By Joseph Ansel Hoisington
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Vertical Subject File, 1893 - 2019

ID: 35/3/402
Extent: 155.6 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by subject
Subjects: American Arbitration Association, American Federation of Labor, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Orgs (AFL-CIO), Arbitration, Chamber of Commerce, Illinois, Chamber of Commerce, United States, Collective Bargaining, Commerce, United States Department of, Commerce and Business Administration, College of, Communism, Economics, Economics Department, Education, Government, Government and Public Affairs, Institute of, Illinois Labor-Management Relations, Immigration, Industrial Democracy, Industrial Relations Research Association, International Labor Organization, International Relations, Labor, United States Department of, Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, Labor Education, Labor History, Labor Journalism, Labor Relations, Labor Union Organization, Labor Unions, Law, Law, College of, Management, New Deal, Political Science, Political Science Department, Psychology Department, Socialism, Social Psychology, Social Security, Sociology, Sociology Department, Strikes, Unions, Wage and Price Controls, War Labor Board, Workmen's Compensation
Languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish;Castilian, Russian, Swedish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Labor Library Vertical Subject File (1893 - 2019) contains scholarly, legal, political, journalistic and popular literature about labor relations and related topics collected by the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library from labor unions, governments, international organizations, political parties, interest groups and scholars and academic institutions and pertaining to relations between employers and employees, the role of government in maintaining fair labor relations, the rights of workers to organize, the structure and function of labor organizations, and the interaction between labor relations and society.
This series includes source material from eras of labor history which presented unique issues and problems including the Progressive Era, the New Deal, World Wars I and II and Post-war Anticommunism.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Processing Information:
All documents in Boxes 1-8 are listed at the item-level in the finding aid.
For boxes 9-154, the finding aid is a combination of folder-level and item-level description. For these boxes, only selected documents were listed at the item-level. Documents have been selected for item-level description on the basis of factors including age, connection to important historical figures and events, lack of availability elsewhere, connection to now-defunct organizations and movements, and connection to the University of Illinois and the the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations.
**Denotes subjects which have additional materials at the end of the record series, in the last boxes.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
[Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],
- Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain

- Box 49

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Austria

- Item 1: Ich Darf Nicht Schweigen

- Item 2: Probleme Des Osterreichischen Arbeitsmarkets

- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in Barbados

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Bangladesh

- Item 1: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in Bangladesh and the Role of the Employers' Assn. of Bangladesh, 1974

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Belgium

- Item 1: Corporatism Run Amok: Job Stability and Industrial Policy in Belgium and the United States, April 10 and 11, 1992

- Creator: Johnathan Leonard, Univ. of California at Berkeley and Marc Van Audenrode, Univ. of Quebec
- Item 2: Belgium, August 31, 1996

- Creator: Prof. R. Blanpain, Catholic Univ., Leuven, Belgium
- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Bermuda

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Bolivia

- Item 1: Report to the Congress of Industrial Organizations: Labor Conditions in Bolivia, 1943

- Creator: Martin Kyne, United Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Employees of America, CIO
- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Brazil

- Item 1: Memorial do II Encontro Interamericano da FITIM: "Metalurgicos Lotam Por Uma Vida Melhor", January 20-24, 1963

- Creator: Federacao Internacional Dos Trabalhadores Metalurgicos
- Item 2: Principios Basicos da Organizacao Sindical, no date

- Creator: Federacao Internacional Dos Trabalhadores Metalurgicos
- Item 3: Alguns Aspectso Da Industria Automobilistica Brasileira, no date

- Folder 8: Indudstrial Relations in Burma

- Folder 9: Industrial Relations in Cambodia

- Folder 10: Industrial Relations in Canada

- Item 1: First Contract Arbitration in Canada, 1987

- Creator: Jean Sexton, Laval Univ.
- Item 2: Industrial Relations and the Economic Crisis: Canada Moves Towards Europe, January 1985

- Creator: Prof. R.J. Adams, McMaster Univ.
- Item 3: An Insider's View of Canadian Bargaining, November-December 1983

- Creator: Donald C. Savage, Pres., Canadian Association of Univ. Teachers
- Item 4: New Brunswick Industrial Relations Council

- Item 5: Recent Developments in the Canadian Industrial Relations System, no date

- Creator: Morley Gunderson and Noah M. Meltz, Univ. of Toronto
- Item 6: Research and Collective Bargaining in the 1980s: The Need for New Information and New Knowledge, December 1980

- Creator: Felix Quinet, Pay Research Bureau
- Item 7: Industrial Relations in Canada and the United States: From Univormity to Divergence, 1991

- Creator: Pradeep Kumar, Queens Univ. at Kingston
- Folder 11: Industrial Relations in Canada--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Industrial Relations Cases

- Item 1: Industrial Relations Case Studies: A Selected List of Recent Studies, May 1954

- Creator: Compiled by Ralph E. McCoy, Librarian, UIUC ILIR for the Labor Market Committee, Social Science Research Council
- Folder 13: Industrial Relations in Chile

- Item 1: El Desempleo en Chile: Una Estmacion de la Probabilidad de Empleo Para Varones, August 1983

- Creator: Sholeh Maani, Contificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
- Item 2: La Duracion Del Desempleo Y El Salario De Reserva de Varones Desempleados: El Caso Chileno, April 1983

- Creator: Sholeh Maani, Contificia Universidad Catolica de Chile
- Item 3: Chile: Bulletin of the Intl. Trade Union Committee of Solidarity with the Workers and People of Chile, June 1974 - August 1981

- Creator: World Federation of Trade Unions, Intl. Confed. of Arab Trade Unions, Organisation of African Trade Union Unity, Latin American Workers' Standing Trade Union Unity Congress and United Workers Centre of Chile
- Folder 14: Industrial Relations in China

- Item 1: Changing Pattenrs of Rural Women's Employment, Production and Reproduction in China, March 1984

- Creator: Elisabeth Croll, Intl. Labour Office
- Item 2: Crisis Over China, April 1955

- Creator: American Friends Service Committee
- Item 3: Labor Conditions in China, January 1945

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Industrial Development of Mainland China 1912-1949, 1967

- Creator: John K. Chang, Social Science Research Council
- Item 5: Glimpses of People's China, 1954

- Creator: Foreign Language Press, Peking, China
- Item 6: Mainland China in the World Economy: Report of the Joint Economic Committee, US Congress, June 19, 1967

- Creator: US Congress
- Box 50

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Colombia

- Folder 2: Industrial Relations Community Agencies

- Item 1: The Toledo Plan for Industrial Harmony, circa 1955

- Creator: Toledo Labor-Management Citizens Committee
- Item 2: The O'Dwyer Plan for Industrial Peace, circa 1949

- Creator: Mayor's Committee for The Settlement of Labor Disputes
- Item 3: Annual Report of the Toledo Labor-Management Citizens Committee for 1954, March 15, 1955

- Creator: Toledo Labor-Management Citizens Committee
- Item 4: Annual Report of the Toledo Labor-Management Citizens Committee for 1952, 1953

- Creator: Toledo Labor-Management Citizens Committee
- Item 5: Annual Reports of the Toledo Labor-Management Citizens Committees for 1949-1951, circa 1949-1952

- Creator: Toledo Labor-Management Citizens Committee
- Item 6: Living, 1951 (The People Act) Episode #13 "Our Partner: The Public", February 28 and March 3, 1951

- Creator: Lou Hazam, Wade Arnold, Edward King, et al.
- Item 7: Municipal Mediation Plans, October 1947

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Bulletin
- Item 8: Local Progress in Labor Peace, 1941

- Creator: William L. Nunn, Univ. of Newark, for the National Municipal League
- Item 9: The City's Role in Strikes, 1937

- Creator: International City Manager's Assn.
- Item 10: Labor-Management Cooperation in the St. Louis/East Illinois Metropolitan Area, 1985

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Area Labor-Management Committees: 1985, circa 1985

- Creator: Decatur Area Labor-Management Committee
- Folder 3: Industrial Relations Community Agencies--Bibliographies

- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Costa Rica

- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Cote d'Ivoire

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Cuba

- Item 1: Cuba: The Invasion and the Consequenes, June 1961

- Creator: Dissent Publishing Assn.
- Item 2: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in Cuba, May 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Summary of the Labor Situation in Cuba, December 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Czechoslovakia

- Item 1: Towards a Better Life: Social Welfare in Czechoslovakia, no date

- Creator: Edtied by Jan Sejhar, printed in Czechoslovakia
- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in Denmark

- Item 1: Leaders and Laggards: Who Goes First in Bargaining Rounds?, April 30, 1991

- Creator: Steen Scheuer, Leverhulme Visiting Senior Fellow, Univ. of Warwick
- Item 2: Labor Conditions in Denmark, November 1944

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Industrial Relations in Denmark: Basic Collective Agreements on Labour Disputes, 1947

- Creator: Socialt Tidsskrift, Copenhagen
- Item 4: Shop Stewards in Danish Industry, 1963

- Creator: Danish Natl. Institute of Social Research
- Folder 9: Industrial Relations Dept.

- Folder 10: Industrial Relations in Developing Countries

- Item 1: Labor-Management and Economic Growth: Proceedings of a Conference on Human Resources and Labor Relations in Underdeveloped Countries, 1954

- Creator: Cornell Univ. Institute of International Industrial and Labor Relations
- Folder 11: Industrial Relations in Developing Countries--Bibliographies

- Folder 12: Industrial Relations Dictionaries

- Item 1: Vocabulario Sindical: Trade Union Vocabulary, circa 1960

- Creator: Organizacion Regional InterAmericana de Trabajadores
- Folder 13: Industrial Relations Directories

- Item 1: Industrial Relations Degree Programs Offered at Colleges and Universities in the United States and Canada: A Directory 1971-1972, May 1972

- Creator: Committee of University Industrial Relations Librarians
- Folder 14: Industrial Relations in Dominica

- Folder 15: Industrial Relations in the Dominican Republic

- Folder 16: Industrial Relations in the East Carribean

- Folder 17: Industrial Relations in Egypt

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Egypt, July 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Some Labor Problems of Industrial Relations in Egypt, May 1956

- Creator: F.H. Harbison and I.A. Ibrahim, Princeton Univ.
- Folder 18: Industrial Relations in El Salvador

- Item 1: Worker Rights in El Salvador, June 9, 1988

- Creator: American Institute for Free Labor Development/AFL-CIO
- Folder 19: Industrial Relations in Europe

- Item 1: A Report on the Forum: Working on European Social Policy

- Item 2: Europe 1992: The Human Resource Issues, circa 1992

- Creator: William M. Mercer Companies, Inc., London
- Item 3: Eastern Europe: The Human Resource Issues, circa 1992

- Creator: William M. Mercer Companies, Inc., London
- Item 4: Foreign Labor Information: Legislation and Practices Relating to the Employment of Industrial Production Workers in Belgium, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain, October 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 20: Industrial Relations in Fiji

- Item 1: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in Fiji and the Role of the Fiji Sugar Corporation Ltd., November 20-24, 1974

- Creator: Fiji Sugar Corp. Ltd. And Intl. Labour Office
- Folder 21: Industrial Relations in Finland

- Item 1: Metal Industriy's Yearbook 1980 (Jahrbuch Der Finnischen Metallindustrie), 1980

- Creator: Federation of Finnish Metal and Engineering Industries
- Item 2: Industry and the Rise in the Standard of Living, no date

- Creator: The Confederation of Finnish Industries
- Item 3: Social Services in Finland: Labour Protection, December 1964

- Creator: Finland Ministry of Social Affairs
- Item 4: Social Services in Finland: Social Welfare, December 1964

- Creator: Finland Ministry of Social Affairs
- Item 5: Finnish Employers' Confederation: What and Why, 1980

- Creator: Finnish Employers' Confederation
- Item 6: A Brief Outline of Labour Market Relationships in Finland, 1976

- Creator: Finnish Employers' Confederation
- Item 7: A Brief Outline of Labour Market Relationships in Finland, 1978

- Creator: Finnish Employers' Confederation
- Box 51

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Foreign Countries

- Item 1: Labor Participation in Management: Some Impressions of Experience in the Metalworking Industries of Britain, Israel and the United States, no date

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Our Future Industrial Society: A Global Vision, July 1961

- Creator: Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in Foreign Countries--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in France

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in France, May 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in France--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Germany

- Item 1: Association-Level Agreements and Favourability Principle, February 2000

- Creator: ZERP: Zentrum Fur Europaische Rechtspolitik an der Universitat Bremen
- Item 2: The Dilemmas of Diffusion: Social Embeddedness and the Problems of Institutional Change in Eastern Germany, March 1997

- Creator: Richard M. Locke and Wade Jacoby
- Item 3: On the Job in the Federal Republic of Germany, no date

- Creator: German Information Center, NYC
- Item 4: Labor News and Social Policy, 1973-1978

- Creator: Federal Republic of Germany
- Item 5: Gross Flows in a Labour Market in Transition: Panel Data Estimates from Eastern Germany, April 10 and 11, 1992

- Creator: Lutz Bellmann, Institute for Employment Research, Nuremburg, Saul Estrin, Hartmut Lehmann and Johnathan Wadsworth, London School of Economics
- Item 6: Development of Labor Relations in the Federal Republic of Germany Since World War II, August 3, 1959

- Creator: Geo. T. Fonda
- Item 7: How Nazi Germany has Mobilized and Controlled Labor, 1940

- Creator: Prof. L. Hamburger, Brookings Institution
- Item 8: Vor Etscheidungen Fur Jahrzehnte!!, 1952

- Creator: Erich Ollenhauer
- Item 9: Soll Deutschland Rusten? Die SPD Zum Wehrbeitrag, no date

- Creator: Fritz Erler
- Item 10: Kurt Schumacher, no date

- Item 11: Arbeit und Freiheit, October 1952

- Item 12: Die Grundlagen des Sozialen Gesamtplanes der SPD, no date

- Item 13: On the Job in the Federal Republic of Germany, no date

- Creator: German Information Center, NYC
- Item 14: "The Story of Germany Today Can Be Told at Many Levels", June 15, 1950

- Item 15: Industrial Relations in Germany 1945-1949: An account of the post-war growth of employers' and workers' organisations in the British Zone of Germany, circa 1950

- Creator: Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, House of Commons, UK
- Item 16: Aktions-Program der SPD/Action Program of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, September 28, 1952

- Creator: German Social Democratic Party
- Item 17: Industrial Relations in the Federal Republic of Germany, no date

- Creator: Heinz Hartmann and Wolfgang Conrad, Univ. of Munster
- Item 18: Some Impressions Regarding German Labor Relations, no date

- Creator: William H. McPherson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 19: Labor Relations in Postwar Germany, June 1957

- Creator: William H. McPherson, UIUC ILIR
- Item 20: Die Gewerkschaften Und Die Sozialpolitik, 1953

- Item 21: Die Gewerkschaften Und Das Arbeitsrecht, 1953

- Item 22: Our Objectives: Address by Georg Leber before the sixth regular convention of the construction workers union in Berlin's Congress Hall, June 27, 1963

- Creator: Georg Leber
- Item 23: The Right to work in the GDR, 1986

- Item 24: Handwerk in der DDR, circa 1988

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Ghana

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Ghana, October 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 7: Industrial Relations Glossaries

- Item 1: Dictionary of Labor Law Terms, 1949

- Creator: Commerce Clearing House, Inc.
- Item 2: An Annotated List of Terms and Abbreviations Used in Industrial Relations in Australia, May 1979

- Creator: Paul Sutcliffe and Ron Callus, North Brisbane College of Advanced Education
- Item 3: Ein Kleines Technisches Woerterbuch Fuer Industrial Und Labor Relations Trainees, circa 1952

- Creator: Zusammengestellt fuer die Teilnehmer des Kurses an der Universitaet Von Illinois im Schuljahr 1952-1953
- Item 4: Glossary of Currently Used Labor-Management Terms/Glosario de Terminos Corrientes Utilizados en Las Relaciones Entre Gerencias y Obreros, 1975

- Creator: edited by Marcia Kijewski, Chicago Labor Education Program, Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations at the Univ. of Illinois at Chicago
- Item 5: Labor Terms in English, French, German and Spanish, circa 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: A Career in Industrial Relations with a glossary of industrial relations terms, circa 1952

- Creator: Arthur O. England, Wright-Patterson AFB and Harry Laurent, Jr., Case Western Reserve Univ.
- Box 52

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Great Britain

- Item 1: Race Relations in Great Britain, circa 1960

- Creator: Peace News Ltd.
- Item 2: IDS Focus: The New Agenda, May 1997

- Creator: Incomes Data Services Ltd
- Item 3: First Findings from the 1990 Workplace Industrial Relations Survey, September 1992

- Creator: Neil Millward, Mark Stevens, David Smart and W.R. Hawes
- Item 4: Industrial Relations Procedures, circa 1975

- Creator: Norman Singleton, Dept. of Employment, UK
- Item 5: Labour Relations and Conditions of Work in Britain, no date

- Creator: British Information Service, NYC
- Item 6: Reflections on Whitleyism in English Local Government, Spring 1958

- Creator: L. Kramer, Royal Institute of Public Administration
- Item 7: Report of the Commission on Industrial Relations in Great Britain with Appendices, 1938

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: A Concise Guide to Industrial Relations, revised for the Industrial Dispures Order 1951, circa 1951

- Creator: T. Wylie, College of Technology, Birmingham/Industrial Administration Group
- Item 9: Industrial Relations in England and Sweden: Report of the President's Commission, December 1938

- Creator: National Consumers' League
- Item 10: Industrial Relations in Britain, June 1972

- Creator: British Information Service, NYC
- Item 11: Labour Relations and Working Conditions in Britain, February 1951

- Creator: British Information Service, NYC
- Item 12: Manpower and Employment in Britain, December 1976

- Creator: British Information Service, NYC
- Item 13: The Future of Private Industry, October 1952

- Creator: Labour Pary, UK
- Item 14: Labour Relations and Working Conditions in Britain, August 1953

- Creator: British Information Service, NYC
- Item 15: Interdepartmental Committee on Social and Economic Research, Guides to Official Sources, No.1: Labour Statistics, August 1950

- Creator: Ministry of Labour/National Service
- Item 16: Industrial Relations Policy at Arthur Guinness Son & Co., Ltd., St. James' Gate Brewery, Dublin, January 1948

- Creator: Prof. J.F. Halterman, Univ. of California
- Item 17: Labor and Industry in Britain: A Monthly Review. Vol.IV, No.12, December 1946

- Creator: British Information Service, NYC
- Item 18: The Moral of the Railway Wage Cuts, November 1934

- Creator: Ashley Brown, General Secretary of the British Railway Stockholder's Union
- Item 19: Good Industrial Relations: A guide for negotiators, 1971

- Creator: Trades Union Congress, UK
- Item 20: Labor Relations in British Metalworking, April 1955

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 21: Industrial Relations: A Fresh Look, no date

- Creator: SDP, UK
- Item 22: The Legitimation of Protest: A Comparative Study, April 1960

- Creator: Gaston V. Rimlinger, Princeton Univ., published by Mouton & Co., The Hague, Netherlands
- Item 23: British Industrial Relations Research in the Sixties and Seventies, no date

- Creator: Derek Robinson
- Item 24: Manpower Policy and Industrial Relations in Britain, no date

- Creator: T.L. Johnson
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in Great Britain--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Greece

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Greece, December 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Grenada

- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Guatemala

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Guyana

- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Haiti

- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in Honduras

- Item 1: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in Honduras, November 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 9: Industrial Relations in Hong King

- Item 1: The 50th Anniversary of the Labour Department 1946-1996, circa 1996

- Creator: Hong Kong Labour Department
- Item 2: Annual Departmental Reports 1956-1957 and 1957-1958, circa 1957 and 1958

- Creator: Commissioner of Labour and Commissioner of Mines, Hong Kong
- Item 3: Annual Departmental Reports 1957-1958, circa 1958

- Creator: Hong Kong Registrar of Trade Unions
- Folder 10: Industrial Relations in Hungary

- Item 1: Labour Conflicts of Privatization, circa 1991

- Creator: L. Neumann, Akademiai Kiado, Budapest
- Item 2: A Day in the Life of a Worker, 1952

- Creator: Legation of the Hungarian People's Republic
- Item 3: The Position of the Hungarian Worker between January 1950 and April 1953, May 1953

- Creator: Dr. Laszlo Varga, Natl. Committee for a Free Europe
- Item 4: The Industrial Relations System in Hungary after the Economic Reform, circa 1972-1973

- Creator: Julius Rezler, Universite de Strasbourg, France
- Folder 11: Industrial Relations in Iceland

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Iceland, July 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in Iceland, August 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 12: Industrial Relations in India

- Item 1: India, 1989

- Creator: Dr. C.K. Johri, Fellow of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study
- Item 2: Recent Trend in Industrial Relations in India: Jamshedpor Profile, no date

- Item 3: Summary of Labor Conditions in India, January 1953

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Wage Determination in Indian Engineering, no date

- Item 5: Industrial Relations in Indian Engineering: A Note, September 1969

- Creator: Prof. Pramod C. Verma, Economics Dept., Sacramento State College
- Item 6: The Bombay Cotton Mill Worker, no date, almost certainly pre-1947

- Creator: R.G. Gokhale, Millowners Assn., Bombay
- Item 7: The Regulation of Wages and Other Problems of Industrial Labour in India, 1954

- Creator: D.R. Gadgil, Patna Univ.
- Item 8: Industrial Relations in India, possibly circa 1937

- Creator: N.N. Kaul, Delhi School of Economics
- Item 9: Labour Relations, possibly circa 1937

- Creator: N.N. Kaul, Delhi School of Economics
- Item 10: Materials from the Metal Box Co. of India, no date

- Creator: Metal Box Co., India
- Item 11: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in India and the Role of the All-India Manufacturers' Organisation, 1974

- Creator: Prof. Vasudeva B. Kamath, for the Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 12: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in India with Particular Reference to Collective Bargaining, Third Party Intervention in Labour Disputes, Workers' Participation in Decisions Within Undertakings, and Participation of Employers' Organisations in Economic and Social Development, 1974

- Creator: Naval H. Tata, for the Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 13: An Input-Output Analysis of Key Sectors in the Indian Economy, circa 1972-1973

- Creator: Raghav Gaiha and Prem Vashishtha, Institute of Economic Growth, Delhi
- Item 14: Economic Indicators For India, October-December 1972

- Creator: Economic Affairs Div., USAID
- Item 15: Industrial Relations Teaching in the Indian Universities, 1965

- Creator: K.N. Vaid
- Item 16: Industrial Disputes in India, 1965

- Creator: K.N. Vaid
- Item 17: The Story of a Strike, May 1958

- Creator: The Tata Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.
- Item 18: Labour in India, possibly circa 1930

- Creator: John Scurr
- Item 19: Industrial Production in India, 1965

- Creator: K.K. Ludhera and K.N. Vaid
- Item 20: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in India, July 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 21: A Select Bibliograhy of Books on Labour and Industrial Relations in India, April 1971

- Creator: R.D. Seth and Kedar Nath, Library, Shri Ram Centre for Industrial Relations, New Delhi
- Folder 13: Industrial Relations in Indonesia

- Item 1: Survival Strategies of Rural Women Traders -or- A Woman's Place is in the Market, January 1981

- Creator: Nancy Lee Peluso, original paper presented to ILO Jakarta for use by the Dept. of Manpoer, Gov't of Indonesia
- Item 2: Keadaan Angkatan Kerja di Indonesia (Labour Force Situation in Indonesia), 1982

- Creator: Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
- Item 3: Keadaan Buruh/Pekerja di Indonesia (Labours/Employees Situation in Indonesia), 1982

- Creator: Biro Pusat Statistik, Jakarta
- Item 4: Summary of Labor Conditions in Indonesia, December 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Summary of the Labor Situation in Indonesia, July 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Survey Instrument for a Study of the Urban Informal Sector: The Case of Jakarta, February 1975

- Creator: S.V. Sethuraman, Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 7: Indonesia Development News, Vol.4, No.6 - Vol.6, NO.5, February 1981 - January 1983

- Creator: National Development Information Office, Rep. of Indonesia
- Box 53

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Iran

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Iran, October 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in Iran and the Role of the Iran Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines as the Top Employers' Organisation of the Country, 1974

- Creator: Hushang Varzanden, Iranian Employers Group, for the Intl. Labour Office
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in Ireland

- Item 1: Industrial Relations Policy at Arthur Guinness Son & Co., Ltd., St. James' Gate Brewery, Dublin, January 1948

- Creator: Prof. J.F. Halterman, Univ. of California at Santa Barbara
- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Israel

- Item 1: Kav La Oved (Protection of Workers Rights) Materials on Migrant Workers, Circa May 2003

- Creator: Kav La Oved
- Item 2: Israel, March 1988

- Creator: Prof. R. Ben-Israel, Tel Aviv Univ.
- Item 3: Settlement of Labour Disputes in Israel, 1961

- Creator: R. Shari, Chief Labour Relations Officer, Ministry of Labour, Israel
- Item 4: Histadrut and Industrial Democracy in Israel: An Interpretive Essay from an American Perspective, no date

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: Middle East Labor Bulletin, Vol.1, No.4, Summer 1989

- Creator: Labor Committee on the Middle East
- Item 6: Histadrut, a Profile: Achievements and Challenges of Israel's Unique Labor Movement, November 1974

- Creator: Dan Giladi and Sarah Morris, American Histadrut Cultural Exchange Institute
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Italy

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Italy, November 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Labor Conditions in Liberated Italy, May 1945

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Italy: An Economic Profile, 1963

- Creator: Commercial Office of the Italian Embassy
- Item 4: Italy: An Economic Profile, 1965

- Creator: Commercial Office of the Italian Embassy
- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Jamaica

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Japan

- Item 1: The Current Labor Economy in Japan, 1995 - 1999

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 2: The Sociological Study of Japan, April 11 and 12, 1969

- Creator: Prof. Bernard Karsh, UIUC
- Item 3: Commentaries on Japan, 1986

- Creator: Prof. Bernard Karsh, UIUC
- Item 4: Japanese Economy and Labor Series Nos. 1-5: Shunto Wage Offensive, Human Resource Development, Employment Insurance Law, Japanese Employment Practices and Japanese Industrial Relations, 1996 - 2000

- Creator: Akira Takanashi, Kazuo Koike, Taishiro Shirae et al, Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 5: The Labor Situation in Japan, 2001

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 6: Labour-Management Relations in Japan, 1996

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 7: The Labour Situation in Japan, 2000

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 8: Labour-Management Relations in Japan, 1997

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 9: Labour-Management Relations in Japan, 1995

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 10: Labour-Management Relations in Japan, 1993

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 11: Creating a Dynamic and Appealing Society, 1999

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 12: Searching for a Third Way Out of the Crisis, 1998

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 13: The Choices We Face in a New Era: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions, 1991

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 14: Creating a Dynamic Economy Through Structural Reform, 1996

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 15: The Issues Today: Ensuring Employment in a Service Recession, 1994

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 16: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions: Becoming a Responsible Industrialized Nation, 1988

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 17: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions: Coping with the Hollowing of Industry and Employment Problems, 1987

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 18: Summary of the Labor Situation in Japan, August 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 19: Labor-Management Communication at the Workshop Level, 1983

- Creator: Prof. Takeshi Inagami, Hosei Univ./Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 20: Labor Unions and Labor-Management Relations, 1983

- Creator: Japan Institute of Labor
- Item 21: Social Security, 1987

- Creator: Prof. Nagahisa Hiraishi, Gifu College of Economics/Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 22: Social Security, 1980

- Creator: Prof. Nagahisa Hiraishi, Gifu College of Economics/Japan Institute of Labour
- Item 23: The Industrial Relations in Japan, March 1957

- Creator: Hiroshi Gotoh, Genl. Sec. of the Japan Fed. Of Employers Assn.s
- Item 24: Management and Labor in Japanese Enterprises -with emphasis on their characteristics-, possibly circa 1955

- Creator: Prof. Susumu Takamiya, Hitotsubashi Univ.
- Item 25: Labor Relations and Disputes Settlement in the Public Service: Japan, circa 1984

- Creator: Prof. Kazutoshi Koshira, Economics Dept., Yokohama Natl. Univ.
- Item 26: An Analysis of Industrial Relations Policies in the Japanese Ammonium Sulphate Industry, November 29, 1956

- Creator: Toshio Tsurumaki, for a class taught by Prof. Rosen at the UIUC ILIR
- Item 27: The Characteristics of Labour-Management Relations in Japan and Their Historical Formation, April 1966

- Creator: Eitaro Kishimoto, published in the Kyoto Univ. Economic Review, Vol.36, No.80
- Item 28: Industrial Relations in Japan, July 1982

- Creator: Prof. Hideo Ishida, Keio Univ.
- Item 29: Structural Reform - The Search for a Third Option: Employment Stability and Improved National Quality of Life, 1997

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 30: Industrial Relations in the New Japan, December 1957

- Creator: Prof. Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Item 31: Management and Industrial Relations in Postwar Japan, March 1956

- Creator: Prof. Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Item 32: Japan's Tripartite Labor Relations Commissions, September 1955

- Creator: Prof. Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Item 33: Wage Bargaining in the US and Japan, April 10 and 11, 1992

- Creator: Fumio Ohtkae, Osaka Univ. and Joseph Tracy, Yale Univ., for the Natl. Bureau of Economic Research
- Item 34: Stability and Change in Japanese Industrial Relations: Three Views, February 1966

- Creator: Bernard Karsh, Hisashi Kawada and Solomon B. Levine, published by the Institute of Management and Labor Studies, Keio Univ., Tokyo
- Item 35: Japanese Automobile Industry in the Future: Toward Coexistence with The World, Consumers and Employees, February 1992

- Creator: Confed. of Japan Automobile Wkrs. Union
- Item 36: Toward a Market Economy With a Human Face, 2000

- Creator: Japan Federation of Employers' Associations (Nikkeiren)
- Item 37: Problems and Difficulties of Japanese Wkrs. Today: Towards the Extraction of Needs, September 1989

- Creator: Tatsuru Akimoto
- Item 38: The Basic Structure of Japanese Labor Relations: The Research Series of the University of Tokyo Labor Relations Research Group, February 6, 1963

- Creator: Masumi Tsuda, Visiting Research Associate, UIUC ILIR
- Item 39: Labor in the Twentieth Century: Japan, June 1977

- Creator: Taishiro Shirai, Hosei Univ. and Haruo Shimada, Keio Univ.
- Box 54

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Japan (cont.)

- Item 1: Labor Trends in Japan, 1983, circa 1983

- Creator: American Embassy, Tokyo
- Item 2: Labor Trends in Japan, 1982, circa 1982

- Creator: American Embassy, Tokyo
- Item 3: An Outline of Contemporary Japanese Labor Relations: Appendix to "The Basic Structure of Japanese Labor Relations", April 2, 1963

- Creator: Masumi Tsuda, Visiting Research Associate, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Traditionalism and Democracy in Japanese Industry, September 1962

- Creator: Prof. Kunio Odaka, Univ. of Tokyo
- Item 5: A Brief Sketch of the Relations Between Large Factories and Small Factories in Japan (One of the Main Characteristics of Japan's Industry), 1956

- Creator: Kazutaka Watanabe, submitted to the Social Problems Div. of the Institute on the Mission of the Church of the United Church of Christ in Japan
- Item 6: The Impact of Rapid Economic Growth on the Employment Structure in Japan, circa 1963

- Creator: Taishiro Shirai, Research Associate at ILIR
- Item 7: The Similarities and the Differences of Labor Relations in the Early Days Between the United States and Japan, no date

- Creator: Augustine H. Suhikubo, Visiting Scholar, UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: "When Japan was a less developed nation, research in labor economics was one of the many disciplines heavily influenced by the thinking in the advanced nations, however, Japan had a particular way in which she reacted to these ideas", possibly circa 1980

- Creator: Mikio Sumiya
- Item 9: Industrial Relations in the Japanese Automobile Industry, 1982

- Creator: Prof. Kazutoshi Koshiro, Economics Dept., Yokohama Natl. Univ.
- Item 10: Industrial Relations in Japanese Metal Industries, no date

- Creator: K. Koike, Nagoya Univ.
- Item 11: Analysis of the Japanese Labor Economy, 1956

- Creator: Ministry of Labor, Tokyo
- Item 12: Review of Labor Conditions in Japan, December 1952

- Creator: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tokyo
- Item 13: "Yahata Seitetsu-Yahata Plant: I. Major Collective Bargaining Issues between Management and Union", no date

- Item 14: Outline of Management: Data for Mr. Hughes, May 6, 1957

- Creator: Head Office, Sumitomo Metal Industries, Ltd.
- Item 15: The Labor Relations in the Integrated Chemical Industry in Japan, 1961

- Creator: Intl. Cooperation Admin., Japan Productivity Center
- Item 16: Analysis of Labor Economy in Japan, 1950

- Creator: Labor Statistics and Research Div., Ministry of Labor, Tokyo
- Item 17: Outline of Postwar Labor Economy, 1949

- Creator: Labor Statistics and Research Div., Ministry of Labor, Tokyo
- Item 18: Analysis of Labour Economy in 1949, 1949

- Creator: Labor Statistics and Research Div., Ministry of Labor, Tokyo
- Item 19: Characteristics and Problems of Industrial Relations in Japan: Viewed from the Practice of the Toyo Koatsu Industries, Inc., January 1954

- Creator: Toshi Tsurumaki
- Item 20: Labour Situation of Cotton Spinning Industry in Japan, January 1953

- Creator: All Japan Cotton Spinners Assn.
- Item 21: Labor-Management Relations in Japan, 1960, 1961 and 1963

- Creator: Japan Productivity Center
- Item 22: Shukan-Kodo-News (Weekly Labor News), January 1, 1967

- Item 23: Memorandum: In Re Japanese Impressions, circa 1964

- Creator: Joe Swire, Intl. Union of Electrical, Racio and Machine Wkrs.
- Item 24: Internal Labor Markets and Industrial Relations Systems on the Shop Floor in Japan, no date

- Creator: Kazuo Koike, Nagoya Univ./Visiting Scholar at the Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 25: The Government, Industrial Relations and Economic Development in Japan, November 1964

- Creator: Hisashi Kawada,
- Item 26: The Characteristics of Labour-Management Relations in Japan and Their Historical Formation (1 and 2), October 1965 and April 1966

- Creator: Prof. Eitaro Kishimoto, Economics Dept., Kyoto Univ.
- Item 27: Types of Joint Consultation and their Relations to Collective Bargaining in the Industrial Relations in Japan, 1966

- Creator: Akira Kakami
- Item 28: Conditions of Labor Economy in Japan, September 1979

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employes Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 29: Conditions of Labor Economy in Japan, 1973 - 1982

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employes Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 30: Occupational Mobility in Japanese Society: Analysis of Labor Market in Japan, April 1962

- Creator: Ken'ichi Tominga
- Item 31: Resolution of Shop Floor Dipsutes in Japan: Formal and Informal Processes and the Role of Third Party Neutrals, 1985

- Creator: Kazuo Subeno and Kazutoshi Koshiro
- Item 32: Capital Versus Labour Under High Growth, March 1969

- Creator: Yoshiro Kmizuka
- Item 33: Changing Pattenrs of Japanese Life, Summer 1970

- Item 34: Revitalizing the Economy: Issues for Employers and Labor, 1995

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 35: Choices for Reform and Renewal, 1993

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 36: Changing Realities: Toward a Better Society, 1992

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 37: Toward Sound Growth, 1990

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 38: Achieving Genuine Prosperity, 1989

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 39: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions: The Productivity Standard Principle: The Basis for Stability and Vitality, 1986

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 40: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions: Toward a More Vital Society, 1985

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 41: Report of the Committee for the Study of Labor Questions: Toward the Solution of Accumulated Problems, 1983

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Item 42: Avoiding the Syndrome of the Advanced Nations, 1982

- Creator: Japan Fed. Of Employers Assns. (Nikkeiren)
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in Japan--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Jordan

- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Kenya

- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Korea

- Item 1: Korea Labor Newsletter, October - December 1990

- Creator: Korea Research and Information Center
- Item 2: Industrialization and Korean Blue-Collar Workers, 1985

- Creator: Kyu Han Bae
- Item 3: The Labor System and Labor-Management Relations in Korea, April, 1987

- Creator: Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Washington DC
- Item 4: Labor Conditions in Korea (North), 1963

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Labor Conditions in the Republic of Korea, 1963

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Interest Conflict and Political Control in South Korea: A Study of the Labor Unions in Manufacturing Industries, 1961-1980, August 1983

- Creator: Jang Jip Choi, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 7: Manpowe Policies in Korea: A Preliminary Analysis, no date

- Creator: Bernard Karsh, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Kuwait

- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Latin America

- Item 1: Study Conference on Collective Bargaining in the Iron, Steel, Aluminium and Copper Industries in Latin American and the Caribbean, July 1969

- Creator: IMF
- Item 2: Workers of the Americas, 1946

- Creator: Pan-American Union, Washington, DC
- Item 3: Documents of the IMF Regional Conference on Metalworkers' Problems in Latin America and the Caribbean, February 1967

- Creator: IMF
- Item 4: Labor Conditions in Latin America--Latin American Series Nos.23 and 24, August 1945 - May 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in Latin America--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Industrial Relations in Lebanon

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Lebanon, August 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 10: Industrial Relations in Liberia

- Item 1: Foreign Labor Information: Liberia, May 1960

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 11: Industrial Relations in Libya

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Libya, June 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 12: Industrial Relations in Malaysia

- Item 1: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in Malaysia and the Role of the Malayan Agricultural Producers Assn., 1974

- Creator: William Fernando, Dir., Malayan Agricultural Producers Assn., for the Intl. Labour Office
- Item 2: Summary of the Labor Situation in Malaya, May 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Malayan Labour, Merdeka and After, July-September, 1958

- Creator: Charles Gamba, Indian Council of World Affairs
- Box 55

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Mexico

- Item 1: Human Rights Watch/Americas writes to President Clinton urging NAFTA summit on Human Rights (newsletter Vol.V, No.10), October 1993

- Creator: Americas Watch- A Division of Human Rights Watch
- Item 2: Las Empresas de Servicios Publicos y La Ley Federal Del Trabajo, 1950

- Creator: ITESM
- Item 3: Politica Del Departamento de Personal, 1950

- Creator: ITESM
- Item 4: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in Mexico, May 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Summary of the Labor Situation in Mexico, November 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in the Middle East

- Item 1: The Arab Labour Organization, October 1983

- Creator: Dr. A. Boudahrain, published by Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, Netherlands
- Item 2: Freedom of Association and Industrial Relations in the Countries of the Near and Middle East, 1955

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 3: Critique of Trade Union Rights in Countries Affiliated with the League of Arab States, May 1990

- Creator: Michael S. Perry, Asst. Dir., Jewish Labor Committee
- Item 4: A Summary Analysis of the Labor Movement in the Middle East and North Africa, January 1973

- Creator: Middle East Industrial Relations Counselors, Inc.
- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in the Middle East--Bibliographies

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Morocco, June 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Namibia

- Item 1: The Struggle for Trade Union Rights in Namibia, 1984

- Creator: SWAPO of Namibia
- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in the Netherlands

- Item 1: Social and Cultural Report 1994, circa 1994

- Creator: Dutch Social and Cultural Planning Office
- Item 2: Foundation of Labour in the Netherlands, no date

- Creator: Dutch Foundation of Labour
- Item 3: Industrial Relations in the Netherlands, Autumn 1960

- Creator: W.F. de Gaay Fortman
- Item 4: Statutory Organisation of Industry in the Netherlands, May 1966

- Item 5: The Netherlands During the German Occupation, 1946

- Creator: Prof. N.W. Posthumus, Univ. of Amsterdam (ed.),
- Item 6: Foundation of Labour: The Netherlands builds a new road to industrial peace through voluntary cooperation, 1950

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in New Zealand

- Item 1: The New Zealand System of Industrial Relations, 1985-1989

- Creator: Victoria Univ. of Wellington, Industrial Relations Centre
- Item 2: Industrial Relations in the Public Sector, 1985

- Creator: D.N.L. Randle, Victoria Univ. of Wellington Industrial Relations Centre
- Item 3: New Zealand: The Sacrificial Lamb on the Altar of Economic Purity?, September 12, 1988

- Creator: Lecture Delivered at Massey Univ. by the Rt. Hon. Sir Wallace Rowling
- Item 4: New Zealand's Labor Government at Work, January 1940

- Creator: League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 5: Industrial Relations in Transport: Proceedings of a Seminar, November 29, 1985

- Creator: Chartered Institute of Transport in New Zealand and Victoria Univ. of Wellington, Industrial Relations Centre
- Item 6: Outline History of the New Zealand Labour Movement, no date

- Creator: Sid Scott
- Item 7: Labour in New Zealand, 1944

- Creator: A.E.C. Hare, Victoria Univ. of Wellington
- Item 8: The Settlement of Labor Disputes in New Zealand, 1953

- Creator: Arthur Tyndall, Justice of the Court of Arbitration in New Zealand, published by the Mass. Inst. Of Technology
- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Nicaragua

- Item 1: Urgent Action Alert: Mil Colores Company, Las Mercedes Free Trade Zone, Nicaragua, April 2000

- Creator: National Labor Committee in Support of Worker and Human Rights
- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in Nigeria

- Folder 9: Industrial Relations in Nigeria--Bibliographies

- Folder 10: Industrial Relations in Norway

- Item 1: Labor Conditions IN Norway, September 1944

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Industrial Workers and their Employers in Norway Around 1900, 1954

- Creator: Edvard Bull,
- Item 3: Trade Union Influence Through the Labour- Management Cooperation Agreements

- Item 4: The Relationship of the Norwegian Labor Party to the Trade Unions, April 1960

- Creator: Bruce Millon
- Folder 11: Industrial Relations in Oregon

- Folder 12: Industrial Relations in Pakistan

- Item 1: The Labor Situation in Pakistan, June 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Summary of the Labor Situation in Pakistan, August 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Alternatives in Pakistan Trade Union Developments and Ideologies, circa 1966

- Creator: Prof. M. Ali Raza, UCLA
- Folder 13: Industrial Relations in Panama

- Item 1: Cooperacion Empleado-Patronal, 1979

- Creator: Gobierno de la Zona del Canal, Compania del Canal de Panama
- Folder 14: Industrial Relations in Peru

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Peru, October 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: La Solidaridad de la orit Con Los Trabajadores del Peru, September 1953

- Creator: ORIT Peru
- Folder 15: Industrial Relations in the Philippines

- Item 1: Issues in the Philippine Electronics Industry: A Global Perspective, 1985

- Creator: Rosalinda Pineda-Ofreneo, Univ. of the Philippines
- Item 2: An Analysis of the Semiconductur Industry, 1985

- Creator: Nastional Productivity Commission, Philippines
- Item 3: Mabuhay Intl. Monitor, Vol.II, Nos.2 and 3, October - December 1992

- Item 4: Journal of Philippine Development, Vol.III, No.5 - Vol.VII, No.1, 1976-1980

- Item 5: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in the Philippines, December 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: On Labor-Management Relations, August 1958

- Creator: Univ. of the Philippines Labor Education Center
- Item 7: Voluntary Arbitration as an Instrument for Industrial Peace

- Item 8: The Labor Digest, Vol.IV, No.3, February 15, 1959

- Creator: Dept. of Labor, Republic of the Philippines
- Item 9: Philippine Labor Alert, October 1989-February 1990

- Creator: Philippine Workers Support Committee
- Item 10: Collective Bargaining in Selected Mining Establishments in Benguet, Mountain Province: An Exploration Study, 1982

- Creator: Julie Q. Casel, Mauel C. Inoc, F G. Cristobal and Alebard S. Santos, Univ. of the Philippines
- Item 11: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- The Changing Industrial Relations Scene in the Philippines (and the role of the Personnel Management Assn. of the Philippines in Relation to it.), 1974

- Creator: Rafael K. Hernaez, Personnel Management Assn. of the Philippines, for the Intl. Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 12: Philippine HRD Yearbook, 1985

- Folder 16: Industrial Relations in Poland

- Item 1: Polish Journey: Reports from Trade Union Delegates Recently Returned from a visit to Poland, circa 1954

- Creator: British-Polish Friendship Society
- Item 2: Labor Conditions in Poland, July 1944

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: In Poland Today: Reports from Trade Union Delegates Recently Returned from a Visit to Poland, no date

- Creator: British-Polish Friendship Society
- Item 4: Union-Management Relations and Worker Appeal Procedures in Poland, August 1980

- Creator: Prof. Ronald L. Miller, UIC College of Business
- Item 5: Transition in Poland: An Evaluation of the Effects of Communism, Labor Unions and Privatization on Today's Polish Workers, December 2, 1996

- Creator: Pal Prokop
- Folder 17: Industrial Relations in Portugal

- Box 56

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations and Public Interest

- Item 1: Remarks by the Hon. Senator Harrison Williams, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, no date

- Item 2: Emergency Strikes, Union Power & The Public Interest, no date

- Creator: Chamber of Commerce of the United States/National Assn. of Manufacturers
- Item 3: National Emergency Disputes: Some Current Proposals, no date

- Creator: Benjamin Aaron, UCLA
- Item 4: Emergency Disputes Involving Privately Owned Local Level Services, no date

- Creator: Benjamin J. Taylor, Arizona State Univ.
- Item 5: Sixty-Day Report to the President on the Labor Dispute Involving the Longshore Industry on the Pacific Coast, December 5, 1971

- Creator: Paul D. Hanlon, Rolf Valtin, Jacob Seidenberg and J. Keith Mann, Board of Inquiry as Created by Exectuvie Order 11621
- Item 6: Report to the President, October 6, 1971

- Creator: Paul D. Hanlon, Rolf Valtin, Jacob Seidenberg and J. Keith Mann, Board of Inquiry as Created by Exectuvie Order 11621
- Item 7: Philosophy and the Public Interest, May 1, 1959

- Creator: Wayne A.R. Leys and Charner Marquis Perry, for a symposium of the American Philosophical Assn.
- Item 8: Labor Law in the Public Interest, 1953

- Creator: Chamber of Commerce of the United States
- Item 9: Economic Imperative for Industrial Peace, April 2, 1948

- Creator: Arthur A. Hood and William B. Klee, Jr., from the proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Economic and Business Foundation
- Item 10: "What Makes for Industrial Peace?" Proceedings of a Conference on the Topic, November 26, 1949

- Creator: Ivan Willis, Vice Pres. Of Intl. Harvester Co., and Clinton Golden, ECA Advisor and David Cole, Attorney and Arbitrator as featured speakers, conference sponsored by the Univ. of Wisconsin
- Folder 2: Public Interest in Industrial Relations--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Qatar

- Folder 4: Industrial Relations Research

- Item 1: Response Error: A Review of Findings and Methods, September 1976

- Creator: Gordon Wyner, Mathematica Policy Research
- Item 2: Social Experimentation, Truncated Distributions and Efficient Estimation, no date

- Creator: Jerry A. Hausman and David A. Wise, Mathematica Policy Research
- Item 3: Research in Union-Management Relations: Past and Future, December 29, 1956

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Discussion: Research in Union-Management Relations, December 29, 1956

- Creator: Jack Barbash, Research and Education Director, AFL-CIO
- Item 5: "The purpose of this paper is to analyze and assess research on employer-union relations in terms of the following five items", possibly circa 1954

- Item 6: Suggested Research Projects: Labor Economics and Industrial Relations, June 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Suggested Research Problems: Business & Economics, 1950

- Creator: US Commerce Dept.
- Item 8: Academic Research on Labour: Strengthening Union-University Links, May 1989

- Creator: Pradeep Kumar, School of Industrial Relations, Queen's Univ., Ontario
- Item 9: Research for Work and Democracy, September 1980

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 10: Research on Labor-Management Relations: Report of a conference held at the Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ., February 24-25, 1949

- Creator: Charles A. Myers, MIT and John G. Turnbull, Social Science Research Council
- Item 11: "TO: Conference Members on Research in Labor-Management Relations, Princeton, NJ. Attached is a statement - Value premises in Labor-Management Relations - which I have prepared", February 24-25, 1949

- Creator: F.H. Harbison, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 12: Comments on the Research Function of University Labor Centers, March 30 - April 1, 1966

- Creator: Don Vial, Chairman of the Center for Labor Research and Education, Univ. of California Berkeley
- Item 13: Contributions of Industrial Relations Research, May 1968

- Creator: Herbert G. Heneman, Jr.
- Item 14: Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Conference on Research in Industrial Relations, June 11 and 12, 1951

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 15: Sixth Annual Conference on Research in Industrial Relations, May 9 and 10, 1950

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 16: Fifth Annual Conference on Research in Industrial Relations, May 18-20, 1949

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 17: Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Conference on Research in Industrial Relations, August 1948

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 18: Tentatitve Directory: Current Industrial Relations Research, September 1957

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 19: Criticality, Sensitivity and Accessability: Do These Issues Raise Problems for Organizational Research?, August 1987

- Creator: Prof. Huseyin Leblebici, Dept. of Business Admin., and Prof. Peter Sherer, ILIR, UIUC
- Item 20: Comparative Research in Industrial Relations: Three Papers, March 23, 1966

- Creator: Bernard Karsh, Hisashi Kawada and Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Item 21: Divergent Tendencies in Industrial Relations Research, July 1964

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 22: Research in Union-Management Relations: Past and Future, possibly circa 1954

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 23: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Labor-Management Relations, April 1951

- Creator: Staff of the UIUC ILIR
- Item 24: Some Methodological Problems in Industrial Relations Research, 1954

- Creator: Robert Dubin, UIUC
- Item 25: The Estimation of Simultaneous Probability Models, June 1977

- Creator: Charles D. Mallar, Mathematica Policy Research
- Item 26: Selection Bias in the Estimation of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Effects, May 1977

- Creator: Robert A. Moffitt, Mathematica Policy Research
- Item 27: A Survey of Research in the Field of Industrial Relations, June 8, 1928

- Creator: Herman Feldman, Social Science Research Council
- Box 57

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations Research (cont.)

- Item 1: University of Michigan Survey Research Center Interviewer Notebook, no date

- Creator: Univ. of Michigan
- Item 2: Conference on Follow-up Studies in Educational Research, November 18-19, 1965

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Institute, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 3: The Study of Process in Union-Management Relations at the Establishment Level, April 12, 1955

- Item 4: Interviewer Knowledge in Household Surveys: A Review of Folklore and Practices, August 1975

- Creator: Cheri T. Marshall and Mark A Boada, Mathematica Policy Research
- Item 5: Industrial Relations Research and Social Theory, 1950

- Item 6: Research Frontiers in Human Relations, November 12, 1948

- Creator: Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
- Item 7: A Program of Research on the Fundamental Problems of Organizing Human Behavior, March 1, 1947

- Creator: Survey Research Center, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 8: Catalog of Current Industrial Relations Research, January 1959

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Association
- Item 9: External Research: Labor Problems in Foreign Areas, December 1954

- Creator: US State Dept., Office of Intelligence Research
- Item 10: Some Implications of Industrial Relations Research for Theory, possibly circa 1950

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 11: BLMR Research Opportunities: A series of suggested outlines for new labor research projects, circa 1962

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Philosophy of Science: Vol.16, No.3, containing a series of articles on "Applied Social Research in Policy-Formation, July 1949

- Creator: Philosophy of Science Association
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations Research--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Romania

- Item 1: Labor Conditions in Romania, December 1943

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in St. Kitts and Nevis

- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in St. Vincent and the Grenadines

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Senegal

- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Sierra Leone

- Item 1: Labour Administration and Industrial Relations in Sierra Leone, 1971

- Creator: Hugh E. Conway, Lecturer in Industrial Relations at Fourah Bay College, Freetown, Sierra Leone
- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in Singapore

- Folder 9: Industrial Relations in Slovenia

- Folder 10: Industrial Relations in South Africa

- Item 1: Judicial Review of Arbitration Awards Under the New South Africa Labour Relations Act of 1995, Summer 2001

- Creator: Calvin William Sharpe, published in the Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law, Vol.33, No.3
- Item 2: Metalworkers in South Africa: The Struggle for Freedom, 1984

- Creator: International Metalworkers' Federation
- Folder 11: Industrial Relations in Spain

- Folder 12: Industrial Relations in Sri Lanka

- Item 1: Regional Technical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in Sri Lanka and the Role of the Employers' Federation of Ceylon, 1974

- Creator: E.S. Appadurai, Secretary of the Employers' Federation of Ceylon, for the International Labour Office
- Item 2: Summary of the Labor Situation in Ceylon, April 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Income and Wealth Distribution: An Examination of Evidence Pertaining to Post-1960 Experience, December 1980

- Creator: W.D. Lakshman, Univ. of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, for the Intl. Development Center of Japan
- Folder 13: Industrial Relations State Agencies

- Item 1: Annual Report: Connecticut State Board of Mediation and Arbitration, Department of Labor, July 1, 1951 - June 30, 1952

- Creator: Connecticut State Board of Medation and Arbitration
- Item 2: Functions and Appropriations of State Labor Departments, Prepared for the International Association of Governmental Labor Officials, September 1, 1950

- Creator: International Association of Government Labor Officials
- Item 4: Department of Industrial Relations Report for the Governor's Council (California), October 1944

- Creator: Paul Scharrenberg, Director of Industrial Relations
- Item 5: Peace in Industry: How the New York State Labor Relations Board serves employees and employers, January 1944

- Creator: State of New York Labor Relations Board
- Folder 14: Industrial Relations Study and Teaching

- Item 1: Changing Patterns of Research in the Industrial Relations Centers, possibly circa 1963

- Creator: Prof. Milton Derber, UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: Industrial Relations and the Cirriculum, November 1945

- Creator: Phillips Bradley, published in Social Research Vol.12, No.4
- Item 3: Work Training for College Students in Industrial and Labor Relations, December 1946

- Creator: New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 4: The Teaching of Industrial Relations, June 1961

- Creator: Prof. Kingsley Laffer, Univ. of Sydney
- Item 5: Revue Francaise des Affaires Sociales: Les Centres de Relations Industrielles Universitaires des Etats-Unis, April-Juin 1974

- Creator: Marie Meller, Ministrie du Travail/Ministrie de la Sante
- Item 6: Higher Education and Organized Labor, no date

- Creator: Mark Starr, Educational Director of the Intl. Ladies' Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 7: "School Program: Early Unions - Forms of Protection", no date

- Item 8: "Presentation to High School Students: I'm not going to give you a long talk on what unions are all about", no date

- Item 9: Livonia Public Schools Workshop Project: Introdution to Labor Unions, 1960

- Creator: Terrence Connors, Bentley High School
- Item 10: Labor Education on the Campus, no date

- Creator: Herbert A. Levine, Labor Education Center at Rutgers Univ.
- Item 11: The IR Degree: A Step Towards Professionalism?, July 1963

- Creator: Industrial Relations News Special Report
- Item 12: Report on Joint Mission on the Teaching of Management/Labour Relations in America and Europe, no date

- Creator: William Monaghan, Royal College of Science and Technology in Glasgow, for the Organisation for European Economic Cooperation
- Item 13: Graduate Training in Industrial Relations: An Early Look, September 1960

- Creator: Robert J. Nelson and George W. England
- Item 14: The Changing Nature of University Industrial Relations Programs, no date

- Item 15: Teaching About Labor-Management Relations in High School Social Studies: A survey of selected schools of the State of Illinois, 1951

- Creator: John W. Hanson, Homer L. Gammill and C.W. Sanford
- Item 16: What Kind of Training is Desirable for Students Headed for Jobs in Industrial Relations, December 29, 1955

- Creator: R.W. Fleming, Wight Bakke Nelson Bortz, M.P. Catherwood, Lawrence Rogin and George W. Torrence, Industrial Relations Research Association
- Item 17: Final Report: German Industrial Relations Trainee Program, 1953-1954, July 1954

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 18: Changing University Industrial Relations Programs: On-Campus Teaching, December 16, 1962

- Creator: Dale Yoder, IRRA
- Item 19: "Teaching About Labor in High School: I.Aims and Objectives", no date

- Item 20: The Changing Nature of Management Education in Industrial Relations Programs, December 27, 1962

- Creator: Prof. George S. Odiorne, Univ. of Michigan, presented to the IRRA
- Item 21: Directory of Paths to Higher Education in Industrial Relations Subjects, no date

- Creator: National Fluid Power Assn.
- Box 58

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations Study and Teaching (cont.)

- Item 1: Teaching and Theory Innovation of Industrial and Labor Relations, January 13, 1972

- Creator: Prof. J. Yanai Tabb, Technion Univ., Israel
- Item 2: The Role of Industrial Relations Centers: Proceedings of a Regional Meeting of the International Industrial Relations Association, May 1968

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Assn.
- Item 3: 3rd Annual Conference on the Teaching of Labor Economics, September 1949

- Creator: New York State School of Industrial Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 4: Second Annual Conference on the Teaching of Labor Economics, August 1948

- Creator: New York State School of Industrial Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 5: Report of the Second Midwestern Conference: Teaching of Industrial Relations and Labor Economics, June 12-14, 1970

- Creator: Sponsored by UIUC ILIR, Ohio State Univ. and St. Louis Univ.
- Item 6: Report of the First Midwestern Conference: Teaching of Industrial Relations and Labor Economics, June 13-15, 1949

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Assn.
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in Suriname

- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Sweden

- Item 1: Towards a Society of Free Choice, 1977

- Creator: Gosta Rehn, Swedish Institute for Social Research
- Item 2: The Swedish Work Environment Act and the Swedish Work Environment Ordinance, March 1992

- Creator: Ministr of Labour, Sweden (arbetsmarknadsdepartementet)
- Item 3: Industrial Relations: Sweden Shows the Way, May 1963

- Creator: Fabian Society
- Item 4: Working Environment in Sweden: A Question of Partnership, 1987

- Creator: Siv Soderlund, Swedish Work Environment Fund
- Item 5: Sweidhs Industrial Relations System, circa 1974

- Creator: Stig Gustafsson, MP, Head of the Legal Dept. of the Cetnral Organisation of Salaried Employees, Sweden
- Item 6: This is How an Agreement Comes into Being, October 1978

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 7: International Encyclopedia for Labour Law and Industrial Relations, September 1997

- Creator: edited by Prof. R. Blanpain
- Item 8: The Swedish Development Programme for New Technology, Working Life and Management, October 1986

- Creator: Prof. Bill Ford, Univ. of New South Wales
- Item 9: Sweden: A Model Crisis, no date

- Creator: Joseph B. Board, for the Swedish Institute
- Item 10: The Evolution of Social Welfare Policy in Sweden, 1984

- Creator: Mats Forsberg, the Swedish Institute
- Item 11: Cooperation between the Governent and Workers' and Employers' Organizations on Labour Market Policy in Sweden, 1984

- Creator: Gosta Rehn
- Item 12: Fact Sheets on Sweden, 1976 - 1986

- Creator: The Swedish Institute
- Item 13: Working Life in Sweden, May 1977 - January 1990

- Creator: Swedish Information Service, Swedish Consulate in New York
- Item 14: Current Sweden, October 1973 - November 1992

- Creator: The Swedish Institute
- Item 15: Government Unions and Civil Servants' Collective Bargaining Rights in Sweden, July 22, 1968

- Creator: American Fed. Of Govt. Employees Summer Institute, held at the UIUC ILIR
- Item 16: Labor Peace: Sweden's Formula, September 1963

- Creator: Swedish Chamber of Commerce of the United States
- Item 17: A Survey of Social and Labour Conditions in Sweden, October 1945

- Item 18: The Swedish Industrial Relations System: Reproduction of lectures given at the London School of Economics on November 14, 1963 by the following representatives of the government, employers and workers of Sweden- Mr. Ernst Michanek, Under-secretary of State for Social Affairs; Mr. Bertil Kugelberg, managing director of the Swedish Employers' Confed.; Mr. Arne Geijer, pres. of the Swedish Confed. of Trade Unions, November 1963

- Creator: Messrs. Ernst Michanek, Bertil Kugelberg and Arne Geijer
- Item 19: Labor Peace and Full Employment in Sweden, 1964

- Creator: Ernst Michanek, Undersecretary of State for Labor and Social Affairs, Sweden
- Item 20: Labor Relations and Wage Policy in Sweden, 1963

- Creator: T.L. Johnston, visiting prof. of Labor and Industrial Relations
- Item 21: How Sweden Handles Management and Labor Relations, November 18, 1946

- Creator: Dr. Folke Schmidt, Prof. of Law, Univ. of Lundt, Sweden
- Item 22: Perspective on Labour Conditions in Sweden, 1962

- Creator: Swedish Employers' Confederation
- Item 23: Perspective on Labour Conditions in Sweden, 1954

- Creator: Swedish Employers' Confederation
- Item 24: The Labor Front in Sweden, possibly circa 1946

- Creator: American-Scandinavian Foundation
- Item 25: The Welfare State Model Under Siege: Sweden in the 90s, September 15, 1995

- Creator: Sven Olsson Hort, Swedish Information Service
- Item 26: The Trade Unions in Figures, 1993

- Creator: Swedish Trade Union Confederation
- Item 27: Industrial Relations in Sweden, 1962

- Creator: Dr. Alfred R. Badger, Industrial Relations Officer of the Gas Council of Great Britain
- Item 28: For and Against the Welfare State, October 1963

- Creator: Ernst Michanek, Undersecretary of State for Labor and Social Affairs, Sweden
- Item 29: The New Swedish Act on Collective Bargaining: Papers presented at a conference sponsored by the Institute of Industrial Relations in cooperation with the Royal Swedish Embassy, Washington, D.C., October 8-9, 1975

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, UCLA
- Item 30: Role of Workers' and Employers' Organizations in Sweden, no date

- Creator: Ture Flyboo, Swedish Confederation of Trade Unions
- Item 31: The Trade Union Movement and the Social Policy

- Item 32: Swedish Textile Employers' Association: Collective Agreements for Textile Workers and Other Workes, 1946

- Creator: Sveriges Textilindustriforbund
- Item 33: A Swedish Case Study on Personnel Relations, 1951

- Creator: Sune Carlson and Per Ernmark, Stockholm School of Economics
- Item 34: Enforcement of Collective Bargaining Agreements in Swedish Law, February 1947

- Creator: Folke Schmidt and Henry Heineman
- Item 35: Agreement between Time and Motion Studies Concluded by the Swedish Employers Confederation and the Confederation of Swedish Trade Unions, 1954

- Creator: Swedish Employers Confederation and Confederation of Swedish Trade Unions
- Item 36: Sweden's Labor Program, 1948

- Creator: Tage Lndbom, League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 37: Cross Currents at Yxtaholm: A glimpse of the activities at the college of the Swedish Employers Confederation, 1951

- Creator: Swedish Employers Confed.
- Item 38: Agreements Concerning General Rules for the Organization of Local Workers' Protection and the Workers' Protection Board, concluded by the Swedish Employers Confed. and the Confed. of Swedish Trade Unions, 1951

- Creator: Swedish Employers Confederation and Confederation of Swedish Trade Unions
- Item 39: Report of the Commission on Industrial Relations in Sweden, 1938

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 40: Swedish Labor and Industry Disagree on Policy, March 27, 1947

- Creator: Axel Iveroth and Tage Lindbom, Commercial and Financial Chronicle
- Item 41: Social Change in Sweden: Integration of Family Policy and Labor Market Policy in Sweden, December 1978

- Creator: Rita Liljestrom, Swedish Information Service
- Item 42: Viewpoint Sweden: Swedish Labor During the 1990s, November 1991

- Creator: Knut Rexed, Swedish Information Service
- Item 43: Viewpoint Sweden: Sweden and the New Europe, March 1991

- Creator: H.E. Anders Thunborg, Swedish Ambassador to the United States
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Sweden--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in Switzerland

- Item 1: Switzerland, 1984

- Creator: Prof. Alexandre Berenstein, Univ. of Geneva, published by Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, the Netherlands
- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Switzerland--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in Syria

- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in Taiwan

- Item 1: Taiwan Industrial Relations Bulletin, September 2002 - January 2003

- Creator: Chung Hua Institute for Industrial Relations
- Item 2: The Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, Rep. of China, June 30, 1993

- Creator: Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, Rep. of China
- Item 3: Newsletter: Labor Policy and Labor Force, July - August, 2000

- Creator: Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan, Rep. of China
- Item 4: Summary of the Labor Situation in Taiwan, November 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Searching for the Institutionalization of Labour Disputes in Developing Countries: A case study of the Republic of China, 1984

- Creator: Cheng Wei-Yuan, Dept. of Sociology, Natl. Taiwan Univ.
- Item 6: Adjustments of the Taiwan Economy Since the 1973 Oil Crisis, April 16-17, 1985

- Creator: Shirley W.Y. Kuo, Natl. Taiwan Univ.
- Item 7: An Introduction to the Manpower Development Plan 1980-1989: A Secotral Plan of the Ten-Year Economic Development Plan, October 1981

- Creator: Rep. of China
- Item 8: Technological Progress, Employment Structure and Income Distribution in Taiwan, June 1983

- Creator: Paul K.C. Liu, director of the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Item 9: Factors and Policies Contributing to Urbanization and Labor Mobility in Taiwan, May 1983

- Creator: Paul K.C. Liu, director of the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Item 10: Trends in Female Labor Force Participation in Taiwan: The Transition Toward Higher Technology Activities, March 1983

- Creator: Paul K.C. Liu, director of the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Item 11: The Role of Education in Fertility Transition in Taiwan, September 1983

- Creator: Paul K.C. Liu, director of the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Item 12: Higher Education and Manpower Planning in Taiwan, the Republic of China, April 30, 1980

- Creator: Pei-Chi Chang
- Item 13: Auto Industrial Policy in Taiwan, October 3-4, 1986

- Creator: Walter Arnold, Political Science Dept., Miami Univ. of Ohio
- Item 14: Manpower Planning and Development in Taiwan (cont.), September 1976

- Creator: Chi-ming Hou
- Item 15: Contributions of Women in the Labor Force to Economic Development in Taiwan, the Republic of China, August 1985

- Creator: K.T. Li, Minister in the govt' of the Rep. of China
- Item 16: Labor Mobility and Utilization in Relation to Urbanization in Taiwan, June 1962

- Creator: Paul K.C. Liu, director of the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
- Item 17: American and Chinese Managers in US Companies in Taiwan: A Comparison, 1985

- Creator: Samuel K.C. Chang
- Item 18: Foreign Economic Trends and their Implications for the United States, December 1984

- Creator: American Institute, Taipei
- Item 19: Human Recources and Development in Taiwan, ROC, November 1981

- Creator: Pei-Chi Chang
- Box 59

- Folder 1: Industrial Relations in Thailand

- Item 1: Labor Conditions in Thailand, 1944

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in Thailand, June 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Regional Tehcnical Seminar on Industrial Relations for Employers' Organisations in Asian Countries -and- Industrial Relations in Thailand and the Role of the Board of Trade of Thailand, 1974

- Creator: Vari Virangkura, Dir. Of the Board of Trade of Thailand, for the Intl. Labour office in Geneva
- Item 4: Modernization and Industrialization of Thai Society: A Sociological Analysis, March 1970

- Creator: Ken-Ichi Tominaga, Hiroshi Komai, Hideo Okamoto and Michiko Ise
- Folder 2: Industrial Relations in Trinidad and Tobago

- Item 1: General Industrial Conditions and Labour Relations in Trinidad, 1954

- Creator: F.W. Dalley
- Folder 3: Industrial Relations in Tunisia

- Item 1: Summary of the Labor Situation in Tunisia, March 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 4: Industrial Relations in Turkey

- Item 1: The Development of Industrial Relations in Turkey, 1980

- Creator: Dr. Toker Dereli and Dr. Nusret Ekin
- Item 2: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in Turkey, February 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Summary of the Labor Situation in Turkey, May 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Labor Digest: Labor Conditions in Turkey, November 1963

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 5: Industrial Relations in the United Arab Emirates

- Folder 6: Industrial Relations in Uruguay

- Item 1: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in Uruguay, June 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Social Legislation in Uruguay, March 1949

- Creator: Alberto Sanguinetti Freire, Deputy Dir. Of the Uruguayan Natl. Labour Institute, for the International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 3: Uruguay: A Little Historic Narration, circa 1950

- Creator: Uruguay's Beet and Sugar Workers Society
- Folder 7: Industrial Relations in the USSR

- Item 1: Soviet Trade Unions Ensure the Worker's Participation in Socialist Production Management, 1972

- Creator: Ivan Vladychenko, Secretary, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions
- Item 2: USSR: Working People in Production Management, no date

- Creator: V. Dzhelomanov, published by the Novosti Press Agency Publishing House in Moscow
- Item 3: Trade Unions and Industrial Relations in the Soviet Union, 1958

- Creator: B.C. Robert, Reader in Industrial Relations at the Univ. of London, and Maria Feingold, Research Student at the London School of Economics
- Item 4: KAS-KOR Monthly Digest, April - June, 1993

- Creator: Labour Information Centre
- Item 5: Russian Labour Review, 1993

- Creator: Labour Information Centre KAS-KOR
- Item 6: The Development of an Employment Promotion System in Russia in the Period of Market Transformation, no date

- Creator: Tatjana Ozernikova, Irkutsk State Academy of Economics
- Item 7: Russian Delegation Report, July 1953

- Creator: Amalgamated Society of Woodworkers, Manchester, UK
- Item 8: Russia: Report from a FIET fact-finding mission to Moscow in October 1992, October 1992

- Creator: Intl. Fed. Of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees
- Item 9: The Local Union in Soviety Industry: Its Relations with Members, Party and Management, January 1960

- Creator: Emily Clark Brown, Inter-University Study of Labor Problems in Economic Development
- Item 10: The Trade Union in Soviet Social Insurance: Historical Development and Present Functions, April 1961

- Creator: Gaston V. Rimlinger, Inter-University Study of Labor Problems in Economic Development
- Item 11: Grievance Procedures in Soviet Factories, July 1957

- Creator: Prof. Janusz K. Zawodny, Political Science Dept., Princeton Univ.
- Item 12: Workers in Stalin's Russia, 1944

- Creator: M.L. Berneri, Freedom Press, London
- Folder 8: Industrial Relations in the USSR--Bibliographies

- Folder 9: Industrial Relations in Venezuela *NB Contains a profile of Industrial Relations in the United States as Well

- Folder 10: Industrial Relations in Vietnam

- Item 1: Union Rivalry in Vietnam, July 1958

- Creator: Free Labour World
- Item 2: Summary of the Labor Situation in the Republic of Vietnam, February 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 11: Industrial Relations in Yugoslavia

- Item 1: The Worker as a Personality, 1962

- Creator: S. Kavcic, Editorial Office, Yugoslav Trade Unions
- Item 2: Topical Problems of the International Trade Union Movement, 1962

- Creator: S. Vukmanovic, Editorial Office, Yugoslav Trade Unions
- Item 3: The Yugoslav Worker: Who is he? What does he think? What does he aspire to?, 1962

- Creator: A. Deleon, Yugoslav Trade Unions
- Item 4: Yugoslav Experience- Questions Answered: Basic Aims and Principles of Workers' Training, 1964

- Creator: Confederation of Trade Unions of Yugoslavia
- Item 5: Workers Self-Management in Factories, 1962

- Creator: R. Romac and J Franic, Yugoslav Trade Unions
- Item 6: Tendencije U Razvoju Radnickog Samoupravljanja U Jugoslaviji, 1967

- Creator: Drago Gorupic
- Item 7: Yugoslav Experience- Questions Answered: Why the Trade Unions Have Been Reorganized, 1964

- Creator: Confederation of Trade Unions of Yugoslavia
- Item 8: Yugoslav Experience- Questions Answered: Social Insurance and How it Functions, 1964

- Creator: Confederation of Trade Unions of Yugoslavia
- Item 9: Yugoslav Experience- Questions Answered: Socio-Economic Scope of Yuguslav Trade Union Action, 1964

- Creator: Confederation of Trade Unions of Yugoslavia
- Item 10: Yugoslav Experience- Questions Answered: How Do the Working Collectives Distribute Created Values?, 1964

- Creator: Confederation of Trade Unions of Yugoslavia
- Folder 12: Industrial Relations in Zaire

- Item 1: Foreign Labor Information: Labor in the Belgian Congo, July 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 13: Industrial Relations in Zimbabwe

- Folder 14: Industrial Relations Departments

- Item 1: Industrial Relations Report: For the first time in Granite City Steel History, a three-year labor agreement was negotiated between the company and the United Steelworkers, 1956

- Item 2: Industrial Behaviour and Personnel Management, 1964

- Creator: Prof. Tom Lupton, Univ. of Leeds, for the Institute of Personnel Management in London
- Item 3: Evaluating the Personnel Department, April 1965

- Creator: Robert D. Gray, American Management Assoc.
- Item 4: Functions of the Labor Relations Section Personnel Staff, General Motors, June 17, 1946

- Creator: General Motors Corp.
- Item 5: The Role of the Industrial Relations Executive, January 11, 1943

- Creator: Bryce Stewart
- Item 6: A Career in Industrial Relations with a glossary of industrial relations terms, circa 1951

- Creator: Arthur O. England, Personnel Planning Office, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Harry Laurent, Jr., Technical Associate and Vocational Counselor, Western Reserve Univ.
- Item 7: Reporting the Work of the Personnel Dept., 1949

- Creator: Prof. Dale Yoder, Economics Dept., Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 8: For The People readings on the occasion of the nation's bicentennial from the American Society for Personnel Administration, circa 1976

- Creator: American Society for Personnel Administration
- Item 9: "Position and Responsibilities of the Personnel Department in a German Company" --Point 1 of the AGenda from the International Labour Organisation Technical Meeting Concerning Certain Aspects of Industrial Relations Inside Udertakings, December 10-19, 1959

- Creator: Otto Esser, Employer Delegate of the Federal Republic of Germany/Director, Kelsterbach Plant, Vereinigte Glanzstoff-Fabriken AG
- Item 10: Reappraisal of the Industrial Relations Driector's Job, September 23,25, 1957

- Creator: A.L. Belcher, Director of Industrial Relations, Pillsbury Mills, Inc. for the American Management Assoc. Personnel Conference
- Item 11: Factors Influencing the Recommendations of Personnel Managers, no date

- Folder 15: Industrial Relations Departments--Bibliographies

- Folder 16: Industrial Relations Policies

- Item 1: Banned Books, August 26, 1986

- Creator: Newsclipping from the Wall Street Journal
- Item 2: Executive Planning if an A-Bomb Falls, September 1950

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board, Inc.
- Folder 17: Industrial Relations Policies--Bibliographies

- Box 60

- Folder 1: Industrialization and Labor

- Item 1: Industrialization and Educatinal Investment in the Meiji Era (1868-1912), February 1964

- Creator: Hisashi Kawada, Keio Univ., Japan
- Item 2: High Growth of the Japanese Economy and the Problems of Small Enterprises, March 1964

- Creator: Taikichi Ito, Keio Univ., Japan
- Item 3: Werner Plum Recits d'ouvriers sur les debuts du monde moderne du travail, 1976

- Creator: Werner Plum
- Item 4: Werner Plum Industrialization and Mass Poverty: Points from two centuries of debate, 1977

- Creator: Werner Plum
- Item 5: Werner Plum Working Men's Reports on the Beginnings of the World of Industrial Labour, 1976

- Creator: Werner Plum
- Item 6: The Labour Problem in Economic Development: A Framework for a Reappraisal, 1955

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 7: Our Future Industrial Society: A Global Vision, September 1961

- Creator: Prof. Solomon B. Levine, UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: Problems of Manpower and Industrialization in the USSR, no date

- Creator: Warren W. Eason
- Item 9: On the International Division of Labour, 1970

- Creator: Fan Tinbergen, Fed. Of Swedish Industries
- Item 10: The Economic Background of Social Policy Including Problems of Industrialization, 1947

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 11: The Roles of Workers, Employers and Governments in Economic and Social Development: Objectives, Priorities, Policies and Costs, April 1967

- Creator: Univ. College of Nairobi, Intl. Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 12: Labour Problems in the Economic and Social Development of Uganda, April 1967

- Creator: Univ. College of Nairobi, Intl. Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 13: World Employment Programme: Education and Employment Project (developing countries) Progress Report NO.3, December 1975

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 14: World Employment Programme: Education and Employment Project Research Outline, October 1974

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 15: Industrialization and Labour Markets in Asia: A Comparative Study of Ten Spinning Factories in Five Asian Countries, no date

- Creator: Y. Nihei, D.A. levin and M. Ohtsu, Univ. of Saskatchewan
- Folder 2: Industrialization and Labor--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Injunctions

- Item 1: Equity versus Taft-Hartley Injunctions, January 1951

- Creator: Morris D. Forkosch
- Folder 4: Insurance

- Item 1: A Guide to Life Insurance for Women Only, March 1976

- Creator: Institute of Life Insurance
- Item 2: Sets, Probability and Statistics: The Mathematics of Life Insurance, 1975

- Creator: Institute of Life Insurance
- Folder 5: Insurance--Bibliographies

- Folder 6: Insurance Business

- Item 1: Freedom!, September 10, 1952

- Creator: Laurence F. Lee, President of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Before the National Assn. of Life Insurance Underwriters
- Folder 7: Intellectuals and Labor

- Item 1: The Impact of the Political Left, 1958

- Creator: Profs. Bernard Karsh and Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 8: International Affairs and Labor

- Item 1: Problems in International Labor Affairs Reccomended for Research and Analysis, September 1960

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: The CIO and World Affairs: A Summary of CIO Policy Statements on Labor's Position and Role in International Affairs, April 1951

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 3: International Trade: Report of the Economic Policy Committee to the AFL-CIO Executive Council, February 1970

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: Study Abroad: The International Exchange of Workers, Enquiries by the Intl. Labour Office and UNESCO, 1949

- Creator: UNESCO
- Item 5: "Shirtsleeve Diplomats", circa 1952

- Creator: Economic Cooperation Administration
- Item 6: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions: European Regional Organization Conference, November 1954

- Creator: Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 7: United States Unions and Third World Workers, March 1987

- Creator: Ronald J. Peters, UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: The Truth Crushes Commie Lies, circa 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Recognition of Soviet Russia Opposed by AFL: Verbatim Discussion on Resolution No.50 at the Detroit Convention of the AFL, October 12, 1926

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 10: The German Problem, circa 1952

- Creator: Rt. Hon. Kenneth Younger, MP, for the Fabian Society
- Item 11: German-American Trade Union Solidarity in the Struggle Against Fascism: 1933-1945, How the American Trade Unions Helped Their Persecuted German Colleagues, circa 1984

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 12: Free Trade Unions in the Fight for African Freedom, 1961

- Creator: John Riddell, Intl. Confed. of Free Trade Unions, and H.P. Abedola, Pres. Of African Regional Organization, ICFTU
- Item 13: For Peace and Freedom: Report of the Executive Council of the AFL on the International Situation and the Report of the Committee on Internatinal Labor Relations, September 21-25, 1953

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 14: CIO Resolution on Foreign Policy, November 1951

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 15: Disarmament: The American Federation of Labor, its Declaractions and Actions in Support of Disarmament and International Peace, October 1921

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 16: Labor and UNESCO, January 15, 1949

- Creator: John D. Connors, Director of the Workers Education Bureau of America
- Item 17: Peace, Jobs and Freedom: A Report of a Conference Held in Chicag, Illinois, April 14-15, 1961

- Creator: American Friends Service Committee
- Item 18: World Revolution: TVA Shows the Way, August 1951

- Creator: William O. Douglas, reprinted from "The Progressive"
- Item 19: National Citizens' Commission: Report of the Committee on Labor, November 28-December 1, 1965

- Creator: White House Conference on Internatinal Cooperation
- Item 20: "Interest Getters" on World Affairs: Getting Acquainted with the rest of the world, 1952

- Creator: Inter-University Labor Education Committee, Inc.
- Box 61

- Folder 1: International Affairs and Labor (cont.)

- Item 1: "These Are Tense Days" Selections from a speech before the National Press Club, December 19, 1952

- Creator: George Meany, pres., American Fed. Of Labor, published by the UIUC ILIR
- Item 2: US Labor's Single Standard on Dictatorships, November 1985

- Creator: American Institute for Free Labor Development, AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Sandinista Deception Reaffirmed: Nicaragua Coverup of Trade Union Repression, August 30, 1985

- Creator: American Institute for Free Labor Development, AFL-CIO
- Item 4: Are Nicaragua's Trade Unions Free? A response to the American Institute for Free Labor Development (AFL-CIO) Report "Nicaragua, A Revolution Betrayed: Free Labor Persecuted", April 1985

- Creator: US Labor Lawyer's Delegation to Nicaragua
- Folder 2: International Affairs and Labor--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: International Labor Activities

- Item 1: IMF Japan Council, February 1971

- Creator: International Metalworkers' Federation, Japan Council
- Item 2: One, Two, Three, Many New Internationalisms! On a new third world labour internationalism and its relationship to those of the west and the east, March 1990

- Creator: Peter Waterman, Insitutte of Social Studies, The Hague
- Item 3: After Twenty Years, the International Labor Organization, November 14, 1939

- Creator: Washington Branch, Intl. Labor Organization
- Item 4: The United States in the International Labor Organization, 1939

- Creator: Ethel M. Johnson, Washington Branch, Intl. Labor Organization
- Item 5: Report of the CIO Delegates to the World Trade Union Conference, February 1945

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 6: The ILO and Women, 1953

- Creator: International Labor Office, Geneva
- Item 7: The ILO and Youth, 1952

- Creator: International Labor Office, Geneva
- Folder 4: International Labor Activities--Bibliographies

- Folder 5: International Trade: Report of the Economic Policy Committee to the AFL-CIO Executive Council

- Item 1: Estados Unidos Mexicanos, circa 1991

- Creator: Office for Free Trade Agreement Negotiations, Embassy of Mexico, Washington, DC
- Item 2: The Future Role of the Japanese Economy in the Pacific Rim, July 24, 1991

- Creator: Prof. Atsushi Maki, visiting fellow, New Zealand Centre for Japanese Studies, Massey Univ.
- Item 3: Labor and Tariff Issues in the Major Party Platforms, 1900-1932 (abstract of a dissertation submitted to the faculty), 1953

- Creator: Ssiter Marie Elizabeth Lynch, Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament for Indians and Colored People, Catholic Univ. of America
- Folder 6: International Trade--Bibliographies

- Folder 7: Interviewing

- Item 1: Conductingf the Lawful Employment Interview: When interviewing job candidates, how to avoid charges of discrimination, 1974

- Creator: Executive Enterprises Publications, Inc.
- Item 2: Methods of Interviewing, circa 1960

- Creator: Earl C. Wolfe, UIUC ILIR Extension
- Item 3: Applicant Reactions to the Employment Interview and Recruiter Behavior, September 23, 1988

- Creator: Tutorial Paper by Barbara A. Bareis, UIUC ILIR
- Item 4: Selection Interview Use: The Paradox Explained, January 23, 1987

- Creator: Tutorial Paper by Susan Lynn Michalec, UIUC ILIR
- Item 5: A Comparison of the Relative Predictive Validity of Computer-Based and Face-to-Face Employment Interviews, May 1996

- Creator: Tutorial Paper by Rainee Kosmoski, UIUC ILIR
- Item 6: Self-Similarity and Impression Management in the Selection Interview, Spring 1992

- Creator: Tutorial Paper by Joan Colleen Perkins, UIUC ILIR
- Item 7: The Use of Panel Interviews in the Selection Process, July 30, 1993

- Creator: Tutorial Paper by Jodi J. Dully, UIUC ILIR
- Item 8: Sex-Stereotyped Questions in the Employment Interview: An Analysis of the Impact on Candidate Responses to Employers, January 1998

- Creator: Tutorial Paper by Jennifer C. Mitchell, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 8: Job Analysis

- Item 1: City of Urbana, IL Classification and Pay Plan Report, November 9, 1973

- Creator: Charles Maxey
- Item 2: Job Analysis as a Basis for Effective Personnel Management, October 1-2, 1948

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: A Methodological Study of Job Analysis, no date

- Creator: P.N. Kalra and K.N. Sharma, Indian Statistical Institute
- Box 62

- Folder 1: Job Analysis (cont.)

- Folder 2: Job Corps, circa 1951

- Item 1: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the IN-School and Sumer Neighborhood Youth Corps, May 1971

- Creator: Ernest W. Stromsdorfer, Indiana Univ.
- Folder 3: Job Creation

- Item 1: "Jobs can only be created through hard work", October 28, 1997

- Creator: from the Corriere Della Sera, in response to French PM Lionel Jospin's statements about the 35-hr. work week
- Item 2: Creating More JobsNow, April 1961

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 3: Production Techniques and Employment Creation in Underdeveloped Economies, August 1958

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Folder 4: Job Descriptions

- Item 1: Approaches to the Prediction of Job Success: The Descriptive Inventory, February 1953

- Creator: UIUC Contract NO. AF 33(038)-25726/Memorandum Report A-3
- Item 2: Employer Utilization of Job Descriptions to Resolve Compliance Issues for the Americans with Disbilities Act, no date

- Creator: Karen Olach, advised by Prof. Elissa Perry, at the UIUC ILIR
- Folder 5: Job Engineering

- Item 1: Job Redesign: Technique for an era of full employment, possibly circa 1947

- Creator: Solomon Barkin, Dir. Of Research, Textile Wkrs. Union of America, CIO
- Item 2: Job Design: Meeting the Manpower Challenge, January 1958

- Creator: George H. Hieronymus, Society for Personnel Administration
- Folder 6: Job Enlargement

- Item 1: Job Redesign for Office Workers: Opportunities and Dangers for Labor, 1993

- Creator: Natinoal Assoc. of Working Women
- Item 2: Democratization and Reorganization, circa 1974

- Creator: Erik Karlsson
- Item 3: The Utilization of Human Resources in Mining, February 20, 1975

- Creator: Ted Mills, Dir. National Quality of Work Center
- Folder 7: Job Enrichment

- Item 1: A New Strategy for Job Enrichment, May 1974

- Creator: J. Richard Hackman, Yale Univ. and Greg Oldham, Univ. of Illinois
- Item 2: Humanisierung der Arbeit und Partizipation, 1979

- Creator: Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft und Statistik Universitat Knostanz
- Folder 8: Job Evaluation

- Item 1: Job Evaluation, August 1968

- Creator: Profs. L.C. Pigage and J.L. Tucker, UIUC
- Item 2: Classification in a Nutshell, July 1951

- Creator: US Agriculture Dept.
- Folder 9: Job Evaluation--Bibliographies

- Box 63

- Folder 1: Job Rotation

- Folder 2: Job Search

- Item 1: "Chapter 7. Initial Placement: Search Methods. In many countries the public authorities, including educational institutions, regard it as a particular responsibility to assist young people"

- Item 2: Job Search Strategies of Dual Career Couples, November 1, 1984

- Creator: Janet Snow-Godfrey, paper fro LIR 292 at UIUC ILIR
- Item 3: Job Search Training: Passport from Education to Work - A Proposal, May 1981

- Creator: Work in America Institute, inc.
- Item 4: Formal versus Informal Job Search Methods: Use and Effectiveness for Undergraduate Students Searchin for Internships, May 1997

- Creator: Caroline E. Carlson, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 3: Job Security

- Item 1: Job Redundancy: The Impact of Key Market Institutions on the Economic Flexibility of the Japanese Economy, February 1987

- Creator: Kazuo Koike, Kyoto Univ., Japan
- Item 2: Job Security: Redundancy Arrangements and Practices in Japan, January 1985

- Creator: Kazutoshi Koshiro, Yokohama Natl. Univ., Japan
- Folder 4: Job Specifications

- Folder 5

- Item 1: The Federal Budget and Shrinking Resources for Job Training, April 25, 1985

- Creator: Illinois Unemployment and Job Training Research Project, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 2: Civil Rights, the New Federalism and the Job Training Partnership Act

- Creator: Illinois Unemployment and Job Training Research Project, Univ. of Chicago
- Folder 6: Job Vacancies

- Item 1: Feasibility Study of Problems in the Collection of Data on Job Vacancies, March 1964

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Labor
- Folder 7: Journey to Work

- Item 1: Commuting Patterns in Illinois: Statistical Summary, 1990 Census, circa 1991

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Item 2: Commuting Patterns in Illinois: Analysis and Statistical Summary Based on 1980 Census Data, circa 1981

- Creator: Illinois Dept. of Employment Security
- Folder 8: Labor Conditions

- Item 1: Problems and Answers, 1945

- Creator: United Automobile Wkrs.
- Item 2: The Conference on the Breakdown of Industrial Standards, December 12, 1932

- Creator: National Consumers' League
- Item 3: A Study of Living Conditions of Self-Supporting Women in New York City, 1915

- Creator: Esther Packard, Young Women's Christian Assoc.
- Folder 9: Labor Conditions in Argentina

- Item 1: Miseria de la Riqueza Argentina, no date

- Creator: Juan Antonio Solari, International Labour Office, Geneva
- Folder 10: Labor Costs

- Item 1: The Components of Changes in New York City Government Labor Costs 1965-1972: Police, Fire and Environmental Protection, August 1972

- Creator: Richard D Gustely, Maxwell Research Project on the Public Finances of New York City, Syracuse Univ.
- Item 2: A Comparison of Changes in City Government Labor Costs Among the Ten Largest US Cities 1966 - 1971, November 1972

- Creator: Richard D Gustely, Maxwell Research Project on the Public Finances of New York City, Syracuse Univ.
- Item 3: Labor Cost in the Puerto Rican Economy, December 1950

- Creator: Simon Rottenberg, Director of the Labor Relations Institute, Univ. of Puerto Rico
- Folder 11: Labor Courts

- Item 1: Why Not Labor Courts?, 1939

- Creator: Louis Kirshbaum
- Item 2: Les Conseils de Prud'Hommes: Une Analyse de Leur Fonctionnement, January 1962

- Creator: Prof. William H. McPherson, UIUC ILIR
- Folder 12: Labor Day

- Item 1: May Day vs. Labor Day, 1936

- Creator: Olive M. Johnson, Socialist Labor Party
- Folder 13: Labor Economics

- Item 1: Reprint from The Indian Journal of Labour Economics, 1962

- Creator: Indian Society of Labour Economics
- Item 2: Theories of Labour Revisited, no date

- Creator: Frak Moulaert, Asst. Director, Johns Hopkins European Center for Regional Planning and Research
- Box 64

- Folder 1: Labor Education

- Item 1: Ethical and Moral Standards in Labor Education: The Final Report of the Ethical and Morals Standards Project, December 1961

- Creator: Wayne A.R. Leys and Peter Senn, Natl. Institute of Labor Education
- Item 2: Teaching Arbitration to Labor Educators: An Analysis of Methods and Techniques, no date

- Creator: John J. Mikrut, Jr., Univ. of Missouri
- Item 3: The Labor Educator's Role in Teaching Controversial Subjects, April 3, 1975

- Creator: Jack Russell
- Item 4: Using Education in your Union, June 5-7, 1952

- Creator: UIUC ILIR Extension and Illinois St. Fed. Of Labor
- Item 5: American Workers' Education: Its Meaning, Methods and Policies, 1936

- Creator: Mollie Ray Carroll and Spencer Miller, Jr., Workers Education Bureau Press
- Item 6: Education: Why and for What?, December 3, 1939

- Creator: Mark Starr, Ed. Dept., Intl. Ladies' Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 7: Workers' Education, 1927

- Creator: Arthur Gleason and Spencer Miller, Jr., Workers Education Bureau Press
- Item 8: How to start Workers' Study Classes, 1922

- Creator: Broadus Mitchell, Johns Hopkins Univ. and Baltimore Labor College, published by the Workers' Education Bureau of America
- Item 9: Education and the Worker-Student: A book about workers' education based upon the experience of teachers and students, 1934

- Creator: Jean Carter and Hilda W. Smith, Affiliated Schools for Workers, Inc.
- Item 10: Workers' Education Today and Tomorrow, December 1933

- Creator: Brookwood Labor College
- Item 11: Materials for Union Discussions on: 1.) Voting Records 2.) Schools 3.) Farm Problems 4.) Power 5.) Health, 1955

- Creator: CIO Dept. of Ed. And Research
- Item 12: Materials for Union Discussions on: 6.) Civil Liberties and FEPC 7.) Anti-Labor Legislation 8.) Cushions Against Recession 9.) Taxes, Minimum Wage and Housing 10.) World Affairs 11.) Educational Materials, 1955

- Creator: CIO Dept. of Ed. And Research
- Item 13: What's Wrong With Workers Education - And What's Right?, 1972

- Creator: Prof. Al Nash, NY St. School of Industrial & Labor Relations
- Item 14: The Workers' Educational Association in Denmark, no date

- Creator: Arbejdernes Oplysningsforbund
- Item 15: Diploma Course in Trade Unionism: Prospectus, no date

- Creator: Bombay Labour Institute (Government of Maharashtra)
- Item 16: Report on the Asian Seminar on Workers' Education, October 1958

- Creator: Labor Education Center, Univ. of the Philippines
- Item 17: Labor Education in Germany/Arbeiterbildung in Deutschland, June 1950

- Creator: Office of the US High Commissioner for Germany
- Item 18: Assessment of Existing Labor Education Programs and the Structure and Function of Uganda College, March 1962

- Creator: Clement K. Lubembe, Kenya Fed. Of Labor
- Item 19: Speech of the Director of Trade Union Training, Institute of The Workers Education Society of Pakistan, made on the occasion of the Inauguration Ceremony of the Teachers Training Course, no date

- Item 20: The Formal Training of Leaders for German Trade Unions, Spring 1965

- Creator: Robert E. Belding
- Item 21: University Labor Education: Ideas and Experiences from a Prairie State to a Prairie Province, November 7, 1980

- Creator: Ronald J. Peters, Head of Labor Education, UIUC ILIR
- Item 22: Analysis of Examination Given Local Union Legislative Representatives of the United Steelworkers of America, April 1957

- Creator: Milferd Lieberthal and Phillips L. Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 23: Preliminary Proposal for a Long-Term Non-Residential Study Program for Trade Union Leaders in the Chicago Area, October 3, 1962

- Creator: UIUC ILIR
- Item 24: Who's Who in Workers' Education

- Creator: Biographical Sketches from the Workers' Education Bureau Newsletter
- Item 25: Educational Institutions and Internatinoal Labor: Proceedings of a Land-Grant Centennial Conference, 1962

- Creator: Michigan State Univ.
- Item 26: Outline for a course: "LIR 895: American Labor Education", Summer 1976

- Creator: Ron Peters
- Item 27: The Chicago Labor Education Program and Chicago Labor Leaders, October 1973 - November 1992

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois Chicago
- Item 28: Brookwood Labor College: Its goals, philosophies and conflicts

- Creator: Prof. Thomas W. Zimmerer, Florida Atlantic Univ.
- Item 29: On University and Labor, November 1958

- Creator: Labor Education Center, Univ. of the Philippines
- Item 30: Asian Trade Union College and Workers' Education Centre: A Brief Report Nov. 1952 - October 1958, circa 1959

- Creator: International Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 31: Women Workers View Their Learning, circa 1981

- Creator: Jean M. Golaszewski and Joyce L. Kornbluth, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 32: Symposium on the Role of Universities in Workers' Education, November 1973

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Box 65

- Folder 1: Labor Education (cont.)

- Item 1: Trade Union Information, no date

- Creator: European Productivity Agency
- Item 2: Delegates to the Third CIO Scandinavian Labor Education Workshop, 1954

- Creator: Congress of Industrial Organizations
- Item 3: Industrial Relations and the Curriculum, November 1945

- Creator: Phillips Bradley, reprinted from Social Science Research
- Item 4: Labor Education in Universities: A Study of University Programs, 1946

- Creator: Caroline F. Ware, American Labor Education Service
- Item 5: Workers Abroad (supplement to Study Abroad), 1951

- Creator: UNESCO
- Item 6: Labor Education Functions in University Extension Services, no date

- Creator: Anthony Luchek, Pennsylvania State College
- Item 7: Report on Workers Education in Singapore, 1961

- Creator: International Labour Office, Geneva
- Item 8: First ICFTU World Conference on Education in the Labour Movement, 1967

- Creator: International Confed. of Free Trade Unions
- Item 9: Union Leadership Manual

- Item 10: Adult and Workers' Education in the Gold Coast and Nigeria, June 1952

- Creator: Thomas Hodgkin, UNESCO
- Item 11: The Educational Work of the Israel Federation of Labour (Histadrut), July 1952

- Creator: Rachel Adiv, UNESCO
- Item 12: Workers Education in Greece, August 1952

- Creator: Apostolos Voyatzis, UNESCO
- Item 13: Workers Education in Haiti, August 1952

- Creator: Dantes P. Colimon, UNESCO
- Item 14: Outline Report on the Socialist Workers Education Movement in Belgium, July 1952

- Item 15: Workers Education in Iran, no date

- Item 16: Workers Education in New Zealand, July 1952

- Item 17: Trade Union Education in the British West Indies, July 1952

- Creator: Gloria Gumper
- Item 18: The Educational Work of the Austrian Trade Unions, Jly 1952

- Creator: Educational Dept. of the Austrial Trade Union Fed. And UNESCO
- Item 19: Some Trends in Workers Education in India, June 1950

- Creator: V.S. Mathur, UNESCO
- Item 20: The School for Members of Joint Production Committees in Copenhagen, July 1952

- Creator: Poul Hansen, UNESCO
- Item 21: Extracts from Workers Education in France, July 1952

- Creator: Georges Vidaleno, UNESCO
- Item 22: Summary Report on Workers' Education in Germany, July 1952

- Creator: Dr. Margo Bergmann and Dr. Franz Deus, UNESCO
- Item 23: Workers Education in Switzerland, July 1952

- Creator: UNESCO
- Item 24: Workers Education in India, July 1952

- Creator: Sohan Singh, UNESCO
- Item 25: Workers Education in Greece, August 1952

- Creator: Constantin Aliforis, UNESCO
- Item 26: Education of the Working Class in Yugoslavia, September 3, 1952

- Creator: A. Deleon, UNESCO
- Item 27: The Educational Work of th Austrian Socialist Party, July 1952

- Creator: Robert Erber, UNESCO
- Item 28: The University Providing Service to the People in an Industrial State, May 5, 1948

- Creator: Dean Albert E. Meder, Jr., Rutgers Univ.
- Item 29: Manual de la FIET para Los Instructores Sindicales/FEIT Handbook for Trade Union Educators, circa 1987

- Creator: International Fed. Of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees
- Item 30: Public Funded Trade Union Education: The Australian Experience, February 1979

- Creator: Les Cupper, Univ. of Melbourne
- Item 31: Instructor's Manual for Steward Training: A Labor Education Instructor's Manual, 1970

- Creator: Mil Lieberthal and Stanley Roisen, UIUC ILIR
- Item 32: The Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations (ILIR) and Labor Education, March 1985

- Creator: Prof. Phillips Garman, UIUC ILIR
- Item 33: Folder Containing Materials related to a Labor Extension Service in the US Labor Dept.

- Folder 2: Labor Education--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Labor Education in Great Britain

- Item 1: Trade Unions and Workers Education, 1957-1958

- Creator: I.A. Marsh
- Item 2: Development of Educational Services for Trade Unionists, no date

- Creator: Trades Union Congress
- Item 3: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: First Year Trade Union Studies, 1953-1954

- Creator: A.J. Cornfield, MA, Univ. of London
- Item 4: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: Second Year Economics, 1953-1954

- Creator: B. Roberts, MA, Univ. of London
- Item 5: Trade Union Education: A report from a working party set up by the Workers Educational Association, 1953

- Creator: Workers Educational Assn.
- Item 6: Jubilee Addresses on Adult Education, 1953

- Creator: Workers Educational Assn.
- Item 7: The Story of Ruskin College 1899-1949, circa 1949

- Item 8: Adult Education and the Industrial Community, 1965

- Creator: National Institute of Adult Education, London
- Item 9: 31st Annual Report: The Workers' Educational Trade Union Committee, 1951

- Creator: Workers Educational Trade Union Committee
- Item 10: WEA 48th Annual Report, 1951

- Creator: The Workers Educational Association
- Item 11: WEA Annual Report, 1955

- Creator: Workers Educational Association
- Item 12: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: First Year Trade Unionism, 1952-1953

- Creator: Ben Roberts, B.A., Univ. of London
- Item 13: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: First Year Economic and Social History, 1954-1955

- Creator: J.P. Carruthers, M.A., Univ. of London
- Item 14: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: First Year Trade Union Studies, 1955-1956

- Creator: R.B. Davidson, B.Sc. (Econ), Ph.D., Univ. of London
- Item 15: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: Second Year Trade Union Studies, 1954-1955

- Creator: A.J. Cornfield, M.A., Univ. of London
- Item 16: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: Third Year Trade Union Studies, 1954-1955

- Creator: B.A. Roberts, M.A., Univ. of London
- Item 17: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: Third Year Trade Union Studies, 1955-1956

- Creator: A.J. Cornfield, M.A., Univ. of London
- Item 18: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: First Year Psychology, 1955-1956

- Creator: E.M. Eppel, M.A., Ed.B., Univ. of London
- Item 19: Syllabus for a Tutorial Class: First Year International Relations, 1955-1956

- Creator: Miss E.M. Monkhouse, B.A., Univ. of London
- Item 20: Ruskin College Magazine No.10, 1954

- Creator: Ruskin College
- Item 21: Application for Scholarship for Study at Ruskin College, 1955-1956

- Creator: Committee on Labor Scholarships in the United Kingdom, NY
- Item 22: Announcement of the Committee on Labor Scholarships in the United Kingdom, circa 1954

- Creator: Institute of International Education
- Item 23: Labor Education in Britain, 1955, circa 1955

- Creator: Mark Starr, Ed. Dir., Intl. Ladies Garment Wkrs. Union
- Item 24: The Teaching of Trade Unionists in Great Britain, July 1952

- Creator: Ellen McCullough, UNESCO
- Item 25: Trade Union Education in the United Kingdom, June 1952

- Creator: J.H. Mathews, UNESCO
- Item 26: Report of the Survey Team in Adult and Workers Education for the United States Educational Commission in the United Kingdom, October 1956

- Creator: United States Educational Commission in the United Kingdom
- Item 27: WEA Retrospect 1903-1953: A Record Published to Commemorate the Jubilee of the Workers Educational Association, circa 1953

- Creator: Workers Educational Association
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
[Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],