36: Devushki - volzhanochki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A.
- Folder 37: Devushku chaikoi zovut - "seagull" the maiden is named, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Doplukhanian, A.
- Folder 38: Diadia Egor, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev, M.
- Folder 39: Diedushkie, undated

- Folder 40: Dieti, v shkolu sobiraites', undated

- Folder 41: Dievitsy krasavitsy, undated

- Folder 42: Dievka v sieniakh stoiala- At the gate a maid's eyes?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 43: Dievka v sieniakh stoiala, undated

- Folder 44: Didu mii, dudaryku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Leontovich, M., arr.
- Folder 45: Dim - dim, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Arkhangel'skaia, A.
- Folder 46: Din - don, undated

- Folder 47: Din' din' don don, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G.
- Folder 48: Ditia I kukly, undated

- Folder 49: Ditia I roza - Kind und Rose, undated

- Folder 50: Divchyno moia - Dziewczyno moja, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chachaj, T., arr.
- Folder 51: Divka v siniakh stoiala, undated

- Folder 52: Dlia beregov otchizny dal'noi - Your Native Land, 1949

- Composer/Arranger: Borodin, A.
- Folder 53: Dlia beregov otchizny dal'noi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borodin, A.
- Folder 54: Dlia menia ty vse, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Titov, A.
- Folder 55: Dlia nas dvoikh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mazhukov, A.
- Folder 56: Dlia tebia - "Kogda nastupaet Sentiabr'", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frenkel', Ia.
- Box 53

- Folder 108: Dni za dniami (Day After Day), 1933

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Folder 57: Dni za dniami katiatsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Folder 58: Dni za dniami katiatsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Folder 59: Do chego zhe khorosho krugom!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 60: Do otpravlen'ia poezda, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutovaia, A.
- Folder 61: Do otpravlen'ia poezda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutovaia, A.
- Folder 62: Do pory do vremeni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Titov, A.
- Folder 63: Do shestnadtsati let, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 64: Do svidan'ia, goroda I khaty!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 65: Do svidan'ia, goroda I khaty!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 66: Do svidan'ia, leto - "Tsentrovoi iz podnebes'ia", 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Zatsepin, A.
- Folder 67: Do svidaniia, mal'chiki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Okudzhava, B.
- Folder 68: Do svidan'ia, Moskva, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutovaia, A.
- Box 8

- Folder 1: Dobraia skazka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutovaia, A.
- Folder 2: Dobro pozhalovat' v Moskvu, Olipiada!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Movsesian, G.
- Folder 3: Dobroe serdtse Rossii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ushkarev, A.
- Folder 4: Dobroi nochi, undated

- Folder 5: Dobry vechyr, undated

- Folder 6: Dobryi vechir, divchyno, undated

- Folder 7: Dogadaites' sami, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.
- Folder 8: Dolgii put', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frenkel', Ia
- Folder 9: Dolgo-l' devitsa guliala, undated

- Folder 10: Dolia biedniaka, undated

- Folder 11: Dolina - dolinitsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A., arr.
- Folder 12: Doma l', vorobei?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sveshnikov, A., arr.
- Folder 13: Domik, kroshechka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 14: Don - don, undated

- Folder 15: Donbasskii val's, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kholminov, A.
- Folder 16: Dontsy - molodtsy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mikhailov, A., arr.
- Folder 17: Doroga na Berlin, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 18: Doroga zheleznaia, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 19: Dorogaia ty moia matushka, undated

- Folder 20: Dorogi, 1945

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 21: Dorogoe Podmoskov'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gur'ev, Iu.
- Folder 22: Dorogoi da dorogoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shimkov, L., arr.
- Folder 23: Dorogoi dlinnoiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fomin, B.
- Folder 24: Dorogoi dlinnoiu, undated

- Folder 25: Dorogoi dlinnoiu, undated

- Folder 26: Dorogoi moi, dorogoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rudenko, V.
- Folder 27: Dorogoi moi chelovek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 28: Dorozhen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zakharov, V.
- Folder 29: Dorozhen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sveshnikov, A., arr.
- Folder 30: Dorozhka, dorozhen'ka, undated

- Folder 31: Dorozhka torenaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maslov, F., arr.
- Folder 32: Dorozhnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Taktakishvili, O.
- Folder 33: Dorozhnaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 34: Doshchyk, doshchyk, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Oprishka, M., arr.
- Folder 35: Doshchyk, doshchyk, undated

- Folder 36: Doveli, izmuchili - Dokhane, undated

- Folder 37: Dovol'no, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Semenov. V.
- Folder 38: Dozhdik, dozdik, perestan', undated

- Folder 39: Drozdy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 40: Drozdy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 41: Drugu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 42: Druzhen'ka khoroshen'kii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grigorenko, V., arr.
- Folder 43: Dubinka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Preobrazhenskii, N., arr.
- Folder 44: Dubinushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A., arr.
- Folder 45: Dubinushka, undated

- Folder 46: Dubinushka - Ey dubinushka, undated

- Folder 47: Dubinushka, undated

- Folder 48: Dubinushka - The Little Cudgel, undated

- Folder 49: Dubinushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Seifert, V., arr.
- Folder 50: Dubinushka, undated

- Folder 51: Dubinushka, undated

- Folder 52: Dudar, moi dudar' molodoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kovalev & Semenov, arr.
- Folder 53: Dudariki, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Luchenok, I.
- Folder 54: Dudaryk, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Leontovich, M., arr.
- Folder 55: Duet - "Radomir", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Brianskii, N.
- Folder 56: Duma pro samars'kykh brativ, undated

- Folder 57: Dumy moi, undated

- Folder 58: Dumy moi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Revutskii, L.
- Folder 59: Dumy moi, dumy moi, undated

- Folder 60: Dunaiskie volny, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanovichi, I.
- Folder 61: Dunaiskie volny, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanovichi, I.
- Folder 62: Dunia tonkopriakha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kasta'skii, arr.
- Folder 63: Dushechka devitsa - Look, Darling Girl, 1949

- Composer/Arranger: Dargomytskii, A.
- Folder 64: Dva Egora, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Polikarpov, N.
- Folder 65: Dva Maksima, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kats, S.
- Folder 66: Dva poli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsesakov, K.
- Folder 67: Dve gitary - Two Guitars, 1930

- Composer/Arranger: Lefkovich, H., arr.
- Folder 68: Dve gitary - Two Guitars, 1935

- Composer/Arranger: Manolov, N., arr.
- Folder 69: Dve gitary - Zwei Gitarren, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vladimirov, L., arr.
- Folder 70: Dve gitary - Zwei Gitarren, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vladimorov, L., arr.
- Folder 71: Dve gitary - Ekh raz! Esche raz!, undated

- Folder 72: Dve gitary za stenoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, N., arr.
- Folder 73: Dve gitary za stenoi - Two Guitars, undated

- Folder 74: Dve lastochki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Brusilovskii, B.
- Folder 75: Dve pesni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarkovskii, A.
- Folder 76: Dve podruzhki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A.
- Folder 77: Dve rozy - Memento mori, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Folder 78: Dve rozy - Memento mori, 1935

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Folder 79: Dvenadtsat' razboinikov - Die zwolf Rauber, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Riesemann, O., arr.
- Folder 80: Dvenadtsat' razboinikov - Die zwolf Rauber, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Seifert, W., arr.
- Folder 81: Dvenadtsat' razboinikov - Die zwolf Rauber, undated

- Folder 82: Dvenadtsat' razboinikov - Kudiiar ataman, undated

- Folder 83: Dvie ried'ki, undated

- Folder 84: Dvienadtsat' razboinikov, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharoff, S., arr.
- Folder 85: Dvienadtsat' razboinikov - The twelve robbers, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharoff, S., arr.
- Folder 86: Dvienadtsat' razboinikov, undated

- Folder 87: Dyd rudyi, baba ruda, undated

- Folder 88: Dyvlius' ia na nebo, undated

- Box 9

- Folder 1: Edem my, druz'ia!, 1954

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 2: Edet pogranichnik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 3: Edut novosely, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rodygin, E.
- Folder 4: Egor, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Laptev, V.
- Folder 5: Ei Ei! Ei! Ei! Chto devushke sdelalos', undated

- Folder 6: Ei, drug, gitara, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fomin (?)
- Folder 7: Ei, frairu, frairu, undated

- Box 53

- Folder 105: Ei, gitara! Spoi v poslednii raz!, 1927

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo, L.
- Folder 8: Ei, gitara! Spoi v poslednii raz, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo, L.
- Folder 9: Ei, hoi, padaiut' iagodi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsimbori, Iu., arr.
- Folder 10: Ei, iamshchik! Goni-ka k Iaru!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fistulari, G., arr.
- Folder 11: Ei, iamshchik! Goni-ka k Iaru!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fistulari, G., arr.
- Folder 12: Ei, iamshchik! Goni-ka k Iaru!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fistulari, G., arr.
- Folder 13: Ei, iamshchik! Goni-ka k Iaru!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fistulari, G., arr.
- Folder 14: Ei, ila by ia, ila, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsimbori, Iu., arr.
- Folder 15: Ei mam ia kosu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dovholiuk, F. Ataman, V., arr.
- Folder 16: Ei, tantsiuvala by ia?, undated

- Folder 17: Ei tsygane schast'e vianet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Folder 18: Ei, Ukhnem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Balakirev, M., arr.
- Folder 19: Ei, ukhnem, undated

- Folder 20: Ei, ukhnem!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Balakirev, M., arr.
- Folder 21: Ei, ukhnem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalinnikov, V., arr.
- Folder 22: Ei ukhnem! - Song of the Volga, 1924

- Composer/Arranger: Kammen, J., arr.
- Folder 23: Ei, ukhnem!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Keneman, F., arr.
- Folder 24: Ei, ukhnem, 1914

- Composer/Arranger: Bloum, I., arr.
- Folder 25: Ei ukhnem - The Volga Boat Song, undated

- Folder 26: Ei ukhnem!, undated

- Folder 27: Ei ukhnem! - Heave ahoy ho!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharov, S., arr.
- Folder 28: Ei, ukhnem! - Song of the Volga Boatmen, undated

- Folder 29: Ei ukhnem, undated

- Folder 30: Ei, ukhnem, undated

- Folder 31: Ei vy drugi, chto zasnuli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rudol'fa, R., arr.
- Folder 32: Ei! Vy, zaletnye!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cherniavskii, A.
- Folder 33: Eia zdies' niet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilov, A.
- Folder 34: Ekh, Andriusha, undated

- Folder 35: Ekh, garmon'!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Niss, G.
- Folder 36: Ekh, da stroil milen'kii druzhok palaty, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nikol'skii, arr.
- Folder 37: Ekh, da uzh vy nochi, undated

- Folder 38: Ekh, kholostoi paren' guliaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 39: Ekh, khorosho! - Oh, it is Joy, 1939

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 40: Ekh, platochek, undated

- Folder 41: Ekh, platochek, undated

- Folder 42: Ekh, polia, vy, polia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nolinskii, N.
- Folder 43: Ekh, polia, vy, polia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulatov, S., arr.
- Folder 44: Ekh, poteriali voliu - All Is Just A Misty Haze, 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Fomin, B.
- Folder 45: Ekh rasposhel!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Riesemann, O., arr.
- Folder 46: Ekh! Rasposhel, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pantelieev, M., arr.
- Folder 47: Ekh rasposhel, undated

- Folder 48: Ekh, sani, sani!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 49: Ekh, shla Duniasha, Duniushka, undated

- Folder 50: Ekh smutno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khait, M.
- Folder 51: Ekh! Tarakany, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rodionov, V., arr.
- Box 10

- Folder 1: Ekh tushite lampy, undated

- Folder 2: Ekh tushite lampy, undated

- Folder 3: Ekh, ty dolia moia dolia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev, M., arr.
- Folder 4: Ekh ty dolia, moia dolia - Oh Fate, My Fate, undated

- Folder 5: Ekh, ty noch' moroznaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shpachek, V.
- Folder 6: Ekh, ty, Vania, razudala golova!, undated

- Folder 7: Ekh, Volga-rechka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 8: Ekh vy sani, sani, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bilash, A.
- Folder 9: Ekhal ia iz Berlina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 10: Ekhal ia iz Berlina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 11: Ekhal muzhik v storonu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rudnevaia, A., arr.
- Folder 12: Ekhal pan, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 13: Ekhav kozak za Dunai, undated

- Folder 14: Ekho, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Koval', M.
- Folder 15: Ekspromt, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gol'tison, M.
- Folder 16: El'dorado, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Podgoretskii, M.
- Folder 17: Elefteriia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 18: Elegiia, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Iakovlev, M.
- Folder 19: Elegiia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iakovlev, M.
- Folder 20: Eletskie stradaniia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Znamenskii, M., arr.
- Folder 21: Elka ty, elka moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 22: El'nik moi, el'nik, undated

- Folder 23: Elochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev, M.
- Folder 24: Elochki-metelochki, undated

- Folder 25: Elochki, sosenochki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Massalitinov, K., arr.
- Folder 26: Elochki, sosenochki, undated

- Folder 27: Ermak, undated

- Folder 28: Ermak, undated

- Folder 29: Ermak, undated

- Folder 30: Ermak, undated

- Folder 31: Eshche duiut kholodnye vetry, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Boiko, R.
- Folder 32: Eshche ne konchilas' voina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 33: Eshche tol'ko mig - One Moment More, 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G.
- Folder 34: Eshche vniz to bylo po matushke Kamyshenke reke, undated

- Folder 35: Eshelonnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A.
- Folder 36: Esli b garmoshka umela - "Soldat Ivan Brovkin", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lepin, A.
- Folder 37: Esli by parni vsei zemli?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 38: Esli by parni vsei zemli?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 39: Esli eto liubov', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolker, A.
- Folder 40: Esli net liubvi - "Sladkaia zhenshchina", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 41: Esli ochen' liubish', undated

- Folder 42: Esli otets - geroi - If Father a hero, fell, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 43: Esli rozy rastsvetaiut, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Simtsis, G.
- Folder 44: Esli vianut, drug moi, rozy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B.
- Folder 45: Esli Volga razol'etsia? - If the Volga Overflows, 1939

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 46: Esli zavtra voina - If Tomorrow Brings War, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, D.
- Folder 47: Esli zhena molodaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pliev, Kh., arr.
- Folder 48: Est'na severe khoroshii gorodok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 49: Est'na Volge goroda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mosolov, A.
- Folder 50: Est'na Volge utes, undated

- Folder 51: Est'u revoliutsii nachalo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 52: Eta pesnia interesna - Old Tikhvin Melody, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mikhailov, A., arr.
- Folder 53: Eta vstrecha - navsegda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stempnevskii, S.
- Folder 54: Eti zori svetlye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Saliman-Vladimirov, D.
- Folder 55: Eto glavnoe v nas, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kikty, V. (Kikta?)
- Folder 56: Eto ochen' khorosho, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ptichkin, E.
- Folder 57: Eto verno - Shumskie chastushki, undated

- Folder 58: Ezhik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gershfel'd, D.
- Folder 59: Ezhik I baraban, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Birnov, L.
- Box 11

- Folder 1: Fialki - Die Veilchen, undated

- Composer/Arranger: de Meck, O.
- Folder 2: Fonari, undated

- Folder 3: Fonari - fonariki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Patrinovich, ?
- Folder 4: Fonari - fonariki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Patrinovich (Partinovich)
- Folder 5: Fraskita, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mandrus, B.
- Folder 6: Gabriela - gavot, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shpachek, V.
- Box 53

- Folder 99: Gai-da troika, undated

- Folder 7: Gai-da troika - Heissa Troika!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shteinberg, M., (Steinberg)
- Folder 8: Gai-da troika, undated

- Folder 9: Gai-da troika! Snieg pushistyi - Heissa Dreispann!, 1912

- Composer/Arranger: Steinberg, M.
- Folder 10: Gai-da troika! Snieg pushistyi, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Shteinberg, M.
- Folder 11: Gai-da troika, snieg pushistyi, undated

- Folder 12: Garmoshechka-govorushechka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 13: Gasnet vecher, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sveshnikov, A.
- Folder 14: Gay Bachelor, The - Chernobrovyi, chernoglazyi, undated

- Box 53

- Folder 110: Gde kochuet tabor moi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khait, Iu
- Folder 15: Gde ty?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 16: Gde ty rodina, mat', 1942

- Composer/Arranger: Fomeen, B.
- Folder 17: Gde ty, utro rannee?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 18: Gde zhe vy teper', druz'iaodnopolchane?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 19: Gde-b ne skitalsia ia, undated

- Box 53

- Folder 112: Gdie-b ni skitalsia ia (Dans les pays lointains), undated

- Folder 20: Gdie b ni skitalas' ia dushistoiu vesnoiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kharito, N., arr.
- Folder 21: Gdie ty, ?otzovis', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo, L.
- Folder 22: Gei, slaviane! - Hark You Slavs, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 23: Gei slaviane - Allslawische Hymne, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Niemann, W., arr.
- Folder 24: Geologi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutovaia, A.
- Folder 25: Geroiam Bresta, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zakhlevnyi, L.
- Folder 26: Gilori - Gde moe schast'e, undated

- Folder 27: Gimn Sovetskogo Soiuza, undated

- Folder 28: Gitara, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 29: Glavnoe, rebiata, serdtsem ne staret', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutovaia, A.
- Folder 30: Glaza blestiat, I serdtse b'etsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grodzkii, B.
- Folder 31: Glaza liubimoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, K.
- Folder 32: Glaza liubimye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramov, A.
- Folder 33: Glazki kari, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Polikarpov, N.
- Folder 34: Glazki kari mne morgali, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Polikarpov, N.
- Folder 35: Gliadia na luch purpurnago zakata - Looking at the Sunset, 1914

- Composer/Arranger: Oppel' (?)
- Folder 36: Gliazhu v ozera sinie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Afanas'ev, L.
- Folder 37: Glukhoi, nevedomoi taigoiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gubar'kov, N., arr.
- Folder 38: Glukhoi, nevedomoi taigoiu, undated

- Folder 39

- Folder 40: Golos rodiny, golos Rossii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutovaia, A.
- Folder 41: Golos rodiny, golos Rossii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutovaia, A.
- Folder 42: Golos s togo svieta, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nasonov, V., arr.
- Folder 43: Golos Zemli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 44: Golosochkom ne khvalius', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aksiuk, S., arr.
- Folder 45: Golova l'moia, ty golovushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 46: Golova l'moia, ty golovushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 47: Golubaia maika - A Blouse of Blue, 1939

- Composer/Arranger: Blantner, M.
- Folder 48: Golubaia nochen'ka - Blue the Night Was, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Alexandrov, A.
- Folder 49: Golubaia taiga, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 50: Golubaia taiga, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 51: Golubka moia, umchimsia v kraia, 1890

- Composer/Arranger: Bernarov, K., arr.
- Folder 52: Golubka moia, umchimsia v kraia, undated

- Folder 53: Golubochek sizyi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A., arr.
- Folder 54: Goluboe pis'mo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Simtsis, G.
- Folder 55: Goluboi vagon - "Starukha Shapokliak", 1975

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 56: Golubye rubezhi - "Komandiry serebrianykh strel", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kats, S.
- Folder 57: Gori, gori, moia zvezda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P.
- Folder 58: Gori, gori, moia zvezda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fistulari, G.
- Folder 59: Gori, gori, moia zvezda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B., arr.
- Folder 60: Gori, gori, moia zvezda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P.
- Folder 61: Goriat, goriat pozhary, undated

- Folder 62: Gornye vershiny, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rubinstein, A.
- Folder 63: Gornyia vershiny, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rubinstein, A.
- Folder 64: Gorod radosti, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zhurbin, A.
- Folder 65: Gory, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A., arr.
- Folder 66: Gory, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A., arr.
- Folder 67: Gory Vorob'evskie, undated

- Folder 68: Gory Vorob'evskie, undated

- Folder 69: Govori mne o Rossii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Uman, A.
- Folder 70: Govoriashchee pis'mo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 71: Govoriat - ia boevaia, undated

- Folder 72: Govorila ia drugu milomu, undated

- Folder 73: Govoril-to mne serdechnyi drug, undated

- Folder 74: Govorit komsomol, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 75: Govorushka - Morshanskie stradaniia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rudenko, V.
- Box 53

- Folder 109: Griadoi klubitsia bieloiu, 1901

- Composer/Arranger: Borodin, I.
- Folder 76: Grianul vnezapno grom nad Moskvoiu, undated

- Folder 77: Grib, undated

- Folder 78: Gromche zvuchi rodnoi motiv!, 1924

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo, L.
- Folder 79: Gromche zvuchi, rodnoi motiv! - Louder, Oh Let Me Sing My Song, 1939

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo, L.
- Folder 80: Grushitsa, undated

- Box 12

- Folder 1: Grushitsa, undated

- Folder 2: Grust', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tiumenev, I., arr.
- Folder 3: Grust' devushki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 4: Grust' I radost' moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 5: Grust' I toska bezyskhodnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babich, M.
- Folder 6: Grustnaia pesenka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 7: Gudochek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maiman, Z.
- Folder 8: Gulia, undated

- Folder 9: Gulial Andrei-gospodin, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 10: Gulial po Uralu Chapaev-geroi, undated

- Folder 11: Gulial Van'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A., arr.
- Folder 12: Gusary, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novak, V., arr.
- Folder 13: Gusary usachi - The Moustached Hussars, 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Stone/Kirilloff, arr.
- Folder 14: Gusi-lebedi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frid, G.
- Folder 15: Gusliar, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rechkunov, M.
- Folder 16: Gvardeiskaia pol'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Terent'ev, B.
- Folder 17: Gvardeitsy, vy stiazhali slavu, undated

- Folder 18: Handzia, undated

- Folder 19: Handzia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bonkovs'kii
- Folder 20: Handzia, undated

- Folder 21: Handzia - The Newlywed Handzya, undated

- Folder 22: Hei, huk, mati, huk, undated

- Folder 23: Hei, mam ia kosu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sadaj, Cz., arr.
- Folder 24: Hei na kori ta zhensti zhnut' - Reapers on the Mountain, undated

- Folder 25: Hei na kori tam zhentsi zhnut', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Hnatishin, A., arr.
- Folder 26: Hei ne divuites'?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Hnatishin, A., arr.
- Folder 27: Hei, ne divuites', undated

- Folder 28: Hei, num, khloptsi do zbroi, undated

- Folder 29: Hei tam na hori sich ide, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Hnatishin, A., arr.
- Folder 30: Hei tam u vody, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V., arr.
- Folder 31: Hei, u lisi, v lisi, undated

- Folder 32: Hei u poly vyshnia, undated

- Folder 33: Heisza troika - Gai da troika, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Steinberg, M.
- Folder 34: Homin, homin po dibrovi, undated

- Folder 35: Hori sharyshom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V., arr.
- Folder 36: Horlitsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lysenko, M.
- Folder 37: Hrabai, mila, hrabai, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popvich, G., arr.
- Folder 38: Hrai hudachku, undated

- Folder 39: Hraie hudak, hraie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Burger, M., arr.
- Folder 40: Hrechanyky - Pishla mti na selo, undated

- Folder 41: Hrechanyky, undated

- Folder 42: Hrechanyky - Buckwheats, undated

- Folder 43: Hrechanyky, undated

- Folder 44: Huliav chumak - Chumak Danced, undated

- Folder 45: Huliav chumak na rynochku, undated

- Folder 46: I dlia menia pridet vesna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Burmachevskii, N.
- Folder 47: I kto ego znaet - Who knows why, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zakharov, V.
- Folder 48: I kto ego znaet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zakharov, V.
- Folder 49: I l'etsia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kruchinin, V.
- Folder 50: I l'etsia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kruchinin, V.
- Folder 51: I ne dumala ia?, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Prigozhii, Ia., arr.
- Folder 52: I ne mogu, I vse liubliu?, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.
- Folder 53: I opiat' vo dvore, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 54: I shumyt', I hude, undated

- Folder 55: I shumyt', I hude, undated

- Folder 56: I skazki rasskazhut o vas, I pesni o vas spoiut, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmunovaia, A.
- Folder 57: I skushno, I grustno?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 58: I tikho, I iasno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grebe-Sobolevskaia, E.
- Folder 59: I tikho, I iasno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grebe-Sobolevskaia, E.
- Folder 60: I tikho, I iasno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grebe-Sobolevskaia, E.
- Folder 61: I Walk Along the Moscow Streets - Ia shagaiu po Moskve, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 62: Ia b tebia potselovala - I Would Kiss You, 1951

- Composer/Arranger: Cherepnin, N.
- Folder 63: Ia do lesa ne pidu - Ja do lasu nie pojde, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chachaj, T., arr.
- Folder 64: Ia do lesa ne poidu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V., arr.
- Folder 65: Ia druzhka zhdala?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vasilenko, S.
- Folder 66: Ia ekhala domoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Puare, M.
- Folder 67: Ia ekhala domoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Puare, M.
- Folder 68: Ia gliazhu na tebia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fedorov, N., arr.
- Folder 69: Ia guliaiu, undated

- Folder 70: Ia idu, a mne navstrechu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chumakov, M.
- Folder 71: Ia idu po gorodu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kats, S.
- Folder 72: Ia k tebe prishla by, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stikhin, E.
- Folder 73: Ia k tebe so vseiu dushoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 74: Ia kaluzhskaia devchonka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 75: Ia khochu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Koban, I.
- Folder 76: Ia khochu - I am so afraid of you!, 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G., arr.
- Folder 77: Ia khochu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Koban, I.
- Folder 78: Ia khotel by tebia pozabyt', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shpachek, V.
- Folder 79: Ia li, ia li ne rabotal, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kon'kov, E.
- Box 13

- Folder 1: Ia liubila ego, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kapri, Iu.
- Folder 2: Ia liubliu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kompaneets, Z.
- Folder 3: Ia liubliu kak rebnok kapriznyi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borodin, A.
- Folder 4: Ia liubliu tebia, zhinzn', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 5: Ia liubliu tebia, zhinzn', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 6: Ia liubliu vas tak bezumno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Keil', B., arr.
- Folder 7: Ia liubliu vas tak bezumno, undated

- Folder 8: Ia liubliu vas tak bezumno, undated

- Folder 9: Ia na gorku shla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shirokov, A., arr.
- Folder 10: Ia na kamushke sizhu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N., arr.
- Folder 11: Ia na kamushke sizhu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N., arr.
- Folder 12: Ia na kamushke sizhu, undated

- Folder 13: Ia nadenu seru kepku?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A., arr.
- Folder 14: Ia nazovu tebia zoren'koi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 15: Ia ne dumala ni o chem v svete tuzhit', undated

- Folder 16: Ia ne khochu, chtob svet uznal, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Golitsyn, F.
- Folder 17: Ia ne mogu bez tebia zhit', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Martynov, N.
- Folder 18: Ia ne ptichka, ia ne ptashka, undated

- Folder 19: Ia ne puglivaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ptichkin, E.
- Folder 20: Ia ne skazhu tebe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: de Bove, O.
- Folder 21: Ia ne vernus', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B.
- Folder 22: Ia ne vernus', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B.
- Folder 23: Ia ne znala ni o chem v svete tuzhit', undated

- Folder 24: Ia obozhaiu, undated

- Folder 25: Ia ochi znal?, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Kochubei, E.
- Folder 26: Ia plakal vo sne, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Napravnik, E.
- Folder 27: Ia po svetlitse khozhu mlada khozhu, undated

- Folder 28: Ia, podruzhen'ka, slykhala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rodygin, E., arr.
- Folder 29: Ia poidu-li, devchenochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Orlov, ?, arr.
- Folder 30: Ia poidu li, devchenochka, undated

- Folder 31: Ia poidu li, moloden'ka, vo vsiu temnu noch' guliati, undated

- Folder 32: Ia poidu li, moloden'ka, undated

- Folder 33: Ia poidu-li vdol' po ulitse, undated

- Folder 34: Ia poidu, poidu kosit', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 35: Ia poidu poidu v zelenoi sad guliat', undated

- Folder 36: Ia pomniu chudnoe mgnoven'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 37: Ia pomniu chudnoe mgnoven'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 38: Ia pomniu chudnoe mgnoven'e - So Clearly I Remember Seeing, 1949

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 39: Ia pomniu den', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borisov, B.
- Folder 40: Ia pomniu val'sa zvuk prelestnyi, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, N.
- Folder 41: Ia poseiu-li mlada, undated

- Folder 42: Ia poseiu-li mlada, mladen'ka, undated

- Folder 43: Ia poseiu-li mlada, mladen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Antsev, M., arr.
- Folder 44: Ia prishel k tebe s privetom - I Have Come To You?, 1949

- Composer/Arranger: Rimsky-Korsakov N.
- Folder 45: Ia rabotaiu volshebnikom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 46: Ia rodilsia na russkoi zemle, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nosov, G.
- Folder 47: Ia rusin byl - Russian I am, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 48: Ia s komarikom pliasala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, arr.
- Folder 49: Ia s komarikom pliasala, undated

- Folder 50: Ia s toboi navsegda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Luchenok, I.
- Folder 51: Ia sebia ne mysliu bez Rossii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dolukhanian, A.
- Folder 52: Ia segodnia ne pridu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 53: Ia shagaiu po Moskve - Ia shagaiu po Moskve, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 54: Ia sidela I mechtala, undated

- Folder 55: Ia sidela libo den', libo dva, undated

- Folder 56: Ia skazal tebe ne vse slova - Ispravlennomu verit', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Eshpai, A.
- Folder 57: Ia snova odinok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarkevich, T.
- Folder 58: Ia snova odinok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarkevich, T.
- Folder 59: Ia soi khlopets gazdovskii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V., arr. ?
- Folder 60: Ia soi khlopets spravedlivyi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V., arr. ?
- Folder 61: Ia stakhanovka devchonka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gippius, E./ Eval'd, Z.
- Folder 62: Ia stepei I voli doch', 1896

- Composer/Arranger: Shishkin, I.
- Folder 63: Ia stepei I voli doch', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fedorov, N., arr.
- Folder 64: Ia tak liubila vas, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Davydov, A.
- Folder 65: Ia tak liubila vas, undated

- Folder 66: Ia tebe nichego ne skazhu, 1967

- Composer/Arranger: Tolstaia, T.
- Folder 67: Ia tebe nichego ne skazhu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tolstaia, T.
- Folder 68: Ia tebe pesniu spoiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B.
- Folder 69: Ia tebia bezkonechno liubliu, undated

- Folder 70: Ia tebia nikogda ne zabudu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 71: Ia tsyganka, doch' stepei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shishkin, M.
- Folder 72: Ia udziachna lesu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kartes, S.
- Box 14

- Folder 1: Ia ukhozhu - Just Say Goodbye, 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Fomeen, B.
- Folder 2: Ia ulybaius' tebe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 3: Ia umnitsa, undated

- Folder 4: Ia umnitsa, razumnitsa, undated

- Folder 5: Ia utomilsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chervinskaia, ?
- Folder 6: Ia vam ne govoriu, undated

- Folder 7: Ia vam ne govoriu, undated

- Folder 8: Ia vas liubil, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Aliab'ev, A.
- Folder 9: Ia vas liubil, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sheremetev, B.
- Folder 10: Ia vas liubil, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sheremetev, B.
- Folder 11: Ia vas proshu menia prostit', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kharito, N., arr.
- Folder 12: Ia vas zhdala? - Es kam ein Tag?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shteinberg, M.
- Folder 13: Ia vas zhdala?vas boliee uzh niet, undated

- Folder 14: Ia vechor mlada - I, a fair young lass, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 15: Ia vechor v lugakh guliala, undated

- Folder 16: Ia vechor v luzhkakh guliala, undated

- Folder 17: Ia veriu!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 18: Ia veriu, druz'ia?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 19: Ia veriu, druz'ia?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 20: Ia vnov' odin, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borodin, I.
- Folder 21: Ia vnov' pred toboiu, 1852?

- Composer/Arranger: S.V., arr.
- Folder 22: Ia vse eshche ego liubliu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dargomyzhskii, A.
- Folder 23: Ia vse zovu po imeni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Smirnova, G.
- Folder 24: Ia vstretil vas, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Malashkin, L.
- Folder 25: Ia vstretil vas, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kozlovskii, I., arr.
- Folder 26: Ia vstretil vas?, 1967

- Composer/Arranger: Kozlovskii, I., arr.
- Folder 27: Ia vstretil vas, undated

- Folder 28: Ia vstretil vas, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rozhkov, M., arr.
- Folder 29: Ia vstretil vas, undated

- Folder 30: Ia vstretil vas, undated

- Folder 31: Ia za rechen'ku gliazhu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 32: Ia -- zemlia!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 33: Ia -- "Zemlia"!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 34: Ia zhdu tebia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 35: Ia znaiu -- tak sluchitsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Savinstev, P.
- Folder 36: Ia znaiu vse proidet - I Know That You Will Go, 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Fomeen, B.
- Folder 37: Ia znal ee milym rebenkom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Titov, A.
- Folder 38: Iablochko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A., arr.
- Folder 39: Iablochko, undated

- Folder 40: Iabloni v tsvetu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Martynov, E.
- Folder 41: Iagodinochka daleko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A., arr.
- Folder 42: Iagodinochka daleko, undated

- Folder 43: Iak do tebe khoditi - How Shall I Come to You, undated

- Folder 44: Iak ia sy zas'pivam - Jak ja se zaspiewam, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sadaj, Cz., arr.
- Folder 45: Iak ia yshol prez tot lis, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V., arr.
- Folder 46: Iak stril'tsi ishly z ukrainy, undated

- Folder 47: Iak yshov ia z Debrechyna - Jak szediem z Debreczyna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chachaj, T., arr.
- Folder 48: Iak z berezhan do kadry, undated

- Folder 49: Iaka nasha sobitochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mikto (?), S., arr.
- Folder 50: Iakyi ia neschastnyi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V., arr.
- Folder 51: Iamshchik, ne goni loshadei!, 1924

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'dman, Ia.
- Folder 52: Iamshchik, ne goni loshadei - Lasz, Kutscher, die Rappen?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'dman, Ia.
- Folder 53: Iamshchik ne goni loshadei!, 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G., arr.
- Folder 54: Iamshchik ne goni loshadei - Yamshtchik nie Goniee?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'dman, Ia.
- Folder 55: Iaseny, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bylash, A.
- Folder 56: Iasno solnyshko, undated

- Folder 57: Iasnyi mesiats, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 58: Iekhali rebiata, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 59: Ien'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Podel'skii, G.
- Folder 60: If a Woman Her Love Gives to You, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lepin, A.
- Folder 61: Igraet moi baian pevuchii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Slonov, Iu.
- Folder 62: Igrai, moi baian, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 63: Ikhav kozak za Dunai, 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Kirilloff-Stone, arr.
- Folder 64: Ikhav kozak za Dunai, undated

- Folder 65: Ikhav strilets' na viinon'ku, undated

- Folder 66: Imeni Lenina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Goleshchanov, N.
- Folder 67: Internatsional, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Degeiter, P.
- Folder 68: Ishchi menia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 69: Ishov Ianichok v ogliady, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsimber, Iu., arr.
- Folder 70: Iskhodila mladen'ka, undated

- Folder 71: Iskorki pozhara, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo, L.
- Folder 72: Istomliu ia potsieluem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.
- Folder 73: Istomushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zatsarnyi, Iu., arr.
- Folder 74: Iuchka, iuchka - Laczka, Laczka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chachaj, T., arr.
- Folder 75: Iunost' verit v chudesa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aedonitskii, P.
- Folder 76: Ivanovskie pripevki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 77: Ivolga, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Matveev, M.
- Folder 78: Ivushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 79: Ivushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 80: Ivushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 81: Ivushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 82: Ivushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 83: Ivushka / Ivushka zelenaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 84: Ivushka - The Little Green Willow, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 85: Ivushka / Slovatskaia narodnaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasotina, E., arr.
- Folder 86: Ivushka, Ivushka, undated

- Folder 87: Ivushka ivushka zelenaia moia, undated

- Folder 88: Ivushka ivushka zelenaia moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nasonov, V., arr.
- Folder 89: Iz mertvykh ust', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Folder 90: Iz-pod duba (iz-pod viaza), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shats, L., arr.
- Folder 91: Iz pod duba, iz pod viaza, undated

- Folder 92: Iz pod duba, iz pod viaza, undated

- Folder 93: Iz pod duba, iz pod viaza, undated

- Folder 94: Iz-pod duba, iz-pod viaza, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 95: Iz-pod duba, iz-pod viaza, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Budashkin, N., arr.
- Folder 96: Iz-pod duba, iz-pod viaza, 1893

- Composer/Arranger: Vorotnikov, P.
- Folder 97: Iz pod kameshka, iz pod belova, undated

- Folder 98: Iz strany, strany dalekoi - Aus dem fernen, schonen Lande, undated

- Folder 99: Iz-za lesu, lesu temnogo?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N., arr.
- Folder 100: Iz za lesu, lesu temnova, undated

- Box 15

- Folder 1: K nam elochka prishla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gerchik, V.
- Folder 2: K portretu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dents, L.
- Folder 3: K rodine, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Koval', M.
- Folder 4: K solntsu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aznavour, C.
- Folder 5: K solntsu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kholminov, A.
- Folder 6: K tebie, tsygankie, ia prishel, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borodin, A.
- Folder 7: Kaby vo pole ne veter, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ovchinnikov, E., arr.
- Folder 8: Kach dodom', kach, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popovich, G., arr.
- Folder 9: Kacheli, undated

- Folder 10: Kachi, undated

- Folder 11: Kak by mne vliubit'sia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 12: Kak Daugava stonet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bauman, K.
- Folder 13: Kak dosele u nas brattsy, undated

- Folder 14: Kak ia zemliu vspashu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Brasev, M., arr.
- Folder 15: Kak iantar' vino gorit, 1926

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'dman, Ia.
- Folder 16: Kak iz ulitsy v konets - Kommt ein flotter Bursch, undated

- Folder 17: Kak khodil gulial Vaniusha, undated

- Folder 18: Kak khoroshi te ochi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fal'binov, ?
- Folder 19: Kak khoroshi te ochi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fal'binov, ?
- Folder 20: Kak kuma to k kume v reshete priplyla, undated

- Folder 21: Kak malo! Kak redko?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shtamm, V.
- Folder 22: Kak mnogo devushek khoroshikh - Veselye rebiata, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 23: Kak mnogo schast'ia vperedi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Davingof, N.
- Folder 24: Kak moego milenka zvat', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 25: Kak molody my byli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 26: Kak molody my byli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 27: Kak na dubchike dva golubchika, undated

- Folder 28: Kak na dubchikie, dubchikie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Orlov, V., arr.
- Folder 29: Kak na dube, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Slavnitskii, Iu., arr.
- Folder 30: Kak na gore kalina, undated

- Folder 31: Kak na gore kalina, undated

- Folder 32: Kak na matushke na Neve-reke, undated

- Folder 33: Kak na matushkie na Nevie riekie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 34: Kak na sinem na morie, undated

- Folder 35: Kak na tonen'kii ledok, undated

- Folder 36: Kak na ulitsie shumiat, undated

- Folder 37: Kak na zor'ke, undated

- Folder 38: Kak na zor'ke, na zoriushke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 39: Kak ne liubit' mne etu zemliu - Krest'iane, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, V.
- Folder 40: Kak ne liubit' mne etu zemliu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, V.
- Folder 41: Kak ne pava, undated

- Folder 42: Kak po lugu, undated

- Folder 43: Kak po lugu, po luzhochku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popov, S., arr.
- Folder 44: Kak po moriu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popov, S., arr.
- Folder 45: Kak po moriu - By The Seashore, undated

- Folder 46: Kak po moriu, undated

- Folder 47: Kak po moriu, undated

- Folder 48: Kak po moriu, moriu sinemu, 1903

- Composer/Arranger: Brianskii, N., arr.
- Folder 49: Kak po travke, po muravke, undated

- Folder 50: Kak pod beloiu pod berezoiu, undated

- Folder 51: Kak pod gorkoi, undated

- Folder 52: Kak pod iablon'koi, pod toi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nasonov, V.
- Folder 53: Kak pod nashi vorota, undated

- Folder 54: Kak poidu ia na bystruiu rechku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popov, A.
- Folder 55: Kak poidu ia na bystruiu rechku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popov, A.
- Folder 56: Kak poshli nashi podruzhki, undated

- Folder 57: Kak poshli nashi podruzhki, undated

- Folder 58: Kak poshli nashi podruzhki, undated

- Folder 59: Kak pri vechere, undated

- Folder 60: Kak prokhodit dorogaia mimo kel'i, undated

- Folder 61: Kak sladko s toboiu mnie byt', 1871

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 62: Kak sluchilosia to?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'dman, Ia.
- Folder 63: Kak so vechera porosha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalinin, V., arr.
- Folder 64: Kak solovei o roze, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krennikov, T.
- Folder 65: Kak tebe sluzhitsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frenkel', Ia.
- Folder 66: Kak tebe sluzhitsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frenkel', Ia.
- Folder 67: Kak teplo, kak privol'no vesnoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gliere, R.
- Folder 68: Kak u batiushki v zelenom sadu, undated

- Folder 69: Kak u batiushki vo zelenom, undated

- Folder 70: Kak u duba starogo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kats, S.
- Folder 71: Kak u duba starogo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kats, S.
- Folder 72: Kak u duba starogo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadova, L. (?)
- Folder 73: Kak u kliuchika, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 74: Kak u kustika bylo u rakitova, undated

- Folder 75: Kak u nas bylo na ulitse, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kochetov, V.
- Folder 76: Kak u nas vo sadochkie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 77: Kak u nashikh u vorot, undated

- Folder 78: Kak u nashikh u vorot, undated

- Folder 79: Kak u nashikh u vorot, undated

- Folder 80: Kak u nashikh u vorot - Tritt das Magdlein, undated

- Folder 81: Kak u nashikh u vorot - stoial dievok khorovod, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 82: Kak u sokola, kak u iasnogo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kovalev & Semenov, arr.
- Folder 83: Kak u Volgi u reki - "Reka-bogatyr'", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Makarov, V.
- Folder 84: Kak vechor bylo na vechere, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kliuev, V., arr.
- Folder 85: Kak vo etoi vo derevne?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bokov, V., transc.
- Folder 86: Kak vo gorode, vo Sanktpitere, undated

- Folder 87: Kak za Kamoi za rekoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 88: Kak za rechen'koi slobodushka stoit, undated

- Folder 89: Kak za rechkoiu, da za Dar'eiu, undated

- Folder 90: Kak za rechkoiu, da za Dar'eiu, undated

- Folder 91: Kak za rechkoiu, kak za bystroiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 92: Kak zheltyi list, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kruchinin, V.
- Box 16

- Folder 1: Kakaia pesnia bez baiana, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Anofriev, O.
- Folder 2: Kakhovka - "Tri tovarishcha", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 3: Kakhovka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 4: Kakim ty byl? - "Kubanskie kazaki", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 5: Kalendar', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kudriashov, V.
- Folder 6: Kalina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prokof'ev, S., arr.
- Folder 7: Kalina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Struve, G.
- Folder 8: Kalina vo rzhi - "Sumka, polnaia serdets", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bilash, A.
- Folder 9: Kalinka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, B., arr.
- Folder 10: Kalinka, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A., arr.
- Folder 11: Kalinka, undated

- Folder 12: Kalinka, undated

- Folder 13: Kalinka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, P., arr.
- Box 53

- Folder 106: Kalinka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cherniavskii, A.
- Folder 14: Kalinka moia, undated

- Folder 15: Kalino-malino, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Leontovych, N., arr.
- Folder 16: Kalinushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Preobrazhenskii, N., arr.
- Folder 17: Kalitka, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Obukhov, A.
- Folder 18: Kalitka - Little Gate, 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Kiriloff - Stone, arr.
- Folder 19: Kalitka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Obukhov, A.
- Folder 20: Kalitka, undated

- Folder 21: Kalitka - La petite porte, undated

- Folder 22: Kamarinskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shirokov, A.
- Folder 23: Kamushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 24: Kamyshinka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mozhaiskii, N., arr.
- Folder 25: Kanava, undated

- Folder 26: Kanareika - The Golden Canary, 1933

- Composer/Arranger: Corona, S.
- Folder 27: Kanon, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka & Odoevskii
- Folder 28: Kapel'ki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pavlenko, V.
- Folder 29: Kapitanskaia doch', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 30: Kapitanskaia doch' ne xodi guliat' v polnoch', undated

- Folder 31: Kapitany vozdushnykh morei - "Bogatyri rodiny", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, Z.
- Folder 32: Kaplia dozhdevaia, undated

- Folder 33: Karavan, undated

- Folder 34: Karavan, undated

- Folder 35: Kareliia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolker, A.
- Folder 36: Kari glazki - Brown Eyes, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ouglitsky, P.
- Folder 37: Kartoshka, undated

- Folder 38: Karylakhmatitsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B., arr.
- Folder 39: Katen'ka veselaia, undated

- Folder 40: Katilisia vozy s gory, undated

- Folder 41: Katiusha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 42: Katiusha - Katjuscha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 43: Katiusha, undated

- Folder 44: Katjuscha - Katiusha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Seifert, W., arr.
- Folder 45: Kazach'ia kavaleriiskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solo'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 46: Kazach'ia kolybel'naia piesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, S., arr.
- Folder 47: Kazach'ia pesnia - "Podniataia tselina", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dzerzhinskii, I.
- Folder 48: Kazach'ia pesnia - "Podniataia tselina", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dzerzhinskii, I.
- Folder 49: Kazach'ia pesnia - Vot polk poshel, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 50: Kazak ukhodil na voinu - "V shest' chasov vechera?", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 51: Kazak ukhodil na voinu - V 6 chasov vechera posle?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 52: Kazaki v Berline, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrassov, Dm., Dan.
- Folder 53: Kazav meni bat'ko, undated

- Folder 54: Kazav milii zhe nia vozne, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sadaj, Cz., arr.
- Box 53

- Folder 101: Kazbek, 1923

- Composer/Arranger: Iur'ev, D.
- Folder 55: Kazbek, 1924

- Composer/Arranger: Matusis, B., arr.
- Folder 56: Kazbek, undated

- Folder 57: Kazbek - Der Kasbek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Porschmann, W., arr.
- Folder 58: Kazbek - The Kazbek, 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Kirilloff & Stone, arr.
- Folder 59: Kazbek - Kazbeck, undated

- Folder 60: Kazn' Stepana Razina, undated

- Folder 61: Ked ia ishla, undated

- Folder 62: Ked ia ishla poza khizhu, undated

- Folder 63: Ked mi pryshla karta narukovats - Kiedy mnie do wojska brali, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chachaj, T., arr.
- Folder 64: Khmiel' (Xhmiel), undated

- Folder 65: Khochesh'-li ty?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fedorov, N., arr.
- Folder 66: Khochu byt' derzkim (Xhochu byt' derzkim), undated

- Folder 67: Khodiat belye tumany, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maiorov, R.
- Folder 68: Khodil, gulial dobryi molodets, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A., arr.
- Folder 69: Khodil s Natashkoiu Alesha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 70: Khodila mladeshen'ka po borochku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sveshnikov, A., arr.
- Folder 71: Khodila mladeshen'ka po borochku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N., arr.
- Folder 72: Khodila mladeshen'ka - po borochku, undated

- Folder 73: Khodila mladeshen'ka po borochku, undated

- Folder 74: Khodili my pokhodami, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, K.
- Folder 75: Khodit miesiats - Christmas Greeting, undated

- Folder 76: Khodit pesenka po krugu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 77: Khodit pesenka po krugu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 78: Khor devushek - "Kamennyi tsvetok", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Molchanov, K.
- Folder 79: Khor devushek - "Makkavei", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rubinshtein, A.
- Folder 80: Khor kuznetsov, undated

- Folder 81: Khorosh mal'chik - The Charming Boy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kazhura, V., arr.
- Folder 82: Khoroshee nastroenie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lepin, A.
- Folder 83: Khoroshen'kii, moloden'kii, undated

- Folder 84: Khoroshi na Urale morozy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tikhonov, B.
- Folder 85: Khoroshi vechera na Obi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fattakh, A.
- Folder 86: Khoroshi vesnoi v sadu tsvetochki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 87: Khoroshie devchata, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 88: Khorosho na Volge zhit', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bokov, V., arr.
- Folder 89: Khorosho pastukh igraet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kulikov P., arr.
- Folder 90: Khorosho tomu na svete zhit', undated

- Folder 91: Khorosho v kolkhoze nashem, undated

- Box 17

- Folder 1: Khorovaia beseda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Veber (Weber?), K.
- Folder 2: Khorovod, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vasilenko, S., arr.
- Folder 3: Khorovod "Storona l' storonka" ("Nizhegorodtsy"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Napravnik, E.
- Folder 4: Khorovodnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Brianskii, N., arr.
- Folder 5: Khot' trava ne rosti, 1890

- Composer/Arranger: Shmidtgof, A.
- Folder 6: Khotiat li russkie voiny, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 7: Khozhu ia po ulitsie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 8: Khoziaika goroda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 9: Khristos rozhdaetsia, undated

- Folder 10: Khrizantemy, 1919

- Composer/Arranger: Lihoy, A., arr.
- Folder 11: Khrizantemy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sieverskii, N. ?
- Folder 12: Khrizantemy, undated

- Folder 13: Khrizantemy - Chrysanthemen, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Radoschewskaja, A.
- Folder 14: Khutorok, undated

- Folder 15: Kirpichiki!, 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G., arr.
- Folder 16: Kirpichiki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kruchinina, V., arr.
- Folder 17: Kirpichiki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kruchinina, V., arr.
- Folder 18: Kizhi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stempnevskii, S.
- Folder 19: Klen ty moi opavshii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bukin, V., arr.
- Folder 20: Klen ty moi opavshii, undated

- Folder 21: Kniaz' po gorodu khodit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 22: Kochui tsygan', undated

- Folder 23: Kogda-b ia mog, kogda-b ia smog, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanov, L.
- Folder 24: Kogda b ia imel zlatye gory, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ruslanova, L., arr.
- Folder 25: Kogda b ia znal, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kozlov, P.
- Folder 26: Kogda b imel zlatye gory, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Slonov, Iu., arr.
- Folder 27: Kogda-b Vy znali otchuzhden'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lashek, F.
- Folder 28: Kogda ia na pochte sluzhil iamshchikom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gubar'kov, N., arr.
- Folder 29: Kogda ia na pochte sluzhil iamshchikom, undated

- Folder 30: Kogda ia na pochte sluzhil iamshchikom (Story of the Coachman), undated

- Folder 31: Kogda ia na pochtie sluzhil iamshchikom (Als noch bei der Post), undated

- Folder 32: Kogda ia na pochtie sluzhil iamshchikom, undated

- Folder 33: Kogda ia na pochtie sluzhil iamshchikom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: T.M., arr.
- Folder 34: Kogda moi druz'ia so mnoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 35: Kogda mozhno ostorozhno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Klinov, B., arr.
- Folder 36: Kogda muzha doma netu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Efimov, V. arr.
- Folder 37: Kogda pesniu poesh', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 38: Kogda poet dalekii drug, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 39: Kogda poet dalekii drug, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 40: Kogda poet dalekii drug, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 41: Kogda razliubish' ty?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 42: Kogda smeiutsia l'vy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsvetkov, I.
- Folder 43: Kogda so mnoiu ty, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 44: Kogda solntse utomitsia, undated

- Folder 45: Kogda ty zadumchivo niknesh' chelom, 1893

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.
- Folder 46: Kogda vas niet!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'dman, Ia.
- Folder 47: Kokanetka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vertisnkii, A.
- Folder 48: Kokhana, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Poklad, I.
- Folder 49: Kol' slaven, undated

- Folder 50: Kol' slaven, undated

- Folder 51: Kol' slaven, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bortnianskii, D.
- Folder 52: Kol' slaven, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bortnianskii, D.
- Folder 53: Kol' slaven, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bortnianskii, D.
- Folder 54: Kol' slaven nash gospod' v sionie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bortnianskii, D.
- Folder 55: Kol' slyshu khor tsygan, undated

- Folder 56: Kol' slyshu khor tsygan, undated

- Folder 57: Koliada (Yuletide), undated

- Folder 58: Kolkhoznaia-Zastol'naia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dordzhin, S.
- Folder 59: Kolkhoznye chastushki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Filin, F., arr.
- Folder 60: Kolkhoznyi val's, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shviadas, I.
- Folder 61: Kolo mlyna iavoryna, undated

- Folder 62: Kolo mlyna, kolo brodu, undated

- Folder 63: Kolobok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sosnov, V.
- Folder 64: Koloda duda, ide zh ty byla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lloyd, A., arr.
- Folder 65: Kolodniki (Spuskaetsia solntse), undated

- Folder 66: Kolokola, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maskin, A.
- Folder 67: Kolokol'chik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 68: Kolokol'chiki moi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P.
- Folder 69: Kolokol'tsy poiut serebristye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nikolaevskii, M.
- Folder 70: Kolokol'tsy poiut serebristye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nikolaevskii, M.
- Folder 71: Kolokol'tsy poiut serebristye (Shiroka v poliakh doroga), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nikolaevskii, M.
- Folder 72: Kolomyika, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 73: Kol'ory kokhannia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Martynov, E.
- Folder 74: Kol'tsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B.
- Folder 75: Kol'tso dushi devitsy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Golovanov, N., arr.
- Box 18

- Folder 1: Koly-m bula mala, mala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popovich, G., arr.
- Folder 2: Kolys' divchyno myla, undated

- Folder 3: Kolybel'naia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 4: Kolybel'naia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mitin, S.
- Folder 5: Kolybel'naia, undated

- Folder 6: Kolybel'naia (Berceuse), 1927

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninov, A.
- Box 53

- Folder 100: Kolybel'naia (La Berceuse), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Al'shanskii, D.
- Folder 7: Kolybel'naia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninov, A.
- Folder 8: Kolybel'naia pesnia v buriu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tchaikovsky, P.
- Folder 9: Kolybel'naia piesnia, 1904

- Composer/Arranger: Zlobin, G.
- Folder 10: Komarik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, V., arr.
- Folder 11: Komissary, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Aharkovskii, E.
- Folder 12: Kompan'ero, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Snetkov, B.
- Folder 13: Komsomol, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Daurov, A. arr.
- Folder 14: Komsomol'tsy dvadtsatogo goda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 15: Komu liubov' svoiu otdam, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rodygin, E.
- Folder 16: Konarmeiskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrassov, Dan. And Dm.
- Folder 17: Konarmaiskaia (Red Cavalry Song), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, Dan. And Dm.
- Folder 18: Konchen, konchen dal'nii put', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 19: Konchilos' schast'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kharito, N.
- Folder 20: Konchilos' schast'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kharito, N.
- Folder 21: Kopav, kopav krynychen'ku, undated

- Folder 22: Korabli (Ships), 1932

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorov, B.
- Folder 23: Korabli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorov(skii), B.
- Folder 24: Korobeinik, undated

- Folder 25: Korobeiniki, undated

- Folder 26: Korobeiniki (Oi, polna, polna korobushka), undated

- Folder 27: Korobushka, undated

- Folder 28: Korobushka (Ekh polnym polna moia korobushka), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kal'bus, L., arr.
- Folder 29: Korobushka (Akh, polnym, plna korobushka) (Was ich alles hier im Kasten hab'), undated

- Folder 30: Korobushka (Schau mal her?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Porschmann, W., arr.
- Folder 31: Koshmary [On tsieloval ee), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gartung, E.
- Folder 32: Koshmary, undated

- Folder 33: Koshmary, undated

- Folder 34: Koster na snegu ("Na zavtrashnei ulitse"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zatsepin, A.
- Folder 35: Koster na snegu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zatsepin, A.
- Folder 36: Kostia moriak ("Two Soldiers"), 1945

- Composer/Arranger: Rutin, I., arr.
- Folder 37: Kostia moriak, undated

- Folder 38: Kotia, koshechka, undated

- Folder 39: Kotik (Kotik moxnatyi), undated

- Folder 40: Kotylasia iasna zoria z neba, undated

- Folder 41: Kozak odizhadaie, undated

- Folder 42: Kozaka nesut', undated

- Folder 43: Kozel (Der Ziegenbock), undated

- Folder 44: Kozel khvastun, undated

- Folder 45: Kozlik, undated

- Folder 46: Kozlik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dobrovol'skii, V., arr.
- Folder 47: Kozuli, zaichata (Die Haslein und Rehlein), undated

- Folder 48: Krai dalekii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Matveev, M.
- Folder 49: Krai moi smolenskii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Osokin, M.
- Folder 50: Krai nash voronezhskii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rudenko, V.
- Folder 51: Krai rodnoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Smirnova, G.
- Folder 52: Krai ty moi! (My Native Land), 1951

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninov, A.
- Folder 53: Krai ty moi zabroshennyi ("Pamiati Sergeia Esenina"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sviridov, G.
- Folder 54: Krasnaia gvozdika, 1965

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 55: Krasnaia gvozdika, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 56: Krasnaia gvozdika, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 57: Krasnodontsi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Skliar, I.
- Folder 58: Krasnoflotskaia ulybka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Budashkin, N.
- Folder 59: Krasnyi sarafan (The Red Sarafan/Der rote Sarafan), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharov, S., arr.
- Folder 60: Krasnyi sarafan (Ne shei ty mne, matushka), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 61: Kremlevskie kolokola, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Karnavalov, V.
- Folder 62: Kreshchenskii vecherok, undated

- Folder 63: Kriki chaiki belosnezhnoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grodzkii, B.
- Folder 64: Krolik, undated

- Folder 65: Kronshtadtskie zori, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kamaldinov, G.
- Folder 66: Krug kusta krug kusta, undated

- Folder 67: Krugovaia poruka, undated

- Folder 68: Krutyi bereh, krutyi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nesterenko, Y., arr.
- Folder 69: Krylets'!, undated

- Folder 70: Kryshi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 71: Kto chto dielaet, undated

- Folder 72: Kto igraet, ne lenitsia, undated

- Folder 73: Kto pod nashei krovel'koi, undated

- Folder 74: Kto u nas khoroshii, undated

- Folder 75: Kto v Rossii odnazhdy rodilsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dramant, V.
- Folder 76: Kuda b ni shel, ni exal ty, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Galkin, I.
- Folder 77: Kuda bezhish', tropinka milaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rodygin, E.
- Folder 78: Kuda s goria, dievki, diet'sia, undated

- Folder 79: Kuda ukhodit detstvo? ("Fantazzi Vesnukhina"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zatsepin, A.
- Folder 80: Kukuriku, pietushok, undated

- Folder 81: Kukushechka, undated

- Folder 82: Kukushka (Der Kuckuck), undated

- Folder 83: Kukushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zver'kov, E., arr.
- Folder 84: Kukushka, undated

- Folder 85: Kukushka, undated

- Folder 86: Kukushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sygetinskii, T., arr.
- Folder 87: Kulyk chaiku liubyv, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sandler, O., arr.
- Folder 88: Kurochka I petushok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalinnikov, V.
- Folder 89: Kvartaly, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dolinskii, B.
- Folder 90: Kyivs'kyy val's, undated

- Box 19

- Folder 1: Ladoga, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shats, L., arr.
- Folder 2: Ladushki, undated

- Folder 3: Ladushki, undated

- Folder 4: Ladushki, ladoshki, undated

- Folder 5: Ladushki, ladoshki, undated

- Folder 6: Landysh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Arenskii, A.
- Folder 7: Laskovyi vecher, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kuznetsov, A.
- Folder 8: Lastochka, undated

- Folder 9: Lastochka - kasatochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharkovskii, E.
- Folder 10: Lebedinaia pesn', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Puare, M.
- Folder 11: Lebedinaia vernost', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 12: Lebedinaia vernost', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Martynov, E.
- Folder 13: Lebedinaia vernost', 1975

- Composer/Arranger: Martynov, E.
- Folder 14: Ledianaia gora, undated

- Folder 15: Ledokhod, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miliutin, Iu.
- Folder 16: Legendy rasskazhut, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Movsesian, G.
- Folder 17: Leisia, leisia miloe vino, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'dman, Ia.
- Folder 18: Leisia, leisia, na prostore? ("Semero smelykh"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pushkov, V.
- Folder 19: Lel' tainstvennyi ("Ruslan I Liudmila"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 20: Len, undated

- Folder 21: Len zelenoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Antsev, M., arr.
- Folder 22: Leningradu 1942 goda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Boiko, R.
- Folder 23: Leninskie gory, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miliutin, Iu.
- Folder 24: Lepestki moikh gub (The Kerchief So Crumpled and Worn), 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G.
- Folder 25: Les shumit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shimkus, S., arr.
- Folder 26: Les shumit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev M., arr.
- Folder 27: Lesnaia dorozhka, 1977

- Composer/Arranger: Agafonov, O.
- Folder 28: Lesnoi sekret, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zhubinskaia, V.
- Folder 29: Letal golub', undated

- Folder 30: Letchik P'er, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Erlikha, P.
- Folder 31: Letel sokolik, undated

- Folder 32: Letiat pereletnye ptitsy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 33: Letiat utki (Ducks Are Flying), undated

- Folder 34: Letit lebedushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 35: Letite, golubi ("My za mir"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 36: Letite, golubi ("My za mir"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 37: Letniaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iordanskii, M.
- Folder 38: Letnii dozhd', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Korzin, V.
- Folder 39: Leto, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Obukhovich, E., arr.
- Folder 40: L'etsia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kruchinin, V.
- Folder 41: Letyt' halka cherez balku, undated

- Folder 42: Liagushka, undated

- Folder 43: Liasnyia saldaty, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarytskii, E.
- Folder 44: Liebe war es nie, undated

- Tango. Composer/Arranger: Fred Markush.
- Folder 45: Lietnee utro, undated

- Folder 46: Likhoradushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dargomyzhskii, A.
- Folder 47: Likhoradushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dargomyzhskii, A.
- Folder 48: Lipa vekovaia, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksanrov, B., arr.
- Folder 49: Lipa vekovaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kulikov, P., arr.
- Folder 50: Lipa vekovaia, undated

- Folder 51: Lipy tsvetut, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kompaneets, Z.
- Folder 52: Liricheskaia pesenka ("Serdtsa chetyrekh"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miliutin, Iu.
- Folder 53: Liricheskaia pesnia ("Birobijan"), 1945

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 54: Liricheskaia pesnia (Oh, Return To Me, My Darling), 1939

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 55: Liricheskaia pesnia ("Sto chertei I odna devushka"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 56: Liricheskie popevki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shalaev, A.
- Folder 57: Lish' ty smogla, moia Rossiia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 58: List'ia moi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A., arr.
- Folder 59: Listopad, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frankel, I.
- Folder 60: Litsom k litsu s liubimym Il'ichem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khudolei, I.
- Box 20

- Folder 1: Liuba liubushka, undated

- Folder 2: Liubil ia glazki golubye, undated

- Folder 3: Liubil ia glazki golubye, undated

- Folder 4: Liubila Marusia druga svoego, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Savichev, A., arr.
- Folder 5: Liubila menia mat', obozhala, undated

- Folder 6: Liubimye zhenshchiny, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 7: Liubimyi gorod ("Istrebiteli"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 8: Liubimyi gorod ("Istrebiteli"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 9: Liubimyi gorod (Beloved City), 1942

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 10: Liubimyi gorod (Beloved City), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 11: Liubish' lish' mozhno raz, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo, L.
- Folder 12: Liubite Rossiiu!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 13: Liubliu?, 1975

- Composer/Arranger: Dubravin, Ia.
- Folder 14: Liubliu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dubravin, Ia.
- Folder 15: Liubliu berezu russkuiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gazarian, V.
- Folder 16: Liubliu ia tsvety polevye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B., arr.
- Folder 17: Liubliu, liubliu odnu!, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Platonov, V.
- Folder 18: Liubliu tebia, zemlia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maiorov, R.
- Folder 19: Liubov', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vrangel', V.
- Folder 20: Liubov' byla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 21: Liubov', kak lodochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zaslavskii, S.
- Folder 22: Liubov' moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 23: Liubov' odna vinovata ("Tsentrovoi iz podnebes'ia"), 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Zatsepin, A.
- Folder 24: Liubov' ostanetsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gavrilin, V.
- Folder 25: Liubov' proidet, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Shishkin, N.
- Folder 26: Liubov' proshla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo, L.
- Folder 27: Liubov' proshla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo, L.
- Folder 28: Liubov' proshla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo, L.
- Folder 29: Liubov' svoiu nashla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 30: L'iutsia volshebnye zvuki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iazykov, M.
- Folder 31: Lizaveta, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 32: Lodochka ("Vernye druz'ia"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 33: Lodochka ("Vernye druz'ia"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 34: Lodochka ("Vernye druz'ia"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 35: Lovesick Maiden, The (Golova-l' ty moia golovushka), undated

- Folder 36: Luchina, luchinushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nasonov, V., arr.
- Folder 37: Luchina moia, luchinushka, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Nazarenko, I., arr.
- Folder 38: Luchinushka (The Birchen Brand), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rachmaninoff, S., arr.
- Folder 39: Luchinushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bugoslavskii, arr.
- Folder 40: Luchinushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 41: Luchinushka (Luchina, Luchinushka), undated

- Folder 42: Luchinushka, undated

- Folder 43: Luchinushka, undated

- Folder 44: Luchshe netu togo tsvetu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 45: Luchshe netu togo tsvetu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 46: Luchshe netu togo tsvetu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 47: Luchshii gorod Zemli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 48: Luchshii gorod Zemli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 49: Lugom idu, konia vedu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lysenko, M., arr.
- Folder 50: Lugom idu, konia vedu, undated

- Folder 51: Lugovaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vasilenko, S.
- Folder 52: Lunnaia dorozhka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Darzin', E.
- Folder 53: Lunnyi kamen', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 54: Lunnyi kamen', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 55: Lunnyi Val's (Tsirk"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Box 21

- Folder 1: Mai (Im Mai), undated

- Folder 2: Mai, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Antsev, M.
- Folder 3: Maiskaia noch' (A Night In May), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimsky-Korsakov, N.
- Folder 4: Maiskaia noch', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grodzkii, B.
- Folder 5: Mak, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iordanskii, M., arr.
- Folder 6: Maka tsviet v kosy chernyia ty ne vpletai, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Resser, A.
- Folder 7: Makhorochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, K.
- Folder 8: Maki, maki, makovochki (Maki, maki, makovitsy), undated

- Folder 9: Maki, maki, makovochki, undated

- Folder 10: Maki, makovochki, undated

- Folder 11: Maksym, kozak zalinzniak, undated

- Folder 12: Malaia zemlia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 13: Malaia zemlia, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 14: Malam ia fraira (Mialam ja chlopca), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chachaj, T., arr.
- Folder 15: Mal'chik s pal'chik, undated

- Folder 16: Mal'chishechka - bedniazhechka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Budashkin, N., arr.
- Folder 17: Mal'chishka, undated

- Folder 18: Mal'chishka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 19: Malen'kii barabanshchik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Davidenko, A., arr.
- Folder 20: Malen'kii prints, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tariverdiev, M.
- Folder 21: Malina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Korchagina, K. (?)
- Folder 22: Mam ia krasnu zagradechku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V., arr.
- Folder 23: Mama, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Gavrilin, V.
- Folder 24: Mama, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tabachnikov, M.
- Folder 25: Mamen'kie, undated

- Folder 26: Marfusha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mar'ianovskii, M.
- Folder 27: Marsh (Song of the Happy Soviet), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 28: Marsh artillerii, 1944

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 29: Marsh - Brosok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Manukov, R.
- Folder 30: Marsh Budennogo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, D.
- Folder 31: Marsh entuziastov ("Svetlyi put'"), 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 32: Marsh traktoristov ("Bogataia nevesta"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 33: Marsh veselykh rebiat ("Veselye rebiata"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 34: Marusia - partizanka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Matveev, M.
- Folder 35: Marusia umerla, undated

- Folder 36: Mat' pastukha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 37: Mat' rodnaia moia (Pesnia o rushnike) ("Gody molodye"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maiboroda, G.
- Folder 38: Mat' rodnaia moia ("Gody molodye"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maiboroda, G.
- Folder 39: Mat' rodnaia moia ("Gody molodye"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maiboroda, G.
- Folder 40: Mat' - zemlia moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gamaliia, V.
- Folder 41: Mat' - zemlia moia, 1975

- Composer/Arranger: Gamaliia, V.
- Folder 42: Matania, undated

- Folder 43: Matrosskaia dusha ("Oktiabr'"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 44: Matrosskaia dusha ("Oktiabr'"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 45: Matrosskaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 46: Matrosskie nochi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 47: Matushka, chto vo pole pyl'no?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Matveev, M., arr.
- Folder 48: Matushka, chto vo pole pyl'no, undated

- Folder 49: Matushka golubushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 50: Mav ia raz divchynon'ku, undated

- Folder 51: Mavlina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zinov'ev, A., arr.
- Folder 52: Mavlina!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pozdniakov, G., arr.
- Folder 53: Mavlina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pozdniakov, G., arr.
- Folder 54: Mchitsia troika udalaia, 1929

- Composer/Arranger: Lefkowitch, H., arr.
- Folder 55: Mel'nik, 1897

- Composer/Arranger: Dargomyzhskii, A.
- Folder 56: Mel'nik, undated

- Folder 57: Melodiia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 58: Memento mori, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Folder 59: Menia ty vovse ne liubila, 1836

- Composer/Arranger: Nikolaev, D.
- Folder 60: Menia ty vovse ne liubila, 1903

- Composer/Arranger: Nikolaev, D.
- Folder 61: Meri, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 62: Mest' baltiitsev ("Krov' za krov'"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gol'ts, B.
- Folder 63: Metelicza (The Whirl-Wind), 1942

- Composer: A. Varlamov. Arranger: Leon Zuckert. English Lyrics: Olga Paul. Editor: G. Bronsky.
- Folder 64: Mezh igroiu i trudom, undated

- Folder 65: Mezh krutykh berezhkov, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Slonov, Iu., arr.
- Folder 66: Mezh krutykh berezhkov, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Slonov, Iu., arr.
- Folder 67: Mezh vysokikh khlebov, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A., arr.
- Folder 68: Mezhdu dvukh belykh berezok, undated

- Folder 69: Mezhplanetnye chastushki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rudenko, I., arr.
- Folder 70: Mgnoveniia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tariverdiev, M.
- Folder 71: Michman Dzhon, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, D.
- Folder 72: Milaia, 1889

- Composer/Arranger: Ziloti, S., arr.
- Folder 73: Milaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ziloti, S., arr.
- Folder 74: Milaia mama, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 75: Milaia mama, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 76: Milyi, ia zhdu tebia (Liebster, ich harre dein), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Steinberg, M., arr.
- Folder 77: Milyi, ia zhdu tebia, undated

- Box 22

- Folder 1: Mir domu tvoemu, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 2: Mir na dvoikh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 3: Mir vam brat'ia, undated

- Folder 4: Mir vam brat'ia, undated

- Folder 5: Mirazh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kotliarevskaia, T.
- Folder 6: Mne berezka darila serezhki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 7: Mne bol'she nechego zhelat', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, D.
- Folder 8: Mne grustno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dargomyzhskii, A.
- Folder 9: Mne mladeshen'ke rano vstavat', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bakalov, L.
- Folder 10: Mne morkotno moloden'ke, undated

- Folder 11: Mne morkotno moloden'ke, undated

- Folder 12: Mne ne zhal!, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Nikolaev, D.
- Folder 13: Mne ne zhit' bez Rossii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, V.
- Folder 14: Mne nichego ne nado, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zuev, V.
- Folder 15: Mne nravitsia, chto vy bol'ny ne mnoi ("Ironiia sud'by"), 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Tariverdiev, M.
- Folder 16: Mne pesnia nuzhna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 17: Mne snilos' vechernee nebo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borodin, I.
- Folder 18: Mne snitsia Rossiia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Temnov, V.
- Folder 19: Mne verit strana, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bakalov, L.
- Folder 20: Mnie grustno (Je suis triste), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dargomyzhkii, A.
- Folder 21: Mnie morkotno moloden'kie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 22: Mnie morkotno moloden'kie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 23: Mnogaia lieta, undated

- Folder 24: Moe serdtse toskuet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borisov, B.
- Folder 25: Moe serdtse toskuet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borisov, B.
- Folder 26: Mogla-by vami ia uvlech'sia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Veinberg, P.
- Folder 27: Moi adres - Sovetskii Soiuz, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 28: Moi adres - Sovetskii Soiuz, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 29: Moi drug risuet gory, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Takusheva, A.
- Folder 30: Moi Erevan ("Pesnia pervoi liubvi"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 31: Moi krabarovsk, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramov, A.
- Folder 32: Moi koster, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sadovskii, F., arr.
- Folder 33: Moi koster, 1903

- Composer/Arranger: Fedorov, N., arr.
- Folder 34: Moi koster v tumane svetit?, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Bulatov, S., arr.
- Folder 35: Moi Leningrad, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kravchenko, B.
- Folder 36: Moi liubimyi, 1954

- Composer/Arranger: Gorin, I.
- Folder 37: Moi malen'kii drug, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abutkov, A.
- Folder 38: Moi muzhen'ka raboteshen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shokhin, arr.
- Folder 39: Moi piesni ne lgut, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fedorov, A.
- Folder 40: Moi tsyganochki, undated

- Folder 41: Moia liubimaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 42: Moia liubov' dlia vas zabava, undated

- Folder 43: Moia Marusechka, undated

- Folder 44: Moia mila gde ty vchera byla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V., arr.
- Folder 45: Moia Moskva, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 46: Moia Rodina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dolukhanian, A.
- Folder 47: Moia Rossiia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miansarova, T.
- Folder 48: Moia strana, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Titov, A.
- Folder 49: Mol'ba, 1977

- Composer/Arranger: Zhurbin, A.
- Folder 50: Molchanie ("Veselye zvezdy"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 51: Molchi, undated

- Folder 52: Molchi grust', molchi!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Berezovskii, G. (A.?)
- Folder 53: Molchi grust', molchi!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Berezovskii, G.A.
- Folder 54: Moldavanka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chamine, S.
- Folder 55: Moldavanka, undated

- Folder 56: Molodaia gvardiia, undated

- Folder 57: Molodaia gvardiia, 1962

- Composer/Arranger: Shul'gin, L., arr.
- Folder 58: Molodeet zemlia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A.
- Folder 59: Molodezhnaia ("Volga-Volga"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 60: Molodezhnaia ("Volga-Volga"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 61: Molodka molodaia, razlapushka, svetik, dorogaia, undated

- Folder 62: Molodka, molodka, molodaia, undated

- Folder 63: Molodka, molodka, molodaia, undated

- Folder 64: Molodye delo znaiut, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Binkin, Z.
- Box 23

- Folder 1: More, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shumov, S.
- Folder 2: More Baltisskoe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khachaturian, A.
- Folder 3: More-stikhiia khrabrykh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Efremov, V.
- Folder 4: More zovet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 5: Moriachka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bakalov, L.
- Folder 6: Moriak soshel na bereg, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 7: Morshanskie stradaniia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rudenko, V., arr.
- Folder 8: Morskaia gvardiia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miliutin, Iu.
- Folder 9: Morzianka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 10: Moskovskaia kadril', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Temnov, V.
- Folder 11: Moskovskie okna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 12: Moskovskie okna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 13: Moskva, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dekker-Shenk,
- Folder 14: Moskva, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 15: Moskva (My Moscow), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, Dm., & Dan.
- Folder 16: Moskva, undated

- Folder 17: Moskva ("V shest' chasov vechera?"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 18: Moskva -- liubov' moia!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kutuzov, N.
- Folder 19: Moskva maiskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, Dm. & Dan.
- Folder 20: Moskva maiskaia (Moskau im Mai) (Moscow in Maytime), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, Dm. & Dan.
- Folder 21: Moskva sovetskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Titov, A.
- Folder 22: Moskva zlatoglavaia, undated

- Folder 23: Moskvichi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Eshpai, A.
- Folder 24: Muzhaskaia liricheskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsibizov, A.
- Folder 25: Muzhskoi razgovor ("My v etom sami vinovaty"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 26: Muzhskoi razgovor, undated

- Folder 27: Muzyka liubvi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mazhukov, A.
- Folder 28: My -- Arkhimedy! ("Ar-khi-me-dy!"), 1977

- Composer/Arranger: Minkov, M.
- Folder 29: My idem vpered, undated

- Folder 30: My idemo v bii, undated

- Folder 31: My kliatvu druzhbe dali?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lepin, A.
- Folder 32: My liudi bol'shogo poleta, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 33: My - liudi Leninskogo veka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 34: My na lodochke katalis', 1977

- Folder 35: My oba lzhem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B.
- Folder 36: My oba lzhem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B.
- Folder 37: My otdokhnem! (We Shall Have Peace!), 1951

- Composer/Arranger: Rachmaninov, S.
- Folder 38: My otpeli pesenki pechal'nye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Orlanskii, S.
- Folder 39: My po-spasovski sygraem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mikhailov, A., arr.
- Folder 40: My rebiata zavodskie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Polikarpov, N.
- Folder 41: My s ssoroi razoshlis', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov A.
- Folder 42: My s toboi ne para, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khait, Iu.
- Folder 43: My s toboi tsygane, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'dman, Ia. (?)
- Folder 44: My s toboiu ne druzhili, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 45: My segodnia razstalis' s toboiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo, L.
- Box 53

- Folder 103: My tol'ko znakomy (Kak stranno), 1927

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B.
- Folder 46: My trudilis' dlia strany, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gorlov, N., arr.
- Folder 47: My vas podozhdem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 48: My vorotim vesnu, undated

- Folder 49: My vstretilis' s toboi, undated

- Folder 50: My vyshli v sad, 1967

- Composer/Arranger: Tolstoi, M.
- Folder 51: My vyshli v sad (Es war im Herbst), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tolstoi, M.
- Folder 52: My za mir, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 53: My za tsenoi ne postoim, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Okudzhava, B.
- Folder 54: Myla moia (Moja mia), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Czesaw Sadaj, arr.
- Folder 55: Myla moia, myla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popovich, G., arr.
- Box 24

- Folder 1: Na berezhku u stavka, undated

- Folder 2: Na bezymiannoi vysote, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Basner, V.
- Folder 3: Na bezymiannoi vysote, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Basner, V.
- Folder 4: Na dorogoi mogilie, undated

- Folder 5: Na dvore osenniaia rasputitsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chumakov, M.
- Folder 6: Na Ermishkie malakhai, undated

- Folder 7: Na gore, na gore (Svadebnaia), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 8: Na gore-to kalina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, ar..
- Folder 9: Na horodi bili maky, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Leontovich, M., arr.
- Folder 10: Na horodi kalinon'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevich, B., arr.
- Folder 11: Na horodi verba riasna, undated

- Folder 12: Na iarochku divchatko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsymboro, Iu., arr.
- Folder 13: Na kholmakh Gruzii (On Georgian Hills), 1949

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N.
- Folder 14: Na kone voronom (On A Raven-Black Horse), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zakharov, V.
- Folder 15: Na kurgane, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 16: Na moe plecho golovkoi, 1903

- Composer/Arranger: Fedorov, N., arr.
- Folder 17: Na more utushka kupalasia, undated

- Folder 18: Na opushke lesa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shokhin, L.
- Folder 19: Na parketie v vosem' par, undated

- Folder 20: Na pechke sizhu, undated

- Folder 21: Na pobyvku edet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 22: Na pobyvku edet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 23: Na polianke (On The Meadow), 1946

- Composer/Arranger: Rutin, J., arr.
- Folder 24: Na polustanke ("Neznakomyi naslednik"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 25: Na posledniuiu piaterku (Fur den allerletzten Taler), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Porschmann, W., arr.
- Folder 26: Na posledniuiu piaterku, undated

- Folder 27: Na posledniuiu piaterku, undated

- Folder 28: Na prichale, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Geviksman, V.
- Folder 29: Na rassvete, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shekhter, B.
- Folder 30: Na riekie-l', na riechkie, undated

- Folder 31: Na rodimuiu storonku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Klenovskii, arr.
- Folder 32: Na solnechnoi polianochke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 33: Na solnechnoi polianochke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 34: Na sopkakh Man'chzhurii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shatrov, I
- Folder 35: Na sopkakh Man'chzhurii, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Shatrov, I
- Folder 36: Na starom kurganie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalinnikov, V.
- Folder 37: Na starom kurganie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalinnikov, V.
- Folder 38: Na tom boku ogon' gorit, undated

- Folder 39: Na tselinnye zemel'ki ty leti, moi golosok, undated

- Folder 40: Na ulitse dozhd', undated

- Folder 41: Na ulitse dozhdik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Slonov, Iu., arr.
- Folder 42: Na ulitsie dvie kuritsy, undated

- Folder 43: Na vakhte, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sorokin, V.
- Folder 44: Na vostokie sviet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N.
- Folder 45: Na vsiu ostavshuiusia zhinzn' (Na vsiu ostavshuiusia zhinzn'), 1975

- Composer/Arranger: Basner, V.
- Folder 46: Na vsiu ostavshuiusia zhizn', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Basner, V.
- Folder 47: Na vysokoi hore, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chachaj, T., arr.
- Folder 48: Na zare bylo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev, N., arr.
- Folder 49: Na zare bylo, na zoren'ke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tikhomirov N., arr.
- Folder 50: Na zare ty ee ne budi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 51: Na zare ty ee ne budi!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 52: Na zelenom lugu, undated

- Folder 53: Na zelenom lugu, undated

- Folder 54: Nad Ondavov temno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popovich, G., arr.
- Folder 55: Nad ozerom verba, undated

- Folder 56: Nad poliami, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cherniavskii, A., arr.
- Box 53

- Folder 107: Nad poliami, 1926

- Composer/Arranger: Cherniavskii, A. (Gorin), arr.
- Folder 57: Nad poliami da nad chistymi, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Zorin, A., arr.
- Folder 58: Nad poliami da nad chistymi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gubar'kov, N., arr.
- Folder 59: Nad poliami da nad chistymi, undated

- Folder 60: Nad richkoiu, berizhkom, undated

- Folder 61: Nad rozovym morem (The Rosy Sea), 1938

- Composer/Arranger: Vertinskii, A.
- Folder 62: Nad sviezhei mogiloi (Am frischen Grabe), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rachmaninov, S.
- Folder 63: Nad Uralom, nad rekoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Laptev, V.
- Folder 64: Nad vodom kriak (Nad woda krzak), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chachaj, T., arr.
- Folder 65: Nadezhda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 66: Naidi sebe druga ("Fantazii Vesnukhina"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zatsepin, A.
- Folder 67: Nakinuv plashch (Die Laute unterm Mantel), undated

- Folder 68: Nakinuv plashch, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Persin, M., arr.
- Box 53

- Folder 111: Nakinuv plashch, 1921

- Composer/Arranger: Persin, M., arr.
- Folder 69: Nalei bokal (Mein Glas ist leer?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drozo(t), L.
- Folder 70: Nalei bokal, undated

- Folder 71: Nam nuzhen mir, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivannikov, V.
- Folder 72: Nam skazala serebrianka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramov, A.
- Folder 73: Napadai-ko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A.
- Folder 74: Napishi skorei!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bukin, V.
- Folder 75: Napominanie, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 76: Narvala knitochok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Leontovich, M., arr.
- Folder 77: Nas mnogo na share zemnom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A.
- Folder 78: Nas pobit', pobit' khoteli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Davidenko, A.
- Folder 79: Nas veter po poliu raznes (Ill Winds), 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G.
- Box 25

- Folder 1: Nash gerb, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kats (Katz), S.
- Folder 2: Nash krai sibirskii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulatov, S.
- Folder 3: Nash parovoz, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zubakov, P.
- Folder 4: Nash sosed, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Potemkin, B.
- Folder 5: Nash tost, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liuban, I.
- Folder 6: Nasha barka na mel' stala, undated

- Folder 7: Nasha sud'ba, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 8: Nasha sud'ba, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 9: Nasha-to khoziaiushka, undated

- Folder 10: Nashi liubimye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 11: Nashi mamy, 1973

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 12: Natali, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Martynov, E.
- Folder 13: Natal'iushki-Mar'iushki, undated

- Folder 14: Nauchi!, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Shishkin, M.
- Folder 15: Ne beleiut tsvety na lugu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zhivtsov, A.
- Folder 16: Ne beri, khlopchishko, stalianogo nozha, undated

- Folder 17: Ne biely to sniegi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 18: Ne bieli to sniegi (Ne bely snegi), undated

- Folder 19: Ne brani menia, rodnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dubuque, A.
- Folder 20: Ne brani menia rodnaia (Tiefes Leid), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dubuque, A.
- Folder 21: Ne brani menia, rodnaia (Sei nicht traurig, liebe?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dubuque, A.
- Folder 22: Ne brani menia rodnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 23: Ne brani menia rodnaia, 1919

- Folder 24: Ne brani menia, rodnaia, undated

- Folder 25: Ne brani menia, rodnaia (Mother Do not scold me), undated

- Folder 26: Ne brani menia, rodnaia, undated

- Folder 27: Ne budite menia, molodu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A., arr.
- Folder 28: Ne budite molodu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 29: Ne budite molodu, undated

- Folder 30: Ne budite molodu, undated

- Folder 31: Ne bushuite, vetry, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kernichanskii, A., arr.
- Folder 32: Ne bushuite vy vetry buinye, undated

- Folder 33: Ne bushuite vy, vetry buinye, undated

- Folder 34: Ne byl ni razu porugan izmenoiu ("Snegurochka"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N.
- Folder 35: Ne dari luchezarnoi ulybkoi, 1893

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.
- Folder 36: Ne dlia menia pridet vesna, undated

- Folder 37: Ne govori, chto molodost' sgubila, 1877

- Composer/Arranger: Prigozhii, Ia.
- Folder 38: Ne govori, chto serdtsu bol'no, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 39: Ne govori o dniakh minuvshikh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grodzkii, B.
- Folder 40: Ne gavorite mne: on umer, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rechkunov, M.
- Folder 41: Ne khochu ia nikogo, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Ziloti, S.
- Folder 42: Ne khochu nikogo, 1903

- Composer/Arranger: Fedorov, N., arr.
- Folder 43: Ne khodi-ka ty na led, 1889

- Composer/Arranger: Ukolov, S., arr.
- Folder 44: Ne kukui, kukushechka, vo syrom boru, undated

- Folder 45: Ne kukushechka vo syrom boru kukovala, undated

- Folder 46: Ne letai, solovei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popov, V., arr.
- Folder 47: Ne letai, solovei, undated

- Folder 48: Ne moia vina (Pesnia moria), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pop, T.
- Box 26

- Folder 1: Ne nado slov, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo, L.
- Folder 2: Ne nado vstrech!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khait, Iu.
- Folder 3: Ne nado vstrech, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khait, Iu.
- Folder 4: Ne odna vo pole dorozhen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Afanas'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 5: Ne odna vo pole dorozhen'ka, undated

- Folder 6: Ne odna vo pole dorozhen'ka, undated

- Folder 7: Ne odna vo pole dorozhen'ka (Akh! Ne odna vo pole dorozhenka), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vil'boa, K., arr.
- Folder 8: Ne odna vo polie dorozhen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 9: Ne odna-to li dorozhen'ka, undated

- Folder 10: Ne odna-to vo pole dorozhen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Troianovskii, B., arr.
- Folder 11: Ne odna-to vo polie dorozhen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A., arr.
- Folder 12: Ne osennii melkii dozhdichek (Wie ein Regenschauer), undated

- Folder 13: Ne osennii melkii dozhdichek, undated

- Folder 14: Ne osennii melkii dozhdichek, undated

- Folder 15: Ne oshibis' ("Boi s ten'iu"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolker, A.
- Folder 16: Ne ostudi svoe serdtse, synok!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miguli, V.
- Folder 17: Ne ostudi svoe serdtse, synok!, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Miguli, V.
- Folder 18: Ne ostudi svoe serdtse, synok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miguli, V.
- Folder 19: Ne pechal'sia obo mne, undated

- Folder 20: Ne plach' krasavitsa, 1904

- Composer/Arranger: Kazachenko, G.
- Folder 21: Ne poi, ne poi moi mladin'koi soloveiko, undated

- Folder 22: Ne poi, ne poi ty solov'iusko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimsky-Korsakov, arr.?
- Folder 23: Ne posluzhish' - ne uznaesh', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 24: Ne povtoriaetsia takoe nikogda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 25: Ne pridu ia k tebe na svidan'e ("Derevenskii detektiv"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lepin, A.
- Folder 26: Ne probuzhdai vospominan'ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P.
- Folder 27: Ne probuzhdai vospominan'ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P.
- Folder 28: Ne probuzhdai vospominan'ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P.
- Folder 29: Ne probuzhdai vospominanii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P.
- Folder 30: Ne razlivaisia, moi tikhii Dunai, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vasilenko, S., arr.
- Folder 31: Ne razlivaisia, moi tikhoi Dunai, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakrovich, M., arr.
- Folder 32: Ne razvieiat' mnie grusti!, 1889

- Composer/Arranger: Shmidtgof, A.
- Folder 33: Ne sama mashina khodit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kutuzov, N., arr.
- Folder 34: Ne serdis'!!! Ne revnui!!!, 1901

- Composer/Arranger: Denis'ev, A.
- Folder 35: Ne shum shemit, ne grom gremit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 36: Ne shuti!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mandrus, B.
- Folder 37: Ne skazhu nikomu (I will tell no one), 1949

- Composer/Arranger: Dargomyzhskii, A.
- Folder 38: Ne slyshno shumu gorodskogo, undated

- Folder 39: Ne smie buty v nas strakhu, undated

- Folder 40: Ne spala to ia mladeshen'ka, undated

- Folder 41: Ne spasibo igumnu tomu, undated

- Folder 42: Ne speshi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 43: Ne stareiut dushoi veterany, 1966

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 44: Ne stareiut dushoi veterany, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 45: Ne svivaisia (Halmchen kann am groszen Halme), undated

- Folder 46: Ne svivaisia, ne svivaisia trava s povelitsei, undated

- Folder 47: Ne tesan terem (The Wedding Suit), undated

- Folder 48: Ne ukhodi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mishel'?
- Folder 49: Ne ukhodi, undated

- Folder 50: Ne ukhodi, undated

- Folder 51: Ne ukhodi, ne pokidai (O geh nicht fort, verlasz?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.
- Folder 52: Ne ukhodi, ne pokidai, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.
- Folder 53: Ne veliat Mashe, undated

- Folder 54: Ne veliat Mashe za rechen'ku khodit', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glazunov, A., arr.
- Folder 55: Ne veliat Mashie za rechen'ku khodit', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Orlov, V., arr.
- Folder 56: Ne ver!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 57: Ne ver'!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 58: Ne ver'!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 59: Ne ves' ia tvoi?, 1904

- Composer/Arranger: Labinskii, I.
- Folder 60: Ne veter, veia s vysoty?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N.
- Folder 61: Ne voda li podlivalas', undated

- Folder 62: Ne vspominai, 1904

- Composer/Arranger: Lashek, F.
- Folder 63: Ne zabude Ukraina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nadenenka, F.
- Folder 64: Ne zabuvai syni hory, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miloslavskii, P., arr.
- Folder 65: Ne zamolchu, undated

- Folder 66: Ne zaria li ty, zoriushka, undated

- Folder 67: Ne zazhigai ognia! (Oh, do not light that lamp), 1951

- Composer/Arranger: Arensky, A.
- Folder 68: Ne zazhigai ognia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Spiro, A.
- Folder 69: Ne zhaleiu, ne zovu, ne plachu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zhivtsov, A.
- Folder 70: Ne zveniat gitary, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khait, Iu.
- Folder 71: Nedalek tot denek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 72: Nedarom ia boialsia vstrechi, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P.
- Folder 73: Neizvestnyi soldat, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 74: Neizvestnyi soldat, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 75: Neizvestnyi soldat, 1967

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 76: Neletnaia pogoda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frenkel', Ia
- Folder 77: Nema v sviti, undated

- Folder 78: Neman, undated

- Folder 79: Nemnogo o sebe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharkovskii, E.
- Folder 80: Nenagliadnyi moi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 81: Neotkrytye ostrova ("Moi brat igraet na klarnete"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 82: Neplokho dlia nachala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolker, A.
- Folder 83: Neponiatnaia liubov', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kulakov, V.
- Folder 84: Neprimetnyi batal'on, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramov, A.
- Folder 85: Neputevyi parenek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Box 27

- Folder 1: Net, ne khochu!, undated

- Folder 2: Net, ne tebia tak pylko ia liubliu, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Titov, N.
- Folder 3: Net, ne tebia tak pylko ia liubliu, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Shishkin, A.
- Folder 4: Net, ne liubil on, 1967

- Composer/Arranger: Guerchia, A.
- Folder 5: Net, ne liubil on?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Guerchia, A.
- Folder 6: Net, ne upit'sia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prigozhii, Ia.
- Folder 7: Net, net, ne govori, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vilinskii, A.
- Folder 8: Net, net, ne khochu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Keil'n B., arr. (?)
- Folder 9: Net, net, ne khochu, undated

- Folder 10: Net pregrady mechte!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 11: Net Rossii drugoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Terent'ev, B.
- Folder 12: Net zemli rodnei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aedonistkii, P.
- Folder 13: Net zemli rodnei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aedonistkii, P.
- Folder 14: Net, tol'ko tot, kto znal? (None But The Lonely Heart), 1951

- Composer/Arranger: Tchaikovsky, P.
- Folder 15: Nevesta tvoia zhadanka, undated

- Folder 16: Nezhnost', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 17: Nezhnost', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 18: Nezhnost', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 19: Ni, tebe my ne zabuly, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shutenko, T.
- Folder 20: Nich iaka misiachna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Samsonenko, V., arr.
- Folder 21: Nich taka, hospody, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gnatishin, A., arr.
- Folder 22: Nichego mne na svete ne nado, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Titov, A.
- Folder 23: Nichego mne na svete ne nado, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Titov, A.
- Folder 24: Nichto ne zabyto, nikto ne zabyt, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 25: Nichto v poliushke ne kolyshetsia, undated

- Folder 26: Nichto v poliushke ne shelokhnetsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nasonov, V., arr.
- Folder 27: Niet, ne khochu, undated

- Folder 28: Niet, niet, uidi!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleshin, K.
- Folder 29: Nikak ne vozmozhno mne bez pechali zhit', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Box 53

- Folder 104: Nikogda, nichego, 1926

- Composer/Arranger: Fomin, B.
- Folder 30: Nikogda vas ne liubil, 1877

- Composer/Arranger: Prigozhii, Ia.
- Folder 31: Niti zhizni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Folder 32: Niu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Derkovich, B.
- Folder 33: Niva, undated

- Folder 34: No ia vas vse-taki liubliu (Und sieh-ich hab' euch?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Keil, B.
- Folder 35: No ia vas vse-taki liubliu, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 36: No ia vas vse - taki liubliu, undated

- Folder 37: No ia vas vsetaki liubliu, 1903

- Composer/Arranger: Fedorov, N., arr.
- Folder 38: No ia znaiu, ty liubish' drugogo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Charskii, S.
- Folder 39: Noch', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Partskhaladze, M.
- Folder 40: Noch' listvoiu chut' kolyshet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 41: Noch' nad Belgradom ("Noch' nad Belgradom"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslavskii, N.
- Folder 42: Noch' nastala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Salama, A., arr.
- Folder 43: Noch' svetla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shishkin, N.
- Folder 44: Noch' svetla, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Shishkin, N.
- Folder 45: Noch' svetla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shishkin, N.
- Folder 46: Noch' tepla, I volshebnaia svetit luna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kochetova, N.
- Folder 47: Noch' tikha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G. & Kirilov, A., arr.
- Folder 48: Noch' tikha (Trotzig starrt?), undated

- Folder 49: Nochen'ka ("Demon"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rubinshtein, A.
- Folder 50: Nochen'ka ("Demon"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rubinshtein, A.
- Folder 51: Nochen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Slonov, Iu., arr.
- Folder 52: Nochen'ka, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Nazarenko, Iu., arr.
- Folder 53: Nochen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: A.G., arr.
- Folder 54: Nochen'ka, undated

- Folder 55: Nochi bezsonnyia, undated

- Folder 56: Nochi bezsonnyia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Spiro, A.
- Folder 57: Nochi bezumnye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Spiro, A.
- Folder 58: Noch'iu temnoi tuchi grozny, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 59: Nochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tarutin, A.
- Folder 60: Nochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fishkin, K., arr.
- Folder 61: Nochka moia, nochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lobachev, G., arr.
- Folder 62: Nochka ukatila, undated

- Folder 63: Nochnaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Martynov, N.
- Folder 64: Nochnoi donbass, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 65: Nochyne teni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.
- Folder 66: Noktiurn, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kublinskii, A.
- Folder 67: Nosiki - kurnosiki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Emel'ianov, B.
- Folder 68: Novgorodskaia liricheskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Matveev, M.
- Folder 69: Novgorodskaia liricheskie pripevki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Matveev, M., arr.
- Folder 70: Novye valenki, 1911?

- Composer/Arranger: Iakobson, G., arr.
- Folder 71: Nu, bystrei letite, koni!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bakaleinikov, V.
- Folder 72: Nu bystrei letite koni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bakaleinikov, V.
- Folder 73: Nu, bystriei letite koni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bakaleinikov, V.
- Folder 74: Nu, pogodi!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 75: Nu podi, podi siuda, undated

- Folder 76: Nu, rasstalis'?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolker, A.
- Folder 77: Nu tselui ne balui, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Folder 78: Nu tselui ne balui (So kiss me!), 1932

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Folder 79: Nu-ka, pesnia, nas poradui, undated

- Folder 80: Nu-zhe nu, otviazhis!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rika, Iu.
- Folder 81: Nyne vremechko voenno, undated

- Box 28

- Folder 1: O, angel (Caro mio ben), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dzhiurdani, T.
- Folder 2: O bednom soldate, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B., arr.
- Folder 3: O bozhe, kak khorosh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Amani, N.
- Folder 4: O chem my budem rech' vesti, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dolukhanian, A.
- Folder 5: O chem toskuet Volga, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shekhter, B.
- Folder 6: O chem ty toskuesh', tovarishch moriak, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solovev-Sedoi, B.
- Folder 7: O chem v tishi nochei, 1947

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N.
- Folder 8: O chem zadumalis', polia?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, V.
- Folder 9: O chem zadumalsia ty, drug?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivannikov, V.
- Folder 10: O, esli-b grust' moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glier, R.
- Folder 11: O, else b mog vyrazit' v zvuke, 1967

- Composer/Arranger: Malashkin, L.
- Folder 12: O, else b mog vyrazit' v zvuke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Malashkin, L.
- Folder 13: O, esli-b mog vyrazit' v zvukie (O konnte ich't sagen in Tonen), 1928

- Composer/Arranger: Malashkin, L.
- Folder 14: O, esli-b mog vyrazit' v zvukie (If I could but tell), 1920

- Composer/Arranger: Malashkin, L.
- Folder 15: O, esli b mog vyrazit' v zvukie (Oh, could I but express in?), 1943

- Composer/Arranger: Malashkin, L.
- Folder 16: O golubinoi knige, undated

- Folder 17: O labedi beloi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ippolitov-Ivanov, M.
- Folder 18: O, milyi moi, v tvoei vlasti (Wenn morgen?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.
- Folder 19: O ne vyletai, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glier, R.
- Folder 20: O, ne gliadi! (Ne tourne point vers?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gerdal', S., arr.
- Folder 21: O nem molchi!, 1927 (?)

- Composer/Arranger: Khait, Iu.
- Folder 22: O, pozabud' bylye uvlechen'ia!, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Kotliarevskaia, T.
- Folder 23: O, pozabud' bylye uvlechen'ia!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kotliarevskaia, T.
- Folder 24: O vesne, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsfasman, A.
- Folder 25: Obeliski, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 26: Obeshchanie ("Iurking rassvety"), 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 27: Obidno dosadno, 1929

- Composer/Arranger: Bakaleinikov, M.
- Folder 28: Obidno dosadno (Ah! Quel dommage), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bakaleinikov, M.
- Folder 29: Obidno dosadno, 1924

- Composer/Arranger: Strok, O. arr.
- Folder 30: Oblaka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popatenko, T.
- Folder 31: Obleteli tsvety, dogoreli ogni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Berezovskii, G.
- Folder 32: Obleteli tsvety, dogoreli ogni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Berezovskii, G.
- Folder 33: Obleteli tsvety, dogoreli ogni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo
- Folder 34: Obnimaia nebo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 35: Obnimaia nebo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 36: Oborvalas' tropinka u obryva, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 37: Oborvannye struny, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gapon, P.
- Folder 38: Ocharovatel'nye glazki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Volkov, V.
- Folder 39: Ocharovatel'nye glazki, undated

- Folder 40: Ochen' khorosho!, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Mazhukov, A.
- Folder 41: Ochi karie - opasnost', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 42: Ochi voloshkovi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sabadash, S.
- Folder 43: Od Kyeva do Luben', undated

- Folder 44: Oda cheloveku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'e-Sedoi
- Folder 45: Odin za vsekh I vse za odnogo! (All for one, one for all), 1941

- Composer/Arranger: Geifman, A.
- Folder 46: Odinokaia garmon' (Die einsame Harmonika), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 47: Odinokaia garmon', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 48: Odinokaia garmon', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 49: Odna hora vysokaia, undated

- Folder 50: Odnozvuchno gremit kolokol'chik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 51: Odnozvuchno gremit kolokol'chik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 52: Odnozvuchno gremit kolokol'chik, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Sokolov, U. arr.
- Folder 53: Odnozvuchno gremit kolokol'chik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Volkov, V. arr.
- Folder 54: Odnozvuchno gremit kolokol'chik (Das Glockchen), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Riesemann, O. arr.
- Folder 55: Odnozvuchno gremit kolokol'chik (Das einsame Glockchen), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 56: Odnozvuchno gremit kolokol'chik (Eintonig klingt das Glockchen), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 57: Odnozvuchno gremit kolokol'chik (Dzwoneczek), 1922

- Composer/Arranger: Sidorowicz, K. arr.
- Folder 58: Odnozvuchno gremit kolokol'chik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 59: Ogonek, undated

- Folder 60: Ogonek, undated

- Folder 61: Ogromnoe nebo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Felts'man, O.
- Folder 62: Oi, bre - more bre, undated

- Folder 63: Oi, chye zh to pole, undated

- Folder 64: Oi, chumache, chumache, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popov, S. arr.
- Folder 65: Oi, chumache, chumache, undated

- Folder 66: Oi, da techet rechka, undated

- Folder 67: Oi, da ty, kalinushka, undated

- Folder 68: Oi, da ty, kalinushka, undated

- Folder 69: Oi, davno, davno ia v bat'ka bula, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolessa, N. arr.
- Folder 70: Oi, devchata!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Polikarpov, N.
- Folder 71: Oi, devchata!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Polikarpov, N.
- Folder 72: Oi, divchina horlytsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolessa, N. arr.
- Folder 73: Oi, divchino neboho, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sandler, O., arr.
- Folder 74: Oi, Duniushka!, undated

- Folder 75: Oi, dzhigune, dzhigune, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Usatov, O., arr.
- Folder 76: Oi, dzhigune, dzhigune, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sandler, O., arr.
- Folder 77: Oi, est' v lesu kalina, undated

- Folder 78: Oi, hai, hai, hai zelenen'kyi, undated

- Folder 79: Oi, hilia, hilia, huson'ki, na stav, undated

- Folder 80: Oi, hore tii chaitsi, undated

- Folder 81: Oi huk, mati, huk, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khutorians'kii, I. arr.
- Folder 82: Oi, I ne harazd, undated

- Folder 83: Oi, ishov ia vulytseiu raz, raz, undated

- Folder 84: Oi, Ivan, undated

- Folder 85: Oi, Ivan-to ty, Ivan, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 86: Oi, iz-za gory [Oh, from behind a hill], undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 87: Oi, kak vspomniu ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalugina, E.
- Box 29

- Folder 1: Oi, kalina! Oi, malina!, 1889

- Composer/Arranger: Diubiuk, A.
- Folder 2: Oi, kazala meni maty, 1885

- Composer/Arranger: Artemovskii, S.
- Folder 3: Oi, khmeliu zh mii, khmeliu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Opryshka, M. arr.
- Folder 4: Oi, khodyla divchina berezhkom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Opryshka, M. arr.
- Folder 5: Oi, khodyla divchina berezhkom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Opryshka, M. arr.
- Folder 6: Oi koly b ia na toi khutir, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Opryshka, M. arr.
- Folder 7: Oi, kriache, kriache da chornen'kii voron, undated

- Folder 8: Oi, kriache, kriache da chornen'kii voron (Cossack's Lament), undated

- Folder 9: Oi, Kukalochko moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nembora, O. arr.
- Folder 10: Oi, kuvalochko nova, undated

- Folder 11: Oi kynu ia buk na iamu, undated

- Folder 12: Oi liubiv ta kokhav, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevich, B. arr.
- Folder 13: Oi mamts'o, mamts'o mamichko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V. arr.
- Folder 14: Oi, moroze, morozenku, undated

- Folder 15: Oi, my derevo srubili, undated

- Folder 16: Oi na boiky, pane brate, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevich, B. arr.
- Folder 17: Oi na gore gore na vysokoi na krutoi, undated

- Folder 18: Oi! Na gorke, na gorochke, undated

- Folder 19: Oi na hori da zhentsi zhnut', undated

- Folder 20: Oi na hor pshenychen'ka, undated

- Folder 21: Oi na hori snig bilen'kyi, undated

- Folder 22: Oi na hori zhyto, undated

- Folder 23: Oi na horu kozak vodu nosyt', undated

- Folder 24: Oi ! Na hretse bylyi tsvyt, undated

- Folder 25: Oi, nastupyla ta chorna khmara, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lysenko, N., arr.
- Folder 26: Oi, nastupyla ta chorna khmara, undated

- Folder 27: Oi ne khody, Hrytsiu (Do Not Go, Gregory), undated

- Folder 28: Oi, ne khody Hrytsiu, undated

- Folder 29: Oi, ne shumy, luzhe, undated

- Folder 30: Oi ne svity, misiachen'ku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kaufman, L., arr.
- Folder 31: Oi, ne svity, misiachen'ku, undated

- Folder 32: Oi ne vydtyl' mesiats svetit, undated

- Folder 33: Oi-oi-oi, kak moroz, undated

- Folder 34: Oi, pid vyshneiu, undated

- Folder 35: OI, pidu ia do mlyna, undated

- Folder 36: Oi, p'ie baida, undated

- Folder 37: Oi, polia, vy polia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shafrannikov, V.
- Folder 38: Oi, polna, polna korobushka (O, how full's my bundle!), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 39: Oi, polna, polna korobushka (The Village Peddlar), 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Kiriloff, A & Stone, G., arr.
- Folder 40: Oi, polna, polna korobushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iukhov, arr.
- Folder 41: Oi, polna, polna korobushka, undated

- Folder 42: Oi, polna, polna korobushka, undated

- Folder 43: Oi, poplyvy, vutko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kaufman, L., arr.
- Folder 44: Oi, poplyvy, vutko, undated

- Folder 45: OI, poslala mene maty, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Leontovich, M., arr.
- Folder 46: Oi poslala mene maty, undated

- Folder 47: Oi, potape, potape, undated

- Folder 48: Oi, priadu - priadu, undated

- Folder 49: Oi, pyla, pyla, undated

- Folder 50: Oi, serdtse moe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 51: Oi shcho zh to za shum, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevich, B., arr.
- Folder 52: Oi, shchozh bo to tai za voron, undated

- Folder 53: Oi, shchozh bo to za voron, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Hnatyshyn, A., arr.
- Folder 54: Oi, shcho zh to za shum uchynyvsia, undated

- Folder 55: Oi, sneg - snezhok!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 56: Oi, tam na hori, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolessa, N., arr.
- Folder 57: Oi, tam za Dunaiem, undated

- Folder 58: Oi tam za horom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V., arr. (?)
- Folder 59: Oi, tsvetet kalina ("Kubanskie kazaki"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 60: Oi, tsvetet kalina ("Kubanskie kazaki"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 61: Oi, tumany moi (Oh, the Fog), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zakharov, V.
- Folder 62: Oi, tumany moi, rastumany, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zakharov, V.
- Folder 63: Oi, tumany moi, rastumany (Misty Forests and Meadows), 1946

- Composer/Arranger: Zakharov, V.
- Folder 64: Oi ty, divchino, z horikha zernia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kos-Anatol'skii, A.
- Folder 65: Oi ty, lastovka, undated

- Folder 66: Oi, ty, maty moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liatoshinskii, B., arr.
- Folder 67: Oi ty, rozh'!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dolukhanian, A.
- Folder 68: Oi ty, rozh'!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dolukhanian, A.
- Folder 69: Oi ty, severnoe more, 1950

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 70: Oi, ty Volga, Volga-rechen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Baranov, B., arr.
- Folder 71: Oi, ty znav, nashcho brav, undated

- Folder 72: Oi, u luzi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Hnatyshyn, A., arr.
- Folder 73: Oi, u luzi chervona kalyna, undated

- Folder 74: Oi, u luzi ta shche I pry berezi, undated

- Folder 75: Oi u poli verba?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevich, B., arr.
- Folder 76: Oi u poli verba?, undated

- Folder 77: Oi u poli krynychen'ka, undated

- Folder 78: Oi u poli mohila, undated

- Folder 79: Oi u poli nyvka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevich, B., arr.
- Folder 80: Oi u poli ozertse, undated

- Folder 81: Oi, u poli try krynychen'ki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liatoshinskii, B., arr.
- Folder 82: Oi, u poli try krynychen'ki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Hnatyshyn, A., arr.
- Folder 83: Oi, u poli try krynychen'ki, undated

- Box 30

- Folder 1: Oi, u sadu golubets' hude, undated

- Folder 2: Oi, ustanu ia ranen'ko, undated

- Folder 3: Oi, ustanu ia v ponedilok, undated

- Folder 4: Oi, utushka lugovaia!, undated

- Folder 5: Oi verbo, verbychko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsymbor, Iu, arr.
- Folder 6: Oi vershe mii zelenyi (Oj wierzchku moj zielony), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chachaj, T., arr.
- Folder 7: Oi vershe moi vershe, undated

- Folder 8: Oi, vinku mii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popov, S., arr.
- Folder 9: Oi, vse kumushki domoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sveshchinikiv, A., arr.
- Folder 10: Oi, vstavala ia raneshenko, undated

- Folder 11: Oi vy, devushki Sibiri, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Terent'ev, V.
- Folder 12: Oi vy, gory pogranichnye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, K.
- Folder 13: Oi vydno selo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lepkyi, L.
- Folder 14: Oi vydno selo, undated

- Folder 15: Oi, vydno selo, undated

- Folder 16: Oi, pid haiem, haiem, undated

- Folder 17: Oi ziidy, ziidy, iasen misiatsiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevich, B., arr.
- Folder 18: Oi ziidy, ziidy, iasen misiatsiu, undated

- Folder 19: Oi, ziishla zoria, undated

- Folder 20: Oi, znaty, znaty?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lysenko, N., arr.
- Folder 21: Oi, zza hory chorna khmara vstala, undated

- Folder 22: Okeanskaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Matveev, M.
- Folder 23: Okh, I ne stelysia, undated

- Folder 24: Okh, I trudno molchalivogo liubit'!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Figotin, B.
- Folder 25: Okh, I zakuvala syva zozulen'ka, undated

- Folder 26: Okh, prokhodili, proguliali, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rudenko, I.
- Folder 27: Okh, siren'-sireniushka?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popov, E., arr.
- Folder 28: Okol Donu okol Donu, undated

- Folder 29: Okolo syrogo duba, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 30: Okolo syrogo duba, undated

- Folder 31: Okovy liubvi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Radomskii, V.
- Folder 32: Okrasilsia mesiats bagriantsem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Slonov, Iu.
- Folder 33: Okrasilsia mesiats bagriantsem, undated

- Folder 34: Ol'khovaia serezhka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krylatov, E.
- Folder 35: Omskaia polechka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shchekotov, Iu.
- Folder 36: On I ona, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 37: On - kanadets, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mel'nik, I.
- Folder 38: On menia ne zamechaet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dolinskii, B.
- Folder 39: On uekhal! ("Bespridannitsa"), 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Donaurov, S.
- Folder 40: On vinovat?, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Perrote, M.
- Folder 41: On vinovat, 1967

- Composer/Arranger: Perrote, M.
- Folder 42: On vinovat, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Perrote, M.
- Folder 43: Ona moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P.
- Folder 44: One moment More (Eshche Tol'ko Mig), 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G.
- Folder 45: Op'ianela, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.V.
- Folder 46: Op'ianela, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.V.
- Folder 47: Opiat' nespokoino ty, serdtse!, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Tolstaia, T.
- Folder 48: Opiat' odinochestvo ?., 1914

- Composer/Arranger: Kharito, H.
- Folder 49: Oranzhevaia pesenka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pevzner, K.
- Folder 50: Orlenok, 1938

- Composer/Arranger: Belyi, V.
- Folder 51: Orlenok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Belyi, V.
- Folder 52: Orliata segodniashchnikh dnei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Osnovikov, A.
- Folder 53: Oruzh'em na solntse sverkaia (Their arms in the bright?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 54: Oruzh'em na solntsie sverkaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 55: Osen', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Trapezoni, G., arr.
- Folder 56: Osen', undated

- Folder 57: Osen', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechanino, A.
- Folder 58: Osenniaia pesenka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vasil'ev-Buglai
- Folder 59: Osennie list'ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 60: Osennii son, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Dzhois, A.
- Folder 61: Osennii son, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dzhois, A.
- Folder 62: Oserdilsia moi miloi drug na menia, undated

- Folder 63: Ostav' menia, 1903

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov
- Folder 64: Ostorozhno? vse vozmozhno!..., undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo, L.
- Folder 65: Ostroiu sekiroi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninov, A.
- Folder 66: Ostroiu siekiroi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninov, A.
- Folder 67: Ot Baikala do Amura, 1975

- Composer/Arranger: Figotin, B.
- Folder 68: Ot kraia I do kraia (From Border Unto Border), 1942

- Composer/Arranger: Djerjinsky, I.
- Folder 69: Ot kraia I do kraia (From Border Unto Border) ("The Quiet Don"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dzerzhinsky, I.
- Folder 70: Ot kraia I do kraia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dzerzhinsky, I.
- Folder 71: Ot tebia do menia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Savintsev, P.
- Folder 72: Otchalila lodka, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Golitsyn, S.
- Folder 73: Otchego, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kudrin
- Folder 74: Otchego, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Torentiev, B.
- Folder 75: Otchego eto prezhde ne znala, undated

- Folder 76: Otchego ia pri vstriechie molchu, undated

- Folder 77: Otchie polia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maslov, F.
- Folder 78: Otchii dom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kuprevich, V.
- Folder 79: Otchizna rodnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gur'ev, Iu.
- Folder 80: Otdavali molodu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov arr.?
- Folder 81: Otdavali molodu (The Young Girl Was Married Off), undated

- Folder 82: Otdavali molodu na chuzhuiu storonu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov arr.
- Folder 83: Otkrovennye rebiata, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 84: Otniala zima pokoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Serezhnikov, V.
- Folder 85: Otoidi!, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Sokolov, V.
- Folder 86: Otpylala osen', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Manukov, P.
- Folder 87: Otrava (Das Gift), undated

- Folder 88: Otshumeli I dozhd' I metelitsa ("Zhestokost'"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Meerovich, M.
- Folder 89: Otstavala lebedushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vasilenko, S., arr.?
- Folder 90: Ottepel', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zhurbin, A.
- Folder 91: Ottsveli khrizantemy?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kharito, N.
- Folder 92: Ottsveli khrizantemy?, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Kharito, N.
- Folder 93: Ottsveli khrizantemy (My chrysanthemum flower), 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G., arr.
- Folder 94: Ottsvieli khrizantemy, 1927

- Composer/Arranger: Kharito, N.
- Folder 95: Ottsvetali v sadu blednopyshnye rozy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Davingof, N.
- Folder 96: Our valse (V lesu prifrontovom), 1946

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 97: Ozhidanie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 98: Ozhidanie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian
- Folder 99: Ozhidanie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Donaurov
- Box 31

- Folder 1: Pakhar' (Lenzsonne goldig?), undated

- Folder 2: Pamiat' (Ol'ga Sergeevna), 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Tariverdiev, M.
- Folder 3: Pamiat', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 4: Pani Narshava, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 5: Para gnedykh, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Donaurov, C.
- Folder 6: Para gnedykh, undated

- Folder 7: Para gniedykh, undated

- Folder 8: Parenek iz Tbilisi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gigauri, N.
- Folder 9: Parizhskoe Tango, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Briun, K.
- Folder 10: Parol', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanova, N.
- Folder 11: Partizan Zhelezniak, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 12: Partizan Zhelezniak, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 13: Partizanskaia boroda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bakalov, L.
- Folder 14: Parus, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glebov, E.
- Folder 15: Pas ia voli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsimbor, Iu.
- Folder 16: Pastushok, undated

- Folder 17: Patoka s imbirem, undated

- Folder 18: Patyka s imbirem, undated

- Folder 19: Pchelka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninov, A.
- Folder 20: Pechal'naia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolker, A.
- Folder 21: Pechal'noe moe serdtse, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 22: Pela, pela ptashechka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nolinskii, N.
- Folder 23: Pela, pela ptashechka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Takovlev, M.
- Folder 24: Pered dal'nei dorogoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 25: Pered pazryvom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 26: Perekory, undated

- Folder 27: Perepelka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ardentov, D., arr.
- Folder 28: Perepelochka, undated

- Folder 29: Perepelochka, undated

- Folder 30: Pereulok na Arbate, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Afanas'ev, L.
- Folder 31: Pereveisia, iarovoi khmel', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, arr.?
- Folder 32: Perevoz Dunia derzhala, undated

- Folder 33: Perevoz Dunia derzhala, undated

- Folder 34: Perstenek moi zolotoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shpachek, V.
- Folder 35: Pervoputok, 1917

- Composer/Arranger: Cherniavskii, A.
- Folder 36: Pervye tsvety, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sidrer, M.
- Folder 37: Pervyi dozhd' ("Rozygrysh"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarkovskii, A.
- Folder 38: Pesenka al'pinistov, 1971

- Composer/Arranger: Visbor, Iu.
- Folder 39: Pesenka dlia roditelei, 1956

- Composer/Arranger: Tsfasman, A.
- Folder 40: Pesenka duen'I ("Duen'ia"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mitin, S.
- Folder 41: Pesenka nakhodit druzei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aedonitskii, P.
- Folder 42: Pesenka o glavnom ("Moi brat igraet na klarnete"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 43: Pesenka o khoroshem nastroenii ("Karnaval'naia coch'"), 1956

- Composer/Arranger: Lepin, A.
- Folder 44: Pesenka o medvediakh ("Kavkazskaia plennitsa"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zatsepin, A.
- Folder 45: Pesenka o Romeo I Dzhul'ette ("Provody belykh hochei"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lebedev, V.
- Folder 46: Pesenka o Tanudille, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Strok, O.
- Folder 47: Pesenka o vliublennom paren'ke ("Karnaval'naia noch'"), 1956

- Composer/Arranger: Lepin, A.
- Folder 48: Pesenka ob odinokom druge, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 49: Pesenka ob otkrytoi dveri, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Okudzhava, B.
- Folder 50: Pesenka pilota, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Uspenskii, V.
- Folder 51: Pesenka pro menia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zatsepin, A.
- Folder 52: Pesenka pro raketu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivannikov, V.
- Folder 53: Pesenka pro zhirafa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chichkov, Iu.
- Folder 54: Pesenka shofera, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zhubinskaia, V.
- Folder 55: Pesenka shofera taksi ("Karnaval v efire"), 1956

- Composer/Arranger: Minkh, N.
- Folder 56: Pesenka vliublennogo shofera, 1956

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, V.
- Folder 57: Pesenka vpolgolosa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zaslavskii, S.
- Folder 58: Pesn' razboinika, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 59: Pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ashkenazi, D.
- Folder 60: Pesnia Aniuty (Heart in my Breast), 1939

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 61: Pesnia Aniuty ("Veselye Rebiata"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 62: Pesnia Ariny ("Sumka, polnaia serdets"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bilash, A.
- Folder 63: Pesnia artilleristov ("V Shest' chasov vechera?"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 64: Pesnia bobylia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stuchevskii, S. arr.
- Folder 65: Pesnia bobylia, undated

- Folder 66: Pesnia dlia tebia ("Prostye Zaboty"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maiboroda, P.
- Folder 67: Pesnia dolga I otvagi ("Rozhdennaia revoliutsiei"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 68: Pesnia dzerzhintsev ("Sokrovishcha Respubliki"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 69: Pesnia edinstva, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, B.
- Folder 70: Pesnia Gaivorona ("Aleksandr Parkhomenko"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 71: Pesnia Gezov ("Legenda o T. Ulenshpigele"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 72: Pesnia Glashi I podrug ("Svinarka I pastukh"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 73: Pesnia grazhdanskikh letchikov, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chernyshev, V.
- Folder 74: Pesnia Iamshchika, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 75: Pesnia izdaleka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Savenkov, A.
- Folder 76: Pesnia kruzhevnits, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lenskii, A., arr.
- Folder 77: Pesnia levshi ("Russkii sekret"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dmitriev, B.
- Folder 78: Pesnia liubvi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 79: Pesnia Mashi ("Zhazhda"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Eshpaia, A.
- Folder 80: Pesnia mashinista ("Arinka"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Box 32

- Folder 1: Pesnia matveia ("Delo bylo v Pen'kove"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Molchanov, K.
- Folder 2: Pesnia Meibl ("Tropoiu groma"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 3: Pesnia mira ("Vstrecha na El'be"), 1948

- Composer/Arranger: Shostakovich, D.
- Folder 4: Pesnia molodezhi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lukin, F.
- Folder 5: Pesnia molodykh boitsov, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 6: Pesnia Natashi ("V poiskakh adresata"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 7: Pesnia o bushlate, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Terent'ev, E.
- Folder 8: Pesnia o dalekoi rodine ("Semnadtsat' mgnovenii vesny"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tariverdiev, M.
- Folder 9: Pesnia o Dnepre, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 10: Pesnia o Dnepre, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 11: Pesnia o Dnepre, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 12: Pesnia o dobryne, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 13: Pesnia o druge, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 14: Pesnia o Druge ("Vertikal'"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vysotskii, V.
- Folder 15: Pesnia o druzhbe ("Ispravlennomu verit'"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Eshpaia, A.
- Folder 16: Pesnia o druzhbe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 17: Pesnia o druzhbe ("Zhili tri kholostiaka"), 1975

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 18: Pesnia o elke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vitlin, V.
- Folder 19: Pesnia o Enisee, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 20: Pesnia o fonarike, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shostakovich, D.
- Folder 21: Pesnia o golubykh gorodakh ("Dva voskresen'ia"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 22: Pesnia o golubykh gorodakh ("Dva voskresen'ia"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 23: Pesnia o golubykh gorodakh ("Dva voskresen'ia"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 24: Pesnia o gudke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 25: Pesnia o kapitane (Captain Bold), 1939

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 26: Pesnia o kapitane ("The Children of Captain Grant"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 27: Pesnia o Lene-reke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 28: Pesnia o Lenine, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 29: Pesnia o Lenine, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levin, Z.
- Folder 30: Pesnia o liubimoi zhenshchine, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 31: Pesnia o liubvi ("Prosaia istoriia"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 32: Pesnia o liubvi ("Prostaia istoriia"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 33: Pesnia o liubvi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 34: Pesnia o liubvi, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 35: Pesnia o molodom kuznetse, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aliab'ev, A.
- Folder 36: Pesnia o Moskve ("Svinarka I pastukh"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 37: Pesnia o nevstrechennoi devushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarkovskii, A.
- Folder 38: Pesnia o nochnoi Moskve, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Okudzhava, B.
- Folder 39: Pesnia o pesne, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 40: Pesnia o pionerakh-geroiakh ("Krasnye sledopyty"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 41: Pesnia o Rodine, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 42: Pesnia o Rodine (Song of the Motherland), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 43: Pesnia o Rodine, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 44: Pesnia o Rodine (Song of the Fatherland), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunayevsky, I.
- Folder 45: Pesnia o Rodine, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 46: Pesnia o Rodine, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 47: Pesnia o rodnoi zemle, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 48: Pesnia o rushnike ("Gody molodye"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maiboroda, G.
- Folder 49: Pesnia o Shchorse, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 50: Pesnia o Shchorse, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 51: Pesnia o stroike, undated

- Folder 52: Pesnia o tachanke (Song of the Tahanka), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, K.
- Folder 53: Pesnia o tachanke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, K.
- Folder 54: Pesnia o tachanke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, K.
- Folder 55: Pesnia o taloi vode, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanov, O.
- Folder 56: Pesnia o Tbilisi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lagidze, R.
- Folder 57: Pesnia o trevozhnoi molodosti, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 58: Pesnia o trevozhnoi molodosti ("Po tu storonu"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 59: Pesnia o vernosti, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 60: Pesnia o veselom vetre ("Deti kapitana Granta"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 61: Pesnia o Volge ("Volga-Volga"), 1939

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 62: Pesnia o volzhskom bogatyre, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 63: Pesnia o vstrechnom (Song of Greeting), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shostakovitch, D.
- Folder 64: Pesnia o vstrechnom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shostakovitch, D.
- Folder 65: Pesnia octaetsia s chelovekom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 66: Pesnia pervoi liubvi ("Pesnia pervoi liubvi"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Badadzhanian, A.
- Folder 67: Pesnia pervoi liubvi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Badadzhanian, A.
- Folder 68: Pesnia prizyvnikov, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Boiko, R.
- Folder 69: Pesnia shofera ("Ocherednoi reis"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 70: Pesnia smelykh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Belyi, V.
- Folder 71: Pesnia temnogo lesa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borodin, A.
- Folder 72: Pesnia u kostra (Campfire Song), 1939

- Composer/Arranger: Kabalevsky, D.
- Folder 73: Pesnia v platochke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kuprevich, V.
- Folder 74: Pesnia vernykh druzei ("Vernye druz'ia"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 75: Pesnia vernykh druzei (Vernye druz'ia"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 76: Pesnia vstrech I razluk, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nosov, G.
- Folder 77: Pevets, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dolukhanian, A., arr.
- Folder 78: Pidu v sadochok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Leontovich, M., arr.
- Folder 79: Piekhota, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Voloshin, A., arr.
- Folder 80: Piesenka pri sieianiy tsvietov, undated

- Folder 81: Piesni zavietnyia, piesni liubimyia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'dman, Ia.
- Folder 82: Piesnia dlia vkhoda v klass, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Odoevskii, F.
- Folder 83: Piesnia o Vil'ie, undated

- Folder 84: Piesnia ob atamanie Platovie (The Platoff Song), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharov, S., arr.
- Folder 85: Piesnia ob atamanie Platovie (Platoff-Lied), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharov, S., arr.
- Box 33

- Folder 1: Pietukh, undated

- Folder 2: Pietushok, Pietushok, undated

- Folder 3: Pis'mo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 4: Pis'mo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vertinskii, A.
- Folder 5: Pis'mo iz ekspeditsii ("Moi sovremenniki"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Cedoi, V.
- Folder 6: Pis'mo materi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lipatov, V.
- Folder 7: Pis'mo materi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lipatov, V.
- Folder 8: Pisnia pro partiiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Timoshenko, M.
- Folder 9: Pishite pis'ma materiam, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vetrov, V.
- Folder 10: Pivo, undated

- Folder 11: Plachet roial', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Strok, O.
- Folder 12: Plachet roial', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozarovskii, B.
- Folder 13: Platochki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Olenik, D., arr.
- Folder 14: Pliasovaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zolotarev, V.
- Folder 15: Pliasovaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vasilenko, S., arr.
- Folder 16: Plive choven, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Leontovich, N., arr.
- Folder 17: Plovsty, 1899

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 18: Plyvet lebedushka (Khovanshchina), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Musorgskii, M.
- Folder 19: Plyvut ploty, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Matveev, M.
- Folder 20: Po dibrovi viter vyie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Opryshka, M., arr.
- Folder 21: Po dikim stepiam Zabaikal'ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Slovov, Iu., arr.
- Folder 22: Po dikim stepiam Zabaikal'ia, undated

- Folder 23: Po dikim stepiam Zabaikal'ia (Brodiaga), undated

- Folder 24: Po dikim stepiam Zabaikal'ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulatov, S., arr.
- Folder 25: Po dikim stepiam Zabaikal'ia, undated

- Folder 26: Po dikim stepiam Zabaikal'ia (Brodiaga), undated

- Folder 27: Po dikim stepiam Zabaikal'ia (Durch Transbaikaliens?), undated

- Folder 28: Po dolinam i po vzgor'iam, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A., arr.
- Folder 29: Po dolinam i po vzgor'iam, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aturov, S.
- Folder 30: Po dolinam i po vzgor'iam, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Atyrov, S.
- Folder 31: Po dorozi zhuk, zhuk, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Opryshka, M., arr.
- Folder 32: Po gorakh khodila, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsimbor, Iu., arr.
- Folder 33: Po goram, po goram, I ia po goram khodila, undated

- Folder 34: Po griby, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gamalii, V.
- Folder 35: Po kustam, po vietkam, undated

- Folder 36: Po moriam, po okeanam, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 37: Po moriam, po okeanam, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 38: Po moriam, po volnam, undated

- Folder 39: Po moriam, po volnam, undated

- Folder 40: Po moskovskomu vremeni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kats, S.
- Folder 41: Po neschast'itsu, moi drug, sluchilosia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 42: Po open'ki khodila, undated

- Folder 43: Po poliu, poliu chistomu, undated

- Folder 44: Po sedinskim taigam, undated

- Folder 45: Po seniehkam khodila ia guliala, undated

- Folder 46: Po snegu olen' bezhit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev, M. arr.
- Folder 47: Po-stroeomu, po-boevomu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: L'vov-Kompaneets, D.
- Folder 48: Po trope, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kharabadze, Z.
- Folder 49: Po tsei bik hora, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Hnatyshyn, A., arr.
- Folder 50: Po ulitse mostovoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A., arr.
- Folder 51: Po ulitse mostovoi, undated

- Folder 52: Po ulitse mostovoi, undated

- Folder 53: Po ulitse mostovoi, undated

- Folder 54: Po ulitse mostovoi, undated

- Folder 55: Po ulitsie mostovoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 56: Po ulitsie mostovoi (Durch die Gasse), undated

- Folder 57: Po veshnemu po skladu, undated

- Folder 58: Po vsei erevnie Katen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N.,arr.
- Folder 59: Po zavetam Lenina zhivem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grachev, M.
- Folder 60: Pobednaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 61: Pobud' so mnoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.
- Folder 62: Pochavochki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 63: Pochavochki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 64: Pochemu ia bezumno liubliu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurovich, B.
- Folder 65: Pod charuiushchei laskoi tvoeiu (Unter deinem bezaubernden?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Subow, N.
- Folder 66: Pod charuiushchei laskoi tvoeiu (Unter deinem bezaubernden?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Subow, N.
- Folder 67: Pod iablon'iu zelenoiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A., arr.
- Folder 68: Pod Kudriavoiu piabinushkoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bakaleinikov, V.
- Folder 69: Pod oblachkomiavor posazhenyi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dovholiuk, F., arr.
- Folder 70: Pod poliarnoi zvezdoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Agafonnikov, N.
- Folder 71: Pod rakitoiu zelenoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maslov, F., arr.
- Folder 72: Pod ropoi rastut tsvetochki, undated

- Folder 73: Pod serebrianoi lunoi, undated

- Folder 74: Pod zvezdami balkanskim, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blantner
- Folder 75: Podari mne platok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 76: Podar, zemlia, shakhteru, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 77: Pod'ezd, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lepin, A.
- Folder 78: Podgornaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A., arr.
- Folder 79: Podgornaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A., arr.
- Folder 80: Podgovarival liubit', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bokov, V., arr.
- Folder 81: Podi, utitsa, domoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 82: Podkandal'nyi marsh, 1908

- Composer/Arranger: Gartevel'd, V., arr.
- Folder 83: Podmoskovnye chastushki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A., arr.
- Folder 84: Podmoskovnye vechera, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-sedoi, V.
- Folder 85: Podmoskovnye vechera (Moscow Nights), 1959

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-sedoi, V.
- Folder 86: Podmoskovnye vechera (Moscow Evenings), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-sedoi, V.
- Folder 87: Podmoskovnye vechera (Moscow Nights), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-sedoi, V.
- Folder 88: Podmoskovnye vechera, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-sedoi, V.
- Folder 89: Podmoskovnye vechera, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-sedoi, V.
- Folder 90: Podmoskovnye vechera (Abende bei Moskau), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-sedoi, V.
- Folder 91: Podolianochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Revuts'kii, L., arr.
- Folder 92: Podsnezhnik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninov, A.
- Folder 93: Podui, podui, ne pogodushka, undated

- Folder 94: Podui, podui ne pogodushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N., arr.
- Folder 95: Poet garmon', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blok, V.
- Box 34

- Folder 1: Poezd, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iordanskii
- Folder 2: Poezd, undated

- Folder 3: Poezd idet vse bystrei (Poezd idet na Vostok), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 4: Poezd ovsenia I koliady (Noch' pered Pozhdestvom), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov
- Folder 5: Poezd pobedy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-sedoi
- Folder 6: Poezda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 7: Poeziia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Arenskii, A.
- Folder 8: Pogliadi, kakaia nochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kutuzov, N.
- Folder 9: Pogonia (Novye prikliucheniia? ), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frenkel', Ia.
- Folder 10: Pogovori co mnoiu, mama, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Migul'ia, V.
- Folder 11: Pogranichnaia zastava (Ia sluzhu na granitse), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Basner, V.
- Folder 12: Pogrebenie razboinika, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miller, F.
- Folder 13: Poi, lastochka, poi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mazurkevich, M., arr.
- Folder 14: Poi, lastochka, poi, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Nazarenko, I., arr
- Folder 15: Poi, lastochka, poi, undated

- Folder 16: Poi, lastochka, poi, undated

- Folder 17: Poi, poi, pevun'ia ptichka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sveshnikov, A., arr.
- Folder 18: Poi tsygan (Sing Gypsy), 1933

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Folder 19: Poidu mlada po Dunaiu, undated

- Folder 20: Poidu mlada po vodu, undated

- Folder 21: Poidu-l' ia, vyidu-l 'ia, undated

- Folder 22: Poidu-l' ia, vyidu-l 'ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stempnevskii, S., arr.
- Folder 23: Poidu-l' ia, vyidu-l 'ia, undated

- Folder 24: Poidu-l' ia, vyidu-l 'ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninov, A., arr.
- Folder 25: Poidu - vyidu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Polikarpov, N.
- Folder 26: Poidu - vyidu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Polikarpov, N.
- Folder 27: Poidul'ia da vyidul'ia da, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninov, A.
- Folder 28: Poiekhal moi milen'kii v gorodochek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Orlov, V., arr.
- Folder 29: Poigrami biednoi voleiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 30: Poimannaia ptichka, undated

- Folder 31: Poiut vetra, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babloev, S.
- Folder 32: Poka molodoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 33: Poka ne pozdno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Filippov, E.
- Folder 34: Pokhodil, poshlapal, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khakhai, T., arr.
- Folder 35: Pokhodnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tilicheev, E.
- Folder 36: Pokorenie Sibiri, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ippolitov-Ivanov
- Folder 37: Pokotil sia goroshok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sendai, Ch., arr.
- Folder 38: Pole (Novye prikliucheniia?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frenkel', Ia.
- Folder 39: Pole chistoe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 40: Pole chistoe, undated

- Folder 41: Polechka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadovaia, L.
- Folder 42: Polianka, 1927

- Composer/Arranger: Zorin, A.
- Folder 43: Polianushka, undated

- Folder 44: Polianushka, undated

- Folder 45: Poliarnoe siianie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 46: Poliarni den', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Afanas'ev, L.
- Folder 47: Poliushko-pole (Cavalry Song of the Steppe), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Knipper, L.
- Folder 48: Poliushko-pole (Cavalry of the Steppes), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Knipper, L.
- Folder 49: Poliushko-pole, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Knipper, L.
- Folder 50: Poliushko-pole, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Knipper, L.
- Folder 51: Poliushko-pole, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Knipper, L.
- Folder 52: Polk idet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, K.
- Folder 53: Polkovodets (The Commander), 1949

- Composer/Arranger: Moussorgsky, M.
- Folder 54: Polkovoi orkestr, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadovaia, L.
- Folder 55: Polno solnyshko iz za lesu svetit', undated

- Folder 56: Polno solnyshko iz za lesu svetit', undated

- Folder 57: Polosa-l' moia polosyn'ka, undated

- Folder 58: Polosa-l' moia polosyn'ka, undated

- Folder 59: Polosa-l' moia polosyn'ka (Du mein Streifen), undated

- Folder 60: Polosa-l' moia polosyn'ka, undated

- Folder 61: Polosyn'ka, undated

- Folder 62: Polosyn'ka (Bin ins Erntefeld gegangen), undated

- Folder 63: Poluchill pis'mo ot devushka sei chas, undated

- Folder 64: Pomnish' li menia moi svet, undated

- Folder 65: Pomnish', poroiu nochnoiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Got/Gota (?), G.
- Folder 66: Pomniu, ia eshche molodushkoi byla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cherniavskii, A., arr.
- Folder 67: Pomniu, ia eshche molodushkoi byla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gubar'kov, N., arr.
- Folder 68: Pomniu, ia eshche molodushkoi byla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Martynov, E., arr.
- Folder 69: Pomorskaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A.
- Folder 70: Pomorskaia zima, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Preslenev, A.
- Folder 71: Po-nad Baltikoi sedoi (Oktiabr'), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 72: Ponizhe valala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popovich, G., arr.
- Folder 73: Popid gai, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Burgra, M., arr.
- Folder 74: Poputnaia pesnia (Traveler's Song), 1949

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 75: Pora liubvi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pozhlakov, S.
- Folder 76: Pora liubvi, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Pozhlakov, S.
- Folder 77: Pora liubvi, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Pozhlakov, S.
- Folder 78: Pora liubvi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pozhlakov, S.
- Folder 79: Pora pora za Rus', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iavorskii, I.
- Folder 80: Pora pora za Rus', undated

- Folder 81: Pora, pora za Rus' sviatuiu (It's time, it's time), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedoff, C., arr.
- Folder 82: Pora v put'-dorogu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 83: Poraskinulis' russkie stepi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 84: Portret, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Spiro, A.
- Folder 85: Portret Il'icha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shul'gin, L.
- Folder 86: Posadila'm chereshen'ku, undated

- Folder 87: Poseiali devki len, undated

- Folder 88: Poseiu lebedu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lobachev, G., arr.
- Folder 89: Poseiu lebedu, 1977

- Folder 90: Poseiu lebedu na beregu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Niksh-Debol'skii, arr.
- Folder 91: Poseiu lebedu na beregu, undated

- Folder 92: Poshel kozel v ogorod, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kovalev & Semenov, arr.
- Folder 93: Poshel, poshel Vaniusha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A., arr.
- Folder 94: Posidim, pomolchim, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 95: Poslanie v Vereiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Egikov, I.
- Box 35

- Folder 1: Poslednee pis'mo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 2: Poslednee pis'mo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 3: Poslednee pis'mo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 4: Posledniaia elektrichka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 5: Posledniaia pesn', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 6: Poslednii akkord, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Provorovskii, B.
- Folder 7: Poslednii bal korolia, 1924

- Composer/Arranger: Strok, O., arr.
- Folder 8: Poslednii boi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nazhkin, M.
- Folder 9: Poslednii nyneshnii denechek (The Last Day), 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Stoun / Kirillov, arr.
- Folder 10: Poslednii reis, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Al'nes, Ia.
- Folder 11: Posliednii nynieshnii denechek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shteinberg, M., arr.
- Folder 12: Posliednii nynieshnii denechek, undated

- Folder 13: Posmotri, kaka nebo iasno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bakaleinikov, N.
- Folder 14: Posmotri na menia! (Pozygrysh), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarkovskii, A.
- Folder 15: Posredi polei Rossii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miliutin, Iu.
- Folder 16: Postoite, koni, undated

- Folder 17: Poteriala ia kolechko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Il'in, I., arr.
- Folder 18: Poteriala ia kolechko, undated

- Folder 19: Potomu ia tebia tak bezumno liubliu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Makarov, A.
- Folder 20: Potomu ia tebia tak bezumno liubliu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Makarov, A.
- Folder 21: Potomu ia tebia tak bezumno liubliu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Makarov, A.
- Folder 22: Potselui menia (Snova poiu?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Botari, D.
- Folder 23: Potselui menia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Botari, D.
- Folder 24: Potselui menia (Kusse mich), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Botari, D.
- Folder 25: Potselyi zhe menia, moia dushechka!, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Diubiuk, A.
- Folder 26: Povii, vitre, na vkrainu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevich, B., arr.
- Folder 27: Povishu, povishu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liubimov, V., arr.
- Folder 28: Povstrechal - poliubil, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vevrik, E.
- Folder 29: Povstrechala ia soldata, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Polikarpov, N.
- Folder 30: Pozabud' pro kamin, v nem pogasli ogni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Batorin, P.
- Folder 31: Pozabud' pro kamin, v nem pogasli ogni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Batorin, P.
- Folder 32: Pozarastali stezhki-dorozhki, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, B., arr.
- Folder 33: Pozarastali stezhki-dorozhki, undated

- Folder 34: Pozarastali stezhki-dorozhki, undated

- Folder 35: Pozarastali stezhki-dorozhki, undated

- Folder 36: Pozarastali stezhki-dorozhki, undated

- Folder 37: Pozhaluite, sudarynia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 38: Pozhelai udachi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 39: Pozhila-to ia v toske, undated

- Folder 40: Pozhmi mne puku na proshchan'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'dman
- Folder 41: Pozovi menia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 42: Pozvoni (Sledstvie prodolzhaetsia), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Biul'-biul' Ogli, P.
- Folder 43: Pravo mamen'ke skazhu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 44: Prazdnichnaia elochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tilicheev, E.
- Folder 45: Prenochui mnia prenochui, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sendai, Ch., arr.
- Folder 46: Prenochui mnia prenochui, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V., arr.
- Folder 47: Prez zelene zhytko voda teche, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, v., arr.
- Folder 48: Pri doline kust kaliny, undated

- Folder 49: Pri dolinushke kalinushka stoit, undated

- Folder 50: Pri dolinushke kalinushka stoit, undated

- Folder 51: Pri dolinushke kalinushka stoit, undated

- Folder 52: Priadi, moia priakha, undated

- Folder 53: Priakha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pogrebov, S., arr.
- Folder 54: Prialochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cherniavskii, A.
- Folder 55: Pridet I k vam liubov', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 56: Pridi milyi moi, 1889

- Composer/Arranger: Prigozhii, Ia.
- Folder 57: Pridi milyi moi, undated

- Folder 58: Priezzhaite k nam v Osetiiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Boraev, B.
- Folder 59: Priidu do tia v ponedilok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liubimov, V., arr.
- Folder 60: Priishla karta z Ukraini, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mikita, S., arr.
- Folder 61: Prikazala mne devushka? (Znatnyi zhenikh), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Urbakh, S.
- Folder 62: Prikhodi sevodnia, milyi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 63: Priletaite, ptitsy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dolukhanian, A.
- Folder 64: Priletila lastivochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khakhai, T., arr.
- Folder 65: Pripevki "neskladekhi", undated

- Composer/Arranger: Polikarpov, N.
- Folder 66: Privet morskomu vetru!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sidrer, M.
- Folder 67: Priznanie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iakovlev, M.
- Folder 68: Priznanie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iakushenko, I.
- Folder 69: Priznanie v liubvi, 1973

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 70: Pro d'iaka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Korchmarev, K.
- Folder 71: Pro dobryniu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, arr.
- Folder 72: Pro liubov', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kuznetsov, A.
- Folder 73: Pro Petiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kabalevskii, D.
- Folder 74: Pro Savu Chalovo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lysenko, N., arr.
- Folder 75: Proch' pechal' I comnieniia, 1903

- Composer/Arranger: Fedorov, V., arr.
- Folder 76: Proch' tosku pechal', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fomin, B.
- Folder 77: Proidut goda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zakharov, B.
- Folder 78: Prokati nas, Petrusha, na traktope, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gorin, I.
- Folder 79: Prokhodnye chastushki, undated

- Folder 80: Proletaet voron nizko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A., arr.
- Box 36

- Folder 1: Proshchai!, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: T'ebo, A.
- Folder 2: Proshchai (Farewell), 1929

- Composer/Arranger: Lefkowitch, H., arr.
- Folder 3: Proshchai, moi syn' (Leb' wohl, mein Sohn), undated

- Folder 4: Proshchai, moi syn', undated

- Folder 5: Proshchai moi tabor, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorov, B.
- Folder 6: Proshchai moi tabor!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorov, B.
- Folder 7: Proshchai moi tabor, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorov, B.
- Folder 8: Proshchai, radost', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Karatygin, V., arr.
- Folder 9: Proshchai, radost' ?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Karatygin, V., arr.
- Folder 10: Proshchai, radost', undated

- Folder 11: Proshchai, slava, undated

- Folder 12: Proshchai ty ne poimesh', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fomin, B.
- Folder 13: Proshchai ty novaia derevnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Salam, A., arr.
- Folder 14: Proshchai ty novaia derevnia, undated

- Folder 15: Proshchai ty novaia derevnia, undated

- Folder 16: Proshchai ty novaia derevnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii ? Arr.
- Folder 17: Proshchai ty novaia derevnia (Farewell My Gypsy Camp), 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Stone / Kirilloff
- Folder 18: Proshchai zhizn', radost' milaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pozdniakov, G., arr.
- Folder 19: Proshchai zhizn', radost' milaia, undated

- Folder 20: Proshchai zhizn', radost moia, undated

- Folder 21: Proshchaite, golubi (Proshchaite, golubi), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 22: Proshchaite, golubi (Proshchaite, golubi), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 23: Proshchaite, golubi (Proshchaite, golubi), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 24: Proshchaite, laskovye vzory, undated

- Folder 25: Proshchaite, laskovye vzory, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Matveev, M., arr.
- Folder 26: Proshchaite skalistye gory, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharkovskii, E.
- Folder 27: Proshchal'nyi val's (Pozygrysh), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarovskii, A.
- Folder 28: Proshchanie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, D.
- Folder 29: Proshchanie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 30: Proshchanie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 31: Proshchanie c bratskom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 32: Prospekt mira, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Savenkov, A.
- Folder 33: Prosti, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 34: Prosti, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iakovlev, M.
- Folder 35: Prosti, undated

- Folder 36: Prosti menia, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Fedorov, P.
- Folder 37: Prosti menia, moi milyi drug (Verzeih!), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borodin, I.
- Folder 38: Prosto poi, poka poetsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mistiukov, A.
- Folder 39: Protiv krasnova solnyshka, undated

- Folder 40: Provodnitsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chichkov, Iu.
- Folder 41: Provody, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vasil'eva-Buglaia, D.
- Folder 42: Provozhan'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zakharov, V.
- Folder 43: Provozhanie (Strolling Home), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Salama, A.
- Folder 44: Provozhanie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 45: Prozrenie, 1977

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 46: Prykhodziats' z pamiatsi ravesniki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glebav, Ia.
- Folder 47: Pryznanne, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kuzniatsov, I.
- Folder 48: Pshenitsa zolotaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 49: Pskovskie liricheskie pripevki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mikhailov, A., arr.
- Folder 50: Ptashechki my vol'nyia, undated

- Folder 51: Ptichka, undated

- Folder 52: Ptichka, undated

- Folder 53: Ptichka Bozhiia ne znaet, undated

- Folder 54: Ptichka letaet', undated

- Folder 55: Ptichka nad moim okoshkom, undated

- Folder 56: Ptichka v kustikakh, undated

- Folder 57: Ptichnitsa Alena, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rudenko, M.
- Folder 58: Ptitsy vernutsia domoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kuznetsov, A.
- Folder 59: Puntsovyia rozy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Veinberg, P.
- Folder 60: Pushchania, pushchania, undated

- Folder 61: Pushechka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gerchik, V.
- Folder 62: Puskai budet viechno noch', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sokolovskii, S.
- Folder 63: Pust' buria voet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Darzinia, E.
- Folder 64: Pust' dni prokhodiat, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Terent'ev, B.
- Folder 65: Pust' dni prokhodiat, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Terent'ev, B.
- Folder 66: Pust' eto son, undated

- Folder 67: Pust' govoriat, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Savichev, A.
- Folder 68: Pust' govoriat, undated

- Folder 69: Pust' govoriat, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 70: Pust' pechal' razsieetsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Volchek, S.
- Folder 71: Pust' vsegda budet solntse, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 72: Pust' vsegda budet solntse, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 73: Pust' vsegda budet solntse (Let the Sun Shine Forever), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 74: Pustoe "vy" serdechnym "ty", 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P.
- Folder 75: Pustoi sluchainyi razgovor, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iakobson, M.
- Folder 76: Put' v gorakh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zhivotov, A., arr.
- Folder 77: Puti-dorogi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 78: Pyimo druzi, undated

- Folder 79: Raboniki, undated

- Folder 80: Radost' ducheckhka, krasna dievushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rurilev, A.
- Folder 81: Raduga (Zdravstvuite doktor), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarkovskii, A.
- Folder 82: Ranneiu vesnoi (Solntse svetit vsem), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Basner, V.
- Folder 83: Rano ili pozdno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 84: Rano pesnia konchilas' (Sladkaia zhenshchina), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 85: Ranym rano, undated

- Box 37

- Folder 1: Rascheshu l' ia golovushku, undated

- Folder 2: Raskinulos' more shiroko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Boiko, R., arr.
- Folder 3: Raskinulos' more shiroko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drozdov, A., arr.
- Folder 4: Raskinulos' more shiroko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drozdov, A., arr.
- Folder 5: Raskinulos' more shiroko, undated

- Folder 6: Raspakhni svoe serdtse, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Chernyshev, V.
- Folder 7: Rasseialis' po svetu rossiiane, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nozhkin, M.
- Folder 8: Rastet v Volgograde berezka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 9: Rasti, moia kalinushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Budashkin, N., arr.
- Folder 10: Rasti, moia kalinushka, undated

- Folder 11: Rasti, moia kalinushka, undated

- Folder 12: Raz, dva, tri (One, Two, Three), undated

- Folder 13: Raz, dva, tri, chetryre, piat', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharkovskii, E.
- Folder 14: Raz, dva, tri, chetryre, piat', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Potolovskii, N.
- Folder 15: Raz mne vzgrustnulovs', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'dman, K.
- Folder 16: Razbitoe serdtse, undated

- Folder 17: Razdum'e, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Aedonitskii, P.
- Folder 18: Razgovor dvukh podrug, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Parshin, V., arr.
- Folder 19: Razgovor parnia s devushkoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rudenko, I., arr.
- Folder 20: Razlilas' Volga shiroko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shirokov, A., arr.
- Folder 21: Razlilasia Volga shiroko, undated

- Folder 22: Razlilasia Volga shiroko, undated

- Folder 23: Razluka, undated

- Folder 24: Razluka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zverkov, E., arr.
- Folder 25: Razluka (Das Scheiden), undated

- Folder 26: Razluka, undated

- Folder 27: Razluka (Na Tsar tumannoi iunosti), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 28: Razluka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 29: Razocharovanie, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 30: Razreshi mne nazvat' tebia drugom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 31: Razreshite priglasit'!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Strzhelinskii, Iu.
- Folder 32: Razstalis' my, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Linskii, K.
- Folder 33: Razstavan'e, 1903

- Composer/Arranger: Labinskii, I.
- Folder 34: Rechan'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Baranov, B., arr.
- Folder 35: Rechka, undated

- Folder 36: Rechnaia pesenka (Vernye druz'ia), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 37: Rechnaia pesenka (Vernye druz'ia), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khrennikov, T.
- Folder 38: Redeet oblakov letuchaia griada, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N.
- Folder 39: Redeet oblakov letuchaia griada (A Flight of?), 1949

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N.
- Folder 40: Reve ta stogne Dnipr shirokii (Roars and Moans the Dniepper), 1936

- Composer/Arranger: Kirilloff, A.
- Folder 41: Reve ta stogne Dnipr shryokyi, 1918

- Composer/Arranger: Lonov, M.C., arr.
- Folder 42: Reve ta stogne Dnipr shirokii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gnatishin, A., arr.
- Folder 43: Reve ta stogne Dnipr shirokii (Rushes and roars the Wide D.), undated

- Folder 44: Reve ta stogne Dnipr shirokii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krizhanivs'kii, D.
- Folder 45: Reve ta stogne Dnipr shirokii, undated

- Folder 46: Reve ta stogne Dnipr shirokii, undated

- Folder 47: Reve ta stogne Dnipr shirokii, undated

- Folder 48: Reve tai stogne (Der breite Dnjepr), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Seifert, W., arr.
- Folder 49: Revela buria, undated

- Folder 50: Revukha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popovich, G., arr.
- Folder 51: Riabina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Polikarpov, N.
- Folder 52: Riabinushka, undated

- Folder 53: Riazanochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 54: Riazanskie madonny, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dolukanian, A.
- Folder 55: Riazanskie shutochnye chastushki, undated

- Folder 56: Riazanskie stradaniia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shimkov, L., arr.
- Folder 57: Riezvilsia lukuiushchii mir, undated

- Composer/Arranger: de Bove, O.
- Folder 58: Ritmy ozhidaniia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muzakis, G.
- Folder 59: Ritmy zhizni (Moi sovremenniki), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 60: Rodina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 61: Rodina, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanov, N., arr.
- Folder 62: Rodina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanov, N., arr.
- Folder 63: Rodina liubimaia moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 64: Rodina moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 65: Rodina moia, 1977

- Composer/Arranger: Terent'ev, B.
- Folder 66: Rodina moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Terent'ev, B.
- Folder 67: Rodina moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 68: Rodina slyshit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shostakovich, D.
- Folder 69: Rodnia zemlia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shostakovich, D.
- Folder 70: Romans, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsfasman, A.
- Folder 71: Romans o gitare, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kravchenko, B.
- Folder 72: Romans Oksani (Zaporozhets' za Dunaem), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gulak-Artemovs'kii, C.
- Folder 73: Romantika, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nachinskii, G.
- Folder 74: Romashka (The Daisy), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Demeter, P.
- Folder 75: Romashki spriatalis' (Moia ulitsa), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ptichkin, E.
- Folder 76: Romashki spriatalis' (Moia ulitsa), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ptichkin, E.
- Folder 77: Romashki spriatalis', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ptichkin, E.
- Folder 78: Ros na opushke roshchi klen, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Makarov, V.
- Folder 79: Ros na opushke roshchi klen, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Makarov, V.
- Folder 80: Rosianka (Song of the Dew), 1951

- Composer/Arranger: Stravinsky, I.
- Folder 81: Rossii devich'ia kosa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gur'ev, Iu.
- Folder 82: Rossiia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarkovskii, A.
- Folder 83: Rossiia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 84: Rossiia - mat' soldata, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Slutkin, N.
- Folder 85: Rossiia - Rodina moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 86: Rossiia - Rodina moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 87: Rossiia! Rossiia!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kliuev, V.
- Folder 88: Roza, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iakovlev, M.
- Folder 89: Rozpriagaite, khloptsi koni, undated

- Folder 90: Ruch'I begut zvenia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tchaikovsky
- Folder 91: Ruchnaia mel'nitsa (Dreaming by the Handmill), 1939

- Folder 92: Ruki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zhak, I.
- Folder 93: Ruki Rabochikh (Bitva v puti), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Basner, V.
- Folder 94: Rukodiel'naia piesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Odoevskii, V. ?
- Folder 95: Rulate, undated

- Box 38

- Folder 1: Rus', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 2: Rusachka, undated

- Folder 3: Russkaia dusha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kruchinin, V.
- Folder 4: Russkaia Ivanovna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rudenko, I., arr.
- Folder 5: Russkaia krasavitsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zakharov, V.
- Folder 6: Russkaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 7: Russkaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 8: Russkaia veselaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarem, A., arr.
- Folder 9: Russkie zakaty, undated

- Folder 10: Russkii kazachok, undated

- Folder 11: Rybatskaia (Birobijan), 1946

- Composer/Arranger: Rutin, J., arr.
- Folder 12: Rybatskaia (Iskateli shast'ia), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevckii, I.
- Folder 13: Rybka v ozerie igraet, undated

- Folder 14: Rybnaia lovlia v derevnie, undated

- Folder 15: Rydaet roial', undated

- Folder 16: S balalaikoi zhit' milee, a s garmoshkoi vecelee, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Massalitinov, K., arr.
- Folder 17: S balalaikoi zhit milee, a s garmoshkoi veselee!, undated

- Folder 18: S chevo nachinaetsia rodina (Shchit I mech), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Basner, V.
- Folder 19: S chevo nachinaetsia Rodina? (Shchit I mech), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Basner, V.
- Folder 20: S chevo nachinaetsia Rodina? (Shchit I mech), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Basner, V.
- Folder 21: S chevo nachinaetsia Rodina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Basner, V.
- Folder 22: S dnem rozhden'ia, otchizna rodnaia!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rudenko, V.
- Folder 23: S garmonistom ia sidela, undated

- Folder 24: S krepkii dub tebe povyrasti (Skazka o tsare Saltane), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N.
- Folder 25: S Moskvoi odnazhdy vstretish'sia?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Terent'ev, B.
- Folder 26: S nama poet vsia strana, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 27: S nashei legkoi ruki (Tri vremeni goda), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 28: S radosti vesel'ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nolinskii, N.
- Folder 29: S toboiu mne pobyt' khotelos', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninov, A.
- Folder 30: S ulybkoi radosti, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tarnovskii
- Folder 31: S ulybkoi radosti, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tarnovskii
- Folder 32: Sad, undated

- Folder 33: Sad moi spit?, 1915

- Composer/Arranger: Khorzhevskii, K.
- Folder 34: Sad osennii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maslov, F.
- Folder 35: Sadovnichki, undated

- Folder 36: Samaia schastlivaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Partskhaladze, M.
- Folder 37: Samovary - samopaly, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 38: Sanitarka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharkovskii, E.
- Folder 39: Sanochki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, L.
- Folder 40: Sarafanchik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 41: Sarafanchik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 42: Sarafanchik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 43: Saratovskie chastushki, undated

- Folder 44: Saratovskie pripevki, undated

- Folder 45: Savka I Grishka, undated

- Folder 46: Schast'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shishkin, M.
- Folder 47: Schast'e prishlo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 48: Schastlivyi den', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev, M.
- Folder 49: Schone Minka (Ekhal kazak za Dunaem), undated

- Folder 50: Sebezhanochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Matveev, M.
- Folder 51: Sebia strane otdaem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 52: Segodnia nash polk na zare vystupaet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-sedoi, V.
- Folder 53: Segodnia tantsuiut matrosy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, K.
- Folder 54: Seiali devushki, undated

- Folder 55: Seiali devushki iarovoi khmel', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninov, A., arr.
- Folder 56: Seiu, veiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev, M., arr.
- Folder 57: Seiu, veiu, undated

- Folder 58: Seiu, veiu bel lenochek, undated

- Folder 59: Serdbrianye svad'by, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aedonitskii, P.
- Folder 60: Serdechnaia pesenka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Myradeli, V.
- Folder 61: Serdtse (Loving), 1939

- Composer/Arranger: Dunayevsky, I.
- Folder 62: Serdtse chuet, undated

- Folder 63: Serdtse - igrushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 64: Serdtse moe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 65: Serdtse moe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 66: Serdtse, molchi? (My Heart, Be Still), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Molchanov, K.
- Folder 67: Serdtse na snegu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 68: Serebristaia kanava, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kotikovaia, N., arr.
- Folder 69: Seredina leta (Blokada), 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Basner, V.
- Folder 70: Serenada, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mel'nikov, arr.
- Folder 71: Serenada, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rechkunov, M.
- Folder 72: Serenada, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rechkunov, M.
- Folder 73: Serenada Don Zhuana, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lishin, G.
- Folder 74: Severnaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rakov, N.
- Folder 75: Severnaia trudovaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Korkuts, N.
- Folder 76: Severnaia zvezda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 77: Sgovor sovy, undated

- Folder 78: Shablen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iurchak, S., arr.
- Folder 79: Sharaban, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mishel', M.
- Folder 80: Sharaban, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mishel', M.
- Folder 81: Sharaban, 1922

- Composer/Arranger: Mishel', M.
- Folder 82: Shel okhotnichek liesochkom, undated

- Folder 83: Shel soldat s pokhoda, undated

- Folder 84: Shel Vaniusha, undated

- Folder 85: Shelkovyi shnurok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Podrevskii, K.
- Folder 86: Shiroka ty rodnaia Rossiia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 87: Shkol'naia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bagirov, Z.
- Folder 88: Shla Dunasha iz lesochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Orlov, ?, arr.
- Folder 89: Shla koza po boru, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sykozich, M. (?) arr.
- Folder 90: Shli dva druga, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 91: Shumel, gorel pozhar moskovskii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Budashkin, N., arr.
- Folder 92: Shumel, gorel pozhar moskovskii, undated

- Box 39

- Folder 1: Shumel surovo brianskii les, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kats, S.
- Folder 2: Shumiat khleba, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 3: Shumiel, goriel pozhar Moskovskii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zorin, A., arr.
- Folder 4: Shumliat' verbi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kernichanskii, A. arr.
- Folder 5: Shumnuli, shumnuli, undated

- Folder 6: Shut, Iuanna Groznago, undated

- Folder 7: Siad' so mnoiu riadom (Boksery), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kats, S.
- Folder 8: Sibiriak, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tabachnikov, M.
- Folder 9: Sibirskii lenok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kutuzov, N.
- Folder 10: Sibirskii lenok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kutuzov, N.
- Folder 11: Sidel Vania na divane (Vanya), undated

- Folder 12: Sidili soi dva roluby, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V., arr.
- Folder 13: Sidit drema, undated

- Folder 14: Sidit drema, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 15: Siei skoriee, muzhichek, undated

- Folder 16: Sienokoc, undated

- Folder 17: Sievernaia zviezda (Der Nordstern), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 18: Siiav muzhik proso, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevich, B., arr.
- Folder 19: Siiav muzhik proso, undated

- Folder 20: Sil'nye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Savel'ev, G.
- Folder 21: Sinen'kii skromnyi platochek, undated

- Folder 22: Sineva, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gamalei, V.
- Folder 23: Sinichka, undated

- Folder 24: Sinii len, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pauls, R.
- Folder 25: Sinii platochek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mandrus, B., arr.
- Folder 26: Sinii platochek (The Blue Kerchief), 1945

- Composer/Arranger: Rutin, J., arr.
- Folder 27: Sinii platochek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gol'd I Peterburgskii
- Folder 28: Sino moie, sino, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Leontovich, N., arr.
- Folder 29: Siren' (Lilacs), 1910

- Composer/Arranger: Rachmaninoff, S.
- Folder 30: Siren' (Lilacs), 1951

- Composer/Arranger: Rachmaninoff, S.
- Folder 31: Siren' - cheremukha (Bespokoinoe khoziaistvo), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miliutin, Iu.
- Folder 32: Siren' tsvetet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kats, S.
- Folder 33: Sireni zapakh, treli solov'ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prigozhii, Ia., arr.
- Folder 34: Sirota, undated

- Folder 35: Sirotinka, Sirotinka, undated

- Folder 36: Sirotinushka, undated

- Folder 37: Sirotinushka-devushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iakovlev, M.
- Folder 38: Sizyi golubochek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Il'in, I., arr.
- Folder 39: Sizyi golubochek, undated

- Folder 40: Skazhi Katia, Katia Keterina (Tell Me Katja, Katja ?), 1936

- Folder 41: Skazhi meni pravdu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsimber, Iu., arr.
- Folder 42: Skazhi meni pravdu, 1971

- Folder 43: Skazhi mnie, za chto?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nikolaev, D.
- Folder 44: Skazhi mnie, za chto menia liubish'?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prigozhii
- Folder 45: Skazhite ei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kochubei, E.
- Folder 46: Skazhite nam, soldaty, undated

- Composer/Arranger: L'vov-Kompaneets, D.
- Folder 47: Skazi, zachiem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Keil', B.
- Folder 48: Skazka liubvi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Strok, O.
- Folder 49: Skok, poskok, undated

- Folder 50: Skok-skok, undated

- Folder 51: Skol'ko muchenii za mig naslazhdenii, 1893

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.
- Folder 52: Skol'ko niegi, liubvi, 1904

- Composer/Arranger: Keil', B., arr.
- Folder 53: Skoro, skoro den' prokhodit, undated

- Folder 54: Skrylis' machty stroinye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 55: Skuchno, matushka, undated

- Folder 56: Skuchno, matushka! Golova bolit, undated

- Folder 57: Skuchno, matushka. Vesnoi mne zhit' odnoi, undated

- Folder 58: Skvortsy prileteli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iurlov, A., arr.
- Folder 59: Skynu kuzhil' na polytsiu, undated

- Folder 60: Sladkim zapakhom sireni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Plotnikov, B.
- Folder 61: Sladkim zapakhom sireni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Plotnikov, B.
- Folder 62: Sladko pel dusha solovushko (Sweetly sang a gentle night in ?), 1951

- Composer/Arranger: Gliere, R.
- Folder 63: Slashche medu laskovoe slovo (Tsarskaia nevesta), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N.
- Folder 64: Slava, 1893

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 65: Slava, undated

- Folder 66: Slava, undated

- Folder 67: Slava na nebe solntsu vysokomu, undated

- Folder 68: Slava otchizne, undated

- Folder 69: Slava rodine, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 70: Slava, slava, otamane, undated

- Folder 71: Slavny byli nashi dedy, undated

- Folder 72: Slav'sia, slav'sia, nash Russkii Tsar' (Zhizn' za Tsaria), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 73: Slez dovol'no, proch' pechal'!, undated

- Folder 74: Slez ne nado, slez dovol'no, 1903

- Composer/Arranger: Panteleev, M., arr.
- Folder 75: Sleza, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iakovlev, M.
- Folder 76: Sleza moi vzor tumanit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fedorov, N., arr.
- Folder 77: Slezy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cherepnin, N.
- Folder 78: Slezy liudskie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Matveev, M.
- Folder 79: Slova, slova, slova?, undated

- Folder 80: Sluchainost', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ekimian, A.
- Folder 81: Sluchainyi val's, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 82: Sluchainyi val's, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 83: Slumber Song (Kolybel'naia pesnia), 1917

- Composer/Arranger: Gretchaninoff, A.
- Folder 84: Slushai!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sokol'ckii, P.
- Folder 85: Slushai, zemlia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gamburtsev, S.
- Folder 86: Slushaite, esli khotite?, 1968

- Composer/Arranger: Shishkin, N.
- Folder 87: Slushaite, esli khotite, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shishkin, N.
- Folder 88: Slushaite, esli khotite, undated

- Folder 89: Sluzhil ia khoziainu, undated

- Folder 90: Slyshu ia, milaia, zvuki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.
- Folder 91: Smekh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalve, O.
- Folder 92: Smelo my v boi poidem, 1977

- Folder 93: Smelo, druz'ia, undated

- Folder 94: Smelo, tovarishchi, v nogu, undated

- Folder 95: Smelo, tovarishchi, v nogu, undated

- Folder 96: Smelost' stroit goroda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 97: Smertnyi chas nastal, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Box 40

- Folder 1: Smolenskii mal'chishka Ivan, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Osnovikov, A.
- Folder 2: Smolk davno solovushko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sveshnikov, A., arr.
- Folder 3: Smolkni ptashka, kanareika, undated

- Folder 4: Smuglianka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 5: Snega - k snegam, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Morozov, A.
- Folder 6: Snegi belye, pushistye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 7: Snezhinka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Valiatinskii, V.
- Folder 8: Snezhki belye pushisty, undated

- Folder 9: Snezhniki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kuznetsov, A.
- Folder 10: Snezhnyi dom, undated

- Folder 11: Sniegi bielye pushisty, undated

- Folder 12: Snimi remni s ustalykh plech, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vikhorev, V.
- Folder 13: So storonushki moei podimoi, undated

- Folder 14: So venkom ia khozhu, undated

- Folder 15: So v'iunom ia khozhu (With a kerchief I go), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, A., arr.
- Folder 16: So v'iunom ia khozhu, undated

- Folder 17: So v'iunom ia khozhu, undated

- Folder 18: So vostochnoi bylo so storonushki, undated

- Folder 19: Sobiralis' krasny devki za okolitsu guliat', undated

- Folder 20: Sokhnet, vianet vo poliuke travushka, undated

- Folder 21: Soldatskaia vdova, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 22: Soldatskaia vdova, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 23: Soldatskie zvezdy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chichkov, Iu.
- Folder 24: Soldatskii val's, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovkii, N.
- Folder 25: Soldatskii val's, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Voronov, A.
- Folder 26: Soldatskoe imia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fomichev, G.
- Folder 27: Soldatushki, bravo, rebiatushki, undated

- Folder 28: Soldaty - geroi moi!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, V.
- Folder 29: Soldaty idut, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Molchanov, K.
- Folder 30: Solnechnaia gitara, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kosma, Zh.
- Folder 31: Solnechnyi svet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: L'vov-Kompaneets, D.
- Folder 32: Solntse i miesiats, undated

- Folder 33: Solntse na zakate, undated

- Folder 34: Solntse na zakatie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 35: Solntse nizen'ko (Natalka-Poltavka), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lysenko, N.
- Folder 36: Solntse skrylos' za goroiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 37: Solntse skrylos' za goroiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 38: Solntse, solntse vstaet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chesnokov, P.
- Folder 39: Solntse vskhodit i zakhodit (Na dnie), 1905

- Composer/Arranger: Shteinberg, M., arr.
- Folder 40: Solntse vskhodit i zakhodit (Na dnie) (Sonne wandert auf.), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shteinberg, M., arr.
- Folder 41: Solnyshko, undated

- Folder 42: Solnyshko, undated

- Folder 43: Solnyshko, solnyshko, undated

- Folder 44: Solnyshko zakhodit, undated

- Folder 45: Solokha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kaufman, L., arr.
- Folder 46: Solovei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aliab'ev, A.
- Folder 47: Solovei (Die Nachtigall), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aliab'ev
- Folder 48: Solovei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tchaikovsky
- Folder 49: Solovei budimirovich (Legend of Young Nightingale), undated

- Folder 50: Solovei moi soloveiushka, undated

- Folder 51: Solovei-soloveiushko, undated

- Folder 52: Solovei-soloveiushko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stoliar, Ia.
- Folder 53: Soloveiko, undated

- Folder 54: Solov'em zaletnym, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Antsev, M., arr.
- Folder 55: Solov'esa, undated

- Folder 56: Solov'i, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-dedoi
- Folder 57: Solov'i, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-dedoi
- Folder 58: Solov'i poiut, zalivaiutsia, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Martynov, E.
- Folder 59: Solov'inaia roshcha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 60: Solov'inaia roshcha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 61: Solov'inaia roshcha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 62: Somnenie (Doubt), 1949

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 63: Somnenie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 64: Song of the Partisans (see Po dolinam i po vzgor'iam), undated

- Folder 65: Sontse nizenko (The Setting Sun), undated

- Folder 66: Sontse nizenko, undated

- Folder 67: Sontse nizenko (The Sun is Low), undated

- Folder 68: Sormovskaia liricheskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 69: Sosny, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levi
- Folder 70: Sovetskii prostoi chelovek (The Plain Soviet Man), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kruchinin, V.
- Folder 71: Sovsiem chuzhie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozarovskii, B.
- Folder 72: Sozhzhennyi Belgrad (Noch' nad Belgradom), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 73: Spasibo za sluzhbu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskaia, E.
- Folder 74: Spat' meni ne khochet'sia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kaufman, N., arr.
- Folder 75: Speshu k tebe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Efremov, V.
- Folder 76: Spi, ditia moe, usni, undated

- Folder 77: Spi ditiaiko, pochivai, undated

- Folder 78: Spi, mladenets (Cossack Cradle Song), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 79: Spi mladenets (Kosakisches Wiegenlied), undated

- Folder 80: Spi, mladenets, undated

- Folder 81: Spi, moe biednoe serdtse, undated

- Folder 82: Spi, moia pechal'naia?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tolstoi, gr. (?)
- Folder 83: Spi, moia pechal'naia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tolstoi, gr. (?)
- Folder 84: Spiashchaia kniazhna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borodin, A.
- Folder 85: Spiat kurgany temnye (Bol'shaia zhizn'), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 86: Spite, orly boevye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kornilov, N.
- Folder 87: Spivaiu, spivaiu, undated

- Folder 88: S'pivanochky moi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Siadai, Ch., arr.
- Folder 89: Spoi mne pesniu tsiganskuiu (Sing To Me), 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Fomin, B.
- Folder 90: Spokoinoi nochi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dluskii, E.
- Folder 91: Sportivnyi marsh (Vratar'), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 92: Spozh mne, rodimaia, pesniu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tudeman, K.
- Folder 93: Spuskaetsia solntse, undated

- Folder 94: Sred' shumnogo bala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tchaikovsky
- Folder 95: Sred' shumnogo bala (By Chance in the Ballroom), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tchaikovsky
- Box 41

- Folder 1: Sredi doliny rovnye, undated

- Folder 2: Sredi doliny rovnye (In the Valley), undated

- Folder 3: sredi doliny rovnyia, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Vil'boa, K., arr.
- Folder 4: Sredi doliny rovnyia (Amidst a valley), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 5: Sredi doliny rovnyia, undated

- Folder 6: Sredi doliny rovnyia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 7: Sredi doliny rovnyia (Dort oben an des Hugels Rand), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Seifert, W.
- Folder 8: Sredi doliny rovnyia, undated

- Folder 9: Sredi doliny rovnyia (Ein Eichbaum steht), undated

- Folder 10: Sredi lesov i polia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aliakrinskii, S.
- Folder 11: Srok pridet - ispolnitsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mosolov, A.
- Folder 12: Sronila kolechko, undated

- Folder 13: Stado, undated

- Folder 14: Stakanchiki granennye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B., arr.
- Folder 15: Stan' takim, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarkovskii, A.
- Folder 16: Stanem-ka, zhenushka, domik nazhivat', undated

- Folder 17: Stantsiia snegiri, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-sedoi, V.
- Folder 18: Staraia derevnia (Rodina), undated

- Folder 19: Starina-Ural, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 20: Starinka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kastal'skii, A., arr.
- Folder 21: Starinnye Viatskie chastushki, undated

- Folder 22: Starinnyi val's, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, N.
- Folder 23: Starinnyi val's (Ia pomniu val'sa svuk prelestnyi), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, N.
- Folder 24: Starinnyi val's (Ia pomniu val'sa svuk prelestnyi), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rik, Iu., arr.
- Folder 25: Starye pis'ma, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rozenfel'd, E.
- Folder 26: Starye slova (Eto sil'nee menia), 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 27: Staryi dvor, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Poklad, I.
- Folder 28: Staryi marsh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liabov, L.
- Folder 29: Staryi muzh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Verstovskii, A.
- Folder 30: Staryi Park, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 31: Staryi Park, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 32: Sten'ka Razin, undated

- Folder 33: Sten'ka Razin, undated

- Folder 34: Sten'ka Razin - Iz-za ostrova na strezhen', undated

- Folder 35: Sten'ka Razin (Auf der Wolga breiten Fluten), undated

- Folder 36: Sten'ka Razin (Sten'ka Razin et la Princesse), undated

- Folder 37: Sten'ka Razin (Stenka Rasin), undated

- Folder 38: Sten'ka Razin (Stenka Razin), undated

- Folder 39: Sten'ka Razin (Stenka Razin), undated

- Folder 40: Sten'ka Razin - Iz-za ostrova na strezhen', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, B., arr.
- Folder 41: Sten'ka Razin - Iz-za ostrova na strezhen', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Egorov, A., arr.
- Folder 42: Sten'ka Razin - Iz-za ostrova na strezhen', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Romanov, B., arr.
- Folder 43: Sten'ka Razin 2, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kastal'skii, A., arr.
- Folder 44: Sten'ka Razin i kniazhna, undated

- Folder 45: Step da step krugom, undated

- Folder 46: Step da step krugom, undated

- Folder 47: Step da step krugom, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, B., arr.
- Folder 48: Step da step krugom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kulikov, P., arr.
- Folder 49: Step da step krugom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rechmenskii, N., arr.
- Folder 50: Step da step krugom?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zhivstov, A., arr.
- Folder 51: Stoiali koni ubranye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 52: Stoiali koni ubranye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 53: Stoialo tut kosovo derevo, undated

- Folder 54: Stoiat devchonki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolker, A.
- Folder 55: Stoit' gora visokaia (A High Mountain Stands), undated

- Folder 56: Stoit' iavir nad vodoiu, undated

- Folder 57: Stoit iavir nad vodoiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gulak-Artemovskii, C.
- Folder 58: Stoit' iavir nad vodoiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevich, B., arr.
- Folder 59: Stoit' ropa visokaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gnatishin, A., arr.
- Folder 60: Stoiu na polustanochke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kataev, I.
- Folder 61: Stoiu pod popolem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frenkel', Ia.
- Folder 62: Stonet sizyi golubochek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vorotnikov, P., arr.
- Folder 63: Stonet, stonet, sizyi golubochek, undated

- Folder 64: Storona moia, storonushka, undated

- Folder 65: Storonka rodnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 66: Stradan'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popov, E.
- Folder 67: Stradan'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vasilenko, S.
- Folder 68: Strizhi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarkovskii, A.
- Folder 69: Stroim BAM, 1975

- Composer/Arranger: Binkin, Z.
- Folder 70: Struny rydanet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Folder 71: Stydlivaia chainaia roza, 1928

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Box 42

- Folder 1: Sukhoi by ia korochkoi pitalas', undated

- Folder 2: Sukhoi by ia korochkoi pitalas', undated

- Folder 3: Suliko, undated

- Folder 4: Suliko, undated

- Folder 5: Suliko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Megrelidze, A., arr.
- Folder 6: Sumerki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kharito, N.
- Folder 7: Sumrak nochi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Arkhangel'skii, A.
- Folder 8: Sumrak nochi pal ne zemli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Arkhangel'skii, A.
- Folder 9: Svad'ba, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsimbor, Iu.
- Folder 10: Sverchok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iordanskii, M.
- Folder 11: Svet v tvoem okne (Gushchak iz Rio-de-Zhanein), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chervinskii, N.
- Folder 12: Svet-Annushka sozyvala devushek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 13: Svet-Ivan, on luzhochkom idet, undated

- Folder 14: Svetit mesiats, undated

- Folder 15: Svetit mesiats (Scheint der Mond), undated

- Folder 16: Svetit mesiats (Es scheint der Mond), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maliukov, A., arr.
- Folder 17: Svetit mesiats, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A., arr.
- Folder 18: Svetlaia nadezhda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, A.
- Folder 19: Svetlaia nadezhda, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, A.
- Folder 20: Svezh i dushist tvoi roskoshnye venok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Diubiuk, A.
- Folder 21: Sviashchennaia voina (The Sacred War), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A.
- Folder 22: Sviashchennaia voina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A.
- Folder 23: Svidan'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prigozhii, Ia.
- Folder 24: Svidanie, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P.
- Folder 25: Svidanie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zhurbin, A.
- Folder 26: Svietit miesiats, undated

- Folder 27: Svietit miesiats, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nikolaev, N., arr.
- Folder 28: Syn Rossii, undated

- Folder 29: Ta boliat' ruchky, undated

- Folder 30: Ta zabilili snihi, undated

- Folder 31: Tabor nash spit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dimitrievich, I.
- Folder 32: Tabor nash spit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dimitrievich, I.
- Folder 33: Tabor nash spit (L'Amour du Tzigane), 1939

- Composer/Arranger: Dimitrievich, I.
- Folder 34: Tabor nash spit (L'Amour du Tzigane), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dimitrievich, I.
- Folder 35: Tabor skrylsia, undated

- Folder 36: Tachanka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, K
- Folder 37: Taezhnye dali, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shafrannikov
- Folder 38: Tai orav muzhyk, undated

- Folder 39: Taiga zolotaia (Taiga zolotaia), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pushkov, V.
- Folder 40: Taiga zolotaia (Taiga zolotaia), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pushkov, V.
- Folder 41: Tak i byt', tsielui!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rostovtsev, M.
- Folder 42: Tak povelos' (Pesni moria), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 43: Tak zhizn' molodaia prokhodit bezsmedno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Malashkin, L.
- Folder 44: Takaia korotkaia dolgaia zhizn', 1975

- Composer/Arranger: Levitin, Iu.
- Folder 45: Taku mam pasiiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popovich, G., arr.
- Folder 46: Talaia voda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanov, O.
- Folder 47: Talisman, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Titov, N.
- Folder 48: Tam bubna zvon, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lentev, A.
- Folder 49: Tam, daleko - daleko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Garin, L.
- Folder 50: Tam, de iatran' kryto v'et'cia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iorish, V., arr.
- Folder 51: Tam na hor snih bilen'kyi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevich, B., arr.
- Folder 52: Tam v gorakh Karpatakh (Tam w gorach karpatach), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khakhai, T., arr.
- Folder 53: Tam, vdali, za cinim morem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bendorius, N., arr.
- Folder 54: Tam, za rechkoi, undated

- Folder 55: Tam, za rechkoi, undated

- Folder 56: Tango Band (Tango Girl), 1942

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G.
- Folder 57: Tantsovala, a ne znala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popovich, G., arr.
- Folder 58: Tantsui, tantsui, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kibal'chik (?)
- Folder 59: Tarantella (Andzhelo), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kiui, Ts.
- Folder 60: Taratorki, undated

- Folder 61: Tashchim balku po lesku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vasil'ev-Buglai, arr.
- Folder 62: Tat'iana (Normandiia-Neman), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shchedrin, R.
- Folder 63: Tebia liubit', obniat' i plakat' nad toboi, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Shiriaev, N.
- Folder 64: Tebia nenavizhu?liubliu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stivinskii, S.
- Folder 65: Tebia net so mnoiu (Deep In My Heart), 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Fomeen, B.
- Folder 66: Tebia zdies' niet', no ty so mnoi, undated

- Folder 67: Teche richka nevelychka, undated

- Folder 68: Teche richka nevelychka, undated

- Folder 69: Teche riechka nevelychka, undated

- Folder 70: Teche voda kolomutna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khakkai, T., arr.
- Folder 71: Techet Volga (Techet Volga), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 72: Techet Volga (The Volga Flows), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 73: Techet Volga, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 74: Temnaia noch' (Dva boitsa), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 75: Temnaia noch' (Dva boitsa), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 76: Temnaia noch' (Dva boitsa), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 77: Temnaia noch' (Dark Night) (Two Soldiers), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 78: Temno-vishnevaia shal', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Podol'skii, V., arr.
- Folder 79: Temno-vishnevaia shal', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Podol'skii, V., arr.
- Folder 80: Temno-vishnevaia shal' (Vishnevaia shal'), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rassin, Ia., arr.
- Folder 81: Ten'-ten', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalinnikov, V.
- Folder 82: Teni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 83: Teni minuvshego (Shadows Reflecting), 1932

- Composer/Arranger: Charito, N.
- Folder 84: Teni minuvshego, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Charito, N.
- Box 43

- Folder 1: Teremok, 1911

- Composer/Arranger: Rik, Iu.
- Folder 2: The Three Gifts (Posmotrite-ka dobrye liudy), undated

- Folder 3: Through the Hills and Vales (Partizanskaia), 1942

- Composer/Arranger: Atuov
- Folder 4: Tigorki-matigorki, undated

- Folder 5: Tik-tak, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Karov, K.
- Folder 6: Tikhii chas, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Starokadomskii, M.
- Folder 7: Tikhiia, lunnyia nochi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mutsenko, L.
- Folder 8: Tikho, tak tikho, undated

- Folder 9: Tikho, tak tikho, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Perrotte, M.
- Folder 10: Tikho vse, 1967

- Composer/Arranger: Tolstoi, T.
- Folder 11: Tikho, vse tikho, undated

- Folder 12: Tikho, vse tikho, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sadovskii, F.
- Folder 13: Tikho, vse tikho, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sadovskii, F.
- Folder 14: Tishina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kashevarov, S.
- Folder 15: Tishina v gorodke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 16: To bylo ranneiu vesnoi (When Spring Was in the Air), 1951

- Composer/Arranger: Tchaikovsky, P.
- Folder 17: To li verti', to li net?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kravchenko, B.
- Folder 18: To ne veter vetky klonit?, undated

- Folder 19: To ne vieter vietku klonit, undated

- Folder 20: To ne veter vetku klonit? (Nicht der Wind rauscht), undated

- Folder 21: To ne veter vetku klonit?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sverkov, E., arr.
- Folder 22: To ne vieter?, undated

- Folder 23: To ne vieter vietku klonit, undated

- Folder 24: To ne vieter vietku klonit (The Bending Branch), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sooka, Igor
- Folder 25: To ne vieter vietku klonit (Nicht der Wind rauscht), undated

- Folder 26: To ne vieter vietku klonit (Tisn't the stir of wind?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 27: To ne vieter vietku klonit (The Bending Branch), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Soroka, Igor
- Folder 28: Tobol-reka, undated

- Folder 29: Tol'ko raz byvaiut vstrechi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fomin, B.
- Folder 30: Tol'ko ty molchi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 31: Toni-zhe zhizn' moia pechal'naia (In the Wine), 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G.
- Folder 32: Tonkaia riabina, undated

- Folder 33: Tonkaia riabina, undated

- Folder 34: Tonkaia riabina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, Iu., arr.
- Folder 35: Tonkaia riabina, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Mironov, N., arr.
- Folder 36: Tonkaia riabina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Strannoliubskii, B., arr.
- Folder 37: Tonkaia riabina, 1946

- Composer/Arranger: Volkov, V., arr.
- Folder 38: Topolia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 39: Toska po rodine, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanova, N.
- Folder 40: Toska po rodinie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Darmarov, A.
- Folder 41: Totemski Chastushki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A., arr.
- Folder 42: Tovarishch, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanov, O.
- Folder 43: Tovarishch gitara, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 44: Tovarishch truba, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Makhliankin, V.
- Folder 45: Tpru, tpru, tpru, undated

- Folder 46: Trara, trara, trara, undated

- Folder 47: Travushka - muravushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 48: Travushka - muravushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fomin, B., arr.
- Folder 49: Travy, travy?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 50: Travy, travy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 51: Treib, Kutscher, die Pferde nicht an! (Iamshchik ne goni), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Feldmann, J.
- Folder 52: Trekhstrunochka zadornaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Boiko, R.
- Folder 53: Tren', bren', balalaika (Strum Strum Balalaika), 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G.
- Folder 54: Tret'iakovskie pripevki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Beliaev, V., arr.
- Folder 55: Tret'iakovskie pripevki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Beliaev, V., arr.
- Folder 56: Tri goda ty mne snilas'?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 57: Tri tankista, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, Dan. & Dm.
- Folder 58: Tri val'sa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsfasman, A.
- Folder 59: Troika, undated

- Folder 60: Troika, 1903

- Folder 61: Troika, 1920

- Folder 62: Troika, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogatyrev, P.
- Folder 63: Troika, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P.
- Folder 64: Troika, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P., arr.
- Folder 65: Troika mchitsia, undated

- Folder 66: Troika mchitsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov
- Folder 67: Tropinka v proshloe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zatsarnyi, Iu.
- Folder 68: Tropinushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kovalev & Semenov, arr.
- Folder 69: Tsarskosel'skaia statuia (Statue of Tsarskoye Selo), 1949

- Composer/Arranger: Cui, C.
- Folder 70: Tseplynia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanov, V.
- Folder 71: Tsuka, undated

- Folder 72: Tsveli, tsveli tsvetiki, undated

- Folder 73: Tsveli, tsveli v pole tsvetochki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A., arr.
- Folder 74: Tsvetnye ogon'ki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gevorkian, Iu.
- Folder 75: Tsvieli, tsvieli tsvietiki, undated

- Box 44

- Folder 1: Tsygane (Gypsy Dance - Gypsies), 1946

- Composer/Arranger: Rutin, J.
- Folder 2: Tsygane! Ukh! Tsigane, undated

- Folder 3: Tsyganka, undated

- Folder 4: Tsyganka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mar'ianovskii, M.
- Folder 5: Tsyganskaia shal' Shake That Tambourine, 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G.
- Folder 6: Tsyganskoe Tango (Gypsy Charms), 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G.
- Folder 7: Tuchi nad gorodom vstali (Chelovek s rysh'em), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Armand, P.
- Folder 8: Tuchki nebesnye, 1913

- Composer/Arranger: Krylov, P.
- Folder 9: Tuman iarom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gl., A., arr.
- Folder 10: Tuman, tuman? (Khronika pikiruiushchevo?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolker, A.
- Folder 11: Tuman, tuman pri doline, undated

- Folder 12: Tumanno, tumanno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Steinberg, M.
- Folder 13: Turu, turu pastushok, undated

- Folder 14: Tu-sa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shishkin, N.
- Folder 15: Tu-sa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shishkin, N.
- Folder 16: Tverzhe shag, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bakalov, L.
- Folder 17: Tvoi otets, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dolukhanian, A.
- Folder 18: Tvoi shelkovye kudry, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakov, P.
- Folder 19: Ty balval (Ty, veter), undated

- Folder 20: Ty detinushka, sirotinushka, undated

- Folder 21: Ty dogadaisia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ptichkin, E.
- Folder 22: Ty dubrova moia dubrovushka, undated

- Folder 23: Ty govorish' mne o liubvi (Tri dnia v Moskve), 1975

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 24: Ty i ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 25: Ty ishchi menia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dubravin, Ia.
- Folder 26: Ty krylataia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Biriukov, Iu.
- Folder 27: Ty li, ia li, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nikitin, V.
- Folder 28: Ty, ly, ly, Ivanku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Burgor, M., arr.
- Folder 29: Ty mnie lgala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sokolovskii, ?
- Folder 30: Ty moe utro, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vrangel', V.
- Folder 31: Ty - moia otrada, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khanka, E.
- Folder 32: Ty molila liubvi i vniman'ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fon Ritter, A.
- Folder 33: Ty ne khodi za mnoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aedonitskii, Iu.
- Folder 34: Ty ne pechal'sia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tariveriev, M.
- Folder 35: Ty ne stoi, ne stoi, kolodets, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 36: Ty nuzhen mne, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Garin, L.
- Folder 37: Ty ob chem, mal'chik, toskuesh', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 38: Ty otvergla menia?ia molchu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drizo, L.
- Folder 39: Ty pazdol'e moe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vasilenko, S., arr.
- Folder 40: Ty pchela li, moia pchelyn'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N.
- Folder 41: Ty, pchela moia, pchelon'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N.
- Folder 42: Ty podi, moia korovushka domoi, undated

- Folder 43: Ty podi, moia korovushka domoi, undated

- Folder 44: Ty podi, moia korovushka domoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 45: Ty pomnish' li, nad morem my sideli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kochetova, A.
- Folder 46: Ty pomnish' li, nad morem my sideli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kochetova, A.
- Folder 47: Ty prinesla poslednie tsvety, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iakobson, M.
- Folder 48: Ty reka l' moea, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 49: Ty riabinushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kastal'skii, ? Arr.
- Folder 50: Ty, Rossiia moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 51: Ty, Rossiia moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 52: Ty, Rossiia, odna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Akimov, K.
- Folder 53: Ty rozy posadi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iskandarov, A.
- Folder 54: Ty shagai, spartakiada, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fattakh, A.
- Folder 55: Ty skazhi, skazhi Volgamatushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 56: Ty, solovushko, umolkni, undated

- Folder 57: Ty uspokoi menia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bertinskii, ?
- Folder 58: Ty v serdtse vsegda u menia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kompaneets, E.
- Folder 59: Ty vospoi v sadu, soloveika, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kliuev, V., arr.
- Folder 60: Ty vospoi, vospoi mlad zhavoronochik, undated

- Folder 61: Ty voz'mi menia s soboi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khanka, E.
- Folder 62: Ty vstrechai menia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frenkel', Ia.
- Folder 63: Ty vzoidi solntse krasnoe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, arr.
- Folder 64: Ty vzoidi, vzoidi, solntse krasnoe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalinnikov, V., arr.
- Folder 65: Ty vzoidi, vzoidi, solntse krasnoe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Musorgskii, M. arr.
- Folder 66: Ty vzoidi, vzoidi, solntse Krasnoe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 67: Ty zachem menia zavlek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Moskalev, I., arr.
- Folder 68: Ty zaria l' moia, zaria, zoriushka voskhozhaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 69: Ty zaria li moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, arr.
- Folder 70: Ty, zaria li moia, zoiushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasnogliadovaia, V., arr.
- Folder 71: Tykho nad richkoiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lenskii, A., arr.
- Folder 72: Tykho, tykho Dunai vodu nese, undated

- Folder 73: U dorodnova dobrova molodtsa, undated

- Folder 74: U dushechki u krasnoi u devitsy, undated

- Folder 75: U horakh Karpatakh?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevyc, B., arr.
- Folder 76: U kamina (Am Kamin), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Batorin, P.
- Folder 77: U kamina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Batorin, P.
- Folder 78: U kamina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Batorin, P.
- Folder 79: U kamina, 1923

- Composer/Arranger: Batorin, P.
- Folder 80: U kamina (Am Kamin), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iu. P., arr.
- Folder 81: U Katen'ki riezvushki, undated

- Box 45

- Folder 1: U kolodtsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cherniavskii, A.
- Folder 2: U menia li muzh vodop'ianitsa, undated

- Folder 3: U menia-l' vo sadochke, undated

- Folder 4: U menia-l' vo sadochke, undated

- Folder 5: U menia-l' vo sadochke, undated

- Folder 6: U menia-l' vo sadochke, undated

- Folder 7: U menia-l' vo sadochke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 8: U menia muzh ryzhii byl, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Efimov, V.
- Folder 9: U moei u Klavy miloi, undated

- Folder 10: U moei u Klavy miloi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev, Iu., arr.
- Folder 11: U moruchevo duba, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, V.
- Folder 12: U nas na BAM'e (sic), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kutuzov, N.
- Folder 13: U nas v okruge, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lobachev, G., arr.
- Folder 14: U nediliu rano, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Oprishka, M., arr.
- Folder 15: U polustanka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharkovskii, E.
- Folder 16: U soldata vse naidetsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ptichkin, E.
- Folder 17: U susida khata bila, undated

- Folder 18: U susida khata bila, undated

- Folder 19: U tikhago moria, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cherniavskii, A.
- Folder 20: U timoshi kudri v'itsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Slonov, Iu.
- Folder 21: U vorot devka stoit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lobachev, arr.
- Folder 22: U vorot devka stoit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 23: U vorot, vorot batiushkinykh (Am Tor, am Vaterlishen tor), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Balakirev, arr.
- Folder 24: U vorot, vorot batiushkinykh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalinnikov, V., arr.
- Folder 25: U vorot, vorot batiushkinykh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Musorgskii, M., arr.
- Folder 26: U vorot, vorot, vorot, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Romanov, B., arr.
- Folder 27: U vorot, vorot, vorot shirokik, undated

- Folder 28: U zari-to, u zoren'ki, undated

- Folder 29: U zari-to, u zoren'ki, undated

- Folder 30: U zari-to, u zoren'ki, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Nemirovskii, Ia., arr.
- Folder 31: U zari-to, u zoren'ki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Strannoliubskii, V., arr.
- Folder 32: Ubiitsy khodiat po zemle, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 33: Uchis' liudei liubit'!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 34: Ugolok, undated

- Folder 35: Ugolok, 1906

- Composer/Arranger: Sartinskii-Bei, D.
- Folder 36: Ugolok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shteiman, S.
- Folder 37: Ugolok Rossii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 38: Ukazhi mne takuiu obitel', undated

- Folder 39: Ukazhi mne takuiu obitel', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zverkov, E., arr.
- Folder 40: Ukazhi mnie takuiu obitel', undated

- Folder 41: Ukhar'-kupets (Der lustige Kaufmann), undated

- Folder 42: Ukhar-kupets, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Elin, G., arr.
- Folder 43: Ukhar'-kupets, 1905

- Composer/Arranger: Iuriev, E., arr.
- Folder 44: Ukhodi!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.
- Folder 45: Ulichnaia Pesnia (Street Song), 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G.
- Folder 46: Ulitsa shirokaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A., arr.
- Folder 47: Ulitsa, ty ulitsa shirokaia moia, undated

- Folder 48: Ulitsa, ulitsa?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Diubiuk, A.
- Folder 49: Ulitsa, ulitsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Diubiuk, A.
- Folder 50: Ulitsa, ulitsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Diubiuk, A.
- Folder 51: Ulitsa, ulitsa shirokaia moia, undated

- Folder 52: Ulitsa, ulitsa shirokaia moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Diubiuk, A.
- Folder 53: Ulybaisia!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 54: Ulybka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bogoslovskii, N.
- Folder 55: Ulybka (Kroshka Enot), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 56: Ulybka (Kroshka Enot), 1975

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 57: Ulybka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 58: Ulybka Il'icha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivannikov, V.
- Folder 59: Umchalisia goda, 1948

- Composer/Arranger: Kashevarov
- Folder 60: Umirali rozy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sabinin, V.
- Folder 61: Umirali tsvety, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borisov, B.
- Folder 62: Umirali v bokale tsvety, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Berezovskii
- Folder 63: Umorilas' (Ia na gorku shla), 1939

- Folder 64: Umorilas' (Ia na gorku shla), undated

- Folder 65: Umorilas' (Ia na gorku shla), undated

- Folder 66: Umorilas' (Ia na gorku shla) (Auf den Berg ich ging), undated

- Folder 67: Ural'skaia riabinushka (The Ural Rowan Tree), undated

- Folder 68: Ural'skaia riabinushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rodygin, E.
- Folder 69: Ural'skaia riabinushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rodygin, E.
- Folder 70: Ural'skaia riabinushka (Ebereshe im Ural), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rodygin, E.
- Folder 71: Ural'skaia riabinushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rodygin, E.
- Folder 72: Ural'skaia riabinushka (Rowan-tree of the Urals), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rodygin, E.
- Folder 73: Ural'skaia riabinushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rodygin, E.
- Folder 74: Ural'skie stradaniia, undated

- Folder 75: Urolidas' ia, kak bylinka v pole, undated

- Folder 76: Ushla divchatko, undated

- Folder 77: Uslysh' menia, khoroshaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solovoi-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 78: Uslysh' moiu pesniu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, B.
- Folder 79: Uslysh moiu pesniu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Muradeli, V.
- Folder 80: Usnuli golybye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 81: Usnut' ? umeret', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mishel', M.
- Folder 82: Uspokoi menia nespokoinogo (Ia liubliu tebia, bez uma ?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sabinin, V.
- Folder 83: Usta moi molchat, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bleikhman, Iu.
- Folder 84: Utenushka lugovaia, 1928

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksadrov, A., arr.
- Box 46

- Folder 1: Utes, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A., arr.
- Folder 2: Utochka, undated

- Folder 3: Utoli moi pechali, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolker, A.
- Folder 4: Utrennii veter, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Matveev, M.
- Folder 5: Utro tumannoe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abaza, V.
- Folder 6: Utro tumannoe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abaza, V.
- Folder 7: Utro tumannoe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abaza, V.
- Folder 8: Utro tumannoe, 1967

- Composer/Arranger: Abaza, V.
- Folder 9: Utro tumannoe, utro siedoe (Aus dichtem Nebelmeer steigt?), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abaza, V.
- Folder 10: Uvial tsvetok, 1926

- Composer/Arranger: Cherniavskii, A.
- Folder 11: Uvy! Zachem ona blistaet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aliab'ev, A.
- Folder 12: Uzh em pooral, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V., arr.
- Folder 13: Uzh i ia li moloda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nekrasov, arr.
- Folder 14: Uzh i kto zh u nas bol'shoi, nabol'shoi, undated

- Folder 15: Uzh i kto zh u nas bol'shoi, nabol'shoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 16: Uzh ia zoloto khoroniu, undated

- Folder 17: Uzh ia zoloto khoroniu, undated

- Folder 18: Uzh ia zoloto khoroniu, undated

- Folder 19: Uzh ia zoloto khoroniu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 20: Uzh ia zoloto khoroniu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Koposov, A., arr.
- Folder 21: Uzh kak pal tuman?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Golovanov, N., arr.
- Folder 22: Uzh kak po moriu, undated

- Folder 23: Uzh kak po mostu, mostochku, undated

- Folder 24: Uzh kak po mostu, mostu, undated

- Folder 25: Uzh kak shchuka-to shla iz Novagoroda, undated

- Folder 26: Uzh kak shel kuznets, undated

- Folder 27: Uzh kak slava solntsu vysokomu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Orlov, V., arr.
- Folder 28: Uzh kak zloe-to koren'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 29: Uzh kak zvali molodtsa, undated

- Folder 30: Uzh my seiali, seiali lenok, undated

- Folder 31: Uzh ty goi, esi ty, more?, 1954

- Composer/Arranger: Shtreikher, L., arr.
- Folder 32: Uzh ty, niva moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rakhmaninov, S.
- Folder 33: Uzh ty, pole moe, undated

- Folder 34: Uzh ty, pole moe, pole chistoe, undated

- Folder 35: Uzh ty, sad, undated

- Folder 36: Uzh ty, sad (Ty moi sad), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gedike, A., arr.
- Folder 37: Uzh ty Sema, Simeon, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gedike, A., arr.
- Folder 38: Uzh ty, step', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maslov, F., arr.
- Folder 39: Uzh ty Vania, Vaniushka, undated

- Folder 40: Uzh ty, Van'ka, prignis', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 41: Uzh vy, moi vetry, undated

- Folder 42: Uzh vy, moi vetry, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popov, S., arr.
- Folder 43: Uzh vy, moi vetry, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popov, S., arr.
- Folder 44: Uzh vy vetry, veterochki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popov, S., arr.
- Folder 45: Uzh zharko v tereme, undated

- Folder 46: Uznik, undated

- Folder 47: V alleiakh parka tishina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Barybin, E.
- Folder 48: V belykh prostorakh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 49: V bleskie chudnykh goriashchik ochakh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zlobin, A.
- Folder 50: V chas rokovoi, undated

- Folder 51: V chas vechirnii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dudka, F.
- Box 53

- Folder 95: V chetyrekh stenax (Within Four Walls), 1949

- Composer/Arranger: Moussorgsky, M.
- Folder 52: V chistom pole, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zakharov, V.
- Folder 53: V chistom pole za rekoi, undated

- Folder 54: V den' rozhdeniia, 1958

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 55: V den' rozhdeniia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 56: V derevne bylo ol'khovke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 57: V dolyni kalyna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dovgoliuk, F.
- Folder 58: V gorakh grim gude, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevich, B., arr.
- Folder 59: V gorakh grim gude!, undated

- Folder 60: V Kintsi grebli shumliat' verby, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Boichenok, P.
- Folder 61: V krovi gorit ogon' zhelan'ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nasonov, V.
- Folder 62: V kuzne, undated

- Folder 63: V kuzne, undated

- Folder 64: V lesu pod Mozhaiskom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Agafonov, O.
- Folder 65: V lesu pod Mozhaiskom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Agafonov, O.
- Folder 66: V lesu prifrontovom, 1947

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 67: V lesu prifrontovom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 68: V letnii den', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miliutin, Iu.
- Folder 69: V lodke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 70: V minutu zhizni trudnuiu, undated

- Folder 71: V nashem klube, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tikhonov, B.
- Folder 72: V nashem pole khleba, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Il'in, I., arr.
- Folder 73: V pesniakh ostanemsia my, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 74: V pole na prigorke, undated

- Folder 75: V pole, u lesochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rudenko, V.
- Folder 76: V polnom razgare strada derevenskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kutuzov, N.
- Box 53

- Folder 98: V polusnie (Revery), 1920

- Composer/Arranger: Arensky, A.
- Folder 77: V primorskom gorode, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sorokin, V.
- Folder 78: V put', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 79: V put', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Schubert, F.
- Folder 80: V rechke kamennoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iakusheva, A.
- Folder 81: V reke bezhit gremuchii val, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vil'boa, K.
- Box 47

- Folder 1: V sadike sestry, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vitol, Ia.
- Folder 2: V Samarkand, undated

- Folder 3: V serdtse segodnia vesna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S.
- Folder 4: V serdtse u menia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 5: V slavnom gorode Pereiaslave, undated

- Folder 6: V staroi derevne, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dzhilkinson, Dera, Miller
- Folder 7: V syrom boru tropina, undated

- Folder 8: V syrom boru tropina, undated

- Folder 9: V syrom boru tropina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninov, A.
- Folder 10: V temnom liesie, undated

- Folder 11: V teni zadumchivogo sada, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Linskii, K.
- Folder 12: V vozdukhe ptichka poet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rebikov, V.
- Folder 13: V zashchitu mira!, 1949

- Composer/Arranger: Belyi, V.
- Folder 14: V zemlianke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, K.
- Folder 15: V zemlianke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, K.
- Folder 16: V zemlianke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Listov, K.
- Folder 17: Valdai, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stempnevskii, S.
- Folder 18: Valdai, moi Valdai, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Titov, A.
- Folder 19: Valenki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Slonov, Iu., arr.
- Folder 20: Val's na trombone, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 21: Val's o val'se, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 22: Val's o val'se, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 23: Val's ozhidanie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lepin, A.
- Folder 24: Vam deviatnadtsat'let, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozarovskii, B.
- Folder 25: Vania, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dolukhanian, A.
- Folder 26: Van'ka-Tan'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dargomyzhskii, A.
- Folder 27: Van'ka-Vstan'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ptichkin, E.
- Folder 28: Variag, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A.
- Folder 29: Variag, 1977

- Folder 30: Variag, undated

- Folder 31: Variag, undated

- Folder 32: Variag, undated

- Folder 33: Varshavianka, undated

- Folder 34: Vas liubit' ne khochu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iur'ev, E.
- Folder 35: Vasen'ka, 1887

- Composer/Arranger: Smirnov, A.
- Folder 36: Vasha zapiska, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Brodskii, N.
- Folder 37: Vasia-Vasilek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 38: Vasia-Vasilek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 39: Vasilechki, 1926

- Composer/Arranger: Cherniavskii, A.
- Folder 40: Vasilechki, 1927

- Composer/Arranger: Cherniavskii, A.
- Folder 41: Vasilechki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cherniavskii, A.
- Folder 42: Vasilechki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Cherniavskii, A.
- Folder 43: Vasilek (Die Kornblume), undated

- Folder 44: Vasilek, undated

- Folder 45: Vasilek, undated

- Folder 46: Vchera my vstretilis', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rakhmaninov, S., arr.
- Folder 47: Vchera ozhidala ia druga, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prigozhaiu, Ia.
- Folder 48: Vchera vas videla vo sne, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ziloti, S., arr.
- Folder 49: Vchera vas vidiel ia vo snie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ziloti, S., arr.
- Folder 50: Vchera vas vidiel ia vo snie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ziloti, S., arr.
- Folder 51: Vchera Vas vidiel ia vo snie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Panteleev, M., arr.
- Folder 52: Vchera vas vidiela vo snie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: R. L., arr.
- Folder 53: Vdaleke ot riazanskikh berez, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khachaturian, K.
- Folder 54: Vdali ot Rossii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 55: Vdol' da po rechke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Egorov, A., arr.
- Folder 56: Vdol' da po rechke, undated

- Folder 57: Vdol' da po rechke, vdol' da po Kazanke, undated

- Folder 58: Vdol' da po riechkie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 59: Vdol' da po riechkie (Auf der Kasanka), undated

- Folder 60: Vdol' da po riechkie, undated

- Folder 61: Vdol' da po riechkie, undated

- Folder 62: Vdol' derevni (Through the Village), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zakharov, V.
- Folder 63: Vdol' po Piterskoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Maliukov, A.
- Folder 64: Vdol' po Piterskoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shaliapin, Keneman, arr.
- Folder 65: Vdol' po Piterskoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Keneman, Shaliapin, arr.
- Folder 66: Vdol' po Piterskoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ruslanova, L., arr. ?
- Folder 67: Vdol' po Piterskoi (Along the Peterskaya Road), undated

- Folder 68: Vdol' po Piterskoi, po Tverskoi-Iamskoi, undated

- Folder 69: Vdol' po ulitse metelitsa metet, 1977

- Folder 70: Vdol' po ulitse metelitsa metet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 71: Vdol' po ulitse metelitsa metet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 72: Vdol' po ulitse metelitsa metet, undated

- Folder 73: Vdol' po ulitse metelitsa metet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 74: Vdol' po ulitsie molodets idet, undated

- Folder 75: Vdrug tebia vspominaiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stikhin, E.
- Box 48

- Folder 1: Vecher, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aliab'ev, A.
- Folder 2: Vecher, undated

- Folder 3: Vecher na reide, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 4: Vecher na reide, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 5: Vecher na reide, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Solov'ev-Sedoi, V.
- Folder 6: Vecher, pozdno iz liesochka, undated

- Folder 7: Vecher v taige, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chernyi, A.
- Folder 8: Vechera zabytye, 1925

- Composer/Arranger: Fomin, B.
- Folder 9: Vechera zabytye, undated

- Folder 10: Vecherkom krasna devitsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev, M., arr.
- Folder 11: Vecherkom krasna dievitsa, undated

- Folder 12: Vecherniaia pesn', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Taneev, S.
- Folder 13: Vecherniaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kodai, Z. (Kodaly?)
- Folder 14: Vechernii zvon, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanov, N.
- Folder 15: Vechernii zvon, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sveshnikov, A., arr.
- Folder 16: Vechernii zvon, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharov, S.
- Folder 17: Vechernii zvon (Abendglocken), undated

- Folder 18: Vechernii zvon, undated

- Folder 19: Vecherom sinim, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sviridov, G.
- Folder 20: Vechir nadvori, undated

- Folder 21: Vechnaia vesna, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tumanov, D.
- Folder 22: Vechor ia u milova pri milosti byla, undated

- Folder 23: Vechor pozdno iz liesochka, undated

- Folder 24: Vechornytsi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nishchinskii, P.
- Folder 25: Veisia, veisia, kapustka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Orlov, ?, arr.
- Folder 26: Veisia, veisia kapustka (Schliesze, schliesze dich), undated

- Folder 27: Velichal'naia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popatenko, T.
- Folder 28: Velichan'e (Svadebnaia), 1903

- Composer/Arranger: Brianskii, N.
- Folder 29: Velikii okean, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ptitsker, D.
- Folder 30: Venetsianskaia noch', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nasonov, V.
- Folder 31: Venok Dunaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 32: Venok Dunaia (Danube Garland), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 33: Verevochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gofman, G.
- Folder 34: Verkhovyno, svitku ty nash, 1980

- Composer/Arranger: Fuchila, J., arr.
- Folder 35: Verni mne muzyku, 1975

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 36: Vernis', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fomin, B. ?
- Folder 37: Vernis', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Denza, ?
- Folder 38: Vernis' v Sorrento, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kurtis, E.
- Folder 39: Vernost', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dmitriev, V.
- Folder 40: Vesel ia, vesel, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pozdniakov, G.
- Folder 41: Veselaia (La Folletta), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Markezi, S.
- Folder 42: Veselye gusi, undated

- Folder 43: Veselye gusi, undated

- Folder 44: Veselyi gnom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pechnikov, L.
- Folder 45: Veselyi marsh montazhnikov ("Vysota"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shchedrin, R.
- Folder 46: Veselyi zapevala - sovetskii parenek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 47: Vesenniaia, undated

- Folder 48: Vesenniaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Korganov, T.
- Folder 49: Vesennie ruch'i, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarkovskii, A.
- Folder 50: Vesennie vody, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rakhmaninov, S.
- Folder 51: Vesna, 1902

- Composer/Arranger: Grodskii, B.
- Folder 52: Vesna idet!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gil'dakh, E.
- Folder 53: Vesna, vesnianochka, undated

- Folder 54: Vesnoi duvushki guliali, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 55: Vesnoi sorok piatogo goda ("Vesna na Odere"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 56: Vesnoi Volga razol'etsia, undated

- Folder 57: Veter po moriu, undated

- Folder 58: Veter severnyi ("Bessonitsa"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frenkel', Ia.
- Folder 59: Vetka sireni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Voloshin, A.
- Folder 60: Vetka sireni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Voloshin, A.
- Folder 61: V'etsia lastochka sizokrylaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 62: V'etsia lastochka sizokrylaia, 1885

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 63: V'etsia lastochka sizokrylaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gurilev, A.
- Folder 64: Vid syn'oho Donu, undated

- Folder 65: Viernaia manernaia, undated

- Folder 66: Vieterochek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, N., arr.
- Folder 67: Vieterochek, 1904

- Composer/Arranger: Keil', B., arr.
- Folder 68: Vieterochek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: M.V.
- Folder 69: Viie viter, undated

- Folder 70: Viiut' vitry (Stormy Breezes), undated

- Folder 71: Viiut' vitry (The Winds Blow), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lysenko, N.
- Folder 72: Viiut' vitry, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lysenko, M.
- Folder 73: Vinograd v sadu tsvetet, undated

- Folder 74: Vinograd v sadu tsvetet, undated

- Folder 75: Vinogrda v sadu tsvetet, undated

- Box 49

- Folder 1: Vintovochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Davidenko, A.
- Folder 2: Vishni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sabadash, S.
- Folder 3: Vishnia, 1979

- Composer/Arranger: Manukov, R.
- Folder 4: Visla, undated

- Folder 5: V'iuga, v'iuga, v'iuga, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ponomarenko, G.
- Folder 6: V'iuga-trepak, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev, M.
- Folder 7: Vladimirskie stradan'ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A.
- Folder 8: Vmeste veselei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levashev, V.
- Folder 9: Vniz po matushke po Volge, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalinikov, V., arr.
- Folder 10: Vniz po matushke po Volge, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalinikov, V., arr.
- Folder 11: Vniz po matushke po Volge, undated

- Folder 12: Vniz po matushke po Volge, undated

- Folder 13: Vniz po matushke po Volge, undated

- Folder 14: Vniz po matushkie, undated

- Folder 15: Vniz po matushkie po Volgie (Down the Volga!), 1921

- Folder 16: Vniz po matushkie po Volgie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 17: Vniz po matushkie po Volgie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Brianskii, N., arr.
- Folder 18: Vniz po matushkie po Volgie (In der Wolga breitem Bette), undated

- Folder 19: Vniz po matushkie po Volgie, undated

- Folder 20: Vniz po matushkie po Volgie, undated

- Folder 21: Vniz po matushkie po Volgie, undated

- Folder 22: Vniz po Volge-reke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Avksent'ev, V.
- Folder 23: Vniz po Volge-reke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Slonov, Iu.
- Folder 24: Vniz po Volge-reke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Slonov, Iu.
- Folder 25: Vniz po Volge-reke (Down the Volga River), undated

- Folder 26: Vniz po Volge-reke, undated

- Folder 27: Vniz po Volge-reke, undated

- Folder 28: Vniz po Volgie, undated

- Folder 29: Vniz po Volgie riekie (Auf der Wolga kommt von Nischnij Nowgorod), undated

- Folder 30: Vniz po Volgie riekie, undated

- Folder 31: Vo Donskikh vo lesakh, undated

- Folder 32: Vo i bole nichego, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokhitonov, I.
- Folder 33: Vo kuznitse, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vishkarev, L.
- Folder 34: Vo kuznitse, undated

- Folder 35: Vo kuznitse, undated

- Folder 36: Vo kuznitsie (In der Schmiede), undated

- Folder 37: Vo kuznitsie, undated

- Folder 38: Vo lesochke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ushkarev, A., arr.
- Folder 39: Vo lesochke komarochkov mnogo urodilos', undated

- Folder 40: Vo lesochke komarochkov mnogo urodilos', undated

- Folder 41: Vo luziakh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 42: Vo luziakh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 43: Vo luziakh, undated

- Folder 44: Vo luziakh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 45: Vo luziakh, 1837

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, N., arr.
- Folder 46: Vo luziakh, undated

- Folder 47: Vo luziakh ia khodila, undated

- Folder 48: Vo luziakh vo luziakh, undated

- Folder 49: Vo piru byla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 50: Vo pole bereza stoiala, undated

- Folder 51: Vo pole bereza stoiala, undated

- Folder 52: Vo pole bereza stoiala, undated

- Folder 53: Vo pole bereza stoiala, undated

- Folder 54: Vo pole bereza stoiala, undated

- Folder 55: Vo pole berezon'ka stoiala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A., arr.
- Folder 56: Vo pole berezyn'ka stoiala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A., arr.
- Folder 57: Vo pole berezyn'ka stoiala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev, M.
- Folder 58: Vo polie bereza stoiala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 59: Vo polie bereza stoiala (Stand ein Birkenbaum), undated

- Folder 60: Vo polie bereza stoiala, undated

- Folder 61: Vo polie bereza stoiala, undated

- Folder 62: Vo polie bereza stoiala, undated

- Folder 63: Vo polie berezon'ka udriavaia stoiala, undated

- Folder 64: Vo sadu li, v ogorode, undated

- Folder 65: Vo sadu li, v ogorode, undated

- Folder 66: Vo sadu li v ogorodie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 67: Vo sadu li, v ogorodie (In the Orchard, In the Garden), undated

- Folder 68: Vo sadu-li v ogorodie, undated

- Folder 69: Vo sadu-li, v ogorodie, undated

- Folder 70: Vo sadu-li, v ogorodie, undated

- Folder 71: Vo sele, sele pokrovskom, undated

- Folder 72: Vo sele, sele pokrovskom, undated

- Folder 73: Vo slavnom v ponizovom gorode Astrakhani, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 74: Vo slezakh ia zasypala, undated

- Folder 75: Vo subbotochku po solntsu, undated

- Folder 76: Vo tereme gusli lezhali, undated

- Folder 77: Vo viina viinoiu, undated

- Folder 78: Vo vysokom teremu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 79: Vo vysokom vo tereme, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 80: Vokzaly, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramov, A.
- Folder 81: Volga, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Anan'ev, V.
- Folder 82: Volga - Elba, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pechnikov, L.
- Folder 83: Volga-rechen'ka gluboka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kamaldinov, G.
- Folder 84: Volga-rodina moia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rybnikov, Iu.
- Folder 85: Volia (Freiheit), 1861

- Folder 86: Voliushka, undated

- Folder 87: Vol'naia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fomin, B.
- Folder 88: Volny staei idut belokryloi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivannikov, V.
- Folder 89: Volshebnik ("Otvazhnyi Shirak"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zatsepin, A.
- Folder 90: Volshebnik-Nedouchka ("Otvazhnyi Shirak"), 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Zatsepin, A.
- Folder 91: Volzhskaia Burlatskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrov, A.
- Folder 92: Volzhskie pripevki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shchekotov, Iu.
- Folder 93: Voronezhskie khorovodnye chastushki, undated

- Folder 94: Voronezhskie stradaniia, undated

- Folder 95: Vosemnadtsat' let, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grishin, O.
- Folder 96: Vosemnadtsat' rybakov, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Starokadomskii, M.
- Folder 97: Vospominan'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Simtsis, A.
- Folder 98: Vostochnyi romans (Oriental Romance), 1951

- Composer/Arranger: Glazunov, A.
- Folder 99: Vostrushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shul'ts, Iu.
- Box 50

- Folder 1: Vot chto nadelali pesni tvoi!, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Shteinberg, M.
- Folder 2: Vot chto nadielali piesni tvoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shteinberg, M.
- Folder 3: Vot chto pesnia sdelala!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dmitriev, V.
- Folder 4: Vot ia kol'ia teshu, undated

- Folder 5: Vot kakie my, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Strashnov, P.
- Folder 6: Vot mchitsia troika (Auf glattem Wolgaeise), undated

- Folder 7: Vot mchitsia troika pochtovaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gubar'kov, N., arr.
- Folder 8: Vot mchitsia troika pochtovaia (Auf glattem Wolgaeise), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miliukov, A., arr.
- Folder 9: Vot mchitsia troika pochtovaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gavrilov, L. ?
- Folder 10: Vot mchitsia troika pochtovaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Romanov, V., arr.
- Folder 11: Vot mchitsia troika pochtovaia, undated

- Folder 12: Vot mchitsia troika pochtovaia, undated

- Folder 13: Vot mchitsia troika udalaia, 1974

- Folder 14: Vot mchitsia troika udalaia, undated

- Folder 15: Vot mchitsia troika udalaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 16: Vot na puti selo bol'shoe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 17: Vot na puti selo bol'shoe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P.
- Folder 18: Vot na puti selo bol'shoe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulakhov, P., arr.
- Folder 19: Vot na puti selo bol'shoe, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ivanov, N., arr.
- Folder 20: Vot soldaty idut, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Molchanov, K.
- Folder 21: Vovek ne pokinul by ia berega, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kochetova, M.
- Folder 22: Vozle malen'koi-to gorki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A., arr.
- Folder 23: Vozle rechki, undated

- Folder 24: Vozle rechki, na luzhochke ("Khovanshchina"), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Musorgskii, M.
- Folder 25: Vozle rechki, vozle mostu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A., arr.
- Folder 26: Vozle rechki, vozle mostu, undated

- Folder 27: Vozlie liesa u rieki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Denis'ev, A.
- Folder 28: Vozlie riechki, vozlie mosta, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, A., arr.
- Folder 29: Vozlie riechki, vozlie mosta (Near the stream, near the bridge), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Afanas'ev, A., arr.
- Folder 30: Vozlie riechki, vozlie mostu (Dicht am Fluszchen), undated

- Folder 31: Voz'mite menia v more, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Basner, V.
- Folder 32: Vozvratilsia ia s pobedoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 33: Vpered!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vermishev, A.
- Folder 34: Vragi sozhgli rodnuiu khatu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 35: Vremia izmienitsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borisov, V.
- Folder 36: Vremia izmienitsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borisov, V.
- Folder 37: Vremia izmienitsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borisov, V.
- Folder 38: Vremia minuvshee, 1927

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B., arr.
- Folder 39: Vse b ia po gorenke khodila, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khar'kov, V.
- Folder 40: Vse budet svetlym, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pikul', V.
- Folder 41: Vse, chem teper' sil'ny my i bogaty, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kompaneets, E.
- Folder 42: Vse, chto bylo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, D.
- Folder 43: Vse, chto bylo, undated

- Folder 44: Vse govoriat, chto ia vetrena byvaiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Sharov, M., arr.
- Folder 45: Vse govorit mne o liubvi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zelinskii, A.
- Folder 46: Vse khorosho, chto khorosho konchaetsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fomin
- Folder 47: Vse liubov', vse vesna, vse tsvety, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B.
- Folder 48: Vse my pesni perepeli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 49: Vse na kacheli!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kal'iuste, Kh.
- Folder 50: Vse ravno (It's All the Same), 1943

- Composer/Arranger: Miliutin, Iu.
- Folder 51: Vse ravno, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Miliutin, Iu.
- Folder 52: Vse vyshe (Fly Higher), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khait, Y.
- Folder 53: Vse vyshe, undated

- Folder 54: Vsegda i snova, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Folder 55: Vsegda ty khorosha!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 56: Vsegda ty khorosha, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 57: Vsemi uvazhaemyi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dmitriev, V.
- Folder 58: Vsie govoriat, chto vietrena byvaiu, 1904

- Composer/Arranger: Sadovskii, F.
- Folder 59: Vsiu da ia vselennuiu proekhal (I Crossed the World), 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Stone - Kirilloff, arr.
- Folder 60: Vsiu nedeliu s milym vroz', undated

- Folder 61: Vsiu-to ia vselennuiu proekhal, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Drozdov, A., arr.
- Folder 62: Vsiu-to ia vselennuiu proekhal, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A., arr.
- Folder 63: Vsiu-to ia vselennuiu proekhal, 1977

- Folder 64: Vsiu-to ia vselennuiu proekhal, undated

- Folder 65: Vsiu-to ia vselennuiu proekhal, undated

- Folder 66: Vspomni, moi liubeznyi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N.
- Folder 67: Vspomni, rovesnik!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fere, V.
- Folder 68: Vspomni, vspomni, moi liubeznyi (Remember me, my dear), undated

- Folder 69: Vspomni, vspomni, moi liubeznyi, undated

- Folder 70: Vspomni, vspomni, moia khoroshaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ippolitov-Ivanov
- Folder 71: Vspomnilos' nedavnee, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Preslenev, A.
- Box 51

- Folder 1: Vspomnim, brattsy, Rus' i slavu, undated

- Folder 2: Vspomniu, vspomniu ia kak mat' menia liubila, undated

- Folder 3: Vstanu ia chem svet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev, M., arr.
- Folder 4: Vstavala raneshen'ko, undated

- Folder 5: Vstrecha s drugom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khodorkovskii, T.
- Folder 6: Vverkh da po rechen'ke lodochka plyvet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blok, V.
- Folder 7: Vy ne veites', undated

- Composer/Arranger: S.U., arr.
- Folder 8: Vy prosite piesen, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Makarov, S.
- Folder 9: Vy prosite piesen, ix niet u menia (I Sing No More), 1927/1924

- Composer/Arranger: Makarov, S.
- Folder 10: Vy prosite piesen, ix niet u menia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Makarov, S.
- Folder 11: Vy prosite piesen, ix niet u menia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Makarov, S.
- Folder 12: Vy razdaites', razstupites', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 13: Vy razdaites', rasstupites', dobrye liudi, undated

- Folder 14: Vy razdaites', rasstupites', dobrye liudi, undated

- Folder 15: Vy rebiata, beri druzhno, undated

- Folder 16: Vy shutia mnie liubliu govorili, undated

- Folder 17: Vy slyshite: grokhochut sapogi - Okudzhava, B. ?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Akudeshkava, B.
- Folder 18: Vy tak prekrasny! (Vous etes jolie!), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Del'me, P.
- Folder 19: Vygovarivai, garmoshka?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zavolokiny, A. & G., arr.
- Folder 20: Vyidu ia na riechen'ku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 21: Vyidu-l' ia?, undated

- Folder 22: Vyidu-l' ia na rechen'ku, undated

- Folder 23: Vyidu-l' ia na rechen'ku, undated

- Folder 24: Vyidu-l' ia na rechen'ku, undated

- Folder 25: Vyidu-l' ia na riechen'ku, undated

- Folder 26: Vyidul' ia na riechen'ku, undated

- Folder 27: Vykhodili krasny devitsy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, L., arr.
- Folder 28: Vykhodili krasny devitsy, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lobachev, G., arr.
- Folder 29: Vykhodili krasny devitsy, undated

- Folder 30: Vykhodnoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Potemkin, B.
- Folder 31: Vykhozhu odin ia na dorogu, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A., arr.
- Folder 32: Vykhozhu odin ia na dorogu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shashin, E.
- Folder 33: Vykhozhu odin ia na dorogu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shashin, E.
- Folder 34: Vykhozhu odin ia na dorogu (Alone In The Road), undated

- Folder 35: Vykhozhu odin ia na dorogu, undated

- Folder 36: Vyletala golubina, undated

- Folder 37: Vyletala golubina na dolinu, undated

- Folder 38: Vyshe! Vyshe!, undated

- Folder 39: Vyshla rota, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shutenko, K.
- Folder 40: Vyshni, chereshni rozvyvaiut'sia, undated

- Folder 41: Vysokii mostochok uhinatsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dovholiuk F.
- Folder 42: Vysoko sokol letaet, undated

- Folder 43: Vzgliad tvoikh chernykh ochei, 1893

- Composer/Arranger: Zubov, N.
- Folder 44: Vzhe bil'she lit dvisti, undated

- Folder 45: Vziav by ia banduru, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gratyshyn, A.
- Folder 46: Vziav by ia banduru, undated

- Folder 47: Vziavby ia banduru, undated

- Folder 48: Vzroslye docheri, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 49: Vzroslye docheri, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fel'tsman, O.
- Folder 50: Vzveisia vyshe ponesisia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N., arr.
- Folder 51: Vzveites' kostrami, sinie nochi!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kaidan-Deshkin, S.
- Folder 52: Vzveites' sokoly, undated

- Folder 53: Vzveites', sokoly, orlami (Soar up, falcons), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shvedov, K., arr.
- Folder 54: Vzveites' sokoly orlami (Lagerlied), undated

- Folder 55: Vzveites', sokoly, orlami, undated

- Folder 56: Za dal'neiu okolitsei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Budashkin, N.
- Folder 57: Za dal'neiu okolitsei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Budashkin, N.
- Folder 58: Za dolami, za gorami, undated

- Folder 59: Za dolami, za gorami, undated

- Folder 60: Za dolami, za gorami, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Artem'ev, N.
- Folder 61: Za dryzheskoi besiedoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zorin, A.
- Folder 62: Za gitarnyi perebor, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khait, Mikhail
- Folder 63: Za gitarnyi perebor, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khait, Mikhail
- Folder 64: Za gorami, za dolami, undated

- Folder 65: Za goroiu, u kolodtsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tulikov, S., arr.
- Folder 66: Za gorom, za gorom, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Popovich, G., arr.
- Folder 67: Za horodom kachky plivut', undated

- Folder 68: Za mig' svidan'ia, 1891

- Composer/Arranger: Shteinberg, M.
- Folder 69: Za milykh zhenshchin, 1923

- Composer/Arranger: Pergament, V., arr.
- Folder 70: Za morem sinich'ka ne pyshno zhila, undated

- Folder 71: Za moriami, za gorami, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Koval', M.
- Folder 72: Za okolitsei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, V.
- Folder 73: Za okoshkom svetu malo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 74: Za okoshkom svetu malo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 75: Za polianom chorna rolia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ataman, V.
- Folder 76: Za polianom chorna rolia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khakhai, T., arr.
- Folder 77: Za rechen'koi divo, undated

- Folder 78: Za rechen'koi iar khmel', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninov, arr.
- Folder 79: Za rechushkoi iar khmel', undated

- Folder 80: Za richkoiu za Dunaem, undated

- Folder 81: Za sviatymi vorotami chernichka guliala, undated

- Folder 82: Za togo parnia (Minuta molchaniia), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fradkin, M.
- Box 52

- Folder 1: Zabulial ia molodets, 1879

- Folder 2: Zabyt' ne v silakh ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Veksler, A.
- Folder 3: Zabyt' tak skoro - So Soon Forgotten, 1951

- Composer/Arranger: Tchaikovsky, P.
- Folder 4: Zabyty nezhnye lobzan'ia - Vergangen sin di schonen?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lenin, A.
- Folder 5: Zabyty nezhnye lobzan'ia?, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Lenin, A.
- Folder 6: Zabyty niezhnye lobzan'ia, undated

- Folder 7: Zabyty niezhnye lobzan'ia, 1923

- Composer/Arranger: Lenin, A.
- Folder 8: Zabyty niezhnye lobzan'ia, 1936

- Composer/Arranger: Lenin, A.
- Folder 9: Zabytyi val's, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Filippov, E.
- Folder 10: Zachem?, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shainskii, V.
- Folder 11: Zachem bylo vliubliat'sia, undated

- Folder 12: Zachem bylo vliubliat'sia, undated

- Folder 13: Zachem ia mal'chik yrodilsia? - Why Was I Born a Boy?, 1934

- Composer/Arranger: Kirillov & Stein, arr.
- Folder 14: Zachem sidish' do polunochi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Il'in, I., arr.
- Folder 15: Zachem tebia ia, milyi moi, uznala, 1974

- Folder 16: Zachem tebia ia, milyi moi, uznala, 1977

- Folder 17: Zachem tebia ia, milyi moi, uznala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Boiko, R., arr.
- Folder 18: Zachiem, undated

- Folder 19: Zachiem ty, bezumnaia, gubish' (Warum hast dein Spiel?), undated

- Folder 20: Zadrmal tikhii sad (Still der Garten schlief ein), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bebe, B.
- Folder 21: Zadremali volny, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Egorov, A.
- Folder 22: Zadremali volny, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lisitsyn, M.
- Folder 23: Zadumala vrazha baba, undated

- Folder 24: Zagadai zhelan'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 25: Zagadki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aver'ianov, A.
- Folder 26: Zagoralas' vo pole kovyl'trava, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khvatov, V., arr.
- Folder 27: Zagremela truba, undated

- Folder 28: Zagulial ia molodets, undated

- Folder 29: Zahrai ty, tsyhane staryi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zarevich, B., arr.
- Folder 30: Zaian'ka, bielen'kii, undated

- Folder 31: Zaichik, undated

- Folder 32: Zaichik, undated

- Folder 33: Zaichik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A.
- Folder 34: Zaichik-pliasun, undated

- Folder 35: Zaien'ku, undated

- Folder 36: Zaigrai, moia volynka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalinnikov, V., arr.
- Folder 37: Zaigrai, moia volynka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalinnikov, V., arr.
- Folder 38: Zaigrai, moia volynka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kalinnikov, V., arr.
- Folder 39: Zaigrai vecelei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkin, A.
- Folder 40: Zain'ka popliashi, seren'koi poskachi, undated

- Folder 41: Zain'ka poskachi, undated

- Folder 42: Zakatilos' krasno solntse, undated

- Folder 43: Zakatilos' solntse iasnoe, 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Fomeen, B.
- Folder 44: Zaklinanie - nochnoi bliuz (Entreaty - Night Blues), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Silverman, J.
- Folder 45: Zakuvala ta syva zozulia, undated

- Folder 46: Zakvitchaly divchaton'ka, undated

- Folder 47: Zamelo tebia sniegom, Rossiia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nikolaev, A.
- Folder 48: Zamelo tebia sniegom, Rossiia - Schneebedeckte Heimat, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nikolaev, A.
- Folder 49: Zamelo tebia sniegom, Rossiia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nikolaev, A.
- Folder 50: Zamuchen tiazheloi nevolei, undated

- Folder 51: Zanielasia zoria v zoriu, undated

- Folder 52: Zaoblachnaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Levashov, V.
- Folder 53: Zapevai, podruga, pesniu, undated

- Folder 54: Zapevai, podruga, pesniu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Parshin, V., arr.
- Folder 55: Zapevala zvezdnykh dorog, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 56: Zapletisia pleten', undated

- Folder 57: Zapletisia pleten', undated

- Folder 58: Zapletisia pleten', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rimskii-Korsakov, arr.
- Folder 59: Zapletisia, pleten', zapletisia, undated

- Folder 60: Zapovit, undated

- Folder 61: Zapovit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Revutskii, L., arr.
- Folder 62: Zapriagu ia troiku borzykh (Helle Frostnacht), undated

- Folder 63: Zapriahaite, khloptsi, koni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Hnatyshyn, A., arr.
- Folder 64: Zapriazhu ia troiku borzykh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nasonov, V., arr.
- Folder 65: Zashumila litsyon'ka, undated

- Folder 66: Zastuchi, moia dubinka, undated

- Folder 67: Zasumui trembito, undated

- Folder 68: Zasvystaly kozachen'ky, undated

- Folder 69: Zasvystaly kozachen'ky (Cossaks Whistled!...), undated

- Folder 70: Zasvystaly kozachen'ky, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Hnatyshyn, A., arr.
- Folder 71: Zatsvila, zatsvila, undated

- Folder 72: zavarui, varui, varuiko, undated

- Folder 73: Zavarui, varui, varuiko, undated

- Folder 74: Zavetnaia pesenka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ferkel'man, M.
- Folder 75: Zavetnyi kamen', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 76: Zavetnyi kamen', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 77: Zaviat' ne zavianu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Abramskii, A.
- Folder 78: Zazhurylys' halychanky, undated

- Folder 79: Zdes' moia rodina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zaveshchevskii, V.
- Folder 80: Zdravstvui i proshchai, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Dmitriev, V.
- Folder 81: Zdravstvui, mama!, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Tukhmanov, D.
- Folder 82: Zdravstvui, Moskva (Zdravstvui, Moskva), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lepin, A.
- Folder 83: Zdravstvui, Moskva (Hello Moscow), 1946

- Composer/Arranger: Lepin, A.
- Folder 84: Zdravstvui, stolitsa!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kats, S.
- Folder 85: Zelenaia lishchynon'ko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Lisenko, M., arr.
- Box 53

- Folder 1: Zelenaia roshcha vsiu noch' proshumela, undated

- Folder 2: Zelenaia roshchitsa, undated

- Folder 3: Zelenen'kyi Barvinochku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Boichenko, P., arr.
- Folder 4: Zelenii dubochku, undated

- Folder 5: Zelenoe moe ty vinograd'e, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Stakhovich, M., arr.
- Folder 6: Zelenymi prostorami, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zakharov, V.
- Folder 7: Zemeliushka chernozem, undated

- Folder 8: Zemeliushka chernozem, undated

- Folder 9: Zemeliushka chernozem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Liadov, A., arr.
- Folder 10: Zemlia rodnaia, pomni nas (Vechnyi zov), 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Afanas'ev, L.
- Folder 11: Zemlianichka iagodka, na polianke vyrosla, undated

- Folder 12: Zemlianka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Olovnikov, V.
- Folder 13: Zhalo divcha, zhalo travu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Tsimbor, Iu., arr.
- Folder 14: Zhalobno stonet, undated

- Folder 15: Zhalobno stonet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mikhailov, D.
- Folder 16: Zhalobno stonet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zorin, A., arr.
- Folder 17: Zhalobno stonet veter osennii, 1972

- Composer/Arranger: Prigozhii, Ia.
- Folder 18: Zhar vesennikh luchei, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Rebikov, V.
- Folder 19: Zhasmin, 1916

- Composer/Arranger: Prozorovskii, B.
- Folder 20: Zhavoronochek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Efemov, V., arr.
- Folder 21: Zhavoronok (Die Lerche), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 22: Zhavoronok (Incomplete), 1917

- Composer/Arranger: Glinka, M.
- Folder 23: Zhdi menia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Blanter, M.
- Folder 24: Zhdi soldata, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 25: Zhdi soldata, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mokrousov, B.
- Folder 26: Zhelaiu vam, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Guliaev, Iu.
- Folder 27: Zhelanie (Desire), 1951

- Composer/Arranger: Rubinstein, A.
- Folder 28: Zhelanie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shopen, F.
- Folder 29: Zhelanie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Shopen, F.
- Folder 30: Zhelanie (Desire), 1936

- Composer/Arranger: Stone, G.
- Folder 31: Zhena moriaka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Masharskii, Ia.
- Folder 32: Zhena muzha prodala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Semenov, K., arr.
- Folder 33: Zhenchychok - Brenchychok, undated

- Folder 34: Zhen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharkovskii, E.
- Folder 35: Zhen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Zharkovskii, E.
- Folder 36: Zhenshchinam Rossii, undated

- Folder 37: Zhenskaia dolia takaia (Svad'ba Krechinskogo), 1973

- Composer/Arranger: Kolker, A.
- Folder 38: Zhenskoe serdtse, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Berednikov, N.
- Folder 39: Zhiv zhiv kurilka, undated

- Folder 40: Zhivet moia krasotka?, 1974

- Composer/Arranger: Zhivtsov, A., arr.
- Folder 41: Zhivo zhivo, undated

- Folder 42: Zhizn' eshche peredo mnoiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Glazunov, A.
- Folder 43: Zhizn' nasha korotka (Our Life Is Very Short), 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Fomeen, Basil
- Folder 44: Zhizn' prekrasna (Life Is Worth While Living), 1940

- Composer/Arranger: Fomeen, Basil
- Folder 45: Zhizn' tsyganskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, D.
- Folder 46: Zhuk i roza, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Feit
- Folder 47: Zhuravel', undated

- Folder 48: Zhuravel', undated

- Folder 49: Zhuravlenok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 50: Zhuravlenok, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Kolmanovskii, E.
- Folder 51: Zhuravli, undated

- Folder 52: Zhuravli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Biul'-Biul' Egli, P.
- Folder 53: Zhuravli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dramant, V.
- Folder 54: Zhuravli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Frenkel', Ia.
- Folder 55: Zhuravli, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Taktakishvili, O. arr.
- Folder 56: Zibralysia vsi burlaky, undated

- Folder 57: Zima, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Galiikian, S.
- Folder 58: Zime konets, undated

- Folder 59: Zimniaia doroga, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Boiko, R.
- Folder 60: Zimniaia liubov', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Babadzhanian, A.
- Folder 61: Zimnii vecher, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iakovlev, M.
- Folder 62: Zimushka - zima, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Mudradeli, V.
- Folder 63: Znaesh' ty, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nikanorov, B.
- Folder 64: Znaete, kakim on parnem byl, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pakhmutova, A.
- Folder 65: Znakomaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Averkn, A.
- Folder 66: Znakomye volny, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Karimov, T.
- Folder 67: Zolotistym zolotoi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Neid, M.
- Folder 68: Zolotym kol'tsom skovali, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Gofman, G.
- Folder 69: Zoren'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vavilov, V.
- Folder 70: Zorevaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vasilenko, S. (?)
- Folder 71: Zori moskovskie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Ostrovskii, A.
- Folder 72: Zori solov'inye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grankin, G.
- Folder 73: Zor'ka, 1916

- Composer/Arranger: Krylov, P.
- Folder 74: Zov sinevy (Siniaia ptitsa), 1977

- Composer/Arranger: Petrov, A.
- Folder 75: Zovet doroga, 1976

- Composer/Arranger: Morozov, A.
- Folder 76: Zrodili sia terky, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Khakhai, T., arr.
- Folder 77: Zveni, bubenchik moi, zveni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Manykin-Nevstruev
- Folder 78: Zvenit gitara nad rekoiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 79: Zvenit svonok, i troika mchitsia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Bulatov, S., arr.
- Folder 80: Zvezdam navstrechu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Novikov, A.
- Folder 81: Zvezdochet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarkovskii, A.
- Folder 82: Zvezdochet, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Fliarkovskii, A.
- Folder 83: Zvezdochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pokrass, S.
- Folder 84: Zvezdy (Kolybel'naia), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Pozhlakov, S.
- Folder 85: Zvezdy (Veselye Zvezdy), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dunaevskii, I.
- Folder 86: Zvezdy kremlia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Krasev, M.
- Folder 87: Zvezdy na nebe (Snilsia mne sad), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borisov, V.
- Folder 88: Zvezdy na nebe (Snilsia mne sad), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borisov, V.
- Folder 89: Zvezdy na nebe (Snilsia mne sad), undated

- Composer/Arranger: Borisov, V.
- Folder 90: Zviezdy bleshchut, 1899

- Composer/Arranger: Varlamov, A.
- Folder 91: Zvonili zvony v Novgorod, undated

- Folder 92: Zvonili zvony v Novgorode (The Bells of Novgorod), undated

- Folder 93: Zvonili zvony v Novgorode, undated

- Folder 94: Zwei Gitarren (Dve gitary), undated

- Series 2: Instrumental Music, c. 1910-1980

- Consists of photocopies and manuscripts of music from Russia, Belorus, Ukraine, and other surrounding countries. Arranged by EC number as assigned by previous processors of the collection. EC categories are as follows: 1544: Miscellaneous parts, scores, incomplete and unidentified works of Nicholas Grushko, 1545: Manuscript vocal music of Nicholas Grushko, 1497: Folk and popular music of various nations, 1498: Belorussian folk music, 1499: Ukranian folk music, 1546: Photocopies of published transcriptions of Russian folk melodies and arrangements for solo instruments and small ensembles, 1547: Photocopies of published scores of Russian music for solo instruments and small ensembles, and 1548: Photocopies of published scores for Russian folk orchestra.
- Sub-Series 1: Russian, Belorussian, and Ukrainian Folk Song Arrangements

- Box 54

- Folder 1: Moldavia -- arr. by W. Kasura, c. 1900

1 ms. score (1 p.).
Manuscript score, arrangement for orchestra of domra and balalaikas (6 parts).
- Folder 2: Tsyganka zara : romans -- arr. by W. Kasura, c. 1900

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for two violins, bass and ? [sic], in the hand of Walter Kasura.
- Folder 3: Chaban : Ukrains'ki narodni -- obr. W. Kasura, c. 1900

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra with bayan.
- Folder 4: Chamuzh mne nia pets' -- arr. by A. Sauberblatt, c. 1900

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Photocopy of ms. arrangement for Russian folk orchestra, in tabulature notation.
- Folder 5: Chardash : sygrai gitara mne -- Lev Drizo, c. 1900

- 2 ms. scores + 7 parts. Manuscript score and parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) with additional score in the hand of Kasura which includes additional part for ADII. Vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 6: Chernye Gusary -- G. Georgievskii, c. 1900

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (only 4 parts complete). Ms. in the hand of W. Kasura, with note at top "S. Larionoff library".
- Folder 7: Chi se-zh taia krinichen'ka? ( Is this the same brook?) : Ukrains'ki narodni pisni -- arr. by W. Kasura, c. 1900

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 8: Chishcha -- arr. by W. Kasura, c. 1900

- 2 ms. scores. Two ms. scores, arrangements by Kasura in E flat and C maj. for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 9: Oi, u luzi : Malorossiiskaia popurri -- obr. S. Larionov, c. 1900

- 1 ms. score (19 p.) Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura, arrangement for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 10: Oi, dolia ta nadolia -- arr. by A. Sauberblatt, c. 1900

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) Photocopy of ms. score in tabulature notation, arranged for Russian folk orchestra. Byelorussian folk song.
- Folder 11: Oi, poidu ia lugom : Belorusskaia narodnaia pesnia -- arr. by A. Sauberblatt, c. 1900

- 2 ms. scores. Photocopy of ms. score in tabulature notation for four domras; manuscript transcription in standard notation by W. Kasura, same arrangement.
- Folder 12: Oi da ty, doroga : starinnye russkie pripevki -- arrangements by Kasura and Blinov, c. 1900

- 3 scores. Three scores: 1. manuscript arr. by W. Kasura for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments; 2. photocopy of published arrangement by Blinov for domra, balalaika and guitar; 3. photocopy of same arr. as the preceding, different publication
- Folder 13: Obidno i dosadno : romans -- O. Strok ; arr. by W. Kasura, c. 1900

- 2 ms. scores. Two manuscript scores, one arr. by Kasura (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra, the other for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments by unidentified arranger. Vocal part and lyrics not included
- Folder 14: Karselamar : Greek dance -- arr. by W. Kasura, c. 1900

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 15: Kamarinskaia pliasovaia, c. 1900

- 2 ms. scores. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra by unidentified arranger, with photocopy of same.
- Folder 16: Kak u nashikh u vorot, c. 1900

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) Photocopy of ms. score, arrangement by unidentified arranger for 4 unspecified plectral instruments (probably domras or balalaikas).
- Folder 17: Kak u nas, brattsy, cherez temnyi les, c. 1900

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Manuscript score, arrangement by unidentified arranger for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 18: Gavot iz op. "Armida" -- Kh. Gluka, c. 1900

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) Photocopy of ms. score arranged for Russian folk orchestra by an unidentified arranger.
- Folder 19: Khodila mladeshen'ka : Donskoi napev, c. 1900

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Photocopy of ms. score for 4 unspecified plectral instruments (domras or balalaikas), arranger unspecified.
- Folder 20: Kho-kho! Kha-kha! : krakoviaka -- muz. i arr. Al. Ivanova, c. 1900

- 2 ms. scores. Two manuscripts scores (incomplete) in the hand of W. Kasura, for Russian folk orchestra. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Vecherniia grezy
- Folder 21: Vo kuznitse -- arr. by Walter Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) Manuscript score for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments.
- Folder 22: Vernis' : (Moi drug) -- pz. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 1 part. Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra, with separate part for voice with lyrics included (also incomplete).
- Folder 23: Vsiu da ia vselennuiu proekhal : fabrichnaia, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) Photocopy of ms. score for 4 unspecified plectral instruments (probably domras or balalaikas), arranger not identified. Lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection under the title "Vsiu-to ia vselennuiu prekhal".
- Folder 24: Hymn to the sun -- N. Rimsky-Korsakoff ; arrangements by Kasura and Galla-Rini, 1940

- 2 scores. Manuscript score (incomplete) arranged for Russian folk orchestra by W. Kasura; photocopy of published arrangement by Galla-Rini (copyright 1940 by O. Pagani & Bro., New York) for accordion.
- Folder 25: Hava nagilah -- obr. O. Orlik ; corrected by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.) + 10 parts. Manuscript and photocopy of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by Orlick, with score "corrected by V. Kazhura".
- Folder 26: Gvardeiskaia pol'ka -- B. Terentiev ; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) of an arrangement for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 27: Grustnaia pesnia -- V. Kalinnikov ; perel. V. Shvedov, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.). Manuscript score, arranged for Russian folk orchestra. Originally for piano.
- Folder 28: Vozmozhno -- muz. A. Ostrovskii ; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra with bayan.
- Box 55

- Folder 1: Volzhskie pripevki = Volga ditties -- Iu. Shchekotova ; arrangements by Kasura and Kasura-Shalaev, undated

- 4 ms. scores + 19 parts + 6 p. of music. Five arrangements and misc. incomplete pages of working scores as follows: 1. ms. score (incomplete) and parts (complete) for accordions (2) with plectral ensemble (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by A. Shalaev, instrumentation by Kasura (specially arranged for the Balalaika and Domra Society Orchestra), in the hand of Kasura, with accordion parts, photocopies of published version by Shalaev; 2. incomplete ms. score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 3. incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for bayan with 7 part Russian folk orchestra; 4. incomplete ms. score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura; 5. photocopy of published version for bayan solo; 6. misc. pages of music.
- Folder 2: Veselyi tanets, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 3: Veselyi zapevala : Sovetskii parenek -- muz. A. Novikova ; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Manuscript score for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments.
- Folder 4: Hungarian dance = Vengerskii tanets -- obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments.
- Folder 5: V khorovode -- V.V. Andreev ; arrangements by Andreev, Ivanoff and Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 37 parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 11 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI, ADI-II, TD, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by Ivanoff; 2. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 3. photocopies of ms. parts in the hand of Kasura for bayan with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 4. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-IA-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, Jr. PB, SB, AB, CB); 5. incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for bayan with 13 part Russ. folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB).
- Folder 6: Russkaia pesnia : Mal'chishka ia, mal'chishka, mal'chishka -- zapis, garmon., i orkestr. Riurik-Karkin, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra, arr. by P. Karkin, copied and signed by S. tsibul'skii.
- Folder 7: Mal'chiki -- arrangement by Tsibul'skii ; corrected arrangement by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Two manuscript scores, the first arranged by Tsibul'skii and copied by W. Kasura, the second corrected and revised by Kasura, with several pages in appearing in different versions. Both arrangements for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 8: Ne korite menia, ne branite -- obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete), arrangement of a Russian folk song for Russian folk orchestra with bayan.
- Folder 9: Nauchit'-li te, Vaniusha, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) Photocopy of ms. score for 4 unspecified plectral instruments, probably domras or balalaikas; arranger not identified. Russian folk song.
- Folder 10: Nikologorskaia kadril' : Vladimirskaia oblast' -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete), potpourri of Russian folk songs arranged for Russian folk orchestra. Songs included in the medley are "Kak u nashikh u vorot" and "Vyidu l' ia na rechenku".
- Folder 11: Noch' v Moskve : popurri -- obr. S. Larionov, undated

- 1 ms. score (24 p.) Manuscript score, potpourri of Russian folk songs, arranged for Russian folk orchestra, in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 12: O, bozhe spase nash : Belorusskaia narodnaia pesnia -- arranged by A. Sauberblatt., undated

- 2 ms. scores. Photocopy of ms. score in tabulature notation signed by A. Sauberblatt, and manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura, a transcription of the first score into standard notation; both for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 13: Kolybel'naia : (svetlany) -- muz. T. Khrennikov ; arr. by W. Kasura, 1969

- 2 ms. scores + 2 parts. Manuscript score (7 p.) with parts for prima domras I-II, arranged by Kasura for Russian folk orchestra, with bayan, signed and dated Oct. 1969; photocopy of published score for orchestra of 4 string domras by Khrennikov (undated). From the film "Gusarskaia ballada".
- Folder 14: Czarina -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 scores. Manuscript score arr. by W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra; also included is a photocopy of published arrangement by N.P. Fomin (plate no.: M.9959 G.), with title "Kak vo gorode tsarevna".
- Folder 15: Kolybel'naia = Cradle song -- Ernefel'da ; arrangements by W. Kasura, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 25 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 2. ms. score and photocopy of same for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by Kasura 1938; 3. ms. score and parts for accordion (score only) with 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 16: Kazachok : iz op. "Taras Bul'ba" -- L. Revutskyi ; arrangements by Kasura and V. Gavrilov, undated

- 2 scores. One manuscript score (incomplete) arr. by W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra with bayan; photocopy of published arr. by Gavrilov for orchestra of accordions, bayans, percussion and woodwinds (plate no.: S 4963 K).
- Folder 17: Kak na gore-to kalina -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete), arr. by W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra.
- Box 56

- Folder 1: Kitaianka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) arranged by W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra. Also known as "Coquette polka".
- Folder 2: Kak na gorke, na gore : variatsii na temu russkoi pesni -- obr. A. Shalov ; instr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.)Â Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra with bayan.
- Folder 3: Kolokol'chik -- G. Ponomarenko ; arr. by W. Kasura, 1978

- Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra, signed and dated "V.K. July 1978".
- Folder 4: Col nidrei -- M. Erdenko, undated

- 1 ms. score (13 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra, arranger not identified.
- Folder 5: Kadril' "Zvezdochka" -- P. Kulikov ; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 3 scores + 4 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. scores (both incomplete) for accordion/bayan with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with incomplete set of parts, arr. by and in the hand of Kasura; 2. photocopy of published score for two domras, balalaika and bayan, arranger not identified.
- Folder 6: Intimnyi razgovor = Petite causerie -- arrangements by Kasura et al, 1938

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) + 24 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts in an unidentified hand for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, AB, CB); 2. photocopies of ms. parts in an unidentified hand for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB); 3. ms. score (from P. Biljo library) in the hand of and arr. by Kasura for bayan with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with incomplete set of parts, score dated 5/1938.
- Folder 7: I budu tebia ia laskat' -- Pol'ka kroshka, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, one song on each side, arranger not identified.
- Folder 8: Zhivchik : pol'ka, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) Photocopy of ms. arrangement for Russian folk orchestra, arranger unknown.
- Folder 9: Zhestokii romans -- muz. G. Frid ; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) arranged for Russian folk orchestra with bayan. English title: A cruel romance.
- Folder 10: Zamelo tebia snegom, Rossiia -- M.A. Lidarskaia ; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) Manuscript score arrangement for Russian folk orchestra (small ensemble).
- Folder 11: Zhelaiu vam -- muzyka Iuriia Guliaeva ; slova Roberta Rozhdestvensky ; obr. W. Kasura, 1973

- 2 scores. Manuscript score (incomplete), arrangement by Kasura for Russian folk orchestra; also included is a clipping (dated "vesna 1973") of the published version on which the arrangement is based, score for voice and keyboard, with the lyrics.
- Folder 12: Zemeliushk--chernozem : russkaia narodnaia pesnia -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (15 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) arranged for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 13: Zalozhu ia troiku borzykh -- arr. S. Larionov, undated

- 1 ms. score (18 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) in the hand of W. Kasura, arrangement for Russian folk orchestra. Top right hand corner: S. Larionov Library.
- Folder 14: Za gorami, za lesami -- arr. by A. Sauberblatt, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) Photocopy of ms. score for 4 domras, signed "A. Sauberblatt", in tabulature notation. Belorussian folk song.
- Folder 15: Gavot Liudovika XIII, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Photocopy of ms. score for 4 unspecified plectral instruments (domras or balalaikas?), arranger not identified.
- Folder 16: Tsyganskoe popurri -- arrangements by V. Gabaeff (?), Mark Selivan and W. Kasura, 1938-1962

- 3 ms. scores. Three scores: 1. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra, signed and dated "M.A.S. 4-3-38", with annotation "Piccolo copied 5-22-62"; 2. photocopy of the above; 3. manuscript (incomplete) in the hand of W. Kasura, same arrangement as 1-2 above, with added part for alto domra II. Pencil note on photocopy: obr. V. Gabaeff (?). Title varies; English title appears on one score as "Gypsy medley".
- Folder 17: Shumel gorel, undated

- 2 scores. Two arrangements for Russian folk instruments: 1. manuscript score for prima and alto domra, prima and kontrabass balalaika (arranger not identified); 2. photocopy of published score for Russian folk orchestra, arranged by Iu. Blinov.
- Folder 18: Fantaziia na russkuiu pesniu "Siadu ia na lavochku" -- Riurik Karkin, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Manuscript copies of Karkin's piece for Russian folk orchestra with guslis, in the hand of Walter Kasura and another unidentified copyist.
- Folder 19: Travushka : popurri -- muz. Nasonova, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) Manuscript score, transcribed (and arranged?) by W. Kasura, for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 20: Ty podi, moia korobushka, domoi, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) Photocopy of manuscript score of a Russian folk song arranged for four unspecified instruments (probably domras or balalaikas).
- Folder 21: Troika revels -- W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (15 p.) + 17 parts. Incomplete ms. score and set of parts for bayan with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-IA, SB, AB, CB -- PBIA part not in score).
- Folder 22: Tatarochka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Two ms. scores (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra. English title: Crimean dance.
- Folder 23: Slovatskii tanets : (Tantsui, tantsui) -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 5 ms. scores. Five ms. scores (some incomplete), various arrangements for ensembles of Russian folk instruments, with and without bayan. Title varies: Tantsul'ka; Slovatskaia pliasovaia.
- Folder 24: Tam za tikhim Dunaem -- obr. Larionov, undated

- 1 ms. score (13 p.) Arrangement by Larionoff, manuscript score in the hand of Kasura, for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 25: Grushitsa -- arr.by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) Photocopy of ms. score (incomplete), arranged for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 26: Dyvlius' ia na nebo -- muz. V. Zaremby ; arr. by W. Kasura, 1975

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) Manuscript score, arranged for Russian folk orchestra, signed "VK 6/75". Vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 27: Do belogo dnia : mazurka -- A. Opiel' ; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Manuscript arrangement for Russian folk orchestra, some parts incomplete.
- Folder 28: Donskoi kazachok, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) Photocopy of ms. arrangement for 4 unspecified instruments (probably domras or balalaikas), arranger unidentified. Ukrainian folk song.
- Folder 29: Han'dzia -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) arrangement for Russian folk orchestra (small ensemble). Ukrainian folk song.
- Folder 30: Hopak : Ukrains'ki narodni tanets -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) Manuscript arrangement for Russian folk orchestra. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Malorossiiskii gopak
- Box 57

- Folder 1: Hopak, hopak polyn -- arr. by A. Sauberblatt, undated

- 1 score (1 p.) Photocopy of manuscript score for 4 domras, signed "A. Sauberblatt". Byelorussian folk song.
- Folder 2: Dunaiskie volny -- I. Ivanovichi ; arr. by W. Kasura et al, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 14 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of published parts for violin I, cello and bass, arr. by J.S. Seredy, with ms. parts for prima domra II and alto balalaika in the hand of Selivan, the violin I part to be played on PDI, cello on bass domra, bass on contrabass balalaika; 2. arr. for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (guitar, PDI-II, ADI, SB, AB, CB), guitar, PDI-II parts from published arr. by LeBarge, other parts in ms., arranger not identified; 3. incomplete ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with PDII part, arr. by Kasura; 4. incomplete ms. score for 6? part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura. Title varies: Wedding waltz; Anniversary waltz; Waves of the Danube; Danube waves waltz.
- Folder 3: Grust' devushki -- A. Gurilev ; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) arranged by Kasura for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 4: Glukhoi nevedomoi taigoiu -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete), arranged for Russian folk orchestra. Russian folk song.
- Folder 5: Hungarian selection no. 2 -- arranged by Mark Selivan, 1938

- 1 score (9 p.) Photocopy of manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra, signed and dated "M-A-S 5-11-38"; additional parts added in pencil in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 6: Viniat menia v narode = People accuse me -- obr. A. Shalova ; inst. V. Kazhura, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 12 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for prima balalaika solo with bayan/accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), two copies of score, both incomplete; 2. ms. score for transposition of same arrangement, minus balalaika solo, also incomplete.
- Folder 7: Veselaia pol'ka, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura (with annotation "P. Biljo Library), arranged for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments.
- Folder 8: Vniz po matushke po Volge : Russkaia narodnaia pesnia, undated

- 2 scores. Manuscript arrangement by Walter Kasura for Russian folk orchestra, with photocopy of score for 4 instruments (unspecified, probably domras or balalaikas) by unidentified arranger. Russian folk song.
- Folder 9: Vo pole bereza stoiala, undated

- 1 score (1 p.) Photocopy of manuscript score, arranged for 4 unspecified instruments (probably domras or balalaikas); undated, arranger not specified.
- Folder 10: Vo piru byla, undated

- 1 score (1 p.) Photocopy of ms. score, arranged for four instruments (unspecified, probably domras or balalaikas). Undated, arranger not specified.
- Folder 11: Vdol' po Piterskoi -- arr. by S. Tsibul'skii, 1931

- 2 scores. Photocopy of ms. score, arranged by Tsibul'skii for Russian folk orchestra, signed and dated "S. Tsibul'skii Brooklyn, N.Y. Feb. 21 -- 31". Together with photocopy of published arrangement (by A. Gurilev) for domra septet.
- Folder 12: V chasy otdykha, undated

- 1 ms. score (24 p.) Manuscript score, potpourri, arranged for two domras and 4 balalaikas; arranger not identified.
- Folder 13: Troika bells : potpourri -- arr. S. Larionoff, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Photocopy of original Larionoff ms. score for Russian folk orchestra with piano (27 p.), and manuscript copy by Kasura of same arrangement (46 p.).
- Folder 14: To ne veter vetku klonit ; Ia s komarikom pliasala = Bending branch ; Mosquito dance -- arr. by N. Kovac ; instrumentation by W. Kasura, 1940-1970

- 3 ms. scores + 1 part. Two ms. arrangements: 1. arrangement for Russian folk orchestra without accordion, dated Dec. 1940 ; 2. revised version dated Dec. 1970, specially instrumented for Balalaika and Domra Society Orch., for Russian folk orchestra with accordions (2); accordion I part included separately.
- Folder 15: Chudnyi mesiats -- arr. by S. Larionoff, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts) in the hand of W. Kasura. Note in upper right hand corner: S. Larionov library.
- Folder 16: Susydka : ukrains'kyi narodni pisni -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 score (4 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra with bayan or accordion.
- Folder 17: Troika -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (incomplete).
- Folder 18: Troika bells -- serenade : Kiriloff theme song -- arr. by W. Kasura, 1941

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra, signed and dated "VK 1941".
- Folder 19: U zari-to, u zoren'ki -- arr. by Strannoliubskii, Kulikov, Gorodovskaia and Kasura, undated

- Four scores, manuscripts and photocopies of published versions (some ms. scores incomplete), with miscellaneous pages of incomplete scores, all for Russian folk orchestra, with and without bayans/accordions. Manuscripts all in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 20: Fantaziia-shutka na Russkuiu narodnuiu pesniu : Uzh vy sviatki, sviatochki -- V. Nasonov, undated

- 1 ms. score (13 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra, copyist not identified.
- Folder 21: Ukrainian selection -- Nicholas Kovacoff, 1935-1967

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 17 parts. Photocopy of ms. score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by M. Selivan, 3-17-35, with ms. parts (orig. and photocopies) also in the hand of Selivan, dated 5-13-61 and 12-22-67, accordion part in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 22: Ukrainskoe ekho : popurri -- S. Tsibul'skii, 1931

- 1 ms. score (22 p.) + 2 parts. Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra, signed and dated "Feb. 25-931 S. Tsibul'skii"; also prima domra I and contrabass balalaika parts in tabulature notation (original manuscripts, unsigned, undated) included separately.
- Box 58

- Folder 1: Priliatseli gusi -- arr. by A. Sauberblatt, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Photocopy of ms. score, arrangement of a Byelorussian folk song for 4 domras (in tabulature notation) by A. Sauberblatt.
- Folder 2: Pesnia o rodine -- I. Dunaevskii ; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts).
- Folder 3: Russkaia voennaia pesenka -- arr. Vl. Nasonov, pod red. V.V. Andreev ; revised by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra. Note on P.4: Piccolo domra part originally scored for piccolo balalaika; bass domra part originally scored for bass balalaika.
- Folder 4: Russkie popurri -- S. Tsibul'skii, undated

- 1 ms. score (14 p.) Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra. Original signed and dated by Tsibul'skii. Songs included are: Na neve reke; Vniz po matushke; Korobeiniki; Sten'ka Razin; and Barynia.
- Folder 5: Russian selection -- Nicholas Kovacoff, 1961-1967

- 3 ms. scores + 14 parts. Manuscript scores (original and 2 copies) for PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB signed and dated MAS 3-13-35, with parts in the hand of Selivan and Kasura, including piccolo and accordion parts, dates range from 1961-1967. Some parts have music for "Lezginka" on reverse. Note on p. 1: Piccolo written 5-17-62.
- Folder 6: Russkii tanets "Travushka" -- obr. S. Larionov, undated

- 1 ms. score (14 p.) Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura, for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 7: Rybatskaia : iz kinofilm "Iskateli schast'ia" -- I. Dunaevskii; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts).
- Folder 8: Sverkh popurri -- S. Tsibul'skii, undated

- 1 ms. score (19 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra, signed and dated by Tsibul'skii.
- Folder 9: Svet, o svet! : Armianskaia narodnaia pesnia -- obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra with accordion.
- Folder 10: Sredi doliny rovnyia -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (5 parts).
- Folder 11: Sigarnyi zapakh obozhaiu -- obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.)Â Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts), signed and dated by Kasura.
- Folder 12: Skazhite ei -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 1 p. of music. Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra; with photocopy of unidentified published arr. for piano. English title: Tell her.
- Folder 13: Station -- arr. Peter Biljo, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) Manuscript score signed "WK -- P. Biljo library" for four domras.
- Folder 14: Sten'ka Razin -- arr. Walter Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts).
- Folder 15: Sten'ka Razin ; Khorosh mal'chik -- arr. N. Kovac, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) Manuscirpt score (incomplete) in the hand of W. Kasura, for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts).
- Folder 16: Okh ia neshchasnyi : variatsii na temu ukr. pesni -- N.P. Fomin, 1931

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) + 1 part. Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra with gusli klavishnye, signed "S. Tsibul'skii May 23 1931 Brooklyn, N.Y."; prima domra I part included (in the hand of W. Kasura).
- Folder 17: Pa-de-patiner -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (5 parts). Also known under title "Polka coquette".
- Folder 18: Pa-zefir -- A. Iakovlev, 1932

- 1 ms. score (8 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra with keyboard instrument, signed "S. Tsibul'skii Aug. 1--32 N.Y. City".
- Folder 19: Poidu-l', vyidu-l' ia -- arr. Kasura and Chagadaev, undated

- 2 scores. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (incomplete), arr. by Kasura; photocopy of published score for Russian folk orchestra, arr. by Chagadaev (original publisher's number: G.M. 5887 I.M.).
- Folder 20: Presmeshno : drinking song -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Manuscript score, arranged for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts).
- Folder 21: Podgorka : Russkii tanets -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 1 p. of music. Manuscript score (incomplete) arranged for Russian folk orchestra; also, photocopy of published arrangement for accordion/bayan (arranger unknown).
- Folder 22: Po vsei derevne Katen'ka, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Manuscript score and photocopy of same, arrangement by unidentified arranger for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts).
- Folder 23: Otoidi, ne gliadi, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Photocopy of ms. score for prima and alto domra, secunda and contrabass balalaika, arranger unknown.
- Folder 24: Otrada -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (15 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts).
- Folder 25: Kolokol'chik = Little bell -- arr. Mark Selivan, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts). Vocal part not included; lyrics by I. Makarov available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 26: Sleeping beauty -- Tschaikovsky, undated

- 14 ms. parts. Variations on the Waltz from Sleeping beauty. Photocopy of ms. set of parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (with extra copies) in the hand of M. Selivan.
- Folder 27: Sirotinushka -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts).
- Folder 28: Russkii marsh -- V.V. Andreeva ; obr. B. Troianovsky, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.). Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts), in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 29: Russian tunes -- Rizol' ; arr. by L.M. Davis, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 17 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts plus bayan), incomplete sets of parts in the hand of Kasura; also photocopy of balalaika solo with orchestral accompaniment reduced for piano, from the original arr. by Gorodovskaia.
- Box 59

- Folder 1: Russkaia kadril' -- N. Istratov ; instr. W. Kasura, undated

- 3 scores. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts plus bayan, incomplete), with two photocopies of published version (original?) for bayan with two domras.
- Folder 2: Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer -- J. Marks ; arr. W. Kasura, 1968

- 2 ms. scores + 12 parts. Ms. arrangement for accordion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra, score and parts for accordion and prima balalaika (multiple copies). For the St. John the Baptist Folk Ensemble.
- Folder 3: Romashki spriatalis' : iz kf. "Moia ulitsa" -- muz. E. Ptichkina ; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 3 ms. scores. Three ms. scores for Russian folk orchestra (8-9 parts, with and without bayan), all incomplete.
- Folder 4: Radost' truda uvertiura -- N. Chaikina, undated

- 1 score (25 p.) + 1 part. Photocopy of published score for Russian folk orchestra (11 parts, original plate no. 3982), and manuscript prima domra I part copied by W. Kasura.
- Folder 5: Penzenskaia pol'ka -- obr. V. Zhuravleva, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.). Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts plus bayan).
- Folder 6: Golden sceptre : (overture) -- R. Schlepegrell, undated

- 13 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of Mark Selivan.
- Folder 7: Pesnia o liubvi : iz kf. "Prostaia istoriia" -- muz. M. Fradkin ; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 5 ms. scores + 8 parts + 7 p. of music. Two complete manuscript scores for voice with Russian folk orchestra including bayan, and three incomplete ms. scores for Russian folk orchestra (without voice, bayan); 7 p. of music, incomplete pages of scores and notes, incomplete set of instrumental parts. English title: Song of love.
- Folder 8: Pis'mo materi -- muz. V. Lipatova ; arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.). Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts).
- Folder 9: Pliasovaia -- obr. N. Lukavikhin, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura, incomplete.
- Folder 10: Piccicato-Polka -- mus. I. and J. Strauss ; arr. N.P. Fomin, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Set of parts (ms. and photocopy of ms.) for Russian folk orchestra, alto domras I-II, bass domra I, alto and secunda balalaikas, in the hand of Mark Selivan.
- Folder 11: Petrova val's -- arr. Kasura, undated

- 3 ms. scores. Three manuscript arrangements (all incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (7-10 parts, without bayan/accordion). Original composer not identified.
- Folder 12: Peterburgskaia dorozhka -- arr. Vl. Nasonov, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura, arrangement by Nasonov for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts).
- Folder 13: Pesnia tsyganki -- Chaikovskii, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts) by unidentified arranger.
- Folder 14: O belle nuit = Barcarole -- J. Offenbach ; arr. Mark Selivan, 1963-1967

- 33 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (several copies of each part), some parts signed and dated by Mark Selivan 11-21-63 and Feb. 26, 1967.
- Folder 15: Fantaziia na motivy iz op. "Volshebnyi strelok" Vebera, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.). Photocopy of unsigned, undated manuscript score for four domras, based on Weber's Der Freischutz.
- Folder 16: Troika -- Andrei Petrov ; arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score + 1 piano conductor part + 5 p. of music. Manuscript arrangements for accordion solo, and for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts plus accordion, incomplete), with photocopy of published piano conductor part for the original composition, with manuscript alterations by Kasura.
- Folder 17: Theme from Love story -- Francis Lai ; lyric by Carl Sigman, 1970-1983

- 1 score + 18 ms. parts + 3 p. of music. Three versions: 1. manuscript set of parts for accordion with 10 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by W. Kasura (d. 1983); 2. photocopy of published version for voice with piano and chord symbols, diagrams for guitar (c1971 Famous Music Corp.); 3. arrangement for piano with chord symbols, photocopy of published ed. (c1970 Famous Music Corp.). Version 2 has alternate title "Where do I begin" (first line of lyrics).
- Folder 18: Torzhestvennyi marsh : po motivy iz op. "Zhizn' za tsaria" -- M. Glinka, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (12 parts), arranger not identified.
- Folder 19: Tonkinskii marsh -- muz. A. Ventsel' ; pz. V. Nasonov, undated

- 1 ms. score (19 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts, some parts incomplete), signed and dated by VK [Walter Kasura].
- Box 60

- Folder 1: Jingle bells -- arr. W. Kasura, 1968

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 19 parts. Two arrangements, both signed and dated W. Kasura 12/1968: 1. ms. score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra; 2. ms. parts for guitar and 8 part Russian folk orchestra, with same instrumentation for "Silent night, holy night" (minus guitar) at bottom of each part.
- Folder 2: Tvoi glaza zelenye -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 5 ms. scores + 9 parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist, in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of Kasura; 2. incomplete ms. score with incomplete set of parts for bayan and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (Claudia Curtis) arr. by and in the hand of Kasura; 3. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) with note "transposed from old score"; 4. incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura with prima domra I part only; 5. photocopy of published score for voice with piano accompaniment, includes the lyrics in Russian. Vocal parts for arrangements 1-2 not included.
- Folder 3: Tol'ko raz ; Obizhaiu tsigaru -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts). Medley of two Russian folk tunes.
- Folder 4: To a wild rose -- Edward MacDowell ; arr. Walter Lachowski ; instrumentation by Mark Selivan, 1928

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 36 parts. Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts), signed and dated by Mark Selivan June 11, 1928; set of parts (bass balalaika part missing) signed and dated MAS 12 June 1928; miscellaneous photocopies and manuscript parts. Reverse side of manuscript parts only has parts for Tschaikovsky's Chanson triste.
- Folder 5: Stella by starlight -- Victor Young ; arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.) + 16 parts. Manuscript score and matching sets of parts (originals and photocopies) for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts); score includes incomplete accordion part.
- Folder 6: Sud'ba val's -- S. Baynes ; arr. Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 1 ms. score (13 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts).
- Folder 7: Sudarushka=Soudarushka -- arr. Kasura, Bobri, and Gabaeff, 1957

- 1 ms. score (11 p.) + 1 p. of music. Manuscript arrangement by W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts plus bayan, incomplete), and photocopy of published arrangement (Celesta publishing co., 1957) for unspecified instrument by V. Bobri and V. Gabaeff, with subtitle "Old gypsy song and dance".
- Folder 8: Hasapikos -- arr. J.T. Matlin, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra, with set of parts, same arrangement, additional part for alto domra.
- Folder 9: Sher' -- arr. by J. Weisberg, undated

- 1 ms. score (23 p.). Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts), with notation "J. Weisberg library".
- Folder 10: Shampanskiia volny: val's -- Dzh. de Botari; op. 30; arr. N.A. Fedorov, undated

- 1 ms. score (26 p.) Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura for 11 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB)
- Folder 11: Chto ponizhe bylo goroda Saratova: Russkaia narodnaia pesnia, undated

- 3 scores. Photocopy of ms. score for four unspecified instruments (probably domras or balalaikas), arranger not identified; two photocopies of published arrangement by S. Kriukovskii for orchestra of domras, balalaikas and gusli.
- Folder 12: Chida, chidi (zachem liubit') -- Iur'ev; arr. by Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts). Vocal part not included.
- Folder 13: Chaika: iz kf. "Moriaki" -- Iu. Miliutin; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts, incomplete).
- Folder 14: Khorosh mal'chik -- arr. by Nicholas Kovac and Walter J. Kasura, 1969

- 4 ms. scores + 11 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for prima domra, alto balalaika and contrabass balalaika, dated 8/82, arr. by Kasura and dedicated to three charming Texas ladies; 2. ms. score and parts for voice, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura for Ludmilla Mishnaevskaya, dated 10/78, includes lyrics in Russian; 3. incomplete ms. score for accordion with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra signed and dated by Kasura Nov. 1969; 4. undated ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arrangement by N. Kovac. English title: The Charming boy.
- Folder 15: Fonari-fonariki -- Tatarinovich; arr. by Kasura, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 2 p. of music. Three incomplete ms. scores for Russian folk orchestra, 7-9 parts (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist, vocal part with lyrics in Russian, and an unidentified page of music with chord symbols.
- Folder 16: Fantaziia na motivy opery "Faust" Sh. Guno -- Vl. Nasonov, undated

- 1 ms. score (35 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (13 parts) signed and dated "VN 18 XII 23 Riga".
- Folder 17: Stoiali koni ubranye -- arr. by Nasonov, Selivan, Kasura and Larionoff-Kasura, undated

- 3 scores + 14 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts (and photocopies of ms.) for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Selivan; 2. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB); 3. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for accordion with 12 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, BB, CB -- accordion part incomplete), arr. by Larionoff with additions by Kasura; 4. photocopy of published score for 11 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) arr. by Nasonov (orig. plate no. Z. 6954). Arrangements 1-3 vary only slightly from arr. 4.
- Box 61

- Folder 1: Skazhi zachem = Tell me why? -- muz. Keil'; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 32 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts plus accordion), three sets of parts including one revised set; arrangement for prima balalaika and piano, score and balalaika part; misc. photocopies of parts.
- Folder 2: Silver threads -- Hart Pease Danks, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts) in the hand of S. Tsibul'skii, arranger not identified.
- Folder 3: Adios -- Enric Madriguera; arr. by W. Kasura, 1931-1958

- 2 scores. Two versions: 1. incomplete ms. score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; 2. photocopy of published version for voice and piano with chord symbols, lyrics in Spanish and English (Eng. lyrics by Eddie Woods), copyright 1931 and 1958.
- Folder 4: Il vecchio castello = Srednevekovyi zamok -- M. Musorgskii, undated

- 1 ms. score (17 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts) by unidentified arranger.
- Folder 5: Prisoner and the dove -- arr. by W. Lachowski, 1928

- 2 ms. scores. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts), signed and dated "MAS 10/18/28"; second score (photocopy of the above) also included.
- Folder 6: Buona sera, Mrs. Campbell -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (13 p.). Incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 7: Smuglianka -- A. Novikov; arr. by W. Kasura, 1975

- 2 scores. Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts), and photocopy of published score (Muzyka 1975) for Russian folk orchestra, including bayans, soloist, and chorus, with lyrics by Ia. Shvedov.
- Folder 8: Slavianskii marsh -- Glazunov; arr. by S. Tsibul'skii, undated

- 1 ms. score (14 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts), signed and dated by Tsibul'skii.
- Folder 9: Serenada mandolinistov -- Dezobri; arr. by Tsibul'skii and Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Manuscript scores for Russian folk orchestra (Tsibul'skii arr. for 7 parts, photocopy of ms.; Kasura arr. for 9 parts). Title varies: Serenada mondalinistov; Serenada Mandalinistov.
- Folder 10: Sel'skaia pol'ka -- P. Kulikov; arr. by W. Kasura, 1974

- 2 scores. Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts plus bayan); with photocopy of published ed. (Muzyka, 1974) for Russian folk orchestra (27 parts).
- Folder 11: Svadebnaia -- muz. A. Kuznetsova; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts, incomplete), with incomplete set of complete parts.
- Folder 12: Riazanochka -- muz. A. Averkina; arr. by Kasura and Murzin; song text by V. Demin, undated

- 2 scores. Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (5 parts), arr. by W. Kasura, with photocopy of published arrangement by Murzin for mandolin, 7 string guitar and voice, with the text of the song in Russian.
- Folder 13: Russkii tanets -- N. Chaikin; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 scores. Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts plus accordion), with photocopy of published edition (original?) for two balalaikas and guitar.
- Folder 14: Russkii sher' = Russian sher -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts).
- Folder 15: Vyidu-l' ia na rechen'ku -- arr. by Kasura, Mykhailychenko and Gorodovskaia, undated

- 5 scores. Five arrangements, full scores for various combinations of instruments: 1-3. manuscript scores for Russian folk orchestra (7-9 parts, with and without bayan), two of which are incomplete; 4. photocopy of published score, "Variatsii na temu russkoi narodnoi pesni 'Vyidu l' ia na rechen'ku'/ obr. G. Mikhailichenko ; instr. L. Titarenko", for solo domra with bayans (6), domras, balalaikas and percussion; 5. photocopy of manuscript score for arrangement by Gorodovskaia, with title "Vyidu l' ia na rechen'ku : kontsertnye variatsii dlia balalaiki s fortepiano".
- Folder 16: Kak poidu ia na bystruiu rechku -- text and music by Alekseia Popova; arr. by Kasura, Sveshnikov and Shishakov, undated

- 6 scores. Five manuscript scores for Russian folk orchestra (6-10 parts, incomplete, some arrangements include accordion part), all in the hand of W. Kasura; photocopy of published edition for voice and piano, with the words in Russian.
- Folder 17: Liubov' byla -- G. Ponomarenko; arr. by W. Kasura, 1980

- 2 scores. Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra dated 7/80; also photocopy of published edition (voice with piano) with lyrics by S. Krasikov (orig. publisher's no.: s 4395 k).
- Folder 18: Liubimye obloko = Nubes de humo -- muz. Ariez; pz. V.K, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.). Manuscript score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, not all parts complete.
- Folder 19: Lubochnaia pliaska, undated

- 1 ms. score (16 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts), arranger not identified.
- Folder 20: Kalin'ka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.). Manuscript score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura, arranged to accompany Dora Bosher, soprano.
- Box 62

- Folder 1: La Seduccion: tango -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts) in the hand of W. Kasura, with parts (alto balalaika part in standard and tabulature notation).
- Folder 2: La cumparsita tango -- by Rodriguez; arr. by Walter Lachowski, 1937

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 2 p. of ms. music. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts), with stamp at top of p. 1: Walter Lachowski L10 Local 802 Registered 1937; manuscript arrangement for piano in the same hand.
- Folder 3: Charade -- Henry Mancini; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (13 p.). Manuscript score (incomplete) for accordion and 7 part Russian folk orchestra. Includes chord symbols. Song, from the motion picture of the same title, originally for orchestra.
- Folder 4: Kryshi -- O. Fel'tsman; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts, incomplete).
- Folder 5: Crimean dance, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.). Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts), with note on page one "from Weisberg library". Arrangement by Jack Weisberg or Kasura (?), manuscript in the hand of Kasura. Russian title: Krymskii tanets.
- Folder 6: Cryzhachok -- arrangements by Romanov, Balmashov and Kasura, undated

- 2 scores + 1 p. of music. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts) arr. by Kasura; photocopy of published arrangement for Balalaika and piano (?) by I. Balmashov; photocopy of published arrangement for unspecified solo instrument (balalaika?) by B. Romanov.
- Folder 7: Pol'ka "Kroshka" -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) Manuscript arrangement for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts).
- Folder 8: Krasota Rossii: marsh -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (17 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts).
- Folder 9: Krakoviak: Pol'skii tanets -- L. Shvarts; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 scores. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts, incomplete); photocopy of published edition for domra (3 string), prima, secunda and bass balalaika.
- Folder 10: Korobushka -- arrangements by Kol'bus and Fornazor-Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 2 p. of music. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts) arr. by N. Fornazor, instrumentation by Kasura; photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts, plus accordion and vocal parts, incomplete), arrangement by L. Kol'bus; misc. parts.
- Folder 11: Korobeiniki: Russkaia narodnaia pesnia -- settings by Ditel', Kasura and Larionoff, undated

- 3 scores: 1. Manuscript arrangement for Russian folk orchestra (11 parts) marked "S. Larionov library"; 2. incomplete manuscript for Russian folk orchestra with bayan/accordion, by W. Kasura; 3. photocopy of published setting by Ditel' (orig. plate no.: s 1649 k) for orchestra of Russian folk instruments including bayans, garmonikas, percussion, horns, woodwinds and guslis, with title "Korobeiniki : Fantaziia na temu russkoi narodnoi pesni".
- Folder 12: Na Baikale: val's -- arrangements by C. Poliansky and Beter Biljo; with corrections and additional instrumentation by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 5 p. of music. Two ms. arrangements for Russian folk orchestra, copied with changes made by Kasura; photocopy of ms. arrangement for piano, "from K. Poliansky library".
- Folder 13: Ne odna to li vo pole dorozhen'ka = The little road -- arrangements by Fomin, Kasura, Varlamov, Kadlec, Ivanov, Mel'gunov and Chagadaev, undated

- 8 scores + 9 parts + 2 p. of music. Ten arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript set of parts for arrangement by Kasura of setting by Fomin (7 domras and balalaikas plus bayan); 2-4. Three incomplete ms. scores in the hand of Kasura for Russian folk orchestra; 5. manuscript copy of score in Kasura's hand, arr. by Varlamov for Russian folk orchestra with bayan; 6. manuscript copy of score in Kasura's hand, arr. by Kadlec for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts, incomplete); 7. manuscript score in Kasura's hand, arr. by Ivanov for three unspecified instruments; 8. manuscript score for 6 instruments in Kasura's hand (incomplete, arranger not specified); 9. photocopy of published score for 12-part Russian folk orchestra: "Ne odna-to vo pole dorozhen'ka prolegala(Protiazhnaia Iaroslavskoi gub.) / zapis' Mel'gunova ; instrum. Chagadaev."; 10. photocopy of published arrangement for piano by N. Fomin (orig. plate no.: s3996k).
- Folder 14: Ne povtoriaetsia takoe nikogda -- muzyka S. Tulikova; slova M. Pliatskovsky; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 2 scores. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts, incomplete), arr. by Kasura; photocopy of published edition for voice and piano (Sov. Kompozitor, pl. no. s 495 k).
- Folder 15: Ne pridu ia k tebe na svidan'e -- A. Lepin; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts, incomplete).
- Folder 16: Nash parovoz -- P. Zubakov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts plus accordion, incomplete).
- Folder 17: A u poli viarba -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.). Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 18: Ne biely to sniegi -- garmonizoval i arranzhiroval Vl. Nasonov; op. 58; sochineniia pod red. V.V. Andreeva, undated

- 3 ms. scores. Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk instruments (12 parts), copied by Mark Selivan (2 copies); with photocopy of score for 4 unspecified plectral instruments (probably domras) by unidentified arranger, with title "Ne bely snegi".
- Folder 19: Ne veliat Mashe za rechen'ku khodit': Russkaia narodnaia pesnia -- arrangements by W. Kasura and V. Boiashov, undated

- 2 scores. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts, incomplete) arranged by Kasura; photocopy of published score for Russian folk orchestra (18 parts, including bayans, percussion, gusli klavishnye and woodwinds) arranged by Boiashov.
- Folder 20: Ne dlia menia: marsh -- muz. A. Semenov; pz. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts).
- Folder 21: Ne dlia menia pridet vesna -- V. Valentina, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts, incomplete), with incomplete sets of parts. Score and one set of parts in the hand of Kasura. Vocal part and lyrics not included.
- Box 63

- Folder 1: Ne khodi gritsiu na vechernitsiu: (Malorossiiskaia) -- arr. Vl. Nasonov; pod red. V.V. Andreev, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts) in the hand of W. Kasura. Instrumentation of the original changed by Kasura: piccolo and bass domra parts originally for piccolo and bass balalaika.
- Folder 2: Nezabudka -- arr. L. Kol'bus, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.). Photocopy of manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts, without the vocal part). <span style="font-size: 12px;">Lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.</span>
- Folder 3: Noktiurn -- V.V. Andreev; arrangements by W. Kasura and P. Kulikov, undated

- 2 scores. Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts), plus photocopy of published arrangement for balalaika and piano by P. Kulikov (taken from "Khrestomatiia dlia balalaika").
- Folder 4: Noch' svetla -- M. Shishkin; slova M. Iazykova; arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 3 scores. Two ms. scores for Russian folk orchestra (5-6 parts, without lyrics and vocal parts) arr. by Kasura; photocopy of published edition edited by I. Nazarenko for voice and piano, with the lyrics.
- Folder 5: O chem ty devitsa toskuesh -- arr. Vl. Nasonov; pod red, V.V. Andreev, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts).
- Folder 6: Green leaves of summer -- music by Dimitri Tiomkin; lyric by Paul Francis Webster; orig. version and arrangement by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 scores. Two versions: 1. manuscript score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (incomplete), arr. by Kasura; 2. photocopy of version for voice and piano with chord symbols.
- Folder 7: Tico-tico -- music by Zequinha Abreu; Portuguese lyrics by Aloysio Oliveira; English lyrics by Ervin Drake; arr. for Russian folk orchestra by W.J. Kasura, 1943

- 2 scores. Incomplete ms. score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, with photocopy of published version for voice and piano, with chord symbols (c1943, Peer Int. Corp.), lyrics in English and Portuguese.
- Folder 8: Oi, tsvetet kalina -- I.O. Dunaevskii; arr. J.T. Matlin for Sonya Chamina, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts), in the hand of W. Kasura. English title: Snowball.
- Folder 9: Oriental'nyi tanets: iz op. "V volnakh strastei" -- V.P. Valentinov; two arrangements, one unidentified, the other by Tsibul'skii, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts), arranger not identified, no date; photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts), signed and dated "S. Tsibul'skii Oct. 12-930 Brooklyn, N.Y.".
- Folder 10: Osennie list'ia = Autumn leaves -- muz. I. Alanzova; arr. A. Ivanova, 1940

- 1 ms. score (11 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts) signed and dated "MAS 7-11-40".
- Folder 11: Osenniaia melodiia: (tango-fokstrot) -- N. Shikhmanov; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (13 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts plus accordion, incomplete).
- Folder 12: Poseiu lebedu na beregu: Russkaia narodnaia pesnia -- arrangements by Kasura and Viaz'min, undated

- 2 scores + 3 p. of music. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts, incomplete), arr. by Kasura; photocopy of published score for balalaika and bayan, arranged by N. Viaz'min (original publisher's no.: s 1794 k); three pages of music, arrangements for unspecified solo instruments (photocopies of published music), one of which is attributed to B. Romanov.
- Folder 13: Preliudiia -- A. Liadov; arrangements by Kasura, Lachinov et al, undated

- 3 scores. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, AB, CB) incomplete, arr. by Kasura; 2. photocopy of published arrangement for domra sextet, arr. by A. Lachinov; 3. photocopy of published version for domra solo with piano, arranger not specified.
- Folder 14: Pod dvuglavym orlom: marsh -- I. Vagner; arr. Vl. Nasonov; prima domra II part added by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (18 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts) in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 15: Perstenek moi zolotoi -- muz. V. Shpachek, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.). Manuscript score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 16: Pesen' tsyganki -- P. Chaikovskii; arr. by S. Tsibul'skii, undated

- 1 ms. score (14 p.). Photocopy of manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts plus accordion, incomplete), some parts added in the ms. hand of W. Kasura. Signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii.
- Folder 17: Gypsy nites -- W.J. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 + 10 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts, incomplete). Potpourri of gypsy tunes.
- Folder 18: Mazurka -- A. Borodin; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (14 p.). Incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 19: Mazurka iz op. Ivan Susanin -- M.I. Glinka; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (17 p.). Manuscript score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura, incomplete, with note "Old arrangement".
- Folder 20: A man without love = Quando m'innamoro -- original words and music by D. Pace, M. Panzeri, R. Livraghi; English words by Barry Mason; arr. by W. Kasura, 1968

- 2 scores. Two versions as follows: 1. arrangement by Kasura for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, incomplete ms. score;Â 2. photocopy of published version for voice and piano with chord symbols, lyrics in Italian and English (c1968 Edizioni Musicali Fiera).
- Folder 21: Akh utushka lugovaia -- arr. by W. Kasura and N. Artem'ev, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 2 p. of music. Two manuscript scores (both incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts), plus one page of music for unspecified instrument, and photocopy of arrangement for piano (by N. Artem'ev) with printed lyrics (orig. plate no.: N. 114 D.).
- Folder 22: Balalaika-zvenit: popurri -- muz. A. Cherniavskii; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.). Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts).
- Folder 23: Moskva: iz kf. "V shest' chasov vechera posle voiny" -- T. Khrennikov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 24: Muzykal'nyi moment -- F. Shubert; op. 94 no. 3; per. A. Sapozhnikov, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 17 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts) in an unidentified hand, with incomplete set of parts in the hand of Mark Selivan, with a number of copies of several parts.
- Folder 25: Moskovskaia kadril' -- muz. V. Temnova; arr. by W. Kasura, 1980

- 1 ms. score (12 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts) signed and dated "VK 9/80".
- Folder 26: More zovet -- A. Babadzhanian; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (14 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts, incomplete).
- Box 64

- Folder 1: Ulitsa shirokaia -- arrangements by Kasura, Viktorov, Abramskii, and Ivanov, undated

- 7 scores. Three manuscript scores and four photocopies of published versions: 1. incomplete ms. arrangement by Kasura (8 parts plus 2 accordions); 2. incomplete ms. arrangement by Kasura (9 parts plus accordion); 3. ms. arr. by Kasura (7 parts plus 2 accordions); 4-5. photocopies of published arrangement by V. Viktorov (12 parts plus 2 bayans and percussion); 6. photocopy of published arr. by N. Ivanov (7 parts); 7. photocopy of published arr. by A. Abramskii for 2 part chorus (women's voices) with prima domra and two bayans (or bayan and piano).
- Folder 2: Milyi, ia zhdu tebia: val's-romans -- obr. M. Shteinberg; arr. Mark Selivan, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 9 parts. Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts), with complete set of parts signed and dated by Mark Selivan (originals and photocopies of originals).
- Folder 3: Milaia mama -- A. Averkin; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (14 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts, incomplete). Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 4: My shawl -- music by Xavier Cugat; Spanish lyrics by Pedro Berrios; English lyrics by Stanley Adams, 1934

- 2 scores. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts, incomplete) arr. by W. Kasura; photocopy of published edition for voice and piano (copyright 1934 by Edward B. Marks Music Corporation).
- Folder 5: Metelitsa: Russkaia narodnaia pesnia -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts).
- Folder 6: Menuet = Minuet -- Boccherini; arr. M. Kuzmich, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.). Manuscript score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, with note "S. Larionoff library", in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 7: Mel'nitsa: Latyshskii tanets -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts).
- Folder 8: Mezh vysokikh khlebov zaterialosia -- arrangements by Kasura and Fedoseev, undated

- 2 scores. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (5 parts, incomplete) arr. by Kasura; photocopy of published score for Russian folk orchestra including guslis, winds, garmonikas and vocal part with lyrics, arranged by Fedoseev (orig. plate no. 7112).
- Folder 9: Matushka golubushka -- A. Gurilev; arr. by M. Selivan, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts), in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 10: V put': iz kf. "Maksim Perepelitsa" -- V. Solov'ev-Sedoi; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 20 parts. Three ms. scores (8-10 parts, all incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra, with 4 incomplete sets of parts (no parts for bass domra, prima and secunda balalaika), all in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 11: V mecheti: iz Kavkazskikh eskizov -- I. Ivanova; arr. A. Ivanova, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.) + 10 parts. Piece wrongly identified on score as "V aule"; later ms. provides correct title "V mecheti", as do most of the parts. Title also appears in English in a later hand: In the Mosque. Photocopy of ms. score for 11 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), with ms. parts (lacking piccolo domra part).
- Folder 12: V zemlianke -- K. Listov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts).
- Folder 13: V dorozhku: pol'ka -- B. Terent'ev; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (21 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra with bayan/accordion.
- Folder 14: Vdvoem: tanets -- B. Tikhonov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts), signed and dated by W. Kasura.
- Folder 15: Matreshki -- A. Tunik; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts plus 2 accordions, incomplete).
- Folder 16: Vdol' derevni -- V. Zakharov; arrangements by Lukavikhin and Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 1 p. of music. Photocopy of manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts), arr. by Kasura; photocopy of published arrangement for unspecified instrument (balalaika?) by Lukavikhin.
- Folder 17: Vasilechki -- muz. A. Cherniavsky; arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.). Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts).
- Folder 18: Val's o val'se -- muz. E. Kolmanovsky; pz. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (30 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts, incomplete).
- Folder 19: Nostalgia di mandolini = When you look at me -- A. G[---?]; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.). Incomplete ms. score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, PB, AB, CB). Composer's name illegible.
- Folder 20: V lesu prifrontovom -- M. Blanter; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 3 ms. scores. Three ms. scores (all incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (9-10 parts) with and without bayan.
- Folder 21: Bystry kak volny -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.). Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts). Arrangement based on version published in "Tsygane v Kiev" (1914), composer identified simply as "Sokolov".
- Folder 22: Akh, ty step' shirokaia -- arr. by Walter Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Two manuscript scores (both incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (9-10 parts); one arrangement attributed to [Aleksandr Vasil'evich?] Aleksandrov.
- Folder 23: Bul'-bul', bul' butylochka, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra; in the hand of W. Kasura, with note "K. Poliansky library".
- Folder 24: Bul'ba: Belorusskii narodnyi tanets -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 4 p. of music. Two ms. scores (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra with bayan. First page of both scores lacking. Four pages of rough drafts, including one page of bayan solo.
- Box 65

- Folder 1: Akh, vy seni, moi seni -- settings by Binkin, Kasura, Nasonov et al, 1932-1975

- 7 ms. scores. Seven arrangements as follows:Â 1. arr. by W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts plus bayan), incomplete manuscript;Â 2. photocopy of manuscript arr. by S. Tsibul'skii signed and dated New York City, N.Y. Aug. 27, 1932, for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts plus bayan), title "Akh vy seni";Â 3. manuscript arr. by Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (7Â parts plus bayan), incomplete;Â 4. photocopy of arrangement for 4 unspecified instruments (probably domras) by unnamed arranger, titled "Seni";Â 5. manuscript in the hand of W. Kasura, arrangement by V. Nasonov, ed. by Andreev, for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts);Â 6. "Variatsii na temu russkoi narodnoi pesni 'Akh vy seni, moi seni'" by Z. Binkin. Photocopy of published piece for two bayans/accordions;Â 7. arrangement of Binkin's "Variatsii..." (nr.6 above) for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts plus bayan), incomplete ms. signed and dated "VK 6/75".
- Folder 2: Manhattan gypsy -- Basil Fomeen; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.). Manuscript score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, with chord symbols (for accordion?). Without the vocal part and lyrics (by B. Fomeen and R. Chorpenning). Theme song of Fomeen and his orchestra.
- Folder 3: Barynia: fantaziia na narodnuiu russkuiu pesniu, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for 4 unspecified instruments (probably domras). Signature of arranger illegible.
- Folder 4: Belorusskii gimn -- arr. by A. Sauberblatt, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (11 parts, in tabulature notation), signed "A. Sauberblatt".
- Folder 5: Bereza: Novgrodskaia -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.). Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts).
- Folder 6: Bozhe, tsaria khrani -- arrangements by Artem'ev and Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Two ms. scores in the hand of W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra, one with and one without bayan part, both incomplete.
- Folder 7: Boiaryshnia: Russkii tanets -- I.V. Labinskii; perelozhenie Nik. Privalov, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra with percussion, signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii.
- Folder 8: Akh ty, bereza: Russkaia narodnaia pesnia -- arrangements by V. Podel'skii and Kasura, undated

- 4 scores. Two manuscript scores for Russian folk orchestra (7-8 parts, one incomplete) arranged by W. Kasura; two photocopies of published arrangement by Podel'skii for Russian folk orchestra (11 parts plus two bayans).
- Folder 9: Avstriiskii marsh, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for four unspecified instruments (probably domras).
- Folder 10: Ai, da kak na gorke: (pliasovaia) -- arrangements by N. Levi and W. Kasura, undated

- 2 scores. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts, incomplete), arr. by Kasura; photocopy of published arrangement by N. Levi for soloist and three part choir.
- Folder 11: Ai, na toi gore: pesnia -- P. Kulikov, undated

- 2 scores. Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts) arranged by W. Kasura, with photocopy of original published piece for bayan, domra malaia and balalaika prima.
- Folder 12: Alexandrovsky waltz -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (14 p.) + 1 p. of ms. music. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts, incomplete); one page of music for unspecified instrument.
- Folder 13: Ariia iz op. "Marta" (Posledniaia roza) -- Flotova, undated

- 1 p. of music. Photocopy of ms. music for zvonchatye gusli in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 14: Askol'dova mogila popurri -- A. Verstovskii; selection and arrangement by S. Tsibul'skii, 1970

- 1 ms. score (33 p.). + p. 15-18. Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (12 parts), signed and dated by Tsibul'skii; article by E. Levashev, "Askol'dova mogila, vecher v sem'e ul'ianovykh" from Muzykal'naia zhizn', Aug. 1970, p. 15-17.
- Folder 15: Tak povelos' -- muz. M. Fradkin; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.). Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts).
- Folder 16: Pri dolinushke -- arrangements by Shalov and Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Two manuscript scores (both incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra, one with and one without bayan part, arranged by Shalov with additional parts and alterations by W. Kasura.
- Folder 17: Lodochka: iz "Vernye druz'ia" -- T. Khrennikov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 18: Akh ty dui: Belorusskaia narodnaia pesnia -- arr. by A. Sauberblatt, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts) in tabulature notation; ms. transcription of same arrangement into standard notation with bass domra part added, by W. Kasura.
- Folder 19: Pesnia v platochke -- muz. V. Kuprevicha; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts plus bayan/accordion, some parts incomplete).
- Folder 20: Korobushka -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts plus bayan, incomplete).
- Folder 21: Doshchik, doshchik: ukrainskaia narodnaia pesnia -- arrangements by Kamaldinov and Kasura, undated

- Three scores: 1. Ms. arr. by Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts plus accordion, incomplete); 2. Manuscript arrangement by Kamaldinov for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts, incomplete) in the hand of W. Kasura, with his emendations; 3. photocopy of published arr. by Kamaldinov for domra, balalaika and guitar (orig. plate no.: 29338).
- Folder 22: Rodina: popurri -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts, incomplete).
- Folder 23: Tantsuiu tantsuiu -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts, incomplete).
- Folder 24: Zhamel's lezginka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Manuscript scores for Russian folk orchestra (4 and 9 parts, both incomplete).
- Box 66

- Folder 1: One of those songs = Le bal de Madame de Mortemouille -- Gerard Calvi; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.). Incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra. Song originally written for the revue "La plume de ma tante" which opened in 1958.
- Folder 2: Vniz po matushke po Volge; Vo luziakh -- obr. W. Kasura, 1970

- 1 ms. score (17 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts plus bayan, incomplete), signed and dated "VK 4/70".
- Folder 3: Travushka-muravushka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts, incomplete).
- Folder 4: Tabakariasku: moldavskii narodnyi tanets -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts, incomplete).
- Folder 5: Utushka lugovaia: Russkaia narodnaia pesnia -- arrangements by P. Kulikov and W. Kasura, undated

- 4 scores. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts, incomplete) arr. by W. Kasura; photocopies of three published arrangements by P. Kulikov: for voice and piano (with Russian lyrics), for balalaika and piano, and for Russian folk orchestra (22 parts, including garmoniki, percussion, gusli, winds and voice).
- Folder 6: Iula: Moldavskii narodnyi tanets -- arr. by Walter Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts, incomplete).
- Folder 7: Vsiu-to ia -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts, incomplete).
- Folder 8: Ne razveiat' mne grusti -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 scores. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts, incomplete) arr. by Kasura; photocopy of published edition for voice and piano with the lyrics in Russian.
- Folder 9: Raindrops keep falling on my head -- Burt Bachrach; lyric by Hal David, undated

- 2 scores. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts, incomplete) arr. by W. Kasura; published edition for voice and piano with chord symbols for guitar (c1969).
- Folder 10: Alenushka -- V. Levashov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 scores. One manuscript score (1 p., incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; photocopy of published edition (orig. pub. no. s 4395 k) for voice and piano, with the words by M. Andronov.
- Folder 11: Popurri iz russkikh pesen -- arr. by W. Kasura, 1937

- 2 ms. scores. Two manuscript scores for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts, with and without accordion); version with the accordion dated 1937, the other score undated.
- Folder 12: Shadow of your smile -- Johnny Mandel; arr. by W. Kasrua, undated

- Two ms. scores for Russian folk orchestra (both for 7 parts and incomplete).
- Folder 13: Ukrainskoe ekho, undated

- 1 ms. score (26 p.). Unsigned, undated ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (12 parts).
- Folder 14: Somos novios -- A. Manzanero; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts, incomplete).
- Folder 15: Baltiitsy-Krasnoflottsy -- M. Blanter; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Two incomplete manuscript scores for Russian folk orchestra (5 and 7 parts).
- Folder 16: Vse, chto bylo -- D. Pokrass, undated

- Three ms. scores for Russian folk orchestra (5-8 parts): 1. arr. by W. Kasura (8 parts incomplete); 2. arrangement for 6 part orchestra, arranger not identified; 3. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 5 part orchestra, with note "Mogiloff library".
- Folder 17: Spanish eyes -- Bert Kaempfert; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.) + 12 parts. Manuscript score and parts (incomplete set of originals, complete set of photocopies) for 9 part Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 18: America the beautiful -- S.A. Ward; arrangements by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 1 part. Manuscript scores for Russian folk orchestra with bayan, both incomplete, and bayan part, in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 19: Pomniu pomniu -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts).
- Folder 20: Speak softly love: theme from "The Godfather" -- Nino Rota; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score ([2], 6 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra plus accordion, with incomplete set of parts; different arr. for accordion (part or solo?).
- Folder 21: Radostne volnenie: tango -- muz. O. Agafonov; arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts plus bayan, some parts incomplete).
- Folder 22: On uekhal' & Pol-so: iz kf. Bespridannitsa -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (12 parts, including solo domra, voice and accordion). Lyrics not included.
- Folder 23: Ty prichal' moia rybachka -- A.E. Varlamov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 10 parts. Manuscript score and parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura. Composer not identified on the parts; probably Varlamov. Arrangement by Kasura.
- Folder 24: Song of India -- N. Rimsky-Korsakov, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto domra, alto balalaika-domra, alto balalaika (in tabulature notation) and contrabass balalaika. Arrangement by Walter J. Kasura (?).
- Folder 25: Stonet sizyi golubochek, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Photocopy of manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda and alta balalaika (in tabulature notation), and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 26: Soldatskaia pop, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika. Note on front of folder: From Balalaika ork. "Moskva".
- Folder 27: Russkie pesni -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, prima, alto and contrabass balalaika, signed "WK".
- Folder 28: Marusia -- arr. Nicholas Kovac, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript arrangement for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika; arr. by Nicholas Kovac.
- Folder 29: Mazhor: tanets, undated

- 7 parts. Photocopy of manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation).
- Folder 30: Marsh novobrantsev -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscipt medley arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika.
- Box 67

- Folder 1: Maldavanskii val's -- arr. S. Larionoff, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript arrangement for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 2: Warszawy polka, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima, alto and bass domra, and alto and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 3: Nalei bokal -- L. Drizo, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 4: Pozhalei ty menia, dorogaia -- N. Bakaleinikov, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika; alto balalaika part in standard and tabulature transcription; incomplete and different parts for prima and bass domra also included. Arranger unknown.
- Folder 5: O, bozhe; Sigary zapakh obozhaiu -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. (medley) for prima domra I-II, alto domra I, bass domra, secunda, alto, and contrabass balalaika (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation).
- Folder 6: Ochi chernyia -- W. Kasura, undated

- 13 ms. parts. Two similar arrngements by W. Kasura: 1. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto, and contrabass balalaika; 2. photocopy of ms. arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika (alto and secunda balalaika parts in tabulature notation). Russian gypsy song, with words by Ievhen Hrebinka. Vocal part not included; lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 7: Ochi chernyia -- arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript ar. for prima domra I-II, alto I and bass domra, prima, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation); extra prima domra I part. Vocal part not included; lyrics (by Ievhen Hrebinka, 1843) available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 8: Pa-de-katr, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation).
- Folder 9: Polka "Nerts" --, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 10: Pol'ka "Iskra" -- arr. by Mark Selivan and W. Kasura, undated

- 10 ms. parts. Manuscript arrangement (incomplete, some parts photocopies) by Mark Selivan, for prima domra, viola domra and alto balalaika; later copy in the hand of W. Kasura appears to be same or similar arrangement, for prima domra I-II, alto domra I, bass domra, secunda, alto and onctrabass balalaika (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation).
- Folder 11: Parade of the wooden soldiers -- Leon Jessel; arr. by Al. Ivanoff, 1922

- 18 ms. parts. Two arrangements: 1. ms. arr. by Al. Ivanoff for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika (alto balalaika part in tabulature notation), undated; 2. ms. parts for prima domra I and contrabas balalaika, published parts for alto sax with ms. alterations for alto domra, piano part adapted for bayan/accordion, 2nd violin part for prima domra II (?), and other published parts for brass, woodwinds and percussion (scored by J. Bodewalt Lampe, published by Edwin B. Marks Music Co., c1922).
- Folder 12: Czardas, undated

- 7 parts. Photocopy of ms. arrangement for prima domra I-II, alto domra I-II, bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 13: Natalka Poltavka: popurri -- Lysenko; arrangements by Tsibul'skii, Kasura, et al, 1932-1961

- 2 ms. scores + 19 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of ms. score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), with ms. parts in several hands, PB part by MAS, dated 4/29/61, score signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii Sept. 9, 1932, Brooklyn, N.Y.; 2. photocopies of ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 3. incomplete ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 14: Ukraina selection -- arr. by Nicholas T. Kovac, 1936

- 10 ms. parts. Photocopy of manuscript arr. for prima domra I (3 copies), prima domra II, alto domra I-II, bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika. Stamp on originals: Nicholas T. Kovac / K 624 / LOCAL 802 / copyright 1936.
- Folder 15: Iamshchik ne goni loshadei -- Ia. L. Fel'dman, undated

- 29 ms. parts. Four ms. (orig. and photocopy) arrangements of Fel'dman's setting of the folk song: 1. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, prima, alto and contrabass balalaika (signed WK); 2. for prima, alto and bass domra, alto balalaika (in tabulature notation) and contrabass balalaika; 3. for prima domra I-II, alto domra I-II, tenor and bass domra, prima, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika; 4. for prima domra I-II, viola and bass domra, alto and bass balalaika. Last two arr. are photocopies. Lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 16: Iamshchik ne goni k iaru, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript arrangement for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto balalaika (in standard and tabulature notation), and contrabass balalaika. Lyrics available under title "Ekh! Iamshchik goni ka iaru" in "Pesennik" accompanying Kasura Collection.
- Folder 17: Ekho russkoi derevni, undated

- 6 parts. Photocopy of ms. arr. for prima domra I, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation).
- Folder 18: Hungarian dance, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, prima, alto and contrabass balalaika (alto balalaika part in tabulature notation).
- Folder 19: Hungarian selection, 1964

- 19 parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in various hands (only Selivan and Kasura ms. identifiable, Selivan SB part has date 6-15-1964).
- Folder 20: Russian popurri, undated

- 19 ms. parts. Three manuscript arrangements (title varies): 1. "Russian popurri" for prima domra I-II, alto domra, bass domra, alto balalaika (one part in standard notation, another in tabulature notation), and contrabass balalaika; 2. "Popurri iz russkikh pesni" (arr. W.J. Kasura) for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika; 3. "Popurri (Selection of Russian melodies)" for same instrumentation as the others (photocopy of ms.). Title on folder in English and Russian: Russian Poupourri; Vyidu ia na rechen'ku.
- Folder 21: Romance -- V. Kazura, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for prima domra I-II, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika. Music indicates that their were originally vocal part(s), now missing. Setting for a poem by I.I. Kozlov? <span style="font-size: 12px;">Lyrics available in "Pesennik" accompanying Kasura Collection.</span>
- Folder 22: Van'ka-Tan'ka -- arr. Walter Kazura, undated

- 10 ms. parts. Two ms. arrangements for prima, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika. One arr. by Walter Kasura, the other arranger unknown.
- Folder 23: Vozle rechki: popurri, undated

- 7 parts. Photocopy of ms. arrangement for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto, and contrabass balalaika (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation).
- Box 68

- Folder 1: Volynka, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Photocopy of ms. arrangement for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika (alto and secunda balalaika parts in tabulature notation).
- Folder 2: Zorba -- music John Kander; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (17 p.) Incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 3: Polka mazurka no. 2, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra, alto domra, contrabass balalaika, bass, baritone and accordion. Incomplete.
- Folder 4: Toska po rodine, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. (by W.J. Kasura) for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto balalaika (in tabulature notation, 2 versions) and contrabass balalaika; first page of incomplete score included. English title: Longing for home. Unidentified composer, possibly A.N. Semenov. Lyrics available in "Pesennik" accompanying Kasura Collection.
- Folder 5: Polish polka, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for Prima domra I-II, alto domra, alto balalaika or domra, bass domra and contrabass balalaika. Arr. by W.J. Kasura (?).
- Folder 6: Khorovod -- Rimskii-Korsakov; instr. A. Chagadaev, undated

- 11 ms. parts. Manuscript copies of parts from the published version of Chagadaev (M. 7486 G.) for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 7: Krest'ianskii marsh -- mus. by Ivanoff, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Photocopy of ms. arrangement for prima domra I, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 8: Marsh iz bal. Konek Gorbunok -- R. Shchedrin, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika. Arranger not identified.
- Folder 9: Gypsy camp: march = Tsyganski [sic] tabor: marsh -- arr. by Nicholas Kovac, 1961-1970

- 11 ms. parts. Photocopies of two manuscript arrangements: 1. for prima domra solo, prima domra II, bass domra, prima and contrabass balalaika (prima balalaika part arr. by Mark Selivan, dated 5-17-1961, not a photocopy; prima domra solo part signed MAS [Mark Selivan], dated April 25, 1970); 2. arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika (arranger not identified).
- Folder 10: Gypsy waltz, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript arrangement for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda (or alto?) and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 11: Grezy liubvi -- M. Bekar, undated

- 21 ms. parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete set of ms. parts (some photocopies) for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, VD, AB) in the hand of Selivan; 2. ms. parts in the hand of Kasura for Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PB, AB, CB); 3. ms. parts in the hand of Kasura for piano, accordion and 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB).
- Folder 12: Czarina, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto domra, prima, alto, bass and contrabass balalaika (alto and contrabass balalaika parts in tabulature notation).
- Folder 13: Czganie: Gypsy song and dance, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) + 3 ms. parts. Incomplete ms. arrangement includes first page of score (for five instruments) and parts for prima domra, alto and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 14: Broken strings, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, prima, alto and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 15: Babochka: val's -- V.V. Andreev; arrangements by Walter Kasura et al, undated

- 5 ms. scores + 111 parts. Title varies: Butterfly waltz; Le papillon. Seven arrangements, and misc. parts as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for accordion with 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, BB, CB) arr. by and in the hand of Kasura, dated May 1939; 2. ms. score and parts for accordion with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by and in the hand of Kasura, dated Nov. 1969; 3. ms. score for bayan with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), with bayan part, all in the hand of Kasura; 4. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB); 5. photocopy of ms. score for accordion with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of S. Tsibul'skii; 6. ms. parts for PDI-II, AD, PB, and CB in an unidentified hand; 7. photocopies of ms. parts for 11 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB) with flute (piccolo, piccolo domra?), originals had the stamp of the Great Russian Orchestra of Balalaika, Detroit, Mich.; 8. nineteen ms. parts for domras and balalaikas in several hands for various arrangements. Arrangement 6 includes music for "Slez dovol'no proch' pechal'" and "Vykhozhu odin ia na dorogu" on reverse of some parts.
- Box 69

- Folder 1: Gryozy: val's -- V.V. Andreev; arrangements by Walter Kasura, Mark A. Selivan and S. Tsibul'skii, 1928-1963

- 20 ms. parts. Three ms. arrangements: 1. by Walter Kasura, for prima domra I-II, alto domra I-II, bass domra, prima, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika; 2. by Mark A. Selivan, for 2nd prima domra, 1st alto domra, bass domra, secunda and contrabass balalaika (dated 5 2-63, title also in English "Dream waltz"); 3. by S. Ts., for prima domra I-II, alto domra, bass domra, alto balalaika (in tabulature notation) and contrabass balalaika (dated 9-15-1928).
- Folder 2: Mama-Mama -- pz. Oskar Strok, undated

- 50 ms. parts. Manuscript parts in the hand of W. Kasura for three arrangements as follows: 1. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB); 2. ms. parts (with multiple photocopies) for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 3. ms. part for AB differing only slightly from other arrangements. Kasura's card file attributes the instrumentation to Oskar Strok for arr. 1.
- Folder 3: Bodje moi: polka, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Incomplete ms. arrangement for alto and bass domra, alto (?) and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 4: Dubinushka, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Photocopy of ms. arrangement for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation).
- Folder 5: Der Alte Zigeuner -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika. Russian title on folder: Staryi tsygan.
- Folder 6: Kavkazskoe popurri -- arr. S. Larionoff, undated

- 7 parts. Photocopy of ms. arrngement for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation).
- Folder 7: Zamuchen tiazheloi nevolei; Oi, ni zaria-l' moia zoriushka: velichal'naia pesnia -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. of both songs (one below the other) for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika. Folk songs; vocal parts not included; lyrics available in "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 8: Zaraza -- B. Tangle Lara, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 9: Akh, vy seni -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, prima, alto and contrabass balalaika. Also known as: Akh, vy seni, moi seni.
- Folder 10: Allaverdy: Kavkazskaia pesnia, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript arr. for Prima and alto domra, alto (in tabulature notation) and contrabass balalaika; arranger unknown.
- Folder 11: Along Petersky, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Photocopy of manuscript arrangement for prima domra I-II, alto domra I-II, bass domra, secunda, alto and bass balalaika (alto and secunda balalaika parts in tabulature notation). Title in mixture of Russian and English, varies: Russke popuri: Along Petersky; Russian selections: Along Petersky.
- Folder 12: A v horodi, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for domras (prima, alto, bass) and balalaikas (alto, contrabass). The name "Salama" appears on each part in a different hand.
- Folder 13: A gde mne vziat' takuiu pesniu -- G. Ponomarenko, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score and complete set of parts for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts), signed by W. Kasura.
- Folder 14: A la tsigane: potpourri -- arr. S. Larionoff, undated

- 1 ms. score (18 p.) + 9 parts. Manuscript score signed by Kasura for arrangement by Larionoff for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts), with photocopies of Larionoff's ms. set of parts (secunda balalaika part missing).
- Folder 15: Ai dudu -- muz. A. Grechaninov, undated

- 1 ms. score (13 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (5 parts), with annotation "Peter Biljo library"; set of parts (in the hand of Biljo?).
- Folder 16: Amerikanskii marsh -- V.V. Andreeva; pz. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 11 parts. Photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts) with two ms. sets of parts, both incomplete.
- Folder 17: Amurskie volny: val's -- M. Kiuss; arrangements by Kasura, Vl. Sokolov, and Levashov and Shirokov, 1971

- 3 scores + 20 parts + 4 p. of music. Four arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts plus accordion) with three incomplete sets of ms. parts (prima balalaika II and secunda balalaika parts missing), arrangement by Kasura, signed and dated Dec. 1971; 2. arrangement for accordion/bayan, photocopy of published edition attributed to M. Kiuss; 3. photocopy of published arrangement by Levashov and Shirokov for orchestra of domras, balalaikas, bayans, percussion and chorus, includes the words by Vasil'ev and Popov (orig. plate no.: 7965); 4. photocopy of published arrangement for voice and piano by Sokolov, also includes the lyrics (orig. plate no.: 5777).
- Folder 18: Andante -- A. Ivanoff, undated

- 10 ms. parts + 3 p. of music. Manuscript set of parts (incomplete?) for Russian folk instruments and winds (alto domras I-II, bass domra II, secunda and contrabass balalaikas, oboe, bassoon and French horn), with one folded sheet of music including parts for alto domras, bassoon, French horn and timpani. Most parts signed by and in the hand of Ivanoff; prima domra I part on reverse side of alto domra I part, in a different hand.
- Folder 19: Andante cantabile: from String quartet no. 1 op. 11 -- P. Tchaikovsky; arrangements by Mark Selivan, W. Kasura, Theo. M. Tobani and Frank Gaviani, 1900-1977

- 5 ms. scores + 30 parts + 4 p. of music. Nine arrangements as follows: 1. arr. by Mark Selivan for Russian folk orchestra, set of 8 parts, manuscripts and photocopies of ms.; 2. arr. for 5 part Russian folk orchestra, manuscript, copyist identified as J. Lachin (?) on some parts, W. Kasura on others, arrangement by P. Biljo (?); on reverse side of prima domra I part is score for Tvoi glaza zelenye, on reverse side of prima domra II part is score for Iekhali tsyganie; 3. arr. by Theo. M. Tobani, published by Carl Fischer, copyright 1900, for violins I-II, viola, cello and bass, with manuscript alterations and manuscript parts for alto domra, and secunda and alto balalaika included (arranger not identified); 4. arrangement by W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts) signed and dated 3/1977, score with set of parts, including accordion part not in the score; 5-7. three incomplete scores for Russian folk orchestra including accordion, all in the hand of W. Kasura; 8. photocopy of published edition of orig. piece lacking final page(s); 9. arr. by Frank Gaviani for accordion, photocopy of published edition by O. Pagani & Bro, copyright 1940.
- Box 70

- Folder 1: Ariia Lenskago "Evgenii Onegin" -- P. Chaikovskii, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts (prima, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika), arranger not identified.
- Folder 2: Astry osenniia -- M. Harito, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript set of parts for Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of Kasura (7 parts). Vocal parts not included.
- Folder 3: Akh, bereza -- obr. N. Shakhmatov, undated

- 1 score (15 p.) + 1 part. Photocopy of published score for orchestra of domras, bayans, percussion, gusli, and balalaikas, arr. by Shakhmatov (orig. publisher's no.: s 479 k), with manuscript copy of prima domra I part in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 4: Akh samara gorodok -- arr. by Mark A. Selivan, February 10, 1963

- Copied 24 Feb. 1963. 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts (some photocopies of manuscripts) for prima domra I-II, alto domra I, bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika, signed and dated by Mark Selivan.
- Folder 5: Akh, eti chernye glaza: tango -- music by O. Strok; arrangements by Kasura, Larionoff, Kovac, Selivan and unidentified others, undated

- 8 ms. scores + 93 parts. Title varies: O eti chernye glaza; Chernye glaza; Oh those black eyes; Black eyes. Fifteen arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score (9 parts plus accordion, incomplete), arr. by Kasura; 2-3. ms. scores for Russian folk instruments (7-8 parts with accordion, both incomplete), arr. by Kasura; 4. ms. score (6 parts, incomplete), arr. by Kasura; 5. ms. score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts, incomplete), arr. by Kasura; 6. unidentified arrangement for trombone, viola I-II, cello I-II, contrabass and banjo, manuscript; 7. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura, arr. by Kovac for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts, page one only); 8. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura, arr. by Larionoff (?) for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts, incomplete); 9. set of 8 parts for Russian folk orchestra, photocopies of ms., arranger not identified; 10. set of 5 ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra, arr. not identified; 11. set of 7 ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra with two violas, arranger not identified; 12. set of 6 parts (photocopies of ms.) for Russian folk orchestra, some arr. by N. Kovac, others by M. Selivan; 13. set of 8 ms. parts for Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura; 14-15. two arrangements for Russ. folk orchestra (7 parts, and 9 parts plus accordion), both by Kasura; misc. parts, including some by Gh. Mogiloff.
- Folder 6: Gondoliera Veneziana -- Sadiro, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 7: Bicentennial fantasy: based on American folk themes -- Walter J. Kasura, December 1975

- Written and arranged for the Balalaika and Domra Society, to celebrate the bicentennial of its homeland, the United States of America. 2 ms. scores + 19 parts. Original manuscript arrangement for Russian folk orchestra (score for 9 parts plus accordion, with incomplete set of parts), and ms. for final revised version (same instrumentation, score and parts). "First public performance March 6, 1976, the Eastern European Heritage Concert, Farmingdale, LI, NY."
- Folder 8: Vakkhanaliia fantasy: Bakkhanaliia iz bal. "Vremena Goda" = Bacchanal from ballet suite Seasons -- Glazounow; arr. by Mark A. Selivan, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for prima domras I-II, viola domra I, bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika, signed "MAS". Title varies on parts.
- Folder 9: Bal v razgare: val's -- arrangements by Tsibul'skii and Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 52 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for concertina with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), score signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii Nov. 25, 193? (last digit illegible), Brooklyn, N.Y., lacks concertina part; 2. ms. parts in the hand of Kasura for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 3. ms. parts in the hand of Kasura for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB); 4. incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for accordion with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB). Title in English: At the height of the ball.
- Box 71

- Folder 1: Balalaika -- obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 16 parts. Two ms. scores for Russian folk orchestra (6 and 9 parts) with 3 incomplete sets of parts. Score for 9 part orchestra is incomplete, signed and dated by Kasura, and includes chord symbols (for bayan or guitar?).
- Folder 2: Balalaika -- V.V. Andreev, undated

- 1 ms. score (26 p.). Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts, incomplete), in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 3: Baltoviia, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts, incomplete) in the hand of W. Kasura, with annotation "Peter Biljo library"; set of five parts (photocopy of manuscripts, in the hand of P. Biljo?).
- Folder 4: Bandura: fantaziia -- Gr. Davidovskago, undated

- 1 ms. score (16 p.) + 6 parts. Photocopy of ms. score and parts for Russian folk orchestra (5 parts), signed and dated by Mark Selivan (arranger or copyist?), with ms. additions to photocopy for alto domra II, prima and secunda balalaika. Prima domra I part incomplete, prima domra II part missing. Part for secunda balalaika, ms. in different hand for different arrangement. Originally for a capella chorus.
- Folder 5: Barcarolle June = Barkarola Iiun' iz Vremena goda Op. 37 No. 6 -- Peter Tschaikowsky; arrangements by Kasura, Kovac, Alekseev and others, undated

- 5 scores + 22 parts. Seven arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts, prima domra II incomplete), arr. by Kasura; 2. manuscript set of parts for violin and Russian folk orchestra (7 parts), arranger not identified; 3. manuscript set of parts and photocopies of score and parts for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts, secunda balalaika part added to score later, not included in either set of parts), arrangement by N. Kovac, copied and signed by M. Selivan; 4. photocopy of published arrangement by K. Alekseev for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts plus gusli, orig. plate no.: M. 8157 G.); 5. photocopy of published arrangement for violin and piano by Hans Sitt (score and part, orig. plate no.: J. 4631. H.); 6. photocopy of ms. score, transposition of the Hans Sitt arr. (5 above) into A minor; 7. prima domra part for unidentified arrangement.
- Folder 6: Baiushki baiu, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript set of parts for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika (alto balalaika part in standard and tabulature notation) in an unidentified hand; manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura, identical arrangement with additional secunda balalaika part.
- Folder 7: Bednaia blednaia i buran, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript arrangement for violin solo with accompaniment of Russian folk orchestra. Score in the hand of W. Kasura, 7 parts (incomplete?), set of parts in an unidentified hand, missing prima domra II part. Violin part does not appear in score or parts.
- Folder 8: Beisia serdtse -- B. Fomin, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts) in the hand of W. Kasura; set of 7 parts in an unidentified hand; part for alto domra II in score lacking in set of parts.
- Folder 9: Bezhit dorozhka -- N. Makarov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscirpt set of parts for prima domra I, alto domra, prima, alto and contrabass balalaika (alto balalaika part in tabulature notation) in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 10: Belaia akatsiia = White acacia -- arrangements by Shteinberg, Kasura, and Selivan, 1966-1981

- 4 scores + 38 parts + letter. Five arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (some parts incomplete) with set of 7 parts (secunda balalaika missing), arr. by Kasura; 2. two sets of parts (original and copies), same arrangement, bass domra and prima balalaika parts signed and dated by M. Selivan, 3-31-1966 and 4-1-1966; 3. arr. by Kasura for violin with 7 part Russ. folk orchestra, ms. parts; 4. ms. score (incomplete) specially arranged as duet for Diana Telischak and Gary Nova, Balalaika and Domra Society Orchestra, Nov. 1981, first public performance Nov. 14, 1981, Lincoln Center, NYC (Alice Tully hall), arrangement by Kasura based on arrangements by M. Shteinberg and M. Selivan, for voice, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra, with parts in the hand of Kasura and L.M. Davis; 5. two photocopies of published version "Beloi akatsii grozd'ia dushistye... / perelozhenie M. Shteinberga" for voice and piano, with the lyrics in Russian. Includes letter to Bruce Wood from L. Davis concerning the Kasura arr. for accordion and voice with orchestra (Davis supplied the bass domra and secunda balalaika parts).
- Folder 11: Over the steppe -- Gretchaninoff, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 12: Belaia akatsiia, i Masha -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (17 p.) + 14 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts plus accordion, incomplete) with two incomplete sets of parts (originals and photocopies, alto domra II part missing in both sets).
- Folder 13: Berezan'ka: simfonicheskaia kartinka -- N.P. Fomin, undated

- 53 ms. parts. Three arr. for Russian folk orchestra: 1. photocopy of ms. parts for 5 part orchestra, arranger unidentified; 2. photocopy of ms. parts for 8 part orchestra, arranger not identified; 3. several sets of parts for 10 part orchestra plus accordion, ms. in the hand of W. Kasura. English title: Birch tree.
- Box 72

- Folder 1: Berezka: accordion specialty -- arr. John Yarembinsky; inst. W. Kasura, undated

- 4 ms. scores + 16 parts. Manuscript score and set of parts for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts plus 3 accordions), score incomplete, parts for accordions II-III but not I, extra copies of several parts; three copies of incomplete score with chord markings, parts unmarked, arranger not identified. Title varies: Beryozka-dance; Beryozka polka; Polka.
- Folder 2: Biriuzovye zlaty kolechki = Golden rings -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 4 ms. scores + 12 parts + 6 p. of music. Four incomplete scores for Russian folk orchestra, set of 9 parts including accordion with additional copies of parts, misc. pages of music, notes and text of the song. Alternate title: Biriuzovye kolechki.
- Folder 3: Blue Danube -- J. Strauss, 1913

- 15 ms. parts. Two arrangements: 1. ms. set of 9 parts, domras and balalaikas, with extra part labeled "Prima I" (does not match pr. domra or pr. balalaika parts), each part stamped "Great Russian Orchestra of Balalaika, Detroit, Mich. U.S.A." (arranged/copied by S. Larionoff?); 2. set of parts (all marked as arrangement "669") for violin I, (photocopy of published edition, Carl Fischer, c1913), ms. parts for prima domra II, alto domra, alto balalaika and photocopy of published ed. (as above) for bass.
- Folder 4: Bogatyrskie vorota: iz tsikla "Kartinki s vystavki" -- M. Musorgskii; obr. Iu. Chrenov; inst. W. Kasura, undated

- 2 scores + 9 ms. parts. Manuscript score (9 parts plus accordion) with set of parts (accordion part missing), signed and dated by W. Kasura; photocopy of published score for 20 part Russian folk orchestra, including bayans, gusli and percussion, "instrumentovka Iu. Chernova", original plate no.: s 3521 k. English title: The great gate of Kiev.
- Folder 5: Bol'gar: tanets, undated

- 2 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domra I and alto balalaika (incomplete) in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 6: Borodino -- Iu.M. Polkorai, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts, incomplete) arr. by W. Kasura; set of 5 parts in an unidentified hand for prima domra I-II, alto domra, alto balalaika (in tabulature notation) and contrabass balalaika (parts do not match score by Kasura).
- Folder 7: Proshchai moi tabor -- B.A. Prozorovskii, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 8: Last rose of summer -- Flotow, undated

- Also includes: When the swallows homeward fly -- F. Abt; Silver threads -- H.P. Danks. 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for domras (prima and alto) and balalaikas (alto and contrabass) in an unidentified hand, all songs on each part.
- Folder 9: Bubentsy: (Russkaia) -- muzyka A. Bakaleinikova; slova A. Kusikova, 1937

- 5 scores + 42 ms. parts. Ten versions as follows: 1. photocopy of published edition for voice and piano (orig. plate no.: L. 243 W.); 2. score and incomplete set of parts for Russian folk orchestra (10 parts, plus accordion and voice), arranged by Kasura "For Claudia Curtis, Soprano"; 3. set of ms. parts for revised version of 2 above; 4-5. two ms. sets of parts for Russian folk orchestra (7 and 8 parts respectively) in an unidentified hand; 6-7. photocopy sets of parts (5 parts each) in an unidentified hand, two versions for Russian folk orchestra, with extra part for cornet; 8. incomplete ms. score by Kasura for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra; 9. score in the hand of Kasura for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra with incomplete accordion part, "P. Biljo library"; 10. incomplete score for four unspecified instruments (probably domras or balalaikas) signed and dated "K 1937", with music for "Gai da troika" (accordion?) on reverse side.
- Folder 10: Bublichki -- arrangements by Kasura, Galla-Rini, G. Stone, H. Lefkowitch and others, 1929-1934

- 7 scores + 18 parts + 7 p. of music. Thirteen arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra, ms. arr. by Kasura; 2. ms. score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; 3. ms. score for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra, arrangement from the Jack Weisberg library, copied by W. Kasura; 4. ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra, arrangement from the Peter Biljo library, copied by W. Kasura (bass balalaika part incomplete); 5. photocopy of published arr. by Gregory Stone for voice and piano, including lyrics in Russian and English (English lyrics by Carol Raven); 6. photocopy of published arr. for voice and piano with chord symbols by H. Lefkowitch (orig. copyright 1929); 7. photocopy of ms. score for voice and piano entitled "Masha (Bublichki)", with Russ. lyrics; 8-9. two sets of 6 ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura; 10. misc. ms. parts from various arrangements; 11. arr. for accordion, ms. in the hand of Kasura; 12. arr. for chorus (keyboard?) with chord symbols for guitar (closed score) with title "Will you buy my bublitcki: song of the pretzel peddler" (photocopy of published ed.); 13. photocopy of published arrangement for piano accordion, compiled by Gregory Stone, arr. by Galla-Rini (orig. publisher Prelude Music Co. copyright 1934).
- Box 73

- Folder 1: Bubna zvon -- S. Pokras, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 18 parts. Manuscript set of parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with corresponding score in the hand of Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics by Oskar Osenin. Title on score incorrectly spelt as one word "Bubnazvon".
- Folder 2: Businki-zhemchuzhinki: pesnia, op. 61 -- Iu. Khait; slova A. D'Aktilia, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 14 parts. Manuscript score (6 parts) with set of 7 parts (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation); set of parts for different arr. (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation); score and all parts in same unidentified hand.
- Folder 3: Byvali dni veselye -- arr. by Sergei Larionoff, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 9 parts. Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts), with annotation "Larionoff library"; photocopy of ms. set of parts (Larionoff originals?) and prima domra part in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 4: Bylina, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 3 parts. Set of three parts (alto and secunda balalaika in tabulature notation, contrabass balalaika in standard notation), arranger not identified; photocopy of ms. score (or part?) for unidentified instrument(s), attributed to Al. Ivanov.
- Folder 5: Bylina o Dmitrii Samozvantse, op. 58 -- Vl. Nasonov, undated

- 1 score (3-9 p.) + 4 ms. parts. Photocopy of published score for 12 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) orig. plate no. Z. 6954, with ms. parts in the hand of M. Selivan for PDII, BDI, SB, AB on the reverse of which are parts for "Chto mne gore".
- Folder 6: Bylogo ne vernut', undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts), set of seven parts in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 7: V alleiakh parka tishina: tango -- muz. E. Barybina; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 9 parts + 1 p. of music. Manuscript score (incomplete) for 8 part Russian folk orchestra, signed and dated by Kasura, with incomplete set of ms. parts (bass domra and secunda balalaika lacking) including accordion part. English title: The park paths are quiet: tango
- Folder 8: V dushe moi -- muz. Bar. V. Vrangelia, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura, with original set of parts in an unidentified hand (lacking bass domra part).
- Folder 9: V lunnom siianii: romans, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (7 parts); set of parts in an unidentified hand. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 10: V nochi na mohyli -- K. Stetsenko, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts (prima domra I-II, alto and contrabass balalaika) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 11: V polusnie -- Arensky, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation) in an unidentified hand. Without the vocal parts and lyrics by Munstein.
- Folder 12: Never on Sunday -- Manos Hadjidakis; arr. by Walter Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 11 parts. Manuscript score and parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 13: V temnom lesu, op. 46 -- A. Pashchenko, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura, with annotation "P. Biljo library"; corresponding set of parts in different hand (Biljo manuscripts?), alto balalaika part in tabulature notation. Without the vocal part and lyrics. Title on ms.: V. temnom lese.
- Folder 14: V tserkvi = In church -- P. Tchaikovsky; arrangements by Kasura, Selivan, Ivanoff, et al, 1938-1973

- 6 ms. scores + 118 parts. Ten arrangements as follows: 1. arrangement by W. Kasura for accordion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra, ms. set of parts; 2. arr. by W. Kasura for accordion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra, score and parts (5 copies); 3. arr. by Kasura for accordion duet with 12 part Russian folk orchestra, incomplete ms. score; 4. arr. by Kasura for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra, ms. parts; 5. arr. by Selivan for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, ms. parts; 6. arr. by Ivanoff for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra, ms. parts in the hand of W. Kasura; 7. arr. for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra, ms. parts in an unidentified hand; 8. arr. for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra with violin, concertina and keyboard (gusli, accordion, piano?), ms. parts in an unidentified hand; 9. photocopy of ms. music for unspecified (keyboard?) instrument in an unidentified hand; 10. ms. prima domra I part in an unidentified hand with title "At church". Reverse of some parts of Selivan's arrangement has parts for "Za rechen'koi iar-khmel'". Kasura arr. 2 dated July 1973; Selivan arrangement dated 7-3-46 and 5-22-62 on different parts.
- Folder 15: Valenki, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 18 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, signed "Juri"; 2. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura and set of parts in an unidentified hand for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, arrangement to accompany vocalist Dora Bosher, soprano; 3. "Valenki: variatsii na temu russkoi narodnoi pesni / muz. A. Shirokov ; inst. V. Kazhura", ms. score (incomplete) for accordion duet with 10 part Russian folk orchestra with prima domra I part (all other parts lacking). Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Box 74

- Folder 1: Val's -- I. Tideman; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (24 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score for accordion with 8 part Russian folk orchestra (incomplete), with incomplete set of parts. Note on folder: "AKA Chantecler, op. 84 W. Prisovsky".
- Folder 2: Val's iz op. Graf fon Liuksemburg -- F. Lehara, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Photocopy of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, arranger not identified.
- Folder 3: Val's iz op. "Silviia" -- E. Kalman, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Photocopy of set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, arranger not identified.
- Folder 4: Van'ka kliuchnik: pesnia, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Set of 5 parts (prima domra I-II, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika) in an unidentified hand. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 5: Vasilek -- R. Drigo. Vengerka; arr. by Mark Selivan, undated

- 28 ms. parts. "Valse bluette" arr. by M. Selivan for solo domra with 7 part Russian folk orchestra, ms. set of parts with copies; "Vengerka", also arr. by Selivan, appears on reverse of 6 parts (not the solo domra nor prima balalaika).
- Folder 6: Vdol' da po rechke -- arrangements by Kasura et al, undated

- 6 scores. Four arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 6 part Russian folk orchestra with subtitle "Khorovaia"; 2. incomplete ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra; 3. "Vdol' da po rechke popurri" incomplete ms. score, arr. by W. Kasura for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra; 4. three photocopies of published piano-vocal score with lyrics in German and Russian (orit. plate no.: Z.10771).
- Folder 7: Vdol' po Piterskoi -- arr. by Kasura et al, undated

- 3 scores + 17 ms. parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. arr. by W. Kasura for baritone solo with accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (ms. set of parts, secunda balalaika part in standard and tabulature notation, vocal part and score lacking); 2. ms. set of parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (incomplete?) to accompany baritone solo; 3. photocopy of published arr. for chorus (equal voices) and piano, with Russian words; 4. photocopy of published arr. by Chaliapin and Keneman for voice and piano; 5. photocopy of published arr. for voice and piano, with words in English, Russian and Russian in transliteration (English title: Along the Peterskaya road).
- Folder 8: Vdol' po ulitse metelitsa metet -- setting by Varlamov; arrangements by Kasura and others, 1948-1966

- 1 score (2 p.) + 37 ms. parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. M. Selivan arrangement, set of 8 ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra, parts variously dated 2-18-1948 and 4 16-1966; 2. set of ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 3-4. three sets of 7 parts for two arrangements by Kasura, to accompany vocalist; 5. photocopy of published score for voice and piano, music by Varlamov, with words in Russian, English and Russian transliterated. Title varies: Snow flurries; Whirlwind; Metelitsa; Vdol' po ulitse.
- Folder 9: Vdol' po ulitse molodchik idet, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript set of 5 parts (prima domra I-II, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 10: Vezde i vsegda za toboiu -- M. Shtol'ts, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (6 parts) with parts (including secunda balalaika part not in score) in the same unidentified hand. Without the vocal part; lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 11: Vengerka: Ritka buza czardas -- arrangements by Selivan and Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) + 22 parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB) in the hand of Mark Selivan; 2. ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 3. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, 2nd copy of BD part includes music for "Russian two step", "Polka Zhukovskogo", "Espan"; 4. incomplete ms. score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 5. photocopy of PDII part in the hand of Selivan (other parts for this arrangement are on the reverse side of the parts for Drigo's Valse bluette, EC416).
- Folder 12: Hungarian introduction and dance -- V. Brenner, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score and parts for violin with 5 part Russian folk orchestra (AD, BD, SB, AB, CB -- sp. violin part in score only) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 13: Vernis' -- B.A. Prozorovskii, 1957

- 3 ms. scores + 17 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript set of parts in an unidentified hand for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation), to accompany vocalist; 2. photocopy of ms. set of parts in the same hand as nr.1 above, 7 parts, different key to accompany D. Bosher; 3. manuscript score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (alto domra II part incomplete) in the hand of W. Kasura; 4. photocopy of vocal score, parts for violin and bass with vocal cues, stamp on each piece: "Arthur Charles ... Local 802 register 1957".
- Folder 14: Vernis' -- B. Fomin; arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 5 parts + 1 p. of music. Manuscript score for accordion with 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) with incomplete set of parts, arr. by Kasura for soprano (Claudia Curtis) with Russ. folk orchestra, vocal part included with all domra/balalaika parts, vocal part with lyrics (last 6 measures only) also included. Also attributed to B.A. Prozorovskii
- Folder 15: Vernis'! Vse pozabudetsia -- Iu. Khait, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts (prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 16: Verkhovino -- M. Mashkin; obr. Zh. Fuchila; inst. W. Kasura, undated

- 14 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domra I, alto domra I, prima, alto and contrabass balalaika, with copies and corrections on some parts.
- Folder 17: Vesel ia, vesel, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (5 parts); set of 5 parts (prima domra I-II, alto domra, alto balalaika in tabulature notation, and contrabass balalaika) in an unidentified hand.
- Box 75

- Folder 1: Nasha pol'ka -- arr. by Selivan, Kasura, Weisberg, 1946

- 2 ms. scores + 20 parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by Mark Selivan ("Registered 1946"), with title "Polka"; 2. ms. set of parts for accordion (?) and 6 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by W. Kasura; 3. incomplete ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra, with note "J. Weisberg library"; 4. ms. score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura, with title "Veselaia ptitsa (Gay bird polka)"; 5. ms. music for accordion in the hand of W. Kasura. Each part in arr. 2 is followed by music for Happy polka.
- Folder 2: Veselye kuznetsy: marsh -- muz. Petersa; arrangements by Larionoff and Ivanoff, 1936

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 20 parts. Two arrangements: 1. manuscript score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra, signed by Al. Ivanoff (arranger); 2. photocopy of set of 8 parts for Russian folk orchestra, attributed to S. Larionoff (signature illegible), some parts dated 3-25-36 and 8-27-36. English title: Jolly blacksmiths.
- Folder 3: Veselyi plotnik, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts (prima domras I-II, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 4: Vetka sireni -- A. Voloshinia, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 5: Veterochek, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts (prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda and alto balalaika in tabulature notation, contrabass balalaika) in an unidentified hand. Russian gypsy song, vocal part not included, lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 6: Vecher na reide -- V. Solov'ev-Sedoi, 1941

- 7 ms. parts. Photocopy of ms. set of parts (prima domras I-II, alto domra I, secunda balalaika in tabulature notation, alto and contrabass balalaika, concertina) in an unidentified hand. <span style="font-size: 12px;">Lyrics (dated 1941) available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.</span>
- Folder 7: Vecher pozdno iz lesochka -- arrangements by Kasura and Selivan, 1963-1968

- 2 ms. scores + 25 parts + 4 p. of music. Five arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, parts dated Nov. 9, 1963 and Nov. 16, 1968, arr. by Mark Selivan; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; 4. ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; 5. arr. by Kasura for accordion. First and fifth arr. are potpourris, fourth arr. is marked "Fantasia".
- Folder 8: Marta: selection -- Flotow, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Incomplete set of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 9: Vechernii zvon -- arrangements by Kasura, Fornazor, Mosolov-Kasura, et al, 1965-1973

- 7 ms. scores + 82 parts. Eleven arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of ms. parts for 3 domras, 1 balalaika in an unidentified hand, dated 21-22 December 1965; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura (?), with misc. parts for several other songs on reverse; 3. photocopies of ms. parts (multiple copies) for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (Kasura's no. 182B), arr. by Kasura; 4. ms. parts for accordion duet with 11 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Mosolov, instr. by Kasura; 5. ms. parts for accordion duet with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Mosolov, instr. by Kasura (Kasura's no. 182C), with ms. score, dated Nov. 1971, with note "arr. W. Kasura (in style of Osipov Orch.) for Balalaika and Domra Society, First performance May 19, 1973, Lincoln Center, Alice Tully Hall NYC"; 6. ms. parts for accordion duet with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra, music by Mosolov, arr. by Kasura (Kasura's no. 182C revised); 7. incomplete ms. score for accordion duet with 10 part Russian folk orchestra, Mosolov and Kasura arrangement; 8. ms. score for accordion trio with 11 part Russian folk orchestra (and flute?), acc. III part incomplete, arr. by Mosolov, instr. by Kasura, dated Nov. 1971; 9. incomplete ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; 10. ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; 11. misc. ms. scores (incomplete) and parts in Kasura's hand; 12. ms. parts for mandolin I,II, and alto balalaika, arr. by Fornazor.
- Folder 10: Vechernyia gryozy -- Al. Ivanoff, 1940

- 1 ms. score (27 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra signed and dated WK 1940, with photocopies of ms. set of 6 parts in an unidentified hand (same arr., undated).
- Folder 11: Vechirnia pisnia, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript set of 5 parts for Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 12: Veshchii Oleg -- arrangements by Kasura, Biljo et al; lyrics by Pushkin, undated

- 5 ms. scores + 12 parts. Seven arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 2. complete score and choral score manuscripts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra with chorus, photocopy of ms. in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. score for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra, ms. in Kasura's hand with note "P. Biljo library"; 4. set of ms. parts for accordion and 6 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; 5-7. incomplete ms. scores for 3-8 part Russ. folk orch., arr. by Kasura. Title varies: Soldier's potpourri; Pesnia pro veshchago Oleg. Lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection, and in arr. 2 above.
- Box 76

- Folder 1: Viiut' vitry -- obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 21 parts. Three similar arrangements by Kasura as follows: 1. ms. parts (and photocopies of ms.) for accordion with 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, PB, AB, CB); 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB); 3. ms. score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB). English title: Blowing winds: Ukrainian potpourri
- Folder 2: Viiut' vitry -- N.V. Lisen'ko, undated

- 11 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist, some parts in the hand of Kasura, others in an unidentified hand. Arranger not identified. Vocal part and lyrics not included.
- Folder 3: Vniz po matushke po volge -- arrangements by S.S. Samuels, Mark Selivan and W. Kasura, 1969

- 1 score + 56 ms. parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of published score for voice and piano with lyrics in English and Russian; 2. ms. parts for prima domra I-II and alto domra I, arr. by S.S. Samuels (?) for the Russian Balalaika orchestra (NYC), with parts for Tsarevna on reverse; 3. photocopy of ms. parts for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, and alto balalaika, arr. by M. Selivan, 20 Nov. 1969; 4. ms. parts (and copies) for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, and CB), arrangement by W. Kasura (April 1970?), includes "Vo luziakh". English title: Down along the mother Volga
- Folder 4: Vnov' priidet vesna i schast'e -- Lev Drizo, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) + 7 parts. Set of 7 ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, with score for same arrangement, with 2 additional parts by W. Kasura. Without the lyrics and vocal part.
- Folder 5: Vo luziakh -- arrangements by Kasura, Selivan, Kovac, Ivanoff and others, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 34 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. set of 7 ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. set of ms. parts in various hands for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra, prima balalaika parts signed and dated "MAS 11-13-60", on reverse of some parts are parts for "Pas d'Espagne"; 3. set of ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by N. Kovac; 4. ms. parts for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura, arr. by N. Kovac; 5. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 6. prima domra II part in an unidentified hand, and score in the hand of Kasura (incomplete) for arr. by Al. Ivanoff, entitled "Vo luziakh variatsii". English title: In the meadow
- Folder 6: Fantaziia "Vo sadu-li v ogorode" -- A. Chudova, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for violin and 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 7: Vo subbotu, den' nenastnyi -- settings by Chesnokov, Kasura and others, undated

- 5 scores + 10 parts + 4 p. of music. Ten arrangements as follows: 1. ms. set of parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra adapted from Chesnokov's choral setting, arranger not identified; 2. ms. set of parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. not identified; 3-4. incomplete scores for 5 and 8 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura (?); 5. ms. score in the hand of Kasura, matches arr. 2 above; 6. score in the hand of Kasura, with vocal part and lyrics, matches arr. 1 above; 7. photocopy of published setting for duet (tenor and baritone) with mixed chorus (SATB), unaccompanied, by P. Chesnokov (Op. 52, No. 1); 8. 2 copies of published arr. for solo voice and chorus (mixed voices), arranger not identified; 9. photocopy of published arr. for bayan/accordion, arranger not identified; 10. photocopy of published arrangement for voice and bayan/accordion, arranger not identified.
- Folder 8: Vozle rechki, vozle mostu, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript set of parts for bass domra and balalaikas (prima, secunda, bass and contrabass), arranger not identified; photocopy of ms. score for 4 unspecified instruments (probably domras or balalaikas), arranger also not specified.
- Folder 9: Voz'mi gitaru -- A. Lepin ; lyrics by M. Pliatskovskii ; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 5 scores + 27 parts. Four arrangements by Kasura and original version as follows: 1-3. 3 ms. scores (not all complete) for 6 and 9 part Russian folk orchestra; 4. set of parts (mostly photocopies, originals missing) for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; 5. photocopy of published (original?) version for bayan/accordion and voice, with vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 10: Volga keringo: val's -- Bakaleinikov, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra, in various hands, including extra prima domra I part in the hand of W. Kasura. Composer identified only as Bakaleinikov; possibly composed by G. or N.R. Bakaleinikov.
- Folder 11: Vol'naia; i Tabornaia -- muz. B. Fomin i V. Kruchinin ; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 2 scores + 1 part. Manuscript score (incomplete) for accordion and 7 part Russian folk orchestra, with bass domra part, in the hand of Kasura with note "For Claudia Curtis" (soprano vocalist); photocopy of published score for voice and piano "Vol'naia / muzyka Borisa Fomina" (Rostov na Don, F.S. Miller). Medley of two tunes, "Vol'naia" by Fomin, and "Tabornaia" by Kruchinin.
- Folder 12: Vosemnadtsat' let -- muzyka O. Grishina; slova V. Zastrozhnogo; arr. W. Kasura, J.T. Matlin, undated

- 4 ms. scores + 13 parts. Five versions as follows: 1. score in the hand of W. Kasura and parts in the hand of Matlin for Matlin's arrangement for 8 part Russian folk orchestra; 2. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Matlin; 3. prima domra I and alto balalaika parts for arr. by Kasura; 4. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 8 part Russian folk orchestra, to accompany vocalist (without the vocal part and lyrics); 5. photocopy of published version (original?) for bayan/accordion and voice. English title: Eighteen years
- Box 77

- Folder 1: Vospominanie o Gatchine -- V.V. Andreev; arrangements by Kasura, Larionoff, and Troianovskii, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 76 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. arr. by Larionoff for 10 part Russian folk orchestra, score in the hand of Kasura, several sets of photocopies of ms. parts with illegible signature, stamp of the "Great Russian Orchestra of Balalaikas"; 2. ms. set of parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra, in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 10 part Russian folk orchestra; 4. ms. set of parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra plus accordion (with extra copies), arr. by Kasura; 5. ms. set of parts for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra plus two accordions, arr. by Kasura; 6. photocopy of published arr. by Troianovskii for duet (piano and balalaika?) orig. plate nr.: 25038. Some arrangements have English title: Souvenir de Gatchino waltz.
- Folder 2: Souvenir of Russia -- arr. A. Ot'shanetskii, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Photocopy of ms. set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, some parts in the hand of Kasura, others signed by N. Kovac, others not identified. Music attributed to Napoleon Buonaparte and arrangement to King George IId (according to Kovac).
- Folder 3: Vostochne shestvie -- F. Von Blon, undated

- 1 ms. score (16 p.) + 15 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. set of parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by W. Lachowski (title: In Cairo: Oriental patrol); 2. ms. score and set of parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, arranger not identified.
- Folder 4: Vot mchitsia troika pochtovaia -- muz. narodnaia; arrangements by Kasura, Kalbous, and Levashov and Shirokov, 1974-1976

- 4 ms. scores + 17 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. W. Kasura arrangement (version 1) for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, score and parts; 2. W. Kasura arrangement (rev. version, Aug. 1976) for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra, plus accordion, score and parts; 3. photocopy of ms. score for 12 part Russ. folk orchestra, including accordion, percussion and vocal part/lyrics, arr. by Lonya Kalbous; 4. photocopy of published score for 15 part Russ. folk orchestra including percussion and bayans, with baritone solo and 7 part chorus, arr. by Levashov, instr. by A. Shirokov (c1974 Izd. Muzyka, orig. plate nr.: 8248). Both Kasura arrangements inscribed "For Ludmila Mishnaevskaya".
- Folder 5: Vot chto nadelali pesni tvoi!, op. 21 -- M. Shteinberg; arr. S.K, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score and set of parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra, without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 6: Vremia izmenitsia: tsyganskii romans -- B.S. Borisov, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) + 8 parts. Manuscript set of parts in an unidentified hand with later score in the hand of Kasura, for violin with 7 part Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 7: Vsegda ty khorosha -- muz. B. Mokrousova, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 8: Vse, chto bylo -- D. Pokrass, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 13 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura ("Gh. Mogiloff library"), with set of 5 parts (in the hand of Mogiloff?) for Russian folk orchestra; 2. parts for bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand; 3. parts for prima domras I-II, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in the same unidentified hand as no.2 above, different key signature. Without the vocal part. (by Pavel German) available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 9: Vspleski moria -- B.A. Prozorovskii; arr. by Peter Biljo, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (in the hand of Biljo?), with score in the hand of W. Kasura, annotated "Peter Biljo library". Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 10: Vstrechi sluchainyia -- Ia. L. Fel'dman, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of W. Kasura. Vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 11: Vchera vas videl ia vo sne -- S. Ziloti, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 14 parts. Manuscript score in the hand of Kasura with 2 sets of parts (orig. and copies) for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, without the vocal part and lyrics. Probably an arrangement based on A.I. [not S.] Siloti's piano transcription.
- Folder 12: Vy prosite pesen -- S. Makarov, undated

- 1 ms. score (13 p.) + 14 parts. Two arrangements: 1. photocopy of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (same hand as 1 above) with score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal parts and lyrics.
- Folder 13: Vy razdaites', razstupites', undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for 4 unspecified instruments (probably domras or balalaikas), arranger not specified.
- Box 78

- Folder 1: Vykhodili krasny devitsy -- obr. A. Ivanov, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 11 parts. Two ms. scores, one in the hand of Kasura for 10 part Russian folk orchestra, the other in an unidentified hand for 11 part Russ. folk orchestra, with set of 10 parts in an unidentified hand, and prima domra part in the hand of W. Kasura. Set of parts has the song "Po ulitse Mostovoi" (English title: Down the paved streets) on reverse side.
- Folder 2: Vykhozhu odin ia na dorogu -- E. Shashina; lyrics by Lermontov; arrangements by Kasura et al, 1974

- 3 scores + 22 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (secunda and contrabass parts in standard and tabulature notation), arranger not identified; 2. set of ms. parts for prima and alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika, arranger not specified; 3. arr. by Kasura for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, to accompany vocalist (S. Moskalenko), ms. parts, without the vocal part and lyrics; 4. photocopy of ms. score for voice and piano with lyrics; 5. photocopy of published score for voice and piano, arr. by A. Novikov (orig. plate no.: 8452, c1974 Muzyka); 6. photocopy of published (original?) version for voice and piano, with lyrics.
- Folder 3: Gai da troika -- arrangements by Selivan and Kasura, 1959-1970

- 4 ms. scores + 50 parts. Seven arr. as follows: 1. arr. by Mark Selivan for 9 part Russian folk orchestra with prima domra solo, ms. and photocopies of ms., some parts dated between 15 Feb 1966 and 13 June 1966, prima domra solo "adaptation" dated April 15, 1970; 2. arr. by unidentified arranger for 7 part Russian folk orchestra plus keyboard/accordion, set of ms. parts (keyboard/accordion part is on reverse side of arrangement 10 of the song "Bubentsy", UIU call no. EC395); 3-4. two scores for different arrangements of 7 part Russian folk orchestra, in the hand of W. Kasura with annotation "P. Biljo library"; 5. set of ms. parts with copies for 10 part Russian orchestra including accordion part, arrangement by Kasura; 6. ms. score for 11 part Russian folk orchestra and accordion duet, "Specially arranged for Balalaika and Domra Society by Walter Kasura, First public performance Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, NY 1972, with annotation on page 29: VK 1936, acc. parts added 1959, prima domra variation at 9 by N. Kovak added 1959", extra pages of score included; 7. unidentified part for prima domra I. Title also appears as: Haida troika: selection.
- Folder 4: Gai-da troika -- M. Shteinberg, undated

- 14 ms. parts. Two sets of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, different arrangements of M.K. (or Maksimilian O.?) Shteinberg's setting of the Russian and Ukrainian folk song. Lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 5: Gaida, troika, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Photocopy of set of parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra, arranger not identified. Ukrainian and Russian folk song (arrangement based on the setting by M.K. or M.O. Shteinberg?). Title in Ukrainian: Hai da troika.
- Folder 6: Han'dzia, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 7: Garmonist igraet -- D. L'vov-Kompaneets, undated

- 18 ms. parts. Original ms. and photocopies of parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, signed by W. Kasura.
- Folder 8: Gdie-b ni skitalsia ia, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) + 8 parts. Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura, and set of parts in an unidentified hand, for baritone voice and 7 part Russian folk orchestra. Vocal part and lyrics included. Title varies: Gde-b ne skitalsia ia.
- Folder 9: Hymn to the sun -- N. Rimsky-Korsakov, undated

- 12 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. adaptation of F. Kreisler's arrangement, for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, in an unidentified hand; 2. set of ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 10: Gitara; Chudesa -- arrangements by W. Kasura et al, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 40 parts. Ten arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra plus accordion, arr. by W. Kasura, with subtitle "Gypsy selections"; 2-3. 2 incomplete scores for same instrumentation as nr.1 above, arr. by Kasura; 4-5. 2 sets of ms. parts for 6 and 7 part Russ. folk orchestra, arranger not identified; 6-10. 5 sets of parts (some incomplete) for various arrangements of Russian folk instruments, with and without accordion/bayan, all by Kasura. Medley of two gypsy songs to be played together in concert.
- Box 79

- Folder 1: Gliadia na luche -- by A. Oppelia, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura (without the vocal part and lyrics).
- Folder 2: Kolokol'chik, undated

- 5 parts. Manuscript set of parts for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments (prima, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaikas) by unidentified arranger. Vocal parts not included; lyrics (by I. Makarov) available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection. English title: Little bell. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Ivushka
- Folder 3: Govoril-to mne serdechnyi drug; Oi utushka lugovaia, undated

- 3 scores + 19 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of set of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, arranger not identified; 2. set of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. set of ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 4. incomplete score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura; 5. photocopy of published arrangement of "Govoril-to mne serdechnyi drug (Protiazhnaia)" by A. Chagadaev (orig. plate no.: G.M.I.M. 4220) for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra with chorus (includes the lyrics); 6. score for four unspecified instruments, untitled, no arranger cited, incomplete (?). Second song also known as "Ai utushka lugovaia".
- Folder 4: Hoi ty, Volga matushka; Ekh, lapti moi, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (incomplete); photocopies of parts for same or similar arrangement in an unidentified hand; arranger not specified.
- Folder 5: Goni iamshchik -- V.P. Semenov, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Russian folk song, setting by Semenov, without the vocal part and lyrics. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Tri troiki
- Folder 6: Gopak: iz neokonchennoi opery "Sorochinskaia iarmarka" -- M. Musorgsky; arrangements by Selivan, Ivanoff, Kasura et al, 1963

- 3 ms. scores + 51 parts. Nine arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for violin and 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Al. Ivanoff (?); 3. ms. and photocopy of ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra, in the hand of M. Selivan (secunda balalaika part dated 11-21-63); 4. ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra in an unidentified hand (prima domra I part missing); 5. ms. parts for prima domra I (incomplete) and prima balalaika in the hand of Kasura; 6. incomplete score for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; 7. ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura (?); 8. incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (with note referring to arr. 6 above); 9. incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for arr. by Ivanoff, 9 part Russ. folk orchestra.
- Folder 7: Hopak, 1932-1933

- 9 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, signed with initials "MK" or "WK"(?) and variously dated between 8-29-32 and 4-15-33. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Malorossiiskii gopak
- Folder 8: Hopak -- obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 12 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts, plus accordion). To accompany dancers. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Malorossiiskii gopak
- Folder 9: Hopak -- arr. by Mark Selivan, undated

- 14 ms. parts. Photocopy of manuscript set of parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra, signed "MAS"; several extra copies of some parts. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Malorossiiskii gopak
- Folder 10: Gori, gori, moia zvezda -- arrangements by Bulakhov, Fistulari, Kasura and Matlin, 1973

- 10 ms. scores + 21 parts + 1 p. of music + 2 lyric sheets. Includes lyric sheets in Russian and English. Eleven arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of published version for voice and piano, setting by P. Bulakhov; 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. ms. score and parts for voice, accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by Fistulari, instrumentation by W. Kasura, second copy of score has incomplete Accordion II part, both scores dated April 1973; 4. ms. score for prima domra, alto and contrabass balalaikas, with parts for balalaikas, arr. by J.T. Matlin, title "Gari, Gari, moia zvezda"; 5. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for prima domra, alto and contrabass balalaika, arr. by Matlin, key and tempo change by Kasura; 6. ms. score in the hand of Kasura, same as arr. 5 without tempo change; 7. incomplete ms. score for PD, AB, CB, arr. by Matlin; 8. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB); 9. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB); 10. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB), arr. by Bulakhov; 11. ms. piano-vocal score in the hand of Kasura, arr. by Fistulari.
- Folder 11: Greek #2 -- arr. by J.T. Matlin, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra.
- Box 80

- Folder 1: Gryozy: val's -- V.V. Andreev; arrangements W. Kasura, 1940-1977

- 7 ms. scores + 37 parts. Nine arrangements as follows: 1. arrangement by Kasura for 9 part Russian folk orchestra plus accordion, score and parts, "written for Balalaika and Domra Society, First public performance Oct. 1978, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, N.Y.", signed and dated "VK 12/77"; 2. Kasura arr. for 6 part Russian folk orchestra, set of parts with extra copies; 3. arr. by Kasura for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra plus accordion, ms. score dated July 1940; 4-7. four scores in the hand of W. Kasura for 7-9 part Russ. folk orchestra, some parts incomplete; 8. photocopy of published score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra with bayan (arr. by Iliukhin?; orig. plate no.: 6263); 9. misc. parts. English title: Dream waltz.
- Folder 2: Grustnaia; i, Veselaia: two Russian folk songs -- arr. by W. Kasura, 1973

- 2 ms. scores + 37 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra plus accordion (incomplete), arr. by Kasura based on settings by Kalinnikov ("Grustnaia pesenka") and N.P. Fomin ("Akh se vecher, vecher"); 2. several sets of parts (originals and photocopies) for Kasura arrangement for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra, one part dated 10/5/73; 3. photocopy of published score for 12 part Russ. folk orchestra with gusli, arr. by N.P. Fomin (orig. plate no. M. 9960 G.).
- Folder 3: Chanson triste -- P. Tchaikovsky; arrangements by S. Tsibul'skii, Nicholas Kovac, Al. Ivanoff, and W. Kasura, 1925-1946

3 ms. score (14 p.) + 30 parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. arrangement by Ivanoff for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, ms. score signed by Ivanoff, photocopies of ms. parts in the hand of Selivan dated 1946 (PDI-II, ADI, remaining parts are on reverse side of MacDowell's "To a wild rose", UIU call no. EC149); 2. set of ms. parts in the hand of Kasura and Tsibul'skii for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra, Tsibul'skii parts signed and dated Feb. 18, 1925; 3. two sets of ms. parts for arr. by N. Kovac for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra, one set in the hand of Kasura; 4. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, CB); 5. ms. score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, CB) with AB part, in the hand of Kasura. Title varies: Grustnaia pesenka; Pechal'naia piesnia; Chanson trieste.
For other arrangements or versions of this work, see To a wild rose
- Folder 4: Grustnaia pesenka -- muz. Vas. Kalinnikova; arrangements by Tsibul'skii, Alekseev, and Poliakov, undated

- 3 scores. Three arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by S. Tsibul'skii, copied by W. Kasura; 2. photocopy of published score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by Alekseev (orig. plate no.: M. 11002 G.); 3. photocopy of published arrangement by M. Poliakov for balalaika and piano (orig. plate no.: 29026). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Grustnaia; Grustnaia pesnia
- Folder 5: Grust' val's -- V. Bakaleinikov; arrangements by Kasura, Ivanoff, et al, 1932-1967

- Valse melancholique. 2 ms. scores + 26 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. set of parts for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura, photocopies of parts include later ms. alterations; 2. incomplete score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. photocopy of set of parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 4. photocopy of score and parts (alto and secunda balalaika parts only) for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by A. Ivanoff, score signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii Aug. 15 1932, the two parts copied and signed by M. Selivan, Feb. 25, 1967.
- Folder 6: Grust' i toska -- M.I. Vavich; slova M.V.A.R.; arrangements by Kasura and others, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 14 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 2. set of parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 3. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura. All arrangements in the same key. First arrangement intended to accompany vocalist.
- Box 81

- Folder 1: Griadoi klubitsia beloiu -- muz. I. Borodina; slova A. Tolsty; arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts in the hand of W. Kasura for 7 part Russian folk orchestra. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 2: Dva rumynskikh tantsa -- B. Bartok; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Set of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 3: Dve gitary, 1962

- 4 ms. scores + 63 parts. Nine arrangements and misc. parts as follows: 1. ms. set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, arranger not identified; 2. ms. set of parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. not identified; 3. photocopies of ms. set of parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. not identified; 4. ms. set of parts (incomplete?) for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra, lacking contr. balalaika part, including alternate bass domra parts, some parts signed and dated by Mark Selivan (Oct. 16-23, 1962); 5. ms. set of parts (with multiple copies of each part) for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra plus accordion, arr. by Kasura; 6-8. three incomplete scores for Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; 9. ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by A. Siegel; 10. mandolin I and prima balalaika parts from missing arrangements. Arrangement five has note: Based on Makarov's "Tears". Several versions of the lyrics are available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection. English title: Two guitars.
- Folder 4: Dve pesni, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, with solo violin, arranger not identified. Violin part not included.
- Folder 5: Two Russian folk songs: Ty ne stoi, kolodets, i Beisia, kapustka -- arr. V. Murzin, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 42 parts. Manuscript score and 7 sets of parts for Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura; scores for 10 part orchestra (incomplete); parts for alto domra II, bass domra and secunda balalaika missing (and only partially present in scores).
- Folder 6: Dve russkie narodnye pesni: (Iaroslavskoi oblasti) -- I. Ivanov, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 3 parts. Two arrangements: 1. manuscript score and parts (both incomplete) in the hand of W. Kasura for 11 part Russian folk orchestra and two accordions, arr. by I. Ivanov; 2. incomplete score for same instrumentation, different key, in the hand of Kasura. Parts have title in English: Two Russian folk songs (from Yaroslav).
- Folder 7: Two Russian folk songs -- arr. by Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.). Incomplete score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra. Title above first measure: Beisia beisia kapustka.
- Folder 8: Dve serezhki, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (with note top of p.1: P. Biljo library); corresponding set of parts in an unidentified hand (P. Biljo?). Vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 9: Derevenskiia spletni -- muz. S. Korona; pz. A.I. Ivanova; slova I. Severianina, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 9 parts. Manuscript score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra signed by Ivanoff, with parts in the hand of W. Kasura; bass balalaika part added by Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 10: Divchyna Ul'iana, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (Andrew Salama?). Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 11: Divnye ochi -- muz. L. Dentsa, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 12: Dni za dniami katiatsia -- S. Pokrass, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 14 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, with matching set of parts in an unidentified hand. Without the vocal parts and lyrics.
- Folder 13: Dni nashei zhizni: marsh -- L. Chernetskii; arrangements by Kasura and Larionoff, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 33 parts. Seven arrangements as follows: 1-3. ms. sets of parts for 6-8 part Russ. folk orchestra ("Old version I", "Old version II" and really old version); 4. ms. parts for prima domras I-II, Kasura's no. 60; 5. ms. parts for accordion and 7 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; 6. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra, with note: arr.?; 7. ms. score for 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (prima domras and prima balalaika parts incomplete), with note: Larionoff orch. English title: Days of our lives. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Days of our lives
- Folder 14: Dovol'no... Proshchai, ia ukhozhu -- Lentseva, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura and set of parts in an unidentified hand for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, to accompany vocalist. Without the vocal parts and lyrics (by Oskar L. Osenin).
- Box 82

- Folder 1: Doina -- L. Friedsell, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 2: Dorogi -- muz. A. Novikov; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) + 28 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura "For Gary", to accompany vocalist (without the vocal part and lyrics); 2. ms. set of parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura; 3. ms. set of parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, signed "VK"; 4. incomplete score for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura. English title: The Roads
- Folder 3: Dorogoi dlinnoiu -- settings by Kasura, Matlin, Fomin and Kasura; with lyrics by K.N. Podrevskii, 1969

- 36 ms. parts. Five settings as follows: 1. arr. by Kasura for 8 part Russian folk orchestra; 2. arr. by Jack T. Matlin ("Registered 1969") for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, with title "The long road (American version)"; 3. ms. set of parts in an unidentified hand, for voice and 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (without the vocal part), setting by Boris Fomin; 4. ms. parts for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra, music by "B. Fomin etc.", arr. by W. Kasura; 5. arr. by Kasura for soprano (Sonya Chamina) with Russ. folk orchestra, incomplete set of parts (photocopies: prima domra II, alto domra I, bass domra and alto balalaika). Lyric sheet in Russian included. Folk song from Eastern Europe, popularized in America in the movie version "Those were the days".
- Folder 4: Dorozhen'ka -- V. Zakharova, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Photocopies of parts for concertina with 5 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 5: Dorozhka torenaia: russkaia narodnaia pesnia -- arrangements by Kasura and Makienko and Maslov, undated

- 2 scores. Two settings as follows: 1. ms. score (incomplete) for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 2. photocopy of published version by Makienko, arr. by Maslov for 4 part chorus (SATB).
- Folder 6: Dremliut plakuchiia ivy -- B.B.; arrangements from the library of P. Biljo, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 22 parts. Three ms. arrangements in the same hand (Peter Biljo?) as follows: 1. ms. parts for violin with 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB); 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist; 3. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), with matching score in the hand of Kasura which includes vocal cues, annotated "P. Biljo library". Vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 7: Dubinushka: pesnia burlakov, undated

- 10 ms. parts. Two arrangements for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in the same hand, parts only.
- Folder 8: Dubinushka -- muz. Rimsky-Korsakova; obr. V. Kazhury, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (Prima domra I part missing).
- Folder 9: Dula, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 7 parts. Manuscript score and parts (two scores, both photocopies of ms.) for 7 part Russian folk orchestra with vocalist (Dora Bosher, soprano); vocal parts and lyrics lacking, arranger/copyist not identified.
- Folder 10: Dumka-Shumka -- N. Lysenko, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Set of ms. parts for violin and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (violin part missing) Medley of two Ukrainian folk songs adapted from Lysenko by unidentified arranger.
- Folder 11: Dushechka devitsa -- Dargomyzhskii; arr. by Mark A. Selivan, March 3, 1963

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript and photocopies of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by M. Selivan.
- Folder 12: Evreiskaia piesnia -- N. Rimskii-Korsakov, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 13: Pesnia ob Erevane -- by Aram Hatsadurian; arr. by Mark A. Selivan; accordion part by W. Kasura, August 1969

- 35 ms. parts. Manuscript parts (with multiple photocopies) for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); accordion parts in the hand of W. Kasura; tabulature version of secunda balalaika part by Al Bengis, copied by M. Selivan; all other parts signed and dated by Selivan between 16-19 August 1969. Accordion part has title: Song of Erevan.
- Folder 14: Ermak, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Set of ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra, arranger not identified.
- Folder 15: Esli vianut rozy -- B.A. Prozorovskii; slova Izy Kremer i V. Saturinoi, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, with photocopy of ms. score (same arrangement) in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal parts and lyrics.
- Folder 16: Pesnia iz kino-fil'ma "Esli zavtra voina" -- Dm. i Dan. Pokrass, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 17: Ekhali tsygane -- arrangements by Kasura, Biljo, Larionoff et al, undated

- 5 ms. scores + 22 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of Kasura; 2. arrangement for violin solo with 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), ms. score in the hand of Kasura, parts in an unidentified hand (violin part in score only); 3. ms. parts for accordion with 8 part Russ. Folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 4. incomplete ms. score for arr. by Biljo for Russ. folk orchestra; 5. incomplete ms. score for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra, parts in red by Larionoff, parts in blue by Biljo; 6. incomplete ms. score for arr. by Kasura for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Ei, tsygane
- Box 83

- Folder 1: Elka val's: waltz from the story "The Christmas tree" -- . Rebikoff; arrangements by Ivanoff, Selivan and Kasura, 1931-1962

- 2 ms. scores + 22 parts. 4 arrangements as follows: 1. ms. and photocopy of ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB/BD) signed and dated by Selivan, May 29-30, 1962; 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 3. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Ivanoff, with photocopy of matching score signed and dated by Tsibul'skii, Feb. 28, 1931, Brooklyn, N.Y.; 4. photocopy of ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 2: Zhavoronok -- Glinka, undated

- 13 ms. parts. Manuscript parts in an unidentified hand for Russian folk orchestra (PDI, PDII, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), two arrangements.
- Folder 3: Zhamel's Lezginka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 12 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for accordion with 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 4: Zhivet moia krasotka -- arrangements by Kasura and Zhivtsov, undated

- 2 scores. Two arrangements: 1. incomplete ms. score for 5 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by W. Kasura; 2. photocopy of published score for voice and accordion/bayan, arr. by A. Zhivtsov (orig. plate no.: 8452), with words in Russian. Folk song also known as "Zhivet moia otrada".
- Folder 5: Zhiguli: tsyganskaia kochevaia pesnia -- arrangements by Kasura et al, undated

- 37 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. set of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, based on a setting by B.A. Prozorovskii; 2. manuscript set of parts (with copies) for 8 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by W. Kasura. Both arrangements intended to accompany vocalist (first arr. specifies Dora Bosher, soprano); vocal parts lacking, lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 6: Zhizn' za tsaria -- M. Glinka; arrangements by Kasura, Lachowski, Selivan et al, 1928-1964

- 5 ms. scores + 68 parts. Seven arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for PDI, AD, AB and CB in an unidentified hand; 2. incomplete ms. score with parts (multiple copies) for accordion with 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB), with one page of revision ("Addenda") for each part, arr. by Kasura; 3. incomplete ms. score and set of parts for accordions (2) and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), specially arranged by W. Kasura for the Balalaika and Domra Society, First public performance, Oct. 28, 1978, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, N.Y. (acc. II part not in score); 4. photocopy of ms. score and parts for 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by M. Selivan 9-5-1964; 5. photocopies of ms. parts for 11 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, contrabass domra, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), originals bear the stamp of the Great Russian Orchestra of Balalaika, Detroit, Mich.; 6. photocopy of ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), arr. by W. Lachowski, signed and dated MAS 11-30-1928 (subtitle: Overture); 7. incomplete ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for accordion and 11 part Russ. folk orchestra. English title: LIfe for the Czar
- Box 84

- Folder 1: Zhizn' tsyganskaia -- D. Pokrass; words by B. Timofeyev, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 14 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. set of parts and 2 photocopies of score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (score lacks secunda balalaika part) in an unidentified hand; 2. photocopy of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by W. Kasura. Both arrangements intended to accompany vocalist, but vocal part and lyrics not included. English title: Gypsy life
- Folder 2: Zhuravel', undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript set of 6 parts for Russian folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura (?), based on the setting by Arensky.
- Folder 3: Za milykh zhenshchin -- V. Pergament, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) + 12 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand (with vocal cues); 2. ms. score and parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura, part for secunda balalaika lacking.
- Folder 4: Zabyty nezhnyia lobzan'ia -- A. Lenina [sic]; obr. W. Kasura et al, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 11 parts. Three similar arrangements as follows (all in the same key): 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 3. ms. score (incomplete) for solo voice, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by and in the hand of W. Kasura. (without the lyrics).
- Folder 5: Zaviala siren' -- L. Kalishevskago, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 6: Zadremal tikhii sad: tsyganskii romans -- muz. Barona B.B.; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. part for unspecified instrument/voice in the hand of Kasura; 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 7: Zakuvala ta siva zazulia -- P. Nishchinskii; arrangements by Kasura, Selivan, Ivanoff, et al, 1939-1972

- 3 ms. scores + 135 parts. Title varies: Zakuvala; Zazulia; The ill-fated cuckoo bird. Ten versions as follows: 1-3. manuscript parts for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), similar arrangements, all in an unidentified hand; 4. ms. parts for concertina with 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 5. ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of M. Selivan, some parts signed and dated (between 1960 and 1967); 6. ms parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 7. ms. score and parts for accordion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura, signed and dated July 1972, with score and parts for section 10 only, revised version; 8. incomplete ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by Kasura December 1939; 9. set of ms. parts for orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, CBI-II, flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, horn in F, timpani) arr. by and in the hand of Al. Ivanoff, with incomplete score in the hand of Kasura marked "Revised Ivanoff arr."; 10. misc. parts in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 8: Zamelo tebia snegom, Rossiia -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 20 ms. parts. Three ms. sets of parts for 5, 7 and 8 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura based on arrangements by Pèetr Batorin and A.N. Nikolaev. Without the vocal parts and lyrics.
- Folder 9: Zachem bylo vliubliat'sia -- s napeva Iuriia Morfessi; zapis. Iu. Rika, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) + 7 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included), arranged by W. Kasura for Sonya Chamina; 2. photocopy of ms. score for voice and piano in an unidentified hand, includes the lyrics in Russian. Song also known as "Pol so". For other arrangements or versions of this work, see On uekhal'. English title: Why did we fall in love?
- Box 85

- Folder 1: Zachem ia mal'chik urodilsia, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 5 ms. parts. Set of parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of W. Kasura to which are added 4 additional parts, none completed. Russian folk songs from Siberia, without the vocal parts and lyrics.
- Folder 2: Zvezdy noch'iu gariat -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 14 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (with extra copies).
- Folder 3: Zvezdy blestiat: val's -- V.V. Andreev; arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.). Manuscript score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 4: Zvezdy na nebe -- V. Borisov; slova E. Diterikhs, undated

- 2 scores + 7 ms. parts. Three versions as follows: 1. set of 7 ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra, arranger not identified; 2. incomplete ms. score for voice, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra arr. by W. Kasura; 3. photocopy of published (orig.?) version for voice and piano, with words.
- Folder 5: Zvuchit balalaika -- W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.). Incomplete score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 6: Zdies' khorosho -- Rakhmaninov, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for voice and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (prima domra I-vocal, PDII, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. Lyrics not included.
- Folder 7: Zolotistym zolotoi: Saratovskiia liubimyia chastushka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura. Original arr. may be by Makhs Heid (information from Kasura's card index).
- Folder 8: Zolotym kol'tsom -- muz. G.L. Gofmana, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 13 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 2. score and parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by W. Kasura; 3. score for accordion with 11 part Russ. folk orchestra, ms. by Kasura (accordion part incomplete). First arr. written to accompany Dora Bosher, soprano. Without the vocal parts and lyrics.
- Folder 9: I budu tebia ia laskat' -- muz. M. Shteinberg; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.)Â Manuscript score (incomplete) arr. by Kasura for Russian folk orchestra with bayan.
- Folder 10: I kto ego znaet -- muz. V. Zakharova, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for concertina and 7 part Russian folk orchestra, in an unidentified hand. English title: Who knows him
- Folder 11: I l'etsia pesnia -- muz. Val. Kruchinin, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal parts and lyrics.
- Folder 12: I ia yidu -- I ia yidu, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand with score in the hand of W. Kasura; to accompany vocalist. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 13: Ivushka -- muz. G. Ponomarenko; slova V. Alferova; inst. W. Kasura, 1967-1970

- 8 ms. scores + 48 parts. Six versions as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for voice, accordion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura for Claudia Curtis, soprano (vocal part and lyrics included in score only), signed and dated May 1970; 2. ms. score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) with set of parts, including PB and voice; 3. ms. parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 4. ms. score for bayan with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by Kasura, 1967; 5. incomplete set of parts for Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PB, AB, BB) for 2 arrangements (?) by Kasura; 6. photocopy of published version for voice and bayan, includes lyrics in Russian. English title: Little willow tree
- Folder 14: Ivushka; Kolokolchik -- muz. Ponomarenko; arr. M. Levin, undated

- 23 ms. parts. Manuscript parts and photocopies of ms. parts for balalaika solo with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); some parts in an unidentified hand (Levin's?), others in the hand of W. Kasura (many of the latter marked "Revised" or Corrected"). Two Russian folk songs, settings by Ponomarenko, combined into a medley and arranged by M. Levin, revised by W. Kasura.
- Folder 15: Iz-za liesa temnago, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 16: Internatsional -- arrangements by Kasura, Fomin, et al, undated

- 2 scores + 6 ms. parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. photocopy of published score for 12 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by N.P. Fomin (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB); 3. photocopy of published score for chorus with 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. not identified, lyrics in Russian.
- Folder 17: Romashki spriatalis'; Zapadnia -- muz. E. Ptichkina, N. Goleshchanova; obr. V. Kazhura, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Medley of Ptichkin's "Romashki spriatalis'" and Goleshchanov's "Zapadnia". Manuscript parts for accordion and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB). English titles: The daisies have hidden; Pitfall
- Folder 18: Introduction Swan Lake Suite, op. 20 -- P. Tchaikovsky; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.). Incomplete ms. score for accordions (3) with 11 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Box 86

- Folder 1: Iskorki pozhara -- L. Drizo, undated

- 14 ms. parts. Two ms. arrangements for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in the same unidentified hand, one original set of parts, and one photocopy of ms. parts to accompany Dora Bosher, soprano. Without the vocal part and lyrics. Song also known under title "My vstretilis sluchaino".
- Folder 2: Ital'ianskaia pol'ka -- muz. S. Rakhmaninov; arrangements by W. Kasura, Iu. Chernov, and Ia. Meksin, undated

- 5 scores + 22 ms. parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete ms. score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by Kasura; 2. photocopy of ms. score for accordion duet with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra arr. by Kasura (same instrumentation as no. 1 plus PBII); 3. photocopy of published score for Russ. folk orchestra (domras, bayans, balalaikas, gusli, percussion), arr. by Chernov (orig. plate no. s3521k); 4. photocopy of published score for 15 part orchestra of domras and balalaikas (orig. plate no. M.9309 G.); 5. photocopy of published arrangement for violin and piano by Ia. Meksin (orig. plate no. 24196). English title: Italian polka
- Folder 3: Kavkaz popuri -- arr. by Mark A. Selivan, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Set of ms. parts (some original, others photocopies) for 8 part Russian folk orchestra signed and dated by the arranger, secunda and alto balalaika parts on same page. Title varies: Kavkaz; Kavkaz potpourri; Caucasian potpourri.
- Folder 4: Caucasian sketches. No. 2. In the village -- by Michael Mikhailovich Ippolitov-Ivanov; arr. by Mark A. Selivan, 1969

- 11 parts. Photocopy of ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra, with photocopies of published edition parts for contrabass balalaika, timpani and drums, and violin or prima domra I (these parts are not in the ms. parts), Ms. parts dated Feb. 10-15. Title appears in Russian on some parts: V aule [sic].
- Folder 5: Caucasian sketches. No. 3. In the mosque, Op. 10 -- by Michael Mikhailovich Ippolitov-Ivanov; arr. by Mark A. Selivan, 1968

- 9 ms. parts. Photocopy of set of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, signed and dated between August 9 and 14; contrabass balalaika part copy of published version (arranger not identified). Title in Russian: V mecheti.
- Folder 6: Caucasian sketches. No. 4. Procession of the Sardar -- by Michael Mikhailovich Ippolitov-Ivanov; arrangements by Mark A. Selivan and Walter J. Kasura, 1968

- 32 ms. parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. arr. by Selivan for 7 (9?) part Russ. folk orchestra photocopy of ms. set of parts dated August 3-8 1968, contrabass balalaika part is photocopy of published edition (arranger not identified), no parts for prima domra I or prima balalaika; 2. ms. set of parts in the hand of W. Kasura for 5 part Russ. folk orch.; 3-4. two similar arrangements by Kasura for Russian folk orchestra, parts for 5 domras and prima balalaika (other parts missing?).
- Folder 7: Kavkazskaia shalakho, undated

- 26 ms. parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. "Shalaho / by Kornienko." ms. parts for alto, contrabass balalaika, keyboard and unidentified part, with other music not identified, arranger not specified; 2-3. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura, one set complete ms. parts, the other set incomplete with duplicates (all photocopies of missing originals). Title appears in English as "Caucasian shalaho".
- Folder 8: Kadril'=Quadrille -- muz. P. Kulikov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for accordion and 7 part Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 9: Kadril': iz kinofil'ma "Vysota" -- P. Kulikov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 3 scores + 4 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. scores (both incomplete) for accordion/bayan with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with incomplete set of parts, arr. by and in the hand of Kasura; 2. photocopy of published score for two domras, balalaika and bayan, arranger not identified.
- Folder 10: Kadril' -- M. Vakhutinskii; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 34 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score for accordion duet with 10 part Russian folk orchestra, with incomplete set of parts (prima balalaika IA and accordion II parts missing), arr. by Kasura; 2. incomplete ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra arr. by W. Kasura; 3. photocopy of published score for bayan, two domras and two balalaikas (arranger not specified).
- Folder 11: Kazatskaia pesnia i pliaska -- zapisano M.N. Borodina, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.). Photocopy of manuscript score for unspecified instruments (domras?), 4 staves (3 treble, 1 bass clef), with cues for solo voice and chorus.
- Folder 12: Kazach'ia pesnia: iz opery "Podniataia tselina" -- Dzerzhinsky, undated

- 12 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for two similar arrangements by W. Kasura (?): 1. for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB); 2. incomplete set of parts for shorter version (AD, BD, AB, CB parts only).
- Folder 13: Vo luziakh: variatsii na temu russkoi narodnoi pesni -- P. Karkin, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima balalaika and secunda/alto balalaika signed and dated by M. Selivan, with photocopy of published drum part. Other parts for this arrangement are included in arr. 2 of Kasura Collection no. EC995 (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II-III, BDI-II, BB, CB, gusli).
- Box 87

- Folder 1: Kazbek: gypsy melody -- arrangements by Selivan, Kovac, Kasura, Iur'ev, et al., 1966-1969

- 8 scores + 52 parts. Eight arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, AB) arr. by Mark Selivan to accompany vocalist (Zaven Malik, Baritone), signed and dated Nov. 19, 1969; 2. ms. and photocopies of ms. parts for viola domra solo with Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, VD solo and non solo, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arrangement by N. Kovac, in the hand of and signed and dated by M. Selivan Feb. 13, 1966 and Feb. 25, 1967; 3. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with extra parts and score in the hand of Kasura; 4. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of Kasura; 5. ms. score and parts for voice (bass, C. Moskalenko), accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 6. 2 ms. scores and set of parts for voice (bass, C. Moskalenko), accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra, one score includes vocal part and lyrics in Russian, arr. by Kasura; 7. photocopy of published score for voice and piano, arr. by Iur'ev, lyrics in Polish and Russian; German and Russian (W. Zimmermann, pl. no. Z. 10965)
- Folder 2: Kak vo pole, pole, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript set of 5 parts for Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 3: Kak pod grushitseiu: fantaziia na russkuiu narodnuiu pesniu -- pz. Vl. Nasonov, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 4: Kak po el'nichku, Poidu-l', vyidu-l' ia popurri, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Photocopy of ms. set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand. Medley of the two songs "Kak po el'nichku" and "Poidu-l', vyidu-l' ia".
- Folder 5: Kak pod iablon'koi -- obr. R. Karkina, undated

- 31 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts (with copies) for gusli and 10 part Russian folk orchestra, in the hand of W. Kasura. Original arr. by Karkin was for gusli with plectral ensemble; accordion part by Kasura.
- Folder 6: Kak u duba starogo: partizanskaia -- S. Katsa; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.). Manuscript score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB).
- Folder 7: Kak khorosho na svete zhit', undated

- 21 ms. parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of ms. parts for concertina or bayan (?) and 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BDI-II, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with title "Serdtse"; 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB); 3. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura (?), on the reverse of which are parts for "Smelo tovarishchi, v nogu".
- Folder 8: Kak khoroshi te ochi -- Fal'binova, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of Kasura, to which he has added parts for ADII and PB; to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included)
- Folder 9: Kak iantar' vino gorit -- Ia.L. Fel'dmana, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 7 parts. Set of 7 ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of Kasura. Without the vocal parts and lyrics.
- Folder 10: Kakim ty byl: iz kf. "Kubanskie kazaki" -- muz. I. Dunaevsky; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist. Vocal part not included; lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 11: Kalinka: russkaia narodnaia pesnia -- arrangements by Kasura, Gorodovskaia, L.M. Davis, Aleksandrov, and Levashov and Shirokov, undated

- 10 scores + 84 ms. parts + 2 p. Includes lyric sheet in Russian. Sixteen arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist, in an unidentified hand; 2. arr. by Gorodovskaia, instr. by Davis, ms. parts for balalaika solo with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (accordion, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), solo balalaika part missing; 3. ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (accordion, PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB) to accompany soprano (Ludmila Mishnaevskaya), arr. by Kasura, vocal part not included; 4. ms. parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) to accompany soprano (Sonya Chamina, vocal part not included), arr. by Kasura; 5. incomplete set of parts for arr. by Kasura similar to arr. 4; 6. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for accordion and 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-IA-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 7. ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura; 8. ms. score for accordion and 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, arr. by A.V. Aleksandrov; 9. photocopy of published score for chorus, gusli, bayans, winds, domras, balalaikas and percussion, arr. by Levashov and Shirokov ("Iz rep. khora Piatnitskogo"); 10. photocopy of published score for tenor solo with chorus (T, B), arr. by A. Aleksandrov; 11. photocopy of published score for voice and piano with chord symbols, lyrics in English and Russian; 12. misc. parts for plectral ensemble, marked "Talya"; 13-15. incomplete ms. scores in the hand of Kasura for Russian folk orchestra; 16. photocopy of published score for tenor solo, chorus, bayans, domras, balalaikas and percussion, arr. by A.V. Aleksandrov.
- Box 88

- Folder 1: Kalitka -- muz. A. Obukhova; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 48 ms. parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, PB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (Diane T.); 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB) to accompany vocalist; 3. ms. parts for accordion with 4 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, PB) ; 4. photocopies of ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, BB, CB). Vocal parts not included; lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection. English title: Little gate. Title varies: The gate.
- Folder 2: Kamarinskaia: russkaia narodnaia pesnia -- arrangements by Osipov, Krasev, L.M. Davis and Kasura, 1978

- 3 scores + 17 parts + 8 p. of music. Five arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for accordion and 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB), arr. by N. and D. Osipov, instr. by Kasura; 2. ms. score for balalaika (?) solo, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by L.M. Davis, instr. by Kasura (incomplete); 3. photocopies of two balalaika solo parts signed and dated by L.M. Davis 3/78; 4. photocopy of published score for balalaika and keyboard, arr. by M. Krasev, balalaika part "pod redaktsii A.S. Iliukhina" (orig. plate no. M.7684G.); 5. photocopy of published score for balalaika and keyboard arr. by N. and D. Osipov (orig. plate no. s 771 k).
- Folder 3: Kapriznaia, upriamaia -- slova i muzyka Aleksandr Koshevskii, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 7 parts. Manuscript score and parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with additional ms. score for same arrangement in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 4: Karapet: Russian two step -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 4 ms. scores + 13 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika; 2. ms. set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra; 3. 3 ms. scores (2 originals and one photocopy) and parts for plectral trio: prima domra, alto and contrabass balalaika; 4. ms. score for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra, accordion and prima balalaika parts incomplete.
- Folder 5: Karapuz pol'ka -- arr. by Mark A. Selivan, 1964

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 9 parts. Manuscript set of parts, some originals (dated 18 September 1964) and some photocopies for Russian folk orchestra (9 parts) in the hand of M.A. Selivan, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Score has additional title in English: Chubb polka. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Misirlou
- Folder 6: Brown eyes: Russian peasant's serenade -- P. Ouglitzky; arrangements by M. Selivan, W. Kasura et al, 1931-1966

- 3 ms. scores + 31 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, viola domra, BD, PB, AB, CB) signed and dated by M. Selivan, arranger, 1931 and 13 Feb. 1966; 2. ms. score and parts in the hand of Kasura for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB); 3. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of Kasura; 4. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of Kasura. Arrangements 2-4 to accompany vocalist; vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 7: Karmanshchiki-chiki: (a.k.a. Nochka) -- arrangements by W. Kasura et al, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) + 11 parts + 1 p. of music. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. set of parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. set of parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra in the same hand as #1 above, different key and instrumentation; 3. one page of music for canto, pripev and khor, a capella arrangement by W. Kasura, with lyrics in Russian; 4. incomplete ms. score for voice, accordion and 8 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by W. Kasura. Title on first two arrangements: Karmanchiki.
- Folder 8: Katiusha -- M. Blanter; words by M. Isakovskii; arrangements by Kasura and Kuznetsov, undated

- 5 scores + 17 ms. parts + 1 p. of music. Eight arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, to accompany vocalist; 2. ms. parts for accordion and 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by W. Kasura to accompany soprano (Claudia Curtis); 3-5. three incomplete ms. scores for Russ. folk orchestra with and without accordion, all in the hand of W. Kasura; 6. photocopy of published arrangement by Kuznetsov for voice and Russ. folk orchestra (bayans (2), domras (6), balalaikas (5) and percussion), with ms. PDI part in the hand of Kasura; 7. photocopy of published score for voice and piano with chord symbols, lyrics in Russian and English; 8. photocopy of published score for choral arrangement (3 parts, equal voices). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Moscow nights
- Folder 9: Kibitka -- muz. S. Korona; pz. A.I. Ivanova, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 4 parts. Manuscript score (Ivanoff's original?) for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (prima balalaika part incomplete), with individual parts for domras copied by W. Kasura.
- Folder 10: Kirpichiki -- V. Kruchinina, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unknown hand; extra part for alto domra in a different hand (orig. ms.). Arrangement to accompany Dora Bosher, soprano, without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 11: Kiss me again -- V. Herbert, 1915

- 1 ms. score (17 p.) + 11 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. published edition, arr. by G.J. Trinkhaus, parts for violin, cello, bass, piano-vocal, oboe and bassoon (Whitmark, c1915), with alto balalaika part on reverse of oboe-bassoon part in the hand of Al. Ivanoff; 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of Kasura, to which he has added incomplete parts for ADII, BD, PB and SB. Without the lyrics. Adaptation of song "If I were on the stage" from the comic opera "Mlle. Modiste".
- Box 89

- Folder 1: Klen -- obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 9 parts. Manuscript score and parts for voice, accordion and 7 part Russian folk orchestra. Includes lyrics in English. "For Gary Nova". Fuller title: Klen ty moi opavshii. English title: Maple Tree.
- Folder 2: Kogda-b ia znal -- P. Kozlov, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, with annotation "Biljo library, very basic". Vocal part and lyrics not included.
- Folder 3: Kogda vas net -- Ia.L. Fel'dman; arrangements by Kasura et al, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 8 parts + 2 p. of music. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. set of parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, incomplete; 3. alto balalaika and unspecified part in an unidentified hand, and two pages of untitled music. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 4: Kozachek -- Zhamel, undated

- 1 ms. score (22 p.) + 2 parts. 2 arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for AB and CB in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), incomplete, with title "Kozachek pliasovaia = Kozachok dance melodies / Zhamel and Carol".
- Folder 5: Kozachek -- Roman Prydatkewytsch, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for violin and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 6: Kolokol'chiki, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript set of parts in an unidentified hand for 5 part Russian folk orchestra, with score in the hand of Kasura including additional parts (alto II and bass domra, prima and secunda balalaika). Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 7: Kolomeika -- F. Tymolski, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 8: Kolkhoznaia pol'ka -- muz. G. Kamaldinov, undated

- 1 ms. score (27 p.) + 9 parts. Manuscript score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (incomplete) with incomplete set of parts (prima domra I, alto and contrabass balalaika, accordion/bayan?, with extra copies), in the hand of W. Kasura. English title: Farmer's polka
- Folder 9: Berceuse=Kolybelnaia, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Set of 7 ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 10: Kolybel'naia = Berceuse -- A. Grechaninov; arrangements by Kasura, Selivan et al, 1963

- 2 scores + 52 ms. parts. Seven arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 4. ms. parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by M. Selivan 22 Feb. 1963, English title "Slumber song"; 5. ms. parts for accordion and 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-IA-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-IA, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist, arr. by Kasura; 6. ms. parts for accordion with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-IA-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist, with score (probably of much earlier date), same arrangement but lacking vocal and accordion parts; 7. photocopy of published score for voice and piano with lyrics in Russian (by Lermontov) and French (by Sergennois); misc. pages of ms. music and notes for arrangements. English title: Cradle song.
- Folder 11: Kolybel'naia -- A. Liadov, undated

- 4 scores + 9 ms. parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PBI-II, SB) in an unidentified hand; 2. photocopy of published score for domra solo with piano accompaniment; 3. photocopy of published score for bayan, percussion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (plate no. M.26376 G.), arr. by V. Avksent'ev; 4. photocopy of published score for domra sextet (plate no. s1959k), arr. by V. Voskan'ian.
- Folder 12: Komar -- P. Uglitskii, undated

- 1 ms. score (27 p.) + 10 parts. Three ms. arrangements all in the same key: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, some sections incomplete.
- Folder 13: Koliada-Moliada -- muz. Liadov, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 14: Komu liubov' svoiu otdam -- E. Rodygin and E.N. Ptichkin. G. Ponomarenko; arr. by W. Kasura, 1979

- Arranged for Balalaika and Domra Society. <span style="font-size: 12px;">1 ms. score (19 p.) + 8 parts. </span><span style="font-size: 12px;">Medley of two songs. </span><span style="font-size: 12px;">Manuscript score signed and dated by Kasura for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra, with parts for PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB and accordion (BD and SB in score only).</span>
- Folder 15: Ivan Tsarevich uvertiura -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript score and parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura. Composer not identified; possibly K. Kavos (from "Zhar ptitsa, ili, Prikliucheniia Ivana Tsarevicha") or Eikhenval'd (from "Zhar-ptitsa (Ivan Tsarevich)").
- Box 90

- Folder 1: Kontsertnye variatsii -- N. Budashkin; arrangements by L.M. Davis and W.J. Kasura, 1969-1980

- 2 ms. scores + 76 parts. Two complete arrangements and miscellaneous parts as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for solo balalaika, accordion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-IA-II, ADI-II, BD, PB (non-solo), SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, arr. by L.M. Davis 12/1969, corrected by Kasura 1971; 2. "Kontsertnye variatsii dlia balalaiki i orkestra / muz. N. Budashkin ; obr. V. Kazhura dlia L. Davis, specially arranged for solo of L. Davis with Balalaika and Domra Society for its 20th anniversary, March 1980", ms. score and parts for solo balalaika, accordions (2), and 12 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-IA-II, ADI-II, BD, PBIA-II, SB, AB, BB, CB); 3. misc. working versions of balalaika and bayan parts. English title: Concert Variations.
- Folder 2: Konchilos' schast'e -- N. Harito, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Two manuscript arr., the first (arr. by H. Komatz?) for prima and alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika; the second (arr. by N. Grushko) for violin I-II, cello and bass.
- Folder 3: Korobeiniki: fantaziia -- V. Ditel'; pz. W. Kasura, undated

- 45 ms. parts. Manuscript parts (with copies) for accordion trio with 12 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-IA-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB). One copy of the contrabass balalaika part in the hand of Peter D'Auria, dedicated to Alex Kuchma.
- Folder 4: Korabli -- B.A. Prozorovsky, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 21 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for prima domra solo with 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for violin solo with 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand (violin and PDII parts missing); 3. ms. parts for vocalist with 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand (vocal part lacking, lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection); 4. ms. score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 5: Korsetka, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript score for violin and piano signed "AK"SP(Aleksandr Kiriloff?) with photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (with violin cues) in the same hand.
- Folder 6: Cossack revels: danse grotesque -- Ivan Tschakoff; arrangements by Otto Orlick and Chas. J. Roberts, 1910-1971

- 1 ms. score (16 p.) + 46 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for accordion with 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDII, ADII, BD, AB, CB), arr. by Orlick; 2. ms. score (incomplete) and 2 sets of ms. parts for prima domra solo with accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), some parts in the hand of Kasura, others signed and dated by Orlick, Feb., 1971; 3. copies of published piano part, arr. by Roberts (New" York : Carl Fischer, 1910).
- Box 264

- Folder 1: Kostia moriak -- N. Bogoslovskii, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra, arranger not identified.
- Folder 2: Kokhanochka -- arrangements by Selivan and Kasura, 1946

- 4 ms. scores + 33 parts. Six similar variants for Russian folk orchestra: 1. ms. parts for PDI-II, BD, AB with stamp "Mark A. Selivan ... 1946"; 2. several ms. copies of parts for PDI, PDIA, PDII, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB, all for same arrangement by Kasura; 3-4. ms. scores for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) arr. by and in the hand of Kasura; 5-6. ms. scores for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura (arr. 5 incomplete).
- Folder 3: Krakoviak -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (prima domra II and bass domra parts incomplete), in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 4: Krakoviak -- Petrova, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 15 parts. Three similar arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (as above, with ADII) in the hand of Kasura. Title varies: Krakoviak-Petrova; Krakoviak no. 2.
- Folder 5: Krasna devitsa: Vo sele vo pokrovke, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 5 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by W. Kasura based on arr. nr. 1 above. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 6: Krasnyi sarafan -- settings by Varlamoff, Kasura, Selivan [ et al.], 1965-1966

- 2 ms. scores + 55 parts. 5 arrangements and misc. parts as follows: 1. ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand (PB part in the hand of Selivan, dated Nov. 30, 1966) with parts for Glinka's Life for the Tsar on reverse; 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, based on setting by Varlamoff for vocalist (vocal part lacking); 3. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, VDI, BD, SB, CB) with published mandolin I part, ms. parts in the hand of Ivanoff (?), adaptation of the setting by Varlamoff; 4. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, with incomplete score (PDI part only); 5. photocopy of ms. score for balalaika duet with piano accompaniment, arr. by Mark Selivan, signed and dated April 14, 1965; 6. misc. ms. parts for incomplete arrangements. Lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection. English title varies: The red sarafan; The red saraphan; The scarlet frock. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Ne farsi
- Folder 7: Krizachok, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 8: Krymskie eskizy -- A. Spendiarov; arrangements by Selivan, Gabaeff, Kasura et al, 1967

- 35 ms. parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. part for piano and photocopies of ms. parts for PDI-II, ADII, SB, AB, CB in the hand of Mark Selivan; 3. photocopies of ms. parts for PDI-II, AD, SB, AB, CB in the hand of M. Selivan, arr. by V. Gabaeff (SB part dated Sept. 25, 1967); 4. ms. parts for PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-IA, SB, AB, CB, arr. by Gabaeff, instr. by Kasura. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Khaitarma. English title: Crimean sketches.
- Folder 9: Kumanek, pobyvai u menia -- V. Poponov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (13 p.). Incomplete ms. score for 3 accordions and 11 part Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 10: La Bella Argentina: tango, 1933

- 1 ms. score (19 p.) + 8 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts), with note "S. Larionov library" in the hand of W. Kasura, with photocopies of ms. parts signed "MK" (?) and dated between 9-18-1933 and 9-24-1933, each with the stamp of the Great Russian Orchestra of Balalaika, Detroit, Mich.
- Folder 11: La capricieuse: Morceau de genre -- Edward Elgar, undated

- Op. 17. 1 ms. score (2 p.) + 8 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. parts for violin and 7 part Russian folk orchestra, violin part is photocopy of published edition edited by Jascha Heifetz, orchestra parts are manuscripts in an unidentified hand; 2. incomplete ms. score for violin and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, with note "P. Biljo library".
- Folder 12: La Copa del olvido: tango, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.) + 20 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BDI-II, SB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. incomplete set of parts (photocopy of ms.) for PD, AD, AB, CB in an unidentified hand; 3. orig. ms. and photocopy of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, extra alto domra part in the hand of N. Grushko, score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Box 91

- Folder 1: Lara's theme from Doctor Zhivago -- Maurice Jarre; arrangements by Kasura, Selivan, and L.M. Davis, 1966-1976

- 31 ms. scores + 107 parts. Twenty-two arrangements and misc. pieces as follows: 1. ms. score for accordion and 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Mark Selivan, Sept. 2, 1969, with incomplete set of parts; 2. ms. and photocopies of parts for PD solo, PB solo and 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PBIA, SB, AB, CB), arr. by L.M. Davis 8/15/1966, parts in various hands; 3. ms. score and parts for PB solo and 9 part Russian folk orchestra with accordion (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBIA, SB, AB, CB --accordion part in score only) in the hand of Kasura, arr. by L.M. Davis; 4. ms. score and parts for accordion and 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 5. ms. score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), "beginner's version", arr. by Kasura, dated Oct. 1973; 6. ms. parts for accordion and 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB (solo and non-solo), SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 7. incomplete set of parts for PDI-II, AD, AB in the hand of Kasura; 8. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 9. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for accordion and 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, SB, BB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 10. ms. score for orchestra (woodwinds, brass, strings, percussion, keyboard, domra and solo violin (?)) arr. by Kasura, dated Dec. 1976; 11-21. misc. incomplete ms. scores for various arrangements for Russ. folk orchestra; 22. misc. parts for domras and mandolins in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 2: Trubadur -- Verdi, undated

- Il trovatore. 4 ms. parts. Incomplete set of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI, ADI, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 3: Larets: Latyshskikh narodnykh piesen', undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 4: Laska: val's -- arrangements by Kasura et al, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 17 parts. Attributed to "Stepanor" in Kasura's file. Two arrangements and misc. parts as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 2. ms. parts for piano with 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 3. misc. parts for domras, balalaikas. Arrangement 2 includes parts for "Lebedinaia pesn'" on reverse.
- Folder 5: Lebedinaia vernost' -- muz. G. Ponomarenko; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.). Incomplete ms. score for 5 part Russian folk orchestra. Without the vocal part and lyrics by V. D'iachenko.
- Folder 6: Lebedinaia pesn' -- muz. M.Ia. Puare; slova Rotol'da, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand. Without the vocal part; lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Laska
- Folder 7: Lebedinaia piesnia -- M.Ia. Puare, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for violin and 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unknown hand.
- Box 92

- Folder 1: Legche serdtsu, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contra-bass balalaika (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation), score in the hand of Kasura, parts in an unidentified hand. Vocal parts indicated but not included; lyrics unavailable.
- Folder 2: Lezginka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) + 16 parts. Manuscript score for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with parts (including prima balalaika IA part not in score), arr. by Kasura to accompany solo dancer (Grisha Nepa).
- Folder 3: Lezginka: tanets -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) + 12 parts. Manuscript score (incomplete) for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with parts (alto domra II and secunda balalaika parts lacking), arr. by and in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 4: Lezginka: bal'nyi tanets -- arrangements by W. Kasura, 1936

- 3 ms. scores + 27 parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for prima domras I-II, viola and bass domra (Selivan arrangement?); 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB/CB), arranged by W. Kasura, dated 10/1936; 4. ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), signed and dated by W. Kasura, October 1936; 5. photocopy of ms. score for rev. version of arr. 3 above, undated.
- Folder 5: Leisia, leisia, biele vino: romans, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika (secunda and alto balalaika parts in tabulature notation), score by Kasura, parts in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 6: Lesnaia skazka: val's -- V. Bekker; slova V.N. Krylova; arrangements by Kasura, Weisberg, Bohensky and Slonov, 1979

- 4 scores + 7 parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. incomplete ms. score for accordion 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by W. Kasura; 3. photocopy of ms. score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB), arr. by S. Bohensky, ms. signed by N. Parmonoff, dated 3-17-79; 4. ms. score for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB -- not all parts complete) in the hand of W. Kasura, with note "Weisberg library"; 5. photocopy of published arrangement for voice and piano, by Iu. Slonov, includes the lyrics in Russian. English title: Tales of the Woods or Wooden tales.
- Folder 7: Letania tango -- by Carlos Cobian; arr. by P. Biljo, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 4 parts. Manuscript set of parts in an unidentified hand for prima and alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika, with score by Kasura based on these parts, prima domra II and bass domra parts added (but incomplete). Note on score: P. Biljo library.
- Folder 8: Lilovyi negr -- by A. Vertinskii, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, arranger not identified. Without the vocal part; lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 9: Liricheskaia pesnia; i, Rybatskaia: iz kinofilma "Iskateli schast'ia" -- I. Dunaevskii; arrangements by Mark Selivan, W.J. Kasura, J.T. Matlin, J. Rutin et al, 1946-1966

- 5 scores + 37 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for concertina and 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. and photocopy of ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Mark Selivan 2-22-1948, parts written out 4-30-1966, with score in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. ms. score and parts (both incomplete) for voice and 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by J.T. Matlin for Sonya Chamina, ms. in the hand of W. Kasura; 4. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) arr. by and in the hand of J.T. Matlin, with incomplete score in the hand of W. Kasura (vocal part not in score or parts); 5. ms. parts for accordion and 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by and in the hand of W. Kasura; 6. photocopy of published score for voice and piano, arr. by J. Rutin (title: Rybatskaia : selection : from the U.S.S.R. film "Birobijan") with lyrics in Russian, c1946.
- Folder 10: Pesni iz kinofilma "Iskateli schast'ia" (Birobijan) -- I. Dunaevskii; arrangements by W. Kasura, undated

- 7 ms. scores + 24 parts. Five arrangements and miscellaneous pages as follows: 1. ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, some parts incomplete; 2. incomplete ms. score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 3. ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB); 4. incomplete ms. score for piano or accordion with 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, BB, CB); 5. incomplete ms. score for accordion with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra; 6. misc. pages of scores and parts, mostly incomplete, for arrangements by Kasura and others. Title varies: Birobijan selections.
- Box 93

- Folder 1: Liricheskaia serenada -- muz. Karganova; arr. Al. Ivanova, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 22 parts. Manuscript score signed by and in the hand of Al. Ivanoff for 10 part Russian folk orchestra, with photocopies of ms. parts (same arrangement, unidentified hand), and second score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 2: Likhoradushka -- A. Dargomyzhskii; arr. S.K, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 5 parts. Manuscript set of parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra, with 2 photocopies of ms. score. Score includes lyrics in Russian but no vocal parts.
- Folder 3: Lotus tango, undated

- 1 ms. score + 6 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of ms. parts in an unidentified hand for 6 part Russian folk orchestra; 2. incomplete ms. score for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra arr. by W. Kasura. Composer not identified.
- Folder 4: Luchina-luchinushka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 5: Luchinushka, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) + 14 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 2. photocopies of ms. parts for 12 part Russ. folk orchestra in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 6: Liubila Marusia -- arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 7: Liubov' idet sama, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript set of parts in an unidentified hand and score by Kasura for violin and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (violin part not included in score or as part, prima domra part in score only).
- Folder 8: Liubov proshla -- Lev Drizo; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 12 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. ms. parts for violin and 5 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. score for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra arr. by Kasura; 4. ms. score for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura, arr. by Mark Selivan.
- Folder 9: Madrelena: pol'ka-mazurka -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- For Russian Folk Orchestra. 4 ms. scores + 25 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra, and secunda balalaika in the hand of Kasura; 2. ms. parts for keyboard, bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika (arr. by Kasura?); 3. ms. parts for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by Kasura; 4. ms. score 4 copies for quintet or sextet of Russ. folk instruments (PDI(-II), AD, BD, AB, CB). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Odessa; Serenada; Six polkas
- Folder 10: Mazurka no. 3 -- V.V. Andreev; arr. S. Larionov and W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 23 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. set of ms. parts (with photocopy duplicates) for 10 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by S. Larionoff; 2. ms. score (incomplete) for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by W. Kasura; 3. photocopy of ms. score for bayan/piano and balalaika (original version? -- arranger not specified).
- Folder 11: Maksym kozak, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand. Without the vocal part and lyrics. Ukrainian title: Maksim kozak.
- Folder 12: Malorosiiskoe popuri -- Al. Ivanoff, 1918

- 2 ms. scores + 32 parts. Six, slightly varying settings: 1. ms. set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for concertina with 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, CB) in an unidentified hand; 4. ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with incomplete set of parts in the hand of Kasura, arr. by Ivanoff; 5. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 6. ms. parts for PB, AB, and CB in the hand of Ivanoff, extra AB part signed and dated Nov. 14, 1918, NYC by Tsibul'skii, PB part has "Vospominanie o Gatchino" on reverse. Title varies: Malorosiiskoe popurri no. 1; Ukrainian potpourri no. 1.
- Folder 13: Malorossiiskii gopak: aka Hopak -- arrangements by W. Kasura et al, 1932-1933

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 18 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra, signed and dated "MK (?) 8-29-32 and 4-8/15-33" (initials illegible); 2. photocopy of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, with ms. score to which W. Kasura has added bass domra and prima balalaika parts.
- Folder 14: Mal'chiki -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 16 ms. parts. Two arrangements by Kasura, ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra. English title: Happy youths.
- Folder 15: Marfusha -- M. Mar'iaovskii; arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 7 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included); 2. ms. score for arrangement similar to no. 1 above, with incomplete SB in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. two incomplete scores for Russ. folk orchestra in Kasura's hand.
- Folder 16: Marsh akrobatov, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) + 7 parts. Composer not identified. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts in an unidentified hand (P. Biljo?) for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB); 2. ms. score (incomplete) for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) based on arr. 1 above, marked "P. Biljo library", in the hand of W. Kasura. One page of unidentified music included.
- Box 94

- Folder 1: Marsh Beloi Armii, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Composer not identified. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand (P. Biljo?), with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, to which he has added part for prima balalaika. Note on score: P. Biljo library.
- Folder 2: Marsh Gusary, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) + 6 parts. Composer not identified. Manuscript score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) with cello/bass domra solo part, in the hand of W. Kasura, with incomplete set of parts (photocopies of ms. in an unidentified hand).
- Folder 3: Marsh iz bal. "Shchelkunchik" -- P.I. Chaikovskii; arr. A. Ivanoff, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 16 parts. Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, with parts in the hands of Ivanoff, Kasura and unidentified others. From the Nutcracker.
- Folder 4: Marsh Leib-Gv. Semenovskago polka, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 23 parts. Two manuscript arrangements as follows: 1. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) with extra copies, in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 5: Marsh 2-go Leib-Gusarskago Pavlogradskago polka, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 7 parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura (incomplete part for Alto domra II added to score).
- Folder 6: Marsh russkikh kadet (2 korpusa), undated

- 1 ms. score (19 p.) + 8 parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, SB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of Kasura, to which he has added alto domra II and prima balalaika parts (the latter incomplete).
- Folder 7: Marsh Sv. Gv. Batal'ona, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript set of parts in an unidentified hand for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), with score in the hand of W. Kasura, to which he has added alto domra II and prima balalaika parts (the latter incomplete).
- Folder 8: Marsh Chernomora: iz op. Ruslan i Liudmila -- Glinka, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by Al. Ivanoff (?).
- Folder 9: Matrosskaia pesnia i pliaska -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra and set of parts (prima domra I part missing) in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 10: Matushka, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 11: Matushka golubushka -- by A. Gurilov; arr. by Mark A. Selivan, 1963

- 5 ms. parts. Set of 5 parts (some ms., some photocopies of ms.) for Russian folk orchestra, arranged 10 Feb. 1963, written down 7 March 1963. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Parade of the wooden soldiers
- Folder 12: Mat' rodnaia moia: Pisnia pro rushnichok, iz kf. "Gody molodye" -- P. Maiboroda; arrangements by W. Kasura, 1978

- 6 ms. scores + 8 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB -- BD and SB parts incomplete and in score only) signed and dated by Kasura 8/78; 2. ms. score for voice, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by Kasura 10/78, arranged for Gary Nova, includes the lyrics in Russian; 3-6. incomplete scores for Russ. folk orchestra, with and without accordion, all in the hand of Kasura. English title: Song of a towel.
- Folder 13: Masha, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 7 parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand, with photocopy of score in the same hand (secunda balalaika part not in score) and second score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Belaia akatsiia
- Folder 14: Makhorka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 p. of ms. music. Manuscript music for unspecified instrument, in the hand of W. Kasura. Gypsy melody.
- Folder 15: Memories of the past -- music by W. Sokalsky; arr. by A. Ivanoff and Kasura, 1932

- 2 ms. scores + 18 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. Photocopy of ms. score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AB, BD, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Ivanoff, in the hand of Tsibul'skii, signed and dated Aug. 18, 1932, N.Y. City, N.Y., with 3 sets of ms. parts, Ivanoff's originals, copies of Kasura, and a third set in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura, same arrangement with additional parts (incomplete) by Kasura for PDII, ADII, PB.
- Folder 16: Melankholicheskii val's -- A. Dargomyzhsky; arr. by Kasura et al, 1960

- 4 scores + 9 ms. parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. undated ms. set of parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. ms. score for 11 part Russ. folk orchestra signed and dated by W. Kasura (1960); 3. incomplete ms. score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura (not same as 1 above); 4. photocopy of published edition for plectral sextet (mandolin, 3 balalaikas, guitar and domra), arranger not specified; 5. photocopy of published arrangement for domra quartet, arranger not specified.
- Folder 17: Minutochka -- muz. A. Vertinskago, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 7 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. set of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 2. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 9 part Russian folk orchestra. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Box 95

- Folder 1: Michman Dzhon -- br. Pokrass, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand. Lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 2: Mishen'ka pod vishen'koi -- V.G. Pergament, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra, arranger not identified.
- Folder 3: Mogila -- N.M. Zubov, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra, arranger not identified. Without the vocal parts and lyrics. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Sama sadik ia sadila
- Folder 4: Chudesa: (Mogila-chudesa) -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Gitara
- Folder 5: Moi tsyganochki -- arr. by W. Kasura to accompany Zhenia Shevchenko, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.). Manuscript score, incomplete, for 9 part Russian folk orchestra to accompany vocalist.
- Folder 6: Moldoveniaska -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 8 ms. scores + 86 parts. Eight ms. arrangements in the hand of Kasura as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB); 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PB, CB); 3. ms. score and parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 4. ms. score and parts for accordion with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 5. ms. parts and photocopies of same for accordion with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (as above); 6. ms. score and copies of same for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB); 7. incomplete ms. score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (as arr. 6); 8. incomplete ms. score for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB). English title on arr. 6: Moldavian girl: Moldavian folk song.
- Folder 7: Molodezhnaia -- I. Dunaevskii, undated

- 10 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for concertina, prima domras I-II, alto, bass domras I-II, secunda, alto (standard and tabulature notation) and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 8: Molodezhnaia: iz kf. "Volga-Volga" -- muz. I. Dunaevskii; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domra I, Alto domra I, alto and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 9: Molodezhnaia pliaska -- muz. A. Shirokov; instr. W. Kasura, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for accordion, prima domras I-II, alto domras I-II, prima, alto and contrabass balalaika. English title: Youthful frolic.
- Folder 10: Molodka: Russian soldier's song -- N. Fomin; arr. by Chagadaev, 1939-1940

- 3 scores + 21 parts. Five manuscript and published arrangements by Chagadaev as follows: 1. manuscript parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura (undated); 2. ms. parts in an unidentified hand for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, viola domra, AD, BD, PB, SB, CB); 3. ms. parts for piano, two similar copies, one signed MAS 6-25-39, the other signed WD (or MS?) 8-40, and ms. parts for PDI-II also signed WD (MS?) 8-40; 4. ms. score for 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 5. two photocopies of published edition for gusli with 14 part Russ. folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI III, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), orig. plate no. M. 31102 G.
- Folder 11: Molchi grust' molchi -- muz. Berezovskago; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) + 11 parts. Manuscript score and parts (both incomplete) for prima domra I, alto domras I-II, bass domra, prima, alto and contrabass balalaika, and accordion.
- Folder 12: Moia krasavitsa -- P. Danidov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for two arrangements as follows: 1. parts for PDI, AD, AB, and CB, with parts for second arrangement on reverse; 2. parts for PD, BD, PB, AB, CB, other parts on reverse of arr. no. 1.
- Folder 13: Moia Marusechka -- muz. G. Vylynova, P. Leshchenko; arrangements by W. Kasura, 1979

- 1 ms. score (15 p.) + 16 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1-2. sets of parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) one set incomplete and marked "corrected", both arrangements to accompany baritone (Gary Nova); 3. incomplete ms. score for accordion with 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, SB, CB, CB) signed and dated by Kasura April 1979. English title: My dearest Marusia.
- Folder 14: Muzykal'naia tabakerka -- A. Liadov; arrangements by Liadov, Kasura, Ivanoff et al, 1962-1967

- 4 ms. scores + 42 parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score and parts in the hand of W. Kasura for two accordions with 11 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-IA II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB), score (dated April 1962) differs from parts (PDIA not in score, PBII and Acc.II partial); 3. ms. score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PB, SB, AB) in the hand of Kasura, arrangement by A. Ivanoff; 4. ms. score for 4 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, CB--parts not marked) in the hand of W. Kasura; 5. photocopy of published score for Liadov's 1897 arrangement for piccolo, flutes (2), clarinets (3), glockenspiel and harp (original 1893 composition, op. 32, was for piano), this ed. published 1967.
- Box 96

- Folder 1: Liebesleid -- Fritz Kreisler, undated

- 1 ms. score (34 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of W. Kasura, with note "P. Biljo library".
- Folder 2: Murochka -- Iu. Iurik, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist, in an unidentified hand; with matching score in the hand of Kasura; vocal part and lyrics not included.
- Folder 3: My na lodochke katalis' -- arr. by Mark A. Selivan, 1963

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript and photocopy of ms. parts for prima domras I-II, alto domras I-II, bass domra, prima, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika, signed and dated by Selivan March 5 and March 9, 1963.
- Folder 4: My otpeli pesenki pechal'nye -- music by S. Orlanskii; words by E. Borisov, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for string quartet (Violins I-II, cello, bass) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 5: My s toboi tsygane -- Ia.L. Fel'dman; arrangements by N. Grushko et al, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for violin, cello and bass, arr. by N. Grushko; 2. ms. parts for violin, cello and bass, arranger not identified; 3. ms. music for violin (solo?), arranger not identified.
- Folder 6: My segodnia razstalis' s toboiu -- L. Drizo, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 7: My tol'ko znakomy -- B.A. Prozorovskii, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 14 parts. Two arrangements with same instrumentation (Prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika, to accompany vocalist), second arrangement has matching score in the hand of Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 8: Na Baikale -- obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 10 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto domras I-II, prima, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika, and accordion/bayan. Lyrics (by D. Davydov) available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection. Also known under the title "Slavnoe more, sviashchennyi Baikal". For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Slavnoe more
- Folder 9: Na Volge -- I. Akymenko, undated

- 1 ms. score (21 p.) + 24 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arrangement by M. Kuz'mich, in the hand of W. Kasura and an unidentified copyist, the latter with stamp "Great Russian Orchestra of Balalaika, Detroit, Mich."; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB (in standard and tabulature notation), AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, to which have been added incomplete parts for ADII and PB. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Pesnia Ermaka iz op. "Na Volge"; Pliaska skomorokhov
- Folder 10: Na zarie bylo, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 11: Na persidskoi iarmarke -- A.W. Ketelbey, 1935-1936

- 10 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), signed "MK" (? illegible) and variously dated between 21 December 1935 and 1 January 1936.
- Folder 12: Na posledniuiu piaterku popurri -- arr. K. Krummel, undated

- 1 ms. score (19 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of W. Kasura including incomplete part for prima balalaika.
- Folder 13: On the river Volga potpourri -- W.J. Kasura, 1977

- 1 ms. score (30 p.) + 13 parts. Manuscript score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB). Created for Balalaika and Domra Society, June 1977.
- Folder 14: Nad rekoiu; Vo luziakh -- inst. V.K, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 37 parts. Medley, arranged for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) by Walter Kasura, ms. score and parts (with copies).
- Folder 15: Na rechen'ku: fantaziia na russkikh pesen -- W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (27 p.) + 34 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB); 2. ms. score and parts (with photocopies) for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB). English title: On the river.
- Box 97

- Folder 1: Na sele -- muz. A. Averkin; instr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 score + 11 ms. parts. Two arrangements: 1. ms. parts for prima domras I-II, alto domras I-II, bass domra, prima, secunda (incomplete), alto and contrabass balalaika, and accordion, arr. by W. Kasura; 2. photocopy of published score for bayan with balalaika duet (orig. plate no. 9201). English title: In the Village
- Folder 2: Manchuria waltz -- words and music by I. Shatrov; arrangements by Selivan, Kovac, Kasura, Biljo, W. Porschmann, et al, undated

- 4 ms. scores + 67 parts + 5 p. of music. Nine versions as follows: 1. ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) with incomplete set of parts, arr. by N. Kovac; 2. incomplete set of ms. parts for PDI-II, BD, PB, AB in the hand of Kasura and Selivan; 3. ms. score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), in the hand of Kasura, arr. by Kovac, with accordion, PB part and minor corrections by Kasura; 4. ms. parts for accordion and 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 5. ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, AB, BB) in an unidentified hand; 6. ms. score for 11 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura (PDI-II, ADI-II,. BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB), original from P. Biljo library; 7. misc. ms. parts for various arrangements; 8. photocopy of published version for piano; 9. photocopy of published version for bayan arr. by W. Porschmann. Lyrics not included. Title varies: In the trenches of Manchuria; In der Mandschurei; Manchuria valse.
- Folder 3: Sobre las olas -- Juventino Rosas; arrangements by M. Selivan and W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.) + 5 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. arrangement by Mark Selivan, ms. parts in his hand for viola domra and alto balalaika, photocopies of published edition, parts for violin, cello and bass to be performed on prima domra, bass domra and contrabass balalaika respectively; 2. incomplete ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura, prima domra, bass domra and contrabass balalaika parts same as violin, cello and bass in arr. 1 above, other parts (PDII, ADI-II, PB, SB, AB) incomplete. English title: Over the waves
- Folder 4: Nad poliami -- arrangements by Kasura and Zorina, 1977

- 2 scores + 27 ms. parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and two sets of parts for voice, accordion, prima domras I-II, alto domras I-II, bass domra, prima, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika (voice and accordion part in score only), arranged by W. Kasura for Ludmilla Mishnaevskaya, dated 10/77; 2. ms. parts for prima domras I-II, alto domras I-II, bass domra, prima balalaikas I-IA, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika, arranged by W. Kasura for Claudia Curtis (vocal part not included); 3. photocopy of published arrangement for voice and piano by A. Zorina (original plate no. 8452). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Uviali tsvety
- Folder 5: Nadia -- music by G. Selivonchik; arranged by C. Krummel, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 14 parts. Photocopy of ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for piano and 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB), with incomplete set of manuscript parts and copies of same, in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 6: Nadoeli nochi, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 7: Narodnaia pesnia -- muz. R. Gliera; arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 10 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with stamp "Arr. by Al. Ivanoff" on each part, matching score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 8: Naurskaia lezginka, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for prima domra I-II (PDII has two versions), alto domra I-II, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand
- Folder 9: Nash sosed -- B. Potemkin, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 6 parts + 1 p. of music. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) with score which includes incomplete parts for prima and secunda balalaika, all in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. photocopy of published arrangement for accordion/bayan.
- Box 98

- Folder 1: Ne brani menia, rodnaia -- arrangements by Kasura based on settings by A.L. Gurilev and A.I. Diubiuk; lyrics by E.A. Razorenov, 1977

- 5 ms. scores + 19 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. score and parts for voice, accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), vocal part and lyrics, BD and SB parts in score only, arranged for Balalaika and Domra Society by Walter Kasura, for Ludmila Mishnaevskaya, soprano, Oct. 1977; 4. ms. score for soprano and balalaika orchestra (same instrumentation as arr. 3, different key), arr. by Kasura, dated Oct. 1977; 5. incomplete ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura, based on arr. 2 above; 6. ms. score for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura, based on arr. 1 above.
- Folder 2: Armianskaia narodnaia pesnia -- arrangements by Khagagortian and Anokhin, and W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) + 3 p. of music. Two arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; 2. photocopy of published arrangement for solo bayan, arr. by E. Khagagortian, transcribed by V. Anokhin. (orig. plate no. s835k).
- Folder 3: Ne veliat Mashe za riechku khodit', undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unknown hand. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 4: Ne zveniat gitary -- Iu. Khait, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 5: Selection from Rigoletto -- G. Verdi, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, extra copies of PDI-II in different hand.
- Folder 6: Ne nado vstrech -- Iu. Khait, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for Prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 7: Ne osennii; Solntse -- arr. Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in the hand of Al. Ivanoff. First song also has variant title "Ne osennii dozhdichek".
- Folder 8: Ne osennii melkii dozhdichek, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, annotated "P. Biljo library".
- Folder 9: Ne poi, krasavitsa -- S. Rakhmaninov, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Arrangement for voice and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), ms. parts in an unidentified hand (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 10: Ne rydai! Pozabud' ogorchen'ia -- L. Drizo, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand, with matching score (including additional prima balalaika part) in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 11: Ne slyshno shumu gorodskogo -- instrumentovka A. Dorozhkina; slova F. Glinki, undated

- 2 scores. Photocopy of published score for voice, bayans (2), domras (PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II) and balalaikas (PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), with lyrics in Russian; ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for same arrangement, with minor alterations.
- Folder 12: Ne tverdi -- Ia.F. Prigozhago, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 14 parts. 2 arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (same instrumentation, same hand as arr. 1 above) with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Both arrangements to accompany vocalist; vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 13: Ne farsi -- arr. by Gh. Mogiloff, undated

- 14 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for violin, piano and Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB), most parts have stamp "Gh. Mogiloff music", some parts in the hand of Kasura, violin and PDI parts are identical. Reverse of most parts has music for "Krasnyi sarafan" (also in English as "Red sarafan").
- Folder 14: Ne khochu nikogo -- arr. N.A. Fedorov, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra, prima, alto and contrabass balalaika in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 15: Ne shumi ty, rozh -- muzyka A. Gurileva; slova A. Kol'tsova, undated

- 3 scores. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score for prima domras I-II, alto domras I-II, bass domra, prima, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika (some parts incomplete), arr. by W. Kasura; 2. photocopy of published score for accordion duet (orig. plate no. 29635); 3. photocopy of published score for piano and vocal duet, with lyrics in Russian (orig. plate no. 2492, M. Bernard, St. Petersbourg, 1874). Arrangement 3 has fuller title "Ne shumi ty, rozh, spielym kolosom!".
- Folder 16: Neapolitanskaia pesenka -- P. Chaikovsky; arrangements by Kasura, Alekseev and Omel'chenko, undated

- 5 scores + 8 ms. parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB -- SB and AB in standard and tabulature notation both) in the hand of Kasura, based on an arrangement by Alekseev; 2-4. incomplete ms. scores for Russian folk orchestra (3-10 parts, with and without accordion), all in the hand of Kasura; 5. photocopy of published arrangement by Alekseev for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB); 6. published score for two bandurs, arr. by A. Omel'chenko, from original version in "Lebedinoe ozero".
- Folder 17: Net, net, ia ne khochu, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) + 7 parts + 2 p. of music. Three arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score for piano, violins (2), viola, cello and bass, arr. by W. Kasura; 3. ms. arr. for keyboard solo. Arrangement one originally for violin solo with plectral ensemble, violin part missing; arrangements 2-3 have English title "No, no I don't want to". For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Za posledniuiu piaterku
- Folder 18: Niti zhizni -- S. Pokrass, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand; matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 19: Novye bublichki -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 29 ms. parts. Three sets of ms. parts in the hand of W. Kasura, same (?) arrangement (not all parts in each set) for PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB, Accordion.
- Box 99

- Folder 1: Nochevala tuchka, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts in an unidentified hand for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, AB, CB), to accompany vocalist. Vocal part and lyrics not included.
- Folder 2: Nochen'ka; Ia na kamushke sizhu -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 24 ms. parts. Medley of two Russian folk songs, arr. for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB), ms. parts with copies.
- Folder 3: Nochi bezsonnyia -- V.F. Prigozhago, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of Kasura, to which BD part has been added, to accompany vocalist (without vocal part and lyrics)
- Folder 4: Nochi bezumnye -- muz. A. Spiro, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 4 parts. Three similar arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for PD, AD, AB, and Bass in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for arr. 1 above, with additional (incomplete) part for BD; 3. incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, AB, CB).
- Folder 5: Nochnye tsvety, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. Russian folk song, lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 6: Noch' svetla -- obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 22 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for accordion with 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB), various copies (ms. and photocopies), some marked "test" or "revised". Potpourri based on the song "Noch' svetla" by M. Shishkin.
- Folder 7: Nu tselui, ne balui -- S. Pokrass, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand; matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 8: O esli b mog vyrazit' v zvuke -- muz. L. Malashkin; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 3 scores + 11 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete ms. score and parts for voice and accordion with 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB), arr. by Kasura; 2. two photocopies of published piano-vocal score with lyrics in Russian (by G. Lishin). For: Conni Moskalenko. English title: Oh, could I but express in song.
- Folder 9: O pozabud' bylyia uvlechenyia -- T. Kotliarevskii, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of W. Kasura; to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 10: Obidno, dosadno! -- M. [sic] Bakaleinikov, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 11: Oborvalas' tropinka u obryva -- Oskar Fel'tsman; arrangements by Valerii Tokarev and W. Kasura, 1977

- 3 ms. scores + 5 parts + 1 p. of music. Four arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete score and parts for accordion and 8 part Russian folk orchestra arr. by V. Tokarev (parts for PD, AD, SB, CB and accordion, signed and dated VT 2/24/77; score in the hand of W. Kasura); 2-3. two incomplete scores for 6-9 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; 4. music for unspecified instrument with chord symbols, in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 12: Oborvannye struny val's -- P.A. Gapon; arrangements by Kasura, Tsibul'skii, et al, 1930

- 6 ms. scores + 52 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts in the hand of Kasura for accordion and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, PB, AB, CB); 2. 2 ms. scores (and photocopies of same) for accordion with 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) with incomplete set of parts, one copy of score (incomplete) has note "specially arranged for Balalaika and Domra Society Orchestra by Walter J. Kasura, first public performance December 4, 1982, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, NYC"; 3. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand and incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura; 4. photocopy of ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by Tsibul'skii, Brooklyn NY, Nov. 15, 1930. Englisht title: Broken strings waltz.
- Box 100

- Folder 1: Duty and circumstances -- Lopukhin i Kunavskaia; arr. by N. Kovac, 1938

- 1 ms. score (20 p.) + 9 parts. Manuscript parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) stamped "Nicholas T. Kovac ... copyright 1938", with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, with note "P. Biljo library", includes incomplete PB part. Other title: Obiazannost' i obstoiatel'stvo
- Folder 2: Overnskii tanets -- N. Fomin; arrangements by Kasura, Troianovskii et al, undated

- 5 scores. Three arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra arr. by W. Kasura; 2. photocopy of published arrangement for 2 balalaikas and piano (arranger not identified; orig. plate no. 8258); 3. three photocopies of two published arrangements by Troianovskii for balalaika and piano (orig. plate numbers 6883 and 29026).
- Folder 3: Ogni zakata -- B. Prozorovskii; slova B. Timofeeva, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 7 ms. parts. Manuscript score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) with set of parts including secunda balalaika part not in score in an unidentified hand; extra score for same arrangement with incomplete prima balalaika part in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 4: Memories of Odessa -- Walter J. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (33 p.). Manuscript score for bayan with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), incomplete.
- Folder 5: Odessa: pol'ka-mazurka, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 4 parts. Manuscript score in the hand of Kasura for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) with incomplete set of parts in various hands, including 3 versions of PDI, one of which has the song "Madrelena" following. Title on parts varies: Odessa mazurka; Odesskaia; Odessa pol'ka.
- Folder 6: Odinokaia garmon' -- B. Mokrousov; arrangements by W. Kasura, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 13 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (Gary Nova, baritone), dated 10/77; 2-3. two incomplete scores for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura, undated. Vocal part and lyrics not included (lyrics by Isakovskii). English title: Lonely accordion
- Folder 7: Odno prosti -- muz. Luidzhi Denza, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 20 parts. 3 arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of Kasura, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included); 2. incomplete set of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (mandolin II, PDI, ADI-II) in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. part of ADI in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 8: Ozornye naigryshi -- V. Iakovlev; arrangements by Kasura and Chernov, 1973

- Fantaziia dlia russkogo narodnogo orkestra. 3 scores + 21 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. two ms. scores (one incomplete) and set of ms. parts for accordions (2) and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB, accordion II and SB in score only), arr. by Kasura for Balalaika and Domra Society, first performance May 11, 1974, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, NYC, signed and dated August 1973; 2. photocopy of published score for winds, bayans, garmonikas, guslis, domras and balalaikas, instrumentation by Chernov (orig. plate no. s 1649 k; from the collection "Iz repertuara Gos. Russk. Nar. Ork. im. N. Osipova"). Arrangement one has subtitle in English: Mischievious tunes.
- Folder 9: Oi dai Dunai -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB), to accompany chorus (choral parts not included).
- Folder 10: Oi, kazala meni maty, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript set of parts for prima, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 11: Oi, pid vyshneiu -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra, prima, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 12: Oi, strichechka, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Box 101

- Folder 1: Oi, u luzi -- arrangements by Kasura, Selivan, Ivanoff, M. Slonov, et al, 1932-1967

- 2 ms. scores + 55 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (Andrew Salama), without the vocal part and lyrics; 2. ms. and photocopy of ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by M. Selivan between Feb. 21, 1940 and Dec. 25, 1967, potpourri which includes other selections not identified, some parts include music for The happy farmer by R. Schumann, op. 68 no. 10; 3. ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, AB, CB), potpourri based on arr. 2 above, arr. by Kasura; 4. ms. and photocopy of ms. parts for piano/accordion with 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 5. photocopy of ms. score for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Ivanoff; 6. photocopy of ms. score for accordion with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by Tsibul'skii, Sept. 22, 1932, Brooklyn, N.Y., arr. by M. Slonov. English title: In the Meadow. Ukrainian folk song.
- Folder 2: Oi, tsvetet kalina -- muzyka I. Dunaevsky; slova M. Isakovsky, undated

- 2 scores. Two arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript score (incomplete) for bayan with 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PBI-II, SB/AB, CB), arr. by W. Kasura; 2. photocopy of published arrangement for female choir with piano accompaniment (from "Slavim pobedu Oktiabria, vyp. 4"; orig. plate no. 5150).
- Folder 3: Oi, shchos' duzhe zahuliavsia, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domra I-II, bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 4: Okovy liubvi -- music and words by V.Ia. Radomskii, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 5: On uekhal'; Zachem bylo vliubliat'sia -- arrangements by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 31 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), to accompany soprano (vocal part not included); 2. ms. score and parts for voice, accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), vocal part (cues) included on each part, separate scores for each song, vocal part included in "On uekhal'" score only, accordion part incomplete in scores; some parts differ slightly from scores; 3. ms. score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, incomplete. Without the lyrics. "Zachem bylo vliubliat'sia" appears on some scores with its variant title "Pol so".
- Folder 6: Operne popurri -- arr. A. Ivanova, undated

- 12 ms. parts. Manuscript parts and copies for Prima domra I, alto domra II, prima, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika (SB and AB in tabulature notation).
- Folder 7: Op'ianela -- N.V. Zubov, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 14 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 8: Orientale -- C. Cui; arrangements by Ivanoff, Selivan et al, 1939-1941

- 1 ms. score + 23 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts in the hand of Al. Ivanoff for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB); 2. ms. parts in an unidentified hand for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB); 3. ms. score dated 12-15-1939 for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, viola domra, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), ms. parts for PDI-II, viola domra, CB and piano dated 6-1941, all in the hand of M. Selivan; 4. published violin I and piano-conductor parts (Carl Fischer, NY, c1916), arr. by Chas. J. Roberts.
- Folder 9: Osennii son -- A. Dzhois; arrangements by Kasura et al, undated

- 4 ms. scores + 38 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score and parts arr. by Kasura for 9 part Russian folk orchestra with accordion (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), original "test" version and corrected version; 3. incomplete ms. score for 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 4-5. two incomplete ms. scores for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra. English title: Autumn dream waltz.
- Box 102

- Folder 1: Oskolki -- B. Fomin; slova K.N. Podrevskago, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 7 parts. Manuscript score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) with set of parts (including part for secunda balalaika not in score) and extra photocopy of score, all in an unidentified hand. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 2: Ostroiu sekiroi -- music by Grechaninov; lyrics by A.K. Tolstoi, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 7 parts + lyric sheet. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, and lyric sheet (vocal part not included).
- Folder 3: Ottsveli khrizantemy -- N. Kharito; arrangements by Kasura and Selivan; lyrics by V. Shumskii, 1967

- 12 ms. scores + 30 parts + lyric sheet. English title: Faded chrysanthemums. Nine arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for voice, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) specially arranged by W. Kasura for Balalaika and Domra Society and Diana Telischak (soprano), first public performance Lincoln Center (Alice Tully Hall), NYC, November 14, 1981; 2. incomplete set of parts for Russ. folk orchestra (PDI, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 3. ms. parts in the hand of Kasura for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB); 4. ms. parts in an unidentified hand and two scores in the hand of W. Kasura for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (D. Bosher) without vocal part/lyrics; 5. incomplete set of parts for arrangement by Selivan (those in Selivan's hand dated 5-30-1967 to 6-11-1967) with score and accordion part in the hand of Kasura; 6. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB); 7-8. incomplete scores for Russ. folk orchestra with and without accordion, arr. by Kasura; 9. photocopy of original (?) published score for piano and voice, with lyrics.
- Folder 4: Otchaianie -- Mikhailova; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts in the hand of Kasura for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB). Composer identified only as Mikhailov.
- Folder 5: Otchego i pochemu, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript set of parts for prima domras I-II, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, to which he has added incomplete parts for bass domra and secunda balalaika. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 6: Ocharovatel'nye glazki, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript parts in an unidentified hand with score in the hand of W. Kasura for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD (score only), AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included), with note "Peter Biljo Library". For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Charming eyes
- Folder 7: Ochi chernyia -- obr. W. Kasura, undated

- For Gary Nova. 9 ms. parts. Arrangement for baritone solo with accordion and Russian folk orchestra, ms. parts for accordion, prima domra I-II, alto domra I-II, prima, alto and contrabass balalaika. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 8: Ochi chernyia, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domra I, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Dark eyes
- Folder 9: Dark eyes; Ekh raspashel -- arr. Nicholas Grushko, undated

- 15 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for prima domras I-II, alto domra, bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika (with duplicates). Title of first composition also appears on some parts as "Ochi chernyia".
- Folder 10: Pas d'Espagne -- arrangements by Kasura, Weisberg et al, undated

- Russian ballroom dance. 5 ms. scores + 31 parts. Six similar arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for piano/accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, VD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura with extra parts in the hand of Selivan, some parts not completed; 2. ms. score and parts for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by and in the hand of Kasura; 3-5. three ms. scores for 8-9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arrangements by Kasura and Weisberg; 6. ms. score for pianos (2), violin, cornets, saxophones, clarinet and trombone in an unidentified hand. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Vo luziakh
- Folder 11: Padam padam -- H. Contet; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (16 p.). Incomplete ms. score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura. Words and music by H. Contet, N. Glanzberg, M. Holiner and A. Nichols.
- Folder 12: Pailandzho -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- Armianskii narodnyi tanets. 1 ms. score (16 p.) + 2 parts. Manuscript score (incomplete) for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with parts for prima domra I and alto balalaika.
- Folder 13: Perstenek -- A. Varlamov, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 5 parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with two incomplete scores for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra, based on the same arrangement, in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics (by A. Kol'tsov).
- Folder 14: Perjura -- Miguel Lerdo de Tejada, undated

- Danza Mexicana. 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 15: Pesenka o kapitane -- I. Dunayevsky; arr. Mark A. Selivan, 1948-1966

- 14 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), dated 2-18-1948 and 4-24-1966. English title: Captain Bold.
- Box 103

- Folder 1: Pesni iz kinofilma "Iskateli schast'ia" -- I. Dunaevskii, undated

- Birobijan selection. 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 18 parts. Four unidentified arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, SB, AB, CB); 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDII, ADI, BD, SB, AB, CB); 3. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, SB, CB); 4. ms. score for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, marked "working copy".
- Folder 2: Pesni poiut za rekoi -- G. Kamaldinov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score + 3 p. of ms. music. Incomplete manuscript score for two accordions and 11 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB), with three pages of ms. scores for other arrangements.
- Folder 3: Pesni russkikh studentov -- arrangements by P. Biljo, S. Larionoff and W. Kasura, 1966

- 2 ms. scores + 25 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of Kasura with note "Biljo library"; 2. ms. parts for accordion with 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 3. photocopies of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by Selivan October 12-19, 1966, with score in the hand of Kasura, arrangement by S. Larionoff. Title on arr. 1: Pesni studentov popurri. English title: Songs of Russian students.
- Folder 4: Chant sans paroles -- F. Mendelsson, undated

- Arranged for the Great Russian Orchestra of Balalaika. 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 11 parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 11 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, BD, PBI-II, SB, BB, CB) from the library of S. Larionoff, with score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 5: Pesnia o Volge -- I. Dunaevskii, undated

- 10 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for concertina, prima domras I-II, alto domra, bass domras I-II, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaikas in an unidentified hand. English title: Song of the Volga.
- Folder 6: Pesnia pervoi liubvi -- A. Babadzhanian; slova G. Registana; arrangements by Kasura and A. Marin, 1962

- 4 scores + 16 ms. parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 2. ms. score and parts for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by and in the hand of Kasura; 3. photocopies of published arr. by Marin for solo voice, mandolin/4 string domras/banjos (2), accordion/bayan, guitar, and string bass/bass balalaika (orig. from the collection "P'esy i pesni dlia estradnogo ansamblia / sostavil i instrumentoval A. Marin ; Moskva, Muzgiz, 1962", includes the lyrics in Russian.
- Folder 7: Pesnia russkaia -- muzyka O. Agafonova; slova A. Vladimirova; arrangements by A. Shirokov and W. Kasura, undated

- 2 scores. Two arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript score (incomplete) for bayan and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by W. Kasura; 2. photocopy of published score for chorus and orchestra of domras, balalaikas, bayans, gusli and percussion (orig. published in "Iz repertuara Khora Piatnitskogo", vyp. 2, plate no. 7141).
- Folder 8: Peter the Great march -- arrangements by Kasura, Larionoff and Tsibul'skii, undated

- 19 ms. scores + 57 parts. Composer unidentified. Title varies: Preobrazhenskii marsh; Peter the great march (based on Preobrazhenskii marsh). Eight arrangements and various misc. parts as follows: 1. ms. score (several versions and copies) and parts for accordion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-IA, SB, AB, CB), arr. by W. Kasura for Balalaika and Domra Society Orchestra December 1972, first public performance May 19, 1973, Lincoln Center, NY (Alice Tully Hall); 2. ms. score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) with incomplete set of parts, arr. by and in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 4. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of and arr. by W. Kasura; 5. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), arr. by Larionoff; 6. ms. score (plus photocopy of same) for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated S. Tsibul'skii, Brooklyn, NY, March 2, 1930, with extra parts (PDII, ADII) added by W. Kasura; 7. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), with note "Czibulsky library, key change"; 8. incomplete ms. score for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Tsibul'skii (?); 9. misc. parts.
- Box 104

- Folder 1: Pis'mo materi -- muz. V. Lipatov; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for accordion and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (Gary Nova). Vocal part and lyrics not included. English title: Letter to my mother.
- Folder 2: Pisnia horlyny, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for prima domras I-II, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 3: Plachet roial' -- B.A. Prozorovskii, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of W. Kasura, to which he added (incomplete) alto domra II part. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 4: Pliaska skomorokhov, Op. 65 -- Vl. Nasonov, 1907

- 2 scores. Incomplete ms. score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, with photocopy of original edition (1907?) for same instrumentation plus piccolo domra, bass domra II and percussion.
- Folder 5: Pliaska skomorokhov: iz op. Snegurochka -- N.A. Rimskii-Korsakov; arrangements by Selivan, Kasura et al, 1966

- 2 scores + 20 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by Selivan, 23-29 May, 1966; 2. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for arrangement by Selivan, with alterations including addition of (incomplete) accordion I-II; 3. photocopy of published score for band (woodwinds and brass), arranger not identified. Arrangement one has English parallel title: Jester's dance.
- Folder 6: Pliasovaia -- music by N. Gorlov; instrumentation by Shirokov and Kasura, 1974

- 2 scores + 9 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score dated Dec. 1974 and incomplete set of parts for two accordions and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, arrangement and instrumentation based on Shirokov's version; 2. photocopy of published version by Shirokov for chorus, winds, brass, percussion, bayans (2), gusli and 10 domras and balalaikas (from "Iz repertuara khor im. Piatnitskogo").
- Folder 7: Po berezhku da po krutomu; Pivna iagoda -- N.P. Fomin; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 27 ms. parts. Manuscript parts (with copies) for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB). Medley of two folk song settings by Fomin.
- Folder 8: Po staroi kaluzhskoi doroge, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics. Arranged by G.L. Gofman (?).
- Folder 9: Po ulitse: marsh -- arr. by S. Larionoff, 1932

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 8 parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated 8-29-1932 (signature illegible), with stamp for the Great Russian Orchestra of Balalaika, Detroit, Mich., ms. score in the hand of Kasura with note "S. Larionov library".
- Folder 10: Po ulitse mostovoi -- arrangements by Ivanoff, Andreev, Tsibul'skii and Kasura, 1924

- 5 ms. scores + 29 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1-2. photocopy of ms. score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, with two nearly identical sets of parts, neither set complete; 3. ms. score for accordion with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by and in the hand of Kasura (incomplete); 4. incomplete ms. score with complete set of ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Ivanoff, in the hand of Kasura; 5. ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, arr. by Andreev, appears to be identical to" Ivanoff's arrangement with additional PB and BB; 6. ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PD, AD, Piccolo balalaika, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by S. Zybulsky Apr. 21, 1924 (or: 1929?), Brooklyn, N.Y. Arrangements 1-2 (by Kasura) are medleys featuring the title song. Parts for arr. 5 are on reverse of "Vykhodili krasny devitsy". For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Vykhodili krasny devitsy. English title: Down the paved street.
- Folder 11: Pol dugoi kolokol'chik pet -- M. Nikolaevskii; lyrics by V.A. Garlitskii; arrangements by W. Kasura and M. Selivan, 1963-1966

- 57 ms. parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts in an unidentified hand for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB); 2. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) arr. by Selivan, signed and dated between 4-30-1963 and 4-12-1966; 3. ms. parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 4. photocopies of ms. parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (accordion, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 5. incomplete set of parts for Russ. folk orchestra (PDII, ADI, BD, PBIA, SB, CB) to accompany soprano (Claudia Curtis) arr. by Kasura; 6. AD part in an unidentified hand. Vocal part not included; lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection. English title: Under the duga the bells sing.
- Box 105

- Folder 1: Pod charuiushchei laskoi tvoeiu -- N. Zubov; arr. by Walter J. Kasura, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Arrangement for soprano and Russian folk orchestra, photocopies of incomplete set of ms. parts (PDI-II, BD, CB). English title: Under your charming spell.
- Folder 2: Pod yablon'koi -- settings by Kasura, Nasonov, Tsibul'skii et al, 1937-1963

- 2 ms. scores + 18 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete set of parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDII, AD, BD) in an unidentified hand; 2. photocopies of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDII, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) for Nasonov's setting (entitled "Under the apple tree: variation on theme of Russian folk song") opus 58, signed and dated by M. Selivan, between Nov. 14-18, 1963; 3. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 4. photocopy of ms. score for 12 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) with percussion (buben), signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii, Jan. 15, 1937. Title varies: Pod iablon'koi.
- Folder 3: Podmoskovnye vechera -- V. Solov'ev-Sedoi; arrangements by Kasura, Selivan, Orlik and Rozanov; lyrics by M. Matusovskii, 1962-1978

- 7 scores + 51 parts + 2 p. of music + lyric sheet. Eleven arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by Mark Selivan 2-23-62 and 2-23-63; 2. ms. parts for accordion and 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB), arr. by and in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (vocal part not included), in the hand of W. Kasura; 4. ms. score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (Ludmilla Mishnaevskaya), signed and dated by W. Kasura 10/1978 (vocal part not included); 5-6. ms. scores for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (as above) arr. by Kasura, marked "revised"; 7. incomplete ms. score for accordion and 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (Claudia Curtis); 8. misc. ms. parts for arrangements by Otto Orlick and Kasura; 9. photocopy of published arrangement by Rozanov for balalaika sextet; 10. photocopy of published version for voice and piano, with lyrics in English and Russian; 11. photocopy of published version for solo voice. English title: Moscow nights.
- Folder 4: Podmoskovnye vechera-Molodezhnaia -- arr. by Walter Kasura, undated

- For Balalaika and Domra Society Orchestra. First public performance May 1974, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Centre, N.Y. 1 ms. score (2 p.) + 15 parts. Manuscript score (incomplete) and parts for accordions (2) and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-IA, SB, AB, CB). English title: Moscow Nights-Happy Youth
- Folder 5: Podruzhki pol'ka -- Iu. Blinov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) + 2 parts. Manuscript score for bayan duet and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with 2 ms. parts for Prima domra I (one part incomplete, score incomplete also). English title: Girl-Friends polka.
- Folder 6: Podsniezhnik -- A. Grechaninov, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included). Note on score: "P. Biljo library".
- Folder 7: Podui ne pogodushka, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript parts for prima domra I-II, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of Kasura, to which he has added bass domra. Parts also include the song "Solov'em zaletnym" at bottom of each page. Title on score: Podui (podui) ne pogodushka.
- Folder 8: Pozhalei ty menia dorogaia -- N. Bakaleinikov; arrangements by Walter Kasura, 1972

- 13 ms. scores + 34 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by W. Kasura for the Andreyeev Balalaika Ensemble, July 1972; 2. three working scores and set of parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura to accompany Claudia Curtis (vocal part not included); 3. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra and vocal solo (vocal part and lyrics in Russian included), arr. by W. Kasura; 4-6. ms. scores for 9-10 part Russ. folk orchestra with and without accordion, all in the hand of Kasura. Title varies: Pozhalei. English title: Console me, dearest.
- Folder 9: Pozhmi mne ruku na proshchan'e -- Ia. L. Fel'dman, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 14 parts. Two arrangements as follows (both for 7 part Russian folk orchestra--PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB): 1. ms. parts in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts in the same hand as arr. 1, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Both arrangements intended to accompany vocalist (arr. 1 "Georg.", arr. 2 "Dora Bosher"); without the vocal parts and lyrics.
- Folder 10: Poi, lastochka, poi, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika (SB and AB in tabulature notation) in an unidentified hand. Title varies: Lastochka; Lastochka val's. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Vieni sul mare
- Box 106

- Folder 1: Poi tsygan! -- arrangements by J.T. Matlin and Peter Biljo, 1968

- 2 ms. scores + 13 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for soprano voice, guitar and 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Matlin, dated Nov. 16, 1968; 2. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of Kasura, annotated "P. Biljo library", also to accompany vocalist. Lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection under the title "Poite tsygane".
- Folder 2: Regimental march -- arr. by Sergei Larionoff, 1935

- 1 ms. score (19 p.) + 9 parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, tenor domra, BD, SB, AB, CB) signature illegible, dated 8-30-35, with score in the hand of Kasura, annotated "S. Larionoff library". Russian title on folder: Polkovoi marsh.
- Folder 3: Polnote rebiata, khmel'no pivo pit' -- arr. by N. Fomin, undated

- 2 scores + 16 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of published version for gusli, percussion and 12 part Russ. folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB); 2. ms. score and parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD (score only), PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, viola domra, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with additional title in English "Here dear brothers".
- Folder 4: Polonez -- M. Oginskii; arrangements by Kasura, Tsibul'skii, Biljo et al, 1930

- 5 ms. scores + 15 parts + 2 p. of music. Six arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of ms. score signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii, Dec. 10, 1930, NYC, with incomplete set of parts in the hand of Kasura for bayan and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB); 2. ms. parts in an unidentified hand and matching score in the hand of Kasura for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, SB, AB, CB), score has note "from P. Biljo library"; 3. photocopy of score for arr. 2 above, with corrections in red, addition of bayan, ADII, and PB parts (not completed); 4. incomplete ms. score for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by and in the hand of Kasura; 5. photocopy of published version for domra and keyboard (bayan?); 6. photocopy of published version for bayan solo (orig. plate no. s 4404 k).
- Folder 5: Polonaise brillante -- arrangements by Selivan, Ivanoff, Kasura, Rozanov et al, 1965-1968

- 4 scores + 11 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB), arr. by Mark Selivan 11 Feb. 1968, signed and dated between 17-19 February 1968; 2. undated ms. part for prima domra I in the hand of Kasura, arr. by A. Ivanoff; 3. incomplete ms. score (p.1 only) for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by W. Kasura; 4. photocopy of published arrangement by V. Rozanov for balalaika sextet; 5. photocopy of published arrangement for balalaika and piano (arranger not identified); 6. another arr. for balalaika and piano, photocopy of ms. score signed by W. Dudnyk and dated 9.30.65.
- Folder 6: Polonaise no. 2 -- V.V. Andreev; arr. L.M. Davis, 1969

- 4 ms. parts. Incomplete set of parts (photocopies of ms.) for prima domra II, alto domra I-II and secunda balalaika, signed and dated L.M. Davis 1/69.
- Folder 7: Poloson'ka -- arranged by W. Kasura, undated

- For Balalaika and Domra Society Orchestra. First public performance Nov. 15, 1980, Lincoln Center, Alice Tully Hall, N.Y. Other arrangements by W. Kasura and Peter Biljo. 5 ms. scores + 18 parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of W. Kasura, annotated "Peter Biljo library"; 2. ms. score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by Kasura to accompany dancers; 3-5. three incomplete ms. scores for arrangements by Kasura (earlier drafts of the second arrangement). Title varies: Polosyn'ka. English title: The Little Path
- Folder 8: Pol'ka -- A. Sokolov-Kamin, undated

- 2 scores. Two arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript score (incomplete) for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, SB, AB, CB) arranged by W. Kasura; 2. photocopy of published version for clarinet, guitar, contrabass and accordion (orig. plate no. 29230).
- Folder 9: Polka bells -- arr. by Mark Selivan, 1960

- 6 ms. parts. Incomplete set of parts (photocopies of ms.) for prima domra II, prima balalaika and unidentified instrument (two copies each), balalaika part signed and dated MAS 11-12-60. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Troika bells
- Folder 10: Pol'ka iz operetty "Belaia akatsiia" -- muz. I. Dunaevsky; arr. by Kasura, Pirogov et al, undated

- 5 scores. Five arrangements as follows: 1. (incomplete) ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. photocopy of published score for 3-string domra, secunda balalaika and bass domra/balalaika, arr. not identified; 3. photocopy of published score for two domras, balalaika and guitar, arr. not identified; 4. photocopy of published score for bayan, gusli, drum and 12 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Pirogov; 5. photocopy of published score for two domras and three balalaikas (prima, alto and bass), arr. not identified.
- Folder 11: Pol'ka iz strunnogo kvarteta "Piatnitsy" -- Muz. Sokolova, Glazunova i Liadova; instru. A. Chagadaeva, undated

- 1 score + 10 ms. parts. Photocopy of published score for 12 part Russian folk orchestra (Piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), with set of ms. parts in an unidentified hand, lacking piccolo domra, BDII parts.
- Box 107

- Folder 1: Pol'ka koket'ka -- arrangements by Mark Selivan and W.J. Kasura, 1946

- 7 ms. scores + 22 parts. Four arrangements and miscellaneous parts and incomplete scores as follows: 1. ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (incomplete set--PDII, viola domra, BD, AB) with Selivan's stamp dated 1946; 2. ms. score and parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. photocopies of ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 4. several copies of ms. score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) arr. by and in the hand of Kasura; 5. misc. parts and incomplete score, all in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 2: Pol'ka kroshka -- arrangements by Kasura, Larionoff et al, 1969

- 27 ms. parts. Three similar arrangements as follows: 1. two sets of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), one in the hand of W. Kasura, the other with initials "S.L." (Sergei Larionoff?); 2. incomplete set of parts for Russ. folk orchestra (PDII, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB) signed and dated by M. Selivan Jan. 15-16, 1969; 3. incomplete parts for AD, PB, CB in the hand of Kasura. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see I budu tebia ia laskat'
- Folder 3: Pol'ka mazurka, undated

- 18 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. two sets of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), one set in the hand of Kasura, the other unidentified; 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, viola domra, BD, AB) in the hand of M. Selivan, with parts for "Oberek polka" on reverse of BD and AB.
- Folder 4: Six polkas, undated

- 10 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for accordion with 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; not all parts available for some polkas (accordion part for "Veselaia ptitsa" only); second arr. has ms. parts for PDI only in the hand of Kasura, for "Polka no. 7" (Veselaia ptitsa) and "Polka no. 9" (Happy polka). Polka no. 7 (Veselaia ptitsa = Gay bird polka) -- Polka no. 8 (Snezhnyi tsvetok = Snow flower polka) -- Polka no. 9 (Nasha polka = Happy polka) -- Piccolo polka -- Odessa polka -- Madrelena.
- Folder 5: Poliubila ia na pechal' svoiu -- by Rakhmaninov, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 6: Poliushko pole -- muzyka L. Knippera; slova V. Guseva; arr. by Selivan, Kasura et al, 1946-1965

- 3 scores + 19 parts. Four arrangements plus miscellaneous parts as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB), arr. by Selivan, variously dated between 1946 and Jan. 1965; 2. incomplete ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 3. photocopies of published score for chorus and Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB, bayan I-II, percussion) with lyrics; 4. ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, VD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 5. misc. parts. English title: Meadowland.
- Folder 7: Polianka -- arrangements by Komatz, Kovac, Kasura, Shishakov, et al, 1933-1977

- 11 ms. scores + 37 parts. Nine arrangements and miscellaneous parts as follows: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, AB, CB) arr. by H. Komatz; 2. ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, viola domra I-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB) with photocopies of ms. parts (incomplete set), arr. by N. Kovac, in the hand of and signed by M. Selivan, dated Feb. 20, 1933; 3. ms. scores and parts for accordion with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), arr. by Kovac, instr. by Kasura, dated 1969 (one score lacks accordion part), "specially orchestrated for Balalaika and Domra Society"; 4. ms. score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) written and arranged by W. Kasura for the Balalaika and Domra Society August 1977, first public performance November 1977, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, NYC, includes "Pliasovaia" from "Na Volge" by Privalov; 5. ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura; 6-7. two ms. scores for similar arrangements, 9 part Russ. folk orchestra, one copied from the Chekhov Balalaika orchestra arrangement; 8. incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for bayan with 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB); 9. photocopy of published arrangement by Shishakov for accordion with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra; 10. misc. parts from unidentified arrangements. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Kalinka
- Box 108

- Folder 1: Polianka -- arr. by S.S. Samuels (?), undated

- For the Russian Balalaika Orchestra. 11 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, each with the stamp of the Russian Balalaika Orchestra. Reverse side of each part has corresponding part for "Pole me pole". For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Kalinka
- Folder 2: Polianka-Pliasovaia -- obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB). To accompany dancers.
- Folder 3: Pomni obo mne -- B. Domar; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- For Claudia Curtis, soprano. 3 ms. scores + 9 parts. Three versions of Kasura's arrangement: 1. ms. score and parts for voice, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB (score only, part missing), AB, CB) including vocal part and lyrics (in the score only); 2-3. two earlier versions of the above arrangement, both incomplete scores, one in key of E, the other in F.
- Folder 4: Spanish dance no. 5 -- M. Moszkowsky, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. Bolero.
- Folder 5: Pomnish' noch' -- arr. S.K, undated

- Tsyganskii romans. 2 ms. scores + 8 parts. Manuscript score and parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB; SB not included in score) in an unidentified hand; full score and prima domra I part in the hand of W. Kasura (score for same arr., PDI for arr. in A minor). Originally arranged to accompany Dora Bosher, soprano; without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 6: Popurri iz russkikh pesen -- W. Kasura, undated

- 26 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, CB).
- Folder 7: Pesnia bez slov -- P. Chaikovsky; arrangements by Ivanoff, Kasura and Chagadaev, 1932

- 2 scores + 12 ms. parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Al. Ivanoff; 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of W. Kasura (PD, AD, BD, AB, CB); 3. photocopy of published score for 12 part Russ. folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), arr. by Chagadaev, with photocopy of ms. copy of same arr., signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii, Aug. 26, 1932, N.Y. Title also in English: Song without words.
- Folder 8: Por fin torros -- re. arr. S. Larionoff, undated

- 1 ms. score (17 p.) + 15 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. three sets of parts (not all complete) for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, BB, CB), arr. by Larionoff, parts in different hands; 2. photocopy of ms. score (dated 5-5-63) for piano and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB), arr. by Larionoff, with title: Por fin de torros: paso doble.
- Folder 9: Poseiu lebedu na beregu -- arrangements by Nasonov, Ditel', Kasura, Niksha-Debol'skii et al, undated

- 4 scores + 5 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts in an unidentified hand for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) with score in the hand of Kasura, to which incomplete prima balalaika part has been added; 2. photocopy of published arrangement by Niksha-Debol'skii for chorus, percussion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra; 3. photocopy of published arrangement by Nasonov for gusli with 13 part Russ. folk orchestra; 4. photocopy of published arrangement by Ditel' for voice, gusli, percussion, woodwinds, bayans, domras and balalaikas. Scores for second and fourth arrangements include lyrics in Russian. Title varies: Poseiu lebedu; Poseiu ia lebedu na beregu.
- Folder 10: Poseiali devki len -- V. Nasonov, undated

- Fantaziia na russkuiu narodnuiu pesniu. 2 scores + 2 parts. Two settings of the folk song as follows: 1. photocopy of ms. score for 11 part Russian folk orchestra (picc. Domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii, with parts for prima domra I and alto domra I (incomplete) in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. photocopy of published arr. by S. Bulatov for five 4 string domras (prima, alto, tenor, bass and contrabass).
- Folder 11: Poslednie srazhenie: marsh -- K. Trushkovskii, undated

- 1 ms. score (16 p.) + 2 p. of music. Two arrangements as follows: 1. close score for balalaika solo and keyboard in an unidentified hand; 2. incomplete ms. score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 12: Poslednii nyneshnii denechek, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Two ms. scores in the hand of W. Kasura (with annotation "S. Larionoff library") for 7-8 part Russian folk orchestra (ADI-II, TD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 13: Perdue -- Drobishovaia, undated

- Valse triste. 1 ms. score (28 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of Kasura.
- Box 109

- Folder 1: Potselui menia -- G. de Bottari; arrangements by Kasura, Semenov and Fedorov, undated

- 5 scores + 19 parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for voice, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arranged by and in the hand of W. Kasura (based on Semenov's arr. 5 below) for Claudia Curtis, soprano (without the lyrics, vocal part in score only); 2. revised version of arr. 1 above, same instrumentation; 3. incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 4. photocopy of published edition, arr. for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PD, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) by N.A. Fedorov (orig. plate no. Z.6536); 5. photocopy of published version for voice and piano "Kusse mich...Zigeuner-Romanze = Potsielui menia... tsygansktsii romans (na motiv val'sa "Shampanskiia volny") / soch. Dzh. de Botari ; arr. von W. Semjonow ; Text von G. de Bottari ; Deutsche Ubersetzung von August Scholz", includes the lyrics in Russian and German. Gypsy Romance. English title: Kiss Me.
- Folder 2: Potselui menia; Sudarushka -- arr. Walter J. Kasura, 1982

- Arranged for Balalaika and Domra Society Orchestra. 2 ms. scores + 15 parts. Two similar arrangements: 1. ms. parts (all incomplete) and score for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), dated May 1982; 2. ms. score and parts for same instrumentation as arr. 1 above, dated June 1982, "First public performance Dec. 4 1982, Lincoln Center, NY (Alice Tully Hall)". "Potselui menia (Kiss me)", also known as "Snova poiu", based on a theme from "Shampanskiia volny" by Dzh. De Botari; "Sucarushka" based on Bobri and Gabaeff's arrangement of a gypsy melody.
- Folder 3: Pochemu ia bezumno liubliu -- Fistulari, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 4: Poema -- Z. Fibikh; arrangements by Kasura, Avksent'ev, Lachinov et al, undated

- 3 scores + 6 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by and in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. photocopy of published score for balalaika and piano arranged by V. Avksent'ev; 4. photocopy of published score for domra sextet (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, CD) arranged by A. Lachinov. Originally for orchestra.
- Folder 5: Pri dolinushke -- muz. A. Shalova; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- Fantaziia (Balalaika duet and orcehstra). 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts (incomplete set) for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB (non-solo), AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura. English title: Near the valley.
- Folder 6: Prosti mene, moia nene, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score for these parts plus PDII and ADII (incomplete) in the hand of W. Kasura. Intended to accompany vocalist; vocal part and lyrics lacking.
- Folder 7: Protiazhnaia -- A. Liadov; arrangements by Selivan, Ivanoff, Kasura et al, 1923-1966

- 4 scores + 41 ms. parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, medley of two songs, "Protiazhnaia" and "U vorot, vorot batiushkinykh"; 2. ms. and photocopies of ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, viola domra II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed by Selivan and variously dated between April 17 and Sept. 21, 1966, BD part has note "score in Gusliar vol.2" (see arr. 6 below), part for AD-BD (same page) also marked "special Jack Raymond alto balalaika", viola domra II part has music for "Chorus from Prince Igor" on reverse; 3. ms. parts for PDI-II, BD, AB, CB, similar arr. to arr. 2 above, some parts have music for "Chorus from Prince Igor" on reverse and are dated 4-30-40; 4. ms. parts in the hand of W. Kasura for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, SB, CB); 5. ms. score (and copy) for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Ivanoff, with corrections in his hand; 6. photocopy of published score for 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (from Gusliar, vol. 2, 1923).
- Folder 8: Farewell village; Little star -- arrangements by Kovac, Kasura and Selivan, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 41 parts. Two arrangements and misc. parts as follows: 1. ms. score and parts in the hand of W. Kasura for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by N. Kovac; 2. ms. parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 3. misc. parts in the hand of Kasura and Selivan. Russian title: Proshchai derevnia-zvezdochka.
- Folder 9: Proshchai, moi tabor -- B. Prozorov; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 21 parts. Four arrangements as follows (all arr. by W. Kasura): 1. 7 ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB); 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB); 3. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB); 4. ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI -II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB). All arrangements to accompany vocalist; vocal part and lyrics not included.
- Folder 10: Proshchai radost' -- arr. C. Krummel, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 5 parts. Incomplete ms. score for voice and keyboard with 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, with piano-vocal score and parts for PDI-II, AD, AB, CB in an unidentified hand. Without the lyrics.
- Folder 11: Pusztak fia -- by Keler Bela, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript arrangement for violin solo with 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand (violin part missing).
- Folder 12: Pust' on ne veren, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Box 110

- Folder 1: Pust'tsvety moi -- arrangements by M. Selivan, Al. Ivanoff, W. Kasura, et al, 1930-1966

- 3 ms. scores + 15 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of ms. score for balalaika and piano, arr. for balalaika solo by Mark A. Selivan, 9-16-1963; 2. photocopies of incomplete set of ms. parts for arrangement by M. Selivan (PDI-II, PB, AB) dates range from 12-16-1930 to 2-8-1966; 3 ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with title in English: Let the flowers; 4. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, AB, CB), similar arrangement as arr. 3 above, in the same hand; 5. ms. score in the hand of Kasura, arr. by Ivanoff for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 6. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (as arr. 5, with BB), PB part incomplete, also arr. by Ivanoff (?).
- Folder 2: Razbitaia zhizn' - M.A. Kuss; arrangements by Kasura, Ivanoff, Selivan et al, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 29 parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, arr. by Ivanoff (?); 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, arrangement similar to arr. 1 above; 3. ms. and photocopy of ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, VD, BD, AB) signed by M. Selivan; 4. two ms. scores and set of parts for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) specially arranged for Balalaika and Domra Society by W.J. Kasura, first public performance Nov. 18, 1976, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, NYC; 5. incomplete ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Ivanoff (arr. 1 above), adapted and with additional parts by W. Kasura. English title: Broken life waltz.
- Folder 3: Razsviet, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 4: Rassvet -- B. Fomin, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto domra I, bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand, with matching score by Kasura, to which have been added parts for alto domra II and prima balalaika, both incomplete. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 5: Reve ta stohne Dnipr shyrokyi -- W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 15 parts. Two similar arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. ms. score and parts with copies for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by W. Kasura 1938 (parts for secunda and bass balalaika missing). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Lezginka
- Folder 6: Reverie -- V. Prisovskii; arrangements by Rutin and Kasura, undated

- 6 ms. scores + 27 parts. Ten arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, AB, CB, AD solo) arr. by J. Rutin; 2. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 5 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by J. Rutin, with four additional parts added by Kasura (incomplete); 3. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD (incomplete), AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 4. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 5 ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of and arr. by Kasura; 6. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), PB and BB parts incomplete, note on score refers to arr. 3 above; 7-9. three ms. scores for arrangements by Kasura for accordion and 6-9 part Russ. folk orchestra, all incomplete; 10. incomplete ms. score for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) "Fantasy on the theme of 'Reverie' by Prisovsky" in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 7: Rezvilsia likuiushchii mir -- muz. O. de Bove; slova P. Kalinina; arrangements by S.K. and W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 11 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, arr. by S.K. to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included); 2. ms. score and parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, PDII (score only), AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, score for medley including the title song and "Ei, vy zaletnye".
- Folder 8: Rodina -- soch. W. Kasura, undated

- Fantaziia na russkikh pesen. 4 ms. scores + 20 parts + 2 p. of music. Two versions and misc. working scores as follows: 1. set of ms. parts for accordion with 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB) titled "Rodina selection"; 2. ms. score and parts for accordion with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB); 3. incomplete ms. scores for Russ. folk orchestra (8-13 parts, with and without accordion). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Za posledniuiu piaterku
- Box 111

- Folder 1: Rodnye prostory -- music by N. Budashkin; arrangement and instrumentation by V. Gorodovskaia, 1977

- 2 scores + 10 parts. Manuscript score dated Jan. 1977 and parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD (score only), PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, with photocopy of published edition of the original arrangement by Gorodovskaia for gusli, percussion, 5 bayans and balalaika/domra orchestra (12 parts). English title: Native open spaces.
- Folder 2: Rodnye segodnia ia guliaiu, undated

- 1 ms. score (15 p.) + 6 parts. Two similar arrangements as follows: 1. ms. set of 6 parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, ADI, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), arr. by W. Kasura.
- Folder 3: Rozhdestvenskaia pesn', undated

- 1 ms. score (14 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript set of parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, to which are added incomplete parts for bass domra and secunda balalaika. "P. Biljo library". Composer identified simply as Adam; most likely Adam Jeno.
- Folder 4: Romance -- A. Rubinstein, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 8 parts. Manuscript parts for violin solo and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, with annotation "Peter Biljo library".
- Folder 5: Romans, op. 5 -- P. Tschaikowsky; arr. F. Neiman, 1936-1967

- 6 scores + 25 ms. parts. Six photocopies of published score for gusli with 12 part Russian folk orchestra (Piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), originally published in 1936, plate no.: M. 10955 G.; ms. parts signed and dated by Mark Selivan between March 15-23, 1967 (all photocopies, no gusli part); ms. accordion part in the hand of Kasura (incomplete).
- Folder 6: Charming eyes -- arr. by E.Sh, undated

- 12 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for bayans (2) and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (mandolins, I-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in an unidentified hand. Medley of two gypsy songs. Russian title from folder: Ocharovatel'nye glazki (popurri).
- Folder 7: Tri russkie pesni -- N. Kovac, 1962-1969

- 1 ms. score (13 p.) + 17 parts. Medley of three songs: Vdol' po Piterskoi; Vniz po matushke po Volge; Polno ty solnyshko, polno ty gret'. Two complete arrangements and misc. parts as follows: 1. ms. parts and photocopies of same for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) all in the hand of Mark Selivan, signed and dated between 7 15-1962 and 12-25-1967; 2. ms. score (and copy) for accordion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by Kasura, Nov. 1969, with note "parts added by W. Kasura"; 3. misc. parts for acccordion and ADI in the hand of W. Kasura. English title: Three Russian Folk Songs.
- Folder 8: Romance d'amor -- arr. J.T. Matlin, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score and parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB), neither score nor parts complete; unmarked part entitled "Spanish romance" in the hand of W. Kasura, different key signature.
- Folder 9: Romance -- P. Danidov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 6 ms. parts. Title from folder; score and parts bear no title. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. ms. score for trio (PD, AB, CB?) in the hand of W. Kasura. Both arrangements to accompany vocalist; vocal part and lyrics not included.
- Folder 10: Romance orientale -- by Glazounoff, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 11: Romanza andaluza, op. 22 -- by Pablo de Sarasate; arr. by Mark A. Selivan, 1962-1970

- Spanish dance No. 3. 1 ms. score (20 p.) + 38 parts. Manuscript score for solo prima domra, piano and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), date at end 3-24-62, inserted piano part July 31, 1968, date on cover Dec. 27, 1969; with set of parts and copies (no piano parts) dated between Dec. 23, 1969 and Jan. 2, 1970, solo PD part has note "adaptation 1936".
- Box 112

- Folder 1: Romashki spriatalis' -- muz. E. Ptichkin; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- iz kf. "Moia ulitsa." 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (Gary Nova, baritone), without the vocal part and lyrics. English title: The daisies have hidden.
- Folder 2: Rossiia, rodina moia -- muz. Vano Muradeli; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.). Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), incomplete.
- Folder 3: Roumanian song and dance -- V.V. Andreev; arrangements by S. Larionoff and W. Kasura, 1962-1982

- 3 ms. scores + 63 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Larionoff, signed and dated 5-6 June 1962; 2. ms. score and parts for prima balalaika solo, accordion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB non-solo, SB, AB, BB, CB) arrangement by Kasura for L.M. Davis, first public performance Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, NYC, Oct. 28, 1978, signed and dated July 1978; 3. photocopy of ms. score and ms. parts for balalaika solo with orchestra (woodwings, brass, percussion, harp, strings) arr. by Kasura, signed and dated August 1982. Arrangement 2 has alternate title "Czardas". Russian title: Rumynskaia pesnia i tanets
- Folder 4: Russkaia garmon' -- music by V. Muradeli; lyrics by E. Savinov, undated

- 2 scores + 7 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI II, AD, PB, AB, CB) arranged by and in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. ms. score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura (incomplete); 3. photocopy of published (original?) version for voice and bayan, with the lyrics.
- Folder 5: Russkaia garmon' -- A. Shirokov; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.). Manuscript score (incomplete) for bayan and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, SB, CB).
- Folder 6: Russkaia pesnia i pliasovaia -- W.J. Kasura, undated

- A Russian song and dance : a fantasy on two Russian folk songs "Pod oknom cheremukha kalyshetsia." 2 ms. scores + 11 parts. Two versions: 1. ms. score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 2. photocopy of ms. score for two accordions with 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-IA, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 7: Russkaia fantaziia -- N. Budashkin; inst. W. Kasura, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for accordion and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB). English title: Russian fantasy.
- Folder 8: Russian fantasy -- Glazounoff, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.). Incomplete ms. score in an unidentified hand for guslis (2), piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, BD, CD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB and tambourine.
- Folder 9: Russian fantasy -- L. Devis; instr. W. Kasura, undated

- Solo for balalaika and orchestra. 2 ms. scores + 9 parts. Manuscript scores (both incomplete, one dated 1976, signed LMD) for bayan and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) with incomplete set of parts, in the hand of Kasura, with several pages of music and notes.
- Folder 10: Russkii tanets -- N. Chaikin; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 28 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PBI-II, AB, CB with extra copies).
- Folder 11: Russkii tanets -- E. Sirotkin; arr. by V. Svidzinskii, undated

- 17 ms. parts. Manuscript parts (with copies) for accordion with 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura. English title: Russian dance.
- Box 113

- Folder 1: Russian dance, 1938

- 8 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for prima domra I-II, alto domra I, alto domra II/tenor domra, bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika, signed MK(?-illegible) 1-2/8-38. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Russkii tanets
- Folder 2: Russian sher -- arr. by Mark Selivan, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for prima domras I-II, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in the hand of M. Selivan.
- Folder 3: Rucheek val's -- V.V. Andreev; arrangements by Mark Selivan and P. Kulikov, undated

- 2 scores + 18 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura and photocopies of ms. parts signed and dated by M. Selivan (Oct. 28-Nov. 7) for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 2. photocopy of published arrangement by Kulikov for balalaika (?) and piano. English title: Little Book Valse
- Folder 4: S beregov Volgi -- Vl. Nasonov, undated

- Muzykal'naia kartinka: op. 64. 1 ms. score (21 p.) + 21 parts. Photocopy of ms. score for 12 part Russian folk orchestra (Picc. domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii, with two incomplete set of parts (undated) in the hand of W. Kasura (piccolo domra part lacking).
- Folder 5: Sapozhki russkie -- N. Kudrin; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.). Manuscript score (incomplete) for accordion and 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 6: Sanochki -- L. Liadova, undated

- 2 scores + 3 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete ms. score for accordion with 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), with parts for PDI, AD and CB, all in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. photocopy of published close score for Russian folk orchestra, with lyrics by Dmokhovskii.
- Folder 7: Sashka -- M. Khal'm, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for violins I-II, cello and bass (two versions) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 8: Svad'ba -- music by A. Babadzhanian; arranged by Walter Kasura for Gary Nova, undated

- 1 ms. score (20 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript score with incomplete set of parts for voice, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB). Without the lyrics. English title: The Wedding.
- Folder 9: Grand potpourri -- arr. by Mark Selivan, 1964

- 12 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by M. Selivan.
- Box 265

- Folder 1: Svetit mesiats -- arrangements by Kasura, Ivanoff, Fornazor, Selivan, Andreev, Nasonov, Chagadaev, Rozanov, Tsibul'skii, Biljo and L.M. Davis, 1922-1970

- 11 ms. scores + 122 parts. Nineteen arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete set of parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDII, ADI, BD, PB) in the hand of Kasura; 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BDI, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 3. ms. parts for PDI-II, AD, BD, CB in the hand of Kasura; 4. ms. scores and parts for 1 and 2 accordions with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-IA, SB, AB, CB), arr. by V. Andreev, instr. W. Kasura specially for Balalaika and Domra Society, October 1938, one copy of score reworked June 1970; 5. incomplete set of ms. parts for revised version of arr. 4, PDI and ADII; 6. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, Viola domra, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Andreev, signed and dated by Selivan 1946 and 1968; 7 ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) arr. by Andreev, in the hand of Kasura; 8. ms. score for 10 part Russ. orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 9. photocopy of published score for gusli, buben and 12 part Russ. folk orchestra "variatsii" by Andreev; 10. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Nasonov and Andreev; 11. photocopy of published score for 12 part orchestra, Chagadaev's arrangement of Andreev's "Variatsii"; 12. ms. score for 10 part orchestra arr. by Czibulsky, dated 1922; 13. ms. score for 4 part plectral ensemble; 14. copy of ms. score for 4 part plectral ensemble; 15. ms. parts for piano and orchestra (winds, strings and brass) in the hand of Ivanoff; 16. misc. parts for arrangement by Fornazor; 17. ms. piano arr.; 18. photocopy of publ. arr. for bayan, PD, AD by Rozanov; 19. misc. parts for arrangements by Biljo, Davis, etc.
- Box 114

- Folder 1: Severnaia zvezda -- M. Glinka; slova Rostopchinoi, undated

- 10 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB), two arrangements, the second to accompany vocalist (without the vocal part and lyrics). Wedding song, originally written for voice and piano.
- Folder 2: Sovershennyi den' -- muz. C. Jacobs-Bond; arr. by W. Kasura, c. 1912

- Based on the arrangement by Harry L. Alford. 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) with parts, some of which are in the hand of Kasura, the others being published parts for violins (2) and bass (arr. by Harry L. Alford, c1912, Forster Music Pub.) adapted by Kasura for domras and balalaika, violin parts include vocal part; lyrics not included. English title: A Perfect Day.
- Folder 3: Semero ziat'ev, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Music for "Serenade" at bottom of each part. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 4: Serdtse na snegu -- muz. A. Babadzhaniana; obr. W. Kasura, 1982

- Specially arranged for Balalaika and Domra Society Orchestra by Walter J. Kasura, Sept. 1982 ; first public performance Lincoln Center, NY on Dec. 4, 1982. 1 ms. score (16 p.) + 7 parts. "For Gary Nova". Manuscript score and incomplete set of parts for voice, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB). Without the lyrics. English title: Heart on the snow.
- Folder 5: Serenade -- N.W. Galkine, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Arrangement for violin solo with 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB, violin part not included) in an unidentified hand. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Semero ziat'ev
- Folder 6: Serenade -- Victor Herbert, undated

- 1 ms. score (14 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, to which he has added an incomplete PB part. Score has note "P. Biljo library". For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Semero ziat'ev
- Folder 7: Serenada -- V. Pergament, 1940

- 2 ms. scores + 7 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, SB (tabulature and standard notation), AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura (undated); 2. photocopy of ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), arr. by Al. Ivanoff, signed and dated MAS 3-17-40. Secunda balalaika part (standard notation) has music for "Madrelena" on reverse.
- Folder 8: Kalinka -- arr. by P. Biljo, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript arr. for prima domra I-II, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika parts, plus score which includes vocal part. Lyrics available in accompanying "Pesennik".
- Folder 9: Zhalobno stonet -- muz. D. Mikhailov, undated

- 5 ms. scores + 17 parts. Five ms. scores (some incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra, one arr. includes bayan part; 3 sets of parts (incomplete), including part for violin. Arrangements by W. Kasura. Lacking the vocal parts (lyrics by A. Pugachev). English title: Sighing winds.
- Folder 10: Novye bublichki, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 9 parts. Two ms. scores (1 incomplete) for Russian folk orchestra; incomplete set of parts. Arr. by W. Kasura. English title: New bublitchki.
- Folder 11: Nochen'ka; Bereza -- arr. by W. Kasura, et al., undated

- 4 ms. scores + 5 ms. parts + 2 leaves of music. Manuscript score and set of parts for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments; Ms. score for larger ensemble, different arr. (or different song, same title); ms. score (incomplete); photocopy of ms. for small ensemble; 2 published arr. for balalaika solo. Only first set of score and parts includes "Bereza". Vocal part not included; lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 12: Pol'ka "Dedushka" -- arr. by Peter Biljo, undated

- 1 ms. score + 8 parts. Manuscript arr. for Russian folk orchestra, score and parts (alto domra II part missing). English title: Grandfather polka.
- Folder 13: Na shtyki -- sost. Ivanov-Radkevich; or. A. Chagadaev, undated

- Marsh iz Revoliutsionnykh pesn'. 1 ms. score + 3 parts. Photocopy of ms. arrangement for Russian folk orchestra, with incomplete set of parts. English title: Charge of the bayonet.
- Folder 14: Espan -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score + 13 parts. Manuscript arr. for Russian folk orchestra, score plus 3 incomplete sets of parts, differing slightly. Arr. by Walter Kasura. Title varies: Espana. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Vengerka
- Folder 15: Shtandart marsh, undated

- 1 ms. score + 5 parts. Manuscript score (incomplete) and set of parts (photocopy of ms., incomplete) for arr. for Russian folk orchestra. Arr. by Walter Kasura? For other arrangements or versions of this work, see La Paloma
- Folder 16: Moskva -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score + 5 parts. Manuscript score and incomplete set of parts for Russian folk orchestra.
- Box 115

- Folder 1: Molchi grust' -- G.A. Berezovskii; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 13 parts. Three ms. scores arr. for Russian folk orchestra, plus two sets of parts; one score and both sets of parts are incomplete; each score for different arrangement/key. Voice parts indicated, but not included.
- Folder 2: Alla verdy -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- For Peter Biljo Ork.; verified by Alexander Ivanoff. 2 ms. scores + 7 parts. Two copies of ms. score for Russian folk orchestra, signed and dated "WK 1937", plus set of ms. parts for small ensemble; on verso of prima balalaika part is ms. of prima balalaika part for "Kalitka".
- Folder 3: A media luz -- E. Donato; arr. Mark Selivan, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 13 parts. Manuscript arrangement for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments, score (in the hand of W. Kasura) and two sets of parts.
- Folder 4: Krakoviak -- arrangements by M. Selivan and W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 12 parts. Two manuscript arrangements: 1. by W. Kasura, score for Russian folk orchestra plus set of parts for small ensemble; 2. by M. Selivan, set of parts (photocopy) for small ensemble (title romanized: Krakowiak).
- Folder 5: Pod zelenuiu -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 51 parts. Manuscript score and parts (with multiple photocopies of parts) for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), with additional incomplete score (earlier working version). Added title on folder: Lemko popourri.
- Folder 6: Zimushka zima -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 5 parts. Russian folk song arranged for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments. Score in the hand of W. Kasura. Vocal part and lyrics not included.
- Folder 7: Misirlou -- Nicholas Roubanis; arrangements by J. Rutin and W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 20 parts. Two ms. arrangements for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments, scores (both incomplete) and three sets of parts. One set of parts includes bass domra and alto balalaika parts for "Karapuz pol'ka" on reverse side of same instrument parts for "Misirlou". Original song copyright 1941; manuscripts in the hand of W. Kasura; one arr. by J. Rutin. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Quiereme mucho
- Folder 8: Ei, tsygane, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript arrangement for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments. Score (photocopy of ms.) for violin and plectral ensemble; parts (in the hand of W. Kasura) have prima domra instead of violin.
- Folder 9: Khorosho na gorke zhit', undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript arrangement for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments; score in the hand of W. Kasura
- Folder 10: Moskva marsh -- arrangements by Larionoff and Selivan, 1962

- 1 ms. score + 16 parts. Two similar arrangements for Russian folk orchestra: 1. photocopy of ms. set of parts, signed and dated "MAS 9-22/23-1962"; 2. Ms. score and parts, including unfinished accordion part, arr. by S. Larionoff.
- Folder 11: Vdol' da po rechke, undated

- 2 scores + 6 parts. Manuscript partial scores for Russian folk orchestra including bayan; photocopies of ms. parts for prima domra I-II, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika (alto balalaika part in tabulature notation), bayan part not included. Arrangement by W. Kasura. English title: Along the river. Also known as: Vdol' po Kazanke, and Na Kazanke. Vocal parts not included; lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 12: Fantaziia na russkie temy -- R. Karkin, 1931

- 1 ms. score (15 p.) + 34 parts. Manuscript copy of Karkin's score, originally published by Gos. Muz. Izdat., Moskva, 1931 (M.10053 G.), for Russian folk orchestra with 4 complete sets of parts. Ms. copy lacks the gusli part from the original score.
- Folder 13: Dai milyi drug -- arr. by Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 7 parts. Arrangement for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments, parts signed "Nikolina", score by W. Kasura. Lyrics and vocal part not available.
- Folder 14: Zvonkoi pesnei -- Iulii Khait; lyrics by Osk. L. Osenin, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 7 parts. Manuscript arrangements for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments; one arr. includes score and parts, score in the hand of W. Kasura; other arr. has score only. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 15: Ai da devka -- <span style="font-size: 12px;">arranged by S.K.</span>, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 7 parts. Manuscript arrangement for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments. Two scores (original ms. and photocopy of same) arr. by S.K. Originally arranged as accompaniment for Dora Bosher, soprano. Lyrics and vocal part not available.
- Box 116

- Folder 1: Fiametta -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 22 parts. Three ms. arrangements, scores and parts, for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments. One arrangement includes solo prima domra part; another arrangement has score for full orchestra. Scores all in the hand of W. Kasura. Added title on one score: Liubimyia tsyganskiia pesni.
- Folder 2: Berezka -- B. Shiller; arrangements by W. Kasura and others, 1924-1928

- 5 ms. scores + 16 parts. Manuscript arrangements: 1-3. scores for Russian folk orchestra (one complete score, two incomplete scores with bayan included); 4. ms. set of parts for Russian folk orchestra, arr. by MS 11-1924; 5. photocopy of ms. set of parts for Russ. folk orch., arr. by S. Ts., Sept. 15, 1928; 6. photocopy of published arrangement for voice and piano, arr. by L. Shats; 7. photocopy of published arrangement for domra, balalaika and 7-string guitar, arr. by V. Avksent'ev. Arrangement by Shats includes lyrics and vocal part. English title: Birch tree waltz.
- Folder 3: Ozhidanie -- G.L. Kitler; arr. by W. Kasura, 1978

- 4 ms. scores + 16 parts + 2 p. of music. Five arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) with accordion part added later (not in score); 2. ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB); 3. two ms. scores and parts for bayan with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) specially arranged for Balalaika and Domra Society, Dec. 1978, first public performance Sept. 22, 1979, Lincoln Center, Alice Tully Hall, NYC; 4. misc. parts for domras and balalaikas in the hand of Kasura; 5. photocopy of published version for bayan, attributed to Kitler (Kasura's manuscripts cite no composer). Title varies: Ozadanie. English title: Expectation waltz.
- Folder 4: Mechty -- muz. N. Donskoi, undated

- 1 ms. score + 13 parts. Manuscript score and parts for arr. by Al. Ivanoff for Russia folk orchestra; other misc. parts English title: Daydreams.
- Folder 5: Ei gitara -- arr. Alex Siegal, undated

- 1 ms. score + 9 parts. Manuscript arr. of a medley of gypsy songs for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 6: Nakinu plashch -- arr. by Walter Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score + 8 parts. Manuscript arr. for Russian folk orchestra; score and parts, incomplete.
- Folder 7: Sibirskiia pesni, undated

- 1 ms. score + 13 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra and two sets of parts.
- Folder 8: Sama sadik ia sadila -- arrangements by Walter Kasura and Al Ivanoff, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 9 parts. Three ms. arrangements in full score for Russian folk orchestra; arr. by W. Kasura includes parts. On reverse side of parts for the Kasura arrangement are parts for "Mogila". Vocal parts not included.
- Folder 9: Liubila Marusia -- arr. Al Ivanoff, undated

- 1 ms. score + 8 parts. Manuscript score and set of parts for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments. Bayan part (not included in the score) has title " Mary song".
- Folder 10: Sirotinka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 8 parts. Manuscript score (arranger unspecified, ca. 1920-30) for two domras and six balalaikas; same arrangement rearranged by W. Kasura for five domras and four balalaikas, score and parts.
- Folder 11: Luchinushka; Derevnia -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 6 parts. Photocopy of ms. score and incomplete set of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra. Medley. Second selection spelled incorrectly on some parts: Derevna. Lyrics for "Luchinushka" available in "Pesennik" accompanying Kasura Collection.
- Box 117

- Folder 1: Ekhal kazak za Dunaem -- arrangements by Krummel, Tsibul'skiæi and Podel'skii, 1929

- 5 ms. scores + 26 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score (and photocopy of same) with two sets of parts for accordion with 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, arr. by Krummel; 2. ms. score for prima domra solo (?) with 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii Feb. 17, 1929, Brooklyn N.Y., with PDII part in an unidentified hand; 3. photocopies of published score for bayans (2) with plectral ensemble, arr. by Podel'skii. Ukrainian folk song. Lyrics available under title "Ekhal kozak za Dunai" in "Pesennik" accompanying Kasura Collection.
- Folder 2: Kazak polka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra and set of parts for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments.
- Folder 3: Krest'ianochka, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 16 parts. Manuscript score and two sets of parts (ms. and photocopy) of arrangement for Russian folk orchestra. Arranged by W. Kasura?
- Folder 4: Bliny -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 5 ms. scores + 28 parts. Four similar arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts and photocopies of ms. score for plectral quintet or sextet (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) signed and dated by Kasura Feb. 1940; 2. ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB); 3. ms. parts for accordion with 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB); 4. ms. score for ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB).
- Folder 5: Tri sestry -- arr. by Peter Biljo, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript arrangement for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments; score (in the hand of W. Kasura) plus set of parts.
- Folder 6: Konkurs marsh -- arrangements by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (15 p.) + 22 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for accordion with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), acc. part not in score, set of parts incomplete; 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PB, AB, CB); 3. alto domra and alto balalaika parts for a third version.
- Folder 7: Russkoe popuri -- arr. by Mark Selivan, 1966

- 1 score (12 p.) + 19 parts. Photocopies of ms. score (signed and dated: Mark A. Selivan 7-29-1966) with complete set of parts, for Russian folk orchestra; photocopy of ms. set of parts for similar arrangement (dated 11-27/29-35). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Along Petersky.
- Folder 8: Kazachek -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (13 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript score and photocopy of ms. set of parts, all in the hand of W. Kasura, arrangement for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 9: Kavkazskie popuri -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (14 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript arrangement for Russian folk orchestra, score and parts. Title varies: Kavkazkie; Kavkazskie tantsy.
- Folder 10: Kalitka -- words and music by A. Obukhov; arrangements by Kasura et al, 1938-1967

- 2 ms. scores + 30 parts. Four ms. arrangements for Russian folk orchestra: 1. score and parts (score ms. in the hand of W. Kasura, parts photocopy of ms., with stamp "Balalaika and Domra Society"), arranged by N. Kovak, prima and secunda parts arr. by Mark Selivan and dated 2-22-1966 and Dec. 27 1967; 2. score and parts, arr. by W. Kasura, dated 1938; 3. set of ms. parts, unsigned, undated; 4. set of parts (photocopy), signed "AK" and dated Feb. 25, 1957 (AK=Alexander Kiriloff?). Title also spelled "Kaletka". English title: Little gate. Lyrics available in accompanying "Pesennik"; vocal parts not included. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Alla verdy; Sten'ka Razin
- Box 118

- Folder 1: Snow flower polka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 4 parts. Two incomplete scores and set of parts; arr. by W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Six polkas
- Folder 2: Troika -- arr. by Mark Selivan, undated

- Ballroom dance. 2 ms. scores + 11 parts. Two ms. arrangements for Russian folk orchestra: 1. arr. by Mark Selivan, two sets of ms. parts, plus some photocopies of parts, score in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura, arranger unknown. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Tri troiki
- Folder 3: Kavkaz -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score ([21] p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra plus set of parts for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments.
- Folder 4: Belorusskaia pesnia i pliaska -- arrangements by Kasura and Krasev, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 6 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra, plus set of parts for small ensemble; photocopy of published arrangement (by Krasev), "iz sbornika Terravskogo i Ravenskogo" (M. 8642 G.) for Russian folk orchestra. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Uzh po sadiku, sadiku
- Folder 5: Usy udaly molodtsy -- arr. by Al Ivanoff, undated

- 1 ms. score ([16] p.) + 24 parts. English title: Curly moustache. Two arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score and parts for accordion with 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 6: Sobaka -- arr. by Peter Biljo, undated

- 1 ms. score (20 p.) + 8 parts. Manuscript arrangement for Russian folk orchestra, score and set of parts. Score in the hand of W. Kasura, marked "P. Biljo library". Title on ms.: Sabaka. Medley.
- Folder 7: Rozsam gyere mar -- Zerkovitz Bela; arr. by P. Biljo, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript score and parts, arranged by P. Biljo for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments; score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 8: Koshmary, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 12 parts. Manuscript score arr. by W. Kasura for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments, with set of parts; second arrangement, set of parts for small ensemble. Original composition by E.A. Gartung? Vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 9: Proletarskaia dubinushka, undated

- 1 score (2 p.) + 6 ms. parts. Photocopy of published score and manuscript parts (slightly different arrangement, not all parts included) for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 10: Palestinske tango -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript score and incomplete set of parts for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 11: Den' poslednii -- arr. Peter Biljo?, undated

- To accompany Dora Bosher, soprano. 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 9 parts. Manuscript arr. for small ensemble of Russian folk orchestra, score (in the hand of W. Kasura) plus set of parts (vocal parts not included).
- Folder 12: Ekh, lapti moi -- arranged by Peter Biljo, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 20 parts. Two manuscript arrangements by Peter Biljo, score and parts for Russian folk orchestra. One arrangement (entitled "Lapti") originally arranged as accompaniment for Dora Bosher, soprano. Both scores in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal parts. English title: Birch bark shoes. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Hoi ty, Volga matushka
- Folder 13: Oira-Oira -- A. Alexandroff; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 32 parts. Two similar arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for bayan/accordion with 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB); 2. ms. set of parts for bayan/accordion with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (as above, minus BB), revised version of arr. 1.
- Folder 14: U samovara, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.) + 9 parts. Manuscript arrangement (score and parts) for small ensemble of Russian folk instruments (score signed "VK"); set of parts for string quartet (arranger unknown).
- Folder 15: Uviadshiia rozy -- muz. Chernetskii (syn); arr. by Peter Biljo, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 13 parts. Manuscript arrangement (score and 2 sets of parts) for Russian folk orchestra; arrangement by Peter Biljo; score and 1 set of parts in the hand of W. Kasura. English title: Wilted roses. Vocal part not included. Gypsy waltz. Attributed to the "Son of Chernetskii".
- Box 119

- Folder 1: Ukrainskoe poppuri, undated

- 1 ms. score (21 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript arrangement for Russian folk orchestra, score in the hand of W. Kasura, photocopy of ms. set of parts.
- Folder 2: La Chaparrita, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript score and parts, arrangement for Russian folk orchestra. In the hand of W. Kasura, marked "P. Biljo Library".
- Folder 3: O esli-b mog vyrazit' v zvuke -- L.D. Malashkin; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 14 parts. Two manuscript arrangements for Russian folk orchestra: 1. arr. by W. Kasura, score and parts, with incomplete scores (first page only) for fuller instrumentation; 2. arr. by Nikolina (?), parts only, for small ensemble. Title varies: O esli-b mog; also in English, "If I could". Vocal parts and lyrics unavailable.
- Folder 4: Osenniia mechty -- A. Reiderman; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 5 ms. scores + 9 parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB); 2-4. incomplete ms. scores for 8-10 part Russian folk orchestra; 5. miscellaneous parts for domras. English title: Autumn reveries.
- Folder 5: Teni minuvshago -- N. Kharito; arr. by W. Kasura et al, undated

- 3 scores + 24 parts. Four arrangements and misc. music as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, SB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 3. ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 4. ms. score and photocopies of ms. parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura for Claudia Curtis (soprano); 5. misc. parts and incomplete scores for other versions. Title varies: Teni; Teni minuvshago. English title: Shadows of the past.
- Folder 6: Pol'ka zhokovskaha -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 15 parts. Two ms. scores arranged for Russian folk orchestra (full orchestra and small ensemble) and two sets of parts for small ensemble. Title varies: Zhokovskaha polka; Zhukovskago pol'ka; Pol'ka zhukovskago. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Vengerka
- Folder 7: Night stars are shining -- G. Bakaleinikov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 8 parts. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra plus set of parts for small ensemble; manuscript arrangement for violin, arr. by Gh. Mogiloff.
- Folder 8: Flamingo, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript score, arr. by W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra, with set of parts for small ensemble.
- Folder 9: Serenada Abta -- arrangements by Kasura et al, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 14 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (same as arr. 1) in the hand of Kasura; 3. incomplete score in the hand of Kasura, arr. based on arr. 2 above, but with more instruments (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 10: Sefira intermezzo -- L. Siede, undated

- 1 ms. score (22 p.) + 5 parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of W. Kasura for same arrangement, with additional parts for PDII and SB.
- Folder 11: Szekely kesergo -- Schuster Samuel, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for violin/prima domra I, prima domra II, alto and bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of W. Kasura, with note "P. Biljo library".
- Folder 12: Siberian flax -- muz. N. Kutuzova; slova V. Bokova; obr. W. Kasura, 1972

- 1 ms. score (28 p.) + 23 parts + 1 p. of music. Three versions as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for voice, accordions (3) and 11 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PBI-IA, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura for Claudia Curtis, soprano (accordion parts incomplete in score), dated January 1972; 2. incomplete set of ms. parts for rev. version of arr. 1 (BDI, PBI, SB, CB); 3. photocopy of published music for solo voice including lyrics in Russian.
- Box 120

- Folder 1: Sizen'kii golubchek, 1929

- 5 ms. scores + 10 parts. Five similar arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 2. ms. score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 3. ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PD, AD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 4. ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (Piccolo domra, PD, AD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by Tsibul'skii April 21, 1929, Brooklyn, N.Y.; 5. photocopy of ms. score for four unspecified instruments (domras, balalaikas?) in the hand of Tsibul'skii. Alternate spelling of title: Sizen'kii golubchik. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Stonet sizyi golubochek
- Folder 2: Sinii platochek -- muz. G. Gol'da i G. Petersburgsky; slova Galitsky i Maksimova; arrangements by Shats, Kasura, Selivan et al, 1939-1967

- 6 scores + 21 parts + 1 p. of lyrics. Four arrangements and misc. music as follows: 1. ms. parts for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts (and photocopies) for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDII, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by M. Selivan May 31-June 3, 1967, with ms. score in the hand of Kasura (including vocal cues, PDI part); 3. incomplete ms. score for accordion with 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 4. photocopy of published arr. by Shats for voice and accordion/piano, with lyrics; 5. misc. incomplete scores and parts. Includes separate lyric sheet, dated 1939-1940. English parallel title, arr. 2: The blue kerchief.
- Folder 3: Sinii platochek, i, Baltiitsy-Krasnoflottsy -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Incomplete set of ms. parts for prima domra, alto domra, alto balalaika and contrabass balalaika in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 4: Evreiskaia sionisticheskaia piesn' -- arr. I.L. Iungmann, 1908

- 1 ms. score ([4] p.). Manuscript score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB). Cover title: Sionisticheskii gimn.
- Folder 5: Siren' -- by Rachmaninoff, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; with alterations in a different hand (key change from A-flat major to A major).
- Folder 6: Sirotinka; Kamarinskii (pliasovaiìa) -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto domras I-II, bass domra, prima, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 7: Siiala noch' -- N. Shiriaev; slova A. Feta, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 14 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. ms. score and parts (same as arr. 1 above) for different arrangement; 3. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (same instrumentation as arr. 1-2 above, different key). All arrangements to accompany vocalist; vocal parts not included; lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 8: Skaz o Baikale -- N. Budashkin; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 23 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for accordion with 11 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PBI-IA, SB, AB, CB). English title: A tale of Baikal
- Folder 9: Skuchno, Petia! -- Iurii Rutin, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 16 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, PB(?), AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score for accordion and 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB), with incomplete set of parts (some parts incomplete in score also), arr. by Kasura; 3. incomplete ms. score for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Kasura. Title varies: Skuchno; Skuchno tango; Skuchno Vasia bez monaty.
- Folder 10: The glory of Russia -- Yakov Krein; arrangements by Al. Ivanoff, Mark Selivan, and Adolf Lotter, 1916-1969

- 4 ms. scores + 21 parts + 13 p. of music. Four arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score and photocopies of ms. parts for piano/accordion and 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB), accordion part in the hand of W. Kasura, all other parts signed and dated by Selivan Dec. 1969, score signed and dated by Selivan Oct. 1969, arrangement is by Al. Ivanoff; 3. photocopy of ms. score, earlier version of arr. 2 above, with notesas follows: score laid out complete Dec. 2, 1967, by Mark A. Selivan (7 instrument parts), re-arranged harmony complete 11-29-68, piano part complete insertion Dec. 22, 1967, pr. bal. part arrangement completed Nov. 5, 1968; 4. photocopy of published arrangement for piano solo by Adolf Lotter, original published by Hawkes & Son, London, c1916.
- Box 121

- Folder 1: Slavnoe more -- arrangements by Kasura, Zhivtsov, Rechmenskii et al, 1933

- 5 ms. scores + 8 parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, ADI-II, tenor domra, BD, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated MK (?) illegible initials) 8-25-33 and 9-11-33, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. incomplete ms. score for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, arr. by Zhivtsov; 3. incomplete ms. score for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, arr. by Rechmenskii; 4. incomplete ms. score for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 5. incomplete ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura. Russian folk song, also known as "Na Baikale", "Slavnoe more, sviashchennyi Baikal".
- Folder 2: Sladkim zapakhom sireni -- B.S. Plotnikov, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 3: Sladko pel dusha solovushka, Op. 36 No. 1 -- R. Glier, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 12 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 4. incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura. Arrangements 1-2 and 4 intended as accompaniment for vocalist; vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 4: Sladka iagoda -- muz. E. Ptichkin; obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 3 scores + 19 parts + 2 p. of music. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score (dated 6/80) and parts for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. incomplete ms. score for same instrumentation, different arr. by Kasura; 3. two photocopies of published arrangement for domra solo with piano (arranger not identified); 4. music for solo voice with chord symbols, ms. in the hand of Kasura, and published version with lyrics in Yiddish.
- Folder 5: Slovak czardas -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.). Manuscript score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra, incomplete (page 1 only).
- Folder 6: Slovatskaia pliasova -- arr. by L.M. Davis and W.J. Kasura, 1974

- 3 ms. scores + 27 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for prima balalaika solo with bayan and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arranged by L. Davis and W. Kasura specially for Balalaika and Domra Society, first public performance September 22, 1979, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, NY, signed and dated by Kasura July 1979; 2. ms. parts in the hand of Kasura for earlier version of arr. 1 above, complete set of parts except solo balalaika; 3. orig. ms. and photocopy of same, version by L.M. Davis for balalaika solo with bayan and 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBII-III, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated Jan. 1974, with later alterations in the hand of Kasura in Red.
- Folder 7: Slyshu ia, milaia, zvuki -- N. Zubov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto and bass domra (BD incomplete), alto and contrabass balalaika in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 8: Snezhinka -- slova i muzyka V. Valiartinskago, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Vocal part and lyrics not included.
- Folder 9: Sokoliki -- Bakaleinikov, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. Compsoser identified only as Bakaleinikov; either Vladimir or Nikolai?
- Folder 10: Soldatskii val's -- N. Bogoslovskii; slova V. Dykhovichny, undated

- 2 scores + 7 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of published arrangement for accordion and voice, with Russian lyrics (orig. plate no. s 1618 k); 2. manuscript score and parts for accordion and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB; part for BD missing, accordion part not included in score), arr. by W. Kasura.
- Folder 11: Soldatskii val's -- A. Voronov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Two ms. scores for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), both incomplete, in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Box 122

- Folder 1: Soldatskie pesni -- obr. V. Kasura, undated

- Arranged for Balalaika and Domra Society Orchestra by Walter Kasura. First public performance Lincoln Center, Alice Tully Hall, NYC, November 15, 1980. 2 ms. scores + 22 parts. Two photocopies of ms. score for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with two complete sets of parts (originals and copies); both scores copied from the same original, one includes minor alterations (Kasura's no. 275A), the other (original? Kasura's no. 275) accompanied by alto domra I-II parts only. English title: Soldier's song.
- Folder 2: Sontse nyzen'ko, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima, alto and bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unknown hand.
- Folder 3: Solntse skrylos' za goroiu -- F. Nimana, 1968

- 3 scores + 20 parts. Three similar arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of published score for gusli with 13 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, prima domra I-II, alto domra I-III, bass domra I-II, prima, secunda, alto, bass and contrabass balalaika), with incomplete set of parts in the hand of W. Kasura and Mark Selivan (the latter dated 22 Feb. 1968); 2. ms. set of parts for PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB in an unidentified hand; 3. two photocopies of published editions, same arr. as no. 1 above, without ADIII part. Arrangement 2 includes copies of published parts with the following additional songs included on each part: Uzh ty, sad / F. Niman -- Vo luziakh: variatsii na temu russkoi narodnoi pesni / P. Karkin -- Khorovodnaia / S. Kriukovskii.
- Folder 4: Solovei -- A. Aliab'ev, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 14 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of W. Kasura (score includes incomplete part for ADII); 2. ms. parts for violin with 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of Kasura, to which he has added parts for alto domra II and prima balalaika (the latter incomplete).
- Folder 5: Somnienie -- M. Glinka, undated

- 2 scores + 7 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. photocopy of published score for 12 part Russian folk orchestra (Piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), arr. by V. Nasonov (orig. plate no. Z. 7099). Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 6: Song of kisses -- H. Bemberg, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 7: Sounds from the sunny South overture -- Emil Isenman; arr. by Mark A. Selivan, 1961-1962

- 14 ms. parts. Photocopy of ms. parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (Piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with copies, signed and dated by M. Selivan between 23 August 1961 and 27 May 1962.
- Folder 8: Sounds of Romany -- W. Kasura, undated

- 4 ms. scores + 9 parts. Manuscript score (incomplete) and parts for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB (score only), AB, CB), with three incomplete working scores.
- Folder 9: Souvenir of Europe, undated

- 1 ms. score (27 p.) + 18 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, SB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura. Original title of arr. 2: Russian waltz medley.
- Box 123

- Folder 1: Souvenir de Vienne -- V.V. Andreeff; arrangements by Fomin, Kasura, Selivan and Larionoff, 1936-1965

- 5 ms. scores + 69 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete set of parts for domras (prima and alto) and balalaikas (alto and contrabass) in various hands, arr. by Fomin (?); 2. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI, ADI-II, TD, BD, SB, AB, CB) with note "S. Larionoff library"; 3. photocopies of ms. parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Fomin, modified by M. Selivan, signed & dated by Selivan Dec. 11-12, 1965; 4. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for accordions (2) and 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 5. ms. score for accordion and 11 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Fomin, in Kasura's hand, signed and dated Dec. 1936; 6. photocopy of published score for gusli with 12 part Russ. folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) arr. by Fomin (orig. plate no. 29910, Muzgiz, 1963). Title varies: Vospominanie o Vene; Venskii val's; Viennese waltz.
- Folder 2: Speranze perdute -- A. Morelli, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with incomplete score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 3: Spi, moia devochka -- N. Kornilov, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 14 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Both arrangements intended to accompany vocalist; vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 4: Spite, orly bevye -- N. Kornilov, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 19 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Al Ivanoff, with score and second copy of parts in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. incomplete ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura, for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra.
- Folder 5: Spitsia mne mladeshen'kii, dremletsia -- V. Nasonov, undated

- Fantaziia na russkuiu narodnuiu pesniu. 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 8 parts. Photocopy of ms. score for 13 part Russian folk orchestra (pic. domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB, gusli) signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii, with ms. parts in the hand of W. Kasura (lacking parts for gusli, piccolo domra, bass domra II and secunda balalaika).
- Folder 6: Sredi liesov i polia -- S.A. Aliakrinskago; arrangements by J.T. Matlin, W. Kasura et al, undated

- 4 ms. scores + 17 parts. Five arrangements, photocopies of ms. parts and ms. score as follows: 1. arr. by J.T. Matlin, photocopies of ms. parts in the hand of J. Matlin, with ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB), parts include music for "Snowball" as well (arr. by Matlin); 2. ms. parts in the hand of W. Kasura (?) for prima domra, bass domra, alto and contrabass balalaika, each of which includes music for other songs at bottom or on reverse ("Chto mne gore", "Dark eyes tango" "Cuban Pete"); 3. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB (incomplete), CB); 4. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 5. photocopy of published (original?) version for voice and piano, includes the lyrics in Russian. Arrangements one and four intended to accompany vocalist; vocal part and lyrics available only in version five.
- Folder 7: Stakanchiki granennye -- B.A. Prozorovskii, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with ms. score in the hand of Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 8: The star spangled banner -- arrangements by Mark Selivan and W. Kasura, 1961

- 3 ms. scores + 29 parts + 3 p. of music. Six ms. arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for PDII, AD, PB and CB arr. by Selivan, dated 5-31-61; 2. photocopies of ms. parts for AD, SB and bass in an unidentified hand; 3. incomplete ms. score and parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with accordion, arr. by Kasura; 4. ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 5. ms. score for accordion with 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 6. ms. music for accordion in the hand of Kasura.
- Box 124

- Folder 1: Old polka -- W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (24 p.) + 9 parts. Manuscript score and parts for accordion and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB).
- Folder 2: Starinnyi val's -- N. Listova; arrangements by W. Kasura, M. Selivan et al, 1962

- 4 ms. scores + 20 parts. Eight arrangements as follows: 1. ms. set of parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI II, AD, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (vocal part/lyrics not included) in an unidentified hand; 2. incomplete set of ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDII, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. set of parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 4. incomplete set of ms. parts for prima domra II, alto and secunda balalaika in the hand of M. Selivan (?); 5. photocopy of ms. score for prima balalaika solo with piano acc., signed and dated MAS 1-11-62, arr. by M. Selivan; 6. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB); 7. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for accordion/bayan with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), some parts incomplete; 8. incomplete ms. score for voice, bayan and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), including lyrics, arr. by W. Kasura. First line of lyrics: Ia pomniu val'sa zvuk prelestnyi.
- Folder 3: Starye druz'ia -- C. Teike, 1915-1935

- 1 ms. score (21 p.) + 14 parts. Title varies: Old comrades; Alte Kameraden; Starye druz'ia. Four arrangements as follows: 1. Manuscript score in the hand of Kasura for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB; BD part incomplete), with parts as follows: 1st mandolin and mando-bass parts, published edition (Carl Fischer, NY, c1915), other parts ms. in various unidentified hands for PDII, ADI, SB, AB, CB, arr. by H.F. Odell; 2. photocopy of published part for piano accordion arr. by Patti Bros, publ. by C. Fischer, NY, c1935, with ms. parts in the hand of W. Kasura for PDI-II, AD and CB; 3-4. two ms. versions for accordion, one in an unidentified hand the other in the hand of Al. Ivanoff (?).
- Folder 4: Sten'ka Razin -- arrangements by M. Selivan, N. Kovac et al, 1966-1969

- 1 score (2 p.) + 23 parts + 1 p. of music. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. and photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, viola domra, bass domra, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Mark Selivan, arrangement by N. Kovac, prima balalaika part revised by M. Selivan and dated 2 14-1966; 2. photocopy of ms. parts for PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, AB, signed and dated by Mark Selivan, Nov. 19, 1969; 3. photocopy of published edition for voice, including the lyrics, with fuller title "Sten'ka Razin i kniazhna: narodnaia privolzhskaia piesnia"; 4. photocopy of published score for voice with keyboard (includes chord symbols), lyrics in English, Russian and transliterated Russian, title in English "Stenka Razin (From beyond the island)" and in Russian "Iz-za ostrova na strezhen' (Sten'ka Razin)". Alto balalaika part for arr. 1 has music for "Kalitka" on reverse. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Kokhanochka
- Folder 5: Stenka Razin; Jolly youngster -- arrangements by Mark Selivan and N. Kovac, undated

- 10 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete set of ms. parts for prima domra II, viola domra I-II, and alto balalaika, signed MAS; 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB), arr. by N. Kovac. Medley of two Russian folk songs.
- Folder 6: Sten'ka Razin; Barynia, undated

- 16 ms. parts. Medley of two Russian folk songs. Two manuscript sets of parts for Russian folk orchestra as follows: 1. ms. in the hand of W. Kasura for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 2. ms. parts in an unidentified hand for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB).
- Folder 7: Step' da step' krugom -- arrangements by Kasura, Podîel'skii, and V. Gorodovskaia and Iu. Chernov, 1967-1982

- 15 scores + 43 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts (multiple copies) for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arranged specially for Balalaika and Domra Society Orchestra by Walter J. Kasura April 1982, first public performance Lincoln Center, NYC, Saturday, Dec. 4, 1982; 2. incomplete undated ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 3-4. incomplete ms. scores for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura; 5. photocopy of published score for Russ. folk orchestra (Bayans I-II, piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), arr. by V. Podbel'skii (taken from "P'esy dlia nachinaiushchikh orkestrov russkikh narodnykh instrumentov, vyp. 9", Moskva 1967); 6. photocopy of published arr. by V. Gorodovskaia, instrumentation by Iu. Chernov for voice, gusli, garmonikas (5), domras (6) and balalaikas (5), with lyrics in Russian (taken from "Iz repertuara Liudmily Zykinoi", Moskva : Muzyka, 1979). English title: Song of the frozen coachman.
- Box 125

- Folder 1: Step' mozdokskaia, 1974

- 2 scores. Photocopy of ms. score in an unidentified hand for 4 unspecified instruments (probably domras and/or balalaikas); photocopy of published arrangement by A. Shirokov for 5 domras, 5 balalaikas, 2 bayans and vocalist, with lyrics in Russian (orig. plate no. 8248, Izd. Muzyka, 1974).
- Folder 2: Stradella selection -- Flotow, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, AB, SB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 3: Streloiu v tabor -- S. Orlanskii, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) + 5 parts. Manuscript parts for violins I-II, cello and bass, additional bass part (slightly different) in the hand of N. Grushko, ms. score (incomplete) without bass part, but including bayan (?) part, in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 4: Stydlivaia chainaia roza -- Dm. Pokrass; slova P. Germana, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Without the vocal part and lyrics. Also known as "Chainaia roza".
- Folder 5: Sudarushka -- W. Kasura, undated

- Gypsy song and dance. 24 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, PB, AB, CB). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Potselui menia
- Folder 6: Sud'ba val's -- S. Banes; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 7: Sukhoi by ia korochkoi pitalas', undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 8: Stsena iz baleta -- V.V. Andreev; arrangements by Selivan, Kasura, Niman et al, 1941-1968

- 9 ms. scores + 40 parts + 3 p. of music. Nine arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete set of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, SB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with incomplete set of parts in an unidentified hand; 4. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, AB, CB), arr. by Larionoff, signed and dated by L.M. Davis, Feb. 1968; 5. ms. score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 6. three ms. copies of score for 15 part Russ. folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, BDI-II, CD, PBI-II, SB, AB, BB, CB) arr. by F. Niman; 7. ms. score for 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (Piccolo domra, PDI-II, viola domra I-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB) signed and dated by Selivan 5-23-1941; 8. two ms. scores for arrangement for balalaika and piano; 9. photocopy of published music for balalaika.
- Folder 9: The sweetest sounds -- Richard Rodgers; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) + 20 parts. Manuscript score and parts (multiple copies) for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura. Includes optional solo alto domra part.
- Folder 10: Siuita -- muz. Nikolai Kriukova; arr. Peter Biljo, 1937

- 12 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 12 part Russian folk orchestra (Piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), each part stamped "Peter Biljo B614 Local 802 registered 1937". Suite of Belorussian folk themes in three parts.
- Folder 11: Tam za lesom, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for prima domras I-II, alto domras I-II, bass domra, secunda, alto and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand (stamp on originals: Great Russian Orchestra of Balalaika, Detroit, Mich.).
- Folder 12: Tango Argentino -- A.G. Villoldo; arrangements by W. Kasura et al, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 8 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1-2. two ms. score for 8-9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, both incomplete; 3. ms. score and parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 13: Tango -- muz. B. Tikhonova; pz. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (17 p.) + 4 parts. Manuscript score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with parts for PDI-II, AB, CB, all in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Box 126

- Folder 1: Tango magnoliia -- A. Vertinsky, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 8 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete set of parts (ADI, SB, CB) for Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 2. incomplete set of parts (PDI, AD, SB, CB) for Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura (incomplete).
- Folder 2: Tango Makarova -- Sasha Makarov; arrangements by W. Kasura et al, 1938-1945

- 4 ms. scores + 29 parts. Eight arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for prima domra, alto domra, alto balalaika and contrabass balalaika in an unidentified hand (includes parts for "La copa del olvido" on reverse in a different hand); 2. ms. parts for prima domra II, secunda and alto balalaika in an unidentified hand; 3. several original ms. copies of parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB), all signed "WK"; 4. ms. score (and copy) signed and dated "V. Kasura Nov 1938" for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB); 5. ms. score in an unidentified hand for 4-5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, AB, CB), "Tango Makarova" followed by the songs "Belaia akatsiia" and "Espana"; 6. ms. score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 7. ms. arr. for keyboard in an unidentified hand; 8. three photocopies of published part for guitar arr. by Vladimir Bobri and V. Gabaeff (Celesta Publishing Co., c1945).
- Folder 3: My heart, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 1 part. Manuscript score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with part for PDI in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 4: Tanets iz "Polesskoi siuity" -- muz. E. Glebov; inst. V. Gavrilov, 1977

- 1 ms. score (14 p.) + 12 parts. Manuscript score and parts in the hand of W. Kasura for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB, with PB revised part also); score, dated Feb., 1977, attributes Kasura with the arrangement. English title: Dance from Polesye suite.
- Folder 5: Tanets zhivota -- arrangements by W. Kasura et al, 1931-1940

- 2 ms. scores + 12 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. undated ms. set of parts in the hand of W. Kasura for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB); 2. ms. set of parts in various hands for prima domra I, alto domra II, bass domra and prima balalaika, with copies, some parts dated 5-1-1940; 3. photocopy of ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB), signed and dated S. Tsibul'skii, Mar. 2, 1931, Brooklyn, N.Y.; 4. incomplete ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra arr. by W. Kasura. Belly dance, some parts include English subtitle "Oriental dance".
- Folder 6: Dance of the shadow -- Herman Finck; arr. by Walter Lachowski, 1921-1929

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 11 parts. Manuscript score and parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by Mark Selivan 1-16-29 and 2-17-29, with published piano-conductor part (New York : Edward B. Marks, c1921). Title varies: Dance of the shadows; Dance in the shadow; Tanets tenei.
- Folder 7: Tarantella Napoletana -- C. Cui; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.). Manuscript score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 8: Tary-Bary, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 7 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1 ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra, based on first arrangement, with parts for alto domra II and prima balalaika added by W. Kasura.
- Folder 9: Tat'iana tango -- arrangements by Kasura, Selivan et al, 1964

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) + 16 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Mark Selivan (prima balalaika part signed and dated 9-8-1964); 2. photocopy of ms. parts for bayan with 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BDI-II, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 10: Tie a yellow ribbon -- I. Levine and L.R. Brown; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.). Incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 11: Tebia liubit' obniat'i plakat' nad toboi -- N. Shiriaev, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included). Also known as "Siiana noch'".
- Folder 12: Temnaia noch' -- muz. N. Bogoslovsky; slova V. Agatova; arrangements by W. Kasura, J. Weisberg et al, 1981-1988

- 5 scores + 21 parts + 4 p. Five arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand (J. Weisberg?), with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, arr. by Jack Weisberg; 2. incomplete ms. score for voice, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), with incomplete set of parts (BD, SB and accordion parts lacking), vocal parts different in score and parts, several copies of lyrics in Russian (transliterated) and English, arrangement by W. Kasura; 3. incomplete ms. score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by Kasura; 4-5. photocopies of two published arrangements for voice and piano (scores only). Kasura arrangement (2) dated 10/81 (score) and 4/28/88 (computer printouts of vocal parts). English title varies: Dark night; Dark is the night.
- Folder 13: Temno vishnevaia shal' -- arrangements by Kasura, Podol'skaia and Rassin, undated

- 10 scores + 16 parts. Eight arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for accordion and 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB), with incomplete ms. score, arr. by W. Kasura; 2-6. five ms. scores for Russian folk orchestra (7-9 parts) with and without accordion, arrangements by W. Kasura (all incomplete); 7. photocopy of piano-vocal score originally published by Muzyka (plate no. 5799), arr. by Ia. Rassin (includes lyrics); 8. photocopy of published arrangement for voice and piano, arr. by V. Podol'skaia (lyrics included). Title varies: Vishnevaia shal'.
- Box 127

- Folder 1: Techet Volga -- muz. M. Fradkin; obr. V. Kasura, 1979

- For Ludmila Mishnaevskaya. 8 ms. scores + 17 parts + 1 p. of music. Ten arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for voice, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), signed and dated (August 1979) by Kasura, "for Ludmila Mishnaevskaya"; 2. arrangement for voice and Russian folk orchestra, ms. parts for PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB in the hand of Kasura, "for Ludmila M."; 3. ms. score for accordion and 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), with parts for PDII and BD, and accordion, in the hand of Kasura; 4-8. ms. scores, some incomplete, for accordion and 8-9 part Russ. folk orchestra (same key as arr. 1 above--earlier working scores?) to accompany vocalist; 9. photocopy of published edition (original?) for voice and piano, with lyrics (by L. Oshanin); 10. one page of music for solo voice, with lyrics (photocopy of published edition). Title song from the film "Techet Volga". English title: The Volga flows.
- Folder 2: Tikho, vse tikho -- F. Sadovskii; with arrangements by N.A. Fedorov, W. Kasura and N.G. Beknazarov, undated

- 4 scores + 13 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of published score for 10 part orchestra of domras and balalaikas, arr. by N.A. Fedorov (orig. plate no. Z.6538); 2. set of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by N.A. Fedorov, adapted by W. Kasura, in the hand of W. Kasura (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 3. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra, marked "Mandolin arr." (incomplete); 4. incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra, arr. by Beknazarov/Kasura (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 5. photocopy of published arrangement for quartet (piano, mandolins (2) and mandola), orig. plate no. Z.4387f; 6. photocopy of published arrangement by Beknazarov for balalaika and piano (score), balalaika part transcribed by F. Niman (orig. plate no. S 1176 K).
- Folder 3: Tishina -- muz. Kashevarova, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 8 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for voice and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura (lyrics not included) ; 2. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 3. ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 4: Tishina -- E. Kolmanovskii; arrangements by W. Kasura and Lonya Kol'bus, 1977

- 5 ms. scores + 16 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for accordion/bayan and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB), arr. by and in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. ms. score for accordion/bayan and 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB) with photocopy of accordion part, "revised" arrangement by W. Kasura (incomplete); 3. incomplete ms. score for accordion with 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB), "original" arr. by Kasura; 4. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for voice, accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II (ADII not in score), BD, PB, SB (part lacking), AB, CB), arr. by W. Kasura for Gary Nova, October 1977; 5. photocopy of ms. score (incomplete?) for prima, alto and bass domra, accordion, guitar, balalaika and bass (?), inst. L. Kol'bus; 6. photocopy of published edition for voice and keyboard, with chord symbols, and lyrics in English, Russian and Russian in transliteration (English title "Silently"). Lyrics by V. Orlov.
- Folder 5: To ne veter, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 6: To ne veter klonit -- arrangements by Kasura, Ivanoff et al, undated

- 4 ms. scores + 27 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of Kasura; 2. ms. score and parts for soprano (Diana Telischak), accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura (parts for voice, BD and SB in score only, lyrics not included); 3. ms. score and parts for orchestra (woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings) signed by Al. Ivanoff; 4. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist. English title: Bending branch.
- Folder 7: Bending branch; Mosquito dance -- arrangements by N. Kovac and M. Selivan, 1946-1961

- 47 ms. parts. Five sets of parts for very similar arrangements by Kovac and Selivan as follows: 1. ms. parts for accordion with 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 2. ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, CB) in an unidentified hand, arr. by Kovac; 3. ms. parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, arr. by Kovac; 4. ms. parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, arr. by Kovac; 5. ms. and photocopy of ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, VD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) arr. by Selivan, 4 part PB part adaptation by Kovac, parts in various hands, some dated between 1946 and 1961. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see To ne veter klonit; To ne veter vetku klonit
- Box 128

- Folder 1: Tol'ko raz -- muzyka Borisa Fomina; slova Pavla Germana; original version with arrangements by W. Kasura, undated

- 3 scores. Three versions as follows: 1. incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 2. incomplete ms. score for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, ADI-II, BD, PBI-IA, SB, AB, CB); 3. photocopy of published version for voice and piano, with lyrics.
- Folder 2: Tol'ko raz; Sredi lesov i polia -- W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (14 p.) Manuscript score (incomplete) for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist, vocal part and lyrics not included.
- Folder 3: Tonkaia riabina -- arrangements by Kasura, Budashkin and Gorodovskaia, Volkov, Mironov, Fornazor, Aleksandrov, Strannoliubskii et al, 1946-1982

- 24 scores + 28 parts. English title: Slender mountain ash. Six arrangements and many misc. scores and parts as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for soprano-baritone duet with accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura, signed and dated Nov. 1982; 2. photocopy of published score for voice, gusli and 17 part Russian folk orchestra (domras, garmonikas, balalaikas) arr. by Budashkin, instrumentation by Gorodovskaia; 3. photocopy of published score for voice, gusli, and 12 part Russ. folk orchestra (Domras and balalaikas), arr. by Budashkin; 4. photocopy of published arrangement for voice and piano (Moskva : Sov. komp., Muz. fond, 1946) by V. Volkov; 5. photocopy of published score for voice and piano with chord symbols, includes lyrics (by I. Surikov) in Russian and English; 6. photocopy of published version for voice and bayan (c1974, Muzyka) arr. by N. Mironov; 7. 21 ms. parts for guitar, domras, balalaikas, accordion for various arrangements by Kasura, Fornazor, and unidentified arrangers, no complete sets; 8. sixteen ms. scores for arrangements by Kasura, Mironov, Alexandrov, Strannoliubskii and unidentified others.
- Folder 4: Toreador et andaluse -- A. Rubinstein; arrangements by Kasura and Tsibul'skii, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 23 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for accordion with 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI, PBII (score only), SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), some parts in the hand of Kasura, others photocopies of ms. parts in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. score for 12 part Russ. folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB -- not all parts complete) in the hand of Kasura; 4. ms. score for 12 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB, castanets, tambourine) in the hand of Tsibul'skii.
- Folder 5: Toska val's -- M. Obychaiko; arr. by Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 6 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, SB, AB, CB); 2. ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 6: Toska o proshlom, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 7: Toska po rodine -- A. Dagmaroff; arrangements by W. Kasura and W. Seifert, 1949

- 3 ms. scores + 40 parts + 2 p. of music. Five arrangements, plus misc. music as follows: 1. two sets of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 2. ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (with several copies) in the hand of Kasura (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB); 3. ms. score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB) signed and dated by Kasura, 1949; 4. ms. score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 5. photocopy of published arr. by W. Seifert for accordion (orig. plate no. A.V.2065 Ak.); 6. misc. incomplete score and part.
- Folder 8: Popurri iz op. "Traviata" -- Verdi; arr. by S. Tsibul'skii, undated

- 1 ms. score (13 p.) + 7 parts. Incomplete ms. score for PDI, ADI, SB, AB, CB, with ms. parts for PDI, ADI, BD, AB, CB, some of which are signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii.
- Box 129

- Folder 1: Travushka pliaska -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 30 parts. Three very similar arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB) to accompany accordion solo; 2. ms. score for accordion with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with incomplete set of parts (includes accordion part), arr. by Kasura to accompany Klimovitch Dancers (differs from arr. 1 in only a few notes); 3. incomplete ms. score for accordion and 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) with accordion part, title differs: Travushka pliasovaia.
- Folder 2: Travushka, muravushka -- arrangements by W. Kasura, 1970

- 7 ms. scores + 8 parts. Arrangements for Russian folk orchestra as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. incomplete ms. score for accordion with 6 part Russ. orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PB, AB, CB), arr. by Fomin-Kasura, signed, dated by Kasura, Feb. 1970; 3. incomplete ms. score for accordion with 10 part orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) with accordion part, arr. by Kasura; 4-8. incomplete ms. scores for Russ. folk orchestra with and without accordion, all in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 3: Trepak -- A. Dobrokhotov and L. Davis, undated

- Specially arranged for Balalaika and Domra Society by W. Kasura ; first public performance Nov. 13, 1976, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, N.Y. 1 ms. score (24 p.) + 11 parts. Manuscript score and parts for balalaika solo, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; solo balalaika part in score only.
- Folder 4: Trepak -- P. Chaikovskii; arr. by Al. Ivanoff, 1963

- 1 ms. score (17 p.) + 16 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts in the hand of Al. Ivanoff for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB); 2. ms. parts for similar arrangement in various hands for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) with score in the hand of Kasura (one copy of PDI part signed and dated by Mark Selivan 4-23-63). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Nochen'ka
- Folder 5: Tri Belorusskie narodnie pesni -- arr. A. Klumava; instr. Mark A. Selivan, 1946-1966

- 2 ms. scores + 35 parts. Two ms. scores in the hand of W. Kasura for Russian folk orchestra (10-12 parts plus 1-2 accordions), one score incomplete, the other complete except for accordion II part, with parts (originals and copies) signed and dated by Selivan, 1946 and 1966. One score has English title: Three Belorussian folk songs. Medley probably by the Byelorussian composer Aleksei Konstantinovich Klumov, rather than the otherwise unknown Klumav, includes the songs "Kuma maia, kumachka", A iu poli viarba" and "Byvaitse zdarovy".
- Folder 6: Tri val'sa -- muzyka A. Tsfasmana; slova L. Davidovich i V. Dragunsky, undated

- 2 scores. Incomplete ms. score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, AB, SB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, with photocopy of published edition for voice and piano, with lyrics in Russian.
- Folder 7: Tri pazha, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 8: Star spangled banner; Bozhe tsaria khrani -- arr. by Helen Fornazor, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, Mand. II, AD, PB, AB, CB) signed by H. Fornazor.
- Folder 9: Tri strelka, undated

- 1 ms. score (20 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 10: Tri troiki -- V.P. Semenov, 1940-1966

- 1 ms. score (17 p.) + 20 parts. Medley of three tunes: Goni, iamshchik!; Iamshchik ne goni loshadei; Troika. Three nearly identical arrangements: 1. ms. set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, viola domra, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of M. Selivan, dated between 1940 and Feb. 1966; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra, same as arr. 1, in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Box 130

- Folder 1: Troechka -- Ruzhitskii; arr. N.A. Fedorov, undated

- 11 ms. parts. Manuscript parts in the hand of W. Kasura for 11 part Russian folk orchestra (Piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB).
- Folder 2: Troika -- Andrei Petrov; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 21 ms. parts. Manuscript parts and photocopies for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Tri troiki
- Folder 3: Troika, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 4: Troika, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Tri troiki
- Folder 5: Troika bells -- arrangements by Selivan, Kasura et al, 1960-1970

- 13 ms. scores + 151 parts. Nine arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete set of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDII, viola domra, PB, SB, CB) signed and dated by M. Selivan between 11 Dec. 1960 and 6 Jan. 1968; 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra in an unidentified hand (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB); 3. ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura with 3 incomplete sets of parts; 4. ms. parts for accordion with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of and arr. by W. Kasura; 5. ms. score and parts for same instrumentation, similar arr. by Kasura; 6. three ms. scores some of which are dated 8/1970 and set of ms. parts for arr. by Kasura (same instrumentation as arr. 4-5 above), "specially arranged for Balalaika and Domra Society Orchestra by Walter J. Kasura, first public performance Dec. 4, 1982, Lincoln Center, N.Y."; 7. ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura, "simplified"; 8. incomplete ms. score for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra; 9. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PB, AB, CB), arr. unknown. Arrangement 1 has title: Polka bells.
- Folder 6: Troika pochtovaia -- arrangements by Selivan, Kasura et al, 1967

- 3 ms. scores + 29 parts. Five arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts in an unidentified hand for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB); 2. ms. parts signed and dated between Feb. 26 and March 5, 1967 by M. Selivan for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 3. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura; 4. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 9 part Russian folk orchestra; 5. incomplete ms. score and misc. parts for domras and balalaikas, all in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 7: Tu-sa -- muz. N. Shishkina, undated

- 2 scores + 7 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arranged by Kasura, based on arr. 1 above; 3. photocopy of published arrangement by N.A. Fedorov for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (Piccolo domra, PD, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB). Arrangements 1-2 to accompany vocalist; vocal parts and lyrics not included. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Ia liubliu vas tak bezumno
- Folder 8: Tu sais -- S. Walter et E. Ervande, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of Kasura.
- Box 131

- Folder 1: Ty vzoidi, solntse krasne -- arrangements by Nasonov, Keneman and Dorozhkin, et al, undated

- 2 scores + 5 ms. parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 12 part Russ. folk orchestra (Piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), arr. by Nasonov; 3. photocopy of published score for voice, bayans (2) and 12 part Russian folk orchestra, arr. by F. Keneman, instr. by A. Dorozhkin, includes the lyrics in Russian. Arr. 1 has English title: Old Volga song.
- Folder 2: Ty derben', derben' Kaluga, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 5 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) based on arr. 1 above (some parts not completed), to accompany vocalist. Vocal part and lyrics not included.
- Folder 3: Ty edesh' p'ianaia, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 4: Ty, Rossiia moia! -- muzyka S. Tulikova; slova S. Ostrovy, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 5: Ty skazhi, skazhi, Volga-matushka -- muzyka G. Ponomarenko; slova P. Rubleva, undated

- For voice and bayan; with arrangements for Russian folk orchestra by W. Kasura. 5 scores. Three incomplete ms. scores for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with and without bayan, arrangements by Kasura; photocopy of published edition for voice and bayan, including lyrics in Russian.
- Folder 6: Ty smotri nikomu ne rasskazyvai -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 11 parts. Manuscript score (incomplete) and parts for voice, accordions (2) with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB -- all parts include solo vocal part as well). Lyrics not included.
- Folder 7: U kamina, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 7 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included); 2. ms. score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura (same arrangement as arr. 1, different key).
- Folder 8: U kamina; Khaliandra -- arrangements by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 5 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, ADI, BD, AB, CB); 2-3. two ms. scores for 8-9 part Russian folk orchestra, both incomplete. Medley of two gypsy songs.
- Folder 9: U rodnika -- A. Satian; arr. by Mark A. Selivan, 1969

- 16 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for soprano and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDII, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), specially arr. by Selivan for Anahid Kerpitchian, soprano.
- Folder 10: Uvertiura, undated

- 3 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for piccolo domra, prima domras I-II, in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 11: Uviali tsvety, undated

- 13 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (D. Bosher) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, with, at bottom of each part, music for "Nad poliami". Vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 12: Ugolok -- muz. Shteimana, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 9 parts. 2 similar arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for violin with 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-IA-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score for violin (?) and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 13: Uzh po sadiku, i, Zaigrai moia volynka -- medley by Kasura based on original settings by N.P. Fomeen, undated

- Two Russian folk songs (In the small garden, and, Play my bagpipes)for W.W. Andreyev's Balalaika Orchestra. 3 ms. scores + 32 parts. Manuscript score and parts for accordion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB), with photocopy of original Fomin published versions, altered by Kasura.
- Folder 14: Uzh ty sad -- arrangements by Niman, Kulikov et al, 1968-1969

- 4 scores + 17 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts in an unidentified hand for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, AB, CB) with matching score which includes PDII part in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. ms. parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, arr. by F. Niman; 3. ms. parts for prima domra (Director), prima, alto and secunda balalaika in the hand of M. Selivan, dated Feb. 24-25, 1968 and Sept. 4, 1969, arrangement by F. Niman; 4-5. two photocopies of published arrangements by F. Niman, one for bayan and 10 part Russ. folk orchestra, the other for gusli and 12 part Russ. folk orchestra; 6. photocopy of published score, arr. by Kulikov, for gusli, flute, oboe, percussion, 4 garmonikas, and 12 domras and balalaikas. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Solntse skrylos' za goroiu
- Folder 15: Uzh ia siadu moloden'ka -- pz. Chagadaev, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 16: Uzundara -- A. Khachaturian, undated

- 24 parts. Manuscript prima domra I part signed and dated by M. Selivan, with photocopies of published parts for 12 part Russian folk orchestra (Piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB). Original publisher's nr. for copies parts: 31239.
- Box 132

- Folder 1: Uidi, moi drug -- B. Fomin, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 7 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra, based on arr. 1 above, with incomplete parts added for ADII and PB, in the hand of W. Kasura. Both arrangements to accompany vocalist; vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 2: Uidi sovsem uidi -- L. Drizo, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 3: Uidi, uidi -- Iur'ev, undated

- 11 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (without the vocal part and lyrics); 2. ms. parts for prima domra and keyboard, with copies, signed by Mark Selivan. Also known as "Zachem liubit', zachem stradat'". For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Zachem liubit', zachem stradat'
- Folder 4: Ukrainskaia pliasovaia -- V. Lapchenko; arr. by W. Kasura, 1976

- For Balalaika and Domra Society; first public performance Nov. 13, 1976 Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Center, NY. 2 ms. scores + 11 parts. Manuscript score (2 ms. copies) and parts for accordion (score only) and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by Kasura April 1976.
- Folder 5: Ukrainian melodies -- muz. N. Kovak; obr. W. Kasura, 1979

- Oi ne khody; Hrytsiu. 1 ms. score (14 p.) + 9 parts. Manuscript score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB (score only), AB, CB). Title in Russian: Ukrainskie melodii.
- Folder 6: Ukrainskoe popurri, undated

- 1 ms. score (17 p.) + 9 parts. Manuscript parts in an unidentified hand and incomplete score in the hand of W. Kasura for keyboard (piano, bayan?) and 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB). Alternate title: Malorossiiske popurri No. 2.
- Folder 7: Ukrainskoe ekho -- arr. by Al. Ivanoff, 1939

- 7 ms. parts. Medley of Ukrainian folk tunes. Photocopies and original manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, AB, CB) signed and dated by Mark Selivan 14 Dec. 1939.
- Folder 8: Ulitsa, undated

- 14 ms. parts. Two arrangements for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), ms. parts in an unidentified hand, both versions to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 9: Ural'skaia riabinushka -- E. Rodygin; arrangements by W. Kasura, 1968-1978

- 5 ms. scores + 39 parts. Six arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for bayan (incomplete, score only) with 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by Kasura, 1968; 2. ms. score for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by Kasura, 1972; 3. ms. score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arranged by Kasura to accompany vocalist (Ludmilla Mishnaevskaya), dated 9/1978; 4. ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (short version of arr. 3); 5. incomplete ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura; 6. photocopies of ms. misc. parts in the hand of Kasura. Vocal parts and lyrics not included. English title: Ural rowan tree.
- Folder 10: Usnut'-umeret' -- M. Mishel', undated

- 2 ms. scores + 14 parts. Two arrangements for 7 part Russian folk orchestra to accompany vocalist, ms. parts (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, matching scores in the hand of W. Kasura, vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 11: Utro tumannoe -- V. Abaza, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 7 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist, in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. ms. score (incomplete) for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by and in the hand of Kasura, to accompany vocalist (Connie Moskalenko). Vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Box 133

- Folder 1: Ukhar' kupets -- arrangements by Portnoff, Iur'ev, Kasura, Gofman, Kol'bus, Martynov, et al., undated

- 8 scores + 29 parts. Nine arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand (PDI, AD, BD, AB, CB) with score in the hand of Kasura; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand with matching score in the hand of Kasura, arr. by Portnoff for violin solo with plectral ensemble (violin part not included); 3. ms. score and parts for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) to accompany bass (Connie Moskalenko), arr. by Kasura; 4. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) to accompany bass (C. Moskalenko), arr. by Kasura; 5-6. incomplete ms. scores for Russian folk orchestra (6-7 parts) in the hand of Kasura; 7. photocopy of ms. score for tenor solo, chorus and 7 part orchestra (accordion, balalaikas, domras), arr. by L. Kol'bus; 8. photocopy of published arr. for voice and piano by E. Martynov; 9. photocopy of published version for voice and piano, arr. by E. Iur'ev. Arrangements 7-9 include lyrics. Title in English: Jolly merchant. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Will I go to the river?
- Folder 2: Faun waltz -- V.V. Andreev; arrangements by Kasura et al, 1938-1968

- 4 ms. scores + 22 parts. Alternate title: Fawn waltz. Seven arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with "Russian dance" (by Ol'ga Mikul'chik?) on reverse; 2. ms. and photocopy of ms. parts for PDI-II, PB, SB, one part signed "Translation by Al. Bengis 11/7/1968"; 3. ms. parts in the hand of Kasura for PDI-II, ADII and accordion; 4. ms. score for accordion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, AB, SB, CB) signed and dated by Kasura Feb. 1938, "based on Ivanoff arr."; 5. ms. score for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 6. photocopy of ms. score for bayan and 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) and ms. bayan part, signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii Feb. 15, 1931, Brooklyn, NY; 7. misc.: PDI part in an unidentified hand; incomplete score in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 3: Fantasie in memoriam of Tschaikowsky -- by Fomeen; woodwind arr. by Al. Ivanoff, 1940-1967

- 3 ms. scores + 33 parts. Manuscript scores and parts for Andreev's arrangement, with additional instrumentation in several hands: 1. ms. parts for domras (PDI-II, AD, BD) and alto balalaika in an unidentified hand, with "Grand valse de ballet / Fomeen" on reverse of some parts; 2. photocopies of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI II, ADI-II, BDI-II, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by M. Selivan between May 31, 1962 and Dec. 23, 1967, also ms. CB part in the hand of W. Kasura; 3. ms. score for flute, oboe, clarinet in A, french horn, bassoon, timpani, domras and balalaikas (Piccolo domra, PDI-II, viola domra I-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by M. Selivan July 22, 1940; 4. ms. parts for prima and secunda balalaika and flute, oboe, clarinet in B flat, french horn, bassoon, and timpani in an unidentified hand; 5. ms. piano part with alto domra cues in an unidentified hand.
- Box 134

- Folder 1: Fantasy on two Russian folk songs -- V. Gorodovskaya; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (41 p.) + 22 parts. Manuscript score and parts for accordions (2) and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-IA-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB -- some parts have second version marked "revised"; accordion II, PDIA parts not in score).
- Folder 2: Fantaziia na russkuiu piesniu, undated

- 14 ms. parts. Manuscript parts and copies for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. Modernized spelling: Fantaziia na russkuiu pesniu.
- Folder 3: Faust -- Gunod, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 4: Khaitarma -- A. Spendiarov; arrangements by Selivan, Kasura, Ivanoff et al, 1969

- iz siuity "Krymskie eskizy." 5 ms. scores + 56 parts + 1 p. of music. Seven arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and photocopy of ms. parts for 12 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) arr. by and in the hand of M. Selivan, dated Jan. 7, 1969; 2. ms. score and parts for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (Piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, SB, AB, CB), score in the hand of Kasura, parts in an unidentified hand, arranger not identified; 3. incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra; 4. ms. parts for orchestra (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, trombone, horn in F, cornets (2), tamborine, timpani, violins (2), viola, cello and bass) arr. by and in the hand of Al. Ivanoff, with incomplete scores in the hand of W. Kasura; 5. photocopy of published score for orchestra (original version?); 6. photocopy of published arrangement for bayan trio; 7. incomplete arr. for bayan (?) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 5: Khodit veter u vorot, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 5 parts. Two settings for Russian folk orchestra: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of Kasura, including BD; 2. incomplete ms. score for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), arr. by Kasura based on Glinka's setting.
- Folder 6: Khor poselian iz op. "Kniaz' Igor'" -- Borodina; arrangements by Ivanoff and Chagadaev, 1960

- 1 score + 20 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in the hand of Ivanoff, with "La Golondrina / N. Serradell" on reverse of each part; 2. photocopy of published score for 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, PB) arr. by Chagadaev (?), with incomplete set of photocopied ms. parts in the hand of M. Selivan (some dated Nov. 13, 1960) including piccolo balalaika part.
- Folder 7: Hora, undated

- Roumanian dance. 1 ms. score (9 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, to which has been added incomplete part for PDII.
- Folder 8: Khorovodnaia -- S. Kriukovskii, 1968

- 1 score + 40 ms. parts. Photocopy of published score for 15 part Russian folk orchestra (gusli, buben, piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II-III, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) original plate no. 29882, with ms. parts for PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB, some in the hand of Kasura and undated, PB, SB, AB, in the hand of Selivan, dated 24-26 February, 1968.
- Folder 9: Khorovodnaia -- A. Liadov; instr. A. Chagadaev, undated

- 1 score (4 p.) + 15 parts. Three arrangements: 1. ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, based on Chagadaev's arrangement; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unknown hand, also based on Chagadaev's arr.; 3. photocopy of published score for 12 part Russ. folk orchestra (Picc. Domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB), arr. by Chagadaev. Op. 58, no. 8. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Solntse skrylos' za goroiu
- Box 135

- Folder 1: Khorosha nasha derevnia -- arr. by Al. Ivanoff, Kasura, Nasonov et al, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 18 parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD/CB, PB, SB, AB) in the hand of Ivanoff. Five ms. arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD/CB, PB, SB, AB) in the hand of Al. Ivanoff; 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, ADI, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 3. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of Kasura to which he has added parts for ADII, PB, BB; 4. ms. score for 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, arr. by Nasonov (his op. 58 no. 10); 5. ms. score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PD, AD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 2: Tsarevna -- B. Fomin, undated

- 18 ms. parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arrangement by S.S. Samuels (?); 2. ms. parts for PDII, AD, BD, PB, and CB in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. parts for PDI-II and AD in an unidentified hand, all parts in tabulature notation.
- Folder 3: Tsviety -- Sartinskago-Bei, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. Vocal part not included; lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 4: Tzena tzena, undated

- 2 scores + 6 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of W. Kasura (incomplete, ADII, BD, PB added); 2. photocopy of published score for voice and piano with chord symbols for guitar, "new music and arrangement by Spencer Ross based on traditional melody, English lyric by Gordon Jenkins, c1950 by Cromwell Music, Inc., NY". Title varies: Tzena; Tzena-tzena; Tzena tzena tzena; Tsena.
- Folder 5: Tsygane, undated

- 1 ms. score (47 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript parts for concertina and 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura. English title: Gypsies.
- Folder 6: Tsyganka -- arrangements by Kasura, Selivan, Biljo et al, 1967-1970

- 8 ms. scores + 61 parts + 14 p. Includes multiple copies of lyrics in Russian. Fifteen versions as follows: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura (PD, AD, BD, AB, CB); 3. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB), PB part signed and dated by Selivan 1-29-1967; 4. ms. score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) signed and dated by Kasura 9/1969, with PDI part; 5. ms. score and parts for accordion with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) to accompany soprano (Zhenia Schevchenko), music attributed to Mark Marianovsky, arr. by Kasura, dated 9-15-1970; 6. ms. parts for PDI, AB and CB in the hand of Kasura, differing slightly from arr. 5 above, dedicated to Lynda Hunt; 7. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) with parts for PDI and CB, arr. by P. Biljo; 8. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 9. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB), arr. by Selivan to accompany soprano; 10. ms. score for slightly different version of arr. 9 above, arr. by Selivan to accompany Sonya Chamina; 11. ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) to accompany Sonya Chamina, arr. by and in the hand of Kasura; 12. ms. score for arr. by Kasura similar to arr. 11, diff. key; 13. ms. parts signed and dated by Selivan 10-24/25-1967 for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 14. incomplete ms. score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura; 15. misc. parts for unidentified versions. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Ia vstretil vas; Shumka Zavadskago
- Box 136

- Folder 1: Tsyganskie popurri -- arrangements by M. Selivan, W. Kasura et al, 1946-1960

- 19 ms. parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. and photocopies of ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, VDI, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of M. Selivan, some parts signed and dated 1946, others 11-20-1960 (reverse of PDII part has part for "Marsh traktaristov"); 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB -- SB and AB parts in standard and tabulature notation) in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. parts for PDI-II, and CB in the hand of W. Kasura. All arrangements in the same key. English title: Gypsy medley.
- Folder 2: Tsyganskie vospominanie -- obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (24 p.) + 35 parts. Manuscript score and parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB; ADII and SB in score only; AB has two versions, one simplified; one part in different key, unmarked). English title: Gypsy memories.
- Folder 3: Tsyganskii karavan popurri -- arr. Walter Kasura, 1977

- Arranged for Balalaika and Domra Society. 10 ms. scores + 12 parts. Manuscript score and copies with parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) dated 4/1977. Based on the songs "Akh, zachem ty menia tselovala", "Makhorka", and "Tsyganskii tanets". Note: accordion part may be omitted. English title: Gypsy caravan medley.
- Folder 4: Tsyganskii tabor -- arrangements by Kasura and Weisberg, 1982

- 4 ms. scores + 20 parts. Three similar arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) "specially arranged for Balalaika and Domra Society Orchestra by Walter Kasura, July 1982"; 2. incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, with notes ascribing it to both Jack Weisberg and P. Biljo; 3. incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura. English title: Gypsy camp march.
- Box 137

- Folder 1: Gypsy dance, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 2: Tsyganskii chardash, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for violin and five part Russian folk orchestra (AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 3: Chaika -- E.Iu. Zhurokovskii, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of W. Kasura, to which he has added ADII part; to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 4: Chardash smerti -- S. Pokrass; arrangements by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 5 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with parts in the hand of Kasura (SB missing); 2. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 5: Charodeika -- Chaikovskii, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (Liudmilova), without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 6: Charui menia -- A. Tamarina, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 7 parts. Photocopies of ms. score and parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Al. Ivanoff (?). Gypsy song. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Vernis'
- Folder 7: Chas, do domu, chas, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 6 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, TD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura. On reverse of TD part, arr. 1, is BD part for "Oi liubyv ta kokhav"; reverse of BD part, arr. 1, is TD part for "V nochi na mohyli".
- Folder 8: Chastushki, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 6 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, annotated "P. Biljo library"; 2. unmarked part in the hand of Kasura for different arrangement.
- Folder 9: Chastushki, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, Tenor domra, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 10: Chervonaia kalynon'ka, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) + 5 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete set of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, TD, BD, AB, CB) with incomplete part for accordion, in the hand of W. Kasura, arrangement based on arr. 1 above.
- Folder 11: The black shawl -- arrangements by J.T. Matlin, Nick Grushko and W.J. Kasura, undated

- 7 ms. scores + 40 parts + 1 p. of music. Six arrangements, plus misc. music as follows: 1 ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, CB) to accompany soprano (Sonya Chamina), in the hand of Kasura; 2. photocopies of ms. parts for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) to accompany soprano (Sonya Chamina), in the hand of Kasura, nearly identical to arr. 1 above; 3. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for voice, accordion and 11 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-IA, SB, AB, CB), arr. by J. Matlin for Sonya Chamina; 4. two incomplete ms. scores and set of parts (mostly photocopies of ms. in the hand of Matlin) for voice and 9 or 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Matlin for Sonya Chamina, vocal part included; 5. ms. parts for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass) in an unidentified hand, with score in the hand of Kasura including part for guitar (?), marked "Grushko library"; 6. photocopy of ms. score for voice and piano with Russian lyrics; 7. misc. vocal, violin, domra parts, and incomplete scores in various hands.
- Folder 12: Chernoe more -- muz. O. Fel'tsman; obr. V. Kasura, undated

- For Gary Nova. 3 ms. scores + 14 parts. Manuscript scores for Russian folk orchestra (Accordion, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with and without vocal part; incomplete set of parts. Lyrics not included. English title: My Black Sea.
- Folder 13: Chertovo koleso -- muzyka A. Babadzhaniana; slova E. Evtushenko; arrangements by Walter Kasura, 1976

- 2 scores + 15 ms. parts. Four versions as follows: 1. ms. parts for accordion and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB) arr. by W. Kasura to accompany vocalist (Gary Nova, Baritone); 2. photocopies of parts for arr. 1 above (without accordion), with section 3 deleted; 3. ms. score (incomplete) for accordion with 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated VK 5-76; 4. photocopy of published version for voice and piano/accordion, with lyrics in Russian. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Ekh, dorogi -- Chertovo koleso. English title: Devil's wheel.
- Folder 14: Chechetka, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for voice and 5 part Russian folk orchestra (voice-PDI, PDII, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. Without the lyrics.
- Folder 15: Chizhik -- arrangements by Selivan Kasura and Tsibul'skii, 1939-1969

- 4 ms. scores + 37 parts. Three arrangements (all very similar) as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by Selivan, Dec. 12-15, 1969; 2. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) with accordion part (not in score), and PDI concert master part, arr. by Kasura, signed and dated 1939; 3. photocopy of ms. score for solo balalaika, piano and 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with solo balalaika part, in the hand of Tsibul'skii.
- Box 138

- Folder 1: Chto mne gore? -- S. Pokrass; arrangements by Kasura, Selivan, Larionoff, Grushko, et al, 1967-1981

- 11 ms. scores + 43 parts. Nine arrangements plus misc. music, lyrics as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with two scores (one long and one short version) in the hand of Kasura; 2. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB (2 versions)) in an unidentified hand; 3. photocopies of ms. parts for 55 part Russ. folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, SB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 4. ms. parts for violin I-II (PDI-II), cello (BD), and bass (CB) with score which includes AD and AB parts in the hand of Kasura, arrangement by N. Grushko; 5. photocopies of ms. parts for PDII, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB arr. by M. Selivan (signed and dated 1967), with ms. score in the hand of Kasura (includes PDI, PB and CB), to accompany vocalist (Sonya Chamina); 6. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB, SB, CB) to accompany vocalist (S. Chamina), arr. by Selivan; 7. ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Larionoff; 8. ms. score and parts for voice, accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura October 1981; 9. ms. score for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 10 misc. parts and incomplete score for other versions, score dated Feb. 1975. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Bylina o Dmitrii Samozvantse; Nakinuv plashch; Sredi liesov i polia. English title: What do I care?
- Folder 2: Chto mne zhit' -- A. Warlamoff, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 3: Chto ty rano travushka -- Varlamov, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 7 parts. Three arrangments as follows: 1. potpourri including the title song, ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura, arrangement based on arr. 1 above, with slight alterations and additional incomplete parts for ADII and PB; 3. incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) also based on arr. 1 above (first part only: Chto ty rano travushka), in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 4: Shakon' -- A. Tsybulka; arr. by Al Ivanoff, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 18 parts. Manuscript score signed by and in the hand of Al Ivanoff with parts (and copies) in an unidentified hand for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 5: Without thee -- W. Rebikoff, undated

- 1 ms. score (14 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for violin and 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 6: Sharaban -- M. Mishel', undated

- 8 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 7: Sharmanka, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 22 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. two sets of ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB), one in the hand of Al. Ivanoff, the other in an unidentified hand (same arrangement), with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura; 2. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 8: Sher -- arr. by Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) Incomplete ms. score for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 9: Shiroka v poliakh doroga -- M. Nikolaevskago, undated

- 14 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for same instrumentation as arr. 1, different key, in same hand. Both arrangements to accompany vocalist; vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 10: Shuberta Serenada -- arr. A. Ivanova, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 6 parts. Two arrangements by Ivanoff as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. photocopy of ms. score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. English title: Schubert's Serenade.
- Folder 11: Shumka Zavadskago -- M. Zavadskyi, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 15 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and incomplete set of parts in the hand of Kasura for Ivanoff's arrangement for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB); 2. ms. parts in an unidentified hand for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, SB, AB, CB) with parts for "Tsyganka" on reverse of some parts, ms. score in the hand of Kasura, same arrangement, with additional instruments (piccolo domra, ADII, PBI-II, BB).
- Folder 12: Ei gitara! Spoi v posledni raz -- arrangements by W. Kasura et al, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.) + 21 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. two sets of ms. parts for same arrangement (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), one in the hand of Kasura, the other in an unidentified hand; 3. ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura. All arrangements to accompany vocalist (arr. 2: Dora Bosher); vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 13: Ei, drug! Gitara -- B. Fomin, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura, to which has been added incomplete part for Prima balalaika. To accompany vocalist; vocal part and lyrics not included.
- Box 139

- Folder 1: Ei, ukhnem! -- arrangements by Selivan, Yellin, Keneman, Kasura, Tsibul'skii, Ivanoff, Biljo, Alfeev, Glazunov, Mel'gunov, et al, 1929-1969

- Volga boatman song. 13 ms. scores + 47 parts + 1 p. Includes lyric sheet in Russian. Seventeen arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDII, ADI, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, AB) arr. by Selivan, Nov. 20, 1969; 3. ms. parts for BD, PB, SB, CB in an unidentified hand, with score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura ("Russian music co. library"); 4. ms. parts for piano with 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, AB) signed and dated by Selivan (9-6-61 to 12-12-61) from orig. score of the Russ. Bal. Orch, by Gleb Yellin; 5. incomplete ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura, arr. by F. Keneman; 6. incomplete ms. score for accordions (2) with 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (picc. domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura; 7. ms. score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra (PD, AD, piccolo domra, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) signed and dated by Tsibul'skii, Apr. 21, 1929, Brooklyn, N.Y.; 8. incomplete ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, arr. from the Biljo library; 9. ms. score for accordion with 11 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, CBI-II) in the hand of Kasura, arr. by Ivanoff; 10. ms. parts for orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, SB, AB, CBI-II, oboe, clarinet, flute, horns, timpani) arr. by and in the hand of Ivanoff; 11. misc. parts for arr. by Ivanoff (flute, clarinet, horns, bassoon, timpani, drums); 12. score for voice (bass) and piano (or reduced score, 5 domras?) arr. by and in the hand of Ivanoff; 13. "Fantaziia na temu russkoi narodnoi pesni "Ei, ukhnem!" / M. Alfeev", photocopy of published score for gusli, domras, balalaikas, garmonikas and percussion; 14. photocopy of published score for bayan with 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) arr. by Glazunov; 15. photocopy of published score for 2 part chorus with 12 part Russ. folk orchestra (picc. domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) arr. by Mel'gunov; 16. photocopy of published piano-vocal score with chord symbols, lyrics in English and Russian; 17. photocopy of published score for 4 part chorus (SATB) arr. by V. Kalinnikov. Fantaziia na temu rosskoi narodnoi pesni "Ei ukhnem'."
- Folder 2: Ei, iamshchik -- arrangements by Selivan and Kasura, 1967-1971

- 2 ms. scores + 26 parts + lyric sheet. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts and photocopies of same for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, SB, CB) signed and dated by M. Selivan May 30-31, 1967; 2. incomplete ms. score and photocopies of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 3. ms. score and incomplete set of parts for voice, accordion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-II, SB, AB, CB) "revised version" arr. by Kasura for Claudia Curtis, soprano, dated 9/30/71 (vocal part, PBII in score only). Includes lyrics in Russian. Title varies: Ei! Iamshchik ne goni k iaru; Iamshchik ne goni k iaru; Ei iamshchik! Goni k iaru. <span style="font-size: 12px;">For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Iamshchik ne goni k iaru</span>
- Folder 3: Ekspromt -- V.V. Andreev, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Incomplete ms. score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 4: El Huerfano tango, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) + 7 parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, SB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with matching score in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 5: El choclo -- A. Villoldo, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.) Photocopy of ms. score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Tsibul'skii.
- Folder 6: Elefteriia -- muz. Oskar Fel'tsman; arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.). Manuscript score for bayan/accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura (bass domra, prima and secunda balalaika part incomplete).
- Folder 7: El relicario -- Jose Padilla, 1966

- 3 scores + 5 parts. Two versions as follows: 1. ms. score (and copy) with incomplete set of parts, arrangement by M. Selivan dated July 3, 1966, for accordion and 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) with incomplete PB part in score; 2. photocopy of original published edition for voice and piano, with lyrics in Spanish (Habana : Vda. de Carreras y Ca.).
- Box 140

- Folder 1: Ekh, dorogi-Chertovo koleso -- Novikov-Babadzhanian; obr. W. Kasura, 1976

- 4 ms. scores + 24 parts. Medley by Kasura, four arrangements as follows: 1. ms. and photocopy of ms. parts for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), each part includes separate revised page 2; 2. ms. score and parts for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arranged for Balalaika and Domra Society, May 1976, first public performance Nov. 13, 1976, Alice Tully Hall, Lincoln Centre, NY (two versions of score, one marked "too long"); 3-4. incomplete ms. scores and parts for two earlier drafts of arr. 2 above, same instrumentation, title appears on arr. 3 as "Ekh dorogi popurri", score for arr. 4 dated 5/1976 (the original version). English title: The roads-Devil's wheel.
- Folder 2: Ekh, platochek -- arr. by Arthur Charles, 1957

- 1 piano-conductor part + 2 parts. Photocopies of ms. piano-conductor part, violin and bass parts with stamp "Arthur Charles ... registered 1957". Original arrangement for voice with orchestra; piano-conductor part includes vocal part, parts other than violin and bass not indicated.
- Folder 3: Ekh rasposhel', undated

- 2 ms. scores + 14 parts. Two arrangements for soloist (arr. 1 voice, arr. 2 violin) with 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), ms. parts in an unidentified hand, ms. scores in the hand of W. Kasura. Solo parts for voice and violin not included. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Dark eyes
- Folder 4: Ekh, rodnye, ia segodnia ne v udare, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 5: Ekh, sani, sani -- G. Ponomarenko; arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.). Manuscript score for bayan/accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by W. Kasura (bass domra, prima and secunda balalaika portions incomplete). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Komu liubov' svoiu otdam
- Folder 6: Humoresque -- P. Chaikovskago, undated

- 13 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in another unidentified hand.
- Folder 7: Ia budu znat' -- B. Fomin; slova Podrevskago, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 7 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score and parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB (not in score), AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB (incomplete), SB, AB, CB), based on the first arrangement. Both versions to accompany vocalist; vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 8: Ia vas liubil, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist and/or violin (vocal and violin parts and lyrics not included). Neither composer nor arranger identified.
- Folder 9: Ia vechor mlada, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 10: Ia vstretil vas -- arrangements by Istratov, Kasura, Kozlovskii and Rozhkov, undated

- 9 scores + 4 parts. Eight settings for various instruments: 1. two copies of published arrangement by Istratov for quintet (domras (2), bayan, guitar, and contrabass balalaika); 2. photocopy of unidentified arrangement for piano and voice (includes Russian text); 3. arrangement for piano and voice edited by I. Kozlovskii (photocopy); 4. photocopy of arrangement by M. Rozhkov for balalaika and guitar with title "Kontsertnye variatsii na temu starinnogo romansa `Ia vstretil vas'"; 5-8. four incomplete arrangements by W. Kasura in manuscript for Russian folk orchestra, with and without bayan, arr. 8 includes ms. parts for PDI, AD, AB and CB, all incomplete. Composer unknown; lyrics by Tiutchev.
- Box 141

- Folder 1: Ia vstretil vas; Tsyganka -- arr. L. Davis and W. Kasura, undated

- 15 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for accordion and 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB (solo and non-solo), SB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura. English title: I met you; The gypsy.
- Folder 2: Ia zhdal tebia -- G. Nova, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) + 4 parts. Photocopy of ms. music for voice signed and dated DGN 7/29/83 (4 copies); incomplete ms. score for accordion and 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) arr. by Kasura. English title: I waited for you.
- Folder 3: Ia liubliu vas tak bezumno -- arrangements by Keil', Kasura and Fedorov, 1900

- 3 ms. scores + 7 parts. Four arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of published score for voice and piano, arr. by B.F. Keil', includes the lyrics by A. Surin (originally published by Zimmerman, plate nr. Z. 6095, Feb. 1900); 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura, arrangement by N.A. Fedorov; 3. incomplete ms. score for solo voice, accordion and Russian folk orchestra (first two pages, neither filled out), arr. by Kasura; 4. incomplete ms. score for solo voice with 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PB, SB, AB, CB), arr. by Kasura based on the arr. by Keil' (arr. 1 above).
- Folder 4: Ia milago uznala -- arrangements by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.) + 40 parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts (with copies) for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB); 2. ms. score and parts for accordion and 10 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PBI-IA, SB, AB, CB); 3. ms. parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), with title in English "I recognized my beloved".
- Folder 5: Ia na kamushke sizhu -- arrangements by Kuznetsov and Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 1 part. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. unmarked part in the hand of Kasura (domra?); 2. incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for arrangement by N. Kuznetsov for accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Nochen'ka. English title: I'm sitting on a rock.
- Folder 6: Ia ne vernus' -- B.A. Prozorovskii, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 7: Ia ne skazhu tebie -- O. Bove; slova N.N. Belova, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist, in an unidentified hand (vocal part and lyrics not included). Modern spelling: Ia ne skazhu tebe.
- Folder 8: Ia poidu li moloden'ka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domra II, alto domra II, prima and contrabass balalaika in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 9: Ia segodnia smeius' nad soboi -- A. Vertinskago, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand (vocal part not included, lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection).
- Folder 10: Ia stepei i voli doch' -- N.I. Shishkin; slova N.I. Blank, undated

- 14 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist, in an unidentified hand (vocal part included); 2. ms. parts for same instrumentation, different key, in an unidentified hand. Lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 11: Iablochko -- R. Gliera, 1962-1972

- Tanets sovetskikh matrosov: iz baleta "Krasnyi mak" . 26 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, Piccolo balalaika, PB, SB, AB, CB, triangle/tambourine, bayan) mostly in the hand of M. Selivan, bayan part by Kasura, one copy of CB part signed by Peter D'Auria and dated Dec. 25, 1972, triangle/tambourine part signed by Selivan and dated June 21, 1964, piccolo balalaika part signed and dated by Selivan April 26, 1962. Bayan part has English title: Dance of the Russian sailors.
- Folder 12: Ianka -- arrangements by Kasura, Iliukhin and Krasev, et al, 1962

- 4 scores + 9 ms. parts + 1 p. of music. Six arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for balalaika solo with 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PBII, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura (some parts incomplete); 2. incomplete ms. score for accordion and 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura; 3. photocopy of published score for domra quartet (PDI-II, AD, BD); 4. photocopy of published score for prima balalaika with piano, arr. by Iliukhin and Krasev, with ms. solo balalaika part signed and dated by M. Selivan, 30 December, 1962; 5. photocopy of published arr. for accordion; 6. incomplete score for 8 part Russ. folk orchestra arr. by Kasura (first two bars only!).
- Folder 13: Viedrajo viejo -- E. Arolas, undated

- 15 ms. parts. Two very similar arrangements as follows: 1. ms. and photocopy of ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of M. Selivan (?); 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BDI-II, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. English title: Disillusioned.
- Folder 14: New Russian national anthem -- arrangements by L.M. Davis et al, 1968

- 28 ms. parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the same hand as arr. 1; 3. photocopies of ms. parts for PDII, AD, PB, AB, Prima balalaika part signed and dated L.M. Davis 4/25/68, entitled "Soviet Union national anthem."
- Folder 15: Val's, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 16: Tsyganskii marsh, undated

- 11 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) with extra copies of some parts differing slightly, all in the same hand.
- Folder 17: Bulba, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts in an unidentified hand for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 18: Moldavian dance, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, TD, AD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Box 142

- Folder 1: Vdol' po Piterskoi -- arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Al. Ivanoff.
- Folder 2: Pozhalei -- Bakaleinikova, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Pozhalei ty menia dorogaia
- Folder 3: Dubinushka, undated

- 15 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with extra parts in the same hand for balalaikas, domras, mandolins and unmarked parts.
- Folder 4: Novye bublichki. Bublichki, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; PDII part blank.
- Folder 5: Oo-tza-tza, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Incomplete set of parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI, ADII, SB, BB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 6: Fantaziia iz op. Faust -- Gounod, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 7: Marsh iz baleta "Konek gorbunok" -- Pugni, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 8: Goni iamshchik, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Incomplete set of parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Tri troiki
- Folder 9: Luchina luchinushka, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 10: Ia s komarikom -- arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Al. Ivanoff.
- Folder 11: V chasy otdykha, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; extra copies of some parts. Music for "O solo mio", Schubert's "Serenade" and "Cavalleria rusticana" appear on reverse of some parts.
- Folder 12: Berceuse; Sarafan -- arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 10 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Al. Ivanoff, with extra parts in an unidentified hand. "Berceuse" on one side, "Sarafan" on reverse, Ivanoff copies only.
- Folder 13: Pod iablonkoi -- arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of and signed by Al. Ivanoff. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Kak pod iablon'koi
- Folder 14: Novyi kek uok -- R. Attsler; arrangements by Ivanoff et al, undated

- 14 ms. parts. English title: New cake walk. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 4 part Russian folk orchestra (AD, BD, PB, CB) in the hand of Al. Ivanoff; 2. ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 15: Norvezhskii tanets -- muz. E. Griga; inst. A. Chagadaeva, undated

- 19 ms. parts. Two sets of ms. parts for Chagadaev's arrangement, the first set signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii, the second set in an unidentified hand, both for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB); first set of parts has BDI-II and no BB part.
- Folder 16: A kiss in the dark -- Victor Herbert, 1922

- 5 parts. Published parts (New York : Harms, c1922) for violin I-II, cello and bass, adapted in ms. for domras and balalaikas (PDI-II, BD, CB) with ms. part for alto balalaika in tabulature notation.
- Folder 17: Reminiscence -- mus. by Al. Ivanoff; arr. by P. Michailoff, 1930

- 7 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB) in an unidentified hand; 2. arr. for keyboard, ms. in an unidentified hand, dated August 25, 1930.
- Folder 18: Val's iz baleta "Spiashchaia krasavitsa" -- Tchaikovsky, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 19: Na Baikale, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) with extra parts, one for unspecified instrument, in an unidentified hand. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Slavnoe more
- Folder 20: Serenade -- R. Drigo; arr. by Al. Ivanoff, 1923

- 13 ms. parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Al. Ivanoff; 2. incomplete set of ms. parts for Russ. folk orchestra (PD, AD, SB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 3. published arr. by C. Grooms for saxophone solo or duet (Century Music Publishing co., New York, c1923). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Semero ziat'ev
- Folder 21: Sirotinka, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (Picc. domra, PDI, AD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in an unidentified hand, two instruments per part.
- Folder 22: Sladko pel dusha Solovushka -- arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Al. Ivanoff.
- Folder 23: Starinnyi val's -- N. Listova, undated

- 1 score (2 p.) + 7 ms. parts. Two versions as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (without the vocal part and lyrics); 2. photocopy of published score for voice and piano, includes the lyrics.
- Folder 24: Lezginka, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; two different versions for ADII.
- Folder 25: Funeral march -- Chopin; arr. by Ivanoff, undated

- 13 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, Viola domra, BD, SB, CB) in the hand of Ivanoff; 2. ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI, ADI, BDI-II, SB, AB, BB) in the hand of Ivanoff, with various other pieces on reverse, all in tabulature notation.
- Folder 26: Uzh po sadiku, sadiku; Pivna iagoda, undated

- 11 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 12 part Russian folk orchestra (Picc. domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Box 143

- Folder 1: Vecherniia grezy; Krest'ianskii marsh; Kho-kho! Kha-kha! krakoviaka -- Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of M. Selivan (?).
- Folder 2: Kazbek, undated

- 14 ms. parts. Manuscript parts in an unidentified hand for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, SB, AB, CB); misc. parts for 2 (or more) arrangements in a different hand.
- Folder 3: Lesnaia skazka -- V.E. Becker, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for guitar and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. Without the lyrics by V.N. Krylov. English title: A tale of the woods.
- Folder 4: Kontsertnaia p'esa dlia baiana s orkestrom -- muz. Kholminova; instr. A. Tonina, 1972

- 1 score (31 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for bayan solo with orchestra (domras (7), balalaikas (5), garmonikas (5), gusli, flute, oboe and percussion); ms. date inside front cover June 10, 1972.
- Folder 5: Songs of Russia -- arr. by S. Larionoff, 1966

- 18 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), stamp of the Russian Balalaika Orchestra on originals; 2. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB), same or similar arr. as arr. 1 above, signed and dated by Mark Selivan between 11-29 Sept., 1966.
- Folder 6: Spanish dance, undated

- Violin solo. 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; solo violin part not included. Composer not identified.
- Folder 7: Spanish dance -- P. de Sarasate, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript set of parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 8: Laughing polka, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for PDI-II, AD (incomplete) and CB in the hand of Kasura, with piano/accordion part in an unidentified hand. Piano/accordion part has title "No. 1 polca" and includes "No. 2 polca" on p. 3.
- Folder 9: Ay, ay, ay, undated

- Creole love song. 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 10: Chanson russe -- S. Smith, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Dubinushka
- Folder 11: Country dance -- D. Heins, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 12: Invocation to the sun, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included). Composer not identified.
- Folder 13: Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt -- P. Tchaikovsky, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany violin (violin part not included) in an unidentified hand. English title: None but the lonely heart.
- Folder 14: Nightingale -- R.-Korsakov, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included), in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 15: At the balalaika -- G. Posford, undated

- 16 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, TDI, BDI-II, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB -- PDII and BD are original ms.) in the hand of M. Selivan.
- Folder 16: Elvira -- A. Cavolicri, 1913

- 15 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts in various hands for piano accordion with 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB), accordion part is photocopy of published version arranged by P. Tesio, c1913.
- Folder 17: Noitceles seztlaw, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts in an unidentified hand for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 18: In a monastery garden -- by Albert W. Ketelbey, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 19: Granicari -- Ivan Zajc, undated

- 11 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, TD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; originals bore the stamp of the Great Russian Orchestra of Balalaika, Detroit, Mich.
- Folder 20: Canzonetta -- P. Tchaikovsky, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 21: Play gypsies-Dance gypsies -- Emmerich Kalman, 1926

- 8 parts. Manuscript parts for domras and balalaikas in various hands, with published parts for violin, cello and bass (c1926, Harms, NY), the latter probably intended to be used as parts for prima domra, bass domra and contrabass balalaika in an orchestra with the ms. parts.
- Folder 22: Wonderer; Khorosh mal'chik -- arr. by Walter Lachowski, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB), one song on each side.
- Folder 23: Tomo y obligo -- C. Gardel, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in the hand of M. Selivan (?); parts for "Yira, yira" on reverse.
- Box 144

- Folder 1: Slavonic fantasie -- Dvorak-Kreisler, 1914

- 1 score + 8 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany violin (violin part in arr. 2) in an unidentified hand; 2. photocopy of published edition for violin and piano, score and part (copyright 1914 by Charles Foley, New York). Medley of "Songs my mother taught me" and "Romantic pieces, no. 1".
- Folder 2: Evening star -- Wagner, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, ADI, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 3: Oh come all ye faithful; What child is this? -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura. Subtitle of second selection "Greensleeves".
- Folder 4: Melodie -- P. Chaikovskago, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts in an unidentified hand for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 5: Kaloesai-emlek -- by F. Drdla, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; CB part has violin cues.
- Folder 6: Chanson arabe -- Rimsky-Korsakov, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 7: Andante -- Jeno Hubay, undated

- From the opera "Der Geigenmeister von Cremona." 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany solo violin (not included) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 8: Poccolo polka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) + 2 parts. Incomplete ms. score and parts for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 9: Persian march -- Joh. Strauss, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 10: Intermezzo russe -- Th. Francke; arr. M. Kuzmich, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 11: Russian rhapsodie no. 1, 1939

- 10 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, Tenor domra, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed (illegibly) and dated 11-3-1939.
- Folder 12: Regrets -- A. Gretchaninov, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) to accompany violin (violin part not included) in an unidentified hand. Originally for violin and piano.
- Folder 13: Maiden's wish -- Fr. Shopin, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany voice (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 14: Czardas -- V. Monti; arr. by Mark A. Selivan, 1946-1963

- 9 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (domra solo, PDII, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of M. Selivan; some parts dated 4-19-1963.
- Folder 15: Danse rustique -- by M. Antzeff, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts with violin with 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 16: Carmen -- by G. Bizet; arr. W. Lachowski, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for piano and 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB).
- Folder 17: Madame Butterfly -- by G. Puccini; arr. W. Lachowski, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB).
- Folder 18: By the waters of Minnetonka -- by Thurlow Leuzance [sic]; arr. by W. Lachowski, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB), piano-domra score.
- Folder 19: Madame Sherry, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. Composer not identified.
- Folder 20: Czardas -- Andre La Tarche, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for violin and 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 21: Love and life in Vienna -- Karel Komzak; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 22: Red Army march -- R. Glier; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 23: Uzh po sadiku, sadiku -- arr. by N.P. Fomin, 1946

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts and photocopies of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BDI, PBI, AB, CB) in the hand of M. Selivan, dated 1946; ms. parts have "Belorusskaia pesnia i pliaska" on reverse; extra PDI part in the hand of Kasura. English title: When a maiden.
- Folder 24: Marche Russe -- L. Ganne; arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Al. Ivanoff.
- Folder 25: Iamshchik -- arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with CB part also in tabulature notation, in the hand of Al. Ivanoff.
- Folder 26: Kalinka; Polianka -- arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Al. Ivanoff (PDII and BD parts in an unidentified hand).
- Folder 27: Parade of the wooden soldiers -- Leon Jessel; arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 10 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB -- PB and SB in standard and tabulature notation) signed by Al. Ivanoff; some parts have other songs on reverse: Cavalleria rusticana; Po el'nichku; Matushka golubushka; Intermezzo "Sel'skaia let' (?)".
- Box 145

- Folder 1: Serdtse, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Miscellaneous ms. parts from various arrangements for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, CB) in three different key signatures.
- Folder 2: Ei, tsygane, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.). Also known as Ekhali tsygane. Manuscript score for violin with 5 part Russian folk orchestra (AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 3: Pieces for russian folk orchestra, undated

- 20 parts.
- Folder 4: Pol'ka "Masha", undated

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in various hands; with parts for ADII and PDI in different key.
- Folder 5: Ases Tod -- Grieg, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Incomplete set of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (ADI-II, BD, AB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 6: Sten'ka Razin, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Incomplete set of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, SB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 7: Carmelia mia, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 8: Funicula -- P. Denza, 1915

- 4 parts. Manuscript parts in an unidentified hand for secunda and contrabass balalaika, with published parts for violins (I-II), the latter arr. by M. Greenwald, c1915, Century Music Publishing Co., NY.
- Folder 9: Dubinushka -- arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) some parts in the hand of Ivanoff, others signed and dated by S. Tsibul'skii.
- Folder 10: La Paloma -- S. Yradier, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with PD and CB parts for second arrangement. Not all pieces on each part.
- Folder 11: Henry VIII -- C. Saint-Saens, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 12: Vam 19 let -- B.A. Prozorovskii, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 13: Serenade -- G. Pierne; arr. by Al. Ivanoff; violin part arr. by F. Carl Jahn, undated

- 6 parts. Manuscript parts for Russian folk orchestra (AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Al. Ivanoff, with published violin part (c1921, Century Music Publ. Co., NY). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Semero ziat'ev
- Folder 14: Serenada mandolinistov -- Dezobri; arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, ADI, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Al. Ivanoff.
- Folder 15: Nad rekoiu, nad bystroiu, undated

- 11 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 12 part Russian folk orchestra (Piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in an unidentified hand; parts for "Akh se vecher, vecher" on reverse.
- Folder 16: Hymn of free Russia -- Grechaninov; arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, ADI, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Ivanoff (?).
- Folder 17: Polianka, undated

- 15 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, and CB) in various hands for two or three different versions.
- Folder 18: Quiereme mucho -- G. Roig, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for piano with 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. Some parts have title "Quiereme mucho, etc." and include the songs "Besame mucho" and "Misirlou".
- Folder 19: Besame mucho -- Consuelo Velazquez, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, with same arrangement, different key on reverse of some parts. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Quiereme mucho
- Folder 20: Days of our lives -- L. Chernetskii; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (bayan, PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB) signed by Kasura. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Dni nashei zhizni
- Folder 21: Tam za tikhim Dunaem, undated

- 9 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, to accompany soprano (vocal part and lyrics not included); reverse of most parts has music for "Misiats' iasnyi", untitled. All parts have stamp of the Great Russian Orchestra of Balalaika, Detroit, Mich.
- Folder 22: Ia vstretil vas; Kumushki -- arr. by Davis-Kasura, 1972

- 2 ms. scores + 15 parts. Manuscript score (in two parts, one for each song) with ms. parts for accordion with 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB (solo and non-solo), SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, dated April 1972; original parts and revised version (page 2 only). Second selection also spelled "Kumashki".
- Folder 23: Troika -- arr. A. Ivanova, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDII, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) BD and PB are Ivanoff's originals, other parts in an unidentified hand. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Tri troiki
- Folder 24: Val's Petrova -- A. Petrov, undated

- 12 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BDI-II, SB, CB, piano, accordion (?)) in various hands, some parts have slightly different versions.
- Folder 25: Pesnia Ermaka iz op. "Na Volge" -- N. Privalov, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for 4 unspecified instruments (domras, balalaikas?) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 26: Kazatskaia pol'ka -- arr. by Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDII, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) some parts signed and dated by Ivanoff, others in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 27: Vengerka, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for domras and/or balalaikas (4 parts, unmarked instrumentation). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Vasilek
- Box 146

- Folder 1: Zamielo tebia sniegom Rossiia -- Lidarskaia, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) to accompany vocalist (vocal part and lyrics not included).
- Folder 2: Hungarian dance no. 1 -- J. Brahms, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Incomplete set of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI, ADI, BD, SB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 3: Hungarian dance no. 1 -- Machnach; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts in the hand of Kasura for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, AB, CB).
- Folder 4: Hungarian dance no. 5 -- J. Brahms, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, SB (standard and tabulature notation), CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 5: Ungarische Tanze Nr. 6 -- J. Brahms, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. Parts incorrectly titled Ungarische Tanze Nr. 7.
- Folder 6: V aule -- M.M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, undated

- 35 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. photocopies of ms. parts for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (as arr. 1) in the hand of M. Selivan. English title appears on arr. 2: In the village, from The Caucasian sketches. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Caucasian sketches
- Folder 7: Tonkaia riabina; Iamshchik -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for soprano with Russian folk orchestra (bayan, PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB), vocal part labeled "soprano-prima domra". Lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 8: Ia liubliu vas tak bezumno; Tu sa -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (12 p.) + 14 parts. Manuscript score (incomplete) for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) with set of parts (lacking ADII) in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 9: March from the Nut-cracker suite -- P. Tchaikovsky, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 10: Bublichki, undated

- 13 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra in an unidentified hand (PDI-II, AD, PB, SB, CB) For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Novye bublichki
- Folder 11: Ia milago uznala, undated

- 15 ms. parts. Also known as "Zachem tebia ia milyi moi uznala". Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in various hands; 2. misc. parts in the hand of Kasura and others for similar and different arrangements. Reverse of arrangement one has parts for "Odessa" (polka).
- Folder 12: Za posledniuiu piaterku, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Six ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. Medley of three Russian folk songs: Za posledniuiu piaterku -- Rodina -- Net, net, ia ne khochu.
- Folder 13: Vyidu-l' ia na rechen'ku, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDII, AD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for AB and CB for arrangement featuring CB solo, in an unidentified hand. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Will I go to the river?
- Folder 14: Viiut' vitry; i, U susida khata bila, undated

- 11 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand. Medley of Ukrainian folk songs. Arranged to accompany vocalist; vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 15: Sten'ka Razin, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.). Manuscript score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand, appears to be incomplete.
- Folder 16: Lezginka -- arrangements by W.J. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) + 3 parts. Incomplete ms. score for plectral trio (?), photocopies of ms. parts for accordion, Jr. prima balalaika.
- Folder 17: Will I go to the river? -- arranged by Mark Selivan, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for prima domra I and prima balalaika, signed and dated by Selivan. Includes music for Jolly merchant, Korobeinik-Korobushka, and Happy boys.
- Folder 18: Tantsui tantsui -- Kilbal'chicha, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.). Manuscript score for 3 unspecified instruments (probable domras and/or balalaikas) in the hand of W. Kasura. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Slovatskii tanets
- Folder 19: Metelitsa-pol'ka -- arr. by W.J. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.). Incomplete ms. score for accordions (2) with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 20: Zuka, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for voice and piano with lyrics in Russian; all after p.3 missing.
- Folder 21: Russkii tanets -- N. Chaikin, undated

- 3 scores + 1 ms. part. Two arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of published score for bayan, gusli, percussion, domras, balalaikas, with ms. prima domra I part in the hand of Kasura; 2. photocopy of published score for bayan with domra sextet (PDI-II ADI-II, BD, CD).
- Folder 22: Rybatskaia -- I. Dunaevskii; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.). Incomplete ms. score for accordion and 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 23: Chto ty znaesh' pro sneg? -- M. Fradkin; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.). Incomplete ms. score for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 24: Shakon, op. 334 -- muz. A. Tsibul'ka; arr. Al. Ivanoff, 1931

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) Photocopy of ms. score for piano solo with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of, signed and dated by Tsibul'skii, July 4, 1931, Brooklyn, N.Y.
- Folder 25: Komu liubov' svoiu otdam -- muz. E. Rodygina; slova V. Semernina, undated

- 2 scores + 1 part. Three arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete ms. score for voice, accordion and 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) arr. by and in the hand of Kasura; 2. ms. prima domra II part for medley of two songs, the second of which is not identified, arr. by and in the hand of Kasura; 3. photocopy of published score for chorus with bayan accompaniment, includes the lyrics in Russian. Also attributed to Rodygin and Ptichkin. English title: To whom shall I give my love?
- Folder 26: Komu liubov' svoiu otdam; i, Van'ka-Vstan'ka -- muz. E. Rodygin; E. Ptichkin; obr. V. Kasura, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura. Medley.
- Folder 27: Marsh iz op. "Noch' liubvi" -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (13 p.). Manuscript score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, PB, SB, AB, CB, PDII and BD parts incomplete) in the hand of Kasura. Composer not identified.
- Folder 28: Chto mne gore -- S. Pokrass; arr. by W. Kasura, 1937

- 2 ms. scores. Two ms. scores for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, BD, AB, CB) to accompany Tammara Z. (vocalist, vocal part and lyrics not included), both for same arrangement, one dated 1937. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Bylina o Dmitrii Samozvantse; Nakinuv plashch; Sredi liesov i polia
- Folder 29: Spanish eyes -- Bert Kaempfert; arr. by W. Kasura, 1974

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domra II, bass domra, prima, secunda and alto balalaika in the hand of Kasura. Prima balalaika part dated 6/17/74.
- Box 147

- Folder 1: Korobeiniki -- arrangements by Kasura and Ditel'-Iakovlev, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.) + 2 p. of music. Two settings as follows: 1. photocopy of ms. music for accordion, arr. by Kasura to accompany dancers (couple); 2. photocopy of ms. score for unspecified instruments (balalaika and keyboard/accordion?), arrangement by Iakovlev of a setting by Ditel' entitled "Korobeiniki : variatsii na russkuiu narodnuiu pesniu". Arrangement one has English title "The peddlar" [sic].
- Folder 2: Zhizn' tsyganskaia -- muz. Dm. Pokrass; arr. by N. Grushko, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts and photocopies of same for piano, violin and bass, in the hand of Grushko, to accompany vocalist (Zhenia Shevshenko), without the vocal part and lyrics. English title: Gypsy life.
- Folder 3: Zorba the Greek theme -- Mikis Theodorakis; arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for Prima domra II and bass domra in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 4: Zorba -- music John Kander; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (17 p.) Incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 5: Sunrise, sunset -- Jerry Bock; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (18 p.) + 2 parts. Manuscript score and incomplete set of parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 6: Ste psaropoula ten chryse -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) Incomplete ms. score for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 7: I will wait for you -- M. Legrand; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura. Note on bottom of each part: Alto domra solo (optl B if play all twice).
- Folder 8: Dream -- arr. by Mark Selivan, undated

- Armenian love song. 14 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB) signed and dated by Selivan; some parts in the hand of Kasura, undated; arranged to accompany soprano (Anahid Kerpitchian), vocal parts and lyrics not included.
- Folder 9: Kani uur gian -- by Sayat; arr. by Mark A. Selivan, 1969

- 13 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by Selivan, to accompany soprano (vocal part and lyrics not included). All parts include PDI(?) part on separate stave. English title: As long as I live, I love you.
- Folder 10: Kak pod iablon'koi -- settings by Andreev, Nasonov and Nasonov-Kasura, undated

- 3 scores. Three arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (piccolo domra, PD, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, arr. by Nasonov, ed. by Andreev, instrumentation by Kasura; 2. photocopy of published score for bayan with 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) setting by Nasonov (title: Kak pod iablon'koi : variatsii na temu russkoi pesni); 3. photocopy of published score for bayan, domra and balalaika, arr. by Andreev. Kasura's ms. has title: Kak pod iablon'koi pod toi (Variiatsii) [sic].
- Folder 11: Poi, lastochka poi, undated

- 1 ms. score + 2 p. of music. Manuscript score for voice (?) and piano and manuscript music for unspecified instrument (keyboard/accordion), both in an unidentified hand. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Vieni sul mare
- Folder 12: The windmills of your mind -- Michel Legrand; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 1 part. Manuscript scores for 2 similar arrangements for Russian folk orchestra, 8-9 parts, both incomplete, with PDI part.
- Folder 13: Nakinuv plashch, 1933

- 24 ms. parts. Three arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. parts for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, ADI-II, TD, BD, SB, AB, CB) signed "AK" (or "MK"?) dated 8-29-33 to 9-22-33; 2. ms. parts in the hand of Kasura and other unidentified copyist for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) with violin, parts in Kasura's hand have parts for "Sredi lesov i polia" and "Chto mne gore" on reverse; 3. photocopy of ms. music for accordion, arr. by Kasura. Parts for arr. 1 have stamp of the Great Russian Orchestra of Balalaika, Detroit, Mich.
- Folder 14: Novelleta "Kleopatra" -- muz. N. More, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 5 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. score in an unidentified hand for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PD, AD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB); 2. ms. parts for 5 part Russ. folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura (PDI-II, AD, AB, CB), based on arr. 1. Title on folder: Cleopatra novelty march.
- Folder 15: Mountains of Armenia -- arr. by Mark Selivan, 1969

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domras I-II, and alto domra I in the hand of Selivan dated Nov. 25, 1969, with parts for PDII and bass domra in the hand of Kasura, slightly revised. To accompany vocalist (tenor); vocal part and lyrics not included.
- Folder 16: Memories waltz -- Michel Michelet; arrangements by E. Sheynkman and Sheynkman-Kasura, undated

- From the MGM picture "The journey". 3 ms. scores. Two arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of ms. score for 11 part Russian folk orchestra (bayan, mandolins I-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB); 2. photocopy of same score as arr. 1, with alterations and additions in the hand of Kasura, and pages 4-6 of a Kasura score for same.
- Folder 17: Song of a prisoner, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, VD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 18: Russian guards patrol -- by Richard Eilenberg, undated

- 14 ms. parts. Two sets of parts for nearly identical arrangements, as follows: 1. ms. parts for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB), from the library of John Bondar (arranger?); 2. photocopies of ms. parts for 7 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, SB, AB, CB) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 19: Pliaska skomorokhov -- N.I. Privalov, undated

- 4 p. of music. Photocopy of ms. music for zvonchatye gusli in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 20: March of the Siamese -- by Paul Lincke; orch. by W.C. Polla, 1923

- 5 parts. Manuscript alto balalaika part in an unidentified hand, with published parts for violin, cello, and bass and unidentified instrument, to be performed on prima and bass domras, contrabass balalaika etc. (published parts c1923, Edw. B. Marks).
- Folder 21: Pomnish' li ty -- E. Kalman; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (20 p.). Incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 22: Alla verdy popurri -- obr. V. Kasura, undated

- 21 ms. parts. Two versions as follows: 1. ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, PBI, AB, CB) signed by Kasura; 2. ms. parts for accordion with Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed by Kasura.
- Box 148

- Folder 1: Mechty val's -- S. Larionoff, undated

- 34 ms. parts. Two sets of ms. parts for similar arrangements: 1. ms. parts in various hands for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, AB, CB); 2. ms. parts (with copies) for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura. English title: Day dreams.
- Folder 2: Polianka -- arr. by Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) Incomplete ms. score for 9 part Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 3: Korobushka -- arranged by W. Kasura, undated

- 3 ms. scores + 1 p. of music. Two arrangements as follows: 1. manuscript score (with copies) for prima domra with accordion, includes varions on p.2; 2. manuscript music for accordion solo (different version altogether). English title: The pedlar: Russian ballroom dance.
- Folder 4: Polka "Coquette" -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- 3 ms. scores. Manuscript score (with 2 copies) for prima domra and accordion in the hand of Kasura. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Pa-de-patiner; Pol'ka koket'ka. English title: Domino polka: Russian ballroom dance.
- Folder 5: Troika -- arr. W. Kasura, undated

- Russian ballroom dance. 3 ms. scores. Manuscript score (with 2 copies) for prima domra and accordion in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 6: Provozhan'e, undated

- 3 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for prima domra, bass domra and alto balalaika (in the hand of Al. Ivanoff?), AB part in different key than domra parts.
- Folder 7: Eili, eili, 1906

- 4 ms. parts. Incomplete set of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD) in an unidentified hand. "First published in late 1906 under the full title Eli, Eli, lomo ozavtoni. "Probably by Jacob Sandler. First published in late 1906 under the full title Eli, Eli, lomo ozavtoni..."--F. Fuld, "The book of world-famous music."
- Folder 8: Valse sentimental -- Grisha Selivonchik, undated

- 3 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for bass domra, secunda and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 9: When it's springtime in the Rockies -- Sauer and Taggart, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Manuscript score for mandolins I-IV, PB, AB, CB (?) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 10: Domino -- by Jacques Plante and Louis Ferrari; arrangements by W. Kasura and Charles Camilleri, 1959

- 2 scores. Two arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 2. photocopy of published arrangement for accordion by Charles Camilleri (c1959, Editions Musicales Arpege).
- Folder 11: L'Estudiantina -- E. Waldteufel, 1913

- 3 parts. Manuscript part for alto balalaika in the hand of M. Selivan, with photocopies of published parts for violin and bass (c1913, Carl Fischer), "rev. by S.K. Wright". Waltz originally composed by Lacome; Waldteufel, the arranger, has often been credited with composing the piece.
- Folder 12: Dolores waltz -- E. Waldteufel, 1913

- 4 parts. Manuscript parts for viola domra and alto balalaika in the hand of M. Selivan, with photocopies of published parts for violin and bass (c1913, Carl Fischer).
- Folder 13: God rest ye merry gentlemen; Deck the hall with boughs of holly -- arr. O. Orlick, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Incomplete set of photocopies of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra, (parts included are BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) signed and dated by O. Orlick.
- Folder 14: Lukavye glaza -- B. Karamyshev; arr. by Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.). Manuscript score for 13 part jazz orchestra (trumpets, trombones, saxophones, violins, accordion, piano, guitar, bass, drums) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 15: From the film "Iskateli schast'ya" -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Two incomplete ms. scores for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 16: What child is this? -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.). Manuscript score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB/AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Oh come all ye faithful
- Folder 17: Oh come all ye faithful -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.). Manuscript score in the hand of Kasura for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, AB, CB).
- Folder 18: Deck the hall -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (3 p.). Incomplete ms. score for Russian folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see God rest ye merry gentlemen
- Folder 19: Away in a manger -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.). Manuscript score (incomplete) for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 20: O little town of Bethlehem -- Lewis Redner; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores. Two incomplete ms. scores for 7-9 part Russian folk orchestra, both in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 21: Russian dance -- arr. by Helen Fornazor, undated

- 2 ms. parts. Photocopy of ms. music for unspecified instrument (balalaika?) in the hand of H. Fornazor.
- Folder 22: Carpatho Russian memories -- arr. by H. Fornazor, undated

- 6 ms. parts. Manuscript and photocopy of ms. parts for accordion, mandolin I, alto balalaika and contrabass balalaika in the hand of H. Fornazor and Kasura.
- Folder 23: Moscow nights; Katiusha -- arr. by H. Fornazor, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts and photocopies of ms. parts for mandolin I, alto domra, alto balalaika, bass balalaika, contrabass balalaika and accordion, in the hand of Fornazor and Kasura, for two and possibly more arrangements, all by Fornazor.
- Folder 24: Proshchai -- arr. by H. Fornazor, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Manuscript contrabass balalaika part in the hand of Kasura and 4 photocopies of ms. accordion part in the hand of Fornazor. Title appears on piece as "Pros'chaj".
- Folder 25: Russian medley -- arr. by H. Fornazor, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) + 6 parts. Manuscript parts for mandolin I, alto domra, alto and contrabass balalaika, accordion, in the hand of Fornazor and Kasura, with incomplete ms. score for different version (not attributed to Fornazor) in the hand of Kasura, for 9 part Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 26: Vieni sul mare -- arr. by Mark Selivan, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript (and photocopy of ms.) parts for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, VD, BD, AB) signed by M. Selivan. Title also appears in English and Russian: Over the sea; Poi, lastochka poi.
- Folder 27: La cumparsita tango -- Matos Rodriguez; arr. by Mark Selivan, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Manuscript parts (and photocopies) for Russian folk orchestra (PDII, VD, BD, PB, AB) signed by Selivan, with extra AD part in a different hand, for different arrangement.
- Folder 28: Chosen kalle masel tov -- S. Mogulesco; arr. by Mark Selivan, undated

- 8 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts in the hand of M. Selivan for prima domra II, alto domra, alto balalaika and contrabass balalaika.
- Folder 29: Pop goes the weasel -- arr. by Mark Selivan, undated

- 13 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for 6 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, viola domra, BD, AB, CB) signed by Selivan.
- Folder 30: Russkaia siuita, undated

- 5 ms. parts. Incomplete set of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD) in an unidentified hand. Composer not identified.
- Folder 31: Fantasie in memoriam of Tschaikovsky -- Fomeen, undated

- 1 ms. score (4 p.) + 18 parts. Manuscript score and parts for domras, balalaikas and winds (PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB, french horns, bassoon, clarinet in A, oboe, flute) and drums, in the hand of Al. Ivanoff (?).
- Folder 32: Ancient fantasy -- Al. Ivanoff, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) + 21 parts. Manuscript parts for orchestra with domras and balalaikas (Piccolo domra, PDI-II, ADI-II, BDI-II, PB, SB, AB, CB, flute, oboe, clarinet in A, bassoon, french horns, tympani in A and F) signed by Al. Ivanoff, with extra parts including keyboard in an unidentified hand, and incomplete score in the hand of Kasura (keyboard, domras and balalaika parts only).
- Folder 33: Kak u nashikh u vorot -- S. Tsibul'skii, undated

- [40] p. of manuscript music. Manuscript music for zvonchatye gusli in the hand of Tsibul'skii; folk songs and other popular and art songs, arr. by Tsibul'skii (?). CONTENTS: Kak u nashikh u vorot - Seni - Donskoi kazachek - Ia na gorku shla - Nauchit'-li te, Vaniusha - Vsiu da ia vselennuiu proekhal - Kazatskaia pesnia i pliaska - Khodila mladeshen'ka - Chto ponizhe bylo goroda Saratova - Sizenkii golubchik -Barynia - Ne bely snegi - Vy razdaites', razstupites' - Vniz po matushke po Volge - Svetit mesiats - Step' Mozdokskaia - Pliaska skomorokhov - Ty podi, moia korobushka, domoi - Vo pole bereza stoiala - Vozle rechki, vozle mosta - Nochen'ka - Pesnia Ermaka iz op. "Na Volge" - Ariia iz op. "Marta" - Zvezdy blestiat - Avstriiskii marsh - Gavot Liudovika XIII - Fantaziia na motive iz op. "Volshebnyi strelok" - Vo piru byla.
- Box 149

- Folder 1: Vernis'; Otoidi ne gliadi; Oi u luzi, ta shche pry berezy; Charui menia, undated

- 1 ms. score (11 p.) Manuscript score in an unidentified hand for 4-7 part Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 2: Belorusskiia pesni -- A. Sauberblatt, undated

- 1 ms. score ([20] p.) Manuscript book of scores in the hand of A. Sauberblatt, arrangements of Belarussian folk songs and dances, for Russian folk orchestra (4-10 parts), each piece signed by Sauberblatt. CONTENTS: 1. Belaruskii himn -- 1A. O, bozhe spase nash -- 2. Chamuzhe mne nia pets' -- 3. Akh ty dui -- Horak, horak polyn -- 5. Priliatseli husi -- 6. Za horami za lesami -- 7. Oi poidu ia luhom -- 8. Oi dolia, ta nadolia.
- Folder 3: Music for Russian folk orchestra -- S.M. Tsibul'skago, 1922-1963

- 1 ms. score ([102] p.) Bound volume of ms. scores in the hand of TSibul'skii for Russian folk orchestra of varying size, with and without piano. Number 13 appears between nr.28-29. "Pozhalei ty menia dorogaia" (nr. 23) has prima balalaika part added in the hand of M. Selivan, signed and dated by him 9-8-1963. CONTENTS: 22. Molodka - 23. Pozhalei ty menia dorogaia - 24. Svetit mesiats - 25. Oriental'nyi tanets - 26. Luchinushka - 27. Vdol' po ulitse v konets - 28. Chto ty rano travushka - 13. Silver threads - 29. Grand opera selection - 30. Pust' tsvety moi - 31. Barkarola (Iiul' iz Vremena goda) - 32. Marsh iz op. "Noch' liubvi".
- Folder 4: Part books for Russian folk orchestra, undated

- 6 v. of ms. parts. Manuscript parts books for piano, prima domra II, alto domra I, secunda balalaika, alto balalaika and contrabass balalaika, one volume for each part, 36 songs in each volume, arranger and/or copyist not identified. CONTENTS 1. Poi lastochka poi - 2. Veselaia vdova - 3. Iz op. Silviia, Val's - 4. Iz. op. Graf fon Liuksenberg : Val's - 5. Charming waltz - 6. Konkobezhtsy - 7. Lesnaia skazka - 8. Petrova : val's - 9. Bereska : val's - 10. Pomnish' li ty - 11. Dolores - 12. Toska - 13. Oborvannyia struny - 14. Ozhidanie - 15. Nevozvratnoe vremia - 16. Laska - 17. Na sopkakh Manzhurii - 18. Osenniia mechty - 19. Razbitaia zhizn' - - 20. Pa-de-Span - 21. Espan - 22. Pol'ka - 23. Krakoviak - 24. Vengerka - 25. Lezginka - 26. Koketka - 27. Kokhanochka - 28. Karapet - 29. Pomnadur - 30. Pa-de-katr - 31. Minuet - 32. Odessa mazurka - 33. Pol'ka mazurka - 34. Mazurka (Glinki) - 35. Mazurka (Do beloga dnia) - 36. Kazatskaia pol'ka.
- Folder 5: Part books for Russian folk orchestra, undated

- 7 v. of ms. parts. Manuscript parts books for piano, prima domra II, alto domra I, bass domra, secunda balalaika (in tabulature notation, with incomplete volume in standard notation), alto balalaika and piano, one volume for each part (except 2 v. for SB), 25 pieces in each volume, arranger and/or copyist not identified. CONTENTS: 95. Oborvaneeye stroonee - 96. Na sopkakh Manzshoriee - 97. Laska - 98. Beryozka - 99. Razbeetaya zsheezn - 100. Osyeniye mechtee - 101. Pa-de-span - 102. Espan - 103. Karapyet - 104. Korobooshka - 105. Troyoka - 106. Krakoviak - 107. Vengerka - 108. Polka-kokyetka - 109. Kochanochka - 110. Polka - 111. Virginia reel - 112. Lastochka - 113. Dark eyes, etc. - 114. Carolina moon, etc. - 115. Sher - 116. Bolgar - 117. Lyesnaya skazka - 118. The merry widow - 119. Von Luxemberg.
- Box 150

- Folder 1: Sinii platochek -- arr. by Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) Incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 2: Part books for Russian folk orchestra, undated

- 3 v. of ms. parts. Manuscript volumes of parts for Russian folk orchestra, alto domra I-II, contrabass balalaika parts only, in an unidentified hand; not all selections in all folders. CONTENTS: 1. Toska po rodine - 2. Ukrainskoe popurri no. 1 - 3. Pust' tsvety moi - 4. Vyidu ia na rechen'ku i dr. (popurri) - 5. Two guitars, Ochi chernyia, Rasposhel - 6. Zakuvala ta syva zozulia - 7A. Troika bubny - 8. To ne veter vetku klonit, Khorosh mal'chik - 9. Krimean sketches --11. Svetit mesiats - 13. Polianka - 17. Russian selection - 18. Kokhanochka (Concert number) - 19. Vo luziakh - 24. Favn - 26. Lesnaia skazka - 29. Berezka - 107. Danube waves and other waltzes - 134. Serdtse - - 135. Those sparkling eyes - 136. Korobooshka - 137. Karapiet - 138. Kokhanochka (Dance number) - 150. Polka Masha - [unnumbered] Red River Valley - Oh Susana - Annie Laurie - Home on the range - Tiptoe polka - Drink to me only with thine eyes - America the beautiful - Hora selection.
- Folder 3: Music for piano-accordion., undated

- 28 ms. parts. Manuscript music for piano-accordion in an unidentified hand, first folder is music for piano-accordion I, second folder for piano-accordion II, originally arranged as part of Russian folk orchestra, orchestra parts unavailable. Songs included (not all songs in each folder): Longing for home - - Bending branch -- Jolly youngster -- In the evening -- Polyanka -- Bright shines the moon -- Troika bells -- Kokhanochka -- Korobushka -- Juanita -- Beer barrel polka -- Country minuet -- Tiptoe polka -- Swanee river -- Silent night - - Jingle bells -- Noel -- Adeste fideles -- Angels we have heard on high -- Home on the range -- On top of old smokey -- Red River valley -- Oh Susanna -- Annie Laurie -- Drink to me only with thine eyes.
- Folder 4: Proshchai moi tabor -- B.A. Prozorovskii, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 5: Sredi lesov i polia, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass) in an unidentified hand. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Nakinuv plashch
- Folder 6: Vintovka, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 7: Nas ne trogai, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 8: Volzhskaia burlatskaia -- A. Aleksandrov, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts in an unidentified hand for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass).
- Folder 9: Zhizn' tsyganskaia -- D. Pokrass, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for string quartet (violins (2), cello, double bass) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 10: Zvezdochka, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts in an unidentified hand for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass). For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Farewell village
- Folder 11: Konchilos' schast'e -- N. Kharito, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 12: L'etsia pesnia -- V. Kruchinin, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts in an unidentified hand for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass).
- Folder 13: Kto ego znaet -- V. Zakharov, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for string quartet (violins (2), cello and bass) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 14: Katiusha -- muz. M. Blantera, 1946

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) + 4 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of ms. score for domra and keyboard (bayan) signed and dated by M. Selivan, 4-10-1946; 2. ms. parts for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass) in an unidentified hand, undated.
- Folder 15: Proshchai, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 16: Vse chto bylo -- D. Pokrass, undated

- 7 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. ms. parts for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass) in an unidentified hand; 2. ms. parts for string trio (violins (2), bass) in an unidentified hand. First arrangement to accompany vocalist (lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection; vocal part not included).
- Folder 17: Bliny, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass) in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 18: V put'-dorozhku dal'niuiu -- M. Blanter, undated

- 1 score (1 p.) + 4 ms. parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. photocopy of published arrangement by V. Sin'kovskii for domra and keyboard (piano-accordion); 2. ms. parts in an unidentified hand for string quartet (violins (2), cello, bass).
- Folder 19: Vsiu da ia vselennuiu proekhal -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Incomplete set of ms. parts for Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 20: Prima domra I: manuscript parts for prima domra -- arrangements by W.J. Kasura, undated

- 32 parts. CONTENTS: Proshchanie slavianki - Preobrazhenskii marsh - Zvezdi noch'iu gariat - Lezginka - Ural'skaia riabinushka - Babochka val's - - Troika bells polka - Oborvannyia struny val's - Kalitka - Ia milago uznala - Gitara-Chudesa - Popurri iz russkikh pesen - Svetit mesiats - Lara - Toska po rodine marsh - Grezy val's - Podmoskovnye vechera - Moldoveniaska - Pol'ka koket'ka - Kavkazkaia shalakho - Mama-mama - Pod dugoi kolokol'chik - Odessa - Dni nashei zhizni marsh - Reve ta stohne Dnipr shyrokyi - Bliny - Pozhalei ty menia dorogaia.
- Folder 21: Chernyi voron, undated

- 2 p. of music. Manuscript transcription in the hand of Kasura, and photocopy of published transcription of Russian folk melody.
- Folder 22: Tsveli, tsveli, tsvetiki -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) Incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for Russian folk orchestra.
- Folder 23: Sinii len -- muz. R. Paulsa, undated

- 2 p. of music. Two pages of ms. music for unspecified instruments in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 24: Zvezdy blestiat -- V.V. Andreeva, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Photocopy of ms. music for zvonchatye gusli in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 25: Zimniaia liubov' -- A. Babadzhanian; arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (5 p.). Incomplete ms. score for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 26: Kokhanochka -- arranged by Kasura, undated

- Russian ballroom dance. For accordion solo, to accompany dancers. 4 p. of music. Two similar versions, the first a photocopy of ms. in the hand of Kasura which is followed by "Stenka Razin" (Russian folk song (singing)); the second version ms. probably also in the hand of Kasura but of much earlier date is preceded by "Lezginka".
- Folder 27: Korobushka -- arr. by H. Fornazor and W. Kasura, undated

- 11 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for mandolins I-IA, alto domra, prima balalaika, prima balalaika jr., secunda and alto balalaika, accordion and bayan; some parts in the hand of Kasura, others in the hand of and signed by H. Fornazor.
- Box 151

- Folder 1: Lipy tsvetut -- E. Kompaneitsa; obr. V. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.)Â Incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-I, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 2: Molchi grust', molchi -- Verezovskago [sic], undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.)Â Manuscript score in the hand of Al. Ivanoff (?) for 5 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI, AD, BD, AB, CB).
- Folder 3: Temno vishnevaia shal' -- arr. by Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.)Â Incomplete ms. score for 7 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, PB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 4: Ulitsa shirokaia, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 2 p. of music. Three arrangements as follows: 1-2. two incomplete ms. scores for accordion with Russian folk orchestra, arr. by and in the hand of Kasura; 3. photocopy of published version for accordion.
- Folder 5: Kremlevskie kolokola -- V. Karnovalov, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.)Â Incomplete ms. score in the hand of Kasura for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB).
- Folder 6: Pozhaluite sudarynia, undated

- 2 p. of music. Manuscript transcription in the hand of Kasura, and photocopy of published transcription of Russian folk melody.
- Folder 7: Ivushka, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.) + 8 p. of music. Incomplete ms. score for Russian folk orchestra, several ms. and photocopy of ms. versions for accordion (solo?) arr. by Kasura, and photocopy of published version for accordion, arranger not identified. Some of the versions in Kasura's hand are attributed to G. Ponomarenko.
- Folder 8: Vyidu-l' ia na rechen'ku -- Vl. Nasonov, undated

- 1 p. of music. Manuscript music for unspecified instrument (domra, balalaika?) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 9: Viniat menia v narode -- arr. by Kasura, undated

- 1 p. of music. Manuscript music for piano (?) in the hand of Kasura; note at top of page "piano part transposition".
- Folder 10: Vniz po Volge-reke -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (7 p.)Â Incomplete ms. score in the hand of W. Kasura for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra, including extra pages for different version with only a few complete bars of music.
- Folder 11: Vdol' da po rechke, vdol' po Kazanke -- obr. W. Kasura, undated

- 1 p. of music. Manuscript music for accordion solo.
- Folder 12: Nochen'ka; i, Trepak, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.)Â Manuscript score for balalaika and accordion (?), incomplete, in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 13: Oi znaty, znaty -- transcribed by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 p. of music. Manuscript transcription of Ukrainian folk melody.
- Folder 14: Akh, zachem ty menia tselovala -- arrangements by W. Kasura, Gregory Stone and Galla-Rini, 1934-1936

- 2 scores + 2 p. of music. Three arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete ms. score for accordion with 9 part Russian folk orchestra in the hand of Kasura, medley including the song "Sigarnyi zapakh obozhaiu"; 2. photocopy of published score for voice and piano, arr. by G. Stone, lyrics in Russian and English (c1934 Prelude music, 1936 E.B. Marks); 3. photocopy of published arrangement by Galla-Rini for piano accordion (c1934).
- Folder 15: V zemlianke -- K. Listov; arr. by Kasura, undated

- 1 ms. score (8 p.). Incomplete ms. score for accordion with 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, AD, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura, to accompany voice (without the vocal part and lyrics).
- Folder 16: Liubushka, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.)Â Manuscript score in an unidentified hand for unspecified instruments, possibly voice and piano/accordion.
- Folder 17: Akh ty, dushechka, krasna devitsa, undated

- 1 p. of music. One page of music which includes photocopy of published version for accordion/bayan and ms. transcription of the melody in the hand of W. Kasura.
- Folder 18: Akh, Nastas'ia -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 1 p. of music. Manuscript music for accordion solo.
- Folder 19: Kozachok Podil'skyi, undated

- 2 p. of ms. music. Photocopies of ms. music for keyboard/accordion in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 20: Trepak -- muz. D. Dobrokhotova [sic], 1952

- 1 ms. score (8 p.) Photocopy of ms. score for balalaika and accordion, signed by A. Miraez (?), Sept. 1952, Sydney.
- Folder 21: Travushka-muravushka -- obr. A. Tsygankova, undated

- 1 ms. score (10 p.). Manuscript score for domra and fortepiano, signed and inscribed by Tsygankov ("Vladimiru Kazhure").
- Folder 22: Moi tsyganochki -- arrangements by Kasura and Grushko, undated

- 4 ms. scores. Manuscript score in the hand of Kasura and 3 photocopies of ms. scores in the hand of Grushko, all for voice and keyboard/accordion, nearly identical versions, in different key signatures. English title: My Gypsies.
- Folder 23: Kolomyika, undated

- 2 p. of ms. music. Photocopies of ms. music for keyboard/accordion in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 24: Chainik novyi, undated

- 1 p. of music. Manuscript music for keyboard (accordion?) in the hand of Kasura(?).
- Folder 25: Chelme verste, undated

- 1 p. of music. Photocopy of ms. music for keyboard/accordion in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 26: Chumak, undated

- 2 p. of ms. music. Photocopy of ms. music for keyboard/accordion in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 27: Kalitka -- arrangements by Harry Goodman, V. Iakovlev, Bobri and Gabaev, et al, 1957-1960

- 1 ms. score (5 p.) + 5 p. of music. Four arrangements as follows: 1. photocopies of ms. music for piano, arr. by Harry Goodman to accompany soprano (Claudia Curtis), with Goodman's stamp and date 1960; 2. photocopy of ms. score for piano-accordion with unspecified instrument signed by V. Iakovlev; 3. photocopy of published arrangement for accordion (?), arr. by Bobri and Gabaeff, c1957 by Celesta Pub. Co.; 4. photocopy of published version for accordion. Arr. 3 has English title "At the garden gate".
- Folder 28: Pod zelenoju, undated

- 1 p. of ms. music. Photocopy of ms. music for keyboard/accordion in an unidentified hand. Lemko folk song.
- Folder 29: Podkarpatsky russiny -- M. Grofik

- 1 p. of music. Photocopy of ms. music for accordion.
- Folder 30: Vdol' po Piterskoi, undated

- 3 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for violin, bass and piano, in the hand of N. Grushko (?), property stamp of Gh. Mogiloff. Violin and bass parts have music for "Molodushka" at bottom.
- Folder 31: Okh, dolga ty noch' -- arr. by N. Grushko, undated

- 3 ms. parts. Manuscript parts for piano, violin and bass in the hand of Grushko.
- Folder 32: Malorossiiskii gopak -- sob. S.M. Tsybul'skago

- 1 ms. score (6 p.) Manuscript score in the hand of Tsibul'skii for violin and piano.
- Folder 33: Tsyganskii chardash, undated

- 1 ms. score (6 p.). Manuscript score for violin and piano, signature of arranger/copyist on cover illegible.
- Folder 34: Belaia akatsiia -- music by M. Scharoo [sic]; words by Wolin-Wolcy; arr. by H. Lefkowitch, 1940

- 3 p. of ms. music. Manuscript music for piano in the hand of Selivan, dated 9/40. Based on Russian folk tune. Without the lyrics. English title: White accacia.
- Folder 35: Po el'nichku -- by A. Kirilloff

- 2 p. of ms. music. Manuscript music for piano. Note on side of ms.: Novyi aranzhement. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Parade of the wooden soldiers
- Folder 36: Bidi moia rumbalia, undated

- 2 p. of ms. music. Photocopy of ms. music for keyboard/accordion with vocal cues, lyrics and vocal part not included.
- Folder 37: Brodiaga -- arr. by Arthur Charles, 1957

- 1 ms. piano-conductor part. Photocopy of ms. piano-conductor part (?) with stamp of Arthur Charles, reg. 1957. Charles' arrangements were generally for voice with orchestral accompaniment, piano-conductor part included vocal part.
- Folder 38: Biriuzovye, zlaty kolechki -- arr. by Arthur Charles, 1957

- 1 ms. piano-conductor part. Photocopy of ms. music (piano-conductor part?) with stamp of Arthur Charles, reg. 1957. Lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection. Charles' arrangements were generally for voice with orchestra, piano-conductor part included vocal part. English title: Golden rings.
- Folder 39: Aidut mi spivanochky -- obr. M. Burgra, undated

- 1 score (8 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for women's chorus with soloist. Song text in Ukrainian.
- Folder 40: Hei, nu khloptsi do zbroi!, undated

- 1 p. of ms. music. Photocopy of ms. music for accordion in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 41: Hopak, undated

- 1 p. of ms. music. Photocopy of ms. music for keyboard/accordion in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 42: L'etsia pesnia -- V. Kruchinin; arr. by N. Grushko, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for violin, bass and piano, to accompany vocalist (Zhenia Shevchenko), in the hand of N. Grushko. English title: The song goes.
- Folder 43: Velykodna haivka, undated

- 2 p. of ms. music. Photocopies of ms. music for keyboard/accordion in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 44: Vania shapochku kupil, undated

- 2 p. of ms. music. Photocopy of ms. music for keyboard/accordion in an unidentified hand, to accompany vocalist, without the vocal part and lyrics.
- Folder 45: Net, net, ne khochu -- B. Keil'; arr. by Arthur Charles, undated

- 1 ms. piano-conductor part + 1 part. Photocopies of piano-conductor part (includes vocal part) and bass part, in the hand of and with the stamp of Arthur Charles. Arrangement for orchestra with solo vocalist; all other parts missing.
- Folder 46: My vyshli v sad -- muz. M. Tolsty; arr. by Arthur Charles, 1957

- 1 ms. piano-director part + 4 parts. Photocopies of ms. parts for piano-director (includes vocal part), violin and bass, with stamp of Arthur Charles dated 1957. Without the lyrics (by A. Tolstoi).
- Folder 47: Metelytsia, undated

- 2 p. of ms. music. Manuscript music for unspecified instrument (accordion?) and photocopy of ms. music for unspecified instrument (accordion?).
- Folder 48: Moi koster -- arr. by Paul Lampkovitz, 1938

- 1 ms. score (1 p.). Photocopy of ms. score for voice and piano signed and dated by M. Selivan 11/13/38. Note: "Original in E minor". English title: Camp fire.
- Folder 49: Moldaviia, O sole mio -- mus. De Capua, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.). Manuscript score for voice and piano, one song on each side. Without the lyrics.
- Folder 50: U samovara, undated

- 2 p. of ms. music. Manuscript music for keyboard in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 51: Nad poliami -- obr. Shokhina, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.). Russian folk song, arr. for voice and piano. Without the lyrics.
- Folder 52: Nochi bezumnye -- A. Spiro, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.). Manuscript score for voice and keyboard (?) in an unidentified hand, without the lyrics.
- Box 152

- Folder 1: Zamelo tebia snegom Rossiia -- arr. by N. Grushko, undated

- 2 p. of ms. music. Manuscript music for piano in the hand of Grushko. "Ukradeno u Grushko."
- Folder 2: Zhaporozhets', undated

- Ukrainian folk dance. 4 p. of music. Photocopies of three versions for bayan/accordion.
- Folder 3: U samovara -- arr. by A. Artinoff, 1939

- 1 ms. score (3 p.) Manuscript score for voice and piano, with the lyrics in Russian. Inscribed: A monsieur B. Malliea, A. Artinoff, New York, 27/IV 1939.
- Folder 4: Zachem liubit', zachem stradat'; Uidi uidi -- arr. by M. Selivan, undated

- 2 p. of ms. music. Photocopy of ms. music for piano/accordion signed by Selivan. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Uidi, uidi
- Folder 5: Dymok ot papirosy -- Grushko, undated

- 2 p. of ms. music. Negative photocopy of ms. music for piano in the hand of Grushko.
- Folder 6: Temnaia noch' -- transposed by J. Rutin; arrangement by Mark Selivan, 1946

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Photocopy of ms. score for voice and piano in the hand of Selivan, with his property stamp at end dated 1946. Without the lyrics.
- Folder 7: Tobogan, undated

- 1 ms. score (2 p.) Manuscript score for balalaika (?) and piano/accordion in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 8: Toska po rodine -- muz. A. Dagmarova; sob. S.M. Tsibul'skago

- 2 p. of ms. music. Manuscript music for piano (?) signed by Tsibul'skii.
- Folder 9: Ty smotri nikomu ne rasskazyvai -- arr. by Arthur Charles, 1957

- 1 ms. piano-conductor part + 2 parts. Manuscript piano-conductor part and photocopies of ms. parts for violin and bass, all with stamp "Arthur Charles Local 802 registered 1957". Piano-conductor part includes voice part, and indicates an orchestral accompaniment, parts other than violin and bass not identified.
- Folder 10: Katerina khersonka, undated

- 2 p. of music. Photocopies of manuscript music for 2 versions, one for keyboard/accordion the other for balalaika (?), neither has instrument specified.
- Folder 11: Karavan -- Lonya Kolbous

- 1 ms. score ([2] p.). Manuscript score for voice and keyboard in an unidentified hand. Holograph (?) Without the lyrics.
- Folder 12: Chernye glaza -- arr. by Harry Goodman, 1966

- 4 p. of ms. music. Photocopy of ms. music for piano, with vocal cues, stamp of Harry Goodman (registered 1966) at end. For other arrangements or versions of this work, see Akh, eti chernye glaza
- Folder 13: Ekh platochek -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 ms. scores + 12 parts. Two arrangements as follows: 1. incomplete ms. score with complete set of parts for 9 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB); 2. ms. score for 9 part Russ. folk orchestra (same instrumetation), with parts for PDI, AB and CB. Both arrangements to accompany soprano ("Zhenia"); vocal parts and lyrics not included. English title: The Kerchief.
- Folder 14: Akh, ne list osennii! -- obr. A. Shalova, undated

- 1 ms. part. Two photocopies of balalaika part, ms. in an unidentified hand; gusli part not available.
- Folder 15: Arkan, undated

- 4 p. of ms. music. Photocopies of three versions for accordion (?), two in manuscript, the third from a published edition.
- Folder 16: Ekh tushite lampy svechi -- arr. by N. Grushko, undated

- 5 p. of ms. music. "Ukradeno u Grushko". Photocopy of ms. music for piano in the hand of N. Grushko.
- Folder 17: Kamennoi ostrov -- muz. A. Rubinshtein; obr. V. Kasura

- 1 ms. score (9 p.) Incomplete ms. score for 10 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI-II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 18: Troika -- arr. by Kasura, undated

- 4 ms. parts. Manuscript parts in the hand of Kasura for PDII, AD, BD, CB.
- Folder 19: V chas rokovoi, undated

- 1 ms. score (1 p.). Manuscript score for voice and violin, with stamp of Gh. Mogiloff music. Lyrics available in the "Pesennik" accompanying the Kasura Collection.
- Folder 20: Vernis -- B.A. Prozorovskii, undated

- 2 p. of ms. music. Music for violin, with stamp of Gh. Mogiloff. English title: Come back.
- Folder 21: Two guitars, undated

- [3] p. of ms. music. Manuscript music for keyboard in an unidentified hand.
- Folder 22: Lezginka -- arr. by W. Kasura, undated

- 2 p. of ms. music. Photocopy of ms. music for accordion solo. Includes music for "Reve ta stohne Dnipr shyroke" at end.
- Folder 23: Poi tsygan -- muz. S. Pokrasa; aran. Mori Rabinowitz

- 2 ms. parts. Arrangement for voice, piano and violins (2) (voice and piano parts lacking), signed by Rabinowitz. English title: Sing gypsy.
- Folder 24: Tsyganskaia vengerka s napeva gitary -- Aleksei N. Ilinsky

- 1 ms. score (3 p.). Incomplete ms. score for 8 part Russian folk orchestra (PDI-II, ADI, BD, PB, SB, AB, CB) in the hand of Kasura.
- Folder 25: Glinka Dancers Music, undated

- 34 ms. parts and photocopies. Melodies only. CONTENTS: Crimean Dance -- Moldavian Dance -- Katerina -- Girl's Dance -- White Russian -- Vitretz -- Ukrainian Suite -- Yula -- Quadrill -- Maia Ya Fra-Ye-Ra -- Polyanka -- Kolomeka -- Ma-La-Ya-Fra-Ye-Ra -- Handzya -- Grechaniki -- Hopak -- Hora -- Neighboring Village -- Dance of Five -- Azerbiajan -- Arkan -- Girls Finale.
- Folder 26: Tango "Grizetta" -- Glinka, undated

- 1 ms. photocopy score.
- Folder 27: Duet iz operetty "Zhdu na Garema", undated

- 1 ms. score photocopy (3 p.).
- Folder 28: Duet iz opery "Vii" de ty brodysh moia dole, undated

- 1 ms. score photocopy (3 p.)
- Folder 29: Roman Guitar

- For violin and piano. 2 ms. parts photocopies (4 p.)
- Folder 30: Tico-Tico, undated

- For violin and piano. 2 ms. parts (3 p.)
- Folder 31: Confidencia, undated

- 1 ms. score for piano. (2 p.)
- Folder 32: Rostov-Don, undated

- 1 score for piano. 2 copies
- Folder 33: Tol'ko Raz-Sredi Lesov i Polia, undated

- 1 score for voice and piano (4 p.)
- Folder 34: O Sole Mio - Eduardo Di Capua, undated

- 1 score for piano
- Folder 35: Bog Sya Razhdae, undated

- 1 score for chorus. (2 copies)
- Folder 36: Sernada, undated

- 1 score for piano.
- Folder 37: Rodnoi Ogonek, undated

- 2 scores, for piano and melody
- Folder 38: Sibirskii Lenok - N. Kutusov; text by V. Bokov, undated

- 3 arrangements for voice and piano.
- Folder 39: Gody, Gody; Iz Pisma; Sedina; Ne Beri Primer S Podrug; Rusyi Veter; Ty Chuzhaia Zhena; Ty Znaesh Sam - Fomin, 1960

- 7 ms. parts for piano (15 p.) Copyrighted by B. F. Music
- Box 153

- Folder 1: Folk music of various nations: Albania, undated

- v. 1
- Folder 2: Folk music of various nations: Armenia, undated

- v. 2
- Folder 3: Folk music of various nations: Austria, undated

- v. 3
- Folder 4: Folk music of various nations: Azerbaijan, undated

- v. 4
- Folder 5: Folk music of various nations: Bulgaria, undated

- v. 5
- Folder 6: Folk music of various nations: Causasus, undated

- v. 6
- Folder 7: Folk music of various nations: Chekoslovakia - Checko-Slovak Dance Song, undated

- v. 6a
- Folder 8: Folk music of various nations: Cuba, undated

- v. 6b
- Folder 9: Folk music of various nations: Czech and Slovak, undated

- v. 7
- Folder 10: Folk music of various nations: Estonia, undated

- v. 8
- Folder 11: Folk music of various nations: Finland, undated

- v. 9
- Folder 12: Folk music of various nations: Finland, undated

- v. 9b
- Folder 13: Folk songs of many peoples - Florence Hudson Botsford, 1921

- 1 ms. book. (237 p.) New York: The Womans Press
- Folder 14: Folk music of various nations: France, undated

- v. 10
- Folder 15: Folk music of various nations: Galicia, undated

- v. 11
- Folder 16: Folk music of various nations: Germany, undated

- v. 12
- Folder 17: Folk music of various nations: Greece and Cyprus, undated

- v. 13
- Folder 18: Folk music of various nations: Hungary, undated

- v. 14
- Folder 19: Folk music of various nations: Hungarian Songs, undated

- v. 14a
- Folder 20: Folk music of various nations: Israel, undated

- v. 14b
- Folder 21: Folk music of various nations: Italy, undated

- v. 14c
- Folder 22: Folk music of various nations: Japan, undated

- v. 15
- Folder 23: Folk music of various nations: Karelia, undated

- v. 16
- Folder 24: Folk music of various nations: Kazakh, undated

- v. 17
- Folder 25: Folk music of various nations: Kirghiz, undated

- v. 18
- Folder 26: Folk music of various nations: Kurdistan, undated

- v. 19
- Folder 27: Folk music of various nations: Latvia, undated

- v. 20
- Folder 28: Folk music of various nations: Lithuania, undated

- v. 21
- Folder 29: Folk music of various nations: Moldavia, undated

- v. 22
- Folder 30: Folk music of various nations: Mongolia, undated

- v. 23
- Folder 31: Folk music of various nations: Iran, undated

- v. 24
- Folder 32: Folk music of various nations: Peru, undated

- v. 24a
- Folder 33: Folk music of various nations: Poland, undated

- v. 25
- Folder 34: Folk music of various nations: Poland - Oberek Poznanski, undated

- v. 25a
- Folder 35: Folk music of various nations: Poland - Oberek, Polish Dance 1, undated

- v. 25b
- Folder 36: Folk music of various nations: Poland - Oberek, Polish Dance 2, undated

- v. 25c
- Folder 37: Folk music of various nations: Romania, undated

- v. 26
- Folder 38: Folk music of various nations: Romania - Hora Staccato - G. Dinicu; transposed by Mark A. Selivan, 1947-1953

- v. 26a
- Folder 39: Folk music of various nations: Spain, undated

- v. 26b
- Box 154

- Folder 1: Folk music of various nations: Tajikistan, undated

- v. 27
- Folder 2: Folk music of various nations: Tatar, undated

- v. 28
- Folder 3: Folk music of various nations: Turkey, undated

- v. 29
- Folder 4: Folk music of various nations: Turkmenistan, undated

- v. 30
- Folder 5: Folk music of various nations: Uzbekistan, undated

- v. 31
- Folder 6: Folk music of various nations: Yugoslavia, undated

- v. 32
- Folder 7: Folk music of various nations: Minorities of the USSR, undated

- v. 33
- Folder 8: Belorussian Folk Music: A moi dziadz'ka dudnik byu, undated

- v. 1
- Folder 9: Belorussian Folk Music: A na hore mak, undated

- v. 2
- Folder 10: Belorussian Folk Music: A u lese, lese, undated

- v. 3
- Folder 11: Belorussian Folk Music: A u poli viarba, undated

- v. 4
- Folder 12: Belorussian Folk Music: Akh ty, hordyi Simeon, undated

- v. 5
- Folder 13: Belorussian Folk Music: Belorusskaia pesnia i pliaska, undated

- v. 6
- Folder 14: Belorussian Folk Music: Belorusskaia pol'ka, undated

- v. 7
- Folder 15: Belorussian Folk Music: Bul'ba, undated

- v. 8
- Folder 16: Belorussian Folk Music: Viazanka, undated

- v. 9
- Folder 17: Belorussian Folk Music: Viasna, undated

- v. 10
- Folder 18: Belorussian Folk Music: Haida, undated

- v. 11
- Folder 19: Belorussian Folk Music: Zamuzh paistsi treba znats', undated

- v. 12
- Folder 20: Belorussian Folk Music: Zelenaia ty dubrava, undated

- v. 13
- Folder 21: Belorussian Folk Music: Kolybel'naia, undated

- v. 14
- Folder 22: Belorussian Folk Music: Kosivias' koniushinu, undated

- v. 15
- Folder 23: Belorussian Folk Music: Kryzhachok, undated

- v. 16
- Folder 24: Belorussian Folk Music: Kuma, moia kumachka, undated

- v. 17
- Folder 25: Belorussian Folk Music: Lenok, undated

- v. 18
- Folder 26: Belorussian Folk Music: Liavonikha, undated

- v. 19
- Folder 27: Belorussian Folk Music: Na ulitse mokro, undated

- v. 20
- Folder 28: Belorussian Folk Music: Oi, zarodilas sil'na-buina iagoda v boru, undated

- v. 21
- Folder 29: Belorussian Folk Music: Okh, tsi mne, okh, undated

- v. 22
- Folder 30: Belorussian Folk Music: Palynochak, undated

- v. 23
- Folder 31: Belorussian Folk Music: Pervyi den', undated

- v. 24
- Folder 32: Belorussian Folk Music: Perepelka, undated

- v. 25
- Folder 33: Belorussian Folk Music: Perepelochka, undated

- v. 26
- Folder 34: Belorussian Folk Music: Pisar husi haniae, undated

- v. 27
- Folder 35: Belorussian Folk Music: Povei, veterochek, undated

- v. 28
- Folder 36: Belorussian Folk Music: Pod kalinoi, undated

- v. 29
- Folder 37: Belorussian Folk Music: Pryliatseli husi, undated

- v. 30
- Folder 38: Belorussian Folk Music: Rabina, undated

- v. 31
- Folder 39: Belorussian Folk Music: U harodze, undated

- v. 32
- Folder 40: Belorussian Folk Music: Uzhe vechor, uzhe vechor, undated

- v. 33
- Folder 41: Belorussian Folk Music: Tsi use zh tyia chobaty, undated

- v. 34
- Folder 42: Belorussian Folk Music: Chamu zh mne nia pets', undated

- v. 35
- Folder 43: Belorussian Folk Music: Charot, undated

- v. 36
- Folder 44: Belorussian Folk Music: Cherez sad vinohrad, undated

- v. 37
- Folder 45: Belorussian Folk Music: Chyrvonaia kalinochka, undated

- v. 38
- Folder 46: Belorussian Folk Music: Khodil, bludil kazak, undated

- v. 39
- Folder 47: Belorussian Folk Music: Ianka, undated

- v. 40
- Box 155

- Folder 1: Ukrainian Folk Music: A hila-hilochka, undated

- No. 3. For piano
- Folder 2: Ukrainian Folk Music: A vzhe vesna, undated

- No. 1. Melody only
- Folder 3: Ukrainian Folk Music: A shcho roste bez korinnia?, 1927

- English title: What Grows Without a Root? For violin and piano.
- Folder 4: Ukrainian Folk Music: A vzhe krasne sonechko, undated

- No. 2. Melody only.
- Folder 5: Ukrainian Folk Music: A zvidsy hora, 1927

- No. 4. English title: Between Two Mountains A Star Rose. For violin and piano.
- Folder 6: Ukrainian Folk Music: A shcho roste bez korinnia?, 1927

- No. 5. English title: What Grows Without a Root? For violin and piano.
- Folder 7: Ukrainian Folk Music: At the Sunset, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 8: Ukrainian Folk Music: Babusiu ridnen'ka, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 9: Ukrainian Folk Music: Bandura, undated

- No. 6. 5 versions.
- Folder 10: Ukrainian Folk Music: Bula sobi marusia, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 11: Ukrainian Folk Music: Bulo lito, bulo lito, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 12: Ukrainian Folk Music: Buv pan Sava v Nemyrovke v pana na obidi, undated

- No. 7. Melody only
- Folder 13: Ukrainian Folk Music: Bylo zh ne rubaty zelenoi vyshni, undated

- No. 8. Melody only.
- Folder 14: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chaban - arr. Andrii Gnatishin, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 15: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chabarashka, undated

- No. 211
- Folder 16: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chaika, undated

- No. 212. Melody only.
- Folder 17: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chas do domu, chas, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 18: Ukrainian Folk Music: Cherez dorogu, tam kuma moia, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 19: Ukrainian Folk Music: Cherna grechka, undated

- No. 214. Melody only.
- Folder 20: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chi chuli vi, liude, undated

- No. 217. Melody only.
- Folder 21: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chi ia v luzi ne kalina bula, 1966

- English title: Was I Not a Flower in the Meadow? For voice.
- Folder 22: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chi ia v poli ne travitsia bula, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 23: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chi ti milii pilom pripav, 1927

- No. 215. English title: Why Do You Not Come to Me? For violin and piano.
- Folder 24: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chi ti chula, divchinon'ko, undated

- No. 216. Melody only.
- Folder 25: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chi tse tii cherevichki, 1927

- English title: Are These the Shoes? For violin and piano.
- Folder 26: Ukrainian Folk Music: Choboty - arr. I. T. Bluum, 1914

- No. 222
- Folder 27: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chogo sidish' kolo mene, undated

- No. 223. Melody only.
- Folder 28: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chom, chom ne pryishov? - V. Kabachka, undated

- No. 224. 2 versions.
- Folder 29: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chorna hrechka, undated

- No. 225. Melody only.
- Folder 30: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chornii brovy, undated

- No. 226. 3 versions. Includes melody, lyrics, and accompaniment.
- Folder 31: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chornii ochi, chornii brovy, undated

- No. 227
- Folder 32: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chumak, undated

- No. 228. 2 versions.
- Folder 33: Ukrainian Folk Music: The Chumak's Luck, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 34: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chumarochka robesen'ka - B. Romanova, undated

- No. 229
- Folder 35: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chy tse tii cherevychky, undated

- No. 218. English title: Are These the Shoes. For violin and piano.
- Folder 36: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chy ia v luzi ne kalyna bula, undated

- No. 219. 3 versions.
- Folder 37: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chy ia zh komu vynuvatyi, undated

- No. 220. Melody only.
- Folder 38: Ukrainian Folk Music: Chy ia tobi ne kazala - A. Dubuka, undated

- No. 221
- Folder 39: Ukrainian Folk Music: The Cossack and the Girl at the Well, undated

- For accordion
- Folder 40: Ukrainian Folk Music: De egoda v semeistvi, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 41: Ukrainian Folk Music: De Krim za gorami, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 42: Ukrainian Folk Music: Divchyna kokhana, undated

- No. 53
- Folder 43: Ukrainian Folk Music: Divka v siniakh stoiala, undated

- No. 54. Melody and lyrics
- Folder 44: Ukrainian Folk Music: Divka Iavdoshka, undated

- No. 55. Melody only.
- Folder 45: Ukrainian Folk Music: Divlius' ia na nebo, undated

- No. 56
- Folder 46: Ukrainian Folk Music: Divcha v siniakh stoiala, undated

- No. 57. English title: The Girl Stood in the Doorway. For violin and piano.
- Folder 47: Ukrainian Folk Music: Divchyno kokhana, undated

- No. 58. 2 versions
- Folder 48: Ukrainian Folk Music: Didu, didu, undated

- No. 59. Melody only
- Folder 49: Ukrainian Folk Music: Dobryvechir, divchyno, undated

- No. 60. 2 versions. For accordion.
- Folder 50: Ukrainian Folk Music: Dolina, dolinushka, undated

- No. 63. Melody only.
- Folder 51: Ukrainian Folk Music: Doshchyk, doshchyk, undated

- No. 64. 3 versions.
- Folder 52: Ukrainian Folk Music: Dozhd' idet - A. Komarovsky, undated

- No. 61
- Folder 53: Ukrainian Folk Music: Dozhynky, undated

- No. 62. Melody only
- Folder 54: Ukrainian Folk Music: Dribushechki - V. Poponova, undated

- No. 65
- Folder 55: Ukrainian Folk Music: Dudochka, undated

- No. 66. 2 versions.
- Folder 56: Ukrainian Folk Music: Dva golubia vodu pili - A. Nabatova, undated

- No. 52
- Folder 57: Ukrainian Folk Music: Dva sokola - N. Chaplygin, undated

- For voice and accompaniment.
- Folder 58: Ukrainian Folk Music: A Field Bug on the Road, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 59: Ukrainian Folk Music: The Fog Spreading Over a Valley, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 60: Ukrainian Folk Music: From the High Mountains, a Wind, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 61: Ukrainian Folk Music: Gei, chogo khloptsi, slavni molodtsi, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 62: Ukrainian Folk Music: Gey na gori tam zhentsi zhnut' - arr. A. Gnatishin, undated

- For voice and accompaniment.
- Folder 63: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hei, ne dyvuites' dobrii liude, 1927

- No. 27. 2 versions. English title: Hey, Don't be Surprised. For voice and accompaniment. For violin and piano.
- Folder 64: Ukrainian Folk Music: Gei, sich ide, 1927

- For violin and piano.
- Folder 65: Ukrainian Folk Music: Gei, tam gori sich ide, 1927

- 2 versions. English title: Sitch is Marching on the Hill. For voice and accompaniment. For violin and piano.
- Folder 66: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hei, vy, khloptsi, balamuty, undated

- No. 26. Melody only.
- Folder 67: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hei, voloshyn seno kosyt', undated

- No. 25. Melody only.
- Folder 68: Ukrainian Folk Music: Handzia, undated

- No. 24. 2 versions. For accordion. Melody only.
- Folder 69: Ukrainian Folk Music: Halia po sadochku khodyla - I. Belorystsa, undated

- No. 23
- Folder 70: Ukrainian Folk Music: Haem zelenen'kym, undated

- No. 22. Melody only.
- Folder 71: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hei, nute, khloptsi, undated

- No. 28. Melody only.
- Folder 72: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hei, povii, viterets', undated

- No. 29. Melody only.
- Folder 73: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hei, sich ide, undated

- No. 30. English title: Hey, Sitch is Marching. For violin and piano.
- Folder 74: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hei, tam na hori sich ide, undated

- No. 31. Sitch is Marching on the Hill. For violin and piano.
- Folder 75: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hei, u nashemu seli, undated

- No. 32. Melody only.
- Folder 76: Ukrainian Folk Music: The Girl and the Miller, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 77: Ukrainian Folk Music: The Girl Watching the Swans, undated

- For accordion.
- Box 156

- Folder 1: Ukrainian Folk Music: Goodbye, My Girl, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 2: Ukrainian Folk Music: Gopak, undated

- Melody and accompaniment.
- Folder 3: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hopak, undated

- No. 34
- Folder 4: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hopak - A. Ivanov, undated

- No. 35
- Folder 5: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hopak - G. Kamaldinova, undated

- For domra, balalaika, and guitar
- Folder 6: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hopak, undated

- No. 37
- Folder 7: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hopak - arr. E. L. Swernoff, undated

- No. 39
- Folder 8: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hopak, undated

- No. 40
- Folder 9: Ukrainian Folk Music: Gopak - arr. A. Gnatishin, undated

- No. 41. For melody and accompaniment.
- Folder 10: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hopak, undated

- No. 42
- Folder 11: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hopak - arr. Michael Skorr, undated

- No. 43. For accordion.
- Folder 12: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hore zh meni, hore., undated

- No. 44. Melody only.
- Folder 13: Ukrainian Folk Music: Horlytsia - A. Omelchenka, undated

- No. 45
- Folder 14: Ukrainian Folk Music: A Grave Mound in the Field, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 15: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hrechanyky, undated

- No. 46. 6 versions.
- Folder 16: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hrechanyky (Ukrainian dance no. II) - arr. K. A. Jerry, undated

- No. 47. For violin or mandolin.
- Folder 17: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hrechanyky - P. Vorotnikov, undated

- No. 48
- Folder 18: Ukrainian Folk Music: The Green Ruta Plant, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 19: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hude viter vel'my v poli - M. Glinka, undated

- No. 49. 2 versions
- Folder 20: Ukrainian Folk Music: Huliav chumak, undated

- No. 50. English title: Chumak Danced. For violin and piano.
- Folder 21: Ukrainian Folk Music: Husachok - A. Ivanov, undated

- No. 51
- Folder 22: Ukrainian Folk Music: Hylia, hilia, siri husy, undated

- No. 33. Melody only.
- Folder 23: Ukrainian Folk Music: The Highways of Poltava are Visible, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 24: Ukrainian Folk Music: I Have Some Man, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 25: Ukrainian Folk Music: I kivala, i morgala, undated

- No. 81. Melody only.
- Folder 26: Ukrainian Folk Music: I Loved a Girl Before and Now, undated

- Also included: Near the Woodland A Girl was Ploughing. For violin or mandolin.
- Folder 27: Ukrainian Folk Music: I shume i gude, undated

- No. 82. 4 versions. English title: Who Will Take Me Home? or It Blows and Murmurs.
- Folder 28: Ukrainian Folk Music: I Will Not Marry, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 29: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ia lysychka, ia sestrychka, undated

- No. 231
- Folder 30: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ia Tsygan Udalets, undated

- English title: The Brave Gypsy.
- Folder 31: Ukrainian Folk Music: Iak prodala divchinon'ka sertse, 1917

- English title: The Girl Has Sold Her Heart.
- Folder 32: Ukrainian Folk Music: Idem v zhyta voloshky syni rvaty, undated

- No. 83
- Folder 33: Ukrainian Folk Music: Idut za dniami dny, undated

- No. 84. 2 versions. Melody only.
- Folder 34: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ikhav kozak za dunai, undated

- 2 versions. English title: Beyond the Danube a Kosak Rides. For voice and melody. For violin and piano.
- Folder 35: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ishov kozak bez lis, undated

- No. 85. Melody only.
- Folder 36: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ikhav kozak za Dunai, undated

- No. 86. 5 versions.
- Folder 37: Ukrainian Folk Music: ikhav kozak na viinon'ku - A. Iluchin, undated

- Folder 38: Ukrainian Folk Music: In the City of Bohuslav, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 39: Ukrainian Folk Music: Iz-za gori svit bilenkii, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 40: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kazav meni bat'ko (shutochnaia) - B. Romanov, undated

- No. 8
- Folder 41: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kak pod vishneiu, pod chereshneiu, undated

- No. 89
- Folder 42: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kak pri lushku - V. Sinkovsky, undated

- No. 90
- Folder 43: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kari ochy, undated

- No. 91. Melody only.
- Folder 44: Ukrainian Folk Music: Katilasia bochka, undated

- No. 92. Melody only.
- Folder 45: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kazachok, undated

- No. 98
- Folder 46: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kleinrussischer Gopack - arr. E. L. Swerkoff, undated

- Also named Malorossiikii kazachek.
- Folder 47: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kolis' moia stara nen'ka, undated

- No. 99. Melody only.
- Folder 48: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kolomeike, undated

- No. 100. 2 versions. For violin or mandolin.
- Folder 49: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kolomeyka, undated

- No. 101. For accordion.
- Folder 50: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kolo mlina, kolo brodu, undated

- For 3 voices. With lyrics.
- Folder 51: Ukrainian Folk Music: Koiomyjki - F. Tymolski; arr. A. Omelezuk, undated

- No. 102. Piano accompaniment.
- Folder 52: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kolomejka, no. 2, undated

- No. 103
- Folder 53: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kolomeyka, no. 3, undated

- No. 104. For accordion.
- Folder 54: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kolomyika, undated

- No. 105. Melody only.
- Folder 55: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kolomyika - R. V. Garasimchika, undated

- No. 106
- Folder 56: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kolomyika - R. V. Garasimchika, undated

- No. 107
- Folder 57: Ukrainian Folk Music: Korol'ok, undated

- No. 108
- Folder 58: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kosotchok, undated

- No. 97. For violin or mandolin.
- Folder 59: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kotylasia zirka, undated

- No. 109. Melody only.
- Folder 60: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kozachok (Ukrainian Dance No. III), undated

- No. 94. 2 versions. For violin or mandolin.
- Folder 61: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kozachok (No. 1), undated

- No. 95
- Folder 62: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kozachok (No. 2), undated

- No. 96. 2 versions.
- Folder 63: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kozak vidizzhae, undated

- For voice with lyrics.
- Folder 64: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kucheriava Katerina, undated

- No. 111. 2 versions.
- Folder 65: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kupala na ivana, undated

- No. 110
- Folder 66: Ukrainian Folk Music: Kynu kuzhil' na polytsiu - M. Lobka, undated

- No. 93
- Folder 67: Ukrainian Folk Music: Leninski zavety

- No. 112. Melody only.
- Folder 68: Ukrainian Folk Music: Letila zazulia, 1927

- English title: The Cuckoo Flew Over the Orchard. For violin and piano.
- Folder 69: Ukrainian Folk Music: Letit vorobeichik - G. Konrad, undated

- No. 114
- Folder 70: Ukrainian Folk Music: Little Mary Walkin in the Orchard, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 71: Ukrainian Folk Music: Lugom idu, konia vedu, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 72: Ukrainian Folk Music: Lysychka, undated

- No. 115. Melody only.
- Folder 73: Ukrainian Folk Music: Lugom idu, konia vedu, undated

- No. 116. 3 versions.
- Box 157

- Folder 1: Ukrainian Folk Music: Mala mati odnu dochku, undated

- No. 117. Melody only.
- Folder 2: Ukrainian Folk Music: Malam se myloho dudaresha, 1927

- No. 118. For violin and piano. 3 copies. English title: My Sweetheart Was A Bagpiper.
- Folder 3: Ukrainian Folk Music: Metelytsa, undated

- No. 119. Melody only.
- Folder 4: Ukrainian Folk Music: Mi priishli iz verkhovini -- arr. P. T. Chovnovii, undated

- No. 120. For piano.
- Folder 5: Ukrainian Folk Music: Mother Mine, Am I Not Grown Up?, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 6: Ukrainian Folk Music: Motiv pisni vesil'noi - Zapis F. Kolessi, undated

- No. 121. Melody only.
- Folder 7: Ukrainian Folk Music: Muzuka Do Ukrains'kikh Natsional'nikh Tantsiv - V. Avramenka, 1927

- Copy of booklet of manuscripts and photgraphs.
- Folder 8: Ukrainian Folk Music: Na gorodi buriak, undated

- No. 123. Melody only.
- Folder 9: Ukrainian Folk Music: Na gorodi kalynon'ka - B. Zarevits, undated

- No. 124. 2 versions. For Voice and Accompaniment (with lyrics), for Violin and Piano. English title: I Loved a Girl Before and Now.
- Folder 10: Ukrainian Folk Music: Na kurytsi pir'iachko riabke, undated

- No. 125. Melody only.
- Folder 11: Ukrainian Folk Music: Na vodi choven, undated

- No. 122. Melody only.
- Folder 12: Ukrainian Folk Music: Nad richkoiu berizhkom, undated

- No. 126.
- Folder 13: Ukrainian Folk Music: Nashcho meni chorni brovi - lyrics by T. Shevtsenka, undated

- Lyrics included.
- Folder 14: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ne Shchebechi, soloviku, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 15: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ne topila, ne varila, undated

- No. 127. Melody only.
- Folder 16: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ne chudaites', dobri liudi - arr. P. T. Chovnovii, undated

- No. 128. For piano.
- Folder 17: Ukrainian Folk Music: Near the Green Woods, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 18: Ukrainian Folk Music: Nechai, 1927

- No. 129. For violin and piano. 3 copies.
- Folder 19: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ni, mamo, ne mozhna neliuba liubit', undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 20: Ukrainian Folk Music: Nich taka - A. Gnatishin, undated

- No. 130. 2 versions. For Voice and accompaniment (with lyrics), for Violin and Piano.
- Folder 21: Ukrainian Folk Music: Odna hora vysokaia - P. T. Chovnovii, undated

- No. 131. For piano.
- Folder 22: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, chi ti, chi ne ti, 1927

- For violin and piano. English title: Is it You, or Not You?
- Folder 23: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, chy ty, chy ne ty, undated

- No. 181. 2 versions. For Violin and Piano, for Accordion. English title: Was it You, Or Not?
- Folder 24: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, divchino, divchino, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 25: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, divchina, shumit' gai, undated

- No. 136
- Folder 26: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, gilia, gilia, guson'ki na stav, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 27: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, gop, tai ni, ni - arr. S. Furmina, undated

- No. 137. For instrument and accompaniment.
- Folder 28: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, grai iur'iu, undated

- No. 138. Melody only.
- Folder 29: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, ia chumak neshchaslivii - arr. P. T. Chovnovii, undated

- No. 182. For piano.
- Folder 30: Ukrainian Folk Music: Okh, ia neschastnyi - N. Fomin, undated

- No. 183.
- Folder 31: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, ishov ia vulitseiu raz, raz, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 32: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, iz-za gori ta buinii viter vie, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 33: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, kazala meni maty shchei prykazuvala, undated

- No. 144. For accordion. English title: The Mother was Bidding Me and Forbidding.
- Folder 34: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, khmarit'sia, doshch bude, undated

- No. 179. Melody only.
- Folder 35: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, khodila divchina, undated

- No. 180. 2 versions. For Voice (with lyrics), for instrument.
- Folder 36: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, kriache, kriache, undated

- No. 145. Melody only.
- Folder 37: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, kumo - arr. V. Evdokimova, undated

- No. 146. For duet. 2 copies
- Folder 38: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, letila gorlitsia, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 39: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, liashe, liashe, slavnyi kozache, undated

- No. 147. Melody only.
- Folder 40: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi liubiv ta kokhav - B. Zarevich, undated

- For voice and accompaniment.
- Folder 41: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, lopnuv obruch kolo barila, undated

- 2 versions. For voice (with lyrics), for domra, balalaika, and accompaniment.
- Folder 42: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, lys do lysytsi, undated

- No. 148. Melody only.
- Folder 43: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi lopnuv obruch, undated

- No. 149. 3 versions. For bandura, for piano.
- Folder 44: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, mama, undated

- No. 150. Melody only.
- Folder 45: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi na boiki, pane brate - B. Zarevich, undated

- For voice and accompaniment with lyrics.
- Folder 46: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, na dvore khmaritsia, undated

- No. 151. Melody only.
- Folder 47: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi na dvori metelitsia, undated

- Folder 48: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, na gori, 1927

- No. 152. For violin and piano. English title: Yonder on the Hill.
- Folder 49: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, na gori grechka - arr. N. Viaz'myn, undated

- No. 153. For balalaika and accompaniment.
- Folder 50: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, na gori ta zhentsi zhnut', undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 51: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, navysly chorni khmary, 1927

- No. 154. 2 versions. For violin and piano, for accordion. English title: Overhung with Dark Clouds.
- Folder 52: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, ne khodi, gritsiu, 1914-1927

- 4 versions. Melody with lyrics, for piano, for violin and piano, for solo instrument. English title: Don't Go, Gritza.
- Folder 53: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, ne znal kozak, undated

- No. 155. Melody only.
- Folder 54: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi ne svity misiachen'ku - arr. B. Pomanova, undated

- No. 156. 3 versions. For violin, for accordion, for bandura. English title: Little Moon, Don't Shine.
- Folder 55: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, ne khodi, Hrytsiu, undated

- No. 157. 7 versions. For voice and accompaniment (with lyrics), for solo piano, for accordion, for solo instrument, for violin and piano, melody only. English title: Don't go, Gritza; Harry Don't Tarry; Do Not Go to Evening Parties Hritz!
- Folder 56: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, numo, undated

- No. 158. Melody only.
- Folder 57: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, orav muzhik, undated

- No. 159. Melody only.
- Folder 58: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, pid gaem, gaem, 1927

- 2 versions. For solo instrument, for violin and piano. English title: Near the Woodland a Girl was Ploughing.
- Folder 59: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi pid vyshneiu, undated

- No. 160. 3 versions. For voice with melody and lyrics, for accordion, for piano. English title: Under a Cherry Tree.
- Folder 60: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi pidu ia vulitsiami - arr. O. Agafonova., undated

- No. 161. For piano.
- Folder 61: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, pidu ia po-nad lugom, undated

- No. 162. 3 versions.
- Folder 62: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, pidu ia stepom, lugom, 1927

- No. 163. For violin and piano. English title: I Shall Go Through the Meadow.
- Folder 63: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, pishov chumak u dorogu, undated

- For solo instrument.
- Folder 64: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, pognala divchinon'ka iagniatochka, 1927

- For violin and piano.
- Folder 65: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, pohnala divchynon'ka iahniatochka, undated

- No. 164. For violin and piano. 2 copies. English title: Calves.
- Folder 66: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, pod goroiu, undated

- No. 165. Melody only.
- Folder 67: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, posiiav kozak hrechku, undated

- No. 166. Melody only.
- Folder 68: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, poslala mene mati, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Box 158

- Folder 1: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, rano, rano, undated

- No. 167. Melody only.
- Folder 2: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, shchozh bo to za vornon? - Lisenkom, undated

- For voice with accompaniment with lyrics.
- Folder 3: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, siadu ia krai vikontsia, 1927

- For violin and piano. English title: I'll Sit by the Window.
- Folder 4: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi skinemos' ta i po taliaru, undated

- No. 163. Melody only.
- Folder 5: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, siadu ia krai vikontsia., undated

- No. 169. For violin and piano. 2 copies. English title: I'll Sit by the Window.
- Folder 6: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, tam za dunaem, undated

- Melody with lyrics.
- Folder 7: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, tam na gori, undated

- No. 170. Melody only.
- Folder 8: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi ti zore, zore vechirnaia, 1927

- For violin and piano. English title: Oh, Star, Thou Evning's Star.
- Folder 9: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, ty, divchyno, undated

- No. 171. Melody only.
- Folder 10: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi ty, divchyno zaruchenaia, undated

- No. 172. 4 versions. For melody with lyrics, for piano, melody only.
- Folder 11: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, ty dube kucheriavyi, undated

- No. 173. Melody only.
- Folder 12: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi tikho, tikho dunai vodu nese - arr. P. T. Chovnovii, undated

- No. 174. For piano.
- Folder 13: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, u luzi ta i pri berezi, undated

- For voice and accompaniment with lyrics.
- Folder 14: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, u poli - arr. A. Komarovsky, undated

- No. 175. For domra.
- Folder 15: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, u poli kernychen'ka, 1927

- No. 176. For violin and piano. 3 copies. English title: Oh, in the field Ther's a Well.
- Folder 16: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi u poli nivka - arr. V. Zarevich, undated

- For voice and accompaniment with lyrics.
- Folder 17: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, u poli try krynychen'ki, undated

- No. 177. 3 versions. Melody with lyrics, for voice with accompaniment with lyrics, melody only.
- Folder 18: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi u poli ver'a - arr. B. Zarevich, undated

- For voice and accompaniment with lyrics.
- Folder 19: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi u poli zhito, undated

- Melody with lyrics.
- Folder 20: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, ustanu ranen'ko, undated

- No. 178. Melody only.
- Folder 21: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, Vasiliu, undated

- No. 132. Melody only.
- Folder 22: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, verbo, verbo - arrangements by V. Gracheva and A. Komarovsky, undated

- No. 133. 3 versions. Melody only, for piano, for solo instrument and piano.
- Folder 23: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi vidno selo - Lebka Lenky, undated

- For voice and accompaniment.
- Folder 24: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, viidu ia, undated

- No. 135. Melody only.
- Folder 25: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, vyidu za vorota, undated

- No. 134. Melody only.
- Folder 26: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, za haem, haem - arrangements by V. Vlasova and M. Kraseva, undated

- No. 139. 10 versions Melody only, for solo instruments, for piano, for accordion, for domra and accompaniment, for violin and piano. English title: Near the Woodland a Girl was Ploughing.
- Folder 27: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, zadumav komarik - I. Pushechnikova and M. Kreiina, undated

- No. 140. For instrument and accompaniment.
- Folder 28: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, zapiv kozak, undated

- No. 141. Melody only.
- Folder 29: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, zdorova, Marusen'ko, undated

- No. 142. Melody only.
- Folder 30: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi ziidi, ziidi, iasen misiatsiu - arr. B. Zarevich, undated

- For voice and accompaniment with lyrics.
- Folder 31: Ukrainian Folk Music: Oi, znav, undated

- No. 143. Melody only.
- Folder 32: Ukrainian Folk Music: Okh! Ta ne liubi dvokh, undated

- Melody with lyrics.
- Folder 33: Ukrainian Folk Music: Pavuk sirii, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 34: Ukrainian Folk Music: The People Call Me Happy, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 35: Ukrainian Folk Music: Petrus' - B. Romanova., undated

- No. 184. For solo instrument.
- Folder 36: Ukrainian Folk Music: Piiut' pivni, undated

- No. 185. Melody only.
- Folder 37: Ukrainian Folk Music: Plive Choven, vodi poven, undated

- Melody with lyrics.
- Folder 38: Ukrainian Folk Music: Po-malu, malu chumache grai, undated

- No. 186. Melody only.
- Folder 39: Ukrainian Folk Music: Po tsei bik gora - arr. A. Gnatishii, undated

- For voice and accompaniment with lyrics.
- Folder 40: Ukrainian Folk Music: The Poor Chyka-bird, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 41: Ukrainian Folk Music: Posiiala rutu m'iatu, undated

- No. 187. Melody only.
- Folder 42: Ukrainian Folk Music: Povii, vitre na vikrainu, undated

- 2 versions. Melody and lyrics, for voice and accompaniment with lyrics.
- Folder 43: Ukrainian Folk Music: Priletila perepilon'ka - arr. B. Romanova, undated

- No. 188. 2 versions. For solo instrument, melody only.
- Folder 44: Ukrainian Folk Music: Prishla vesna, undated

- No. 189. Melody only.
- Folder 45: Ukrainian Folk Music: Pro Revukhu, undated

- No. 190. Melody only.
- Folder 46: Ukrainian Folk Music: Pro shcheglenka, undated

- No. 191.
- Folder 47: Ukrainian Folk Music: Propala nadiia zabilosia sertse, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 48: Ukrainian Folk Music: Pusti mene, milii, undated

- No. 192. Melody only.
- Folder 49: Ukrainian Folk Music: Razpriagaite, khloptsi, koni - L. Zacharovoii, undated

- No. 193.
- Folder 50: Ukrainian Folk Music: The Reapers in the Field, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 51: Ukrainian Folk Music: Reve ta stogne Dnipr shyrokyi - arr. N. Lukavuhchna, lyrics by T. Shevchenka, undated

- No. 194. 2 versions. For voice and accompaniment with lyrics, for solo instrument.
- Folder 52: Ukrainian Folk Music: Revuha, undated

- No. 195. For accordion.
- Folder 53: Ukrainian Folk Music: Rozpriagaite, khloptsi, koni, undated

- No. 196. For piano
- Folder 54: Ukrainian Folk Music: Shche ne vmerla ukraina, undated

- For accordion. English title: She Lives On, Our Ukraine (National Anthem).
- Folder 55: Ukrainian Folk Music: Shchozh ia budu bidnii diiav, undated

- Melody with lyrics.
- Folder 56: Ukrainian Folk Music: Shchuka ryba v more guliae dovoli, undated

- For voice and accompaniment with lyrics.
- Folder 57: Ukrainian Folk Music: The Short Night Time, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 58: Ukrainian Folk Music: Should I, O Lord, Live Until Sunday?, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 59: Ukrainian Folk Music: Shumit'- gude dibrovon'ka, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 60: Ukrainian Folk Music: Siiav muzhik proso - arr. B. Zarevich, undated

- For voice and accompaniment with lyrics.
- Folder 61: Ukrainian Folk Music: Skazhi Meni Pravdu, undated

- Melody with lyrics.
- Folder 62: Ukrainian Folk Music: Skhovalosia sontse za stepom, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 63: Ukrainian Folk Music: Skinu v kozhukh na palitsu - arr. E. L. Swenkoff, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 64: Ukrainian Folk Music: Sontse nizen'ko, undated

- 6 versions. For violin and piano, for piano, for accordion, for solo instrument, for solo instrument and accompaniment, melody with lyrics. English title: At Sunset.
- Folder 65: Ukrainian Folk Music: Stoit' gora vysokaia - arr. A. Lnatishin, lyrics by L. Glibova, undated

- No. 197. 3 versions Melody with lyrics, for voice and accompaniment with lyrics, for violin and piano, for piano. English title: There Stands a High Mountain.
- Folder 66: Ukrainian Folk Music: Stoit' iavir nad vodoiu - arrangements by B. Zarevich and B. Romanova, undated

- No. 198. 4 versions. Melody and lyrics, for violin and piano, for voice and accompaniment with lyrics, for solo instrument, melody only.
- Folder 67: Ukrainian Folk Music: Strumochki - arr. N. T. Chovnovii, undated

- No. 199. For piano
- Folder 68: Ukrainian Folk Music: Susidka, undated

- No. 200. 2 versions. For piano.
- Folder 69: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ta vzhe zh tretii vechir, undated

- Melody with lyrics.
- Folder 70: Ukrainian Folk Music: Tam na gori snig vilen'kyi, 1927

- No. 201. 3 versions. For violin and piano, for accordion, for voice and accompaniment with lyrics. English title: Snow on the Mountain.
- Folder 71: Ukrainian Folk Music: Tam pid lisom, undated

- No. 202. Melody only.
- Folder 72: Ukrainian Folk Music: Tanets', undated

- For piano.
- Folder 73: Ukrainian Folk Music: Teche richka nevelichka, undated

- Melody with lyrics.
- Folder 74: Ukrainian Folk Music: Teche richka spid gaechku, undated

- No. 203. Melody only.
- Folder 75: Ukrainian Folk Music: There in the Meadow, was I Not a Flower?, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 76: Ukrainian Folk Music: There is Well in the Garden, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 77: Ukrainian Folk Music: Tikho, tikho dunai vodu nese, undated

- Melody with lyrics.
- Folder 78: Ukrainian Folk Music: Tikha voda berezhechki znost', undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 79: Ukrainian Folk Music: A Too Smart Fellow, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 80: Ukrainian Folk Music: Tsiganochko, 1927

- No. 230. For violin and piano. 3 copies. English title: Gypsy O' Mine
- Folder 81: Ukrainian Folk Music: Tyzh mene pidmanula, undated

- No. 204. For piano.
- Folder 82: Ukrainian Folk Music: Toska za vivtshiamy. Zatoskuvav vivch'yr, shcho pohubyv vivtsiui - Kolessi, undated

- No. 205. Melody only.
- Box 159

- Folder 1: Ukrainian Folk Music: U gorakh karpatakh - arr. B. Zarevich, undated

- For voice and accompaniment with lyrics.
- Folder 2: Ukrainian Folk Music: U sisida khata bila, 1914

- No. 206. 3 versions. For solo instrument, for piano, for accordion. English titles: The Neighbor has a Cottage; All Alone Among the Neighbors.
- Folder 3: Ukrainian Folk Music: U kharkovi doshch ide - arr. N. Chaikina, undated

- No. 207. For piano.
- Folder 4: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ukrainian Folk Songs Collection, undated

- Booklet of 59 songs with melody and lyrics. Includes introduction. Very fragile.
- Folder 5: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ukraino, ukraino - lyrics by Davidovs'ky, undated

- For soprano and piano.
- Folder 6: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ukrainskaia kadril' - arr. O. Zvonareva, undated

- No. 208. For piano.
- Folder 7: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ukrains'kii Narodnii Spivanik, undated

- Book of 130 folk songs with melody and lyrics. 160 pages. Very fragile.
- Folder 8: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ukrainskaia pol'ka, undated

- No. 209. For piano.
- Folder 9: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ukrainskii narodnyi tanets - P. Shashkina, undated

- No. 210. For piano.
- Folder 10: Ukrainian Folk Music: V Charakh Kokhannia moe divuvannia, undated

- Melody with lyrics.
- Folder 11: Ukrainian Folk Music: V gorakh grim gude, undated

- For voice with accompaniment and lyrics.
- Folder 12: Ukrainian Folk Music: V kintsi hrebli shumliat' verby, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 13: Ukrainian Folk Music: Variatsii na ukrains'ku narodnu temu - K. Miaskova, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 14: Ukrainian Folk Music: Vechirnii Dzvin, undated

- Melody and vocal accompaniment with lyrics.
- Folder 15: Ukrainian Folk Music: Biishli v pole kosari, undated

- Melody with lyrics.
- Folder 16: Ukrainian Folk Music: Viiut' vitri, viiut' buini, undated

- 2 versions. For solo instrument, melody with lyrics.
- Folder 17: Ukrainian Folk Music: Vziav by ia banduru - arr. A. Gnatishii, undated

- No. 10. 3 versions. For voice and accompaniment with lyrics, for violin and piano, for piano. English title: Bandura.
- Folder 18: Ukrainian Folk Music: Veet veter, beet buinyi, undated

- No. 11. Melody only.
- Folder 19: Ukrainian Folk Music: Veselye gusi - arr. M. Kraseva, undated

- No. 12. 2 versions. For piano, for domra and accompaniment.
- Folder 20: Ukrainian Folk Music: Vesna radist' prynesla - P. T. Chovnovii, undated

- No. 13. For piano.
- Folder 21: Ukrainian Folk Music: Vesnianka, undated

- No. 14. Melody only.
- Folder 22: Ukrainian Folk Music: Veterok - arr. V. Motova, undated

- No. 15. For piano.
- Folder 23: Ukrainian Folk Music: Viiut vitry - arr. I. T. Bloom, 1914

- No. 16. 3 versions. For piano, for solo instrument. English title: The Wind Blows.
- Folder 24: Ukrainian Folk Music: Voz - arr. O. Zvonsreva, undated

- No. 17. For piano.
- Folder 25: Ukrainian Folk Music: Vse radiie navkruhy - arr. P. T. Chovnovii, undated

- No. 18. For piano.
- Folder 26: Ukrainian Folk Music: Vstanu ia ranen'ko, undated

- No. 19. Melody only.
- Folder 27: Ukrainian Folk Music: Vyidi, vyidi, oi, Ivan'ku, undated

- No. 20. Melody only.
- Folder 28: Ukrainian Folk Music: Vyshli v pole kosari - arrangements by A. Komarovsky and V. Nasonov, undated

- No. 21. 2 versions. For piano, for solo instrument.
- Folder 29: Ukrainian Folk Music: When the Night Falls, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 30: Ukrainian Folk Music: Yonder on the Hill, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 31: Ukrainian Folk Music: Za horodom kachky plyvut', undated

- No. 67. 2 versions. For bandura.
- Folder 32: Ukrainian Folk Music: Za sybirom sontse skhodyt', undated

- No. 68. For piano.
- Folder 33: Ukrainian Folk Music: Zadumala babusen'ka, undated

- No. 69. Melody only.
- Folder 34: Ukrainian Folk Music: Zadumala vrazha baba, undated

- No. 70. 2 versions. For solo instrument, for piano.
- Folder 35: Ukrainian Folk Music: Zagraiti, tsigane starii..., 1957

- For accordion. English title: Play for me you gypsy.
- Folder 36: Ukrainian Folk Music: Zain'ka, undated

- No. 71. Melody only.
- Folder 37: Ukrainian Folk Music: Zaichik - arr. M. Kraceva, undated

- No. 72. For domra and accompaniment.
- Folder 38: Ukrainian Folk Music: Zakarpatskii narodnyi tanets - V. Gracheva, undated

- No. 73. For piano.
- Folder 39: Ukrainian Folk Music: Zakuvala zozulen'ka, undated

- No. 74. Melody only.
- Folder 40: Ukrainian Folk Music: Zapovit - O. Koshitsia, undated

- For 4 voices and lyrics.
- Folder 41: Ukrainian Folk Music: Zapriagaite, khloptsi, koni - arr. a. Gnatishii, undated

- For voice and accompaniment with lyrics.
- Folder 42: Ukrainian Folk Music: Zasvistaly kozachen'ki, undated

- No. 75. Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 43: Ukrainian Folk Music: Zazhuryvsia burlachyna, undated

- No. 76. Melody only.
- Folder 44: Ukrainian Folk Music: Ziablik, undated

- No. 77. Melody only.
- Folder 45: Ukrainian Folk Music: Zhenchichok-brenchichok, undated

- No. 78. Melody only.
- Folder 46: Ukrainian Folk Music: Zhyto, maty, zhyto, undated

- No. 79. Melody only.
- Folder 47: Ukrainian Folk Music: Zhuravel' - arrangements by P. Chaikovsky and S. Stempnevsky

- No. 80. 5 versions. For piano, for domra and accompaniment.
- Folder 48: Ukranian Sheet Music, undated

- Ukranian sheet music in English by W. Shut. Titles include "Broken Love;" "Butterfly;" "Collections for Scholars in Harmonic and Polyphonic Styles;" "Dance of the Blue Bells, and Dance of the Chickens;" "Family of Five;" "Morning, and Children's Play;" "Sonata" in A minor; two versions of "Sonata" in G minor; "Sonatinia" in G minor; two copies of "Sonatina;" "Spring Episode;" "2 Ukrainian Dances" in concert form; "Ukranian March;" "Birthday Sonatina" in G major. Of note is the "Make the Acquantince of Ukraine" printed on the top left corner of most of the sheet music.
- Folder 49: Ukranian Sheet Music (A-P), ca. 1942-1957

- Sheet music by Василь Шутb includes "I'll Come (я приIду);" "Childhood's Dream (дитиннса Мрія);" "Cossack Carry (козака несУть);" "Duets for Soprano and Tenor: Dream (сон);" "Duets for Soprano and Tenor: Matchmaking (Сватання);" "Did Not Break the Flower ( "не лаMала чвітку) words by Tamara Kolomyets; "Folk Songs;" "Give Me My Mother (оддай мене, моя мамо);" "If You Knew (Якби ти знав);" "I Will Sing (Я співатимy);" "Love Her - We Have Native Ukraine (ЛюбN її – нам ріднУ УкраїнУ);" "Romances for Soprano or Tenor (Романси для сопрано або тенора);" "Melodeclamation (Мелодекламація);" "Provisions of Umpe (3аkи Yumpe);" and "Prayer (Молитва)."
- Folder 50: Ukranian Sheet Music (R-Y), ca. 1942-1957

- Sheet music by Василь Шутb includes "3 Romances (3 Романси);" "2 Romances for a Tenor (2 романси для тенора);" "2 Romances (2 романси );" "2 Songs to the Words of L Ukraine (2 пісні на слова Л Українки);" "2 Songs for Tenor and Soprano (2 пісні для тенора аbо сопрано);" "Student Serenade (Студентська Серенада);" "2 Songs of the Word of O (2 Пісні Ha Слова О);" "Sorry (Прoctи);" "Spring (Весняне);" "2 Solos for Sporano (2 Cоло для Cопрано);" "Summer (Літо);" "Tpio;" "Y-Cy-Cy-Ce He Cymуи;" "Then the Poppies are Blooming (То маки цвітуть);" "Treasure (Cкарб);" "Water is Flowing from Under the Sycamore Tree (Тече вода з під явора);" "Wife (Дружинi);" and "You Are Great" (Beдhka Th)."
- Box 165

- Folder 1: A baiu, baiu, baiu - A. Liadov, undated

- 2 arrangements. For piano and solo instrument, for 5 voices.
- Folder 2: A I kto u nas umen?, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 3: A kak po logu, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 4: Abdussalam's love song - J. Rutin, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 5: Ach, in unserem kleinen dorfchen - Walter Porschmann, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 6: Ai chto za paren', undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 7: Ai, da na zadena, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 8: Ai da ne tvoia, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 9: Ai, da poshla liza, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 10: Ai, da serdtse chuet, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 11: Ai, da u nashei leliushki, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 12: Ai, khorosho tsyganam, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 13: Ai na gore dub, dub - arrangements by S. Stempnevsky and V. Gleichmana, undated

- 3 versions. For piano, for solo instruments and piano.
- Folder 14: Ai-ne, moi serenkii, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 15: Ai vse kumushki domoi - arr. V. Avksent'eva, undated

- For two balalaika and piano.
- Folder 16: Ai z domu radost', undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 17: Ai, zagulial, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 18: Ai zhgi govori - P. Vorotnikovim, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 19: Akh, chto eto, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 20: Akh, chto zh ty, golubchik, ne vesel sidish', undated

- For piano.
- Folder 21: Akh, da puskai svet osuzhdaet - N. A. Fedoryv, 1903

- For balalaika.
- Folder 22: Akh, dolga ty, noch' - arr. P. Triodina, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 23: Akh, I toshno mne, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 24: Akh, ia vliublen v glaza odni - arr. Galla-Rini, undated

- For piano. English title: "Oh, I'm in Love with Someone's Eyes!"
- Folder 25: Akh, kaby na tsvety da ne morozy, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 26: Akh, kak po mostu, mostu, undated

- Melody only. English title: On the Bridge.
- Folder 27: Akh, kto by momu goriushko pomog, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 28: Akh na chto zh by ogorod gorodit', undated

- For violin. English title: Why Waste Our Time with Sowing?
- Folder 29: Akh, na chto zhe bylo po goram khodit', undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 30: Akh! Na gore mak, pod goroi mak, undated

- For violin. English title: On Mountain and in the Valleys, Poppies everywhere.
- Folder 31: Akh, nastas'ia - A. Dobrochotov, undated

- For solo instrument.
- Folder 32: Akh! Po ulitse molodet's idet, undated

- Melody only. English title: Song of the Jolly Comrade.
- Folder 33: Akh! Povedaite liudi dobrye - N. A. Titova., undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 34: Akh seni seni, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 35: Akh! Seni, moi seni, undated

- For violin. English title: On my Balcony.
- Folder 36: Akh! Shli nashi rebiata iz Novagoroda, undated

- For violin. English title: Journey from Novgorod.
- Folder 37: Akh, ty bereza, undated

- Multiple arrangements. For Balalaika choir, for solo instrument and piano, for violin, for piano.
- Folder 38: Akh! Ty dushechka krasna devitsa, undated

- Melody only. English title: Thou my beauteous Soul.
- Folder 39: Akh! Ty molodost', undated

- Melody only. English title: Song of Youth.
- Folder 40: Akh ty nochen'ka - arrangements by L. Gavrilova, V. Avrorova, and B. Romanova., undated

- Multiple arrangements and copies.
- Folder 41: Akh! Ty pole, moe pole chistoe, undated

- For violin. English title: My Native Land.
- Folder 42: Akh ty step' shirokaia - P. Triodina, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 43: Akh ty, vecher, veselyi nash vecher, undated

- For solo instrument and piano.
- Folder 44: Akh ty, vremia - vremechko - A. Barlamov, undated

- For Domra and piano.
- Folder 45: Akh ulitsa, ulitsa shirokaia - arr. A. Surkova, undated

- Multiple arrangements. For piano.
- Folder 46: Akh, vo sadu, sadu, undated

- Folder 47: Akh vy, druzhki, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 48: Akh vy seni, moi seni, undated

- Multiple arrangements for violin, piano, and others.
- Folder 49: Akh zachem zhe bylo, undated

- Folder 50: Auf lasst froh die becher kreisen - Walter Porschmann, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 51: Balalaechka gudit - V. Buchvostova, undated

- For domra and balalaika.
- Folder 52: Balalaika-Klange - A. Tscherniawsky, arr. Leopold Weninger, undated

- For clarinet in B.
- Folder 53: Barynia, 1914

- Multiple arrangements, for violin, piano, and others.
- Folder 54: Bashkirskii tanets - U. Blinova, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 55: Batratskaia, 1914

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 56: Belaia akatsiia - A. Ivanova, undated

- Multiple copies.
- Folder 57: Belolitsa, kruglolitsa - V. Zhiganova, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 58: Belorusskaia pol'ka - P. Kulikov, undated

- 2 arrangements. For domras and balalaikas.
- Folder 59: Belyi sneg pushistyi, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 60: Berezka, val's - B. Shiller, undated

- For mandolin or violin and accompaniment. See also: MUQ. M295 S54 B37.
- Folder 61: Bida, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 62: Bozhe Tsaria khrani! - Vl. Nasonov, undated

- Folder 63: Bratt'sy druzhno veseluiu, undated

- Melody only. English title: Song of Good Cheer.
- Folder 64: Brichka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 65: Briul, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 66: Brodiaga, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 67: Brosai vedra, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Box 166

- Folder 1: Chas da po chasu - arrangements by P. Triodina and B. Troianovsky, undated

- 2 arrangements. For balalaika and accompaniment.
- Folder 2: Chas za chasom, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 3: Chastushechnye naigryshi - A. Averkina, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 4: Chastushki (various), undated

- For bayan and voice.
- Folder 5: Chem tebia ia ogorchila, undated

- Melody only. English title: Worries of a Loving Heart.
- Folder 6: Chernaia lodka, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 7: Chernobrovyi, chernoglazyi, undated

- 2 versions. For piano, melody only.
- Folder 8: Chernye glaza - Oskara Strok, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 9: Children's song - M. Moussorgsky, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 10: Chizhik, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 11: Chto mne I zhit' I tuzhit' - A. Varpamov, undated

- For solo instrument and piano.
- Folder 12: Chto ni v ozere voda - B. Romanova, undated

- Folder 13: Chto ot terema da do terema, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 14: Chto ponizhe bylo goroda saratova, undated

- Folder 15: Chto tak skuchno, chto tak grustno - P. Chekalova, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 16: Chto tsveli-to, tsveli, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 17: Chto ty zhadno gliadish na dorogu - N. Beknazarova, undated

- 2 versions. For balalaika and piano, for piano.
- Folder 18: Chto za babochka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 19: Chto za paren', chto za bravyi, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 20: Chto zh ty, Masha, priunyla, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 21: Chto zhe ty, soloviushko - S. Kondrateva, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 22: Chto zhe ty, solovushek, grusten, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 23: Chtoi-to zvon - A. Voevodina, undated

- Folder 24: Comintern, undated

- 5 scores. For piano, prima domra, bass domra, alto balalaika, and contrabass.
- Folder 25: Da khodila devushka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 26: Da tebe, polno zhe miloi - B. Troianovsky, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 27: Dagestanskii tanets zhenskii - Kraseva, undated

- For prima balalaika and piano.
- Folder 28: Dai zaby'sia - Subow, undated

- 4 scores. For violin I, violin II, mandola, and piano. English title: Let me forget thee.
- Folder 29: Dedushka-Pol'ka, undated

- Folder 30: Delikatnaia kadril' - K. Gorchakova, undated

- Folder 31: Devushka, da milaia, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 32: Devushka krapivushku zhala, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 33: Dlia vas ia shutka - Semenow, undated

- 4 scores. For violin I, violin II, mandola, and piano. English title: Thou wouldst but play and trifle with me.
- Folder 34: Do chego ia doshel, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 35: Doliia-Razdoliia - M. Cheremuchina, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 36: Dolina, dolinushka - arr. U. Shishakova, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 37: Donskaia khorovodnaia - arr. A. Lensky, undated

- Folder 38: Dovol'no, iashka, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 39: Drema dremlet, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 40: Dremliut plakuchie ivy - B. B., lyrics by A. Timofeeva, 1967

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 41: Drozdok, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 42: Durch den Tannenwald - arr. Werner Seifert, undated

- For 4 voices.
- Folder 43: Du-run-dun-du, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 44: Dve gitary - Vladimir Selinsky, arr. by Pietro Deiro, 1937-1942

- 2 scores. For piano accordion, for violin. English title: Two Guitars Gypsy folk-song.
- Folder 45: Ei, ukhnem, undated

- Folder 46: Ei zashli, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 47: Ekh da ty, kalinushka - arr. A. Iluchina, undated

- Folder 48: Ekh, kakhovka moia! - Listov, lyrics by Vasil,ev, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 49: Ekh! Mal'chishka shalunishka - Sergia Kuznetsov, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 50: Ekh Nastas'ia - arr. B. Romanov, undated

- Folder 51: Ekh rasposhel - Schischkow, undated

- 4 scores. For violin I, violin II, mandola, and piano. English title: The Gipsy's Song.
- Folder 52: Eko serdtse, eko bednoe moe - arr. M. Krasev, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 53: The Feast of Vladimir, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 54: Frontoviki, nadente ordena! - O. Feltsmana, lyrics by V. Sergeev, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 55: Gai-da troiika, undated

- Multiple copies. For mandolin or violin. See also: MUQ. M295 G24
- Folder 56: Gandziuniu shehebetushechko, undated

- For 4 voices.
- Folder 57: Gde kochuet tabor moi! - Yulia Khait, text by O. Osenina, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 58: Gde kochuete, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 59: Gei, po doroge, undated

- Folder 60: Gibel variaga - arr. R. Boiko, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 61: Glukhoi, nevedomoi taigoiu - arr. R. Boiko, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 62: Golosovaia, 1914

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 63: Golova bolit, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 64: Golova l' ty moia udalaia, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 65: Golub, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 66: Gorit moia luchinushka, undated

- Folder 67: Gorlit'sa - arr. P. Vorotnikov, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 68: Govori moia gitara! - A. M. Shmidtgof, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 69: Grechaniki, 1940

- For piano and domra. English title: BUckwheats.
- Folder 70: Gulial po Uralu chapaev-geroi, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 71: Gypsy songs, Album of - J. Decker-Schenk, undated

- 24 songs arranged for mandolin, mandola, 6 string guitar, 7 string guitar, and piano. Very fragile.
- Box 167

- Folder 1: Ia boius', undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 2: Ia k gorodu podoshel, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 3: Ia kalinushku lomala - arr. S. Tulikov, undated

- For mandolin.
- Folder 4: Ia khochu - arr. Galla-Rini, 1934

- For piano accordion. English title: I Am So Afraid of You!
- Folder 5: Ia na gorku shla - Romanov, undated

- Folder 6: Ia na kamushke sizhu - arrangements by S. Galperina, V. Avrorov, B. Troianovsky, undated

- Multiple arrangements and copies for mandollin, piano, balalaika, and other instruments.
- Folder 7: Ia po berezhku pokhazhivala, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 8: Ia pod gorku shla, undated

- For mandolin.
- Folder 9: Ia poedu vo kitai-gorod guliati, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 10: Ia poidu li, devchonochka, undated

- Folder 11: Ia poidu li, moloden'ka - arr. P. Kulikov, undated

- For balalaika and piano.
- Folder 12: Ia poseiu li, mlada, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 13: Ia rasseiu svoe gore, undated

- Folder 14: Ia s komarikom pliasala - arrangements by V. Poponov, B. Romanov, A. Liadov, Liadoff, and U. Slonov, undated

- Multiple arrangements for domra, bayan, balalaika, piano, and other instruments.
- Folder 15: Ia sidela libo den', libo dva - I. Gladkov, undated

- For mandolin.
- Folder 16: Is tsyganka molodaia - arr. Nasonov, undated

- Folder 17: Ia v Moldavii rodilas' - Nasonov, undated

- Folder 18: Ia v sadochke byla - arr. F. Bushuev, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 19: Ia vechar v luzhskaia guliala, undated

- Folder 20: Ia vechor v luzhkakh guliala, i nastas'ia - A. D. Dobrahotoff, 1961

- For prima balalaika and piano. English title: I spent my evening at the brook" and "Nastasia"
- Folder 21: Ia vechor v sadu mladeshen'ka guliala, undated

- English title: Garden Promenade at Even-Tide.
- Folder 22: Ia vstretil vas - arr. M. Rozhkova, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 23: Iablochka - arr. V. Kuznetsov, undated

- Folder 24: Iablonia, undated

- For 2 domra.
- Folder 25: Iamshchik - V. Sazonov, undated

- For seven-string guitar.
- Folder 26: Iamshchik ne goni loshadei - arr. Galla-Rini, 1934

- 2 versions. For piano accordion, for mandolin or violin. English title: Coachman.
- Folder 27: Idi!, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 28: Im stranlenden licht - Walter Porschmann, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 29: Iubka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 30: Ivushka - N. Uspensky, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 31: Iz domu schast'e, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 32: Iz pod duba, iz pod wiaza - P. Tsekalov, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 33: Iz-za ostrova na strezhen', undated

- 2 versions. For piano, for voice and piano.
- Folder 34: Kadril' - B. Mokrousov, undated

- Folder 35: Kak iz ulitsy v ksnets', undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 36: Kak kuma-to k kume - B. Strannolubsky, undated

- Folder 37: Kak na gore-to kalina - arr. B. Romanov , undated

- For balalaika.
- Folder 38: Kak na matushke, na Neve-reke - arr. V. Avksentev, undated

- For two balalaika.
- Folder 39: Kak na rechke Dunae, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 40: Kak na tonen'kii ledok - arr. . Stempnevsky, undated

- 2 versions. For domra and piano, melody only.
- Folder 41: Kak na ulitse shumiat, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 42: Kak po el'nichku da po bereznichku, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 43: Kak po lugu, po luzhochku - arr. P. Tsaikovsky, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 44: Kak po matushke Neve reke - arr. I. T. Bluum, 1914

- For piano. English title: On the River, Mother Neva.
- Folder 45: Kak po moriu, moriu sinemu - arr. M. Balakirev, undated

- For domra and piano.
- Folder 46: Kak po sadiku - Z. Pogorelov, undated

- Folder 47: Kak po travke po-muravke - arr. N. Rimski-Korsakov, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 48: Kak pod gorkoi, pod goroi - arrangements by A. Komarovski and N. Baklanovoi, undated

- 3 versions. For piano and solo instrument, for solo instrument.
- Folder 49: Kak pod iablon'iu zelenoiu, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 50: Kak pod iablon'koi - arrangements by B. Troianovsky, N. Lukavikhna, P. Karkin, and P. Shashkin, undated

- Multiple arrangements. Fo balalaika and piano, for solo instruments, for bayans.
- Folder 51: Kak poidu ia na bystruiu rechku - arr. U. Shishakov, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 52: Kak poshli nashi podruzhki - arrangements by T. Zakharinoi and A. Dorozhkin, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 53: Kak shurinam zashel, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 54: Kak so gorki, so gory - A. Ilukhin, undated

- Folder 55: Kak so vechera dozhd' - arrangements by M. Filin and A. Titov, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 56: Kak so vechera porosha - arr. G. Demidov, undated

- Folder 57: Kak stoiali, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 58: Kak stranno! - B. Prozorowsky, arr. Henry Lefkowitch, 1939

- For voice and piano. With pronunciation guide and english translation. English title: How Strange.
- Folder 59: Kak u molodt'sa udalogo, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 60: Kak u nas na ulitse, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 61: Kak u nas vo sadochke, undated

- For violin. English title: Our Orchard.
- Folder 62: Kak u nashego shirokago dvora - Nasonov, undated

- Multiple arrangements. For voice and piano, for solo instrument. English title: The Girl Who Would Not Dance.
- Folder 63: Kak u nashego svata, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 64: Kak u nashikh u vorot - arrangements by F. Bushuev, A. Ilukhin, and P. Vorotnikov, undated

- Multiple arrangements. For accordion, for stringed instruments, for piano.
- Folder 65: Kak u nas-to kozel, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 66: Kak vechor toska napadala, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 67: Kak vo pole belyi len, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 68: Kak vo pole, pole - arr. V. Khvatov, undated

- For two balalaika and piano.
- Folder 69: Kak za morem divo - arrangements by Liadoff and A. Liadov, undated

- Multiple arrangements. For balalaika and piano, melody only, for solo instrument and accompaniment.
- Folder 70: Kak za rechenkoi slobodushka stoit - arr. B. Romanov, undated

- Folder 71: Kak za rechkoi, brattsy - arr. A. Liadov, undated

- Multiple arrangements. For solo balalaika, for prima domra and piano.
- Folder 72: Kak za rechkoiu, da za dareiu - arr. Rimsky-Korsakov, undated

- 2 arrangements. For domra and piano.
- Box 168

- Folder 1: Kalamies - V. Gnutov, undated

- For domra and guitar.
- Folder 2: Kalinovaia roshcha, undated

- For voice and accompaniment.
- Folder 3: Kalinushka, undated

- Folder 4: Kalinushka s malinushkoi, undated

- For violin. English title: Strawberries and Raspberries.
- Folder 5: Kalinushka-malinushka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 6: Kamarinskaia - arrangements by L. Davis and E. L. Swerkoff, undated

- Folder 7: Kanava - arr. B. Romanov, undated

- Folder 8: Kanitel', undated

- Folder 9: Katen'ka veselaia - arr. M. Balakirev, undated

- 3 arrangements. For domra and piano, for balalaika and piano.
- Folder 10: Kartoshka, undated

- For 2 bayan.
- Folder 11: Kashka mannaia, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 12: Kavkaz-Caucasian selection, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 13: Kazachok, 1973

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 14: Kazbek, undated

- Multiple copies. For mandolin or violin. See also MUQ. M295 K29
- Folder 15: Khasiiam, undated

- For voice and accompaniment.
- Folder 16: Khodila mladeshenka po borochko - arrangements by N. Komissarev and N. I. Irivalov, undated

- Folder 17: Khodit sema-simeon, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 18: Khodit zhika po sadiku - arr. G. Konrad, undated

- Folder 19: Kholodnyi veter, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 20: Kholstochek - arr. V. Artemov, undated

- 2 versions. For solo instrument and piano, melody only.
- Folder 21: Khorovod - Ivanoff, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 22: Khorovodnaia - arrangements by N. Fomin and N. Lukavikhuna, undated

- 2 arrangements. For solo instruments.
- Folder 23: Khorovodnaia tambovskoi oblasti, undated

- Folder 24: Khozhu li ia kruzhkom, peshkom, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 25: Khrustal', undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 26: Kirliga - arr. M. Koretsky, undated

- For 2 bayan.
- Folder 27: Kogda budesh' bol'shaia - arr. P. Chekalov, undated

- Folder 28: Kokhanochka, undated

- For violin or mandolin. See also MUQ. M295 K64
- Folder 29: Kolo, undated

- 5 scores. For piano and balalaika, prima domra II, bass domra, alto balalaika, and contrabass.
- Folder 30: Kol'tso dushi devitsy ia v more uronil - arrangements by B. Romanov and U. Blinov, undated

- 3 arrangements. For domra and guitar, for solo instruments.
- Folder 31: Kolybel'naia, undated

- Meldoy only.
- Folder 32: Komsoflotskii marsh - arr. R. Boiko, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 33: Komuzgu - arr. O. Zvonarev, undated

- Folder 34: Konchen, konchen dal'nii put', undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 35: Korobeinike - arrangements by V. Nakapkin, L. Gavrilov, U. Blinov, N. Lukavikhun, N. Viazmin, and V. Ditel, undated

- Multiple arrangements. For accordion, balalaika, and others.
- Folder 36: Koster - arr. Paul Lampkovitz, 1938

- For voice and piano. English title: Camp Fire
- Folder 37: Kotik, undated

- Folder 38: Kotilasia ta zirok'ka z neba, undated

- For 4 voices.
- Folder 39: Krakoviak, undated

- For violin or mandolin. See also MUQ. M295 K72
- Folder 40: Krasnaia armiia, 1934

- For piano and balalaika.
- Folder 41: Krasnopakhorskie stradiniia - arr. P. Shashkin, undated

- Folder 42: Krasnosel'skaia kadril', undated

- For piano with bayan.
- Folder 43: Krasnyi kushak, undated

- For 2 voices--melody and lyrics.
- Folder 44: Krest'ianskaia pol'ka, undated

- Folder 45: Kuda, milyi, skrylsia, undated

- 2 versions. For bayan, melody only.
- Folder 46: Kuda ne poidu, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 47: Kuda ukhodish', drug moi milyi, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 48: Kukushka, 1939

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 49: Kumanechek, pobyvai u menia, undated

- 2 arrangements.
- Folder 50: Kurochka, undated

- Folder 51: Krugom, krugom osirotela, undated

- Melody only. Photocopy of published score cover.
- Folder 52: Lanchik, undated

- For piano with bayan.
- Folder 53: Lebedushka - O. Glukhov and V. Azov, undated

- 3 versions. For balalaika and bayan, for 5 piece ensemble, for solo instrument.
- Folder 54: The Legend of Volga, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 55: Lenin vsegda s toboi - S. Tulikov, lyrics by Oshanin, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 56: Lenok - arr. V. Graba, undated

- For bayan.
- Folder 57: Lesnaia skazka, undated

- For violin or mandolin. See also MUQ. M295 B32 L37
- Folder 58: Lipa vekovaia - arrangements by L. Zakharovoi, U. Blinov, and A. Zhivtsov, undated

- 3 arrangements. For domra and guitar, for bayan, for piano.
- Folder 59: Liubliu ia prirodu, undated

- For 2 voices with lyrics.
- Folder 60: Livenskaia pol'ka, undated

- Folder 61: Ljubavna pesma - Rumunija, undated

- Folder 62: Luchinushka - arrangements by B. Romanov, A. Novikov, and I. T. Bluum, ca. 1914

- Multiple arrangements. For piano, for solo instruments. English title: The LIttle Light.
- Folder 63: Lugom idu, konia vedu - arr. G. Kamaldinov, undated

- For domra, balalaika, and guitar.
- Box 169

- Folder 1: Mal'chiki - arr. E. L. Swenkoff, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 2: Malenk'kii domik, undated

- Melody with lyics.
- Folder 3: Marsh budennyi, undated

- For two prima domra, bass domra, alto balalaika, contrabass, and piano. English title: Budenny's Red Cavalry March.
- Folder 4: Marsh drozbovskii, undated

- For piano, prima domra II, bass domra, alto balalaika, and contrabass.
- Folder 5: Mashinushka, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 6: Matushka golubushka, undated

- For violin. English title: Song of Endearment.
- Folder 7: Me syvonesa, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 8: Metelitsa (Polka) - arr. V. Motoba and L. Gavrilov, undated

- Folder 9: Metelki, undated

- Folder 10: Mezh krutykh berezhkov, undated

- 2 versions. For piano, for accordion.
- Folder 11: Milaia - arr. N. A. Fedorov, 1903

- For prima balalaika.
- Folder 12: Milyi moi, bros' vse somneniia - Subow, undated

- For piano, 2 violins, and mandola. English title: Why dost thou doubt, beloved one?
- Folder 13: Mne morkotno, moloden'ke - arr. V. Alekhin, undated

- Folder 14: Mnogo verst-odna strana - Oskar Feltsman, lyrics by Rasula Gamzatov, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 15: Moi koster, undated

- 4 arrangements. For piano, for stringed instruments.
- Folder 16: Moi muzh svinopas, 1921

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 17: Molodaia gvardiia, 1939

- For piano.
- Folder 18: Molodets konia poil - arr. V. Suslov, undated

- For balalaika and piano.
- Folder 19: Molodka - N. Fomin, undated

- For solo instrument.
- Folder 20: Momento mori, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 21: Moskovskie khorovody - arr. A. Voyevobina, undated

- For bayan.
- Folder 22: Moskva-romans' - arr. Mark A. Selivan, 1939

- For domra and piano.
- Folder 23: Moskva zlatoglavaia - arr. Mark A. Selivan, undated

- Contrabass part.
- Folder 24: My krasnye soldaty - arr. Mark A. Selivan, 1934

- For piano and domra.
- Folder 25: My na lodochke katalis', undated

- For piano.
- Folder 26: My poidem v luzhok, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instrument, melody only.
- Folder 27: My v zhizn' idem - M. Blanter, lyrics by E. Dolmatovsky, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 28: Na bystroi reke, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 29: Na dorogu - A. Fliarkovskii, lyrics by N. Zlotnikov, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 30: Na gore bylo, gore - arr. I. Valmashov, undated

- For piano and solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 31: Na gore stoit berba, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 32: Na gore-to kalina, undated

- Folder 33: Na gore-to len, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 34: Na gorodi kalinok'ka, 1927

- For violin and piano.
- Folder 35: Na ivanushke chapan - arrangements by Balakireff/Ignatieff and E. Troianovsky, undated

- 2 arrangements. For balalaika and piano.
- Folder 36: Na reke na bystroi, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 37: Na skameike, undated

- Folder 38: Na sopkakh manzhurii, val's, undated

- For violin or mandolin. See also: MUQ. M295 S52 N2.
- Folder 39: Na svidan'e s miloi - V. S. Ruzhitsky, lyrics by I. N. Izmailov, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 40: Na tol l', chtoby pechali, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 41: Na ulitse dozhd', dozhd' - A. Shalaev, undated

- 2 versions. For trio of stringed instruments, melody only.
- Folder 42: Na ulitse dozhdichek, undated

- Folder 43: Na zelenom lugu - arrangements by T. Zakhar,inoii, A. Salina, and A. Iliukhin, undated

- 5 versions. For domra, balalaika, and other stringed instruments.
- Folder 44: Na zelenom, na lugu - arr. A. Salina, undated

- 2 versions. For prima balalaika duet and piano, for stringed instrument.
- Folder 45: Nad poliami da nad chistymi - arr. R. Boiiko, undated

- 2 versions. For piano.
- Folder 46: Nadoeli nochi - arr. M. Balakirev, undated

- For domra and piano.
- Folder 47: Naigryshi na sibirskie temy - arr. A. Noludnitsyna, undated

- For bayan.
- Folder 48: Nam nuzhna odna pobeda - Bylata Okudzhavi, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 49: Narodnye pesni, v. 7, undated

- Collection for voice and guitar accompaniment: 1. Vechernii zvon, 2. Kukushka, 3. Svadebnaia, 4. Kogda Pridesh, k nam?, 5. Zhuravli, 6. Prikhodi ko mne, ianek!, 7. Kalina, 8. Istomila dushu mne toska po miloii, 9. Rozelil,, 10. Brozhu li po lugam, 11. Posledniaia roza leta, 12. Rastet Kamysh sredi reki, 13. Ne petsal,sia!, 14. Mudryii sud,ia, 15. Tri listochka, 16. Chetyre pogonshchika mulov, 17. Za serebrianoi rekoi, 18. Kak poidu ia na bystruiu rechku
- Folder 50: Nash bereznik listovatyi - arr. V. Motov, undated

- For bayan.
- Folder 51: Nasten'ka, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 52: Nauchit' li tia, vaniusha, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instruments.
- Box 170

- Folder 1: Ne brani menia, rodnaia - arrangements by I. T. Bluum and A. Varlamov, 1914

- 4 versions. For piano, for piano and solo stringed instrument, for solo instrument. English title: Don't reproach me, my dear -or- Sadden me not, my Love!
- Folder 2: Ne budite menia, molodu - arr. B. Romanov, undated

- 4 verions. For balalaika, melody only, for violin. English title: The Sleeping Maiden.
- Folder 3: Ne korite menia, ne branite - M. Semenov, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 4: Ne letai, solovei - arr. G. Kirkora, undated

- 2 versions. For solo instrument and piano, melody only.
- Folder 5: Ne letai zhe ty, sokol, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 6: Ne nadeialas' mashen'ka - M. Balakirev, undated

- For domra and bayan.
- Folder 7: Ne odna vo pole dorozhen'ka, undated

- For domra duet.
- Folder 8: Ne odna-to li da odna, ai vo pole dorozhen'ka - arrangements by N. Fomin, A. Kadles, A. Shustov, A. Egorov,, undated

- 5 versions. Melody only, for piano and violin duet, for domra and piano, for solo stringed instruments.
- Folder 9: Ne odna-to li vo pole dorozhka - arrangements by N. Fomin, A Shustov, and N. Ivanov, undated

- 3 versions. For solo stringed instruments, for domra duet.
- Folder 10: Ne shum shumit - P. Chaikovsky, undated

- For bayan.
- Folder 11: Ne slyshno shuma gorodskogo - arr. A Shalaev, undated

- 4 versions. For solo stringed instrument, for stringed instrument duet, melody only, for piano.
- Folder 12: Ne speshi, moia khorshaia, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 13: Ne valait mashe za rechen'ku khodit' - A. Glazunov, undated

- 2 versions. For domra and piano, for solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 14: Nedelia - arr. B. Strannoliubsky, undated

- For solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 15: Net u menia roda, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 16: Nevozvratnoe vremia - arr. H. A. Russotto, undated

- 2 versions. For violin or mandolin, for piano. See also: MUQ. M295 N38
- Folder 17: Nezabudki - A. Fliarkovsky, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 18: Nezhdannym uraganom - B. Fomin, lyrics by Kashtanovoi, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 19: Ni odna vo pole dorozhen'ka - arr. A. Shustov, undated

- For solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 20: Nigde milago ne vizhu, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 21: Nikhto-zh ne vinen, undated

- For 4 voices.
- Folder 22: Nikologorskaia kadril', undated

- For piano with bayan.
- Folder 23: Noch' nastala - arr. Andrew Salama, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 24: Noch' uzh nastupaet - arr. S. Bulatov, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 25: Nochen'ka i Trepak, undated

- For solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 26: Novgorodskie chastushki - V. Lobov, undated

- For prima balalaika duet.
- Folder 27: Novye karty, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 28: O eti chernye glaza, undated

- Lyrics only.
- Folder 29: Ochi chernyia, ochi iasnyia - O. V. Riesemann, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 30: Odnozvuchno gremit kolokol'chik, undated

- 2 versions. For solo stringed instrument, for piano.
- Folder 31: Ogorod, undated

- For solo stringed isntrument.
- Folder 32: Ogorodnik, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 33: Oi da rabinushka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 34: Oi da techet rechka, rechka po pesku, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 35: Oi da ty kalinushka, undated

- 2 versions. Melody only, for solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 36: Oi, ivan-to, ty ivan, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 37: Oi, ne bylo vetru - arr. Liadoff/ignatieff, undated

- For balalaika solo and piano.
- Folder 38: Oi pod lesom pod lesochkom, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 39: Oi, serdtse moe! - G. Ponomarenko, lyrics by V. Burygin, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 40: Oi ty, utka, utitsa, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 41: Oi, vstavala ia raneshen'ko - arr. A. Marin, undated

- For solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 42: Oi vy goru moi, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 43: Oi, za gaem, gaem, undated

- For solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 44: Okh, zhenilsia nash komar, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 45: Osennia mechty - arr. P. Poluianov, undated

- 2 versions. For violin or mandolin, for mandolin and bayan accompaniment. See also: MUQ. M295 R 34 O83
- Folder 46: Ot sela do sela - arrangements by P. Nechelorenko and E. Avksentev, undated

- 2 versions. For solo stringed instrument and piano, for stringed instrument duet.
- Folder 47: Otdavali molodu na chuzhuiu storonu - arr. A. Liadov, undated

- 3 versions. For prima domra and piano, for solo stringed instrument, melody only.
- Folder 48: Otoidi ne gliadi romans, undated

- For mandolin or violin. See also: MUQ. M295 O86.
- Folder 49: Otrada, undated

- For solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 50: Otradias' nikuda ia ne khodila - arr. S. Pavin, undated

- For solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 51: Ottsa u menia net, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Box 171

- Folder 1: Pamirskii shag - V. Artemov, undated

- For piano or solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 2: Pantelei, undated

- For 4 voices and lyrics.
- Folder 3: Paren' rasserdilsia, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 4: Partizanskaia, undated

- For solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 5: Pchelka, undated

- For solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 6: Pech' moia, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 7: Pei, moia devochka, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 8: Penzenski prispivki, undated

- For solo instrument with stringed instrument accompaniment.
- Folder 9: Perevoz dunia derzhala, undated

- For solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 10: Pervoe svidanie - P. Teplov, undated

- For solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 11: Pesni i tantsy dlia semistrunnoi gitary, undated

- Collection: Songs and Dances for the Seven-Stringed Guitar.
- Folder 12: Pesnia imperialisticheskoi voiny, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 13: Pesnia kazanskikh tatar - A. Iliukhna, arr. Mark A. Selivan, 1961

- For prima balalaika and piano
- Folder 14: Pesnia ob ogon'ke, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 15: Petushinaia pol'ka - arr. G. Podelsky, undated

- For solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 16: Pianyi, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 17: Pivna iagoda - arrangements by B. Troianovsky and N. Fomin, undated

- 2 versions. For solo stringed instrument, for solo stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 18: Plach, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 19: Plach-prichitanie, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 20: Plaval, plaval selezen'ka, undated

- 2 versions. For solo stringed instrument.
- Folder 21: Pliaska "Bolgarochka", undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 22: Pliaska krymskikh tsygan - arr. Krasev, undated

- For balalaika and piano.
- Folder 23: Pliaska s shal'iu, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 24: Pliaska "Zhgi", undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 25: Pliasovaia - arrangements by N. Lukavikhina and A. Ivanov, undated

- 2 versions. For solo stringed instrument, for prima balalaika duet.
- Folder 26: Pliasovye napevy, undated

- For solo instrument, melody only.
- Folder 27: Plyvet tuman, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 28: Po dikim stepiam zabaikal'ia, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 29: Po donu guliaet kazak molodoi, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 30: Po dunaiu, po tikhomu, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 31: Po el'nichku, po bereznichku, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 32: Po moriu utushka plavala, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 33: Po mozhaiskoi doroge, undated

- For voice.
- Folder 34: Po ulitse mostovoi - arrangements by L. Shashkin, B. Romanov, N. Lukavikhin, and E. L. Sweirkoff, undated

- 6 versions. For solo stringed instruments, for piano, for violin. English title: On the Cobbled Street.
- Folder 35: Po ulitse, po novoi, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 36: Po vsei derevne katen'ka - arr. B. Troianovsky, undated

- For solo stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 37: Pod dugoi kolokol'chik poet, undated

- Lyrics only.
- Folder 38: Pod goroiu kalina - S. Stempnevsky, undated

- For stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 39: Pod iabloniu kudriavoiu - arr. T. Kamaldinov, undated

- For stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 40: Pod iablon'koi - arr. E. L. Swerkoff, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 41: Podarochek, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 42: Podgorka, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 43: Podle rechki na berezhku, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 44: Podmoskovnaia kadril', undated

- For piano with bayan.
- Folder 45: Poekhal kazak na chuzhbinu - V. Artemov, undated

- For stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 46: Poema ob ukraine - A. V. Aleksandrov, lyrics by O. Kolychev, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 47: Poidu mlada po dunaiu, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 48: Poidu, poidu v les, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 49: Poidu, podstupliu - F. Sokolov, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 50: Poidu, vyidu ia za novye vorota - arrangements by A. Komarovsky, V. Ivanov, and S. Stempnevsky, undated

- 5 versions. For balalaika and piano, for solo balalaika, for domra and piano, melody only.
- Folder 51: Poidu-l', ia, vyidu-l' ia - arrangements by B. Romanov, Liadoff/Ignatieff, V. Ivanov, A. Komarovsky, and A. Grechaninov, undated

- 7 versions. For solo balalaika, for balalaika duet, for stringed instrument and piano, for solo stringed instrument, melody only, for domra and piano.
- Folder 52: Pokotiu ia tarilochku, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 53: Pole, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 54: Polianka - arrangements by V. Suslov, B. Avksentev, N. Lukavikhin, and E. L. Swerkoff, undated

- 6 versions. Melody only, for prima balalaika and piano, for stringed instrument duet, for solo stringed instrument, for piano.
- Folder 55: Pol'ka - Z. Kompaneetz, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 56: Pol'ka - arrangements by M. Lobka, I. Tikhonov, V. Motov, A. Ivanov, N. Viazmin, undated

- 9 versions. For bandura, for stringed instrument, for accordion, for stringed instrument duet, for balalaika and accompaniment.
- Folder 57: Pol'ka penzenskoi oblasti - V. Zhuravlev, undated

- For domra, balalaika, and bayan.
- Folder 58: Polno, polno vam, rebiata, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 59: Polno ty solnyshko - Prigozhy, undated

- 2 verions. For stringed instrument, for voice and piano.
- Folder 60: Polno, vania - arrangements by I. Gladkov and V. Motov, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instruments.
- Folder 61: Polno-te, rebiata - arr. M. Krasev, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 62: Poloson'ka - Polosonka, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 63: Polosyn'ka - arrangements by I. Panitsky and G. Mikhailov, undated

- 3 versions. For stringed instruments, for mandolin.
- Folder 64: Poltavskii tanets - arr. P. Shashkin, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Box 172

- Folder 1: Pomnish' li menia, moi svet - arr. V. Viktorov, undated

- 2 verions. Melody only, for prima balalaika and piano.
- Folder 2: Pomolis' milyi drug za menia - V. Makhotin, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 3: Pomorskii khorovod - arr. B. Shelomov and U. Ivanov, undated

- For bayan.
- Folder 4: Ponaprasnu ia, devitsa, stradala, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 5: Popevka, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 6: Populiarnye pesni b soprovozhdenii gitary, vol. 3, undated

- Collection: Popular Songs Accompanied by Guitar. Includes: Russkaia pesnia - A. Pakhmutov; Dunai Goluboi - A. Dolukhanian; Zapiska - A. Ostrovsko; Esli eto liubov' - A. Kolker; Do Tsego zhe my smeshnoi; Za tumanom; Sobirai riukzak
- Folder 7: Pora, pora, gostiam s dvora - M. Milman, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 8: Poshli nashi podruzhki, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 9: Posmotrite-ka, dobrye liudi, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 10: Postavliu ia vederochka na ledu, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 11: Posylala menia mat' - N. Lukavikina, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 12: Posylali kazachen'ku - arr. M. Milman, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 13: Poteriala ia kolechko - arr. I. Ilina, undated

- 2 versions. For piano and stringed instrument, melody only.
- Folder 14: Pourga vizouga, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 15: Pozarstali stezhki-dorozhki - arr. A. Ivanov, undated

- 2 versions. For piano, for stringed instrument, for accordion.
- Folder 16: Pozhaleei-romans, undated

- For mandolin or violin. See also: MUQ. M295 B24 P69.
- Folder 17: Pozhalei tu menia, dorogaia - N. R. Bakalenikov, arrangements by Gregory Stone, Galla-Rini, and Henry Lepkowitch, 1926-1936

- 7 versions. For voice and piano, for accordion. English title: Have Pity!
- Folder 18: Pri doline kust kaliny; Nash bereznik listovatyi; Svet-Ivan, 1964

- For balalaika and piano.
- Folder 19: Pri dolinushke - arr. A. Shalov, undated

- 2 versions. For balalaika duet and bayan, for balalaika duet.
- Folder 20: Pri dolinushke stoiala, kalinu lomala - arrangements by V. Alekhin and P. Shashkin, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instruments.
- Folder 21: Pribautka - arr. A. Ivanov, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 22: Pripevka - arr. Blinov, undated

- For stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 23: Priskazka - arr. V. Bloka, undated

- For balalaika and piano.
- Folder 24: Proletka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 25: Propali my, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 26: Proshai dusha moia - arr. I. T. Bluum, 1914

- For piano. English title: Good bye my Soul.
- Folder 27: Proshchai gorad lebiadin - arr. N. M. Baryshev, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 28: Proshchaite laskovye vzory - arr. B. Romanov, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 29: Protiazhnaia - arrangements by N. Viazmin and A. Ivanov, undated

- 3 versions. For balalaika duet and piano, for stringed instrument.
- Folder 30: Ranenyi kazak, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 31: Raskinulos' more shiroko - arr. A. Ivanov, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instrument, for piano.
- Folder 32: Rassvet - arr. V. Bobri and V. Gabaeff, 1957

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 33: Rassypala ia malinu, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 34: Raz poloson'ku ia zhala - arr. B. Romanov, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 35: Pazluka - arr. Mark A. Selivan, 1939

- For voice and piano. English title: Separation.
- Folder 36: Razluka ty, razluka! - arr. Prigozhy, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 37: Rekrutskaia, 1915

- 2 versions. For voice and piano, melody only.
- Folder 38: Reve ta stogne dnipr shirokii - arr. B. Romanov, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instrument. For accordion. English title: The Roaring and Groaning Dnieper
- Folder 39: Piazanskaia shutochnaia chechetko - arr. V. Poponov, undated

- For stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 40: Podina - arr. S. Furmin, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instrument, for prima domra and piano.
- Folder 41: Rodnoe - arr. Borodin, undated

- For 2 violins, mandolin, and piano.
- Folder 42: Russian Folk Song Book, undated

- For balalaika and voice (Tablature and lyrics).
- Folder 43: Russian Folk Song Selection, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 44: Collection of Russian Folk Songs, undated

- For 1-4 voices.
- Folder 45: Russian Medley - Nicholas Kovac, arr. Mark A. Selivan, undated

- For domra and piano.
- Folder 46: Russkaia narodnaia pesnia - arrangements by N. Rimsky-Korsakov and A. Gedike, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 47: Ruzzkaia Pliaska - arr. S. Koznev, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instrument duet, for balalaika duet and accompaniment.
- Folder 48: Russkaia protazhnaia pesnia; Drink To Me Online With Thine Eyes - Ben Jonson, arrangements by M. Krasev and Mark A. Selivan, 1961-1962

- For prima balalaika and piano; for voice and piano.
- Folder 49: Russkii tanets, undated

- For bayan.
- Folder 50: S toboi ia vstretilsia sluchaino - Oscar Strok, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 51: Sad-vinograd, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 52: Sadom, sadom, kumasen'ka - arr. A. Ivanov, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 53: Sama sadik ia sadila - arrangements by B. Romanov, M. Krasev, and V. Iakovlev, undated

- 6 versions. For stringed instrument, for stringed instrument and piano, for solo instrument and piano, for 4 stringed domra and piano.
- Folder 54: Samara-gorodok, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 55: Samshoblo, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 56: Saratovskaia chastushka - arr. A. Ivanov, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 57: Savka i grishka - arrangements by V. Artemov and V. Evdokimov, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 58: Schlafe ein, kosakenbubchen - arr. Walter Porschmann, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 59: Seiali devushki iarovoi khmel' - arrangements by N. Baklanovoi and V. Gleikhman, undated

- 6 versions. Melody only, for domra, for stringed instrument and piano, for stringed instrument.
- Folder 60: Seiu, veiu, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 61: Selection of Russian Folk Songs - arr. Mark A. Selivan, 1938

- For domra and piano.
- Folder 62: Selection of Soviet Songs - arr. Mark A. Selivan, undated

- For domra and piano.
- Folder 63: Seraia loshadka, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 64: Serega, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 65: Seren'kii ne est, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 66: Serezha-pastushok - arr. I. Shishov, undated

- For prima domra and piano.
- Folder 67: Set Ernst Thaelmann Free - arr. Mark A. Selivan, undated

- For bass domra, alto balalaika, and contrabass.
- Box 173

- Folder 1: Shater, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 2: Shchekoiu k shceke - M. A. Goldenvliuma, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 3: Shchi da kasha-pishcha nasha - A. Averkin, lyrics by I. Lashkov, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 4: Shchipala, lamala, undated

- For 4 voices.
- Folder 5: Shel vaniusha dolinoiu, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 6: Shest' malen'kikh barabanshchikov - arr. V. Poponov, undated

- For stringed instrument duet and piano.
- Folder 7: Shestera, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 8: Shist' na krepe, undated

- For bayan.
- Folder 9: Shla duniasha iz lesochku, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 10: Shliaetsia brodiaga, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 11: Shto za mesiats, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 12: Shomit' gude, dibron'ka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 13: Shutka - V. Volkov, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 14: Shutochnyi naigrysh - arr. N. Viazmin, undated

- For balalaika and piano.
- Folder 15: Sibirskii khorovod - arr. G. Laneh and P. Teilova, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 16: Sidel vania na divane - arrangements by Rimsky-Korsakov and Ignatieff, undated

- 4 versions. For stringed instrument, for domra and piano, for stringed instrument and piano, melody only.
- Folder 17: Sidit vania, undated

- For 2 voices.
- Folder 18: Sinichka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 19: Sirotinka - arr. Slonov, undated

- For stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 20: Sizyi golubochek, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 21: Skazal otets, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 22: Skazhi katia, katia katerina - Compiled by Gregory Stone, arr. by Galla-Rini, 1934

- For accorion. English title: Tell Me Katja Katja Katherina!
- Folder 23: Skazhi, skazhi, moi milen'kii, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 24: Skomorosh'ia nebylitsa - arr. T. Kamaldinov, undated

- 3 versions. For stringed instrument and piano, melody only, for stringed instrument duet.
- Folder 25: Skoro pesni umolknut moi-romans, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 26: Slava, undated

- Melody only, possibly for violin.
- Folder 27: Slava sovetskoi derzhave, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 28: Slavianskii tanets - arr. Nasonov, undated

- For prima balalaika.
- Folder 29: Slavnoe more, svaishchennyi baikal - arr. A. Zhivtsov, undated

- 7 versions. For piano, for voice and piano, melody only, melodyand lyrics.
- Folder 30: Sledochkom ia bezhala, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 31: Sloboda l' moia ty, slobodushka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 32: Smekh, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 33: Smelo, tovarishchi, v hogu - arr. G. Lobatsev, undated

- For domra and piano
- Folder 34: Smeshno, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 35: Snezhki belye, pushisty, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 36: Snzhnaia kolybel'naia - A. N. Wertinsky, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 37: So venkom ia khozhu, undated

- 2 versions. Melody only.
- Folder 38: So v'iunom ia khozhu - arrangements by Rimsky-Korsakov and Ignatieff, undated

- 2 versions. For domra and piano, for balalaika and piano.
- Folder 39: Sokhnet, vianet v pole travka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 40: Solntse selo za goroiu dal'nei, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 41: Solntse zakatilos' za temnye lesa - arr. M. Balakirev, undated

- For bayan duet.
- Folder 42: Solov'em zaletnym - arrangements by A. Komarovsky, G. Kamaldinov, V. Avksentev, A. Zhivtsov, and P. Chekalov, undated

- 7 versions. For piano, for stringed instrument and piano, for 2 tenor and 1 bass stringed instrument trio, for balalaika duet, for voice and piano, for stringed instrument.
- Folder 43: Son-romans, undated

- For mandolin or violin. See also: MUQ. M295 S66.
- Folder 44: Son liubvi posle bala - arr. N. A. Fedurov, undated

- For prima balalaika.
- Folder 45: Son of Stalingrad - V. Mokrousov, trans. by Albert Sirmay, 1943

- For voice and piano. Lyrics in English.
- Folder 46: Song of the Collectives - Kozitski, arr. Will Sahnow, 1942

- For 3 voices. Text in English.
- Folder 47: Sosna moia, da sosenushka - arr. S. Razorenov, undated

- For stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 48: Sossa grisha - arr. V. Bobri and V. Gabaeff, 1957

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 49: Soviet Cradle Song - arr. Will Shadow, 1942

- For 3 voices. Text in English.
- Folder 50: Spogadi mili - P. T. Chovnovii, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 51: Sredi doliny rovnye - arr. I. T. Bluum, 1914

- 5 versions. For stringed instrument, for piano. English title: The Lonely Oak Tree or Among the Prairies.
- Folder 52: Starina, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 53: Starinnyi val's - arrangements by V. Bobri, V. Gabaeff, and A. Shalaeva, undated

- 3 versions. For stringed instrument, for violin or mandolin. See also MUQ. M295 L57 S 72.
- Folder 54: Starotsyganskaia - arr. P. Vorotnikov, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 55: Stary muzh, groznyi muzh, undated

- For violin. English title: Song of the Disappointed Wife.
- Folder 56: Step' da step' krugom - A. Iliukhin, undated

- 5 versions. For piano, for stringed instrument, for domra.
- Folder 57: Stepi - V. Levashov, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 58: Stezhki - arr. Maksa Neid, 1925

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 59: Stoiali koni ubranye - arr. N. Lukavikhin, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 60: Stoit shater, undated

- For 2 voice with lyrics.
- Folder 61: Stradanie - B. Romanov, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 62: Stuchit, stuchit variushka, undated

- Melody only
- Folder 63: Sudarushka - arr. V. Bobri and V. Gabaeff, 1957

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 64: Sudarynia, barynia - arr. E. L. Swerkoff, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 65: Sud'ba, undated

- For voice.
- Folder 66: Svadebnaia, undated

- 2 versions. Melody only, for stringed instrument.
- Folder 67: Svat nebogatye, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 68: Svet ivan, on luzhochkom idet - arr. N. Gorlov, undated

- 3 versions. Melody only, for stringed instrument.
- Folder 69: Svetit mesiats - arrangements by E. L. Swerkoff, V. Andreev, L. Zakharovoi, and B. Troianovsky, undated

- 6 versions. For stringed instrument and piano, for bayan, for domra and piano, for piano, for stringed instrument.
- Folder 70: Syzranskie pripevki, undated

- For balalaika and voice.
- Box 174

- Folder 1: Tam za rechkoi - arr. V. Zhigalov, undated

- For bayan.
- Folder 2: Tamburica, undated

- For stringed instrument trio with accompaniment.
- Folder 3: Tanets devushek - arr. O. Zvonarev, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 4: Tango Makarova, undated

- For mandolin or violin. See also: MUQ. M295 M24 T36.
- Folder 5: Tarakany, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 6: Tashchim balku po lesku, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 7: Tatarskii tanets - arr. Mark A. Selivan, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 8: Tachet rechka po pesku, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 9: Three troika - arr. Mark A. Selivan, 1940

- For piano and domra.
- Folder 10: Tirol'skii val's, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 11: To ne gusel'ki rokochut - arr. P. Iakovenko, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 12: To ne listochka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 13: Tonkaia riabina, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 14: Trava moia, travushka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 15: Travushka-muravushka, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 16: Trepak - A. Dobrochotoff, P. Vorotnikovym, arrangements by Walter Porschmann and V. Nasonov, undated

- 5 versions. For violin, for stringed instrument, for piano.
- Folder 17: Tri sadochka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 18: Tsveli, tsveli v pole tsvetiki - arrangements by Liapunoff/Ignatieff and B. Troianovsky, undated

- 5 versions. For voice and piano, for balalaika solo and piano, for stringed instrument, for stringed instrument solo with piano,
- Folder 19: Turetskoe.. - arr. Mark A. Selivan, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 20: Tvoi glaza zelenye - Voris Fomin, undated

- For voice and piano with lyrics.
- Folder 21: Ty kormelets nash, slavnyi tikhii don, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 22: Ty krapiva, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 23: Ty ne ezdi, milyi, k iaru - Irigozhy, 1906

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 24: Ty riabina li, riabinushka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 25: Ty vzoidi, vzoidi, solntse krasnoe - arr. N. Rimsky-Korsakov, undated

- 3 versions. For stringed instrument solo with piano, melody only, for 4 voices.
- Folder 26: Ty zaria l' moia, zor'ka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 27: Ty zhivi, rossiia, zdravstviu! - arr. N. Pechmensky, undated

- For piano and domra solo.
- Folder 28: U golubia u snzogo - arr. N. Lukavikhin, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 29: U maiora seryi kon', undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 30: U nas bratsy, bylo na donu, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 31: U nas bylo na donu - arr. S. Stempnevsky, undated

- For domra and piano.
- Folder 32: U nas bylo na ulitse, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 33: U volgi, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 34: U vorot devka stoit, undated

- Most likely a violin part. English title: The Maiden at the Gate.
- Folder 35: U vorot, vorot - arrangements by B. Troianovsky, P. Chaikovsky, and Chunin (?), undated

- 5 versions. For balalaika solo and piano, for domra solo and piano, for stringed instrument, for stringed instrument duet, for voice with lyrics. English title: Ah, My Belov'd Dunali.
- Folder 36: U zari, u zoren'ki - arrangements by E. Avksentev, N. Lukavikhin, and P. Kulikov, undated

- 3 versions. For balalaika duet and piano, for stringed instrument solo and piano, for balalaika choir.
- Folder 37: Uchast', undated

- For two voice with piano.
- Folder 38: Ukazhi mne takuiu obitel' - arr. Mark A. Selivan, 1939

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 39: Ukrainian medley (Reve ta stogne, dnipr shirokii) - arr. Mark A. Selivan, 1958

- For domra and piano.
- Folder 40: Ulitsy vospominanii - K. Molchanov, lyrics by N. Dorizo, undated

- For bass voice (melody and text only).
- Folder 41: Umorilas' - arr. Mark A. Selivan, 1939

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 42: Ural'skaia pliasovaia - arr. B. Troianovsky, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 43: Ural'skie pripevki - arr. N. Ivanov, undated

- 2 versions. For domra, balalaika, and guitar, for bayan.
- Folder 44: Urodilas' ia kak bylinka v pole, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 45: Utushka lugovaia - arrangements by N. Lubimovoi and P. Kulikov, undated

- 4 versions. For stringed instrument and piano, melody only, for voice and piano.
- Folder 46: Uviadshie rozy, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 47: Uzh i ia li, moloda, odinokaia byla, undated

- 2 versions. Melody only, for piano.
- Folder 48: Uzh i kto zh u nas bol'shoi, nabol'shii, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 49: Uzh ia zoloto khoroniu, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 50: Uzh kak pal tuman na sine more - arr. A. Gurilev, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instrument, melody only.
- Folder 51: Uzh kak po lugu, lugu, undated

- Melody line with harmonizing line.
- Folder 52: Uzh kak po mostu, mostochku - arrangements by A. Iliukhin and Blinov, undated

- 3 versions. For stringed instrument, for stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 53: Uzh kak shlo proshlo vse gulian'etse, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 54: Uzh kak zvali molodtsa - arr. N. Lukavikhin, undated

- 3 versions. For stringed instrument, melody only.
- Folder 55: Uzh kak vo pole kalinushka - arr. P. Chaikovsky, undated

- For prima domra and piano.
- Folder 56: Uzh ty, pole moe - arrangements by Balakireff/Ignatieff, V. Sapozhnikov, and P. Chaikovsky, undated

- 4 versions. For stringed instrument and piano, melody only, for prima domra and piano.
- Folder 57: Uzh ty sad - arrangements by B. Romanov and A. Ivanov, undated

- 4 versions. For stringed instrument.
- Folder 58: Uzh ty shili kover - arr. S. Bulagov, undated

- For stringed instrument duet.
- Folder 59: Uzh ty, sizen'kii petun, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 60: Uzh ty van'ka, prignis', undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 61: Uzh ty zimushka - arr. M. Balakirev, undated

- For domra and piano.
- Folder 62: Uzh vy, nochi moi, undated

- 2 versions. Melody only.
- Folder 63: Uzhe vesna, undated

- For stringed instrument and piano.
- Box 175

- Folder 1: V doline, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 2: V goluboi kalekoi spalenk, 1922

- For voice and piano. (Negative print)
- Folder 3: V koniushniu voshel, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 4: V nizen'koi svetelke, undated

- 3 versions. For stringed instrument, for piano.
- Folder 5: V ochakh smuglianki chernookoi - arr. Borodin, undated

- Parts for violin 1 and 2, mandolo, and piano. German title: Der Brunetten schwarze Auglein. English title: The nut-brown maiden's eyes of beauty.
- Folder 6: V svrom boru tropina - arr. N. Baklanovoi, undated

- 2 versions. For domra and piano, for stringed instrument.
- Folder 7: V temnom lese, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 8: V zelenom sadu - arr. A. Komarovsky, undated

- For prima domra and piano.
- Folder 9: Vaida iz ruzy, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 10: Valenki - arr. V. Bobri and V. Gabaeff, 1957

- For stringed instrument. English title: The Felt Boots.
- Folder 11: Vaniusha-kliuchnik, undated

- 4 versions. Melody only.
- Folder 12: Varshavianka, undated

- "Whirlwinds of Danger." Parts for prima domra 1 and 2, bass domra, alto balalaika, contra bass, and piano.
- Folder 13: Vdol' da po rechke, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 14: Vdol' po piterskoi - arrangements by B. Troianovsky, A. Shalev, and A. Shustov, undated

- 4 versions. For solo stringed instrument and piano, for stringed instrument duet, for stringed instrument,
- Folder 15: Vdol' po ulitse metelitsa metet - arr. A. Barlamov, undated

- 4 versions. For stringed instrument, for prima domra and piano, for piano.
- Folder 16: Vdol' po ulitse molodetse idete, undated

- Part for violin. English title: Joyous Home-Coming.
- Folder 17: Vdol' po ulitse v konets, undated

- 2 versions. Melody only, for stringed instrument.
- Folder 18: Vechor - arr. V. Grachev, undated

- 2 versions. Melody only, for stringed instrument.
- Folder 19: Vechor vyl ia na pochtovom dvore, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 20: Vechor pozdno iz lesochka - arrangements by B. Romanov and I. Gladkov, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instrument.
- Folder 21: Veisia, veisia kapustka - arr. A. Salina, undated

- 2 versions. For prima balalaika duet, melody only.
- Folder 22: Vernyi moi kolodez', undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 23: Veruiu - A. Fliarkovsky, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 24: Veselaia besedushka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 25: Veselaia golova, undated

- Part for violin (?). English title: The Joyous Companion.
- Folder 26: Veselyi razgovor, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 27: Vesna, vesna krasnaia, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 28: Vesnoi volga razol'etsia, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 29: Veter, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 30: Viniat menia v narode - arr. A. Shalov, 1968

- 3 versions. Part for violin (?), for stringed instrument, for stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 31: Vinograd v sadu tsvetet, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 32: V'iun po vode izvivaetsia, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 33: Virtus antiqua - M. I. Glinka, undated

- Rytsarskii romans. For voice and piano.
- Folder 34: Vishnevaia shal' - arr. Rassin, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 35: Vision - M. Balakirev, 1949

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 36: Vizhu chudnoe privol'e - arr. N. Ivanov, undated

- 2 versions. For voice and stringed instrument, for voice and piano.
- Folder 37: Vniz po kamushkam bystra rechka techet, undated

- 2 versions. Melody only, part for violin (?). English title: The River's Path.
- Folder 38: Vniz po matushke po volge - arr. I. T. Bloom, 1914

- 2 versions. For stringed instrument, parts for violin and piano. English title: On the Waves of Mother Volga.
- Folder 39: Vnov' blesnulo schast'e - arr. Subow, undated

- Parts for violin 1 and 2, mandola, and piano. German title: Und wieder lachelt mir das Gluck. English title: Once more sweet fortune smiles on me.
- Folder 40: Vo gornitse, vo svetlitse, undated

- 2 versions. Melody only, part for violin (?).
- Folder 41: Vo koloditse voditsa kholodva - arr. N. Lukavikhin, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 42: Vo luziakh - arrangements by Liadoff/Ignatieff and E. L. Swerkoff, undated

- 4 versions. For balalaika and piano, score for winds, brass, percussion, and strings, melody only, for piano.
- Folder 43: Vo moskve misha, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 44: Vo piru byla, undated

- For violin (?). English title: At the feast.
- Folder 45: Vo pole bereza stoiala - arrangements by I. Chukhlantsev, N. Katsun, and Rimsky-Korssakoff/Ignatieff, undated

- 8 versions. For stringed instrument, for stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 46: Vo sadu, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 47: Vo sadu li, v ogorode - arrangements by B. Ivanov, E. L. Swerkoff, A. Marin, T. Zakharinoi, and A. Iliukhin., undated

- 6 versions. For stringed instrument, for stringed instrument duet, for piano, for stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 48: Vo syrom boru tropinka, undated

- 2 versions. Melody only, for stringed instrument.
- Folder 49: Vo zavode byli my, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 50: Volokolamskii pereplias - arr. P. Shashkin, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 51: Vorishka, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 52: Vorobushek, vorobei - arr. V. Rebikov, undated

- For accordion.
- Folder 53: Vos'merka - arr. P. Teplov, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 54: Vot mchitsia troika pochtovaia, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 55: Vot mchitsia troika udalaia - arr. N. Beknazarov, undated

- 2 versions. For piano, for stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 56: Vot sluchilasia bedu - N. M. Baryshev, 1928

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 57: Vozle pechki, undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 58: Vozle rechki, vozle mosta - arrangements by I. T. Bloom, M. Filin, and B. Troianovsky, 1914

- 3 versions. For piano, for stringed instrument and piano, for balalaika and piano.
- Folder 59: Voz'mi gitaru - A. Lepin, lyrics by M. Pliatskovsky, undated

- 2 versions. For voice and stringed instrument, for voice and piano.
- Box 176

- Folder 1: Vpered - arr. Mark A. Selivan, 1934

- For domra and piano.
- Folder 2: Vse govoriat, chto vetrena byvaiu - F. K. Sadovsky, lyrics by V. Pavlov, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 3: Vse my pesni perepeli - arr. V. Murzin, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instrument, melody only.
- Folder 4: Vse po svetlitse, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 5: Vsiu-to ia vselennuiu proekhal - arr. B. Troianovsky, undated

- 4 versions. For stringed instrument, for stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 6: Vsnomni, vsnomni, moia khoroshaia - arr. N. Lukavikhin, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 7: Vzveisia vyshe - arr. I. T. Bloom, 1914

- For piano. English title: Flee Higher.
- Folder 8: Vzveisia vyshe ponesisia, undated

- Part for violin. English title: The Message.
- Folder 9: Vy poslushaite, rebiata, chto struna-to govorit - A. Iliukin, undated

- 3 versions. For balalaika and piano, for stringed instrument.
- Folder 10: Vy poslushaite, strelochki - arr. S. Pavin, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 11: Vykhozhu odin ia na dorogu - arr. I. T. Bloom, 1914

- 3 versions. For piano.
- Folder 12: Vy, tsvety li nashi, tsvetiki, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 13: Vyiou l' na rechen'ku - E. V. Gippkusa, undated

- 6 versions. For violin, for stringed instrument, for piano, melody only.
- Folder 14: Za goroiu, u kolodtsa - arr. S. Bulatov, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 15: Za gribami v les devitsy, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 16: Za kuban'iu-rekoi, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 17: Za morem sinichka ne pyshno zhila, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 18: Za rechushkoi iar khmel' - arr. B. Strannoliubsky, undated

- 2 versions. For stringed instrument, melody only.
- Folder 19: Za rekoiu, za bystroiu, undated

- 2 versions. Melody and lyrics, for stringed instrument.
- Folder 20: Zachem poslushal, undated

- Meldoy and lyrics.
- Folder 21: Zachem tebia ia, milyi moi, uznala - arrangements by R. Boiko and B. Romanov, undated

- 2 versions. FOr piano, for stringed instrument.
- Folder 22: Zaigrai, moia bolynka - arr. Balakireff/Ignatieff, undated

- 3 versions. Melody only, for stringed instrument, for balalaika and piano.
- Folder 23: Zaika, undated

- 2 versions. Melody only, melody and lyrics.
- Folder 24: Zaletel nash golub', undated

- Melody and lyrics.
- Folder 25: Zapletisia, pleten' - arr. G. Kirkov, undated

- For stringed instrument and piano.
- Folder 26: Zaviazhu golovu, undated

- Melody and harmony line.
- Folder 27: Zazhurilas' udivon'ka, undated

- For 4 voices.
- Folder 28: Zdravstvui, gost'ia-zima - arr. N. Rimsky-Korsakov, undated

- 2 versions. For accordion, for domra and piano.
- Folder 29: Zdravstviu, svobody vol'noe slovo, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 30: Zelena grusha, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 31: Zelenginskaia kadril' - arr. P. Teplov, undated

- For stringed instrument.
- Folder 32: Zelenoe iabloko, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 33: Zemeliushka-chernozem - arrangements by Liadoff/Ignatieff and G. Tyshkevncha, undated

- 2 versions. For balalaika and piano, for bayan.
- Folder 34: Zemlia navek pomolodela - arr. S. Bulatov, undated

- For stringed instrument duet.
- Folder 35: Zhiguli, undated

- For stringed instrument duet.
- Folder 36: Zhizn' dana dlia naslazhen'ia - S. A. Aliakrinsky, undated

- For voice an piano.
- Folder 37: Zhuravel' - P. Vorotnikovym, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 38: Zima, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 39: Zima moia, zimushka, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 40: Zontik dozhdevoi - Tagamlitsky, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 41: Zvezda, prosti, undated

- Melody only.
- Folder 42: Zvezdnoe leto, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 43: Zvonili zvony - arr. Rimsky-Korsakov/Ignatieff, undated

- 2 versions. For balalaika and piano, melody only.
- Folder 44: Muzyka dlia tantsez dlia estradnogo orkestra, 1969

- Composer: Red. L. Zats. Published in Moskva by Sovetskii komozitor. 1 miniature score, 10 miniature parts.
- Box 177

- Folder 1: Muzyka dlia tantsez dlia estradnogo orkestra, 1969

- Composer: Red. L. Zats. Published in Moskva by Sovetskii komozitor. 3 sets of full scores with (12) parts.
- Folder 2: Pesni velikoi otechestvennoi voiny Vperelozhenii - dlia dukhovogo orkestra - Partitura i golosa, 1975

- Published in Moskva. 1) I. Dunaevskii, Moia Mozkva, Instrumentovka M. Khavkina; 2) K. Listov, V zemlianke, Instrumentovka S. Dunaeva; 3) M. Blanter, V lesu priforontovom, Instrumentovka N. Zolotareva; 4) V. Zakharov, Oi, tumany moi, rastumany, Instrumentatovka V. Os'kina; 5) B. Mokrousov, Zavetnyi kamen', Instrumentovka S. Dunaeva; 6) M. Fradkin, Pesnia O Dnepre, Instrumentovka B. Slobodinskogo; 7) V. Solov'ev-Sedoi, Solov'i, Instrumentovka M. Khavkina; 8) V. Solov'ev-Sedoi, Gde zhe vy teper', druz'ia-odnopolchane?, Instrumentovka A. Lebedeva. 1 miniature score, 17 miniature parts.
- Folder 3: Vechornytsi introdukts i ia z musyky do dramy - "Nazar Stodolia", 1972

- Composers: T. Shevchenka, P. Nishchyns'kyi, instrum. V. Savinykh. Series no.: 6. Publisher: Bibliotechka Muzychnoi Samodiia l'nosti. Miniature score.
- Folder 4: Moskva poet, 1963

- Khorovoe obshchestvo G. Moskvy, Upravlenie kul'tury Ispolkoma Mossoveta. Moskovskii - Gorodskoi Sovet, Professional'nykh - Soiuzov, Moskva. Collected by V.M. Uralova, Editor-in-chief O.A. Fomenko. Published in Moscow (Moskva). Text, lyrics, and black-and-white illustrations.
- Folder 5: Romansy i pesni russkikh kompozitorov XIX stoletiia, 1941

- Romances and Songs by Russian Composers of the 19th century. Arranger: Mikhail Lermontov. Published in Moskva. 1) Net, ne tebia tak pylko ia liubliu (A. Titov), 2) Cherkesskai pesnia (A. Aliab'ev), 3) Otchego? (M. Viel'gorskii), 4) Blagodarnost' (A. Varlamov), 5) I ckushno, i grustno (A. Gurilev), 6) Vykhozhu odi ia na dorogu (E. Shashina), 7) Slyshu-li golos tvoi (M. Glinka), 8) Pesn' rybki (A. Dargomyzhskii), 9) Zhila gruzinka molodaia (N. Lodyzhenskii), 10) Zhelanie (A. Rubinshtein), 11) Zvezda (Ts. Kiui), 12) Zheltyi list o stebel' b'etsia (M. Balakirev), 13) Kazach'ia kolybel'naia pesnia (E. Napravnik), 14) Liubov, mertvetsa (P. Chaikovskii), 15) Est' rechi znachen'e (Viktor Paskhalov), 16) Ariozo Demona (P. Blarambers), 17) Kak nebesa tvoi vzor blistaet (N. Rimskii-Korsakov), 18) Vblizi tebia (I. Kotek), 19) Gornye vershiny (S. Liapunov), 20) Ia vidal inogda (A. Arenskii).
- Folder 6: Russkie Narodnye Pesni, 1990

- Dlia golosa v. Soprovokhdenii Fortepiano (for voice and piano accompaniment). Published in Moscow. Piano music with lyrics. 1) Rodina ("Vishu chudnoe privol'e ..."). Obrabotka N. Ivanova, slova F. Sarinova; 2) Utes. Melodiia A. Rashevskoi, obrabotka Anatoliia Novikova, slova A. Navrotskogo; 3) Po dikim stepiam Zabaikal'ia. Obrabotka Iu. Slonova; 4) U zari-to, u zoren'ki. Obrabotka Iu. Slonova; 5) Lipa vekovaia. Obrabotka D. Lernera; 6) Proshchai, radost' ... Obrabotka neizvestnogo avtora; 7) Chto ty zhadno gliadish' na dorogu? Obrabotka Viach. Volkova, slova N. Nekrasova; 8) Ne odna vo pole dorozhen'ka ... Obrabotka Iu. Shaporina; 9) Kogda ia na pochte sluzhil iamshchikom ... Obrabotka neizvestnogo avtora, slova L. Trefoleva; 10) Khutorok. Obrabotka Iu. Chernova, slova A. Kol'tsova; 11) Tsveli, tsveli tsvetiki ... Obrabotka N. Rakova; 12) Vot mchitsia troika udalaia. Obrabotka neizvestnogo avtora.
- Folder 7: No. 9 Razboinich'ia Piesnia

- Bandit Song. Composer: N.A. Rimskago-Korskova. (Rimsky-Korsakov). Publisher no. 5892. 9 p. score for piano and voice.
- Box 178

- Folder 1: Choral Music: Selections, 1977

- Composer: Aleksandr Porfir'evich Borodin. Compiler: A. Nefedov. Khory bez sopovozhdeniia i v soprovozhdenii fortepiano. Choral music (mixed voices) with piano accompaniment.
- Folder 2: Russkaia Eima, 1974-75

- Russian Winter. Serial. Russian text and black-and-white images of various arts performances.
- Folder 3: Balalaika-Klange, 1933

- Subtitle: Potpourri uber russische Lieder. Composer: A. Tscherniawsky. Arranger: Leopold Weninger. Parnass No. 141. Publisher no. 11578. 9 parts.
- Folder 4: Salonnaia Muzyka dlia orkestra, 1990

- Drawing-Room Music for Orchestra. Composers: M. Ermalaev (M. Yermolayev), N. Chaikin, Iu. Iakushev (Y. Yakushev). Sovetsky Kompozitor Publishers: Moskva (Moscow). Full score.
- Folder 5: A Cossack Song, 1943

- From the Opera "Soil Upturned." Composer: Ivan Dzerzhinsky. Arranger: Gregory Stone. English version by John Alan Haughton. Full score for four-part choir (T.T.B.B.) and piano. Publisher: M. Witmark & Songs, N.Y. Text in English with Russian text attached on seperate sheet. Written on cover: "Kazach'ia pesnia iz opery."
- Folder 6: Khory Russkikh I Sovetskikh Kompozitorov Na Slova M. Iu. Lermontova, 1991

- Russian and Soviet Choral Composers on the Words of Mikhail Lermontov. Bez Soprovozhdeniia I V Soprovozhdenii Fortepiano. Published in Moskva (Moscow). 1) Na sever dikom (A. Dargomyzhskii), 2) Gornye vershiny (A. Rubinshtein), 3) Molitva (A. Rubets), 4) Chasha zhizni (N. Solov'ev), 5) Sosna (M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, 6) Ballada (N. Ladukhin), 7) Vetka Palestiny (V. Benevskii Khoroshevich-Ternitskii), 8) Nocturne (V. Zolotarev), 9) Volny i liudi (F. Keneman), 10) Angel (S. Rakhmaninov), 11) Tuchki nebesnye (A. Nikolskii), 12) Rusalka (P. Chesnokov), 13) Nishchii (S. Panchenko), 14) Kak po vol'noi voliushke (Iu. Shaporin), 15) Zhelan'e (D. Vasil'ev-Buglai), 16) Osen' (P. Glushkov), 17) Utes (V. Shebalin), 18) Pod zanavesoiu tumana (A. Pirumov), 19) Aleksandre Osipovne Smirnovoi (R. Boiko), 20) Dva velikana (Agafonnikov). Full score.
- Folder 7: Sbornik P'es dlia Estradnogo Kvarteta, 1961

- Klarnet, gitara, kontrabas i akhordeon. Compiler: E. Vorob'ev. Publisher: Muzgiz (Moksva). 1) Pol'ka (A. Sokolova - Kamina), 2) Krakoviak (A. Kuznetsova), 3) Sportivnyi tanets (E. Vystavkina), 4) Na treke (N. Balaeva), 5) Pereplias (N. Balaeva), 6) Dzhan - Sevan. Fokstrot (A. Arskogo), 7) Na progulke. Tango. (T. Khodorkovskogo), 8) Fokstrot-marsh (K. Novikova). Full score.
- Folder 8: Fortepiano-direktsion, undated

- Piano and trombone parts. 1) Doroga na pliazh, 2) Znakomaia doroga - bossa nova (A. Varlamov), 3) V kafe medlennyi fokstrot (D. Matushkevich, instrumentovka O. El'shteina), 4) Dalekaia zvezda bossa-nova (E. Makarov), 5) Popugai sovremennyi tenets (V. Shainskii), 6) Radostnoe volnenie - tango (O. Agafonov).
- Folder 9: "Daisi", undated

- "Daisi" - an original Georgian opera in 3 acts. Composer: Eakhariia Paliashvli (Zachary Paliashvili). Words by Valeriana Guniia. Small book with text in Russian.
- Folder 10: Reve Angelique (Kamennoi - Ostrow), 1910

- Composer: A. Rubinstein. Arranger: Chas. J. Roberts. For Small Orchestra and Piano. Publisher: Carl Fischer, New York. Publisher no. 14120-45. Piano and violin I parts.
- Folder 11: Toreador et Andalouse, 1924

- Op. 103, No. 7. Composer: A. Rubinstein. Arranger: L. Artok. Publisher: Schott. Publisher No. 31125. 4 parts: Piano-Conductor, violoncello, violin I, harmonium.
- Folder 12: Henry VIII - Ballet-Divertissement, 1909

- Composer: C. Saint-Saens. Transcription by Theo. M. Tobani. No. VI Danse de la Gipsy, No. V Scherzetto, and No. VI Gigue et Final. Piano and violoncello parts.
- Folder 13: Posviashchaetsia pamiah I. I. Dekker-Sheika, undated

- Posviashchaetsia pamiati I. I. Dekker-Sheika. Novyi prakticheskii samouchitel' dlia Mandoliny po tsifrovoi sisteme po kotoroi mozhno vyuchit'cia igrat na mandoline bez znaniia not sostabil A. Anderson. Publisher: Iulii Genrikh Tsimmerman, Leiptzig. Small book of mandolin songs.
- Folder 14: Ukrainian Folk Songs, 1927

- Copyright M.O. Hayvoronsky. NY USA. Full score for piano and violin. 1) I Loved a Girl Before and Now, 2) Near the Woodland a Girl Was Ploughing, 3) Yonder On the Hill, 4) What Grows Without Root?, 5) Why Do You Not Come To Me, 6) Sitch Is Marching on the Hill, 7) I'll Sit By the Window, 8) I Shall Go Through the Meadow, 9) Oh, Star, Thou Evening's Star, 10) Beyond the Danube a Kosak Rides, 11) Oh, In the Field There's a Well, 12) Moonlit, Starlit Night, 13) Are Those the Shoes, 14) There Stands a High Mountain, 15) The Maple Tree and Fate of a Kosak, 16) "Calves," 17) My Sweetheart Was a Bagpiper, 18) Harry Don't Tarry, 19) Is It You, Or Not You, 20) "Bandura," 21) Between Two Mountains a Star Rose, 22) Hrechanyky (Buckwheats), 23) Chumak Danced, 24) Hey, Don't Be Surprised, 25) Kosaks Whistled During the Midnight March, 26) Snow on the Mountain, 27) Who Will Take Me Home?, 28) Hey, Sitch is Marching, 29) The Girl Stood in the Doorway, 30) Overhung with Dark Clouds, 31) Gypsy O' Mine!, 32) The Cuckoo Flew Over the Orchard, 33) At Sunset, 34) Nichay (Ukranian Hero).
- Folder 15: Svetit Mesiats, 1923

- Bright Shines the Moon. Arranged by Luigi Paparello. Publisher: Lefkowitch, New York. 1 First violin or mandolin part.
- Folder 16: Simfoniia No. 7, 1923

- Chast' III. Skertso. Dle Orkestra domr i balalaek. (For domra and balalaika orchestra.) Composer: L. Betkhovena. Instrumentation: A. Sapozhnikova. Publisher: Ogiz Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, Moskva. Full score.
- Folder 17: Marsh, op. 40 no. 3, 1932

- Composer: Franz Schubert. Dlia domrovo-balalachnogo orkestra (for domra-balalaika orchestra). Perelozhenie, S. Kpiukovskogo. Publisher: Gosudartsvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo. Published in Leningrad. Publisher no: 13415. Full score.
- Folder 18: Menuet iz simfonii g moll, 1932

- Composer: Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Symphony No. 40 in G minor, K. 550. Menuet iz simfonii No 2 (G-moll) perelozhenie dlia domrovo-balalaechogo orkestra. Arranger: F.A. Nimana. Publisher: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo. Published in Leningrad. Full score.
- Folder 19: Iav-nana : gruzinskaia, 1935

- Georgian Lullaby. Dlia srednogo golos s fortepiano (For middle voice and piano). Composer: Azmaiparasvili, Salva Ilic. Russian text by S. Bolotina. Publisher: Ogiz Muzgiz. Published in Moskow (Moskva). Score.
- Folder 20: Komitas i pisni : solo s fortopiano, 1932

- Armenian Songs. For voice and piano. Composer: Komitas (Soghomon Soghomonian). Language: Armenian. Publisher: GIZ SSR Armenii. Score.
- Folder 21: Armenian Songs, 1935

- Composer: Barkhudaryan, Sargis. Songs for voice and piano with lyrics in Armenian. Score. Black-and-white illustrations.
- Folder 22: Siebensaintige Gitarre, undated

- Praktische und leichtverstandlich Schule zum Selbstunterricht fur die Siebensaintige Gitarre (=Practical and easy to understand lessons for teaching oneself seven-stringed guitar). Composer: A. Ruef. Publisher: Jul. Heinr. Zimmermann. Published in Leipzig and Berlin. Guitar chord charts, several songs.
- Folder 23: Fifty Two Russian Folksongs

- "Carefully Selected & Effectively Arranged by W.F. Ambroso for Violin Solo, Two Violins, Violin & Piano, Two Violins & Piano, Piano Part Separately." First violin part. Publisher: Carl Fischer, New York. 1) Song of my Garden, 2) The Brave Gipsy, 3) At the Feast, 4) On the Waves of Mother Volga, 5) Her dear round, little face, 6) Hail, 7) The Iwuschka Tree, 8) The Sleeping Maiden, 9) Along the Street, 10) On the Cobbled Street, 11) Why waste our time with sowing?, 12) The Lonely Oak Tree, 13) On the Bridge, 14) Blazing Torches, 15) Song of the Jolly Comrade, 16) Thou my beautious Soul, 17) The Broad Road, 18) Accused by the World, 19) The Bright Chamber, 20) Maidens tripping in the Fields, 21) In the Court-Yard, 22) Garden Promenade at Even-Tide, 23) On Mountain and in the Valleys, Poppies everywhere, 24) Worries of a Loving Heart, 25) Strawberries and Raspberries, 26) Joyous Home-Coming, 27) Sadden me not, my love, 28) Beneath the Oak and Bush, 29) Song of Endearment, 30) At the Brook, 31) Remember thou my lover, 32) Song of the Balcony, 33) The Troika is flying, 34) The Maiden at the Gate, 35) The Message, 36) The Joyous Companion, 37) The Wild Duck, 38) On my Balcony, 39) Song of Youth, 40) Song of Good Cheer, 41) My Native Land, 42) The Night, 43) Journey from Novgorod, 44) The FIr Tree near the Field, 45) Our Orchard, 46) The Boys' Journey, 47) The River's Path, 48) Popular Song, 49) Kamarinskaja, Russian National Dance, 50) Song of the Disappointed WIfe, 51) Song of the Volga Boatman, 52) The Rad Sarafan.
- Folder 24: Potpourri Uber Neue Russische Lieder, undated

- Potpourri of New Russian Songs for piano (=Popuri iz novykh russkikh piesen). Composer: A. Cherniavskii. Publisher: Jul. Heinr. Zimmerman, Leipzig. Score. Colored illustration on cover.
- Folder 25: Pesnia Shamilia : novaia lezginka, 1925

- Arranger: Mikhaila Bessmertnogo. Publisher: Rostov na Don, Donpoligrafbum. For piano.
- Folder 26: Vino Lia'vi : Tango, undated

- Love Wine: Tango. Composer: Marka Mar'ianovskago (Mark Marjanowsky). For piano.
- Folder 27: Grosses Potpourri uber russische Melodien, undated

- Ein Stundchen im russischen Dorfe. Fur Klavier. Arranger: N. Artem'ev. Publisher: Jul. Heinr. Zimmermann, Liepzig. Colored illustration on cover.
- Folder 28: Le Nonpariel : Tango Argentin, undated

- Composer: Georges N. Ocki-Albi. Publisher: Jul. Heinr. Zimmermann. For piano. Black and white photo on cover.
- Folder 29: Potpourri uber neue Zigeunerlieder, 1911

- For piano. Composer: A. Cherniavskii. Colored illustration on cover.
- Folder 30: Russian Songs, undated

- Cover and first page missing. No. 3. Varshavyanka. Composers: Alyabiev, Varlamova, Glinka, Gounod.
- Box 179

- Folder 1: Tantsy Narodov SSSR Issue 1, 1954

- Serial. "Iskusstvo." Published in Moskva (Moscow). Black and white diagrams and drawings, music.
- Folder 2: Tantsy Narodov SSSR Issue 4, 1956

- Serial. Published in Moskva (Moscow). Black and white diagrams and drawings, music.
- Folder 3: Liederbuch fur Lautensang, undated

- Songs with Russian text.
- Folder 4: Ad'bom" Cyganskich" Pesen", undated

- "Album of Gypsy Songs." Published in Russia.
- Folder 5: Orkestroteka Estradnye pesni, 1966

- V Soprovozhdenii Orkestra. Vypusk 2. Publisher: Muzyka. 1) Ty ne pechal'sia (M. Tariverdiev, instrumentovka V. Zel'chenko), 2) Telefonnyi zvonok / Allo-allo (V. Kudriavtsev), 3) Edu ia (A. Eshpai, instrumentovka V. Udalova), 4) Tropa turistskaia (M. Dolinskii). 11 parts and reduced score for piano.
- Folder 6: Estradnye Ansambli - Vecher Tantsev, undated

- Vypusk 2. Compiler: E. Rokhlin. Publisher: Sovetskii Kompozitor, Moskva. 1) Doroga na pliazh - Tanets iz kinofil'ma "Na zavtrashnei ulitse" (A. Zatsepin), 2) Znakomaia doroga - Bossa-nova (A. Varlamov), 3) V Kafe - Medlennyi fokstrot (D. Matushkevich, instrumentovke O. El'shteina), 4) Dalekaia zvezda - Bossa-nova (E. Makarov), 5) Popugai - Sovremennyi tanets (V. Shainskii), 6) Radostnoe volnenie - Tango (O. Agafonov). Parts. Note: Trombone and piano parts missing.
- Folder 7: Estradnye Ansambli - Pesni, undated

- Pesni v tantseval'nykh ritmakh. Vypusk 2. Dlia estradnogo ansamblia. Publisher: Muzyka, Moskva. 1) Liricheskaia pesenka (M. Blanter, instrumentovka V. Khoroshchansky), 2) Luchshii gorod zemli (A. Babadzhanian, instrumentovka V. Zel'chenko), 3) Ty ne khodi za mnoi (P. Aedonitskii, instrumentovka V. Zel'chenko), 4) Speshu k tebe (M. Partskhaladze), 5) Zimniaia skazka (A. Boiadzhiev, instrumentovka O. Ternovsky), 6) Dal (A. Ostrovskii, instrumentovka V. Khoroshchansky). Parts.
- Folder 8: Orkestroteka Popurri: Na temy operetty, 1966

- Composer: I. Shtrausa. Obrabotka: T. Khodorkovsky. "Tsyganskii Baron." Dlia estradnogo orkestra. Publisher: Muzyka. Parts
- Box 180

- Folder 1: Klubnye Vechera, 1964

- Vyp. VI: Sbornik pesen, khorov i instrumentsl'nykh p'es narodnogo, akademicheskogo i estradnogo zhanrov. Editor: A. Abramskii. Publisher: Izdatel'stvo Myzyka, Moskva. Selections of choral music.
- Folder 2: Klubnye Vechera, 1978

- Vyp. I3: Pesni i khory bez soprovozhdeniia i v soprovozhdenii fortepiano, baiana. Editor: A. Abramskii. Publisher: Sovetskij Kompozitor, Moskva. Selections of choral music.
- Folder 3: Pesnia - 68 : dlia golosa v soprovozhdenii fortepiano (baiana), 1968

- Periodical. Series: Avgust. Publisher: Svetskii kompozitor, Moskva. Collection of songs for voice and piano.
- Folder 4: Pesnia - 77 : dlia golosa v soprovozhdenii fortepiano (baiana, gitary), 1977

- Periodical. Series: Avgust. Publisher: Svetskii kompozitor, Moskva. Collection of songs for voice and piano.
- Folder 5: Pervye shagi baianista, 1961

- Vyp. I2. Publisher: Sovetskii kompozitor, Moskva. Editor: A. Basurmanov. Songs for voice and piano.
- Folder 6: Pervye shagi baianista, 1964

- Vyp. 23. Publisher: Muzyka, Mosvka. Editor: A. Basurmanov. Songs for voice and piano.
- Folder 7: Uliubleni estradni melodii dlia fortepiano, 1974

- Liubimye estradnye melodii dlia fortep'iano. Vyp. 19. Editor: Filipp Iosifovich Bril'. Publisher: Muzychna Ukraina, Kyiv. Text in Ukranian and Russian. Songs for piano.
- Folder 8: Pesni radio i kino, 1977

- Vyp. 234. Editor: Vladislav Pavlovich, Bukin. Publisher: Muzyka, Moskva. Songs for voice and piano.
- Folder 9: Pervye shagi akkordeonista, 1969

- Sostavlenie i perelozhenie S. Rubinshteina. Vyp. 33. Editor: S. Rubinshtein. Publisher: Sovetskii kompozitor, Moskva. Songs for voice and piano.
- Folder 10: Vstrecha s pesnei, 1970

- Dlia golosa v soprovozhdenii fortepiano (baiana). Periodical. Vyp. I. Editor: Tereza Vladislavovna Rymshevich. Publisher: Sovetskii kompozitor, Moskva. Russian songs for piano and voice.
- Folder 11: Vstrecha s pesnei, 1970

- Dlia golosa v soprovozhdenii fortepiano (baiana). Periodical. Vyp. 2. Editor: Tereza Vladislavovna Rymshevich. Publisher: Sovetskii kompozitor, Moskva. Russian songs for piano and voice.
- Folder 12: Novye pesni, 1964

- Kino, estrada, teatr, radio. Vyp. 9. R. Kotliarevskii. Publisher: Muzyka, Moskva - Leningrad. Russian songs for voice and piano.
- Folder 13: Poem i tantsuem, 1977

- Red. N. Matveeva. Vyp. 47. Publisher: Muzyka, Moskva.
- Folder 14: Vo Dni Brani, 1993

- In Days of Battle. Six Choruses, Op. 45. Composer: P. Chesnokov. Series: Masterpieces of Russian Sacred Music.
- Folder 15: Duchovno - Muz'kalye Sochininiya Dlya Chora, 1993

- Sacred Musical Compositions for Choir. Composer: A. Archangelsky. Series: Masterpieces of Russian Sacred Music.
- Folder 16: Russkaya Duxhovnaya Muzyka Dlya Detskix I Zenskix Xhorov, 1992

- Russian Sacred Music for Children's and Women's Choirs. Series: Masterpieces of Russian Sacred Music.
- Folder 17: Liturgi atago Ioanna Zlatousta, 1993

- Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (for four part mixed choir). Composer: Sergei Rakhmaninov. Series: Masterpieces of Russian Sacred Music. Full score.
- Folder 18: Maddalena (Maggalena), 1993

- Opus 13. Opera in One Act. Libretto by S. Prokofiev. Based on the play by M. Lieven. Orchestration and English translation by E. Downes. Vocal score. Publisher: Kompozitor Publishers, Moscow.
- Box 181

- Folder 1: V. V. Andreev I Ego Orkestr, 1962

- Author: F. Sokolov. Text in Russian. Black and white photos.
- Folder 2: Katalog Iehdanij, 1924

- Catalog of Publications 1919-1923. Russian State Publishers. Published in Moscow.
- Folder 3: Compositions favorites, undated

- Composer: M. Moszkowsky. Publisher: P. Jurgenson, Moscow. 1) Spanische Tanze, Opus 12, Heft I, 2) Spanische Tanze, Opus 12, Heft II, 3) Serenata, Opus 15, 4) Menuett, Opus 17, No. 2, 5) Melodie, Opus 18, 6) Valse Brillante. For piano.
- Folder 4: Etuden Schule, undated

- Sammlung progressiv geordneter clavier-etuden verschiedener Autoren, zum fur den gebrauch am St. Petersberger Conservatorium. Editor: C. Lutschg. (Lehrer des Clavierspiels am Conservatorium zu St. Petersburg). Heft 1. Commissionaires de La Societe Musicale Russe et du Conservatoire. Publisher: B. Bessel & Companie, St. Petersburg.
- Folder 5: Tul'skikh" Narodnykh" Pbsen", undated

- Composer: B. Sv"chinoj-Kishenskoj. Score for four-part choir.
- Folder 6: Kolyady, 1912

- Izdanie. Composer: Yupiya G. Pavlusya. Published in Olyphant, PA. Photocopy. Score.
- Folder 7: Manuscripts of Popular Music, undated

- Composers: Paulsen, Gardener, Nevin, Paganini-Wilhelmj. For violin, violin and piano, and other unidentified ensembles.
- Folder 8: "Dark Eyes - Two Guitars"

- Violin Duet. "Encore." First and Second Violin parts. Signed by Joseph Kaltchok.
- Folder 9: Utmutato A Hangok Vilaga IV., 1969

- Series: Bevezetes a Zeneirodalomba I. Szolfezstankonyv tanitasahoz (Solfege teaching textbook). Composer/Author: Dobzay Laszlo. Publisher: Editio Musica, Budapest. Text (Hungarian) and music.
- Folder 10: Kozepfoku (Tovabbkepzo) Zongora Tanterv, 1968

- Series: Allami Zeneiskolak Tantervei.
- Folder 11: Szolfezs : Tanterv, 1969

- Series: Allami Zeneiskolak Tantervei. Text in Hungarian.
- Folder 12: Hogyan Kellene A Gyermekeket A Zenebe Bevezetni?, 1917

- Author: Dr. Kovacs Sandor. Published in Budapest. Text in Hungarian.
- Folder 13: Zongora : Tanterv, 1969

- Series: Allami Zeneiskolak Tantervei. Text in Hungarian.
- Folder 14: Sovremennye Russkie Pesni, 1980

- Modern Russian Songs. V Perevode Na Idish. Series: No. 3.
- Box 182

- Folder 1: Repertuarnyi Sbornik dlia Dukhovy Orkestra, 1973

- Vypusk 3. Partitura. Minature score and parts. Publisher: Sovetskii Kompozitor, Moskva. 1) Poema o generale Dovatore (V. Muradeli, Obrabotka A. Tupitsyna), 2) Turkmenski marsh (Ch. Artykov), 3) Kontsertnyi val's dlia saksofona al'ta (G. Kalinkovich), 4) Russkoe intermetstso (V. Levashov, instrumentovka V. Nikolaeva), 5) Kontsertnyi val's (Iu. Silant'ev, Instrumentovka: G. Sal'nikova), 6) Zapevala zvezdnykh dorog. Marsh iz tsikla "Sozvezdie Gagarina" (A. Pakhmutova, Instrumentovka A. Tupitsyna).
- Folder 2: Folk Instrument Orchestras in the USSR, undated

- The N. Osipov State Academic Russian Folk Orchestra. Text in Russian and English. Color photos. Signed by The Moscow Pops, 1979. Photocopy only of 2nd half.
- Folder 3: Pesni : Nashikh Dnei, 1977

- 1975-1976. Scores of popular music for voice and piano (bayan, accordion, guitar). Periodical. Compiler: V. Bukin. Publisher: Muzika, Moskva.
- Folder 4: Russian Folk Chorus, undated

- Composer: Piatnitsky. Series: Russian Folk Songs. Gosudarstvennyaj Russkij Narodnyj - Khor - Imeni - Pyatniczky. Russkie Narodnye Pesni. Publisher: Melodiya - USSR Records Firm.
- Folder 5: The Alexandrov Song and Dance Ensemble of the Soviet Army, undated

- Publisher: Melodiya - USSR Records Firm. Russian songs.
- Folder 6: Meadowlands (Cavalry of the Steppes), 1945

- Chorus for Mixed Voices (S.A.T.B. A Cappella). Music by L. Knipper, Arranged by Peter J. Wilhousky. English version by Alice Mattullath. From the Russian Text by V. A. Gusev. Publisher: Carl Fischer.
- Folder 7: Muzychna Orbita (Muzykal'naia orbita), 1977

- Compiler: Aleksei Efimovich Semenov. Vyp. 47. In Ukranian and Russian. Publisher: Muzychna Ukraina, Kyiv. Score for piano and voice.
- Folder 8: Osnovi Dzhazovoi Interpretaczii, 1980

- Fundamental Jazz Interpretations. I. Gorvat, I. Vasserberger. Russian text and music.
- Folder 9: Zimnee Utro, 1979

- Khory bez soprovozhdeniia. Noi stikhi A. S. Pushkina. Composer: R. Boiko. Cold Morning. Chorus without accompaniment. Based on a poem by A.S. Pushkin. Publisher: Sovetskii Kompozitor, Moskva.
- Folder 10: Izbrannye tantsy iz baletov, 1960

- Selected Dances from Ballets. Lebedinoe ozero (Swan Lake), Spiashchaia krasavitsa (Sleeping Beauty), Shchelkunchik (Nutcracker). Perelozhenne dlia fortep'iano v dve ruki (Arrangement for piano duets). Composer: P. Chaikovskii (Tchaikovsky). Publisher: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, Leningrad.
- Box 183

- Folder 1: 24 Preludes pour Piano, 1935

- Op. 11. Composer: A. Scriabine (Scriabin). Book II, No. 7-12. New, revised edition.
- Folder 2: K Plameni - Poehma, 1931

- To the Flame - A Poem. Dlia Fortepiano. Composer: A. Scriabin.
- Folder 3: Sonata in E Minor, 1993

- For piano. Composer: A. Scriabin. Publisher: "Kompositor."
- Folder 4: Noktyurn, 1949

- For fortepiano. Composer: M. Balakirev. Redakuiya: K. N. Igumnova.
- Folder 5: Shestnadczat' Let, 1949

- Sixteen Years. Composer: Aleksandr Sergeyevich Dargomyzhsky. Editor: M. Pekelisa. Score for voice and piano. Lyrics in Russian.
- Folder 6: Romancy, 1896

- Dlia Odnogo Golosa. Composer: Niliya Alakireva. Publisher No: 20385. Score for vioce and piano. Lyrics in Russian.
- Folder 7: Sheherazada, 1933

- Simphonicheskaya Syuita Po 1001 Nochi. Dlia Orkestra. Op. 35. Scheherezade, Symphonic Suite. Composer: N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Reduction for piano.
- Folder 8: Rusalka, 1932

- The Water Nymph. Bol'shaya Opera. For voice and piano. Composer: A. Dargomyschksy. Text is a poem by A.S. Puschkin. Revised by S. M. Luapunow. New revision by Paul Lamm. Publisher: Staatsmusikverlag, Moskva. Text in Russian and German.
- Folder 9: Etyudi-Kartiny, Op. 33, i 39, 1947

- Composer: Rachmaninoff, Sergei. Publisher: Gos. Muzykal'noe Isd., Moskva. Score for piano.
- Folder 10: Konczert, 1947

- Dlia Fortepiano S Orkestrom. Op. 20. Composer: A. Scriabin. (Concerto for piano with orchestra). Publisher: Muzykalnoe Izdatelstvo, Moskva. Reduction for two pianos. Text in Russian and French.
- Folder 11: Vesna : Romans, 1953

- (Spring : A Romance.) Yur. Kochurov. Op. 19, No. 5. Dlya Rysoky Golosa I Fortepiano. Slova F. Tyutcheva. (For high voice and piano. Words by F. Tyutcheva.)
- Folder 12: Nokturn, 1949

- Nocturne, Op. 16, No. 1. For fortepiano. Composer: Leonid Nikolaev.
- Folder 13: Koliskova, 1944

- Lullaby, Op. 39, No. 2. Kolybel'naya. Dlya Golosa s Fortepiano. (For voice and piano). Composer: B. Lyatoshynsky.
- Folder 14: Duet : Esmeral'di i Kloda, 1949

- Iz Opery "Esmeral'da". Dlya Golosa I Fortepiano. (For voice and piano.) Composer: A. Dargomyzhsky. Arrangement by R. Gurevicha.
- Folder 15: Secha Pri Kerzhencze, 1949

- Battle of Kerzhenets. Iz Opera "Skazany O Grade Kitezhe." (Tales of the City of Kitezh.) Seriya Simfonicheskaya. Composer: Iebranniae . Publisher: Muzliz. Series: Izbrannye Proizredeniya Russkix Klassikov (Selected works of Russian Classics). Full score.
- Folder 16: Sonata dlya Fortepiano, 1930

- Composer: Mich. Judin. Publisher: Muzsektor Gosizdata, Moskva. Publisher No: 10753-8. Score for piano.
- Folder 17: 101 Magyar Nepdal, undated

- Hungarian Folksongs. Az I. Publisher: Rozsnyai Karoly, Budapest. Publisher no: R.K. 3. Score for voice and piano.
- Folder 18: Koncherty dlya Fortepiano, Op. 30, 1886

- Concerto for piano. Composer: N. Rimski-Korsakov. Reduction for 2 pianos by the composer. Publisher: M.P. Belaieff, Leipzig.
- Folder 19: Komsomoliya, 1924

- Straniczy Epopei. Composer: Aleksandr Bezymenski. Publisher: Krasnaya Nov', Moskva. Lyrics and black-and-white photos, score for piano and voice.
- Folder 20: Val's" - Valse, undated

- Composer: R. Glier" (Gliere). Series: Pedagogicheskij Repertuar dlya Fortepiano Iz Sochinenij Rysskix Kompozitorov. (Russian Pedagogical Repertoire for the Piano.) Editor: M. Presman. Score for piano.
- Folder 21: Valse - Caprice pour le piano, undated

- Composer: A. Rubinstein. Publisher: W. Bessel. Score for piano.
- Box 184

- Folder 1: Slet Russkix Xorov, 1937

- V" Den' Russkoj Kul'tury (On the Day of Russian Culture). 26-27 Iyunya 1937 g. Posvyashhen" Namyati A. C. Pushkina (Dedicated in memory of A. Pushkin). Photocopy.
- Folder 2: Rasskazy O Russkix Narodnyx Instrumentax, 1976

- Stories of the Russian Folk Instruments. Author: Yu. Vasil'ev and A. Shirokov. Publisher: Sovetskij Kompozitov, Moskva. Russian text and black-and-white images. Photocopy.
- Folder 3: 1-yj Vsegosudarstvennyj Slet Russkix Xorov V Narve

- Sbornik. Pamyati A. C. Pushkina (Pushkin). 26-27 Iyunya 1937, Narva, Estonia. Russian text, black-and-white photos and images. Photocopy.
- Folder 4: Srbljak; stavio u note Branko Cvejic, 1970

- Composer: Karlovacko Pojanje. Published in Belgrad. Inscription: "To the Music Library University of Illinois with compliments. D. Stefauovii. Belgrade, 8th September 1972." Vocal score. Also includes 45 rpm record: Staro Srpsko Pojayue.
- Folder 5: "Wall Street Russian Style", 1975

- Script and score manuscripts (for voice and piano) for musical Wall Street, Russian Style. Book and lyrics by Armand Aulicino and music by Frank Gaskin Fields. Based on the novels by the "Soviet Mark Twains" Ilya ILF and Eugene Petrov. Enclosed envelope: "To Walter Kasura From AL Aulicino." Note from Aulicino also enclosed.
- Box 185

- Folder 1: Uvertyura, Tanczy I Marsh", 1889

- Overture, Dances and March. Iz" Opery "Knyaz' Igor'" (From the opera "Prince Igor"). Composer: A. Borodin. Overture. For piano duet. Reduction by N. Sokolow. Publisher: M.P. Belaieff, Leipzig.
- Folder 2: Dvadczat Chetyre Prelyudii dlya Fortepiano, 1923

- 24 Preludes for piano. Op. 11. Composer: A. Skryabin (Scriabin). No.s 1-6. Publisher: Muzykal'nyj Sektor, Moskva.
- Folder 3: Sonata-Fantaziya dlya Fortepiano, 1924

- Sonata-Fantasy for piano. Op. 19. Composer: A. Skryabin (Scriabin). Publisher: Muzykal'nyj Sektor, Moskva. Novoe Izpravlennoe Izdanie.
- Folder 4: Noch Na Lysoj Gore, 1926

- Night on Bald Mountain. Simfonycheskaya Poema. Perelochenie Dlia Fortepiano v 4 ruki. (For piano four hands.) Composer: M. Moussorgsky. Arranger: N. Arziboucheff. Text in Russian and French.
- Folder 5: Skazki Staroj Babushki, undated

- Tales of the Old Grandmother. Op. 31. Composer: Sergey Prokofiev. Series: Sochineniya dlya fortepiano. Publisher: Kievsky Muzykal'ny Predpriyamuya. Score for piano.
- Folder 6: Sonata dlya Fortepiano, 1922

- Op. 2. Composer: S. Evseev. Publisher: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo Muzykalnyj Sektor, Moskva. Score for piano.
- Folder 7: Rusalka : opera, undated

- Composer: A. Dargomyzhskago. Arranzhirovannaya dlia Fortepiano v Dvye Ruki (Arranged for piano two hands). Dramaticheskaya opera v chetyrex" Dchjstviyax". Nostavshhika Dvora Ego Imperatorskago Velichestva, v bol'shoj Moskoj, no. 27. Czyena 6 rub.
- Folder 8: Sbornik p'es dlia trio narodnykh instrumentov, 1956

- Editor: B. Strannoliubskii. Publisher: Gosud. muzykal'noe izdatel'stvo, Moskva. (A Collection of Pieces for a Folk Instruments Trio - Domra or Mandolin, balalaika, & 7-string guitar).
- Folder 9: Semejnye Vegera, undated

- Sbornik Russkix Narodnyx Pyesen dlia bol'shogo Orkestra iz Narodnyx Instrumentov. (Family Evening. A Collection of Russian Folk Songs for large orchestra of folk instruments.) Composer: V. Nasonov. Op. 58. Photocopies.
- Folder 10: Russkij Narodnyj Orkestr : Rukovodstvo Dlya Dirizhera I Partitury, 1970

- Shkola Kollektivnoj Igry. Authors: A. Nlyuxin, Yu. Shishakov. Russian National Orchestra. School party games : Guide for the conductor and musical scores. Publisher: Muzyka, Moskva. Russian text and full score.
- Folder 11: Rodina : Syuita Dlya Orkestra Russkix Narodnyx Instrumentov

- Home: Suite for Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments. Composer: M. Matveev. Full Score. Photocopy.
- Box 186

- Folder 1: Polka, undated

- Komnochka. Composer: unknown. Domra parts.
- Folder 2: V Samarkand, undated

- Piano score. EC 1287.
- Folder 3: Pal'chiki i mal'chiki, undated

- Full score. EC 1485.
- Folder 4: Pesenka ob odinokom druge, undated

- Composer: Bogoslovskii, N. 2 piano scores. EC 1494.
- Folder 5: Grief, undated

- Composer: Frederik Chopin. 7 parts (4 domra, 3 balalaika). EC 1255.
- Folder 6: Slavonic Dances, undated

- Composer: Antonin Dvorak. Arranged for domra and balalaika. 7 parts (4 domra, 3 balalaika). EC 1241.
- Folder 7: Elena, undated

- Composer: M. I. Glinka. Arranged for domra and balalaika. 6 parts (3 domra, 3 balalaika). EC 1212.
- Folder 8: Ne iskushai menia bez nuzhdy, undated

- 6 different arrangements for domra and balalaika. EC 1280.
- Folder 9: Forgotten Evenings, undated

- Viola, cello, bass, and piano parts. EC 1198.
- Folder 10: Alexandrovsky, undated

- Arranged by W. Katur. Manuscript score for Russian folk orchestra (8 parts, incomplete). Only 5 parts present. EC 1275.
- Folder 11: Ekh rasposhel', undated

- Arrangement for soloist and 7-part Russian folk orchestra. Manuscript score in the hand of W. Kasura. EC 1329.
- Folder 12: Nocturno, undated

- Several arrangements: for domra and balalaika ensemble, for violin I & II, violino obligato, viola, cello, flute, clarinet, and trombone, plus 3 full scores. Handwritten manuscripts or photocopies of manuscripts. EC 732.
- Folder 13: Xozy mebya, 1943

- Op. 10.3. Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1523.
- Folder 14: Vechy Goda Prosshyx, 1943

- Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1522.
- Folder 15: Rus Rodnaya Moya, 1946

- Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC1521.
- Folder 16: Ny Zailay, 1943

- Op. 10.6. Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1524.
- Folder 17: Tak Vot Ona : Lyubvy Vesna.

- Op. 10.7. Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1525.
- Folder 18: V Aleizny Iashej Aleyzn Byla, 1944

- Op. 10.9. Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1526.
- Folder 19: Vpered Sovetskie Geroi, 1943

- Op. 11.2. Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1527.
- Folder 20: My Vpered Shagaem Smelo, undated

- Op. 11.3. Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1528.
- Folder 21: Pust Eta Pesni Zvytnt, 1943

- Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1529.
- Folder 22: Dlya Lego Eto Vsyo Y Zatem?, undated

- Op. 7.2. Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1530.
- Folder 23: Dlya Chego Eto I Zachem, 1945

- Op.7.2. Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1531.
- Folder 24: Zastolnaya, 1950

- Op. 47.7. Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1532.
- Folder 25: Romans Vasiliya Fomina, 1959

- Op. 57. Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1533.
- Folder 26: Proshu, Ne Mug, 1945

- Op. 22.1. Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1534.
- Folder 27: Vernis Ko Mne, Molyu Nemug, 1945

- "Do Not Torment Me." Op. 221. Music and lyrics by Basil Fomeen. Manuscript score for piano and voice. EC1535.
- Folder 28: Gde Ty Milaya Czyganka, 1945

- Op. 2.13. Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1536.
- Folder 29: Plyasovaya - "Czyganotka", 1945

- Op. 21.4. Composer: B. Fomeen. Manuscript score for voice and piano. EC 1537.
- Folder 30: Tvoi Glaza Zelenye, undated

- Composer: B. Fomeen. 2 manuscript scores for piano and voice (one photocopy) and two manuscript violin parts. EC 1538.
- Folder 31: Otchayanie, undated

- Verzweiflung. Despairing. Composer: Michailow. Two piano parts (one manuscript) and three parts for unknown instrumentation. EC1540.
- Folder 32: Plat Czytanp, undated

- Score for piano and one (unidentified) part. EC 1541.
- Folder 33: Trotter, undated

- Musical Arrangment by Andrew Salama. 5 scores for piano and voice (3 photocopies). EC 1542.
- Folder 34: Pomni Obo Mne, undated

- Remember Me. Composer: V. Domar. Arranged by W. Kasura (for Claudia Curtis, soprano). Three scores for voice and piano or piano-accordian (one arranged by Kasura, two originals) and lyric sheet. EC 1543.
- Box 187

- Folder 1: Adagio, from "Moonlight Sonata", undated

- Composer: Beethoven. Arranged for alto domra and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Full score and alto domra part. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Ah Che La Morte : Ah! I have sighed to rest me, 1965

- From Il Trovatore. Composer: G. Verdi. Arranged for two balalaikas by Mark A. Selivan. Two manuscript scores (one for piano and one instrument, one for piano and two instruments). EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Aj Vo Pole Lipen'ka, undated

- Otryvok Iz Opery "Snegurochka." Composer: Rimsky-Korsakova. (Rimsky-Korsakov). Arranged for two accordians. Photocopy of full score. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Air for the G-String, undated

- Composer: J.S. Bach. Arranged for alto domra and piano. Score and part. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Aist, undated

- Composer: A. Ostravskij. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547
- Folder 6: Akh, Kogda B Ya Prezhde Znala, undated

- Composer: M. Glinka. Full score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Akh, Zachem Eta Noch', undated

- Arranged by Paul Lampkovitz. "Copyright Wilhelm Zimmerman." Score for voice and piano, one domra part, one bass part. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Akh, Zachem Ya Ne Puzhajka, undated

- Composer: D. Pergolese (Pergolesi). Melody line. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Al-Di-La, undated

- Manuscript part. Melody with chord progressions. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Al'bom Nachinayushhego Domrista, v. 1, 1969

- Composer: Obrabotka V. Evdokimova. Trexhstrunnaya Domra (for trichord domra). Vyp. 1. Publisher: Sovetskij Kompozitor, Moskva. Full score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Alesha, undated

- Composer: E. Kolmanovskij. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Alexander's Ragtime Band, undated

- Composer: Irving Berlin. Arranged for balalaika and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Full score. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Alice, Where Art Thou?, undated

- Composer: Joseph Ascher. Arranged for balalaika and piano by Atanasi Slobodinink. Unarranged full score and arranged full score. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: All Through the Night, 1965

- Arranged for balalaika and piano by M.A. Selivan. Manuscript full score. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Aloha Oe - Hawaiian Farewell Song, 1962

- Composer: Queen Lydia Kamakeha Liliuokalani. Arranged for balalaika and/or voice and piano by M.A. Selivan. Manuscript full score. EC 1547. Also includes score for Beautiful Dreamer by Stephen Foster arranged for balalaika and/or voice and piano by M.A. Selivan.
- Folder 16: Amurskie Volny, undated

- Composer: M. Kyuss. Three different scores for piano. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Andaluzskij Tanets, undated

- Op. 22, No. 1. Composer: P. Sarasate. Full score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Andante, undated

- Composer: W.A. Mozart. Arranged for domra and guitar by V. Yakovleva and B. Okuneva. Full score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Annie Laurie - Scotch Ballad, 1964

- Composer: Lady John Scott. Transcribed for the domra by Mark A. Selivan (1936). Three full scores and one domra part (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Ariya, undated

- Composer: An. Aleksandrov. Arranged by V. Rozlnova. Full score for 6 accordians and solo violin. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Ariya, undated

- Composer: J. S. Bach. Arranged by A. Omel'chenka. Two scores for four-part instrumentation. (One score Cantabile, one score Lento). Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Aria from Faust, undated

- Composer: Gounod. Arranged for balalaika and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript full score. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Ariya Ili Polonez Askol'dovoj Mogily, undated

- "Polonaise" - Air of the opera of Oscoldov Grave. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Ariya Susanina Iz Zhizni Tsarya, 1914

- Series: Russian Folk-Songs and Operatic Airs. "The Life of the Czar." Compiled by J. Fleischman. Arranged by I.T. Bloom. 2 piano scores. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Ariya, Iz "Klassicheskoj Syuit'y", undated

- Composer: An. Alexsandrov. Full score. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Arkhangel'skie Pripevki, undated

- Composer: N. Ivanova. Full score for dorma, harmonica, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: As My Dear Old Mother (Songs My Mother Taught Me), 1963

- "Gypsy Melody." Composer: Anton Dvorak. Arranged for solo domra by M.A. Selivan. Full score and domra part (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Auld lang syne, undated

- Arranged for balalaika and piano by M. A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Ave, Maria, undated

- Composers: J.S. Bach - Sh. Gounod. Full score for piano and solo. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Ave Maria, 1970

- Op. 52, No. 6. Composer: Franz Schubert. Adapted for prima domra solo by Mark A. Selivan 1970 from violin arrangement by August Wilhelmj (Schirmer, 1945). Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Babushka, Navchi Menya Tanczevat' Charl'ston, undated

- Composer: Lyudvik Podest. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Bayu-Bayushki, Bayu, undated

- Composer: N. Metlov. Score for piano and solo. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Ballet Music from "Rosamunde", undated

- Composer: F. Schubert. Arranged for domra and piano by M.A. Selivan. Full score and domra part. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Barabany B'yut, undated

- Composer: R. Bojko. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Barcarole (June), c. 1909

- Op. 37, No. 6. Composer: P. Tschaikowsky (Tchaikovsky). Three scores. 1st transcribed for violin by Hans Sitt (Publisher: Hamelle). 2nd is 1st violin part and 3rd is full score of arrangement for small orchestra and piano transcribed by Theo M. Tobani. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Beleet Narus Odinokij, undated

- Composer: A. Varlamov. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Believe Me If All Those Endearing Young Charms, 1962

- Composer: Thomas Moore. Arranged by M.A. Selivan for domra and piano. Three full scores (two drafts) and one domra part (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Belym Snegom, undated

- Composer: E. Rodygin. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Berezka, undated

- Composer: B. Shiller. Score for piano and solo. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Berezovyj Sok, undated

- Composer: V. Basnev. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Bezzabotnaya Pesenka, undated

- Composer: N. Myaskovskij. Score for piano and solo. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: "B'yut' Porogi" - Poema dlya Xhora a capella, undated

- Composer: T. G. Shevchenka. 4-part choral score. EC 1546.
- Box 188

- Folder 1: The Blue Bells of Scotland, 1936

- Arranged for piano and balalaika and piano and domra by M.A. Selivan. 2 manuscript scores. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Bonnie Dundee, undated

- Arranged for balalaika and piano by M.A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Bratczy-Tuneyadczy, undated

- Composer: A. Balanduna. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Burre, undated

- Composer: W. Mozart. "Allegretto, espressivo." Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Byvayut V Zhizni Dni, undated

- Composer: N. Bogoslovskij. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Bychok, undated

- Compoer: Zapis' N. E. Pal'chikova. Tune. For balalaika. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: The Campbells are Comin' : Scottish Air, 1936

- Arranged for piano and domra by M. Selivan. Full score. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: "Caprice" Valse, undated

- Composer: Dobraxhotova. Arranged for domra and piano by M.A. Selivan. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Carry Me Back to Old Virginny, 1936

- Composer: James Bland. Arranged for piano and domra by M.A. Selivan. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Chacone, 1953

- Op. 62. Composer: Auguste Durand. Arranged for prima domra and piano by M.A. Selivan. Full score. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Chanson Triste, 1937

- Composer: P. Tschakowsky (Tchaikovsky). Arranged for domra and piano by M.A. Selivan. Full score and bass balalaika part (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Chanson Polonaise : Mazurka, 1961

- Op. 12, No. 2. Composer: Henri Wieniawski. Transcribed and adapted for domra solo by Mark A. Selivan. Full score and prima domra part. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Chardash, undated

- Composer: V. Monti. Instrumental score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Cherez More Perekinu Mosty, undated

- Composer: A. Flyarkovskij. Per: V. Klimova. Score for piano and prima domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Chto Ty Rano, Travushka, Pozheltela, undated

- Composer: A. Varlamov. Per: V. Klimova. Score for piano and prima domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Come Back to Sorrento (Torna A Surriento), 1965

- Composer: Ernest De Curtis. Words by G.B. De Curtis. Arranged for balalaika duet by Mark A. Selivan. Full score and prima domra part (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Comin' Thru the Rye, 1965

- "Scotch song." Composer: Robert Burns. Arranged for prima balalaika duet by M. A. Selivan. Full score. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Cossack Lullaby - Kozacka ukolebavka, 1953

- Composer: J. Jiranek. Arranged for prima domra solo and piano by M.A. Selivan. Full score. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Danse Characteristique, undated

- Composer: A. Monti. Full score for piano and prima domra and prima domra part (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Dalmatskaya Skazka, undated

- Composer: G. A. Kazachenko. Adagio Iz" Baleta. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Ded Moroz, undated

- Andante. Composer: V. Vitlin. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Deuxieme Scherzo, undated

- Op. 13. Composer: Iv. Lebinskago. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Devichij Khorovod, undated

- Composer: M. Ferkel'mana. Perelozhenie: Yu. Ivanova. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Devichij Khorovod, undated

- (Iz Baleta "Konek-Gorbunok"). Composer: R. Shhedrin. Instrumentovka: V. Gavrilova. Full score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Devichij Tanecz, undated

- Composer: E. Sirotkina. Perelozhenie: Yu. Ivanova. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Dlia Tebya, undated

- "Tango." Iz Kinofil'ma "Kogda Nastupaet Sentyabr." Composer: Ya. Frenkel. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Do Chego Zhe Korosho Krugom, undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevskij. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Dobro Pozhalovat', undated

- Composer: A. Lepina. Obrabotka dlia bayana: L. Gavrilova. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Domik- Kroshechka, undated

- Composer: A. Gurilev. Score for piano and domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: (Ekh) Dorogi, undated

- Composer: A. Novikova. Vstuplenie. Accordian score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Dovoennoe Tango, undated

- Composer: D. Pokrass. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: "Dozhdik", undated

- Composer: V. Gerchik. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Dozhdik, undated

- Iz Detsky Alsboma. Composer: A. Kholminova. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Druzhba, undated

- Composer: A. Ostrovskij. Score for piano and solo balalaika. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Dve Pesni, undated

- 1) Akh Ty, Vremya, Vremyachko, 2) Chto Mne Khit' I Tuzhit'. Composer: A. Varlamov. Instrumental score. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Dva Val'sa, Marsh-Grotesk, 1965

- Composers: V. Beleczkij i N. Rozanova. Konczertnye Presy Dlya Balalajki S Sopravozhdeniem Fortepiano. Full score for balalaika and piano. Vypusk II. Publisher: Izdatel'stvo Muzyka, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Dve P'esy, undated

- Iz Syuity "Na Rodnykh Prostorakh." Two scores. First for piano and solo instrument. Composer: P. Chekalov. Second for domra duet and accordian. Composer: O. Zronarev. Both photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Dve P'esy - Iz Czikla "Prekrasnoe Moe Zagor'e", undated

- Composer: I. Lotka-Kalinskij. Perelokhenie V. Rozanova. Score for two bass domras and one alto. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Dobroj Nochi, undated

- Cheshskaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Pusskij Tekst S. Bolamuna u T. Sukorskau. Composer: G. Kamaldunova. Score for voice, mandolin, and 7-string guitar. Lyrics attached. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Dva Rumynskikh Tancza, undated

- Composer: B. Bartok. Score for mandolin, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Daleko, Daleko Step' Za Volgu Ushla, undated

- Composer: Yu. Blanov. Score for domra and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Easter Parade (Fox Trot), undated

- Parts: alto domra, 2nd prima domra. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Edet Barin, undated

- Composer: Zapis' I. Privalova. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: Exh Ty, Pesnya ..., undated

- Composer: A. Glazunov. Score for piano and solo domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 45: Ekho, undated

- Two versions. 1st: Composer: L. Birnov. 2nd: Composer: A. Parusinov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 46: Ekosez, undated

- Composer: L. Betkhoven (Beethoven). Score for piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 47: Ekosez, undated

- Composer: F. Shubert (Schubert). Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 48: Ekossez, undated

- Iz Opery "Evgenij Onegin." Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 49: Ekspromt, undated

- Composer: A. Arenskij. Score for mandolin and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 50: Ekspromt, undated

- Composer: Yu. Zariczkij. For domra and fortepiano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 51: Elegie (Melodie), 1953

- Composer: Jules Massenet. Arranged for alto domra and piano by M.A. Selivan. Full score and alto domra part (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 52: Elegiya, undated

- Composer: Yu. Akimov. Score for two accordians. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 53: Elegiya, undated

- (Kanon V Kvinty). Composer: A. Avenskij. Perelokhenie V. Rozanova. Score for four accordians. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 189

- Folder 1: Elegya, undated

- Pam'yati T. G. Shevchenka). Composer: M. Lisenka. Perekladennya dlia skripki V Suprovodi Bandurn A. Omel'chenka. Score for piano and solo instrument. 2 photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Elegiya, undated

- Op. 41, No. 3. Composer: N. Lysenko. Score for piano and solo instrument. 2 photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Eokhor, undated

- Byryatskij Taned-ngra. Obrabotka G. Krejtneva. Score for domra, balalaika, and accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Esli B Ne Glaza Tvoi ..., undated

- Slova K. Bishnevedky. Composer: A. Czfasmana. Score for voice, domra/mandolin, gumara, and bayan/accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Estradnaya Muzyka Dlya Akkordeona, 1969

- Vypuck 4. Collection of works for accordian. Publisher: Sovetskij Kompozitor, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Kazachij Marsh, undated

- Composer: S. Zaslavsky. Score for domra, balalaika, and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Esli Lyubish' Menya, undated

- Composer: Yu. Milyutin. Score for two mandolins. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Esli Ty Polyubila, undated

- Urugvajskaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: A. Fridesalya. Score for domra malaya, domra al'tovaya, guitar, and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Estudiantina, undated

- Op. 191. Composer: E. Val'dtejfel'. Score for piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Etyud, undated

- Composer: A. Komarovskij. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Etyud, undated

- Composer: Yu. Shishakov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Etyud-Galop, undated

- Composer: B. Tikhonova. Score for piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Eugene Oneguine - Waltz

- from Tchaikovsky's opera. Composer: Tchaikovsky. Arranged by M.A. Selivan. 1st violin part. Edits in pencil. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Fantaziya, undated

- Na Temy. Dvukh Russkikh Narodnykh Pesen. Composer: G. Kamaldinov. Arranged for balalaika by V. Mikhajlova. Series: Biblioteka balalaichnika. No. 45. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Fantaziya, undated

- Composer: A. Rybalkina. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Fantaziya, Na Dve Pesni A. Boronova, undated

- Composer: A. Boronov. Svobodnaya Obrabotka: V. Motova. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Fantaziya, undated

- Composer: S. Furmin. Score for piano and prima domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Fantaziya Na Temy Iz Operetty "Belaya Akacziya", undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevsky. Obrabotka: V. Motova. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Fantaziya Na Temy Iz Operetty "Svad'ba V Malinovke", undated

- Composer: B. Aleksandrova. Obrabotka: P. Gvozdeva. Score for two instruments (accordians). Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Fantaziya Na Temy Iz Operetty "Vol'nyj Veter", undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevsky. Obrabotka: V. Motova. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Fantaziya Na Temy Pesen Velikoj Otechestvennoj Vojny, undated

- Composer: A. Syrkov. Arranged by V. Motov. Score for two bayans. 3 photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Fantaziya, Na Temy Revolyuczionnykh Pesen, undated

- Composer: A. Shalaev. Score for two bayans. 2 photocopies.
- Folder 23: Fantaziya Na Temy Soldatskixh Pesen, undated

- Composer: A. Syrkov. Arranged by V. Motov. Score for two bayans. 4 photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Fantaziya Na Temy Starinnykh Val'sov, undated

- Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Favn, undated

- Obrabotka: B. Troyanovsky. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Fejerverk, undated

- Composer: B. Tikhonova. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Fokstrot, undated

- Composer: N. Agafonnikova. Perelokhenne: P. Gvozdeva. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Fernando (Tango Iz Kinofil'ma "Zolotaya Simfoniya"), undated

- Obrabotka: Yu. Shukhova. Score for accordian. 2 photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Fuga, undated

- Composer: O. Agafonov. Score for four bayans. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Fuga, undated

- Composer: J.S. Bach. Arranged for four bayans. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Fuga, undated

- Composer: D. Shostakovich. Score for four instruments. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Fuga, Na Temu "Zhuravel'", undated

- Composer: A. Arenskij. Score for two accordians. 2 photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Galop, undated

- Composer: Sh. Byasharov. Obr. V. Viktorov. Score for piano (accordian) and balalaika. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Galop, undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevskij. Arranged by N. Shuchko. Score for balalaika and piano (accordian). Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Garmoshechka - Kadril', undated

- Composer: V. Korneva. Score for accordian. 2 photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Garmoshka, undated

- Composer: G. Frid. Score for balalaika and piano (accordian). Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Gavot, undated

- Composer: A. Corelli. Arranged by N. Lukavikhina. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Gavot, undated

- Composer: V. Shebalin. Arranged by A. Rezchikova. Score for four bayans. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Gavot iz "KlassicheskojSimfonii", undated

- Composer: S. Prokofiev. Score for solo instrument and piano (accordian). Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Gavot S Variacziyami, undated

- Composer: G. Gendel' (Handel). Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Gavotte from "Mignon", 1965

- Composer: A. Thomas. Transcribed for balalaika by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript full score. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Gde Zh Ty, Moj Sad, undated

- Composer: V. Solov'ev-Sedoj. Score for solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Gentle Annie, 1962

- Composer: Stephen Foster. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript for piano and balalaika. EC 1547.
- Box 190

- Folder 1: Gipsy Dance, 1937

- Composer: Lichner. Arranged for piano accordian by Pietro Deiro. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Golos Lyubvi - Tango, undated

- Composer: V. Bukin. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Golubye Sanki, undated

- Composer: M. Iordanskij. Score for solo instrument and piano (accordian). Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Gopak, undated

- Iz Opery "Sorochinskaya Yarmarka." Composer: M. Musorgskij (Mussorgsky). Score for solo instrument and piano (accordian). Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Gopak, undated

- Iz Opery "Sorochinskaya Yarmarka." Composer: M. Musorgskij (Mussorgsky). Konczertnaya obrabotka A. Ilyukhina. Score for solo instrument and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Gori, Gori Moya Zvezda!, undated

- Romans. Composer: G. Fistulari. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Gori, Koster, Veselej, undated

- Composer: V. Loktev. Score for solo instrument and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Gornye Vershiny, undated

- Composer: A. Varlamov. Tune in three keys. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Gory Vy Moi, undated

- Protyakhnaya. Composer: Zapis' V. Prokunina. Arr. H. Lukasilina. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Grad - Variacziya Iz Baleta "Premena Goda", undated

- Composer: A. Glazunov. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Grand Opera Selection, undated

- Manuscript score for piano and domra solo. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Grezy, undated

- Val'z. Composer: V. Andreev. 3 scores (two for piano/accordian and solo instrument, one for two bayans). Part for solo instrument. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Grezy, undated

- Composer: A. Dzhojs. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Gryadoj Klubitsya Bloyu, undated

- Es steigt der weisse Nebel. The mists of the night are rising. . Composer: Borodin. Parts: piano and 3 mandolins. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Grust, undated

- Composer: N. Bakalejnikov. Score for piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Grust' Devushki, undated

- Composer: A. Gurilev. Score for piano and prima domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Grustnaya Pesenka, undated

- Alternate title: Grustnaya Pesnia. Composer: Kalinnikov. Arranged by M. Pelyakova. 2 scores for piano and balalaika and one with tune. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Grustnye Ivy, undated

- Composer: M. Blantev. Score for solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Grustnyj Rasskaz, undated

- Composer: B. Bolkov. Score for piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Grustnyj Bal's, undated

- V Czyganskom Stile. Composer: R. Berger. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Gusi, undated

- Composer: N. Metlov. Score for piano and prima domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Guczul'skij Tanecz, undated

- Otryvok. Composers: K. Planson i A. Zil'bev. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC. 1547.
- Folder 23: Gypsy Love Song, 1934

- from "The Fortune Teller." Composer: Victor Herbert. Arranged for solo instrument and piano by M. A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Gypsy Tango, 1945

- Composer: Sasha Makaroff. Arr. by Vladimir Bobri and V. Gabaeff. For guitar. Photocopy. EC. 1547.
- Folder 25: The Harp That Once Thro' Tara's Halls - Irish Air, 1936

- Arranged for domra and piano by M. A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: A Home on the Range, 1962

- Arranged for voice and/or balalaika and piano by M. A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: How Can I Leave Thee - Thiringian Air, 1936

- Arranged for domra and piano by M. A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: I cannot sing the old songs, undated

- Composer: Claribez. Arranged for prima balalaika and piano by M. A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: I Ya Vyjdu L' Na Krylechko, undated

- Composer: A. Alyab'ev. Arranged by V. Sin'kovsky. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC. 1547.
- Folder 30: Ya K Tebe Ne Vernus', undated

- Composer: A. Petrov. Piano score. Photocopy. EC. 1547.
- Folder 31: Ya Koza Zlyushchaya, undated

- Composer: L. Revuczkij. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC. 1547.
- Folder 32: Ya Shagoyu Po Moskve, undated

- Composer: A. Petrov. Arr. by M. Rozhkova. Score for balalaika and guitar. Photocopy. EC. 1547.
- Folder 33: Ya Tebe Nichego Ne Skazhu, undated

- Composer: T. Tolstaya. Arr. by V. Sin'kovsky. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC. 1547.
- Folder 34: Ya Vnov' Odin", undated

- Wieder allein. Alone once more. Composer: Borodin. Parts: piano, 3 mandolins. Photocopy. EC. 1547.
- Folder 35: Ya Vo Sadik Peshla, undated

- In Den Garten Ging Ich. As I went into the garden - dancing song. Composer: Liapunoff / Ignatieff. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC. 1547.
- Folder 36: Yaroslaviya, undated

- Composer: P. Aedsniczkij. Piano score. Photocopy. EC. 1547.
- Folder 37: Jen'ka, undated

- Composer: G. Podel'skij. Piano score. Photocopy. EC. 1547.
- Folder 38: Igra V Lashadki, undated

- Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC. 1547.
- Folder 39: Igraj, Moj Bayan, undated

- Composer: V. Solov'ev-Sedoj. Arr. by V. Yakovlev. Score for piano (accordian) and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC. 1547.
- Folder 40: Igrovaiya-Molodezhnaya, undated

- Composer: V. Poponova. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: I'll Take You Home Again, Kathleen, 1962

- Composer: Thomas P. Westendorf. Arranged for balalaika/voice and piano by M. A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Imya Tvoe Ya Vspomnyu, 1979

- Composer: Del'fin. Arranger: V. Yakovleva. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: In the Gloaming, 1962, 1965

- Composer: Annie F. Harrison. Arranged for piano (guitar/accordian) and voice by M. A. Selivan. Two different arranged scores. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: Interlyudiya, undated

- Composer: A. Flyarkovskij. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 45: Intermeczczo, undated

- Composer: M. Kadomczeva. Arranger: V. Motova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 46: Intermeczczo, undated

- Composer: B. Kravchenko. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 47: Ipanskij Kapris, undated

- Composer: M. Moshkovskij. Arranger: D. Aleksandrova. Score for domra and piano, domra part. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 48: Ispanskij Tanecz : Segedil'ya, 1961

- Composer: M. Krasev. Dlya balalaika s fortepiano pod redakschiej: A.S. Ilyukhina. Arranged for prima balalaika and piano by M.A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 49: Ital'yanskaya Pesenka, undated

- Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 50: Ital'yanskaya Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: S. Rakhmaninov (Rachmaninoff). Arranger: A. Ilyukhina. Score for accordian and unidentified instrument. Instrument part. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 191

- Folder 1: Yumoreska, undated

- Composer: Yu. Blinova. Score for domra, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Yumoreska, undated

- Composer: R. Glier (Gliere). Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Yumoreska, undated

- Composer: Yu. Gur'ev. Score for balalaika and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Yumoreska, undated

- Composer: V. Shebalina. Score for piano/accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Yumoreska, undated

- Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). 2 scores. First:Â arranger: F. Krejsleva. Score for piano and solo instrument. Second: arranger: S. Kolobkova. Score for accordian and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: June : Baracolle, 1940

- Op. 37, No. 6. Composer: Tchaikovsky. Arranger: Frank Gaviani. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: "K Zvezdam", undated

- Khorovod. Composer: M. Magidenko. Arranged for bayan by I. Moskaleva. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Kadril', undated

- Composer: N. Budashkina. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Kadril', undated

- Iz Kinofil'ma "Bysota." Composer: R. Shchedrina. Arranger: Yu. Blunova. Score for mandolin, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Kak Mnogo Devushek Khoroshikh, undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevskij. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Kak Prekpasen Ehtot Mir, undated

- Composer: D. Tukhmanov. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Kak U Duba Starogo, undated

- Composer: S. Kacz. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Kamarinskaya, undated

- Composer: N. Osipov'kh. Score for piano and balalaika. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Kamarinskaya, undated

- Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Score for domra and piano, domra part, and score for accordian. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Kanon, undated

- Composer: P. Chekalov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Kanon, undated

- Composer: A. Lyadov. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Kanon, undated

- Composer: Yu. Solov'ev. Score for three domras. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Kapriz (Caprice), undated

- Arranger: D. Osipovykh. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Karusel', undated

- Arranger: Yu. Shakhnova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Kazachok, undated

- Ukrainskij Narodnyj Tanecz. Score for accordian: arranger: N. Pizolya. Score for piano: composer: S. Gulak-Artemovskozo. Score for piano and domra: arranger: E. Arro. Also included: 2nd score for accordian, score for string instrument and piano. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Kiska, undated

- Composer: Vik. Kalinnikov. Score for piano and solo instrument, tune. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Khodit Veter U Vorot, undated

- Composer: M. Glinka. Score for piano and solo instrument, score for accordian, tune (manuscript). Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Khor Devushek, undated

- Composer: A. Borodin. Score for three bayans. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Khor Devushek, undated

- Iz Opery "Ne Tol'ko Lyubov'." Composer: R. Shedrin (Shchedrin). Score for domra and two balalaikas. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Khor Iz Oratorii, undated

- Composer: J. Hajdn (Haydn). Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Khor Okhotnikov, undated

- Iz Opery "Volshebnyj Strelok." Composer: K. Veber (Weber). Score for piano and solo instrument, score for accordian. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Khorovod, undated

- Composer: N. Baklanova. Score for piano and balalaika. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Khorovod, undated

- Composer: N. Chajkin. Score for balalaika and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Khorovod, undated

- Composer: V. Grigorenko. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Khorovodnaya, undated

- Composer: M. Belakirev. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Khorovodnaya, undated

- Composer: I. Chanlygino (Chalygina). Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Khorovodnaya, undated

- Composer: A. Lyadov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Khorovodnaya, undated

- Composer: V. Motov. Score for two bayans, score for balalaika and bayan. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Khorovodnaya, undated

- COmposer: O. Zvonareva. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Khorovodnaya-Plyasovaya, undated

- Composer: D. Saluman-Bladumurova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Khrestomatiya Dlya Balalaijki, 1960

- 3-4 Klassy Detskikh Muzykal'nykh Shkol. Collection of pieces for balalaika (pedagogical). Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Khrestomatiya, 1957

- Dlya Domry V Soprovokhdenii Fortepyano. Vol. I. Collection of pieces for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Khrestomatiya, 1963

- Pedagogichesky Repertuara dlya Balalaijki. Grade 5. Pedagogical collection of pieces for balalaika. Editors: V. Avksent'eva, B. Avksent'eva, u E. Avksent'eva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Khrizantemy - Tango, undated

- Composer: B. Figotin. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Kievskij Val's, undated

- Composer: P. Majboroda. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Killarney, undated

- Composer: M. W. Balfe. Arranged for balalaika and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript full score. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Klouny, undated

- Composer: D. Kabalevskij (Kabalevsky). Arranger: V. Yapovlev. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 192

- Folder 1: Kochan Kapusty, undated

- Belorusskaya Plyasovaya. Composer: G. Tnkhomirova. Score for balalaika and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Kogda Ozhivayut Ruch'i, undated

- Composer: Yu. Shakhnova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Kogda - B Vy Znali Vse, 1892

- Si Vous L'Aviez Compris! Had You But Known. Composer: De L. Denza. Parts: violin, violoncello (ad lib). EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Kol' Slaven Nash Gosnod' V Syunye, undated

- Lied: "Ich bete au die Macht der Liebe." Composer: D. Bortniyanskago (von Bortniansky ). Also included: Duet - Iz opery "Pokhishchenie Iz Seralya" by Mozart. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Koliskova, undated

- Composer: V. Sazonova. Arranger: A. Omel'chenka. Dlya Bandura. Score for bandura. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Kolkhoznaya Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: Yu. Blinov. Score for domra, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Kolkhoznaya Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinova. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Kolkhoznaya Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: V. Zakhorov. Score for piano and solo instrument, score for accordian. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Kolomijka, undated

- Composer: V. Kirejka. Score for bandura. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Kolomijka, undated

- Obrabotka: P. Landonova. Score for four domras. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Obrabotka: Mel'o. Score for three domras. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Composer: M. Blantev. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Composer: V. Bloka. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Compoer: D. Bortnyanskij. Score for piano and domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Composer: I. Brams (Brahms). Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevskij. Score for accordian, tune. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Kolybev'naya, undated

- Op. 98, No. 9. Composer: A. Grechaninov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Composer: A. Yarnefel't. Score for mandolin/domra, guitar, and bayan, score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Composer: A. Kholminova. Dve P'esy Iz "Detskogo Al'boma." Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Score: N. Niyazi. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Composer: N. Rimskij-Korsakov (Rimsky-Korsakov). Score for three accordians. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Composer: Yu. Shaporin. Two scores for domra and piano (2 different keys). Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Composer: V. Stoyanov. Arranger: V. Klumova. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Composer: B. Strannolyubskij. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Composer: V. Viktorov. Arranger: V. Vikgorov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Composer: D. Shostakovich. Iz Muzyki K Spektaklyu "Gamlet." Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Iz Opery "Mazepa." Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Kolybel'naya Pesni V Buryu, undated

- Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Kolybel'naya Svetlany, undated

- Composer: T. Khrennikov. Obrabotka: Yu. Mukhina. Score for four guitars, two scores for accordian, score for domra and piano, two scores for voice and piano, tune. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Kon'kobezhczy, undated

- Composer: B. Kiyanova. Arr. L. Gavrilova. (Padepatinev). Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Kontrdans, 1970

- Composer: D. Shostakovich. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. from Anthology for a Domrist, compiled and edited by A. Lachinov, pg. 42. Domra part. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Konczert Dlya Balalajka Z Orkestrom, 1967

- Composer: P. Gajdamaka (Gaidamaka). Pedakcziya Partii Balalaijki: V. Zabolotny. Publisher: Muzichna Ukrajna. Full score and balalaika part. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Konczert Dlya Balalajki Z Orkestrom, 1966

- Composer: N. Shulman. Pedakcziya Partin Balalaijki : E. Blinova. Publisher: Mistecztvo. Full score and balalaika. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Konczertnyj Marsh, undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevsky. Arranger: A. Surkova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Konczertnaya Presa, undated

- Arranger: N. Vyazmin. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Kontzertnye P'esy Dlya Balalijki v. 3, 1966

- Concert Pieces for Balalaika, Volume 3. Publisher: Muzyka, Moskva. Composers included: A. Glazunov, F. Lesheticzkij, O. Krem'e. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Conczertnye P'esy Dlya Balalajki, Vyp. 6, 1968

- Concert Pieces for Balalaika, Book 6. Publisher: Sovetskij Kompozitor, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Konczertnye P'esy, 1967

- Dlya Trekhstrunnoj Domry S Soprovozhdeniem Fortepiano. Vypusk 2. Concert Pieces for Domra, Book 2. Editor: Y. Klimov. Publisher: Izdatel'stvo Muzyka, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 193

- Folder 1: Konczertnaya Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: V. Motova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Konczertnye Variaczii, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Na Temu Russkoj Pesni. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Konchilsya Den', undated

- Composer: V. Chernyshov. Lyrics: L. Derbeneva. Score for accordian and voice. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Kontradans, undated

- Composer: I. Kozlovskij. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Kontrdans, undated

- Composer: D. Shostakovich. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Koroleva Polej (Khorovod), undated

- Composer: F. Maslova. Arrangement for bayan by: I. Moskaleva. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Kotya, Koten'ka - Kotok, undated

- Composer: N. Metlov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Kotilasya Zirka, undated

- Arranger: S. Pavina. Ukrainskaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Score for two domras and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Kraj Berezovyj, undated

- Composer: A. Broneviczkij. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Krakoryak, undated

- Composer: A. Lepin. Iz Musyki K Kinofil'mu "Zdravstvuj, Moskva." Score for two domras and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Krakov'yak, undated

- Composer: M. Glinka. Z Operi "Ivan Susanin." Score for balalaika, score for unidentified instrument. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Krakovyak, undated

- Composer: M. Kadomczeva. Arranger: V. Motova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Krakovyak, undated

- Composer: B. Kiyanova. Arranger: L. Gavrilova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Krakovyak, undated

- Composers: V. Korneva i A. Shalaeva. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Krakovyak, undated

- Composer: S. Monyushko. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Krasnaya Gvozdika, undated

- Composer: A. Ostrovskij. Arr. E. Klumova. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Krasnyj Sarafan (The Red Sarafan), undated

- Composer: Varlamova. 2 piano scores (one arr. G. Czyganova, one arr. I. G. Vloom / Carl Fischon), one first violin part, one part for unidentified instrument, tune. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Crimean Sketches (Krymskie Eskizy), 1958

- Compiled by Vladimir Gabaeff. Arranged for domra and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Full manuscript score with markings. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Kto Pomozhet?, undated

- Composer: An. Aleksandrov. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Kujawiak (Second Mazurka), 1947

- Composer: Henri Wieniawski. Arranged for domra and piano by Mark. A. Selivan. Full manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Kukuriket, undated

- App. B. II. Ispolnyaemyj S Bol'shim Uspyekhom. E. V. Potopchinoj V Operettye "Feya Karisbada." Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Krintet, undated

- Composer: P. Londonov. Dlya Chetyrekhstrunnykh Domr I Balalajki Kontrabasa. Score for four domras and bass balalaika. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: KVN : Veselyj Tanecz, undated

- Composer: A. Czfasmana. Score for truba, caksal't, ydarnye, gitara, and kontrabass. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Ladushki, undated

- Composer: N. Rimski-Korsakov. One score for domra and piano, one score for solo instrument and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Landysh, undated

- Composer: M. Krasev. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Lebe wohl, undated

- Composer: Fr. Sileher. Arranged for balalaika and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Full manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Lebed', undated

- Composer: E. Grig (Grieg). Arranger: V. Sin'kovsky. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Lebedushka, Zhelannaya, undated

- Composer: M. Zherbin. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Ledyanaya Koroleva, undated

- Composer: O. Dymova. Lyrics: L. Kukso. Score for piano and voice (or solo instrument). Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Legenda (Posvyashchenie), 1959

- Composer: N. Narimanidze. Dlya mandoliny, balalajki i gitary. Score for mandolin, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Lekur (Tantcz), undated

- Composer: Z. Paliashvili. Arranger: V. Fedoseeva. Iz Opery "Dansi." Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Leninskie Gory, undated

- Composer: Yu. Milyutin. Three scores for accordian. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Lepestki Rozy (Foxtrot), undated

- Composer: Kh. Nakamura. Arranger: N. Beknazarova. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Letite, Golubi!, undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevskii. Arranger: V. Gorokhova. Score for bayan, Score for domra, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Letka-Enka, undated

- Composer: R. Lekhtinen. Sovremennyj Tanecz. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Letom, undated

- Iz Sbornika: Mamontovoj i Chajkovsky. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Lezginka, undated

- Composer: M. Sheverzeshvili. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Lezginka, undated

- Composer: M. Glinka. Iz Opery "Ruslan I Lyudmila." Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Liebesfreud, 1960

- Composer: Fritz Kreisler. Arranged for domra and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Domra part written out 3/12/70. Full manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Lipsi, undated

- Composer: R. Dubyanskii. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Liricheskaya P'esa, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinov. Score for balalaika duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Liricheskaya Pesnia, undated

- Composer: I. Dunlevskii. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Liricheskii Tanecz, undated

- Composer: A. Nobikova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: Liricheskii Val's, undated

- Composer: D. L'vova-Kompanejcza. Arranger: S. Bullgova. Score for domra, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 45: Liricheskii Val's, undated

- Composer: D. Shostakovich. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 46: Liricheskii Val's, undated

- Composer: E. Xharkovsky. Arranged for bayan: L. Gavrilova. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 47: Listen to the Mocking Bird, 1962

- Composer: Alice Hawthorne. Arranged for balalaika and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 48: Litovskaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: F. Shopen (Chopin). Score for mandolina, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 49: Lyubimyj Val's, undated

- Composer: Mozart. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 50: Lyubitel'-Rybolov, undated

- Composer: M. Starokadomskii. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 51: Lyublyu Tebya!, undated

- Composer: E. Grig (Grieg). Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 52: Lyubov' - Tango, undated

- Composer: O. Fel'shchman i M. Filinn-Zherar. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 194

- Folder 1: Lyubov' Moya, undated

- Composer: P. Majborada. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Lodka Po Moryu Plyvet, undated

- Composer: V. Rebikov. Accordian score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Lodochka, undated

- Composer: T. Khrennikov. Iz Kinokartiny "Vernye Druz'ya." Score for mandolin. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Lola's Song from Cavaleria Russicana, undated

- Composer: Pietro Mascagni. Arranged for balalaika and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Loreley, 1936

- Composer: Friedrich Silcher. Arranged for balalaika/domra and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Two differing manuscript scores. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Loure, 1937

- Composer: J. S. Bach. Arranged for domra and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Love and spring valse, undated

- Composer: Waldteufel. Arranged for domra and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Lunnyj Kamen', undated

- Composer: A. Ostrovskij. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Lunnyj Val's Iz Kinofil'ma "Czirk", undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevsky. Svobodnaya obrabotaka: A. Surkova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Malen'kaya Bylina, undated

- Composer: Yu. Shishakova. Arranger: A. Dorozhkin. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Malen'kaya Pesenka, undated

- Composer: A. Lachinov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Malen'kaya Pol'ka, undated

- Op. 39. Composer: D. Kabalevsky. Arranger: A. Dorozhkin. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Malen'kij Gavot, undated

- Composer: Yu. Blinov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Malen'kij Mal'chik, undated

- Composer: Sendli. Arranger: V. Sin'kovsky. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Malen'kij Marsh, undated

- Composer: D. Shostakovich. Arranger: V. Yakovlev. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Malen'kij Val's, undated

- Composer: V. Andreev. Arranger: B. Troyanovsky. Score for piano/bayan and solo balalaika. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Malinovka, undated

- Composer: L. Betkhoven (Beethoven). Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: March from Norma, undated

- Composer: Bellini. Arranged for balalaika and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Marichka, undated

- Composer: S. Sabadash. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Marsh, undated

- Composer: S. Majkapar. Score for balalaika and piano arranged by V. Glejkhmana. Also included: score for domra and piano. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Marsh, undated

- Composer: Iv. Pokrovskij. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Marsh, undated

- Composer: Yu. Shishakov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Marsh, undated

- Iz opery "Aida." Composer: D. Verdi. Arranger: N. Ivanova. Score for domra and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Marsh Derevyannykh Soldatikov, undated

- Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Arranger: V. Avksent'eva. Two scores for balalaika and piano. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Marsh Yunykh Michurinczev, undated

- Composer: E. Kapp. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Marsh, undated

- Iz Baleta "Shchelkunchik." Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Marsh Mandolinistov, undated

- Composer: E. Meczczakapo. Arranger: S. Furmina. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Marsh Traktoristov, undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevskij. Iz Kino-Fil'ma "Bogataya Nevesta." Piano score. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground, 1936

- Composer: Stephen C. Foster. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Score for domra and piano. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Mat' Rodnaya Moya, undated

- Composer: P. Majboroda. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Matreshki, undated

- Composer: Z. Levina. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Mary of Argyle, undated

- Composer: S. Welson. Arranged for piano and balalaika by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Mazurka No. 3, undated

- Composer: V. Andreev. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Mazurka, undated

- Composer: F. Shopen (Chopin). Arranger: V. Avkseng'eva. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Mazurak, undated

- Composer: A Gedike. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Mazurka, undated

- Iz Op. "Ivan Susanin." Composer: M. I. Glinka. Score for domra and bayan (arranged by V. Rozanova), score for accordian, and score for unidentified instrument. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Mazurka, undated

- Composer: A Grechanikov. Score for domra and piano, score for solo instrument and accordian. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Mazurka, undated

- Composer: V. Kosenko. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Mazurka, undated

- Composer: F. O. Lashek. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Mazurka, undated

- Composer: V. Rebikov. Arranger: M. Kolchevoj. Score for balalaika and two domras. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Mazurka, undated

- Composer: P. Chejkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Mazurka No. 2, undated

- "Kuyavyak." Composer: G. Venyavskij. Arranger: B. Troyanovsky. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Mazurka "Odessa", 1934

- Arranger: M. A. Selivan. Piano score. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: Mechty, undated

- Composer: R. Shuman (Schumann). Arranger: N. Fomina. Score for three domras. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 45: Madlennyj Fokstrot, undated

- Composer: N. Agafonnikova. Arranged for bayan by L. Gavrilova. Bayan score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 46: Madlennyj Val's, 1959

- Composer: Yu. Blinov. Score for domra, balalaika, and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 47: Madlennyj Val's, undated

- Composer: D. Kabalevskij (Kabelevsky). Score for domra, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 48: Melankholicheskij Val's, undated

- Composer: A. Dargomyzhskij. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 49: Melodiya, undated

- Composer: Kh. Glyuk (Gluck). Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 50: Melodiya, undated

- Composer: A. Rubinshtejn (Rubinstein). Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 51: Melodiya No. 2, undated

- Composer: A. Rubinshtejn (Rubinstein). Arranger: A. Ilyukhina. Score for solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 52: Melodiya, undated

- Composer: Yu. Shishokov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 53: Men of Harleck, undated

- Welsh air. Arranged for balalaika and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 54: Menuet, undated

- Composer: Mozart. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 55: Merry Widow (Waltz Selection), 1934

- Arranged for piano and domra by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score (some water damage), domra part (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 56: Metel', undated

- Composer: I. Potolovskij. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 57: Mignon, undated

- Composer: Atanasi Slobodieniuk. Arranged for piano and balalaika by Mark A. Selivan. 2'e acte. Entre'acte - Gavotte. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 58: Mimoletnosti, undated

- Composer: Prokofiev. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 59: Mimoletnost' No. 5, undated

- Composer: V. Boyashov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 60: Min'on, undated

- Composer: I. Il'ina. Arranger: P. Grozdeva. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 61: Minuvshikh Dnej Ocharovan'e, undated

- Composer: P. Bulakhov. Lyrics: V. Zhukovsky. Score for voice and piano/accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 62: Mne Prisnilsya Shum Dozhdya, undated

- Composer: E. Dogi. Lyrics: V. Lazereva. Score for accordian and voice/solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 63: Modulations for Piano, 1960

- Composer: Walter Stuart. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Piano score, manuscript. EC 1547.
- Box 195

- Folder 1: Moj Muzh Rabotal, undated

- Composer: A. V. Rudnevoj. Arrangers: K. V. Kvitki i A. V. Rudnevoj. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Moya Loshadka, undated

- Composer: A. Grechaninov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Molodaya Gvardiya, undated

- Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Molodezhnaya Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: Yu. Oleneva. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Molodezhnyj Tanecz, undated

- Composer: S. Tulukova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Mordovskij Tanecz, undated

- Composer: I. Il'in. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: More Shumit, undated

- Composer: B. Mokrousov. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Moryaki - The Sailors, undated

- Composer: Ann I. T. Bloom (Carl Fischon). Piano score.
- Folder 9: Morzyanka, undated

- Composer: M. Fradkin. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Moskovskaya Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: V. Blok. Score for saxophone, accordian, piano, percussion, and bass. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Moskva (Moscow), undated

- Composer: Ann I.T. Bloom (Carl Fischon). Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Mriya, undated

- Composer: S. Bashtana. Score for bandura. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Muzykal'naya Tabakerka, undated

- Composer: A. Lyadov (Liadov). Score for bayan and domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean, 1962

- Scotch Song. Arranged for balalaika and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Edited manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: My Chrusanthemum, 1934

- Otczreli Khrizantemy. Compiled by Gregory Stone. Arranged by Galla-Rini. Score for piano accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: My Old Kentucky Home, 1965

- Composer: Stephen C. Foster. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Score for two balalaikas and piano (manuscript), score for domra trio (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 17: My S Tovoyu Ne Druzhili, undated

- Composer: B. Mokrousov. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Na Luzhajke, undated

- Composer: B. Strannolyubsky. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Na Luzi, undated

- Composer: T. Shutenko. Score for bandura. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Na Manezhe, undated

- Composer: B. Tikhonov. Score for bayan, domra and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Na Progulke, undated

- Composer: A. Pozdnyakov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Na Rassvete, undated

- Composer: A. Abramov. Arranger: Vl. Dmitrieva. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Na Solnechnom Plyazhe, undated

- Tango. Composer: V. Meshcherin. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Na Svad'be, undated

- Composer: D. L'vova-Kompanejcza. Arranged for bayan by I. Moskaleva. Bayan score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Na Volnakh, undated

- Op. 25. Composer: I. Labadi. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Na zare Tumannoj Yunosti, undated

- Composer: A. Gurilev. Arrangers: V. Yukovleva i B. Okuneva. Score for domra and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Na Zare Ty Ee Ne Budi, undated

- Composer: A. Varlamov. Arranger: I. Dubyugi. Score for accordian and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Na Zelenom Lugu, undated

- Op. 99, Nos. 6 and 7. Composer: A. Grechaninov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Nad Baltijskoj Volnoj, undated

- Composer: K. Listova. Arranger: L. Gavrilova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Naigrysh, undated

- Composer: V. Poponova. Arranger: A. Dorozhkin. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Naigrysh, undated

- Composer: A. Titova. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Nam Ne Zhit' Drug Bez Druga, undated

- Tango. Composer: A. Nakhmutova. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Napev, undated

- Composer: G. Belov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Napev, undated

- Composer: Z. Binkini. Score for domra and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Napev, undated

- Composer: V. Bloka (Block). Arranger: A. Dorozhin. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Napev, undated

- Composer: V. Petrenko. Arranger: V. Vuktorov. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Napev, undated

- Composer: Yu. Solov'ev. Score for three domras. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Nar'yan-Mar, Moj Nar'yan-Mar, undated

- Composer: G. Punomrenko. Lyrics: I. Kashezhevoj. Score for accordian and voice. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Narodnye Pesni, 1969

- Pod akkompanement shestistrunnoj ili semistrunnoj gitary. Vypusk 6. Folk songs to the accompaniment of six- or seven-string guitars. Contents: 1) Iz-za Ostrova Na Strezhen', 2) Chto Zatumanilas', Zoren'ka Yasnaya, 3) Pod Oknom Cheremukha Kolyshetsya, 4) Reve Ta Stogne Dnipr Shirokij, 5) Oj, Pid Vishneyu, 6) Zolotoj, 7) Naprorochila Kukushka, 8) Gitara, 9) Tri Dochki, 10) Spletni, 11) Milyj Moj-Voyaka Bravyj, 12) Pechal'naya, 13) Balentin, 14) Kukushka, 15) Vecherom Vo Rzhi, 16) Vozle Ozera Lokh-Lomond. Publisher: Sovetskij Kompozitor, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Narodny Pesni, 1964

- No. 5. For balalaika and piano. Contents: 1) Kak Pod Gorkoj, Pod Goroj, 2) Oj, Zadumav Komarik, 3) Petushok, 4) Bolgarskaya Narodnaya Pesnya, 5) Shvedskaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Publisher: Muz'ika. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Nash Kraj, undated

- Composer: D. Kabalevsky. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Nash Sosed, undated

- Composer: B. Potemkin. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Nata-Val's, undated

- Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikosky). Score for domra and piano, score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: Natashin Val's, undated

- Composer: A. Pol'shina. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 45: Navarrskaja Khota, undated

- Composer: P. Sarasate. Arranger: O. Glukhova. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 196

- Folder 1: Ne Greshno (To Ne Grikh), undated

- Composer: K. Sadovsky (Pol'sha). Russkij tekst: A. Vratareva. Score for piano/accordian and voice. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Ne Khochu Nikogo, undated

- Niemand, niemand will ich. None I care nor long for. Composer: Keyll. Three mandolin part, one piano part. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Ne Krichi, Perepelka, undated

- Composer: F. Maslov. Score for solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Ne Shumi Shy, Rozh', Spelym Kolosom, undated

- Composer: A. Gurilev. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Ne Slyshno Na Palubakh Pesen, undated

- Composer: A. Gurilev. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Neapolitanskaya Pesenka, 1963

- Composer: Tchaikovsky. Arranger: N. Lukavikhin. Transcribed by M. A. Selivan. Manuscript score for balalaika and piano. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: No ya Vas Vsetaki Lyublyu, undated

- Und dennoch lieb ich dich. And still I love thee, love. Composer: Kyell. Two mandolin parts, one piano part. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Noktyurn, undated

- Composer: Yu. Shishakov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Nu Czeluj Ne Balui, 1934

- "So Kiss Me!" Compiled by Gregory Stone. Arr. by Galla-Rini. Score for piano accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Ne Uvyeryaj, Bros', undated

- Lass, o lass die Schwure. Pledge not troth, to break it. Composer: Borodin. Three mandolin parts, one piano part. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Neapolitans'ka Pisen'ka, undated

- Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Score for two banduras (arranger: A. Omel'chenka), score for accordian. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Nebo Temno-Sinee, undated

- Composer: E. Rodygin. Score for two instruments. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Nebo Zovet, undated

- Composer: A. Dvoskina. Lyrics: V. Malkova. Score for accordian and voice. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Nedel'ka, undated

- Russkaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Obrabotka N. Budashkina. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Nepreryvnoe Dvizhenie, undated

- Composer: Cz. Kyun. Arranger: A. Ya. Aleksandrova. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Nerazluchnye Druz'ya, undated

- Composer: M. Magidenko. Duet for balalaika. Two balalaika parts. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Net, Moj Milyj, undated

- Composer: M. Fradkin. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Net, Tol'ko Tot, Kgo Znal, 1941

- None But the Lonely Heart. Op. 6, No. 6. Composer: P. I. Tchaikovsky. Arr. by Grank Gaviani. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Nevalyushka, undated

- Composer: R. Manukov. Lyrics: M. Plyuczkovsky. Score for voice, piano, guitar, and bass. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Nevalyashki, undated

- Composer: Z. Levina. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Nezhnyj Czvetok (Padegras), undated

- Composer: K. Garbarya. Arranger: P. Grozdeva. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: "Ni Odna Vo Pole Dorozhen'ka" I "Vdol' Po Piterskoj", undated

- Variczii Na Temy Russkikh Narodnykh Pesen: A. Shustova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Nichego Ne Govorila, undated

- Composer: V. Solov'ev-Sedoj. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Nikanorova Katyusha, undated

- Mordovskaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: I. Sokolovoj. Score for three domras. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Noch' Svetla, undated

- Starinnyj Russkij Val's. Composer: M. Shishkin. Obrabotka: V. Podol'skoj. Per: V. Klimova. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Noktyurn, undated

- Composer: P. Chekalov. Score for three instruments (one accordian). Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Noktyurn, 1965

- Dlya Balalaika E Fortepiano. Composer: K. Myaskov. Score for piano and balalaika, balalaika part. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: O Milyj Moj, V Tvoej Ya Vlasti, undated

- In deiner Macht bin ich o Liebste. Thou holdst me in thy power, beloved one. Op. 74. Composer: Subow. Three mandolin parts. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Obidno, Dosadno, 1934

- "It Hurts!" Compiled by Gregory Stone. Arr. by Galla-Rini. Score for piano accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Oborvannye Struny, undated

- Composer: P. Gapon. Just waltz movement for accordian, all movements piano score. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Oduvanchik, undated

- Composer: A. Fattakha. Lyrics: Yu. Polukhina. Score for accordian and voice. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Ognevushka-Poskakushka, undated

- Composer: M. Smirnov. Score for three bayans. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Oft in the stilly night, undated

- Irish air. Arranged for balalaika and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Oh, My Darling Clementine, 1965

- Composer: P. Montrose. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for balalaika duet. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Oh, Return To Me, My Darling, undated

- Liricheskaya Pesnya. Composer: I. Dunayevsky. Russian lyrics by: Volzhenin. Transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Oh! Susanna, 1962

- Composer: Stephen C. Foster. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Score for piano/accordian and balalaika/voice. Manuscript score. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Oj, Da Ty Doroga, undated

- Pripevki. Obrabotka: Yu. Blinova. Score for domra, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Oj Lopnuv Obruch, undated

- Ukrainskaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Arranger: V. Murzina. Score for domra, balalaik, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Oi, Pid Vishneyu, undated

- Arranger: G. Kamaldinova. Score for domra/mandolin, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Oj, Kazala Meni Mati, undated

- Composer: S. Gulak-Artemovskij. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Oj, Czvetet Kalina, undated

- Iz Kinofil'ma "Kuvanskie Kazaki." Composer: I. Dunaevskij. Arranger: B. Avksent'eva. Score for balalaika duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Oj Tumany Moi, undated

- Composer: Bl. Zakharov. Solo instrument part. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Oj Ty, Temnaya Dubravushka, undated

- Fragment Iz Opery "Sadko." Composer: I. Rimsky-Korsakov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: Oj Vy, Plotnichki, undated

- Konczertnaya Fantaziya. Na Temu Russkoj Pesni. Composers: O. Glukhov I V. Azov. Score for balalaika and accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 45: Old Black Joe, 1936

- Composer: Stephen C. Foster. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for piano and solo instrument. EC 1547.
- Folder 46: Old Folks At Home, 1936, 1962

- Composer: Stephen C. Foster. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Score for accordian and voice, score for piano and balalaika. Also included: "Long, Long Ago" by Thomas Haynes Bayly (Transposed from F major, arr. by Paul Hill. Copyright MCMXXXXIII by Amsco Music Sales Co., N.Y.C.). Manuscript. EC 1547.
- Folder 47: "Old Timers" Waltz, 1917

- "Introducing The Bowery, The Sidewalks of New York, Sweet Rosie O'Grady, Daisy Bell, Comrades, little Annie Rooney, She May Have Seen Better Days, The Band Played On, After the Ball." Compiled and Arranged by M. L. Laike. Full score, parts (photocopies): cello, alto balalaika. EC 1547.
- Folder 48: On Wings of Song, 1960

- Op. 34, No. 2. Composer: Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy. Transcribed for the domra by Mark A. Selivan. Taken from violin transcription by Joseph Achron (Carl Fischer, MCMXIX, Sheet Music Edition No. B. 729). Manuscript score for alto and prima domra and piano. Alto/prima domra part. EC 1547.
- Folder 49: Osedlayu Konya, undated

- Composer: A. Varlamov. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 50: Osen', undated

- Composer: An. Aleksandrov. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 51: Osen', undated

- Composer: A. Pol'shina, Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 52: Osen', undated

- Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 53: Osennij Pejzazh, undated

- Composer: R. Bojko. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 54: Osen'yu, undated

- Iz Sbornika Mamontovoj i Chajkovskogo (Tchaikovsky). Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 55: Ostrova Razluki, undated

- Composer: V. Dmitriev. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 56: Ostrovok, undated

- Composer: S. Rakhmanniov (Rachmaninoff). Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for three bayans. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 197

- Folder 1: Ot Sela Do Sela, undated

- Russkaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Arranger: B. Troyanovsky. Score for balalaika and bayan, score for seven instruments. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Otgovorila Roshcha Zolotaya, undated

- Composer: G. Ponomarenko. piano score, score for piano and solo instrument (arr. V. Yakovlev). Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Ozornye Naigryshi, undated

- Composer: V. Yakovlev. Partiya Gitary I Perelozhenii: B. Okuneva. Score for domra and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Padekatr, undated

- Composer: I. Il'ina. Arranger: P. Grozleva. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Pauchok, undated

- Composer: V. Ivannikov. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Palatochnyj Gorod, undated

- Composer: O. Fel'czman. Lyrics: M. Tanicha. Score for accordian and voice (two copies). Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: La Paloma, undated

- "Tolubka." Kudinskaya Narognaya Pesnya. Arr. A. Czysankova. Score for solo instrument and piano. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Paren' Ty Khoroshij, undated

- Composer: V. Solov'eva-Sedogo. Lyrics: V. Solov'eva-Sedogo i S. Fogel'sona. Score for piano/accordian and voice. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Pastushok, undated

- Composer: G. Frid. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Pastushonok Petya, undated

- Composer: M. Koval'. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Patsi-Usti, undated

- Obrabotka: N. Chaplygina. Perelozhenie: M. Vakhutinsky. Score for domra, bayan, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Pedagogicheskij Reperjuar Domrista, v. 3, 1968

- Trekhstrunnaya Domra. Dlya Detskikh Muzykal'nykh Shkol. Vypusk 3. Sostavlenie I Isnolnitel'skaya Pedakcziya: I. Shelmakova. Pedagogical collection of pieces for domra and piano. Publisher: Izdatel'stvo Muzyka, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Pervaya Poterya, undated

- Composer: R. Schumman. Score for accordian duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Pervaya Vstrecha, undated

- Composer: B. Tikhonov. Score for bayan duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Pervye Shagi, undated

- Composer: P. Yakovenko. Score for piano and domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Pervye Shagi Balalaechnika, v. 6, 1966

- First Steps of a Balalaikist. Book 6. Publisher: Muzyka, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Pervye Shagi Balalaechnika, v. 9, 1967

- First Steps of a Balalaikist. Book 9. Publisher: Muzyka, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Prevye Shagi Balalaechnika, v. 10, 1967

- First Steps of a Balalaikist. Book 10. Publisher: Muzyka: Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Pervye Shagi Balalaechnika, v. 11, 1967

- First Steps of a Balalaikist. Book 11. Publisher: Muzyka, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Pervye Shagi Balalaechnika, 1968

- First Steps of a Balalaikist. Book 12. Publisher: Muzyka, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: P'esa, undated

- Composer: P. Kulikova. Score for piano and balalaika. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: P'esa, undated

- Composer: N. Rakov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Pesenka, undated

- Composer: An. Aleksandrov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Pesenka, undated

- Composer: G. Frid. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Pesenka, undated

- Iz Operetty "Otpusknoj Soldat." Composer: I. Kal'man. Obrabotka: N. Beknazarova. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Pesenka, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinova. Score for piano and two instruments. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Pesenka, undated

- Pervyj Klass. Composer: Cz. Kyui. Two scores for domra and piano. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Pesenka, undated

- Composer: A. Komarovskii. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Pesenka, undated

- Composer: Mozart. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Pesenka, undated

- Composer: L. Revuczkii. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Pesenka Krokodila Geny, undated

- Composer: V. Shainskii. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Pesenka O Khoroshem Nastroenii, undated

- Iz Kinokartiny "Karnaval'nayanoch'." Composer: A. Lepin. Score for mandolin. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Pesenka Pro Kapitana, undated

- Iz Kinofil'ma "Deti Kapitana Granta." Composer: I. Dunaevskii. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Pesenka Shofera, undated

- Iz Kinofil'ma "Tam, Gde Konchaetsya Asfal't." Composer: Gullarto. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Pesnya, undated

- Composer: Yu. Bannov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Pesnya, undated

- Composer: R. Gliev. Arranger: P. Shashkina. Score for bayan duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Pesnya, undated

- Composer: A. Grechaninov. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Pesnya, undated

- Composer: V. Motov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Pesnya, undated

- Composer: Yu. Shishakov. Score for domra duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Pesnya, undated

- Iz Muzyki K Kinofil'my "Nasreddin V Khodzhente." Composer: V. Muradali. Score for domra, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Pesnya, undated

- Iz Opery "Voris Gadunov." Composer: M. Mussorgsky. Score for solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Pesnya, undated

- Composer: V. Rebikov. Score for domra and piano, score for piano and solo instrument, score for balalaika and piano. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Pesnya, undated

- Composer: A. Shtogarenko. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: Pesnya, undated

- Composer: A. Titova. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 45: Pesnya, undated

- Composer: S. Tulikov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 198

- Folder 1: Pesnya Anyuty, undated

- Iz Kinofil'ma "Veselye Rebyata." Composer: I. Dunaevskii. Arranger: E. Klimova. Score for piano and domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Pesnya Bez Slov, undated

- Composer: V. Rebikov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Pesnya Bez Slov, undated

- Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Pesnya Indijsky Gostya, c. 1908

- Iz Opery "Sadko." Composer: Rimsky-Korsakov. Score for three voices and piano (with photocopy), score for piano and domra (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Pesnya Nakhimovczev, undated

- Composer: V. Solov'ev-Sedoj. Score for piano and domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Pesnya O Druzhbe, undated

- Tango. Composer: N. Bogoslovskii. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Pesnya O Lyubvi, undated

- Composer: M. Fradkin. Obrabotka: V. Yakovleva. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Pesnya O Moskve, undated

- Composer: T. Khrennikov. Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for domra and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Pesnya O Schast'e, undated

- Composer: I. Shamo. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Pesnya O Starshikh Brat'yakh, undated

- Composer: M. Starokadomskii. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Pesnya O Tachanke, 1946

- Composer: K. Listova. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Score for domra and piano. Manuscript. EC 1574.
- Folder 12: Pesnya O Vstrechnom, 1970

- Song of Greeting. Composer: D. Shostakovitch. Lyrics: B. Kornilov. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for piano/accordian and voice. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Pesnya Orfeya, undated

- Iz Muzyki K Kinofil'mu "Negrityanskii Orfej." Composer: L. Bonfa. Score for mandolina and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Pesnya Strel'czov, undated

- Iz Opery "Kovanshchina." Composer: M. Mussorgsky. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Pesnya O Trekh Tovarishchakh, undated

- Composer: M. Krasev. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Pesnya Petra, undated

- Composer: N. Lysenko. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Pesnya Shamilya, undated

- Arranger: Mikhaila Bessmertnogo. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Pesnya V Forme Variaczii, undated

- Dve P'esy Na Temy Russkikh Narodnykh. Evg. Messnev. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Pesnya Vani, undated

- Iz Opery "Ivan Susanin." Composer: M. Glinka. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Pesnya Volzhskikh Gruzchikov, undated

- Composer: W. Nassonoff (V. Nasonov). Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: P'esy Dlya Balalaiki, 1964

- V Soprovozhdenii Fortepiano. Pesnya, Val's, Kolybel'naya, Plyasovaya. For balalaika and piano accompaniment. Composer: R. Khozak. Publisher: Muzyka, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Petrovskaya Alleya, undated

- Composer: L. Verbiczkii. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Petushok, undated

- Composer: M. Magidenko. Score for balalaika and piano, score for domra and piano. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Pyat' Minut, undated

- Composer: A. Lepina. Arranged for bayan by L. Gavrilova. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Pyat' P'es, 1958

- Dlya balalaika and fortepiano. Composer: M. Cheremukhin. Five Pieces for balalaika and piano. Publisher: Sovemskii Komnozimov, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Pilgrim's Chorus from Tannhauser, 1957

- Composer: R. Wagner. Transcribed for domra and piano by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Pingriny, undated

- Composer: V. Kuprevich. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Pionerskaya Zor'ka, undated

- Composer: Yu. Sulimov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Pionerskii Marsh, undated

- Composer: M. Fradkin. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Pionerskij Sbor, undated

- Composer: S. Prokof'ev (Prokofiev). Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Pionerskie Mechty, undated

- Composer: B. Shekhtev. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Pis'mo, undated

- Composer: D. Kabalevsky. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Piczczikato, undated

- Composer: V. Abaza. Arranger: A. Ilyukhina. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Piczczikato iz Baleta "Rajmonda", c. 1970

- Pizzicato from Ballet "Raymond." Composer: Glazunov. Domra part (arranged by A. Lachinov, transcribed by Mark A. Selivan), score for domra and piano, score for bayan. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Pity me, dearest, 1936

- Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Score for piano and balalaika, piano part. Manuscript. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Pizzicato from Sylvia Ballet, 1938, 1953

- Composer: L. Delibes. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Score for domra and piano. Manuscript. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Plyaska, undated

- Composer: P. Barchunov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Plyaska Persidok, undated

- Iz Opery "Khovanshchina." Composer: M. Musorgskij (Mussorgsky). Score for 5 bayans. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Plyaska Zhenczin, undated

- Composer: S. Rakhmaninov (Rachmaninoff). Arranger: V. Gorokhova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Plyasovaya, undated

- Composer: E. Avksent'ev. Score for balalaika duet and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Plyasovaya, undated

- Op. 17, No. 2. Composer: N. Budashkin. Balalaika part. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Plyasovaya, undated

- Composer: A. Gedike. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Playasovaya, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: Plyasovaya, undated

- Composer: P. Kulikova. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 45: Plyasovaya, undated

- Composer: M. Magidenko. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 46: Plyasovaya, undated

- Composer: G. Nosov. Arranger: E. Avksent'eva. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 47: Plyasovaya, undated

- Arranger: Yu. Shishakova. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 48: Plyasovaya Iz Baleta "Mednyj Vsadnik", undated

- Composer: R. Gliera (Gliere). Arranger: A. Surkova. Score for accordian duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 49: Plyasovoj Naigrysh, undated

- Composer: B. Feoktistov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 50: Po Dolinam I Po Vzgor'yam, undated

- Melody: A. Amuroba. Arrangement: Aleksandrova. Score for balalaika duet, solo instrument part. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Box 199

- Folder 1: Po Lugu Zelenomu, undated

- Composer: A. Novikov. Score for solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Po Malinu, Po Smorodinu, undated

- Composer: N. Rimsky-Korsakova (Rimsky-Korsakov). Score for piano and voice/solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Po Reke, Reke Kubani, undated

- Iz Muzyki K Kinofil'mu "Kubanskie Kazaki." Composer: I. Dunaevsky. Two scores for domra, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Pochemu Medved' Zimoj Spit, undated

- Composer: L. Knipper. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Pod Charuyushchej Laskoj Tvoej, undated

- Unter deinem bezaubernden Blicke. Neath the charm of they drooping lashes. Composer: Subow. Parts: piano, mandola, mandolin I, mandolin II. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Pod Garmoshku, undated

- Composer: G. Frid. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Pod Yuzhnym Nebom, undated

- Tango. Composer: Z. Binkin. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Pod Lunoj Zolotoj, undated

- Iz Kinokartiny "Noryj Dom." Composer: I. Dunaevskij. Score for mandolin. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Pod Moskovskim Nebom, undated

- Composer: S. Tulikova. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Podmoskovnye Vechera, undated

- Composer: V. Solov'ev-Sedoj. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Pojdem So Mnoj, undated

- Composer: Vl. Dmitriev. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Pojdu L', Vyjdu L' Ya, undated

- Iz Opery "Charodejka." Composer: P. Chajkovskogo (Tchaikovsky). Score for two solo instruments, voice, and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Pojdu L' Ya, Vyjdu L' Ya, 1962

- Variaczii Na Temu Russkoj Narodnoj Pesni. Composer: A. Komarovskii. Arranger: P. Ermisheva. From Biblioteka Balalaechinka No. 44. Score for piano and balalaika. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Pojdu, Byujdu, undated

- Composer: N. Polikarpov. Two scores for accordian. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Pokhodnaya, undated

- Composer: M. Parczkhaladze. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Pokodnyj Marsh, undated

- Op. 42. Composer: A. Gedike. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Pole, undated

- Composer: Ya. Frenkelya. Lyrics: I. Goff. Score for bayan and voice. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Pol'ka, 1934

- Polka. Transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. Score for piano, part for 2nd prima domra (photocopy). Manuscript. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: M. Balakirev. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: M. Glinka. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: Az. Ivanov. Obrabotka: V. Glejkhmana. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinova. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Pol'ka, undated

- (Podmoskovnaya). Composer: A. Novshkova. Uchastnika Khudozhestvennoj Samodeyatel'nosti. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: Yu. Slonova. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: D. Shostakovich. Score for six domras, miniature score for full orchestra. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Score for domra trio. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: S. Vasilenko. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Polka Elektryczna, undated

- Arranger: Jan Ulenski. Manuscript score for piano and balalaika. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Polka Figorantka, 1959

- Arranger: Jan Ulenski. Transcriber: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for balalaika and piano. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Pol'ka-Fokstrot, undated

- Composer: M. Kalomczeva. Arranger: V. Motova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Pol'ka-Mazurka, undated

- Composer: A. Gurilev. Arranger: Sulova. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Pol'ka Piczczikato, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinov. Polka Pizzacato. Score for balalaika and guitar, score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Pol'ka - Shutka, undated

- Composer: V. Volkova. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Polyushko Pole, undated

- Poliushoko Polie (Meadowland). Composer: L. Knipper. Three scores for accordian, score for guitar (arr. Vladimir Bobri and V. Gabaeff). Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: N. Agafonnikova. Arranged for bayan by L. Gavrilova. Bayan score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Pol'ka, undated

- Dlya Dvukh Bayanov. Composer: A. Averkina. Bayan duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Pol'ka, undated

- Iz Muzyki K Kinofil'mu "Kuvanskie Kazaki." Composer: I. Dunaevsky. Score for domra, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Polno, Vanya, undated

- Obrabotka: M. Kovalya. Score for 5 domras. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Polonez, undated

- Composer: J. S. Bakha. Arranger: A. Omel'chenka. Score for bandura. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Polonez - Polonaise, 1970

- Composer: Beethoven. Edited by A. Lachinov. Transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. Prima domra solo part. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Polonez Askol'dovoj Mogily, undated

- "Polonaise" - Air of the opera of Oscoldov Grave. Composer: A. Veresgolsii. Arranger: I. T. Bloom. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Polonez, undated

- Composer: M. Oginskogo. Accordian score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: Pompadur, 1934

- Transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript piano score. EC 1547.
- Folder 45: Posidalki, undated

- Composer: B. Strannolyubskij. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 46: Posle Dozhdya, undated

- Composer: O. Pirogov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 47: Poczeluj Zhe Menya, Moya Dushechka!, undated

- Starinnyj Val'se. Composer: A. Dyubyuk. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 48: Poupee Valsante, 1954

- Waltzing Doll. Composer: Edward Poldini. Transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. Score for domra and piano (manuscript), prima domra part (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 49: Pozdnee Leto, undated

- Tango. Composer: M. Narczkhaladze. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 50: Prazdnichnaya-Plyasovaya, undated

- Composer: D. Saluman-Vladimirova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 51: Prekrasnyj Rozmarin, undated

- Composer: F. Kreyasleva. Arranger: Az Ivanova. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 52: Prelyudiya, undated

- Composer: A. Flyarkovskii. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 53: Prelyudiya, undated

- Composer: A. Korelli (Corelli). Arranger: V. Klumova. Score for piano and domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 54: Prelyudiya, undated

- Composer: A. Lyudov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 55: Prelyudiya, undated

- Composer: A. Skryabina (Scriabin). Score for domra and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 56: Prelyudiya I Fuga, undated

- Do-Mazhor. Composer: D. Shostakovich. Arranger: I. Nazarenko. Score for four bayans. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 57: Pri Dolinushke Bereza, 1960

- The Birch Tree by the Little Valley. Iz Opery "Askol'dova Mogila." (From the opera "Askold's Grave.") Composer: A. Verstovskii. Arragner: V. Murzina. Also included: Vot Spoyu Takuyu Pesnyu Iz Opery "Mel'niyu - Koldun, Obmanshchiyu I Svat." (I'll Sing This Song from the Opera The Miller-Sorcerer, Cheat and Matchmaker.") Composer: E. Fomin. From Biblioteka Balalaechnika No. 27. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 58: Pryalka, undated

- Composer: Nat. Rubinshtejn (Rubenstein). Score for piano and domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 59: Priznanie, undated

- Composer: A. Kolkeva. Lyrics: K. Pyzhova. Score for accordian and voice. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 60: Pro Dobrynyu, undated

- Dobrynia Nikitich. Heroic song of the XIth century. Composer: Rimksy-Korsakov / Ignatiefi. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 61: Progulka, undated

- Composer: M. Kholodnyj. Arranger: V. Vikgorva. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 62: Progulka, undated

- Composer: N. Rakov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 63: Projdut Goda, undated

- Composer: V. Zakharov. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 64: Proizvedeniya Sovetskikh Kompozitorov, 1964

- V Perelozhenii Dlya Balalajki S Soprovozhdeniem Fortepiano. Series: Bidlioteka Nachinayushchego Balalaechnika, No. 7. Publisher: Muzyka. Contents: 1) Marsh - D. Shostakovich, 2) Zadumchivost' - K. Karaev, 3) Kukushka - A. Ter-Gevondyan, 4) Kolybel'naya - S. Saroyan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 65: Proshchal'nyj Val's, undated

- Composer: E. Brusilovskii. Score for Mandolin. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 66: Proshchal'nyj Val's, undated

- Composer: M. Glinka. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 67: Proshchal'nyj Val's, undated

- Iz Konofil'ma "Most Vaterloo." Obrabotka: V. Motova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 68: Proshchanie Slavyanki, undated

- Stariniyj Marsh. Composer: V. Agapkin. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 69: Prostri Svoju Prostirku, undated

- Composer: Miki Teodorakis. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 200

- Folder 1: Protyazhnaya, undated

- Composer: A. Krylusov. Arr. V. Klimova. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Protyazhnaya, undated

- Composer/Arranger: A. Lyadova. Score for domra and piano, score for piano and unspecified instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Protyazhnaya, undated

- Composer: I. Troyanov. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Probazhan'e, 1970

- Strolling Home. Composer: V. Zakharov. Words by M. Issakovsky. Adaptation by Mark A. Selivan. Score for balalaika and piano (manuscript), prima balalaika part (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Ptichka Letaet, undated

- Composer: A. Arenskii. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Pticzy Vozvrashchayatsya Domoj, undated

- Composer: V. Basner. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Pust' Vsegda Budet Colncze, undated

- Composer: A. Ostrovskii. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Radosti Serdcze Otkroj, undated

- Tango. Composer: V. Bukina. Arranger: N. Krylova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Radostnij Den', undated

- Composer: A. Czfasmana. Arranger: V. Motova. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Raduga, undated

- Composer: A. Dvoskin. Lyrics: O. Gadzhikasimova. Score for voice, piano, percussion, and bass. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Raspev, undated

- Composer: Yu. Blinova. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Rasskaz, undated

- Composer: I. Marchenko. Score for piano and balalaika. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Rasskaz Geroya, undated

- Composer: D. Kabalevsky. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Rasskazhi, Motylek, undated

- Composer: A. Arensky. Score for piano and solo instrument, tune. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Rasstalis' Gordo My, undated

- Romans. Composer: A. Dargomyzhsky. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Raschvetaj, Sibir', undated

- Composer: V. Muradeli. Score for piano and domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Razgovor, undated

- Composer: B. Tikhonov. Score for domra, guitar, and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Razluka, undated

- (Na zare tumannoj yunosti ...) Composer: A. Gurilev. Arranger: V. Yakovlev. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Red Rose Rag, The, undated

- Composer: Percy Wenrich. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Score for piano and balalaika. Manuscript. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Repertuar Dlya Ansemblej Russkikh Naradnykh Instrumentov, v. 9, 1968

- Ansambly Bayanov. Publisher: Muzyka, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Repertuar Dlya Ansamblej Russkikh Narodnykh INstrumentov, v. 11, 1968

- 7-string guitar ensemble. Publisher: Mukyka, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Repertuar Domrista, v. 2, 1966

- For 3-string domra. Collection. Publisher: Muzyka, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Repertuar Domrista, v. 3, 1968

- For 3-string domra. Collection. Publisher: Muzyka, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Repertuar Garmonista, v. 2, undated

- Collection. Publisher: Sovetsky Kompozitor. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Ryabina, undated

- Composer: N. Polikarpov. Obrabotka: V. Azova I O. Glukhova. Score for accordian and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Ryabinovye Naigryshi, undated

- Composer: A. Abramov. Score for domra, balalaika, and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Rodina Nasha, undated

- Composer: B. Teren't'ev. Score for mandolin. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Rodnye Mesta, undated

- Composer: O. Khromushina. Lyrics: M. Sadovskogo. Tune, lyrics, and chords. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Rojinkes Mit Mandlen, c. 1958

- In the Evening Shadows / Raisons and Almonds (Hebrew Lullaby). Composer: A. Goldfaden. Transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. Two scores for domra and piano (2nd score: transcribed from violin and piano arrangement by Anthony Collins, violin part edited by Louis Kaufman - Carl Fischer No. B3256), domra part. Manuscript. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Romans, undated

- Composer: A. Alyab'ev. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Romans, undated

- Composer: A. Arensky. Score for domra or mandolin and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Romans, undated

- Composer: K. Davydov. Score for mandolin and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Romans, undated

- Composer: A. Dyubyuk. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Romans, undated

- Composer: R. Gliere. Score for accordian, score for domra and piano (arr. S. Furmina). Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Romans, undated

- Composer: B. Kiselev. Score for three domras and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Romans, undated

- Composer: A. Rubinshtejn (Rubenstein). Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Romans, undated

- Otryvok. Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Arr. I. Kola. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Romans, undated

- Op. 69, No. 3. Iz Syuity Dlya Balalajki I Fortepiano. Composer: S. Vasilenko. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Romansero, undated

- Composer: M. Ippolitov-Ivanov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 201

- Folder 1: Rondino (On a Theme By Beethoven), 1949

- Composer: Fritz Kreisler. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for domra and piano, domra part (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Rondo, undated

- Composer: Yu. Sulimov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Rose of Tralee, The, 1962

- Irish Song. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for balalaika and piano. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Rossijskaya Narodnaya Pesnya S Variacziyami, undated

- Composer: I. Khandoshkin. Arr. Yu. Mel'nnkova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Rucheek, undated

- Composer: B. Tikhonova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Rucheek Zhurchit, undated

- Composer: I. Boldyrev. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Russian Sailors' Dance

- from the ballet The Red Poppy. Composer: R. Gliere. Transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score with added domra part. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Russkaya, undated

- Iz Baleta "Petrushka." Composer: I. Stravinsky. Score for three bayans, score for domra and piano. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Russkaya Fantaziya, undated

- Composer: K. Myaskov. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Russkaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: A. Gedike. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Russkaya Plyasovaya, undated

- Composer: A. Novikov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Russkaya Skazka, undated

- Composer: D. Braslavsky. Score for two saxophones, tuba, trombone, percussion, piano, and bass. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Russkaya Zima, undated

- Composer: V. Kuprevich. Arr. B. Klimova. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Russkie Kraya, undated

- Composer: P. Aedonkczkogo. Lyrics: Yu. Polukhina. Score for two domras, balalaika, and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Russkij Bal'nyj, undated

- Composer: M. Ferkel'man. Arranger: A. Basurmanova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Russkij Marsh, undated

- Composer: V. Andreev. Obrabotka: B. Troyanovskogo. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Russkij Tanecz, undated

- Composer: G. Krecztnera. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Russkij Tenecz, undated

- Composer: D. Saliman-Vladimirova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Russkoe Kaprichchio, 1964

- Dlya Balalajki i Fortepiano. Composer: D. Solov'ev. Publisher: Izdatel'stvo Muzyka, Leningrad. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: S Dobrym Utrom, undated

- Composer: T. Popatenko. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: S Ulybkoj Radosti, undated

- Mit deinem Liebeslacheln. Thy smile of love hath charmed me. Composer: Tarnowsky. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Sud'ba, undated

- Composer: S. Bajnes. Piano score, score for piano and solo instrument/voice (arr. V. Zharova). Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Santa Lucia, 1965

- Italian Folk Song. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for balalaika duet. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Sarabanda, undated

- Composer: A. Gedike. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Sarabanda, undated

- Composer: G. Gendel' (Handel). Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for domra trio. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Sarabanda, undated

- Composer: A. Lyadov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Sarafanchik, undated

- Composer: A. Gurilev. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Scene de Ballet, 1937

- Mazurka de Concert. Composer: Andreeff. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for domra and piano. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Schastlivyj Den', undated

- Composer: M. Krasev. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Schoen Rosmarin, 1939

- Composer: Fritz Kreisler. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for piano with violin part added, first violin part (photocopy), another violin part in another key (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 31: "Le Secret" : Intermezzo, 1953, 1958

- Composer: Leonard Gautier. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for prima domra and piano and prima domra part. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Sentimental'nyi Val's, 1963

- Sentimental Waltz. Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Arranger: Mark A. Selivan (Mark A. Selivan Repertoire). Manuscript score for domra and piano. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Serdechnaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: V. Muradeli. Obrabotka: S. Bulatova. Score for accordian and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Serdcze Na Snegu, undated

- Composer: A. Babadzhanyana. Lyrics: A. Dmokhovs'kogo. Pereklad Z Rosijs'koj: M. Girnika. Score for piano/guitar and voice/solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Serenada, undated

- Iz Balet "Arlekinada." Composers: R. Drigo - L. Auer. Arranger: D. Aleksandrova. Domra part, score for piano and domra. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Serenada, undated

- Composer: I. D. Ginzburta (Ginzburg). Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Serenada, undated

- Op. 37, No. 3. Composer: N. Lysenko. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Serenada Don-Kikhota, undated

- Iz Muzyki K Radiopostanovke "Don Quixote." Composer: D. Kabelevsky. Score for domra, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Serenade (Standchen), 1939

- Composer: Franz Schubert. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for viola domra and piano. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Serenade, 1960

- Op. 6. Composer: Enrico Toselli. Transcribed for the domra by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for domra and piano. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Serenade of the Bells, undated

- Parts for alto domra and 2nd prima domra. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Sevastopol'skij Val's, undated

- Composer: K. Listova. Two different scores for accordian (second arranged for bayan by S. Simakova). Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Setting Sail, undated

- Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for balalaika and piano. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: Sharmanczik Poet, undated

- Composer: Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Score for domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 45: Shkol'naya Tropinka, undated

- Composer: V. Muradeli. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 46: Shum, 1937

- Composer: L. Revutsky-Prydat. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for violin, vioce, and piano. EC 1547.
- Folder 47: Shutka (Pol'ka), undated

- Composer: N. Rechmenksogo. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 48: Shutlivyj Val's, undated

- Composer: M. Marutaev. Arranger: V. Glejkhmana. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 49: Shutniki (Pol'ka), undated

- Composer: V. Korneva. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 50: Shutochnaya, undated

- Composer: Yu. Shishakov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 51: Shutochnaya Plyasovaya, undated

- Composer: L. Knipper. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 52: Shutchnaya Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: G. Tukhomirova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 202

- Folder 1: Sibirskaya Polechka, undate

- Composer: Yu. Shchekotov. Arr. N. Lukavukhina. Score for balalaika and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Sibirkaya Polechka, undated

- Konczertnye Variaczin Na Temu Yu. Shchekotova. Composer: A. Shalov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Sicziliana, undated

- Composer: Bakha-Auera. Arranger: A. Omel'chenka. Score for violin (skripki) and bandura. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Siczilina, undated

- Composer: M.T. Paradis. Arranger: E. Mitchenko. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Syuita: Na Temy Ukrainskikh Narodnykh Pesen, undated

- Composer: Vl. Yurovsky. Score for mandolin, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Skazka, undated

- Composer: E. Avksent'ev. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Skazka, undated

- Composer: D. Kabalevsky. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Skerczino, undated

- Composer: V. Kosenko. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Skerczo, undated

- Si-Bemol' Mazhor. Composer: M. Musorgsky. Arranger: G. Tyshkevicha. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Skerczo, undated

- Composer: A. Repnikov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Skerczo, undated

- Composer: N. Sokolovsky. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Skerczo : Iz Baleta "Zhar-Pticza", undated

- Composer: I. Stravinksy. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Skerczo-Rondo, undated

- Composer: A. Averkin. Score for bayan duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Skomorosh'i Igry, undated

- Composer: A. Isaakov. Manuscript score for piano and solo instrument. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Sladkaya Greza, undated

- Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Slav'sya, undated

- Zaklyuchitel'nyj Khor Iz Opery "Ivan Susanin." Composer: M. Glinka. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Slavyanskij Tanecz, undated

- Iz Opery "Rusalka." Composer: A. Dargomyzhky. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Sleza, undated

- Composer: M. Musorgsky. Two different accordian scores. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Slyshu Ya, Milaya, Zvuki, undated

- Hor'ich die sussen Tone. I hear those strains enchanting. Composer: Subow. Parts: mandola, mandolin I, mandolin II, piano. Also included: S' Ulybkoj Radosti (Mit deinem Liebeslacheln, Thy smile of love hath charmed me), composer: Tarnowsky, 3 mandola parts. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Smiles, 1962

- Composr: Lee S. Roberts. Lyrics: J. Will Callahan. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for piano, voice, and balalaika. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Soyuz Narushimyj, undated

- Sbornik P'es Dlya Dukhovogo Orkestra. Parts: tenor/trombone, alto/viola, clarinet, French horn. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Sokolovsky Khor U Yara, undated

- Parts: violin, bass, piano. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Soldatskij Val's, undated

- Composer: A. Voronov. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Solovei, undated

- Starinnyj Russkij Romans. Composer: A. Alyab'eva. Arranger: A. Ilyukin. Score for balalaika and piano, score for solo instrument and percussion instrument. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Solovushko, undated

- Composer: Glinka. Score for domra and piano, score for solo instrument and piano. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Son Negra, undated

- Composer: Myddleton. Manuscript score for piano and alto domra. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Sonata dlya Balalaiki I Fortepiano, 1965

- Composers: V. Beltsky and N. Rosanova. Publisher: Izdatel'stvo Muzyka, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Sonata dlya Balalaika i Fortepiano, 1968

- Composer: N. Puzej. Publisher: Sovetsky Kompozitor. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Sonata, undated

- Composer: D. Skarlatti (Scarlatti). Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Sonata dlya Domry i Fortepiano, 1957

- Composer: A. Aksenov. Publisher: Soveshkij Kompositor, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Sonatina, undated

- Composer: A. Glazunov. Arranger: B. Slyusarya. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Sonatina Dlya Mandoliny, undated

- Composer: L. Betkhoven (Beethoven). Arranger: B. Yakovleva I B. Okuneva. Score for domra and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Song to the Evening Star from "Tannhauser", 1938

- Composer: Wagner. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for viola domra and piano. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: "Spring, Beautiful Spring" - Waltz, undated

- Composer: Paul Lincke. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Balalaika part. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: The Star-Spangled Banner, 1918

- (A Standardized Version of the Melody). Composer: John Stafford Smith. Harmonized by Walter Domrosch. Orchestrated by Tom Clark. Lyrics: Francis Scott Key. Publisher: G. Schirmer. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Starinnoe Tango, undated

- Composer: E. Kolmanovsky. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Starinnyj Tanecz, undated

- Op. 36. Composer: A. Gedike. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Starinnyj Tanecz, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinov. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Starinnyj Tanecz, undated

- Composer: I. Dusek. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Starye Slova (Tango), undated

- Iz Kinofil'ma "Eto Sil'nee Menya." Composer: O. Fel'czman (Feltsman). Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Strashnaya Minuta, undated

- Composer: Tchaikovsky. Series: Lieder von P. Tschaikowsky fur Mezzo-Sopran. Score for piano and mezzo-soprano. Color cover art. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Sczena, undated

- Iz baleta "Romeo I Dzhul'etta" (Romeo and Juliet). Composer: S. Prokofiev. Arranger: S. Pavina. Score for bayan duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Surok, undated

- Composer: L. Betkhoven (Beethoven). Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: Svyashchennaya Vojna, undated

- Composer: A. Aleksandrov. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 45: The Swan (Le Cygne) Melody, 1960

- Composer: C. Saint-Saens. Adaptation: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for alto domra and piano. EC 1547.
- Folder 46: Ta Orav Muzhik Kraj Dorogi, undated

- Ukrainskaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: A. Ivlnov. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 47: Tabor Nash Spit, undated

- Manuscript piano score.
- Folder 48: Tajkom (Valse Lente), undated

- Composer: A. Charnyavsky. Score for balalaika. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 49: Tam, Bdali, Tropinkoj Gornoj, undated

- Russkaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: A. Ivlnov.
- Folder 50: Tam, Vdali Za Rekoj, undated

- Komsoml'skaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: A. V. Aleksandrova. Lyrics: N. Koolya. Score for piano/accordian and voice. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 51: Tambourin, undated

- Composer: Jean Philippe Rameau. Manuscript score for violin and piano. Domra solo part (photocopy). EC 1547.
- Folder 52: Tamburin, undated

- Composer: F. Gossek. Arrangers: V. Yakovleva i B. Okuneva. Score for domra and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 203

- Folder 1: Tanecz, undated

- Composer: L. Betkhovena (Beethoven). Arranger: P. Landokova. Score for domra and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Tanecz, undated

- Composer: V. Cherni. Arranger: N. Vyaz'mina. Score for two balalaikas and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Tanecz, undated

- Composer: A. Gedike. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Tanecz, undated

- Iz Opery "Ivan Susanin." Composer: M. Glinka. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Tanecz, undated

- Composer: T. Kuliev. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Tanecz, undated

- Composer: M. Magidenko. Score for balalaika duet and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Tanecz, undated

- Composer: M. Magomaev. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Tanecz, undated

- Composer: V. Motov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Tanecz, undated

- Composer: A. Omel'chenka. Score for bandura. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Tanecz, undated

- Iz Czikla "Tanczy Kukol." Composer: D. Shostakovich. Score for domra, balalaika, and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Tanecz, undated

- Iz Baleta "Mirandolina." Composer: S. Vasilenko. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Tanecz Devushchek, undated

- Composer: Yu. Mulyutuna. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Tanecz Devushchek, undated

- Iz Baleta "Gayane." Composer: A. Khachaturyan (Khachaturian). Arranger: S. Furmina. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Tanecz Landyshej, undated

- Composer: V. Rebikov. Arranger: V. Rozinova. Score for bayan duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Tanecz Lebedej, undated

- Iz Baleta "Lebedinoe Ozero." Composer: P. Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Tanecz Na Ploshchadi, 1970

- Iz Baleta "Mediyj Vsadink." Composer: R. Gliere. Published score for piano and solo instrument. Prima domra solo part (photocopy) transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Tanecz Rozovykh Devushek, undated

- Dance of the Pink Girls. Iz Baleta "Gayane." (From the Ballet "Gayane.") Composer: A. Khatchaturian. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Tanecz Sovetskikh Matrosov, undated

- Iz Baleta "Krasnyj Mak." "Yablochko." Composer: Gliere. Arranger: Sibrava. Piano reduction. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Tanecz Czyplyat, undated

- Composer: Khr. Pliev. Arranger: F. Bushueva. Score for bayan duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Tango, undated

- Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Tango, undated

- Composer: A. Flyarkovsky. Iz Kf. "Rozylrysh." Score for piano, two percussionists, and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Tango, undated

- Composer: O. Khromushin. Arranger: Vl. Dmitrieva. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Tango, undated

- Iz Operetty "Poczeluj Chanity." Composer: Yu. Milyutina. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Tango, undated

- Iz Kinofil'ma "Zolotaya Simfoniya." Composer: Yu. Shakhnova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Tango, undated

- Composer: B. Tikhonova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Tango, undated

- Composer: A. Czfasmana. Arranger: L. Gavrilova. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Tango of Roses (Tango Delle Rose), 1933

- Composer: Schreier-Bottero. Arranger: A. Fassio. Parts for 2nd trumpet, cello, bass/tuba, and drums. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Tangolita, undated

- Iz Operetty "Bal V Savoje." Composer: N. Abrakham. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Tanok "Kalyandra", undated

- Composer: Marko Kropivniczysy. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Tatarskaya Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: A. Batyrshina. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Ten' - Ten', undated

- Composer: V. Kalinnikov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: There's Music In the Air, 1965

- Composer: Root. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for piano and unidentified duet. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Tikhij Vecher, undated

- Composer: V. Yurovsky. Score for piano, accordian, guitar, percussion, and contrabass. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Tikho Vse, Tikho, undated

- Starinnyj Russkij Val's. Composer: F. Sadovsky. Arranger: N. Beknazarova. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Tiritomba, undated

- Neapolitanskaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: Mel'o. Score for domra quartet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Tirl'skaya Pol'ka, undated

- Iz Kinofil'ma "Zolotaya Simfoniya." Obrabotka: Yu. Shakhnova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: To Byl Son (Val's), undated

- Composer: Ejlenberg. Score for bandura. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: To Ne Veter Vetku Klonit, undated

- Russkaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Three versions for accordian or two instruments. 2nd arranged by N. Lukavchkhina.
- Folder 39: Tokkata (Toccata), 1959

- Dlya Balalajki i Fortep'yano. Composer: I Gorin. Publisher: Sovemskuj Kompozurov, Moskva. Full score and balalaika part. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Tokkatina, undated

- Composer: T. Khrennikov. Arranger: V. Viktorova. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Tonkaya Ryabina, undated

- Various arrangements for accordian/piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Top-Top, undated

- Composer: M. Krasev. Score for balalaika and piano, domra and piano, and tune. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Toska (Val's), undated

- Composer: M. Obychajko. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: Toska Po Rodine, undated

- Composer: Shostakovich. Score for solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 45: Trebak (Fantaziya), 1959

- Composer: A. Dobrokhotov. Series: Biblioteka Balalaechnika, Vol. 15. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 46: Tri Naigrysha Na Russkie Narodnie Temy, 1965

- Composer: P. Pokromovich. Series: Biblioteka Balalaechnika, Vol. 66. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 47: Tsygane, 1946

- Adapted by J. Rutin. Score for piano/accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 48: Czretet Nebes Osennyaya Krasa, 1974

- Composer: A. Bilash. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 49: Tureczkij Marsh, undated

- Iz "Afinskikh Razvalin." (Ruins of Athens). Composer: Betkhoven (Beethoven). Domra Malaya I part. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 50: Starinnaya Fraczuzskaya Pesenka, 1938

- Arranged for piano/accordian by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score and manuscript part for unidentified instrument. EC 1547.
- Folder 51: Ty, Garmon', Igraj Bystrej, undated

- Composer: Yu. Vejsberg. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 52: Ty I Vy, undated

- Composer: Cz. Kyui. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 53: Ty Ne Poj, Dusha-Devicza, undated

- Composer: A. Varlamov. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 54: U Kalitki, undated

- Composer: V. Muradeli. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 55: U Kamina (Romans), undated

- Composer: P. Batorin. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 56: U Kogo Mne Uznat'?, undated

- Composer: A. Navikov. Arranger: A. Basurmanova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 57: U Rakcheeva Dvora, undated

- Russkaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 58: Ukrainskaya Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: N. Chajkin. Two scores for accordian. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 59: Ukraniskaya Pol'ka, undtaed

- Composer: A. Kuzneczov. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 60: Ukranskaya Shumka, undated

- Composer: I. Zaradsky. Arranger: N. Lukavikhnna. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 204

- Folder 1: Ukrajns'kij Tanok, undated

- Z Operi "Zaporozhecz' Za Dunaem." Composer: S. Gulaka-Artemovs'kogo. Arranger: A. Omel'chenka. Score for bandura.
- Folder 2: Ulitcza Prosypaetsya, undated

- Iz Baleta "Romea i Dzhul'etta" (Romeo and Juliet). Composer: S. Prokofiev. Score for bayan duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Until, undated

- Alto domra part. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Ural'skaya Ryabinushka, undated

- Composer: E. Rodygin. Score for accordian, tune, lyrics. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Ural'skaya Shutochnaya, undated

- Composer: L. Lyadova. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Utrom, undated

- Composer: Evg Messner. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Uvertyura K Operette "Syn Klouna", undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevsky. Arranger: A. Surkova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Uzh Ty, Zimushka-Zima, undated

- Composer: An. Aleksandrov. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: V Khorovode, undated

- Composer: P. Barchunov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: V Lesu Prifrontovom, undated

- Composer: M. Blanteva. Two scores for accordian. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: V Pole Poyut, undated

- Composer: Yu. Blinov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: V Sadakh Italii (Romans), undated

- Composer: A. Arensky. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: V Zemlyanke, undated

- Composer: K. Listov. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Vakkhanaliya, undated

- Iz Baleta "Spartak." Composer: A. Kachaturian. Arranger: P. Dement'eva. Score for bayan trio. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Val's, undated

- Composer: An. Aleksandrov. Arranger: V. Ro'anova. Score for domra duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Val's, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Val's, undated

- Iz Kinofil'ma "Put' Koravlya." Composer: I. Dunaevsky. Arranger: M. Mlranczlikhga. Score for domra and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Val's, undated

- Composer: A. Grechaninov. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Val's, undated

- Composer: A. Gryunfel'd. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Val's, undated

- Composer: S. Majkapar. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Val's, undated

- P'esy Russkikh Kompozitorov. Composer: V. Rebikov. Score for accordian, score for domra trio, score for six domra choir, score for mandolin and guitar. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Val's, undated

- Composer: I. Tideman. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Val's, undated

- Composer: B. Tikhonova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Val's, undated

- Composer: E. Tilicheeva. Arranger: V. Sin'kovsky. Score for piano and domra. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Val's, undated

- Composer: K. Veber (Weber). Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Val's No. 7, undated

- Composer: F. Shopen (Chopin). Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Val's "Babochki", undated

- Composer: V. Andreeva. Arranger: L. Gavrilova. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Val's - Boston, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkina. Arranger: V. Gavrilova. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Val's - Kapris, undated

- Op. 37. Composer: E. Grig (Grieg). Score for bayan duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Val's - Kapriz, undated

- Composer: A. Rubinshtejn (Rubenstein). Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Val's "Lastochka", undated

- Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Val's - Shutka, undated

- Composer: P. Chekalov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Val's - Shutka, undated

- Composer: D. Shostakovich. Obrabotka: V. Rosanova. Score for domra duet and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Val's Iz Baleta "Mednyj Vsadnik", undated

- Composer: R. Gliere. Arranger: V. Motova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Val's, undated

- Iz Kinofil'ma "Sirenevyj Sad." Composer: A. Muravlev. Arranger: P. Shlshkuna. Score for bayan duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Val's Iz Kinofil'ma "Svetlyj Put'", undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevsky. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Val's, undated

- Iz Operetty "Net Menya Schastlivee." Composer: A. Eshpaj. Obrabotka: V. Sinysovsky. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Val's, undated

- Iz Oery-Skazki "Elka." Composer: V. Pebikov. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Valse, undated

- Op. 83. omposer: Auguste Durand. Part for unidentified instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Valse Des Fleurs, 1942

- from "The Nutcracker Suite." Composer: P. Tchaikovsky. Arranger: Charles Nunzio. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Variaczii, undated

- Na Temu Naigrysha Bladimirskikh Rozhechnikov "Kumushki." Composer: E. Avksent'ev. Score for 6 unidentified parts. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Variaczij, undated

- Composer: K. Myaskova. Score for bandura. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Variaczii Nune, undated

- Iz Baleta "Gayane." Composer: A. Khachaturian. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: Variazioni di Bravura, 1906

- Composer: N. Paganini. Violin part, piano part. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 45: Varshavyanka, No. 3, undated

- Score for solo instrument and percussion. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 46: Vasil'kovye Ochi, undated

- Composer: K. Dominchen. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 47: Vdoli Da Po Rechise, Vdoli Da Po Klzhlnice, undated

- Seht ihr am Flusse. Akk. - Bearbeitung: Werner Seifert. Deutscher text von Joachim Poelka. Score for accordian. Also included: Vdol' Po Ulicze Mstelicza Metet' (Schneegestober) and Vdol' Po Peterskoj (Auf der Petersburger Landstrasse).
- Folder 48: Vdol' Perevni, undated

- Composer: V. Zakharova. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 205

- Folder 1: Vdvoem (Tanecz), undated

- Composer: B. Tikhonov. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Vecher, undated

- Composer: S. Prokofiev. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Vecher Na Lugu, undated

- Composer: V. Rebikov. Arranger: V. Viktorov. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Vecher I Okoliczy, undated

- Composer: N. Rechmensky. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Vechernyaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: M. Musorgsky. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Vechernyaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: B. Strannolyubsky. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Vechernyaya Zarya, undated

- Composer: Cz. Kyui. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Vechernie Vstrechi (Tango), undated

- Composer: S. Tulikov. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Vecherom, undated

- Composer: O. Pirogov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Vechnyj Ogon', undated

- Composer: I. Boldyrev. Arranger: V. Gavrilova. Score for 2 accordians and bayan quartet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Veneczianskij Karnaval, undated

- Composer: N. Paganini. Obrabotka: V. Yakovleva. Partiya Gitary i Perelezhenin: B. Okuneva. Score for domra and guitar. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Vengerskij Bal'nyj, undated

- Composer: B. Kiyanova. Arranger: L. Gavrilova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 13: Vengerskij Tanecz, undated

- Composer: N. Sokolovsky. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Vengerskij Tanecz No. 5, undated

- Composer: I. Brahms. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Venskoe Kaprichcho (Caprice Viennois), 1939

- Op. 2. Composer: Fritz Kreisler. Arranger: P. Necheporenko. 2 scores for balalaika and piano. Publisher: Gosudarstvennoe Muzykal'noe Izdatel'stvo, Moskva. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Veresk, undated

- Composer: I. Guchenok. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Verish' Ili Net?, undated

- Composer: A. Morozova. Lyrics: V. Gina. Score for piano/guitar and voice. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Verkhovina, Rodnaya Moya, undated

- Composer: M. Mashkin. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Verkhovina - Fantaziya, undated

- Na Temu Ukrainskoj Narodnoj Pesni "Verkhovina." Composer: P. Shol'cz. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Vernulos' Schast'e, undated

- Composer: S. Tulikova. Obrabotka: S. Bulatova. Score for bayan duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Veselaya Dudochka, undated

- Composer: M. Krasev. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Veselaya Igra, undated

- Composer: N. Rakov. Score for three unidentified parts. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: Veselaya Minutka, undated

- Composer: Yu. Blinov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Veselaya Minutka, undated

- Composer: M. Mateev. Arranger: B. Glejkhmana. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Veselaya Pesenka, undated

- Composer: A. Grechaninov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Veselo U Nas (Plyaska), undated

- Composer: D. Kabalevsky. Arranger: A. Basurmanova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Veseloe Nastroenie, undated

- Composer: F. Bril'. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Vesel'chak, undated

- Composer: A. Grechaninov. Score for piano and violin. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Vesel'chaki, undated

- Composer: M. Magidenko. Score for balalaika duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Veselye Ochi, undated

- Composer: T. Khrennikova. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Veselyj Krest'yanin, 1939

- Op. 68, No. 10. Composer: R. Schumann. Transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for piano. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Veselyj Vecher, undated

- Composer: A. Czfasmana. Obrabotka: A. Surkova. Score for bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Veselyj Tanecz, undated

- Composer: V. Bukina. Score for bayan duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Vesel'chaki, undated

- Composer: M. Magidenko. Score for balalaika duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Vesennyaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: Mozart. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Vesennee Nastroenie, undated

- Composer: N. Myaskovsky. Arranger: A. Gichinova. Score for domra trio. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Vesennee Tango, undated

- Composer: N. Agafonnikova. Arranger: P. Grozdeva. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Vesennee Utro, undated

- Composer: Cz. Kyui. Tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Veterok, undated

- Composer: E. Lekuon. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: V'etsya Lastochka Sizokrylaya, undated

- Composer: A. Gurilev. Tune in two different keys. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Vienna, My City of Dreams, 1957

- Composer: Rudolf Sieczunski. From p. 257A in G. Transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. Part for unidentified instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Viennese Popular Song (The Old Refrain), 1960

- Transcribed by Fritz Kreisler. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for alto and prima domra. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Vlyublen Ya, Deva - Krasota ..., undated

- Composer: A. Dargomyzhsky. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: Vmeste Veselej, undated

- Composer: V. Levasheva. Obrabotka: A. Savenkova. Lyrics: P. Gradova. Score for voice, mandolin, and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 45: Vniz Po Malushke Po Volge, undated

- In der Wolga breitem Bette ... Composer: A. Guriloff. Deutscher text von A. Scholz.
- Folder 46: Vnutrennyaya Muzyka, undated

- Composer: A. Gurilev. Arranger: B. Sich'kovsky. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 47: Vo Lesochku Komarochkov Mnogo Urodilos', undated

- Russkaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: V. Bukhrostova. Scor for domra trio. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 48: Vokaliz, undated

- Composer: N. Rakov. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 49: Volshebnaya Skripka, undated

- Composer: I. Poklad. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 50: Volynka, undated

- Composer: I. S. Bakha. Score for domra duet and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 206

- Folder 1: "Volzhanka" Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: E. Mantuleva. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 2: Volzhskie Poperki, undated

- Composer: N. Vyaz'min. Score for balalaika and piano/bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 3: Volzhskie Prilevki, undated

- Composer: Yu. Shczekotov. Score for accordian, score for accordian duet (arranger: A. Shalaeva). Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 4: Vorobej, undated

- Composer: V. Gerchik. Arranger: V. Glejkhmaka. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 5: Vorobushek, undated

- Composer: V. Rebikov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 6: Val's "Vospominanie", undated

- Composer: V. Andreeva. Arranger: L. Gavrilova. Two scores for accordian. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 7: Vospominanie O Gatchine, undated

- Obrabotka: B. Troyanovsky. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 8: Vostochnaya Melodiya, undated

- Composer: Cz. Kyui. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 9: Vostochnyj Tanecz, undated

- Obrabotka: Yu. Gur'eva. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 10: Vostochnye Tanczy, undated

- Iz Opery "Ruslan I Lyudmila." (Ruslan and Ludmila). Oreintalische Tanze aus der Oper "Russlan und Ludmilla." Composer: M. Glinka. Score for piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 11: Vot Kto-to S Gorochki Spustilsya, undated

- Variaczii Na Temu Russkoj Narodnoj Pesnii: A. Averkina. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 12: Vot Mchitsya Trojka Udalaya, undated

- Das Dreigespann. The Troika is flying.
- Folder 13: Vozdushnaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: M. Starokadomsky. Score for balalaika and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 14: Vprisyadku, undated

- Op. 74. Composer: Cz. Kyui. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 15: Vrode Marsha, undated

- Op. 39. Composer: D. Kabalevskogo (Kabalevsky). Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 16: Vrode Val'sa, undated

- Composer: D. Kabelvsky. Score for domra and piano, score for domra duet (arr. V. Ro'anova). Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 17: Vse By Ya Po Gorenke Khodila, undated

- Variaczii. Composer: B. Strannolyubsky. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 18: Vse Plyashite Vmeste S Nami!, undated

- Variaczii. Na Temu Latyshskoj Pesni "Vse Plyashite Vmeste S Nami!" Composer: M. Alekhin. Score for domra duet and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 19: Vyshla Na Bereg Reki, undated

- Sovremennaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Napev I Slova: A. Olenichevoj. Score for domra, balalaika, and bayan, tune. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 20: Vlyaska Na Temu Pesni "Vyshli Devushki Vesnoyu Na Luzhok", undated

- Composer: V. Zakharova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 21: Vysota Li, Vusota Podnebesnaya, undated

- Iz Opery "Sadko." Composer: N. Rimskij-Korsakov (Rimsky-Korsakov). Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 22: Wanderlied, undated

- German folk melody. Transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for balalaika and piano. EC 1547.
- Folder 23: While Strolling Through the Park, 1962

- Ed. Haley (American). Transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for domra and piano/balalaika. Also included: manuscript score for "Woman Is Fickle (Rigoletto)" by G. Verdi. EC 1547.
- Folder 24: Who is Silvia? What is She, 1936

- Composer: F. Schubert. Words by W. Shakespeare. Transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for piano and voice/solo instrument. EC 1547.
- Folder 25: Wolga-Klange, undated

- Russische Walzer-Melodien. Composer: Walter Porschmann. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 26: Za Rekoj, Za Goroj, undated

- Napev (Tune): Olennchevoj. Obrabotka: I. Il'ina. Score for mandolin/domra and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 27: Zadumchivost', undated

- Composer: K. Kareav. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 28: Zajchik, undated

- Composer: E. Bekman. Score for piano and solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 29: Zajchik, undated

- Composer: A. Lyadov. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 30: Zain'ka, undated

- Composer: A. Gedike. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 31: Zakat (Tango), undated

- Composer: N. Minkh. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 32: Zaklyuchitel'nyj Khor, undated

- Iz Opery "Tikhij Don." Composer: I. Dzerzhinsky. Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for bayan duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 33: Zamuchen Tyazheloj Nevolej, undated

- Revolyuczionnaya Pesni. Arranger: A. Basurmanova. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 34: Zapadnya, undated

- Composer: N. Goleshchanova. Lyrics: Yu. Pogorel'sky. Score for accordian and voice. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 35: Zashchebeche Solovejko, undated

- Romans dlya Soprano, abo Tenora. Tekst: T. G. Shevchenka. Score for piano and soprano or tenor. EC 1547.
- Folder 36: Zhavoronok, c. 1933

- Die Lerche L'alouette. The Lark. Composer: M. Glinka. Score for domra trio (arr. A. Lachinova), domra and piano, accordian, accordian (Series: P'esy Russkikh I Inostrannykh Kompozitorov), and harmonium part (paraphrase von Leopold Weninger). All photocopies except harmonium part. EC 1547.
- Folder 37: Zhdi Soldata, undated

- Composer: B. Mokrousov. Score for accordian. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 38: Zhelanie, undated

- Composer: Cz. Kyui. Arranger: V. Sin'kovsky. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 39: Zhigulevskaya Tropinka, undated

- Composer: N. Ponomarenko. Score for piano and domra/solo instrument. EC 1547.
- Folder 40: Zima, Zima!, undated

- Composer: M. Raukhverger. Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 41: Zimnij Khorovod, undated

- Composer: M. Alekhin. Score for domra and bayan. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 42: Zimoj, undated

- Iz Sbornika (From the collection of): Mamontovoj i Chajkovskogo (Tchaikovsky). Score for domra and piano. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 43: Zimoj, undated

- Composer: V. Rebikov. Two scores for domra and piano. Photocopies. EC 1547.
- Folder 44: La Zingana (Hungarian Mazurka), 1954

- Composer: Carl Bohm. Arranged by Mark A. Selivan (Repertoire Series). Manuscript score for domra and piano, prima domra part (photocopy, 1955). EC 1547.
- Folder 45: Zolotistaya Pshenicza, undated

- Khakasskaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Composer: T. Nazarova. Score for domra and bayan duet. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 46: Zolotoe Tango, undated

- Composer: A. Babadzhanyan. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 47: Zolotoj Dozhd' (Val's), undated

- Op. 160. Composer: E. Val'dtejfel'. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 48: Zolotye Gokony (Tango), undated

- Composer: A. Polonsky. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 49: Zovi Menya, undated

- Composer: B. Monastyrsky. Piano score. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 50: Zvenit Gitara Nad Rekoyu, undated

- Barkarola. Composer: A. Novikov. Score for mandolin. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Folder 51: Zvezdy Na Nebe (Snilsya Mne Sad), 1967

- Composer: V. Borisova. Lyrics: E. Diterikhs. Publisher: Muzyka Leningrad. Score for piano and voice/solo instrument. Photocopy. EC 1547.
- Box 207

- Folder 1: A Gde Mne Vziat' Takuyu Pesniu, undated

- Composer: G. Ponomaresko. Arranger: I. Oblikino. Lyrics: M Agashinoj. Score for 8 domra, 5 balalaika, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: A U Poli Viarba, undated

- Belorusskaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Aj da v teremu, v termu vysokom, undated

- Arranger: N. P. Fomin. Score for 6 domra, 5 balalaika, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Aj utushka lugovaia, undated

- Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Aj, ro pole lipon'ka, undated

- Khorovodnaya iz opery "Snegurochka." Composer: N. Rimski-Korsakov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Aj, vse kumushki domoj, undated

- Arranger: V. Avksent'eva. Score for balalaika duet and piano. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Akh, dolga ty, noch', undated

- Arranger: A. Shirokova. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Akh, kaby na tsvety, da ne morozy, undated

- Arranger: Yu. Zaczarnogo. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life: The Dream Melody from "Naughty Marietta", undated

- Composer: Victor Herbert. Balalaika and domra orchestration: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Akh se vecher, vecher, undated

- Composer: I. Fomin. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Akh ty noch'li, nochen'ka, undated

- Composer: Glinka. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Akh Ty, Zimushka, Da Ty Zima Kholodnaya, undated

- Obrabotka: M. Balakireva. Perelozhenie: V. Rozanova. Score for bayan quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Alagyaz, undated

- Obrabotka: Syuni (Mirzayan). Score for domra trio. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Alenkino ozero, undated

- Composer: V. Pikul'. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Always (fox-trot), undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? 2nd prima domra and alto domra parts (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 16: "Andante" iz neokonchennoj simfonia, undated

- Composer: F. Schubert. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: The Anniversary Waltz, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? Contra bass part (photocopy). EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Annushka, undated

- Cheshskaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: A. Ilyukhina. Score for balalaika, domra, and bass. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Antrakt iz op. "Karmen", undated

- Entre'act from the opera "Carmen." Composer: Bizet. Arranger: K. Alekseev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Aprel', undated

- Podsnezhnik. Composer: P. Tchaikovsky. Arranger: M. Cheremuzhina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Arabsky Tanecz Iz op. "Ruslan i Lyudmila", undated

- Arabian Dance from the opera "Ruslan and Ludmila." Composer: M. I. Glinka. Arranger: P. Karkina. Score for orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Ariya Marfy, undated

- Iz opery "Czarskaya Nevesta." Composer: Rimsky-Korsakov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Armianskaia devashka, undated

- P'esa iz czikla "Zarnsovsi." Composer: G. Tikhomirov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Ave Maria, undated

- Composer: J. S. Bach. Arranger: B. Chumin. Score for domra, bayan trio, and bass balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Aviators March, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? II prima domra, bass domra, alto balalaika, and contra bass parts (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Azerbajdzhansky Tanecz, undated

- Composer: N. Istratov. Score for domra duet and bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: Azerbajdzhansky Val's, undated

- Composer: A. Sultanova. Score for domra, balalaika, and bayan orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Baj - Baj, undated

- Composer: N. Cherepnin. Arranger: S. Litskericha. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: Bal Khadjsha (Prekpasnaya Khadjsha), undated

- Composer: A. Zataernch. Arranger: R. Karkin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: Balet iz muzyki ki drame "Rozamunda", undated

- Composer: Schubert. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Balet Nevylupivshikhsia Ptentsov, undated

- Composer: Mussorgsky. Arranger: V. Viktorev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Ballada, undated

- Op. 65, No. 5. Composer: Grieg. Arranger: Kalekseev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 33: Balashek, undated

- Russkaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: A. Voevodina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 34: Barkarola, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinov. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 35: Barkarola, undated

- Composer: F. Schubert. Arranger: V. Sokol'sky. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 36: Barkarola, undated

- Composer: A Spendiarov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 37: Bashkirsky Tanecz, undated

- Obrabotka: Yu. Blinova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 38: Basso Ostinato, undated

- Composer: A. Repnikov. Arranger: N. Kolodochki. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with bandura. EC 1548.
- Folder 39: Begin the Beguine (Fox-trot Beguine), undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? 2nd prima domra and alto domra parts (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 40: Belorusskaia Pesnia, undated

- Obrabotka: M. Ippolitova-Ivanova. Score for domra quintet. EC 1548.
- Folder 41: Berezka, undated

- Composer: G. Svirilov. Lyrics: S. Esenina. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 42: Berezah'ka - Simfonicheskaia Kartinka, 1930

- Composer: N. P. Fomin. Score for orchestra of Russian folk instruments (domra and balalaika). EC 1548.
- Folder 43: Berezon'ka, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Lyrics: Dm. Sedykh. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 44: Biyu Takmaky, undated

- Tatarskie Chastushki. Obrabotka: Yu. Blinova. Score for 2 domra and 4-5 balaliaka. EC 1548.
- Folder 45: Bryanskie Naigryshi, undated

- Composer: A. Shirokov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Box 208

- Folder 1: Bulgar (Frailach), undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. 2 contra bass parts (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Buttons and Bows, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? Alto domra part (photocopy). EC 1548.
- Folder 3: By a Waterfall, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Alto balalaika part (photocopy). EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Bylina O Ptitsakh, undated

- Legende des oiseaux - Was die Sage von den Vogeln erzahlt. From "Quit Chants Populaires Russes." Op. 58. Composer: An. Lyadov. Score for full orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Byloe Na Bolge, undated

- Composer: V. Andreev. Lyrics: N. Ogareva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Chakona, undated

- Composer: A. Dyuran. Arranger: V. Avksent'eva. Score for balalaika sextet. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Malen'kie Variaczy, undated

- Na temu Russkoj narodnoj pesni. Composer: Yu. Aleksandrov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Chasy, undated

- Composer: B. Strannolyubsky. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Cheek to Cheek (Fox-trot), undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? 2nd prima domra and alto balalaika parts (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Cheshskaya Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: Gr. Frid. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Chetyre Ukhazhera, undated

- Composer: C. Podgursky. Lyrics: O. Fadeeroj. Score for domra sextet and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Chonguri, undated

- Obrabotka: D. Arakishvili. Instrumentation: L. Birnova. Perovod s Gruzinsky: I. Arakishvili. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Chto Ya Dumayu, undated

- Obrabotka: T. Sygetinsky i Sukhoczky. Mnlg. B. Glejkhman. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan.. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Chto Khotite Govorite, undated

- Composer: S. Tulikova. Lyrics: I. Pal'kina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Chto Ot Terema, undated

- Obrabotka: Yu. Zaczarnogo. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Chto Zatumanilas', Zoren'ka Yasnaya, undated

- Obrabotka: I. Oblikina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Chto Zhe Vy, Rebyatushki, Priunyli?, undated

- Composer: G. Frid. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Chtoj-to Zvon, undated

- Ulichnaya Voronezhokoj Gub. Arranger: Chagadaev. Score for domra ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Le coq d'or, undated

- Composer: Rimsky-Korsakov. Manuscript parts in unidentified hand for prima domra I & II, alto domra I & II, bass domra I & II, prima balalaika, seconda balalaika, alto balalaika, kontrabass balalaika, flute/piccolo, oboe, clarinet I in Bb and A, bassoon, horns in F, and timpani/percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Civilazation (Bongo, Bongo, Bongo), undated

- Arranger: Mark A Selivan? 2nd prima domra and alto domra parts (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Da Po Rechushke Utenushka Plavala, undated

- Composer: A. Aksenov. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Da Tebe Polno Zhe, Miloj, undated

- Composer: N. P. Fomin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Daleko, daleko step' za Volgu ushla, undated

- Composer: P. Rechmvisky. Arranger: A. Tonina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, gusli, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Dal'nyaya Storozhka, undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevsky. Arranger: S. Dunaevsky. Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskogo. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, bells, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Dance, Ballerina, Dance, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? Alto domra part (photocopy). EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Darvazsky Tanecz, undated

- Composer: A. Pensky. Arranger: N. Ivanova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, gusli, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: Devich'i Besedy, undated

- Composer: B. Kiyanov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Den' Pobedy, undated

- Composer: D. Tukhmanova. Arranger: V. Viktorova. Lyrics: V. Kharitonova. Score for domra bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: Derevenskaya Kartinka, undated

- Composer: P. Londonov. Arranger: A. Onegina. Score for balalaika and triangle. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: Derevenskaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: R. Schumann. Arranger: F. Klnmentov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Detskaya Simfoniya, 1936

- Dlya Orkestra Domr I Balalaika s Soprovozhdeniem Semi Detskikh Instrumentov. Composer: Hadyn. Arranger: V. Egorova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Devushka Moloden'ka, undated

- Obrabotka: M. Kovalya. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 33: Did You Ever See a Dream Walking, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Alto balalaika part (photocopy). EC 1548.
- Folder 34: Dobryj Khleb, undated

- Composer: V. Zhubinskoj. Arranger: V. Kalinina. Lyrics: V. Viktorova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 35: Dozhdichek, undated

- Ukrainsky Narodnyj Tanecz. Obrabotka: V. Chunin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 36: Drema, undated

- Mvt. 3. Composer: K. Volkov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 37: Dubinushka, undated

- Russkaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: S. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Box 209

- Folder 1: Dubravushka, undated

- Composer: V. Geviksman. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion.
- Folder 2: Dumka, undated

- Composer: P. Kulikov. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion.
- Folder 3: Dunai-pechka bystraia, undated

- Arranger: A. Semenov. Score for domra choir.
- Folder 4: Dva naighysha, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra.
- Folder 5: Dve kartiuki iz tsykla "Staraia Moskva", 1973

- Composer: B. Kravchenko. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with winds and percussion.
- Folder 6: Dve P'esy, 1974

- Iz tsikla "Kartinki k russkim skazkam." 1. Alenushka u ozera. Composer: P. Triodin. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with winds and percussion.
- Folder 7: Dve p'esy na karel'skie narodnye temy, 1979

- Composer: V. Blok. For domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion.
- Folder 8: Dve polifonicheskie p'esy, 1959

- Composer: P. Chekalov. Score for domra choir.
- Folder 9: Dve russkie pesni, undated

- Arranger: V. Murzin. Score for balalaika and bayan choir.
- Folder 10: Dvor shirok, dvor, undated

- Composer: G. Tikhomirov. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and bass voice.
- Folder 11: Ei-shul, undated

- Arranger: S. Kriukovsky. Score for domra and balalaika choir.
- Folder 12: Ekh, da ty kalinushka, undated

- Arranger: A. Chagadaev. Score for domra and balalaika choir.
- Folder 13: Ekh, da uzh vy nochi, undated

- Arranger: N. Fomin. Score for domra and balalaika choir with harp.
- Folder 14: Ekh, ty zimushka, zima, undated

- Arranger: V. Tarnopolsky. Score for domra and balalaika choir.
- Folder 15: Ekossez, undated

- Composer: F. Shubert. For domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra.
- Folder 16: Ekspromt, 1974

- Composer: A. Arutiunian. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika choir with winds, percussion, and harp.
- Folder 17: Ekspromt, undated

- Composer: P. Kulikov. Score for domra solo with domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with winds, percussion, and harp.
- Folder 18: Elochki-sosenochki, 1974

- Composer: V. Poponov, arr. M. Vakhutinsky. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and harp.
- Folder 19: Esli v znala, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with voice.
- Folder 20: Fantazia na russkoe narodnye temy, 1964

- Composer: Z. Binkin. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion.
- Folder 21: Finskaia poema, undated

- Composer: I. Boldyrev. Score for domra, bayan, and balaiaka orchestra with winds, percussion, keyboard, and harp.
- Folder 22: Flotskaia, undated

- Composer: A. Sapozhnikov. Score for domra and balalaika choir with percussion.
- Folder 23: Fokstrot, undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevsky. Score for clarinet, accordion, guitar, and contrabass.
- Folder 24: Forward, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Parts for prima domra II, bass domra, alto balalaika, and contrabass.
- Folder 25: Frailach (Noch a Bisel), undated

- Part for contrabass.
- Folder 26: Garmonist igraet, undated

- Composer: D. Lvov-Kompaneets. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with winds, percussion, and keyboard.
- Folder 27: Garan' uzhe opustela, undated

- Arranger: A. Onegin. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika choir.
- Folder 28: Garot, undated

- Composer: A. Glazunov. Score for domra and balalaika choir.
- Folder 29: Garot, undated

- Composer: M. Krein. Score for balalaika choir.
- Folder 30: Garot, undated

- Composer: Zh. Liulli. Score for domra choir.
- Folder 31: General, undated

- Composer: I. Cherepnin. Score for Domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with winds, percussion, keyboard, and harp.
- Folder 32: Gde ne skitalsia ia, 1938

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Score for stringed instrument choir.
- Folder 33: Gimn velikomu gorodu, undated

- Composer: R. Glier. Score for two-part choir accompanied with domra and bayan choir.
- Folder 34: Golup siry, undated

- Arranger: V. Tarnopolsky. Score for domra choir.
- Folder 35: Gopak, undated

- Score for domra, blalaika, bayan, and seven-stringed guitar.
- Folder 36: Gondi slaven nash shag, undated

- Composer: I. Boldyrev. Score for Domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and piano.
- Folder 37: Gory zhigulevskie, 1973

- Composer: B. Terentev. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with choir, winds, percussion, and harp.
- Folder 38: Grad, undated

- Composer A. Glazunov. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra (?) with percussion.
- Folder 39: Grezy, undated

- Composer: R. Shuman. Score for domra and balalaika choir with harp.
- Folder 40: Griadoi klubitsia beloiu, undated

- Composer: Borodin, arr. N. Fedorov. Score for domra and balalaika choir.
- Folder 41: Griby, 1976

- Composer: T. Popatenko. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika choir.
- Box 210

- Folder 1: Grustnyj Val's, undated

- Composer: Sibelius. Arranger: V. Fedoseeva. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Guilty, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? 2nd prima domra and alto domra parts (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Gusachok, undated

- Russkij Narodnyj Tanecz. Obrabotka: Voevodina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, winds, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Guczul's'ky Tanecz', undated

- Composer: K. Myaskov. Arranger: B. Griba. Score for domra, bayan, bandura, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Guczul's'ky Narodny Tanecz', undated

- Obrabotka: A. Onudrienka. Score for bayan, domra, and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Gypsy Love Song, undated

- From "The Fortune Tell." Composer: Victor Herbert. Arranger: Otto Langy. Published parts for 1st violin, 2nd violin, viola, cello, bass, flute, 1st clarinet in Bb, solo cornet in Bb, 1st & 2nd cornet in Bb, trombone, piano, and drums. Signed by Mark A. Selivan. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Hold the Fort, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. 2nd prima domra, bass domra, alto balalaika, and contra bass (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Ien'ka, undated

- Composer: G. Podel'sky. Lyrics: Dm. Ivanova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: I'll Close My Eyes, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? 2nd prima domra, alto domra (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 10: I'll Dance at Your Wedding (Fox-trot), undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? 2nd prima domra and alto domra parts (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 11: I'm in the Mood for Love, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? 2nd prima domra and alto domra parts (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 12: I'm Afraid the Masquerade is Over, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? 2nd prima domra and alto balalaika parts (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 13: I'm Falling in Love with Someone from "Naughty Marietta", undated

- Composer: Victor Herbert. Published parts for 1st violin, 2nd violin, viola, cello, flute, clarinet in Bb, cornet in Bb, trombone, Eb saxophone, and piano. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Intermediya, undated

- Composer: G. Khimenes. Arranger: N. Nekrasova. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Intermeczczo, undated

- Composer: O. Agafonov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Intermeczczo, undated

- Composer: V. Smirnov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Intermeczczo No. 2, undated

- Composer: B. Glybovsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Intermezzo Sinfonico, undated

- Cavalleria Rusticana. Composer: Pietro Mascagni. Published and manuscript parts for prima domra, 2nd prima domra, bass domra, secunda balalaika, alto balalaika, 1st viola, contrabass, and full score. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Iskorki : Val's, undated

- Composer: V. Andreev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Ispanskaya Serenada, undated

- Composer: Kh. Malatsa. Arranger: S. Zikeeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, gusli, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Ispansky Tanecz iz baleta "Rajmonda", undated

- Composer: A. Glazunov. Arranger: Yu. Chernova. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with guitar, gusli, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Ispansky Tanecz iz Opery "Traviata", undated

- Composer: D. Verdi. Arranger: A. Dorozhskin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Yunoshesky Romans, undated

- Composer: S. Rachmaninoff. Arranger: V. Sokol'sky. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Yunost' Komsomol'skaya, undated

- Composer: S. Tartakovsky. Lyrics: N. Dubkova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Iz Legkikh List'ev Sdelala Shalash, undated

- Khakasskaya narodnaya pesnya. Obrabotka: T. Nazarovoj. Arranger: A. Chmykhalo. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with guitar, gusli, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Iz-Pod Kamushka, undated

- Obrabotka: A. Shirokova. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with voice and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: Jalousie : Tango, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? 2nd prima domra, alto domra parts (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Jolly Peasant/Happy Farmer, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. 2nd prima domra, bass domra, and alto balalaika parts (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 29: Kachki Plyvut', undated

- Ykrainskaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: Yu. Shishakova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: Kadril', undated

- Composer: P. Kulikova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Kadril', undated

- iz opery "Ne Tol'ko Lyubor'." Composer: R. Shchedrin. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Kadril', undated

- Composer: N. Vyaz'min. Arranger: N. Kuzneczova. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Box 211

- Folder 1: Kadril'naya Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: A. Shirokov. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with gusli and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Kak Yublochko Rumyan, undated

- Composer: G. Sviridov. Lyrics: P. Beranzhe. Score for domra harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Kak Pod Yuablon'koj : Narodnaya Pesnya, 1930

- Dlya Orkestra Russkikh Narodnykh Instrumentov (domry, balalaiki). Composer: Ryurik Karkin. Published score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Kak Khodil Gulyal Vanyusha, undated

- Obrabotka: N. Shakmatova. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Kak Kum Do Kumy ..., undated

- Ukrainskaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: Yu. Shishakova. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Kak Kuma-to K Kume V Reshete Priplyla, undated

- Russkaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Composer: Yu. Shishakov. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Kak Na Kryshe Vorobej, undated

- Composer: N. Rechmensky. Arranger: A. Tonina. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with voice and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Kak Na Zor'ke, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Lyrics: N. Brauna. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Kak Poshli Nashi Podruzhki, undated

- Let Us Dance Maidens. Manuscript score for domra and balalaika orchestra in unidentified hand. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Kak Po El'nichku, undated

- Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Kak U Mesyacza, undated

- Obrabotka: A. Shirokova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Kak U Nashej Kati, 1977

- Composer: K. Bolkov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Kak V Stepi Kubanskoj, undated

- Composer: T. Khrennikova. Arranger: V. Khratova. Lyrics: Ya. Shvedova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with choir and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Kalina, undated

- Russkaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: N. Kuzneczova. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Kamarinskaya, undated

- Fantasia for orchestra on the themes of wedding and dance songs. Composer: Glinka. Arrangers: M. Balakirev and S. Liapunov. Score for full orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Kamarinskaya, undated

- Composer: P. Tchaikovsky. Arranger: V. Pereselenczeva. Score for balalaika ensemble (6 part). EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Kanavushka, undated

- Composer: M. Kraseva. Arranger: A. Chagadaev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Kartoshka, undated

- Russkaya Narodnaya Shutochnaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: N. Budashkin. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Kaczilasya Czorna Galka, undated

- Belorusskaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: Yu. Shishakova. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Kavalerijskaya, undated

- Composer: D. Kabalevsky. Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Kavatina Figaro, undated

- Iz opery "Svad'ba Figaro." Composer: Mozart. Arranger: K. Alekseev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Kazach'ya Pesnya iz Opery "Podnyataya Czelina", undated

- Composer: N. Dzerzhinsky. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with choir and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Khlebom My Zhivem, undated

- Composer: V. Levashova. Arranger: A. Shirokova. Lyrics: N. Pal'kina. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with choir and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Khodit Zajka Po Sadu, undated

- Obrabotka: Yu. Shishakova. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Khor Devushek iz Opery "Rusalka", undated

- "Svatushka, Svatushka." Composer: A. Dargomyzhsky. Arranger: A. Semenova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Khor Poloveczkikh Devushek, undated

- Composer: A. Borodin. Arranger: V. Viktorova. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: Khor Poselyan Iz Opery "Knyaz' Igor'", undated

- Composer: Borodin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Khor Tirol'czev iz Opery "Vil'gel'm Tell'", undated

- From the opera "William Tell." Composer: Rossini. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: Khorosha Ty, Rossiya Rodnaya, undated

- Composer: V. Levashova. Lyrics: V. Pukhnacheva. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: Khoroshee Utro, undated

- Composer: N. Budashvin. Lyrics: M. Rudermana. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with gusli and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Khorovod, undated

- Composer: V. Artemov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Khorovod, undated

- Composer: V. Bukhvostov. Score for domra ensemble with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 33: Khorovod, undated

- Composer: N. Fomin. Arranger: S. Litkevicha. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with gusli and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 34: Khorovoda iz Opery "Snegurochka", undated

- Composer: Rimsky-Korsakov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 35: Khorovodnaya, undated

- Composer: G. Andryushenkova. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 36: Khorovodnaya, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 37: Khorovodnaya, undated

- Obrabotka: Gr. Frid. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and choir. EC 1548.
- Box 212

- Folder 1: Khorovodnaya, undated

- From "Boris Godunov." Composer: Mussorgsky. Arranger: K. Alakseev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Klouny, undated

- Composer: A. Kabalevsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, gusli, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Kolkhoznaya Plyaska, undated

- Composer: V. Zakharov. Arranger: A. Shirokova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Kolyada Molyada, undated

- Composer: Lyadov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Kolkhoznaya Pesnya O Moskve, undated

- Composer: F. Maslova. Arranger: I. Kumenova. Lyrics: V. Guseva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Kolkhoznaya Plyaska, undated

- Composer: V. Zakharov. Arranger: A. Shirokova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Kolo, undated

- Manuscript score for domra or balalaika ensemble in unidentified hand. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Kolomijka, undated

- Composer: R. Simovich. Arranger: A. Onufrienka. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and bandura. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Kolybel'naya, undated

- Composer: A. Spendiarov. Several arrangements for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Komintern, 1931

- Perelozhenie dlya orkestra domr i balalaek i odnogolosnogo khora (ili odnogo golosa). Composer: F. Klimentova. Russky tekst: I. Frenkelya. Published score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Komsoflotsky Marsh, undated

- "Red Navy." Arranger: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Konczert dlya Domry i Orkestra, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Konczert Dlya Domry S Orkestrom, undated

- Composer: V. Smirnov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Konczert Dlya Dueta Guslej, 1977

- Op. 14. Mvt. 1: Bylina. Composer: A. Muravlev. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Konczert Dlya Fortepiano I Orkestra, undated

- Composer: E. Zakharov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Konczertnaya Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: E. Sirotkin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Krakoryak, 1961

- Obrabotka: V. Poponova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Krasavicza Tauche, undated

- Osetinskaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: G. Tikhomirova. Score for balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Krasnaya Armiya, undated

- Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Krasnaya Molodezh', undated

- Composer: D. Rasnl'eva-Buglaya. Arranger: Chagadeava. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Krasnoarmejskaya, 1977

- Composer: K. Volkov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Krasnoflotskaya Ulybka, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Lyrics: A. Fidrovsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, voice, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Krasotka Molodaya, undated

- Composer: M. Glinka. Arranger: A. Doroczkin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Kruzherniczy, undated

- Composer: T. Nazarovoj. Arranger: A. Shirokova. Lyrics: V. Fedorova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Kuda Poedesh', Brat Moj?, undated

- Latyshkaya Narodnaya Pesnya. Obrabotka: A. Kalnynya. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Kumanek, Pobyvaj U Menya, undated

- Composer: V. Poponov. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: Kumykskaya Pesnya, undated

- Obrabotka: L. Shtrejkher. Score for domra quintet. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Kupecz Baraboshev Na Progulke, 1977

- Composer: G. Frid. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Box 213

- Folder 1: Ladushki - Kor iz Opery "Skazka O Czare Saltane", undated

- Composer: N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Arranger: V. Pozanova. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Latyshskaya Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Latyshsky Napev, undated

- Composer: T. Nazarova. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Lebed', undated

- Composer: C. Saint-Saens. Arranger: V. Glejkhmin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Lebedushka, undated

- Composer: N. Gorlov. Arranger: A. Shirokova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Lejsya, Lejsya, Udalaya, undated

- Arranger: F. Niman. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Lenina Pomnit Zemlya, undated

- Composer: Novikova. Arranger: A. Shirolova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, choir, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Let Me Walk With You, undated

- Arranger: Prince Tschagadaeff. Manuscript parts for 1st prima balalaika, 2nd prima balalaika, secundo balalaika, alto balalaika, viola, contrabass in unidentified hand. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Let Us Dance, Maidens, undated

- Manuscript parts for 1st & 2nd prima domra, secunda domra, alto domra, prima balalaika, viola domra, and bass/contrabass balalaika in unidentified hand. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Linda, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? 2nd prima domra and alto domra parts (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Fantaziya Na Temu Pesni "Lipa Vekovaya", undated

- Obrabotka: P. Kulikov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Liricheskaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Liricheskaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: N. Nolinsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, gusli, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Liricheskaya Poema, undated

- Composer: D. L'vov-Kompaneecz. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Liricheskaya Sczena, 1977

- Composer: G. Frid. Score for bayan, electric guitar, and balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Lirichesky Val's, undated

- Iz Pervoj Baletnoj Syuity. Composer: D. Shostakovich. Arranger: V. Gnutova. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Lisa I Zhuravel', undated

- Composer: D. Saliman-Vladimirov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Lyubit - Ne Lyubit, undated

- Composer: D. Shostakovich. Lyrics: E. Dolmatovsky. Score for domra, balalaika, bayan, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Lyublyu Tebya, Sovetskaya Rossiya!, undated

- Composer: Yu. Aleksandrova. Lyrics: V. Malkova. Score for domra, voice, and balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Lyubov', Kak Lodochka, undated

- Composer: V. Levashova. Arranger: V. Kalinina. Lyrics: A. Sofronova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Lyubovnye Terzaniya, 1977

- Composer: G. Frid. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, guitar, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Lyugovaya, undated

- Obrabotka: S. Vasilenko. Score for balalaika ensemble with voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Marsel'eza, undated

- Arranger: Chagadaeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Marsh, undated

- Composer: Prokofiev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Marsh, undated

- Composer: Yu. Solov'ev. Obrabotka: V. Chunin. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with gusli and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Marsh iz Kinofilma "Bol'shaya Doroga", undated

- Composer: K. Khachaturian. Arranger: N. Ogneva. Score for domra, bayan, and guitar. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: Marsh "Budennyj", undated

- Arranger: F. Niman. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Marsh Chernomora iz Opery "Ruslan i Lyudmila", undated

- From the opera "Ruslan and Ludmila." Composer: Glinka. Arranger: Vl. Nasonova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: Marsh Krasnoj Armii, 1931

- Composer: Gliere. Arranger: S. Isaeva. Photocopy of published score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: Marsh Molodosti, undated

- "My Kazhdyj Novyj Den' Vstrechaem Pesneyu." Composer: N. Budashkin. Lyrics: Ya. Khaleczkogo. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Matushka, Chto Vo Pole Pyl'no?, undated

- Obrabotka: M. Matreeva. Arranger: V. Miromanov. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Mazurka, undated

- Composer: Chopin. Arranger: A. Dorozhkina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 33: Mazurka : "Cel'skaya Sczena I Korchmy", undated

- Mazurka: "The Inn Scene." Op. 19. Composer: A. Liadov. "To Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov." Score for full orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 34: Mazurka iz Baleta "Koppeliya", undated

- Composer: L. Delio. Arranger: A. Chagadlev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 35: Me Krasni Soldati, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Parts for 2nd prima domra, bass domra, alto balalaika, and contrabass (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Box 214

- Folder 1: Medlennyj Val's, undated

- Composer: V. Smirnov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Melankholichesky Val's, undated

- Composer: E. Darzin'. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Melodiya iz Kinofilma "Pechki-Lavochki", undated

- Composer: P. Chekalov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Melodiya, undated

- Composer: Gr. Frid. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Melodiya, undated

- Composer: A. Vlasov. Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for bayan quartet and cello. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Menuet, undated

- Composer: L. Beethoven. Arranger: S. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Menuet, undated

- Composer: Mozart. Arranger: F. Niman. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Menuet, undated

- Op. 78. Composer: Schubert. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Menuet Iz Sonatiny No. 6, undated

- Composer: Mozart. Score for 3 domra and balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Menuet Iz "Voennoj Simfonin", undated

- Composer: I. Gajdina. Arranger: S. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Mezh Krutykh Berezhkov, undated

- Obrabotka: I. Oblikina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Minuet in G, undated

- Composer: Beethoven. Manuscript contra bass and alto balalaika parts, published 2nd violin, violin, and piano parts. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Minuet, undated

- Composer: Beethoven. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. 2nd prima domra, bass domra, alto balalaika, and contrabass parts (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Misirlou, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? 2nd prima domra part (photocopy). EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Moya Rodina, undated

- Composer: K. Gorokhova. Arranger: N. Nolinsky. Lyrics: M. Kanitannikova i V. Aver'yanovoj. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Molodaya Gvardiya, undated

- Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Molodezhnaya Plyaska, undated

- Composer: A. Shirokov. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Moldavsky Tanecz, undated

- Composer: V. Meshcherin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, gusli, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Morozko, undated

- Composer: D. Saliman-Vladimirov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, gusli, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Moonlight Serenade, 1978

- Composer: Neil Moret. Arranger: W. Lachowski. In hand of Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript 2nd domra, first alto domra, alto domra, bass domra, prima balalaika, secunda balalaika, alto balalaika, bass balalaika, contrabass parts and full score. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Moskva : Romans, 1939

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for 5 unidentified instruments. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Moskva Zlatoglavaya, undated

- Orchestration: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for 8 unidentified parts (incomplete). EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Muzykal'nyj Moment, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Muzykal'nyj Moment, undated

- Composer: G. Svirilov. Arranger: A. Soboleva. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: My Homeland, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript parts for I prima domra, II prima domra, 1st viola domra, 2nd viola domra (or bass domra), alto domra, mandola, prima balalaika, secunda balalaika, bass balalaika, contrabass, and piano. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: My Komsomol, undated

- Arranger: F. Niman. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: My Krasnye Soldaty, undated

- Composer: L. Shul'ginym. Arranger: Chagadaev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Na Krylechke, undated

- Composer: Yu. Rybinkova. Arranger: A. Shirokova. Lyrics: Yu. Rybinkova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: Na Luzhajke, undated

- Composer: A. Grachaninov. Obrabotka: A. Jazovsky. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: Na Luzhajke, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Na Posidelkakh, undated

- Composer: V. Poponov. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Na Progulke, undated

- Composer: T. Khodorkovsky. Score for clarinet in Bb, guitar, contrabass, and accordian. EC 1548.
- Folder 33: Na Starom Kurgane, undated

- Composer: V. Kalinnikov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 34: Na Svad'be, undated

- Composer: L'vov-Kompaneecz. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 35: Na Uliczy Mokro, undated

- Obrabotka: V. Tarnopol'sky. Score for domra sextet. EC 1548.
- Folder 36: Na Zelenom Lugu, undated

- Obrabotka: Yu. Shishakova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 37: Nad Polyami, Da Nad Chistymi, undated

- Obrabotka: N. Kiseleva. Arranger: V. Gnutova. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 38: Nad Rekoyu, Nad Bystroyu, undated

- Arranger: N. P. Fomin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 39: Nad Serebryanoj Rekoj, undated

- Obrabotka: A. Voevodina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, gusli, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 40: Naigrysh, undated

- Obrabotka: P. Kulikov. Score for solo balalaika and orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 41: Naigrish, undated

- Obrabotka: G. Tikhomirov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 42: Nalenuli Gusi, undated

- Obrabotka: V. Tarnopol'sky. Score for domra quintet. EC 1548.
- Folder 43: Napadaj, Belyj Sneg, undated

- Composer: A. Grechaninov. Arranger: A. Semenova Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 44: Napadaj, Napadaj, Belyj Sneg, undated

- Composer: G. Tikhomirov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, gusli, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 45: Napev, undated

- Composer: O. Agafonov. Score for domra quartet and guitar. EC 1548.
- Folder 46: Nas Chetyre, Nas Chetyre ..., undated

- Voronezhskie Chastushki. Composer: A. Smorodina. Lyrics: M. Mordasovoj. Score for voice, domra, balalaika, and bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 47: Nash Bereznik, undated

- Obrabotka: A. Semenova. Score for domra ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 48: Nash Kraj, undated

- Composer: Kabalevsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 49: Nastoyashchuyu Nezhnost', undated

- Composer: S. Prokofiev. Arranger: N. Litkevich. Lyrics: A. Akhmatovoj. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 50: Natikon, undated

- The Hope. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. 2 parts for contra bass (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 51: Ne Bela-to Berezon'ka, undated

- Obrabotka: M. Kuss. Arranger: S. Litkeviua. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Box 215

- Folder 1: Ne Bushujte, Vetry Bujnye, undated

- Obrabotka: P. Tchaikovsky. Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for balalaika quintet. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Ne Khochu Nikogo, undated

- Al'bom Czyganskikh Pyesen. No. 4. Composer: N. A. Fedorov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Ne Kukuj, Kukushechka, undated

- Obrabotka: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Ne Letaj, Solovej, undated

- Composer: Yu. Shishakov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Ne Plach', Devchonka, undated

- Composer: V. Shainsky. Lyrics: V. Kharitonova. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Ne Poj, Ne Poj Ty, Solov'yushko, undated

- Obrabotka: G. Lobacheva. Score for domra quintet. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Ne Rasstanus' S Komsomolom, undated

- Composer: A. Pakhmutovoj. Arranger: G. Andryushenkova Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Nemeczkaya Pesenka, undated

- Arranger: A. Dorozhkin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Noch' Uzh Nastupaet, undated

- Napev i Slova: G. Kovalya. Obrabotka: V. Zakharova. Arranger: V. Khvatova. : . Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Nochen'ka - Khor iz Opery "Demon", undated

- Composer: A. Rubinstein. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Nichto V Polyushke Ne Kolyshetsya, undated

- Obrabotka: Yu. Shaporina. Score for balalaika sextet with voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Nochka Moya, Nochka, undated

- Obrabotka: G. Lobacheva. Score for domra quintet. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Noktyurn, undated

- Composer: I. Vymer. Arranger: L. Drazhniczy. Score for domra, harmonica, bayan, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Norvezhsky Tanecz, undated

- Composer: E. Grieg. Arranger: A. Chagadeav. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: O Tebe, undated

- Composer: A. Fattakha. Lyrics: A. Erikeeva. Score for voice, clarinet, accordian, guitar, and contrabass. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Oj, Da Na Rechke, undated

- Composer: V. Khratov. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Oj, Vidno Selo, undated

- Obrabotka: B. Aleksandrova. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Oj, By Plotnichki, undated

- Composer: Aaksenov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Oj Kum, Kume, undated

- Arranger: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Oj, Lita Orel, undated

- Composer: K. Steczenko. Arranger: I. Reshetnyacza. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Oj, Ni Zarya-l' Moya Zoryushka, undated

- Composers: A. K. Lyadova i N. P. Fomina. Arranger: N. P. Fomina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Oj, Pid Gaem Gaem, undated

- Near the woodland a girl was ploughing. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Parts for 2nd prima domra,bass domra, alto balalaika, and contra bass (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Oj Ty, Yablon'ka, undated

- Obrabotka: V. Voronkova. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Oj Ty, Pole Russkoe, undated

- Composer: N. Ivanova. Arranger: A. Dorozhkin. Lyrics: V. Malkova. Score for voice, domra/mandolin, balalaika, and bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Pesn' Sadko : "Oj Ty, Temnaya Dubravushka" - iz Opery "Sadko", undated

- Composer: Rimsky-Korsakov. Arranger: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Oj Za Gaem-Gaem, undated

- Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: Okh, Idu Ya, Kak P'yana, undated

- Obrabotka: A. Lensky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, gusli, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Oktyabr'skaya, undated

- Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: On a Slow Boat to China, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? Alto domra part (photocopy). EC 1548.
- Folder 30: No. 54, undated

- Op. 68, No. 26. Composer: R. Schumann. Arranger: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Orlyata Yachetsya Letat', undated

- Composer: A. Pakhmutova. Arranger: V. Gavrilova. Lyrics: Grebennikova i Dobronravova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Orlorskaya Plyaska, undated

- Composer: V. Khratov. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with choir and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 33: Osennyaya Pesnya, undated

- Iz Czikla "Vremena Goda." Composer: P. Tchaikovsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 34: Ot Kraya I Do Kraya, undated

- Khor iz Opery "Tikhij Don." Composer: Dzerzhinsky. Arranger: N. Kuzneczova. Lyrics: L. Dzerzhinsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra iwth bayan, percussion, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 35: Otchego?, undated

- Warum? Composer: R. Schumann. Arranger: A. Chagadeev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 36: Otdavali Molodu, undated

- Arranger: P. Kulikov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 37: Otvechaet Lyubov'yu Zemlya, undated

- Composer: A. Novikova. Arranger: A. Shirokova. Lyrics: Gradova. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 38: Our Happy Evenings, undated

- Russian Dance. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript parts for 1st prima domra, 2nd prima domra, 2nd viola, prima balalaika, secunda balalaika, alto, bass, and contra bass. EC 1548.
- Folder 39: Ozera, 1979

- Obrabotka: V. Viktorova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 40: Papa Won't You Dance With Me, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? Parts for 2nd prima domra and alto domra (photocopies). EC 1548.
- Folder 41: Parafraz, undated

- Na Temy Drukh Narodnykh Nagrityanskikh Pesen. Composer: N. Ognev. Score for guitar quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 42: Parokhod Po Volge Khodit, undated

- Composer: P. Akulenko. Arranger: G. Tikhomirov. Lyrics: A. Prushel'cza. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 43: Parem' S Garmoshkoj, undated

- Composer: G. Sviridov. Instrumentation: V. Gavrilova. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 44: Passakaliya Iz 7-j Syunty, undated

- Composer: G. Gendel'. Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for balalaika sextet. EC 1548.
- Folder 45: Pastushij Naigrysh, undated

- P'esa na Temu Russkoj Narodnoj Pesni. Obrabotka: G. Tikhomirov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 46: Les Patineurs (The Skaters), undated

- Composer: E. Waldteufel. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? Incomplete part for alto balalaika (photocopy). EC 1548.
- Folder 47: Patrioticheskaya Pesn', undated

- Composer: M. Glinka. Arranger: A. Dorozhkina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 48: Peasants Chorus - from Prince Igor, undated

- Provodi. Composer: Borodin. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Bass balalaika part (photocopy). EC 1548.
- Folder 49: Pecherskie Pripevki, undated

- Obrabotka: G. Tikhomirova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 50: Pena-Kruzheva, undated

- Composer: V. Zel'chenko. Score for domra trio, bayan, and balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 51: Pered Dal'nej Dorogoj, undated

- Composer: M. Blantera. Lyrics: V. Dykhovichnogo i M. Slobodsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 52: Pereplyas, undated

- Composer: N. Balaev. Score for Bb clarinet, guitar, contrabass, and accordian. EC 1548.
- Folder 53: Perepelochka, undated

- Obrabotka: Yu. Shishakova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 54: Persidskij Marsh, undated

- Composer: I. Strauss. Arranger: Yu. Chernov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 55: Pervyj Tost, undated

- Composer: V. Levashova. Arranger: A. Shirokova. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Box 216

- Folder 1: P'esa, undated

- Composer: M. Golub'. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: P'esa Dlya Brelki, undated

- Composer: V. Voronkov. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: P'esa Na Kazakhskuyu Temu, undated

- Obrabotka: G. Kamaldinova. Score for domra quartet and bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Pesenka Krokodila Geny, undated

- Iz Mul'tfilima "Cheburashka." Composer: V. Shainsky. Arranger: V. Gavrilova. Lyrics: A. Timofeevsky. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Pesenka Pro Chibisa, undated

- Composer: M. Iordansky. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Pesn' O Varyage, undated

- Composer: A. Mosolov. Arranger: Yu. Charnov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with horn, bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Pesni Poyut Za Rekoj, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Pesnya, undated

- Composer: Kulikov. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Pesnya dlya domry, 1979

- I Orkesmra russkukh narodnykh insmrumenmov. Composer: M. Matveev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Pesnia Bez Slov, undated

- Composer: Mendelssohn. Arranger: Ryurik-Karkin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Pesnya Ital'yanskikh Moryakov, undated

- Composer: R. Schumann. Arranger: K. Alekseev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Pesnya Kazanskikh Tatar, undated

- Arranger: M. Kraseva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Pesnya Kosarya, undated

- Op. 37. Composer: P. Tchaikovsky. Arranger: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Pesnya Lovichanskikh Derushek, undated

- Composer: M. Sygetinsky. Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Pesnya Marsh, undated

- Composer: N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Arranger: K. Alekseev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Pesnya Matreya, undated

- Iz Kinofil'ma "Delo Bylo V. Pen'kove." Composer: K. Molchanova. Arranger: V. Murzina. Lyrics: N. Dorizo. Score for voice, mandolin, and guitar. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Pesnya Moryaka, undated

- Composer: R. Bartel'mi. Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for domra and balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Pesnya O Gajdare, undated

- Composer: A. Pakhmutova. Arranger: V. Gavrilova. Lyrics: S. Grebennikova i N. Dobronravova. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Pesnya O Lenine, undated

- Composer: A. Kholminov. Lyrics: Yu. Kameneczkogo. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Pesnya Russkaya, undated

- Composer: O. Agafonova. Lyrics: A. Bladimirova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, choir, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Pionery Idut, undated

- Composer: A. Ostrovsky. Arranger: S. Dunaevsky. Lyrics: I. Shaferana. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Plyaska Devushek, undated

- Iz opery "Rogneda." Composer: A. Serov. Arranger: M. Cheremukhina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Pivna Yagoda, undated

- Arranger: N. P. Fomin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Plyaska Kucherov, undated

- Iz baleta "Petrushka." Composer: Stravinsky. Arranger: Yu. Chernova. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Plyaska Na Polyakh Sombrero, undated

- Obrabotka: A. Onegina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Plyaska Skomorokhov, undated

- Composer: V. Andreev. Arranger: V. Avskent'eva. Score for balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: Plyaska Skomorokhov, undated

- Iz Musyki K Vesennej Skazke A. Ostrovsky "Snegurochka." Composer: Tchaikovsky. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Plyaska Zhenshchin Iz Opery "Rogneda", undated

- Composer: A. Serova. Arranger: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: Plyasovaya, undated

- Composer: A. Lyadov. Arranger: V. Viktorova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: Plyasovaya, undated

- Composer: Yu. Slonov. Arranger: N. Ivanova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Plyasovaya, undated

- Composer: V. Smirnov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Plyasovaya, 1974

- Composer: A. Ushkarev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with horn, bayan, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 33: Plyasovaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: D. Vasil'eva-Buglaj. Score for domra ensemble and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 34: Plyasovaya, undated

- Obrabotka: Gr. Frid. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 35: Plyvet Lebed', 1977

- Composer: K. Volkov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 36: Po Berezhku, Da Po Krutomu, undated

- Composer: A. K. Lyadova. Arranger: N. P. Fomina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 37: Po Berezhku, Da Po Krutomu - Pivna Yagoda, undated

- Arrangers: A. K. Lyadova i N. P. Fomina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 38: Po Donu Gulyet Kazak Molodoj, undated

- Obrabotka: N. Chaplygina. Arranger: M. Vakhutnnsky. Score for domra quartet, balalaika, and bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 39: Po Senichkam Dunyashen'ka Gulyala, undated

- Obrabotka: S. Vasilenko. Arrangers: L. Birnova i A. Mashistova. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 40: Pod Charuyushchej Laskoj Troeyu, undated

- Al'bom Czyganskikh Pyesen. Arranger: N. A. Fedorov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Box 217

- Folder 1: Pod Oknom Cheremukha Kolyshetsya, undated

- Obrabotka: N. Shakhmatova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Podruzhki, undated

- Composer: Yu. Blinov. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Poema O Volge, undated

- Composer: O. Zvonarev. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Pogovori So Mnoyu, Mama ..., undated

- Composer: V. Miguli. Arranger: V. Viktorova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Pokhodnaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: E. Megyulya. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Pokhodnyj Marsh No. 1, 1982

- Composer: A Kachaturian. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Pokhoronnyj Marsh, undated

- Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Polet Shmelya, undated

- Composer: N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Polka, undated

- Photocopies of manuscript parts for prima domra II, bass domra, alto balalaika, bass balalaika, and contra bass. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Pol'ka, undated

- Obrabotka: S. Dunaevsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: V. Poponov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with horn, bayan, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: Shostakovich. Parts for piccolo domra, prima domra I, prima domra II, alto domra I, alto domra II, bass domra I, bass domra II, prima balalaika, secunda balalaika, alto balalaika, bass balalaika, and contrabass balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Pol'ka iz opery "Prodannaya Nevesta", undated

- Composer: B. Smetana. Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: V. Voronkov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, horn, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Pol'ka Demyaneiko, undated

- Photocopy of manuscript contra bass part. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Pol'ka-Kadrij', undated

- Iz kinofil'ma "Chempion Mira." Composer: Solov'ev-Sedoj. Arranger: A. Pol'shinoj. Score for balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Polka - Strekoza, undated

- Photocopies of manuscript parts for alto balalaika and contrabass. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Pora, Pora Gostyam So Dvora, undated

- Obrabotka: I. Oblikina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. Also included: arrangement by Voronkova for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Posidelki, undated

- Composer: A. Averkin. Score for domra, balalaika, bayan, percussion, and contrabass ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Poshla V Plyas, undated

- Obrabotka: I. Oblikina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Posle Karnavala, 1979

- Composer: B. Glybovsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Poslednee Pis'mo, undated

- Composer: V. Zakharova. Arranger: V. Khratova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Pravda-Khorosho, A Schest'e-Luchshe, 1977

- Composer: G. Frid. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Prazdnichnaya Uvertyura, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Arranger: V. Gavrilova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with vladimirskiy rozhok, bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Prelyudnya, undated

- Composer: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Prelyud, 1974

- Composer: V. Smirnov. Score for domra and full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: Prelyudiya, undated

- Composer: P. Chekalov. Score for domra, balalaika, and bayan trio. EC 1548.
- Box 218

- Folder 1: Prelyudiya, undated

- Composer: Chopin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. Also included: score arranged by K. Alekseev for domra and balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Prelyudiya No. 20, undated

- Composer: Chopin. Arranger: V. Viktorov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Prelyudiya, undated

- Composer: S. Rachmaninoff. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with gusli and guitar. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Pridanoe, 1974

- Iz Rep. "Khura Pyanidzkogo." Composer: S. Tulikova. Arranger: A. Shirokova.. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Pro Komara, undated

- Iz rep. "Khora Pyatniczkogo." Obrabotka: V. Khratova. Score for domra, bayan, and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Pro Starinu, undated

- From Days of Old : Ballade. Op. 21. To Anton Rubenstein. Composer: A. Liadov. Score for full symphonic orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Pro To, Kak Zayacz V Lesu Zabludilsya, undated

- Obrabotka: Gr. Frid. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Progulka, undated

- Composer: B. Kravchenko. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Progulka, undated

- Iz F.P. Czikla "Kartinki S Vystavki." Composer: M. Mussorgsky. Arranger: A. Dorozhkina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Proletary Vstavajte, undated

- Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Protyazhnaya, undated

- Composer: M. Balakirev. Arranger: V. Avksent'eva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Protyazhnaya, undated

- Composer: Yu. Blinov. Score for domra sextet. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Protyazhnaya, undated

- Composer: N. Ivanov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Protyazhnaya, undated

- Composer: L. Knipper. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, guitar, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Protyazhnaya I Plyasovaya, undated

- Composer: A. Semenov. Score for domra ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Provody, undated

- Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Rasstrel Kommunarov, undated

- Arranger: F. Niman. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Rasczvetaj, Zemlya Vesennyaya, undated

- Composer: V. Levashova. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Razdum'e, 1959

- Composer: T. Nazarova. Score for domra ensemble with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Red Front, undated

- Composer: Hans Eisler. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Photocopies of manuscript parts for first prima domra, second prima domra, bass domra, alto balalaika, and contrabass. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Red Navy March, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for piano; photocopies of manuscript parts for bass domra, alto balalaika, and contra bass. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Red Youth, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Photocopies of manuscript parts for 1st prima domra, bass domra, alto balalaika, and contrabass. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Rigodon, undated

- Composer: A. Gedike. Arranger: V. Avksent'eva. Score for balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Rocking Kachka, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Photocopies of manuscript parts for 2nd prima domra, bass domra, alto balalaika, and contrabass. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Rodina, undated

- Composer: S. Tulikova. Arranger: A. Dorozhkina. Lyrics: Yu. Polukhina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Rodina Slyshit, undated

- Composer: Shostakovich. Arranger: A. Lachinova. Score for domra ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: Rodnoj Nanev, undated

- Composer: D. Saliman-Vladimirov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Romaneska iz baleta " Rajmonda", undated

- Composer: A. Glazinov. Arranger: A. Chigadlev Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: Romans, undated

- Composer: Smirnov. Score for domra full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: Romans, undated

- Composer: Yu. Svensen. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Rucheek, undated

- Composer: A. Rajchev. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Russian Wedding Song, undated

- The Bride Enter [sic] the Town. Arranger: Fomina. Manuscript parts in unidentified hand for 1st prima domra, 2nd prima domra, viola, prima balalaika, secunda balalaika, alto balalaika, bass balalaika, and contrabass. EC 1548.
- Folder 33: Russkaya Fantaziya, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 34: Russkaya Garmon', undated

- Composer: A. Shirokov. Arranger: A. Voevodina Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, harmonica, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 35: Russkaya Khorovodnaya, undated

- Composer: M. Marutaev. Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 36: Russkaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: M. Marutaev. Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for domra ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 37: Russkaya Plyaska iz Opery "Bezrodnyj Zyat'", undated

- Composer: T. Khrennikov. Arranger: V. Gnutova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with horn, bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 38: Russkaya Plyaska iz Opery "Frol Skobeev", undated

- Composer: T. Khrennikov. Arranger: V. Gnutova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 39: Russkij Khorovod, undated

- Iz Syuity "Na Rodnykh Prostorakh." Composer: O. Zvonarev. Score for domra trio and bayan. EC 1548.
- Box 219

- Folder 1: Russkij Medlennyj Tanecz, 1973

- Composer: I. Kataev. Arranger: A. Voevodina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with wind instruments, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Russkij Plyas, undated

- Obrabotka: P. Kulikov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Russkij Suvenir, undated

- Composer: A. Petrova. Arranger: G. Andryushenkova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Russkij Tanecz, undated

- Composer: E. Sirotkina. Arranger: V. Svidzinsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Rybka Shla, Plyla, undated

- Iz Op. "Sadko." Composer: N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Arranger: P. Karkina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: S Beregov Eniseya, c. 1968

- Composer: P. Londonov. Arranger: V. Fedoseeva. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: S Dobrym Utrom, Moskva!, undated

- Composer: F. Maslova. Arranger: V. Kalinina. Lyrics: I. Dremova i V. Fedotova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, gusli, and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Sabaka, 1966

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Santa Lyuchiya, undated

- Obrabotka: Yu. Shishakova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Sarabanda, undated

- Composer: A. Corelli. Arranger: K. Alekseev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Sardana, undated

- Obrabotka: A. Balashova. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Savka I Grishka Sdelali Dudu, undated

- Obrabotka: V. Murzina. Score for balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Scene de Ballet, 1967

- Composer: Vasil Vasilievich Andreev. Arranger: Sergei Larionoff. Transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for domra and balalaika orchestra with balalaika solo (Selivan's hand). EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Schastlivaya Belorussiya, undated

- Obrabotka: G. Tikhomirov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Schon Rozmarin, undated

- Composer: Fritz Kreisler. Signed by unintelligible hand. Manuscript parts for 2nd prima domra, viola, alto balalaika, bass, and piano with solo. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Selezen', undated

- Composer: V. Geviksman. Arranger: A. Tonina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Sentimental'nyj Val's, 1976

- Composer: D. Shostakovich. Arranger: V. Viktorev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Serenada, undated

- Composer: M. Moshkovsky. Arranger: F. Niman. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Serenada, undated

- Composer: S. Pavin. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Serenada, undated

- Composer: P. Tchaikovsky. Arranger: V. Shuakova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with voice, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Sestricza Alenushka I Bratecz Ivanushka, 1967

- Composer: D. Saliman-Vladimirov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Severnyj Napev, undated

- Composer: P. Kulikov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Severnaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: K. Sorokin. Score for domra quartet with guitar. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Shakhta #3, undated

- Op. 39. Composer: V. Krupuina. Manuscript score in unidentified hand. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Shalunishka Val's, 1979

- Composer: V. Boyashov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, gusli, and clarinet. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Sharmanka, undated

- Composer: Shostakovich. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: Sharmanshchik, undated

- Composer: F. Schubert. Arranger: N. Litkevich. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with gusli and guitar. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Sharmanshchik Poet, undated

- Composer: P. Tchaikovsky. Arranger: I. Oblikina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: Schekherazada, undated

- Composer: Rimsky-Korsakov. Arranger: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: Shel Savin S Imenin, undated

- Obrabotka: A. Shirokhova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Shkol'nye Gody, undated

- Composer: D. Kabalevsky. Arranger: S. Dunaevsky. Lyrics: Dolmatovskogo. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Shli Soldaty, undated

- Composer: B. Aleksandrova. Lyrics: A. Dostalya. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 33: Shumi, Moya Niva, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Lyrics: F. Kravchenko. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, voice, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 34: Shutka, undated

- Humoresque. Op. 10, No. 2. Composer: P. Tchaikovsky. Arranger: A. Chagadaev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Box 220

- Folder 1: Sibirskaya Pol'ka, undated

- Obrabotka: V. Murzina. Score for domra quartet and bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Sivka-Burka, undated

- Composer: D. Saliman-Vladimirov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with voice, bayan, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Sizyj Golubchik, undated

- Composer: Tchaikovsky. Arranger: Chagadaeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Skaz O Bajkale, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Skazka, undated

- Op. 34, No. 1. Composer: Arensky. Arranger: K. Alekseev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Skerczino, undated

- Composer: M. Petrenko. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Skerczino, undated

- Composer: Yu. Shishakov. Score for domra and balalaika ensemble with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Skol'ko Nyegi, Lyubvi, undated

- Arranger: N. A. Federov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Skomorosh'i Zabavy, 1973

- Composer: A. Shirokov. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Skomoroshina, undated

- Composer: G. Kamaldinov. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Skomoroshina, undated

- Composer: V. Poponov. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Slavyanskaya Syuita-Fantaziya, undated

- Composer: B. Troczyuk. Arranger: V. Fedoseeva. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Slavyansky Tanecz No. 1, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Slavyansky Tanecz No. 2, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Slavno Nynche Potrudilis', 1973

- Composer: F. Maslova. Arranger: V. Khratova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with choir and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Slav'sya, undated

- Zaklyuchitel'chyj Khor iz Opery "Ivan Susanin." Composer: Glinka. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Sleza, undated

- Composer: M. Mussorgsky. Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for domra trio. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Smelo, Tovarishchi, V Nogu!, undated

- Obrabotka:V. Belogo. Arranger: A. Lachinova Score for domra ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Smert' Oze, undated

- Iz Muzyki K Drame G. Ibsena "Per Gyunt." (from "Peer Gynt"). Composer: Grieg. Arranger: V. Voskan'yan. Score for domra sextet. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: So V'yunom Ya Khozhu, undated

- Composer: A. Grechaninov. Arranger: A. Lachinova. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Sobach'ya Upryazhka, undated

- Obrabotka: V. Lyutkina. Arranger: A. Tonina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Soldat, Vsegda Soldat, undated

- Composer: V. Solov'eva-Sedova. Lyrics: M. Matusovsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, voice, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Solncze Komnatu Napolnilo, undated

- Composer: S. Prokofiev. Arranger: N. Litkevich. Lyrics: A. Akhmatovoya. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Solov'em Zaletnym, undated

- Obrabotka: G. Grozovsky. Lyrics: A. Kol'czova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percusion, gusli, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Solov'i, undated

- Composer: V. Solov'eva-Sedova. Lyrics: A. Fat'yanova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Son Stepana Razina, undated

- Composer: I. Belorusecz. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: Spokojnoj Nochi, undated

- Composer: D. Kabalevsky. Arranger: V. Gavrilova. Lyrics: V. Viktorova. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Spring Song, 1928

- Composer: Mendelssohn. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript parts for 1st prima domra, 2nd prima domra, prima balalaika, secunda balalaika, alto balalaika, viola, bass, and contra bass,. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: Starinnaya Fradczuzskaya Pesenka, undated

- Ah! Vous Dirai-je, Maman? Arranger: A. Dorozhkin. Score for domra and balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: Starosoldatskaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: V. Solov'eva-Sedogo. Lyrics: Ya. Golyakova. Score for full Russian folk orchestra. EC 1548.
- Box 221

- Folder 1: Staryj Barabanshchik, undated

- Composer: S. Tomin. Arranger: V. Gavrilova. Lyrics: E. Dolmatovsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Staryj Dzho Klark, undated

- Obrabotka: E. Sigmejstera. Score for domra and balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Sczena, undated

- iz Baleta "Lebedino Ozero." Composer: Tchaikovsky. Arranger: N. Kuzneczova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Suita, 1933

- Dlya orkestra domr i balalaek. Composer: N. Chemberdzhi. Arranger: P. Nikitina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Suvenir, undated

- Composer: Yu. Blinov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Svadebnaya, undated

- Obrabotka: A. Kalnynya. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Svadebnye Naigryshi, 1967

- Dlya ansamblya Russkikh Narodnykh Instrumentov. Composer: G. Tikhomirov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Svadebnyj Sazdravnyj Khor Iz Opery "Rusalka", undated

- No. 51. Composer: A. Dargomyzhsky. Arranger: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Svyashchennaya Vojna, undated

- Composer: A. V. Aleksandrova. Lyrics: V. Lebedeva-Kumacha. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Svoenravnaya Vnuchka (Poliksena), 1977

- Composer: G. Frid. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and guitar. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: The Sweetest Song in the World - Waltz, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? Photocopy of manuscript part for alto balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Syplet Cheremukha Snegom, undated

- Composer: Budashkin. Lyrics: S. Eseniva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, gusli, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Tadzhikskij Tanecz, undated

- Composer: A. Lensky. Score for balalaika quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Tak Tkut Sukno, undated

- Obrabotka: G. Krejtnera. Score for domra, balalaika, and bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Tambourine, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Photocopy of manuscript score for alto balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Tamburica, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Photocopies of manuscript parts for alto balalaika, contra bass, and unspecified instrument. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Tanecz, undated

- Composer: V. Bunin. Arranger: A. Ya. Alekhsandrova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Tanecz, undated

- Composer: N. Chajkin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Tanecz, undated

- Composer: E. Glebov. Arranger: V. Gavrilova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Tanecz (Iz Detskogo Al'boma), undated

- Composer: A. Brechaninov. Arranger: M. Pazovsky. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Tanecz, undated

- Composer: P. Kulikov. Score for domra, balalaika, and bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Tanecz, undated

- Composer: V. Shafrannikov. Score for domra and bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Tanecz iz Opery "Birzhan I Sara", undated

- Composer: M. Tulebaev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with horn, bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Tanecz iz Operetty "Barankin, Bud' Chelovekom", undated

- Composer: S. Tulikov. Arranger: I. Kuzneczova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Tanecz Anitry iz Muzyki K Drame G. Ibsena "Per Gyunt", undated

- Composer: E. Grieg. Arranger: V. Voskan'yan. Score for domra quintet. Also included: arrangement by A. Kaverin i D. Aleksandrov for domra ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Tanecz El'fov, undated

- Composer: E. Grieg. Arranger: V. Viktorova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. Also included: arrangement for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: Tanecz Iz Baleta "Lebedinoe Ozero", undated

- Composer: P. Tchaikovsky. Arranger: A. Dorozhkin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Tanecz iz Operetty "Trembita", undated

- Composer: Yu. Milyutina. Score for domra, balalaika, and guitar. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: Tanecz iz Orkestrovoj Syuity Si-Minor, undated

- Composer: Bach. Arranger: S. Aleskeeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: Tanecz Mavritanskikh Devushek iz Baleta "Othello", undated

- Composer: Machavariani. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Tanecz Na Ploshchadi iz Baleta "Mednyj Vsadnik", undated

- Composer: Gliere. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Tanecz Rozovykh Devushek iz Baleta "Gayane", undated

- Composer: A. Khachaturian. Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 33: Tanecz Ryczarej iz Baleta "Romeo i Dzhulietta", undated

- From the ballet "Romeo and Juliet." Composer: Prokofiev. Arranger: G. Likhairova. Score for domra, bayan, and balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 34: Tanecz Starikov, undated

- Composer: V. Smirnov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 35: Tango - Delle Capinere, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Photocopy of manuscript part for prima domra. EC 1548.
- Folder 36: Tatarskaya Pesenka, undated

- Composer: I. Boldyrev. Score for domra, balalaika, and bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 37: Tatareky Polon, undated

- Composer: Rimsky-Korsakov. Arranger: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 38: Tea for Two - Foxtrot, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? Photocopy of manuscript parts for 2nd prima domra and alto domra. EC 1548.
- Folder 39: Tema Iz Kvarteta, undated

- Op. 18, No. 5. Composer: L. Beethoven. Arranger: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Box 222

- Folder 1: Thanks, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Photocopy of manuscript part for alto balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Tilim-Bom, undated

- Composer: I. Stravinksy. Arranger: N. Litkevich. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Timonya, 1974

- Obrabotka: A. Shirokova. Lyrics: A. Bladimirova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with horn, choir, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: To Me - Foxtrot, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? Photocopies of manuscript 2nd prima domra and alto domra parts. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Too Fat Polka - Polka, Foxtrot, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? Photocopies of manuscript 2nd prima domra and alto domra parts. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Tol'ko Trudom!, undated

- Composer: V. Bukina. Arranger: V. Voronkova. Lyrics: L. Derbeneva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Trozhestvennyj Marsh, undated

- Op. 85, No. 1. Composer: Schumann. Arranger: K. Alkseev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Travushka Li Ty, Muravushka, undated

- Composer: A. Aksenov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Travy Moi, Travy, undated

- Composer: Barchunov. Arranger: V. Shuyakova. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Troechka, undated

- No. 8. Composer: Ruzhiczkij. Arranger: N. A. Fedorov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Czveli, Czveli Czvetiki, undated

- Obrabotka: M. Kovalya. Score for domra quintet. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Czveti, Lyubimaya Otchizna!, undated

- Composer: B. Aleksandrova i A. Babadzhanyana. Lyrics: S. Mikhalkova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Czyganskie Melodii, undated

- Composer: A. Dvorak. Arranger: . Score for domra quintet and balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Czygansky Tanecz iz Op. "Genrikh VIII", undated

- Gypsy Dance from the opera "Henry VIII." Composer: Saint-Saens. Arranger: R. Karkin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Czygansky Val's, undated

- Composer: R. Berter. Arranger: N. Kuzneczova. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with guitar and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Tureczky Marsh iz "Afinskikh Razvalin", undated

- Op. 113. Composer: Beethoven. Arranger: A. Dorozhkina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion.Also includes parts for prima domra 1, prima domra II, alto domra I, alto domra II, bass domra, prima balalaika, secunda balalaika, alto balalaika, bass balalaika, and drums. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Tupeczky Tenecz Iz Opery "Ruslan i Lyudmila", undated

- Composer: M. Glinka. Arranger: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Troe Pis'mo, 1973

- Composer: O. Agafonov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, gusli, and guitar. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Ty Ne Stoj Kolodecz, undated

- Composer: A. Lyadov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with choir. Also includes arrangement by V. Murzina for balalaika quintet and bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Ty Ryzbina, Ryabinushka, undated

- Composer: Yu. Shishakov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Ty, Ryabinushka, undated

- Obrabotka: V. Voronkova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Ty Rospoj V Sadu, Salovejka, 1979

- Obrabotka: V. Klyueva. Arranger: A. Sobolev. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with gusli and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Ty Vospoj, Zhavoronochek, undated

- Obrabotka: L. Shtrejkher. Score for domra sextet. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: U Kalinova Mosta, undated

- Composer: V. Pikul'. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: U Menya Est' Druzhok Tajnyj, undated

- Obrabotka: N. Kuzneczova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion, gusli, and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: U Menya, Mladoj, Muzh Gnedoj, undated

- Composer: A. Aksenov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: U Nashej Kati, 1973

- Obrabotka: A. Shirokova. Lyrics: V. Levashova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: U Ruch'ya, undated

- Composer: I. Moskalev. Arranger: A. Shirokova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: U Starogo Utesa, 1979

- Composer: N. Shakhmatov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: U Vorot, Vorot, undated

- Arranger: N. P. Fomin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. Also included: arrangements by M. Musorgsky for domra and balalaika orchestra, B. Troyanovsky and V. Rozanova for balalaika ensemble, and B. Troyanovsky for piano and solo instrument. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Uezzhal Ivan, 1974

- Obrabotka: V. Voronkova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan ang voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Ukraniskaya Fantaziya, 1974

- Composer: K. Garbar'. Arranger: M. Vakhutinsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Box 223

- Folder 1: Ural'skaya Plyasovaya, 1961

- Obrabotka: B. Troyanovsky. Arranger: V. Gnutova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Uselsya Ya za Stol, undated

- Obrabotka: A. Kalnynya. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Usnuli Polya Pod Tumanami, undated

- Obrabotka: Grfrid. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Utes, undated

- Obrabotka: B. Aleksandrova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra bayan, percussion, and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Utrennee Razmyshlenie, undated

- Composer: P. Tchaikovsky. Arranger: A. Lachinova. Score for domra ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Uvertyura Iz Opery "Karmen", undated

- Overture to the opera "Carmen." Composer: Bizet. Arranger: D. Aleksandrov i A. Kaverin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. Also included: arrangement by A. Chigidlev. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Uvertyura, 1933

- Composer: N. Chemberdzhi. Arranger: B. Pogrebova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Uvertyura, 1963

- Composer: A. Kholminov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Uvertyura na Temy Chuvashskikh Narodnykh Pesen, undated

- Composer: V. Krivonosov. Arranger: M. Akisimova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with harmonica, percussion, guitar, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Uvertyura - Fantaziya, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with horn, bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Uvertyura Na Russkuyu Temu, undated

- Composer: N. Fomin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Uzbeksky Tenecz, undated

- Composer: A. Lensky. Arranger: N. Ivanova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Uzbeksky Tenecz, undated

- Composer: K. Myaskov. Arranger: V. Vintorova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Izh I Ya Li, Moloda, undated

- Obrabotka: B. Strannolyubskogo. Score for balalaika ensemble with voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Yzh ya Syadu Moloden'ka, undated

- Arranger: Chagodaev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Uzh Kak Pal Tuman, undated

- Obrabotka: A. Dyubyuka. Score for domra trio. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Uzh Po Sadiku Sadiku, undated

- Arranger: N. P. Fomin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Uzh Ty, Pole Moe, 1974

- Obrabotka: I. Oblikina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. Also included: arrangement by P. Chekalova for domra ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Uzh Ty Sad, Moj Sad, undated

- Arranger: Chagadaev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Uzh Ty, Zoren'ka, 1979

- Obrabotka: A. Shirokova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with voice, bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Uzundara, undated

- Narodnyj Armyansky Tanecz iz Baleta "Gayane." Composer: A. Khachaturian. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion and bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: V Khorovode, 1974

- Composer: Yu. Blinov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: V Lesu, 1973

- Composer: V. Smirnov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: V Monastyre, undated

- Composer: A. Borodin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: V Monastyre - Au Convent, 1940

- Composer: Borodina. Arranger: I. Yungmana. Transcribed by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: V Peshchere Gornogo Korolya iz Muzyki K Drame G. Ibsena "Per Gyunt", undated

- Composer: Grieg. Arranger: V. Gnutov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with horn, bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: V Zamke iz Muz. K Arame "Zigura Iorsal'far", undated

- Op. 56, No. 1. Composer: Grieg. Arranger: A. Chlgadaev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Valenki, undated

- Composer: A. Shirokov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: Val's, undated

- Composer: V. Beleczky. Arranger: V. Fedoseeva. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: Val's, undated

- Composer: I. Brahms. Arranger: M. Pozovsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Val's, undated

- Composer: B. Dvarionas. Score for domra and balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Val's, undated

- Composer: A. Dvorak. Arranger: V. Viktorova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 33: Val's, undated

- Composer: A. Emanov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 34: Val's, undated

- Composer: G. Frid. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 35: Val's iz Beleta "Mednyj Vsadnik", 1961

- Composer: R. Gliere. Arranger: V. Gnutova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 36: Val's, undated

- Op. 12, No. 2. Composer: Ed. Grieg. Arranger: D. Aleksandrova i A. Kaverin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 37: Val's, 1974

- Composer: A. Kurchenko. Arranger: M. Vakhutinskii. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 38: Val's, undated

- Composer: F. Schubert. Arranger: B. Strannolyubsky. Score for balalaika ensemble with domra duet. EC 1548.
- Folder 39: Val's iz baleta "Spyashchaya Krasavicza", undated

- Composer: Tchaikovsky. Arranger: A, Chagadkeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 40: Val's iz Muzyki K Drame M. Lermontova "Maskarad", 1959

- Composer: A. Khachaturian. Arranger: B. Tikhonova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Box 224

- Folder 1: Val's iz Opery "Dikaya Bara", undated

- Composer: An. Aleskandrov. Arranger: V. Rozanova. Score for balalaika ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Val's iz Opery "Ivan Susanin", undated

- Composer: Glinka. Arranger: A. Semenova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Val's iz Serenady Dlya Strunnogo Orkestra, undated

- Composer: P. Tchaikovsky. Arranger: G. Luchinsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Val's-Fantaziya, undated

- Composer: Glinka. Arranger: G. Krsilova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Vanyusha-Klyuchnik, undated

- Composer: N. Fomin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Variaczin, undated

- Composer: Mozart. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Varshavyanka, undated

- Arranger: F. Niman. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with percussion. Also included: arrangement by K. Alekseeva for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Vasen'ka, undated

- Composer: Smirnov. Arranger: N. A. Fedorov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Vasilek, undated

- Composer: R. Drigo. Arranger: Chagodaev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Dve Russkie Pesni "Ty Ne Stoj, Kolodecz" i "Vejsya, Kapustka", undated

- Obrabotka: V. Murzina. Score for balalaika ensemble with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: Velichal'naya, undated

- Composer: Yu. Shishakov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Vengersky Tenecz, No. 5, undated

- Composer: Brahms. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Vengersky Tanecz, 1938

- Hungarian Dance, No. 6. Composer: Brahms. Arranger: R. Karkina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Vesenny Czvetok, undated

- Obrabotka: T. Nazarovoj. Arranger: A. Chmykhalo. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, voice, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Vdol' Uliczy, undated

- Obrabotka: A. Grechaninova. Arranger: K. Alekseev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 16: Vechernyaya Pesnya, undated

- Composer: O. Zvonarev. Score for domra trio with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Vechorniczi, undated

- Introdukcziya Z Muziki Do Drami "Nazar Stodolya" T. Shevchenka. Composer: Nishchins'ky. Arranger: V. Savinikh. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Veselaya Khorovodnaya, undated

- Composer: . Arranger: . Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Veselaya Progulka, undated

- Composer: A. Voevodin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Veselye Devushki, undated

- Composer: O. Agafonov. Score for domra duet, balalaika, and guitar. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Veselye Gusli, 1979

- Composer: B. Kravchenko. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Veselyj Pastushok, 1976

- Obrabotka: I. Oblikina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Veselyj Tanecz, 1979

- Composer: R. Kotlyarevsky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Besna, undated

- Composer: M. Golub'. Score for domra ensemble. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Vesennyaya Kadril', 1977

- Composer: B. Kiyanov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with voice, bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Vesennyaya Uvertyura, 1977

- Composer: D. L'vov-Kompaneecz. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: V'yun, undated

- Obrabotka: P. Kulikov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Vniz Po Volge-Reke, undated

- Obrabotka: N. Shakhmagov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: The Volga Legend, 1962

- English lyrics and adaptation from an ancient folk chant by Nick Bolin. Transposed from D minor and arranged for domra and balalaika orchestra by Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript score. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: Vo Lugakh Koni Popushcheny ..., 1977

- Composer: K. Bolkov. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Vo Pole Berezon'ka Stoyala, 1975

- Obrabotka: A. V. Aleksandrova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Vo Sadu Li, V Ogorode, undated

- Obrabotka: V. Podel'sky. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 33: Vo Syrom Boru Tropina, undated

- Composer: N. Osetrova-Yakovleva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 34: Voennyj Marsh, undated

- Composer: R. Schumann. Arranger: K. Alekseev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 35: Volga-Rechen'ka Gluboka, undated

- Obrabotka: G. Kamaldinova. Score for balalaika ensemble and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 36: Volzhsky Val's, 1973

- Composer: A. Voevodin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with horn and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 37: Voronezhskie Chastushki, undated

- Composer: V. Khvatov. Score for domra, balalaika, bayan, and guitar. EC 1548.
- Box 225

- Folder 1: Vospominanie, undated

- A. Shostakovich. Arranger: N. Ogneva. Score for guitar quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 2: Vospominanie, undated

- Composer: F. Tarrega. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan. EC 1548.
- Folder 3: Vozle Rechki Na Luzhochke iz Opery "Khovanshchina", undated

- Composer: M. Mussorgsky. Arranger: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. Also includes alternate arrangement for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 4: Vspomin, Vspomin, undated

- Remember, Remember. Composer: N. P. Fomin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 5: Vstuplenie K Opere "Skazka O Semi Bogatyryakh", undated

- Composer: Fomin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 6: Vstrepenulis' Koni Serye, undated

- Obrabotka: A. Kalnynya. Score for domra quartet. EC 1548.
- Folder 7: Vtoraya Syuita, undated

- Mvts. I-V. Composer: A. Kholminov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 8: Vpered, undated

- Composer: D. Chernomordikova. Arranger: Chagadaev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 9: Vyshli V Pole Kosari, 1979

- Obrabotka: N. Shakhmatova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 10: Wedding March from A Midsummer Night's Dream, undated

- The Bridegroom's March. Composer: Mendelssohn. Also includes Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin (Wagner) and Traumerei (Reverie), Op. 15, No. 7 Benediction at Ceremony (Schumann). Manuscript parts for 1st prima domra, 2nd prima domra, alto domra, bass domra, alto balalaika, and contra bass. EC 1548.
- Folder 11: White Christmas - Foxtrot, undated

- Composer: Irving Berlin. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? Photocopy of alto balalaika part. EC 1548.
- Folder 12: Why?, 1920

- Composer: Schumann. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript parts for 1st prima domra, alto balalaika, viola, contrabass, bass, 2nd prima domra, secunda balalaika, and prima balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 13: Wishing - Foxtrot, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? Photocopies of manuscript parts for 2nd prima domra and alto balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 14: Without You (Tres Palabras), undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan? Photocopies of manuscript parts for alto domra and alto balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 15: Workers' Funeral March, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Photocopies of manuscript parts for 1st prima domra, 1st bass domra, alto balalaika, and contrabass. Also included: The Bells Rang in Novgorod (Rimsky-Korsakov). EC 1548.
- Folder 16: You Made Me Love You, undated

- Manuscript parts for prima balalaika, contrabass, 2nd prima domra, viola, 1st prima domra, bass, alto, and secunda balalaika in unidentified hand. Also included: unfinished manuscript score of "Fare-Thee-Well" by Walter Kole. EC 1548.
- Folder 17: Young Guards/Red Army, undated

- Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Photocopies of manuscript parts for bass domra, alto balalaika, and bass balalaika. EC 1548.
- Folder 18: Z Sirom Pirogi, undated

- Obrabotka: Ya. Cziglyara. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, voice, and percussion. EC 1548.
- Folder 19: Za Dal'neyu Okoliczej, undated

- Composer: N. Budashkin. Lyrics: G. Akulova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan and voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 20: Za Rechen'koj Yar-khmel', undated

- Composer: Grechaninova. Arranger: Chagndaev. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 21: Za Rodinu Nashu, undated

- Composer: V. Zakharova. Arranger: V. Khratova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 22: Zadornye Chastushki, 1974

- Obrabotka: A. Shirokova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 23: Zadushevnaya, undated

- Composer: B. Kiyanov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 24: Zaigraj, Moya Volynka, undated

- Arranger: N. P. Fomin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 25: Zaigraite, Mon Gusel'ki, undated

- Khorovodnaya Pesnya Sadko iz Opery "Sadko." Composer: Rimsky-Korsakov. Arranger: K. Aleskeeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 26: Zamuchen Tyazheloj Nevolej, undated

- Arranger: N. P. Fomina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 27: Zapevaj, Devchata, Chastushki!, 1973

- Composer: S. Kacza. Arranger: A. Shirokova. Lyrics: A. Sofronova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, choir, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 28: Zastavil Menya Muzh, undated

- Obrabotka: A. Voevodina. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, voice, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 29: Zastol'naya Pesnya iz Op. "Traviata", undated

- Composer: D. Verdi. Arranger: A. Porozhkin. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 30: Zdravstvuj!, undated

- Composer: S. Prokofiev. Arranger: N. Litkevich. Lyrics: A. Akhmatovoj. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 31: Zemlyanichen'ka, 1976

- Obrabotka: N. Kuzneczova. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with percussion and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 32: Zhensky Khor iz Opery "Skazanie O Shota Rustaveli", undated

- Composer: D. Arakchieva. Arranger: K. Alekseeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 33: Zhestoky Romans, 1977

- Composer: Frid. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 34: Zhnivnaya, undated

- Obrabotka: V. Zolotareva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 35: Zhuravel', undated

- Composer: A. Arensky. Arranger: Chagadaeva. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra. EC 1548.
- Folder 36: Zhuravli, 1975

- Composer: Ya. Frenkelya. Arranger: N. Grebneva. Lyrics: R. Gamzatova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and choir. EC 1548.
- Folder 37: Zhuravli, undated

- Obrabotka: G. Tikhomirova. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with bayan, percussion, and gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 38: Zvenit Zvonok, I Trojka Mchitsya, undated

- Obrabotka: S. Bulatova. Score for balalaika ensemble with voice. EC 1548.
- Folder 39: Will You Remember (Sweetheart) from "Maytime", c. 1917

- Composer: Sigmunch Romberg. Arranger: Mark A. Selivan. Manuscript parts for 2nd prima domra,1st alto prima domra, 2nd alto prima domra, bass domra, alto balalaika, contrabass, and full score. Also included: published parts arranged by Carl Kiefert for piano accompaniment, violin, flute, trombone, cello, harmonium, viola, violin II, clarinet I in Bb, cornet I in Bb, cornet II in Bb, timpani/bass drum, and bass. EC 1548.
- Folder 40: Winter Wonderland, ca. 1934

- Foxtrot. Composer: Felix Bernard. Arranger: Paul Weirick. Lyrics: Dick Smith. Photocopy of part for two violins and voice. Also included: photocopy of manuscript part for 2nd prima domra (arr. Mark A. Selivan?). EC 1548.
- Folder 41: Zvezdy, undated

- Composer: N. Cherepnin. Arranger: S. Litkevicha. Score for domra, harmonica, and balalaika orchestra with gusli. EC 1548.
- Folder 42: Zvonili Zvony V Novgorode, undated

- Composer: Rimsky-Korsakov. Score for domra and balalaika orchestra with choir. EC 1548.
- Box 237

- Folder 1: Mne Yasno Vse, 1924

- Composer: Saminla Pokrass. Lyrics: Pavla German. M1627 S663 no. 1.
- Folder 2: Chto Mne Gore, 1933

- What Do I Care. Composer: Samuel Pokrass. Lyrics: Allan J. Flynn. M1627 S663 no. 2.
- Folder 3: Poj Czygan, 1933

- Sing Gypsy. Composer: Samuel Pokrass. Lyrics: Allan J. Flynn. M1627 S663 no. 3.
- Folder 4: Dni Za Dnyami, 1933

- Day After Day. Composer: Samuel Pokrass. Lyrics: Allan J. Flynn. M1627 S663 no. 4.
- Folder 5: Memento Mori (Dve Rozy), 1927

- Composer: S. Pokrass. Lyrics: A. D'Astilya. M1627 S663 no. 5.
- Folder 6: Tango Smierci, 1922

- Composer: S. Pokrass. Lyrics: St. Ratolda / A. d'Aktila. M1627 S663 no. 6.
- Folder 7: Zvezdochka (Iz Pesen Goroda), undated

- Composer: S. Pokrass. Lyrics: Pavla German. M1627 S663 no. 7.
- Folder 8: Niti Zhizni, 1926

- Composer: Samuila Pokrass. Lyrics: Pavla German. M1627 S663 no. 8.
- Folder 9: Bubna Zvon, 1925

- (Vse Smetano Moguchim Uraganom). Composer: A. Lenczeva. Lyrics: O. Osenina. M1627 S663 no. 9.
- Folder 10: Chto Mne Gore, 1933

- What Do I Care. Composer: Samuel Pokrass. Lyrics: Allan J. Flynn. M1627 S663 no. 10 c. 1. Signed by E. Zolatauin.
- Folder 11: Chto Mne Gore

- What Do I Care. Composer: Samuel Pokrass. Lyrics: Allan J. Flynn. M1627 S663 no. 10 c. 2. Signed by Lonya Kalbouff.
- Folder 12: Ulanska Piosenka, 1923

- Gusarskaya Pyesenka. Composer: Pokrass. Lyrics: St. Ratolda / Teffi. M1627 S663 no. 11.
- Folder 13: Stydlivaya Chajnaya Roza, 1928

- Composer: Pokrass. Lyrics: P. Garmna. M1627 S663 no. 12.
- Folder 14: S Toboj (Val's), 1947

- Dlya golosa s fortepiano. Composer: Pokrass. Lyrics: Cz. Solodarya. M1627 S663 no. 13.
- Folder 15: Hurero Nem Rugesmij, 1947

- Composer: Pokrass. Lyrics: Dabugobur. M1627 S663 no. 14.
- Folder 16: Pesnya Artilleristov, 1938

- Dlya dvukhgolosnogo khora s pianoforte. Composer: Pokrass. Lyrics: Lebedeva-Kumacha. M1627 S663 no. 15.
- Folder 17: Pesnya O Luganskom Slesare, ca. 1937

- Composer: Pokrass. Lyrics: V. Guseva. M1627 S663 no. 16.
- Folder 18: Konarmejskaya, 1938

- Composer: Pokrass. Lyrics: A. Surkova. M1627 S663 no. 17.
- Folder 19: Michman Dzhon, undated

- Composer: Pokrass. M1627 S663 no. 18. Colored illustration on cover. Text added to cover: "Stolen from Nicolas Grushko."
- Folder 20: Vse, Chto Bylo, 1925

- Iz Pesen Nastroeniya. Composer: Pokrass. Lyrics: German. M1627 S663 no. 19. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 21: Zanoza, 1927

- Op. 60. Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: Podrevsky. M1627 S663 no. 20.
- Folder 22: Chto Bylo Prezhde-ne Vernetsya!!!, 1925

- Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: Parla German. M1627 S663 no. 21. c. 1.
- Folder 23: Chto Bylo Prezhde-ne Vernetsya!!!, 1925

- Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: Parla German. M1627 S663 no. 21. c. 2.
- Folder 24: Ya Ne Zabudu, 1924

- Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: Podrevsky. M1627 S663 no. 22. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 25: Stroki, 1926

- Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: Podrevsky. M1627 S663 no. 23.
- Folder 26: Gde Kochuet Tabor Moj!, undated

- Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: O. Osenina. M1627 S663 no. 24. c 1.
- Folder 27: Gde Kochuet Tabor Moj!, undated

- Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: O. Osenina. M1627 S663 no. 24. c 2.
- Folder 28: Ne Zvenyat Gitary, 1927

- Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: Bl. Agotova. M1627 S663 no. 25.
- Folder 29: Nochi Sedye, 1924

- Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: Podrevsky. M1627 S663 no. 26. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 30: Ne Govori Ni Slova, 1925

- Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: Podrevsky. M1627 S663 no. 27. Photograph on cover. Fragile.
- Folder 31: Nigde I Nikogda!, 1925

- Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: Podresky. M1627 S663 no. 28.
- Folder 32: Bylye Napevy, 1925

- Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: German. M1627 S663 no. 29. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 33: Serdcze Verit I Proshaet ..., 1926

- Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: Podrevsky. M1627 S663 no. 30. c. 1.
- Folder 34: Serdcze Verit I Proshaet ..., 1926

- Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: Podrevsky. M1627 S663 no. 30. c. 2.
- Folder 35: Segodnya Zavtra I Vchera, undated

- Composer: Yuliya Khajt. Lyrics: Pavla German. M1627 S663 no. 31.
- Folder 36: Za Gitarnyj Perebor, undated

- Composer: Mikhaila Khajt. Lyrics: Pavla Grigor'eva. M1627 S663 no. 32. c. 1.
- Folder 37: Za Gitarnyj Perebor, undated

- Composer: Mikhaila Khajt. Lyrics: Pavla Grigor'eva. M1627 S663 no. 32. c. 2.
- Folder 38: Za Gitarnyj Perebor, undated

- Composer: Mikhaila Khajt. Lyrics: Pavla Grigor'eva. M1627 S663 no. 32. c. 3.
- Folder 39: Ogon'ki, 1926

- Composer: Mikhaila Khajt. Lyrics:P. Grigor'eva . M1627 S663 no. 33. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 40: Zabud' I Ne Zovi, 1927

- Composer: Maksa Nejd. Lyrics: V. G. Soskina. M1627 S663 no. 34.
- Folder 41: Ne Ponyatno I Tumanno, undated

- Composer: Maksa Nejd. Lyrics: George Namlegina. M1627 S663 no. 35. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 42: Stezhki (Novye), 1925

- Composer: Maksa Nejd. Lyrics: Osk. Osenina. M1627 S663 no. 36. Photograph on cover. Fragile.
- Folder 43: Kogda Vesna Ogyat' Pridet, 1931

- Werm der Fruhling wieder kommt. Tango. Composer/Lyrics: Oskar Strock. M1627 S663 no. 37. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 44: Chernye Glaza, undated

- Tango. Composer/Lyrics: Oskar Strock. M1627 S663 no. 38. c. 1.
- Folder 45: Chernye Glaza, undated

- Tango. Composer/Lyrics: Oskar Strock. M1627 S663 no. 38. c. 2.
- Folder 46: Poslednij Bal Korolya, 1924

- Composer/Lyrics: Oskar Strock. M1627 S663 no. 39. Fragile.
- Folder 47: Dorogoj Dlinnoyu, undated

- (Ekhali Na Trojke). Composer: B. I. Fomina. Lyrics: K. N. Polrevsky. M1627 S663 no. 40.
- Folder 48: Tol'ko Raz, undated

- Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: Pavla German. M1627 S663 no. 41. c. 1.
- Folder 49: Dorogoj Dlinnoyu, undated

- Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: Pavla German. M1627 S663 no. 41. c. 2.
- Folder 50: S Tekh Por, Kak Ty Ushla, 1925

- Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: O. Osenina. M1627 S663 no. 42.
- Folder 51: Dve Slezy, 1926

- Lirichesky Romans. Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: D. Ugryumova. M1627 S663 no. 43.
- Folder 52: V Sadu Opustelom, 1928

- Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: M. Lakhtina. M1627 S663 no. 44.
- Folder 53: Bros' Trevogu, undated

- Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: K. N. Podrevskago. M1627 S663 no. 45.
- Folder 54: Vernis (Come Back), 1938

- Russian Gipsy Romance. Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: Bertha Weinberg. Lyrics in English and Russian. M1627 S663 no. 46. Photograph of Dora Boshoer on cover ("Featured by the Inimitable Artist").
- Folder 55: Vse Ta-zhe Pesnya, 1925

- Iz Repertura Tamary Czereteli. Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: Pavla German. M1627 S663 no. 47. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 56: Staroe Sbrosheno, 1925

- Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: K. N. Podrevsky. M1627 S663 no. 48. Photograph of E. A. Alezu-Bol'skaya on cover.
- Folder 57: Rozy Sorvannye, 1925

- Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: M. N. Lakhtina. M1627 S663 no. 49.
- Folder 58: Kak Vidno Suzhdeno, 1925

- Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: O. Osennyago. M1627 S663 no. 50.
- Box 238

- Folder 1: S Godami Vse Zabudem, 1925

- Iz Repertura Uzabelly Yurveboj. Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: M.N. Lakhtina. M1627 S663 no. 51. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 2: Nikogda, Nichego, 1926

- Iz Repertuara Ispolnitel'niczy Pesen i Romansov Ziki Dobero. Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: O. Osenina. M1627 S663 no. 52. c. 1.
- Folder 3: Nikogda, Nichego, 1926

- Iz Repertuara Ispolnitel'niczy Pesen i Romansov Ziki Dobero. Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: O. Osenina. M1627 S663 no. 52. c. 2.
- Folder 4: Ya Budu Znat', 1925

- Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: K. N. Podrevskago. M1627 S663 no. 53.
- Folder 5: Oskolki, 1927

- Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: K. Podrevsky. M1627 S663 no. 54. c. 1.
- Folder 6: Oskolki, 1927

- Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: K. Podrevsky. M1627 S663 no. 54. c. 2.
- Folder 7: Ya Vse Otdam, 1925

- Iz repertuara O. I. Dekhmerevoj. Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: K. N. Podrevsky. M1627 S663 no. 55. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 8: Ya Pomnyu Shumnye Slova (Czygansky Val's), 1926

- Iz Repertuara Izvestnoj Ispolnitel'nnczy. Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: K. Podrevskago. M1627 S663 no. 56. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 9: Vol'naya, 1927

- Composer: Borisa Fomina. M1627 S663 no. 57. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 10: Vechera Zabytye, 1925

- Iz Repertuara O. I. Dekhterovoj. Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: K. I. Podrevsky. M1627 S663 no. 58. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 11: Travushka-Muravushka, 1926

- Composer/Lyrics: Borisa Fomina. M1627 S663 no. 59.
- Folder 12: Bejsya Serdcze, 1925

- Iz repertuara Artiski Operetty E.A. Alezi-Vol'skoj. Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: K. N. Podrevskogo. M1627 S663 no. 60. c. 1. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 13: Bejsya Serdcze, 1925

- Iz repertuara Artiski Operetty E.A. Alezi-Vol'skoj. Composer: Borisa Fomina. Lyrics: K. N. Podrevskogo. M1627 S663 no. 60. c. 1. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 14: Vstryechi Minutnyya ... Vstryechi Sluchajnyya, undated

- Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 61. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 15: Izmeny Net - Lyubov' Odna, undated

- Composer: L'va Drizo. Lyrics: Shchepkinoj-Kupernik. M1627 S663 no. 62. Fragile.
- Folder 16: Chardash (Sygraj, Gitar, Mne)

- Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 63.
- Folder 17: Dobol'no Slez!, 1922

- Composer: L'va Drizo. Lyrics: L'va Prizo. M1627 S663 no. 64. Illustrations on cover. Fragile.
- Folder 18: Ostorozhno ... Vse Vozmozhno! ..., undated

- Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 65.
- Folder 19: Iskorki Pozhara!, ca. 1917

- My Vstryetilis' Sluchajno. Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 66. c. 1. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 20: Iskorki Pozhara!, ca. 1917

- My Vstryetilis' Sluchajno. Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 66. c. 2. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 21: Gromche Zruchi Rodnoj Motiv!, 1924

- Repertuar Ol'gi Ivanovny Dekhterevoj. Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 67. c. 1.
- Folder 22: Gromche Zruchi Rodnoj Motiv!, 1924

- Repertuar Ol'gi Ivanovny Dekhterevoj. Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 67. c. 2.
- Folder 23: Snova Budet, Kak Bylo!

- Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 68. Illustrations on cover.
- Folder 24: Ne Govori O Dnyakh Bylykh..., 1927

- Iz Repertuar Aleksandry Tikhonovny Stal'skoj. Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 69. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 25: Ne Lyubit' - Ne Khochu, Ne Mogu!!, undated

- Composer: L'va Drizo. Lyrics: L. Du-a. M1627 S663 no. 70. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 26: Ne Nado Slov, undated

- Repertuar Ispsln. Romanoov E. A. Sol'skoj. Composer: L'va Drizo. Lyrics: D. Bogemskogo. M1627 S663 no. 71. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 27: Nalej Bokal!, undated

- Izdanie N. Kh. Davingof. Composer: L'va Drizo. Lyrics: V. Ovcharenko i L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 72.
- Folder 28: My Segodnya Razstalis' S Toboyu!, undated

- Composer: L'va Drizo. Lyrics: Marjana Jozefowicza. Lyrics in Polish and Russian. M1627 S663 no. 73.
- Folder 29: Gdye Ty, ... Otzovis'!, undated

- Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 74.
- Folder 30: Slezy Ujmites'!, undated

- Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 75. Signed by V. Vaeuefumov. Fragile.
- Folder 31: Lyubov' Proshla!, undated

- Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 76.
- Folder 32: Molchi Czygan!, 1927

- Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 77.
- Folder 33: Bylogo Ne Vernut', undated

- Repertuar A. T. Stal'skoj. Composer: L'va Drizo. Lyrics: Marka Slobodkina. M1627 S663 no. 78. Fragile.
- Folder 34: Ej, Gitara Sloj V Posledinj Raz!, 1927

- Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 79.
- Folder 35: Mchites' Koni!, undated

- Composer/Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 80.
- Folder 36: Vasilek, undated

- Composer: A. Chernyavskago. Lyrics: P. G. Kruchinina. M1627 S663 no. 81. Illustration and photograph on cover.
- Folder 37: Vasilechki, 1927

- Cornflowers. A Gypsy Air. Composer: A. Chernyavskago. Lyrics: P. M. Shlakata. M1627 S663 no. 82.
- Folder 38: Kalinka, undated

- Composer: A. Chernyavsky. Lyrics: P. G. Kruchinina. M1627 S663 no. 83. c. 1.
- Folder 39: Kalinka, undated

- Composer: A. Chernyavsky. Lyrics: P. G. Kruchinina. M1627 S663 no. 83. c. 2.
- Folder 40: Sygraj Tal'yanochka, 1926

- Composer: A. Chernyavskogo. Lyrics: Sergeya Esenina. M1627 S663 no. 84 c. 1. Photograph of V. F. Bianko on cover.
- Folder 41: Sygraj Tal'yanochka, 1926

- Composer: A. Chernyavskogo. Lyrics: Sergeya Esenina. M1627 S663 no. 84 c. 2. Photograph of V. F. Bianko on cover.
- Folder 42: Ya S Komarikom Plyasala, undated

- Composer: A. Chernyavsky. M1627 S663 no. 85. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 43: Kosyn'ka, undated

- Composer: A. Chernyavskogo. Lyrics: P. G. Kruchinina. M1627 S663 no. 86.
- Folder 44: Pervoputok, undated

- Composer: A. Chernyavskogo. Lyrics: P. G. Kruchinina. M1627 S663 no. 87.
- Folder 45: Uvyal Czvetok, 1926

- Composer: A. Chernyavsky. Lyrics: D. Ratgauza. M1627 S663 no. 88. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 46: Ej! Vy, Zaletnye!, undated

- Composer: A. Chernyavskago. Lyrics: P. G. Kruchinina. M1627 S663 no. 89.
- Folder 47: Ne Balujsya - Novaya Pyesnya, undated

- Composer: A. Chernyavskago. Lyrics: V. V. Shubina-Slavskago. M1627 S663 no. 90.
- Folder 48: No, Vse-Zh Ne Lyubit' - Nevozmozhno ..., 1923

- Composer: Chernyavskago. Lyrics: P. G. Kruchinina. M1627 S663 no. 91. Photograph on cover.
- Folder 49: Moj Khoroshij, Moj Prigozhij!, undated

- Composer: Chernyavskago. Lyrics: P. G. Kruchinina. M1627 S663 no. 92.
- Folder 50: Gej, Ty Tabor Moj Rodnoj, undated

- Composer: Chernyavskago. Lyrics: Evgeniya Yur'eva. M1627 S663 no. 93.
- Folder 51: Nad Polyami ..., 1926

- Composer: Chernyavskago. M1627 S663 no. 94. Photograph of V. F. Bianko on cover. Fragile.
- Folder 52: Polyanka, undated

- Composer: A. Zorina. Lyrics: P. G. Kruchinina. M1627 S663 no. 95.
- Folder 53: Polianka, 1922

- A Russian Hopack in form of song with piano accompaniment. Composer: A. Zorina. Lyrics: P. G. Kruchinina. M1627 S663 no. 96.
- Folder 54: Byeloj Akaczii Czbyety Dushistye, undated

- Arranger: A. Zorina. Lyrics: Pugacheva. M1627 S663 no. 97.
- Folder 55: Polno, molodets, kruchinit'sia: piesnia, 1904?

- Composer: A. Zorin. Lyrics: N.A. Panov. For voice and piano. See also M1627 S663 no. 98.
- Folder 56: Ne Osennij Melkij Dozhdichek

- Arranger: A. Zorin. M1627 S663 no. 99.
- Folder 57: Otrava, undated

- Arranger: A. Zorin. M1627 S663 no. 100.
- Box 239

- Folder 1: Oi, ka-b Volga matushka: burlatskaia piesnia, 190-?

- Composer: A. Zorin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 101.
- Folder 2: Mezh krutykh berezhkov: russkaia narodnaia piesnia: dlia zapievaly s khorom, 190-?

- Composer: A. Zorin. For solo voice, chorus, and piano. M1627 S663 no. 102.
- Folder 3: Dym bez ognia: chant, 192-?

- Composer: A. Vertinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 103.
- Folder 4: Lilovyi negr, 192-?

- Composer and lyrics: A. Vertinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 104.
- Folder 5: To, chto ia dolzhen skazat', 192-?

- Composer and lyrics: A. Vertinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 105 c.1.
- Folder 6: To, chto ia dolzhen skazat', 192-?

- Composer and lyrics: A. Vertinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 105 c.2.
- Folder 7: Pei moia devochka!, 192-?

- Composer and lyrics: A. Vertinskii. Arr.: Oskar Strok. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 106.
- Folder 8: Golubaia Ispano Suiza, 192-?

- Composer and lyrics: A. Vertinskii. Arr.: Ia.Ia. Tatarinovich. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 107.
- Folder 9: Kokainka, 1921

- Composer: A. Vertinskii. Polish text and arrangement: St. Ratolda. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 108 c.1.
- Folder 10: Kokainka, 1921

- Composer: A. Vertinskii. Polish text and arrangement: St. Ratolda. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 108 c.2.
- Folder 11: To, chto ia dolzhen skazat', 1922

- Composer: A. Vertinskii. Polish text: St. Ratold. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 109.
- Folder 12: Piesenka o trekh pazhakh, 1922

- Ballada o trzech paziach. Composer: A. Vertinskii. Lyrics: N.A. Teffi. Polish text: St. Ratold. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 110.
- Folder 13: Bal Gospoden', 192-?

- Composer and lyrics: A. Vertinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 111.
- Folder 14: Bal gospoden, 192-?

- Composer and lyrics: A. Vertinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 112.
- Folder 15: Bal gospoden, 1923

- Composer and lyrics: A. Vertinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 113.
- Folder 16: Dzhoni, 1925

- Composer: A. Vertinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 114.
- Folder 17: Femme rafinee, 1925

- Composer: A. Vertinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 115.
- Folder 18: Lilovyi negr: romans, 192-?

- Composer and lyrics: A. Vertinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 116.
- Folder 19: Ekh dusha moia, 192-?

- Composer: A. Vertinskii. Arr.: Ia.Ia. Tatarinovicha. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 117.
- Folder 20: The Rosy Sea, 1938

- Russian Gipsy Romance. Composer and lyrics: Aleksander Vertinskii. English text: Bertha Weinberg. Photograph of Elena Slavnaia on cover. Russian title: Nad rozovim moriem. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 118 c.1.
- Folder 21: The Rosy Sea, 1938

- Russian Gipsy Romance. Composer and lyrics: Aleksander Vertinskii. English text: Bertha Weinberg. Photograph of Elena Slavnaia on cover. Russian title: Nad rozovim moriem. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 118 c.2.
- Folder 22: Za kulisami, 1922

- Composer: Aleksander Vertinskii. Polish text: St. Ratold. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 119.
- Folder 23: Krysztalowe "Requiem", ca. 1922

- Composer and lyrics: Aleksander Vertinskii. Polish text: St. Ratold. Russian title: panikhida khrustal'naia. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 120.
- Folder 24: Olowiane serce, 1921

- Composer: Aleksander Vertinskii. Polish text: St. Ratold. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 121.
- Folder 25: Alleluja, 1922

- Composer: Aleksander Vertinskii. Polish text: St. Ratold. Russian title: Alliluiia. Pages 3-6 missing at time of cataloging. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 122.
- Folder 26: V sinem i dalekom okeanie, 1930

- Composer: Aleksander Vertinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 123.
- Folder 27: My tol'ko znakomy: romans, 1927

- Composer: B.A. Prozorovskii. Lyrics: L. Penkovskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 124.
- Folder 28: IA ne vernus', 1925

- Composer: B.A. Prozorovskii. Lyrics: S. Kasatkin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 125.
- Folder 29: Umiraiushchii les, 1925

- Recorded: B.A. Prozorovskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 126.
- Folder 30: Vremia minuvshee, 1927

- Recorded: B.A. Prozorovskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 127.
- Folder 31: Natalka: Dolia devich'ia, 1928

- Composer: B.A. Prozorovskii. Lyrics: N.P. Kazadanov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 128.
- Folder 32: Son, 1926

- Arr.: B.A. Prozorovskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 129.
- Folder 33: Sarra: Evreiskaia mestechkovaia melodiia, 1925

- Composer: B.A. Prozorovskii. Lyrics: B. Timofeev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 130.
- Folder 34: Posliednii akkord: romans, 1914-1917?

- Composer: B.A. Prozorovskii. Lyrics: V.L.L. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 131 c.1.
- Folder 35: Posliednii akkord: romans, 1914-1917?

- Composer: B.A. Prozorovskii. Lyrics: V.L.L. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 131 c.2.
- Folder 36: IA nikogo tak stranno ne liubil, 190-?

- Composer: B.A. Prozorovskii. Lyrics: Ia. Andronikov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 132.
- Folder 37: Eti nochi bez sna, 192-?

- Composer: B.A. Prozorovskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 133.
- Folder 38: Pozvol' Mange: obriadovaia--khorovodnaia, 1928

- Recorded: <span style="font-size: 12px;">B.A. Prozorovskii. </span><span style="font-size: 12px;">For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 134.</span>
- Folder 39: Plachet roial, 192-?

- Composer: B.A. Prozorovskii. Lyrics: E. Russat. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 135.
- Folder 40: Stakanchiki granennye, 192-?

- Starinnaia melodiia s napeva Oli Makarovoi. Composer: B.A. Prozorovskii. Lyrics: G.B. Gridov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 136.
- Folder 41: Stakanchiki grannye, 1927

- Starinnaia melodiia s napeva Oli Makarovoi. Composer: B.A. Prozorovskii. Lyrics: G.B. Gridov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no.137.
- Folder 42: Tikho... vse tikho: starinnyi tsyganskii val's, 1929

- Composer: B.A. Prozorov. Lyrics: Oskar Osenin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 138.
- Folder 43: Proshchai, moi tabor, 192-?

- Composer: B.A. Prozorov. Lyrics: V. Kletchatyi. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 139.
- Folder 44: Korabli: romans, 1926

- Composer and lyrics: B.A. Prozorov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 140.
- Folder 45: The Golden Canary, 1933

- Composer: Sandra Corona. English lyrics: J.J. Robbins. Russian title: Kanareika. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 141 c.1.
- Folder 46: The Golden Canary, 1933

- Composer: Sandro Corona. English lyrics: J.J. Robbins. Russian title: Kanareika. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 141 c.2.
- Folder 47: Village Gossip, 1933

- Composer: Sandro Corona. Lyrics: J.J. Robbins. Russian title: Derevenskie spletni. Russian text: Igor Severianin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 142 c.1.
- Folder 48: Village Gossip, 1933

- Composer: Sandro Corona. Lyrics: J.J. Robbins. Russian title: Derevenskie spletni. Russian text: Igor Severianin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 142 c.2.
- Folder 49: Piesni zavietnyia, piesni liubimyia: romans, ca. 1900-1919

- Composer: IA.L. Fel'dman. Lyrics: L.G. Pechorin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 143.
- Folder 50: Segodnia budu den' poslednii zhdat', 1925

- Composer: IA.L. Fel'dman. Lyrics: Oskar Osenin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 144.
- Folder 51: Pora uiti: romans, 1925

- Composer: IA.L. Fel'dman. Lyrics: Oskar Osenin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 145.
- Folder 52: Pozhmi mne ruku na proshchan'e: romans, 1925

- Composer: IA.L. Fel'dman. Lyrics: N. Smaginoi. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 146.
- Folder 53: Odno lish' tol'ko slovo...:romans, 1925

- Composer: IA.L. Fel'dman. Lyrics: K. Podrevskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 147.
- Folder 54: Vstriechi sluchainyia... vstriechi minutnyia...:romans, 1914-1917?

- Composer: IA.L. Fel'dman. Lyrics: A. Gassel'blat. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 148.
- Folder 55: IAmshchik, ne goni loshadei: otviet na romans: "Goni iamshchik", 192-?

- Composer: IA.L. Fel'dman. Lyrics: N.A. von Ritter. German text: August Scholz. German title: Lass, Kutscher, die Rappen nur gehn. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 149.
- Folder 56: Zhenka, zhenushka chuzhaia: (Van'ka), 1917?

- Russkaia piesnia. Composer: IA.L. Fel'dman. Lyrics: Epicurus. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 150.
- Box 240

- Folder 1: Osypaiutsia bielyia rozy: romans, 1916

- Composer: Ia. L. Fel'dman. Lyrics: L'va Drizo. M1627 S663 no. 151.
- Folder 2: Kamin potukh: romans, 1916

- Composer: Ia. L. Fel'dmana. Lyrics: Ali Arel'skoi. M1627 S663 no.152.
- Folder 3: Marusia: piesnia, 190-?

- Arranger: M. Petrov. M1627 S663 no. 153.
- Folder 4: Van'ka kliuchnik, 190-?

- Russkaia narodnaia piesnia. Arranger: P. Petrova. M1627 S663 no. 154.
- Folder 5: Kubok iantarnyi, 190-?

- Tsyganskaia piesnia. Arranger: K. Petrov. French text: Mill Cissan. M1627 S663 no. 155.
- Folder 6: O, esli-b mog vyrazit' v zvukie, 1924

- Composer: L.D. Malashkina. Lyrics: G.A. Lishina. English title: Oh, could I but tell thee in music. For soprano or tenor. M1627 S663 no. 156.
- Folder 7: Ekh, dorogi, 1946

- For voice and piano. Composer: A. Novikov. Lyrics: L. Oshanina. M1627 S663 no. 157.
- Folder 8: Nasha pesnia, 1940

- Composer: Anatoli Novikov. Lyrics: V. Frolova. M1627 S663 no. 158.
- Folder 9: Dorogi, 1946

- Composer: Anatoliia Novikova. Lyrics: L. Oshanina. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 159.
- Folder 10: Chto ty rano, travushka, 1929

- Russkaia pesnia. Composer: A. Varlamova. German text: Lina Esbeer. For baritone or mezzo-soprano. German title: Weshalb ist der Halmbe Grun. M1627 S663 no. 160.
- Folder 11: Piesn' razboinika=Rauber-Lied, 1926

- Composer: A. Varlamov. Lyrics: A. F. Vel'tman. German text: L. Esbeer. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 161.
- Folder 12: Odinokaia garmon', 1946

- Composer: B. Mokrousova. Lyrics: M. Isakovskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 162.
- Folder 13: Pesnia posviashchaetsia moia: dlia golosa s soprovozhdeniem fortepiano, 1957

- Composer: B. Mokrousov. Lyrics: Ia. Khelemskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 163.
- Folder 14: Dubrava: pesnia dlia goloso s fortepiano, 1947

- Composer: Matvei Blanter. Lyrics: M. Isakovskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 164.
- Folder 15: Kubok iantarnyi: tsyganskaia piesnia, 1885

- Arr.: K. Petrov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 165.
- Folder 16: Piesnia tkacha: russkaia narodnaia piesnia, 190-?

- Arr.: P. Petrov. Lyrics: N. A. Nekrasov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 166.
- Folder 17: Pod dugoi kolokol'chik poet: russkaia pesnia, c. 1937

- Composer: M. Nikolaevskii. Lyrics: V.A. Garlitskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 167.
- Folder 18: Pod dugoi kolokol'chik poet: russkaia pesnia, 1937

- Composer: M. Nikolaevskii. Lyrics: V.A. Garlitskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 167 c.2.
- Folder 19: Kak tsvietok dushistyi: tsyganskaia zazdravnaia piesnia, 192-?

- Recorded: M. Knikolaev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 168.
- Folder 20: Svietit miesiats: russkaia piesnia, 1914-1917?

- Arr.: N. Nikolaev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 169.
- Folder 21: Ei, dovol'no!, 1927

- Composer: M. Nikolaevskii. Lyrics: K.N. Podrevskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 170.
- Folder 22: Troika: Iedet, iedet k nei, 1920

- Composer and lyricist unknown. English title: Troyka: On the way to his sweetheart. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 171.
- Folder 23: Pliasovaia: Po ulitsie mostovoi, 1895

- Composer: A. L. Gurilev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 172.
- Folder 24: Ne odna vo polie dorozhen'ka, 1885

- Composer: A.L. Gurilev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 173.
- Folder 25: Vozlie riech'ki, vozlie mosta, 188-?

- Composer: A.L. Gurilev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 174.
- Folder 26: Vo polie berezan'ka stoiala, 1885

- Composer: A.L. Gurilev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 175.
- Folder 27: Matushka golubushka: piesnia (dila kontral'to), 1914-1917?

- Composer: A.L. Gurilev. Lyrics: A. Nirkomskii. For contralto and piano. M1627 S663 no. 176.
- Folder 28: Matushka golubushka, 189-?

- Composer: A.L. Gurilev. German title: Der Liebe Erwachen: russisches Lied. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 177.
- Folder 29: Nashe znamia, 1940

- Composer: A. Turgelia. Lyrics: M. Brum. For voice duet and piano. M1627 S663 no. 178.
- Folder 30: Pogib ia, mal'chishka!: narodnaia piesnia, 1906

- Arr.: Ia.F. Prigozhii. For boice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 179.
- Folder 31: Para gniedykh: romans, 1923

- Composer and Lyrics: V. Bokov. Arr.: Ia.F. Prigozhii. English title: Two brown horses: Moscow's favorite romance. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 180.
- Folder 32: Troika pochtovaia: russkaia piesnia, 1906

- Composer: Ia.F. Prigozhii. For voice and pianoi. M1627 S663 no. 181.
- Folder 33: Ty ne iezdi, milyi, k iaru: tsyganskaia piesnia (novyi napiev), 1906

- Composer: Ia.F. Prigozhii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 182.
- Folder 34: Razluka ty, razluka!: russkaia narodnaia piesnia, 1906

- Composer: Ia.F. Prigozhii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 183.
- Folder 35: Pomnish'-li milaia vietvi tienistyia?: romans-val's, 189-?

- Composer: Ia.F. Prigozhii. Lyrics: German Muchnikov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 184.
- Folder 36: Proshchaite gory i liesa: tsyganskii romans, 1903

- Composer: Ia.F. Prigozhii. Lyrics: V. Panina. FOr voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 185.
- Folder 37: Ia obozhaiu!: novye kuplety, 1900

- Composer: Ia.F. Prigozhii. Lyrics: A. Aleskandrov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 186.
- Folder 38: Nigdie milago ne vizhu: natsional'naia piesnia Moskovsk. tsygan, 1878

- Composer: Ia.F. Prigozhii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 187.
- Folder 39: Nochen'ka: s napieva Moskovskikh tsygan, 1878

- Composer: Ia.F. Prigozhii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 188.
- Folder 40: Konfetka moia!, 1888

- Novaia tsyganskaia piesnia, s uspiekhom ispolnaiemaia russkom khorom A.Z. Ivanovoi. Composer: Ia.F. Prigozhii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 189.
- Folder 41: Akh! Niet, niet!, 1886

- AI! Ne, ne!: natsional'naia tsyganskaia pliaska. Composer: Ia.F. Prigozhii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 190.
- Folder 42: Polosyn'ka: russkaia narodnaia piesnia, 1906

- Composer: Ia.F. Prigozhii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 191.
- Folder 43: Polno ty solnyshko, 1886

- Natsional'naia piesnia: ispolniaemaia Moskovskmi [sic] tsyganami. Composer: Ia.F. Prigozhii. M1627 S663 no. 192.
- Folder 44: Moi koster, 1898

- Tsyganskii val's, s napieva Moskovskikh tsygan. Composer: Ia.F. Prigozhii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 193.
- Folder 45: Ugolok: romans, 1905

- Composer: S.A. Shteiman. Lyrics: Musorskii. German text: Lina Esbeer. German title: Das Winkelchen. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 194.
- Folder 46: Griadoi klubitsia bieloiu: piesnia, 1901

- Composer: I.A. Borodin. Lyrics: A.K. Tolstoy. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 195.
- Folder 47: Niet ne klianis'!: tsyganskii romans, 1902

- Composer and lyrics: I.A. Borodin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 196.
- Folder 48: Kol' liubit', tak bez razsudka: russkaia piesnia, 1904

- Composer: I. A. Borodin. Lyrics: A. K. Tolstoy. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 197.
- Folder 49: Bai, bai, bai!: tsyganskaia kolybel'naia piesenka, 190-?

- Composer: V.P. Semenov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 198.
- Folder 50: Potsielui menia: tsyganskii romans, 192-?

- Na motiv val'sa "Shampanskiia volny." German title: Kusse mich: Zigeuner-Romanze. Composer: G. de Bottari. German text: A.Scholz. Arr.: V.P. Semenov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 199.
- Folder 51: Goni, iamshchik!: russkaia pesnia, 192-?

- Composer: V.P. Semenov. Lyrics: K.N. Basharin-Ostapenko. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 200.
- Box 241

- Folder 1: Menia ty v tolpie ne uznala: romans, 1898

- Composer: V. Seminov. Lyrics: A.A. Golenishchev-Kutuzov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 201.
- Folder 2: Nu, bystriei letite, koni!: piesnia iamshchika, 1922

- Composer and lyrics: Vladimir Bakaleinikoff. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 202.
- Folder 3: Vechor pozdno iz liesochka: russkaia piesnia, 1904

- Composer: N. Aleksandrov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 203.
- Folder 4: Akh, zachiem eta noch': russkaia piesnia, 1910

- Composer: N. Aleksndrov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 204.
- Folder 5: Van'ka kliuchnik: russkaia piesnia, 1904

- Composer: N. Aleksandrov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 205.
- Folder 6: Kolokol'chiki, bubenchiki zveniat, 190-?

- Composer: N. Aleksandrov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 206 c.1.
- Folder 7: Kolokol'chiki, bubenchiki zveniat, 190-?

- Composer: N. Aleksandrov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 206 c.2.
- Folder 8: Liubila Marusia druga svoego: russkaia piesenka, 1914

- Composer: N. Aleksandrov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 207.
- Folder 9: Vieterochek: tsyganskaia piesnia, 190-?

- Composer: N. Aleksandrov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 208.
- Folder 10: Iz strany, strany dalekoi: studencheskaia piesnia, 190-?

- Composer: N. Aleksandrov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 209.
- Folder 11: Russkaia veselaia: iz napievov N.V. Plevitskoi, 1914-1917

- Arranger: A.M. Zarema. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 210.
- Folder 12: Sredi doliny rovnyia, 1904

- Arranger: A..M. Zarema. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 211 c. 1.
- Folder 13: Sredi doliny rovnyia, 1904

- Arranger: A.M. Zarema. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 211 c. 2.
- Folder 14: Pod charuiushchei laskoi tvoeiu: romans, 1914-1917

- Compoer: N.V. Zubov. Lyrics: A. Mattizena. Op. 57. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 212.
- Folder 15: Trunken bin ich...: chanson, 192-?

- Composer: N.V. Zubov. Lyrics: N.N. Murzich. German text: August Scholz. Russian title: Op'ianiela...: piesenka. Op. 150. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 213.
- Folder 16: Schwer ist das Herz mir...: romanze, 192-?

- Composer: N.V. Zubov. Lyrics: J.W. Popowa. German text: August Scholz. Russian title: Proch' pechal' i somnieniia: romans. Op. 105. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 214.
- Folder 17: Dogadaites' sami: tsyganskii romans, 1902

- Composer: N.V. Zubov. Lyrics: N.A. Teffi (Lokhvitskoi-Buchinskoi). Op. 104. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 215.
- Folder 18: O geh nicht fort, verlass mich nicht...: Romanze, 192-?

- Composer: N.V. Zubov. Lyrics: M.P. Poigin. German text: August Scholz. Op. 73. Russian title: Ne ukhodi, ne pokidai: romans. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 216.
- Folder 19: Ty shutia moe serdtse razbila: tsyganskii romans, 1894

- Composer: N.V. Zubov. Lyrics: A.N. Emelianov-Kokhanskii. Op. 11. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 217.
- Folder 20: Lausch ich mit sehnendem Herzen: Elegie, 192-?

- Composer: N.V. Zubov. Lyrics: Abraham Goldberg. Op. 12. Russian title: Slyshu ia, milaia, zvuki: elegiia. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 218.
- Folder 21: Gori, gori moia zviezda, 190-?

- Arranger: V.A. Sabinin. French text: Mill Cissan. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 219.
- Folder 22: Gusary usachi: voennaia piesenka, 192-?

- Compoer and lyrics: V.A. Sabinin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 220.
- Folder 23: Matushka chto vo polie pyl'no: narodnaia piesnia ispolnennaia G-zheiu Luninoi, 1875

- Arranger: K.P. Vil'boa. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 221.
- Folder 24: Telenok: russkaia komicheskaia pesnia, 1928

- Composer: G.A. Berezovskii. Lyrics: G.S. Razdol'skii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 222.
- Folder 25: Molchi grust', molchi!: romans, 1926

- Composer: G.A. Berezovskii. Lyrics: A.A. Frenkelia. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 223.
- Folder 26: Vot, chto na svietie vsego mnie miliei: tsyganskii romans, 190-?

- Composer: N. Shiriaeva. Lyrics: F. Blagova. French text: Mill Cissan. French title: Rien n'est au monde: romance tsigane. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 224.
- Folder 27: Tebia liubit', obniat' i plakat' nad toboi, 190-?

- Composer: Nikolaia Shiriaev. Lyrics: A. Feta. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 225.
- Folder 28: Tebia liubit', obniat' i plakat' nad toboi: romans, 1914-1917

- Composer: N. Shiriaev. Lyrics: A.A. Fet. Polish text: Marjan Jozefowicz. Polish title: Ach, toba zyc i snic i lkac nad toba w glos! For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 226 c.1.
- Folder 29: Tebia liubit', obniat' i plakat' nad toboi: romans, 1914-1917

- Composer: N. Shiriaev. Lyrics: A.A. Fet. Polish text: Marjan Jozefowicz. Polish title: Ach, toba zyc i snic i lkac nad toba w glos! For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 226 c.2.
- Folder 30: 5 beruhmte russische Lieder, 192-?

- Piano and German text: Oskar von Riesemann and L. Wladimirow. Russian text: 5 liubimykh russkikh. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 227.
- Folder 31: Pozabud' pro kamin, v nem pogasli ogni..., 1923

- Composer: P.I. Batorin. Arranger: Oskar Strok. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 228.
- Folder 32: U kamina: romans, 190-?

- Composer and Lyrics: P.I. Batorin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 229.
- Folder 33: Akh zachiem ty menia tsielovala: tsyganskii romans, 190-?

- Composer and Lyrics: P.I. Batorin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 230.
- Folder 34: Ne igrai moia gitara, 1905

- Novaia tsyganskaia piesnia ispolniaemaia khorami moskovskikh tsygan. Compoer: V.S. Ruzhitskii. Lyrics: V.V. Postnikov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 231.
- Folder 35: Na svidan'e s miloi!, 1897

- Composer: V.S. Ruzhitskii. Lyrics: I.N. Izmailov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 232.
- Folder 36: Stanichniki: russkaia piesnia, 191-?

- Arranger: M.F. Rolov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 233.
- Folder 37: Pod grushitsei: russkaia piesnia, 191-?

- Arranger: M.F. Rolov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 234.
- Folder 38: IA pomniu val'sa zvuk prelestnyi: starinnyi val's s napieva IUriia Morfessi, 1914-1917

- Composer: I.U. Rik. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 235.
- Folder 39: Zachiem bylo vliubliat'sia: tsyganskaia piesnia s napieva IUiia Morfessi, 1914-1917

- Composer: I.U. Rik. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 236 c.1.
- Folder 40: Zachiem bylo vliubliat'sia: tsyganskaia piesnia s napieva IUiia Morfessi, 1914-1917

- Composer: I.U. Rik. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 236 c.2.
- Folder 41: No ia znaiu, ty liubish' drugogo!, 1917?

- Composer: S.M. Charskii. Arranger: I.U. Rik. Lyrics: V.P. Miatlev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 237.
- Folder 42: Teremok: russkaia piesnia, 1911-1914

- Composer: I.U. Rik. Lyrics: I.D. Shnapira. Variant: S.F. Sarmatov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 238.
- Folder 43: Eia popeia..., 192-?

- Compoer: T.K. Tolstoi. Lyrics: K. Bal'monta. German text: August Scholz. Russian title: Baiushki baiu. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 239.
- Folder 44: Moi koster, 1895

- Piesn' tsyganki ispolniaemyi bol'shim uspiekhom tsyganskimi khorami Shishkinykh. Arranger: F.K. Sadovskii. Lyrics: IA. P. Polonskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 240.
- Folder 45: Vsie govoriat, chto vietrena byvaiu, 1904

- Composer: F.K. Sadovskii. Lyrics: V. Pavlova. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 241.
- Folder 46: Tikho vse tikho...: tsyganskii val's, 1898

- Arranger: F. Sadovskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 242.
- Folder 47: Ei, iamshchik! Goni-ka k iaru!: tsyganskaia piesnia, 192-?

- Arranger: Gregor Fistulari. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 243.
- Folder 48: I budu tebia ia laskat': tsyganskaia serenada, 1923

- Arranger: Gregor Fistulari. German text: Betty Hurwitz. German title: Dann herz ich und kuss ich Dich wild: Zigeuner-Serenade. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 244.
- Folder 49: Sharaban: piesnia, 1914-1917

- Composer: M. MIshel'. Lyrics: Petr. Zelinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 245.
- Folder 50: Gimn-voinie, 1904

- Composer: Gregor Fistulari. Lyrics: E.N. Dmitriev. Op. 95. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 246.
- Folder 51: Ei vy! Drugi, chto zasnuli?: russkaia piesnia, 190-?

- Arranger: R.F. Rudol'fi. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 247.
- Folder 52: Sharaban: novaia piesnia, 1922

- Arranger: Gregor Fistulari. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 248.
- Folder 53: Kirpichiki, 1924-1940

- Arragner: Valentin Kruchinin. Lyrics: Pavel German. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 249.
- Folder 54: Kak zheltyi list...: V poslednii raz, 192-?

- Composer: V. Kruchinina. Lyrics: O. Osenina. Op. 65. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 250.
- Box 242

- Folder 1: I kto ego znaet, 1947

- Composer: Vl. Zakharov. Lyrics: M. Ksakovskii. Musical adaptation: Clara Rutin. English title: Who knows: Russian folk song. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 251.
- Folder 2: Oi tumany moi rastumany, 1946

- Composer: Vl. Zakharov. Lyrics: M. Isakovskii. Musical adaptaion: J. Rutin. English title: Misty forests and meadows: partisan song. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 252 c.1.
- Folder 3: Oi tumany moi rastumany, 1946

- Composer: Vl. Zakharov. Lyrics: M. Isakovskii. Musical adaptaion: J. Rutin. English title: Misty forests and meadows: partisan song. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 252 c.2.
- Folder 4: Na lodke: liricheskai pesnia iz kinofil'ma "Pervaia perchatka", 1947

- Composer: V.P. Solov'ev-Sedoi. Lyrics: V. Lebedova-Kumach. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 253.
- Folder 5: Podmoskovnye vechera: iz kinofil'ma "V dni spartakiady", 1957

- Composer: V.P. Solov'ev-Sedoi. Lyrics: M. Matusovskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 254.
- Folder 6: Kak pod iablon'koi: russkaia narodnaia piesnia, 190-?

- Arranger: R.F. Rudol'fi. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 255.
- Folder 7: Tsyganka, 1931

- Composer and lyrics: Mark Marjanowsky. German text: Die Zigeurnerin: Lied und Foxtrot. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 257.
- Folder 8: Otoidi: romans, 1901

- Composer: A.D. Davydov. German text: Lina Esbeer. German title: Geh hinweg: Romanze. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 258.
- Folder 9: Otoidi: ne gliadi, 1910-1929

- Composer: A.D. Davydov. Arranger: J. Kasanoff. English title: Go away: gipsy romance. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 259.
- Folder 10: Dremliut plakuchiia ivy: romans, 192-?

- Composer: Baron B.B. Lyrics: A.V. Timofeev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 260.
- Folder 11: Dremliut plakuchiia ivy: romans, 1914-1917?

- Composer: Baron, B.B. Lyrics: A.V. Timofeev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 261 c.1.
- Folder 12: Dremliut plakuchiia ivy: romans, 1914-1917?

- Composer: Baron, B.B. Lyrics: A.V. Timofeev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 261 c.2.
- Folder 13: Kak tsvietok dushistyi: zazdravnaia piesnia, 1914-1917?

- Composer and lyrics: Sasha Makarov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 262.
- Folder 14: Vy prosite piesen, ikh niet u menia: romans, 192-?

- Composer: Sash Makarov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 263.
- Folder 15: Potomu ia tebia tak bezumno liubliu: otviet na romans "Pochemu ia bezumno liubliu", 1914-1917?

- Composer: Sasha Makarov. Lyrics: E.V. Mineeva. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 264.
- Folder 16: Vy prosite piesen, ikh niet u menia: romans, 1914-1917?

- Composer: Sasha Makarov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 265.
- Folder 17: Ugolok, 1906

- Composer: D.K. Sartinskii-Bei. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 266.
- Folder 18: Liestnitsa liubvi, 1914-1917?

- Composer: D.K. Sartinskii. Lyrics: K.D. Bal'mont. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 267.
- Folder 19: Die Blumen, 192-?

- Composer: D. Sartinskii-Bei. German text: August Scholz. French text: D.C. Sartinskii-Bei. Russian title: Tsviety. French title: Fleurs innocentes. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 268.
- Folder 20: Tsviety, 192-?

- Composer: D. Sartinskii-Bei. French title: Les fleures. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 269.
- Folder 21: Beloved city music, 1942

- From the film "Destroyers." Composer: Nikita Bogoslovskii. Lyrics: E.A. Dolmatovskii. Arranger: David J. Grunes. English version by Annmarie Ewing. Russian title: Liubimyi gorod. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 270.
- Folder 22: Dve pesni: dlia srednego golosa s fortepiano, 1956

- Composer: Nikita Bogoslovskii. Lyrics: N. Dorizo. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 271.
- Folder 23: Temnaia noch': dlia golosa s fortepiano, 1946

- Composer: Nikita Bogoslovskii. Poem: V. Agatov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 272.
- Folder 24: O sag' mir doch: Zigeuner-Romanze, 192-?

- Composer: N.I. Shishkin. Lyrics: S.IA. Ukolov. German translation: August Scholz. Russian title: Skazhi ty mnie: tsyganskii romans. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 273.
- Folder 25: Poi, tsyganskii khor!: tsyganskaia piesnia, 190-?

- Composer: M.A. Shishkina. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 274.
- Folder 26: IA stepei i voli doch': piesnia, 1914-1917?

- Composer: N.I. Shishkin. Lyrics: N.I. Blank. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 275.
- Folder 27: Skazhi ty mnie: tsyganskii romans, 1889

- Composer: N.I. Shishkina. Lyrics: S.IA. Ukolov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 276.
- Folder 28: Chto ty barin shchurish glazki?: tsyganskaia piesenka, 1914-1917?

- Composer and lyrics: Mikh. Dm. Shishkina. Op. 26. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 277.
- Folder 29: Pro karmeliuka: Ukrains'ka narodnia pisnia, 1927?

- Composer: Levko Revuts'kyi. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 278.
- Folder 30: Ne viddala mene maty...: Ukrains'ka narodnia rozbiinyts'ka, 1928?

- Arranger: Levko Revutskyi. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 279.
- Folder 31: Net schast'ia bez stradanii: romans, 192-?

- Composer: Mikhail Bessmertnyi. Lyrics: G.B. Gridov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 280.
- Folder 32: Khochu v Moskvu moiu rodnuiu: russkaia pesnia, 1928

- Composer: Mikhail Bessmertnyi. Lyrics: G.B. Gridov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 281.
- Folder 33: Dalekoiu vesnoiu...: romans grusti, 1914-1917

- Composer: N.Kh. Davingof. Lyrics: Evgenii Rozhkov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 282.
- Folder 34: Krasnyi tiul'pan: romans, 1917

- Composer: N.Kh. Davingof. Lyrics: Evgenii Rozhkov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 283.
- Folder 35: Divno prekrasnye, laskovo vlastnye: romans, 1914-1917

- Composer: N.Kh. Davingof. Lyrics: E.V. Meneeva. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 284.
- Folder 36: Slova liubimogo napeva: romans, 1926

- Composer: Samuil Zhak. Lyrics: K.N. Podrevskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 285.
- Folder 37: Pelegeia Il'ina, 1924-1930?

- Composer: Samuil Zhak. Lyrics: A. Daktil'. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 286.
- Folder 38: Ekh, grekh da beda: russkaia shutochnaia pesnia, 1929

- Composer: Samuil Zhak. Lyrics: G.S. Razdol'skii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 287.
- Folder 39: Printessa i Baron: piesenka, 1914-1917?

- Composer: V. Valentinova. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 288 c.1.
- Folder 40: Printessa i Baron: piesenka, 1914-1917?

- Composer: V.P. Valentinov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 288 c.2.
- Folder 41: V volnakh strastei. Esli liubit kto katat'sia...: kuplety, 1914-1917?

- Composer: V.P. Valentinov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 289.
- Folder 42: Noch' liubvi. Esli zhenshchina rieshila: kuplety, 1914-1917?

- Composer: V.P. Valentinov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 290
- Folder 43: Streloiu v tabor: Poi gitara strunami, 1925

- Composer: Sergei Orlanskii. Lyrics: G. Namlegina. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 291 c.1.
- Folder 44: Streloiu v tabor: (Poi gitara strumani), 1925

- Composer: Sergei Orlanskii. Lyrics: G. Namlegina. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 291 c.2.
- Folder 45: Ne vspominai!, 1925

- Composer: Sergei Orlanskii. Lyrics: Georgii Namlegin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 292.
- Folder 46: Zachem... k chemu?: romans, 1926

- Composer: Sergei Orlanskii. Lyrics: K.N. Podrevskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 293.
- Folder 47: Krasnaia riabina: russkaia pesnia dlia golosa s f.-p., 1926

- Composer: Sergei Orlanskii. Lyrics: K.N. Podrevskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 294.
- Folder 48: Menia ty ne zovi: romans dlia nizkogo golosa, 1925

- Composer: Sergei Orlanskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 295.
- Folder 49: Pochemu ty teper' tak grustna: russkii romans, 1926

- Composer: Sergei Orlanskii. Lyrics: Sergei Tsekhanovich. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 296.
- Folder 50: Davai prostimsia: romans, 1926

- Composer: Sergei Orlanskii. Lyrics: Georgii Namlegin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 297.
- Folder 51: Persiianke, 1929

- Composer: Sergei Orlanskii. Lyrics: S. Esenin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 298.
- Folder 52: Akh, moroz morozets..., 192-?

- Composer: A.I. Diubiuk. French title: Chanson russe populaire. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 299.
- Folder 53: Oi, kalina! Oi, malina!: tsyganskaia piesnia, 1889

- Composer: A.I. Diubiuk. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 300.
- Box 243

- Folder 1: Vieterochek: tsyganskaia piesn', 1914-1917?

- Arranger: B.F. Keil. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 301.
- Folder 2: Pei vino, veselis': tsyganskaia pliasovaia piesnia, 1899?

- Arranger: B.F. Keil. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 302.
- Folder 3: Skol'ko niegi, liubvi: tsyganskii romans, 1904

- Arranger: B.F. Keil. Lyrics: A. Surin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 303.
- Folder 4: Oi, polna, polna korobushka: (Korobeiniki), 1903

- Russkaia piesnia iz repertuara A.D. Via'tsevoi. Arranger: B.F. Keil. Lyrics: Nikolai Nadrasov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 304.
- Folder 5: Na paperti Bozh'iago khrama: narodnaia piesnia, 190-?

- Arranger: B.F. Keil. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 305.
- Folder 6: No ia vas, vse taki, liubliu: tsyganskii romans, 1903

- Arranger: B.F. Keil. Lyrics: A. Surin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 306.
- Folder 7: Weisse Akazien, 193-?

- Arranger: M.K. Shteinberg. German text: August Scholz. Russian title: Bieloi akatsii grozdi dushistyia: tsyganskii romans. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 307.
- Folder 8: Oftmals wohl, Geliebter, mocht...: Zigeurnerromanze, 192-?

- Composer and lyrics: M.K. Shteinberg. German text: August Scholz. Russian title: V liubvi zabven'e: tsyganskii romans. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 308.
- Folder 9: Gai-da troika! Snieg pushistyi: tsyganskii romans, 1919

- A Russian winter-song. Composer and lyrics: M.K. Shteinberg. Arranger: Andrey Wassilieff. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 309.
- Folder 10: Iamshchik: tsyganskaia piesnia s napieva Peterburgskikh tsygan, 1914-1917?

- Arranger: M.K. Shteinberg. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 310.
- Folder 11: Liebster, ich harre dein: Romanze im Walzertakt, 192-?

- Arranger: M.K. Shteinberg. Lyrics: K.I. Bernarov. German text: August Scholz. Russian title: Milyi, ia zhdu tebia: val's romans. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 311.
- Folder 12: Solntse vskhodit i zakhodit: piesnia iz p'esy "Na dnie" Maksima Gor'kago, 1905?

- Arranger: M.K. Shteinberg. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 312.
- Folder 13: Solntse vskhodit i zakhodit: piesnia iz p'esy "Na dnie" Maksima Gor'kago, 1905

- Arranger: M.K. Shteinberg. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 313.
- Folder 14: I budu tebia ia laskat': tsyganskaia serenada (dlia sredniago golosa), 190-?

- Composer and lyrics: M.K. Shteinberg. Op. 96. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 314.
- Folder 15: Ty ustal, ty grustish': romans, 1914-1917?

- Composer: M.K. Shteinberg. Lyrics: Nina Shreider. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 315.
- Folder 16: Turram! tak vam zvuchat gitarry: tsyganskii romans, 190-?

- Composer and lyrics: M.K. Shteinberg. Op. 157. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 316.
- Folder 17: Skachet troika po dorogie: piesnia, 190-?

- Composer: M.K. Shteinberg. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 317.
- Folder 18: Chudo-chudesa: pliasovaia piesnia, 1893

- Composer and lyrics: S.A. Aliakrinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 318.
- Folder 19: Nu tak chto-zh? Ni chego-s!: pliasovaia piesnia, 1893

- Composer and lyrics: S.A. Aliakrinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 319.
- Folder 20: Tsyganskii romans: Ne plach', zatai rydan'ia: otviet na romans "Plach', ne tai rydan'ia", 1895

- Composer and lyrics: S.A. Aliakrinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 320.
- Folder 21: Perestan igrat' gitara: pliasovaia moldavanskaia piesnia, 1892

- Composer and lyrics: S.A. Aliakrinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 321 c.1.
- Folder 22: Perestan igrat' gitara: pliasovaia moldavanskaia piesnia, 1892

- Composer and lyrics: S.A. Aliakrinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 321 c.2.
- Folder 23: Zhizn' dana dlia naslazhden'ia: s khorom i bez khora, 190-?

- Tsyganskaia zastol'naia piesnia-val's. Composer and lyrics: S.A. Aliakrinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 322.
- Folder 24: Sredi liesov i polia: Moldavskaia pliasovaia piesnia, 192-?

- Composer and lyrics: S.A. Aliakrinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 323.
- Folder 25: Chto ty rano, travushka...: russkaia narodnaia piesenka, 192-?

- Composer: A.E. Varlamov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 324.
- Folder 26: Plovtsy; i, Rieka shumit, 1886

- Composer: A.E. Varlamov. Lyrics: A.V. Timofeev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 325.
- Folder 27: To ne vieter vietku klonit: piesnia, 1888

- Composer: A.E. Varlamov. Lyrics: S.N. Stromilov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 326.
- Folder 28: Piesnia kazaka: iz tragedii Ermak, 1891

- Composer: A.E. Varlamov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 327.
- Folder 29: Krasnyi sarafan: dlia golosa s fortepiano, 1935

- Composer: A.E. Varlamov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 328.
- Folder 30: Solov'em zaletnym: pesnia, 1929

- Composer: A.E. Varlamov. Lyrics: A. Kol'tsov. German title: Wie auf Wanderzugen. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 329
- Folder 31: Osiedlaiu konia, 1927

- Composer: A. Varlamov. Lyrics: A.V. Koltsov. German text: Lina Esbeer. German title: Satteln will ich mein Ross. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 330.
- Folder 32: Sladkim zapakhom sireni: dlia tenora ili soprano, 190-?

- Composer: M.S. Markov. For tenor or soprano and piano. M1627 S663 no. 331.
- Folder 33: Spring song, 1949

- Composer: Michael Fiveisky. Russian text: Lydia Nelidova-Fiveisky. English text: Raymond A. Sterling. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 332.
- Folder 34: Zabudem vstrechi: tsyganskii romans, 1956

- Composer: Sasha Tankaian. Lyrics: A. Budnitskoi. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 333 c.1.
- Folder 35: Zabudem vstrechi: tsyganskii romans, 1956

- Composer: Sasha Tankaian. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 333 c.2.
- Folder 36: Nun sind wir heut' zum letzten Male, 192-?

- Russian title: Posliednii denechek. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 334.
- Folder 37: The Glove, 1949

- Composer: Ariadna Mikeshina. Op. 21 (1921). Russian poem by N. Gumilev. English text: J.J. Robbins. French version: K. Alexeiev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 335.
- Folder 38: Rain, 1949

- Composer: Ariadna Mikeshina. Op. 2, No. 1 (first song of the composer) 1917. Russian poem by N. Doudaroff. Englisht text: J.J. Robbins. French version: K. Alexiev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 336.
- Folder 39: Zhivo Zhivo: tsyganskii polevoi duet, 1904

- For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 337 c.1.
- Folder 40: Zhivo Zhivo: tsyganskii polevoi duet

- For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 337 c.2.
- Folder 41: U moria: val's: dlia vysokogo golosa i fortepiano

- Composer: Iurii Slonov. Lyrics: A. Zharov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 338.
- Folder 42: Troika: Glianesh' step' krugom glukhaia, 190-?

- Composer and lyrics: Pavel Bogatyrev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 339.
- Folder 43: Charui menia: tsyganskii val's: dlia odnogo ili dvukh golosov, 1918

- Composer: A. Tamarina. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 340.
- Folder 44: Gulim dzhan: komicheskie kuplety, 190-?

- Arranger: Lev Tigranov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 341.
- Folder 45: To ne vieter vietku klonit: tysganskaia piesnia no. 86, 190-?

- For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 342.
- Folder 46: Tanets apashei, 1901-1914?

- Composer: Paul Lincke. French title: Danse des Apaches. German title: Berliner Luft: Marsch. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 343.
- Folder 47: Sten'ka Razin i Kniazhna: narodnaia piesnia, 1914-1917?

- Arranger: G.L. Gofman. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 344 c.1.
- Folder 48: Sten'ka Razin i Kniazhna: narodnaia piesnia, 1914-1917?

- Arranger: G.L. Gofman. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 344 c.2.
- Folder 49: Variazhskaia ballada iz operay "Rognieda", 190-?

- Composer: A.N. Serov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 345.
- Folder 50: V lesu prifrontovom: pesnia dlia golosa s fortepiano, 1947

- Composer: M. Blanter. Lyrics: M. Isakovskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 346.
- Folder 51: Bubentsy: russkaia, 1925 or 1926

- Composer: Aleksandr Bakaleinikov. Lyrics: A. Kusikov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 347.
- Folder 52: Bubentsy: Russkaia, 1928

- Composer: Aleksandr Bakaleinikov. Lyrics: Aleksandr Kusikov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 348.
- Folder 53: Stenka Rasin und die Furstin: Volkslied aus der Wolgagegend, 1940

- Arranger: N. Makarov. German text: August Scholz. Russian title: Sten'ka Razin i Kniazhna: narodnaia privolzhskaia piesnia. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 349.
- Folder 54: Siren' tsvetet: dlia golosa s fortepiano, 1946

- Composer: Kats Sigizmund. Poem: A. Surkov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 350.
- Box 244

- Folder 1: Rastsvetali v pole tsvetiki, 1930

- 2-aia pesenka Aleshi: iz opery "Dobrynia Nikitich." Composer: A.T. Grechaninov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 351.
- Folder 2: Sladko pel dusha solovushko, 1932

- Composer: Reinhold M. Gliere. Op. 36 No. 1. Lyrics: A. Merzliakov. German text: Lina Esbeer. German title: LIeblich sang die holde Nachtigall. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 352.
- Folder 3: Slumber song: Berceuse, 1917

- Composer: A.T. Grechaninoff. Op. 1 No. 5. From the Russian of Mikhail Lermontov. English version: Charles F. Manney. French version: J. Sergennois. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 353.
- Folder 4: Lebedinaia piesn': romans, 1928

- Composer and lyrics: Marie Poiret. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 354.
- Folder 5: Provozhanie, 1940

- Arranger: Andrew Salama. English title: Strolling home. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 355.
- Folder 6: Na falach Dunaju: walec do spiewu z fortepianem, 19--

- Composer: Iosif Ivanovici. Polish text: Wincenty Rapacki. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 356.
- Folder 7: Toska po rodinie: marsh, 1920

- English title: Longing for home. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 357.
- Folder 8: Pesnia Sol'veig: iz dramy G. Ibsena "Per Gint", 192-?

- Composer: Edvard Grieg. Lyrics and arrangement: S.K. Chukalov and Henrik Ibsen. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 358.
- Folder 9: Fal'shivaia nota: romans, 1914-1917?

- Traduit du russe par la Ctesse de Mercy Argenteau. Composer and lyrics: A.P. Borodin. French title: Dissonance: Romance. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 359.
- Folder 10: Pesni inozemnykh torgovykh gostei: iz opery "Sadko", 1929

- Composer: N. Rimsky-Korsakov. For tenor and piano. M1627 S663 no. 360.
- Folder 11: Kacik: ulubiony spiew cyganski, 190-?

- Composer: S.A. Shteiman. Translation: J. Woznicki. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 361.
- Folder 12: Akh da ne vecherniaia zaria: tsyganskaia piesnia, 190-?

- French text: Mill Cissan. French title: La nuit vient: chanson tzigane. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 362.
- Folder 13: Akh zachiem eta noch', 1923

- Arranger: Paul Lampkovitz. English title: Why was that night so beautiful?: a Russian gypsy song. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 363.
- Folder 14: Tak i byt', tsieliu!: russkaia piesenka, 1914-1917?

- Composer: M.A. Rostovtsev. Lyrics: L. Leonidov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 364.
- Folder 15: Cisza: romans, 191-?

- Composer: S.A. Kashevarov. Polish text: Ig. Ziolkowski. Polish title: Tishina: romans. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 365.
- Folder 16: Vykhozhu odin ia na dorogu, 1915 and 1928

- Composer: E. Shashina. Lyrics: Mikhail Lermontov. Arranger: N.L. Saslavsky. Jewish translation: A. Raisen. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 366.
- Folder 17: Gal'ka No. 4a., 1928

- Composer: Stanislaw Moniuszko. Lyrics: Wlodzimierz Wolski. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 367.
- Folder 18: Meri: piesenka, 1916

- Composer: Leon Kalishevskii. Lyrics: V.V. Klarin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 368.
- Folder 19: My tones will tell, 1947

- Composer: J. Bleikhman. English text: Wladimir Lakond. English adaptation: Olga Paul. Russian lyrics: A.A. Belozorov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 369.
- Folder 20: Rybatskaia, 1946

- Selection from the U.S.S.R. film Birobijan. Adaption: J. Rutin. English title: Love song and fishermen's revelry. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 370 c.1.
- Folder 21: Rybatskaia, 1946

- Selection from the U.S.S.R. film Birobijan. Adaption: J. Rutin. English title: Love song and fishermen's revelry. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 370 c.2.
- Folder 22: Shumit nochnoi Marsel', 1925

- Composer: IU.S. Miliutin. Lyrics: Oskar Osenin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 371.
- Folder 23: Diadema: romans dlia baritona, 191-?

- Composer: G.A. Lishin. For baritone and piano. M1627 S663 no. 372.
- Folder 24: Khaz bulat: gruzinskaia piesnia, 1914-1917?

- Arranger: G.L. Gofman. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 373.
- Folder 25: O, eslib znali vy, 1923

- Composer: P.I. Tchaikovsky. Lyrics: A.N. Pleshcheev. German text: G. Lowenthal. German title: O, wusstest du. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 374.
- Folder 26: Rusachka: "Rus' rodnaia": russkaia narodnaia piesnia, 1914-1917?

- Composer: Nina G. Tarasova. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 375.
- Folder 27: Poteriala ia kolechko: Russkaia narodnaia pesnia, 1929

- Arranger: Zinovii Fel'dman. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 376.
- Folder 28: Pastushok i pastushka, 192-?

- Composer: Zh. M. Lyrics: N. Agrivtsev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 377.
- Folder 29: Slon i mukha: ballada, 192-?

- Composer: Zh. M. Lyrics: Agrivtsev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 378.
- Folder 30: Silver threads among the gold: song and chorus, 1915

- Composer: H.P. Danks. Lyrics: Eben E. Rexford. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 379.
- Folder 31: Vernis'!, 192-?

- Composer: Luigi Denza. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 380.
- Folder 32: Canta pe' me, 1909

- Composer: Ernesto de Curtis. Lyrics: Libero Bovio. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 381.
- Folder 33: Zveni... rydai, gitara, 1925

- Composer: Aleksandr Zuev. Lyrics: B. Timofeev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 382.
- Folder 34: Azra, 1871

- Composer: Anton Rubinstein. Translation: P.I. Tchaikovsky. Op. 32, no. 6.For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 383.
- Folder 35: Riezvilsia likuiushchii mir: tsyganskii val's, 1904

- Composer: O.de. Bove. Lyrics: S.P. Kalinin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 384.
- Folder 36: Aria Susanina "Ty priidesh' moia zaria" Zhizn' za Tsaria, 1927

- Composer: M.I. Glinka. English title: LIfe for the Czar: Sussanyn's air. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 385.
- Folder 37: Akh, zachem eta noch': tsyganskaia pesnia, 192-?

- Arranger: M. Sharov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 386.
- Folder 38: Akh, uzh ia l', mlada mladen'ka: piesnia ispolniaetsia N.V. Plevitskoi, 190-?

- Composer: Vladimir Bakaleinikoff. Lyrics: S.D. Drozhzhin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 387.
- Folder 39: Akh ty zimushka zima: iz kinofil'ma "My vstretilis' v Moskve", 1946

- Composer: Tikhon Khrennikov. Adaption: J. Rutin. English title: Winter, dear winter (Sleigh song) from the U.S.S.R. film "We met in Moscow." For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 388.
- Folder 40: Akh ty zhizh', moia zhizn': romans, 1892

- Composer and lyrics: L.D. Malashkin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 389.
- Folder 41: Akh da ne vecherniaia zaria: tsyganskaia piesnia, 190-?

- Composer: Mill Cissan. French title: La nuit vient: chanson tzigane. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 390.
- Folder 42: Esli Volga razol'etsia; pesnia [Grushi] iz kino-fil'ma "Vratar'", 1938

- Composer: Isaak Osipovich Dunaevskii. Lyrics: Vasilii Lebedev-Kumach. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 391.
- Folder 43: Ei, ukhnem: russkaia narodnaia pesnia, 1957

- Arranger: Fedor Keneman. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 392.
- Folder 44: Ei ukhnem: burlatskaia piesn', 1924

- Arranger: Jack Kammen. English title: Song of the Volga: popular Russian folk song. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 393.
- Folder 45: Stepnaia Kavaleriiskaia: "Poliushko-pole", 1938

- Composer: Lev Knipper. Lyrics: Viktor Guzev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 394.
- Folder 46: Usta moi molchat, 190-?

- Composer: IU.I. Bleikhman. Lyrics: A.A. Belozorov. German text: Lina Esbeer. German title: Verschwiegen bleibt mein Mund. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 395.
- Folder 47: Kak v stepi glukhoi umiral iamshchik, 1928

- Composer: S.P. Sadovnikov. Lyrics: I.Z. Surikov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 396.
- Folder 48: Verevochka: russkaia piesenka, 1914-1917?

- Arranger: G.L. Gofman. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 397.
- Folder 49: Vchera vas vidiel ia vo snie, 192-?

- French title: Hier je te vis: c'etait en reve. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 398.
- Folder 50: Viiut' vitry, viiut' buiny, 1919

- English title: Stormy Breezes: Ukrainian folk-song. No. 5. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 399.
- Folder 51: Vse kak prezhde: romans iz vodevilia "Vrednyi element", 1928

- Compoer: Isaak O. Dunaevskii. Lyrics: Vasilii V. Shkvarkin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 400.
- Box 245

- Folder 1: I cry for you, 1933

- Composer: Aleksander Ivanoff. Lyrics: Allan Flynn and Sergei Kuz'min. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 401.
- Folder 2: Voice of the ocean, 1949

- Composer: Michael Fiveisky. English text: Raymond A. Sterling. Russian text: S. Nadson. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 402.
- Folder 3: Sten'ka Razin: narodnaia pesnia, 192-?

- For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 403.
- Folder 4: Ekh, rasposhel!: tsyganskaia pesenka

- Arranger: M. Sharov. Lyrics: Toddi. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 404.
- Folder 5: Ty ne liubil: romans, 190-?

- Composer and lyrics: Sergei Kuznetsov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 405.
- Folder 6: Krugom, krugom osirotiela: russkaia narodnaia piesnia, 190-?

- Arranger: O. de. Bove. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 406
- Folder 7: Pod kudriavoiu riabinushkoi, 190-?

- Composer: Vladimir Bakaleinikov. Lyrics: S.D. Drozhzhin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 407.
- Folder 8: Tonkaia riabina: dlia peniia s fortepiano, 1946

- Arranger: Viacheslav Volkov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 408.
- Folder 9: Eskadril'ia "Normandiia": dlia golosa s soprovozhdeniem fortepiano, 1957

- Composer: Mark Fradkin. Lyrics: E. Dolmatovskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 409.
- Folder 10: Perstenek moi zolotoi!: piesnia (s khorom ad lib.), 190-?

- Composer: V.I. Shpachek. Lyrics: A.V. Kol'tsov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 410.
- Folder 11: Kak u nashego shirokago dvora: russkaia piesnia, 1914-1917?

- Composer: Vladimir Nasonov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 411.
- Folder 12: Elegiia, 192-?

- Composer: Jules Massenet. Translation: Toddi. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 412.
- Folder 13: Iabluni tsvitut', 1976

- Composer: Evgenii Martynov. Lyrics: Ilia Reznik. Translation: V. Hubartsia. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 413.
- Folder 14: Ekh, derevnia novaia!, 1927

- Otvet na pesniu "Novaia derevnia." Composer and lyrics: P.N. Narovskii-Nevstruev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 414.
- Folder 15: Zaviala siren', 1917-1924?

- Composer and lyrics: L. Kalishevskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 415.
- Folder 16: Ekh! Tarakany, 1914-1917?

- Arranger: V. Rodionov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 416.
- Folder 17: Spijcie orleta bojowe!, 1922

- Composer: I. Kornilov. Polish text: St. Ratold. Polish title: Spite, orly boevye: na glos wysoki. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 417.
- Folder 18: Tsitsernak: armianskaia piesnia, 190-?

- Arranger: A. Koren. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 418.
- Folder 19: Mer Airenik: armianskaia piesnia, 190-?

- Arranger: A. Koren. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 419.
- Folder 20: Kogda poet dalekii drug: pesnia dlia golosa s fortepiano, 1956

- Composer: B. Mokrousov. Lyrics: Ia. Khelemskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 420.
- Folder 21: Noch' tikha: serenada, 189-?

- Composer and lyrics: Olga Khristoforovna Agreneva-Slavianskaia. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 421.
- Folder 22: Nochi bezumnyia, 1914?

- Composer: A. Spiro. Lyrics: A. Apukhtin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 422.
- Folder 23: Nochi bezumnyia, 190-?

- Composer: A. Spiro. Lyrics: A.N. Apukhtin. French title: Nuits d'amour. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 423.
- Folder 24: Ne mogo pozhaliet: otviet na romans "Pozhaliei", 190-?

- Composer and lyrics: N. Prusakov. French translation: Mill Cissan. French title: Je ne puis compatir: reponse a la chanson "Prends pitie!" For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 424.
- Folder 25: Ne proshchai: pesnia dlia golosa s fortep'iano, 1957

- Composer: A. Babaev. Lyrics: N. Dorizo. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 425.
- Folder 26: Grust' i toska: romans, 1929

- Composer: Mikhail Ivanovich Vavich. Lyrics: M.V.A.R. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 426.
- Folder 27: Molchi iamshchik: otviet na romans "Iamshchik", 190-?

- Composer and lyrics: Evgenii Iur'ev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 427.
- Folder 28: Zvezdy nochi goriat: romans, 192-?

- Composer: G. Bakaleinikov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 428.
- Folder 29: Za milykh zhenshchin, 1923

- Composer: V.G. Pergament. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 429.
- Folder 30: Moskwa: novaia masha: foxtrot, 192-?

- Arranger: G.A. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 430.
- Folder 31: Nezhnost', 1971

- Composer: Aleksandra Pakhmutova. Lyrics: S. Grebennikov and N.N. Dobronravov. English title: Tenderness. For voice and piano or guitar. M1627 S663 no. 431.
- Folder 32: Misiats' iasnesen'kyi: kolyskova, 192-?

- Composer: Ia. Stepanovych Stepovyi. Poem: Lesia Ukrainka. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 432.
- Folder 33: Mirazh, 1914-1917?

- Composer and lyrics: T.K. Kotliarevskaia. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 433.
- Folder 34: My ne videlis' neskol'ko let, 1925

- Etot zapakh prelestnyi levkoia: miniatiura. Arranger: Aleksandr Levin. Lyrics: N.S. Opochinin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 434.
- Folder 35: Matrosskaia: pesn' veselogo iungi, 1926

- Arranger: Aleksandr Levin. Lyrics: K.N. Podrevskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 435.
- Folder 36: Makhorochka, 1943

- Composer: K. Listov. Lyrics: Mihkail I. Ruserman. Adaptation: D.J. Grunes. English setting: Paula Stone. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 436.
- Folder 37: Ital'ianskaia serenada, 1924-1929?

- Composer: Sergei N. Vasilenko. Op. 45, No. 6. German text: Marie von Prittwitz u Gaffron. German title: Italienische Serenade. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 437.
- Folder 38: Ia gordo v mirie shel, 192-?

- French title: Je goutais l'apre lutte. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 438.
- Folder 39: Ia gordo v mirie shel, 192-?

- French title: Je goutais l'apre lutte. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 439.
- Folder 40: Grustnye ivy: dlia peniia s fortepiano, 1947

- Composer: Matvei Blanter. Poem: Aleksandr Zharov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 440.
- Folder 41: Gdieb ne skitalsia ia, 192-?

- French title: Dans les pays lointains. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 441.
- Folder 42: Ne ostav' menia: neapolitanskaia piesnia, 1905-1914?

- Composer: Ernesto de Curtis. Arranger: A.A. Pugachev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 442.
- Folder 43: Der Kasbek: Grusinisches Lied, 193-?

- German text: August Scholz. Russian title: Kazbek: gruzinskaia piesnia. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 443.
- Folder 44: Der Kasbek: grusinisches lied, 193-?

- German text: August Scholz. Russian title: Kazbek: gruzinskaia piesnia. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 444.
- Folder 45: Habe Mitleid mit mir, 193-?

- Composer: N.R. Bakalainikow. Russian title: Pozhaliei: russische Romanze. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 445.
- Folder 46: Habe Mitleid mit mir, 192-?

- Composer: N.R. Bakaleinikov. Russian title: Pozhaliei: russische Romanze. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 446.
- Folder 47: Net, net, ne khkochu: tsyganskaia pesnia, 1933

- Arranger: Henry Lefkowitch. English title: No no, I do not want: popular gypsy song. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 447.
- Folder 48: Kalitka, 192-?

- French title: La petite porte. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 448.
- Folder 49: Kak khorosho na svete zhit', 1935

- Iz fil'ma "Veselye rebiata" Mosk. kino fabriki "Mosfil'm": ispolniaet Leonid Utesov. Composer: I.O. Dunaevskii. Lyrics: Vasilii Lebedev-Kumach. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 449.
- Folder 50: Stenka Rasin und die Furstin: Volkslied aus der Wolgagegend, 192-?

- Arranger: N. Makarov. German text: August Scholz. Russian title: Sten'ka Razin i Kniazhna: narodnaia privolzhskaia piesnia. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 450.
- Box 246

- Folder 1: Kari glazki, 1927

- Arranger: Henry Lefkowitch. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 451.
- Folder 2: Kolokol'chik: romans, 1890

- Composer: A.N. Verstovskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 452.
- Folder 3: Ty pomnish' le, nad morem my sidieli: romans, 1922

- Composer: A.D. Kochetova. Lyrics: G. Klechanov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 453.
- Folder 4: Krambambuli: studentcheskaia piesnia, 190-?

- Arranger: M. Sharov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 454.
- Folder 5: Masha's song: No more at evening, 1918

- As sung in Arthur Hopkins presentation of John Barrymore in Tolstoys [sic] Redemption. Arranger: Maurice Nitke. English words: Augustus Post. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 455.
- Folder 6: Kogda-b-ia znal: romans, 1919

- Composer: Pavel Kozlov. Arranger: Ivan Garshin. English title: If I but knew: romance. For soprano or tenor and piano. M1627 S663 no. 456.
- Folder 7: Kogda-b vy znali vse, 192-?

- Composer: Luigi Denza. Arranger: N.M. Spasskii. French title: Si vois l'avies compris!: melodie. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 457.
- Folder 8: Lebedinaia piesn': romans, 192-?

- Composer and lyrics: Marie Poiret. English title: The swan song: romance. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 458.
- Folder 9: Na posliedniuiu piaterku: piesnia, 190-?

- Arranger: A. Grigor'ev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 459.
- Folder 10: Kazbek, 1923

- Composer: D. Iur'ev. Polish text: St. Ratold. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 460 c.1.
- Folder 11: Kazbek, 1923

- Composer: D. Iur'ev. Polish text: St. Ratold. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 460 c.2.
- Folder 12: Ottsvieli khrizantemy..: romans, 1913

- Composer: Nikolia Kharito. Lyrics: V.D. Shumskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 461 c.1.
- Folder 13: Ottsvieli khrizantemy...: romans, 1913

- Composer: Nikolia Kharito. Lyrics: V.D. Shumskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 461 c.2.
- Folder 14: By the cherry tree: from the Soviet film "The rich bride", 194-?

- Composer: Isaak O. Dunaevskii. English text: Olga Katzin. For voice solo or duet and piano. M1627 S663 no. 462.
- Folder 15: Zhalobno stonet: romans, 1904

- Composer: D. Mikhailov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 463.
- Folder 16: Zhalobno stonet vieter osennii: romans, 1917

- Composer: D. Mikhailov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 464.
- Folder 17: Staraia derevnia, 1937

- For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 465.
- Folder 18: Be it bright day, 1921

- Composer: Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky. Op. 47, No. 6. Editor: Olin Downes. Poem: A.N. Apukhtin. English version: George Harris, Jr. Russian title: Den' li tsarit. For low voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 466
- Folder 19: Ukhar' kupets: russkaia narodnaia piesnia: kak ispolniaet N.V. Plevitskaia, 1914-1917?

- Arranger: E. Martynov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 467.
- Folder 20: Vremia izmienitsia: novyi tsyganskii romans, 1921

- Composer and lyrics: B.S. Borisov. English title: Time will change: gipsy romance. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 468.
- Folder 21: Auf glattem Wolgaeise, 192-?

- Russian title: Vot mchitsia troika. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 469.
- Folder 22: Khrizantemy: romans, 1919

- Composer: Baroness A.I. Radoshevskaia. Arranger: A. Lihoy. English title: Chrysanthemums: romance from gypsy life. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 471 c.1.
- Folder 23: Khrizantemy: romans, 1919

- Composer: Baroness A.I. Radoshevskaia. Arranger: A. Lihoy. English title: Chrysanthemums: romance from gypsy life. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 471 c.2.
- Folder 24: Tsyganka: romans, 1900

- Composer: N.I. Lyrics: P.Iu. G-re. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 471.
- Folder 25: Akh, ia vliublen v glaza odni, 1914-1917

- Composer: A.B. Vilinskii. Lyrics: T.L. Shchepkina-Kupernik. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 472.
- Folder 26: Ei, meti krylom, metelitsa, 1926

- Composer: Aleksandr Bakaleinikov. Lyrics: Iakov vladimirovich Apushkin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 473.
- Folder 27: Tsygane: dlia nizkago golosa, 1909?

- Composer: I. Kornilov. Lyrics: A.S. Pushkin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 474.
- Folder 28: Rushnychok, 194-?

- Composer: Platon I. Maiboroda. Lyrics: Andrii Malyshko. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 475.
- Folder 29: Iamshchik: novaia russkaia pesnia, 1956

- Composer: Sasha Tankaian. Lyrics: Sergei A. Esenin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 476 c.1.
- Folder 30: Iamshchik: novaia russkaia pesnia, 1956

- Composer: Sasha Tankaian. Lyrics: Sergei A. Esenin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 476 c.2.
- Folder 31: Two Ukrainian folk songs: with Ukrainian text, 1925

- Oy peed hayem hayem zelenenkim (Near the green grove) and V'hayoo zelenim vraz zi mnov (Down in the green grove). Arranger: Jack Kammen. English translation: Olga Opiela. Editor: Joseph Kammen. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 477.
- Folder 32: V lesu prifrontovom: val's, 1946

- Composer: M. Blanter. Lyrics: M. Isakovskii. Adaptation: J. Rutin. English title: Our valse. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 478.
- Folder 33: Proshchai moia drevnia, 1929

- Arranger: Henry Lefkowitch. English title: Farewell Song. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 479.
- Folder 34: Pesnia o tachanke, 1938

- Composer: K. Listov. Poem: M.I. Ruderman, For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 480 c.1.
- Folder 35: Pesnia o tachanke, 1938

- Composer: K. Listov. Poem: M.I. Ruderman, For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 480 c.2.
- Folder 36: Vykhozhu odin ia na dorogu, 1925

- Arranger: Jack Kammen. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 481.
- Folder 37: Dorogoi shirokoi, 1938

- Liricheskaia pesnia iz kinofil'ma: "Volga-Volga." Composer: Isaak O. Dunaevskii. Text: Vasilii Lebedev-Kumach. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 482.
- Folder 38: Dovol'no! (Proshchai, ia ukhozhu), 1928

- Arranger: Al Lentz. Lyrics: Oskar L. Osenin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 438.
- Folder 39: Dykhan'em tirskikh aromatov, 1914-1917?

- Composer: Vladimir Rebikov. Lyrics: Apollon A. Maikov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 484.
- Folder 40: Zamelo tebia sniegom, Rossiia..., 190-?

- For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 485.
- Folder 41: Rozovyi otblesk zakata: barkarolla, 1923

- Composer: Vasilii Vrangel'. Lyrics: D. Ratgauz. Op. 32, No. 3. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 486.
- Folder 42: Kak sadila ia sadochek: piesen'ka, 1904

- Composer: K. Tideman. Lyrics: N.N. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 487.
- Folder 43: Ekh! Mal'chishka shalunishka: tsyganskaia piesnia, 1904

- Composer and lyrics: Sergei Kuznetsov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 488.
- Folder 44: Baiushki baiu, 192-?

- For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 489.
- Folder 45: Akh zachiem eta noch, 1923

- Arranger: Paul Lampkovitz. English title: Why was that night so beautiful?: a Russian gypsy song. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 490.
- Folder 46: Okrasilsia mesiats bagriantsem, 1946

- Composer: V.I. Volkov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 491.
- Folder 47: Astry, 1895

- Composer: M. Lyrics: A.N. Apukhtin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 492.
- Folder 48: Rozviitesia z vitrom: ukrainskii romans, 192-?

- Composer: Ia. Stepanovych Stepovyi. Lyrics: Ivan Franko. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 493.
- Folder 49: Proshchai, radost': Sibirskaia narodnaia pesnia, 1924 or 1925?

- Arranger: V.G. Karatygin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 494.
- Folder 50: Zdravstvui Moskva, 1946

- Adaptation: J. Rutin. English title: Hello Moscow: valse song form U.S.S.R. film. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 495.
- Folder 51: Rodnaia storona, 1948

- Composer: N. Chaplygin. Lyrics: Ia. Shvedov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 496.
- Folder 52: Krasota v molchalivom lovzan'i: novyi romans, 192-?

- Composer: V.P. Kantutis. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 497.
- Folder 53: Vasen'ka, 1887

- Composer and lyrics: A. Smirnov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 498.
- Folder 54: Amerikanskaia liubov', 192-?

- Composer: Viktor Vismont. Lyrics: N. Agrivtsev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 499.
- Folder 55: Kolybel'naia: piesn', 19--

- Composer: D. Al'shanskii. Lyrics: Anna A. Akhmatova. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 500.
- Box 247

- Folder 1: The song of liberation, 1944

- Composer: Dmitrii D. Shostakovich. Adaptation: D.J. Grunes. Lyrics: Paula Stone. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 501.
- Folder 2: Kolombina, 1923-1929?

- Composer: A.P. Riabov. Lyrics: Vl. Lenskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 502.
- Folder 3: Tsvety: romans, 192-?

- Composer: K. Verkhovskii. Lyrics: S.Ia. Nadson. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 503.
- Folder 4: Pomolis', milyi drug, za menia: romans, 192-?

- Composer: V. Makhotin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 504.
- Folder 5: Ia tvoi: romans, 192-?

- Composer: M. Fainberg. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 505.
- Folder 6: Chechetochki-treshchetochki: kuplety, 1891

- Composer: E. Viv'en. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 506.
- Folder 7: I tikho i iasno: romans, 192-?

- Composer: E.N. Greve-Sobolevskaia. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 507.
- Folder 8: Za milykh zhenshchin, 192-?

- Composer: V.G. Pergament. Lyrics: Chush-Chuzhenin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 508.
- Folder 9: Aveu

- Composer: Alek Siniavin. Lyrics: Nicolas G. Severskii. Russian title: Ia vinova...no ia tebia liubliu. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 509.
- Folder 10: Vetka sireni: romans, 1929

- Composer: A. Voloshin. Lyrics: Mikhail Gal'perin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 510.
- Folder 11: Tikho tak tikho: romans, 1901

- Composer and lyrics: M.I. Perrotte. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 511.
- Folder 12: Toropisia...! Shevelisia...!: tsyganskii romans, 1924-1929?

- Composer and lyrics: I.A. Lanin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 512.
- Folder 13: Spi moia pechal'naia...: (Baiushki-baiu), 192-?

- Composer: T.K. Tolstoi. Lyrics: Konstantin D. Bal'mont. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 513.
- Folder 14: Frag' nicht bange mich...: Zigeunerwalzer, 192-?

- Arranger: I. Mikhailov. Lyrics: A.A. Pugachev. German text: August Scholz. Russian title: Ty ne sprashivai! For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 514.
- Folder 15: Murochka: (Obyknovennaia istoriia), 192-?

- Arranger: Iu. Iurik. Lyrics: A. Rubinstein. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 515.
- Folder 16: Muzh i zhena, ili, Vse na oborot: kuplety, 1891

- Arranger: N. Artem'ev. Lyrics: N.A. Lenskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 516.
- Folder 17: Miloi moi serdechnoi drug, 188-?

- Composer: Katerino Kavos. German title: Komm mit mir zur Waldeshut. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 517.
- Folder 18: Marfusa: fokstrots, 1933

- Composer and lyrics: Mark Marjanowsky. Russian title: Marfusha: russkii fokstort. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 518.
- Folder 19: Lish' zvon chasov...: romans, 1927

- Composer: E. Dorfman. Lyrics: B. Timofeev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 519.
- Folder 20: Idi i pozabud': romans, 1927

- Composer: Aleksandr Gurvich. Lyrics: Oskar Osenin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 520.
- Folder 21: Ich liebe dich..., 192-?

- Composer: A.V. fon. Ditman. Lyrics: Em. Orlova. German text: August Scholz. Russian title: Ia vas liubliu. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 521.
- Folder 22: I tikho i iasno: romans, 1905?

- Composer: E.N. Greve-Sobolevskaia. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 522.
- Folder 23: Grazhdanka: shutochnaia pesniia, 1925

- Composer: Aleksandr Titov. Lyrics: A. Sokolov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 523.
- Folder 24: Persidskaia kolybel'naia pesnia, 1926

- Composer: Georges N. Ocki-Albi. Arranger: Pol' Erlikh. Lyrics: Borisa Timofeev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 524.
- Folder 25: Kazbek, 1924

- Caucasian song. Arranger: B.A. Matusis. Lyrics: En. Te. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 525.
- Folder 26: Nakinuv plashch: tsyganskii romans, 1921

- Arranger: M. Persin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 526.
- Folder 27: Stoit hora vysokaia: malorossiiska pis'nia na 2 holosy, 190-?

- Composer: N. Artemovskyi. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 527.
- Folder 28: Govori moia gitara!: piesnia, 1897

- Composer and lyrics: A.M. Shmidtgof. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 528.
- Folder 29: Konfetka, 1888

- Arranger: T-ago. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 529.
- Folder 30: Kak khorosho s toboi: romans, 1903

- Composer and lyrics: K. Tyrtov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 530.
- Folder 31: Kak khorosho s toboi: romans, 1903

- Composer and lyrics: K. Tyrtov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 530.
- Folder 32: Legenda o Chrystusie, 1922

- Composer: Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky. Polish text: Zygmunt Rozycki. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 531.
- Folder 33: Legenda o Chrystusie, 1922

- Composer: Peter I. Tchaikovsky. Polish text: Zygmunt Rozycki. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 532.
- Folder 34: Ia gordo v mirie shel: (Ia vchera uznal), 1914-1917?

- Composer and lyrics: V. Miatlev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 533.
- Folder 35: Zontik, 1914-1917?

- Composer: Nikolai Tagamlitskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 534.
- Folder 36: Zamelo sniegom Rossiia, 192-?

- Composer: M.A. Lidarskaia. Arranger: Mikhail Gorner. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 535.
- Folder 37: Posliednii nynieshnii denechek: russkaia narodnaia pesnia, 190-?

- Arranger: L. Bessarabets. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 536.
- Folder 38: Tsygane, 1946

- Gypsy dance and Song of the Homeless Gypsy: selection from the U.S.S.R. film Gypsies. Adaptation: J. Rutin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 537 c.1.
- Folder 39: Tsygane, 1946

- Gypsy dance and Song of the Homeless Gypsy: selection from the U.S.S.R. film Gypsies. Adaptation: J. Rutin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 537 c.2.
- Folder 40: Razdieli ty so mnoi moiu doliushku: romans, 1881

- Composer: P. Tseiner. For contralto and piano. M1627 S663 no. 538.
- Folder 41: Razdieli ty so mnoi moiu doliushku: romans, 1881

- Composer: P. Tseiner. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 539.
- Folder 42: Na starym kurhanie, 192-?

- Composer: Vasilii S. Kalinnikov. Polish text: A. Rozhanskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 540.
- Folder 43: Ditiatko milost' gospodnia s toboiu, 1917

- Composer: V. Paskhalov. Lyrics: N.P. Ogarev. English title: The Child. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 541 c.1.
- Folder 44: Ditiatko milost' gospodnia s toboiu, 1917

- Composer: V. Paskhalov. Lyrics: N.P. Ogarev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 541 c.2.
- Folder 45: Piekhota: voennaia kartinka, 1914-1917?

- Arranger: A. Voloshin. Lyrics: B.S. Borisov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 542.
- Folder 46: Uzh ia pashen'ku pakhala: Kazatskii pripievok, 1914-1917?

- Arranger: A.V. Pashkevich. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 543.
- Folder 47: Solntse vskhodit i zakhodit: pesnia tiur'my, 192-?

- Composer: Maksima Gor'ky. Arranger: A. Sh. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 544.
- Folder 48: Zhizh' prekrasna, 1929

- Composer: Ferri Kel'man. Text: B. Timofeev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 545.
- Folder 49: Oboimi potsalui [sic]: romans, 189-?

- Composer: M. Balakirev. German title: Traure nicht! For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 546.
- Folder 50: Paris le soir au Poisson d'or: tango, 1934

- Chante et danse par la celebre troupe tzigane du "Poisson d'Or." Composer and lyrics: Ivan Dimitrievich. French text: Georges Sibre. Arranger: S. Raichenstein. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 547.
- Folder 51: Ich hab im Traum dich jungst gesehn: romanze, 192-?

- Arranger: S.I. Ziloti. Lyrics: M. Panteleev. German text: August Scholz. Russian title: Vchera vas vidiel ia vo nie: romans. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 548.
- Folder 52: Vozlie liesa u rieki, 1894

- Composer and lyrics: A.P. Denis'ev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 549.
- Folder 53: Novye valenki: narodnaia tsyganskaia pesnia, 1911-1914

- Arranger: G.I. Iakobson. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 550.
- Box 248

- Folder 1: K chemu skryvat': tsyganskii romans, 1890

- Composer and lyrics: A.P. Denis'ev. Arranger: O.A. Artem'evoi. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 551.
- Folder 2: Tu un mana gitara, 1933

- Composer: J. Peterburskii. Latvian text: J.Are. Russian text: Rotinovskii. Polish text: Andrzej Wlast. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 552.
- Folder 3: Zabyli Vy!: (Gliadia na luch), 1916

- Composer: A. Oppelia. Lyrics: Ivan Kozlov. German translation: A. Reyzen. German title: Vergesen: romans. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 553.
- Folder 4: Polno ty solnyshko: s tsyganskago, 1892

- Arranger: S.I. Ziloti. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 554.
- Folder 5: Podarochek, 1914-1917?

- Composer: Nikolai Tagamlitskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 555.
- Folder 6: Dzwoneczek: romans cyganski, 1922

- Composer: K. Sidorowicz. Lyrics: L. Sierpinski. Russian title: Iolokol'chik. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 556 c.1.
- Folder 7: Dzwoneczek: romans cyganski, 1922

- Composer: K. Sidorowicz. Lyrics: L. Sierpinski. Russian title: Iolokol'chik. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 556 c.2.
- Folder 8: Pomolis' milyi drug za menia: romans, 1882

- Composer: V. Makhotin. German title: Bete fur mich: Romanze. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 557.
- Folder 9: Odno my znali, my liubili..., 1926

- Composer: Aleksandr Gurvich. Lyrics: Mikhail Gal'perin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 558.
- Folder 10: Grustit' ne stanu: tabornyi tsyganskii romans, 1928

- Composer: Rafail Skliarskii. Lyrics: O.I. Agulianskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 559.
- Folder 11: Nochka: modnaia piesnka (Karmanshchiki-chiki), 1914-1917?

- Arranger: K. Fishkin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 560.
- Folder 12: Khochesh' li ty moia radost'...: tsyganskaia piesnia, 190-?

- Composer: V.P. Arranger: G.I. Iakovson. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 561.
- Folder 13: Ubaiukai, rodnaia, menia: romans, 1888

- Composer: A. Denisov. For soprano and piano. M1627 S663 no. 562.
- Folder 14: Reviens!, 1914-1917?

- Composer: Frakson. Arranger: A. Shcheglov. Russian title: Vernis'!: romans. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 563.
- Folder 15: Dai, milyi grug, na schast'e ruku!: tsyganskii romans, 1914-1917?

- Composer and lyrics: K. Luchich. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 564.
- Folder 16: Dal'nee selo, 1929

- Composer: Z. Dunaevskii. Lyrics: A. Zharov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 565.
- Folder 17: Kind und Rose: romanze, 192-?

- Composer and lyrics: Mikhail A. Kuzmin. German text: August Scholz. Russian title: Ditia i roza: romans. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 566.
- Folder 18: Na polianke, 1946

- Adaptation: J. Rutin. English title: On the meadow: Russian war time love song. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 567.
- Folder 19: Sten'ka Razin: (Vozlie sada gorodskogo), 190-?

- Composer: A. Arsen'ev. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 568.
- Folder 20: Ia obozhaiu: tysganskii val's, 1899

- Arraner: A. Savichev. Lyrics: Baron B.B. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 569.
- Folder 21: Lish' dlia tebia moia pesnia liubvi: romans-serenada, 1939

- Composer: P. Vakhliuev. Lyrics: F. Shirvindt. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 570.
- Folder 22: Oi, zelenaia verba, 1939

- Composer: Z. Kompaneets. Poem: Vasilii Lebedev-Kumach. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 571.
- Folder 23: Khochu tsvetov, shampanskogo...: romans, 192-?

- Composer and lyrics: St. Stivinskii. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 572.
- Folder 24: Bud'te zdorovy, 1946

- Adaptation: J. Rutin. English title: To you!: drinking song. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 573.
- Folder 25: Valenki: russkaia piesenka, 192-?

- Composer and lyrics: Nasti Poliakova. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 574.
- Folder 26: Nature morte, 1924

- Composer: Miron Iakobson. Op. 3, No. 1. Lyrics: O.N. Chiumina. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 575.
- Folder 27: Iveriis mtebze, 1925?

- Composer: Dmitrii I. Arakishvili. Lyrics: A.S. Pushkin. Russian title: Na kholmakh Gruzii lezhit nochnaia mgla. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 576.
- Folder 28: Hapizdan "Agsdeki, seinavarde" [sic], 1925?

- Composer: Dmitrii I. Arakishvili. Lyrics: A.N. Maikov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 577.
- Folder 29: Sexvedra, 192-?

- Composer: Dmitrii I. Arakishvili. Arranger: G. Kucisvili. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 578.
- Folder 30: Nochen'ka, 1904

- Arranger: A. Savichev. For soprano or tenor and piano. M1627 S663 no. 579.
- Folder 31: Meadowland: Cavalry of the steppes, 1943

- Composer: Lev Knipper. Transcriber: Albert Sirmay. Russian lyrics: Viktor Guzev. English lyrics: Harold J. Rome. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 580.
- Folder 32: Chto ty rano, travushka..., 19--

- Composer: A.E. Varlamov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 581.
- Folder 33: Dietskaia piesenka, 1914-1917?

- Composer: Peter I. Tchaikovsky. Lyrics: Konstantin S. Aksakov. German title: Kinderlied. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 582.
- Folder 34: Sunrise, sunset: from the new musical Fiddler on the Roof, 1964

- Composer: Jerry Bock. Lyrics: Sheldon Harnick. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 583.
- Folder 35: Riezvilsia likuiushchii mir: tsyganskii val's, 1901

- Composer: O.de. Bove. Lyrics: S.P. Kalinin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 584.
- Folder 36: Mila, maza ciganiet!, 1937 or 1938

- Composer: Bernhard Berkovic. Arranger: Oskar Strok. English lyrics: Vlad. Babin. German text: H. Erhardt. French text: Vlad. Babin. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 585.
- Folder 37: V'etsia lastochka sizokrylaia: pesnia, 1929

- Composer: Alaksandr L. Gurilev. Arranger: Vladimir T. Sokolov. Lyrics: N.P. Grekov. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 586.
- Folder 38: Novye tsyganskie romansy v litsakh, 1914-1917?

- Composer: N.V. Zubov. Op. 57. For voice and piano. M1627 S663 no. 587.
- Box 49

- Sub-Series 2: Nicholas Grushko Arrangements

- Box 160

- Folder 1: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Unknown, undated

- For tenor.
- Folder 2: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Unknown - arr. S. Sharova, undated

- Folder 3: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Jai Du Ben Tabae, undated

- Folder 4: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Chto sklomlasia ty nad rekoiu, undated

- Folder 5: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Tzar's Bride, undated

- For tenor.
- Folder 6: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Prince Igor - A. P. Borodin, undated

- For tenor.
- Folder 7: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: La Forza del Destino - Giuseppe Verdi, undated

- Also included: Recitatif et Cavatine de Prince Vladimir of Prince Igor - A. P. Borodin.
- Folder 8: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Mazepa: Finale, undated

- For tenor and bass.
- Folder 9: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Rousalka, undated

- For soprano.
- Folder 10: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Couplets, undated

- For soprano.
- Folder 11: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Claudia-The Merry Widow, undated

- Also included: Die Falsche Pepita "Komische Serenade" - Adolf Muller; multiple parts, arrangements, and selections of various works for soprano, tenor, and bass.
- Folder 12: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Eugen Onegin, undated

- For soprano.
- Folder 13: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Coq d'or, undated

- Act II. For soprano.
- Folder 14: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Tzar's Bride, undated

- For tenor.
- Folder 15: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Eugen Onegin, undated

- Vocal score, no piano.
- Folder 16: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Prince Igor, undated

- Vocal score, no piano.
- Folder 17: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Eugen Onegin - P. T. Tchaikovsky, undated

- Arioso di Lensky: Voice and piano; Unknown piece: Voice and piano.
- Folder 18: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Otche nash - A. Kastalsky, undated

- Includes various other vocal and instrumental arrangements.
- Folder 19: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Massachuset, undated

- "Massachusetts," for male choir. Multiple arrangements and versions.
- Folder 20: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Cavalleria Rusticana - Mascagni, undated

- Vocal score, no piano.
- Folder 21: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Prince Igor - A. P. Borodin, undated

- Includes: "Complainte d'Yaroslavna": for soprano and piano; "Recitatif et Air du Prince Galitsky": for tenor and piano.
- Folder 22: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: 1. Faust - Gounod, 2. Le Barbiere di Siviglia - Rossini, undated

- For voice, no piano.
- Folder 23: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: 1. La forza del destino - Verdi, 2. Traviata - Verdi, 2. Le Trovatore - Verdi, undated

- For voice, no piano.
- Folder 24: Grushko Operatic Arrangements: Boris Godunov, undated

- For voice, no piano. Ink very faded.
- Box 161

- Folder 1: Grushko Song Arrangements: A La Vitalara, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 2: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ai, Da Kon Avela, undated

- Gypsy Air. For piano.
- Folder 3: Grushko Song Arrangements: Andrusha, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 4: Grushko Song Arrangements: At the Balalaika, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 5: Grushko Song Arrangements: Belaia akatsiia, undated

- For four part voices and piano.
- Folder 6: Grushko Song Arrangements: Beri Ot Zhiani Vse, undated

- Two versions: For violin duet, for piano and voice.
- Folder 7: Grushko Song Arrangements: Beakozyka, undated

- 2 scores: For voice and piano.
- Folder 8: Grushko Song Arrangements: Biriuzovye Zlaty Kolechiki, undated

- Two scores: For piano and violin.
- Folder 9: Grushko Song Arrangements: Blagodariu Tebia, undated

- Two scores: For piano and voice with bass.
- Folder 10: Grushko Song Arrangements: Buran, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 11: Grushko Song Arrangements: Caucasian Dance, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 12: Grushko Song Arrangements: Cheremukha, undated

- For voice and orchestra reduction with bass.
- Folder 13: Grushko Song Arrangements: Chernaia Shal, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 14: Grushko Song Arrangements: Chernye gusary, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 15: Grushko Song Arrangements: Chernyi Voron/Ermak, undated

- Two scores: For piano and violin.
- Folder 16: Grushko Song Arrangements: Chto Proshlo, undated

- Two scores: For piano and voice with bass.
- Folder 17: Grushko Song Arrangements: Chto Tak Serdtse Rastrevozherno, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 18: Grushko Song Arrangements: Chto Ty Rano, Travushka, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 19: Grushko Song Arrangements: Chuzhie Goroda - Vertinsky, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 20: Grushko Song Arrangements: Crimean Tatarachka, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 21: Grushko Song Arrangements: Dai Mily i Drug, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 22: Grushko Song Arrangements: Dance Russe - E. and S. Karavaieff, undated

- Violin 2 part.
- Folder 23: Grushko Song Arrangements: Davai Zakurim, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 24: Grushko Song Arrangements: Devonyka Milaya, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 25: Grushko Song Arrangements: Dni Don, undated

- For alto Balalaika.
- Folder 26: Grushko Song Arrangements: Dni Za Dniami, undated

- For alto balalaika.
- Folder 27: Grushko Song Arrangements: Dorogi, undated

- Contrabass part.
- Folder 28: Grushko Song Arrangements: Dorogoi, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 29: Grushko Song Arrangements: Dorogoi Dlinnoiu, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 30: Grushko Song Arrangements: Dovol'no! - V. Semenova, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 31: Grushko Song Arrangements: Dvets' skripka - V. Fomin, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 32: Grushko Song Arrangements: Dukhi neba, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 33: Grushko Song Arrangements: Dymok Ot Papirosy, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 34: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ech! Mamasha!, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 35: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ei, Drug, Gitara, undated

- For violin.
- Folder 36: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ei, Iamshchik!, undated

- Two scores: For piano, for contrabass.
- Folder 37: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ei, iamshchik' goni-ka ty iaru, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 38: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ei, ukhnem, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 39: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ei vy zaletnye, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 40: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ekh, byla, nebyla - A. Cherniavskago, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 41: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ekh, dorogi - A. Novikova, lyrics by L. Oshanina, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 42: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ekh Mushko, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 43: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ekh, platochek, undated

- For scores: For piano and voice, with violin and bass.
- Folder 44: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ekh, poteriali voliu, undated

- Three scores: For domra, contrabass, and voice.
- Folder 45: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ekh, poteriash - V. Fomin, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 46: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ekh, rodnyia, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 47: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ekh, tushite lampy svechi, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 48: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ekh, ty zimushka zima, undated

- Two parts: For piano and violin.
- Folder 49: Grushko Song Arrangements: Eshche liubvi dusha moia polma, undated

- Two scores: For piano and bass.
- Folder 50: Grushko Song Arrangements: Est, na severe khoroshii gorodok - T. Chrennikova, lyrics by V. Gyseva, undated

- Three scores: For piano, voice, and violin.
- Folder 51: Grushko Song Arrangements: Fokstrot "Misha", undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 52: Grushko Song Arrangements: Gaida troika, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 53: Grushko Song Arrangements: Garmonist' molodoi, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 54: Grushko Song Arrangements: Gdo ty... otzovis', undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 55: Grushko Song Arrangements: Gody byloe smyvaiut - Y. Khaiit, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 56: Grushko Song Arrangements: Golubaia nochen'ka, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 57: Grushko Song Arrangements: Grigorii prokhorovyoh, 1937

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 58: Grushko Song Arrangements: Gypsy Song, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 59: Grushko Song Arrangements: Gypsy Songs, undated

- Manuscript colection of Gypsy Songs. For voice and piano.
- Box 162

- Folder 1: Grushko Song Arrangements: I kto ego znaet, undated

- Three scores: For voice and piano, with violin and contrabass.
- Folder 2: Grushko Song Arrangements: I Love You Much Too Much, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 3: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ia khochu, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 4: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ia liubliu tebia, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 5: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ia snova odinok - F. Zarkevich, undated

- Three scores: For voice and piano with violin and bass.
- Folder 6: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ia tak liubila vas - A. D. Davidova, undated

- Two scores: For voice and piano with violin.
- Folder 7: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ia vernus, undated

- Two scores: For voice and piano with bass.
- Folder 8: Grushko Song Arrangements: Iamshchik!, undated

- For piano and violin.
- Folder 9: Grushko Song Arrangements: Kak khoroshi tie ochi - Faldinova, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 10: Grushko Song Arrangements: Kak priekhal van'ka c polia, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 11: Grushko Song Arrangements: Kaly Lodka, undated

- For piano and solo instrument or voice.
- Folder 12: Grushko Song Arrangements: Katiusha, undated

- Two versions: For voice and piano.
- Folder 13: Grushko Song Arrangements: Kibitka - S. Korona, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 14: Grushko Song Arrangements: Kobza-Bandura, undated

- Three scores: For piano and violin with bass.
- Folder 15: Grushko Song Arrangements: Kochui Tsygan, undated

- Three scores: For domra, violin, and contrabass.
- Folder 16: Grushko Song Arrangements: Kogda poiet dalekii drug - B. Mokroysova, lyrics by Ia. Khelemsky., undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 17: Grushko Song Arrangements: Kontsert sarazame - Vertinsky, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 18: Grushko Song Arrangements: Kastia moriak, undated

- Contrabass part.
- Folder 19: Grushko Song Arrangements: Kosynochka - arr. Edmund Sander, undated

- For piano and solo instrument or voice.
- Folder 20: Grushko Song Arrangements: Kukolki, undated

- Vocal part.
- Folder 21: Grushko Song Arrangements: Letchik P'er, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 22: Grushko Song Arrangements: L'etsia pesnia, undated

- Two scores: For piano and solo instrument or voice with cello.
- Folder 23: Grushko Song Arrangements: Liubimyi gorod, undated

- Three scores: For piano and voice with violin and bass. English title: Beloved City.
- Folder 24: Grushko Song Arrangements: Lotos Tango, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 25: Grushko Song Arrangements: Mal'chishka, undated

- Four scores: For voice and piano with domra, violin, and contrabass.
- Folder 26: Grushko Song Arrangements: Malina, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 27: Grushko Song Arrangements: Masha: Bublichki - G. Bogomazow, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 28: Grushko Song Arrangements: Matrosskii tancti, undated

- For piano and violin. English title: Sailor's Jig.
- Folder 29: Grushko Song Arrangements: Minuta na puti, undated

- Three scores: For voice and piano, with violin and bass.
- Folder 30: Grushko Song Arrangements: Mne svzhdeno segodnia byt' v raiu, undated

- For violin I, violin II, and bass.
- Folder 31: Grushko Song Arrangements: Moi Tsiganochki, undated

- Two scores: For piano and solo instrument with bass. English title: My Gypsies.
- Folder 32: Grushko Song Arrangements: Moia Marusechka, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 33: Grushko Song Arrangements: Molodushka, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 34: Grushko Song Arrangements: Moskva, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 35: Grushko Song Arrangements: Moskva Zlatoslavaia, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 36: Grushko Song Arrangements: Muzhskoi Razgovor, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 37: Grushko Song Arrangements: My oba lzhem, undated

- Two scores: For voice and piano with bass.
- Folder 38: Grushko Song Arrangements: My stoboi tsygane, undated

- Three scores: For voice and piano with violin and contrabass.
- Folder 39: Grushko Song Arrangements: My tol'ko amakomy - B. A. Prozorovskago., undated

- Two versions: For voice and piano.
- Folder 40: Grushko Song Arrangements: My vyshli v sad, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 41: Grushko Song Arrangements: Nad poliami, undated

- Two scores: For voice and piano with violin.
- Folder 42: Grushko Song Arrangements: Na reide, undated

- Contrabass part.
- Folder 43: Grushko Song Arrangements: Nad rozovym morem, undated

- Two scores: For piano with lyrics and bass. English title: The Rosy Sea.
- Folder 44: Grushko Song Arrangements: Nas ne trogai, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 45: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ne khodi ka ty na led, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 46: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ne razveiat' mne grusti, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 47: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ne smeite akkordy rydat', undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 48: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ne uprekai, ne nado - I. Orlanskago, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 49: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ne vspominai, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 50: Grushko Song Arrangements: Net tol'ko tot, kto znal, undated

- Violin part.
- Folder 51: Grushko Song Arrangements: Nikogda vas ne liubil, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 52: Grushko Song Arrangements: Niti zhizni, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 53: Grushko Song Arrangements: Noch liub, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 54: Grushko Song Arrangements: Nochen'ka, undated

- Four scores: For voice and piano, with dorma, violin, and bass.
- Folder 55: Grushko Song Arrangements: Nochnyia tieni, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 56: Grushko Song Arrangements: Nur Nicht aus Liebe Weinen, undated

- Three scores: For piano, violin, and bass.
- Folder 57: Grushko Song Arrangements: Obletli tsvety, dogoreli ogni, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 58: Grushko Song Arrangements: Odessit mishka, undated

- Two scores: For voice and piano with contrabass.
- Folder 59: Grushko Song Arrangements: Oglianis', undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 60: Grushko Song Arrangements: Oi, nidu ia poem lugom, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 61: Grushko Song Arrangements: Oi, ty temnaia dubravushka, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 62: Grushko Song Arrangements: Opiat' odinochstvo, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 63: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ostroiu sbkiroi, undated

- Violin part.
- Box 163

- Folder 1: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pesenka ob odinokom druge - N. Bogoslovsky, lyrics by N. Dorizo, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 2: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pesnia aniuty - I. Dunaevsky, undated

- 2 scores in different keys. For voice and piano.
- Folder 3: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pesnia bezprizornykh, undated

- Contrabass part.
- Folder 4: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pesnia o rossii - Joseph Strimer, 1943

- For 4 voices. English title: Song of Russia.
- Folder 5: Grushko Song Arrangements: Piesenka o podkovie, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 6: Grushko Song Arrangements: Piesnia o tachankie, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 7: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pismo materi - Vasilnia Lilatova, lyrics by Sergei Esenina, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 8: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pit', ne upit'sia, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 9: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pliasovye napevy, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 10: Grushko Song Arrangements: Po staroi kaluzhskoi dorogy, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 11: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pobud' so mnoi, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 12: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pod dugoi kolokol'chik' poet', undated

- 2 scores. For voice and piano, with bass part.
- Folder 13: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pod moskovnye vechera/Nad volgoy shirokoi, undated

- For alto domra.
- Folder 14: Grushko Song Arrangements: Podruga tebr izmienila, undated

- 2 scores in different keys. For voice and piano.
- Folder 15: Grushko Song Arrangements: Poite, poite, undated

- 2 scores. For voice and piano, with violin part.
- Folder 16: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pole moe pole, undated

- 3 scores. For voice and piano, with violin and bass part.
- Folder 17: Grushko Song Arrangements: Polka, undated

- 6 scores. For four voices and piano.
- Folder 18: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pomni obo mne, undated

- 2 scores. For voice and piano, with violin part.
- Folder 19: Grushko Song Arrangements: Po-nid gaiay - L. Revuuky, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 20: Grushko Song Arrangements: Prishla i k nam na front vesna - V. Sedy, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 21: Grushko Song Arrangements: Proshohai moi tabor - A. Prozorova, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 22: Grushko Song Arrangements: Proshchai, radost zhist moia - Karatigina, undated

- 2 scores. For voice and piano.
- Folder 23: Grushko Song Arrangements: Proshchai ty ne poimesh', undated

- 2 scores. For voice and piano.
- Folder 24: Grushko Song Arrangements: Proshchal'nyy uzhin - A. Vertinsky, undated

- 3 scores with copies. For voice and piano, with violin and bass part.
- Folder 25: Grushko Song Arrangements: Prosti, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 26: Grushko Song Arrangements: Provozhanie - arr. A Saloma, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 27: Grushko Song Arrangements: Provolzhan'e - Zacharoza, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 28: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pupsik, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 29: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pust' vsegda budet solntse - A. Ostrovsky, lyrics by A. Oshanina, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 30: Grushko Song Arrangements: Pazve mozhno zabyt', undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 31: Grushko Song Arrangements: Riabinushka, undated

- Violin part.
- Folder 32: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ridna maty moia, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 33: Grushko Song Arrangements: Rodnoi ogonek, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 34: Grushko Song Arrangements: Romans', undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 35: Grushko Song Arrangements: Rostov don, undated

- 3 scores. For voice and piano, with bass part.
- Folder 36: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ruki, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 37: Grushko Song Arrangements: Sado, undated

- 3 scores. For voice and piano, with violin and bass part.
- Folder 38: Grushko Song Arrangements: Samovary, samoraly, undated

- 3 scores. For three voices.
- Folder 39: Grushko Song Arrangements: Sashka, undated

- 2 scores. For voice and piano.
- Folder 40: Grushko Song Arrangements: Serdtse, undated

- Violin part.
- Folder 41: Grushko Song Arrangements: Sieroglazyi korol', undated

- 3 scores. For voice and piano, with bass part.
- Folder 42: Grushko Song Arrangements: Shel te berste, 1957

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 43: Grushko Song Arrangements: Shelnechky, undated

- 7 scores. For piano, with alto domra, contrabass,violin, domra bass, tenor saxophone, and prima domra parts.
- Folder 44: Grushko Song Arrangements: Shiroka v poliakh doroga, undated

- Violin part.
- Folder 45: Grushko Song Arrangements: Skazhi, meni pravou (duet), undated

- For two voices and piano.
- Folder 46: Grushko Song Arrangements: Skazhey meni pravdu, undated

- For two voices and piano.
- Folder 47: Grushko Song Arrangements: Skazhi ty, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 48: Grushko Song Arrangements: Smuglianka, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 49: Grushko Song Arrangements: Snilsia mne sad, undated

- 2 scores. For voice and piano, with bass part.
- Box 164

- Folder 1: Grushko Song Arrangements: Solntse vskhodit i zakhodi, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 2: Grushko Song Arrangements: Solovei-solovushka, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 3: Grushko Song Arrangements: Manuscript Song Collection, undated

- Folder 4: Grushko Song Arrangements: Spite orly boevye, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 5: Grushko Song Arrangements: Spoi mne pesniv tsysanskuiu, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 6: Grushko Song Arrangements: Sredi lesov i polia, undated

- For piano and voice or solo instrument (no lyrics).
- Folder 7: Grushko Song Arrangements: Step moldavanskaia, undated

- 3 scores. For voice and piano, with contrabass part.
- Folder 8: Grushko Song Arrangements: Stepnaia kavaleriiskaia-"Poliushko-pole", undated

- For piano with voice or solo instrument (no lyrics.)
- Folder 9: Grushko Song Arrangements: Stoboiu prozhili, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 10: Grushko Song Arrangements: Strieloiu v tabor, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 11: Grushko Song Arrangements: Struny rydaiut, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 12: Grushko Song Arrangements: Tabor nash spit, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 13: Grushko Song Arrangements: Tabor skrylsia, undated

- 3 scores. For voice and piano (no lyrics), with violin and bass part.
- Folder 14: Grushko Song Arrangements: Tango magnolia, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 15: Grushko Song Arrangements: Tatiana, undated

- For piano. English title: Tango.
- Folder 16: Grushko Song Arrangements: Temnaia noch', undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 17: Grushko Song Arrangements: Tikho vsie tikho, undated

- Violin part.
- Folder 18: Grushko Song Arrangements: Toropisia! Shevelisia!, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 19: Grushko Song Arrangements: Toska po rodine, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 20: Grushko Song Arrangements: Tropak, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 21: Grushko Song Arrangements: Troshka, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 22: Grushko Song Arrangements: Trotter, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 23: Grushko Song Arrangements: Tsentralka, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 24: Grushko Song Arrangements: Tsigane, ekh tsigane, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 25: Grushko Song Arrangements: Tsiganka elegiia, undated

- <span style="font-size: 12px;">For voice and piano.</span>
- Folder 26: Grushko Song Arrangements: Tsyganka zara, undated

- 5 scores. For voice and piano, with violin, prima domra, bass, and contrabass parts.
- Folder 27: Grushko Song Arrangements: Tsyganskaia, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 28: Grushko Song Arrangements: Tsyganskie romansy, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 29: Grushko Song Arrangements: Tsyganskii fokstrot N. 2, undated

- For piano and voice or solo instrument (no lyrics).
- Folder 30: Grushko Song Arrangements: Tsyganskim pereborom, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 31: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ty i eta gitara - Peterbursky, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 32: Grushko Song Arrangements: Ty uspokoi menia, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 33: Grushko Song Arrangements: Umer bedniega, undated

- For piano and solo instrument or voice (no lyrics).
- Folder 34: Grushko Song Arrangements: Usta moi molchat', undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 35: Grushko Song Arrangements: V gaiu zelenim, undated

- For two voices and piano.
- Folder 36: Grushko Song Arrangements: V put' dorozhki dalniuiu, undated

- For piano and solo instrument or voice (no lyrics).
- Folder 37: Grushko Song Arrangements: Vam 19 let, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 38: Grushko Song Arrangements: Vboi po ulitsia, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 39: Grushko Song Arrangements: Vechera Zebytye, undated

- 3 scores. For voice and piano (no lyrics), with violin and bass parts.
- Folder 40: Grushko Song Arrangements: Vernis' - V. A. Savinina, undated

- 4 scores. For voice and piano, with violin 1, violin 2, and cello parts.
- Folder 41: Grushko Song Arrangements: Vintovka, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 42: Grushko Song Arrangements: Vizhu chudnoe privole, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 43: Grushko Song Arrangements: Voron k voronu letit, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 44: Grushko Song Arrangements: Vot chto nadielali piesni tvoi, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 45: Grushko Song Arrangements: Vse khorosho, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 46: Grushko Song Arrangements: Vse smutilos' - B. Fomina, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 47: Grushko Song Arrangements: Vy vaiut chude sabyvaiut, undated

- For voice and guitar.
- Folder 48: Grushko Song Arrangements: Vykhozhu ia odin na dorogu, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 49: Grushko Song Arrangements: Vyshe! Vyshe!, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 50: Grushko Song Arrangements: V gaiu zelenim, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 51: Grushko Song Arrangements: Za gitarnyi perebor, undated

- Violin part.
- Folder 52: Grushko Song Arrangements: Za mig svidan'ia, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 53: Grushko Song Arrangements: Zabadskago-Ukrainskaia shunka No. 3, undated

- For piano and solo instrument.
- Folder 54: Grushko Song Arrangements: Zamelo tebia snegom rossiia, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 55: Grushko Song Arrangements: Zastol'naia, undated

- Bass part.
- Folder 56: Grushko Song Arrangements: Zazula, undated

- 2 scores. For piano, with bass part.
- Folder 57: Grushko Song Arrangements: Zhasmin, undated

- For voice and piano.
- Folder 58: Grushko Song Arrangements: Zuka - Josef Chermiaysky, 1921

- 3 scores and copies. For voice and piano, with violin and contrabas part.
- Folder 59: Grushko Song Arrangements: Zvezdochka, undated

- For piano.
- Folder 60: Grushko Song Arrangements: Zvonkoi pesnei, undated

- For two violins.
- Box 270

- Folder 1: "Ai, Vse Kumushki Domoi", 1961

- Parts: Prima Balalaika; Piano.
- Folder 2: Album Numbers 2-6, undated

- Folder 3: "Along the Piterskaya", undated

- Parts: Prima Domra; Kontra Bass.
- Folder 4: "Anniversary Waltz," Ion Ivanovici, undated

- Parts: 2nd Alto Domra; Bass Domra.
- Folder 5: "Auf Wiedersehn Waltz," S. Romberg, undated

- Parts: Alto Balalaika.
- Folder 6: "Bandura," G. Davidovska, undated

- Folder 7: "Beautiful Spring Flowers in the Garden," B. Mokrousov, undated

- Folder 8: "Behind the River-Yar-Hops", undated

- Parts: Viola Domra.
- Folder 9: "Being a Subject of the Charming Coire", undated

- Bass; Violin.
- Folder 10: "Bending Branch", undated

- Folder 11: "Bending Branch, Mosquito Dance", undated

- Folder 12: "Berceuse," G. Karnanoff, undated

- Folder 13: "Beryozka Polka", undated

- Folder 14: "Bez Menia Ne Liubi Nikogo," Opus 17.2, undated

- Piano score.
- Folder 15: "Bogatir's Gates", undated

- Folder 16: "Box", undated

- Folder 17: "Boy, A", undated

- Parts: Bass
- Folder 18: "By the Gates, Gates," arr. B. Traianovski, 1962

- Solo: Prima Balalaika
- Folder 19: "Casbek", undated

- Folder 20: Champagne (Tango)", undated

- Folder 21: "Chilol", Aug. 18, 1983

- Folder 22: Chord Chart, 1939

- Kasura's handwritten chord chart.
- Folder 23: "Chorus of Girls", undated

- Folder 24: "Concert for the Domra and Orchestra, A," N. Budashkin, undated

- Folder 25: "Crimean Sketches", undated

- Parts: Piano.
- Folder 26: "Dancing Duck", undated

- Parts: Prima.
- Folder 27: "Dear", undated

- Folder 28: "Dear, Give Me Some Sympathy", undated

- Parts: Prima domra.
- Folder 29: "Dragonfly Polka", undated

- Parts: Bass domra.
- Folder 30: "Fading Chysanthemums", undated

- Folder 31: "Farewell to the Herd of Horses", undated

- Parts: Violin.
- Folder 32: "Faun", undated

- Folder 33: "Fisherman," "Fisherman's Song", undated

- Parts: "Fisherman," Bass; "Fisherman's Song," 2nd Violin.
- Folder 34: "For the Fisher", undated

- Parts: Bass.
- Folder 35: "Freedom of Russia", undated

- Folder 36: "Ghanza", undated

- Folder 37: "Gibsy", undated

- Folder 38: "Gjukovski's Polka", undated

- Folder 39: "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" and "Deck the Hall With Boughs of Holly", undated

- Arrangement: O. Orlick. Parts: Prima Balalaika.
- Folder 40: "Good Boy" and "Zigansky", unddated

- Parts: Violin.
- Folder 41: "Greeks", undated

- Folder 42: "Gypsie Selectioin", undated

- Folder 43: "Handshake", undated

- Folder 44: "Hatzlicho No", undated

- Parts: Bass domra.
- Folder 45: "H oliandree", undated

- Folder 46: "Horseback Rider", undated

- Lyrics only.
- Folder 47: "Hungarian Dance", undated

- Folder 48: "I Remember Myself Being Young", undated

- Folder 49: "I Was Climbing a Mountain", undated

- Folder 50: "I Was Dreaming of a Garden", undated

- Folder 51: "In a Garden", undated

- Folder 52: "In the Late Evening I Will Go to the River From the Forest", undated

- Parts: Alto Domra.
- Folder 53: Instrumental Piece: Singing, Dancing, Show, undated

- Parts: Bass, Violin.
- Folder 54: "Kalinka", undated

- Folder 55: "Kozak Was Going to the Danube", undated

- Folder 56: "Krakow", undated

- Folder 57: "Lark", undated

- Folder 58: "Les Patineurs (The Skaters Waltz)," E. Waldteufel, undated

- Parts: Bass, Violin.
- Folder 59: "Life For the Czar, Selections from,", undated

- Folder 60: "Love Theme", undated

- Folder 61: "Lujbushka", undated

- Parts: Basso.
- Folder 62: "Lullaby", undated

- Box 271

- Folder 1: Mandolin I and II, undated

- Folder 2: "March of the Tractor Drivers", undated

- "Tractor Drivers" is a 1939 Soviet comedy drama film. Parts: 1st Viola, Domra.
- Folder 3: "Mazurka #1", 1965

- Folder 4: "Moldavian Dance"-, undated

- Folder 5: "Moscow Nights," Katiusha, undated

- Folder 6: "My Dear Russia", undated

- Folder 7: "Niewolnik," N. Grushko, undated

- Folder 8: "Night Birch", undated

- Folder 9: "No. 3 Lezginko", undated

- Folder 10: "Nubes de Humo (Tango)", undated

- Folder 11: "Odessa", undated

- Polka, Mazurka
- Folder 12: "Oh, Blow Out the Candle Lamps", undated

- Parts: Piano. Incomplete.
- Folder 13: "Oh, Dear, I Wish I Did Not Know You", undated

- Folder 14: "Oh, God", undated

- Folder 15: "Oh, Horseback Rider! Follow to the Yar!", undated

- Parts: Prima domra, violin
- Folder 16: "Oh, the Dear Ones Sing", undated

- Folder 17: "Old Gypsy, The," Konsor, undated

- Folder 18: "Old Waltz, The - A Good Boy", undated

- Parts: Alto balalaika, Bass domra.
- Folder 19: "On the Wings of Poetry", undated

- Folder 20: "Once - I Love the Cigar Aroma", undated

- Bass domra.
- Folder 21: "One Two Three Waltz", Dec., 1967

- Folder 22: Opus 9.1 - 9.7, undated

- Piano score.
- Folder 23: Opus 9.6, undated

- Piano score.
- Folder 24: "Pancakes", undated

- Folder 25: "Pearl Fisher", undated

- Folder 26: "Peasant Woman", undated

- Parts: Prima domra, Bass domra.
- Folder 27: "Peasant Woman, The", undated

- Folder 28: "Peasants Chorus from Prince Igor," A. Borodin, undated

- Folder 29: "Peter's Alley", undated

- Folder 30: "Polka", undated

- Parts: Bass.
- Folder 31: "Polka No, 8" and "Odessa", undated

- Folder 32: "Potpourri From Russian Soups", undated

- Folder 33: "Prima", undated

- Folder 34: "Quadrillo", undated

- Folder 35: "Quiet Evening," V. Yurovski, undated

- Folder 36: "Road of Life, The", July 29, 1983

- Folder 37: "Rodina," Opus 63.1, 1961

- Piano score.
- Folder 38: "San Diego", undated

- Polka.
- Folder 39: "Selection of Russian Folk Songs", undated

- Parts: Viola, Contra bass.
- Folder 40: "Sibirski Lemok," N. Kutuzov, undated

- Folder 41: "Sighing Winds", undated

- Parts: Alto domra II
- Folder 42: "Sing Gypsy", undated

- Parts: Kontra bass.
- Folder 43: "Slovak Czardas", undated

- Folder 44: "Snow Fall", Aug. 18, 1983

- Folder 45: "Soudarushka", undated

- Folder 46: "Sourire d'Avril," M. Depret, undated

- Arr. by Theo. M. - Tobani. Waltz. Parts: Cello.
- Folder 47: "Star", undated

- Folder 48: "Street Flights", undated

- Parts: Violin.
- Folder 49: "Sweet Berry," E. Ptichkin, undated

- Folder 50: "Take All Out of This Life", undated

- Folder 51: "Tally's Polka," W. Kasura, undated

- Folder 52: "Tatjano (Tango)", undated

- Parts: Kontra bass.
- Folder 53: "There Was a Tambourine Melody", undated

- Parts: Kontra bass.
- Folder 54: "Toom Balalaika" and "Around the Fire", undated

- Folder 55: "Torn Strings," A. Stokowski, undated

- Folder 56: "Troika a Barina", undated

- Folder 57: "Ukranian Potpourri", undated

- Folder 58: "Ukranian Selections", undated

- Parts: Alto balalaika.
- Folder 59: "Under the River in Lusiah", undated

- Folder 60: "Waltz," N. Budashkin, undated

- Folder 61: "Waves of Tngul", July 29, 1983

- Folder 62: "Wedding", undated

- Folder 63: "When the Distant Smenol Sings", undated

- Parts: Bass.
- Folder 64: 'Xmas Medley," W, Kasura, 1969

- Parts: Prima balalaika.
- Folder 65: "Zagulial Parenek," Opus 9.7, undated

- Piano score.
- Folder 66: Obscure and Untranslated Titles, undated

- Folder 67: Untitled Composition, undated

- Folder 68: Untitled Composition, undated

- Folder 69: Untitled Composition, Parts, 1st and 2nd Tenor, undated

- Folder 70: Untitled for Soprano II, undated

- Folder 71: Untitled Fragments of Compositions, undated

- Folder 72: Untitled Lyrics, undated

- Sub-Series 3: Emanuil Sheynkman Arrangements

- Box 226

- Folder 1: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Val's iz op. "Faust"

- EC 1549. La Niut de Walpurgis. Waltz from the opera "Faust." Composer: Charles Gounod. Garmon i instr. F. A. Nimana dlya Orkestra russkikh narodnykh instrumentov. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, 2 KD, plucked & piano guslis, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 27 p. score.
- Folder 2: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Iz 1go akta operi "Bogema"

- EC 1549. From the 1st act of the opera "Boheme." Composer: Giacomo Puccini. Orchestration: F. A. Niman. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, gusli, PB I & II, SB, AB, BB, KB. 3 p. score.
- Folder 3: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Elegiya

- EC 1549. Elegy. Composer: Massenet. Instrumentation: V. Nasonov. Score for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, KD; gusli, PB I & II, SB, AB, BB, KB. 6 p. score.
- Folder 4: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Moryaki

- EC 1549. Sailors. Duet for two small domra. Composer: Vimboa. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 13 p. score.
- Folder 5: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Khorovodnaya

- EC 1549. Round Dance. Composer: Kryukovskiy. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 7 p. score.
- Folder 6: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Nu, bystrey letite koni

- EC 1549. Oh, the Horses Fly Swiftly. Composer: Bakaleynikov. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 4 p. score.
- Folder 7: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Florentinskiy marsh

- EC 1549. Florentine March. Composer: Fugik. Instrumentation: S. Kryukovskiy. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, trumpet in B, SB, AB, BB, KB. 22 p. score.
- Folder 8: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Poeta

- EC 1549. The Poetess. Violin solo accompanied by Russian folk orchestra. Composer: Z. Fibikh. Scored for SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score in pencil. 4 p. score.
- Folder 9: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Nochka

- EC 1549. Little Night. A Russian song. Composer: A Farskiy. Arranger: G. Ushakov. Scored for PicD, AD, TD, BD, SB, AB, BB, KB, mandolin I & II. 12 p. score.
- Folder 10: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Lyubov' v besedke iz op. "Madame Cherre"

- EC 1549. "Love in the Summerhouse" from the opera "Madame Sherry." Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 6 p. score.
- Folder 11: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Idiliya iz op-ki "Lizistrati", 1927

- EC 1549. Idyll from the operetta "Lysistrata." Composer: Linke. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 19 p. score. Signed F. Semenov.
- Folder 12: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Val's "Vesennyaya skazka"

- EC 1549. Waltz "Spring Story." Composer: Ehban. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 24 p. score.
- Folder 13: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: "Angliyskaya" melodiya 17go veka

- EC 1549. "English" melody of the 17th century. Harmonization and instrumentation: A. S. Chagadayev. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, PB I & II, SB, AB, BB, KB. 8 p. score.
- Folder 14: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Tsyganskaya fantaziya, 1927

- EC 1549. Gypsy Fantasy. Orchestration: F. Semenov. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 18 p. score.
- Folder 15: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Fantaziya iz op. "Karmen"

- EC 1549. Fantasy from the opera "Carmen." Composer: Bizet. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 28 p. score + complete set of parts.
- Folder 16: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: "La Traviata"

- EC 1549. Fantasie. Composer: Verdi. Dlya Velikorussky orkestra malogo sostava (for small Russian folk orchestra). Instrumentation and orchestration: P. Diveyev. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 42 p. score.
- Box 227

- Folder 1: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Dvye gitary

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 17. Two Guitars. No attributions. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 10 p. score.
- Folder 2: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Proshchaniye Gladiotorov

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 18. The Gladiators' Farewell. A march. Composer: Blankenburg. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 20 p. score.
- Folder 3: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Tanetz payatsev

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 19. Dance of the Clowns. Composer: V. Rebikov. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 6 p. score.
- Folder 4: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Tsyganskaya plyaska

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 20. Gypsy Dance. Originally scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Subsequently, bayan and percussion parts were added. 8 p. score.
- Folder 5: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: "Tum-buk-tu." Tanetz oleney

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 21. "Tum-buk-tu." Dance of the Reindeer. Composer: Chernyavskiy. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 8 p. score + parts (except gusli).
- Folder 6: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Bybentsy

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 22. Sleigh bells. Composer: Bakaleynikov. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 10 p. score.
- Folder 7: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Vstupelniye na russkuyu temu

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 23. Relude on a Russian theme. Arranger: N. Fomin. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, KD, gusli, nakry, PB I & II, SB, AB, BB, KB. 8 p. score.
- Folder 8: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Vstupleniye na russkuyu temu

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 24. Prelude on a Russian theme. Composer: N. P. Fomin. Similar to score from Folder ID: 23, but bayan part added, and KD and PB II parts ommitted. 4 p. score + AD I part.
- Folder 9: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Val's - fantaziya

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 25. Waltz - fantasy. Composer: M. A. Glinka. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD (in G), BD I & II, 2 KD (in F and C), piano gusli, plucked gusli, triangle, timpani, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 28 p. score.
- Folder 10: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Danse d'Auvergne

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 26. Dance from the Auvergne. (Iz bal. "Zhizn' - Son. - From the ballet "Life - Dream.") Composer: Fomin. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, wood block, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 8 p. score.
- Folder 11: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Danses Hongroises

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 27. Hungarian Dances. Composer: Brahms. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, PB, SB, AB, KB. 12 p. score.
- Folder 12: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Passepied

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 28. A gay rural dance from Brittany. Composer: L. Delibes. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, tambourine. 12 p. score.
- Folder 13: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Salome - Vostochnaya pesnya, 1927.

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 29. "Salome" - An Eastern Song. Signed by F. Semenov. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 7 p. score.
- Folder 14: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Kolybel'naya iz op. "Zhosselen"

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 30. Lullaby from the opera "Jocelyn." Composer: B. Goddard. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 6 p. score.
- Folder 15: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Maritsa: "Gdye snimaya schast'ye"

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 31. Countess Maritsa: "Where Happiness is Lost." Composer: Kal'man. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 10 p. score.
- Folder 16: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: "Kur'erskiy poezd" - konzert galop, 1929

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 32. "Express Train." A Concert Gallop. Composer: Gamma. Signed by Georgievskiy and Vanas. Scored for PicD, mandolin I & II, PB, SB, AB I & II, AD, mandola, BD, BB, KB, percussion, piano. 7 p. score.
- Folder 17: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Mel'nitsa v Shvartsval'de

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 33. Mill in the Schwartzwald. Subtitle: U ruch'ya (By the Brook). Composer: R. Ehylenberg. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Subsequently, percussion parts written in (in another hand) on the two staves above the score (mostly spoons, drum, and bird calls). 32 p. score.
- Folder 18: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Fantaziya "Tsyganye - muzykanty", 1927

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 34. Fantasia "Gypsy - musicians." Composer: Ehylenberg. Signed F. Semenov. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. 24 p. score.
- Folder 19: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Fantaziya iz op "Payatsy"

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 35. Fantasia from the opera "Pagliacci." Composer: R. Leoncavallo. Set of parts only. Scored for SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB (PD part missing?).
- Box 228

- Folder 1: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Popurri iz op. "Aida"

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 36. Potpourri from the opera "Aida." Composer: G. Verdi. Set of parts only. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB.
- Folder 2: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: V Kitayskoy pagode

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 37. In a Chinese Pagoda. Composer: Bratton. Instrumentation: Mirokhin. Set of parts only. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, SB, AB, BB, KB (PB part missing?).
- Folder 3: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Tanets "Satirov"

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 38. Dance of "The Satyrs." Composer: Linke. Set of parts only. Scored for PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, PB (written by a different hand), SB, AB, BB, KB. Included with the set of parts is a separate partial bayan part.
- Folder 4: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Uvertuyra k op. "Sevil'skiy tsiryul'nik"

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 39. Overture to "The Barber of Seville." Composer: Rossini. Incomplete set of parts only: SD I & II, AD I & II, BB, KB.
- Folder 5: Music for Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra: Fantaziya na russkiye pesni "Ne bely to snegi" i "Vo pole bereza"

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 40. Fantasia on two Russian Songs, "The Sonw Isn't White" and "In the Fields Stands a Birch Tree." Composer: S. Kryukovskiy. Set of parts only: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, SB, AB, BB, KB (PB part missing?).
- Folder 6: Music for Balalaika and Guitar: Flight of the Bumblebee

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 41. Composer: N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 7: Music for Balalaika and Guitar: Fiddler on the Roof

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 42. Composer: Jerry Bock. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 8: Music for Balalaika and Guitar: Gypsy Dance

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 43. Composer: A. Petrov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 9: Music for Balalaika and Guitar: Geese and Swans

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 44. Composer: V. Gavrilin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 10: Music for Balalaika and Guitar: Variations on a Theme of Corelli

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 45. Composer: Fritz Kreisler. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 11: Music for Mandolin and Guitar: Souvenir

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 46. Composer/Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 12: Music for Mandolin and Guitar: Vocalise

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 47. Composer: Sergei Rachmaninov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 13: Music for Mandolin and Guitar: The Minstrel's Rondo

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 48. Composer: M. Goldstein. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 14: Music for Mandolin and Guitar: Troika

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 49. Composer: Rodion Shchedrin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 15: Music for Mandolin and Guitar: The Morning Serenade

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 50. Composer: Sergei Prokofiev. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 16: Music for Mandolin and Guitar: Ancient Romance, from the film "The Snowstorm"

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 51. Composer: Georgi Sviridov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 17: Music for Mandolin and Guitar: Romance, from "The Gadfly"

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 52. Composer: Dmitri Shostakovich. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 18: Music for Mandolin and Guitar: Thumbelina

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 53. Composer: S. Slonimsky. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 19: Music for Mandolin and Guitar: Capriccio

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 54. Composer: V. Gavrilin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 20: Music for Mandolin and Guitar: Circus Polka

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 55. Composer: I. Stravinsky. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Folder 21: Music for Mandolin and Guitar: Sentimental Mazurka

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 56. Composer: Michel Michelet. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman.
- Box 229

- Folder 1: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Kolokol'chik

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 57. The Bell. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Score.
- Folder 2: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Po Ulitse Mostovoy

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 58. Along the Bridge Street. SATB Choir. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Score.
- Folder 3: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Se Zvezda

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 59. This Star. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SATB Choir. Score.
- Folder 4: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Vdol' da po Rechke

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 60. Along the River. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, BD, PB, AB, KB. Score.
- Folder 5: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Dorogoy Dlinnoyu

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 61. Composer: Boris Fomin. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, AD, AB, KB. Score.
- Folder 6: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Kalinka

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 62. The Little Snowball Tree. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: vocal solo, PB, AB, KB.
- Folder 7: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Ochi Chyornye

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 63. Dark Eyes. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, 2 PB, guitar. Score, SD part.
- Folder 8: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: America the Beautiful

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 64. Composer: Samuel A. Ward. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, BD, piano, AB, KB. Score.
- Folder 9: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Ancient Romance

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 65. Composer: G. Sviridov. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, bayan, PB, AB, KB. Score, SD part.
- Folder 10: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Barynya

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 66. The Landlord's Wife. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, AD, bayan, AB, KB. Score, SD part.
- Folder 11: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Fiddler on the Roof

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 67. (with short vocal duet.) Composer: Jerry Bock. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: AD, bayan, PB, AB, KB, tamb. Score, AD part.
- Folder 12: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Five Pieces for Solo Balalaika (prima)

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 68. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. 1) Hungarian Dance No. 5 (Brahms), 2) Rondo Alla Turca (Mozart), 3) Whither? (Schubert), 4) Earl [sic]King (Schubert), 5) Rondo (Beethoven). Instrumentation: PB.
- Folder 13: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Girl's Roundelay

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 69. Composer: R. Shchedrin. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score, PB part.
- Folder 14: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Kalitka

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 70. The Little Gate (An ancient Russian romance). Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: 2 PB, guitar, bayan. Score.
- Folder 15: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Korobeyniki

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 71. The Peddlers. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, AD, PB, AB, KB. Score.
- Folder 16: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Lara's Theme (from "Dr. Zhivago")

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 72. Composer: Maurice Jarre. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, bayan, PB, AB, KB. Score.
- Folder 17: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Memory Waltz (from "The Long Journey")

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 73. Composer: Michel Michelet. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: BD, bayan, PB, AB, KB. Score.
- Folder 18: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Music Box

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 74. Unfinished. Composer: A. Lyadov. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: 2 PB, AB. Score.
- Folder 19: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Pictures at an Exhibition

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 75. Composer: M. Mussorgsky. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: 2 PB, AB, BD, BB, KB, guitar, bayan, triangle, gusli (lap). Score.
- Folder 20: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Po Ulitse Mostovoy

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 76. Along the Bridge Street. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, PB, AB, KB. Score.
- Folder 21: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Moscow Nights

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 77. Composer: V. Solov'yov-Sedoy. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, AD, bayan, PB, KB. Score, SD part.
- Folder 22: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Proshchaniye Slavyanki

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 78. Farewell of the Slavs. Composer: V. Agapkin. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: 2 PB, guitar, bayan. Score.
- Folder 23: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Russian Fantasy

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 79. For small ensemble, SATB choir, and string orchestra. Composer/Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: 2 PB, AD, BD, AB, KB, bayan, guitar, timpani, tambourine, chimes, orch. bells, and string orchestra. Score.
- Folder 24: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Russkaya Fantaziya

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 80. Russian Fantasia. Composer: N. Budashkin. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, AD, bayan, PB, KB. Score.
- Folder 25: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Russkiye Intermetstso

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 81. Russian Intermezzo. Composer: Vladimir Dmitriyev. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, AD, bayan, PB, KB. Score.
- Folder 26: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Russkyy Kontsert

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 82. Russian Concerto. Composer: N. Budashkin. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, bayan, PB, AB, DB. Score.
- Folder 27: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Sabre Dance

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 83. Composer: Aram Khachaturian. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, bayan, PB, AB, KB. Score.
- Folder 28: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Shtoy-to Zvon

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 84. What's That Ringing? Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score, PB part.
- Folder 29: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Slav'sya!

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 85. Glory! (to the Tsar ...) from the opera "A Life for the Tsar." Composer: M. Glinka. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, BD, PB, AB, KB. Score.
- Folder 30: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: The Seasons, op. 37a

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 86. No. 6: June: Barcarolla, No. 7: July: Song of the Reaper. Composer: Tchaikovsky. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: AD, BD, bayan, PB, guitar/KB. Score.
- Folder 31: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Troyka

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 87. Troika. Composer: Prokofiev. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, AD, bayan, PB, KB. Score.
- Folder 32: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Tsyganskaya Fantaziya

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 88. Gypsy Fantasia. Composer: Aleksandr Goncharov. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, 2 PB, AB, guitar, KB. Score, SD part.
- Folder 33: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Turkish Rondo

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 89. Composer: Mozart. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, AD, BD, bayan, PB. Score.
- Folder 34: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Turkish Rondo

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 90. Composer: Mozart. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, bayan, PB, AB, KB. Score, SD part.
- Folder 35: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Ural'skaya Rapsodiya

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 91. Ural Rhapsody. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: Gusli (lap), 2 PB, AB, KB. Score.
- Folder 36: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Variatsiy na Temy dvukh Russkikh

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 92. Variations on Themes of Two Russian Folk Songs: "To Ne Veter Vetku Klonit" ("It's Not the Wind that Bends the Branch") and "Kak Pod Yablon'koy" ("Under the Apple Tree"). Composer/Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: Gusli (lap), 2 PB, AB, KB. Score.
- Folder 37: Music Arranged for the Odessa Balalaikas: Venskiy Val's

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 93. Composer: V. Andreyev. Arranged by Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score, PB part.
- Box 230

- Folder 1: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: At a Russian Inn

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 94. A waltz transcribed from a 78-rpm shellac record. Composer: Shura Samuels. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 2: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Bandura Kozachok

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 95. A lively Ukrainian dance. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score, parts.
- Folder 3: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Binks' Waltz

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 96. Composer: Scott Joplin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, celesta, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score, parts.
- Folder 4: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Charming Eyes

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 97. A medley of two Russian gypsy songs: "Ocharovatel'nyye Ochi" ("Charming Eyes") and "Gai-da Troika" ("Hey, Troika"). Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score, parts.
- Folder 5: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Country Tune

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 98. Composer: A. Melitanyan. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score and parts.
- Folder 6: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Etyud na Evreyskiye Temy

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 99. Etude on Jewish Themes. Composer: Aleksandr Spendiarov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, tamborine. Score and parts.
- Folder 7: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Ever Onward

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 100. "A real slow drag." From the opera "Treemonisha." Composer: Scott Joplin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score and parts.
- Folder 8: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Kalitka

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 101. The Little Gate. An ancient Russian romance. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 9: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Kolomyys'kyy Arkan

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 102. A Ukrainian dance for men. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 10: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Lenok

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 103. Flax. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score.
- Box 231

- Folder 1: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Love and Money

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 104. Transcribed from a Columbia green label 78-rpm shellac record. Composer: Shura Samuels. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, fl, ob, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score and parts.
- Folder 2: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Mazurka, op. 119, No. 4

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 105. Composer: Sergei Belyaev. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 3: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Memories Waltz

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 106. From the MGM movie "The Journey." Composer: Michel Michelet. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 4: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Moscow Nights March

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 107. Composer: Vasiliy Solov'yov-Sedoy. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 5: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Nenaglyadnaya Storona

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 108. The Beloved Place. Composer: D. Tukhmanov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, drums. Score.
- Folder 6: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Orlovskaya

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 109. A concert arrangement of a couple dance from the Ural Mountain region. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 7: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Pride of the Illini

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 110. Composer: Karl L. King. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 8: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Romance

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 111. From the movie "Ovod" (The Gadfly). Composer: Shostakovich. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 9: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Suite of Themes from Russian World War II Songs

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 112. Based on "Dorogi" (A. Novikov), "Tyomnaya noch" (N. Bogoslovskiy), "Nad solnechnoy polyanochkoy and "Vecher na reyde" (V. Solov'yov-Sedoy), "V lesy prifrontovom" (M. Blanter), "Yekhal ya iz Berlina (I. Dunayevskiy), and "Sumglianka" by A. Novikov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score and parts.
- Box 232

- Folder 1: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Sunset Music

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 113. Composer: Valeri Gavrilin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, triangle. Score and parts.
- Folder 2: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: The Turkish Patrol

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 114. Composer: Thomas Michaels. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score and parts.
- Folder 3: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra: Train to Odessa

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 115. Composer: Aleksandr Kirilloff. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score and parts.
- Folder 4: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Bethena

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 116. A concert waltz. Composer: Scott Joplin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: Guitar, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, orch. bells. Score and parts.
- Folder 5: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Gusarskaya Syuita I. Val's

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 117. Hussar Suite. I. Waltz. Composer: Andrei Petrov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: Musical saw, guitar, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, fl, ob, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score and parts.
- Folder 6: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Gusarskaya Syuita II. Pol'ka

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 118. Hussar Suite. II. Polka. Composer: Andrei Petrov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: Musical saw, guitar, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, fl, ob, bayan I & II, banjo, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score and parts.
- Folder 7: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Gypsy Airs

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 119. A medley of gypsy songs. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: Violin, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score and parts.
- Folder 8: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: March Majestic

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 120. Composer: Scott Joplin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: Banjo, SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Box 233

- Folder 1: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Mazurka No. 4

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 121. Composer: Vasiliy Andreyev. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PB + SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 2: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: On the Seas, on the Waves

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 122. Setting of 2 songs from the Soviet film "Deti Kapitana Granta" ("The Children of Captain Grant"). Composer: I. Dunayevsky. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: Guitar + SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 3: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Russian Carnival

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 123. Arranged for the Houston Balalaika Orchestra. Composer: Valeri Gavrilin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PB + SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, (bayan added), PB, (SB added), AB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 4: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Tanets Fei Drazhe iz baleta "Shchelkunchik"

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 124. Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies, from the ballet "The Nutcracker." Composer: Tchaikovsky. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: 2 PB + SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 5: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: The Night is Light

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 125. Old gypsy waltz. Composer: N. Shishkin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: Violin + SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, chime. Score and parts.
- Folder 6: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Tsiganskaya Fantaziya

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 126. Gypsy Fantasy. Composer: A. Goncharov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: Violin + SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, tamborine, triangle. Score.
- Folder 7: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Ya Vstertil Vas

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 127. I Met You. An old Russian romance; arr. for Houston Balalaika orchestra. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PB + SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, (bayan added), PB, (SB added), AB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 8: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Ariya Knyazya Igorya iz op. "Knyaz' Igor'"

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 128. Prince Igor's aria from the opera "Prince Igor." Composer: Aleksandr Borodin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score.
- Folder 9: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Chto Eto Serdtse

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 129. Why Is This Heart ...? Arranger: Ya. Prigozhiy. Scoring: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 10: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: I Played Fiddle for the Czar

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 130. Composer: Harry Revel. Lyrics: Mack Gordon. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, fl, ob, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score and parts.
- Folder 11: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Kolybel'naya Akatuya

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 131. Akatui Lullaby. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Box 234

- Folder 1: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Lyon

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 132. Flax. Arranger: A. Kastal'sky. Scoring: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 2: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Ne Probuzhday Vospominany

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 133. Do Not Awaken Memories. Composer: P. Bulakhov. Lyrics: N.N. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: 2 violins + SD I & II, AD, BD, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts (no vocal part).
- Folder 3: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Po Snyegu Olen' Bezhit

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 134. The Reindeer Runs over the Snow. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, wood block. Score and parts.
- Folder 4: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Posredi Palat Kamennykh

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 135. Among the Stone Palaces. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts (no vocal part).
- Folder 5: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: V Put'

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 136. On the Way. Contemporary soldiers' song. SATB choir. Composer: Vasiliy Solov'yov-Sedoy. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts.
- Folder 6: Music for the University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra and Soloist: Vsled za Buynymi Vetrami

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 137. After the Stormy Wind. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB. Score and parts (no vocal part).
- Folder 7: Music for John C. Bardash: Souvenir de "Herkulesfurdo"

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 138. A Hungarian waltz. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, AD, PB, AB, BD or BB, triangle. Score.
- Folder 8: Music for John C. Bardash: I Gaze into Blue Ponds

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 139. Composer: L. Attanasiev. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD, AD, PB, AB, BB. Score.
- Folder 9: Music for John C. Bardash: Valenki

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 140. Felt Boots. Arranger: A. Shalov. Instrumentation: SD, AD, bayan, PB, AB, BB. Score.
- Folder 10: Music for John C. Bardash: Vo Lesochke Komarochkov Mnogo Udarilos'

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 141. Gnats Are Plenty in the Woods. Arranger: A. Shalov. Instrumentation: SD, AD, bayan, PB, SB, AB, BB. Score.
- Folder 11: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Bolero

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 142. Mandolin solo. Composer: E. Metsstakapo. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, mandolin, PB, AB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 12: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Val's

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 143. Waltz. Mandolin solo. Composer: Riccardo Drigo. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, mandolin, PB, AB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 13: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Valse

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 144. Composer: A. Durand. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl I & II, picc, ob I & II, clar in B, bassoon, bayan I & II, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 14: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Vengerskiye Narodnyye Napevy

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 145. Hungarian Folk Melody. SD solo. Composer: Bela Bartok. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl, ob, bayan I & II, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 15: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Venetsianskiy Karnaval

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 146. Venetian Carnival. Mandolin or SD solo. Composer: N. Paganini. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl I & II, ob I & II, bayan I-IV, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Box 235

- Folder 1: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Vesyolaya Progulka

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 147. A Cheerful Stroll. Composer: V. Gavrilin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 2: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Vesyolaya Uvertyura

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 148. Joyous Overture. Composer: Yu. Zaritsky. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, fl, picc, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 3: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Dedushkiny Chasy

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 149. Grandfather's Clock. Composer/Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl I & II, ob I & II, bayan I-IV, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 4: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Improvizatsiya na Temu Gurileva

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 150. Improvisation on a Theme of Gurileva. SD solo. Composer/Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl I & II, ob I & II, bayan I-IV, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 5: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Intermetstso

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 151. Composer: V. Gavrilin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 6: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Kalinka

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 152. The Little Snowball Tree. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, PB, AB, KB, tamborine. Score.
- Folder 7: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Kantsona

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 153. Canzonet. Composer: Ivan Khandos. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl I & II, picc, ob I & II, bayan I-IV, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score (1 p. missing).
- Folder 8: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Kaprichchio

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 154. Capriccio. Composer: V. Gavrilin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, PB, AB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 9: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Kaprichchiozo

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 155. Capriccioso. Mandolin solo. Composer: F. Ris. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, mandolin, PB, AB, KB, orch. bells. Score.
- Folder 10: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Konchertnyy Val's

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 156. Concert Waltz. Mandolin solo. Composer: Enrico Maruchelli. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, mandolin, PB, AB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 11: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Korobeyniki

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 157. The Peddlers. Arranger: V. Ditel'. Scoring: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl I & II, picc, ob I & II, bayan I-IV, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 12: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Madrigal

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 158. Mandolin solo. Composer: A. Simonetti. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, mandolin, PB, AB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 13: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Marsh

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 159. March Composer: V. Gavrilin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, snare drum. Score.
- Folder 14: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Odinokaya Garmon'

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 160. Lonely Accordian. Composer: V. Gavrilin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, orch. bells. Score.
- Folder 15: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Padushachka Byelorusskaya

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 161. The Little Pillow (Byelorussian). Composer: N. Rakov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl I & II, ob I & II, bayan I-IV, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 16: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Po Ulitse Ne Khodila, Ne Poydu

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 162. There's Nothing Moving on the Street. SD solo. Composer: V. Laptev. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl, picc, ob, bayan I-III, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 17: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Russian Carnival

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 163. Composer: V. Gavrilin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl I & II, picc, ob I & II, clarinet in A, bassoon, bayan I & II, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 18: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Russian Rag

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 164. Composer: George L. Cobb. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl, picc, ob, bayan I-IV, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score (at least 3 p. missing, bottom of pages cut off).
- Folder 19: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Russkaya Pesnya

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 165. Russian Song. SD solo. Composer: Stravinsky. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, fl, ob, bayan I & II, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 20: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Svakhebnaya (Chuvashskaya)

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 166. Matchmaker (Chuvash). Composer: N. Rakov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl I & II, picc, ob I & II, bayan I-IV, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 21: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Sel'skiy Vecher

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 167. Country Evening. Composer: Z. Vitkind. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl, ob, bayan I-III, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 22: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Serenada iz Baleta "Arlekinada"

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 168. Serenade from the ballet "Harlequin." Mandolin solo. Composer: Riccardo Drigo. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, mandolin, PB, AB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Box 236

- Folder 1: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Solnyshko

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 169. Sunny. Composer: F. Bruk. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I-III, AD I & II, BD, bayan, PB, AB, KB. Score.
- Folder 2: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Syuita iz Muzyki k k/f "Mesyats Avgust": Val's

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 170. Suite of Music from the film "August Moon" : Waltz. Composer: V. Gavrilin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl, picc, ob, bayan I-III, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 3: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Tatarsky Tanets

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 171. Tatar Dance. Composer: N. Rakov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl I & II, ob, Eng. horn, bayan I-IV, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 4: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Ty, Chervonaya Kalina (Byelorusskaya)

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 172. You, Wormy Snowball Tree (Byelorussian). Composer: N. Rakov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II,TD, BD I & II, fl I & II, ob, eng. horn, bayan I-IV, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 5: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Ulitsa v Starom Gorodke

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 173. A Street in the Old Town. Composer: Georgy Portnov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan I & II, PB, AB, KB, snare drum, triangle. Score.
- Folder 6: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Uvertyura

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 174. Overture. Composer: V. Shebalin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl, picc, ob, bayan I & II, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 7: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Uvertyura iz Baletnoy Musyki k Pantomime "Bezdelushki"

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 175. Overture from the ballet music for the pantomime "Trinkets." Composer: Mozart. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, PB, AB, KB. Score.
- Folder 8: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Tsirk Priyekhal

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 176. The Circus Has Arrived. Composer/Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD I & II, bayan I & II, trumpet in B, PB, AB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 9: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): 4ya Fantaziya na Russkiye Temy dlya Zvonchatykh Gusley i Orkestroi Nar. Instrumentov

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 177. 4th Fantasia on Russian Themes for Ringing Gusli and Folk Instrument Orchestra. Composer: V. Lipatov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl, picc, ob, bayan I & II, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 10: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Chto Ty Plachesh' Potikhon'ku (Komi)

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 178. Why Are You Crying Quietly? (Komi). Composer: N. Rakov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl I & II, picc, ob I & II, bayan I-IV, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 11: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Sheben'ka (Komi)

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 179. Winter Jacket (Komi). Composer: N. Rakov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl I & II, ob I & II, bayan I-IV, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 12: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Shutochnaya

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 180. Joke. SD solo. Composer: Yu. Shishakov. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl, picc, ob, bayan I-III, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 13: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Yumoristichesky Tanets

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 181. Humorous Dance. Composer: Z. Vitkind. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl, picc, ob, bayan I-IV, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 14: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Unknown title

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 182. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, bayan, PB, AB, KB, sleigh bells, horses' hooves. Score.
- Folder 15: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Izvozchyk

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 183. The Cab Driver. Composer: V. Gavrilin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: SD I & II, AD I & II, BD, trombone, bayan I & II, PB, AB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Folder 16: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Syuita iz Muzyki ki k/f "Mesyats Avgust" : Devochka v Starom Domye

- EC 1549. Folder ID: 184. Suite of Music from the film "August Moon" : The Girl in the Old House. Composer: V. Gavrilin. Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl, ob, trombone, bayan I-III, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, timpani, anvil/hammer. Score.
- Folder 17: Music for Andreyev's Great Russian Orchestra (St. Petersburg): Syuita iz Muzyki ki k/f "Mesyats Avgust" : Parad Kombainov

- EC 1549. Folder ID: . Composer: . Arranger: Emanuil Sheynkman. Instrumentation: PicD, SD I & II, AD I & II, TD, BD I & II, fl I & II, picc, ob I & II, clar in B, bassoon, bayan I & II, plucked gusli, piano gusli, PB, SB, AB, BB, KB, percussion. Score.
- Sub-Series 4: Prima Balalaika Music

- Box 266

- Folder 1: A baiu, baiu, baiu (Russkaia narodnaia pesnia), undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Liadov
- Folder 2: Ai, na gore dub, dub, undated

- Composer/arranger: S. Stempnevskii
- Folder 3: Akh vy, seni, moi seni/ Akh vy, seni, undated

- Compopser/arranger: 1. Unknown 2. N. Pukavizhina
- Folder 4: Akh ty, bereza, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Troianovskii
- Folder 5: Andantino, undated

Composer: P. Martini
Arranger: A. Iliukhin
- Folder 6: Val's "Babochka", undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Lukavikkhina, V. Adreev
- Folder 7: Barkarola ("Zvenit gitara nad rekoiu"), undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Novikov
- Folder 8: Bogatyi zhenikh, undated

- Composer/arranger: Unknown
- Folder 9: Val's, undated

- Composer/arranger: P. Chaikovskii
- Folder 10: Val's no.1, undated

- Composer/arranger: A Griboedov
- Folder 11: Val's, undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Griboedov
- Folder 12: Val's iz operetty "Tsygan-prem'er", undated

Composer: I. Kal'man
Arranger: H. Beknazarov
- Folder 13: Belorusskaia pesnia i pliaska, undated

- Composer/arranger: M. Krasev
- Folder 14: Belorusskaia pol'ka, undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Churkin
- Folder 15: Bolgarskaia narodnia pesnia, undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 16: Vdol'da po rechke, vol'da po Kazanke / Vdol' po ulitse v konets, undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 17: V'dol derevni, undated

- Composer/Arranger: V. Zakharov
- Folder 18: Velichal'naia, undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 19: Vengerskii tanets no.5, Undated

- Composer/arranger: I. Brams
- Folder 20: Val's dlia balalaika v soprorovzhdenii fortep'iano

Composer: F. Shubert
Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 21: Vesnia, undated

Composer: F. Shopen
Arranger: Iu. Blinov
- Folder 22: Vechernii zvom / Veiut vetry, veiyut buinye, undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 23: Vecherniaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Strannoliubskii
- Folder 24: Vechor pozdno iz lesochka, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 25: Vniz po Volge-reke, undated

- Composer/Arranger: V. Avksent'ev
- Folder 26: Vniz po matushke po Volge, undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 27: Vo koloditse voditsa kholodna, undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 28: Vo pole berezyn'ka stoiala / Vo pole bereza stoiala, undated

- Composer/arranger: 1. Unknown 2. Dorozhkin
- Folder 29: Vo sadu li v ogorode / Vo syrom Boru tropinka, undated

- Composer/arranger: Dorozhkin
- Folder 30: Vo sadu li, v ogorode, Undated

- Composer/arranger: T. Zakhar'inaia
- Folder 31: Vo sadu li, v ogorode, Undated

- Composer/arranger: V. Ivanov
- Folder 32: Vozle rechki, vozle mostu, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Troianovskii
- Folder 33: Volzhskie pripevki, undated

- Composer/arranger: Iu Shchekotov
- Folder 34: Vrode marsha, Undated

- Composer/arranger: D. Kabalevskii
- Folder 35: Vspomni, vspomni, moi khoroshaia, Undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 36: Vsiu-to ia vselennuiu proekhal, Undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Troianovskii
- Folder 37: Vy poslushaite, rebiata, Undated

1. Unknown 2. W. Nassonoff 3. A. Iliukhin
- Folder 38: Vykhodnoi val's odetty iz operetty "Baiadera", Undated

Composer: I. Kal'man
Arranger: H. Beknazarov
- Folder 39: Gavot, undated

- Composer/arranger: F. Gossek
- Folder 40: Gavot, undated

- Composer/arranger: Unknown
- Folder 41: Russian Fantasy, Undated

- Composer/Arranger: Unknown
- Folder 42: Galia po sadochku khodila, undated

- Composer/arranger: I. Belorustsa
- Folder 43: Gde zh ty, moi sad, undated

- Composer/arranger: V. Solov'ev-Sedaia
- Folder 44: Gori, gori moi zvezda! / Gorit moi luchinushka, Undated

- Composer/arranger: 1. G. Fistulari 2. Unknown
- Folder 45: Gory vy moi, Undated

Arranger: N. Lukavikhina
Recorded by V. Prokunina
- Folder 46: Gruzinskaia pliasovaia, undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Narimanidze
- Folder 47: Grustnaia pesenka, Undated

- Composer: Vas. Kalinnikov; Arranger: M. Poliakov
- Folder 48: Grustnye ivy, Undated

- Composer/arranger: M. Blanter
- Folder 49: Gutsul'skii tanets, undated

- Composer/arranger: K. Planson; A. Zil'ber
- Folder 50: Dve russkkie narodnye pesni, undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Rimskii-Korsakov
- Folder 51: Do chego zhe khorosho krugom, undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Dunaevskii
- Folder 52: Doliia--Razdoliia, undated

- Composer/arranger: M. Cheremukhin
- Folder 53: Zhelanie, Undated

- Composer/Arranger: F. Shopen
- Folder 54: Zhenskii khor iz opery "Skazhanie o Shota Rustaiveli", Undated

- Composer/arranger: D. Arakchiev
- Folder 55: Za rekoiu, za bystroiu/ Za rechen'koi divo, Undated

- Composer/arranger: Unknown
- Folder 56: Zadumchivost', undated

- Composer/arranger: K. Karaev
- Folder 57: Zapletisia, pleten', undated

- Composer/arranger: G. Kirkor
- Folder 58: Zasvistali kozachen'ki, Undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 59: Zvezdy blestiat, Undated

- Composer/arranger: V. Andreev
- Folder 60: I shamut i gudit / Ivushka, Undated

- Composer/arranger: Unknown
- Folder 61: Iz-za ostrova na strezhen', Undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 62: Kazav meni bat'ko, Undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 63: Kazachock, Undated

- Composer/arranger: Unknown
- Folder 64: Kazachock, Undated

- Composer: B. Sedlachek; Arranger: N. Viaz'min
- Folder 65: Kazachock, Undated

- Composer: E. Arro; Arranger: N. Viaz'min
- Folder 66: Kak za morem divo, Undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Liadov
- Folder 67: Kak za rechen'koi slobodushka stoit, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 68: Kak na gore-to kalina, Undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 69: Kak na Matushke, na Neve-Reke, Undated

- Composer/arranger: V. Avksent'ev
- Folder 70: Kak po sadiku / Kak po el'nichku da po bereznichku, Undated

- Composer/arranger: 1. V. Pogorelov 2. Unknown
- Folder 71: Kak pod gorkoi, pod goroi, undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Komarovskii
- Folder 72: Kak pod iablon'koi, undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 73: Kak pod iablon'koi, Undated

- Composer/arranger: P. Karkin
- Folder 74: Kak pod iablon'koi, Undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Troianovskii
- Folder 75: Kak poshli nashi podruzhki, Undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Dorozhkin
- Folder 76: Kak so vechera dozhd', Undated

- Composer/arranger: M. Filin
- Folder 77: Kak u nashikh u vorot, Undated

- Composer/arranger: Dorozhkin
- Folder 78: Kamarinskaia / Variatsiia "Kamarinskuiu", Undated

- Composer/arranger: Stravinsky
- Folder 79: Kamarinskaia, Undated

- Composer/Arranger: P. Chaikovskii
- Folder 80: Kanava, Undated

- Composer/Arranger: 1. Dorozhkin; 2. A Iliukhin
- Folder 81: Kanava, Undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 82: Kolechko, Undated

- Composer: F. Shopen; Arranger: N. Beknazarova
- Folder 83: Koli'tso dushi devitsy ia v more uronil, Undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 84: Kolybel'naia, undated

- Composer/arranger: V. Blok
- Folder 85: Kolybel'naia, undated

- Composer/arranger: S. Saroian
- Folder 86: Kolybel'naia, undated

- Composer/arranger: T. Khrennikov
- Folder 87: Kolybel'naia, Undated

- Composer: R. Shuman; Arranger: Iu. Blinov
- Folder 88: Kokhanochka, undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Iakovlev
- Folder 89: Krakoviak, Undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 90: Kuda bezhizh', tropinka milaia?, Undated

- Composer/arranger: E. Rodygin
- Folder 91: Kukushka, Undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Ter-Gevondian
- Folder 92: Kumanechek, pobyvai u menia, Undated

- Composer/arranger: Unknown
- Folder 93: Katishkaia narodnia pesnia, Undated

- Composer/arranger: Ia. Vitol
- Folder 94: Lesginka II, Undated

- Composer/arranger: Walter Porschmann
- Folder 95: Lezginka iz opery "Ruslan i Liudmila", Undated

- Composer/arranger: M. Glinka
- Folder 96: Lesginka, Undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 97: Lepestki rozy, undated

- Composer/arranger: Kh. Nakamura
- Folder 98: Lugom idu konia vedu, Undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 99: Lunaia noch', undated

- Composer/arranger: E. Avksent'ev
- Folder 100: Luchinushka, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 101: Liavonikha, Undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 102: Liavonikha, Undated

- Composer/arranger: S. Polonskii; N. Proshko
- Folder 103: Liavonikha, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Avksent'ev
- Folder 104: Mazurka No. 3, undated

- Composer/arranger: V. Andreev
- Folder 105: Mazurka, Undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 106: Mazurka, undated

- Composer: F. Shopen; Arranger: V. Avksent'ev
- Folder 107: Malen'kii vals', Undated

- Composer: V. Andreev; Arranger: B. Troianovskii
- Folder 108: Mazurka No.2, Undated

- Composer: G. Beniavskii; Arranger: B Troianovskii
- Folder 109: Malen'kaia bylina, Undated

- Composer/arranger: Iu. Shishakov
- Folder 110: Malen'kaia pol'ka, Undated

- Composer/arranger: D. Kabalevskii
- Folder 111: Malen'kaia pol'ka, Undated

- Composer/arranger: D. Kabalevskii
- Folder 112: A ia po lugu, Undated

- Composer/arranger: V. Blok
- Box 267

- Folder 1: Mariiskaia shutochnaia pesnia, Undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Eshpai
- Folder 2: Marsh, Undated

- Composer/arranger: S. Maikapar
- Folder 3: Marsh, Undated

- Composer/arranger: D. Shostakovich
- Folder 4: Marsh dereviannykh soldatikov, Undated

- Composer: P. Chaikovskii; Arranger: V. Avksent'eva
- Folder 5: Melodiia, Undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Rubinshtein
- Folder 6: Menuet, Undated

- Composer: L. Betkhoven; Arranger: N. Lukavikhina
- Folder 7: Mikita, Undated

- Composer/arranger: E. Avksent'eva
- Folder 8: Misiatsiu iasnii, Undated

- Composer/arranger: S. Gulak-Artemovskii
- Folder 9: Moskovskii val's, undated

- Composer/Arranger: M. Blanter
- Folder 10: Muzykal'nyi moment, undated

- Composer: F. Shubert; Arranger: N. Lukavikhina
- Folder 11: My s toboiu ne druzhili, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Mokrousov
- Folder 12: Na gore bylo, gore, undated

- Composer/Arranger: I. Balmashov
- Folder 13: Na Ivanushke Chapan, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Troianovskii
- Folder 14: Na zelenom lugu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: T. Zakhar'inoi
- Folder 15: Naigrysh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unknown
- Folder 16: Naigrysh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: E. Avksent'ev
- Folder 17: Naigrysh, undated

- Composer: A. Olenin; Arranger: N. Lukavikhina
- Folder 18: Naigrysh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: V. Poponov
- Folder 19: Naigrysh, undated

- Composer/Arranger: A. Titov
- Folder 20: Naigrysh vladimirskikh rozhechnikov, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Troianovskii
- Folder 21: Napev, undated

- Composer/arranger: V. Blok
- Folder 22: Napev, undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 23: Nam otkryty vse puti, undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Ostrovskii
- Folder 24: Nauchit' li tia, vaniusha / Nash krai, undated

- Composer/arranger: 1. unknown / D. Kabalevskii
- Folder 25: He brani menia, podnaia, undated

- Composer: A. Barlamov; Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 26: Ne budite molodu / Ne budite menia molodu, undated

- Composer/arranger: 1. unknown / 2. B. Romanov
- Folder 27: Ne krichi, perepelka, undated

- Composer/arranger: F. Maslov
- Folder 28: Ne odna-to li vo pole dorozhka, undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Fomin
- Folder 29: Nebo temno-sinee, undated

- Composer/arranger: E. Rodygin
- Folder 30: Nichego ne govorila, undated

- Composer/arranger: V. Solov'ev-Sedoi
- Folder 31: Noktiurn, undated

- Composer: V. Andreev; Arranger: P. Kulikov
- Folder 32: Norvezhskii tanets, undated

- Composer: E. Grig; Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 33: Norvezhskii tanets, undated

- Composer: E. Grig; Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 34: Overnskii tanets, undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Fomin
- Folder 35: Odnozvuchno gremit kolokol'chik, undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 36: Oi, verbo, verbo, undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Komarovskii
- Folder 37: Oi, zadumav komarik, undated

- Composer/arranger: I. Pushechnikov and M. Krein
- Folder 38: Oi, zarodilas' sil'na-buina iagoda v boru, undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Iliukhin and M. Kracev
- Folder 39: Oi ne sviti misiachen'ku, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 40: Oi tumany moi..., undated

- Composer/arranger: Bl. Zakharob and A. Dorozhkin
- Folder 41: Osennie list'ia, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Mokroysov
- Folder 42: Ot sela do sela, undated

- Composer/arranger: E. Avksent'ev
- Folder 43: Poidu l' ia, vyidu l' ia, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 44: Poteriala ia kolechko, undated

- Composer/arranger: I. Il'in
- Folder 45: Sama sadik ia sadila, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 46: Ekh, Nastas'ia, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 47: Ural'skaia riabinushka, undated

- Composer: E. Rodygin; Arranger: V. Avksent'ev
- Folder 48: Polianka, undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 49: Khoroshi vesnoi v sadu tsvetochki, undated

- Composer: B. Mokrousov; Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 50: Oi, tsvetet Kalina iz kinofil'ma "Kuvanskie kazaki", undated

- Composer: I. Dunaevskii; Arranger: B. Avksent'ev
- Folder 51: Ia na Gorku shla, undated

- Composer/arranger: I. Balmashev
- Folder 52: Zachem tebia moi milyi ia uznala, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 53: Ekh, polnym polna moia korobushka / Korobeiniki, undated

- Composer/arranger: 1. unknown; 2. N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 54: Babochka, undated

- Composer/arranger: V. Andreev
- Folder 55: Utushka lugovaia, undated

- Composer/arranger: P. Kulikov
- Folder 56: Raz poloson'ku ia zhala, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 57: Fantaziia na temu russkoi pesni "Korobeiniki", undated

- Composer: V. Ditel'; Arrangers: M. Rozhkov and G. Miniaev
- Folder 58: Iumoreska, undated

- Composer/arranger: Iu. Gur'ev
- Folder 59: A baiu, baiu, baiu, undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Liadov
- Folder 60: No. 4 "My komsomol", undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 61: No. 5 "Marsel'eza", undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 62: No. 16 "Val's" iz op. "Faust", undated

- Composer/arranger: Sh. Guno
- Folder 63: Uprazhneniia vo vtopoi pozitsii, undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 64: Dve russkie narodnye pesni, undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Rimskii-Korsakov
- Folder 65: Belorusskaia pesnia i pliaska, undated

- Composer/arranger: M. Kraseva
- Folder 66: Chardash, undated

- Composer/arranger: V. Andreev(a)
- Folder 67: Kazachok, undated

- Composer: E. Arro; Arranger: N. Biaz'min
- Folder 68: Mariiskaia shutocknaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Eshpai
- Folder 69: Narodnyi napev, undated

- Composer/arranger: G. Saradzhian
- Folder 70: U vorot, vorot, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Troianovskii
- Folder 71: Reve ta stogne Dnipr shirokii, undated

- Composer/arranger: V. Avksent'ev
- Folder 72: Polno-to, rebiata, undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Iliukhin and M. Krasev
- Folder 73: Lebedushka, undated

- Composer/arranger: O. Glukhov and V. Azov
- Folder 74: Ai, vse, kumushki, domoi, undated

- Composer/arranger: 1. B. Troianovskii; 2. unknown
- Folder 75: Kak pod iablon'koi, undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 76: Pliaska skomorokhov, undated

- Composer/arranger: V. Andreev and V. Nasonov
- Folder 77: Pripevka, undated

- Composer/arranger: Iu. Blinov
- Folder 78: Akh! Ne odna vo pole dorozhen'ka, undated

- Composer/arranger: K. Vil'boa
- Folder 79: V lesu prifrontovom, undated

- Composer/arranger: M. Blanter
- Folder 80: Perepelka, undated

- Composer/arranger: Iu. Slonov
- Folder 81: Perepelochka, undated

- Composer/arranger: E. Avksent'eva
- Folder 82: Pirapelochka, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 83: P'esa, undated

- Composer/arranger: P. Klikov
- Folder 84: Pesenka, undated

- Composer/arranger: G. Kamaldinov
- Folder 85: Pesenka bez slov, undated

- Composer/arranger: P. Chaikovskii
- Folder 86: German/Russian Chord Progression Document, undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 87: Pesnia, undated

- Composer/arranger: Iu. Blinov
- Folder 88: Pesnia iz opery "Boris Godunov", undated

- Composer/arranger: M. Musorgskii
- Folder 89: Pesnia, undated

- Composer/arranger: A Titov
- Folder 90: Pesnia volzhskikh gruzchikov, undated

- Composer/arranger: W. Nassonoff (V. Nasonov)
- Folder 91: Petrus', undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 92: Petushok, undated

- Composer/arranger: I. Pushechnikov and M. Krein
- Folder 93: Pivna iagoda, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Troianovskii
- Folder 94: Pitstsikato, undated

- Composer: L. Delib; Arranger: A. Dobrokhotov
- Folder 95: Plaval, plaval selezenk'ka / Plaval, plaval selezen'ko, undated

- Composer/arranger: unknown
- Folder 96: Pliaska, undated

- Composer/arranger: P. Barchunov
- Folder 97: Po ulitse mostovoi, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 98: Pliasovaia, undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 99: Pliasovaia, undated

- Composer/arranger: E. Avksent'ev
- Folder 100: Pliasovaia, undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Budashkin
- Folder 101: Pliasovaia, undated

- Composer/arranger: G. Kamaldinov
- Folder 102: Pliasovaia, undated

- Composer/arranger: P. Kulikov
- Folder 103: Pliasovaia, undated

- Composer: G. Nosov; Arranger: E. Avksent'ev
- Folder 104: Po vsei derevne katen'ka, undated

- Composer/arranger: B. Troianovskii
- Folder 105: Po dolinam i po vzgor'iam, undated

- Composer/arranger: V. Avksent'ev
- Folder 106: Po lugu zelenomu, undated

- Composer/arranger: A. Novikov
- Folder 107: Po ulitse mostovoi, undated

- Composer/arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Box 268

- Folder 1: Pliasovaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: E. Avksent'ev
- Folder 2: Pod goroiu kalina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: S. Stempnevskii
- Folder 3: Poidu l' ia, vyidu l' ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Dorozhkin
- Folder 4: Poidu l' ia, vyidu l' ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: V. Ivanov
- Folder 5: Poidu l' ia, vyidu l' ia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: S. Stempnevskii
- Folder 6: Variatsii na temu russkoi narodnoi pesni "Poidu l' ia, vyidu l' ia", undated

- Composer/Arranger: A. Komarovskii
- Folder 7: Pol'ka, undated

- Composer: M. Balakirev; Arranger: A. Iliukhin
- Folder 8: Pol'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: P. Chaikovskii
- Folder 9: Pol'ka - pitstsikato, undated

- Composer/Arranger: G. Kamaldinov
- Folder 10: Polno-te, rebiata, undated

- Composer/Arranger: A. Iliukhin and M. Krasev
- Folder 11: Polno ty solnyshko, polno ty gret', undated

- Composer/Arranger: unknown
- Folder 12: Popevka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unknown
- Folder 13: Po seiu lebedu na beregu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 14: Posidelki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Strannoliubskii
- Folder 15: Nosylala menia mat', undated

- Composer/Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 16: Poteriala ia kolechko, undated

- Composer/Arranger: I. Il'in
- Folder 17: Pokhodnaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: L. Betkhoven
- Folder 18: Poshli nashi podruzhki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unknown
- Folder 19: Poema, undated

- Composer: Zd. Fibikh; Arranger: V. Avksent'ev
- Folder 20: Priletila perepilon'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 21: Pripevka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iu. Blinov
- Folder 22: Priskazka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: V. Blok
- Folder 23: Protiazhnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: I. Troianov
- Folder 24: Proshchaite laskovye vzory, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 25: Pryliatseli gusi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 26: Rabina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 27: Raspev, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iu. Blinov
- Folder 28: Reve ta i stogne Dnipr shirokii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: 1) N. Lukavikhin; 2) B. Romanov
- Folder 29: Reve ta stogne Dnipr shirokii, undated

- Composer/Arranger: V. Avksent'ev
- Folder 30: Russkaia narodnaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: A. Gedike
- Folder 31: Russkaia pliasovaia, undated

- Composer: A. Novikov; Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 32: Variatsiia na russkuiu pesniu "Svetit mesiats" / Svetit mesiats, undated

- Composer/Arranger: V. Andreev
- Folder 33: Seiali gurali, undated

- Composer/Arranger: M. Niziurskii
- Folder 34: Sibirskaia polechka, undated

- Composer: Iu. Shchekotov: Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 35: Sidel Vania na divane, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unknown
- Folder 36: Sizyi golubochek, undated

- Composer/Arranger: I. Il'in
- Folder 37: Sirotinka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iu. Slonov
- Folder 38: Skazka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: E. Avksent'ev
- Folder 39: Sladkaia greza, undated

- Composer/Arranger: P. Chaikovskii
- Folder 40: Slovatskaia narodnaia pesnia / Slovatskaia pliasovaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unknown
- Folder 41: Solntse nizen'ko, pesnia iz opery "Natlka--poltavka", undated

- Composer/Arranger: N. Lysenko
- Folder 42: Solov'em zaletnym, undated

- Composer/Arranger: V. Avksent'ev
- Folder 43: Stoit' iavir nad vodoiu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 44: Stoiali koni ubranye, undated

- Composer/Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 45: Stradanie, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 46: Surok, undated

- Composer: L. Betkhoven: Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 47: Taiga zolotaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: V. Pushkov
- Folder 48: Tamburin, undated

- Composer: N. Mondonvil'; Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 49: Tanets, undated

- Composer/Arranger: T. Kuliev
- Folder 50: Tarantella iz baleta "Mirandolina", undated

- Composer: S. Vasilenko: Arranger: V. Murzin
- Folder 51: Tikho vse, tikho, undated

- Composer: F. Sadovskii; Arranger: N. Beknazarov
- Folder 52: To ne veter vetku klonit, undated

- Composer/Arranger: 1) unknown; 2) N. Lukavikhin: 3) unknown
- Folder 53: Tonkaia riabina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: 1) unknown: 2) N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 54: Toska po rodine, undated

- Composer/Arranger: D. Shostakovich
- Folder 55: Trynki-brynki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: N. Viaz'min
- Folder 56: Ty, pchela moia, pchelon'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: N. Rimskii-Korsakov
- Folder 57: Ty, Rossiia moia!, undated

- Composer/Arranger: S. Tulikov
- Folder 58: U vorot, vorot, vorot, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 59: U vorot, vorot, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Troianovskii
- Folder 60: U golubia u sizogo, undated

- Composer/Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 61: U zari, u zoren'ki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: E. Avksent'ev
- Folder 62: U zari-to, u zoren'ki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 63: U kamina, undated

- Composer/Arranger: P. Batorin
- Folder 64: U nas bylo na donu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: S. Stempnevskii
- Folder 65: Uzh kak zvali molodtsa, undated

- Composer/Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 66: Uzh kak po mostu, mostochku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unknown
- Folder 67: Uzh kak po mostu, mostochku, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iu. Blinov
- Folder 68: Uzh ty sad, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 69: Ukrainskaia narodnaia pesnia / Ukrainskii tanets, undated

- Composer/Arranger: 1) D. Vasil'ev-Buglaia and A. Dorozhkin; 2) unknown
- Folder 70: Ukrainskaia shumka, undated

- Composer: I. Zavadskii; Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 71: Ural'skaia pliasovaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Troianovskii
- Folder 72: Ural'skaia riabinushka / Ural'skaia shutochnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: 1) E. Rodygin; 2) L. Liadova
- Folder 73: Khorovodnaia / Khorovodnaia Tambovskoi oblasti / Khorovodnaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: 1) N. Fomin; 2) unknown; 3) N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 74: Khota, undated

- Composer/Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 75: Tsveli, tsveli tsvetiki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Troianovskii
- Folder 76: Chas da po chasu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Troianovskii
- Folder 77: Chastushki, undated

- Composer/Arranger: I. Dunaevskii
- Folder 78: Cheshskaia pol'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: N. Viaz'min
- Folder 79: Chto ni v ozere voda, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 80: Chto ponizhe bylo goroda saratova, undated

- Composer/Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 81: Chto ty zhadno gliadish' na dorogu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: N. Lukavikhin
- Folder 82: Chto ty zhadno gliadish' na dorogu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: N. Beknazarov
- Folder 83: Chtoi-to zvon, undated

- Composer/Arranger: V. Avksent'ev
- Folder 84: Chtoi-to zvon, undated

- Composer/Arranger: I. Belorustsa
- Folder 85: Chtoi-to zvon, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 86: Ukrainskie narodnye pesni, Chumak, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 87: Chumarochka robesen'ka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 88: Shvedskaia narodnaia pesnia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: G. Khegg
- Folder 89: Etiud / Ekh, da ty, kalinushka / Ekh, da ty, kalinushka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: 1) unknown; 2) unknown; 3) A. Iliukhin
- Folder 90: Ia na gorku shla, undated

- Composer/Arranger: 1) unknown; 2) B. Romanov
- Folder 91: Ia na kamushke sizhu, undated

- Composer/Arranger: A. Dorozhkin
- Folder 92: Ia poidu li devchenochka, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unknown
- Folder 93: Ia rasseiu svoe gore, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unknown
- Folder 94: Ia s komarikom pliasala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: unknown
- Folder 95: Ia s komarikom pliasala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: V. Poponov
- Folder 96: Ia s komarikom pliasala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: B. Romanov
- Folder 97: Ia s komarikom pliasala, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Iu. Slonov
- Series 3: Personal Papers, c. 1905-1987

- Consists of correspondence, programs, flyers, ephemera, and scores. Arranged into 13 subjects assigned by previous processors of the collection: Associations, Catalog of Russian Music and Instruments, Choral Music, Personal Correspondence, Russian Performers, Russian Folk Music Ensembles, and Published Works.
- Box 249

- Folder 1: Associations: American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS), 1979

- Newsletters, conference programs, flyers.
- Folder 2: Associations: Balalaika and Domra Association of America - Conventions, 1978-1980

- Correspondence, convention programs (Pomona, NJ).
- Folder 3: Associations: Balalaika and Domra Association of America - Conventions, 1981

- Convention at University of Illinois correspondence, poster, and programs.
- Folder 4: Associations: Balalaika and Domra Society of America - Conventions, 1982-1983

- 1982 Convention in Glassboro, NJ correspondence, programs, and information packets for presenters. 1983 program of Festival Concert.
- Folder 5: Associations: Balalaika and Domra Society of America - Convention Photographs, 1980-1981

- Folder 6: Associations: Balalaika and Domra Association of American - Newsletters, 1978-1982

- v. 1, no. 1 (Nov 1978); v. 2, no. 1 (Mar 1979); v. 3, no. 1 (Mar 1980); v. 3, no. 2 (June 1980); v. 3, no. 3 (Sept 1980); v.3 no. 4 (Dec 1980); v. 4, no. 3 (June 1981); v. 4, no. 4 (Sept 1981); v.4, no. 5 (Dec. 1981); v. 5, no. 1 (Mar 1982); v. 5, no. 3 (Sept. 1982); v. 5, no. 4 (Dec. 1982).
- Folder 7: Associations: University of Illinois Summer Research Laboratory on Russian and Eastern Europe (SRL), 1981

- Correspondence, programs, Champaign-Urbana Guide.
- Box 250

- Folder 1: Catalogs: Catalogue of Russian Musical Instruments, 1930

- Folder 2: Catalogs: Katalog Muzikalnikh Proizvedenii, 1968

- Catalog of Works for Symphony Orchestra. Publisher: Soyuz Kompozitorov CCCP, Moskva.
- Folder 3: Catalogs: Musical Instruments / Instruments de Musique, c. 1970

- Publisher: Raznoexport, Moscow.
- Folder 4: Catalogs: Muzikalnaya Literatura Iz SSSR, 1969

- Publisher: Bsesoyuznoe Obedinenie "Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga" SSSR, Moskva.
- Folder 5: Catalogs: Muzikalnaya Literature Iz SSSR Katalog Dlia Zayavok No. 2, 1972

- Publisher: Vsesoyuznoe Obedinenie "Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga" SSSR, Moskva.
- Folder 6: Catalogs: Muzikalnaya Literatura Iz SSSR - Katalog Dlia Zayovok No. 2, 1974

- Publisher: Vsesoyuznoe Obedinenie "Mezdunarodnaya Kniga" SSSR, Moskva.
- Folder 7: Catalogs: Russian Music Publisher Catalogs, c. 1924-1968

- Box 251

- Folder 1: Catalogs: Russian Merchandise Catalogs and Brochures, c. 1960-1975

- Folder 2: Catalogs: Russian Recordings, c. 1960-1970

- Box 252

- Folder 1: Choral Music: Incomplete Index

- "Files organized by transliterated title (alphabetical)."
- Folder 2: Choral Music: Sacred Choral Music, Misc., undated

- Photocopies.
- Folder 3: Choral Music: Ah've Gotta Robe, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 4: Choral Music: Angel Vopiiash, undated

- Composer: D. Bortnianskago. Arranger: V. Sokolov. Photocopy.
- Folder 5: Choral Music: Arkhiereiskoe Sluzhenie, undated

- Composer: Bortnianskago. Photocopy.
- Folder 6: Choral Music: The Beatitudes, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 7: Choral Music: Blagoobraznyj Iosif, undated

- Great Friday. Composer: Bolgarskogo Rasp.
- Folder 8: Choral Music: Blagoslovi Dushe, undated

- Psalm 104. For Vesper Service.Composer: D. Allemanova. Photocopy.
- Folder 9: Choral Music: Blagoslovi Dushe Moia, undated

- Composer: Ipolitov'-Nvanova. Photocopy.
- Folder 10: Choral Music: Blazhen' Muz'h, undated

- Composer: Kiovskoo. Photocopy.
- Folder 11: Choral Music: Bless O Lord Thy Servants, undated

- Composer: Degtjaroo. Adapted by Daniel Skvir. For male chorus. Photocopy.
- Folder 12: Choral Music: Bless the Lord, O My Soul (Antiphonal), undated

- Greek Melody. Photocopy.
- Folder 13: Choral Music: Blessed Be The Name, undated

- For male chorus. Photocopy.
- Folder 14: Choral Music: Bogorodicny Kanona Sviatyia Paskhi, undated

- Feofana. Photocopy.
- Folder 15: Choral Music: Cherubinic Hymn, undated

- A. Archangelsky.
- Folder 16: Choral Music: O Come Let Us Worship, undated

- Kievan CHant, St. Vladimirs Sem. Photocopy.
- Folder 17: Choral Music: The Creed, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 18: Choral Music: Da Vozraduetsia, undated

- Composer: A. L'vova.
- Folder 19: Choral Music: Dostojno Est', undated

- No. 3. Composer: A. F. L'vova. Photocopy.
- Folder 20: Choral Music: Dushe Moia, undated

- For male chorus. Photocopy.
- Folder 21: Choral Music: Easter Canon, undated

- Composer: V. Leonovski. Photocopy.
- Folder 22: Choral Music: Edin Sviat, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 23: Choral Music: Ejli Ejli, undated

- Arr. K. Frchak'. Photocopy.
- Folder 24: Choral Music: Ekteniia, undated

- Composer: A. A. Arkhangol'skogo. Photocopy.
- Folder 25: Choral Music: Ekteniia Malaia, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 26: Choral Music: Gimn Sviatomu Kniaziu Vladimiru, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 27: Choral Music: Gospodi Pomiliu, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 28: Choral Music: Great Friday Matins, undated

- Kiev Melody. Photocopy.
- Folder 29: Choral Music: Great Litany, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 30: Choral Music: Great Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday Matins, undated

- Kiev melody. Photocopy.
- Folder 31: Choral Music: Griadi, undated

- Degtyareva. Photocopy.
- Folder 32: Choral Music: O Heavenly King, undated

- Adapted by W.G. Soroka. Photocopy.
- Folder 33: Choral Music: Hymn to the Blessed Virgin, undated

- Rev. V. Soroka. Photocopy.
- Folder 34: Choral Music: Kheruvimskaia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: I. Dvorotski. Photocopy.
- Folder 35: Choral Music: Kheruvimskaia Pesn', 1970

- Prot. Dimitriya Iv. Reshetarya. Text and black-and-white images.
- Folder 36: Choral Music: Khor Strannikov, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Serov. The Pilgrims Chorus from the Opera "Rogneda." Photocopy.
- Folder 37: Choral Music: Khvalite Gospoda S Nebes, undated

- Dlia Mukheskogo Khora. Photocopy.
- Folder 38: Choral Music: Khvalite Imia Gospodne, undated

- Znamennogo Raspeva. Photocopy.
- Folder 39: Choral Music: Kolesnitse, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 40: Choral Music: Litany Responses, undated

- Bakhmetiev. Rev. Igor Soroka. Photocopies.
- Folder 41: Choral Music: Lord I Call Upon Thee, undated

- Tone 3. Photocopy.
- Folder 42: Choral Music: Lord, I Have Child, undated

- Tone 4. Photocopy.
- Folder 43: Choral Music: O Lord Save Those Who Fear God, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 44: Choral Music: The Lord's Prayer, undated

- Several versions - one arr. by W.F. Ducrest and re-arr. by C.Y., one adapted by Rev. V. Soroka, one for solo baritone or tenor. Photocopies.
- Folder 45: Choral Music: May the Good Lord, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 46: Choral Music: A Mercy of Peace, undated

- Composer: Ippolitov-Ivanov. Adapted by I. Soroka. Photocopy.
- Folder 47: Choral Music: Milost' Mira, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 48: Choral Music: Na Rekokh Vouilshnskikh, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 49: Choral Music: Now Let Every Tongue Adore Thee, undated

- Composer: J.S. Bach. Photocopy.
- Folder 50: Choral Music: Nyne Otpushchaeshi, 1967

- Composer: A. Arkhangel'skago. Photocopy.
- Folder 51: Choral Music: Ode #3, undated

- Composer/Arranger: R. Geleta. Photocopy.
- Folder 52: Choral Music: Of Thy Mystical Supper, 1964

- Tone 6. For male chorus. Photocopy.
- Folder 53: Choral Music: One Wide River, undated

- Arranger: C. Yurchak. Photocopy.
- Folder 54: Choral Music: Only Begotten Son

- Kievan Chant. St. Vladimir Seminary. Photocopy.
- Folder 55: Choral Music: Otche Nash', undated

- Donskoo. Photocopy.
- Folder 56: Choral Music: Ottsa I Syna

- Photocopy.
- Box 253

- Folder 1: Choral Music: Panikhida, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 2: Choral Music: Plachu I Rydaiu, undated

- Kozlovskago. Photocopy.
- Folder 3: Choral Music: Praise Ye the Lord, undated

- Composer: P. I. Tchaikovsky. Photocopy.
- Folder 4: Choral Music: Predstoiashche Krestu, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 5: Choral Music: Priidite Poklonimsia, undated

- Composer: Chajkovskij (Tchaikovsky). Photocopy.
- Folder 6: Choral Music: Prokimeni Osnich Glasov, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 7: Choral Music: Prositel'naia Ekteniia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Aleksandrova. Photocopy.
- Folder 8: Choral Music: Psalm 96, undated

- Kievan Chant. Photocopy.
- Folder 9: Choral Music: Razboinika Blagorazumnago, undated

- Composer/Arranger: P. Chesnokov. Photocopy.
- Folder 10: Choral Music: The Reapers Song, undated

- Bohemian-Slovak. Photocopy.
- Folder 11: Choral Music: Resurrection Canon, undated

- Tone 8. Photocopy.
- Folder 12: Choral Music: Se Nyne Blagoslovite Gospoda, undated

- Per. P. Chesnokov. Photocopy.
- Folder 13: Choral MusicSei Narechennyi I Sviatui Den', undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vortninskago. Photocopy.
- Folder 14: Choral Music: Simvol Very (No. 8), undated

- Score for four-part choir, descant, and piano.
- Folder 15: Choral Music: Slava I Nen, Glas 8-N Tropar' Prepoloveniyu, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 16: Choral Music: Slava ... Edinorodnyi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninova. Photocopy.
- Folder 17: Choral Music: Slava Tebe, Bozhe Na Nebesi, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 18: Choral Music: Slava Tebe Gospodi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Grechaninova. Photocopy.
- Folder 19: Choral Music: Sugubaia - Ektenik, 1951

- Photocopy.
- Folder 20: Choral Music: Sviatne Bozhe, undated

- Dlya Arkhieronskosh Spuzhenin. Composer/Arranger: Chajkovskago (Tchaikovsky) I Obiknovennoe. Photocopy.
- Folder 21: Choral Music: Tebe Boga Khvalim, undated

- Composer/Arranger: D. S. Vortnyansky. Photocopy.
- Folder 22: Choral Music: Tebe Odeiushchagosia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Vinogradova. Photocopy.
- Folder 23: Choral Music: The Thrice Holy, undated

- Traditional Melody. Male chorus. Photocopy.
- Folder 24: Choral Music: Tri Malekh Ektenii, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 25: Choral Music: Trisagion, undated

- So Dukhi Pravednbikh. Photocopy.
- Folder 26: Choral Music: Troinoe Gospodi Pomilui, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 27: Choral Music: Tropar - Pentecost Sunday, undated

- Tone #8. Transcribed by R. Geleta. Photocopy.
- Folder 28: Choral Music: Tropar Glas, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 29: Choral Music: Troparion, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 30: Choral Music: Uletaz Colo (Nightingale), undated

- Folder 31: Choral Music: V Molitvakhe Neusyriaiushchuiu, undated

- Tenor and bass parts. Photocopies.
- Folder 32: Choral Music: V' Tserkvi, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Chajkovskago (Tchaikovsky). "In Church." Photocopy.
- Folder 33: Choral Music: Vechnaia Pamiat', undated

- "Memory Eternal." Photocopy.
- Folder 34: Choral Music: Velikaia Ekteniia, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Smolenskago. Photocopy.
- Folder 35: Choral Music: Velikaia Vechernia, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 36: Choral Music: Velikin Vtornik, undated

- Composer/Arranger: D. Voepbsneczd. Photocopy.
- Folder 37: Choral Music: Venchanie, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 38: Choral Music: Veruiu, undated

- No. 1. Composer/Arranger. A. Kastal'skago. Perelozhil Na Muzhskoj Khor: I Lampart. Photocopy.
- Folder 39: Choral Music: Vo Tsartsvii Tvoem, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Nanchen'ka. Photocopy.
- Folder 40: Choral Music: Voskliknite Gospodevi, undated

- No. 37. Composer: A. Grechaninova. Arranger: P. Chesnokov. Photocopy.
- Folder 41: Choral Music: Voskresni, Bozhe, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 42: Choral Music: Voznesu Tia Bozhe Moi, undated

- Photocopy.
- Folder 43: Choral Music: Vskuiu Mia Otrinul, undated

- Composer/Arranger: Riutova. Photocopy.
- Folder 44: Choral Music: Why Are You Blinking Your Eyes, 1943

- Russian Gypsy Song. Composer: Mikhail Shishkin. Transcribed by Gregory Stone. English version by John Alan Houghton. Publisher: Witmark, N.Y.
- Box 254

- Folder 1: Correspondence: Misc., Houston, Texas, 1979-1982

- Folder 2: Correspondence: Maine, 1980-1981

- Includes correspondence with Chris Szigeti-Johnson and Willis Johnson.
- Folder 3: Correspondence: University of Illinois Library, 1980-1982

- Folder 4: Correspondence: University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra, 1981-1982

- Primarily correspondence with Bruce Wood and Sue Wood.
- Folder 5: Correspondence: Joseph Valentich (strings), 1976-1980

- Includes a set of picks.
- Folder 6: Correspondence: Houston Balalaika Society, 1979-1981

- Primarily correspondence with Maichael Skupin.
- Folder 7: Correspondence: Miscellaneous (General), 1977-1981

- Correspondence with Jack Raymond, Eugene Vlasov, George Fesenko, Sergej Jakovenko Jr., Bill Goldes, Roy Torley, Olga Aleshin, Vladimir Popov, and Lynn Carpenter. Includes a photograph of Luba Tcheresky-Mauro.
- Folder 8: Correspondence: Emanuil Sheynkman, 1980-1981

- Correspondence relating to Emanuil Sheynkman's visiting professorship.
- Folder 9: Performers: V.V. Andreyev, undated

- Photograph reproduction.
- Folder 10: Performers: Ivan Rebrof, 1970

- Magazine advertisement with photograph and newspaper article (photocopy).
- Folder 11: Performers: F. I. Shaliapin, 1973

- Two newspaper articles (one in English, one in Russian).
- Folder 12: Performers: Emanuil Shenkman, 1980

- Photocopies of programs and newspaper articles. Part of CV.
- Folder 13: Performers: Olga Voronets, 1976

- Interview with Olga Voronets. "Krasavitsa Narodnaia Pesnia."
- Folder 14: Performers: Well-known Balalaika Soloists, undated

- Photograph reproduction of balalaika soloists S. Trojanowski and A. Zarubin.
- Box 255

- Folder 1: Personal: Biographical Notes, c. 1983

- Biographical notes about Kasura, newspaper articles, professional photograph of Kasura.
- Folder 2: Personal: Miscellaneous Notes and Items

- Photocopies of research material, photocopy of manuscript score, photocopy and manuscript of poem "Looka Moodischev."
- Folder 3: Personal: Photographs, May 1986

- Bruce Wood, Sandy Kasura, and Timothy Kasura.
- Folder 4: Personal: Programs, c. 1937-1973

- Programs for miscellaneous events. Includes some photographs.
- Folder 5: Personal: Walter J. Kasura Collection Dedication Ceremony, May 2, 1987

- Location: University of Illinois Music Library. Correspondence, photographs, programs, newspaper articles, transcript of Bruce Wood speech, guest list.
- Folder 6: Personal: "Golos Rodiny", May 1972

- Periodical.
- Folder 7: Personal: "Russian Herald", July-Sept 1944

- Periodical. No. 135. New York: Russian Consolidated Mutual Aid Society of America.
- Folder 8: Personal: Sheet Music Title Pages, c. 1930-1960

- Photocopies of covers and title pages of published scores.
- Folder 9: Photocopies of Published Works: Russkie Pesni, 1966

- Russian Songs: Contemporary and traditional songs in Russian and English compiled, edited and arranged by Jerry Silverman. Publisher: Oak Publications, New York. Photocopy.
- Folder 10: Photocopies of Published Words: Sinfonia No. 14, Shostakovich, c. 1969

- Symphony No. 14. Composer: D. Shostakovich. Arranger: Federico Gardia Lorca. Russian translation: I. Tynyanova. Full score.
- Folder 11: Photocopies of Published Works: Russki Kadrili, Chizhik, 1956

- Russian Quadrilles. Series: K Vsesoyuznomu Festivalyu Sovetskoj Molodezhi. Publisher: Gosudarstvennoe Izdatel'stvo "Iskusstvo", Moskva. Text, drawings, music. Photocopy.
- Item 12: Kasura Collection Dedication Ceremony, May 2, 1987

- Cassette tape. Recording location: UI Music Library.
- Box 256

- Folder 1: Russian Instruments and Music: Accordian Instructional Materials, undated

- Photocopies of instructional materials, articles, manuscript scores and notes.
- Folder 2: Russian Instruments and Music: Balalaika Family Construction and Repair, undated

- Photocopies of instructional materials, notes.
- Folder 3: Russian Instruments and Music: Balalaika Family History and Performances, c. 1930

- Photocopies of articles, notes, newsletter, periodicals. In English and Russian.
- Folder 4: Russian Instruments and Music: Balalaika Family Music, undated

- Photocopies of published scores.
- Folder 5: Russian Instruments and Music: "Practical Balalaika Tutor" - Nassonov, c. 1905

- Praktische Schule zum Selbstunterricht fur Balalaika. Theoretische Anleitung, Studien, Lieder, Vortragsstucke und Duette in praktischer Schreibweise. Teil I. (Practical Balalaika Tutor for Self-Instruction. Theory - Studies - Melodies, Pieces and Duets in Modern Notation. Part I.) Author: W. Nassonow. Publisher: Zimmerman, Leipzig. Photocopy.
- Folder 6: Russian Instruments and Music: "Practical Balalaika Tutor" - Nassonov, c. 1905

- Praktische Schule zum Selbstunterricht fur Balalaika. Theoretische Anleitung, Studien, Lieder, Vortragsstucke und Duette in praktischer Schreibweise. Teil I. (Practical Balalaika Tutor for Self-Instruction. Theory - Studies - Melodies, Pieces and Duets in Modern Notation. Part I.) Author: W. Nassonow. Publisher: Zimmerman, Leipzig. Published original.
- Folder 7: Russian Instruments and Music: Balalaika Family Technical Materials, undated

- Photocopies of articles with charts, tunings, ranges, descriptions; notes.
- Folder 8: Russian Instruments and Music: Domra Family Music, undated

- Miscellaneous music for domra. Manuscript scores and photocopies of manuscript scores. Includes a collection of pieces arranged by Kasura.
- Folder 9: Russian Instruments and Music: Domra Family Technical Materials, undated

- Photocopies of instructional materials about tunings, ranges, descriptions, etc. Notes, scores, drawings.
- Box 257

- Folder 1: Russian Instruments and Music: Other Russian Folk Instruments, undated

- Photocopies of instructional materials about tunings, ranges, descriptions, etc. Notes, drawings, scores.
- Folder 2: Russian Instruments and Music: Balalaika Orchestras, History, c. 1981

- Text of newspaper articles, notes, pages from newspapers and magazines, photocopies of articles and images.
- Folder 3: Russian Instruments and Music: Balalaika Orchestras, undated

- Balalaika Orchestra Scores Index. Russian text.
- Folder 4: Russian Instruments and Music: Balalaika Orchestras "Orchestrations. Small Group.", undated

- Index of small group orchestrations compiled by Kasura. Over 700 orchestrations indexed.
- Folder 5: Russian Instruments and Music: Music Theory and Pedagogy, c. 1940-1970

- Photocopies of articles and instructional materials, charts, notes, scores.
- Folder 6: Russian Instruments and Music: Music Theory and Pedagogy - Pedagogical Materials, c. 1960

- Exercises and studies. Posters, notes, photocopied scores.
- Folder 7: Russian Instruments and Music: Russian Folk Music, undated

- "Alphabetical Table of Songs." Compiled by Kasura. Over 450 songs indexed.
- Box 258

- Folder 1: Russian Instruments and Music: Russian Folk Music, 1911

- "Gusel'ki": 128 Kolubel'nykh, Detskihk I Narodnykh Pesen I Pribautok. Published in St. Petersburg.
- Folder 2: Russian Instruments and Music: Russian Folk Music History and Background Materials, c. 1970

- Photocopies of articles and research materials, music score title pages and introductions, periodicals.
- Folder 3: Russian Instruments and Music: Russkaya Muzika - Partial Index to the Kasura Collection, undated

- Incomplete index compiled by Kasura.
- Folder 4: Russian Instruments and Music: Russian Folk Song translations and content descriptions, undated

- Photocopies of lyrics and research material.
- Folder 5: Russian Instruments and Music: Russian Folk Music - "Words and Music Index", undated

- Alphabetical index of Russian music compiled by Kasura.
- Box 259

- Folder 1: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Andreev Balalaika Ensemble (New York), 1977-1980

- Photocopies of articles, flyers. Event and concert programs, correspondence.
- Folder 2: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Balalaika and Domra Society (New York), 1964-1979

- Notes, photocopies of photos, correspondence, rosters, by-laws, repertoire index.
- Folder 3: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Balalaika and Domra Society (New York), 1971-1982

- Programs, photocopies of program notes, correspondence, newspaper articles, flyers.
- Folder 4: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Balalaika Orchestra of Detroit, 1965-1975

- Photocopies of articles, programs, and correspondence.
- Folder 5: American Russian Folk Ensembles: The Balalaika Symphony Orchestra (New York), 1974-1977

- Programs.
- Folder 6: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Glinka Russian Dancers (New Jersey), 1949-1968

- Newspapers and program.
- Folder 7: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Houston Balalaika Society, 1978-1981

- Programs.
- Folder 8: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Massenkoff Russian Folk Festival, 1980

- Programs, newspaper clippings, correspondence, magazine articles.
- Folder 9: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Philadelphia Audreyev Balalaika Orchestra, 1982

- Programs, correspondence, pamphlet.
- Folder 10: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Philadelphia Balalaika Orchestra, 1976

- Program, photocopy of newspaper article.
- Folder 11: American Russian Folk Ensembles: St. John's Russian Folk Ensemble / Troika Balalaika Orchestra, 1969-1973

- Programs, newspaper clippings.
- Folder 12: American Russian Folk Ensembles: University of Illinois Russian Folk Orchestra, 1979-1982

- Programs, travel documents, newspaper, flyer.
- Folder 13: American Russian Folk Ensembles: Verkhovina Slavic Choral Ensemble, 1979

- Programs, correspondence.
- Box 260

- Folder 1: Performances of American and Soviet Folk Ensembles in US, 1920-1949

- Programs, newspaper clippings, photocopies of photographs, notes.
- Folder 2: Performances of American and Soviet Folk Ensembles in US, 1950-1959

- Programs.
- Folder 3: Performances of American and Soviet Folk Ensembles in US, 1960-1969

- Pamphlet, programs.
- Folder 4: Performances of American and Soviet Folk Ensembles in US, 1970-1979

- Newspapers, programs, flyers.
- Folder 5: Soviet Russian Folk Ensembles: Beryozka Dance Company, c. 1972

- Flyers, newspaper clippings, programs.
- Folder 6: Soviet Russian Folk Ensembles: Krasnayarsk Dance Company of Siberia, 1973

- Flyer, newspaper, programs.
- Folder 7: Soviet Russian Folk Ensembles: Moiseyev Dance Company, c. 1970

- Programs.
- Folder 8: Soviet Russian Folk Ensembles: Moscow Pops, 1979

- Flyers, newspaper clippings, programs.
- Folder 9: Soviet Russian Folk Ensembles: Osipov Balalaika Orchestra of Moscow, 1972-1977

- Programs, magazines, flyers, newspaper clippings.
- Folder 10: Soviet Russian Folk Ensembles: Siberian Dancers and Singers of Omsk, 1971

- Programs.
- Folder 11: United Kingdom Russian Folk Ensembles: Alexeyev Balalaika Ensemble, c. 1970

- Program.
- Folder 12: United Kingdom Russian Folk Ensembles: Tziganka / Bibs Ekkel, c. 1978

- Flyers.
- Box 261

- Folder 1: Russian Orthodox Church Music: Choral Music - Sacred, undated

- Manuscripts and photocopies.
- Folder 2: Russian Orthodox Church Music: Liturgical Choral Music - Soprano, undated

- 1) The Great Litany (Smolensky), 2) Bless the Lord - Little Litany (Plain Chant), 3) Only Begotten Son (Solovyev), 4) Little Litany - The Beatitudes (Plain Chant), 6) [sic] O Come, Let Us Worship - The Thrice Holy (Plain), 7) The Thrice Holy - Alleluia (Verbitsky), 8) Augmented Litany, 9) Litany of the Catechumens & Faithful - Cherubic Hymn (Bortniansky), 10) Litany of Supplication, 11) The Creed (Plain), 13) [sic] A Mercy of Peace, 14) We Praise Thee - Hymn to the Blessed Virgin (Rev I. Soroka), 15) Litany Before the Lord's Prayer - Our Father (Rimsky- Korsakov), 16) After the Lord's Prayer - Blessed Is He, 17) Vkusite I Vidite, 19) [sic] Hymn of Thanksgiving, 20) Litany of Thanksgiving.
- Folder 3: Russian Orthodox Church Music: Liturgical Choral Music - Alto, undated

- Folder 4: Russian Orthodox Church Music: Liturgical Choral Music - Tenor, undated

- Folder 5: Russian Orthodox Church Music: Liturgical Choral Music - Bass, undated

- Box 262

- Folder 1: Russian Orthodox Church Music: Liturgical Music for Alto Voice, 1904

- Published collection of choral music for alto.
- Folder 2: Russian Orthodox Church Music: Daily Church Music - 4 Voices, 1914

- Published scores. Poor condition.
- Folder 3: Russian Orthodox Church Music - "Penie Na Liturgii ..", 1882

- Published text and music. Poor condition.
- Folder 4: Russian Orthodox Church Music: "Tserkovno - Pircheski Sbornik Tom 1", 1900

- For Alto. Published in Petersburg. Published music.
- Folder 5: Russian Orthodox Church: Other, 1961-1972

- Issues of The Russian Orthodox Journal, program (Russian National Chorus of New York), poster.
- Box 263

- Folder 1: Written Works of Kasura: "The Instruments of Andreyev's Balalaika Orchestra", 1980

- Drafts of book. Includes drawings, diagrams, music.
- Folder 2: Written Works of Kasura: "Russian Folk Instruments Orchestras: Organization and Arrangements", undated

- Manuscript drafts.
- Folder 3: Written Works of Kasura: "The Balalika Orchestra in America", undated

- Typed drafts.
- Folder 4: Written Works of Kasura: "Prima Domra Primer", 1970-1972

- Two typed drafts with manuscript music.
- Folder 5: Written Works of Kasura: "Russian Folk Instruments Orchestras: Organization and Arrangements", 1976

- Incomplete typed drafts.
- Series 4: American Popular Music, 1921-1938

- Consists of published ensemble arrangements and parts for American popular songs. Arranged alphabetically by title.
- Box 269

- Folder 1: Angela Mia, 1928

Composers: Rapee, E. and L. Pollack
Arranger: Skinner, F.
- Folder 2: At a Perfume Counter, 1938

Composer: Burke, J.
Arranger: Paul, W.
- Folder 3: At Long Last Love, 1938

Composer: Porter, C.
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 4: Bewildered, 1938

Composer: Powell, T.
Arranger: Skinner, F.
- Folder 5: Caravan, 1937

Composers: Ellington, D. and J. Tizol
Arranger: Hudson, W.
- Folder 6: Close Waltz, 1937

Composer: Porter, C.
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 7: Cuban Pete, 1936

Composer: Norman, J.
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 8: Deep Purple, 1934

Composer: De Rose, P.
Arranger: Skinner, F.
- Folder 9: Don't Play with Fire, 1936

Composer: Ala, S.
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 10: East of the Sun, 1935

Composer: Bowman, B.
Arranger: Jenkins, G.
- Folder 11: Hawaiian War Chant, 1936

Composers: Noble, J. and Leleiohaku
Arranger: Murphy, S.
- Folder 12: I Could Use a Dream, 1937

Composer: Spina, H.
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 13: I Have Eyes, 1938

Composers: Robin, L. and R. Rainger
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 14: If It's the Last Thing I Do, 1937

Composers: Cahn, S. and S. Chaplin
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 15: It's the Dreamer in Me, 1938

Composer: Dorsey, J.
Arranger: Hathaway, C.
- Folder 16: I've Got You Under My Skin, 1936

Composer: Porter, C.
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 17: Let Me Whisper, 1938

Composers: Rosell, E., Del Rio, M., and R. Gasparre
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 18: Let's Waltz for Old Time's Sake, 1937

Composer: Stept, S.
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 19: Lost, 1936

Composers: Ohman, P., Mercer, J., and M.O. Teetor
Arranger: Skinner, F.
- Folder 20: Lost in Meditation, 1938

Composers: Ellington, D., Tizol, J., and L. Singer
Arranger: Singer, L.
- Folder 21: Love is Like a Cigarette, 1936

Composer: Jerome, R.
Arranger: Weirick, P.
- Folder 22: Lovely Lady, 1935

Composer: McHugh, J.
Arranger: Skinner, F.
- Folder 23: My Margarita, 1938

Composer: Grever, M.
Arranger: Hathaway, C.
- Folder 24: One Song, 1937

Composer: Churchill, F.
Arranger: Weirick, P.
- Folder 25: Please Be Kind, 1938

Composers: Cahn, S., and S. Chaplin
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 26: Ride Tenderfoot Ride, 1938

Composer: Whiting, R.
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 27: Shadows on the Moon, 1938

Composer: Romber, S.
Arranger: Skinner, F.
- Folder 28: Somewhere with Somebody Else, 1938

Composer: Burke, J.
Arranger: Hathaway, C.
- Folder 29: Song of India, 1937

Composer: Rimsky-Korsakov, N.
Arrangers: Dorsey, T., and Red Bone
- Folder 30: A Strange Loneliness, 1937

Composers: Burk, R., and S. Mysels
Arranger: Weirick, P.
- Folder 31: Tears in My Heart, 1937

Composers: Whitcup, L., and T. Powell
Arranger: Weirick, P.
- Folder 32: There's a Gold Mine in the Sky, 1937

Composers: Kenny, C., and N. Kelly
Arranger: Weirick, P.
- Folder 33: There's a Lull in My Life, 1937

Composer: Gordon, M., and H. Revel
Arranger: Skinner, F.
- Folder 34: This Time It's Real, 1938

Composers: Shivers, W., Bernier, B., and B. Emmerich
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 35: Ti-Pi-Tin, 1938

Composer: Grever, M.
Arranger: Hathaway, C.
- Folder 36: The Toy Trumpet, 1937

Composer: Scott, R.
Arranger: Ades, H.
- Folder 37: Two Bouquets, 1938

Composers: Kennedy, J., and M. Carr
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 38: The Waltz Lives On, 1937

Composers: Robin, L., and R. Rainger
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 39: Wang Wang Blues, 1921

Composers: Mueller, G., Johnson, B., and H. Busse
Arranger: Murphy, S.
- Folder 40: When the Poppies Bloom Again, 1936

Composers: Towers, L., Morrow, M., and D. Pelosi
Arranger: Weirick, P.
- Folder 41: Where In the World, 1938

Composers: Gordon, M., and H. Revel
Arranger: Hathaway, C.
- Folder 42: Who Are We to Say, 1938

Composer: Romberg, S.
Arranger: Skinner, F.
- Folder 43: You Can't Run Away from Love, 1937

Composer: Warren, H.
Arranger: Mason, J.
- Folder 44: You Went to My Head, 1938

Composers: Meyer, J., Bernier, B., and B. Emmerich
Arranger: Lippman, J.
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Published Songs, c.1810-1970],
[Series 2: Instrumental Music, c. 1910-1980],
[Series 3: Personal Papers, c. 1905-1987],
[Series 4: American Popular Music, 1921-1938],