Samson Raphaelson Papers (Digital Surrogates) | University of Illinois Archives
Digital Surrogates from the Samson Raphaelson Papers contain interview transcriptions, General Index to Transcriptions of Tapes and digitized audio recordings. Transcriptions pertain to interviews to Samson Raphaelson by Robert Carringer, concerning Raphaelson's play The Jazz Singer background and about his Hollywood Work. Original transcriptions can be found at record series 26/20/38, box 1. Audio recordings include the 1969 oral history project and the family discussion tapes from 1971 regarding writer/producer relationships in the world of theater and the circumstances surrounding the writing of The Jazz Singer. The original tapes are located in box 18, Reel 3, 6, and 7.
For more information, please refer to this Series' finding aid and main catalog record at Archon.
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