By Joseph Ansel Hoisington
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Vertical Subject File, 1893 - 2019

ID: 35/3/402
Extent: 155.6 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by subject
Subjects: American Arbitration Association, American Federation of Labor, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Orgs (AFL-CIO), Arbitration, Chamber of Commerce, Illinois, Chamber of Commerce, United States, Collective Bargaining, Commerce, United States Department of, Commerce and Business Administration, College of, Communism, Economics, Economics Department, Education, Government, Government and Public Affairs, Institute of, Illinois Labor-Management Relations, Immigration, Industrial Democracy, Industrial Relations Research Association, International Labor Organization, International Relations, Labor, United States Department of, Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, Labor Education, Labor History, Labor Journalism, Labor Relations, Labor Union Organization, Labor Unions, Law, Law, College of, Management, New Deal, Political Science, Political Science Department, Psychology Department, Socialism, Social Psychology, Social Security, Sociology, Sociology Department, Strikes, Unions, Wage and Price Controls, War Labor Board, Workmen's Compensation
Languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish;Castilian, Russian, Swedish
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Labor Library Vertical Subject File (1893 - 2019) contains scholarly, legal, political, journalistic and popular literature about labor relations and related topics collected by the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library from labor unions, governments, international organizations, political parties, interest groups and scholars and academic institutions and pertaining to relations between employers and employees, the role of government in maintaining fair labor relations, the rights of workers to organize, the structure and function of labor organizations, and the interaction between labor relations and society.
This series includes source material from eras of labor history which presented unique issues and problems including the Progressive Era, the New Deal, World Wars I and II and Post-war Anticommunism.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Processing Information:
All documents in Boxes 1-8 are listed at the item-level in the finding aid.
For boxes 9-154, the finding aid is a combination of folder-level and item-level description. For these boxes, only selected documents were listed at the item-level. Documents have been selected for item-level description on the basis of factors including age, connection to important historical figures and events, lack of availability elsewhere, connection to now-defunct organizations and movements, and connection to the University of Illinois and the the Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations.
**Denotes subjects which have additional materials at the end of the record series, in the last boxes.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],
- Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Absenteeism**

- Item 1: Sample 1999 attendance calendar, circa 1999

- Creator: G. Neil Companies
- Item 2: Datagraph "Time off the job", April 12, 1979

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 3: Second Progress Report: Nationwide Study of prolonged illness, 1954

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 4: Datagraph "Employee Absences", October 11, 1990

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 5: Controlling Absenteeism, June, 1960

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 6: Controlling Absenteeism: A record of war plant experience, circa 1943

- Creator: US Labour Dept. - Div. of Labor Standards
- Item 7: Office Personnel Turnover: AMS Latest Findings, May, 1972

- Creator: AMS
- Item 8: Bulletin to Management, September 21, 1972

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 9: 1991 Attendance controller, circa 1991

- Creator: G. Neil Companies
- Item 10: Prolonged nonoccupational illness: a nationwide study among employed persons, 1952

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 11: Personality, Performance, and Absenteeism of Professionals: The Case of Public School Teachers, unknown

- Creator: T. Gregory Bergin
- Item 12: Personnel Policies Forum, June,1970

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 13: Absences and employee attitudes in an electric power company, circa 1952

- Creator: Floyd Mann and Howard Baumgartel
- Item 14: Faculty Working Papers, February, 1982

- Creator: Dept. of Economics and Business, NC State Univ.
- Item 15: Union Labor Report: Weekly Newsletter, October 11, 1990

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 16: How to cure those costly "I've got a cold" absences, circa 1960

- Creator: Management Magazines, inc.
- Item 17: Auditing Absenteeism, circa 1943

- Creator: US Labor Dept. Div. of Labor Standards
- Item 18: Bulletin to Management, March 2008-16

Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
17 Bulletin to Management issues relating to Absenteeism.
- Folder 2: Absenteeism Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Accidents, Industrial

- Item 1: Pysical environment, productivity, and injuries in underground coal mines, Spring 1974

- Creator: C.L. Christenson and W.H. Andrews
- Item 2: Work-related deaths in 1984, July 10, 1986

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 3: Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, 1982-1983, January 10, 1985

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 4: Fatal Occupational Injuries 1994, January, 1996

- Creator: Rhode Island Dept. of Health
- Item 5: Congressional Testimony: economic consequences of work-related injuries, May, 1992

- Creator: M. Susan Marquis
- Item 6: Making Steel and Killing Men, November, 1907

- Creator: William Hard
- Item 7: OHSA Enforcement, Industrial Compliance and Workplace Injuries, July, 1982

- Creator: Ann P. Bartel and Lacy Glenn Thomas
- Item 8: Injries to Crewmen on Inland Waterways, circa 1951

- Creator: United States Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Injury Rates by Industry, 1966 and 1967, circa 1969

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 10: Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in Nebraska by Industry, 1977, circa 1978

- Creator: Nebraska Workmen's Compensation Court
- Item 11: Employment Safety and Health Guide: The President's Report on Occupational Safety and Health for 1972 and Occupational Injuries and Illnesses July 1 - December 31, 1971, February 21, 1974

- Item 12: Injury Rates in the Construction Industry, New York State, 1966, November, 1967

- Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
- Item 13: Occupational Injury and Illness Information for 1977 Now Available from Supplementary Data System, March, 1980

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 14: Work Injury Report: An administrative report on accidents involving foot injuries, February, 1980

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 15: Work Injuries in the State of Michigan 1966, circa 1967

- Creator: Michigan Labor Dept.
- Item 16: Part of Body injured in work accidents, circa 1979

- Creator: National Safety Council
- Item 17: Work injuries in Michigan 1967, circa 1968

- Creator: Michigan Labor Dept.
- Item 18: Women and Job Safety, October 23, 1980

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 19: The Control of Industrial Accidents: Economic Theory and Empirical evidence, circa 1974

- Creator: James R. Chelius
- Item 20: The Blast in Centralia No.5: A Mine Disaster no one stopped, March, 1948

- Creator: John Bartlow Martin
- Item 21: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience for the transportation, communications, electric, gas, and sanitary service industries, 1973, circa 1973

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 22: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience for the wholesale and retail trade industries, 1973, circa 1973

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 23: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience for the construction industries, 1973, circa 1973

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 24: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience for the manufacturing industries, 1973, circa 1973

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 25: Accident Facts: At work and at home, August 23, 1984

- Creator: National Safety Council
- Item 26: Construction Goal: "A Workplace Free of Recognized Hazards", December 20, 1973

- Creator: Richard Ginnold
- Item 27: Injury and Illness Data available from 1980 Workers' Compensation Records, March, 1983

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 28: Characteristics of Recordable Occupational Injuries and Illnesses 1987, Dec., 1988

- Creator: Wyoming Labor Dept.
- Item 29: Accident Facts 1978 Edition, circa 1979

- Creator: National Safety Council
- Item 30: Evaluating your firm's injury and illness experience national emphasis program: foundries, circa 1976

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Folder 4: Accidents, Industrial--Canada

- Item 1: Statistical Analysis of Accidents Reported during the year 1964, circa 1965

- Creator: Workmen's Compensation Board, Manitoba
- Item 2: Statistical Analysis of Accidents Reported during the year 1966, circa 1967

- Creator: Workmen's Compensation Board, Manitoba
- Item 3: Statistical Analysis of Accidents Reported during the year 1968, circa 1969

- Creator: Workmen's Compensation Board, Manitoba
- Item 4: Statistical Analysis of Accidents Reported during the year 1969, circa 1970

- Creator: Workmen's Compensation Board, Manitoba
- Folder 5: Accidents, Industrial--Illinois

- Item 1: Primary Metal and Fabricated Metal Products Industries Compensible Work Injuries Reported in Illinois in 1964, February 9, 1967

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Work Injuries: State of Illinois Employees and their cost 1962-1963, September, 1964

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Annual Industrial Accident Cost in Illinois - An estimate, May, 1951

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Springfield-Decatur Area, May 3, 1965

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 5: East St. Louis-Alton-Belleville Area, May 5-7, 1965

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Work Injury Frequency Rates in Illinois, 1955-1958, March 1960

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Work Injury Frequency Rates in Illinois, 1954 and Compensable Work Injury Rates in Illinois, 1955, circa 1956

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Work Injury Frequency Rates 1948-1953, April 1955

- Creator: Illinois Labor Dept.
- Folder 6: Accidents, Industrial--New York

- Item 1: Occupational Industries and Illnesses in New York State, 1974, April, 1976

- Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Work Injuries in New York State Agriculture 1970, February 1972

- Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Injury Rates: New York State Industries 1960, December 1961

- Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Occupational Injuries and Illnesses in New York State 1972 and 1973, July 1975

- Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Injury Rates in Factories: New York State 1970, December 1971

- Creator: New York State Labor Dept.
- Folder 7: Age & Employment

- Item 1: Who's Too Old to Work?, September 1950

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 2: Older People, 1949

- Creator: R.K. McNickle
- Item 3: Employment Opportunities in Later Years, 1960

- Creator: James R. Morris
- Item 4: Employment Problems of Older Workers, January 1959

- Creator: Jack F. Culley and Fred Slavick
- Item 5: Workers are Young Longer, circa 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Retirement, April 1954

- Creator: Journal of Business
- Item 7: Aging and Labor Force Participation: A Review of Trends and Explanations, 1990

- Creator: Robin L. Lumsdaine and David A. Wise
- Item 8: Employment Policies with Respect to Older Workers in South Dakota, March 1956

- Creator: Business Research Bureau
- Item 9: Old Age and Retirement in Connecticut I. East Haddam: A Summer Resort Community, June 1951

- Creator: Walter C. McKain, Jr. and Elmer D. Baldwin
- Item 10: Area Development Policies and the Older Worker, 1963

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Institute, Univ. of Wisconsin
- Item 11: Work Options for Older Employees, circa 1984

- Item 12: The Senescent in Industry: Medical Evaluation of His Employability and Maintenance, circa 1956

- Creator: National Advisory Committee, American Geriatrics Society
- Item 13: Economic Aspects of the Aging of Our Population, March 20, 1951

- Creator: Frank G. Dickinson
- Item 14: Findings and Recommendations of the New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging, 1949

- Creator: New York State Joint Legislative Committee on Problems of the Aging
- Item 15: Safest Occupations for the Aged Worker, April 1926

- Creator: L.J. Carey
- Item 16: Working Environment in Sweden: The Aging Worker in Industrialized Society, July 1974

- Creator: Sven Forssman
- Item 17: Income Maintenance, August 1950

- Creator: National Conference on Aging
- Item 18: Tables of Working Life, August 1950

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 19: A Comparison of Age Levels of Farmers and Other Self-employed Persons, November 1967

- Creator: Economic Research Service, US Agriculture Dept.
- Item 20: The Age Problem in Research Workers from the Sociological Viewpoint, Fall 1950

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 21: Older Worker Employment Comes of Age: Practice and Potential, January 1985

- Creator: National Commission for Employment Policy
- Item 22: Old Age - An American Problem, October 1949

- Creator: Industrial Relations Center, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 23: Utilization of Employees over 65 in Minnesota, October 18, 1950

- Creator: H. Fox
- Item 24: After Age 65 What?, October 1951

- Creator: University of Minnesota Industirla Relations Center
- Item 25: Employment Services Survey Job Prospects of Older Applicants, Undated

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 26: Older Workers Seek Jobs, August 1951

- Creator: Bureau of Employment Security
- Item 27: Age Changes in Psychomotor Capacity and Productivity, April 1954

- Creator: Robert W. Kleemeier
- Item 28: Employment of the Older Worker, March 1952

- Creator: Clark Tibbetts et al.
- Item 29: Aging and Income Security, 1960

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 30: The Productive Years: Ages 45-65, Undated

- Creator: National Association of Manufacturers
- Item 31: Employing Older Workers, May 1959

- Creator: Bureau of Employment Security
- Item 32: The "Aged" - Management's Dilemma, January 1960

- Creator: Office Management
- Folder 8: Age & Employment Bibilographies

- Folder 9: Age Discrimination in Employment Act 1967

- Item 1: 1978 Age Discrimination Act Ammendments, April 10, 1978

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Item 2: Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, As Amended, July 1978

- Creator: Congress
- Item 3: Uncapping the Age Discrimination in Employment Act: Consequences for Tenure and Higher Education, September 25, 1992

- Creator: ILIR
- Folder 10: Agri-Labor Cooperation

- Item 1: The Farmer and The Telephone Worker, Undated

- Creator: CIO-CCL
- Item 2: Breadwinners: A Statement on the Common Problems of Farmers and Workers, circa 1953

- Creator: UAW-CIO
- Item 3: Why Farmers Should Get a Fair Break, March 15, 1955

- Creator: Testimony of Walter Reuther before the House Committee on Agriculture
- Item 4: Farmer-Labor Understanding --And Action, February 1952

- Creator: Education Conference of Farmers and Workers
- Item 5: Targeted for Extinction: Family Farms, February 1986

- Creator: UAW Education Department
- Item 6: Farmers and Workers Win Together, circa 1954

- Creator: CIO Department of Education and Research
- Item 7: Labor's Aims and What they mean to Agriculture, August 17, 1949

- Creator: UAW-CIO
- Folder 11: Air Transportation Industry

- Item 1: Vol.17, no.21 of Chicago Business newspaper, May, 1994

- Creator: Crain's
- Item 2: Air Travel Comes of Age, 1956

- Creator: John Stuart
- Item 3: Labor Relations in the Air Transport Industry 1947-1957, November, 1958

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois Institute of Aviation
- Item 4: Airline Dispute: Hearing before the Committee on Labor and Public Welfare, United States Senate, July 27-28, 1966

- Creator: Congress
- Item 5: Labor Relations in the Air Transport Industry under the Amended Railway Labor Act, June 26, 1948

- Creator: Univ. of Illinois Institute of Aviation
- Item 6: In the matter of representation of employees of Friedkin Aeronautics, Inc., March 18, 1954

- Creator: Natoinal Mediation Board
- Item 7: Session One: Airline Grievance Procedures: Some Observations and Questions, Undated

- Creator: Journal of Air Law and Commerce
- Item 8: In the matter of representation of employees of Pan American World Airways, inc., March 16, 1953

- Creator: National Mediation Board
- Item 9: In the matter of Representation of employees of Northwest Airlines, inc., August 28th, 1953

- Creator: National Mediation Board
- Item 10: Business Leadership in Air Transportation, circa 1960

- Creator: NY State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 11: Air Transportation, circa 1950

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 12: In the matter of representation of employees of National Airlines, inc., September 4, 1953

- Creator: National Mediation Board
- Item 13: Airlines: Investigate then invest, 1948

- Creator: Merill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Beane
- Item 14: Economics of Air Transport: An overview, circa 1970

- Creator: Air Transport Association of America
- Item 15: People Express, 1983

- Creator: Harvard Business School
- Folder 12: Aircraft Industry

- Item 1: Union Agreements in Aircraft Manufacturing, 1940

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 2: Union Agreements in the Airframe Industry, 1944, August, 1944

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 3: Work and Wage Experience of Willow Run Workers, December, 1945

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 4: Airframe Assemblers Average $1.52, November 23, 1949

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 5: St. Paul Aircraft Parts Workers in Wartime, December 1945

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 6: North American Aviation, 1941-, circa 1952

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 7: Wage Structure - Airframes 1949, late 1949

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 8: Aircraft, circa 1951

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 9: Aircraft and Air Transportation: Basic Industrial Data, 1952

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 10: Training in the Aircraft Industry, October 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Collective Bargaining - Aircraft Industry, January 1952

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 12: Wage Structure - Aircraft Engines and Parts 1945, June, 1946

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Folder 13: Alcoholism

- Item 1: Alcoholism and Employee Relations: A BNA Special Report, September 11, 1978

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 2: Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, April 1992

- Creator: Research Society on Alcoholism
- Item 3: Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace: Costs, Controls and Controversies, 1986

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 4: Identifying the Problem Drinker on the job, circa 1957

- Creator: NY State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell Univ.
- Item 5: Alcoholism in the Workplace: What you can do, 1986

- Creator: Krames Communications
- Item 6: Alcoholism and Iowa Business and Industry, May 1957

- Creator: Bureau of Labor and Management, College of Commerce
- Item 7: The Alcoholic Employee, 1952

- Creator: The Alcohol Foundation
- Item 8: Decision in Labor-Management Case on Alcoholism Makes History, January 16, 1958

- Creator: not given
- Item 9: The Special Case of Women and Alcohol in the Workplace, November 1, 1984

- Creator: Fair Employment Practices
- Item 10: The Economic Cost of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1971, 31 March 1974

- Creator: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- Item 11: Studies on Alcohol: Development of Comprehensive Language on Alcoholism in Collective Bargaining Agreements, circa 1977

- Creator: Carl J. Schramm
- Item 12: The Problem Drinker in Industry, circa 1950

- Creator: Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company
- Item 13: Alcohol and Health (third special report to the US Congress), June 1978

- Creator: US Dept. of Health, Education and Welfare
- Item 14: Alcoholism: Group Factors in Etiology and Therapy, circa 1957

- Creator: NY State School of Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell Univ.
- Box 2

- Folder 1: Alcoholism Bibliographies

- Folder 2: Americans with Disabilities Act, 1990

- Item 1: Facts and Figures: Discrimination, circa 2000

- Creator: Union Labor Report
- Item 2: Consequences of Employee Protection: The Case of the Americans with Disabilities Act, December 1997

- Creator: Daron Acemoglu and Joshua Angrist
- Item 3: The Evolution of the Americans With Disabilities Act: A Content Analysis of Federal District Court Cases, Octobe 16, 1995

- Creator: Dena Lynn Broughton
- Item 4: The Americans with Disabilities Act and Collective Bargaining in the Public Sector, circa 1993

- Creator: Nyemaster, Goode, Mclaughlin,Voigts, West, Hansell & O'Brien, P.C.
- Item 5: ADA: Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 Special Report, August 1, 1994

- Creator: Labor Relations Reporter
- Item 6: Fair Employment Practices: Summary of Latest Developments, August 15, 1991

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 7: Perspective: ADA and Union Contracts, December 12, 1991

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 8: ADA: Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990 Text and Analysis, July 16, 1990

- Creator: Labor Relations Reporter
- Item 9: Americans with Disabilities Act, June 10, 1997

- Creator: Ballard, Rosenberg & Golper
- Item 10: ADA Checklist A: Allegation of Disability Discrimination, 1996

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 11: A closer look at the Americans With Disabilities Act: Does it create more problems than it solves?, June 28th, 1993

- Creator: Master's Tutorial of Sheryl Netherton
- Item 12: The Disabled in the Workplace: Analysis of the Americans With Disabilties Act, 1990

- Creator: Research Institute of America
- Item 13: The ADA Primer: A Concise Guide to the ADA, August 1990

- Creator: Personnel Policies and Practices
- Item 14: Lengthening the Arm of the ADA, June 13, 1994

- Creator: TakeOut
- Item 15: Fair Employment Practices: Summary of Latest Developments, June 24, 1991

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 16: The Americans With Disabilities Act: Questions and Answers, September, 1992

- Creator: US Equal Employment Opportunity Commision and US Justice Dept. Civil Rights Division
- Item 17: ADA Factsheet for Employers, April 15, 1993

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 18: Union Labor Report: Weekly Newsletter, March 14, 1991

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Folder 3: Anti-Injunction Act (Norris-Laguardia Act)

- Item 1: Public-no.64-72d Congress HR 5315 (the bill itself), 1932

- Creator: US Congress
- Folder 4: Anti-Union Activities

- Item 1: "Yellow Dog" Contract: Menace to American Liberties, 1930

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 2: The Anatomy of a Wildcat, May 1957

- Creator: National Right to Work Committee
- Item 3: Yellow Dog Contracts condemned by experts, 1930

- Creator: American Federation of Labor
- Item 4: Firms identified by AFL-CIO Department of Organization and Field Services as Engaging in Union Busting Tactics - 3 or more occasions, Undated

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 5: The Business Roundtable and American Labor, May 1979

- Creator: International Union of Operating Engineers, AFL-CIO
- Item 6: A Report on the Plight of the Collective Bargaining System, January 1984

- Creator: Nw York State Assembly Standing Committee on Labor
- Item 7: 200 Plus boycott Union-busting Firms, October 24, 1986

- Creator: Harvard Law Review
- Item 8: Conference of American Small Business Organizations: The President's Labor-Management Conference has Failed, Period., circa 1950

- Creator: Conference of American Small Business Organizations
- Item 9: "Marxist Left Produces a New Leader", April 1975

- Creator: Institute for American Democracy and AFL-CIO
- Item 10: "Today's Manager is Searching for Strategies Which Will Involve and Motivate Employees", no date

- Creator: Modern Management, Inc.
- Folder 5: Apprenticeships (Folder 1 of 6)

- Item 1: Apprenticeship, circa 1991

- Creator: United States Department of Labor
- Item 2: Apprenticeship past and present, circa 1991

- Creator: United States Department of Labor
- Item 3: Setting up an Apprenticeship Program, circa 1967

- Creator: US Dept. of Labor
- Item 4: Build your future with a career in construction: A 1996-1997 guide to apprenticeship programs in Northeastern Illinois, circa 1996

- Creator: Construction Indsutry Service Corporation
- Item 5: Apprenticeship Schedules covering Building and Construction Trades (includes shipbuilding), 1970

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: The National Apprenticeship Program, circa 1973

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Apprenticeship Policy Manual, Undated

- Creator: International Association of Machinists and Aerospae Workers
- Item 8: Getting a Good Trade: Apprenticeship, Industrial Relations and the Labor Market, July 1981

- Creator: Business Research Centre
- Item 9: Apprenticeship past and present, 1969

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Apprenticeship past and present, 1953

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Apprenticeship Training in Nova Scotia, Undated

- Creator: Nova Scotia Labour Dept.
- Folder 6: Apprenticeships (Folder 2 of 6)

- Item 1: Apprentice Training: Sure way to a skilled craft, July 1970

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Women in Apprenticeship There's a Future in It!, 1980

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: The Resolution on Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Training, 1960

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 4: A Woman's Guide to Apprenticeship, 1980

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Blue Collar Trades Handbook for Women, February 1977

- Creator: Women Working in Construction
- Item 6: Apprenticeship 2000 Short Term Research Projects, August 1989

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Apprenticeship and Economic Change, 1964

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: An Economic Evaluation of Apprenticeship Training in Western Nigerian Small-scale Industries, 1979

- Creator: Adewale F. Mabawonku
- Item 9: Apprenticeship in foreign countries, 1980

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 7: Apprenticeships (Folder 3 of 6)

- Item 1: Training and Entry into Union Construction, 1975

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: An Appraisal of Machinist-Apprenticeship Training Programs by Means of a Follow-up Study of Trainees, June 13, 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Statistics, 1968

- Creator: Nova Scotia Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Council for Apprenticeships in Arts and Crafts, May, 1980

- Creator: Council for Apprenticeships in Arts and Crafts
- Item 5: Apprenticeship and Training Program, circa 1968

- Creator: International Printing Pressmen and Assistants Union of North America
- Item 6: Is Apprenticeship seen as Worthwhile?, circa 1970

- Creator: New Brunswick Labour Dept.
- Item 7: Registered Apprentice Separations 1949, June 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: 1951 Annual Report Bureau of Apprenticeship, circa 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Apprenticeship and Training in the Electircal Contracting Company, April 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 8: Apprenticeships (Folder 4 of 6)

- Item 1: Age and Veteran Status of Apprentices, November 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Employment of Apprentices, pursuant to the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, as amended, March 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Apprenticeship 2000: The Public Speaks, August 1988

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Apprenticeship and Training Standards for Draftsmen, 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Gaining Skill A Report of an investigation into the training of industrial apprentices in western Germany, 1955

- Creator: Birmingham Productivity Association
- Item 6: A guide to productive apprenticeships, Undated

- Creator: The Maine State Apprenticeship Council
- Item 7: Setting up an Apprenticeship Program, 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: California Apprenticeship Council, 1958

- Creator: State of California Division of Apprenticeship Standards
- Item 9: Apprenticeship Standards, September 1, 1955

- Creator: Audomotive Body Division, Chrysler Corporation and CIO
- Item 10: Labor-Management Cooperation in Training Patternmakers, June, 1958

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Joint National Apprenticeship Scheme, October 30th, 1952

- Creator: National Joint Council for the Building Industry
- Item 12: Apprenticeship Training in the Chicago Public Schools, June 30th, 1953

- Creator: Vocational Dept., Chicago Public Schools
- Item 13: New Mexico Apprenticeship Act and Rules of Procedure Governing the State Apprenticeship Council, July 1, 1958

- Creator: New Mexico State Apprenticeship Council
- Item 14: The Road Ahead, June 28, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Toward Broader Skills, September 19, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 16: Raising the Quality of Apprenticeship, October 30, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 17: Apprenticeship Through Teamwork, September 25, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 18: Importance of Related Instruction to Apprenticeship, December 4, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 19: Building a Skilled Workforce in the Construction Industry, October 27, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 20: Craft Training in the Bricklayer Trade, Octobe 13, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 21: Registered Apprentices in the United States - Detailed Occupation Distribution, June 1952, September 1952

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 22: Registered Apprentices in the United States - Detailed Occupation Distribution, June 1954, October , 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 23: Registered Apprentices in the United States - Detailed Occupational Distriubtion June 1953, October 1953

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 24: Special Report: Preventing Pirating, Undated

- Creator: Union Labor Report
- Item 25: News from the US Department of Labor: Apprenticeship meets modern needs, October 8, 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 26: Apprenticeship and Training in the Contract Tool and Die Industry, November 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 27: Sources of Assistane for Recruiting Women for Apprenticeship Programs and Skilled Nontraditional Blue-collar work, July 1978

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 9: Apprenticeship (Folder 5 of 6)

- Item 1: Union Participation in Apprenticeship in 32 Selected States and Territories, November 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Apprenticeship Program Today and Tomorrow, November 19, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Building a National Apprenticeship Program, October 29, 1952

- Creator: W.F. Patterson, Director, Bureau of Apprenticeship, US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Occupation Statistics of Registered Apprentices December 1948, April 1949

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: Machinist Apprenticeship Standards, October 21, 1941

- Creator: Representative Employers and International Association of Machinists
- Item 6: EEOC's Proposed Apprenticeship Report Form EEO-2 and Labor Organiztion Report Form EEO-3 and Instructions, February 20, 1967

- Creator: Labor Relations Reporter
- Item 7: Research on Skill Development in Industry, October 1957

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: National Trucking Industry Apprenticeship Standards for Truck Mechanics, 1970

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Associated Retail Bakers of America National Apprenticeship and Training Policy, March 22, 1967

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Apprenticeship Standards for Tool and Die Makers, June 26, 1956

- Creator: National Tool and Die Manufacturers Association
- Item 11: Apprenticeship Training in Vermont, circa 1955

- Creator: Vermont State Apprenticeship Council
- Item 12: National Pattern for local apprenticeship standards in the roofing industry, circa 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 13: National Apprenticeship and Training Standards for the Sheet Metal Industry, circa 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 14: National Painting and Decorating Apprenticeship and Training Standards, 1967

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Evaluating Apprentices, World War II

- Creator: War Manpower Commission
- Item 16: Apprenticeship and on-the-job training for veterans, January, 1946

- Creator: Apprenticeship Committee
- Item 17: Apprenticeship Credit for Previous Experience, July 1, 1948

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 18: Labor Education Advancement Program, 1967

- Creator: National Urban League
- Item 19: Standards of Apprenticeship, 1966

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 20: National Apprenticeship Standards Photoengravers, June 10, 1949

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 21: The Wartime Program of the Apprentice Training Service, 1943

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 22: National Policy of Apprenticeship for Machinist (Automatic Screw-Machines), 1969

- Creator: National Screw Machine Products Association
- Item 23: National Apprenticeship Policy for Orthalmic Finisher-Dispenser, 1970

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 24: Evaluating Apprentices, 1950s

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 25: Follow-up Study of Former Apprentices, December 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 26: Operating Engineer Apprenticeship, Undated

- Creator: International Union of Operating Engineers
- Item 27: National Carpentry Apprenticeship and Training Standards, 1967

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 28: National Apprenticeship Standards and Training Standards for the Stained Glass Industry, 1968

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 29: Local Apprenticeship and Training Standards for the Utility Industry, Undated

- Creator: International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
- Item 30: The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Text of the Equal Employment Opportunity Apprenticeship Information Report EEO-2, July 25, 1967

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 31: Apprenticeship Program, October 25, 1967

- Creator: UAW and Ford Motor Corp.
- Item 32: National Standards of Apprenticeship for the Lathing Industry, 1970

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 33: National Apprenticeship and Training Standards for Cement Masonry, Asphalt, and Composition Trade, 1969

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 34: Operating Engineers Apprenticeship Standards, circa 1968

- Creator: Allied Builders Assoc. et al. and International Union of Operating Engineers
- Folder 10: Apprenticeships (Folder 6 of 6)

- Item 1: Black Builders: A Job Program that Works, 1970

- Creator: League for Industrial Democracy
- Item 2: Negroes in Apprenticeship, August 1967

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Workers Defense League letter and info, 1967

- Creator: Workers Defense League
- Item 4: State and Local Sources of Information and Programs Region V, July 1978

- Creator: Women's Bureau
- Item 5: The Negro Wage-earner and Apprenticeship Training Programs, 1960

- Creator: NAACP
- Item 6: Minority Workers in Apprenticeship Programs 1970-1975, November 11, 1976

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 7: Metal Working Trades, April 1959

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 8: Outreach: Skills for Minority Youth, April 1969

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: National Lead Burner Apprenticeship Standards, 1968

- Creator: National Joint Lead Burner Apprenticeship Committee
- Item 10: Report on Apprentice Training Program of the Tennessee Valley Authority, July 1947

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 11: Cancellations from the Tennessee Valley Authority Apprenticeship Program 1936-1948, June 1950

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 12: Craftsmanship Apprenticeship Training Program 1957, circa 1957

- Creator: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
- Item 13: Tenth Annual Report: Apprentice Training Program, circa 1960

- Creator: Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company
- Folder 11: Apprenticeship Bibliographies

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Arbitration, Labor**

- Folder 2: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 1 of 10)**

- Item 1: Arbitration Policy Under Collyer--Revised Guidelines, May 10, 1973

- Creator: National Labor Relations Board
- Item 2: Chicago-Kent Law Review, 1990

- Creator: Symposium on Labor Arbitration
- Folder 3: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 2 of 10)**

- Item 1: The Role of Interest Arbitration in a Collective Bargaining System, 1976

- Creator: Industrial Relations Law Journal
- Item 2: The NLRB and Arbitration: Recent Developments, April 1979

- Creator: Labor Relations & Research Center, Univ. of Massachusetts
- Item 3: Arbitration in the Public Sector, Undated

- Creator: Robert G. Howlett
- Item 4: Arbitration Provisions in Union Agreements, April 1944

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: The Arbitration of Discharge Dases: What Happens After Reinstatement, 1957

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 6: How to Avoid Grievance Arbitration, Fall 1989

- Creator: Rebecca Ballard and Michael D. Crino
- Item 7: Is Arbitration Addictive? Evidence From the Laboratory and the Field, January 1992

- Creator: Janet Currie and Henry S. Farber
- Item 8: Case Record Form, Undated

- Item 9: Ethical Concerns in Grievance Arbitration, 1992

- Creator: Robert A. Giacalone et al.
- Item 10: "Bargaining Techniques" and "Discipline and Discharge", Undated

- Item 11: Individual Employee Rights, August 29, 1989

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 12: Public Education Arbitration: Transferring Jurisdiction from the Circuit Courts, April 1989

- Creator: B. Douglas Anderson
- Item 13: The Future of Labor Arbitration - A Challenge, 1948

- Creator: an address by Edwin E. White
- Item 14: United States Supreme Court Holds a Union Liable for Backpay in a Duty of Fair Representation Suit, February 11, 1983

- Creator: Asher, Goodstein, Pavalon, Gittler, Greenfield and Segall, Ltd.
- Item 15: Sample Arbitration Decisions in the Postal Service, Undated

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 16: Arbitration Provisions in Union Agreements, Undated

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 17: Report of Committee on Law and Legislation, January 26, 1956

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
- Item 18: Arbitration of Labor Disputes: Public Utilities other than those under the Railway Labor Act, 1961

- Item 19: Untitled (a research paper on appealing arbitrator decisions, esp. for education professionals), Undated

- Creator: Ellen J. Alexander
- Item 20: Interest Arbitration: Measuring Justice in Employment, 1981

- Creator: Joseph M. Weiler, Univ. of British Columbia
- Item 21: Arbitration of Grievance and Salary Disputes in Professional Baseball: Evolution of a System of Private Law, August 1975

- Creator: Cornell Law Review
- Item 22: What's Different About AAA Labor Arbitration?, Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Association
- Item 23: Arbitration: Methods and Costs, December 30, 1976

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 24: Deferral to Labor Arbitration in the Public Sector: Unclear Guidancee from the Private Sector., 1966

- Creator: Illinois Local Labor Relations Board
- Folder 4: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 3 of 10)**

- Item 1: A Profile of Arbitrators' Decisions in Cases involving National Labor Relations Act questions, Undated

- Item 2: Arbitrators and the National Labor Relations Board, Undated

- Item 3: Arbitration Handbook, Undated

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 4: Battle Report: The Problem of Stenographic Records in Arbitration, Undated

- Creator: Samuel H. Jaffee
- Item 5: The Labor Arbitration Process: 1943-1963, Summer 1964

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 6: Arbitration of Grievances, 1946

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 7: The Arbitration of two "Management Rights" Issues: Work Assignments and Contracting out, 1960

- Creator: Cornell University
- Folder 5: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 4 of 10)**

- Item 1: National Academy of Arbitrators Oral History Project, Fall 1982

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
- Item 2: Understanding Grievance Arbitration in the Public Sector, 1974

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 3: Discharge Cases, 1963-1967, circa 1968

- Creator: School of Business, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 4: Digest of Employee Protections: Urban Mass Transit Act 13(c) and Rail Passenger Service Act C1 & C2, 1980

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 5: The Law and Labor-Management Relations: Permanent Arbitration Systems, Undated

- Creator: Appeal Board, Chrysler Corp. and UAW-CIO
- Folder 6: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 5 of 10)**

- Item 1: Contributions of Grievance Arbitration to Industrial Relations and Industrial Peace, March 25, 1977

- Creator: Harry T. Edwards
- Item 2: Arbitration of Interest Disputes, 1979

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 3: Past and Current Trends in Negligence and Incompetence Arbitration, November 1979

- Creator: Personnel Journal
- Item 4: Labor Arbitration Procedures and Techniques, 1946

- Creator: American Arbitration Association
- Item 5: When and Where Issue of Arbitrability can be raised, July 23, 1962

- Creator: Herbert Schmertz
- Item 6: An Economic Analysis of Final-Offer Arbitration as a confilct resolution device, July 1980

- Creator: Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue Univ.
- Item 7: Stipulation to Arbitrate (blank form), January 1954

- Creator: Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
- Item 8: Demand for Arbitration (blank form), Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Association
- Item 9: Submission to Arbitration (blank form), Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Association
- Item 10: Reason, Contract and Law in Labor Relations, February 9, 1955

- Creator: Harry Shulman
- Item 11: Labor Arbitration and the Law in Utah, Fall 1953

- Creator: Univ. of Utah
- Item 12: The Supreme Court and Arbitration: The Musings of an Arbitrator, March, 1961

- Creator: Harold W. Davey
- Item 13: The Increasing Importance of Labor Arbitration, January 23, 1961

- Creator: George E. Strong
- Item 14: Defense of Jurisdiction by the National Labor Relatinos Board and the Arbitration Clause, October 1972

- Creator: A.C. Rosser
- Item 15: The Impact of Final Offer Interest Arbitration on Bargaining: The Case of Major League Baseball, June 1976

- Creator: James B. Dworkin
- Item 16: Arbitration and the Law, 1983

- Creator: Joel A. D'alba
- Item 17: Judicial Review of Labor Arbitration, circa 1953

- Creator: Clyde W. Summers
- Item 18: An Evaluation of Final Offer Arbitration in Massachusetts, November 1976

- Creator: Paul C. Somers
- Item 19: Sample Results of Duration and Cost Data in Arbitration, Fiscal Years 1971, 1972, 1973, and 1974, November 1975

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 20: Evolution of Labor Protection Agreements, circa 1978

- Creator: Division of Employee Protections
- Item 21: Arbitration and the NLRB: A Second Look, March 3, 1967

- Creator: National Labor Relations Board
- Folder 7: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 6 of 10)**

- Item 1: Problems of Procedural Irregularity in Labor Arbitration, 1961

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 2: Some Problems of Evidence Before the Labor Arbitrator, 1961

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 3: Arbitration of Job Evaluation Disputes, 1954

- Creator: Bureau of Labor and Mangement, College of Commerce
- Item 4: The Supervisor's Role in Aribtration, circa 1958

- Creator: American Arbitration Association
- Item 5: Voluntary Labor Arbitraton is Threatened!, March 1956

- Creator: Herbert M. Syme
- Item 6: Labor Arbitration Series: A Symposium Review, July 1953

- Creator: Stanford Univ.
- Item 7: The Conciliation and Arbitration of Labour Disputes in Canada, 1949

- Creator: Queen's Univ.
- Item 8: Arbitration Clauses in Connecticut Labor Contracts, November 1954

- Creator: Labor-Management Institute, Univ. of Connecticut
- Item 9: Arbitration in Britain, March 22, 1949

- Creator: British Information Service
- Item 10: Arbitration in the San Fransico Hotel and Restaurant Industries, 1952

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 11: The Well-Aged Aribtration Case, 1958

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 12: Connecticut Board of Mediation and Arbitration: Organization and Arbitration, October 1954

- Creator: Labor-Management Institute, Univ. of Connecticut
- Item 13: Transcript of Hearing on Bils 87-S and 94-A before the Joint Senate and Assembly Labor Committee - Madison, Wisconsin, February 23, 1949

- Creator: Wisconsin State Legislature and Wisconsin State Fed. Of Labor
- Item 14: Labor Relations and Arbitration, May 23, 1956

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 15: Arbitration and the Dilemma of Possible Error, 1960

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 16: Labor Arbitration and its Critics, 1959

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 17: On first looking into the Lincoln Mills Decision, 1959

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 18: Supreme Court Enforces Arbitrator's Award in Face of EEOC Conciliation Agreement With Employer, 1982

- Creator: Asher, Pavalon, Gittler, Greenfield and Segall, Ltd.
- Item 19: The Use of Arbitration on the West Coast, 1959

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 20: Labor Arbitration and the Individual Worker, May 1953

- Creator: Louis L. Jaffe
- Folder 8: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 7 of 10)**

- Item 1: Arbitration Institute, May 24-28, 1971

- Creator: AFL-CIO Labor Studies Center
- Item 2: The Hart Schaffner & Marx Labor Agreement, 1916

- Creator: Hart, Schaffner & Marx, and Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America
- Item 3: Industrial Arbitration as developed and practiced in the laundry industry, Undated

- Item 4: The First American Labor Case, December 1931

- Creator: Walter Nelles
- Item 5: Toward Effective Arbitration, 1946

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 6: Transfer and Sale of Plant Operations in Arbitration, May 16, 1962

- Creator: I. Robert Feinberg
- Item 7: Labor Arbitration in Wartime, 1941

- Creator: Industrial Arbitration Tribunal, American Arbitration Assoc.
- Folder 9: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 8 of 10)**

- Item 1: Selection and Tenure of Arbitrators in Labor Disputes, circa 1948

- Creator: Graduate Div. for Training in Public Service, NYU
- Item 2: Labor-Management Arbitration: "There Ought to be a Law" - Or Ought There?, January 1956

- Creator: Robert L. Howard
- Item 3: Facts for Bargaining: Financial and Administrative Practices of Arbitrators, September 22, 1977

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 4: Financial and Administrative Costs of Arbitrators, October 6, 1977

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 5: Arbitration and Federal Rights under Collective Agreements in 1970, circa 1970

- Creator: William B. Gould and James P. Kurtz
- Item 6: Arbitration and Federal Rights under Collective Agreements in 1968, circa 1968

- Creator: Edgar A. Jones and David G. Finkle
- Item 7: Alexander v Gardner-Denver Co.: The Supreme Court's Refusal to accommodate the Public Policy favoring Labor Arbitration with Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, Dec. 18, 1974

- Creator: Fred Leffler
- Item 8: Mediation and Arbitration under the New York State Board of Mediation in 1947, November 1948

- Creator: NY State Labor Dept.
- Item 9: Grievances and Arbitration: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Labor Relations Conference, April 13-14 1956

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, W. Virginia Univ.
- Item 10: Arbitration of Labor Disputes, circa 1947

- Creator: Wayne L. Morse
- Item 11: Labor Arbitration: A Current Appraisal, October 1, 1955

- Creator: Harold W. Davey
- Item 12: Problems in Labor Arbitration, April 2, 1948

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 13: The Arbitration Process, 1950

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 14: Compromise and Principle in the Decisions of Labor Arbitrators, circa 1957

- Creator: Univ. of Southern California
- Folder 10: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 9 of 10)**

- Item 1: Situation Ethics and the Arbitrator's Role, April 4, 1973

- Creator: Harold W. Davey
- Item 2: Labor Arbitration, 1951

- Creator: Bureau of Labor and Management
- Item 3: Arbitration Comes of Age, October 20, 1967

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
- Item 4: Current Problems in Labor Relations and Arbitration, April 12-13, 1955

- Creator: Cornell Univ.
- Item 5: Arbitration of Labor-Management Grievances: Bethlehem Steel Company and United Steelworkers of America 1942-1952, April, 1954

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Procedures for Application of the Dubo Policy to Pending Charges, May 14, 1979

- Creator: NLRB
- Item 7: Advisory Arbitration: A conflict in terms?, 1970

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 8: Books: Symposium; Labor Arbitration, February 1967

- Creator: Stanford Law Review
- Item 9: Conference on Arbitration in Labor-Management Relations, October 16, 1952

- Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Box 4

- Folder 1: Arbitration, Labor (Folder 10 of 10)**

- Item 1: Labor Arbitration in the Federal Service, May 1977

- Creator: The George Washington Law Review
- Item 2: The Use of Tripartite Boards in Labor, Commercial, and International Arbitration, December 1954

- Creator: Harvard Law Review
- Item 3: Arbitration: A Study of Industrial Experience, 1954

- Creator: Fabian Society Research Series
- Item 4: Arbitration as an Industrial Relations Technique: The Bethlehem Experience, 1954

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Assoc.
- Item 5: Report on the Comments and Suggestions ofMembers of the AAA Arbitration Law Committee on the Draft of a Uniform Arbitration Act Prepared by a Sub-Committee of the Commissioners on Uniform State Laws headed by Dean Maynard E. Pirsig of the University Of Minnesota, July 7, 1954

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 6: United States Labor Arbitration Act, November 24, 1959

- Creator: US Gov't.
- Item 7: Statement on behalf of The National Academy of Arbitrators concerning a proposed United States Labor Arbitration Act, circa 1960

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
- Item 8: Arbitration in a New Key, April 1957

- Creator: Kenneth F. Walker
- Item 9: The Peacemakers, 1957

- Creator: National Labor Relations Board
- Item 10: Collective Bargaining Agreement and Arbitral Jurisdiction, September 7 1948

- Creator: American Federaion of Grain Millers
- Item 11: Arbitration as a part of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, September 7, 1948

- Creator: Alli-Chalmers Mfg. Co.
- Item 12: An Advantageous Application of the Umpire System for Management and Labor Groups, 1956

- Creator: David A. Wolff
- Item 13: Model Arbitration Clauses to Protect Management Rights, 1961

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 14: Labor Arbitration Procedures and Techniques, Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 15: Reducing the Risks of Labor Arbitration, 1959

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relaions, Univ. of California
- Folder 2: Arbitration, Labor--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Arbitration, Compulsory

- Folder 4: Arbitration, Compulsory (Folder 1 of 3)

- Item 1: Discussion of Michigan's Police and Fire Fighter Compulsory Arbitration Act, April, 1971

- Creator: Meyer S. Rider and Russell A. Smith
- Item 2: Australian Compulsory Arbitration 1900-1970, 1971

- Creator: Commisioner under the Conciliation and Arbitration Act of the Commonwealth
- Item 3: The Regulation of Negotiating Disputes: Interest Arbitration in Government, November 1984

- Creator: John Delaney et al.
- Item 4: Compulsory Interest Arbitration comes to Illinois, March 1986

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining, Interest Arbitration and Police Salaries, October 1984

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 6: Compulsory Arbitration and the Motive to Reach Agreement Through Negotiations--Recent Australian Experience in Federal Public Sector Arbitration, June 1, 1975

- Creator: Roger D. Beale, asst. secretary, Australia dept. of Urban and Regional Development
- Item 7: The Argument Against Compulsory Arbitration, Undated

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 8: Compulsory Arbitration in Public Sector Dispute Settlement: An Affirmative View, April 22, 1971

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Assoc.
- Item 9: no title, it's a book with a table of contents, circa 1970

- Item 10: Compulsory Arbitration: A Broad View, 1965

- Creator: Paul L. Kleinsorge and Robert F. Smith
- Item 11: The Michigan Experience: An Analysis of last offer compulsory arbitration of police and fire labor disputes

- Item 12: Getting Nothing for Something: When Women Prevail in Employment Arbitration Awards, 2005

- Creator: Prof. Michael H. LeRoy, UIUC ILIR
- Item 13: Integrity Review of Statutory Arbitration Awards, January 2003

- Creator: Prof. Calvin William Sharpe, Case Western Reserve Univ. Law School
- Item 14: Ethical Concerns in Drafting Employment Arbitration Agreements After Circuit City and Green Tree, 2003

- Creator: Prof. Martin H. Malin, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute of Technology
- Item 15: Where Are We Heading With Mandatory Arbitration of Statutory Claims in Employment, 1999

- Creator: Harry T. Edwards, Chief Judge, US Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit
- Item 16: Compulsory Arbitration of Statutory Discrimination Claims Under a Collective Bargaining Agreement, Fall 1998

- Creator: Prof. David E. Feller, Univ. of California-Berkeley Law School
- Folder 5: Arbitration, Compulsory (Folder 2 of 3)

- Item 1: A Review of Compulsory Arbitration in Michigan, January 1972

- Item 2: Compulsory Arbitration, circa 1967

- Creator: Eastern Conference of Teamsters
- Item 3: An Outline of Conciliation and Arbitration in Australia, January 1974

- Creator: Central Industrial Secretariat
- Item 4: Compulsory Arbitration in Australia, March, 1938

- Creator: W. Ruper Maclaurin
- Item 5: Compulsory Arbitration in New Jersey, 1949

- Creator: NYU Institute of Labor Relations and Social Security
- Item 6: Compulsory Arbitration of Utility Disputes in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, 1951

- Creator: Princeton Univ.
- Item 7: Compulsory Arbitration Opposed: The Case Against Adoption, September 1947

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 8: Compulsory Arbitration in Action: The New Jersey Bell Telephone Case, 1951

- Creator: Bernard Cushman
- Item 9: Is Compulsory Arbitration Inevitable?, circa 1949

- Creator: George W. Taylor
- Item 10: Australian Arbitration System: An Analytical Description, August 1951

- Creator: Mark Perlman
- Folder 6: Arbitration, Compulsory (Folder 3 of 3)

- Item 1: The Effectiveness and Acceptability of Compulsory Arbitration for the Protective Services, January 19, 1974

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 2: Compulsory Interest Arbitration in New York State-- Experience Under the 1977 Amendments, February 1979

- Creator: Mary E. Gallo and Robert E. Doherty
- Item 3: Compulsory Arbitration in Britain, October 30, 1950

- Creator: British Information Services
- Item 4: Compulsory Arbitration in the Public Sector: A Selected Bibliography, May 1981

- Creator: Ontario Ministry of Labour
- Folder 7: Arbitration, Labor--Procedures

- Folder 8: Arbitration Procedures (Folder 1 of 2)

- Item 1: Questions and Answers on Resolving Employment Disputes, June 1989

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 2: Code of Ethics for Arbitrators, 1949

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 3: Preparing and Presenting Arbitration Cases: Selected Addresses from the 1954 Conference on Arbitration & Labor Relations, circa 1954

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 4: Labor Arbitration Procedures and Techniques, Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 5: Guides for Labor Arbitration, 1953

- Creator: Labor Relations Council
- Item 6: Code of Ethics and Procedural Standards for Labor-Management Arbitration, Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 7: Preparing and Presenting Your Arbitration Cases: A Manual for Union Representatives, September 1977

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 8: Labor Arbitration Procedures, 1957

- Creator: Dept. of Industrial Relations, Queen's Univ.
- Item 9: Hearing Observations Checklist, Undated

- Item 10: Arbitration Case A: (Denial of Step Increase) Local 56 vs. City of Rainbow, February, 1971

- Item 11: Arbitration Case H: (Contract Interpretation--Vacation Scheduling) Local 1645 vs. Noble Appliance Company, circa 1979

- Item 12: Case B: Fourteen Day Suspension, Failure to Take Proper Care to Avoid Personal Injury, circa 1980

- Item 13: Case A: Letter of Warning, Failure to use mail satchel, circa 1981

- Item 14: Case D In the matter of: US Postal Service, Metropolis, Michigan vs. APWU Local 84, circa 1978

- Item 15: Cas A Suspension of Thirty Days for Dereliction of Duty, circa 1983

- Folder 9: Arbitration Procedures (Folder 2 of 2)

- Item 1: Cross Examination Exercise, circa 1979

- Item 2: Cross-Examination Techniques, Undated

- Item 3: Notes on the Management Case and Cross-Examination, Undated

- Item 4: Sample Arbitration Case 1: Local 550 vs. Acme Iron Works (Proper Rate of Pay), circa 1975

- Item 5: Seniority vs. Ability: A Promotion Grievance, Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 6: Background Facts for Arbitration between XYZ Company and Local 123, circa 1971

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 7: Closing Arguments and Briefwriting, circa 1977

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 8: Procedural and Substantive Aspects of Labor-Management Arbitration, Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 9: Expedited Labor Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Assoc., circa 1971

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 10: Employee Benefit Plan Claims Arbitratin Rules, January 1, 1983

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 11: Voluntary Labor Arbitration Tribunals of the American Arbitration Assoc., April 30, 1941

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 12: Impartial Umpire Procedures for Arbitration between trustees of joint trust and pension funds, January 1, 1983

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 13: Voluntary Labor Arbitration Rules, March 1, 1952

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 14: Resolving Employment Disputes: Model Employment Arbitration Procedures, Undated

- Creator: American Arbitration Assoc.
- Item 15: Code of Professional Responsibility for Arbitrators of Labor-Management Disputes, circa 1974

- Creator: National Academy of Arbitrators
- Item 16: Principles of Arbitration and Cross-Examination Workbook, Undated

- Creator: UAW
- Item 17: Presenting A Case for Arbitration, circa 1992

- Creator: Union Labor Report Weekly News
- Item 18: Proving Your Arbitration Case, 1961

- Creator: Boaz Siegel
- Item 19: How to Write an Arbitration Brief, 1970

- Creator: Samuel H. Jaffee
- Item 20: Materials on cross examination techniques, closing arguments, brief writing and post-hearing briefs used by the George Meany Center for Labor Studies in its Advanced Arbitration School, no date

- Creator: George Meany Center for Labor Studies
- Item 21: AFL-CIO Labor Studies Center Arbitration Institute: Preparing An Arbitration Case, circa 1971

- Creator: AFL-CIO Labor Studies Center
- Item 22: Investigation Procedures and Preparation for Discipline and Discharge Cases, no date

- Item 23: AFL-CIO Arbitration Conference, January 16, 1969

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 10: Arbitrators

- Item 1: An Investigation into the Nature of Values and Attitudes of Labor Arbitrators as Influenced by Education, Age and Experience, 1975

- Creator: Eddie Wilson Bankston
- Item 2: The Education and Training of Labor Arbitrators, 1977

- Creator: Western Michigan Univ.
- Item 3: The Arbitration Profession in Transition: A Survey of the National Academy of Arbitrators, no date

- Creator: Michel Picher, Ronald L. Seeber and David B. Lipsky, Natl. Academy of Arbitrators
- Folder 11: Area Redevelopment Act 1961

- Item 1: Planning for New Growth - New Jobs, circa 1961

- Creator: US Commerce Dept.
- Item 2: Public Law 87-27 87th Congress, S.1 "Area Redevelopment Act", May 1, 1961

- Creator: Congress
- Item 3: An Evaluation of ARA in Southern Illinois as of June, 1963, circa June 1963

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 4: The "Little" Economies: Problems of US Area Development, May 29, 1958

- Creator: Committee for Economic Development
- Item 5: Training for Jobs in Redevelopmen Areas, June 30, 1962

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Occupational Training: Pathway to Employment, circa 1962

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Share in Area Growth, April 1962

- Creator: US Commerce Dept.
- Folder 12: Artists

- Item 1: Selected Characteristics of Artists: Self Employment, Migration, Household and Family, November 1978

- Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
- Item 2: Artists Compared by Age, Sex, and Earnings in 1970 and 1976, January 1980

- Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
- Item 3: Minorities and Women in the Arts: 1970, January 1978

- Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
- Item 4: Employment and Unemployment of Artists: 1970-1975, April 1976

- Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
- Item 5: Artist Employment and Unemployment 1971-1980, January 1982

- Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
- Item 6: Understanding the Employment of Actors, September 1977

- Creator: National Endowment for the Arts
- Folder 13: Atomic Energy Industry

- Item 1: Report of the Department of Labor Atomic Energy Study Group on Labor Implications of Atmoic Energy, July 30, 1956

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Report of the Atomic Power Investigating Commision of the State of Illinois, March 1, 1957

- Creator: State of Illinois
- Folder 14: Automation

- Folder 15: Automation (Folder 1 of 2)

- Item 1: Methods of Adjusting to Automation and Technological Change, Undated

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: The Computer and the Systems Age: The Second Industrial Revolution, Undated

- Creator: Communication Workers of America
- Item 3: Social Consequences of Automation, 1958

- Creator: International Social Sciences Bulletin
- Item 4: Strengthening Management for the New Technology, 1955

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Item 5: Progress Report Automation Committee, June 19, 1961

- Creator: Armour And Company, and AFL-CIO
- Item 6: Labor Looks at Automation and Civil Rights, February 1965

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Does Automation Raise Skill Requirements?, Fall 1958

- Creator: Harvard Business Review
- Item 8: Automation and the Prospects for the Automatic Reabsorption of Displaced Labor, Undated

- Creator: James G. Witte, Jr.
- Item 9: Automation, Production and Manpower Problems, circa 1964

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Rebuilding America: Workers' Technology Bill of Rights, Undated

- Item 11: Automation, Jobs and Manpower, September 20, 1963

- Creator: Charles C. Killingworth statement before Subcommittee on Employment and Manpower, United States Senate
- Item 12: Marking Time: Technology and Transition at the Work Place, July 1, 1978

- Creator: United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
- Item 13: Cooperation of Conflict: European Experiences with Technological Change at the Workplace, March, 1981

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Folder 16: Automation (Folder 2 of 2)

- Item 1: The Impact of Automation, 1957

- Creator: The Religion and Labor Foundation
- Item 2: Impact of Automation on Employment, June 1961

- Creator: US Congress
- Item 3: Cybernation and Social Change, April, 1964

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: Meeting the Problems of Automation through Collective Bargaining, 1960

- Creator: International Association of Machinists
- Item 5: Automation: Its Impact on Business and Labor, May 1959

- Creator: National Planning Association
- Item 6: Automation, Skill and Manpower Predictions, September 1966

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Automation in Perspective, 1967

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 8: Automation and Major Technological Change: Impact on Union Size, Structure and Function, April 22, 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 9: Impact of Automation and Technological Change on Employment and Unemployment, September 1961

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Automation's Unkept Promise, June 1962

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 11: Cybernation: The Silent Conquest, 1962

- Creator: Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions
- Item 12: Automation in the Perspective of Long-term Technological Change, December, 1966

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 13: Automation in the Railroad Industry, May 22, 1957

- Creator: Brotherhood of Railroad Trainsmen
- Item 14: 1960 Statement on Automation, submitted on request to Subcommittee on Automation and Energy Resources, Joint Congressional Committee on the Economic Report, July 25, 1960

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Item 15: Ralph J. Cordiner Testimony on Automation before the Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization, Joint Congressional Committee on the Economic Report, October 26, 1955

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Item 16: Automation, Employment and Unemployment, February 15, 1965

- Creator: General Electric Co.
- Box 5

- Folder 1: Automation, Continued

- Folder 2: Automation, cont. (Folder 1 of 5)

- Item 1: Manpower Implications of Automation, September 1965

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Automation: Nationwide Studies in the United States, circa 1964

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 3: Report of the California Assembly on Automation and Technological Change, November, 1962

- Creator: Town Hall and American Assembly
- Item 4: Report of the Director-General Part I: Automation and Other Technological Developments, Labor and Social Implications, 1957

- Creator: International Labour Conference
- Item 5: The Meaning of Work in an Age of Automation, August 1957

- Creator: Bernard Karsh, ILIR
- Item 6: Facing the Future: AFSCME's approach to technology, 1985

- Creator: American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employes, AFL-CIO
- Item 7: The Human Factor in the factory of the future, November 1986

- Creator: Society of Manufacturing Engineers
- Item 8: Perception and Attitudes towards Automation: A Study of Local Union Leaders, 1967

- Creator: Steven E. Deutsch
- Item 9: Technology and People, June 25, 1964

- Creator: James E. Noe, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
- Item 10: Report to the Governor and the Legislature of the Commision on Manpower, Automation and Technology, 1964

- Creator: State of California
- Item 11: Automation and the Employee, circa 1962

- Creator: Labor and Industrial Relations Ctr., Michigan State Univ.
- Item 12: Manpower Adjustments to Automation and Technological Change in Western Europe, February 1966

- Creator: Michigan State Univ. School of Labor and Industrial Relations
- Item 13: Address of Albert Whitehouse, Director, Industiral Union Dept., AFL-CIO to the conference on automation and major technological change, April 22, 1958

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 14: Labor's State Program to meet the problems of Automation, November 29, 1960

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 15: The Impact of Automation and the Workers, October 1955

- Creator: National CIO Headquarters Staff
- Item 16: Automation and Technological Change: A Challenge to the American Labor Movement, June 17, 1958

- Creator: Everett M. Kassalow, Professional, Technical & Salary Conference Board of the InternationalUnion of Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers, AFL-CIO
- Folder 3: Automation, Cont. (Folder 2 of 5)

- Item 1: Atomic Power and Automation, April 1956

- Creator: D.G. Arnott, J.D. Bernal, Les Cannon, Ron Francis and S. Lilley
- Item 2: Labor Looks at Automation, May, 1956

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 3: Automation Abstracts, circa 1966

- Creator: International Labour Office
- Item 4: Changes in Managerial Manpower with Mechanization of data-processing, April 1959

- Creator: Graduate School of Business, Univ. of Chicago
- Item 5: Automation: The President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy, January 11, 1962

- Creator: President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Policy
- Item 6: Adjusting to Automation, January 1969

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 7: The effects of Automation on Job content, August 1972

- Creator: International Social Science Council
- Item 8: The effects of modernisation of office work on staff attitudes and behavior, July 1964

- Creator: International institute for labour studies
- Item 9: Labor Looks at Automation, December 1966

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 10: Automation: A New Dimension to Old Problems, December 1954

- Creator: George B. Baldwin and George P. Schulz, MIT
- Item 11: Modern Science and Management Creating a New Industrial Revolution, December, 1954

- Creator: Industrial Relations Research Assoc.
- Item 12: Fact, Fallacy and Fantasy of Automation, 1958

- Creator: James Stern, UAW, AFL-CIO
- Item 13: Impact of Automation on Stability of Manufacturing Output, May 1958

- Creator: Julius Rezler
- Item 14: The Effects of Changing Industrial Methods and Automation on Personnel, circa 1961

- Creator: Labor and Industrial Relations Center, Michigan State Univ.
- Item 15: Automation and Job Trends, October 1955

- Creator: Council for Technological Advancement
- Item 16: Office Automation and the non-manual worker, Undated

- Creator: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
- Item 17: Automation: Technology's new face, 1958

- Creator: Institute of Industrial Relations, Univ. of California
- Item 18: Life in the Automatic Factory, 1958

- Creator: The Technology Project of Yale University
- Item 19: Automation, Undated

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 20: The Industrial and Economic Implications of Automation, April 14, 1955

- Creator: Walter S. Buckingham, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Item 21: The Total Challenge of Automation, November 19, 1963

- Creator: John I. Snyder, Jr.
- Item 22: Industrial Relations and Automation, circa 1962

- Creator: Labor and Industrial Relations Center, Michigan State Univ.
- Folder 4: Automation, Cont. (Folder 3 of 5)

- Item 1: Impact of Automation on Wages and Working Conditions in Ford Motor Company - UAW Relationships

- Item 2: Luncheon Address to the Industrial Union Dept. Conference on Automation and Major Technological Change, April 22, 1958

- Creator: Industrial Union Dept.
- Item 3: The Impact of Advanced Technology on Managerial Decision-making, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 4: Measurement of Technological Change, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 5: The influence of advanced technology on the structure of management organization, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 6: Programming of Technical Changes and Manpower Adjustments, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 7: Technological advance in the Common Market Countries, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 8: Methods of Studying the Social and Economic Effects of Automation: A Report on the Meeting of Experts Convened by the I.L.O. 16-25 March 1964, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 9: A New Definition of Work and Leisure under advanced technology, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 10: The Relationship Between Full Employment and Technological Change in Western Europe, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 11: Changing Technology and the Supervisor, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 12: Background Paper: Survey of Literature on Social and Economic Effects of Technological Change, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 13: Advanced Technical Education in the Soviet Union, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 14: The Influence of Automation on Top Level Management, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 15: The Impact of Changing Technology on Employment in Yugoslavia, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 16: Technological Change in the Socialist Countries, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 17: Conference on Employment Problems of Arbitration and Advanced Technology Attendees, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 18: Educational Goals for an Age of Advanced Technology, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 19: The Problems of Consent for Change: The Fawley Refinery Case, July 1964

- Creator: International Institute for Labour Studies
- Item 20: Technological Changes and Skilled Manpower: The Household Appliance Industry, July 1964

- Creator: Department of Labour, Canada
- Item 21: Farm Mechanization and Technology as reported in the Press, circa 1963

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 5: Automation, Cont. (Folder 4 of 5)

- Item 1: Automation, July 9th, 1956

- Creator: Dept. of Labour and National Service, Melbourne
- Item 2: Technology and a Changing Economy, November 1961

- Creator: National Conference of Labor Educators
- Item 3: Adjustments to the Introduction of Office Automation, May 1960

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 4: How automation has effected IBEW Members in the Electric Light and Power Industry, June 1957

- Creator: International Brotherhood of Electric Workers
- Item 5: An approach to Wage Incentive Problems associated with major technological change in the rubber industry, April 22, 1958

- Creator: United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 6: Statement of Joseph A Beirne, President of the Communication Workers of America, regarding automation-- before Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization of the Joint Committee on the Economic Report, October 25, 1955

- Creator: Communication Workers of America
- Item 7: London Trade Union Seminar on Automation: Final Report, May 1956

- Creator: Trade Union Research and Information Service
- Item 8: Automation and the Longshoremen: A West Coast Solution, December 1960

- Creator: William Glazier, International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's union
- Item 9: How Necessary is Automation to america?, November 14, 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 10: Human Factors in Automation (abstract), May 7, 1958

- Creator: Ted F. Silvey, American Society of Training Directors
- Item 11: Impact of Automation on Managerial Function, 1962

- Creator: Julius Rezlar
- Item 12: Automation and the Future of Society, March, 1956

- Creator: Arnold M. Rose, Univ. of Minnesota
- Item 13: Correlates of Automation in Power Plants, circa 1956

- Creator: Institute for Social Research, Univ. of Michigan
- Item 14: Practical Approaches to the Problems Raised by Automation, May 1956

- Creator: Nat Weinberg
- Item 15: Automation in Relation to Community Planning, June 25 1956

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 16: A Review of Automatic Technology, Spring 1955

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 17: An inquiry into the effects of automation, January 1956

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 18: Automation in the Metal Trades, 1956

- Creator: International Labour Office
- Item 19: Automation and the Manager, June 26, 1957

- Creator: John Diebold
- Item 20: Impact of office Automation in the Internal Revenue Service, July 1963

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 6: Automation, Cont. (Folder 5 of 5)

- Item 1: Twenty-first Annual Midwest Conference on Industrial Relations, May 20, 1955

- Creator: Industial Relations Association of Chicago and Univ. of Chicago School of Business
- Item 2: Man and automation: Report of the Proceedings of a Conference sponsored by the society for applied anthropology at Yale Univ., Dec. 1955

- Creator: The Technology Project, Yale Univ.
- Item 3: Technology and Cultural Lag, Februar 25, 1955

- Creator: Ted F. Silvey, CIO
- Item 4: Automation from the Viewpoint of Labor, March 9, 1956

- Creator: Ted F. Silvey, AFL-CIO
- Item 5: Labor in an Automatic Society, circa 1954

- Creator: Nat Weinberg
- Item 6: Implications of Automation, Dec. 27, 1955

- Creator: James Stern, UAW
- Item 7: Automation and the Second Industrial Revolution, April 1957

- Creator: UAW Constitutional Convention
- Item 8: Automation and Collective Bargaining, November 1956

- Creator: Victor G. Reuther, UAW
- Item 9: Steelworkers and Automation, circa 1961

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 10: Automation-- It touches all of us., February 26, 1955

- Creator: Gordon S. Brown, MIT
- Item 11: Mechanization - the Key to the future, November 15, 1955

- Creator: Sylvania Electric Products, inc.
- Item 12: Statement of Harold J. Gibbons, Executive Vice-president, International Brotherhood of Teamsters before the Subcommittee on Unemployment and the Impact of Automation of the House Committee on Education and Labor, April 12, 1961

- Creator: International Brotherhood of Teamsters
- Item 13: Information and Union Comment on the 1960 Mechanization and Modernization Fund Agreement between the Longshoremen of the Pacific coast and the Steamship and Stevedoring Employers, November 1960

- Creator: International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union
- Item 14: Keeping Pace with Automation: Practical Guides for the Company Executive, 1956

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Item 15: Office Automation in Japan, 1964

- Creator: Ida R. Hoos and Brownie Lee Jones
- Item 16: Automation and the Problems of Management, October 14, 1958

- Creator: Clarence H. Thayer, Sun Oil Company
- Item 17: The American Economy: An Appraisal of its Social Goals and the Impact of Science and Technology, circa 1957

- Creator: Textile Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO
- Item 18: Problems of Automation and Unemployment, November 12, 1963

- Creator: Thomas J. Watson, Chairman, IBM statement before US Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare
- Item 19: Automation Requires Changes in Economic and Employment patterns, March 27, 1961

- Creator: Ted F. Silvey, AFL-CIO
- Item 20: Technology and Cultural

- Folder 7: Automation--Bibliographies (two folders)

- Folder 8: Automobile Industry

- Item 1: Canadian Automobile Agreement: Sixth Annual Report of the President to the Congress on the Operation of the Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965, February 1, 1973

- Creator: Committee on Finance, United States Senate
- Item 2: Canadian Automobile Agreement: Seventh Annual Report of the President to the Congress on the Operation of the Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965, January 24, 1974

- Creator: Committee on Finance, United States Senate
- Item 3: Canadian Automobile Agreement: Eighth Annual Report of the President to the Congress on the Operation of the Automotive Products Trade Act of 1965, November 1974

- Creator: Committee on Finance, United States Senate
- Item 4: Saturn: GM Finally has a Winner., August 17, 1992

- Creator: BusinessWeek
- Item 5: Lean Production: Myth and Reality, October 1992

- Creator: IMF Automotive Dept.
- Item 6: The Japanese Connection: Diamond-Star on the Prairie, July 1989

- Creator: Illinois Issues
- Item 7: Summary of the 1955 Settlements in the Automobile Industry, circa 1955

- Creator: AFL
- Item 8: Detroit South--Mexico's Auto Boom: Who wins, who loses, March 16, 1992

- Creator: BusinessWeek
- Item 9: US and Canadian Auto Policies in a changing world, July 1987

- Creator: Canadian-American Committee
- Item 10: Technological Change & Employment in the Automotive Industry, cicrca 1965

- Creator: Automobile Manufacturers Assoc., inc.
- Item 11: Nissan Makes a Stand in Dixie, September 15, 1984

- Creator: New York Times Magazine
- Item 12: The Future of the Automobile, 1984

- Creator: Harry Katz, Wolfgang Streeck, A. Altschuler et al.
- Item 13: Saturn: A different kind of company (a little basic company info/publicity material), Undated

- Creator: GM inc.
- Box 6

- Folder 1: Banks and Finance Agencies

- Item 1: Our Money: How it works, 1946

- Creator: Jerry Voorhis
- Item 2: Summary of State Laws prohibiting or regulating the business of debt pooling, November 1966

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 2: Banks and Financial Agencies--Bibliographies

- Folder 3: Benefit Plans

- Folder 4: Benefit Plans (Folder 1 of 3)

- Item 1: BNA Pension Reporter: Exerpts from Labor Dept. Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration Enforcement Manual, January 9, 1989

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 2: BNA Pension and Benefits Reporter: IRS Worksheets for Field Agents' use in determining plan compliance with nondiscrimination requirements, May 2, 1994

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 3: BNA Pension and Benefits Reporter: IRS Non-Discrimination Regulations Package for Qualified Plans, September 13, 1993

- Item 4: Summary Plan Description: Group Insurance and Medical Benefits Plan for Hourly Employees Thermoid Division Amco Works, February 1, 1980

- Creator: H.K. Porter Company, inc.
- Item 5: Hospitalization Plan for Wage Employees, Undated

- Creator: B.F. Goodrich
- Item 6: Plan for Hospital Care for Employees of Western Electric Company, inc, Undated

- Creator: Western Electric Company, inc.
- Item 7: Sickness and Accident Benefit Plan for Wage Employees, Undated

- Creator: B.F. Goodrich
- Item 8: Flexible Spending Accounts: A Fact-sheet for Employees, June 22, 1995

- Creator: Bulletin To Management
- Item 9: Your Pension Plan (employees of Keystone Steel & Wire Company, Peoria Illinois), April 1, 1948

- Creator: Keystone Steel & Wire Company
- Item 10: Facts about the Benefit Plan for Bell Systems men and women, Undated

- Creator: Bell Companies
- Item 11: Plan For Employees' Pensions, Disability Benefits and Death Benefits, Western Electric Company, inc., July 1, 1947

- Creator: Western Electric Company, inc.
- Item 12: Payroll Deduction Plan for National Service Life Insurance Premiums, Western Electric Company, inc., August 1, 1946

- Creator: Western Electric Company, inc.
- Item 13: Plan for Employees' Pensions, Disability Benefits and Death benefits, The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company, November 29, 1956

- Creator: The Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone Company
- Item 14: Flexible Benefits: Will they work for you?, June 10, 1988

- Creator: Commerce Clearinghouse, inc.
- Item 15: Employee Benefits for American Workers: Research Report, June 1990

- Creator: The National Commission for Employment Policy
- Item 16: Pension Plan for wage employees, Undated

- Creator: B.F. Goodrich
- Item 17: Life Insurance and Survivor Income Plans for wage employees, Undated

- Creator: B.F. Goodrich
- Item 18: Impact of ADA on Health Benefits, May 20, 1993

- Creator: Fair Employment Practices
- Item 19: COBRA Benefit Plan Continuation Coverage: A Fact sheet for Employees, March 18, 1993

- Creator: Bulletin To Management
- Item 20: Work and Family Life, December 1990

- Creator: FOCUS
- Item 21: OPEB: The New Direction: Understanding and Applying FAS106, Undated

- Creator: Price Waterhouse
- Item 22: Employee Welfare and Benefit Programs, circa 1950

- Creator: Industrial Relations ctr., Univ. of Minnesota
- Folder 5: Benefit Plans, (Folder 2 of 3)

- Item 1: Employee Benefit Plans: Nationwide Survey, twelve metropolitan areas, May 1950

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 2: IRS Section 89 Rules: Some Relief, but complexity remains, March 30, 1989

- Creator: Bulletin to Management
- Item 3: Life after 89: Testing employee benefit plans for discrimination, November 30, 1989

- Creator: Bulletin to Management
- Item 4: Health, Welfare and Pension Programs under Wage Stabilization, October 22, 1951

- Creator: Tripartite Panel on Health, Welfare and Pension Programs
- Item 5: Facts for Bargaining: Part 2 of What's New in Collective Bargaining Negotiations and Contracts, March 25, 1976

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, inc.
- Item 6: Health and Welfare Plans in New York State, June 1954, May 6, 1955

- Creator: NY State Labor Dept.
- Item 7: Employee Welfare: A lecture given February 9, 1942 in the Special Industrial Relations Course under the Auspicies of MIT, February 9, 1942

- Creator: William J. Barrett
- Item 8: Pension, Profit-sharing and Related Plans: Preliminary tabulation of reports received to date from members of the Illinois State Chamber of Commerce, December 1946

- Creator: Federal Taxation Committee, Illinois State Chamber of Commerce
- Item 9: Employee Benefit Plans providing Hospital Surgical Medical Care, December 1951

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 10: Statement of George Meany, president, AFL-CIO before the subcommittee on Welfare and pension plan legislation of the Senate Committee on labor and public welfare, June 11, 1957

- Creator: AFL-CIO
- Item 11: Administration of Health and Welfare Plans, July 1954

- Creator: Personnel Policies Forum
- Item 12: Controlling Health and Welfare Costs, October 1959

- Creator: Personnel Policies Forum
- Item 13: Highlights in the Development of Welfare Funds, 1958

- Creator: Personnel Benefit Plans
- Item 14: Private Employee Benefits in Distribution covering Retail, Wholesale, Service, Combination Business, 1954

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 15: Health and Life Insurance Benefit Plans, March 1984

- Creator: Personnel Policies Forum
- Item 16: Employee benefits, Undated

- Creator: Lever Brothers Company
- Item 17: Characteristics of 163,500 Plans filed as of July 1, 1965, circa 1966

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 18: Report of Committee on Benefit Financing, September 1959

- Creator: Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies
- Folder 6: Benefit Plans, (Folder 3 of 3)

- Item 1: Controlling Employee Benefit and Pension Costs, 1957

- Creator: American Management Assoc.
- Item 2: The Role of Local Unions in Social Security, January 25, 1947

- Creator: William Smith, American Federation of Hosiery Workers (CIO)
- Item 3: Toward Worker Security: The Role of Management. Report of a Special Committee approved by the board of directors, 1951

- Creator: US Chamber of Commerce
- Item 4: 1949 Industrial Relagions Survey and "Fringe" benefits report, circa 1949

- Creator: Employers' Assoc. of Chicago
- Item 5: Your Employee Benefits: How to find out what they provide, circa 1969

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 6: Pros and Cons of Insurance and Self-Insurance of Health and Welfare Benefits, October 1960

- Creator: Foundation on Employee Health, Medical Care and Welfare, inc.
- Item 7: Problems and Solutions of Health and Welfare Programs, May 1957

- Creator: Foundation on Employee Health, Medical Care and Welfare, inc.
- Item 8: Parts B and C: Service Benefits--and how to compare service vs. indemnity benefits, June 1958

- Creator: Foundation on Employee Health, Medical Care and Welfare, inc.
- Item 9: Royalties, Taxes and Assessments: Industry-paid and union-administered forLabor Welfare Benefits, August 1945

- Creator: Inter-Union Institute for Labor and Democracy
- Item 10: Survey of Employee Benefit Plans, Chicago Metropolitan Area: A Complete Report, January 1949

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 11: Employee Benefit Plans, Chicago Metropolitan Area: General Summary, September 1948

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 12: Employee Benefit Plans, Pittsburgh Metropolitan Area: A Preliminary Survey, December 1948

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 13: Survey of Employee Benefit Plans, Indianapolis Metropolitan Area: A Complete Report, August 1949

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 14: Survey of Employee Benefit Plans, Houston Metropolitan Area: A Complete Report, November 1949

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 15: The Midwest Survey of Employee Benefit Plans: Six Metropolitan Areas, August 1949

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 16: Survey of Employee Benefit Plans, St. Louis Metropolitan Area: A Complete Report, January 1949

- Creator: Research Council for Economic Security
- Item 17: Administration of Health and Welfare Funds, circa 1954

- Creator: ILIR
- Folder 7: Benefit Plans: Bibliographies

- Folder 8: Benefit Plans Collectively Bargained

- Folder 9: Benefit Plans Collectively Bargained (Folder 1 of 3)

- Item 1: Decisions Decisions, Undated

- Creator: Blue Cross-Blue Shield
- Item 2: Economic Data and Issues affecting negotiated health benefit programs, Undated

- Item 3: The development of Health and Welfare Plans for Labor in the United States, with emphasis on collectively bargained plans since 1945, December, 1958

- Creator: Dept. of Research, School of Business, Louisiana Polytechnic Institute
- Item 4: Worker Welfare Funds, 1954

- Creator: Helen B. Shaffer
- Item 5: Health and Welfare Funds in the Building and Construction Trades in Washington, D.C. and vicinity as of June 30, 1953, 1953

- Creator: Washington Building and Construction Trades Council
- Item 6: Nineteen Employee Benefit Plans in the Airframe Industry, January, 1951

- Creator: Federal Security Agency, Social Security Administration
- Item 7: Labor Plans for Health: A study of Health and Welfare plans under collective bargaining among unions affiliated with the San Francisco Labor Council, June, 1952

- Creator: San Francisco Labor Council
- Item 8: Health, Insurance, Welfare and retirement plans under collective bargaining, July 1950

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 9: Some Issues Raised by Union Health and Welfare Plans, February 1955

- Creator: John M. Brumm
- Item 10: Employee Welfare and Security, February 9, 1943

- Creator: C.J. Walker, New England Power Service Company
- Item 11: Fifty Employee-Benefit Plans in the Basic Steel Industry, November 1947

- Creator: Federal Security Agency, Social Security Administration
- Item 12: Union and Union-management health insurance plans in New York State, January 1949, January 1949

- Creator: NY State Labor Dept.
- Folder 10: Benefit Plans Collectively Bargained (Folder 2 of 3)

- Item 1: Digest of Selected Health, Insurance, Welfare, and Retirement Plans under Collective Bargaining, August 1951

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 2: Company Medical and Health Programs, Copyright 1948

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board, inc.
- Item 3: Statement of John L. Lewis before the Subcommittee on Welfare and Pension Funds of the United States Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare and extracts from the Subcommittee's hearings on the United Mine Workers of America Welfare and Retirement Fund, November 28, 1955

- Creator: US Congress
- Item 4: Health Programs in Collective Bargaining, February 1949

- Creator: ILIR
- Item 5: Future Aspects of Benefit Plan Bargaining, November 29, 1967

- Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations
- Item 6: Union Management Welfare Plans, November 1947

- Creator: Robert J. Rosenthal, Johns Hopkins Univ.
- Item 7: Welfare Collective Bargaining in Action-- A Case Study, July 1949

- Creator: NY State School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell Univ.
- Item 8: A Community view of Health Plans under Collective Bargaining, January, 1961

- Creator: Anne R. Somers, American Public Health Assoc., Group Health Assoc.
- Item 9: Adequacy of Medical Benefits in Collectively Bargained Health Insurance Plans-Recent and Future Research, June 1958

- Creator: Bureau of Labor and Management, State Univ. of Iowa
- Item 10: Sick Benefit Plan By-laws for Local Unions which operate sickness benefit plans for their members, April 1, 1949

- Creator: United Steelworkers of America
- Item 11: Labor-Management Negotiated Health and Welfare Plans, Northern California, May, 1954

- Creator: Div. of Labor Statistics and Research, California dept. of Industrial Relations and Dept. of Preventative Medicine, Stanford Univ. Medical School
- Item 12: Group Health Insurance and Sickness Benefit Plans in Collective Bargaining, 1945

- Creator: Industrial Relations Section, Princeton Univ.
- Item 13: Collective Bargaining Provisions - Employee Benefit Plans, circa 1949

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 14: Union Health and Welfare Plans, 1947

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 15: Health and Welfare Funds in the Needle Trades, January 1948

- Creator: Adolph Held, international Ladies Garment Workers Union
- Item 16: Medical Care Plans Sponsored by Unions in the United States, September 1954

- Creator: Morris Brand, Sidney Hillman Health Center
- Item 17: Trends in Employee Benefit Clauses, 1949

- Creator: Collective Bargaining Negotiations and Contracts
- Item 18: Pensions, Proft-Sharing and the Labor Board, March 15, 1972

- Creator: Edward B. Miller, National Labor Relations Board
- Folder 11: Benefit Plans Collectively Bargained (Folder 3 of 3)

- Item 1: Labor Plans for Health: Conclusions of the San Francisco Labor Council Survey, 1951

- Creator: San Francisco Labor Council
- Item 2: Seventh Annual Labor-Management Conference: Benefit Plans in Collective Bargaining, April 26, 1955

- Creator: Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers Univ.
- Item 3: Health and Welfare Benefits under collective bargaining, circa 1947

- Item 4: Winning New Benefits for Members Through Welfare Plans, Undated

- Creator: Building Service Employees' International Union
- Item 5: Employee-Benefit Provisions: Selected Excerpts from Collective Bargaining Agreements, March 1949

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 6: Summary Discussion of Union-Management Welfare Plans and their relatinship to Social Security at a Meeting between members of the Social Security Administration Staff and Region 4 Commissioners of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, November 10, 1949

- Creator: Wilbur J. Cohen, staff of Commisioner For Social Security
- Item 7: Health and Welfare Plans Part 1-Hospital, Maternity and outpatient diagnostic benefits; Paid Holidays, March 1967

- Creator: Div. of Labor Statistics and Research, California Department of Industrial Relations
- Folder 12: Benefit Plans, Collectively Bargained--Bibliographies

- Folder 13: Beverage Industry

- Item 1: Brewing and Distilling: Basic Industrial Data, 1956

- Creator: National Industrial Conference Board
- Item 2: The Alcoholic Beverage Industry in an Expanding Economy, circa 1964

- Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
- Item 3: Growth/Stability Responsibility: Facts about the Licensed Beverage Industries, 1962, circa 1962

- Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
- Item 4: Facts about the Licensed Beverage Industries, circa 1963

- Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
- Item 5: Facts about the Licensed Beverage Industries, circa 1961

- Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
- Item 6: Facts about the Licensed Beverage Industries, circa 1960

- Creator: Licensed Beverage Industries, inc.
- Folder 14: Black Lung Benefits Act

- Item 1: Compliance Guide to the Black Lung Benefits Act, June 2002

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Folder 15: Blue Collar Workers

- Item 1: Dissent--Special Issue: The World of the Blue Collar Worker, Winter 1972

- Creator: Dissent Magazine
- Folder 16: Bonuses

- Item 1: Analog Devices, Inc., 1980

- Creator: Harvard Business School
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining Bulletin: Facts & Figures, 2008

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Folder 17: Boycotts

- Item 1: Boycotts and Strikes, circa 1947

- Creator: AFL
- Item 2: Boycotts can Backfire!, August 19, 1956

- Creator: Thurman Sensing, Southern States Industrial Council
- Item 3: Management During a Boycott, May 1985

- Creator: Thomas W. Murphy
- Item 4: The Wrath of Grapes, April 1988

- Creator: Chris Hartmire, United Farm Workers
- Item 5: Big Labor Mounts and Offensive Game Plan, Winter 1985

- Creator: Tom Mechling
- Item 6: Consumer Boycotts and Consumer Sovereignty, circa 1987

- Creator: N. Craig Smith, Cranfield School of Management
- Item 7: Campbell Soup in Hot Water with Organized Labor, Summer 1983

- Creator: Jim Terry
- Item 8: The Boycott and Public Opinion, 1908

- Creator: American Anti-Boycott Assoc.
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Absenteeism - Boycotts],
Series 2: Boycotts, Secondary - Education, Higher],
Series 3: Education and Business - Industrial Relations in Australia],
Series 4: Industrial Relations in Austria - Labor Education in Great Britain],
Series 5: Labor Education in Japan - Labor-Management Relations Act],
Series 6: Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act - Labor Unions in New York],
Series 7: Labor Union Officers and Staff - Organizational Change],
Series 8: Overtime - Subcontracting],
Series 9: Suggestion Systems - Women in the Labor Force],
Series 10: Work - Younger Workers],
Series 11: Absenteeism - United Electrical Radio and Machine Workers of America],