Sugar Research Foundation Scientific Advisory Board | University of Illinois Archives
Black and white photograph of the members of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Sugar Research Foundation, Inc.
From the press release:
"What's new in sugar research? Uses of sugar in foods and in industrial applications were scrutinized at last month's meeting of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Sugar Research Foundation, Inc. Top row, left to right: Dr. George W. Irving, Jr., Administrator, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C.; Dr. David B. Tylor, Program Director for Regulatory Biology, N.S.F., Washington, D.C.; Dr. C. Glen King, St. Luke's Hospital Center, New York. Bottom row: Dr. Roger Adams, Emeritus Professor of Organic Chemistry, University of Illinois, Urbana; Dr. Emil M. Mrak, Chancellor, University of California, Davis; Dr. Dale R. Lindsay, Asst. to Chancellor, University of California, Davis; Dr. Louis B. Howard, National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges, Washington, D.C."
Found in RS 15/5/23, Box 63, Group Photographs, 1954-1970
Original print is 20.7 x 25.5 cm