Browse Digital Archives | University of Illinois Archives
T.P. - 3 tracks, undated
Table Tennis in Game Room, ca. 1940s
Taft House Moving, Nov., 1981
Taft House Moving - Cutting into Two Sections, Nov., 1981
Taft House Moving - Removing Foundation, Nov., 1981
Taft House Moving (1), Nov., 1981
Taft House Original View (1), Apr. 8, 1940
Taft House Original View (2), Apr. 8, 1940
Taft House Recent Photo, June, 1994
Taft studio - birthday luncheon, ca. 1929
Taft studio - birthday luncheon, ca. 1929
Taft Studio - group at luncheon, ca. 1932
Taft Studio - private study, ca. 1929-36
Taft Studio - second floor, ca. 1929-36
Taft studio - view in court, ca. 1926-36
Taft Studio - view in the court, ca. 1929-1936
Taft studio birthday banquet, April 29, 1929
Taft Working on Lincoln Sculpture, circa 1928
Taft's studio, ca. 1926-27
Tagore Circle reunion; group photograph, December 1916
Tailteann Games, Dublin, Ireland, My 8, 1924
Taking Dictation in the Bursar's Office, November 8, 1949
Tank Knocked Out July, July 1944
Tank Wreckage, 1944-1945
Taragato: J. Schundav, undated
Taragato: W. Kohlert and Sons, undated
Tau Beta Pi Fraternity, ca. 1910
Tau Beta Pi House, circa 1910
Tau Delta Tau Fraternity, ca. 1918
Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity (2), ca. 1935
Tau Lambda Fraternity, ca. 1910
Tazwell Rural Youth, ca. 1946
Tea, ca. 1940
Tea (1), ca. 1940
Tea Plantation Near Wuhan, September 1980
Teach-In, ca. 1968
Team at the Table 1/10/91, January 10, 1991
Team at the Table 1/9 and 1/10 /91, January 9, 1991
Team at the Table 1/9/91, January 9, 1991
Team Concept 1/28/94, January 28, 1994
Team Concept 11/14/90 N.T., November 14, 1990
Team Concept 11/14/90 N.T., November 15, 1990
Team Concept at the Table 10/25/90, October 25, 1990
Team Concept at the Table 10/25/90, October 25, 1990
Team Concept at the Table 10/25/90, October 25, 1990
Team Concept at the Table 2/26 and 2/27/ 91, February 26, 1991
Team Concept at the Table 2/26/91, February 26, 1991
Team Concept at the Table 2/27/91, February 27, 1991
Team football photo 1890, 1890
Team photo--Baseball, 1913
Teams Meet for a Coin Toss at Memorial Stadium, circa 1928-29
Telephone Exchange, Undated
Telephone Exchange (2), Undated
Telescope, circa 1910
Tell Me (Diga Me), undated
Temira Pachmuss and Vladimir Zlobin Collection (Digital Surrogates), 1927-1928, 1932
Temporary Housing Village Council, Aug. 21, 1946
Tenerife, 1932
Tenerife (1), 1932
Tenerife (10), 1932
Tenerife (11), 1932
Tenerife (12), 1932
Tenerife (13), 1932
Tenerife (14), 1932
Tenerife (15), 1932
Tenerife (16), 1932
Tenerife (17), 1932
Tenerife (18), 1932
Tenerife (19), 1932
Tenerife (2), 1932
Tenerife (20), 1932
Tenerife (21), 1932
Tenerife (22), 1932
Tenerife (23), 1932
Tenerife (24), 1932
Tenerife (25), 1932
Tenerife (26), 1932
Tenerife (27), 1932
Tenerife (28), 1932
Tenerife (29), 1932
Tenerife (3), 1932
Tenerife (30), 1932
Tenerife (31), 1932
Tenerife (32), 1932
Tenerife (4), 1932
Tenerife (5), 1932
Tenerife (6), 1932
Tenerife (7), 1932
Tenerife (8), 1932
Tenerife (9), 1932
Tennis, ca. 1892
Tennis Courts, circa 1938-40
Tennis Courts South of Mumford Hall, C.A. 1930s
Tennis Courts With Library in Background, July 19, 1962
Tennis Girls, June, 1946
Tennis Scene, May 17, 1938
Tension Test of Steel Specimen, circa 1917
Tentative Program for American Bandmaster's Association Meeting at University of Illinois, January 8-10, 1931
Tentative Program for American Bandmaster's Association Meeting at University of Illinois, January 9-10, 1930
Teresa Valerio, ca. 1914
Terra Cotta Block Column After Testing, circa 1917
Terra Saca, undated
Terry and McGhee, circa 1960
Test car, circa 1909
Test Image #2, Mar 15, 2010
Test Image #3, Mar. 15, 2010
Test of Large Steel Girder from a Highway Bridge, circa 1917
Test of Locomotive Car Wheel, circa 1917
Test of Locomotive Car Wheel (1), circa 1917
Test of Railway Car Brake Beam, circa 1917
Test of Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe, circa 1917
Test of Stand Pipe for Filling Locomotive Tanks, circa 1917
Testing experimentation, ca. 1955
Testing for Speech Sounds, ca. 1940s
Testing in the Physical Fitness Lab, Dec., 1951
Testing Laboratory, ca. 1953
Testing Reinforced Concrete Warehouse Floor, circa 1917
Testing Steel Girder in 600,000 Pound Machine, circa 1917
Teu Cabello Nao Nega : Marcha, undated
Teu Modo de Falar: Samba, 1930
Textbook Purchase, 1989
Thacher Howland Guild, ca. 1910
The "New" Green Street, 1961-09-19
The Adding Machine, March 1934
The Awakening, ca. 1907
The Banjo Player's Pastime, undated
The Bears, 1986
The Bears at Mabel's, 1985
The Beginnings of an Optoelectronic Chip, Nov., 1982
The Bewitched, c. 1957
The Birds, March 1958
The Blind, ca. 1908
The Caretaker, March 1968
The Cave on Green Street, circa 1968
The Children's Corner Suite, undated
The Chinese Students' Club, C.A. 1919
The Clash, 1914
The Coiners, March 26, 1943
The Concert Band, 17th Annual Festival of Concert Band Music, January 8-10, 1971
The Concert Band, 17th Annual Festival of Concert Band Music, January 8-10, 1971
The Concert Band, 17th Annual Festival of Concert Band Music, January 8-10, 1971
The Concert Band, 17th Annual Festival of Concert Band Music, January 8-10, 1971
The Cornet, Trumpet, and Flugelhorn in the Band page 1, April 10, 1932
The Cornet, Trumpet, and Flugelhorn in the Band page 3, April 10, 1932
The Cornet, Trumpet, and Flugelhorn in the Band page 6, April 10, 1932
The Cradle Song, December 1930
The Cradle Song (1), December 1930
The Cradle Song (2), December 1930
The Cradle Song (3), December 1930
The Cradle Song (4), December 1930
The Death and Life of Sneaky Fitch, January 1970
The Electrical Measurement Laboratory, circa 1917
The First Concert Band, undated
The First Concert Band, undated
The Five Jokers of Rhythm, undated
The Gazette Building, circa 1880
The Green Caldron, 1931-1964
The Gunnery Staff of the School of Military Aeronautics, Aug. 1, 1918
The Happy Blues Band, undated
The High Cost of Living, 1914
The Illinois Farm, undated
The Illinois Magazine Staff, ca. 1910
The Illinois Technograph (Magazine) Staff, C.A. 1910
The Illinois- Wisconsin Football Game, November 10, 1906
The Iron Major, November 10, 1943
The Iron Major (1), November 10, 1943
The Joker of Poker Flats, 1910
The Ken Smith Quartet - CD 2, undated
The Ken Smith Quartet - live at Buvons, April 14, 2012
The Kryl instrument truck, ca. 1940s
The Lady from the Sea, March 1981
The Lady of Larkspur Lotion, March 8, 1948
The Lamonte Parsons Experience: original masters, April 24, 2002
The Large Symphonic Band, 85th Anniversary Concert, March 16, 1975
The Large Symphonic Band, 85th Anniversary Concert, March 16, 1975
The Large Symphonic Band, 88th Anniversary Concerts, March 12, 1978
The Large Symphonic Band, 88th Anniversary Concerts, March 12, 1978
The Large Symphonic Band, 88th Anniversary Concerts, March 12, 1978
The Large Symphonic Band, Winter Concert, November 17, 1974
The Large Symphonic Band, Winter Concert, November 17, 1974
The Large Symphonic Band, Winter Concert, November 17, 1974
The Large Symphonic Band, Winter Concert, November 23, 1975
The Large Symphonic Band, Winter Concert, November 23, 1975
The Large Symphonic Band, Winter Concert, November 23, 1975
The Large Symphonic Band, Winter Concert, November 23, 1975
The Large Symphonic Band, Winter Concert, November 23, 1975
The Mad Hopes, November 2, 1934
The Magic Flute, April 1969
The McCollum Case Judges, June 13, 1945
The Millini (Digital Surrogates), 1940-43
The Miracle of America Flyer, C.A. 1950
The Musical Messenger, Herbert L. Clarke, January, 1916
The Nerd, 1997
The Nerd (1), 1998
The New Armory, circa 1910
The New Horticultural Greenhouses, circa 1912
The Ocean Must Be Free, 1917
The Old Armory, circa 1917
The Old Pest House, 1912
The Original Flame Brains, Sep. 1979
The People, undated
The Physics Seminar Room and Library, circa 1917
The Pioneers in Business Ethics Oral Video History Archive Project (Born Digital Records), 2021-2023
The Power Laboratory, circa 1917
The President's Residence, ca. 1930
The Prodigal Prince, 1913
The Push Ball Marshals, 1910
The Queen's Husband, May 1930
The Queen's Husband (1), May 1930
The Queen's Husband (2), May 1930
The Real Deal Quintet - Live at Zorba's, January 26, 2006
The Rimers of Eldritch, February 1969
The Rosary - Bohumir Kryl, cornet, ca. 1904
The Siren, Vol. 1, No. 5, 1912
The Siren, Vol. 1, No. 6, 1912
The Siren, Vol. 1, No. 7, 1912
The Slow Glide: Rag Time, undated
The Small Concert Band, 81st Anniversary Concerts, March 26, 1971
The Small Concert Band, 81st Anniversary Concerts, March 26, 1971
The Small Concert Band, 81st Anniversary Concerts, March 26, 1971
The Small Symphonic Band, April 3, 1976
The Small Symphonic Band, April 3, 1976
The Small Symphonic Band, April 3, 1976
The Small Symphonic Band, 85th Anniversary Concert, March 15, 1975
The Small Symphonic Band, 85th Anniversary Concert, March 15, 1975
The Small Symphonic Band, 88th Anniversary Concert, March 11, 1978
The Small Symphonic Band, The Large Symphonic Band, 85th Anniversary Concert, March 15-16, 1975
The Small Symphonic Band, Winter Concert, November 16, 1974
The Small Symphonic Band, Winter Concert, November 16, 1974
The Small Symphonic Band, Winter Concert, November 22, 1975
The Small Symphonic Band, Winter Concert, November 22, 1975
The Small Symphonic Band, Winter Concert, November 22, 1975
The Song of the Seabees, 1942
The Sophograph (Digital Surrogates), 1882-1892
The Sophograph Board, 1891
The Squad Taking It Easy at Noon, July, 1919
The Stadium Parade, 1923
The Student (Digital Surrogates), 1871-1873
The Swiss Bell Ringers, 1886
The Symphonic Band, December 5, 1986
The Symphonic Band, September 28, 1985
The Symphonic Band, November 23, 1985
The Symphonic Band and The Symphony Orchestra, September 21, 1986
The Symphonic Band, 18th Annual Festival of Concert Band Music, January 7, 1972
The Symphonic Band, Reel I of III, April 16, 1989
The Symphonic Band, Reel II of III, April 16, 1989
The Symphonic Band, Reel III of III, April 16, 1989
The Symphonic Band, Small Symphonic Band, Eighteenth Annual Festival of Concert Band Music, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, January 9, 1972
The Symphonic Bands, Fall Concert, November 5, 1972
The Tales of Hoffmann, Dec. 1934
The Tales of Hoffmann (1), Dec. 1934
The Tenth Man, February 1969
The Three Solitaires (original) written by Victor Herbert, Washington Park, Phila. PA, July 1896, 1896
The Tom Paynter Trio - CD, undated
The U of I Regiments, circa 1912
The Unit 10 Ensemble, March 16, 2000
The University Library (Altgeld Hall), circa 1917
The Visitation, March 1968
The Visitation (1), March 1968
The Whistling Farmer Boy (Fillmore), undated
The Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band, Reel I of IV, March 12, 1989
The Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band, Reel II of IV, March 12, 1989
The Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band, Reel III of IV, March 12, 1989
The Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band, Reel IV of IV, March 12, 1989
The Wireless, 1913
The Woman in the Shoe, 1929
Theater class stretching, 10/1981
Theatre Guild Making Up, March 26, 1943
Theatrical Costume, March 1930
Thelma Chamberlain Needle News Story, 1985/01/10
Theodore C. Pease, ca. 1940s
Theodore Peterson and Two Others, circa 1965
Theodore Peterson Reading, Feb. 4, 1962
Theodore Peterson with a Pipe, Feb. 2, 1970
Theta Chi Fraternity, November 1954
Theta Chi Fraternity (1), Oct 5 1957
Theta Chi Fraternity and Mascot, Oct 5 1957
Theta Delta Chi Fraternity, ca. 1910
Theta Delta Chi Fraternity (1), circa 1935
Theta Delta Chi Fraternity (3), circa 1935
Theta Delta Chi House (1), C.A. 1930
Theta Delta Chi House (2), C.A. 1928
Theta Kappa Nu House, C.A. 1929
Theta Kappa Phi Fraternity, ca. 1935
Theta Kappa Phi House (1), C.A. 1933
Theta Xi House, C.A. 1928
Thetqa Kappa Phi House (2), C.A. 1928
They'll Start for Illinois in Rose Bowl, Dec 30 1963
Third Armored Division Association Records (Digital Surrogates), 1941-1945, 1993
This Is Our Best, 1967
Thomas A. Clark, circa 1910
Thomas Arkle Clark, circa 1910
Thomas Baron, Nov. 8, 1950
Thomas Cureton Jogging in Illinois Gear, Feb., 1955
Thomas Edwin Rickard, Class of 1872, ca. 1875
Thomas Everhart, undated
Thomas J. Burrill, ca. 1872
Thomas J. Burrill (1), circa 1890s
Thomas J. Smith, Mar., 1897
Thomas J. Smith (1), ca. 1895-1900
Thomas Jonathan Burrill, ca. 1875
Thomas Paynter - .wav files, 1991-1997
Thomas Paynter - Adhere, undated
Thomas Paynter - Alternatitudinally, undated
Thomas Paynter - Aqua, 1998
Thomas Paynter - Beacon, 1989
Thomas Paynter - Blind Fly, undated
Thomas Paynter - Chartasaltee, May 1998
Thomas Paynter - D.iG., undated
Thomas Paynter - Frames, 1999
Thomas Paynter - Headwind, April 2000
Thomas Paynter - Inhale, 1995
Thomas Paynter - Rafters, 1998
Thomas Paynter - Rerun, 1990
Thomas Paynter - Slinky, 1999
Thomas Paynter - Speculation, December 1997
Thomas Paynter - Spit Yourself Out, undated
Thomas Paynter - Terminal, undated
Thomas Paynter - Unmusic, undated
Thomas Paynter - What About Lou?, undated
Thomas Paynter - Zin the Ion, undated
Thomas Paynter - Zoo Beeb, undated
Thomas Paynter - demonstration CD, undated
Thomas Paynter - Duo and Quartet, August 25, 2001
Thomas Paynter - mp3s, 2006-2016
Thomas Paynter - Overlook, undated
Thomas Paynter - Transductance, March 6, 2005
Thomas Paynter - Transit, undated
Thomas Paynter Dissertations Vitae, 1998-2001
Thomas Paynter Docs, undated
Thomas Paynter Flyers Art, 1991-2002
Thomas Paynter memorial, July 21, 2019
Thomas Paynter misc_photos, c. 1992-1995
Thomas Paynter misc_photos 2, 2008-2013
Thomas Paynter Musings, etc., 1989-2012
Thomas Paynter Press, April 1986- December 31, 2006
Thomas Paynter Recital Programs, March 18, 1982 - June 2008
Thomas Paynter recording notes, 2017-2019
Thomas Paynter Setlists, June 19, 2003 - May 1, 2005
Thomas Paynter tribute shows - radio broadcasts, May 28, 2019- August 10, 2020
Thomas Phillips, November 2, 1955
Thomas Siwe, Undated
Thomas songs, November 14, 2010 - August 31, 2013
Thompson/Allerton House, undated
Three Agronomy Graduate Students Singing, Apr. 30, 1955
Three American Dances, 1998
Three campers in woods, 1907
Three Coins in the Fountain, undated
Three Men and a Dog Picnic in Tahiti, ca. 1915
Three Men Pose Together, undated
Three Men Posing With Illini Nellie, ca. 1930s
Three Musicians, undated
Three Spiral Antennas, ca. 1965
Three Towers, circa 1910
Three Unidentified Men, ca. 1925
Ticket line, 1944
Tiger Tank Near Paderborn, Germany, April, 1945
Tight Wire Balancer, May 15, 1926
Tim Deal Quartet, 2006
Tim McNamara, 1979-1991
Tim McNamara, 1979-1991
Tim Nugent and fellow soldiers in Texas, ca. 1943
Tim Nugent and Group, no date
Tim Nugent Boat Excursion, ca. 1967-77
Tim Nugent Instructs Art Class, April 11, 1975
Tim Nugent Instructs Art Class (2), April 11, 1975
Tim Tom Ben Steve "Monk" - CD, undated
Timber and Creek above Crystal Lake, Urbana IL (1), May 21, 1907
Timothy J. Nugent - Coaching, circa 1960
Timothy J. Nugent and Student (2), Late 1950s/Early 1960s
Timothy Nugent, ca. 1945
Timothy Nugent lifting weights in Germany, July 31, 1945
Timothy Nugent on Duty as a Life Guard, ca. 1938
Timothy Nugent on Life Guard Duty, ca. 1938
Timothy Nugent with his sisters Marge and Pat, circa 1939
Tina Weedon Smith, Undated
Tina Weedon Smith (1), ca. 1864
Tina Weedon Smith (2), circa 1895-1903
Tina Weedon Smith (3), circa 1895-1903
Title, Date
To Herbert L. Clarke from John Philip Sousa, 1873-1915
To Herbert L. Clarke From Victor Herbert, ca. 1895
To Russia with love: Garvey fulfills dream of jazz band tour, Inside Illinois, September 20, 1990
To Russia with love: Garvey fulfills dream of jazz band tour, Inside Illinois, September 20, 1990
Tobin and Zuppke, Aug., 1939
Todd Hunter - Jazz Sandwich radio program on WEFT Champaign 90.1 FM, November 6, 2006
Tom - tape 2, undated
Tom and Percy Brown, ca. 1914
Tom Brown, ca. 1925
Tom Emanuel, circa 1983
Tom Hayes, June 27, 1980
Tom Jones and Tim Nugent, circa 1970s
Tom Jones Works in Garden, July 21, 1981
Tom Jones, Broadcaster, Circa 1970s
Tom Parkinson, February 20, 1962
Tom Paynter - Classical Paynt, undated
Tom Paynter - instrumental quartet, undated
Tom Paynter - Keyboards, Flute, undated
Tom Paynter - quintet and quartet, October 21-29, 2002
Tom Paynter - trio/quartet/quintet, October 21, 2002 - December 21, 2003
Tom Paynter 4 & 6 - live, 2002
Tom Paynter Duo - Bassology Studio in Bloomington, Illinois, October 17, 2001
Tom Paynter misc. - 3 Piece Buvons, May 4, 2012
Tom Paynter Quartet - Canopy Club, Urbana, IL and Zorba's, Champaign IL, May 6-November 29, 2001
Tom Paynter Quartet - Live, December 7, 2001
Tom Paynter Quartet - Live, undated
Tom Paynter Quartet - Live at the Canopy Club, May 6, 2001
Tom Paynter Quartet - Live at Zorba's, February 28, 2002
Tom Paynter Quartet - Live at Zorba's, September 25, 2003
Tom Paynter Quartet - The Blind Pig, October 6, 1995
Tom Paynter Quartet - UIUC, December 17, 2003
Tom Paynter Quartet - UIUC, January 25, 2004
Tom Paynter Quartet - UIUC, January 29, 2004
Tom Paynter Quartet - UIUC, March 21, 2004
Tom Paynter Quartet - Zorba's, February 28, 2002
Tom Paynter Quintet - Live at Zorba's, March 24, 2003
Tom Paynter Quintet - Mueth Manor Session, October 21, 2002
Tom Paynter Quintet - UIUC, December 21, 2003
Tom Paynter Sextet - Live at the Highdive, March 15, 2002
Tom Paynter Sextet - Live at Zorba's, April 18, 2002
Tom Paynter Trio - bassology studio Bloomington, July 11, 2000
Tom Paynter Trio - bassology studio Bloomington, May-August 2000
Tom Paynter Trio - Bassology studio Rantoul, February 18, 2004
Tom Paynter Trio - in studio, undated
Tom Paynter Trio - In the Studio, January 9, 2002 - July 31, 2002
Tom Paynter Trio - Iron Post, June 6, 2002
Tom Paynter Trio - Live at Mike & Molly's, June 29, 2002
Tom Paynter Trio - master of recording, July 28, 2001
Tom Paynter Trio - McEntyre Home, October 29, 2000
Tom Paynter Trio - Plus or Minus One, May 31, 2000 - November 11, 2001
Tom Paynter Trio - UIUC, December 17, 2003
Tom Paynter Trio - UIUC, September 15, 2000
Tom Paynter Trio - UIUC, January 25, 2004
Tom Paynter Trio - UIUC, July 3, 2002
Tom Paynter Trio - UIUC, July 31, 2002
Tom Paynter Trio - UIUC, June 26, 2002
Tom Paynter Trio - Unknown, July 15, 2001
Tom Paynter Trio 20BIT Audio Masters, undated
Tom Paynter's - togetherness, undated
Tom, Ben, Myr, and Brom - Warehouse Sessions, 1, Fall, 2004
Tom's tape - side 1, undated
Tom's tape - side 2, undated
Tone Road Ramblers Program, November 14, 2004
Tone Road Ramblers, Thrown, T05 (snippet), October 6, 1984
Tony Brown Correspondence, undated
Tony Brown Performance Contract, February 19, 1987
Tony Brown Performing, Undated
Tony Brown Promotional Flyer, Undated
Tony di Pardo and His Orchestra, undated
Tony Eason, ca. 1981
Tony Eason Pitches to Calvin Thomas, Sept. 19, 1981
Tony Zamora Jazz Quartet, undated
Tool Storage Room of Machine Department, circa 1917
Tool Storage Room of Pattern Department, circa 1917
Top Cat, undated
Top of Sketch Model for Soldiers' Memorial, circa 1925
Top of Sketch Model for Soldiers' Memorial (1), circa 1925
Top of Sketch Model for Soldiers' Memorial (10), circa 1925
Top of Sketch Model for Soldiers' Memorial (2), circa 1925
Top of Sketch Model for Soldiers' Memorial (3), circa 1925
Top of Sketch Model for Soldiers' Memorial (4), circa 1925
Top of Sketch Model for Soldiers' Memorial (5), circa 1925
Top of Sketch Model for Soldiers' Memorial (6), circa 1925
Top of Sketch Model for Soldiers' Memorial (7), circa 1925
Top of Sketch Model for Soldiers' Memorial (8), circa 1925
Top of Sketch Model for Soldiers' Memorial (9), circa 1925
Top of the World Trade Center, undated
Toro Valiente, undated
Tosca "no. 2", Aug. 1932
Tosca "no. 3", Aug. 1932
Tosca "no. 4", Aug. 1932
Tosca "no. 5", Aug. 1932
Tosca "no. 6", Aug. 1932
Tosca "no. 7", Aug. 1932
Tosca "no. 8", Aug. 1932
Tosca, "no. 9", Aug. 1932
Toshiro Nishida, ca. 1990
Toshiro Nishida (2), ca. 1990
Tour Group Visits Assembly Hall Construction, Sept 20, 1961
Tour Group Visits Research Plots, Sept., 1973
Tour of Agronomy South Farm, circa 1961
Tour of the South Farm, circa 1959
Tower of the Empire State Building, undated
Track and field, circa 1934
Track and field (1), circa 1934
Track and Field Race 1, C.A. 1936
Track and Field Race 2, C.A. 1936
Track and Field Race 3, C.A. 1936
Track and Field Race 4, C.A. 1936
Track and Field Race 5, C.A. 1936
Track and Field Race 6, C.A. 1936
Track Conference, 1910, 1910
Tractor Formation - University of Illinois Marching Illini, Oct. 24, 1953
Traffic Engineering "Share the Phase" Signal Cycle 1977, June 7, 1977
Train Crash, April 1947
Train Crash (10), April 1947
Train Crash (11), April 1947
Train Crash (12), April 1947
Train Crash (13), April 1947
Train Crash (14), April 1947
Train Crash (15), April 1947
Train Crash (16), April 1947
Train Crash (17), April 1947
Train Crash (18), April 1947
Train Crash (19), April 1947
Train Crash (2), April 1947
Train Crash (20), April 1947
Train Crash (21), April 1947
Train Crash (22), April 1947
Train Crash (23), April 1947
Train Crash (24), April 1947
Train Crash (25), April 1947
Train Crash (26), April 1947
Train Crash (27), April 1947
Train Crash (28), April 1947
Train Crash (3), April 1947
Train Crash (4), April 1947
Train Crash (5), April 1947
Train Crash (6), April 1947
Train Crash (7), April 1947
Train Crash (8), April 1947
Train Crash (9), April 1947
Train wreck, possibly in Indiana, c. 1920s
Train wreck, possibly near Rochester, NY, c. 1920s
Train wreck, possibly near Rochester, NY, c. 1920s
Train wreck, possibly near Rochester, NY, c. 1920s
Train wreck, possibly near Rochester, NY, c. 1920s
Transamerica Pyramid, undated
Transformation of wood into coal, ca. 1930
Transportation Building, circa 1916
Transportation Building, circa 1918
Transportation Building, circa 1930
Transportation Building, May 15, 1966
Transportation Building Aerial View, Circa 1912
Transportation Building Entrance, Circa 1965
Transportation Building interior, undated
Transportation Building North End, Circa 1912
Trapeze Artists Perform, May 15, 1926
Tree, circa 1938-40
Tree Planting near Armory, April 1920
Tree Planting near Armory, April 1920
Tree Planting near Armory, April 1920
Tree Planting on Fourth Street near military access, April, 1920
Tree Trimming, ca. 1920s
Tree trimming, ca. 1920s
Trelease 1908 Calendar, 1908
Trelease Baby, May 1, 1888
Trelease Child, ca. 1890s
Trelease Child, ca. 1890s
Trelease Child (2), ca. 1890s
Trelease Child (3), ca. 1890s
Trelease Child (4), ca. 1890s
Trelease Child and Coal Shed, ca. 1890s
Trelease Child at 12 Weeks, ca. 1887
Trelease Child Looking Out, ca. 1890s
Trelease Children, ca. 1888-94
Trelease Family, ca. 1888-94
Trelease Family Portrait, ca. 1888-1894
Trelease Family Portrait, ca. 1888-1894
Trevett-Mattis Bank, Champaign, circa 1910
Triangle Fraternity, ca. 1910
Triangle Fraternity (1), Aug. 30, 1963
Triangle House, circa 1910
Tribe of Illini Members, 1960
Tribune Tower, 1931
Tribune Tower Close-up, undated
Tribune Tower Entrance, undated
Trin (Tsin) Chuang, circa 1914
Trinity Methodist Church, 1912
Trinity Methodist Church, circa 1920s
Trio for Flute, Clarinet, and Cello, August 14, 2013
Trio Quartet Quintet - Mueth Manor and UIUC, October 21 - November 4, 2002
Triple Play, June 5, 1980
Triple Play, Tape 1, 1980
Triste : Valsa Sentimental, undated
Triste Amor, undated
Tristeza de Trovadora, undated
Trolley Track in Champaign, circa 1905
Trombone King, circa 1951
Trombone: C.G. Conn, 1921
Trombone: C.G. Conn, 1923
Troop Ship Music, circa July 1919
Trophy Room, circa 1910
Trumpet B-flat/A: Conn "Victor", Elkhart, IN, ca. 1924-1925
Trumpet Fanfare, July 31, 2011 - January 15, 2014
Trumpet: Boosey & Co., undated
Trumpet: C.G. Conn, undated
Trumpet: Chas H. Parsons and Co, undated
Trumpet: Excelsior, undated
Trumpet: Keefer, undated
Trumpet: M.J. Kalashen, undated
Trygve Lie with Congress of American Women, 5/19/1947
Tuba Section, Sousa Band, c. 1920s
Tug of War, circa Oct 31, 1919
Tunetaro Yamaon, ca. 1872
Turner Hall, Aug., 1964
Turner Hall and Southwest Campus, Feb 19 1971
Turning Curious, ca. 1980s
Turn-style Area and Part of Circulation Desk, Aug., 1970
Twilight Band Concert, circa 1911
Twin City Drive-In, ca. 1948
Twin City Drive-In, ca. 1948
Twin City Drive-In, ca. 1948
Two American soldiers, Sept. 1944
Two Children on Carousel, C.A. 1960
Two Female Students, circa 1972-73
Two figures, undated
Two figures, undated
Two German Chemists in Laboratory, ca. 1895
Two Heads, undated
Two Live Air Parties at WEFT, ca. 1980s
Two men in wheelchairs, ca. 1956-1966
Two Men Look Into Nuclear Reactor, ca. 1961
Two men make camp, 1907
Two Men Pose at Table, ca. 1915
Two Men Working on the Illiac IV, ca. 1970
Two musicians, undated
Two points!, Undated
Two Rowboats, ca. 1899
Two Students, circa 1890
Two unidentified girls, ca. 1940s
Two unidentified men on a car, ca. 1940s
Two unidentified women, ca. 1940s
Two WILL Towers and the Embarras River, May 4, 1940
Two women explore a pantry, ca. 1961-1974
Two Women in Lobby, Sept. 18, 1944
Two Women on Stage, May 1954
Two Women Playing Volleyball, circa 1955
Two Women Stand Outside a Food Truck, c.a. 1956
Two Women Stand Together, C.A. 1928
Tykociner - Trip to Europe, ca. 1927-1928
Tykociner - Trip to Europe (1), ca. 1927-1928
Tykociner - Trip to Europe (3), ca. 1927-1928
Tykociner - Trip to Europe (5), ca. 1927-1928
Tykociner on the Beach, 1928
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives, ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (1), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (10), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (11), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (12), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (13), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (14), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (15), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (16), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (17), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (2), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (3), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (4), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (5), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (6), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (7), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (8), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociner, Friends and Relatives (9), ca. 1920s-1930s
Tykociners in the Forest, ca. 1920s-1930s