By (Unknown); Salvatore V. De Sando; Melissa Gauger
Collection Overview
Title: Avery Brundage Collection, 1908-82

ID: 26/20/37
Primary Creator: Brundage, Avery (1887-1975)
Extent: 152.4 cubic feet
Arrangement: by sub-series and alphabetical or chronological thereunder
Date Acquired: 02/05/1975. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Alaska, Amateur Athletic Union, Amateurism, Argentina - Sports and Recreation, Art, Athletics, Austria - Sports and Recreation, Baseball, Basketball, Belgium - Sports and Recreation, Bobsled, Boxing, Brundage, Avery, Canada - Sports and Recreation, Canoeing, Chicago, Illinois, Chile - Sports and Recreation, Cycling, Czechoslovakia - Sports and Recreation, Denmark - Sports and Recreation, England - Sports and Recreation, Equestrian Sports, Fencing, Finland - Sports and Recreation, Football, France - Sports and Recreation, Germany - Sports and Recreation, Greece - Sports and Recreation, Gymnastics, Handball, Hungary - Sports and Recreation, Ice Hockey, International Amateur Athletic Federation, International Olympic Committee, Ireland - Sports and Recreation, Italy - Sports and Recreation, Liechtenstein - Sports and Recreation, Los Angeles, California, Music -- Australia - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Brazil - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Bulgaria - Sports and Recreation, Music -- China - Sports and Recreation, Music -- India - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Indonesia - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Iran - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Japan - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Korea - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Mexico - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Peru - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Russia - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Spain - Sports and Recreation, National Collegiate Athletic Association, National Olympic Committees, Netherlands - Sports and Recreation, New Zealand - Sports and Recreation, Nigeria - Sports and Recreation, Norway - Sports and Recreation, Olympics, Panama - Sports and Recreation, Pan American Games, Pentathalon, Philippines - Sports and Recreation, Photography, Physical Fitness, Poland - Sports and Recreation, Polo, Portugal - Sports and Recreation, Professionalism, Rhodesia - Sports and Recreation, Rome, Italy, Rowing, Rugby, Rumania - Sports and Recreation, Sailing, San Francisco, California, Santa Barbara, California, Senegal - Sports and Recreation, Shooting, Skating, Skiing, Soccer, South Africa, Republic of - Sports and Recreation, Sports, Sports Publications, Sweden - Sports and Recreation, Swimming, Switzerland - Sports and Recreation, Thailand - Sports and Recreation, Track and Field, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Sports and Recreation, United States Olympic Committee, Volleyball, Water Polo, Weightlifting, Wrestling, Yachting, Yugoslavia - Sports and Recreation
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Collection of Avery Brundage '09 (1887-75), including correspondence, minutes, reports, photographs, clippings, scrapbooks, artifacts, certificates, awards, honors, publications concerning Brundage's service as president of the International Olympic Committee (1952-72), United States Olympic Committee (1929-52) and Amateur Athletic Union (1928-36); national Olympic committees; international sports federations; Olympic games in Australia (1956), England (1948), Finland (1952), Germany (1936, 1972), Italy (1960), Japan (1964) and Mexico (1968); winter Olympic games in Austria (1964), France (1968), Italy (1956), Japan (1972), Norway (1952), Switzerland (1948) and the United States (1960); controversies over the participation of teams from China (1959-66), Germany (1953-65), Korea (1953-68) and South Africa (1963-73); bids for Olympic games (1938-73); international athletic competition; National Collegiate Athletic Association (1952-74); colleges and universities and amateurism. Sports federation and subject files cover basketball, boxing, equestrian sports, fencing, gymnastics, hockey, rowing, sailing, skating, skiing, soccer, swimming, track and field, and wrestling. Correspondence includes J. Lyman Bingham, Asa S. Bushnell, J. Sigfrid Edstram, Daniel J. Ferris, William M. Garland, Gustavus T. Kirby, Otto Mayer, Frederic W. Rubien, Heinz Schobel and James Simms.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
3/5/75; 10/13/76; 5/14/2003; 6/2004
Other Note:
266 Pages
PDF Box/Folder List
PDF finding aid
for Avery Brundage Collection (26/20/37)
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Amateur Athletic Union],
Series 2: Amateurism],
Series 3: Colleges and Universities],
Series 4: Individuals],
Series 5: IOC Presidents and Secretariat],
Series 6: IOC Members],
Series 7: Bulletin Officiel du Comite International Olympique],
Series 8: IOC Newsletter],
Series 9: Circular Letters],
Series 10: Duplicate Circular Letters],
Series 11: Circular Letter Responses],
Series 12: IOC Meetings],
Series 13: IOC Minutes],
Series 14: IOC Commissions and Committees],
Series 15: IOC Subject File],
Series 16: National Olympic Committees],
Series 17: Olympic Games],
Series 18: Olympic Games Bids],
Series 19: Regional Games],
Series 20: Sports Federations],
Series 21: Sports Organizations],
Series 22: Sports Publications],
[Series 23: United States Olympic Association and Committee],
Series 24: Personal Materials],
Series 25: Articles and Speeches],
Series 26: Publications],
Series 27: Clippings],
Series 28: Photographs],
Series 29: Olympic Games Programs],
Series 30: Programs for Regional Games],
Series 31: Sports Programs],
Series 32: Subject File],
Series 33: Travel],
Series 34: Book Notes and Sources],
Series 35: Important Letters],
Series 36: Microfilm],
Series 37: Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes],
Series 38: Scrapbooks],
Series 39: Audiovisual],
Series 40: Photo Albums],
Series 41: Certificates and Awards],
Series 42: Oversize File],
[information restricted]],
Series 44: Series Additions, 2023],
- Series 23: United States Olympic Association and Committee

- Box 258

- Folder 9: Amateurism Definitions (A.O.A. and A.O.C.), 1933-35

- Folder 10: American Olympic Fund, 1935-36

- folder 1 of 3
- Folder 11: American Olympic Fund, 1935-36

- folder 2 of 3
- Folder 12: American Olympic Fund, 1935-36

- folder 3 of 3
- Folder 13: American Olympic Fund, Sample Letters, 1936

- Folder 14: Americanism, USOC, 1934-35

- Folder 15: Balance Sheets, USOA and USOC, 1952-53

- Folder 16: Booklets, "Hold High the Torch," and "Quick facts about USOA", ca. 1948

- Folder 17: Board of Directors, U.S.O.A. and U.S.O.C., 1955, 1959

- Folder 18: Brief in Support of Request for Ruling by Internal Revenue Commissioner that U.S.O.A. and U.S.O.C. Contributions are Deductible, ca. 1947

- Box 259

- Folder 1: Buck, Clifford, USOC, 1970

- Folder 2: Buck, Clifford, USOC, January - April 1971

- Folder 3: Buck, Clifford, USOC, May - December 1971

- Folder 4: Buck, Clifford, USOC folder 1 of 2, 1972-73

- Folder 5: Buck, Clifford, USOC folder 2 of 2, 1972-73

- Folder 6: Bulletins and Press Releases, USOC, 1947-51, 1960-66

- Folder 7: Bush, Clarence, A.O.C., Publicity Director,, ca. 1936

- folder 1 of 3
- Folder 8: Bush, Clarence, A.O.C., Publicity Director,, ca. 1936

- folder 2 of 3
- Folder 9: Bush, Clarence, A.O.C., Publicity Director,, ca. 1936

- folder 3 of 3
- Folder 10: Cannon, Ralph, A.O.C., ca. 1936

- Folder 11: Constitution and By-Laws, U.S.O.A., 1951 Issue, 1951

- Box 260

- Folder 1: Constitution and Rules, U.S.O.A. and U.S.O.C., 1922-40

- Folder 2: Constitution and Rules, O.S.O.A. and U.S.O.C., 1941-1949

- Folder 3: Amendments to Constitution, By-Laws, and General Rules, U.S.O.C., 1950, 1953, 1957, 1961, 1965

- Folder 4: Committee on Constitution and By-Laws, U.S.O.C., 1952-53

- Folder 5: Information Regarding Constitution, By-Laws, Rules, U.S.O.A. and U.S.O.C., 1947, 1957, 1961

- Folder 6: Complaints, U.S.O.C., 1948

- Sub-Series 1: Correspondence

- Sub-Series 23.1.1: General

- Folder 6: A-K, 1929-38

- Folder 7: L-Z, 1932-38

- Folder 9: Burke, H. Henry P., 1934

- Folder 10: Dewey, Godfrey, 1931

- Folder 11: Gallico, Paul, 1932

- Folder 12: Garland, William May, 1932, 1938

- Folder 13: Graves, George W., 1932-33

- Folder 14: Henry, Bill, 1933-34

- Folder 15: Henry, Guy, 1932, 1938

- Folder 16: Hoover, Herbert, 1931

- Folder 17: Hulbert, Murray, 1937

- Folder 18: Houston, Herbert, 1935-36

- Folder 19: Johnson, Wait, 1932

- Folder 20: Kilpatrick, J.R., 1936

- Folder 21: Krogness, George, 1934

- Folder 22: Lasker, Albert (German-Jewish Conflict), 1936

- Folder 23: McGovern, J.T., 1937

- Folder 24: Oler, Wesley, 1932

- Folder 25: Ornstein, Charles L. (German-Jewish Conflict), 1934-35

- Folder 26: Plake, Marvin F., 1937

- Folder 27: Raycroft, Joseph, 1934-35

- Folder 28: Roosevelt, Franklin, 1933-34, 1936

- Folder 29: Rubien, F.W., 1934, 1938

- Folder 30: Swanson, Charles, 1936

- Folder 31: Counter Olympic Soccer Tourney Movement, 1932

- Folder 32: Directory, U.S.O.C., 1965-69

- Box 261

- Folder 1: Endowment, U.S.O.C., 1964-65

- Folder 2: Executive Board, U.S.O.C., 1946-53, 1960-61

- Folder 3: "Fair Play for American Athletes", 1935

- Folder 4: Federal Charter, USOA, 1950-51

- Folder 5: Finance Committee, USOA, 1954

- Folder 6: Financial Reports, USOA and USOC, 1946-50

- Folder 7: Financial Reports, USOA and USOC, 1951-54

- Folder 8: Financial Reports, USOA and USOC, 1955

- Folder 9: Financial Reports, USOA and USOC, 1956

- Folder 10: Financial Reports, USOA and USOC, 1957

- Folder 11: Financial Reports, USOA and USOC, 1958-60

- Folder 12: Financial Statements, USOA, 1961, 1965

- Folder 13: Finnish Scholarship Fund, USOC, 1952-53

- Folder 14: Fundraising, USOC, 1952-58, 1963-68

- Folder 15: Games Committee, USOC, 1946-48, 1951, 1958-62, 1966, 1969

- Folder 16: Games Committee, USOC, Rules for the Guidance of Games Committees, 1948

- Box 262

- Folder 1: General, USOA, 1928-32

- Folder 2: General, USOA, 1933-38

- Folder 3: General, USOA, 1940, 1947-52, 1965

- Folder 4: General, USOC, 1948-52, 1956-64

- Folder 5: General, USOC, 1965-69

- Folder 6: General, USOC, 1970

- Folder 7: General, USOC, 1971

- Folder 8: General, USOC, 1972

- Folder 9: General, USOC, 1973

- folder 1 of 4
- Folder 10: General, USOC, 1973

- folder 2 of 4
- Folder 11: General, USOC, 1973

- folder 3 of 4
- Box 263

- Folder 1: General, USOC, 1973

- folder 4 of 4
- Folder 2: General, USOC, 1974-75

- Folder 3: Germany, Committee on Fair Play in Sports, 1936

- Folder 4: History, Organization and Regulation of the Olympic Games, USOC, 1960

- Folder 5: Eleanor Holm Jarrett, 1936-37

- Folder 6: Eleanor Holm Jarrett, Newspaper Clippings, 1936-40, 1948-49, 1952

- Folder 7: Ice Hockey, Special File, 1937-48

- folder 1 of 5
- Folder 8: Ice Hockey, Special File, 1937-48

- folder 2 of 5
- Folder 9: Ice Hockey, Special File, 1937-48

- folder 2 of 5
- Folder 10: Ice Hockey, Special File, 1937-48

- folder 3 of 5
- Folder 11: Ice Hockey, Special File, 1937-48

- folder 3 of 5
- Folder 12: Ice Hockey, Special File, 1937-48

- folder 4 of 5
- Folder 13: Ice Hockey, Special File, 1937-48

- folder 5 of 5
- Folder 14: Ice Hockey, Special File, 1937-48

- folder 5 of 5
- Folder 15: Ice Hockey, Special File, 1950-52

- folder 1 of 2
- Folder 16: Ice Hockey, Special File, 1950-52

- folder 2 of 2
- Folder 17: Intercollegiate Athletics, 1932, 1951, 1961

- Folder 18: Inventory of Property, USOA, nd

- Folder 19: Krumm, Philip O., USOC, 1973-74

- Folder 20: Legislation, USOA, 1941, 1958, 1966

- Folder 21: Lentz, Arthur, USOC, 1960, 1968-69

- Box 264

- Folder 1: Lentz, Arthur, USOC, 1970-73

- Folder 2: Los Angeles Coliseum Relays, 12th Annual, May.16.1952

- Sub-Series 2: Meetings

- Folder 4: United States of American Sports Federation, New York, December.10.1945

- Folder 5: USOA, New York, September 23-24

- Folder 6: USOA, New York, July.28.1947

- Folder 7: USOA and USOC, Chicago, December.3.1947

- Folder 8: USOA, New York, April.17.1948

- Folder 9: USOA and USOC, New York, December.5.1948

- Folder 10: USOA, New York, May.23.1949

- Folder 11: USOA Executive Committee, New York, October.27.1949

- Folder 12: Quadrennial, Washington, D.C., January 8-9, 1950

- folder 1 of 3
- Folder 13: Quadrennial, Washington, D.C., January 8-9, 1950

- folder 2 of 3
- Box 265

- Sub-Series 2: Meetings

- Folder 1: Quadrennial, Washington, D.C., January 8-9, 1950

- folder 3 of 3
- Folder 2: USOA Executive Board, April.26.1950

- Folder 3: USOC Executive Board, New York City, September.21.1950

- Folder 4: USOC , Washington, D.C., December.10.1950

- Folder 5: USOA Executive Board, April.26.1951

- Folder 6: USOA Executive Committee, Chicago, September.20.1951

- Folder 7: USOC Executive Board, New York, September.30.1951

- Folder 8: USOC, New York, October.1.1951

- Folder 9: USOC, Executive Board, February.3.1952

- Folder 10: USOC, June.1.1952

- Folder 11: USOC, Executive Board, New York, July.6.1952

- Folder 12: USOA, Executive Board, New York, January.25.1953

- Folder 13: USOA, Quadrennial, Washington, D.C., November 30 and December 1, 1953

- Folder 14: USOC, Executive Board, New York, May.23.1954

- Folder 15: USOC, Executive Board, New York, January.8.1955

- Folder 16: USOC, Executive Board, New York, May.5.1955

- Folder 17: USOC, Executive Board, New York, April 14-15, 1956

- Folder 18: USOC, Executive Board, Chicago, September 24-25, 1957

- Folder 19: USOA, Quadrennial, Washington, D.C., December 2-3, 1957

- Folder 20: USOC, Executive Board, New York, June 8-9, 1958

- Folder 21: USOC, Executive Board, Chicago, September 6-7, 1958

- Folder 22: USOC, Executive Board, New York, February 23-24, 1959

- Folder 23: USOC, Executive Board, Philadelphia, July 19-20, 1959

- Folder 24: USOC, Executive Board, New York, November.27.1959

- Folder 25: USOC, Executive Board, New York, June.6.1960

- Folder 26: USOC, Executive Board, New York, February.4.1961

- Folder 27: USOC, Executive Board, Chicago, October 3-4, 1961

- Folder 28: USOA, Quadrennial, Washington, D.C., December 4-5, 1961

- Folder 29: USOC, Board of Directors, New York, May.14.1962

- Folder 30: USOC, Executive Committee, New York, September.8.1962

- Folder 31: USOC, Board of Directors, Chicago, October.16.1962

- Folder 32: USOC, Executive Committee, New York, February.12.1963

- Folder 33: USOA, Board of Directors, New York, March 18-19, 1963

- Folder 34: USOC, Board of Directors, Executive Committee, St. Louis, June.22.1963

- Folder 35: USOC, Board of Directors, Executive Committee, New York, July.11.1963

- Folder 36: USOC, Board of Directors, Chicago, September 17-18, 1963

- Folder 37: USOC, Board of Directors, Washington, D.C., November.19.1963

- Folder 38: USOC, Biennial, Washington, D.C., November 10-11, 1963

- Folder 39: USOC, Board of Directors, New York, May 3-4, 1974

- Folder 40: USOC, Executive Committee, New York, September.3.1964

- Folder 41: USOC, Executive Committee, New York, November.24.1964

- Folder 42: USOC, Board of Directors, New York, March 22-23, 1965

- Folder 43: USOC, Special Meeting, Chicago, June 12-23, 1965

- Folder 44: USOC, Executive Committee, New York, July.25.1965

- Folder 45: USOC, Board of Directors, October 25-26, 1965

- Box 266

- Sub-Series 2: Meetings

- Folder 2: USOC, Board of Directors, Chicago, January 15-16, 1966

- Folder 3: USOC, Quadrennial, Denver, April.19.1969

- Folder 4: Medals, Emblems, Souvenirs, Buttons, Stamps, USOC, 1947-52

- Folder 5: N, USOC, 1946-52

- Folder 6: Naismith Memorial Fund, 1954

- Folder 7: Newsletters, USOC, 1973-74

- Folder 8: News Releases, USOC, 1941, 1959, 1967

- Folder 9: News Releases, USOC, 1973-74

- Folder 10: New York Athletic Club, 1948

- Folder 11: New York Athletic Club, Olympic Committee, 1936

- Folder 12: Norwegian Tour, USOC, 1934

- Folder 13: Herman Obertubbesing, USOA, 1907, 1945-47

- Folder 14: Olympic Athletes Research Project, USOC, 1947-48

- Folder 15: Olympic Athletes Research Project, Contributions USOC and USOA, 1947-49

- Folder 16: Committee on Olympic Development, USOC, 1959, 1963, 1969

- Folder 17: Olympic Films, 1951

- Folder 18: Olympic Films, Fund Benefit, USOA, 1938

- Folder 19: Olympic Films, Participation Organization Chart, nd

- Folder 20: Olympic Films, Review, USOA, 1939

- Folder 21: Olympic Films, Supplies and Equipment, USOC, 1939

- Folder 22: Olympic Films, Use of Word, Emblem, by Others than National Olympic Committees, 1949-50

- Folder 23: Olympic Films, Use of Word, Emblem, by Others than National Olympic Committees, 1951

- Folder 24: Olympic Films, Use of Word, Emblem, by Others than National Olympic Committees, 1952

- Folder 25: Olympic Films, Victory Stamp, USOC, 1948

- Folder 26: Olympics Administration Committee, USOC, 1947-48

- Folder 27: Organizations Holding Membership in USOA, nd

- Folder 28: Pathe News, 1952

- Folder 29: Pension Fund, USOA, 1950

- Folder 30: People's Olympiad, Barcelona, Spain, July 22-26, 1936

- Box 267

- Folder 1: Physical Fitness Data, 1946-50

- Folder 2: Project to Restore U.S. Olympic Supremacy, USOC, 1964

- Folder 3: Purchase of Building, New York, 1959

- Folder 4: Rosters, 1952, 1956-66, 1969

- Folder 5: Rules for Soccer and Shooting, 1935

- Folder 6: Russia, Amateurism vs. Professionalism, USOC, 1947, 1950-52, 1955-56

- Folder 7: Shields and Emblems, USOC, nd

- Folder 8: South African Tour, 1931

- Folder 9: Sport Data, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1948

- Folder 10: Sports Equpiment, 1947

- Folder 11: Sportman's Club, Richmond, VA, 1948

- Folder 12: Story of Coach Stagg, 1952

- Folder 13: "Swim Month" USOC, April.21.1943

- Folder 14: Trustees, USOA, 1950

- Folder 15: Senate 1518 and 1519, 1941

- Sub-Series 3: Legislation

- Folder 16: Senate Commerce Committee Hearings, May 24, 1973, 1973-74

- folder 1 of 3
- Folder 17: Senate Commerce Committee Hearings, May 24, 1973, 1973-74

- folder 2 of 3
- Folder 18: Senate Commerce Committee Hearings, May 24, 1973, 1973-74

- folder 3 of 3
- Folder 19: House of Representatives 4471 and 4472, 1942

- Folder 20: House of Representatives 8950, 1957

- Folder 21: United States Pan American Games Committee, 1940-42, 1949-1955

- Box 268

- Folder 1: United States Pan American Games Committee, Track and Field, 1932-36, 1947-62

- folder 1 of 4
- Folder 2: United States Pan American Games Committee, Track and Field, 1932-36, 1947-62

- folder 2 of 4
- Folder 3: United States Pan American Games Committee, Track and Field, 1932-36, 1947-62

- folder 3 of 4
- Folder 4: United States Pan American Games Committee, Track and Field, 1932-36, 1947-62

- folder 4 of 4
- Folder 5: Water Polo Controversy, USOC, 1956-58

- folder 1 of 2
- Folder 6: Water Polo Controversy, USOC, 1956-58

- folder 2 of 2
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Amateur Athletic Union],
Series 2: Amateurism],
Series 3: Colleges and Universities],
Series 4: Individuals],
Series 5: IOC Presidents and Secretariat],
Series 6: IOC Members],
Series 7: Bulletin Officiel du Comite International Olympique],
Series 8: IOC Newsletter],
Series 9: Circular Letters],
Series 10: Duplicate Circular Letters],
Series 11: Circular Letter Responses],
Series 12: IOC Meetings],
Series 13: IOC Minutes],
Series 14: IOC Commissions and Committees],
Series 15: IOC Subject File],
Series 16: National Olympic Committees],
Series 17: Olympic Games],
Series 18: Olympic Games Bids],
Series 19: Regional Games],
Series 20: Sports Federations],
Series 21: Sports Organizations],
Series 22: Sports Publications],
[Series 23: United States Olympic Association and Committee],
Series 24: Personal Materials],
Series 25: Articles and Speeches],
Series 26: Publications],
Series 27: Clippings],
Series 28: Photographs],
Series 29: Olympic Games Programs],
Series 30: Programs for Regional Games],
Series 31: Sports Programs],
Series 32: Subject File],
Series 33: Travel],
Series 34: Book Notes and Sources],
Series 35: Important Letters],
Series 36: Microfilm],
Series 37: Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes],
Series 38: Scrapbooks],
Series 39: Audiovisual],
Series 40: Photo Albums],
Series 41: Certificates and Awards],
Series 42: Oversize File],
[information restricted]],
Series 44: Series Additions, 2023],