ILIR Library Labor Associations File


Scope and Contents

Subject Terms

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Associations File

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ILIR Library Labor Associations File, 1926-2006

By Bryan Whitledge

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Collection Overview

Title: ILIR Library Labor Associations File, 1926-2006

ID: 35/3/409

Extent: 4.3 cubic feet

Arrangement: alphabetical by association title

Date Acquired: 07/29/2007

Subjects: Labor Education, Labor Relations, Labor Unions

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library Labor Associations File (1926-2006) includes constitutions and by-laws, annual reports, promotional and informational fliers, brochures, pamphlets, and booklets, newsletters, conference reports, policy statements, and continuing education announcements pertaining to associations that promote the study of labor relations and associations that advocate for workers and for business.

Subject/Index Terms

Labor Education
Labor Relations
Labor Unions

Administrative Information

Repository: University of Illinois Archives

Acquisition Source: Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library

Box and Folder Listing

Series 1: Associations FileAdd to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1: American Arbitration Association, 1973-94Add to your cart.
Newsletters (1989-93), Annual Reports (1973, 1977-81)
Folder 2: American Institute for Economic Research, 1954Add to your cart.
The First Twenty Years and Plans for the Future
Folder 3: American Labor Education Service, 1950-61Add to your cart.
Newsletters (1952-53, 1958), Annual Reports (1949, 1953-61)
Folder 4: Asian-American Free Labor Institute, 1968-95Add to your cart.
Program Announcements (1968, 1976, 1995), Annual Reports (1977, 1982)
Folder 5: Asian Productivity Organization, 1980-86Add to your cart.
Annual Report (1980), Profiles of the National Productivity Organizations in API Member Countries (1981), 20 / 25 Year Reports (1980, 1986)
Folder 6: Association for Democracy in Unions, Inc., 1953-55Add to your cart.
By-Laws (1955), Membership application and card (ca. 1955), Announcements (ca. 1953-55)
Folder 7: Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, 1962Add to your cart.
First Annual Report (1962)
Folder 8: Champaign County Living Wage Association, ca. 1997Add to your cart.
Announcement (ca. 1996)
Folder 9: Chicago Area Committee on Occupational Health and Safety, 1974-77, 1986Add to your cart.
Newsletters (1974-77, 1986)
Folder 10: Citizens Coal Enforcement Group, 1988Add to your cart.
Newsletter (1988)
Folder 11: Citizens for a Better Environment, 1994Add to your cart.
Announcement (1994)
Folder 12: Commission for Labor Cooperation, 1996-1998Add to your cart.
Newsletter (1996), Announcements (ca. 1996-98), Press Releases (1997-98)
Folder 13: Committee for the Extension of Labor Education, 1947-48Add to your cart.
Announcements (1947-48), Resource Material for Quotation (ca. 1948)
Folder 14: Committee for the Nation's Health, 1952-55Add to your cart.
Newsletters (1952-55), Announcements (1953-55)
Folder 15: National Industrial Conference Board, 1958, 1960Add to your cart.
Annual Meeting Publications (1958, 1960)
Folder 16: Construction Industry Joint Conference, 1960Add to your cart.
Announcements (1960)
Folder 17: Construction Industry Service Corporation (CISCO), 1997-2002Add to your cart.
Announcements (1997-2002)
Folder 18: Construction Industry Joint Conference, 1970Add to your cart.
Statement of Program (1970)
Folder 19: Council on Competitiveness, 1990, 1994Add to your cart.
Press Release (1990), Newsletters (1994)
Folder 20: Danville Area Labor-Management Council, 1994Add to your cart.
Grant Proposal (1994)
Folder 21: Eugene V. Debs Foundation, 1981-97Add to your cart.
Announcements (1981-92), Board of Directors Minutes (1984-89), Newsletters (1986-88, 1997)
Folder 22: Decatur Area Labor-Management Committee, 1986-92Add to your cart.
Announcements (1986-92)
Folder 23: Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee, 1972-76, 1986, 1994Add to your cart.
Newspaper Clippings (1972-73), Announcements (1973), Newsletters (1986, 1994)
Folder 24: Environmentalists for Full Employment, 1976-83Add to your cart.
Newsletters (1976-81), Announcements (1978-83)
Folder 25: European Centre for Work and Society, 1982-2002Add to your cart.
Newsletters (1982-2002)
Folder 26: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, 1962-65, 1978-79, 2001Add to your cart.
Reports (1962-65, 2001), Newsletters (1978-79)
Folder 27: European Community - Background Information, 1972-78Add to your cart.
Background Information (1972-78)
Folder 28: European Community - Common Market Farm Report, 1963-71Add to your cart.
Common Market Farm Report (1963-71)
Folder 29: European Community - Euromemo, 1986-89Add to your cart.
Euromemo (1986-89)
Folder 30: European Community - A Letter from Europe, 1981-89Add to your cart.
A Letter from Europe (1981-89)
Folder 31: European Community - News, 1988-89Add to your cart.
News (1988-89)
Folder 32: European Community - News, 1986-87Add to your cart.
News (1986-87)
Box 2Add to your cart.
Folder 1: European Community - News, 1984-85Add to your cart.
News (1984-85)
Folder 2: European Community - News, 1981-83Add to your cart.
News (1981-83)
Folder 3: European Community - News, 1979-80Add to your cart.
News (1979-80)
Folder 4: European Community - News, 1972-78Add to your cart.
News (1972-78)
Folder 5: European Community - Press Release, 1977-78Add to your cart.
Press Release (1977-78)
Folder 6: Federation for Industrial Retention and Renewal, 1994-97Add to your cart.
Announcements (1994-97), Newsletters (1994-95)
Folder 7: Foundation for Research on Human Behavior, 1957-62Add to your cart.
Program Announcement (1957), Newsletters (1959-62)
Folder 8: Frontlash, 1973, 1989-90Add to your cart.
Announcements (1973), Union-Busting Boycott Materials (1989-90)
Folder 9: Full Employment Action Council, 1975-ca. 1981Add to your cart.
Announcements (1975-78), Literature: Reaganomics (ca. 1981)
Folder 10: Hawaii Employers Council, 1950Add to your cart.
Annual Report (1950)
Folder 11: Highlander Research and Education Center, 1997-2002Add to your cart.
Newsletters (1997-2000), Annual Report (1998), Product Listings (1999, 2002)
Folder 12: Illinois Committee on Health Security, 1977-80Add to your cart.
Newsletters (1977-80)
Folder 13: Illinois State Labor Press Association, 1981-82Add to your cart.
Newsletters (1981-82)
Folder 14: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce, 1947-60, 1972-79Add to your cart.
Informational Material (1947-60), Conference Announcements (1972-79), Newsletters (1972-79)
Folder 15: Illinois State Employment Service, 1962Add to your cart.
Annual Report (1962)
Folder 16: Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc., 1949, 1951, 1969-73, 2002-2004Add to your cart.
Publications List (1949), 25 Year History (1951), IR Concepts Newsletters (1969-73, 2002-04), 75 Year History (2001)
Folder 17: Industrial Relations Research Association - Chicago Chapter, 1984, 1992, 1997-99Add to your cart.
Meeting Report (1984), Member Directories (1992, 1997-99)
Folder 18: Institute of Industrial Engineers, 1984-89Add to your cart.
News Releases (1984-89)
Folder 19: Institute for Labor Education and Research, 1981Add to your cart.
Newsletter (1981, Program Announcements (1981)
Folder 20: Inter-University Labor Education Committee, 1953-55Add to your cart.
Reports (1953-55), Memorandum (1953)
Folder 21: International Association of Personnel in Employment Security (IAPES), 1954-55, 1960-61, 1992Add to your cart.
Conference Proceedings (1954-55, 1961), Guide to Correspondence Study (1960), Workforce Quarterly Publication (Spring and Fall, 1992)
Folder 22: International Federation of Workers' Education Associations, 1997-98Add to your cart.
Bulletins (1997-98)
Folder 23: International Industrial Relations Associations, 1970, 1977-86, 1989, 1995Add to your cart.
Bulletin (1970, 1977-86, 1989, 1995)
Folder 24: International Labor Office (ILO), 1937-2002Add to your cart.
Program Publications (1937-65, 2002), Newsletters (1978-81), Conference Reports (1946-66), Reports of the ILO (1950-70)
Folder 25: ILO Conferences, 1945-48, 1953-54Add to your cart.
Conference Publications (1945-48, 1953-54)
Folder 26: ILO Conference #27, 1945Add to your cart.
Conference Publications (1945), Press Releases (1945)
Folder 27: ILO Conference #29, 1946Add to your cart.
Conference Publications (1946), Conference Record (1946)
Folder 28: ILO Conferences #30, 31, 1947Add to your cart.
Conference Publications (1947), Conference Proceedings (1947)
Box 3Add to your cart.
Folder 1: ILO Conference #37, 1954Add to your cart.
Constitution (1954), News Releases (1954), Provisional Record (1954)
Folder 2: ILO Conference, 1959Add to your cart.
Correspondence (1959), Conference Reports (1959)
Folder 3: ILO Regional Conference of American State, Buenos Aires, 1961Add to your cart.
Conference Publications (1961), Conference Reports (1961), Newsletters (1961)
Folder 4: International Labor Rights Education and Research Fund, 1992Add to your cart.
Worker Rights News (Summer, 1992)
Folder 5: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren), 1951-2000Add to your cart.
Constitution (1951, 1958), Informational Material (1953, 1963),  Meeting Report (1954), Newsletters (1963-2000)
Folder 6: Japan Institute of Labor, ca. 1965-68, 1992-93Add to your cart.
Constitution (1968), Informational Material (ca. 1965, 1992-93)
Folder 7: Japan Productivity Center, 1955, 1959, 1982Add to your cart.
Informational Material (1955, 1959), Newsletter (1982)
Folder 8: Jewish Labor Committee, 1950-65, 1982, 1994-96, 2001Add to your cart.
Policy Announcements (1950-63,1982), Newsletters (1963-65, 1994-96, 2001)
Folder 9: Labor Council for Latin American Advancement, 1975Add to your cart.
Informational Materials in English and Spanish (1975)
Folder 10: Labor Party Advocates, 1991, 1996-98Add to your cart.
Newsletter (Jun., 1991), News Clippings (1996-98)
Folder 11: League for Industrial Democracy, 1949-57, 1972, 1979-81Add to your cart.
Informational Materials (1949-57), Association Histories (1955, 1979), Materials re: "A Tribute to George Meany" (1972), Annual Reports (1979-80), "Committee of Scholars and Artists for Polish Democracy" List (1981)
Folder 12: Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation, 1977-80Add to your cart.
Annual Reports (1977-80), Supported Works (1978-79)
Folder 13: Midwest Center for Labor Research, 1983-96Add to your cart.
News Releases (1983-88), Newsletters (1986, 1990-96), Publications List (ca. 1990), Annual Report (1990)
Folder 14: National Academy of Arbitrators, 1979, 1989-90, 2000-04Add to your cart.
Constitutions and By-Laws (1979, 1990), Formal Advisory Opinions List (1989), Memos (2000-02), Strategic Plan (2004)
Folder 15: National Academy of Arbitrators Handbook, 1985-92Add to your cart.
Handbook (1985-92)
Folder 16: National Academy of Conciliators, 1985Add to your cart.
Information Packet (1985)
Folder 17: National Alliance of Business, ca. 1990, 1996Add to your cart.
Program Publication (1990, 1996), Work America (1996)
Folder 18: National Association of Area Labor Management Committees, 1987-90Add to your cart.
Forward Thinking Newsletter (1987-90)
Folder 19: National Association of Manufacturers, 1937, 1948, 1952-65Add to your cart.
Congress Reports (1937, 1959-61), Policy Publications (1949, 1952-58), Newsletters (1964
Folder 20: National Committee for the Extension of Labor Education, 1948-50Add to your cart.
Meeting Minutes (1948-50)
Folder 21: National Committee for Full Employment, 1975-77Add to your cart.
Newsletters: Focus on Full Employement (1975-77), Full Empoyment Advocate (1976-77)
Folder 22: National Commission on Productivity, 1974-79Add to your cart.
Program Reports (1974-79), Meeting Minutes (1977-79), News Releases (1977-79)
Folder 23: National Erectors Association, 1993-2001Add to your cart.
Newsletters: NEA News (1993-2001), Activities Reports (1993-94), News Releases (1994)
Folder 24: National Institute of Labor Education, 1957-64Add to your cart.
Policy Proposals (1957), Meeting Minutes and Conference Proceedings (1959-64), Informational Material (1960)
Folder 25: National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice, 1996-2004Add to your cart.
Newsletters: Faith Works (1996-2004)
Folder 26: National Labor-Management Foundation, Undated, ca. 1950Add to your cart.
Informational Pamphlet (Undated, circa 1950)
Folder 27: National Labor Service, 1954, 1960-90Add to your cart.
Informational Materials (1954), Newsletters: Let's Be Human (1960-90), NLS Mailings (1967-69)
Box 4Add to your cart.
Folder 1: National Metal Trades Association, ca. 1927Add to your cart.
History, Scope and Purpose of the Natioanl Metal Trades Association (ca. 1927)
Folder 2: National Planning Association, ca. 1947Add to your cart.
Policy Pamphlets (ca. 1947)
Folder 3: National Right to Work Association - Policy Materials, 1966, 1981-88Add to your cart.
Policy Materials (1966, 1981-88)
Folder 4: National Right to Work Association - Actiongram, 1975-2005Add to your cart.
Actiongram (1975-2005)
Folder 5: National Right to Work Association - Forced-Unionism Abuses Exposed, 2002-05Add to your cart.
Forced-Unionism Abuses Exposed (2002-05)
Folder 6: National Right to Work Association - Concerned Educators Against Forced Unionism, 1980-83, 1993Add to your cart.
Newsletter: Recaps (1980-83), Forbes Reprint (1993)
Folder 7: National Right to Work Association - Issue Briefing Paper, 1980, 1982Add to your cart.
Issue Briefing Paper (1980, 1982)
Folder 8: National Right to Work Association - Membership Alert, 1986, 1989-93, 2002-03Add to your cart.
Membership Alert (1986, 1989-93, 2002-03)
Folder 9: National Right to Work Association - State Employee Rights Campaign Committee, 1973, 1988, 1991, 1995, 1999-2002Add to your cart.
Newsletter: CERCC (1973, 1988, 1991, 1995, 1999-2002)
Folder 10: National Right to Work Association - Surveys, 1978-80, 1988-2004Add to your cart.
Survey '78, Survey '80, Survey '88, Survey '90, Survey '92, Survey '94, Survey '96, Survey '98, Survey 2000, Survey 2002, Survey 2004
Folder 11: National Urban League, 1971Add to your cart.
Veterans Materials (1971), Annual Report (1971)
Folder 12: National Women's Trade Union League of America, 1926, 1949-50Add to your cart.
Constitution (1926), Program (ca. 1949), Newsletter: Life and Labor Bulletin (1949-50)
Folder 13: New Deal Preservation Association, 2000Add to your cart.
Informational Pamphlet (2000), Newsletter: The New Deal Legacy (2000)
Folder 14: Ontario Quality of Working Life Centre, 1980Add to your cart.
Informational Pamphlet (1980)
Folder 15: Pacific Maritime Association (folder 1 of 3), 1980,1995-2000Add to your cart.
Informational Literature (1980), Annual Reports (1995-2000)
Folder 16: Pacific Maritime Association (folder 2 of 3), 1989-94Add to your cart.
Annual Reports (1989-94)
Folder 17: Pacific Maritime Association (folder 3 of 3), 1959, 1983-84, 1986-88Add to your cart.
Annual Reports (1959, 1983-84, 1986-88)
Folder 18: Pakistan National Institute of Labour Administration Training, 1975-76Add to your cart.
Annual Reports (1975-76)
Folder 19: Public Service Research Council, 1977Add to your cart.
Informational Materials (1977), Annual Report (1977)
Folder 20: St. Louis Labor Health Institute, 1946-48, 1955-56Add to your cart.
Informational Materials (1946-48), Annual Reports (1955-56)
Folder 21: Socialist Labor Party, 1981-84Add to your cart.
Socialist Studies, (1981-84 Series)
Folder 22: Society for Human Resource Management, 1990-93, 1996, 2000-2004Add to your cart.
Newsletters: Legal Report (1990-91, 2002-04), Issues in HR (1993), Mosaics (2002), Workplace Visions (2000-04), Annual Report (1996)
Folder 23: Society for the Study of Labour History, 1976, 1978, 2000Add to your cart.
Membership Information (1976, 1978); Newsletters (2000)
Folder 24: Society of Federal Labor Relations Professionals, 1974-75Add to your cart.
Newsletters (1974-75), Constitution and By-laws (1975)
Folder 25: Society of Human Resource Professionals, 1986-87Add to your cart.
Announcements (1986), Newsletter (1986), Journal (1986-87)
Folder 26: Society of Personnel Administrators of Greater Chicago, 1984-85Add to your cart.
Announcements (1984), Report (1984), Newsletter (1984-85)
Folder 27: Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution, 1973-74, 1984-85, 1991Add to your cart.
Inaugural Meeting Pamphlet (1973), By-Laws (1974), Membership Directory (1974, 1991), SPIDR NEWS (1984), Promotional Pamphlet (1985), Policy Statement (1991)
Folder 28: Southern Employees Relations Associates, Inc., ca. 1980sAdd to your cart.
SERA Presents Newsletter (ca. 1980s)
Folder 29: Southern Appalachian Labor School, 1996-2006Add to your cart.
SALS Journal (1996-2006)
Folder 30: Swedish Center for Working Life, 1989-90Add to your cart.
Worklife Research Newsletters (1989-90)
Folder 31: Swedish Employers' Confederation (SAF), 1951, 1955, 1961, 1976Add to your cart.
Promotional / Informational Booklets (1951, 1955, 1961, 1976), Policy Paper (1955)
Folder 32: Tennessee Valley Authority, 1935, 1953-55Add to your cart.
Promotional / Informational Booklets (1935, 1953-55)
Folder 33: Tool Owners' Union, 1946-49Add to your cart.
Policy Statements (1946), Promotional Material (1946), News Releases (1946-47), Newspaper Clipping (1949)
Folder 34: Union Friendly Systems, Inc., 1993Add to your cart.
The Union Solution Newsletters (1993)
Folder 35: U.S. Atomic Energy Labor-Management Panel, 1956-57, 1961Add to your cart.
Memo citing Purpose and Procedures (1956-57), Report (1961)
Folder 36: U.S. Department of Labor, 1950, 1955, 1964, 1993, 1998Add to your cart.
Promotional / Informational Booklets (1950, 1955, 1964, 1993, 1998)
Folder 37: United States Labor Party, 1975Add to your cart.
Newspaper Clipping (1975), Announcement (1975)
Folder 38: UPPNET (Union Producers and Programmers Network), 1989-92, 1997-2001Add to your cart.
Membership Information (1989), UPPNET News (1989-1992, 1997-2001), Membership Directory (1990),  Nationa Conference Promotional Material (1998)
Folder 39: University and College Labor Education Association (UCLEA; UALE), 1975, 1978, 1986-91Add to your cart.
Memoranda (1975, 1978), Budget Survey (1975), 25th Anniversary Meeting (1986), Abstracts of Papers Given at Annual Meetings (1987-90), CONET Newsletter (1987), Meeting Proceedings (1991), UCLEA Pogram Survey (1991)
Folder 40: University and College Labor Education Association Directories (UCLEA; UALE) (folder 1 of 2), 1968, 1972, 1977-91Add to your cart.
Directories (1968, 1972, 1977-91)
Box 5Add to your cart.
Folder 1: University and College Labor Education Association Directories (UCLEA; UALE) (folder 2 of 2), 1992-95, 1998-2002Add to your cart.
Directories (1992-95, 1998-2002)
Folder 2: Upjohn Institute for Community Research, 1957-63Add to your cart.
Promotional / Information Booklets (1957-63)
Folder 3: Urban Institute, 1982, 1997-98Add to your cart.
Annual Report (1982) and Newsletters - Charting Civil Society (1998), The Future of the Public Sector (1997), New Federalism (1997-98), Economic Restructuring and the Job Market (1997)
Folder 4: Work in America Institute, 1976, 1989, ca. 1980sAdd to your cart.
Annual Report (1976), Informational Bulletin (1989), Promotional Pamphlet (ca. 1980s)
Folder 5: Workers Compensation Research Institute, 1993-94, 1997-98, 2001-02Add to your cart.
Annual Reports (1993-94, 1997-98, 2001-02)
Folder 6: Workers Defense League, 1982-85, 1991, 1997-98Add to your cart.
WDL News (1982-84, 1991, 1997-98), Policy Memoranda (1982, 1985)
Folder 7: Workers' Education Bureau of America, ca. 1936, 1945, 1949Add to your cart.
Workers' Education Bureau of America Skits: Part I - Labor in Search of Security, Nos. 1, 3-7 (ca. 1937), Promotional Pamphlet: The Pioneer Institute of Labor (circa 1945), Promotional Pamphlets (ca. 1949)
Folder 8: Workers' Education Association, 1950, 1955-56, 1962Add to your cart.
Constitution (1950), Educational Programming (1955-56), Nucleus, Monthly Publication, Nos. 1 and 4 (1956), WEA News (1962)

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