By Bryan Whitledge
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Universities File, 1944-2007
ID: 35/3/414
Extent: 3.3 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetical by institution
Date Acquired: 07/29/2007
Subjects: Labor Education, Newsletters, Universities
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library Universities File contains newsletters, annual reports, promotional materials, and educational publications created by labor institutes and labor studies programs at educational institutions across the world.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Acquisition Source:
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library
Box and Folder Listing
- Series 1: Universities File

- Box 1

- Folder 1: AFL-CIO Labor Studies Center, 1975-82, 1991-92, 1994

- Laborite newsletter (1975-82); National Labor's Heritage Society Newsletter (1991-92, 1994)
- Folder 2: University of Alabama at Birmingham, 1983-96

- Center for Labor Education and Research Clear Report newsletter (1983-96)
- Folder 3: American University, 1967-68

- Labor Studies Center Annual Report (1967-68)
- Folder 4: University of British Columbia, 1960-62

- Institute of Industrial Relations Annual Reports (1960-62)
- Folder 5: California Institute of Technology, 1944, 1959, 1964-77

- Industrial Relations Center publications including Our First Twenty-Five Years (1964); Twenty Year Report (1959); Annual Reports (1964-69, 1970-78); Five Year Bulletin (1944)
- Folder 6: University of California, Berkeley, 1952, 1958-66, 1994-95, 2003-04

- Institute of Industrial Relations, Center for Labor Research and Education, and Labor Project for Working Families publications including Progress Report (1952); Bulletin newsletter (1958-66); National Center for the Workplace newsletter (1994-95); Labor Family News (2004); On the Move newsletter (2003); Research Report (2003-04); Sweatshop Watch (2004)
- Folder 7: University of California, Los Angeles, 1965-67, 1975, 1981-82, 1988, 1991-94, 1997-02, 2006-07

- Institute of Industrial Relations and Center for Labor Research and Education publications including Labor Education newsletter (1991-94, 1997-02, 2006-07); Center Pieces newsletter (1981-82); Newsletter (1975); Center for Research and Labor Education newsletter (1965, 1967); Annual Reports (1965-66, 1988-89)
- Folder 8: Centre D'tudes Industrielles, 1963

- Annual Review (1963)
- Folder 9: University of Chicago, 1946-47, 1964-66, 1971-80

- Industrial Relations Center and Human Resources Center Annual Reports (1946-47, 1964-66, 1971-80)
- Folder 10: Chicago-Kent College of Law / IIT, 1990, 2001

- Labor Arbitration Awards Repository (1990); Institute for Law and the Workplace Fifth Anniversary Report (2001)
- Folder 11: Cleveland State University, 1986-92, 1984-80

- Industrial Relations Center publications including The Northeast Ohio Center for Labor Management Cooperation newsletter (1987-92); Industrial Relations Report (1987-89); Industrial Relations Center newsletter (1980-84, 1986)
- Folder 12: Columbia University, 1954, 1979-80

- Women's Occupational Health Resource Center newsletter (1979-80); National Manpower Council Report (1954)
- Folder 13: Community College of Allegheny City, 1992

- Philip Murray Institute of Labor Studies Labor Outreach newsletter (1992)
- Folder 14: University of Connecticut, 1978, 1980, 1977-84

- Labor Education Center publications including New Directions newsletter (1978, 1980); Labor Education Center newsletter (1977-84)
- Folder 15: Cornell University, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, 1961-62, 1967-72, 1980, 1989, 1992

- New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations publications including ILR Research at Cornell (1962, 1989); Cornell/Smithers Workplace Substance Abuse Policy (1992); Information Notes (1980); Report Card (1972); Newsletter (1967-69); ILR newsletter (1961-62); Annual Report (1968, 1970-72)
- Folder 16: University of Delhi, 1971

- Department of Sociology publications including A Twelve-Year Report (1971); Annual Report (1971)
- Folder 17: Evergreen State College, 1988, 1996, 1998-02, 2004, 2006

- Labor Education and Research Center publications including Labor Center News (1996, 1998-02, 2004, 2006); Annual Report (1988)
- Folder 18: Florida International University, 1995, 2007

- Center for Labor Research and Studies publications including Center News (1995); Annual Report (2007)
- Folder 19: Georgia State University, 1978-79, 1991

- Institute of Personnel and Employment Relations W.T. Beebe newsletter (1991) and Southern Labor Archives Southern Labor Studies (1978-79)
- Folder 20: Harvard University, 1966, 1969-70, 1972

- Program on Technology and Society publications including A Final Review (1972); Second Annual Report (1966); Sixth Annual Report (1970); Research Papers (1966, 1969, 1970)
- Folder 21: University of Hawaii, 1976, 1984-95

- Center for Labor Education and Research publications including Clear Newsletter (1984-95); [i]Center for Labor Education and Research newsletter (1984); Legislative Report re:SR257 and SCR148 (1976)
- Box 2

- Folder 1: University of Houston, 1972

- Center for Human Resources publication Guidelines for Development of Manpower Educational Services by J. Earl Williams (1972)
- Folder 2: Indiana University, 1960, 1989

- Bureau of Industrial and Labor Services and Division of Labor Studies Annual Reports (1960, 1989)
- Folder 3: Industrial Relations Institute of India, 1983

- Arbiter Journal (1983)
- Folder 4: Institute for Science of Labour - Tokyo, 1947, 1952

- Outline of Institute (1947, 1952); Annual Report (1952)
- Folder 5: Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations - University of Michigan and Wayne State University, 1964-75

- Annual Reports (1964-75)
- Folder 6: International Institute for Labour Studies - Geneva, 1964-65, 1968-75

- Reports (1964-65, 1968, 1971, 1975); Materials Exchange List Nos. 1-7 (1968-74)
- Folder 7: Iowa State University, 1969

- Industrial Relations Center Three-Year Report, Jul., 1966 - May, 1969 (1969)
- Folder 8: University of Iowa, 1974-75, 1986

- Center for Labor and Management publications including Iowa Public Employer-Employee Relations newsletter (1974-75); Year End Report (1986)
- Folder 9: Keio University - Tokyo, 1963

- Institute of Management and Labor Studies Informational Booklet (1964)
- Folder 10: University of Massachusetts, 1978-86

- Labor Relations and Research Center Annual Reports (1978-86)
- Folder 11: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1949, 1951, 1957, 1959, 1965, 1968-85

- Industrial Relations Section Annual Reports (1949, 1951, 1957, 1959, 1965, 1968-85)
- Folder 12: McGill University, 1967-69, 1972-83

- Industrial Relations Centre Review newsletter (1967-69, 1972-83)
- Folder 13: University of Michigan - Bureau of Industrial Relations, 1971-73

- Bureau of Industrial Relations The Linking Pin newsletter (1971-73)
- Folder 14: University of Michigan - Institute for Social Research, 1968, 1971, 1975

- Institute for Social Research publications including Report on Recent Activities (1968); A Quarter Century of Social Research (1971); The Quality of Work Program: The First Eighteen Months (1975)
- Folder 15: Michigan State University, 1967-88

- School of Labor and Industrial Relations publications including School of Labor and Industrial Relations Newsletter (1967-88); Annual Reports (1979, 1982)
- Folder 16: University of Minnesota, 1947, 1963-67, 1971-76, 1978

- Industrial Relations Center publications including The Program of the Industrial Relations Center (1947); Minnesota IRC News newsletter (1963-67, 1972-75, 1978); Reports (1971, 1975-76)
- Folder 17: University of Missouri, 1966-67

- Labor Education Program publications including Annual Report (1966); Labor Education Newsletter (1967)
- Folder 18: University of Montreal, 1995

- École de Relations Industrielles 50th Anniversary Publication (1995) (document in French)
- Folder 19: University of New South Wales, 1978-80, 1982

- Department of Industrial Relations Annual Reports (1978-80, 1982)
- Folder 20: City University of New York (CUNY), 1982, 1984, 1988-92

- Center for Labor-Management Policy Studies publications including American Working Class History Project: Project News (1982, 1984); Across the Table (1988-92)
- Folder 21: Oakland University, 1988-89

- Ken Morris Center for the Study of Labor and Work Annual Reports (1988-89)
- Folder 22: Ohio State University, 1964-65, 1974-80

- National Center for research in Vocational Education and Labor Education and Research Service publications including Summaries of Activities (1964-65); Future Programs and Need: 1965-1970 (1965); Annual Reports (1974, 1976); Centergram newsletter (1974-80)
- Folder 23: University of Oregon, 1990-91, 1997

- Labor Education and Research Center publications including LERC Notes newsletter (1990-91); Annual Reports (1991, 1997)
- Folder 24: University of Pennsylvania, 1973, 1989

- Industrial Research Unit and Labor Relations Council Report on Progress (1973, 1989)
- Folder 25: Penn State University (folder 1 of 3), 1966, 1968, 1980-82

- Department of Labor Studies Annual Reports (1966, 1968, 1980-82)
- Box 3

- Folder 1: Penn State University (folder 2 of 3), 1984-88

- Department of Labor Studies Annual Reports (1984-88)
- Folder 2: Penn State University (folder 3 of 3), 1965-66, 1974-75, 1985

- Department of Labor Studies publications including Penn State Labor Education News (1965-66); Oral History Project Report of Activities (1974-75, 1985)
- Folder 3: Princeton University, 1955, 1957, 1966, 1969-79

- Industrial Relations Section Annual Reports / Reports to the President of the University (1955, 1957, 1966, 1969-79)
- Folder 4: Queen's University - Kingston, Ontario, 1970, 1974-75, 1978, 1980, 1988-89, 1991, 1993

- School of Industrial Relations and Industrial Relation Center publications including Report of Activities (1970, 1974-75, 1978, 1980); SIR IRC News (1988-89, 1991, 1993)
- Folder 5: Roosevelt University, 1965-66, 1968, 1986

- Labor Education Division Annual Reports (1965-66, 1968, 1986)
- Folder 6: Ruskin College - Oxford University, 1954-56, 1968-69

- Report and Accounts (1954, 1969); The Story of Ruskin College (1955, 1968); New Epoch Ruskin College Magazine (1956)
- Folder 7: Rutgers University, 1945, 1965, 1973, 1978, 1980-82

- Labor Education Center and Labor Education Association publications including The Pioneer Institute of Labor: An experiment in Understanding (1945); Annual Report (1965, 1973); Labor Education Center Newsletter (1973, 1978); Report, an Occasional report published by the Institute of Management and Labor Relations (1980-82)
- Folder 8: University of San Francisco, 1950-78, 2001

- Labor Studies Program publications including Labor Management Panel (1950-78); Labor Studies News (2001)
- Folder 9: Sophia Industrial Relations Center - Sophia University - Japan, 1958

- Informational Document (1958)
- Folder 10: University of Sydney - ACIRRT, 1990-94, 1997-2002

- Australian Center for Industrial Relations Research and Teaching Newsletter (1990-1994, 1997-2002); Research and Activities Report (1998)
- Folder 11: The Tamiment Institute Library - New York University (folder 1 of 2), 1957-60

- Library Bulletin (1957-60)
- Folder 12: The Tamiment Institute Library - New York University (folder 2 of 2), 1961-65, 1968, 1970-71, 1973-74, 1985, 1989

- Library Bulletin (1961-65, 1968, 1970-71, 1973-74); New York Labor Heritage (1985, 1989)
- Folder 13: University of Tokyo, 1995-2005

- Institute of Social Science Social Science Japan newsletter (1995-2005)
- Folder 14: University of Toronto, 1982, 1985-88, 1990-91, 1995-96

- Centre for Industrial Relations publications including Labour Relations News (1982, 1985-88, 1990-91); CIR News (1995-96)
- Box 4

- Folder 1: Victoria University of Wellington, Industrial Relations Centre, 1972, 1986-96, 1998

- Industrial Relations Centre Annual Reports (1972, 1986-96, 1998)
- Folder 2: Warwick Business School, 1980, 1982-83, 1988-89, 1996-97

- Industrial Relations Research Unit publications including Industrial Relations Research Unit: The First Ten Years, 1970 - 1980 (1980); Report (1982); Report of an Investigation into Certain Matters Arising from the Rothschild Report on the Social Science Research Council (1983); Institute for Employment Research Bulletin (1988-89); IRRU Briefing (1996-97)
- Folder 3: Wayne State University, 1971-74, 1979, 1983, 1991, 1997-2002

- Institute of Industrial Relations Newsletters (1971-74, 1979, 1983, 1991, 1997-2002)
- Folder 4: West Virginia University, 1966, 1982-83

- Institute for Labor Studies, West Virginia Center for Appalachian Studies and Development publications including a report (1966); Industrial Relations News (1982-83)
- Folder 5: Western Australian Labour Market Research Centre, 1988-89, 1993-94

- Annual Reports (1988-89, 1993-94)
- Folder 6: University of Wisconsin, 1944, 1949, 1952, 1960, 1968, 1985-87, 1989

- Industrial Relations Research Institute and School for Workers publications including The Industrial Relations Institute for Church Leadership: An Evaluation by Rev. Paul J. Folino (1944); 25 Year History (1949); Annual Reports (1952, 1968, 1985-87, 1989); 35th Anniversary Papers (1960); Industrial Relations Research Institute: A Brief History 1947-87 (1987)
- Folder 7: Yale University, 1948

- Labor and Management Center Plans and Progress (1948)