University of Illinois. Board of Trustees | University of Illinois Archives

Name: University of Illinois. Board of Trustees

Historical Note:

<p class='main'>Within the limits of authority fixed by the Constitution and laws of Illinois, the Board of Trustees exercises final authority over the university. The Board is responsible to the people of Illinois, by whom its members are elected,<a href='#ftn1'><sup>1</sup></a> for the use of funds appropriated by the General Assembly and the administration and government of the University. As the governing body of the University, the Board exercises jurisdiction in all matters except those for which it has delegated authority to the president or other officers or bodies. When the Board acts on educational policy and organization, it relies upon the advice of the University Senate, transmitted by the President. In approving Statutes concerning the administrative organization and powers and responsibilities of University offices, the Board acts on the advice of the President. The Board formulates general university policies, but leaves the execution of policies to administrative agents. The responsibility for securing revenues and determining ways in which University funds shall be applied rests with the Board.<a href='#ftn2'><sup>2</sup></a></p>

<p class='main'>The Board's officers are a President, Secretary, Comptroller, and University Counsel, elected for one year terms and a Treasurer elected for a two year term.<a href='#ftn3'><sup>3</sup></a> University Counsel was added as an officer on June 21, 1972.<a href='#ftn4'><sup>4</sup></a></p>

<p class='main'>Organized in 1867, the Board included the Governor, Superintendent of Public Instruction, President of the State Board of Agriculture, and the Regent as ex-officio members and 28 citizens appointed by the Governor.<a href='#ftn5'><sup>5</sup></a> In 1873, the Superintendent of Public Instruction and 19 citizen members were dropped and the Regent ceased to serve as President.<a href='#ftn6'><sup>6</sup></a> In 1887, the Superintendent of Public Instruction was restored as an ex-officio member.<a href='#ftn7'><sup>7</sup></a> Since 1888, nine citizen members have been chosen at a general election.<a href='#ftn8'><sup>8</sup></a> The functions and duties of the Board have been included in the University Statutes since 1901. The Board adopted a comprehensive revision of the Statutes in 1908 and revised versions on March 10, 1936, January 16, 1957, and May 17, 1972.<a href='#ftn9'><sup>9</sup></a> In May 1982, the Board consisted of nine elected citizens serving six year terms; the Governor of Illinois, as an ex-officio member; three non-voting student members from the University's branch campuses, and the officers of the Board.<a href='#ftn10'><sup>10</sup></a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn1'>1.�  University of Illinois, Statutes, July 18, 1979, p. 1.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn2'>2.�  Ibid., pp. 1-3.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn3'>3.�  Board of Trustees, By-Laws of the Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, September 17, 1981, p. 5.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn4'>4.�  Board of Trustees Transactions, 1970-72, June 21, 1972, p. 645.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn5'>5.�  Board of Trustees Transactions, 1st Report, 1867-68, March 12, 1867, pp. 12-14. </a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn6'>6.�  Winton U. Solberg, The University of Illinois 1867-1894, An Intellectual and Cultural History, (Urbana: University of Illinois, 1968), pp. 115-116.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn7'>7.�  Illinois Laws 1887, p. 3-6, added in Solberg, Illinois, p. 230.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn8'>8.�  Solberg, Illinois, p. 230.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn9'>9.�  University of Illinois, Statutes, July 18, 1979, p. iii.</a></p>

<p class='note'><a name='ftn1'>10.�  Interview with Virginia J. Hendrix, Office of the Board of Trustees, May 3, 1982.</a></p>

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