By Joseph Ansel Hoisington
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Vertical Subject File, 1893 - 2019

ID: 35/3/402
Extent: 155.6 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by subject
Subjects: American Arbitration Association, American Federation of Labor, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Orgs (AFL-CIO), Arbitration, Chamber of Commerce, Illinois, Chamber of Commerce, United States, Collective Bargaining, Commerce, United States Department of, Commerce and Business Administration, College of, Communism, Economics, Economics Department, Education, Government, Government and Public Affairs, Institute of, Illinois Labor-Management Relations, Immigration, Industrial Democracy, Industrial Relations Research Association, International Labor Organization, International Relations, Labor, United States Department of, Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, Labor Education, Labor History, Labor Journalism, Labor Relations, Labor Union Organization, Labor Unions, Law, Law, College of, Management, New Deal, Political Science, Political Science Department, Psychology Department, Socialism, Social Psychology, Social Security, Sociology, Sociology Department, Strikes, Unions, Wage and Price Controls, War Labor Board, Workmen's Compensation
Languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish;Castilian, Russian, Swedish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Labor Library Vertical Subject File (1893 - 2019) contains scholarly, legal, political, journalistic and popular literature about labor relations and related topics collected by the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library from labor unions, governments, international organizations, political parties, interest groups and scholars and academic institutions and pertaining to relations between employers and employees, the role of government in maintaining fair labor relations, the rights of workers to organize, the structure and function of labor organizations, and the interaction between labor relations and society.
This series includes source material from eras of labor history which presented unique issues and problems including the Progressive Era, the New Deal, World Wars I and II and Post-war Anticommunism.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Processing Information:
All documents in Boxes 1-8 are listed at the item-level in the finding aid.
For boxes 9-154, the finding aid is a combination of folder-level and item-level description. For these boxes, only selected documents were listed at the item-level. Documents have been selected for item-level description on the basis of factors including age, connection to important historical figures and events, lack of availability elsewhere, connection to now-defunct organizations and movements, and connection to the University of Illinois and the the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations.
**Denotes subjects which have additional materials at the end of the record series, in the last boxes.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
[Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],
- Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act

- Box 66

- Folder 1: Labor Education in Japan

- Item 1: Observations on the Japanese Labor Movement and Leadership Education for the Nihon Rodo Kyokai Zasshi (Japan Institute of Labor magazine), July 1964

- Creator: Prof. Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Workers Education in Japan, June 1952

- Creator: Iwao Ayusawa, Ph.D., Christian Univ., Tokyo
- Folder 2: Labor Education in Sweden

- Item 1: Trade Union Education in Sweden Today, no date

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 2: The Brunnsvik Folk High School, Sorvik, Sweden, 1947

- Item 3: Adult Education and Swedish Political Leadership, September 1966

- Creator: Herman Erickson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Education- Preparing for Work and Democracy: Report presented to the 1976 Congress of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation, 1976

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 5: Labor Education in Sweden, March 1962

- Creator: Thorbjorn Carlsson, Labor Attache at the Swedish Embassy
- Item 6: Crona Straket Backby

- Item 7: Co-Operative Education in Sweden, July 1952

- Creator: David E. Sonquist
- Item 8: Workers Education in Sweden, June 1952

- Creator: Hans Haste, UNESCO
- Folder 3: Labor Force

- Item 1: Dynamic Determinants of Labor Force Participation: Some Evidence from Gross Change Data, August 14, 1973

- Creator: Ralph E. Smith, The Urban Institute
- Item 2: A Community Labor Survey, 1931

- Creator: University of Illinois Bulletin
- Item 3: Population and Labor Force Projections for the United States, 1960 to 1975, circa 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Alternate Manpower Forecasts for the Coming Decade: Second-Guessing the US Department of Labor, November 1972

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, Center for Advanced Computation, UIUC
- Item 5: Interindustry Occupational Employment Profiles, Winter 1974

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, UIUC
- Item 6: Alternate Forecasts of the Job Content and Skill Requirements of the American Economy in 1980, 1973

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek and Barry Getzel
- Item 7: The Detroit Riot: a profile of 500 Prisoners, March 1968

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Lectures on the Labour Force and its Employment, 1963

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies, Geneva
- Item 9: The Self-Employed in the United States, 1962

- Creator: Joseph D. Phillips
- Item 10: Long-Range Projections of Labor Force, September 1967

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Memorandum for Social Scientists-Subject: longitudinal data banks on labor force behavior and work activities, no date

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Changes in the Industrial Distribution of Employment 1919-19059, August 1961

- Creator: John P. Henderson
- Item 13: A Test of the Markovian Approach to Forecasting Internal Manpower Supply, circa 1971

- Creator: Kendrish M. Rowland, James B. Kirk and Henry L. Beekley
- Item 14: The Shifting Patterns in the Available Labor Force in the United States, December 1952

- Creator: Charles D. Stuart, Asst. Commissioner of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Long-Term Projections of the Labor Force, May 25, 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 4: Labor Force--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Labor Force in Africa

- Item 1: African Labour Efficiency Survey, 1949

- Creator: edited by C.H. Northcott, Colonial Office, London, UK
- Item 2: Migrant Labour in Africa South of the Sahara, no date

- Creator: Hans E. Panofsky, Northwestern Univ.
- Folder 6: Labor Force in Arizona

- Folder 7: Labor Force in Arkansas

- Folder 8: Labor Force in Asia

- Folder 9: Labor Force in Brazil

- Folder 10: Labor Force in Canada

- Box 67

- Folder 1: Labor Force in Canada (cont.)

- Folder 2: Labor Force in China

- Item 1: La Situation Demographique et la Politique de l'Emploi en Chine, October 1973 - November 1992

- Creator: Prof. Peter Schran, UIUC Economics Dept.
- Folder 3: Labor Force in Colombia

- Folder 4: Labor Force in Connecticut

- Folder 5: Labor Force in the District of Columbia

- Folder 6: Labor Force in Egypt

- Item 1: Manpower and Population Planning in the Arab Republic of Egypt, 1971

- Creator: Prof. John Waterbury, Univ. of Michigan/American Universities Field Staff
- Folder 7: Labor Force in Florida

- Folder 8: Labor Force in France

- Item 1: Labor Statistics Series (revised as of latter 1952): FRANCE, circa 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept., Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Folder 9: Labor Force in Georgia

- Folder 10: Labor Force in Idaho

- Folder 11: Labor Force in Illinois

- Item 1: Who wins in the boom? Not the worker, February 2000

- Creator: from "Illinois Issues," Univ. of Illinois at Springfield
- Item 2: A Human Resource and Labor Market Analysis of the Champaign-Urbana Area, November 1987

- Creator: Prepared for the Greater Urbana-Champaign Economic Development Corporation and the Central Illinois Corridors of Opportunity Council
- Item 3: County Labor Force Report 1984-1993, circa 1993

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 4: Illinois Labor Market Information Directories, 1978-1908

- Creator: Illinois Bureau of Employment Security
- Item 5: Labor Force Information for Affirmative Action Programs: Danville Area, 1978

- Item 6: Affirmative Action Information: LaSalle-Ottawa Area, 1984

- Creator: Illinois Bureau of Employment Security
- Item 7: Total Workforce, Employment and Unemployment in Illinois Jan. 1958 - July 1963, October 1963

- Creator: Illinois State Employment Service
- Item 8: Policy Forum: An Economic Perspective of Illinois' Labor Force Dynamics, 1989

- Creator: UIUC Institute of Government and Public Affairs/College of Agriculture Extension Service
- Item 9: Labor Force Development in Illinois, April 1987

- Creator: Reed Olsen, Illinois Business Review
- Item 10: Will Future Labor Demand Fit Supply?, May 1990

- Creator: Daniel T. Layzell, Illinois Issues no.17
- Item 11: Reccomendations of the Committee to Study Preparation of the Workforce, November 1991

- Creator: State of Illinois Board of Higher Education
- Item 12: County Labor Force Summary 1984 - 1991, circa 1991

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 13: 1970 - 1986 Labor Force Statistics for Metropolitan Chicago, circa 1986

- Creator: John Coulter, Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry
- Item 14: Illinois Labor Market Information Directory, 1982

- Creator: Illinois Bureau of Employment Security
- Item 15: Long-Range Forecasting of Regional Manpower Requirements: The State of Illinois in 1980, circa 1980

- Creator: Roger H. Bezdek, UIUC
- Item 16: Illinois Labor Force Projections for 1970, circa 1970

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Labor
- Item 17: The Labor Supply of Southern Illinois, circa 1948

- Creator: Prof. E.B. McNatt, Economics Dept., UIUC and Virginia H. Cies, Research Asst., Bureau of Economic and Business Research, UIUC
- Item 18: Special Inquiry into Labor Market Conditions in Saline County, Illinois, July 1947

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Labor
- Item 19: College-Educated Manpower in the State of Illinois, 1970-1980, no date

- Creator: R. Bezdek, H. Folk, A. Graziano and G. Russell
- Item 20: Affirmative Action Information, 1985

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Folder 12: Labor Force in Indiana

- Folder 13: Labor Force in Kentucky

- Item 1: Womanpower in the United States and in Kentucky, September 1977

- Creator: B. Ryle Huelsman, Dept. for Human Resources, Kentucky
- Folder 14: Labor Force in Louisiana

- Item 1: Manpower Outlook to 1985, September 1968

- Creator: Louisiana Dept. of Employment Security
- Folder 15: Labor Force in Massachusetts

- Box 68

- Folder 1: Labor Force in Michigan

- Folder 2: Labor Force in New Hampshire

- Folder 3: Labor Force in New Jersey

- Folder 4: Labor Force in New Mexico

- Folder 5: Labor Force in New York

- Item 1: The Manpower Future in New York State, 1965

- Creator: NY St. Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Manpower Projections: New York State 1970-1980, January 1975

- Creator: NY St. Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Occupational Projections: New York State 1974-1985, January 1978

- Creator: NY St. Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Labor Force Statistics on Minorities and Women, Auigust 1973

- Creator: NY St. Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Manpower Directions 1965-1975, March 1968

- Creator: NY St. Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Industrial and Occupational Trends in New York State, June 15, 1944

- Creator: Edmund H. Crane, NY St. Education Dept.
- Folder 6: Labor Force in New Zealand

- Item 1: New Zealand's Labour Supply in a Long Term Perspective, August 22, 1990

- Creator: Keith Rankin, Economic History Group, Victoria Univ. of Wellington, New Zealand
- Folder 7: Labor Force in North Carolina

- Folder 8: Labor Force in North Dakota

- Folder 9: Labor Force in Oklahoma

- Folder 10: Labor Force in Oregon

- Folder 11: Labor Force in Pennsylvania

- Folder 12: Labor Force in the Philippines

- Item 1: Changing Labor Force in the Philippines, December 1984

- Creator: Lita J. Domingo and Imelda Z. Feranil, Council for Asian Manpower Studies, Univ. of the Philippines
- Item 2: The Philippine Statistical Survey of Households Bulletin: October 1956 to October 1957, June 1958

- Creator: Philippine National Economic Council
- Item 3: Quarterly Labor Statistics, March 1958

- Creator: Philippine Dept. of Labor
- Folder 13: Labor Force in South Dakota

- Folder 14: Labor Force Statistics

- Item 1: Long-Term Manpower Projection, June 25-26, 1964

- Creator: R.A. Gordon, editor, proceedings of a conference held at the Univ. of California Berkeley
- Item 2: A Critical Estimate of Employment and Earnings Data from the Points of View of the Practicioner and Theorist, 1959

- Creator: Prof. Amritdhari Singh, Patna Univ.
- Folder 15: Labor Force in Tennessee

- Box 69

- Folder 1: Labor Force in Tennessee (cont.)

- Item 1: Projections of Population and Labor Force: Tennessee, Regions and Counties 1975-2000, October 1972

- Creator: Center for Business and Economic Research, Univ. of Tennessee Knoxville
- Folder 2: Labor Force in West Virginia

- Folder 3: Labor Force in Wisconsin

- Folder 4: Labor in Art

- Item 1: Badges of Pride: Symbols and Images of American Labor, 1989

- Creator: Smithsonian Institution
- Item 2: For Labor, About Labor, By Labor: Our Struggles in the US from the '70s to the '90s, no date

- Creator: San Francisco Art Institute
- Item 3: Labor in Art: An Exhibition of Paintings, Sculpture and Prints sponsored by the Baltimore Fed. Of Labor and held at the Baltimore Museum of Art, September 5-30, 1938

- Creator: Baltimore Federation of Labor
- Item 4: Art and Paranoia in the Soviet Union, Winter 1986

- Creator: Babs Repas
- Item 5: Buttons and Ribbons as Labor Memorabilia, February 12, 1985

- Creator: Glenn A. Zipp, letter to Prof. William Adelman, head of the Chicago Labor Education Program, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 6: Images of the American Worker 1930-1940, May 26-July 10, 1983

- Creator: Univ. of Minnesota
- Folder 5: Labor in Literature

- Item 1: Night Shift in a Pickle Factory, 1980

- Creator: Steve Turner, pub. By Singlejack Little Books
- Item 2: "The Labor Theatre takes a look at Power: A cast of six revue performers poke some holes in the shroud of mystery and confusion", 1977

- Creator: The Labor Theatre, Inc.
- Item 3: 200 RPM: A Musical Drama featuring some lesser sung heroes and heroines of our American Bicentennial, circa 1976

- Creator: The Labor Theatre, Inc.
- Item 4: "Dear Friend: Labor Theatre has been an important tool to educate union members regarding the history and issues of the labor movement", November 8, 1979

- Creator: Chicago Labor Education Program
- Item 5: Touring News from the Labor Theatre, no date

- Creator: The Labor Theatre, Inc.
- Item 6: Who Needs Political Theatre?, circa 1980-1981

- Creator: NY Street Theatre Caravan, Modern Times Theatre and The Labor Theatre
- Item 7: Labor Puts on a Show for its Hospital Workers, March 14, 1980

- Creator: Wall Street Journal
- Item 8: The Labor Theatre, Inc. Presents: "Singly None - An evening with John L. Lewis", May 20, 1975

- Creator: C.R. Portz, Labor Theatre, Inc.
- Item 9: Focus on the People, June 1997

- Creator: Cornell Univ., with Theatre for Change
- Item 10: Paper, Scissors, Stone, no date

- Creator: Poem by Tom Wayman, taken from "For a Living: The Poetry of Work"
- Item 11: Selected Poems by Hilda Worthington Smith, 1977

- Creator: Institute for Education and Research on Women and Work, NY School of Industrial Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 12: American Labor: A Selected List of Nonfiction Books Compiled to Commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Chicago Haymarket Riot, circa 1984

- Item 13: Discrimination for Everybody! An Adapatation for stage of the radio script "Created Equal", December 8, 1947

- Creator: Edward Mabley, Samuel French Publishing Co.
- Item 14: Longshoring on the San Francisco Waterfront, 1978

- Creator: Reg Theriault, pub. By Singlejack Little Books
- Item 15: Steelmill Blues, 1978

- Creator: Steve Packard, pub. By Singlejack Little Books
- Item 16: The Grievance: Poems from the Shop Floor, 1980

- Creator: Martin Glaberman, pub. By Singlejack Little Books
- Item 17: Foundry Foreman, Foundrymen, 1980

- Creator: Lloyd Zimpel, pub. By Singlejack Little Books
- Item 18: Comrades All: Poems for the People, 1945

- Creator: Bartlett Adamson, Current Book Distrib., Sydney
- Item 19: Blood on the Coal and other poems for the people, 1946

- Creator: John Graham, Current Book Distrib., Sydney
- Item 20: The Novel in the Study of the American Labor Movement, January 1953

- Creator: Kenneth McCartney and John G. Turnbull
- Item 21: Sociology and Social Literature: Work Alienation in the Plays of Arthur Miller, no date

- Creator: Paul Blumberg, Queens College of the City Univ. of New York
- Item 22: Your Cooperation is Expected Asarco

- Item 23: American Labor Lore: Its Meanings and Uses, February 1965

- Creator: Archie Green, Librarian at the UIUC ILIR
- Item 24: Alternative Library Literature, 1988-1989, circa 1989

- Creator: edited by Sanford Berman and James P. Danky
- Item 25: Straight Talk, no date

- Creator: Bob Feldman
- Item 26: Virtue Rewarded -or- Company Union Gets the Gate: A Farce Hans Peters, Dorothy Lorio, Sophia Good, Fanian Sonkin and Louis Moon, circa 1936

- Creator: Brookwood Labor Publications
- Item 27: Guncotton: An Anti-War Play in One Act, by Mickey Harris, 1936

- Creator: Brookwood Labor Publications
- Item 28: A Worker Reads History, no date

- Creator: Bertolt Brecht
- Item 29: Labor and the Bible, 1972

- Folder 6: Labor in Literature--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Labor in Music

- Item 1: Celebrating America's Working Heroes (CD with two songs on it), Labor Day, 2002

- Creator: Chicago Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO
- Item 2: The Original Talking Union with the Almanac Singers and Other Union Songs, with Pete Seeger and Chorus, 1955

- Creator: Folkways Records
- Item 3: Old Folks Ain't All The Same, no date

- Creator: Jo Glazer and Friends
- Item 4: Songs for Union Teachers, July 1967

- Creator: AFT Leadership Seminar, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 5: Working Women's Music: The Songs and Struggles of Women in the Cotton Mills, textile Plants and Needle Trades, 1976

- Creator: Evelyn Alloy, New England Free Press
- Item 6: The Labor Heritage Songbook, no date

- Creator: The Labor Heritage Foundation
- Item 7: 24th International Convention Songbook, 1980

- Creator: American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, compiled by Joe Glazer
- Item 8: 23rd International Convention Songbook, 1978

- Creator: American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, compiled by Joe Glazer
- Item 9: AFL-CIO Songbook, 1974

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: Movement Songbook: Songs of Socialism, Labor, Women, Civli Rights, Peace, 1975

- Creator: Democratic Socialist Organizing Committee
- Item 11: CIO Song Book, 1951

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 12: Songs for Seamen, September 1947

- Creator: National Maritime Union, CIO
- Item 13: Steelworkers Song Book, no date

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 14: IWW Songs, May 1964

- Creator: Industrial Workers of the World
- Item 15: AFL-CIO Songbook, no date

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 16: Everbody Sings, no date

- Creator: International Ladies Garment Workers Union
- Item 17: ICW Song Book, no date

- Creator: International Chemical Workers Union, AFL-CIO
- Item 18: URW Song Book, no date

- Creator: United Rubber Workers, AFL-CIO
- Item 19: Let's Sing: UPWA-CIO Songs, 1955

- Creator: United Packinghouse Workers of America, CIO
- Item 20: Sing Amalgamated: A Singing Union is a Winning Union, no date

- Creator: Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North America
- Item 21: Brookwood Chautaugua Songs, no date

- Creator: Brookwood Labor Publications
- Item 22: A Discography (LP) of American Labor Union Songs, Februar y1962

- Creator: Archie Green, Librarian at the UIUC ILIR
- Item 23: Joe Hill, IWW Songwriter, 1979

- Creator: Dean Nolan and Fred Thomspon, IWW
- Item 24: Local 34 Songbook, 1984

- Creator: Federation of University Employees, Local 34
- Item 25: Resources on American Labor Music

- Item 26: Unions Sing, but not the same old songs, September 19, 1995

- Creator: From the Wall ST. Journal
- Item 27: Everyday Songs for Labour Festivals, no date

- Item 28: Songs for Labor, circa 1955

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 29: "Labor Gets Unity Song: All Together Now" in honor of the AFL-CIO Merger, circa 1955

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 30: On a Note of Triumph (excerp from the poem), circa 1945

- Creator: Norman Corwin, VE Day Broadcast.
- Item 31: "It's Together That Counts: Why join the union? Listen, bud, were you ever in a crowd", possibly circa 1950

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 32: More Labor Songs, circa 1951

- Item 33: "Solidarity Forever (tune of the Battle Hymn of the Republic): When the union's inspiration through the workers' blood shall run", no date

- Item 34: A Singing Union is a Winning Union, no date

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 35: Songs of the Eight-Hour Movement, no date

- Creator: Philip Foner, from "American Labor Songs of the Nineteenth Century"
- Item 36: Assorted newsclippings, April 6, 1976

- Creator: The Wall St. Journal
- Item 37: Our Own Show: Organizing Cultural Programs for Working People, no date

- Creator: District 199 Bread and Roses Publications
- Item 38: Ballads for Sectarians: Program Notes, no date

- Creator: Labor Arts
- Item 39: Songs of Freedom: Famous Labor Songs from Appalachia, no date

- Creator: Appalachian Movement Press
- Folder 8: Labor Journalism

- Item 1: A Survey of Publications of Trade Unions in the Field of Typography in the Columbia University Libraries, August 6, 1945

- Creator: Dorothy E. Ryan, term paper for LS s330
- Item 2: It's 1996 -- Do you know where your Labor Television and Radio Are?, circa 1996

- Creator: Committee for Labor Access
- Item 3: Notes on the Kankakee Conference on Public Relations, May 7, 1966

- Creator: Barbara Dennis, editor, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Getting Started, August 1986

- Creator: ILCA Editor's Update
- Item 5: The Management Consultant Looks at the Labor Press, May 1960

- Creator: Robert Newcomb and Marg Sammons, Newcomb and Sammons Conlustants, for the Midwest Labor Press and UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 6: Give Your Readers a Break: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Labor Journal Editor's Conference, April 1950

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and School of Journalism
- Item 7: Third Annual Conference on Problems of Labor Editors, November 29-30, 1952

- Creator: California State Fed. Of Labor, AFL with the Institute of Industrial Relations and the School of Journalism, UCLA and UC Berkeley
- Item 8: Proceedings of the Conference of Labor Journal Editors, April 23-24, 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and School of Journalism
- Item 9: Collective Bargaining and the Labor Press: A Closer Look, no date

- Creator: Institute of Collective Bargaining and Group Relations, Intl. Labor Press Assn., AFL-CIO/CLC
- Item 10: What's Wrong With Labor Papers?, March 1-2, 1952

- Creator: Sam Sherman, Conference on Labor Papers, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 11: The Labor Press and Industrial Peace, September 16, 1950

- Creator: Speech by George F. Smith, president of Johnson & Johnson Co., before the 39th Convention of the Intl. Labor Press of America
- Item 12: The Labor Press: A Critical Examination of its Politics, Needs, Progress and Opinions of Labor Editors on Topics Vital to the Labor Movement, 1951

- Creator: R.L. Thistlethwaite, Univ. of Iowa
- Item 13: Winning Your Readers' Interest: Proceedings of the 5th Annual Labor Journal Editors' Conference, May 23-24, 1952

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and School of Journalism
- Item 14: How to Appraise and Improve your Daily Newspaper: A Manual for Readers, circa 1980

- Creator: David Bollier, with a foreward by Ralph Nader
- Item 15: The Trade Union Press: An Analysis of 45 Publications, circa 1957

- Creator: Management News
- Item 16: Television: Labor's New Challenge, September 7-8, 1954

- Creator: National Labor Service, American Fed. Of Labor, and Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 17: Labor: The Railroad Workers' National Weekly Newspaper, circa 1960

- Creator: Railway Labor Organizations
- Item 18: ILPA Press Relations Guide, no date

- Creator: Intl. Labor Press Association
- Box 70

- Folder 1: Labor Journalism (cont.)

- Item 1: Second-Class Mailing Privileges for Labor Newspapers, April 1951

- Creator: Labor Journalism Handbook Series, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Publicity Manual to aid CIO Locals to gain good publicity, circa 1950

- Creator: Michigan CIO Council
- Item 3: Pro-Labor Quotes for use in Union Publications, Organizational Leaflets and Speeches, 1949

- Creator: Building Service Employees International Union
- Item 4: Advertising for Labor Newspapers, April 1951

- Creator: Labor Journalism Handbook Series, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: How to Write for Your Union Paper, 1943

- Creator: Morris Watson, ILWU Dispatcher
- Item 6: Report on the March of Labor, December 22, 1954

- Creator: Committee on Un-American Activities, US House of Representatives
- Item 7: The Radical and Labor Periodical Press in Chicago: Its Origin and Development to 1890, 1949

- Creator: Edward L. Sheppard, UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: The Labor Press: Fifteen Million Readers Plus, no date

- Creator: Ben Pearse
- Folder 2: Labor Journalism--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation

- Item 1: Law for the Layman (everything you wanted to know about law and couldn't afford to ask), March 1982

- Creator: Paul T. Manion, Attorney-at-Law and Prof. Allan J. Harrison, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Privacy and Personality in the Employment Relationship, 1992

- Creator: Prof. Matthew W. Finkin, Univ. of Illinois Law School, given as part of the Benjamin Aaron Annual Lecture Series on the role of public policy in the employment relationship, UCLA
- Item 3: Privacy in the Workplace: How Well Does American Law Reflect American Values, April 9, 1996

- Creator: Prof. Alan F. Westin, Columbia Univ., given as the 18th Annual Piper Lecture, Instittue for Law and the Workplace, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Item 4: Dates in the History of Labor Law, no date

- Creator: Chicago Labor Education Program, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Chronology of Labor Relations and Personnel Law 1866-1899, no date

- Item 6: Government and Labor-Management Relations, no date

- Creator: Prof. Murray Edelman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: Fact Sheet: Railroad Labor, no date

- Item 8: Sunshine Laws in the Public Sector, no date

- Item 9: Declaration of Employee Rights in the Employee Bill of Rights Act of 1977, July 1977

- Item 10: Statement of US Rep. John N. Erlenborn of Illinois concerning the Employee Bill of Rights Act of 1977, July 14, 1977

- Creator: US Rep. John N. Erlenborn
- Item 11: Supreme Court Decision on Labor, 1948-1949, March 1950

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 12: Federal Labor Legislation 1947, March 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 13: Federal Court Decisions on Labor 1947-1948, December 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 14: The Development of Labor Legislation and its Effect Upon the Welfare of the American Workman, October 31, 1954

- Creator: Prof. Edwin E. Witte, Univ. of Wisconsin, given at the UIUC ILIR Conference on Government and Public Affairs
- Item 15: Current Developments in Labor Law and Legislation, no date

- Creator: Archibald Cox, Natl. Academy of Arbitrators
- Item 16: Labor and Social Legislation, 1949

- Creator: Prof. Edwin E. Witte, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 17: Needed: A Positive Labor Policy, December 6, 1946

- Creator: Richard P. Doherty, Director of Employer-Employee Relations, Natinal Association of Broadcasters
- Item 18: Labor's Neglected Weapon: Concepts Contained in the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, no date

- Creator: Stan Weir
- Item 19: Conference on Labor Law (proceedings), November 28-29, 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR and College of Law
- Item 20: Recent Labor Legislation of Interest to Labor, July 9, 1948

- Creator: Prof. Edwin E. Witte, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 21: Labor's Legislative Program in the 81st Congress, March 11-12, 1949

- Creator: University College
- Item 22: The Role of Legislation in Industrial Relations, March 3-4, 1949

- Creator: Conference of National Organizations
- Item 23: A Study Supported by Factual Documentation Presenting Basic Fundamentals and Legislative Proposals in Support of Them Which Must Be Included in Any Fair Labor-Management Relations Code, no date

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 24: Labor Legislatin (Social and Protective), 1950

- Creator: Prof. Edward L. Phillips, UIUC ILIR
- Item 25: Labor's Legislatie Goals, December 4-5,1964

- Creator: Reuben G. Soderstrom, Pres., Illinois State AFL-CIO
- Item 26: United States of America, January 1983

- Creator: Prof. Alvin L. Goldman, Univ. of Kentucky
- Item 27: Unions and the Decline of Individual Rights, no date

- Creator: Howard Jensen, Vice Pres. And General Counsel, Lone Star Steel Co./National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 28: Progress Through Labor Law Reform, no date

- Creator: William F. May, Chairman and CEO, American Can Co./National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 29: Labor Law Reform: Management Flexibility for a Growth Economy, no date

- Creator: Algie A. Hendrix, Vice Pres., General Dynamics Corp./National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 30: The Expanding Scope of Industrial Conflict, no date

- Creator: Carl Hageman, Vice Pres., Union Carbide Corp./National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 31: The Public Interest and Labor Law Reform, no date

- Creator: W.P. Gullander, Pres., National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 32: United States of America, 1979

- Creator: Prof. Alvin L. Goldman, Univ. of Kentucky
- Item 33: US Labor Policy at the Fork of the Road, June-July, 1946

- Creator: Inter-Union Institute
- Item 34: The Evolution of Our Labor Laws, November 17, 1947

- Creator: Andrew J. Percival
- Item 35: A New Hope for a Collective Bargaining Law, January 1977

- Creator: NEA Reporter
- Item 36: A Proposed Model State Collective Bargaining Law for Employees in the Public Sector and Employees in Non-Profit Institutions Financially Aided from Public Funds, November 6, 1970

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 37: A Proposed Model State Anti-Injunction Law for Employees in the Public Sector, no date

- Item 38: What Sort of Labor Law Should We Have?, May 15, 1949

- Creator: The Northwestern Univ. Reviewing Stand: Broadcast on WGN Radio, discussion with Arthur J. Goldberg (General Counsel, CIO), Alfred P. Haake (Economist, Industrial Consultant and Mayor of Park Ridge, Illinois) and mediated by Robert Buchanan (director, The
- Item 39: Letter from Charles E. Wilson to the Hon. Andrew Jacobs, Member, House Committee on Education and Labor, March 10, 1949

- Creator: Charles E. Wilson, Pres., General Electric Co.
- Item 40: A Fair Labor Law: Statement of Charles E. Wilson before the House Committee on Education and Labor, March 15, 1949

- Creator: Charles E. Wilson, Pres., General Electric Co.
- Item 41: The Dead Hand of Regulation, no date

- Creator: James Q. Wilson
- Item 42: Development of Major US Labor Legislation, no date

- Box 71

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation (cont.)

- Item 1: The Outlook for Labor and Social Legislation, October 31, 1957

- Creator: Address by Sen. John F. Kennedy before the Convention of the Industrial Union Dept., AFL-CIO
- Item 2: Address by the President of the American Association for Labor Legislation to the Annual Meeting, December 28, 1909

- Creator: Henry W. Farnam
- Item 3: The Drive Against Labor: An analysis of recent legislative proposals to restrict union activity, possibly circa 1947

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 4: Labor Legislation: A Brief Outline, no date

- Creator: Prof. Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Labor Legislation and Administration, no date

- Item 6: Address delivered by Sen. Joseph H. Ball before the Natl. Coop. Milk Producers Fed., November 14, 1946

- Creator: Sen. Joseph H. Ball
- Item 7: The Role of Government in Industrial Relations, March 20, 1947

- Creator: Address Delivered by William M. Leiserson, Univ. of California Institute of Industrial Relations
- Item 8: Workers Speak Their Minds About Labor-Law Changes, June 1947

- Creator: Factory Management and Maintenance, McGraw-Hill Co.
- Item 9: Government and Union-Employer Relations: An analysis of statutes and administrative regulations, 1945

- Creator: Leifur Magnusson, Public Administration Service
- Item 10: Labor Under Federal Law: A Summary, October 30, 1946

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 11: The Worker, His Job and His Government: An introduction to federal labor laws, 1942

- Creator: US Labor Dept., US Office of Education and Federal Security Agency
- Item 12: US Labor Policy at the Fork of the Road, 1946

- Creator: Inter-Union Institute
- Item 13: Trends in Important Labor Issues and Legislation, possibly circa 1971

- Creator: John H. Fanning, National Labor Relations Board
- Item 14: Act of 27th June, 1947 respecting measures to promote employment, 1947

- Creator: Labor Law from Norway, reprinted from the Intl. Labor Organization Legislative Series
- Item 15: Government and Labor-Management RElations, circa 1949

- Creator: Prof. Murray Edelman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 16: Labor and the Law: A Correspondence Study Course, 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 17: Selected Materials and Cases on Labor and the Law, 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 18: A Federal Bargaining Act for State and Local Employees: Testimony in support of HR 8677, circa 1973

- Creator: Coalition of American Public Employees
- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in Alabama

- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Alaska

- Item 1: Alaska Labor Laws, August 1954

- Creator: Alaska Territorial Dept. of Labor
- Item 2: Compilation of Laws Relating to Employment Security, circa 1952

- Creator: Alaska Territorial Dept. of Labor
- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in Arizona

- Item 1: A Pair For Repeal: Arizona's Own Right-to-Work Law, Arizona's Own Anti-Picketing Law, no date

- Creator: Arizona ST. Fed. Of Labor
- Folder 6: Labor Laws and Legislation in Arkansas

- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Asia

- Item 1: Comparative Labor Law: Vol.6, No.2, Spring 1984

- Creator: US Natl. Branch, Intl. Society for Labor Law and Social Security/UCLA
- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation in Australia

- Creator: Prof. B.T. Brooks, Univ. of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
- Item 1: Australia, 1988

- Item 2: Equal Opportunity Act Review: Second Discussion Paper, March 1990

- Creator: Law Reform Commission of Victoria
- Item 3: Conciliation and Arbitration Bill: Second Reading Speech, 1973

- Creator: Mr. Clyde R. Cameron, Minister for Labour
- Item 4: Lawyers and Industrial Relations, 1972

- Creator: J.E. Isaac, Deputy pres. Of the Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission
- Item 5: Conciliation and Arbitration Regulations (unofficial consolidation prepared by the Industrial Registrar), May 1975

- Item 6: Conciliation and Arbitration Act, 1904-1974 (unofficial consolidation prepared by the Dept. of Labor and Immigration, October 1974

- Item 7: Conciliation and Arbitration Act (ministerial statement by the Minister for Labour and Natinoal Service, December 7, 1971

- Creator: Hon. Phillip Lynch, MP
- Folder 9: Labor Laws and Legislation in Austria

- Item 1: Kollektivvertragsgesetz im Anhang die Einigungsamts-Geschaftsordnung, 1956

- Creator: Verlag des Osterreichischen Gewerkschaftsbundes
- Item 2: Betriebsrategesetz, 1955

- Creator: Verlag des Osterreichischen Gewerkschaftsbundes
- Folder 10: Labor Laws and Legislation in Basutoland (Lesotho)

- Item 1: Intl. Labour Office Legislative Series: Basutoland 1, 1964

- Creator: Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Folder 11: Labor Laws and Legislation in Belgium

- Item 1: Belgium, August 1990

- Creator: Prof. R. Blanpain, Katholieke Univ., Leuven, Belgium, with the collaboration of Prof. C. Engels, Univ. of Leuven
- Item 2: Belgium, March 1985

- Creator: Prof. R. Blanpain, Katholieke Univ., Leuven, Belgium
- Item 3: Belgium, July 1988

- Creator: Prof. R. Blanpain, Katholieke Univ., Leuven, Belgium, with the collaboration of Prof. C. Engels, Univ. of Leuven
- Item 4: Belgium, July 1979

- Creator: Prof. R. Blanpain, Katholieke Univ., Leuven, Belgium, rewritten by P. Stirling, LL.B.
- Item 5: Legislation Belgium, December 1986

- Creator: Prof. R. Blanpain, Katholieke Univ., Leuven, Belgium, with the collaboration of Prof. C. Engels, Univ. of Leuven
- Box 72

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in California

- Item 1: A Few Essentials for Effective Legislation in California, February 2, 1967

- Creator: Saul Wallen, delivered at the Institute of Industrial Relations, UCLA
- Item 2: An Employee Relations Ordinance for Los Angeles County: Report and reccomendations of the consultants' committee, circa 1968

- Item 3: State of California Labor Camps: Labor Code, Div. 2, Part 9, Ch.1, Article 4, circa 1950

- Creator: California Dept. of Industrial Relations, Div. of Housing
- Item 4: Workmen's Compensation Benefits for Disaster Service Workers, March 5, 1946

- Creator: State of California
- Item 5: Initiative Measure to be Presented to the Legislature of the State of California: Regulation of Labor Relations an Labor Organizations, no date

- Creator: Atty. Gen., State of California, initiative by Women of the Pacific
- Item 6: Analysis of Labor Initiative Sponsored by Women of the Pacific and Submitted to Legislature, no date

- Item 7: The Sacramento Story: Labor and the California Legislature, 1951

- Creator: California State Fed. Of Labor
- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation in Canada

- Item 1: Le Travail, Une Responsabilite Collective: Rapport final de la commission consultative sur le travail et la revision du code du travail, 1985

- Creator: Government of Quebec
- Item 2: Decision Information No.102, June 1997

- Creator: Canada Labour Relations Board
- Item 3: Canada, 1988

- Creator: Prof. H.W. Arthurs, York Univ., Ontario, et al.
- Item 4: Canada, 1984

- Creator: Prof. H.W. Arthurs, York Univ., Ontario, et al.
- Item 5: Canada, 1980

- Creator: Prof. H.W. Arthurs, York Univ., Ontario, et al.
- Item 6: Industrial Inspectors' Course: Visual Instruction, no date

- Creator: Canada Labour Dept.
- Item 7: Legislative Trends in Canadian Labour Policy, circa 1984

- Creator: Kurt Wetzel, Univ. of Saskatchewan
- Item 8: A Lay Man's Summary of the Employment and Social Insurance Act, 1935

- Creator: Canadian Welfare Council, Ottawa
- Item 9: A Criticism of the Insurance Features of the Workmen's Compensation Act of Nova Scotia, possibly circa 1916

- Creator: P. Tecumseh Sherman
- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in China

- Item 1: Legislation: Republic of China, 1986

- Creator: Dr. Chen Chi-sen, Fu-Jen Catholic Univ., Taiwan
- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Colorado

- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in Connecticut

- Item 1: NLRB and Court Interpretations of the Taft-Hartley Act, December 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Good Faith Bargaining: Supreme Court reaffirms "Freedom of Contract" principle but declines to upset NLRB's "Objective" criteria for bargaining in good faith (the Second Circuit's General Electric Decision); Ervin Subcommittee report issued charging misuse of power by the NLRB and the Courts, March 10, 1970

- Creator: Machinery and Allied Products Institute
- Folder 6: Labor Laws and Legislation in Delaware

- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Denmark

- Item 1: Denmark, February 1989

- Creator: Per Jacobseon, Lecturer at Aarhus Universitet
- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation in the Dominican Republic

- Item 1: Dominican Republic, April 1988

- Creator: Dr. Lupo Hernandez Rueda
- Folder 9: Labor Laws and Legislation in Ecuador

- Item 1: Ecuador, January 1979

- Creator: Prof. Hugo Valencia, Univ. of Quito
- Item 2: Labor Legislation of Ecuador, November 1931

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 10: Labor Laws and Legislation in Europe

- Item 1: Comparative Labor Law: Vol.6, No.4, Winter 1984

- Creator: US Natl. Branch, Intl. Society for Labor Law and Social Security/UCLA
- Folder 11: Labor Laws and Legislation in the European Community

- Item 1: Employment Regulation and Patterns of Work in EC Countries, Winter 1993

- Creator: David Grubb and William Wells, OECD Economic Studies No.21
- Item 2: European Labour Law, June 1993

- Creator: Prof. R. Blanpain and Prof. C. Engels, Catholic Univ., Leuven, Belgium
- Item 3: European Communities, January 1990

- Creator: Prof. Gerhard Schnorr and DR. Johann Egger, Univ. of Innsbruck, Austria
- Item 4: The Emerging Social Dimension of Europe 1992, April 14, 1989

- Creator: Seamus O'Cleireacain, pub. By City Univ. of New York
- Item 5: Etude Comparative des Sources du Droit du Travail dans les Pays de la Communaute Europeenne du Charbon et de L'acier, 1957

- Creator: European Coal and Steel Community
- Item 6: Booklet of Bibliographies on Labor Laws and Legislation in the European Community

- Box 73

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in Finland

- Item 1: Finland, February 1980

- Creator: Prof. A.J. Suviranta, Univ. of Helsinki
- Item 2: Finland, March 1987

- Creator: Chief Justice A.J. Suviranta, Supreme Administrative Court of Finland
- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation in Florida

- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in France

- Item 1: France, May 1979

- Creator: Prof. Michel Despax, Univ. des Sciences Sociales de Toulouse, and Prof. Jacques Rojot, INSEAD, Fontainebleau
- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Georgia

- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in Germany

- Item 1: Federal Republic of Germany, May 1979

- Creator: Prof. Th. Ramm, Fernuniversitat Hagen
- Item 2: Federal Republic of Germany, September 1986

- Creator: Prof. Manfred Weiss, J.W. Goethe Univ.
- Item 3: Das Betriebsverfassungsgesetz im Bundestag, no date

- Item 4: Germany (Federal Republic Of) Works Constitution Act, October 11, 1952

- Creator: Legislative Series, Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 5: The Laws on Works Constitution and Co-Management in Private Industries, no date

- Folder 6: Labor Laws and Legislation in Great Britain

- Item 1: Great Britain, March 1986

- Creator: Prof. Bob Hepple, Univ. of London at Univ. College and Sandra Fredman, Lecturer in Labour Laws, Kings College, Univ. of London
- Item 2: Industrial Relations Act 1971: Rights of the Individual, February 1972

- Creator: UK Dept. of Employment
- Item 3: Industrial Relations, Labour Law and Employment, May 30, 1989

- Creator: Silvana Sciarra, Visiting Prof. in European Industrial Relations, University of Warwick
- Item 4: Code of Practice: Draft Code of Practice lais before Parliament under the Industrial Relations Act, 1971

- Creator: UK Dept. of Employment
- Item 5: Industrial Relations Code of Practice, 1971

- Creator: UK Dept. of Employment
- Item 6: Great Britain, May 1980

- Creator: Prof. Bob Hepple, Chairman of Industrial Tribunals (England and Wales) and Honorary Prof. of Law, Univ. of Kent at Canterbury
- Item 7: The Role of Government, 1978

- Creator: UK Central Office of Information, Her Majesty's Stationery Office
- Item 8: The Rights of British Trade Union Members, April 7, 1958

- Creator: Hugh A. Clegg
- Item 9: Code of Industrial Relations Practice: Consultative Document, June 1971

- Creator: UK Dept. of Employment
- Item 10: Penal Clauses in Labour Relations Legislation: The Case of the British Industrial Relations Act 1971-1974, August 1975

- Creator: J.E. King, Lecturer in Economics, Univ. of Lancaster and visiting fellow in Economics at La Trobe Univ.
- Item 11: Industrial Relations Act, 1971

- Creator: Act of Parliament, UK, published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office
- Item 12: Legislated Early Shop Closing in Britain, 1961

- Creator: Simon Rottenberg, Univ. of Buffalo
- Item 13: Reason: The Case Against the Government's Proposals on Industrial Relations, no date

- Creator: Trades Union Congress
- Item 14: Industrial Relations: a Guide to the Industrial Relations Act 1971, circa 1971

- Creator: UK Dept. of Employment
- Item 15: Industrial Relations Act 1971: Registration, circa 1971

- Creator: UK Dept. of Employment
- Item 16: Industrial Relations Act 1971: Agency Shop Requirements, circa 1971

- Creator: UK Dept. of Employment
- Item 17: Disclosure of Information to Trade Unions for Collective Bargaining Purposes, 1977

- Creator: Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, UK Gov't.
- Item 18: This is the CIR, no date

- Creator: Commission on Industrial Relations
- Item 19: Guide to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, circa 1974

- Item 20: Draft Code of Practice: Time Off for Trade Union Duties and Activities, no date

- Creator: Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service, UK Gov't.
- Item 21: A TUC Guide to the Employment Protection Act: 1-Recognition, 2-Redundancy, 3-Maternity, 4-Unfair Dismissal, March 1976-April 1977

- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Guinea

- Item 1: Guinea Labour Code, 1960

- Creator: International Labour Office Legislative Series
- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation in Hawaii

- Item 1: Labor Laws Enacted by the 27th Legislature, July 1953

- Creator: Hawaii Employers Council
- Item 2: Manual for Mediation and Emergency Boards, 1947

- Creator: published pursuant to the Hawaii Public Utility Labor Act
- Folder 9: Labor Laws and Legislation in Hong Kong

- Item 1: Hong Kong, February 1990

- Creator: Mr. Ng Sek-Hong, Univ. of Hong Kong
- Item 2: Hong Kong, March 1982

- Creator: Prof. D. Lethbridge, Univ. of Deakin (formerly Univ. of Hong Kong) and Mr. Ng Sek-Hong, Univ. of Hong Kong
- Item 3: Hong Kong, March 1979

- Creator: Prof. D. Lethbridge and Mr. Ng Sek-Hong, Univ. of Hong Kong
- Folder 10: Labor Law and Legislation in Hungary

- Item 1: Hungary, March 1981

- Creator: Prof. L. Nagy, Univ. of Szeged, rewritten by Dr. Frances Millard
- Item 2: Hungary, January 1978

- Creator: Prof. L. Nagy, Univ. of Szeged, rewritten by Dr. Frances Millard
- Item 3: Hungary, September 1984

- Creator: Prof. L. Nagy, Univ. of Szeged, with copy editing assistance by Dr. Frances Millard
- Item 4: Legislation Hungary, July 1989

- Creator: Prof. Laszlo Nagy, Univ. of Szeged
- Folder 11: Labor Laws and Legislation in Idaho

- Folder 12: Labor Laws and Legislation in Illinois

- Item 1: A Guide to the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act, November 1983

- Creator: Prof. Allan J. Harrison, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Outline Guide to the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, no date

- Creator: Peter Feuille, Allan Harrison and Tiothy J. Reardon, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Chicago and Illinois Freedom of Information Acts, no date

- Item 4: Illinois Freedom of Information Act: A Citizen's Guide, no date

- Creator: Common Cause Illinois
- Item 5: Activity in Illinois Regarding Legislation for Public Employment Relations and the Right to Strike, no date

- Creator: Sandra L. Perry, UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 6: The Educational Labor Relations Act and the Rules and Regulations, August 1990

- Creator: Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board
- Item 7: Civil Service Employee Regulations, December 1981

- Creator: Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities
- Item 8: State Universities Civil Service System, February 1982

- Creator: State of Illinois
- Item 9: Executive Order No. 6: Public Employee Collective Bargaining, 1973

- Creator: State of Illinois Executive Dept.
- Item 10: Memorandum from Prof. Joel Seidman, Industrial Relations Dept., Univ. of Chicago, to the Subcommittee on Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector of the Illinois State Legislature, January 29, 1971

- Creator: Prof. Joel Seidman, Univ. of Chicago
- Box 74

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in Illinois (cont.)

- Item 1: Illinois OSHA & Workmen's Compensation Laws: A Summary, no date

- Creator: Illinois Industrial Commission
- Item 2: Public Employee Labor Legislation: A Study of the Unsuccessful ttempt to Enact a Public Employee Bargaining Statute in Illinois, 1969

- Creator: R. Theodore Clark, Jr.
- Item 3: The Lost Decade: An Analysis of Illinois Civil Rights Legislation 1949-1959, circa 1960

- Creator: American Jewish Congress
- Item 4: Attorney General's Opinions on Prvailing Wage Law, September 15, 1941

- Creator: Frank Annunzio, Dir. Of Labor, Illinois State Atty. Gen.
- Item 5: Report and Reccomendations: Governor's Advisory Commission on Labor-Management Policy for Public Employees, March 1967

- Creator: Governor's Advisory Commission on Labor-Management Policy for Public Employees
- Item 6: Laws Relating to Labor and Employment, 1953

- Creator: Illinois State Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Illinois Occupational Safety and Health Laws, November 1972

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept. and Industrial Commission
- Item 8: Health And Safety Act and Health and Safety Rules, circa 1955

- Creator: Illinois Industrial Commission
- Item 9: Health and Safety Act and the Health and Savety Rules, September 1, 1944

- Creator: Illinois Industrial Commission
- Item 10: Alphabetic Index of Position Titles, July 1, 1988

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Central Management Services
- Item 11: Report of the Commission on State Employment, May 1, 1965

- Creator: State of Illinois
- Item 12: Alphabetic Index of Position Titles, July 1, 1969

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 13: Pay Plan: 80 Illinois Administrative Code 310, July 1, 1988

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Central Management Services
- Item 14: Pay Plan, July 1, 1981

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 15: Pay Plan, July 1, 1978

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 16: Pay Plan, October 1, 1965

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 17: A Guide to the Illinois Public Employee Collective Bargaining Act, November 1983

- Creator: Prof. Allan J. Harrison, UIUC ILIR
- Item 18: Memorandum to all depts., boards and commissions concerning entrance salaries, October 4, 1966

- Creator: Maude Myers, Dir., Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 19: City of Chicago Collective Bargaining Ordinance, no date

- Creator: City of Chicago
- Item 20: Chicago Labor Relations Ordinance, no date

- Creator: City of Chicago
- Item 21: Personnel Rules of the Dept. of Central Management Services, January 1, 1983 - May 23, 1984

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Central Management Services
- Item 22: Rules of the Illinois Dept. of Personnel, September 1, 1978 - September 1, 1980

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 23: The Personnel Code as amended by the 82nd Assembly, Illinois Dept. of Central Management Services, June 1, 1983

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Central Management Services
- Item 24: The Personnel Code as amended by the 82nd Assembly, Illinois Dept. of Central Management Services, no date

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 25: Report on Labor Legislation, January 18, 1949

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 26: Labor Legislation Enacte in 1967, September 1967

- Creator: Esther Espenshade, Illinois Dept. of Labor
- Item 27: Determination of Bargaining Units Under the IELRA, no date

- Creator: Fred B. Lifton of Robbins, Schwartz, Nicholas, Lifton & Taylor Ltd.
- Item 28: The Scope of Bargaining Under the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Act, 1984

- Creator: R. Theodore Clark, Jr.
- Item 29: The Merit Employment Code as enacted by the 80th General Assembly, July 1, 1988

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Personnel
- Item 30: Illinois Educatoinal Labor Relations Act, no date

- Item 31: Letter from the Office of the Governor to the 83rd General Assembly, concerning Senate Bill 536 (An act regulating labor relations between public employers and employees and creating the Illinois Labor Relations Board in connection therewith), September 23, 1983

- Creator: Office of the Governor of Illinois
- Item 32: Letter from the Office of the Governor to the 83rd General Assembly, concerning House Bill 1530 (An act to establish the right of educational employees to organize and bargain collectively, to define and resolve unfair labor practice disputes and to establish the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board in connection therewith), September 23, 1983

- Creator: Office of the Governor of Illinois
- Item 33: Legal Implications, Privileges and Restraints on Collective Bargaining in Illinois Schools, September 1967

- Creator: Louis Ancel, Presented at the Illinois Bar IASB Leadership Seminar, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 34: Collective Bargaining for Teachers and Other Education Workers, no date

- Creator: Illinois Federation of Teachers
- Item 35: The Propsed Illinois Plan, March 26, 1968

- Creator: R. Theodore Clark, Jr.
- Item 36: Proposal for an Ordinance for Collective Bargaining for Public Employees

- Creator: City of Champaign
- Item 37: Rules and Regulations of the Director of Personnel for Public Employee Collective Bargaining, pursuant to Executive Order No.6, no date

- Item 38: Report of the February 6 IRRA Meeting, no date

- Creator: IRRA
- Item 39: Letter concerning suggested amendments to Illinois House Bill 1530, May 16, 1983

- Creator: Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities, Illinois
- Item 40: The Constitutionality of Extending Collective Bargaining Rights to Employees of the Judicial Branch of Government, no date

- Item 41: Impact of a State Minimum Wage Law in Illinois, February 1971

- Creator: Prof. Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 42: Summary of Amendments to the Illinois Workmen's Compensation and Occupational Diseases Acts, July 7, 1975

- Creator: Tom Keefe of Keefe, DePauli & Sweeney, Attys. At Law
- Item 43: Report of IRRA Chicago March 5th Meeting, poss. March 5, 1989

- Creator: IRRA
- Item 44: Synopsis of Legislative Activities in Illinois, August 17, 1947

- Creator: Frank Annunzio, Illinois Legislative Director, United Steelworkers of America
- Item 45: An Outline of the Possible Impact of Federal and State Legislative Proposals on Educational Negotiations in the State of Illinois, August 1975

- Creator: Prepared for the Illinois Office of Education by Daniel G. Gallagher, Graduate Research Assistant at the UIUC ILIR
- Item 46: Legislation by Collective Bargaining: The Agreed Bill in Illinois Unemployment Compensation Legislation, no date

- Creator: Gilbert Y. Steiner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 47: The Agreed Bill Process in the Formation of Illinois Unemployment Compensation Legislation, October 1950

- Creator: Gilbert Y. Steiner, UIUC ILIR
- Item 48: Handbook on Labor Laws: No.1) Child Labor No.2) Wage Payment No.3) Hours and Days of Work, 1950

- Creator: Fern R. Rauch, Illinois Dept. of Labor and W. Ellison Chambers, UIUC ILIR
- Item 49: Illinois Ten Hour Law: Brief by Samuel A. Harper, Of. Counsel for Edgar T. Davies, State Factory Inspector, 1909

- Creator: Illinois State Supreme Court
- Item 50: Illinois Unemployment Compensation Act, updates, May 24, 1939 - August 24, 1965

- Creator: State of Illinois
- Item 51: Illinois Workmen's Occupational Diseases Act, July 1, 1945

- Creator: Illinois Industrial Commission
- Item 52: Illinois Workmen's Compensation Act, July 9, 1951 - an undated but presumably recent edition

- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation in Illinois - Bibliographies

- Box 75

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in Indiana

- Item 1: Lecture by Maurice T. Harrell, Chairman of the Industrial Board of Indiana, February 27, 1950

- Creator: Mr. Maurice T. Harrell
- Folder 2: International Labor Laws and Legislation

- Item 1: International Labour Law, May 1978

- Creator: Nicala Valticos, Asst. Dir. Gen. and advisor for international labour standards at the Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in Iowa

- Item 1: The Legality of Collective Bargaining by Governmental Units in Iowa, April 3, 1968

- Creator: Prof. Richard F. Dole, Jr., Univ. of Iowa College of Law
- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Ireland

- Item 1: Ireland, November 1983

- Creator: Dr. Mary Redmond, Chirst's College, Cambridge
- Item 2: Ireland, September 1986

- Creator: Dr. Mary Redmond, solicitor, formerly of Chirst's College, Cambridge
- Item 3: Ireland, August 1991

- Creator: Dr. Mary Redmond, solicitor, formerly of Chirst's College, Cambridge
- Item 4: Ireland, October 1986

- Creator: Dr. Mary Redmond, solicitor, formerly of Chirst's College, Cambridge
- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in Israel

- Item 1: State of Israel Ministry of Labour: Labour Laws, 1961

- Creator: State of Israel Ministry of Labour
- Item 2: State of Israel Ministry of Labour: Labour Laws, 1964

- Creator: State of Israel Ministry of Labour
- Folder 6: Labor Laws and Legislation in Italy

- Item 1: Labor Practices and Regulations in Italy: Privately-operated manufacturing industries, October 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Italy, August 1985

- Creator: Prof. T. Treu, Univs. Of Pavia and Milan
- Item 3: Italy, May 1978

- Creator: Prof. T. Treu, Univs. Of Pavia and Milan, rewritten by Mrs. Monica Smith
- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Japan

- Item 1: Public Employee Strikes Demanding Their Legislation and Their Safety: A Comparative Study on Japanese and US Laws, 1981

- Creator: Masahiro Ken Kuwahara, ex-visiting scholar at Cornell Univ. and Univ. of Michigan
- Item 2: Termination of Contract of Employment under Japanese Labor Law: Dismissal in General and Career Fraud, 1983

- Creator: Masahiro Ken Kuwahara
- Item 3: The Adjudication of Social Insurance Claims in Japanese Legal System, October 1985

- Creator: Masahiro Ken Kuwahara
- Item 4: Japan, August 1978

- Creator: Prof. T.A. Hanami, Sophia Univ., Tokyo, rewritten by Paula Stirling, LL.B
- Item 5: Progress of the Labor Legislation: Japan, December 1952

- Creator: Japan Ministry of Labor, Tokyo
- Item 6: Japanese Studies on Industrial Relations and Labor Law (1), circa 1977

- Creator: Masahiro Ken Kuwahara
- Item 7: Japanese Labor Relations Law in Comparison with Canadian Acts, 1971

- Creator: Masahiro Ken Kuwahara
- Item 8: Labor Legislation of Japan, 1952

- Creator: Japan Ministry of Labor, Tokyo
- Item 9: Eight Annual Report of Labor Relations Commissions for the Fiscal Year April 1953 - Mach 1954, August 1954

- Creator: Central Labor Relations Commission, Tokyo
- Item 10: The Department of State Bulletin: Labor Policy in Japan (Vol.XXI, No.525), July 25, 1949

- Creator: US State Dept.
- Item 11: Final Report of the Advisory Committee on Labor: Labor Policies and Programs in Japan, July 29, 1946

- Creator: General Headquarters, Supreme Commander for the Allied Forces
- Item 12: Labor Relations Commissions of Japan: What They Are, What They Do, March 1956

- Creator: Central Labor Relations Commission, Tokyo
- Item 13: Labor Standards Law (Law No.49, 1947), 1968

- Creator: Gov't. of Japan
- Item 14: Labour Law: The Japan Annual of Law and Politics, 1963

- Creator: Second Div., Science Council of Japan
- Item 15: Japanese Codes on Labor Union and Labor Adjustment, 1968

- Creator: Gov't. of Japan
- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation Jurisdiction

- Folder 9: Labor Laws and Legislation Jurisdiction--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Labor Laws and Legislation in Kansas

- Folder 11: Labor Laws and Legislation in Kentucky

- Folder 12: Labor Laws and Legislation in Korea

- Item 1: South Korea, May 1985

- Creator: Prof. Chi Sun Kim, Seoul Natl. Univ.
- Item 2: Labour Laws: The Recent Enacted and Amended Laws, November 1987

- Creator: Ministry of Labour, Rep. of Korea
- Item 3: Labor Standard Act, no date

- Creator: Rep. of Korea
- Item 4: Labour Law of Korea, no date

- Creator: Office of Labor Affairs, Seoul
- Item 5: Vocational Training Act, no date

- Creator: Office of Labor Affairs, Seoul
- Folder 13: Labor Laws and Legislation in Latin America

- Item 1: Comparative Labor Law Vol.6, No.1, Winter 1984

- Creator: Comparative Labor Law
- Item 2: General Industry Law, Industrial Community Law, no date

- Creator: Ministry of Economy and Finance, Peru
- Item 3: Foreign Labor Information: Latin American Labor Legislation - Comparative Summaries of Selected Provisions, August 1956

- Creator: US State Dept.
- Folder 14: Labor Laws and Legislation in Louisiana

- Box 76

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in Maine

- Item 1: A Maine Guide to Employment Law: Educators' Manual, 1996

- Creator: Univ. of Maine
- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation in Malaysia

- Item 1: Annual Report of the Labour Department: Colony of Singapore, 1954

- Creator: British Commonwealth Office
- Item 2: Annual Report of the Labour Department: Colony of Singapore, 1955

- Creator: British Commonwealth Office
- Item 3: The Employment Act and You, 1981

- Creator: National Trades Union Congress, Singapore
- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in Maryland

- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Massachusetts

- Item 1: The Massachusetts Workmen's Compensation Act is Better for Injured Workmen than the Ohio Act, August 14, 1923

- Creator: Hon. Joseph A. Parks, Industrial Accident Board of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in Mexico

- Item 1: The Foreigner and the Mexican Tax System, no date

- Item 2: Mexico, February 1979

- Creator: Prof. E. Alvarez Del Castillo, Univ. of Mexico, rewritten by Monica Smith
- Folder 6: Labor Laws and Legislation in Michigan

- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Minnesota

- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation in Missouri

- Folder 9: Labor Laws and Legislation in Montana

- Folder 10: Labor Laws and Legislation in Nebraska

- Folder 11: Labor Laws and Legislation in the Netherlands

- Item 1: The Netherlands, August 1979

- Creator: Prof. H.L. Bakels, Univ. of Groningen, rewritten by P. Stirling, LL.B
- Item 2: The Netherlands, September 1987

- Creator: Prof. H.L. Bakels, Univ. of Groningen
- Item 3: The Netherlands, April 1993

- Creator: Prof. M.G. Rood, Univ. of Leyden
- Folder 12: Labor Laws and Legislation in Nevada

- Folder 13: Labor Laws and Legislation in New Hampshire

- Folder 14: Labor Laws and Legislation in New Jersey

- Box 77

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in New Mexico

- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation in New York

- Item 1: The New York Disability Law- The First Five Years, 1955

- Creator: Chamber of Commerce of the United States
- Item 2: Practices and Procedures under the Taylor Law: A Practical Guide in Narrative Form, 1974

- Creator: Grace Sterrett Aboud and Robert E. Doherty, NY St. School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in New Zealand

- Item 1: Legislation New Zealand, May 1986

- Creator: Martin N.A. Vranken, Victoria Univ., New Zealand
- Item 2: New Zealand, February 1992

- Creator: Prof. John M. Howells, Economics Dept., Univ. of Otago at Dunedin
- Item 3: New Zealand, January 1980

- Creator: Prof. John M. Howells, Economics Dept., Univ. of Otago at Dunedin
- Item 4: Evaluating the Labour Relations Act 1987, October 18, 1989

- Creator: edited by Raymond Harbridge, Industrial Relations Centre, Victoria Univ. of Wellington
- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Nigeria

- Item 1: Federal Republic of Nigeria, January 1980

- Creator: Prof. E.E. Uvieghara, Univ. of Lagos
- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in North Carolina

- Folder 6: Labor Laws and Legislation in Norway

- Item 1: Act of 5th May, 1927 respecting Labour Disputes, circa 1959

- Creator: Reprint from the International Labour Office Legislative Series
- Item 2: Act of 18th July 1958 respecting Public Service Disputes, circa 1958

- Item 3: Act of 14th July 1950 respecting Apprentices in Handicrafts, Industry, Commerce and Office Work, February 23, 1951

- Creator: Translated by the Norwegian Joint Committee on International Policy
- Item 4: Act of 19th June 1936 respecting Workers' Protection, July 28, 1949

- Item 5: Equal Rights and Obligations for Migrant Workers/Samme Rettigheter og Plikter for Fremmedarbeidere, no date

- Creator: Norewgian Directorate of Labour Inspection
- Item 6: The Labor Court in Norway, 1952

- Creator: Steve M. Slaby
- Item 7: Workers Protection Act, December 7, 1956

- Creator: Translated by the Norwegian Joint Committee on International Social Policy
- Item 8: The Norwegian Workers' Protection Act: A Survey, 1949

- Creator: Norewgian Directorate of Labour Inspection
- Item 9: Act of 14th November 1947 respecting Holidays with Pay, November 1947

- Creator: Reprint from the International Labour Office Legislative Series
- Item 10: Act of 19th December 1952 respecting Wage Committees in Labour Disputes, December 1952

- Creator: Translated by the Norwegian Joint Committee on International Social Policy
- Item 11: Act of 27th June 1947 respecting Measures to Promote Employment, June 1947

- Creator: Reprint from the International Labour Office Legislative Series
- Item 12: Norway 2: Trade Union Rights of Supervisory Staff, 1951

- Creator: Reprint from the International Labour Office Legislative Series
- Item 13: Statutes for the Norwegian Employers' Confederation, 1951

- Creator: Norwegian Employers' Confederation
- Item 14: Act of 5th May, 1927 respecting labour disputes, as amended to 12th December 1947, December 1947

- Creator: Reprint from the International Labour Office Legislative Series
- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Ohio

- Item 1: Opinion Rendered By the Attorney General of the State of Ohio concerning collective bargaining by employees of the Ohio State University, September 1967

- Creator: Ohio Atty. Gen.
- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation in Oklahoma

- Box 78

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in Oregon

- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation in Pakistan

- Item 1: The Industrial Disputes Ordinance of 1959, October 1959

- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in Pennsylvania

- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in the Philippines

- Item 1: Philippine Labor Laws and Regulations, 1983

- Creator: Institute of Labor and Manpower Studies, Manila, Philippines
- Item 2: The Industrial Peace Act: What it Means to Labor, Employers and Government, 1953

- Creator: Dept. of Labor, Republic of the Philippines
- Item 3: Compilation of Effective Labor Legislation in the Philippines, January 1958

- Creator: Intl. Cooperation Administration, Dept. of Labor, Philippines
- Item 4: Adjudicatory machinery and appeals system in the settlement of labor disputes under the labor code of the Philippines, June 19, 1975

- Creator: Philippine Govt.
- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in Poland

- Item 1: Social Policy of Poland, 1948

- Creator: Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, Warsaw
- Item 2: Legislation Poland, September 1987

- Creator: Prof. M. Matey, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
- Item 3: Workmen's Protective Legislation in Poland: 20 Years of Cooperation with the International Labor Organization, October 1941

- Creator: Congress of Polish Trade Unions, London, with a preface by Jan Stanczyk, Polish Minister of Labor
- Item 4: Labour Legislation in the Polish Republic, 1921

- Creator: Gustaw Simon
- Folder 6: Railroad Labor Laws and Legislation

- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Rhode Island

- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation in Romania

- Item 1: Romania, May 1980

- Creator: Prof. Sanda Ghimpu, Univ. of Bucharest, rewritten by Dr. Frances Millard
- Item 2: Romania, October 1985

- Creator: Prof. Sanda Ghimpu, Univ. of Bucharest, with copy editing assistance by Dr. Frances Millard
- Folder 9: Labor Laws and Legislation in South Africa

- Item 1: South Africa: Workers Under Apartheid, 1969

- Creator: Alex Hepple, Intl. Defence and Aid Fund
- Item 2: South Africa, June 1986

- Creator: Prof. J. Piron and Prof. P.A.K. Le Roux, Univ. of South Africa
- Folder 10: Labor Laws and Legislation in South Carolina

- Folder 11: Labor Laws and Legislation in South Dakota

- Box 79

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in Spain

- Item 1: Spain, September 1977

- Creator: Prof. Manuel Alonso Olea, Univ. of Madrid, rewritten by Mrs. Monica Smith
- Item 2: Spain, September 1983

- Creator: Prof. Manuel Alonso Olea, Univ. of Madrid, updated by Prof. Fermin-Rodriguez-Sanudo, Univ. of Sevilla, rewritten by Mrs. Monica Smith
- Item 3: Spain, January 1988

- Creator: Prof. Manuel Alonso Olea, Univ. of Madrid and Prof. Fermin Rogriguez-Sanudo, Univ. of Sevilla
- Folder 2: State Labor Laws and Legislation

- Item 1: Public Employees Bargain for Excellence: A Compendium of State Public Sector Labor Relations Laws, 1993 - 1997

- Creator: AFL-CIO Public Employees Dept.
- Item 2: State Labor Legislation, January 1950

- Creator: Prof. Edwin E. Witte, Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 3: The Future of State Labor Legislation, March 1947

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Summary of State Labor Laws for Women, March 1969

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Trends in State Labor Laws: A Compilation of Sureys of Recent State Labor Legislation, March 1948

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 6: Bulletin to Management, 2015

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Folder 3: Study and Teaching of Labor Laws and Legislation

- Item 1: Labor and the Law: A Correspondence Study Course, 1948

- Creator: Alvin L. Park, Donald L. Puckett, E.B. McNatt and Richard N. Sullivan, UIUC
- Item 2: Selected Materials and Cases on Labor and the Law, 1948

- Creator: Alvin L. Park, Donald L. Puckett, E.B. McNatt and Richard N. Sullivan, UIUC
- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Sweden

- Item 1: The Swedish Act on Codetermination at Work, 1985

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 2: Towards Democracy at the Workplace: New Legislation on the Joint Regulation of Working Life, March 1977

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 3: The Swedish Work Environment Act and the Swedish Work Environment Ordinance, March 1992

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 4: Sweden, December 1984

- Creator: Prof. Alex Adlercreutz, Univ. of Lund
- Item 5: Workers' Protection Act and Workers Protection Ordinance, September 1974

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 6: New Labour Laws: Security of Employment, the Status of Shop Stewards and Industrial Litigation, no date

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 7: The Swedish Act on Board Representation for the Employees in Joint Stock Companies and Co-operative Associations, January 1985

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 8: The Swedish Act on an Employee's Right to Educational Leave, January 1985

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 9: The Act on the Position of a Trade-Union Representative at the Work Place, January 1985

- Creator: Swedish Ministry of Labour
- Item 10: Acts and Agreements concerning Labour Relations in Sweden, 1963

- Creator: Reprint from "Folke Schimdt: The Law of Labour Relations in Sweden"
- Item 11: Enforcement of Collective Bargaining Agreements in Swedish Law, February 1947

- Creator: Prof. Folke Schmidt, Univ. of Lund and Prof. Henry Heineman, Illinois Bar Assn., former attache at the United States Embassy in Stockholm
- Item 12: New Swedish Collective Bargaining Act, April 10, 1975

- Creator: Birger Vilund, Labor Attache at the Swedish Embassy in Washington
- Item 13: Employment Security in Sweden, no date

- Folder 5: Labor Laws and Legislation in Taiwan

- Item 1: Labor Standards Law of the Republic of China, January 1985

- Creator: Ministry of the Interior, Dept. of Labor
- Folder 6: Labor Laws and Legislation in Thailand

- Folder 7: Labor Laws and Legislation in Tennessee

- Folder 8: Labor Laws and Legislation in Texas

- Folder 9: Labor Laws and Legislation in Turkey

- Item 1: Turkey, August 1982

- Creator: Prof. T. Dereli, Univ. of Istanbul, rewritten by P. Stirling, Ll.B.
- Folder 10: Labor Laws and Legislation in Uruguay

- Item 1: Uruguay, September 1977

- Creator: Dr. Hector-Hugo Barbagelata, rewritten by Frances Millard and Paula Stirling
- Item 2: Uruguay, February 1981

- Creator: Dr. Hector-Hugo Barbagelata, rewritten by Frances Millard and Paula Stirling
- Folder 11: Labor Laws and Legislation in the USSR

- Item 1: Elements of Soviet Labor Law: Penalties facing Russian workers on the job, 1951

- Creator: Vladimir Gsovski, Monthly Labor Review, US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Soviet Law on Teenage Labour, no date

- Creator: Yuri Korshunov, Novosti Moscow Press Agency
- Item 3: The Rights of Factory and Office Trade Union Committees, 1971

- Creator: Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet
- Item 4: Labour Legislation in the USSR, 1972

- Creator: Novosti Moscow Press Agency
- Item 5: Recent Trends in Labor Controls in the Soviet Union, December 1962

- Creator: Edmund Nash, US Labor Dept., reprinted from "Dimensions of Soviet Economic Power," and hearings before the Joint Economic Committee of the US Congress
- Folder 12: Labor Laws and Legislation in Utah

- Item 1: Utah Labor Relations Act (Title 49-1, Utah Code Annotated 1943 as amended 1947), and rules and regulations of the Utah Labor Relations Board, May 13, 1947

- Creator: Utah Labor Relations Board
- Folder 13: Labor Laws and Legislation in Venezuela

- Item 1: Venezuela, March 1985

- Creator: Prof. Mireya Caldera Pietri, Univ. Simon Bolivar, Caracas with copy editing assistance by Monica Smith
- Item 2: Venezuela, September 1993

- Creator: Prof. Mireya Caldera Pietri, Univ. Simon Bolivar, Caracas with copy editing assistance by Monica Smith
- Item 3: Labor Law of Venezuela/Ley del Trabajo, 1952

- Creator: W. Poulsen and Gilbert Grace Cover, Translation Services
- Folder 14: Labor Laws and Legislation in Vermont

- Folder 15: Labor Laws and Legislation in Virginia

- Folder 16: Labor Laws and Legislation in Washington

- Box 80

- Folder 1: Labor Laws and Legislation in Washington (cont.)

- Folder 2: Labor Laws and Legislation in West Virginia

- Folder 3: Labor Laws and Legislation in Wisconsin

- Item 1: The Effect of the Senate Bill 15 Amendments to the Municipal Employment Relations Act, December 1, 1980

- Creator: Study by the Wisconsin Center for Public Policy, submitted to the Wisconsin Legislative Council
- Folder 4: Labor Laws and Legislation in Wyoming

- Folder 5: Labor-Management Cooperation

- Item 1: How Can Labor and Management Leaders Plan for Economic Growth in the Decatur Area?, April 22, 1983

- Creator: Agenda for a conference held at Millikin Univ.
- Item 2: How Can Labor and Management Leaders Plan for Economic Growth in the Decatur Area?, April 22, 1983

- Creator: Proceedings from a conference held at Millikin Univ., prepared by Linda B. Oldham and Vernon G. Talbott, UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: 11th Annual Labor-Management Conference: LMC Best Practices in the Philippines, May 29-31, 2002

- Creator: Philippine League of LMC Practicioners,Inc. and National Conciliation and Mediation Board
- Item 4: Caring for our Children: Labor's role in Human Services Reform, 1996

- Creator: Arnie E. Casey Foundation and Public Employee Dept. of the AFL-CIO
- Item 5: Organization and By-Laws for Collective Bargaining Committees, circa 1917

- Creator: Instituted by the National War Labor Board for Washington, DC
- Item 6: The Dunlop Commission Fact-Finding Report, May 1994

- Creator: Ellis Boal, Labor Notes
- Item 7: An Exploratory Survey of Attitudes Toward Union-Management Relations in Northwest Ohio 1986-1987, circa 1987

- Creator: Northwest Ohio Center for Labor-Management Cooperation
- Item 8: Recent Initiatives in Labor-Management Cooperation, Februar y1976

- Creator: National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life
- Item 9: Directory of Labor-Management Committees (edition 2), Spring 1978

- Creator: National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life
- Item 10: Directory of Labor-Management Committees (edition 1), October 1976

- Creator: National Center for Productivity and Quality of Working Life
- Item 11: Report on Local 1170 of the Laborers' International Union of North America, AFL-CIO and the Defense Supply Agency, Defense Depot Mechanicsburg, in Mechanicsburg, PA, no date

- Creator: Roger E. Dahl, Asst. Dir., Labor-Management Relations Service
- Box 81

- Folder 1: Labor-Management Cooperation (cont.)

- Item 1: Industrial Relations Handbook: Joint Consultation in INdustry (supplement no.3), December 1949

- Creator: Ministry of Labour and National Service, UK
- Item 2: Nationalised Industry: The Workers Point of View - A discussion of 'reporting back' based on a study in a coalfield, 1952

- Creator: The Acton Society Trust
- Item 3: Joint Consultation in Practice (A Survey in British Industry), no date

- Creator: European Productivity Agency, Organization for European Economic Cooperation, Paris
- Item 4: Nationalised Industry: The Framework of Joint Consultation, 1952

- Creator: The Acton Society Trust
- Item 5: Conciliation and Cooperation in Collective Bargaining, 1940

- Creator: Phillips L. Garman (Intl. Printing Pressmen and Assistants' Union of N. America), John R. Steelman (US Natl. Conciliation Service), Merrill Shepard (Pope and Ballard) and G.L. Patterson (National Labor Relations Board)
- Item 6: Co-operation: Lessons of Practical Experience from Alfa-Laval, Eriksberg, IBM, Ifo, Kockums, PLM, Saab-Scania, Sunds and Volvo, no date

- Creator: Swedish Engineer Employes Assn. et al.
- Item 7: Teamwork: The Cooperative Program of the Tennessee Valley Trades and Labor Council and the Tennessee Valley Authority, December 1955, revised May 1960

- Creator: The Labor-Management Cooperative Committee
- Item 8: Seminar on Labour Management Cooperation, January 31-February 1, 1958

- Creator: Government of India Ministry of Labour and Employment
- Item 9: Labor's View of Union Management Cooperation, July 1926

- Creator: Taken from the official proceedings of the Seventh Convention of the Railway Employees Dept., American Fed. Of Labor, published by the Univ. of Pennsylvania
- Item 10: Can Labor Sit in the Office? Sociological Aspects of Union-Management Cooperation, 1948

- Creator: Goetz A. Briefs, American Affairs Pamphlets
- Item 11: Production Guide for Labor-Management Committees: Ways of handling production problems, circa 1945

- Creator: War Production Board
- Item 12: Should Labor Have a Direct Share in Management, Fall 1946

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 13: Industrial Democracy at Work, 1952

- Creator: Canada Dept. of Labour
- Item 14: The Short Road to Industrial Cooperation, January 1948

- Creator: British Association for Commercial and Industrial Education
- Item 15: Union Participation in Plant Decision-Making, October 1961

- Creator: Milton Derber, W.E. Chalmers and Milton T. Edelman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 16: What Organized Labor Expects of Management/What Management Expects of Organized Labor, possibly circa 1955

- Creator: Articles by George Meany and Charles R. Sligh, Jr. Published by the National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 17: Promoting Mutual Interests on Sweden's Labour Market, no date

- Creator: Swedish Employers Confederation and Confederation of Swedish Trade Unions
- Item 18: Publications of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development's Labour/Management Programme, October 1972

- Creator: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Paris
- Item 19: The Labor Management Conferences, August 1950

- Creator: Thomas Holland
- Item 20: Union-Management Cooperation, 1925

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 21: Shop Committees: Substitute for, or supplement to, Trades-Unions?, February 1921

- Creator: The Journal of Political Economy Vol.29, No.2
- Item 22: Representation for Labor, February 13, 1919

- Creator: Charles Snelling Robinson, vice pres. Of the Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., address before the National Conference of State Manufacturers' Associations
- Item 23: Industrial representation: Experience of Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) in its refineries, June 1921

- Item 24: Workmen's Representation in Industrial Government, Fall 1922

- Creator: Prof. Earl J. Miller, Economics Dept., UIUC, published in the Univ. of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences Vol.X No.3 and 4
- Item 25: Labor and Management in a Democracy, Fall 1943

- Creator: The Public Opinion Quarterly
- Item 26: Joint Workshops to Facilitate Labor-Management Cooperation, February 28, 1977

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 27: Union-Management Cooperation and Productivity, January 1949

- Creator: Prof. Robert Dubin, UIUC ILIR
- Item 28: Should Labor Be Given a Direct Share in the Management of Industry, November 18, 1946

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 29: The Balance of Power in Management-Union Relations: An address by Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ. Business School, June 22, 1948

- Creator: Prof. Sumner H. Slichter, Harvard Univ.
- Folder 2: Labor-Management Cooperation--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor-Management Cooperation in Japan

- Item 1: J-K Activity (Autonomous Self-Management Activity): A key to high productivity at Nippon Steel Corporation, May 9, 1980

- Creator: Yutaka Takeda, executive vice pres. Of Nippon Steel Corp., published by the Japan Society
- Item 2: Labor-Management Cooperation in Japan, 1959

- Creator: International Cooperation Administration, Japan Productivity Center
- Item 3: Der Betriebsausschuss in Japan, September 1957

- Creator: Takao Hirata, Osaka Economic Papers
- Item 4: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions: Securing employment and holding down inflation throug h extensive labor-management cooperation, 1984

- Creator: Japan Federation ofEmployes' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 5: Labor-Management Cooperation in Japan, 1960

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center, Labor Section
- Item 6: Participative Work Practices in the Japanese Auto Industry: Some Neglected Considerations, March 16, 1982

- Creator: Prof. Yoshitaka Fujita, Economics Dept., Asia Univ., Tokyo
- Folder 4: Labor-Management Cooperation in Production

- Item 1: The Scanlon Approach to Improving Productivity Through Employee Participation and Garnishing, September 1987

- Creator: Barbara J. Kessel, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Use of Japanese Quality Control Circles at an American Surface Coal Mine: The Captain Mine Pilot Program, August 31, 1982

- Creator: Steve Edwards, Quality Circle Facilitator, Arch Mineral Corporation
- Item 3: Producing for Victory: A Labor Manual for Increasing War Production, 1942

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 4: Production Guide for Labor-Management Committees: Ways of handling production problems, circa 1945

- Creator: War Production Board
- Item 5: Basic Guide for Labor-Management Committees: Ways of Operating a Labor-Management Production Conference, circa 1945

- Creator: War Production Board
- Item 6: War Production, June 1942

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Box 82

- Folder 1: Labor-Management Cooperation in Production (cont.)

- Folder 2: Labor-Management Cooperation in Production--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor-Management Cooperation in Safety

- Folder 4: Labor-Management Cooperation in Safety--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Labor-Management Relations Act (1947)

- Item 1: Labor-Management Relations Act - 1947 (Taft-Hartley Law) as amended by Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959 and other amendments in 1969, 1970, 1973, circa 1973

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 2: Labor-Management Relations Act, 1947 (Taft-Hartley Law): Text of the act and its provisions, possibly circa 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 3: The AF of L Case For a Just Labor Law, April 1953

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 4: The CIO Case Against Taft-Hartley, circa 1955

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 5: Taft-Hartley: A CIO Appraisal, no date

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 6: Your Government Conducts an Election For You-On The Job: Information for voters in Labor Board Elections, circa 1977

- Creator: National Labor Relations Board
- Item 7: Summary of the Labor-Management Relations Act as amended through 1959 (Taft-Hartley Act), circa 1960

- Creator: National Labor Relations Board
- Item 8: Labor Law in the Public Interest: Based on chamber testimony before Congressional committees, 1953

- Creator: United States Chamber of Commerce
- Item 9: Taft-Hartley: Prospects for 1954, circa 1954

- Creator: Sohn Shott, Senior Economist at the Public Affairs Institute
- Item 10: Taft-Hartley in Act in Action -and- Essentials of a New Labor Policy, circa 1955

- Creator: Jack Barbash, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 11: Proposed Amendments to the Taft Hartley Law, with special reference to strikes and lockouts affecting national safety and welfare, April, 1953

- Creator: New York Chamber of Commerce
- Item 12: Free Speech and the Taft-Hartley Law, June 1958

- Creator: Jacob I. Kaufman, Penn. St. Univ.
- Item 13: Worse than Taft-Hartley, February 1954

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 14: Some Effects of the Taft-Hartley Act, October 1949

- Creator: Dale E. Good, UIUC ILIR
- Item 15: Speech by John L. Lewis in opposition to the Taft-Hartley Statute, October 14, 1947

- Creator: American Fed. Of Labor
- Item 16: Administration of the Taft-Hartley Act, June 1949

- Creator: Alvin L. Park, UIUC ILIR
- Item 17: Management Experience under the Labor-Management Relations Act, February 1948

- Creator: E.H. van Delden, Dir. Of Industrial Relations, Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co.
- Item 18: "To All Delegates to the 95th Convention of the International Typographical Union", July 8, 1953

- Creator: Intl. Typographical Union
- Item 19: Statement on the Proposed National Labor Relations Act by James O. Monroe of Collinsville, IL, delivered before the House Committee on Education and Labor in Washington, DC, March 12, 1949

- Creator: James O. Monroe
- Item 20: What's Ahead in Labor-Management Relations: Brief of an address given before the Southern California Meeting of the California Personnel Management Assn. and the Personnel Section of the Western Management Assn., 1952

- Creator: Fred A. Hartley, Jr., co-author of the Taft-Hartley Law
- Item 21: Industrial Relations and the Taft-Hartley Act, April 30, 1948

- Creator: Address by Dr. Edwin E. Witte, chairman, Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Wisconsin, before the Institute on Labor Legislation for Attorneys, Detroit Bar Assn.
- Item 22: The New Federal Labor Law: How will it affect your business?, July 9, 1947

- Creator: Chicago Assn. of Commerce
- Item 23: United States Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare: Minutes of Feb. 7, 1947, February 7, 1947

- Creator: United States Senate
- Item 24: Comparison of the original provisions of the National Labor Relations Act (1935) with the provisions of the Labor-Management Relations Act (1947) which amend the NLRA, no date

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 25: Implications for Executives in the 1947 Labor-Management Relations Act, circa 1947

- Creator: An address by John R. Bangs and James W. Townsend, The Budd Co.
- Folder 6: Labor-Management Relations Act--Bibliographies I

- Folder 7: Labor-Management Relations Act--Bibliographies II

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
[Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],