Nathan C. Ricker Papers (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Records) | University of Illinois Archives
Digital Surrogates and Born Digital records from the Nathan C. Ricker Papers contain digital born photographs and reports produced by David J. Garner; digitized alumni records of the University of Illinois; and a digitized copy of the book "The History of Sanford, Maine 1600-1900" (1901); concerning Nathan C. Ricker's family stories, family tree, his childhood home in Maine, and his Urbana residence.
An access copy of all materials is available upon request.
See also Record Series 12/2/1 for Ricker's autobiographical "The Story of a Life"; Record Series 12/2/21 for "Nathan C. Ricker Transcripts & Textbooks"; and the Archives' Image Gallery for photographs and architectural drawings by N.C. Ricker.
Administrative access to preservation, nearline, and access files are available to archives staff at