By Noah Lenstra, Nolan Vallier, Katie Nichols, Carol Berthold
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Collection Overview
Title: Music Library Administrative Records, 1917-2007
ID: 35/3/68
Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Music and Performing Arts Library (1944-)
Extent: 6.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: The Music Library Administrative Records is arranged into three distinct series 1) Library Administrative Files, 2) Personnel Files, and 3) Closed Music Library Special Collections Lead Files. Each of the three series maintains the original order kept by the Music Library but have been arranged by file type. Series 1 and Series 2 maintains the original order as the arrangement. The 3rd series, arranged alphabetically, includes inventories of special collections as well as financial information regarding gifts and purchases. Access will be granted to researchers only with the prior written permission of the Head of the Special Collections Division. In requesting access to this record series, researchers should provide a written description of their research project and a list of the file folders to which they desire access.
Date Acquired: 12/12/2010. More info below under Accruals.
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Music Library Administrative Records includes Music Library Business Records collected by and recorded by the music librarians Jay Allen, William McClellan and Jean Geil. The Administrative records includes correspondence, business records, personnel files, special collections lead files, inventory lists, appraisals, descriptions of collections offered for donation or purchase, accession agreements, clippings, and recommendations from faculty members concerning potential and actual acquisitions of collections of manuscripts, recordings, photographs, sheet music and monographs purchased by or donated to the library. Materials in Series 1, Subseries 2 and 3 were acquired from MPAL on July 2, 2021.
Biographical Note
The University of Illinois Music and Performing Arts Library was initially founded in the memorial room of Smith Hall in 1943. The school's first music librarian was Jay Allen (1943-1960) and his assistant was Virginia Shirley. In 1963, the University of Illinois received a generous gift from Ellnora Krannert (class of 1912). However, the grant arrived just as the School of Music was planning to construct a new educational building for music on campus. Since Krannert's grant was so substantial, the State of Illinois dropped the budget it had planned for two construction projects: a new library (conceived to alleviate the overcrowded music library in Smith) as well as an addition to Smith Hall. At the time, the library was under the direction of Thor E. Wood (1960-1965). While the new Krannert Center (opened in 1969) contained numerous performance spaces, it did not have space to accomodate the vast library of music books and recordings that had been collected by the School of Music. Funding eventually came in the early 1970s and the School of Music moved into its current location in the Music Building 1114 W. Nevada Street in 1972. The library soon followed, opening in 1974. Head librarian William McClellan (1965-1997) resided over the new library space and quickly began expanding the library's holdings to include not only books and audio recordings but also special collections. Wilma Jean Geil (assistant librarian 1965-1996) collected and processed many of the small special collections. In most cases, if a collection contained published music, LPs, or tape cassettes the items were ingested, cataloged, and dispersed among the circulating library collection. Many of the paper records within special collections acquired by the library remained unprocessed until 2015 when the majority of the special collections were transferred to the Sousa Archives and Center for American Music.
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Additional materials acquired January 12, 2015. Materials from William McClellan's and Jay Allen's administrative files acquired from MPAL on July 2, 2021.
Access Restrictions:
Restricted files can only be accessed with permission from University Archivist or Archivist for Fine and Applied Arts or 50 years after the last date in the file.
Acquisition Source:
Music and Performing Arts Library
Related Materials:
Music and Performing Arts Library Small Special Collections (35/3/81), Kitty Cheatham Personal Papers and Theater Program Collection (12/9/119), Shirley Meyer Blankenship Music and Papers (12/5/53), Gerard Behague and Everett Helm Latin American Sheet Music Collection (12/5/44), Natalia Belting Sound Recording Collection (12/9/106), Jean Cutler Theatrical Films, Audio Recordings, and Papers (26/20/140), Dennis Eberhard Music and Papers (26/20/189), Lloyd Farrar Music Instrument Collection and Personal Papers (12/9/92), Hunleth Music Store Sheet Music and Photograph Collection (12/9/123), Rafael Joseffy Music and Personal Papers (12/9/116), Walter J. Kasura Russian Folk Music Collection (12/5/61), Robert Kelly Music and Papers (12/5/46), Music and Performing Arts Library Alexander Kutin Balalaika Symphonic Orchestra Music (35/3/97), Gabriel Magyar Papers (12/5/23), Music and Performing Arts Library Harry Partch Collection (35/3/82), Morgan Powell Music Manuscripts (12/5/41), Paul Price Percussion Music and Papers (12/5/51), Paul Rolland Papers (12/5/21), Roslyn Rensch Papers (26/20/95), Emanuil Sheynkman Papers and Russian Music (12/5/71), Frederic B. Stiven Papers (12/5/20), School of Music Audio Department Sound Recordings (12/5/64), Jeffrey Sandborg Collection of Yrjo Kilpinen Music (26/20/147), WGN Radio Station Studio Orchestra Music Library and Records (12/9/114), Ned Williams Sound Recordings (12/5/54), Morris and Barnard Young Music Business Records (12/9/108), and Paul Martin Zonn Music and Papers (12/5/35).
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Library Administrative Files, 1917-2007],
Series 2: Personnel Files, 1961-2007],
Series 3: Closed Music Library Special Collections Lead Files, 1958-2005],
- Series 1: Library Administrative Files, 1917-2007

- Sub-Series 1: General Administrative Files

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Fund acquisitions - NEH Challenge Grant (1 of 2), 1991-2003

- Folder 2: Fund acquisitions - NEH Challenge Grant (2 of 2), 1991-2003

- Folder 3: Fund acquisitions - Library Friends Designated Gift Funds - Music, 1991-2004

- Folder 4: Fund acquisitions - Opportunity Fund, ca. 2002

- Folder 5: Fund acquisitions - 6010 Music dissertations, 1981-1996

- Folder 6: Acquisitions - Ordering policies and procedures, 1989-1997

- Folder 7: Acquisitions - Price quotes in process, 1999

- Folder 8: Administration - Organization and operation, 1987-1997

- Folder 9: Analytics - Monographic series, 1985-1995

- Folder 10: Music Library Annual Reports, 1944-1950

- Folder 11: Music Library Annual Reports, 1951-1960

- Folder 12: Music Library Annual Reports, 1960-1969

- Folder 13: Music Library Annual Reports, 1969-1979

- Folder 14: Music Library Annual Reports, 1980-1990

- Folder 15: Music Library Annual Reports, 1990-1999

- Folder 16: Music Library Annual Reports, 1999

- Folder 17: Music Library Annual Reports, 2000

- Folder 18: Music Library Annual Reports, 2001

- Folder 19: Music Library Annual Reports, 2002

- Folder 20: Music Library Annual Reports, 2003

- Folder 21: Music Library Annual Reports, 2000-2003

- Includes similar information to folders 17-20 with some additional information.
- Folder 22: Annual Report Guidelines, ca. 1994-1998

- Folder 23: Budget - Allocation surveys and plans, 1999-2001

- Folder 24: Collection Development Policies - Music, 1976-1998

- Folder 25: Renaissance Archives/Descriptions and PR statements, 1966-2003

- Folder 26: History of the Music Library, draft, undated

- Folder 27: Grove materials, 1997

- Folder 28: University of Illinois Library Resources pamphlet, 1996

- Folder 29: Descriptions and PR statements, 1979-2002

- Folder 30: McMurtry-Noel Fund, 2002-2004

- Folder 31: Evaluation/Assessment of Needs, 1982-1993

- Folder 32: OCLC/AMIGOS collection analysis, ca. 1992

- Folder 33: Collection development special project assessment, 1990

- Folder 34: Research board application, 2003

- Folder 35: BMI Foundation proposal, 2003

- Folder 36: Library Friends Preservation Gift Fund proposal, 1999-2000

- Folder 37: Education Technologies Board grant, 1998-2000

- Folder 38: Grant proposal 1979, 1978-1980

- Folder 39: Grant proposal 1979, 1980-1993

- Folder 40: Problem patrons and warnings/complaints, 1961-1977

- Box 2

- Folder 16: Instructional Materials Center proposal, 1969-1973

- Folder 17: Listening Facilities proposal, 1966-1984

- Folder 18: Performing Arts Library proposal, 1970-1974

- Folder 19: Policies - operations and services, 1975-1990

- Folder 20: Questionnaires and surveys, 1990-1995

- Folder 21: Sound recordings - access to pre-CDs, 1994-1996

- Folder 22: Special Collections policy and procedure, 1978

- Folder 23: Special Collections reports and memos, 1988-1993

- Folder 24: Special Collections sheet music projects, 1974-1992

- Folder 25: "Musical Codex" pamphlet and order form, 1996-1998

- Folder 26: Statistics - policy and procedure forms, 1967-1975

- Folder 27: Statistics - special projects, 1944-1990

- Folder 28: User services - reports and memos, 1986-1996

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Acquisitions (1 of 4), 1948-1952

- Lists of acquisitions for Music Library.
- Folder 2: Acquisitions (2 of 4), 1953-1958

- Lists of acquisitions for Music Library.
- Folder 3: Acquisitions (3 of 4), 1959-1962

- Lists of acquisitions for Music Library.
- Folder 4: Acquisitions (4 of 4), 1963-1964

- Lists of acquisitions for Music Library.
- Folder 5: Acquisition Lists, Other Libraries, 1958-1961

- Folder 6: Music Library Services Survey, 1986

- Folder 7: Music Library Studies, 1934-1986

- Folder 8: National Association of Schools of Music, Self-Survey Report, 1980

- Folder 9: School of Music History, 1907-1996

- Sub-Series 2: Jay Allen Files

- Box 5

- Folder 10: Budget - 1949-1950, 1950-1951, 1949-1951

- Folder 11: Budget - 1951-1952, 1952-1953, 1951-1953

- Folder 12: Cataloging, 1944-1959

- Folder 13: Correspondence, Memos, Minutes of Committee Meetings, 1943-1959

- Folder 14: Correspondence with Duane Branigan, 1951-1958

- Folder 15: Disk Room Rules, 1947-1968

- Folder 16: Ensemble Music Collection, 1950-1958

- Folder 17: Exhibits, 1945-1949

- Folder 18: Expansion Correspondence, 1957-1959

- Folder 19: Memos to Faculty, 1944-1962

- Folder 20: Music Library Descriptions, Holdings, Lists, 1946-1975

- Folder 21: Music Library Expansion, 1958-1960

- Folder 22: Music Library Important Holdings, 1948-1952

- Folder 23: Music Library Procedures, 1944-1956

- Folder 24: Music Library Space: Blueprints, Drawings - Smith Music Building, 1917-1959

- Folder 25: Music Library Space: Memos, Plans, Drawings, 1944-1955

- Folder 26: Music Library Staff Manual, May, 1957

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Musical and Literary Works: School of Music Faculty, 1950-1954

- Folder 2: Newsletter: Notes from the School of Music, 1953-1959

- Periodic newsletter to Alumni of School of Music (SOM) from Director of SOM.
- Folder 3: Publicity, 1944-1958

- Folder 4: Sampling of Important Holdings, 1948-1952

- Folder 5: Stiven, F.B. - Correspondence, Memos, Minutes, 1944-1960

- Stiven was director of the School of Music.
- Folder 6: Survey Data, 1947-1948

- Sub-Series 3: William McClellan Files

- Box 6

- Folder 7: Budgets - Expenditures, 1970-1971

- Folder 8: Budgets - Expenditures, 1971-1972

- Folder 9: Budgets - Expenditures, 1973-1974

- Folder 10: Budgets - Expenditures, 1974-1975

- Folder 11: Budgets - Expenditures, 1975-1976

- Folder 12: Budgets - Expenditures, 1976-1977

- Folder 13: Budgets - Expenditures, 1977-1978

- Folder 14: Budgets - Expenditures, 1978-1979

- Folder 15: Budgets - Expenditures, 1979-1980

- Folder 16: Budgets - Expenditures, 1980-1981

- Folder 17: Budgets - Expenditures, 1981-1982

- Folder 18: Budgets - Expenditures, 1982-1983

- Folder 19: Budgets - Expenditures, 1983-1984

- Folder 20: Budgets - Expenditures, 1984-1985

- Folder 21: Budgets - Expenditures, 1985-1986

- Folder 22: Budgets - Expenditures, 1986-1987

- Folder 23: Budgets - Expenditures, 1987-1988

- Folder 24: Budgets - Expenditures, 1988-1989

- Folder 25: Budgets - Expenditures, 1989-1990

- Folder 26: Card Filing: Rules and Procedures, 1977

- Folder 27: Festival of Contemporary Arts, 1965-1978

- Programs.
- Folder 28: Moving Manual, 1974

- Details for use of space in new Music Building.
- Folder 29: Music Library Acquisition Practices, 1982

- Folder 30: Music Library Association Programs at Urbana, 1974 and 1988, 1974-1988

- Folder 31: Music Library Manual, 1975

- Folder 32: Music Library Photo Negatives (1 of 2), undated

- Folder 33: Music Library Photo Negatives (2 of 2), undated

- Folder 34: Music Library Photos (1 of 2), undated

- Folder 35: Music Library Photos (2 of 2), 1973-1974

- Folder 36: Music Library Slides (1 of 2), May, 1975

- Folder 37: Music Library Slides (2 of 2), undated

- Folder 38: Music Library Reorganizations, 1976-1987

- Folder 39: Music Sale, 1979

- Folder 40: Photos - Ambassador Theater, undated

- Folder 41: Questionnaires and Surveys, 1972-1989

- Folder 42: Redordings: Open Stacks Proposal, 1974

- Folder 43: School of Music Report, 1965

- Folder 44: Staff Meeting Notes, Minutes, 1970-1978

- Folder 45: Student Term Paper on Library Rearrangement (LIS 428), 1986

- Lucy Barron and Janet Bischoff.
- Folder 46: Student Term Paper on the Music Library (204), 1968

- Helen Kowalczyk.
- Series 2: Personnel Files, 1961-2007

- Box 2

- Folder 1: King Assistantship (RESTRICTED), 199-2004

- Folder 2: Music Digital Services Coodinator Search, 2001-2002

- Folder 3: Jean Rhodes Retirement, 200-2001

- Folder 4: Candidates Letters of Recomendation and Resumes, 2002

- Folder 5: Visiting Librarian Spring 2000, 2000

- Folder 6: Anthony, Jennifer, 1996-1998

- Folder 7: Cessna, Katrina, 1997-1999

- Folder 8: Personnel Job Descriptions, 1985-2000

- Folder 9: Danner, Phyllis, 2002

- Folder 10: Gillie, Esther, 2002-2003

- Folder 11: Medows, Kevin, 2000-2002

- Folder 12: McClellan, William, 1996-1997

- Folder 13: Keith, Paul, 2001

- Folder 14: Bendel, Andy, 2002

- Folder 15: Menkhaus, Jane, 2001-2002

- Folder 29: Volunteers, ca. 1990

- Folder 30: Student Assistants - Policies and Procedures, 1976-1983

- Folder 31: Former Employees, 1965-1972

- Folder 32: Nickerson, Susan, 1968-1977

- Folder 33: Robinson, Margo (RESTRICTED), 1999-2002

- Folder 34: Rhodes, P. Jean (RESTRICTED), 1982-2000

- Folder 35: Russie, Linda, 1986

- Folder 36: Ruth, Matt (RESTRICTED), 1986

- Folder 37: Schmall, Gail (RESTRICTED), 1993-2004

- Folder 38: Speers, John (RESTRICTED), 1994-1998

- Folder 39: Stanfield, Laura (RESTRICTED), 1990-1993

- Folder 40: Taylor, Nancy, 2004-2007

- Folder 41: Valocchi, Denise (RESTRICTED), 1990-1991

- Folder 42: Waisvisz, Lehman (RESTRICTED), 1988-1993

- Folder 43: Troutman, Leslie, 1985-2003

- Folder 44: Burbank, Richard, 1986-2004

- Folder 1 of 2.
- Folder 45: Burbank, Richard, 1986-2004

- Folder 2 of 2.
- Box 3

- Folder 1: Geil, Wilma, 1961-2002

- Folder 1 of 2.
- Folder 2: Geil, Wilma, 1961-2002

- Folder 2 of 2.
- Folder 3: Scarbrough, Marlys (RESTRICTED), 1983-2003

- Series 3: Closed Music Library Special Collections Lead Files, 1958-2005

- Box 3

- Folder 4: American Antiquarian Society, 1976

- Includes collection inventory. Correspondents include Marcus A. McCorison and Donald Krummel
- Folder 5: Andrews, James C. (pipe organs collection), 1982

- Correspondents include Thomas McGeary
- Folder 6: Baron, Hermann (publishers catalogs), 1978-1981

- Includes collection inventory. Correspondents include Robert W. Oram, William McClellan and Donald Krummel
- Folder 7: Bartok manuscript, 1966

- Correspondents include Victor Bator, Bela Bartok Archives
- Folder 8: Bassett, Lawrence, 1960

- Correspondents include Jay Allen. Includes collection inventory
- Folder 9: Bergethon, Bjornar, 1981-1986

- Folder 10: Bishop, Henry (from J & J Lubrano), 1994

- Folder 11: Brennan, J. Keirn, 1990/2002

- Includes collection inventory. Correspondents include Ann Messick Brown
- Folder 12: Britton, Henry C., 1984

- Includes collection inventory.
- Folder 13: Brownson, Marcella K., 1985

- Folder 14: Cantrell, Barton, 1979

- Folder 15: CEMREL Aesthetic Education Program, 1982-1985

- Includes collection inventory.
- Folder 16: Cohen, Sol, 1996

- Includes collection inventory. Correspondents include John Hoffmann
- Folder 17: Coldwell, Philip and Norma, 1996

- Includes collection inventory.
- Folder 18: Corning, Bly, 1971-1990

- Folder 19: Emory, Millie, 1969

- Folder 20: Farrar, Lloyd P. and Doris V., 1995-1996

- Includes collection inventory.
- Folder 21: Farwell, Brice (microfilm collection of the music of Arthur Farwell), 1975-1976

- Folder 22: Haussermann, John, 1981-1984

- See also record series number 35/3/81.
- Folder 23: Irland, Roger, 1990

- Includes collection inventory.
- Folder 24: King, Lawrence (1 of 3), 1996-1999

Includes collection inventory and articles on acquisition of collection.
See also record series number 12/9/115.
- Folder 25: King, Lawrence (2 of 3), ca. 1969-1996

- Includes collection inventories of most of the King collection
- Folder 26: King, Lawrence (3 of 3), ca. 1969-1996

- Includes collection inventories of most of the King collection
- Folder 27: Klaviter, Jane, 1987/1992

- Includes collection inventory.
- Folder 28: Kokoefer, Eddie discs (Roman Farquhar), 1984

- Folder 29: Krolick, Edward, 1981

- Folder 30: Kutin, Alexander, 1991-1992

- Folder 31: Lipp, Charles, 1983

- Includes collection inventory.
- Folder 32: Liszt, Franz materials, 1967

- Folder 33: Malin, Don, 1983

- Includes collection inventory.
- Folder 34: Martirano, Salvatore, 1982-1993

Includes collection inventory.
See also record series number 12/5/42.
- Folder 35: Maslen, Mary (Edwin R. Maslen), 1978-1980

- Includes collection inventory.
- Folder 36: Mickel, Jere C., 1983-1985

- See also record series number 35/3/81.
- Folder 37: Mischakoff, Mischa, 1998

- Folder 38: Montgomery, Michael, 1999-2004

- Folder 39: Programs of Music, Theatre, undated

- Contains descriptions of collections of programs, including "Candy Box Collection" Harrison Edward Cunningham, Hattie F. Kaufman Collection, Photographs, Frank Johnson Collection, Radcliffe collection, Prehn collection
- Folder 40: Nettl, Paul, 1964-1996

- Includes collection inventory.
- Folder 41: Oglesby, Yolande, 1996-2003

Includes collection inventory.
See also record series number 12/9/119.
- Folder 42: Owens, Calvin L., 1991

- Folder 43: Powell, Maud, 1972-1995

- Includes collection inventory. Correspondents include Paul Rolland, Maud Powell Foundation
- Folder 44: Powell, Morgan, 1986-1994

Includes collection inventory.
See also record series number 12/5/41.
- Folder 45: Radcliffe, Thomas A., 1967-1973

- Folder 46: Reeves, George Studio Collection, 1960/1983

- See also record series number 12/5/52 and 35/3/81.
- Folder 47: Rensch, Roslyn cataloging and processing file, 1989-1993

- Includes collection inventory
- Folder 48: Rensch, Roslyn correspondence file, 1989-1993

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Collections not acquired - Arthur Farwell, 1987

- Folder 2: Collections not acquired - American Orff-Schulwerk Association (AOSA), 1986-1987

- Folder 3: Collections not acquired - Mordecai Sandberg, 1980

- Folder 4: Collections not acquired - Charles Klein, 1988

- Folder 5: Conservation Project, 1976-1977 and 1985-1986

- Folder 6: Geil collection descriptions, 2002

- Folder 7: Kasura, Walter J. (processing folder), ca. 1995-2001

- Folder 8: Kasura, Walter J., 1982-1993

- Contains collection inventory
- Folder 9: Letters with collectors, 1979-1984

- Folder 10: Rolland, Paul, 1987-1999

Includes collection inventory.
See also record series number 12/5/21.
- Folder 11: Romanian music (Union Composers of Bucharest - Mircea Cristescu), 1978-1981

- Includes collection inventory
- Folder 12: Russian music (Emanuil (Misha) Sheynkman), 1995

- Folder 13: Sandburg, Carl, 1969-1980

- Folder 14: Scheibenreif, Frank, 1993-1995

Includes collection inventory.
See also record series number 12/9/118.
- Folder 15: Shipman, Jerome S., 1992-1993

- Includes collection inventory
- Folder 16: Shirk, William A., 1952-1953

- Includes collection inventory
- Folder 17: Smith, Carleton, 1984-1986

- Folder 18: Smith, Frank W., 1966-1969/1986-1990

- Includes collection inventory
- Folder 19: Smith, Portia, 1991

- Includes collection inventory
- Folder 20: Sousa, John Philip, 1989-2003

- See record series number 12/9/51.
- Folder 21: Stiven, Frederic B., 1983

- Folder 22: Stravinsky, Soulima, 1977

- Folder 23: Szigeti, Joseph, 1960-1990

- Folder 24: Ushenko, A.P., 1983-1984

- Folder 25: Vaky, James, 1979

- Folder 26: Ward, Charlotte B., 1958-1963

- Folder 27: Wilensky, Shirley, 1986-1990

- Includes photograph used for plaque in Music and Performing Arts Library
- Folder 28: Williams, Ned, 1983-1989

- See also record series number 12/9/125. Original file folder sent added to Sousa Archives October 13, 2011.
- Folder 29: Wilson, Velma Kitchell, 2005

- See also record series number 12/5/37.
- Folder 30: Zirner, Ludwig, 1975

- Folder 31: Zonn, Paul Martin, 1980-1996

Includes collection inventory.
See also record series number 12/5/35.
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Library Administrative Files, 1917-2007],
Series 2: Personnel Files, 1961-2007],
Series 3: Closed Music Library Special Collections Lead Files, 1958-2005],