By Joseph Ansel Hoisington
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Vertical Subject File, 1893 - 2019

ID: 35/3/402
Extent: 155.6 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by subject
Subjects: American Arbitration Association, American Federation of Labor, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Orgs (AFL-CIO), Arbitration, Chamber of Commerce, Illinois, Chamber of Commerce, United States, Collective Bargaining, Commerce, United States Department of, Commerce and Business Administration, College of, Communism, Economics, Economics Department, Education, Government, Government and Public Affairs, Institute of, Illinois Labor-Management Relations, Immigration, Industrial Democracy, Industrial Relations Research Association, International Labor Organization, International Relations, Labor, United States Department of, Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, Labor Education, Labor History, Labor Journalism, Labor Relations, Labor Union Organization, Labor Unions, Law, Law, College of, Management, New Deal, Political Science, Political Science Department, Psychology Department, Socialism, Social Psychology, Social Security, Sociology, Sociology Department, Strikes, Unions, Wage and Price Controls, War Labor Board, Workmen's Compensation
Languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish;Castilian, Russian, Swedish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Labor Library Vertical Subject File (1893 - 2019) contains scholarly, legal, political, journalistic and popular literature about labor relations and related topics collected by the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library from labor unions, governments, international organizations, political parties, interest groups and scholars and academic institutions and pertaining to relations between employers and employees, the role of government in maintaining fair labor relations, the rights of workers to organize, the structure and function of labor organizations, and the interaction between labor relations and society.
This series includes source material from eras of labor history which presented unique issues and problems including the Progressive Era, the New Deal, World Wars I and II and Post-war Anticommunism.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Processing Information:
All documents in Boxes 1-8 are listed at the item-level in the finding aid.
For boxes 9-154, the finding aid is a combination of folder-level and item-level description. For these boxes, only selected documents were listed at the item-level. Documents have been selected for item-level description on the basis of factors including age, connection to important historical figures and events, lack of availability elsewhere, connection to now-defunct organizations and movements, and connection to the University of Illinois and the the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations.
**Denotes subjects which have additional materials at the end of the record series, in the last boxes.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
[Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio
and Machine Workers of America],
- Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America

- Box 154

- Folder 1: Absenteeism

- Item 1: Quarterly Reports on Job Absence and Turnover, March 11, 1976 - June 12, 2007

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs
- Folder 2: AFSCME Local 698, 2009-2010

- Folder 3: Arbitration, Labor

- Item 1: Materials from Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Midwest Arbitrators' Symposium, May 9, 2003

- Creator: Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service; Institute for Law and the Workplace of Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Item 2: Symposium on Labor Arbitration Thirty Years After the Steelworkers Trilogy -and- The Kenneth M. Piper Lecture, 1990

- Creator: Symposium edited by Prof. Martin H. Malin, Chicago-Kent College of Law and lecture delivered by Prof. Clyde Summers, Univ. of Pennsylvania Law School
- Item 3: Arbitration-- A New Direction? A Discussion of the Issues Involved in the Supreme Court Decisions of June 20, 1960, October 30, 1960

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Inc.
- Item 4: General Arbitration Council of the Textile Industry: A Division of the American Arbitration Association, no date

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 5: Have the Courts Extended a Sound Doctrine Too Far?, no date

- Creator: Martin Wagner
- Item 6: The Case for Retention of Remedial Jurisdiction in Labor Arbitration Awards, Fall 1996

- Creator: Prof. John E. Dunsford, St. Louis Univ. Law School
- Item 7: Evidence and Proof in Arbitration, 1977

- Creator: Martin F. Scheinman
- Item 8: Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes, June 2003

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators, American Arbitration Assoc. and Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Item 9: Labor Arbitration in the Construction Industry: A Guide to Current Practices and Issues, 2004

- Creator: Matthew M. Bodah, Schmidt Labor Research Center, Univ. of Rhode Island
- Item 10: In the Matter of Arbitration Between The Company and Brad's Union: Of Premises/Off Duty Conduct, no date

- Creator: Arnold M. Zack, Arbitrator and American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 11: In The Supreme Court of the United States: AT&T Technologies, Inc. vs. Communications Wkrs. Of America Local 5090 - Brief of the National Academy of Arbitrators as Amicus Curiae in Support of Respondent, Fall 1985

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
- Item 12: Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes, May 29, 1985

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators, American Arbitration Assoc. and Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Item 13: Arbitration, no date

- Creator: Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Item 14: Some Problems of Due Process and Fair Procedure in Labor Arbitration, no date

- Creator: R.W. Fleming
- Item 15: Labor Arbitration Rules (Including Expedited Labor Arbitration Procedures), September 1, 1993

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 16: "DISCIPLINE: A large proportion of cases which go to arbitration involve discipline", no date

- Item 17: Putting Gilmer Where it Belongs: The FAA's Labor Exemption, Fall 2000

- Creator: Prof. David E. Feller, Univ. of California Berkeley Law School
- Item 18: Privatizing Justice: A Jurisprudential Perspective on Labor and Employment Arbitration from the Steelworkers Trilogy to Gilmer, August 1993

- Creator: Prof. Martin E. Malin, Chicago-Kent Law School and Prof. Robert F. Ladenson, Philosophy Dept., Ilinois Institute of Technology
- Item 19: Arbitration Case G: Discharge of Peter Seichek, no date

- Item 20: Sample Arbitration Case 1: Local 550 vs. Acme Iron Works (Proper Rate of Pay), no date

- Item 21: Arbitration Case Analysis Form, no date

- Item 22: Memorandum Concerning Arbitration Deferral Policy Under Collyer, February 28, 1972

- Creator: Peter G. Nash, General Counsel, NLRB
- Item 23: Additional Memorandum About NLRB Policy Regarding Collyer, May 10, 1973

- Creator: Peter G. Nash, General Counsel, NLRB
- Item 24: The Impact of Collyer on Arbitration, February 5, 1972

- Creator: John H. Fanning, NLRB before the Eighth Annual Conference on Collective Bargaining and Labor Law, Univ. of Arizona
- Item 25: Memorandum Concerning Regional Office Handling of Collyer Issues in Light of the Board's Decision in "General American Transportation Corporation, 228 NLRB No.102", May 25, 1977

- Creator: John S. Irving
- Item 26: Memorandum Concerning Financial Hardship as a Basis for Non-Deferral Under the Collyer Policy, November 1, 1977

- Creator: John S. Irving
- Item 27: Outline of Topics Related to Collyer

- Folder 4: Campus Faculty Association

- Folder 5: Subject Headings in Industrial Relations

- Item 1: Booklet Containing a Standard List of Subject Headings in Industrial Relations

- Folder 6: United Automobile Workers

- Folder 7: United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America

- Folder 8: American Federation of Musicians

- Box 155

- Folder 1: Alton

- Item 1: Union Labor Directory and Labor Day Program, 1949-1951

- 2 items
- Creator: Trades and Labor Assembly of Alton and Vicinity and Alton Building and Construction Trades Council
- Item 2: Workers Union Newletters, 1950-1952

- Creator: Alton Paper Workers Union
- Item 3: Alton East Alton Wood River Roxana Hartford essential marketing information

- Item 4: Constitution and By-laws of the Trades and Labor Assembly, 1949

- Creator: Trades and Labor Assembly, Alton, Illinois
- Folder 2: Aurora

- Item 1: Central Motor Freight Association motor truck and safety rodeo and equipment show, 1950

- Creator: Central Motor Freight Association
- Folder 3: Belleville

- Item 1: Labor Lists

- Item 2: Articles of agreement between Wholesale Grocer, Tobacco & Candy companies and Local Union #50, 1949

- 2 items
- Creator: Wholesale Grocer, Tobacco & Candy companies and Local Union #50
- Item 3: Articles of agreement between Retails Clerks International Ass’n and Local Union #219, 1949

- Creator: Retails Clerks International Ass’n and Local Union #219
- Item 4: “Recommended Reading” speech

- Creator: Belleville News-Democrat
- Item 5: Industrial Analysis of Belleville Illinois, 1946

- Creator: Compiled by the Industrial Department and the Chamber of Commerce
- Item 6: News clipping, “putting on the screws”, 1948

- Creator: Belleville News-Democrat
- Folder 4: Bloomington

- Item 1: “The Hub of the Corn Belt” brochure, 1948

- Creator: Bloomington Association of Commerce
- Item 2: Industrial List, 1949

- Item 3: Clippings, re: Bus Strike, 1950

- 3 items
- Creator: Bloomington Pantagraph
- Item 4: Organization list compiled by Bloomington Association of Commerce, 1949

- Creator: Bloomington Association of Commerce
- Folder 5: Cairo

- Item 1: California brochure, “New Factories for California Communities”

- Folder 6: Calumet

- Item 1: Calumet proposal to start an industrial relation association, 1948

- Folder 7: Canton

- Item 1: Canton clipping re: NLRB charges, 1950

- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Folder 8: Carbondale

- Item 1: Carbondale clipping re: Dam charges, 1950

- Creator: Chicago Daily Tribune
- Folder 9: Centralia

- Item 1: Data concerning Centralia, IL, prepared to concisely set for those things of importance in considering the city as a possible industrial or commercial location, January 1947

- Creator: Centralia Chamber of Commerce
- Item 2: Clippings: Centralia Mine Disaster, 1947, 1950

- 2 items
- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Folder 10: Champaign

- Item 1: Listing of Surveys of Champaign from the University of Illinois Library

- Creator: G.E. Donahue, Librarian at the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations
- Item 2: Exchange Wage Survey Summary, 1950

- 2 items
- Creator: Army-Air Force Wage Board
- Item 3: 40th Anniversary Twin City Federation of Labor, 1948

- Creator: Twin City Federation of Labor
- Item 4: Employment Survey for Businesses on Champaign-Urbana

- Creator: Illinois State Employment Service
- Item 5: Champaign Chamber of Commerce Bulletins, 1950-1954

- 12 Items
- Creator: Champaign Chamber of Commerce
- Item 6: Community labor Survey, 1931

- Creator: Bureau of Business Research
- Item 7: Champaign Statistics re: employment and infrastructure, 1954

- Item 8: Union-Industry Show, 1948

- Creator: Twin City Federation of Labor
- Item 9: Constitution and by-laws of the Twin City Federation of Labor, 1943

- Creator: Twin City Federation of Labor
- Item 10: Clippings: union advertisement, pension plan & labor office, 1950

- Creator: Champaign News-Gazette
- Folder 11: Chicago (1)

- Item 1: Interstate Port Handbook, 1946-1947

- 2 items
- Creator: Managing Director Rufus W. Putnam, Published by Rockwell F. Clancy Company
- Item 2: Clipping, 1947

- Creator: Chicago Sun-Times
- Item 3: Housing Census, 1950

- Creator: Census Bureau
- Item 4: Everyman has the power: CIO Community services, 1947

- Creator: Chicago Industrial Union Council
- Item 5: Chicago cares: department of welfare decennial report, 1946

- Creator: City of Chicago Department of Welfare
- Folder 12: Chicago (2)

- Item 1: Headline Events in Chicago by Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry, 1952

- 2 items
- Creator: Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry
- Item 2: Opportunity in Chicago for adult evening education, 1951

- Item 3: Toward a Better Chicago: text of remarks by Ald. Robert E. Merriam to Junior Association of Commerce and Industry, 1953

- Creator: The Junior Association of Commerce and Industry
- Item 4: YMCA Informal classes, 1952

- Creator: Central YMCA
- Item 5: Directory of the public schools by Chicago Teachers Union, 1946-1947

- Creator: Chicago Teachers Union
- Item 6: Annual Conference of Local 130 program, 1948

- Creator: Local 130 Building and Construction and Metal Trades Division
- Item 7: Chicago Association of Commerce & Industry Annual Report, 1947, 1949

- 2 items
- Creator: The Chicago Association of Commerce and Industry
- Item 8: “Negroes in Chicago” history, 1944

- Item 9: Citizenship and English classes, 1948

- Creator: Chicago Public Schools
- Folder 13: Chicago (3)

- Item 1: Clippings re: meetings, pay raises and strikes, 1947

- Creator: Chicago Sun-Times
- Item 2: Clippings re: meetings, pay raises and strikes, 1949

- Creator: Chicago Daily News
- Item 3: Clippings re: Strikes - Misc., 1947-1949

- Folder 14: Chicago (4) - Clippings on ITU Strike

- Item 1: Clippings on ITU strike, 1947

- Box 156

- Folder 1: Christopher & Clinton & Collinsville

- Item 1: Clippings re: labor, 1950

- Creator: Chicago Daily News and St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Folder 2: Danville

- Item 1: Agreement between local 997 and General Electric Company, 1952

- Creator: Local 997 and General Electric
- Item 2: Chamber of Commerce 50th annual meeting, 1949

- Creator: Danville Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: Manufacturers, Wholesalers & Service Industries, 1949

- Creator: Danville Chamber of Commerce
- Item 4: Business Barometer, 1949

- Creator: Danville Chamber of Commerce
- Item 5: Civic and Patriotic Organizations, 1949

- Creator: Danville Chamber of Commerce
- Item 6: Union Counsellor Training Course No. 1, 1951

- Creator: United Labor Conference
- Item 7: Will you lose Seniority?, 1953

- Creator: Allied Printing Trade Unions Council
- Folder 3: Decatur (1)

- Item 1: Association of Commerce Annual Report, 1946, 1950

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 2: 45th Annual Meeting Announcement, Association of Commerce, 1947

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 3: Manufacturing and other Plants, 1946

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 4: "Places of Interest in Decatur" advertisement

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 5: The Wonder Bean: soybean agriculture, 1947

- Creator: Staley Manufacturing Company
- Item 6: Public Library Annual Report, 1946

- Creator: Decatur Public Library
- Item 7: Physical Education-Athletic and Recreation aids, 1949

- Creator: The Athletic Institute
- Item 8: Association of Commerce newsletter, 1947

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 9: Building on the Past Working for the Future

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 10: Who Would if the Association of Commerce Doesn’t

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 11: Aims of the Association of Commerce, 1950

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 12: Statistical Review of Macon County, 1950

- Creator: National Industrial Council and the National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 13: Report on the major business, industry, and geographical features of Macon County, 1947

- Creator: Sourced from the Directory of industries, compiled by Elmer C. Cester
- Item 14: Index of Decatur's Businesses, 1950

- Item 15: Facts About Decatur, Illinois, 1950

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur Statistical Research Committee
- Item 16: Labor-Management Relations study, 1949

- Creator: Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations
- Item 17: Mid-West Conference of Agriculture-Industry-Labor Bulletin, 1949

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 18: In Decatur newsletter, 1948

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 19: Interesting Information about Decatur, Illinois

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 20: Statistics of Decatur Illinois, 1950

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 21: Construction Trades Wage Rates and Business Agents

- Item 22: Trades and Labor Assembly constitution, 1947

- Creator: Trade and Labor Assembly
- Item 23: Zoning Resolution for the Unincorporated Portion of the County of Macon, Illinois, 1943

- Creator: Macon County highway Department and Harland Bartholomew and Associates
- Folder 4: Decatur (2)

- Item 1: Manufacturing and Processing Plants, 1948

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 2: Clipping: It Might Have Been Us: A London Reporter Takes a Long Look at Decatur

- Creator: Champaign-Urbana Courier
- Item 3: Why Additional Schools for Decatur?, 1953

- Creator: Decatur Board of Education
- Item 4: "The World of the Great Powers" Lecture Schedule

- Creator: Decatur YMCA
- Item 5: Minutes of the Special Committee on Standards of Practice of the Construction Industry Committee of the Association of Commerce, 1947

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 6: 1948 Census of Business, 1950

- Creator: Census Bureau
- Item 7: Clipping: Decatur Soybeans Make City Famous Around the World, 1952

- Creator: Chicago Daily News
- Item 8: Industrial Management Club, 1957

- Creator: The National Council of Industrial Management Clubs
- Item 9: Newspaper re: evolution of unionism, 1953

- Creator: Decatur Herald and Review
- Item 10: Census of Housing, 1950

- Creator: Census Bureau
- Item 11: In Decatur newsletter, 1953-1954

- 2 items
- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Item 12: Stacy's Street Map and Guide, 1954

- Creator: Stacy Map Publishers
- Item 13: Facts About Decatur, Illinois, 1946

- Creator: Association of Commerce of Decatur
- Folder 5: Detroit

- Item 1: A Social Profile of Detroit, 1953

- Creator: Detroit Area Study of the University of Michigan
- Folder 6

- Item 2: East St. Louis

- Item 3: Statistical Review of East St. Louis

- Item 4: Report on East St. Louis, 1949

- Creator: East St. Louis Chamber of Commerce
- Item 5: East St. Louis Industries, 1949

- Item 6: Clipping re: strike, 1949

- Creator: East St. Louis Journal
- Item 7: Clubs and organizations, 1949

- Item 8: Chamber of Commerce newsletter, 1955

- Creator: East St. Louis Chamber of Commerce
- Folder 7: Effingham

- Item 1: Effingham Lions Club Salutes Effingham on its Hundred Years of Progress, 1953

- Creator: Effingham Lions Club
- Folder 8: Elizabethtown, Elkville, Evanston, Fairmont City, Flora, Farmersville, Fidelity

- Item 1: Clippings re: wage theft, labor, negotiations, legal suits, censorship, 1949-1950

- 9 items
- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch and the Guild Reporter
- Item 2: Evening School for Adults, Winter Term 1950 Brochure, 1950

- Creator: Evanston Township High School
- Folder 9: Galesburg, Gibson & Granite City

- Item 1: Agreement between Gale Products and Federal Labor Union No. 23794, 1950

- Creator: Gale Products and Federal Labor Union No. 23794
- Item 2: Galesburg Labor list

- Item 3: A Brief Picture of a Vital Industry

- Creator: Central Illinois Soya Company
- Item 4: Granite City Adult Education

- Item 5: Clippings re: NLRB finding, fundraising, picketing, 1950

- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Folder 10: Herrin, Hinsdale, & Hoopeston

- Item 1: Herrin Trades Council 46th Annual Convention, 1928

- Creator: Illinois Federation of Labor
- Item 2: Clippings re: labor negotiations, 1950

- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Item 3: Hinsdale clipping re: walkouts, 1947

- Creator: The Chicago Sun-Times
- Item 4: Hinsdale special census, 1953

- Creator: Census Bureau
- Item 5: Hoopeston clipping re: legal dispute

- Creator: Champaign-Urbana Courier
- Folder 11: Illinois (1)

- Item 1: Illinois: A Bibliography, 1948

- Creator: Edward J. Barrett and the Secretary of State's Office
- Item 2: Forests: Southern Illinois Series, 1948

- Creator: Joint Committee on Southern Illinois, University of Illinois
- Item 3: Amendments to the Constitution of Illinois that will be submitted, 1952

- Creator: Edward J. Barrett and the Secretary of State's Office
- Item 4: Facts about Illinois: Agricultural, Industrial and mineral wealth

- Creator: Dwight H. Green and the Illinois Development Council
- Item 5: Directory of industries, 1947

- Creator: Illinois Terminal Railroad Company
- Item 6: Interested in City Manager Government?, 1952

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 7: Illinois Terminal Railroad company, 1948

- Creator: Illinois Terminal Railroad Company
- Item 8: Illinois Public works, 1946

- Creator: Illinois State Deparment of Public Works & Buildings
- Item 9: Clippings: Telephone Strike, 1948

- Creator: Champaign-Urbana Courier
- Folder 12: Illinois (2)

- Item 1: Water Resources Southern Illinois, 1948

- Creator: Joint Committee on Southern Illinois, University of Illinois
- Item 2: Story of Illinois Perpetuated in State Historical Library, 1946

- Creator: Illinois State Historical Library
- Item 3: State Support of Public Education in Illinois report, 1947

- Item 4: Moline Community College pamphlet, 1948

- Creator: Moline Community College
- Item 5: Government of Illinois org chart

- Item 6: State Dollar history, 1947

- Creator: State of Illinois Department of Finance
- Item 7: Retail Trade Areas in Illinois report, 1947

- Creator: Professor of Marketing P.D. Converse at the University of Illinois
- Item 8: Cahokia 250 Anniversary Celebration Souvenir Program, 1949

- Item 9: Clippings re: payments, 1949

- Creator: New York Times
- Box 157

- Folder 1: Illinois (3)

- Item 1: State Dollar history, 1948

- Creator: State of Illinois Department of Finance
- Item 2: State and Local Government in Illinois bibliography, 1954

- Creator: University of Illinois Institute of government and Public Affairs
- Item 3: Southern Illinois: Past, Present, and future, 1942

- Creator: Bruce Biossat, Southern Illinois Manager of the United Press
- Item 4: Q&A regarding city manager government in Illinois, 1951

- Item 5: Illinois Public Health Organization report, 1954

- Creator: Research staff of the Legislative Council
- Item 6: Institute of Government and public affairs and ILIR course outline, 1949

- Creator: University of Illinois Division of University of Extension
- Item 7: Municipal codes, charters and ordinances in the U of I Library, 1953

- Creator: University of Illinois Library
- Folder 2: Illinois (4)

- Item 1: Guide to Illinois State buildings, 1950

- Creator: Edward J. Barrett and the Secretary of State's Office
- Item 2: Material Resource Research and activities of the state geological survey, 1950

- Creator: State of Illinois Division of the State Geological Survey
- Item 3: Recreational Possibilities: Southern Illinois Series, 1948

- Creator: Joint Committee on Southern Illinois, University of Illinois
- Item 4: Guide to School Reorganization in Illinois, 1947

- Creator: Merle R. Sumption and Harlan D. Beem, University of Illinois Bureau of Educational Research
- Item 5: Industrial Possibilities: Southern Illinois Series, 1948

- Creator: Joint Committee on Southern Illinois, University of Illinois
- Item 6: Illinois State Government article, 1952

- Creator: Samuel K. Gove, University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs
- Item 7: Clipping and letter re: disputes, 1952

- Creator: Champaign-Urbana Courier
- Item 8: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce position letter on the the Revenue Article of the Illinois Constitution, 1952

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 9: Illinois and Foreign Trade, 1951

- Creator: The Department of State
- Item 10: Census of Manufactures, 1947

- Creator: Census Bureau
- Item 11: Senatorial Districts in Illinois, 1949

- Creator: American Civil Liberties Union, Chicago Division
- Item 12: A legislative program for improving local government in Illinois

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Folder 3: Illinois (5)

- Item 1: Constitutional convention for Illinois?, 1949

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 2: The Gateway Amendment, 1950

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: Constitutional Convention for Illinois, 1948

- Creator: League of Women Voters of Illinois
- Item 4: Appropriation Requests and Enactments, 1947

- Creator: Illinois Legislative Council
- Item 5: Constitution of the State of Illinois

- Creator: Edward J. Barrett and the Secretary of State's Office
- Item 6: Organization and Functioning of the State Government report, 1950

- Creator: Commission to Study State Government
- Item 7: Government of Illinois org chart

- Item 8: Illinois government org chart, 1952

- Item 9: Government and History of the state of Illinois

- Creator: Emil F. Faith and Richard G. Browne
- Item 10: Your business as a voter handbook, 1941

- Creator: Neil Ford Garvey, Richard G. Browne, and William G. Wood
- Item 11: Biennial Message and Quadrennial Report to the 66th general assembly of Illinois, 1949

- Creator: Dwight H. Green, Governor of Illinois
- Folder 4: State and legal government in Illinois draft

- Item 1: State and legal government in Illinois draft, 1953

- Creator: Samuel K. Gove, University of Illinois Institute of Government and Public Affairs
- Folder 5: Illinois Resources

- Item 1: Illinois Resources, 1946

- Creator: Morris M. Leighton in conjunction with the Illinois Post-War Planning Commission
- Folder 6: IL special census reports

- Item 1: IL special census reports, 1953

- Creator: Census Bureau
- Folder 7: Illinois (6)

- Item 1: Constitution and By-laws of Southern Illinois Wage Earners Educational and Political League, 1948

- Creator: Southern Illinois Wage Earners Educational and Political League
- Item 2: House bill # 681, 1945

- Creator: 64th General Assembly of Illinois
- Item 3: Illinois State Library: A Story of Service, 1948

- Creator: Edward J. Barrett and the Secretary of State's Office
- Item 4: If you Want a Truly Representative Illinois Legislature, 1954

- Creator: Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Folder 8: Occupational and Educational Data By County (1)

- Item 1: Occupational and Educational Data (1), 1945-1946

- Box 158

- Folder 1: Occupational and Educational Data By County (2)

- Item 1: Occupational and Educational Data (2), 1945-1946

- Folder 2: Indiana

- Item 1: Evansville Manufacturers' and Employers' Association Annual Report, 1946

- Creator: Evansville Manufacturers' and Employers' Association
- Item 2: Indiana-union list, 1946

- Creator: Indiana State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: Indiana-To make 1947 a good year, 1946

- Creator: Evansville Manufacturers' and Employers' Association
- Item 4: Indiana-Speakers list, 1946-1947

- Item 5: Gary-Did You Ever see a Dream Growing?, 1946

- Creator: National Urban League
- Folder 3: Jacksonville & Joliet

- Item 1: Jacksonville - Industries

- Item 2: Joliet - Resolution on Hickory Creek in Will County, 1948

- Creator: Will County Ind. Union Council
- Item 3: Joliet-Towel and linen route salesmen’s agreement

- Item 4: Joliet-Sanitary employees agreement

- Item 5: Joliet-49th annual adult education program, 1951

- Creator: Joliet Township High School and Junior College
- Item 6: Joliet-Office occupations, 1952

- Creator: US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Folder 4: Kankakee

- Item 1: Labor and Management contacts in Kankakee, 1949

- Item 2: Industrial Directory of Kankakee County, 1947

- Creator: Kankakee Chamber of Commerce
- Item 3: List of manufacturers in the Kankakee area, 1949

- Item 4: Agreements between Florence Stove Company and unions, 1953

- 2 items
- Item 5: Home Life centennial issue, 1953

- Creator: Kankakee Federal Savings and Loan Association
- Item 6: Agreement between Paramount Textile Machinery Company and Local # 1310, 1952

- Creator: Paramount Textile Machinery Company and Local # 1310
- Item 7: United Construction Workers rules booklet, 1953

- Creator: United Construction Workers
- Item 8: Employees Benefit plan, 1953

- Creator: Florence Stove Company Factory Employees
- Item 9: Agreement between American-Marietta Company and Local 821, 1953

- Creator: American-Marietta Company and Local 821
- Item 10: Comprehensive City Plan, 1949

- Creator: City Plan Commission, Harland Bartholomew & Associates
- Folder 5: Kentucky

- Item 1: Report of the Department of Research and Education, 1946

- Creator: Kentucky State Federation of Labor
- Item 2: Know Your State Federation, 1946

- Creator: Kentucky State Federation of Labor
- Item 3: Labor-Management Relations in the Paducah Area of Western Kentucky, January 1954

- Creator: University of Kentucky
- Folder 6: Litchfield, Madison & Mattoon

- Item 1: Clippings re: wage theft, walkouts, strikes, 1948-1950

- 3 items
- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Folder 7: ILIS Social Security

- Item 1: Procedings of the Fourth Annual Social Security Conference, 1962

- Creator: Institute of Labor and industrial Relations, The University of Michigan-Wayne State University and Labor and Industrial Relations Center, Michigan State University
- Item 2: Procedings of the Fourth Annual Social Security Conference, 1959

- Creator: Institute of Labor and industrial Relations, The University of Michigan-Wayne State University and Labor and Industrial Relations Center, Michigan State University
- Item 3: "The Trillion Dollar Understanding: Social Security's Real Crisis", 1981

- Creator: John Myles, printed in Working Papers publication
- Item 4: "Social Security: Myths and Realities", 1974

- Creator: Floyd E. Smith, printed in AFL-CIO American Federationist
- Item 5: Earnings-Replacement Rate of Old-Age Benefits 1965-1975, Selected Countries, 1978

- Creator: Leif Haanes-Olsen, printed in Social Security Bulletin
- Item 6: Social Security and Free Enterprise address, 1950

- Creator: Edwin E. White, Department of Economics at the University of Wisconsin
- Item 7: Social Security: A Summary of Studies, 1948

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 8: Estimated Cost of Social Security Expansion, 1949

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 9: Social Security in Demographic and Economic Recession, 1978

- Creator: Jens Luebbert
- Item 10: Planned Financial Security for Industrial Workers, lecture delivered at the Fourth Conference Course in Industrial Relations, 1935

- Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Department of Economics and Social Institutions, Princeton University
- Folder 8: United Electrical, Radio, And Machine Workers of America (UE) News Bulletins

- Creator: United Electrical, Radio, And Machine Workers of America (UE)
- Item 1: United Electrical, Radio, And Machine Workers of America (UE) News Bulletins, 2019

- Creator: United Electrical, Radio, And Machine Workers of America (UE)
- Item 2: United Electrical, Radio, And Machine Workers of America (UE) News Bulletins, 2020-2021

- Creator: United Electrical, Radio, And Machine Workers of America (UE)
- Folder 9: Contract Negotiations, Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Musicians

- Item 1: Contract Negotiations, Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Musicians, 2019

- Box 159

- Folder 1: Construction Industry Service Corporation (CISCO) News Briefs

- Creator: Construction Industry Service Corporation
- Item 1: Construction Industry Service Corporation (CISCO) News Briefs (1), 2018-2019

- Creator: Construction Industry Service Corporation
- Item 2: Construction Industry Service Corporation (CISCO) News Briefs (2), 2020-2021

- Creator: Construction Industry Service Corporation
- Item 3: Construction Industry Service Corporation (CISCO) News Briefs (3), 2021-2022

- Creator: Construction Industry Service Corporation
- Folder 2: New York (1)

- Item 1: Fiscal Facts Concerning the City of New York, 1940

- Creator: Citizens Budget Commission, Inc.
- Item 2: How--- For Whom--- For What--- De We Vote? A Manual for Voters With Maps of Districts, ca. 1940

- Creator: New York City League of Women Voters
- Item 3: Industrial and Occupational Trends in New York State, June 15, 1954

- Creator: Edmund H. Crane, Research Associate, Division of Research, New York State Education Department
- Folder 3: New York (2)

- Item 1: Annual, 1945

- Creator: New York State CIO Council
- Item 2: Directory of Research and Development Facilities at Educational Institutions in New York State Available to Industrial Concerns, 1946

- Creator: New York State Department of Commerce
- Folder 4: New York (3)

- Item 1: A Guide to State Services, 1946

- Creator: New York State Department of Commerce
- Item 2: Study of Industrial Relations, 1946

- Creator: New York State Committee for Social Research
- Item 3: Annual Report of the Office of the President of the Borough of the Bronx for the Year Ending December 21, 1946

- Item 4: Annual Report, 1947

- Creator: State of New York Department of Commerce
- Item 5: New York State Commerce Review: A Digest of Business Developments in the Empire State, April- May 1948

2 items
Vol. 2, No. 4 and No. 5
- Creator: New York State Department of Commerce
- Item 6: Municipal Reference Library Notes, June and October 1948, June and October 1948

2 items
Volume XXX, No. 26 and No. 28
- Creator: New York Public Library
- Item 7: Voters Directory: A Guide to Candidates and Issues, October 1948

- Creator: Citizens Union of New York
- Item 8: New York in Spring: A quarterly calendar of events in New York City, March-May 1951

- Creator: Department of Commerce City of New York
- Item 9: Not Yet in New York

- Creator: Joint Committee of Staff Organizations of the Brooklyn, New York, and Queens Borough Public Libraries
- Folder 5: A Plan for a Better Michigan in the Hope of a Better America

- Item 1: A Plan for a Better Michigan in the Hope of a Better America

- Creator: Coalition Committee for State of Michigan
- Folder 6: Portland, Maine: City Employee Strike

- Item 1: Clippings re: City Employee Strike, 1946, 1946

- 14 items
- Creator: Portland Press Herald
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
[Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio
and Machine Workers of America],