By Joseph Hoisington and Bryan Whitledge
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Union Vertical File, 1912-2001

ID: 35/3/403
Extent: 78.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically by name of industry category
Date Acquired: 07/29/2007
Languages: English, Spanish;Castilian
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library Labor Union Vertical File (1912-2001) includes constitutions and by-laws, contracts, agreements (wages, salaries, benefits, pensions), correspondence, memoranda, recruitment materials, promotional materials, union campaign and election materials, and reports pertaining to industrial unions, service unions, artistic unions and labor federations and their actions in terms of services for the members, negotiations with the employers and involvement in the community.
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Acquisition Source:
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Actors - Atlantic Maritime Employees],
Series 2: Automobile Workers - Cleaning and Dye House Workers],
Series 3: Clothing Workers - Furniture Workers],
Series 4: Garment Workers - Longshoremen],
Series 5: Machinists - Musicians],
Series 6: National Building Trades - Quarry Workers],
[Series 7: Radio Workers - Service Employees],
Series 8: Steelworkers - Teachers],
Series 9: Teamsters - Writers],
Series 10: International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU), and Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE) Contracts],
Series 11: Additional Contracts],
- Series 7: Radio Workers - Service Employees

- Box 53

- Folder 13: American Radio Association

- Item 1: National Agreement between the American Radio Association and Various Companies, Agents, and Associations Pacific Coast Representing, Owning, and Operating Dry Cargo and Passenger Ships, June 16, 1972

- Creator: ARA and Various Companies involved in Dry Cargo and Passenger Ships
- Item 2: Link to the Future - Joint Effort of the American Radio Association and Steamship Companies Operating US Flag Tankrs, Freighters, Passenger Ships, 1964

- Creator: ARA and Steamship Companies Operating US Flag Ships
- Folder 14: Radiologic Technologists

- Item 1: Employment Contract for Radiologic Technologist - Minneapolis-St. Paul, 1969

- Creator: Minnesota Society of Radiologic Technologists
- Folder 15: Independent Radionic Workers of America

- Item 1: Constitution and By-Laws fo the Independent Radionic Workers of America, undated

- Creator: IRWA
- Item 2: Agreement between Zenith Radio Corporation and Independent Radionic Workers of America (4 editions), Sept., 1950; May, 1969; Dec., 1974; July, 1978

- Creator: IRWA and Zenith Radio Corp.
- Box 54

- Folder 1: Railiroad Brotherhoods Unity Movement

- Item 1: Revolt in the Railroad Union, ca. 1935

- Creator: RBUM
- Folder 2: Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen of America

- Item 1: Constitution and General Rules of the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen of America (3 editions), Jan., 1921; Jan., 1925; ca. 1959

- Creator: BRSA
- Item 2: Agreement between the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co. and Employess represented by the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen of America, April 5, 1922

- Creator: B & O RR Co. and BRSA
- Item 3: National Adjustment Board - Third Division, June 12, 1992

- Creator: National Railroad Adjustment Board
- Item 4: Directory of Grand Lodge, Local Lodges and General Systems Committees, July 15, 1976

- Creator: BRSA
- Item 5: Agreement between Director General of Railroads in respect of Railroads in Federal Operation and Employees Represented by the Brotherhood of Railroad Signalmen of America, February 1, 1920

- Creator: Railroads in Federal Operation and BRSA
- Item 6: Memorandum of the Interstate Commerce Act, August 26, 1937

- Creator: Jesse Clark, BRSA
- Item 7: 50 Years of Railroad Signaling, 1951

- Creator: BRSA
- Folder 3: Order of Railroad Telegraphers

- Item 1: Constitution of Order of Railroad Telegraphers (3 editions), May, 1936; June, 1952; June, 1960

- Creator: ORT
- Item 2: Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co. Rules and Wage Schedule Covering Telegraphers, Telephoners, Levermen, and the Exclusive Agents Specified, August 1, 1925

- Creator: B & O RR Co.
- Item 3: Official Directory of Grand Division and Subordinate Divisions - Order of Railroad Telegraphers, August 15, 1946

- Creator: ORT
- Item 4: Proposed Agreement between the Atchiaon, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway Co. and Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, ca. 1959

- Creator: Topeka and Sante Fe Railway Co. and BRT
- Item 5: Correspondence Relating to History/Publications of the Order of Railroad Telegraphers, February 28, 1950

- Creator: G.E. Leighty, ORT
- Item 6: The Order of Railroad Telegraphers and the Locus of Power, June, 1950

- Creator: Raye A. Stephens
- Folder 4: Railroad Trainmen Contracts

- Item 1: Constitution and General Rules of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen (5 editions), May, 1935; Sept., 1946; Sept., 1950; Aug., 1954; Jan., 1960

- Creator: BRT
- Item 2: Agreement between Toledo, Peoria & Western Railroad Company and Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, August 1, 1955

- Creator: TP & W RR Co. and BRT
- Item 3: Agreement between Missouri Pacific Transportation Co. and Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, August 15, 1945

- Creator: Missouri Pacific Transportation Co. and BRT
- Item 4: Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Co. Rules and Rates of Pay for Trainmen, June 1, 1924

- Creator: B & O RR Co.
- Item 5: Local Agreement between Terminal Yardmasters, Galesburg Yard - C B & Q Railway and the Grievance Committee of College City Lodge No. 940 B of RT, January 27, 1948

- Creator: CB & Q Railway and BRT
- Item 6: Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co. Rules and Rates of Pay for Yardmen and Switchenders, February 1, 1947

- Creator: CB & Q Railway and BRT
- Item 7: Outline of Procedural Requirements in Handling Disputes Under the Railway Labor Act, Including Disciplinary Matters, ca. 1956

- Creator: BRT
- Folder 5: Unions - Railroad Trainmen

- Item 1: Facty Sheet - Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, ca. 1969

- Creator: BRT
- Item 2: Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co. Mediation Agreement, March 1, 1939

- Creator: CB & Q RR CO. and BRT
- Item 3: In The Supreme Court of Illinois - In re Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen (2 copies), March 20, 1958

- Creator: Illinois State Bar Association
- Item 4: Mediation Agreement between Carriers Represented by Eastern, Western, and Southeastern Carriers' Conference Committee and the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, April 5, 1957

- Creator: Eastern, Western, and Southeastern Carriers' Conference Committee and BRT
- Item 5: National Railroad Adjustment Board - First Division Opinion (2 editions), October 22, 1954; Undated

- Creator: National Railroad Adjustment Board
- Item 6: Order of Railway Conductors, Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen v. New York Central Railroad Co., ca. 1950

- Creator: Referee of Dispute
- Item 7: Know Your Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen, August 25, 1948

- Creator: BRT
- Item 8: Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen History, August, 1946

- Creator: BRT
- Item 9: Negotiating Manual, 1953

- Creator: BRT
- Item 10: Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen 1965 Financial Report, ca. 1966

- Creator: BRT
- Item 11: Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen Special Circuler No. K-22, December 14, 1956

- Creator: BRT
- Item 12: Collective Bargaining re Concerted Movement Procedure, BRT - BLF & E, 1956-57

- Creator: BRT and BLF & E
- Item 13: Railroad Labor in Action re Concerted Movement Procedure, BRT - BLF & E, 1956

- Creator: BRT and BLF & E
- Folder 6: Railroad Trainmen , bro of Ind.

- Item 1: A Report on the Brotherhood of Railroas Trainsmen's Conference on Mass Transportation (2 editions), May 5-7, 1967; April 25-27, 1968

- Creator: BRT
- Item 2: Home Study Course, You and Your Union and Your Community - Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (BRT), 1959

- Creator: BRT and BLF & E
- Item 3: Home Study Course, You and Your Union and Collective Bargaining - Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen (BRT), 1959

- Creator: BRT and BLF & E
- Folder 7: Railroad Yardmasters of America

- Item 1: Constitution of Railroad Yardmasters of America (6 editions), Jan., 1925; Jan., 1927; July, 1962; July, 1966; Jan., 1967; July, 1970

- Creator: RYA
- Folder 8: Railway and Steamship Clerks

- Item 1: Constitution of the Grand Lodge, Statutes for the Government of Lodges and Protective Laws of the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees (5 editions), May, 1935; July, 1943; May, 1947; Feb., 1960; July, 1963

- Creator: BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 2: Report of George M. Harrison, Grand President to the Seventeenth Regular Convention - Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, May, 1943

- Creator: BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 3: How to Handle Grievances - Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, ca. 1948

- Creator: BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 4: Railway Clerk, 50th Anniversary Number, December, 1949

- Creator: BRC
- Item 5: Labor Answers the Railroad, Address by George M. Harrison, November 5, 1959

- Creator: Railway Labor Executives' Association
- Item 6: Marion Calligaris Tribute, March 12, 1976

- Item 7: Comments on a Pamphlet Entitled "You Are Hereby Notified" with Cover Letter, May 4, 1956

- Creator: Fern, VP of BRT
- Item 8: Program of Assistance to Lodge Officers, 1948

- Creator: Glenn R. Atkinson
- Item 9: Manual of the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, ca. 1948

- Creator: BR & SCFHE & SE
- Folder 9: Railway and Steamship Clerks Contracts

- Item 1: Vacations with Pay Agreements - Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes, ca. December, 1942

- Creator: BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 2: Wage Agreements of 1946 for Railroad and Express Employes, 1946

- Creator: BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 3: Agreement between American Railway Express Co. and Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes (3 editions), March, 1922; August, 1924; February, 1931

- Creator: American Railway Express Co. and BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 4: Agreement Governing Working Hours of Service and Working Conditions between Railway Express Agency and Brotherhood of Railyway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes (2 editions), August, 1937; October, 1940

- Item 5: Agreement between Chicago North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad Co. and BR &SCFHE & SE, April 1, 1945

- Creator: CNS & MRR Co. and BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 6: Agreement between Louisville and Nashville Railroad Co. and Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, January 1, 1938

- Creator: L & N RR Co. and BR &SCFHE & SE
- Item 7: Agreement between Boston and Maine Rairoad and Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, May 29, 1942

- Creator: B & M RR and BR & SCFHE &SE
- Item 8: Agreement between Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway Co. and Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, August 2, 1945

- Creator: CRI & P RW Co. and BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 9: Agreement between the Union Railway Co. and Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, July 1, 1944

- Creator: Union Railway Co. and BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 10: Agreement between the Director General of Railroads and Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, January 1, 1920

- Creator: Director General of Railroads and BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 11: Agreement between St. Louis - San Francisco Railway Co. and St. Louis, San Francisco, and Texas Railway Co. and Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, January 1, 1946

- Creator: SLSFR Co. and SLSF & T RW Co. and BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 12: Agreement between the New York Central Railroad Co. and Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, April 1, 1923

- Creator: NYCRR Co. and BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 13: Agreement between the Central Railroad Co. of New Jersey et al. and Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employees, March 1, 1944

- Creator: CRR Co. of NJ and BR & SCFHE & SE
- Folder 10: Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks - Contracts

- Item 1: Agreement between Santa Fe Trail Transportation Co. and Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes, April 1, 1945

- Creator: Santa Fe Trail Trans. Co. and BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 2: Agreement between Atlantic and East Carolina Railway Co. and Brotherhood of Railway and Streamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes, January 6, 1944

- Creator: A & ECR Co. and BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 3: Agreement between Union Motor Coach Terminal Co. and Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Express and Station Employes, March 29, 1946

- Creator: UMCT Co. and BR & SCFHE & SE
- Item 4: Agreement between the Detroit and Mackinac Railway Co. and Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship Clerks, Freight Handlers, Ecpress and Station Employes, January 10, 1944

- Creator: D & MR Co. and BR & SCFHE & SE
- Folder 11: Railway Carmen of America, Brotherhood - Contracts

- Item 1: Constitution of Brotherhood of Railway Carmern of America (3 Editions), Sept., 1917; Aug., 1935; Sept., 1963

- Creator: BRCA
- Item 2: Constitution of Loyal Star of America - Auxiliary to the Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America, 1917

- Creator: BRCA
- Item 3: Agreement between Brotherhood Railway Carmen of the United States and Canada and US Railway Manufacturing Co., November 9, 1978

- Creator: BRCA and US Railway Mfg. Co.
- Item 4: Agreement between Shippers Car Line Division - ACF Industries, Inc. and Brotherhood Railway Carmen of US and Canada, November 13, 1971

- Creator: BRCA and ACF IND. Inc.
- Item 5: Agreement between Mt. Vernon Car Manufacturing Co. and Mt. Vernon Lodge No. 423 Brotherhood Railway Carmen of America, November 1, 1945

- Creator: BRCA and Mt. Vernon Car Mfg. Co.
- Item 6: Agreement between American Car and Foundry Co. and American Federation of Labor (3 editions), June, 1946; June, 1969; May, 1972

- Creator: ACF and AFL
- Folder 12: Order of Railway Conductors

- Item 1: Order of Railway Conductors and Brakemen Decal, ca. 1966

- Creator: ORCB
- Item 2: Fact Sheet - Order of Railway Conductors and Brakemen, ca. 1967

- Creator: ORCB
- Item 3: National Railroad Adjustment Board - First Division Opinion, January 3, 1941

- Creator: National Railroad Adjustment Board
- Folder 13: Railway Labor Executives' Association

- Item 1: Impact of Transportation Policy on Railroad Labor, September 20, 1960

- Creator: G.E. Leighty, RLEA
- Item 2: News from the RLEA, March 19, 1964

- Creator: RLEA
- Item 3: History of the Railway Labor Executives' Association, April, 1982

- Creator: RLEA
- Folder 14: Railway Postal Clerks

- Item 1: Charter, Constitution By-Laws and Ritual of Railway Mail Association (2 editions), 1927; 1937

- Creator: RMA
- Folder 15: Rank and File Comm - NYCTA

- Item 1: Rank and File News - Issues 10 - 17, January, 1969 - April, 1971

- Creator: Rank and File of the NYCTA
- Folder 16: Residents and Intern Association

- Item 1: Memorandum of Understanding between Health and Hospitals Governing Commission of Cook County and Residents Internes Association (2 copies), March 16, 1971

- Creator: H & HGC of Cook Co. and R & IA
- Folder 17: Retail Clerks

- Item 1: Constitution of Retail Clerks International Association (7 editions), July, 1924; Aug., 1931; July, 1951; June, 1959; June, 1963; July, 1967; Oct

- Creator: RCIA
- Item 2: Contract between Retail Clerks Union Local No. 536 and The Kroger Co., June, 1955

- Creator: RCIA and Kroger, Co.
- Item 3: Agreement between Kroger Co. of Peoria and Retail Clerks Unions, Local Nos. 98, 536, 1696, 1957

- Creator: RCIA and Kroger, Co.
- Item 4: Universal Product Code Materials, 1971-1975

- Creator: Retail Clerks Advocate, Wall Street Journal, Consumer Federation of America, RCIA, US Senate, Granite City, IL, and Chicago, IL,
- Item 5: List of Arbitration Cases, November 11, 1968

- Creator: ILIR Library
- Item 6: It Pays to Belong', 1962

- Creator: RCIA
- Item 7: Local Union Exemplary By-Laws - Retail Clerks International Union, October, 1977

- Creator: RCIA
- Item 8: Working Agreement between Retail Clerks International Protective Association and Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. (2 copies), July 15, 1945

- Creator: RCIA and GA & P Tea Co.
- Item 9: Agreement between Retail Clerks' International Association and National Tea Co. (2 editions), November 17, 1947; 1976

- Creator: RCIA and National Tea Co.
- Item 10: Agreement between ANTA Corp. and Retail Clerks International Union Local No. 1540, July 18, 1975

- Creator: RCIA and ANTA Corp.
- Item 11: Working Agreement Template between Retail Clerks International Protective Association and An Unnamed Group (4 editions), ca. 1945; 1946; ca. 1947;

- Creator: RCIA
- Item 12: Agreement between Independent Food Clerks and Sunset Food Mart, Inc. et al, July 22, 1975

- Creator: IFC and Sunset Food Mart, Inc. et al
- Item 14: Agreement between Retail Clerks International Association and Stop & Shops, Inc., March 8, 1948

- Creator: RCIA and Stop & Shop, Inc.
- Item 15: Agreement between Retail Clerks International Protective Association and Freeport, October 21, 1946

- Creator: RCIA and Freeport
- Item 16: Articles of Agreement between Retail Clerks International Protective Association and an Unnamed Group, October 21, 1946

- Creator: RCIA
- Item 17: Several Working Agreements between Retail Clerks International Association Locals and Several Merchants (bifold documents), December, 1946 - November, 1948

- Creator: RCIA and Others
- Item 18: Agreement between Retail Clerk's Local Union No. 344 and J & R Motor Supply Co., January 1, 1948

- Creator: RCIA and J & R Motor Supply Co.
- Item 19: Agreement between Retail Clerk's Local Union No. 344 and Retail Food Stores, ca. 1948

- Creator: RCIA and Retail Food Stores
- Item 20: Agreement Exemplar of the Retail Clerk International Association (2 copies), 1975

- Creator: RCIA
- Item 21: Articles of Agreement between Retail Clerks Local 444 and Great Atlantic & Pactific Tea Co., Inc., October 22, 1961

- Creator: RCIA and GA & P Tea Co.
- Box 55

- Folder 1: United Retail Workers

- Item 1: United Retail Workers - News Digest, March, 1972 - January, 1973

- Creator: URW
- Item 2: United Retail Worrkers Service Promotional Pamphlets (5 Items), 1975-77

- Creator: URW
- Item 3: United Retail Workers Local 595 Contract - Eisner Food Stor Employees (2 editions), 1967; 1979

- Creator: URW and Eisner Food Store
- Item 4: United Retail Workers Contract - Chicago Metropolitan Area Jewel Food Stores, 1975

- Creator: URW and Jewel Food Stores
- Item 5: Trade Union Education Conference, September 11, 1980

- Creator: United Retail Workers Union
- Folder 2: Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union

- Item 1: Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union Constitution, June, 1974

- Creator: RWDSU
- Item 2: St. Louis Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union - Labor Health Institute, March, 1947

- Creator: RWDSU
- Item 3: Agreement between Davega-City Radio, Inc. and Retail Employees' Union Local 830, September 28, 1939

- Creator: REU and Davega-City Radio, Inc.
- Item 4: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union Local 202 and Sussman Iron & Metal Co., Inc., January 1, 1988

- Creator: RWSDU and Sussman Iron & Metal Co., Inc.
- Item 5: Agreement between Ideal Dairy Co. and Dairy Workers Local 612, Retail, Wholesale & Department Store Union, August 24, 1956

- Creator: RWSDU and Ideal Dairy Co.
- Folder 3: Roofers, Damp and Waterproof Workers Association

- Item 1: Contract Template for Rockford Roofers' Local No. 6, Undated

- Creator: RDWWA
- Folder 4: United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America

- Item 1: Our Union' - United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America (2 copies), August, 1953

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 2: Union Reference Booklet - United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America, ca. 1939

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 3: Manual for URW Shop Stewards, ca. 1962

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 4: Helping to Write Your Nation's Laws' - URW Washington Legislative Institutes, February, 1962

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 5: American Federation of Labor Questionnaire, June 10, 1935

- Creator: AFL
- Item 6: Revised Draft of Suggested By-Laws of Locals of United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America, January, 1957

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 7: URW 25 (2 copies), 1960

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 8: URW - Firing Line (2 editions), October, 1960; December, 1960

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 9: United Rubber Workers Summer Leadership Training, July, 1958

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 10: URW - Safety Lines (Several Issues), 1981-1984

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 11: Shop Steward Training Programs, October, 1965

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 12: Conference on Workmen's Compensation, Safety, and Education for NJ Local Unions, United Rubber Workers (2 copies), February 3-4, 1951

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 13: Resolution of Reprimand - Local 713 United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America re. Firestone Rubber and Tire Co., ca. May, 1967

- Creator: Burger, Geisler & Fombelle, Attorneys at Law
- Folder 5: United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America

- Item 1: Directory - Local Unions of United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America, January, 1951

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 2: Anatomy of a Long, Bitter Labor Fight' Newsclipping, November 6, 1996

- Creator: Wall Street Journal
- Item 3: A Mighty Fine Union', ca. 1984

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 4: Recognition Strike News Clippings and Materials, March - April, 1935

- Creator: Various Sources
- Item 5: Rubber Workers' Council File, ca. 1935

- Creator: Rubber Workers' Council
- Item 6: Proceedings of the 25th Convention of the United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America, September 12-16, 1966

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 7: Local By Laws of Seiberling Local Union No. 18, Undated

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 8: How the Rubber Workers Won, June, 1936

- Creator: Committee for Industrialization
- Item 9: A Message to Goodrich Employees, ca. 1936

- Creator: URWA
- Item 10: Collective Bargaining by United Rubber Workers, September, 1939

- Creator: URWA
- Item 11: Our Union Heritage', ca. 1960

- Creator: William L. Abbott, URCLPWA
- Item 12: Statement Issued by URW-CIO President Buckmaster, March 29, 1952

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 13: Your Union's 1953 Program for Wages, Pensions, Insurance and Other Economic Improvements, ca. March, 1953

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 14: Know the Reason Why?, ca. March, 1952

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 15: 20th Anniversary Edition United Rubber Worker, September, 1955

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 16: Labor Scrap Book, ca. 1960

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 17: Into the 90s - 1988 Collective Bargaining Policy, January 21, 1988

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Item 18: Standing Rules for Shop Committees and Legislative Committee, Undated

- Creator: URWA
- Item 19: Flash - Firestone Local #7 of United Rubber Workers of America (8 editions), October, 1938 - December, 1938

- Creator: URCLPWA
- Folder 6: United Rubber Workers Constitutions

- Item 1: Constitution of the International Rubber Workers of America (16 editions), 1936; 1938; 1944; 1946-1948; 1950-1954; 1956; 1958; 1960; 1962; 1987

- Creator: URWA (URCLPWA)
- Folder 7: United Rubber Workers News Releases, 1967-

- Item 1: URW News (3 inches of releases), 1967-1987

- Creator: URWA
- Folder 8: United Rubber Workers News Releases, 1951-66

- Item 1: URW News (3 inches of releases), 1951-1966

- Creator: URWA
- Box 56

- Folder 1: United Rubber Workers Contracts

- Item 1: Agreement between the Kelly-Springfield Tire Co. - Freeport Plant and Local No. 745 of United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America, May 19, 1995

- Creator: URCLPWA and Kelly-Springfield Tire Co.
- Item 2: Agreement on Job Security, Technology, Efficiency and Competitiveness between Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. and United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America, May 22, 1988

- Creator: URCLPWA and Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.
- Item 3: Agreement on Supplemental Unemployment Benefits between Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. and Uniter Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America, May 22, 1988

- Creator: URCLPWA and Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.
- Item 4: Agreement between Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. and United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America (2 editions), January, 1977; August, 1988

- Creator: URCLPWA and Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.
- Item 5: Pension and Insurance Agreement between Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. and United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America (2 editions), Aug. 1, 1967; May 22, 1988

- Creator: URCLPWA and Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.
- Item 6: Agreement between Firestone Industrial Products Co., Inc. and Local Union No. 238 of United Rubber Workers of America, 1944

- Creator: URWA and Firestone Industrial Products Co., Inc.
- Item 7: Union Agreement Proposed to Firestone Management and Rejected, September, 1936

- Creator: URWA
- Item 8: Seniority Plan in a Small Booklet Printed by the Firestone Tire and Rubber Co., February, 1936

- Creator: Firestone Tire and Rubber Co.
- Item 9: Firestone Agreement, May 22, 1939

- Creator: URWA and Firestone Industrial Products Co., Inc.
- Item 10: Employees' Conference Plan, ca. 1934

- Creator: URWA and Firestone Industrial Products Co., Inc.
- Item 11: Agreement between B.F. Goodrich Company and United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America Booklets (5 editions), 1945; 1946; 1947; 1970; 1970

- Creator: URCLPWA and BF Goodrich Co.
- Item 12: Agreement between B.F. Goodrich Company and United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America (4 editions), June, 1948; 1939; 1939; May, 1938

- Creator: URCLPWA and BF Goodrich Co.
- Item 13: Grievance Procedure, ca. June, 1939

- Creator: URWA
- Item 14: Agreement between American Hard Rubber Co. and United Rubber Workers, June, 1935

- Creator: URWA and American Hard Rubber Co.
- Item 15: Agreement between United States Rubber Co. and United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America (3 items), Nov., 1939; July, 1948; April, 1945

- Creator: URCLPWA and US Rubber Co.
- Item 16: Agreement between L.E. Waterman Co. and United Rubber Workers of America, April 22, 1938

- Creator: URWA and LE Waterman Co.
- Item 17: Agreement between Rand Rubber Co. and United Rubber Workers of America, March 21, 1938

- Creator: URWA and Rand Rubber Co.
- Item 18: Agreement between Quaker City Rubber Co. and United Rubber Workers of America, March 9, 1938

- Creator: URWA and Quaker City Rubber Co.
- Item 19: Agreement between Servus Rubber Co. and United Rubber Workers of America, April 12, 1945

- Creator: URWA and Servus Rubber Co.
- Item 20: Agreement between Toyad Corp. and United Rubber Workers of America, January 3, 1945

- Creator: URWA and Toyad Corp.
- Item 21: Agreement between Western Rubber Co. and United Rubber Workers of America, September 8, 1937

- Creator: URWA and Western Rubber Co.
- Item 22: Agreement between Pacific Rubber and Tire Mfg. Co. and United Rubber Workers of America, November 30, 1938

- Creator: URWA and Pacific Rubber and Tire Mfg. Co.
- Item 23: Agreement between Boston Woven Hose and Rubber Co. and United Rubber Workers of America, March 15, 1945

- Creator: URWA and Boston Woven Hose and Rubber Co.
- Item 24: Agreement between Sefton Fibre Can Co. and United Rubber Workers of America, April 16, 1945

- Creator: URWA and Sefton Fibre Can Co.
- Item 25: Agreement between H. Muehlstein Co., Inc. and United Rubber Workers of America, February 20, 1945

- Creator: URWA and H. Muehlstein Co. Inc.
- Item 26: Agreement between Seiberling Latex Products Co. and United Rubber Workers of America, June 1, 1945

- Creator: URWA and Seiberling Latex Products Co.
- Item 27: Agreement between Dryden Rubber Co. and United Rubber Workers of America, February 26, 1945

- Creator: URWA and Dryden Rubber Co.
- Folder 2: United Rubber Workers Contracts

- Item 1: By-Laws and Agreements of the Firestone Local No. 7 - United Rubber Workers of America (3 editions), 1938; 1938; 1940

- Creator: URWA
- Item 2: Agreement between the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. and Local No. 2 of United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America (2 editions), June, 1947; August, 1948

- Creator: URCLPWA and Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co.
- Item 3: Collective Bargaining Agreement between General Tire and Rubber Co. and United Rubber, Cork, and Linoleum and Plastic Workers of America (2 editions), March 1, 1976; August 1, 1976

- Creator: URCLPWA and General Tire and Rubber Co.
- Item 4: Agreement between Three Rivers Rubber Plant Division of Dayco Corp. and Local No. 772 United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America, July 12, 1977

- Creator: URCLPWA and Dayco Corp.
- Item 5: Agreement between the Grigoleit Co. and Local No. 270 United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America, November, 1951

- Creator: URCLPWA and Grigoleit Corp.
- Item 6: Agreement between Dewey and Almy Chemical Co. and United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America, February 11, 1952

- Creator: URCLPWA and Deway and Almy Chem. Co.
- Item 7: Agreement between Dayton Tire and Rubber Co. and Local No. 178 United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America, April 4, 1968

- Creator: URCLPWA and Dayton Tire and Rubber Co.
- Item 8: Agreement between Industrial Rubber Goods Co. and United Rubber Workers of America, March 20, 1944

- Creator: URWA and Industrial Rubber Goods Co.
- Item 9: Agreement between The Richardson Co. and Locla No. 294 United Rubber, Cork, Linoleum & Plastic Workers of America, May 17, 1963

- Creator: URCLPWA and Richardson Co.
- Item 10: Agreement between Casto Co. and Loal No. 279 United Rubber Workers of America, March 14, 1945

- Creator: URWA and Casto Co.
- Folder 3: National Federation of Salaried Unions

- Item 1: Salaried Workers - Hist., ca. 1950

- Creator: NFSU
- Item 2: Agreement between United States Steel Corp. and Salaried Employees Association, July 1, 1954

- Creator: SEA and US Steel Corp.
- Item 3: It Pays to be a Union Member, February, 1949

- Creator: Federation of Westinghouse Independent Salaried Unions
- Item 4: No. 51 of 'In The Supreme Court of The United States' - Association of Westinghouse Salaried Employees v. Westinghouse Electric Corp., October, 1954

- Creator: United States Supreme Court
- Folder 4: Association of Scientists and Professional Engineering Personnel

- Item 1: Constitution of the Association of Scientists and Professional Engineering Personnel, December 21, 1960

- Creator: ASPEP
- Item 2: Salary Survey of Association of Scientists and Professional Engineering Personnel, 1964

- Creator: ASPEP
- Folder 5: Screen Actors Guild

- Item 1: The Story of the Screen Actors Guild (2 editions), ca. 1957; ca. 1975

- Creator: SAG
- Item 2: The ABC of The Screen Actors Guild, ca. 1937

- Creator: SAG
- Item 3: Screen Actors Guild - Analysis of Contract with Producer, ca. 1947

- Creator: SAG
- Item 4: The Economics of Television Film Production and Distrubution, February 8, 1960

- Creator: Irving Bernstein, SAG
- Item 5: Research Paper Submitted to Dr. Wilcox UCLA, January 9, 1961

- Creator: Walter D. Shaw
- Item 6: Theatrical Motion Picture Agency Contract - William B. White Agency and Michael Fox, October 1, 1955

- Creator: Theatrical Motion Picture Agency
- Item 7: Codified Basic Agreement between Screen Actors Guild and Producer, 1956

- Creator: SAG and Producer
- Item 8: 1955 Television Supplement to Codified Basic Agreement between Screen Actors Guild and Producer, 1955

- Creator: SAG and Producer
- Item 9: Codified Contract for Filmed Commercials between Screen Actors Guild and Producer, 1955

- Creator: SAG and Producer
- Item 10: Constitution and By-Laws of Screen Actors Guild, Inc. (4 editions), 1962; 1960; 1957; 1938

- Folder 6: Seafarers' International Union

- Item 1: Facts About the Seamen's Trade Union Movement, October 19, 1956

- Creator: Harry Lundeberg, SIU
- Item 2: Constitution of Seafarers' International Union of North America (4 editions), April, 1951; April, 1953; June, 1955; March, 1957

- Creator: SIU
- Item 3: The Law of Union Factionalism - The Case of the Sailors, February, 1952

- Creator: Donald H. Wollett and Robert J. Lampman
- Item 4: We Stand for Unity, June, 1944

- Creator: Canadian Seamen's Union
- Item 5: You and Your Union, undated

- Creator: SIU
- Item 6: Social Security is for You, ca. 1967

- Creator: SIU
- Item 7: Directory of Unions Chartered by the Seafarers' International Union of North America, August 2, 1954

- Creator: SIU
- Item 8: The Harry Lundebeg School (2 items), 1976; ca. 1975

- Creator: SIU
- Item 9: Seafarers' International Union of North America Convention Proceedings (2 editions), May 24- 27, 1955; March 25-29, 1957

- Creator: SIU
- Folder 7: Seafarers' International Union of North America Contracts

- Item 1: Sailors' Union of the Pacific Wages and Working Rules, ca. 1917

- Creator: Sailors' Union
- Item 2: DUOC Contract for Checker and Yellow Inside Workers (9 editions), 1965; 1968; 1968; 1968; 1968; 1971; 1974; 1974; 1977

- Creator: SIU
- Item 3: Agreement between Seafarers' International Union of North America, Pacific District ad Pacific Maritime Association (4 editions - General, Stewards, Unlicensed Engine, Unlicensed Deck), June 1, 1955

- Creator: SIU and PMA
- Item 4: Agreement between Seafarers' International Union of North America, Great Lakes District and Cleveland and Buffalo Steamship Co. (2 editions), July 28, 1944; March 14, 1946

- Creator: SIU and C & B Steamship Co.
- Item 5: Agreement between Seafarers' International Union of North America, Great Lakes District and Detroit and Cleveland Navigation Co., March 22, 1946

- Creator: SIU and D & C Navigation Co.
- Item 6: Agreement between Seafarers' International Union of North America, Great Lakes District and Overlakes Freight Corp., April 29, 1944

- Creator: SIU and Overlakes Freight Corp.
- Item 7: Agreement between Seafarers' International Union of North America, Great Lakes District and T.H. Browning Steamship Co. (3 copies), September 2, 1946

- Creator: SIU and TH Browning Steamship Co.
- Item 8: Agreement between Seafarers' International Union of North America, Great Lakes District and Wisconsin and Michigan Steamship Co. (3 editions - Stewards, Stewards, Deckand Engine Departments), June 6, 1946

- Creator: SIU and W & M Steamship Co.
- Item 9: Agreement between Seafarers' International Union of North America, Great Lakes District and Chicago Duluth and Georgian Bay Transit Co. (2 editions, 2 copies of one edition), July 21, 1944; April 22, 1946

- Creator: SIU and CD & GB Transit Co.
- Item 10: Agreement between Seafarers' International Union of North America, Great Lakes District and Construction Aggregate Corp. et al. (2 copies), March 12, 1943

- Creator: SIU and Construction Aggregate Corp. et al.
- Item 11: Agreement between Seafarers' International Union of North America, Great Lakes District and Great Lakes Dredge and Dock Co. and Fitz-Simons & Cornell Dredge and Dock Co. (2 editions, 2 copies each), Spetember 25, 1944; September 2, 1946

- Creator: SIU and GLD & D and FS & CD & D Cos.
- Item 12: Agreement between Seafarers' International Union of North America, Great Lakes District and Bob-Lo Excursion Co., July 21, 1944

- Creator: SIU and Bob-Lo Excursion Co.
- Item 13: Agreement between Seafarers' International Union of North America, Great Lakes District and Great Lakes Transport Co. (2 copies), 1946

- Creator: SIU and GL Transport Co.
- Folder 8: International Seamen's Union

- Item 1: Constitution of International Seamen's Union (4 editions), Undated; 1922; 1926; 1935

- Creator: ISU
- Folder 9: Seattle Professional Engineering Employees Association

- Item 1: Seattle Professional Engineering Employees Association Newsletter (Several editions), December, 1992 - November, 1993

- Creator: SPEEA
- Item 2: Seattle Professional Engineering Employees Association Spotlite (Several editions), December, 1992 - October, 1993

- Creator: SPEEA
- Folder 10: Service Employees International, Union

- Item 1: Got Healthcare Flyer, ca. 2000

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 2: Insight Unions Leaflet, May 20, 2005

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 3: Wake Up Walmart Leaflet, ca. 2001

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 4: SEIU Annual Review, 2000

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 5: Together We Rise - Review of SEIU 2002 New Strength Unity Network, 2003

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 6: SEIU Cooks - Gift Catalog, ca. 2000

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 7: SEIU Alley, ca. 2000

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 8: Bargaining During Health-Care Reform, March, 1994

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 9: 1997 - A Year of Unprecedented Success, 1998

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 10: Hopsital Safety and You, Undated

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 11: Healthcare Cost Containment, December 5, 1983

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 12: State of Wisconsin - Before the Wisonsin Employment Relations Commission, ca. May, 1969

- Creator: Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission
- Item 13: News Clippings Pertainting to SEIU (3 Items), October, 1990; 1990; September, 1991

- Creator: Unknown
- Item 14: Preserve the American Dream and Other News Clippings (several items), June, 1986 - October, 1987

- Creator: Several
- Item 15: Work - Family, ca. 1987

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 16: When You Wirte Your Legislator, ca. 1985

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 17: Problems Confronting Public Workers - Excerpts and Highlights From Part 2 of SEIU Public Workers Conference, November 13-16, 1978

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 18: How To Pamphlets (4 editions), 1980

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 19: Service Employees International Union Steward Leaflets, ca. 1980

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 20: SEIU Gas Conference - Collective Bargaining Under Phase III, March 6-7, 1973

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 21: Tax Politics - Excerpts and Highlights From Part 1 of the SEIU Public Workers Conference, November 13-16, 1978

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 22: Information and Instructions to Chicago Flat Janitors Union Local No. 1, 1940

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 23: SEIU Steward's Manual (4 editions), ca. 1970s - 1980s

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 24: Orienting the New Union Member, ca. 1975

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 25: Keeping the Records Straight, 1959

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 26: When You Are Hurt At Work Pamphlet, 1987

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 27: Constitution and By-Laws of the Building Service Employees' Union (4 editions), 1935; 1940; 1950; 1960

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 28: Handy Tips for Shop Stewards and Committeemen, ca. 1975

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 29: The Union Contract, Undated

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 30: William L. McFetridge: The Man of the Year, December, 1962

- Creator: Marvin Block, Chicago Scene
- Item 31: Building Service Employee 25th Anniversary, April, 1946

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 32: Welcome, ca. 1950

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 33: Your Union - A Two-Pronged Drive for Equality, Security, and Justice, ca. 1945; 1946; ca. 1947;

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 34: This Is Your Union - BSEIU (2 editions, one larger and one small), 1957

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 35: Who We Are, ca. 1986

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 36: 32B Sixteenth Anniversary, April, 1950

- Creator: SEIU
- Box 57

- Folder 1: SEIU Healthcare Organizing Campaign, ca. 1975

- Creator: SEIU
- Folder 2: SEIU Locals

- Item 1: Report to Locals Newsletter (several editions), June, 1946 - April, 1961

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 2: Public Service News, October, 1960

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 3: Kathy's Comments, November, 1990

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 4: The Sage of Service Employees International Union, April, 1978

- Creator: Flossie Kerketta
- Item 5: SEIU Local 25 Voice (5 editions), November, 1974 - Fall, 1995

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 6: Local 73 Journal, July, 1980 - October, 1992

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 7: Local 200 Reporter, November, 1984

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 8: SEIU Local 925 Materials (10 items), Spring, 1983 - ca. 2000

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 9: Service Union News (2 editions), September, 1973; July, 1974

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 10: Service Employees' Viewpoint (3 editions), Winter, 1985; Fall, 1992; Spring, 1993

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 11: SEIU Action, Spring, 2004

- Creator: SEIU
- Folder 3: SEIU Contracts

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Service Employees International Union, District 925 and Count of Cook / Sheriff of Cook County, December 1, 1984

- Creator: SEIU and Cook County
- Item 2: Agreements between Local 25 Service Employees International Union and several entities (11 items, 10 Booklets, 1 on sheet paper), July, 1948; 1973 - 1984

- Creator: SEIU and Others
- Item 3: Agreement between Marshall Field Employees' Union Local 242, SEIU and Marshall Field and Co. (2 editions), May, 1945

- Creator: SEIU and Marshall Field and Co.
- Item 4: Agreement between United Greenhouse Workers Federal Labor Union No. 22476, SEIU and Illinois Roses, Ltd. (2 editions), July, 1966; September, 1969

- Creator: SEIU and Ilinois Roses, Ltd.
- Item 5: Excerpts of Wage and Conract Agreement between Hotel Service Employees Union No. 4, SEIU and Chicago Residential Hotel Association, May 1, 1946

- Creator: SEIU and CRHA
- Item 6: Agreement between Public Serice Employees Union Local 46 SEIU and City of Chicago, December 22, 1992

- Creator: SEIU and City of Chicago
- Item 7: Agreement between Hospital and Institutional Workers' Union Local 250, SEIU and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals et al., 1968

- Creator: SEIU and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals et al.
- Item 8: Union Contract between Building Service Employees International Union Local No. 233 and Lawrence Hotel, January 15, 1946

- Creator: SEIU and Lawrence Hotel
- Item 9: Agreement between Local Union No. 142 Building Service Employees International Union and Jefferson Building Corp., April 17, 1946

- Creator: SEIU and Jefferson Building Corp.
- Item 10: Agreement between Local No. 119 Building Service Employees International Union and Burnham City Hospital, June 1, 1946

- Creator: SEIU and Burnham City Hospital
- Item 11: Agreement between Local 372 Service Employees International Union and Hillman's, Inc. and Edgewater-Uptown Community Mental Health Center, May, 1976; January, 1976

- Creator: SEIU and Hillman's, Inc. and E-U CMH
- Item 12: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Local Union 138 Service Employees International Union and Board of Trustees Junior College District 513, July 1, 1970

- Creator: SEIU and Board of Trustees JCD 513
- Item 13: Agreement Exemplar of the United Shoe Service Employees' Union, SEIU, ca. 1950

- Creator: SEIU
- Item 14: Agreement between Local 551 Service Employess International Union and Veteran Administration Medical Center, August, 1986

- Creator: SEIU and VA Medical Center
- Item 15: Agreement between Los Angeles County Employees Association, Local 660, SEIU and Management of the County of Los Angeles, March 25, 1985

- Creator: SEIU and L.A. County
- Item 16: Collective Bargaining Agreements between 1199W/United Professionals for Quality Health Care, SEIU, and Other Entities (10 items), 1991 - 1996

- Creator: SEIU and Others
- Item 17: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Service Employees International Union, Local 1991, Registered Nurses and The Public Health Trust, October 1, 1997

- Creator: SEIU and Public Health Trust
- Folder 4: Service Employees International Union Contracts - Local 73

- Item 1: Agreement between General Service Employees Union Local No. 73, SEIU and Jewish Family and Community Service et al., January 1, 1976

- Creator: SEIU and JF & CS et al.
- Item 2: Agreement between General Service Employees Union Local No. 73, SEIU and Illinois Departments of Central Management Services and Human Rights (2 editions), July, 1984; July, 1986

- Creator: SEIU and IL Depts. CMS and HR
- Item 3: Agreement between General Service Employees Union Local No. 73, SEIU and Argonne National Laboratory, June 14, 1997

- Creator: SEIU and Argonne Nat. Lab.
- Item 4: Agreement between General Service Employees Union Local No. 73, SEIU and Associated Guard and Patrol Agencies, Inc., February 1, 1991

- Creator: SEIU and AGPA, Inc.
- Item 5: Agreement between General Service Employees Union Local No. 73, SEIU and Strombecker Corp., January 1, 1993

- Creator: SEIU and Strombecker Corp.
- Item 6: Agreement between General Service Employees Union Local No. 73, SEIU and Fannie May Candies, May 1, 1994

- Creator: SEIU and Fannie May Candies
- Item 7: Collective Bargaining Agreement between General Service Employees Union Local No. 73, SEIU and Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, January 1, 1989

- Creator: SEIU and MWRD of GC
- Item 8: Agreement between General Service Employees Union Local No. 73, SEIU and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, October 1, 1989

- Creator: SEIU and U of I
- Folder 5: Secretary of State - S.E.I.U. L#73

- Item 1: Agreement between General Service Employees Union Local No. 73, SEIU and the Secretary of State of the State of Illinois (6 editions), 1976; 1978; 1981; 1987; 1989

- Creator: SEIU and IL S of S
- Item 2: General Service Employees Union Local No. 73 Newsletter (2 editions), October, 1983; July, 1984

- Creator: SEIU
- Folder 6: University of Illinois and SEIU Local 119 Agreement Urbana

- Item 1: Agreement by and between Service Employees Union Local No. 119, SEIU and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (11 editions), 1966; 1979-1987

- Creator: SEIU and U of I
- Folder 7: SEIU - Local 321 UIC University of Illinois

- Item 1: Agreement by and between College, University and School Employees' Union, Local 321, SEIU and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (6 editions), 1965; 1985 - 1988

- Creator: SEIU and U of I
- Folder 8: Sheep Shearers

- Item 1: Constitution and By-Laws of the Sheep Shearers' Union of North America No. 1, Inc., July, 1935

- Creator: SSUNA
- Folder 9: Sheet Metal Workers' International Association

- Item 1: Directory of Local Unions, District Councils and Business Agents, Sheet Metal Workers' International Association, September, 1980

- Creator: SMWIA
- Item 2: Anchor in the Storm, September 3, 1973

- Creator: Edward J. Carlough, SMWIA
- Item 3: The Construction Industry - The Issue IS Survival, March 8, 1972

- Creator: Edward J. Carlough, SMWIA
- Item 4: Sheet Metal Workers' International Association Press Release, January 25, 1983

- Creator: SMWIA
- Item 5: Sheet Metal Workers' International Association Memorandum to Members, March 16, 1956

- Creator: SMWIA
- Item 6: Report to: 28th General Convention - Sheet Metal Workers' International Association, October 23, 1950

- Creator: SMWIA
- Item 7: Working Agreement between Sheet Metal Workers' International Association Local 503 and the Trane Co., November 21, 1974

- Creator: SMWIA and the Trane Co.
- Item 8: Agreement between Sheet Metal Workers' International Association Local 141 and Schenley Distillers, Inc., January 1, 1976

- Creator: SMWIA and Schenley Distillers, Inc.
- Item 9: The Lost Seventy Years of Local No. 73, ca. 1974

- Creator: James J. Arent
- Folder 10: Deputy Sheriff's Benevolent Association (New York)

- Item 1: Contracts - State and Local - Agreement between Onondaga County, New York and Deputy Sheriff's Benevolent Association, January 1, 1980

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.
- Folder 11: Shoe Workers' Union: Boot &

- Item 1: Constitution of Boot and Shoe Workers' Union (5 editions), April, 1924; January, 1926; March, 1937; January, 1956; July, 1961

- Creator: BSWU
- Item 2: Agreement between Boot and Shoe Workers' Union and the International Shoe Co. (3 editions), June, 1942; December, 1945; February, 1946

- Creator: BSWU and International Shoe Co.
- Item 3: Collective Agreements of the United Shoe Workers, November, 1938

- Creator: Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Item 4: Brown Shoe Co. and United Shoe Workers' of America, September 2, 1949

- Creator: Bureau of National Affairs
- Item 5: Labor Contract between Boot and Shoe Workers of America and Brown Shoe Co. (2 editions), September, 1946; December, 1955

- Creator: BSWU and Brown Shoe Co.
- Folder 12: Slate, Tile and Roofers

- Item 1: Constitution and By-Laws of the United Slate, Tile and Composition Roofers, Damp and Waterproof Workers Association, September, 1923; August, 1929

- Creator: USTCRDWWA
- Folder 13: National Federation of Social Service Employees

- Item 1: National Federation of Social Service Employees, ca. 1966

- Creator: NFSSE
- Folder 14: Southern Tenant Farmers' Union

- Item 1: Announcement re: Documentary Film and Talk about the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union, ca. February, 1988

- Creator: Industrial Workers of the World at al.
- Item 2: Pine Bluff Commercial - Nostalgia, Meet Reality, February 13, 1976

- Creator: Paul Greenberg
- Item 3: Association of Members and Friends, Historic Southern Tenant Farmers Union, ca. 1990

- Creator: SHTFU
- Folder 15: State, County, and Municipal Workers of America

- Item 1: This is Your Union, September 22-25, 1943

- Creator: SCMWA
- Folder 16: Union - State, County and Municipal Employees

- Item 1: We're AFSCME, We're Your Union, ca. 1986

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 2: AFSCME Legislative Alert, July 21, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 3: News Clippings and Outside Writings Pertaining to AFSCME (12 items), 1973-76, 90-94

- Creator: Several Creators
- Item 4: Registered Nurse Salary Tables (2 copies), ca. July, 1984

- Creator: Unknown
- Item 5: Contracts on File - Afscme Represented Community College Units (2 copies), ca. 1985

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 6: AFSCME Informational Pamphlets for Members (6 items)

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 7: Statement of Older Women's League President Lou Glasse, October 26, 1988

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 8: AFSCME News Release, October 26, 1988

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 9: Chronic Care Workers Materials (3 items), ca. 1990

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 10: AFSCME Recruitment Materials, Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 11: Answer to Public Strikes, Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 12: Who Speaks For Public Employess? Jerry Wurf Debates William Buckley, 1975

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 13: A Salute to Bill Lucy - 26th Annual Debs-Thomas Dinner, May 12, 1984

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 14: Jerry Wurf Memoral, ca. 1982

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 15: Collective Bargaining, ca. 1957

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 16: Summary of National Public Employee Relations Act, ca. 1970

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 17: AFSCME Staff Education Program, ca. 1970

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 18: Bibliographies of Papers for LIR 447 With Prof. Garman at the University of Illinois, January, 1962; January, 1968

- Creator: Harvey Gee; James Foley
- Item 19: Public Services International - Reprinted Article by Dr. Arnold Zander, February, 1963

- Creator: Dr. Arold S. Zander
- Item 20: AFSCME Promotional Brochures (5 items), 1944; ca. 1975; 1984

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 21: AFSCME - People Program (1 Folder - several items), 1973-1985

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 22: AFSCME - Shell Boycott Materials (1 Folder - several editions), 1987-90

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 23: AFSCME - Women's Issues (1 Folder - Several Items), ca. 1980-90

- Creator: AFSCME
- Box 58

- Folder 1: State, County and Municipal Employees

- Item 1: Educational and Recruitment Pamphlets (3 items), ca. 1984

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 2: AFSCME Update for Higher Education Employees, September, 1984

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 3: Collective Bargaining - From the Membership to the Bargaining Table, Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 4: Page 2 of an AFSCME Document, November 17, 1960

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 5: Memorandum Regarding Agreement Analysis, July 20, 1966

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 6: Press Release Regarding Tentative Contract Agreement between State of Illinois and AFSCME, June 15, 1991

- Creator: AFSCME and State of Illinois
- Item 7: Comments of AFSCME Deal with Departments of Mental Health, Children and Family Services and Department of Personnel, April, 1978

- Creator: P.L. Garman
- Item 8: Steward Training and Collective Bargaining for State, County and Municipal Employees, September, 1962

- Creator: Joseph S. Smolen
- Item 9: Testimony of Donald S. Wasserman, AFSCME before House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Sub-Committee on City, July 26, 1978

- Creator: Donald S. Wasserman
- Item 10: AFSCME List of Publications, ca. 1987

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 11: Policy Statement on Public Employee Enions: Rights and Responsibilites, July 26, 1966

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 12: Statement on Tax and Spending Limitations, ca. 1980

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 13: From Confrontation to Cooperation, ca. 1980

- Creator: Jerry Wurf, AFSCME
- Item 14: Testimony of Paul Booth Before House Ways and Means Committee Sub-Committee on Health, February 26, 1976

- Creator: Paul Booth
- Item 15: Statement of Gerald W. McEntee - Chronic Car Workers: Crisis Among Paid Caregivers of the Elderly, October 26, 1988

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 16: AFSCME Material Regaring the Union at the University of Illinois, ca. 1991

- Creator: AFSCME
- Folder 2: Briefing Book on Major Policy Issues

- Item 1: Briefing Book on Major Policy Issues (3 editions), November, 1978; ca. 1979; Summer, 1980

- Creator: AFSCME
- Folder 3: AFSCME - Constitutions

- Item 1: Constitution of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (9 editions), 1938; 1950; 1954; 1960; 1962; 1966; 1968; 1970; 1976

- Creator: AFSCME
- Folder 4: AFSCME - Const. Proc.

- Item 1: International Constituion of America Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (2 editions), June, 1980; 1994

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 2: AFSCME Convention Handbook, June, 1980

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 3: AFSCME 21st Special Internationa Convention Proceedings, February 8, 1975

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 4: Executive Board Report of Wisconsin Council of County and Municipal Employees (5 editions), 1956; 1958; 1959; 1960; 1961

- Creator: WCCME
- Folder 5: AFSCME - Upward Mobility

- Item 1: State of Illinois Upward Mobility Program Pamphlet (2 items), ca. 1991

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 2: Upward Mobility Program Policy Guidelines, September, 1991

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 3: Upward Mobility Program Newsclipping, April 17, 1990

- Creator: State Journal-Register
- Folder 6: AFSCME Leader

- Item 1: AFSCME Leader - Newsletter for Leaders of AFSCME (several editions), October, 1973 - February, 1976

- Creator: AFSCME
- Folder 7: AFSCME - Local Union Officers and Stewards Manuals

- Item 1: Leadership Letter (2 editions), ca. 2000-2001

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 2: AFSCME Steward Manual (2 editions), 1958; Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 3: AFSCME Local Union Election Manual (2 editions), ca. 1973; 1976

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 4: AFSCME Committee Activity Guide, 1947

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 5: AFSCME Guide - Take Part in Local Meetings (2 editions), Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 6: AFSCME President's Guide - How to Chair a Meeting, Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 7: AFSCME Retiree Election Manual, Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 8: AFSCME Officers Manual (4 editions), ca. 1965-66; ca. 1973; 1987

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 9: Draft of an AFSCME Officers Manual, 1968

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 10: Developing Union Education Committees Pamphlet, November, 1956

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 11: The Procedure - Step By Step, Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Folder 8: AFSCME - Grievance Arbitration: Preparation and Presentation, 1976

- Creator: AFSCME
- Folder 9: AFSCME Deinstitutionalization Manual, September, 1975

- Creator: AFSCME
- Folder 10: AFSCME Steward (25 editions), October, 1979 - Fall, 1991

- Creator: AFSCME
- Folder 11: AFSCME Research Reports

- Item 1: Adult Probation Supervision Workload Distribution in Los Angeles County, August 8, 1983

- Creator: Allen Hellman and Leslie Medina
- Item 2: The Future of Illinois General Revenue Fund: Fiscal Year 1984, March, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 3: AFSCME Program for State and Local Tax Reform, March, 1980

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 4: AFSCME Report on Illinois Nursing Homes: A Scandal in Mental Health Care, ca. 1979

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 5: AFSCME - On the Grow Again, ca. 1984

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 6: Passing the Bucks: The Contracting Out of Public Services, February, 1984

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 7: A Model of Vitality and Democracy, ca. 1975

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 8: State of the States, January, 1984

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 9: Economic Effects of a Federal Balanced Budget Amendment, ca. 1986

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 10: The Charter Welfare Plan: A Critical Analysis, ca. 1982

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 11: Out of Their Beds and Into the Streets, ca. 1975

- Creator: Henry Santiestevan, AFSCME
- Item 12: Patients for Sale: How Privat Profit Exploits the Mentally Diabled and How the Public Sector Can Solve the Problem, May 27, 1980

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 13: After the Fall: New Government, New Priorities, Fall, 1988

- Creator: Public Employee Department AFL-CIO
- Item 14: State of the States, February 26, 1986

- Creator: AFSCME
- Box 59

- Folder 1: AFSCME Councils in IL - #s 19,31,34

- Item 1: AFSCME on the Move (4 editions), 1974-75

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 2: AFSCME Illinois Council 31 - Notice to All Nonmember Fair Share Fee Payors, 1986

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 3: News from Illinois AFSCME, July 10, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 4: Illinois AFSCME Promotional Pamphlets (6 items), Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 5: Agenda - Statewide Conference on Collective Bargaining (2 items), June 28-29, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 6: The Future is Ours - A Report to the Seventh Biennial AFSCME Council 31 Convention, November 15-16, 1991

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 7: Collective Bargaining Law - State Fed Style, ca. 1965-66; ca. 1973; 1987

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 8: Report of President Robert Ferris and Secretary-Treasurer Almetta M. Danoski, October 10-11, 1959

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 9: Collective Bargaining Bulletins (5 editions), ca. 1973

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 10: Bulletin to All Illinois Union Members, October 4, 1955

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 11: AFSCME Illinois Public Employees Oraginzing Committee Newsletter (several editions), March, 1973 - July, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 12: AFSCME Memo to IPEOC Members, June 17, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 13: Illinois Public Employee Organizing Committee Agenda, March 17-28, 1973

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 14: PoliticalLegislative: An Illinois Update, June 17, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 15: The Illinois Public Employee (3 editions), September, 1973 - December, 1973

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 16: AFSCME Leadership Newsletter (several editions), June, 1973 - May, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 17: Council # 19 Materials (1 folder - several items), ca. 1970-1984

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 18: Council # 34 Materials (1 folder - several items), ca. 1971-1974

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 19: AFSCME in the Public Service, Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Folder 2: AFSCME District 37 and General Locals

- Item 1: District Council # 37 Materials (1 folder - several items), ca. 1970-2005

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 2: AFSCME - AFL-CIO MSEU Council 7, September 30, 1971

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 3: AFSCME - Goals of District Council 33, ca. 1961

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 4: Recommendations by Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission in Matter of District Council 48, AFSME and Milwaukee County, September 25, 1975

- Creator: Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission
- Item 5: Draft Recommendations by Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission in Matter of District Council 48 and Wauwatosa Public Schools, 1969

- Creator: Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission
- Item 6: Constitution of the Cincinnati District Council Number 51, AFSCME, ca. 1963

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 7: News Clipping Regarding AFSCME Local 171, Undated

- Creator: We The People
- Item 8: Arbitration Decision in Several Matters (5 items), Aug., 1977; July, 1977; Feb., 1984

- Creator: Several Arbiters
- Item 9: 1115 Legal Service Care - At No Cost to You, May, 1980

- Creator: 1115
- Item 10: 1115 Joint Board Letter to ILIr at U of I, November 18, 1980

- Creator: 1115
- Item 11: AFSCME Locals 2477 and 2910 Survey Results, November 21, 190

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 12: Organizing at Yale (2 copies), ca. 1985

- Creator: AFSCME
- Folder 3: AFSCME Local 698

- Item 1: E-Mail Correspondence (4 items), 2006

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 2: Memoranda For Local 698 Elections (5 items), 1982-85

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 3: Notification to Local 698 Members: Revision of Local Constitution, Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 4: AFSCME Local 698 Contract, August 27, 1989

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 5: Settlement Agreement to be Presented for Ratification between U of I and Local 698 AFSCME, December 7, 1988

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 6: AFSCME Summary of Proposed Master Settlement, ca. 1985

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 7: Wage Appendix Local 698 Library Technical Assistant (2 copies), March, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 8: AFSCME Local 698 Negotiations Update (4 items), July, 1986 - April, 1987

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 9: AFSCME Flyer - Notification of Activities (2 items), August 21, 1985

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 10: Memoranda to Local 698 Members Regarding Contract Talks (several items), 1983-1985

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 11: HMO Consumer Survey, Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 12: Local 698 Election Materials (4 items), 1983-1986

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 13: Pay Equity Materials (7 items), ca. 1983-85

- Creator: AFSCME and Others
- Item 14: AFSCME Services Provided to Workers Materials (3 items), ca. 1985-87

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 15: AFSCME Update for Higher Education Employees (2 items), April, 1984; April, 1987

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 16: NON-AC News (2 itmes), January, 1973; ca. 1973

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 17: Union Songs - AFSCME Local 698 (4 items), Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 18: Correspondence Between Library Technical Assistants at University of Illinois, April, 1984

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 19: AFSCME Local 698 Newsletters (1 folder - several items), 1984-2002

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 20: Authorization Cards (2 items), Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 21: AFSCME Material for Library Technical Assistants including Memos, Flyers, and Notices, 1982-1986

- Creator: AFSCME
- Folder 4: AFSCME Local 2000

- Item 1: AFSCME Local 2000 Newsletter - Common Sense (1 folder - several editions), 1989-1993

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 2: The Advocate - AFSCME Local 2000 Grievance Committee Newsletter (6 editions), 1991-1992

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 3: Introducing the Illinois Union of Social Service Employees Flyer, AFSCME, Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 4: News-Clippings (Several items), ca. 1965-1984

- Creator: Several Creators (News Outlets)
- Item 5: Copy of Arbitration Opinoin in Matter between State of Illinois and AFSCME Local 2000, January 7, 1980

- Creator: Gladys W. Gruenberg
- Folder 5: AFSCME Local 3200

- Item 1: Union Notes and News - AFSCME Local 3700 UIUC CEs (several editions), January, 1999 - March, 2002

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 2: What's the most exclusive fraternity at the U of I?', ca. 1985

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 3: Clerical Union Ratifies 4-Year Contract', November 23, 2007

- Creator: Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette
- Item 4: Memo Regarding Posting of Union Information, February 24, 1994

- Creator: Bob Wedgeworth
- Item 5: AFSCME Local #3700 Announcements, Memos, Bulletins, Newsletters and Newsclippings (1 folder, several items), ca. 1992-93

- Creator: AFSCME and Others
- Item 6: Constitution for University of Illinois Clerical and Administrative Employees Local 3700, AFSCME (2 copies), Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 7: Notices Concerning Union Organizing and Elections at the University of Illinois (3 items), January - August, 1991

- Creator: U of I Human Resources Administration
- Item 8: A Secure Future, ca. 1993

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 9: AFSCME Council 31 Research Dept. Comparative Salary Survey - U of I and State of IL Positions, Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 10: AFSCME Local 3700 Wage Reopener Tentative Agreement, December 16, 1993

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 11: For Illinois State and Big Ten Office Employees, Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 12: AFSCME Local 3700 Fliers, Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 13: Decertification (1 folder, several items), 1992-1995

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 14: AFSCME Contract Survey, September 28, 1991

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 15: Memo Regarding Helath Benefit Plan, August 19, 1991

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 16: Election Notice, ca. March, 1992

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 17: AFSCME News Release, June 15, 1991

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 18: The Management Team, Undated

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 19: AFSCME Promotional Fliers (several items), ca. 1990s

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 20: Information Communiques Implementation of the 37.5-Hour Workweek (4 items), 1995

- Creator: AFSCME
- Item 21: AFSCME - UIUC Local 3700 Newsletter (1 folder, several items), 1985-2005

- Creator: AFSCME
- Folder 6: AFSCME - UIUC Organizing Materials

- Item 1: Organizing Materials Including, Fliers, Bulletins, Memos, Newsletters, and Organization Kits (1 folder, several items), 1991-1993

- Creator: AFSCME
- Folder 7: AFSCME Contracts - California

- Item 1: Memorandum of Understanding between East Bay Municipal Utility District and Local 444 AFSCME, May 1, 1982

- Creator: AFSCME and EBMUD
- Item 2: Memorandum of Understanding by and between Board of Commissioners and City Administrative Officer and AFSCME, September 3, 1975

- Creator: AFSCME and Board of Library Commissioners and City Administrative Officer
- Folder 8: Delaware AFSCME Contracts

- Item 1: Agreement of Mental Health of the State of Delaware and AFSCME Local 640 (2 editions), October 1, 1968, September 30, 1971

- Creator: AFSCME and DE Dept. of Metal Health
- Folder 9: Florida AFSCME Contracts

- Item 1: Master Contract between the State of Florida and Florida Public Employees Council 79, AFSCME (2 editions), July, 1981; November, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME and State of Florida
- Folder 10: AFSCME Contracts Georgia

- Item 1: Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Savannah and Local # 342, AFSCME, January 23, 1969

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Savannah (GA)
- Folder 11: Hawaii AFSCME Contracts

- Item 1: Agreement by and between Hawaii Government Employees Association, AFSCME Local 152 and State of Hawaii et al. (4 editions), Dec., 1972; Feb., 1973; July, 1974; July, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME and State of HI et al.
- Folder 12: AFSCME Contracts - Illinois Cities

- Item 1: Agreement between AFSCME and City of Chicago (3 editions), July, 1988; Jan., 1972; July, 1995

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Chicago
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining Agreement between AFSCME District Council 31 Local 3315 and County of Cook/Chief Judge of Cook County, September 1, 1987

- Creator: AFSCME and Cook County/ Cook County Chief Judge
- Item 3: Agreement between the City of Urbana, Illinois and AFSCME Council 990 Local 1331, December 1, 1975

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Urbana, IL
- Item 4: Agreement between City of Bloomington, Illinois and Local 699, AFSCME (2 editions), May, 1978; May, 1980

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Bloomington, IL
- Item 5: Memorandum of Understanding between City of Decatur, Illinois and Local 765 AFSCME, ca. 1974

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Decatur, IL
- Item 6: Memorandum of Understanding between City of Decatur, Illinois and Local 268 of Council 44, AFSCME, August 1, 1972

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Decatur, IL
- Item 7: Collective Bargaining Agreement between City of Rockford, Illinois and Local 1058/Council 102, AFSCME, Jan. 1, 1978

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Rockford, IL
- Item 8: Agreement between City of Galesburg, Illinois and AFSCME Council 31, Local 1173, April 1, 1993

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Galesburg, IL
- Folder 13: AFSCME Contracts - Illinois , Randolph County Nursing Home

- Item 1: Agreement between Randolph County nursing Home and Local 2402 AFSCME (3 editions), June, 1983; June, 1984

- Creator: AFSCME and Randolph County Nursing Home
- Item 2: Agreement between Association for Retarded Citizens of Rock Island County and Local 3538 AFSCME Council 31, March 19, 1997

- Creator: AFSCME and ARC of Rock Island County
- Box 60

- Folder 1: AFSCME Contracts - Illinois Cities

- Item 1: Agreement between Cillage of Richton Park and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3748, August 10, 1992

- Creator: AFSCME and Village of Richton
- Item 2: Agreement between City of Alton ad AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3388, April 1, 1992

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Alton
- Item 3: Employee Agreement - Working Procedures - Participarting Aurora Sanitary District and AFSCME Local 3297, June 1, 1991

- Creator: AFSCME and Aurora Sanitary District
- Item 4: Agreement between Village of Romeoville and AFSCME, Council 31, May 1, 1992

- Creator: AFSCME and Village of Romeoville
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining Agreement between AFSCME Local 1058 and City of Rockford, Illinois, January 1, 1992

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Rockford
- Item 6: Agreement between City of East Moline, Illinois and Local 1234, Council 31, AFSCME, May 1, 1996

- Creator: AFSCME and City of East Moline
- Item 7: Labor Agreement between City of Moline and AFSCME Local 1132, April 1, 1997

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Moline
- Item 8: Agreement between Village of Milan and AFSCME Local 1132-A, Council 31, July 1, 1995

- Creator: AFSCME and Village of Milan
- Folder 2: AFSCME Contracts - Illinois School Districts

- Item 1: Agreement between Rockford Board of Education School District 205 and Local 692 of Coucil 31, AFSCME, July 1, 1985

- Creator: AFSCME and Rockford School District 205
- Item 2: Agreement between Rockford School District 205 and Local 1275 of Council 31, AFSCME, July 1, 1984

- Creator: AFSCME and Rockford School District 205
- Item 3: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Board of Education, Burbank School District 111, Cook County, Illinois and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3324, July 1, 1992

- Creator: AFSCME and Burbank SD 111
- Item 4: Agreement between the Bus Driver, Bus Monitor and Mechanic Employees, AFSCME Local 2040 and East Moline Public Schools District 37, August 29, 1996

- Creator: AFSCME and East Moline PSD 37
- Item 5: Agreement between Custodial and Maintenance Employees, AFSCME Local Union 2040 and East Moline Public School District 37 (3 editions), April, 1983; December, 1992; August, 1995

- Creator: AFSCME and East Moline PSD 37
- Item 6: Agreement Moline Board of Education and Local 672 AFSCME (2 editions), September, 1980; September, 1997

- Creator: AFSCME and Moline Board of Education
- Item 7: AFSCME Agreement between Rock Island Board of Education District 41 and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 822 (6 editions), July, 1981; Feb., 1982; Nov., 1993

- Creator: AFSCME and Rock Island Board of Education
- Item 8: Labor Agreement between School District 147, Harvey, Illinois and Local 95, District Council 101, AFSCME, July 1, 1981

- Creator: AFSCME and Harvey SD 147
- Item 9: Memorandum of Understanding between Joliet Board of School Inspectors of School District 86 and Engineers, Maintenance, Custodians, Truck Drivers and Grounds Personnel of Joliet Public School District 86 Affiliated with AFSCME Local 949, July 1, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME and Joliet PSD 86
- Item 10: Agreement between Board of Education of Moline School District 40, Rock Island County, Illinois and AFSCME Local 672, September 9, 1980

- Creator: AFSCME and Moline Board of Education
- Item 11: Contractual Agreement between Board of Education of Valley View Community Unit School District 3650 and Local 3057, Region 2, Council 31, AFSCME (2 editions), July 1, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME and Valley View CUSD 3650
- Folder 3: AFSCME Contracts - Illinois, Oak Glen Nursing Home, Local 2371

- Item 1: Agreement between County of Rock Island, County Board of Rock Island County and AFSCME Local 2371 (5 editions), December, 1980; December, 1982; December, 1984

- Creator: AFSCME and Rock Island County
- Folder 4: AFSCME Contracts - Illinois Counties

- Item 1: Agreement between Rock Island Tri-County Consortium and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3372, October 12, 1997

- Creator: AFSCME and Rock Island Tri-County Consortium
- Item 2: Agreement between County of Rock Island, County Board of Rock Island County and AFSCME Local 2025 (2 editions), June, 1991; December, 1997

- Creator: AFSCME and Rock Island County
- Item 3: Collective Bargaining Ageement between County of Williamson and William County Sheriff and AFSCME, council 31, Local 3369 (2 editions), December, 1990; December, 1993

- Creator: AFSCME and Williamson County
- Item 4: Agreement between City of Rock Island and AFSCME Local 988 Chapter B, April 1, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Rock Island
- Folder 5: AFSCME Contracts - State of Illinois

- Item 1: Agreement between State of Illinois Department of Personnel and AFSCME (6 editions), July, 1977; July, 1979; July, 1980; July, 1981

- Creator: AFSCME and State of IL
- Item 2: Agreement between Illinois State Board of Education and AFSCME (3 editions), January, 1978; November, 1979; August, 1990

- Creator: AFSCME and State of IL
- Item 3: Agreement between State of Illinois Departments of Personnel and Corrections and AFSCME, December 1, 1975

- Creator: AFSCME and State of IL
- Item 4: Agreement between State of Illinois Departments of Personnel and Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities and Children and Family Services and AFSCME, December 1, 1975

- Creator: AFSCME and State of IL
- Item 5: Memorandum of Understanding between State of Illinois and AFSCME re: RC-27 and RC-28 Collective Bargaining Agreement (2 copies), July 22, 1977

- Creator: AFSCME and State of IL
- Item 6: Memorandum of Understanding between State of Illinois and AFSCME re: RC-14 Collective Bargaining Agreement (2 copies), July 22, 1977

- Creator: AFSCME and State of IL
- Item 7: Supplemental Agreement between AFSCME, Council 31 and Department of Human Services, July 1, 1997

- Creator: AFSCME and State of IL
- Item 8: Newsclipping Regarding AFSCME Tentative 4-Year Contract, June 17, 2004

- Creator: State Journal-Register
- Folder 6: AFSCME Contracts - State of Illinois

- Item 1: Agreement between State of Illinois Department of Central Management Services and AFSCME (9 editions), Feb., 1984; Dec., 1984; July, 1986; July, 1989; July, 1991;July, 1994; July

- Creator: AFSCME and State of IL
- Folder 7: AFSCME Contracts - Illinois University Contracts

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities and Illinois State Employees Union, Council 34, AFSCME (4 editions), July, 1959; July, 1965; July, 1967; September, 1969

- Creator: AFSCME and IL Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities, Northeastern Illinois University and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 1989, July 1, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME and IL Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities
- Item 3: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities, Western Illinois University, and AFSCME Local 417 (3 editions), Sept., 1983; Sept., 1984; Sept., 1988

- Creator: AFSCME and IL Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities
- Item 4: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities, Eastern Illinois University and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 1271 (2 copies), July 1, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME and IL Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities, Eastern Illinois University and AFSCME Local 981 (5 editions), Nov., 1973; Sept., 1980; Sept., 1983

- Creator: AFSCME and IL Board of Governors of State Colleges and Universities
- Folder 8: AFSCME Contracts - Illinois UIUC Bromley Hall

- Item 1: Agreement between Food Management Associates, Inc. and Illinois State Employees Council 34 AFSCME, August 1, 1973

- Creator: AFSCME and Food Management Associates, Inc.
- Folder 9: AFSCME Contracts - Illinois Board of Regents Campuses

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Board of Regents of Regency Universities, Sangamon State University and Council 31, Local 805, AFSCME (3 editions), Sept., 1983; July, 1984; July, 1987

- Creator: AFSCME and Board of Regents of Regency Universities
- Item 2: Agreement between Board of Regents of Regency Universities, Northern Illinois University and AFSCME, Council 31 Local 963 (3 editions), October, 1969; November, 1984

- Creator: AFSCME and Board of Regents of Regency Universities
- Item 3: Agreement between Board of Regents of Regency Universities, Illinois State University and Local 1110 AFSCME (2 editions), July, 1983; July, 1984

- Creator: AFSCME and Board of Regents of Regency Universities
- Box 61

- Folder 1: AFSCME Contracts - Illinois UIC Local 308

- Item 1: Agreement between Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and Local 308, Council 31, AFSCME (3 editions), September, 1982; October, 1982; August, 1985;

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Illinois
- Folder 2: AFSCME Contracts - Illinois UIUC Local 698

- Item 1: Contract between the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and Local 698, AFSCME (8 editions), Aug., 1999; Aug., 1995; Aug., 1992; Aug., 1989; Aug., 1986; June, 1985; Aug

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Illinois
- Item 2: Appendix A to the Agreement between Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and Local 698 AFSCME, August, 1992

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Illinois
- Item 3: Supplemental Wage Agreement Local 698 AFSCME and University of Illinois, April, 1994; Feb., 1991

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Illinois
- Item 4: University of Illinois Final Wage Reopener Settlement Proposal to Local 698 AFSCME, March 1, 1994

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Illinois
- Item 5: Wage Appendix to Local 698 Contract with University of Illinois for 1983 (14 groups), 1983-84

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Illinois
- Item 6: Memorandum of Understanding bewteen Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and Local 698 AFSCME, January 21, 1982

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Illinois
- Folder 3: AFSCME Contracts - Local 3700

- Item 1: Contract between the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and Local 3700 AFSCME (3 editions), August, 1992; August, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Illinois
- Item 2: Tentative Agreement between AFSCME Local 3700 and the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign (3 editions), August, 1995; August, 1998; August, 2001

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Illinois
- Item 3: AFSCME Local 3700 Wage Reopener Tentative Agreement, December 16, 1993

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Illinois
- Item 4: Supplemental Wage Agreement Local 3700 AFSCME, January 25, 1994

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Illinois
- Item 5: Local 3700AFSCME Salary Ranges (3 editions), August, 1993; August, 1994; July, 1995

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Illinois
- Folder 4: AFSCME Contract List

- Item 1: AFSCME Illinois Legal Information System Contract Master File List, January 11, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME
- Folder 5: AFSCME Contracts - Cook County, IL

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining Agreement between AFSCME, District Council 31 Local 1111 and County of Cook (IL) (3 editions), October, 1977; December, 1984; December, 1987

- Creator: AFSCME and Cook County
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining Agreement between AFSCME, District Council 31 Local 1178 and County of Cook (IL) (2 editions), December, 1984; December, 1987

- Creator: AFSCME and Cook County
- Item 3: Collective Bargaining Agreement between AFSCME, District Council 31 Local 1276 and County of Cook (IL) (2 editions), December, 1984; December, 1987

- Creator: AFSCME and Cook County
- Item 4: Collective Bargaining Agreement between AFSCME, Council 31, Health Facilities Locals 1111, 1178, 1276 and County of Cook (IL), December 1, 1990

- Creator: AFSCME and Cook County
- Item 5: Appendix B - Resolution by the Members of the Board of Commissioners of Cook County, January 4, 1982

- Creator: AFSCME and Cook County
- Item 6: Memorandum of Understanding between AFSCME, Council 31, Local 1111 and County of Cook (IL), April 1, 1981

- Creator: AFSCME and Cook County
- Item 7: Memorandum of Understanding between Hospital Employees Labor Program of Metropolitan Chicago and County of Cook, December 1, 1980

- Creator: HELP-MC and Cook County
- Folder 6: AFSCME Contracts - Illinois Southern Illinois University

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Souther Illinois University at Carbondale and Southern Illinois University Employees' Union 878, AFSCME Council 31, December 14, 1984

- Creator: AFSCME and SIU
- Item 2: Memorandum of Understanding between Souther Illinois University at Carbondale and Souther Illinois University Employees' Union 878, AFSCME Council 31, August 1, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME and SIU
- Folder 7: AFSCME Contracts - Indiana

- Item 1: Selected Local Agreements between the City of Kokomo, Indiana and AFSCME Local 2185, January 1, 1989

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Kokomo
- Item 2: Indiana University Personnel Policies for Appointed Service-Maintenance and Food Service Employees Represented by AFSCME Local 832 (Bloomington) (2 editions), July, 1988; September, 1991

- Creator: AFSCME and Indiana University
- Item 3: Indiana University Personnel Policies for Appointed Service-Maintenance and Food Service Employees Represented by AFSCME Local 1477 (South Bend), July, 1988

- Creator: AFSCME and Indiana University
- Folder 8: Iowa AFSCME Contract (BNA) 1983-1985

- Item 1: Agreement between State of Iowa and AFSCME (3 editions - Professional Social Service/Blue Collar/Security), July 1, 1979

- Creator: AFSCME and State of Iowa
- Item 2: Agreement between State of Iowa and AFSCME Published in Bureau of National Affairs, February 20, 1984

- Creator: BNA, Inc. / AFSCME and State of Iowa
- Item 3: City of Cedar Rapids / AFSCME Agreement, July 1, 1987

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Cedar Rapids
- Folder 9: AFSCME Contracts - Kentucky

- Item 1: Agreement between Louisville Water Co. of Louisville, KY and Local Union 1683 AFSCME, January 1, 1973

- Creator: AFSCME and Louisville Water Co.
- Folder 10: AFSCME Contracts - Massachusetts

- Item 1: Agreement between Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Public Health and Coucil 41, AFSCME, June 26, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME and Commonwealth of MA
- Item 2: Agreement between Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Mental Health and AFSCME, Council 41, May 7, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME and Commonwealth of MA
- Item 3: Agreement between Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the Alliance, AFSCME - SEIU, AFL - CIO, April 1, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME - SEIU and Commonwealth of MA
- Folder 11: AFSCME Contracts - Michigan

- Item 1: Master Agreement between the City of Detroit and the Michigan Council 25, AFSCME, May 24, 1990

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Detroit
- Item 2: Agreement between Detroit Library Commission and Local 1259, Michigan District Council 77 of AFSCME, November 1, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME and Detroit Library Commission
- Item 3: Master Agreement between the Ann Arbor Board of Education and Local 1182, Michigan Council 55 of AFSCME, July 1, 1968

- Creator: AFSCME and Ann Arbor Board of Education
- Item 4: Addendum to Agreement between State of Michigan and Michigan Council 25 AFSCME (2 copies), May 5, 1982

- Creator: AFSCME and State of Michigan
- Item 5: Agreement between Hurley Medical Center School of Nursing Faculty, Local 2927, AFSCME and Hurley Medical Center, April 8, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME and Hurley Medical Center
- Item 6: Agreement between Hurley Hospital and Hurley Hospital Non-Professional Supervisory Employees Union, Local 1973 of Council 29, AFSCME, July 1, 1972

- Creator: AFSCME and Hurley Medical Center
- Item 7: Agreement between the City of Ann Arbor and Local 369 of the Internaional Union of AFSCME, July 11, 1969

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Ann Arbor
- Item 8: Agreement between Gratiot County Board of Supervisors and Gratiot County Sheriff and Local 1606 Gratiot County Sheriff's Department Employees Unit, AFSCME, December 31, 1968

- Creator: AFSCME and Gratiot County
- Item 9: Contract between Board of Supervisors of County of Lapeer and Lapeer County Sheriffs Department Employees Chapter of Local 1421, Michigan Council 55, AFSCME, January 1, 1969

- Creator: AFSCME and Lapeer County
- Folder 12: AFSCME Contracts - Michigan Colleges

- Item 1: Agreement between the Regents of the University of Michigan and AFSCME Local 1583, Council 25, May 19, 1981

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Michigan
- Item 2: Agreement between Michigan State University and AFSCME, Council 7, Local 1585 (2 editions), July, 1966; July, 1969

- Creator: AFSCME and Michigan State University
- Item 3: Classified Master Agreement between AFSCME Local 2042 and Oakland Community College (2 copies), July 1, 1982

- Creator: AFSCME and Oakland Community College
- Item 4: Maintenance Master Agreement between AFSCME Local 1999 and Oakland Community College (3 editions), July, 1980; July, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME and Oakland Community College
- Item 5: Supplement to Agreement between AFSCME Local 1999 and Oakland Community College, October 13, 1978

- Creator: AFSCME and Oakland Community College
- Item 6: Agreement between Board of Trustees of the Community College District of the County of Macomb and AFSCME Local 2172, July 7, 1981

- Creator: AFSCME and Macomb County Community College District
- Item 7: Agreement between Michigan Technological University and AFSCME Published in Bureau of National Affairs, June 14, 1982

- Creator: BNA, Inc. / AFSCME and Michigan Technological University
- Item 8: Agreement between the Professional Food Management and Kellogg Community College Cafeteria Employees Chapter of Local Union 331, Michigan Council 25, AFSCME, July 1, 1981

- Creator: AFSCME and Professional Food Management
- Folder 13: AFSCME Contracts - Minnesota

- Item 1: Agreement between Minnesota State Employees Union AFSCME, Council 6 and State of Minnesota (2 copies), July 1, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME and State of Minnesota
- Item 2: Memorandum of Agreement between District Council 14, AFSCME and the County of Hennepin, May 24, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME and Hennepin County (MN)
- Item 3: Agreement between Ramsey County and Council 91, AFSCME, January 27, 1982

- Creator: AFSCME and Ramsey County (MN)
- Box 62

- Folder 1: ASFSCME Contracts - New York

- Item 1: Contract between Brooklyn Public Library and District Council 37, Local 1482, AFSCME, September 1, 1973

- Creator: AFSCME and Brooklyn Public Library
- Item 2: Agreement between the State of New York and Security Unit Employees, Council 82, AFSCME (2 editions), April, 1972; April, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME and State of New York
- Item 3: Agreement between Buffalo Municipal Housing Authority and Local 264, White Collar Unit, AFSCME, July 2, 1970

- Creator: AFSCME and Buffalo MHA
- Item 4: Contract between the Board of Education of the City of New York and Local 372, District Council 37, AFSCME Covering School Aides, June 14, 1967

- Creator: AFSCME and NY Board of Ed.
- Item 5: Agreement between AFSCME and City of Rochester, N.Y., September 21, 1983

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Rochester
- Item 6: Agreement between Metal Health Manpower and Training, Inc. and Locl 2786 and New Yourk Council 66, AFSCME, August 14, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME and Mental Health Manpower and Training, Inc.
- Item 7: Agreement between County of Rensselaer / Board of Trustees of Hudson Valley Community College and Hudson Valley Community College Unit, Local 842, Civil Service Employees Association, Inc., Local 1000 AFSCME, September 1, 1982

- Creator: AFSCME and Rensselaer County / HVCC
- Item 8: Fourth Collective Bargaining Contract between City of New York and Social Service Employees Union Local 371, District Council 37, AFSCME, July 28, 1971

- Creator: AFSCME and City of New York
- Item 9: City-Wide Contract between City of New York and District Council 37, AFSCME (3 editions), July, 1967; July, 1970; July, 1973

- Creator: AFSCME and City of New York
- Folder 2: AFSCME Contracts - Ohio

- Item 1: Agreement between Dayton Public Service Union, Local 101, AFSCME and City of Dayton, Ohio, January 1, 1973

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Dayton
- Item 2: Agreement between Local 2662, AFSCME an the City of Cuyahoga Falls, April 9, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Cuyahoga Falls
- Item 3: Contract between Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation and Ohio Civil Service Employees Association, December 1, 1979

- Creator: OCSEA and Dept. of Mental Health and Mental Retardation
- Item 4: Agreement between City of Cincinnati and District Council 51, AFSCME, March, 1968

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Cincinnati
- Item 5: Agreement between University of Cincinnati and Locals 217 and 2544 if AFSCME, Ohio Council 8, December 6, 1988

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Cincinnati
- Item 6: Agreement between University of Cincinnati, Holmes Hospital / Cincinnati General Hospital and Locals 217 and 1543 of AFSCME, Cincinnati Council 51, September 1, 1972

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Cincinnati / Cincinnati General Hospital
- Item 7: Agreement between State of Ohio, Ohio Youth Commission and State Employee's Union Council 21 AFSCME (2 copies), July, 1972

- Creator: AFSCME and State of Ohio
- Item 8: Agreement between Ohio Department of Liquor Control and State Employees Union, Council 21 AFSCME, December 12, 1972

- Creator: AFSCME and State of Ohio
- Item 9: Agreement between Akron City Hospital and Local 684, District Council 11, AFSCME, July 24, 1972

- Creator: AFSCME and Akron City Hospital
- Item 10: Agreement between Polyclinic Hospital, Cleveland, Ohio and Local 1206 AFSCME / District Council 78, AFSCME, January 14, 1972

- Creator: AFSCME and Polyclinic Hospital
- Item 11: Agreement between O'Bleness Memorial Hospital and Ohio Council 8 and Local 1252, AFSCME, May 9, 1982

- Creator: AFSCME and O'Bleness Memorial Hospital
- Folder 3: AFSCME Contracts - Oregon

- Item 1: Agreement between Multnomah County, Oregon and Multnomah County Employees Union Local 88, AFSCME, June 26, 1984

- Creator: AFSCME and Multnomah County, OR
- Item 2: Agreement between Multnomah County, Oregon and Multnomah County Police Union Local 117, AFSCME, July 23, 1970

- Creator: AFSCME and Multnomah County, OR
- Folder 4: AFSCME Contracts - Pennsylvania

- Item 1: Pennsylvania Public Employees Health and Welfare Fund, AFSCME and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Prescription Dug Plan, October, 1973

- Creator: AFSCME and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
- Item 2: Agreement between the Board of Public Education, Pittsburgh, PA and Local Union 297, Pittsburgh Area School Employees, AFSCME, May 25, 1971

- Creator: AFSCME and Board of Public Ed., Pittsburgh
- Item 3: Agreement between City of Philadelphia and Philadelphia District Council 33, AFSCME, February 20, 1958

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Philadelphia
- Item 4: Agreement between Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and AFSCME (3 editions), August, 1973; July, 1976; May, 1981

- Creator: AFSCME and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
- Item 5: Memorandum of Agreement between Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and AFSCME (3 editions: Maintenance and Trades Unit; Inspection, Investigation and Safety Unit; Human Services Unit), August, 1973; March, 1974; April, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
- Item 6: Memorandum of Understanding between Treasury Department, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and AFSCME, May 22, 1975

- Creator: AFSCME and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
- Item 7: Memorandum of Understanding between Auditor General, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and AFSCME, May 22, 1975

- Creator: AFSCME and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
- Item 8: Agreement between City of Altoona, Blair County, Pennsylvania and AFSCME Local 630, April 1, 1968

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Altoona, PA
- Folder 5: AFSCME Contracts - Tennessee

- Item 1: Memorandum of Understanding between City of Memphis, TN and AFSCME Local 1733, ca. 1968

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Memphis
- Folder 6: AFSCME Contracts - Washington

- Item 1: Agreement between State of Washington, Department of Highways and Washington Federation of State Employees, Council 28, AFSCME, April 15, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME and State of Washington
- Folder 7: AFSCME Contracts - Wisconsin

- Item 1: Memorandum of Agreement between City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee District Council 48, AFSCME (2 editions), December, 1965; March, 1991

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Milwaukee
- Item 2: Agreement between City of Milwaukee and Joint Bargaining Unit of Local 139, IUOE and Milwaukee District Council 48, AFSCME, September 10, 1991

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Milwaukee
- Item 3: Agreement between City of Madison and Dane County, Wisconsin Municipal Employees Local 60, AFSCME, March 26, 1990

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Madison
- Item 4: Agreement between AFSCME, Council 24, Wisconsin State Employees Union and State of Wisconsin and its Agencies (4 editions), September, 1975; August, 1976; December, 1981

- Creator: AFSCME and State of Wisconsin
- Item 5: Agreement between Dane County, Wisconsin and Dane County Joint Council of Unions, AFSCME (2 editions), October, 1986; December, 1973

- Creator: AFSCME and Dane County, WI
- Item 6: Labor Agreement between Rock County, Wisconsin and Rock County Employees, Locals 1077, 2489, 1258 and 1077C, AFSCME, April 1, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME and Rock County, WI
- Item 7: Agreement between Manitowoc County, Wisconsin and Manitowoc County Courthouse Employees Local 986A, AFSCME, February 19, 1974

- Creator: AFSCME and Manitowoc County, WI
- Item 8: Labor Agreement between AFSCME Labor Union Nos. 1365, 2490 and 2494 and County of Waukesha, Wisconsin, 1973

- Creator: AFSCME and Waukesha County, WI
- Item 9: Memorandum of Agreement between Milwaukee County District Council 48, AFSCME and County of Milwaukee, WI (3 editions), February, 1967; November, 1968; February, 1973

- Folder 8: AFSCME Contracts - Arranged by Local No. (1)

- Item 1: Agreement between the City of Waterloo and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 39, February 6, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Waterloo
- Item 2: Agreement between the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and Local 308, Council 31, AFSCME, October 3, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Illinois
- Item 3: Labor Agreement between McLean County Board and AFSCME Council 31, 537, January 1, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and McLean County Board
- Item 4: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Board of Trustees for Western Illinois University and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 417, September 15, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Western Illinois University
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining Agreement between City of Joliet (IL) and AFSCME Local 440, March 13, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Joliet
- Item 6: Agreement between the Winnebago County Circuit Clerk and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 473, March 30, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Winnebago County Circuit Clerk
- Folder 9: AFSCME Contracts - Arranged by Local No. (2)

- Item 1: Agreement between Macon County (IL) and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 612, December 1, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Macon County
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Chief Judge of the Sixth Judicial Circuit and AFSCME, Coucil 31, Local 612, December 1, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and Chief Judge of Sixth Judicial Court
- Item 3: Agreement between Rockford Board of Education School District 205 and Local 692 of Coucil 31, AFSCME, July 1, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and Rockford SD 205
- Item 4: Agreement between City of Kewanee (IL) and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 764, May 1, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Kewanee
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 805 re: Springfield, August 21, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and University of Illinois
- Item 6: Agreement between the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University Governing Southern Illinois University Carbondale and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 878, Septeber 1, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and Southern Illinois University
- Item 7: Agreement between AFSCME Council 31, Local 900 and County of Champaign (IL) Regional Planning Commission re: Head Start, June 1, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Champaign County RPC
- Folder 10: AFSCME Contracts - Arranged by Local No. (3)

- Item 1: Agreement between the Champain County Clerk and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 900A, October 1, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Champaign County Clerk
- Item 2: Agreement between Chief Judge of the Sixth Judicial Circuit and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 900A, September 29, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Chief Judge of Sixth Judicial Court
- Item 3: Labor Agreement between Village of Streamwood (IL) and AFSCME, Coucil 31, Local 909, January 1, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Village of Streamwood
- Item 4: Agreement between Southern Seven Health department and AFSCME Council 31, Local 947, July 1, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Southern Seven Health Department
- Item 5: Agreement between Engineers, Maintenance, Custodians, Truck Drivers and Grounds Personnel, AFSCME Local 949 and Board of School Inspectors, School District 86, September 6, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Joliet PSD 86
- Folder 11: AFSCME Contracts - Arranged by Local No. (4)

- Item 1: Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Board of Trustees for Northern Illinois University and Council 31, Local 963, AFSCME, September 9, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Northern Illinois University
- Item 2: Labor Contract between LaSalle County Board and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 978 (3 editions: Elected Officials Bargaining Unit; Highway Department; General / Nursing Home), April 12, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and LaSalle County Board
- Item 3: Labor Contract between LaSalle County Circuit Clerk of the 13th Judicial Circuit and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 978, December 1, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and LaSalle County Circuit Clerk
- Item 4: Agreement between Knox County Sheriff's Department and AFSCME, Coucil 31, 1047B, December 1, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Knox County Sheriff's Dept.
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining Agreement between AFSCME Local 1058 and City of Rockford, Illinois, May 28, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Rockford
- Box 63

- Folder 1: AFSCME Contracts - Arranged by Local No. (5)

- Item 1: Agreement between the Board of Trustees of Illinois State University and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 1110, July 1, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Illinois State University
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining Agreement between AFSCME, Council 31, Local 1115 and First Student, Inc., March 13, 2001

- Creator: AFSCME and First Student, Inc.
- Item 3: Agreement between City of Blue Island and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 1172, Blue Island Public Works and Police Civilians, April 25, 2001

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Blue Island
- Item 4: Agreement between City of Silvis and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 1234, January 29, 2001

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Silvis
- Item 5: Agreement between Rockford Board of Education School District 205 and Local 1275, Council 31, AFSCME, July 1, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and Rockford SD 205
- Item 6: Labor Contract Executed by and between the City of Streator, Illinois and AFSCME Local 1592, 2002-2003

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Streator
- Folder 2: AFSCME Contracts - Arranged by Local No. (6)

- Item 1: Agreement between Springfield Park District and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 2050, May 1, 2001

- Creator: AFSCME and Springfield Park District
- Item 2: Agreement between the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University Governing Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 2232, July 1, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
- Item 3: Agreement between Massac County (IL) and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 2321, July 27, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Massac County
- Item 4: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Randolph County (IL) Circuit Clerk and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 2402, November 6, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and Randolph County Circuit Clerk
- Item 5: Agreement between County of Jackson (IL) et al. and AFSCME Local 2464, January, 2001

- Creator: AFSCME and Jackson County et al.
- Item 6: Agreement between County Board of Jackson County, Illinois and AFSCME, Council 31, Lcoal 2464, December 11, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Jackson County Board
- Folder 3: AFSCME Contracts - Arranged by Local No. (7)

- Item 1: Labor Agreement between Sheriff of Peoria County, Peoria County (IL) and Council 31, AFSCME, Local 2661, June 9, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and Peoria County
- Item 2: Agreement between Illinois State Board of Education and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 2811, July 1, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Illinois State Board of Ed.
- Item 3: Agreement between the Board of Trustees of Southern Illinois University Governing Southern Illinois University Edwardsville and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 2887, November 17, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and Southern Illinois Univeristy Edwardsville
- Item 4: Agreement between Village of Homewood (IL) and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 2891, August 12, 1997

- Creator: AFSCME and Village of Homewood
- Item 5: Agreement between Village of Wauconda (IL) and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 2904, June 7, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Village of Wauconda
- Folder 4: AFSCME Contracts - Arranged by Local No. (8)

- Item 1: Agreement for a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Village of Forest Park (IL) and AFSCME Local 3026, January 19, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Village of Forest Park
- Item 2: Agreement between the City of Monmouth (IL) and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3071, May 1, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Monmouth
- Item 3: Agreement between Sangamon County Highway Department and AFSCME Council 31, Local 3079, January 29, 2001

- Creator: AFSCME and Sangamon County Highway Dept.
- Item 4: Agreement between the Board of Trustees of Illinois State University and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3236, October 30, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Illinois State University
- Item 5: Agreement between Morgan County (IL) Sheriff and Morgan County Board of Commissioners and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3310, September 1, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and Morgan County Sheriff / Board of Commissioners
- Folder 5: AFSCME Contracts - Arranged by Local No. (9)

- Item 1: Labor Contract between Iroquois County (IL) Board and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3312, December 1, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Iroquois County Board
- Item 2: Collective Bargaining Agreement between County of Grundy (IL) and the Sheriff of Grundy County and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3314, August 21, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Grundy County
- Item 3: Agreement between County of Shelby (IL) et al. and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3323, September 1, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Shelby County
- Item 4: Labor Agreement betweeen Doctor John Warner Hospital, a Division of the Municipality of the City of Clinton, Illinois and AFSCME, Council 31, 3329, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Doctor John Warner Hospital
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining Agreement between County of Williamson (IL) / Williamson County Sheriff and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3369, September 10, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and Williamson County
- Item 6: Agreement between between City of Carmi, Illinois and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3775, July, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Carmi
- Item 7: Agreement between City of Alton (IL) and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3388, March 24, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Alton
- Item 8: Agreement between City of Granite City, Illinois and White Collar Chapter of Local 3405, Council 31, AFSCME, July 16, 1996

- Creator: AFSCME and City of Granite City
- Folder 6: AFSCME Contracts - Arranged by Local No. (10)

- Item 1: Agreements between the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 508, County of Cook, State of Illinois and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3506, July 1, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Community College District No. 508
- Item 2: Agreement between Board of Directors of Family Counseling Center, Inc. and AFSCME, Council 31, 3515, October 29, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Family Counseling Center, Inc.
- Item 3: Collective Bargaining Agreement between East Side Health District and AFSCME, Council 31, Local Union 3565, July 26, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and East Side Health District
- Item 4: Agreement for Jefferson County (IL) Circuit Clerk Employees between Jefferson County Circuit Clerk and AFSCME Local 3664, December 1, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Jefferson County Circuit Clerk
- Item 5: Agreement for Jefferson County (IL) Employees between the County of Jefferson and AFSCME Local 3664, February 14, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Jefferson County
- Item 6: Labor Agreement between Village of University Park (IL) and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3837, February 16, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Village of University Park
- Folder 7: AFSCME Contracts - Arranged by Local No. (11)

- Item 1: Agreement between Galesburg Sanitary District and Local 3698, Council 31, AFSCME, May 1, 2001

- Creator: AFSCME and Galesburg Sanitary District\
- Item 2: Agreement between Metropolitan Airport Authority of Rock Island County and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3744, February 25, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and MAA of Rock Island County
- Item 3: Agreement between Warren County (IL) / Warren County Circuit Clerk / Warren County Sheriff and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3762, December 1, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Warren County et al.
- Item 4: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Christian County (IL) Highway Department and Council 31, AFSCME Local 3776, December 1, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and Christian County Highway Dept.
- Item 5: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Christian County (IL) Courthouse and Council 31, AFSCME, Local 3776, December 1, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and Christian County Courthouse
- Item 6: Collective Bargaining Agreement between Circuit Clerk of Christian County and Council 31, AFSCME Local 3776, December 1, 1998

- Creator: AFSCME and Christian County Circuit Clerk
- Folder 8: AFSCME Contracts - Arranged by Local No. (12)

- Item 1: Labor Agreement between Village of University Park (IL) and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3837, February 16, 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Village of University Park
- Item 2: Agreement between Macon County (IL) / Macon County Sheriff and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 3908, July 10, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and Macon County
- Item 3: Agreement between Health Professionals, Ltd. and AFSCME, Council 31, ca. 2000

- Creator: AFSCME and Health Professionals, Ltd.
- Item 4: Agreement between Little City Foundation and AFSCME, Council 31, Local 4008, January 23, 2001

- Creator: AFSCME and Little City Foundation
- Item 5: Agreement between New Hope Center, Inc. and AFSCME, Council 31, July 1, 1999

- Creator: AFSCME and New Hope Center, Inc.
- Folder 9: AFSCME Contracts - Master Agreement Council 31 and State of Illinois

- Item 1: Master Agreement between AFSCME Council 31 and State of Illinois Central Management Services, July 1, 2001

- Creator: AFSCME and State of Illinois
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Actors - Atlantic Maritime Employees],
Series 2: Automobile Workers - Cleaning and Dye House Workers],
Series 3: Clothing Workers - Furniture Workers],
Series 4: Garment Workers - Longshoremen],
Series 5: Machinists - Musicians],
Series 6: National Building Trades - Quarry Workers],
[Series 7: Radio Workers - Service Employees],
Series 8: Steelworkers - Teachers],
Series 9: Teamsters - Writers],
Series 10: International Ladies Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU), and Union of Needletrades, Industrial, and Textile Employees (UNITE) Contracts],
Series 11: Additional Contracts],