Delta Sigma Omicron Records (Digital Surrogates) | University of Illinois Archives
Delta Sigma Omicron Records (Digital Surrogates), 1948-2007, contains statements, reports, forms, correspondence, handwritten notes, and bylaws concerning the creation, operation and activities of the Rehabilitation Service fraternity Delta Sigma Omicron, including membership statement, achievements, as well as fraternity events and meetings (1948 -1953). Major correspondents include Willard D. Holloway (Fraternity president) and Professor Timothy J. Nugent (Director of Rehabilitation Education Services)
These materials were digitized by the Digital Content Creation Unit in 2011.
Digitized copies of Sigma Signs, the Delta Sigma Omicron publication are available through the Internet Archive. Digitized copies available cover the period 1949 -2007.
Administrative access to preservation, nearline, and access files are available to archives staff at

University of Illinois at U-C. Division of Disability Resources and Educational Services