Description: State Board of Higher Education File including surveys, reports, memoranda, bulletins, grant applications, instruction for grant applications and copies of letters collected in the office of Sec'y. of the U. of I. Earl W. Porter. Correspondents are Porter and University officers; members and personnel of the State Board of Higher Education; officials of the Chicago Circle, Medical Center and Urbana-Champaign campuses and HEW officials. Materials include physical facilities and space utilization studies and projections and statewide space surveys (1965-67, 1969, 1970-71);
. . . moreHigher Education Facilities Act of 1963 and Higher Education Act of 1965; and grants and grant applications under terms of those acts; data system surveys; bidding procedures for construction; reports on community services provided by universities in Illinois; cost-study reports, reports and projections concerning costs incurred by students and reports on enrollment ceilings, capacities, building plans, and space utilization (1965-71). Also Porter files (1962-74) including studies of articulation, building efficiency, Laboratory School, adult education, special education, faculty clock hours, health services, scholarship and tuition; reports on disadvantaged students, state aid to private institutions, health education, housing, code of ethics, Financial Aid, insurance, tenure, veteran benefits, questionnaires on graduate education in agriculture, financial aid to auxiliary enterprises, energy shortage, minority employment; and files on planning, programming, budgeting and control system (PPBC), policy statements, IBHE committee reports and Non-public Higher Education. The series includes reports and correspondence regarding the master plan for Higher Education in Illinois (1963-64, 1965-66, 1967-71).