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"Price of Bounty" Production File (Audiovisual Digital Surrogates)
"Sonata Dementia" and "Instrusions"
Symphonic Band
"1914? Oh! Hell!"
"A Tribute to John Philip Sousa," Symphonic Band, Reel I of IV
"A Tribute to John Philip Sousa," Symphonic Band, Reel II of IV
"A Tribute to John Philip Sousa," Symphonic Band, Reel III of IV
"A Tribute to John Philip Sousa," Symphonic Band, Reel IV of IV
"Against the Wind" Production and Publicity Material (Digital Surrogates)
"Agricultural Exhibit" image from
The Illini
"All-Out" Experiment
"B" Football Squad 1946
"Build that Stadium for Fighting Illini" 1923 Illio Drawing
"Can-oe Park Here"
"Can-oe Park Here" (1)
"Can-oe Park Here" (2)
"Can-oe Park Here" (3)
"Corporal" Missile Erected on Campus
"Drawing Conclusions"
"Entire UI band will get to take Rose Bowl trip" by Lex Peterson, News-Gazette Staff Writer
"Every member of the band was an employee of the leather company" is a paragraph cut from the Edmonton Journal, pg 9, and included in Clarke' scrapbook.
"Expanding Horizons", the History of Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services at the University of Illinois (Digital Surrogates)
"From the Hearts of Men" soundtrack
"G" and "Zupp" look over the ground during Memorial Stadium construction
"Have Courage Illinois" Songbook Cover
"Hey Jealous Lover" played by University of Illinois Jazz Band II
"Highlights- Magnetic Sound"
"How Far Is It to Bethlehem?"
"How Far is it to Bethlehem?" - William Warfield
"How Far Is It to Bethlehem?" (1)
"Hurray for Petticoats, Down with Trousers!"
"Illini Fight Song" Songbook Cover
"Illini Indians"
"Illini Time," Radio Transcript
"Illinois Type" Hand Molding Benches
"Lady Bird" played by the University of Illinois Jazz Band
"Mourners": Lorado Taft Class Projects
"Murphy" Cohen and Shorty, Morgan Park Military Academy
"Oskee Wow Wow" Songbook Cover
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