University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Office of Public Information | University of Illinois Archives
Name: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Office of Public Information

Image Thumbnails
Other Files:
Aerial View of Main Quad and Surrounding Area
Alma Mater and Four Students
Alma Mater With Students
Altgeld Hall and Automobile
Amelia Earhart with Mrs. Arthur C. Willard
American Education Delegation en Route to Japan
Assembly Hall and Memorial Stadium During a Football Game
Block I
Bruno Nettl With a Setar and a Vina
Brussels Trip (1)
Busey Hall
Busey Hall (1)
Busey Hall (2)
Campus Bar Scene 1976 (from Illio)
Campus Dance-couple photo
Champaign Residence Halls Mailroom
Cheerleaders at Basketball Game
Chief Illiniwek at Football Game
Christmas Pageant
Coach Robert Zuppke head shot
Commencement 1915 (1)
Commencement of 1955
Commencement Parade
Commencement, 1960
Couple drinks in Union Tavern
Couple Walks to Class
Davenport Hall
Davenport Hall (2)
Davenport House
Demonstrations--Vietnam War
Drawing class
Drawing class in Buell Architecture Gallery
Edna Long and Debee Gordon in Dance Pose
Eleanor Roosevelt Speaking During Farm and Home Week
Glee Club
Green Street in Campustown
Homecoming Badge w/Students
Homecoming Bonfire
Homecoming Queen Crowned
Housing - Married Students
Hugh Hefner on campus
Ice Skating on the Broadwalk
Illini Union Cafeteria Line
Illini Union Commons
IMPE Pool Wide shot
Intramural Basketball at IMPE
John Bardeen, Leon Cooper, and Robert Schrieffer
John Bardeen, Leon Cooper, and Robert Schrieffer, 1972 Nobel Prize winners in Physics at the 1974 Commencement Exercises
Junior Academy of Science
Junior Academy of Science (1)
Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority (3)
Kipnis troupe with President Gerald Ford
Lincoln Avenue Residence Halls (2)
Marching Illini--drums perform
Married Students Housing - Orchard Place Apartments
Men's Residence Halls Interiors
Men's Residence Halls Interiors
Men's Residence Halls Interiors
Men's Residence Halls Interiors (1)
Men's Residence Halls Interiors (3)
Microbiology Biotechnology Laboratory
Midwest Universities Research Association (MURA)
Military Day Review
Mining and Metallurgy
Morrow Plots-corn samples
Mother's Day Coffee Hour
Moving Into the Dorms
Mr. and Mrs. Herman C. Krannert view "Christ after the Flagellation"
Newspaper Library
Obstacle Course
Pillar on Quad
Production of student transcripts
Quad Broadwalk
Quad--sitting in sun studying
R-4-B Helicopter donated to Air Force Museum
Ralph Meagher and Illiac
Ralph Meagher and Illiac (1)
School of Social Work Portrait
Shakespeare at Krannert
Social Work Class
Social Work Department Photo
State University Campus (2)
Streaking on Campus 1974 (1)
Streaking Parachutist
Student at video camera in theatre class, Krannert Center for the Performing Arts
Student Lynn Hamer makes silk-screen Christmas cards with instructor Barbara Kuhlman
Students in Class Taking Notes
Students in Class--instruction
Students on Quad
Students sitting outside Union
Students walk at Gregory Drive Residence Hall
Students with sketch pads on quad
Tagore Circle reunion; group photograph
Team photo--Baseball
Textbook Purchase
Tom Parkinson
University Hall Exterior
VE Day Observance
War Convocation
Wheelchair Basketball--IMPE
Women in Dormitory Room (2)
Women in Sorority House
Women's Auxiliary Training Corps
World's First Betatron
Wright Street Parking
Wright Street scene,