By Elizabeth Surles
Title: Irene Hope Berkley Mapes Family Papers and 1812-era clarinet, circa 1812 and circa 1954-1972
ID: 12/9/124
Primary Creator: Mapes, Irene Hope Berkley
Extent: 0.15 cubic feet
Arrangement: The collection is arranged into one series. Series 1: Family papers, ca. 1954-1972, and 1812-era clarinet.
Date Acquired: 09/10/2010. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Family, Woodwind Instruments
Languages: English
Consists of correspondence, family group sheets, and reports related to the genealogy of the Berkley and Richardson families as well as one 1812-era clarinet.
Irene Hope Berkley Mapes-Hay was born in Ogden, Illinois on September 11, 1902. She remained in Ogden until her death on October 16, 1984. Mapes was the daughter of Herbert Kelly and Mary Elizabeth Duggins Berkley. Mapes married Lester T. Mapes in 1923, and after his death in 1973, she married John Hay in 1980. Mapes had two children, Mary Ella Roderick and Lester Mapes Jr. Mrs. Mapes-Hay was an organist and grade school teacher. Her extensive genealogical research provides information about the owner, William Harvey Richardson (1790-1853), of the 1812-era clarinet in the Mapes Collection.
Repository: The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Acquisition Method: The papers and 1812-era clarinet were donated to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Mrs. Mary Ella Roderick, her brother Lester Mapes Jr., and her sons, Marc and David Roderick, on September 9, 2010.
Processing Information: Family papers and 1812-era clarinet processed in 2010.