By Joe Hoisington and Bryan Whitledge
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Newletters File, 1952-2007
ID: 35/3/413
Extent: 6.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetical by title of publication or organization
Date Acquired: 07/29/2007
Subjects: American Arbitration Association, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Orgs (AFL-CIO), Arbitration, Labor Education, Labor Law, Labor Relations, Labor Union Organization, Labor Unions, Newsletters
Languages: English, Spanish;Castilian
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library Newsletters File (1952-2007) includes newsletters collected by the University of Illinois ILIR Library from labor unions, professional associations and organizations, non-governmental organizations, and local, state and national government departments pertaining to union / organization / association happenings, union / organization / association positions on policies and issues, labor relations, arbitration, international labor issues, employment and employer relations.
Collection Historical Note
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Acquisition Source:
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1],
- Series 1

- Box 1

- Folder 1: AAFLI (Asian-American Free Labor Institute) News, 1972 - 1984

- AAFLI News
- Folder 2: African-American Labor Center, AFL-CIO, Oct. 1992 - Feb. 1995

- African-American Labor Center, AFL-CIO
- Folder 3: AALC (African-American Labor Center) Reporter, Jul. 1972 - 1996

- AALC Reporter
- Folder 4: ADR (Alternate Dispute Resolution) Currents, Summer 1996 - Nov. 2000

- ADR Currents
- Folder 5: AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News, 1994 - 1996

- AFL-CIO Free Trade Union News
- Folder 6: AIFLD (American Institute for Free Labor Development) Briefs, Jul. 1986 - Nov. 1991

- AILFD Briefs
- Folder 7: AIFLD Outlook, Fall 1992 - Spring 1994

- AIFLD Outlook
- Folder 8: AIFLD Report and AIFLD Worker Rights Review, 1977 - 1991

- AIFLD Report (1977 - 1991); AILFD Worker Rights Review (1991)
- Folder 9: ALEC (Asian Labor Education Center) and LEC Bulletin, Jul. 1955 - Apr. 1977

- ALEC and LEC Bulletin
- Folder 10: American Arbitration Association News (folder 1 of 2), 1952 - 1973

- American Arbitration Association News
- Folder 11: American Arbitration Association News (folder 2 of 2), 1974 - 1982

- American Arbitration Association News
- Folder 12: American Labor (published by the American Labor Education Center), 1979 - 1992

- American Labor
- Folder 13: American Labor Museum Newsletter, Fall 1989 - Summer 1990

- American Labor Museum Newsletter
- Folder 14: American Workplace, Sep. 1993 - Sep. 1995

- American Workplace
- Folder 15: APALA (Asian-Pacific-American Labor Alliance) News, Winter 1995 - Oct. 1996

- APALA News
- Folder 16: Asian Labour Update (compiled and published in Hong Kong by the Asian Monitor Resource Center), Feb. 1990 - Jan. 1992

- Asian Labour Update
- Folder 17: BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) 890 Reports - Illinois Statewide, Jan. 1983 - Mar. 1985

- BLS 790 Reports - Illinois Statewide
- Folder 18: BLS 790 Reports - Aurora-Elgin PMSA, Mar. 1984

- BLS 790 Reports - Aurora-Elgin PMSA
- Folder 19: BLS 790 Reports - Bloomington-Normal MSA (Metropolitan Statistical Area), Mar. 1985 - Mar. 1987

- BLS 790 Reports - Bloomington-Normal MSA
- Folder 20: BLS 790 Reports - Chicago MSA (folder 1 of 3), Apr. 1981 - Jun. 1989

- BLS 790 Reports - Chicago MSA (folder 1 of 3)
- Folder 21: BLS 790 Reports - Chicago MSA (folder 2 of 3), Sep. 1978 - Jun. 1981

- BLS 790 Reports - Chicago MSA (folder 2 of 3)
- Box 2

- Folder 1: BLS 790 Reports - Chicago MSA (folder 3 of 3), Jun. 1973 - Nov. 1978

- BLS 790 Reports - Chicago MSA (folder 3 of 3)
- Folder 2: BLS 790 Reports - Champaign-Urbana MSA, 1984

- BLS 790 Reports - Champaign-Urbana MSA
- Folder 3: BLS 790 Reports - Joliet, Kankakee, Decatur, Springfield, Rockford and Davenport-Rock Island-Moline MSAs, 1984

- BLS 790 Reports - Joliet, Kankakee, Decatur, Springfield, Rockford and Davenport-Rock Island-Moline MSAs
- Folder 4: BLS Tribune (Bureau of Labor Standards, Republic of the Philippines), Jan. 1971 - Sep. 1972

- BLS Tribune
- Folder 5: Brown Lung Blues (Brown Lung Association), Feb. - Jul. 1980

- Brown Lung Blues
- Folder 6: Campaign for Better Health Care and Champaign County Health Care Consumers Newsletter, 1991 - 2007

- Campaign for Better Health Care and Champaign County Health Care Consumers Newsletter
- Folder 7: Challenges (Council on Competitiveness Newsletter), May 1991 - Nov. 1994

- Challenges
- Folder 8: China Labor Notes (Asian-American Free Labor Institute/AFL-CIO), Apr. 1990 - Apr. 1996

- China Labor Notes
- Folder 9: The Chronicle (National Academy of Arbitrators), Mar. 1998 - Winter 2004

- The Chronicle
- Folder 10: CISCO (Construction Industry Service Corp.) Communicator, Nov. 1997 - Nov. 2007

- CISCO Communicator
- Folder 11: CISCO Construction Labor Relations, Aug. 1988 - Nov. 1996

- CISCO Construction Labor Relations
- Folder 12: CISCO Education to Careers, Mar. 2000 - Feb. 2003

- CISCO Education to Careers
- Folder 13: Collective Bargaining Bulletin (Human Resources Development Canada), Mar. 1998 - Dec. 2002

- Collective Bargaining Bulletin
- Folder 14: Construction Safety News, Mar. 1992 - Winter 1998

- Construction Safety News
- Folder 15: Cooperation: newsletter of the Decatur Area Labor-Management Committee, 1986 - 2000

- Cooperation: newsletter of the Decatur Area Labor-Management Committee
- Folder 16: Cooperation (Service Center for Community College-Labor Union Cooperation), Jun. 1977 - Aug. 1979

- Cooperation (Service Center for Community College-Labor Union Cooperation
- Folder 17: Decatur Free Press, 1994

- Decatur Free Press
- Folder 18: Disability Compliance Bulletin, Apr. 1992 - May 1996

- Disability Compliance Bulletin
- Folder 19: Forum (National Institute for Dispute Resolution), Mar. 1984 - Summer 1994

- Forum
- Folder 20: Arbitration Times and Dispute Resolution Times, Spring 1982 - Mar. 2001

- Arbitration Times and Dispute Resolution Times
- Folder 21: EPI (Economic Policy Institute) Journal, Sep. 1991 - Winter 2006

- EPI Journal
- Folder 22: EPI News Releases, Aug. 1996 - Nov. 2001

- EPI News Releases
- Folder 23: Employee Relations in Action, Jul. 1992 - Aug. 1994

- Employee Relations in Action
- Box 3

- Folder 1: Illinois Employment Law Letter, Jun. 1991 - May 2003

- Illinois Employment Law Letter
- Folder 2: Employment Law Update, Jan. 1998 - Fall 2006

- Employment Law Update
- Folder 3: OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) Employment and Social Affairs, 1976 - 1999

- Employment and Social Affairs
- Folder 4: Environmental Health Monthly, Oct. 1990 - Jul. 1993

- Environmental Health Monthly
- Folder 5: European Works Council Bulletin, Winter 1995 - Apr. 2005

- European Works Council Bulletin
- Folder 6: Histadrut Photo News, Mar. - Dec. 1976

- Histadrut Photo News
- Folder 7: IADSL (Instituto Americano para el Desarrollo del Sindicalismo Libre) Al Dia, 1982 - 1991

- IADSL Al Dio
- Folder 8: ILO (International Labour Organisation) News, 1954 - 1979

- ILO News
- Folder 9: ILO Focus (Washington Office), Spring 2000 - Winter 2003

- ILO Focus
- Folder 10: Illinois State Existing Labor Disputes (folder 1 of 3), Sep. 1998 - Oct. 2007

- Illinois State Existing Labor Disputes (folder 1 of 3)
- Folder 11: Illinois State Existing Labor Disputes (folder 2 of 3), Sep. 1993 - Aug. 1998

- Illinois State Existing Labor Disputes (folder 2 of 3)
- Folder 12: Illinois State Existing Labor Disputes (folder 3 of 3), Feb. 1992 - Sep. 1993, Apr. 2008

- Illinois State Existing Labor Disputes (folder 3 of 3)
- Folder 13: Illinois Labor Disputes Existing Booklet, Oct. 1975 - May 1982

- Illinois Labor Disputes Existing
- Folder 14: Illinois Labor Disputes Existing Packet, Jan. 1983 - Jan. 1986

- Illinois Labor Disputes Existing
- Folder 15: IMF (International Metalworkers Federation) Bulletin on Occupational Health and Safety, 1978 - 1993

- IMF Bulletin on Occupational Health and Safety
- Folder 16: IPERB (Iowa Public Employment Relations Bulletin), 1977 - 1987

- Iowa Public Employment Relations Bulletin
- Folder 17: Inside Labor Relations, Jan. 1995 - Aug. 1996

- Inside Labor Relations
- Folder 18: International Labour Reports, Mar. 1989 - Aug. 1990

- International Labour Reports
- Folder 19: Jobs and Capital, Fall 1994 - Winter 1996

- Jobs and Capital
- Folder 20: LMRC (Labour Market Research Centre) News, Sep. 1989 - Mar. 1994

- LMRC News
- Folder 21: Labor and Employment Law (published by the Illinois State Bar Association), Nov. 1992 - May 1994

- Labor and Employment Law
- Box 4

- Folder 1: The Labor Educator, Sep. 1991 - Jul. 2002

- The Labor Educator
- Folder 2: Labor News and Community Services Council News: Danville and Vermillion County, 1984 - 1985

- Labor News and Community Services Council News
- Folder 3: Labor News for Working Families, Nov. 1992 - Winter 1997

- Labor News for Working Families
- Folder 4: Labor News Memorandum: New York State Labor Department, Mar. 1978 - Jan. 1983

- Labor News Memorandum
- Folder 5: Labor News Memorandum: New York State Labor Department (booklet 1 of 2), Jan. 1976 - Feb. 1978

- Labor News Memorandum
- Folder 6: Labor News Memorandum: New York State Labor Department (booklet 2 of 2), Jun. 1973 - Dec. 1975

- Labor News Memorandum
- Folder 7: Labor Solidarity, Fall 1991, Oct. 1992

- Labor Solidarity, Seasonal Publication of Labor Committee on Iran
- Folder 8: Labor Studies Forum, 1988-2000

- Labor Studies Forum, the Newsletter of the United Association for Labor Education
- Folder 9: Labour in Israel, 1956-59, 1973, 1976-93

- Labour in Israel, Published by the International Department of the Histadrut; David Ben Gurion: a Man of Vision and Action by Israel Kessar, Secretary General of the Histadrut
- Folder 10: Latin American Labor News, 1990-97

- Latin American Labor News, Sponsored by the Center for Labor Research and Studies of Florida International University
- Folder 11: Legislative Information, 2002-03

- Legislative Information, Informational Bulletin of the International Labour Standards Department
- Folder 12: LID Report, Winter 1990

- LID Report, League for Industrial Democracy
- Folder 13: The Management Report, 1980-84

- The Management Report, Labor relations Newsletter for Fire Chiefs
- Folder 14: The Maryland Workplace, 1983-92

- The Maryland Workplace, Newsletter of the Maryland Center for Quality and Productivity
- Folder 15: Memo from COPE, 1979-80

- Memo from COPE, Committee on Political Education, AFL-CIO
- Folder 16: Punchin' Out with the Mill Hunk Herald, 1984-86, 1988

- Punchin' Out with the Mill Hunk Herald
- Folder 17: National Report for Training and Development, 1981-82, 1985-90

- National Report for Training and Development (1981-82); National Report on Human Resources (1985-90)
- Folder 18: NCCMP Update, 1979-97

- NCCMP Update, A Publication of the National Coordinating Committee for Multiemployer Plans
- Folder 19: New Ground, 1996-2007

- New Ground, Chicago Democratic Socialists of America
- Box 5

- Folder 1: News From the AFL-CIO (folder 1 of 8), 1973-74

- News of the AFL-CIO
- Folder 2: News From the AFL-CIO (folder 2 of 8), 1975

- News of the AFL-CIO
- Folder 3: News From the AFL-CIO (folder 3 of 8), 1976

- News of the AFL-CIO
- Folder 4: News From the AFL-CIO (folder 4 of 8), 1977

- News of the AFL-CIO
- Folder 5: News From the AFL-CIO (folder 5 of 8), 1978

- News of the AFL-CIO
- Folder 6: News From the AFL-CIO (folder 6 of 8), 1979

- News of the AFL-CIO
- Folder 7: News From the AFL-CIO (folder 7 of 8), 1980-81

- News of the AFL-CIO
- Folder 8: News From the AFL-CIO (folder 8 of 8), 1982-83, 1991

- News of the AFL-CIO
- Folder 9: Owners at Work, 1992-2007

- Owners at Work, The Ohio Employee Ownership Center's magazine of employee ownership
- Folder 10: People for Self-Management, 1975-76

- People for Self-Management Newsletter
- Folder 11: Primer (Productivity), 1981, 1983-85

- Primer (Productivity), Oregon Productivity Center
- Folder 12: Population and Labor Research News, Feb., 1984

- Population and Labor Research News, International Labour Organisation, World Employment Programme
- Folder 13: Productivity, 1981

- Productivity, nos. 6-7, United States Office of Personnel Management, Office of Intergovernmental Personnel Programs
- Folder 14: Public Employer-Employee Relations Report, 1980-81

- Public Employer-Employee relations Report, an occasional report published jointly by the New Jersey Public Employment Relations Commission and the Institute of Management and Labor Relations of Rutgers University
- Folder 15: QWES, 1999-2000

- QWES: Quarterly Wage and Employment Series, a publication of the Economic Policy Institute
- Folder 16: Report on Union Busters Sheet (RUB Sheet), 1979, 1985-89

- RUB Sheet, National Organizing Committee of the AFL-CIO
- Folder 17: Roundtable Report (folder 1 of 4), 1970-77

- Roundtable Report, published by the Business Roundtable
- Folder 18: Roundtable Report (folder 2 of 4), 1978-83

- Roundtable Report, published by the Business Roundtable
- Folder 19: Roundtable Report (folder 3 of 4), 1984-89

- Roundtable Report, published by the Business Roundtable
- Box 6

- Folder 1: Roundtable Report (folder 4 of 4), 1990-93

- Roundtable Report, published by the Business Roundtable
- Folder 2: Solidarity with Korea, Mar., 1979

- Solidarity with Korea, Bulletin of the World Federation of Trade Unions
- Folder 3: SPA Newsletter, 1983-86

- SPA Newsletter, Society of Personnel Administrators of Greater Chicago
- Folder 4: SPA News for You to Use, 1983-85

- SPA News for You to Use, Society of Personnel Administrators of Greater Chicago
- Folder 5: Study Time, 1973-74, 1991-94

- Study Time, American Arbitration Association
- Folder 6: Summary of Labor Arbitration Awards, 1959, 1972-96, 1999-2000

- Summary of Labor Arbitration Awards, American Arbitration Association<br><br><li>Report nos. 1, 430-444, 446-447, 449-53, 485, 495, 497<br><br><li>Indexes 1972-96
- Folder 7: TNCs Bulletin, 1988-89

- TNCs Bulletin, WFTU Transnational Corporations Commission
- Folder 8: Trends in Social Security (folder 1 of 2), 1992, 1994-99

- Trends in Social Security, International Social Security Association
- Folder 9: Trends in Social Security (folder 2 of 2), 2000-03

- Trends in Social Security, International Social Security Association
- Folder 10: Union Democracy in Action, 1961-72

- Union Democracy in Action, nos. 3-42
- Folder 11: Union Democracy Review (folder 1 of 2), 1973-80, 1984, 1986, 1989

- Union Democracy Review, published by the Association for Union Democracy
- Folder 12: Union Democracy Review (folder 2 of 2), 2000-07

- Union Democracy Review, published by the Association for Union Democracy
- Folder 13: Upjohn Institute Employment Research, 1994-98, 2000-07

- Employment Research, published by the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research
- Folder 14: The Urban Institute (folder 1 of 2), 1983-90

- Policy and Research Report, published by the Urban Institute
- Folder 15: The Urban Institute (folder 2 of 2), 1991-96

- Policy and Research Report, published by the Urban Institute
- Folder 16: The Vision, 1989-2003

- The Vision, a publication of the Quad-City Area Labor-Management Council
- Folder 17: Washington Report on Labor, 1970-71, 1973, 1975

- Washington Report on Labor, published by the Chamber of Commerce of the United States
- Folder 18: Washington Update, 1980

- Washington Update, published by the President's Commission on Pension Policy
- Folder 19: WCRI Research Brief, 1993, 1999-2000

- WCRI Research Brief, by the Workers Compensation Research Institute
- Folder 20: Worker Connection, 1988-2001

- Worker Connection, publication of the UCLA Labor Occupational Safety and Health (LOSH) Program
- Folder 21: World Federation of Trade Unions - Arab Workers, 1975-78

- W.F.T.U. - Arab Workers, published by the World Federation of Trade Unions
- Folder 22: Youth Programs, 1979-86, 1988-89, 1992

- Youth Programs, published by the Center for Human Resources, the Heller School, Brandeis University
Browse by Series:
Series 1],