By Kelly A. Carlson, Megan Finn, Paolo Gujilde, Tracy Popp, Lisa Lobovitch, Heather Zabski, Noah Lenstra, Scott Schwartz, Elizabeth Surles, Somer Pelczar, and Jin Kyung Lee
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Collection Overview
Title: Jack Linker American Bands Sound Recording Collection, circa 1895-1939

ID: 12/9/104
Primary Creator: Linker, Jack (1932-2018)
Extent: 19.95 cubic feet
Arrangement: The collection is divided by format into five series. The 78 rpm sound recordings from Series 1 are arranged alphabetically by artist, then alphabetically by composition title. Numbers listed after label name indicate issue number. If a record has both an A and a B side, it has been alphabetized using the artist and title information from Side A. The 7-, 5 1/2-, and 4-inch records, which were stored by Linker in an album, are found at the end of the series and are in the order that was maintained by Linker within the album. The original records album is also included at the end of the series. The cylinder recordings from Series 2 are separated first by length (either 2-minute or 4-minute), then arranged alphabetically by artist, then alphabetically by composition title. Selections of original cylinder casings have been placed at the end of Series 2. Series 3 consists of music and photographs. Series 4 consists of historic audio equipment, and is arranged by non-accession number. Series 5 consists of piano rolls, and is arranged alphabetically by composer's last name.
Date Acquired: 08/01/2007. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Bands, Brass Bands, Military Music
Formats/Genres: Sound Recordings
Languages: English, German, French
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of two hundred and twenty commercially produced 10- and 12-inch 78 rpm sound recordings, sixteen 7-, 5 1/2-, and 4-inch 78 rpm sound recordings, and one hundred seventy-two historic 2- and 4-minute cylinder recordings documenting performances by the Sousa, Pryor, Herbert, Goldman, Gilmore and RCA Victor bands, among others, made between 1895 and 1923. In addition is a small selection of published piano arrangements of Sousa marches. The collection is organized in four series: Series 1, 78 rpm Sound Recordings, ca. 1899-1939; Series 2, Cylinder Recordings, ca. 1895-1910; Series 3, Music and Photographs; Series 4, Historic Audio Equipment, ca 1899-1915; and Series 5: Piano Rolls, ca. 1918-1989. Of particular interest are four folders of associated advertising and catalogs for Edison, Columbia and Victor recording companies.
Biographical Note
Linker first developed an interest in John Philip Sousa while playing clarinet in his high school band. Briefly educated at Miami University, he left college to join the Navy as a radioman. During his service he learned the harmonica, kept a small phonograph for his private use in the radio room, and spent his shore leave attending concerts in New York City. After leaving the Navy in 1955, Linker began collecting sound recordings and associated materials, including early cylinder sound recordings, records, and piano rolls.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
164 cylinders and associated advertising and catalogs donated June 3, 2008.
Historic 4-minute cylinder and 78rpm disc sound recordings of 19th and 20th-century American brass bands and soloists, 1908 Edison Standard Model K 2/4-minute cylinder phonograph, and cylinder production index books donated June 13, 2009.
136 cylinder and disc recordings donated February 17, 2011.
Audio recordings and Amberola 50 Phonograph donated September 8, 2011.
Historic piano rolls donated October 16, 2017.
Acquisition Source:
Jack Linker
Acquisition Method:
Appraisal Information:
The collection will be donated in three installments over the next three years. The first donation will consist of 78rpm sound recordings and a small selection of cylinder recordings of the Sousa, Pryor, Gilmore, and other related bands. The second installment will consist of the remainder of Linker's cylinder recordings of American and European bands and the final donation will consist of his historic piano rolls and his collection of sound recording equipment.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 78 rpm Sound Recordings, ca. 1899-1939],
Series 2: Cylinder Sound Recordings, ca. 1895-1939],
Series 3: Music and Photographs, ca. 1894-1929],
Series 4: Historic Audio Equipment, ca. 1899-1915],
[Series 5: Piano Rolls, ca. 1918-1989],
- Series 5: Piano Rolls, ca. 1918-1989

- This series consists of piano rolls, which are continuous strips of paper that have perforations representing musical notes within a composition. These rolls are inserted into a player piano and a tracking bar reads the perforations, playing the musical piece automatically. The series is organized alphabetically by composer's last name.
- Box 48

- Item 1: Frank Adams, "Marching with Dixy", undated

- QRS, Q-1012
- Item 2: Luther Arnoldi, "America's Liberty", undated

- U.S., 8884
- Item 3: Billy Baskette, "Good-Bye Broadway, Hello France (March Song)", undated

- US, 8500
- Item 4: Thomas Becket, "The Red, White and Blue", undated

- QRS, 425
- Item 5: Edward Bergenholtz, "Flying Artillery Overture Op. 23", undated

- QRS, 12411
- Item 6: Irving Berlin, "For Your Country and My Country", undated

- Standard Music Roll Co., 87015
- Item 7: Frederick Ellsworth Bigelow, "The NC-4 March", undated

- QRS, 33400
- Item 8: C. A. Blodgett, "Battleship New York March", undated

- Pianosyle, 48365
- Item 9: Franz von Blon, "Under the Banner of Victory", undated

- Ideal, 1287
- Item 10: O. H. Bollman, "Duppler Schanzen March", undated

- Connorized, 2256
- Item 11: Francis Saltus van Boskerck, "Semper Paratus", undated

- QRS, 7725
- Item 12: Edmund Braham, "National Army March", undated

- U.S., 8980
- Item 13: Ted Browne, "U. S. Marine Band March", undated

- The Starr Piano, 91
- Item 14: Joseph A. Burke, "If I Had a Son For Each Star in Old Glory", undated

- Majestic, 46184
- Item 15: E. C. Calvin, "Eighteen Hundred and Sixty-Three", undated

- U.S., 5830
- Item 16: C. A. Cappa, "American Navy March", undated

- QRS, 30300
- Item 17: George L. Cobb, "The Battle Song of Liberty", undated

- Imperial, 511660-50
- Item 18: George M. Cohan, "Over There March Song", undated

- Majestic, 46451
- Item 19: Con Conrad, "Oh! Frenchy", undated

- Imperial, 9626
- Item 20: W. A. Corey, "United Nations March", undated

- Majestic, 46480
- Item 21: Charles A. Curtis, "Gallant Hero March", undated

- U.S., 9987
- Item 22: Lucien Denni, "The Nation's Awakening", 1981

- Play-right, 500-A
- Item 23: Richard Eilenberg, "March of the Sharpshooters", undated

- QRS, 3596
- Item 24: Richard Eilenberg, "The Passing of the Guard", undated

- The Starr Piano, 8032
- Item 25: Louis Elbel, "The Victors", undated

- QRS, Q-274
- Item 26: H. Engelman, "Taps!", undated

- QRS, 33181
- Item 27: Rudolph O. Erlebach, "Review of the U. S. Fleet", undated

- Universal, 303189
- Item 28: Walter Esberger, "Mother, Sister, Sweetheart We're Home Again", undated

- Vocalstyle, 11242
- Item 29: William H. Farrell and DeWitt H. Morse, "When I Get Back From (Over There)", undated

- Paramount, 6755
- Item 30: Henry Fillmore, "Field Artillery March", undated

- Arto, 27345
- Item 31: Henry Fillmore, "His Excellency", undated

- Keynote Music Roll, 301205
- Item 32: Henry Fillmore, "Men of Ohio March", undated

- International, 1871
- Item 33: Henry Fillmore, "Sally Trombone", undated

- Starck, 303423
- Item 34: Cliff Friend and Charles Tobias, "We Did It Before and We Can Do It Again (March)", undated

- QRS, 7579
- Box 49

- Item 1: James Melville Fulton, "Tipperary March", undated

- 88 Note, 3643
- Item 2: Giuseppe Gabetti, "Italian Royal March", undated

- U.S., 6890
- Item 3: Edwin Franko Goldman, "On the Mall March", undated

Play-rite, 351-A
Played by Addison and Gordon.
- Item 4: Edwin Franko Goldman, "Sangamore March", undated

QRS, 33385
Music copyrighted by Carl Fischer, 1921.
- Item 5: George Goldsmith, "The Liberty Bond March", undated

- Pianostyle, 46598
- Item 6: August Grosch, "Hail to the U. S. Army (Military March)", undated

- Perforated Music Roll, 851485
- Item 7: Robert Browne Hall, "New Colonial March", undated

- Universal, 300483
- Item 8: Robert Browne Hall, "Officer of the Day", 1921

QRS, 1442
Words copyrighted 1921 by Q. R. S. Music Co.
- Item 9: Sydney P. Harris, "The Cavalier (March)", undated

- Ideal, 1303
- Item 10: George P. Heeb, "77th Division", undated

- International, 1001
- Item 11: Abe Holzmann, "The Flying Arrow (March)", undated

- Connorized Music, 855
- Item 12: Abe Holzmann, "Uncle Sammy", 1918

Imperial, 9649-90
Music written in 1904.
- Item 13: Abe Holzmann, "The Winning Fight (March and Two Step)", undated

- Imperial, 1474
- Item 14: G. Howard, "I'm Proud to Be of Service to My Country", undated

Vocalstyle, 11072
Played by Joe Murray.
- Item 15: Joseph E. Howard, "Somewhere in France is the Lily (March)", undated

Mignon, 2206
Played by Eriscon.
- Item 16: Fred K. Huffer, "Hail to America (March)", undated

Imperial, 9537-75
Arraged by Wm. Hartman.
- Item 17: Authur Wellesley Hughes, "Royal Canadian March", undated

- Universal, 6259
- Item 18: Julius K. Johnson, "Boy Scouts Parade March", undated

- U. S., 8482
- Item 19: Amanda Kennedy, "Star of the Sea (Reverie)", undated

- 88 Note, 5271
- Item 20: Kiefer, "Supremacy (March)", undated

- Melodee, 203847
- Item 21: Joseph Kiefer, "Hail Philadelphia (Patriotic March)", undated

- Ideal, 9800
- Item 22: Manuel Klein, "Hippodrome 1913 (Under Many Flags)", undated

Virtuoso, 81075
Song List: 1. Pretty Little Maiden on the Screen; 2. Temple Bells; 3. Scotland Forever; 4. Every Nation Has a Flower; 5. Home is Where the Heart Is; 6. Sweetheart, Let's Go a Walking; 7. The Dear Old White House; 8. Fishing; 9. The Youngsters of the Navy.
Arranged by Geo. P. Heeb.
- Item 23: Arthur Lange, "America, Here's My Boy", undated

Vocalstyle, 50035
Played by Wehmeier & Esberger.
- Item 24: Arthur Lange, "We're Going Over (Saxo-Rag One Step)", undated

Standard Music Roll Co., 50035
Played by Frank C. Weston.
- Item 25: L. P. Laurendeau, "Feld Cornet", undated

- 88 Note, 7749
- Item 26: J. Lewis, "For Home and Country March", undated

- Aeolian, TL-22717
- Item 27: Harry J. Lincoln, "Blaze of Honor (March and Two Step)", undated

- Melodee, 303345
- Item 28: Harry J. Lincoln, "Capitol City (March and Two Step)", undated

- QRS, 31121
- Item 29: Harry J. Lincoln, "For All and Forever", undated

QRS, 1908
Music copyrighted by Harry J. Lincoln Music Co., 1919.
- Item 30: H. J. Lincoln, "The Still Alarm", undated

- Connorized, 20428
- Item 31: Harry J. Lincoln, "To the Rescue", undated

U.S., 9895
Music copyrighted in 1920.
- Item 32: Frank Loesser, "What Do You Do in the Infantry", undated

QRS, 7906
Played by Milne.
- Item 33: F. H. Losey, "Commander in Chief", undated

- Capitol Music Roll, 40148
- Item 34: A. L. Maresh, "Guard of Honor March", undated

- QRS, 32286
- Item 35: Anthony L. Maresh, "Mighty America", undated

- QRS,33197
- Box 50

- Item 1: Earl Elleson McCoy, "Lights Out, March and Two Step", undated

- U.S., 5999
- Item 2: George G. Meade, "Footlight Flashes", undated

- Ideal, 01157
- Item 3: J. William Middendorf, "Medal of Honor March", 1923

Imperial, X5562
Copyright by the Matthews Music Co,
- Item 4: F. W. Miller, "President Coolidge March", undated

- U.S., 41736
- Item 5: Theodore Morse, "Soldier Boy", undated

- Harmony, 18313
- Item 6: Danny Nirella, "The Rainbow Division", 1921

QRS, 1444
Music copyrighted by 1918 by Bellefield Music Pub. Co.
Words Copyrighted by 1921 by Q.R.S. Music Co.
- Item 7: Ivor Novello, "Keep the Home Fires Burning (Till the Boys Come Home)", undated

Imperial, 935-65
Played by Zema Randale.
- Item 8: Ivor Novello, "Till the Boys Come Home (Keep the Home Fires Burning)", undated

- Pianostyle, 45784
- Item 9: Jacques Offenbach, "The Marine's Hymn", undated

QRS, 7995
Played by Frank Milne.
- Item 10: Louis Panella, "The American Red Cross March", 1919

- U.S., 10019
- Item 11: E. T. Paull, "America Forever", undated

- Pianostyle, 45772
- Item 12: E. T. Paull, "Ben Hur Chariot Race", undated

- Cable Company, 2634
- Item 13: E. T. Paull, "Charges of the Light Brigade", undated

- Pianostyle, 46703
- Item 14: Carl, Peter, "The Jolly Coppersmith", undated

- QRS, 1604
- Item 15: Arthur Pryor, "Arms of America", undated

- U.S., 4814B
- Item 16: Arthur Pryor, "Frozen Bill", undated

- Autopiano Company, 753
- Item 17: Arthur Pryor, "The Passing of Ragtime", undated

- Chase and Baker, 1401F
- Item 18: Authur Pryor, "Pryor March Medley", 1978

88 Note, 380 on Box (300467 on Paino Roll)
Music list: 1) Coon Band Contest; 2) On Jersey Shore; 3) Razzazza Mazzazza; 4) Frozen Bill; 5) Triumph of Old Glory
- Item 19: Arthur Pryor, "The Whistler and His Dog (Caprice)", undated

Aeolian Company, 70876
Played by Henry Bergman.
- Item 20: F. J. Ricketts, "Colonel Bogey", undated

QRS, 33372
The composer's pen name is Kenneth J. Alford.
Copyright by Hawkes & Son.
Played by Frank Milne.
- Item 21: C. A. Rinker, "Military Parade", undated

- Supertone, 67368
- Item 22: Lee S. Roberts, "March of the Tanks", undated

- QRS, Autograph Word Roll, 587. Words by J. Will Callahan and Harry Yeager.
- Item 23: George F. Root, "The Battle Cry of Freedom", undated

- Vocalstyle Music Co, 6013.
- Item 24: Carl Schramm, "Flag Day March", undated

- Starr, 1117.
- Item 25: Ira Schuster, "The Navy Will Bring Them Back (One Step)", undated

US, 39159
Pianist: Bertha Wolp. Copyright 1918: Leo Feist.
- Item 26: Jean Schwartz, Harold Atteridge, and Al Jolson, "Tell That to the Marines (March Song)", undated

Vocalstyle, 11239
Music copyrighted by 1918 by Waterson, Berlin & Snyder Co.
Played by Davidson and Murray; Vocal Interpretation by Joe Murray.
- Item 27: Ray Sherwood and Harry Lincoln, "The Great American (March Song)", undated

Connorized, 7467
Music copyrighted by 1922 by Vandersloot Music Co.
Played by S.A. Perry
- Item 28: Eugenio Sorrentino, "Willow Grove (March)", undated

- QRS, 30076
- Item 29: John Philip Sousa, "The Black Horse Troop (March)", undated

QRS, 33401
Copyright: Fox Publishing Co., 1925
- Item 30: John Philip Sousa, "Boy Scouts of America", undated

QRS, 33387
Music copyrighted by 1916 by Harms, Inc.
- Item 31: John Philip Sousa, "Bride Elect (March)", undated

- QRS, 30104
- Item 32: John Philip Sousa, "Bullets and Bayonets (March)", undated

QRS, 33326
Music published by G. Schirmer, 1919.
- Item 33: John Philip Sousa, "The Caissons Go Rolling Along (March)", undated

QRS, 7619
E.L. Gruber
- Item 34: John Philip Sousa, "Charlaton March", undated

- QRS, 30098
- Item 35: John Philip Sousa, "Comrads of the Legion (March)", undated

Vocalstyle, 50219
Played by Allison & Hunt. Copyright: Sam Fox Pub. Co., 1920.
- Box 51

- Item 1: John Philip Sousa, "Sousa March Medley", undated

QRS, M-66300
Song list: The Directorate; Fairest of the Fair; Stars and Stripes Forever (March); and Washington Post March.
- Item 2: John Philip Sousa, "The Directorate (March)", undated

- QRS, 30105
- Item 3: John Philip Sousa, "El Capitan March", undated

- W. W. Kimball Co., C5018
- Item 4: John Philip Sousa, "Fairest of the Fair (March)", undated

- Universal, 90545
- Item 5: John Philip Sousa, "Federal March", undated

88 Note, 98205
Composition copyrighted by 1911 by John Church Co.
- Item 6: John Philip Sousa, "The Free Lance March", undated

- Connorized Music Co., 856
- Item 7: John Philip Sousa, "From Maine to Oregon (March and Two-Step)", undated

- Standard Music Roll Company, 80334
- Item 8: John Philip Sousa, "The Gallant Seventh (March)", undated

W. W. Kimball Co., E-7612
Music copyrighted by 1922 by Sam Fox Publishing Co.
- Item 9: John Philip Sousa, "Glory of the Yankee Navy", undated

- Imperial, 510210-50
- Item 10: John Philip Sousa, "Hail to the Spirit of Liberty (March)", undated

- QRS, 30051
- Item 11: John Philip Sousa, "Hands Across the Sea (March)", undated

- QRS, 1607
- Item 12: John Philip Sousa, "The High School Cadets (March)", 1921

- QRS, 1657
- Item 13: John Philip Sousa, "International Congress", undated

Aeolian, 81092
Song list: Fugue on Yankee Doodle; Hail Columbia; God Save the King; Marseillaise; Wearing of the Green; Wachtam Rhein; Russian Hymn; Austrian National Hymn; Italian Song; Polish Dance; and Star Spangled Banner.
- Item 14: John Philip Sousa, "The Invincible Eagle (March)", undated

- QRS, 16754
- Item 15: John Philip Sousa, "Jack Tar (March)", undated

- QRS, 3994 (?)
- Item 16: John Philip Sousa, "Jack Tar (March) and The Man Behind the Gun (March)", undated

- Automatic Music Roll Co., 88301
- Item 17: John Philip Sousa, "King Cotton March", undated

- QRS, 30031
- Item 18: John Philip Sousa, "Lambs' March", undated

Vocalstyle, 50564
Played by D. E. Miller.
- Item 19: John Philip Sousa, "Liberty Bell (March)", undated

- Jewel Roll, 03037
- Item 20: John Philip Sousa, "Liberty Bell (It's Time to Ring Again)", undated

Imperial, 9490-85
Song copyrighted by 1917 by Shapiro, Bernstein & Co.
Played by Art Kahn & W. H.
- Item 21: John Philip Sousa, "The Liberty Loan March", undated

QRS, 33249
Music published by John Philip Sousa, 1917.
- Item 22: John Philip Sousa, "The Man Behind the Gun (March)", undated

- 88 Note
- Item 23: John Philip Sousa, "Manhattan Beach March", undated

- QRS, 1658
- Item 24: John Philip Sousa, "March Medley", undated

Universal, 95615
Song List: Washington Post; El Capitan; Semper Fidelis; Diplomat; Invincible Eagle; and King Cotton.
- Item 25: John Philip Sousa, "The National Game (March)", undated

QRS, 33402
Music copyrighted by Sam Fox Pub. Co., 1925.
- Item 26: John Philip Sousa, "The New York Hippodrome (March)", undated

QRS, 32366
Music copyrighted by T. B. Harms, 1915.
- Item 27: John Philip Sousa, "Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (March)", undated

Duo Art, The Aeolian Company, 18865-D
Music Copyrighted by Sam Fox Pub. Co., 1923.
Played by Erlebach & Milne.
- Item 28: John Philip Sousa, "Powhatan's Daughter (March)", undated

Mignon, 2181
Played by Meta Haight.
- Item 29: John Philip Sousa, "Sabre and Spur (March of American Cavalry)", undated

QRS, 33308
Music copyrighted by Sam Fox Pub. Co., 1918.
- Item 30: John Philip Sousa, "Semper Fidelis (Bluebird March)", undated

- QRS, 3726
- Item 31: John Philip Sousa, "Sesqui-Centennial Exposition March", undated

- QRS, 33405
- Box 52

- Item 1: John Philip Sousa, "Solid Men to the Front (March)", undated

- International, 1129
- Item 2: John Philip Sousa, "March Medley No. 2", undated

Note 88, 7066. Arranged by M. E. Brown.
Song List: 1. The High School Cadets; 2. Hands Across the Sea; 3. El Capitan; 4, Fairest of the Fair; 5. Manhattan Beach; 6. Stars and Stripes Forever.
- Item 3: John Philip Sousa, "Sousa Medley March No. 4", undated

Piano Style, 45775
Song List: King Cotton; Liberty Bell
- Item 4: John Philip Sousa, "Sousa Medley No. 5", undated

Majestic, 5776
Song List: Manhattan Beach and The Directorate
- Item 5: John Philip Sousa, "Stars and Stripes Forever (March)", undated

- (With Words)
- Item 6: John Philip Sousa, "Stars and Stripes Forever (March)", undated

- QRS, 30028
- Item 7: John Philip Sousa, "Stars and Stripes Forever", undated

Word Roll 1605
Played by Frank Milne
- Item 8: John Philip Sousa, "Tally Ho Overture", undated

- 88 Note, 5165
- Item 9: John Philip Sousa, "The Thunderer March", undated

Vocalstyle, 50237
Played by Osgood & Black.
- Item 10: John Philip Sousa, "U.S. Field Artillery March", undated

- Word Roll, 1602
- Item 11: John Philip Sousa, "Under the Double Eagle (March)", undated

Word Roll, 3477
Played by Osborne & Howe
- Item 12: John Philip Sousa, "The Volunteers (March)", undated

- QRS, 33279
- Item 13: John Philip Sousa, "Washington Post (March Song)", undated

Word Roll, 3038
Played by Franke Milne
- Item 14: John Philip Sousa, "Willow Blossoms", 1916

Ampico, 540340F
Played by Al. Sterling
Copyright 1916 by Rythmodik Music Corporation.
- Item 15: John Philip Sousa, "Wisconsin Forward Forever (March)", 1917

QRS, 33254
Published by Harms, Francis, Day & Hunter, 1917.
- Item 16: John Philip Sousa, "The Washington Evening Star (March), undated

Ampico, 63221
Played by Adam Carroll
- Item 17: R.M. Storer, "American First (March)", undated

- QRS, 32521
- Item 18: Kirby A. Tallmadge, "Across the Border (March)", undated

- QRS, 82650
- Item 19: Kirby A. Tallmadge, "Across the Border March", undated

- QRS, 1353
- Item 20: Kirby A. Tallmadge, "Golden Eagle (March)", undated

- QRS, 1351
- Item 21: Kirby A. Tallmadge, "Spirit of Liberty (March)", 1919

- QRS, 33317
- Item 22: Frank R. Thompson, "National Defense March", undated

- Universal, 6253
- Item 23: Troupe, "Relay March", undated

- 88 Note, 96275
- Item 24: Carl D. Vandersloot, "General Pershing (March - One Step)", undated

- Universal, 303359
- Item 25: Carl D. Vandersloot, "The American Legion (March)", undated

U.S. Regular, 9989
Sherwood and Vandersloot
- Item 26: Various, "2005 Amica Convention Souvenir Roll", undated

Minneapolis, Minnesota
Song list: Minnesota Moon, Played by Scott and Watters; Foshay Tower - Washington Memorial March, Arranged by John W. Miller.
- Item 27: Various, "Memories of the War 1861-1863", undated

QRS, 60200
Medley of American Songs: Intro: 1. Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Boys are Marching; 2. John Brown's Body; 3. Carry Me Back to Old Virginia; 4. When Johnny Comes Marching Home; 5. Our Flag is There; 6. Marching Through Georgia; 7. The Battle Cry of Freedom; 8. Massa's in the Cold, Cold Ground; 9. Arkansaw Traveler; 10. The Reveille.
Key of D; L.P. Laurendeau.
- Item 28: Franz Von Blon, "Through Battle to Victory (March)", undated

- 88 Note, 1288
- Item 29: Marie A. White, "Seventh Regiment March I. N. G.", undated

- 88 Note, 49464
- Item 30: C. Wieghorst, "Under the Banner (March)", undated

- Pianostyle, 46795
- Item 31: Will Wood, "American Crusaders (March - One Step)", undated

- QRS, 879
- Item 32: Henry Clay Work, "Marching Thro Georgia (Grand March)", undated

88 Note, 6185
Arranged by E. Mack
- Item 33: Harry Zickel, "Allied Victory (March)", undated

- 88 Note, 303406
- Item 34: Charles A. Zimmermann, "Anchors Aweigh (The Song of the Navy) (Navy March Song)", undated

QRS, 4961
Played by J. Lawrence Cook; Copyright: Robbins.
- Item 35: Unidentified, "America (Variations)", undated

QRS, 6033
Variations Played by Eugenio Pirani: 1. Flute; 2. Violoncello; 3. Trumpets; 4. Organ; 5. Harp; 6. Strong Quartette; 7. Orchestra
- Box 53

- Item 1: Unidentified, "America's March"

- Mel-O-Art
- Item 2: Unidentified, "Army Air Corps (March Song)"

QRS, 7656
Played by Ted Baxter
- Item 3: Unidentified, "Bugle Calls and War Songs, Part 1", undated

- Majestic, 21612
- Item 4: Unidentified, "Colonel Lindbergh March", undated

- Imperial, 06553
- Item 5: Unidentified, "Defense Day March", 1924

- QRS, 2910
- Item 6: Unidentified, "English, Irish and Welch Regimental Marches", undated

The Autopiano Company, 8214
Song List: (1) British Grenadiers; (2) The Dashing White Sergeant; (3) Garry Owen; (4) Men of Harlechi; (5) Rule Britannia.
- Item 7: Unidentified, "Forward America", undated

- QRS, unidentified
- Item 8: Unidentified, "France and America", undated

Imperial, 9704-85
Arranged by Wm. Hartman
- Item 9: Unidentified, "Hawaiian Patrol", 1925

- Imperial, X5780
- Item 10: Unidentified, "In Days of '63 (March Medley)", undated

- W. W. Kimball Co., D6469
- Item 11: Unidentified, "Mickey Mouse March", 1973

QRS, 10-503
Song copyrighted by 1955 by Walt Disney Music Co.
Played by Hi Babit.
- Item 12: Unidentified, "Over Seas "March and Two-Step", undated

- Universal, 303417
- Item 13: Unidentified, "San Francisco 1915 (March Song)", undated

Church Beinkamp co., 301325
Music Copyrighted by A. S. Graves.
- Item 14: Unidentified, "U. S. Marine Band March", undated

- Starr, unidentified
- Item 15: Unidentified, "Vict'ry Polka", 1943

QRS, 7881
Copyrighted by Chappell & Co., Inc.
Played by J. Lawrence Coor.
- Item 16: Unidentified, "World War II Commemorative", 1989

QRS, XP-284-C
Song List: 1. The WHite CLiffs of Dover; 2. Praise the Lord and Pass the Amunition; 3. Coming in on a Wing and a Prayer; 4. The Fuehrer's.
Played by Rudy Martin.
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 78 rpm Sound Recordings, ca. 1899-1939],
Series 2: Cylinder Sound Recordings, ca. 1895-1939],
Series 3: Music and Photographs, ca. 1894-1929],
Series 4: Historic Audio Equipment, ca. 1899-1915],
[Series 5: Piano Rolls, ca. 1918-1989],