Description: By-laws of the Board of Trustees (ca. 1880, revised 1908, 1924-26, 1941, 1951, 1960); Briefs and Opinions:Foster North vs. Board of Trustees (1891), Redman vs. University of Illinois (1918), Board of Trustees vs. United States (1931), Burnet vs. Coronado Oil and Gas (1931), Sullivan vs. Board of Trustees (1931), Sappington vs. Commission of Internal Revenue (1931), Illinois vs. Barrett (1942), Right of the University to Legal Counsel (1943) and Goodman vs. University of Illinois Foundation (1944); Membership lists of the Board of Trustees (1909, 1910, 1920, 1921, 1923,
. . . more1937, 1938, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1949, 1950, 1953, 1959 [historic summary list],1966), statement on opening of meetings (1941), and Greetings, Memorials and Resolutions (1964-1968) for Jack W. Peltason, A. G. Grace, L. R. Lohr, U. M. Haucher, William A. Noyes, L. M. Van Der Rohe, Marian Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Krannert, Adlai E. Stevenson, Lloyd Morey, R. C. Weaver, University of Liege, University of Lagos, Wayne A. Johnson, Walter Gropius, Centennial Committees, University of Lund, Charles F. Hough, University of Sierra Leone and K. E. Williamson.Ã?? The series includes an address to the people (1917), agreements and legal documents (1936-69), committee reports, communications received and sent, statements of individual trustees, occasional issuances, policy statements (1965- ), publications, addresses to the state legislature (1869-1913) and material on testimonial events.