Russell A. Cone and Helen Bess Finch Cone | University of Illinois Archives
Photo of Col. Russell A. Cone and his wife, Helen Bess Finch Cone, in front of a Stinson airplane. The two are looking at each other and standing outside. Helen is wearing a dress and hat. Col. Russel is wearing a sweater, tie, and long patterned socks. His pants are tucked into his socks. Trees are visible in the background. On the back of the photo, the following is written: "RAC + HBC were pictured in an ad for the new Stinson airplane."
Found in RS 26/20/239, Box 1, Folder: RAC Family Photos (1 of 2) Stinson Aircraft Civilian Life
Original photo measures 25.2 cm x 20.1 cm.

Photograph taken by D. D. Spellman of Detroit, Michigan.
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