By (Unknown); Salvatore V. De Sando; Melissa Gauger
Collection Overview
Title: Avery Brundage Collection, 1908-82

ID: 26/20/37
Primary Creator: Brundage, Avery (1887-1975)
Extent: 152.4 cubic feet
Arrangement: by sub-series and alphabetical or chronological thereunder
Date Acquired: 02/05/1975. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Alaska, Amateur Athletic Union, Amateurism, Argentina - Sports and Recreation, Art, Athletics, Austria - Sports and Recreation, Baseball, Basketball, Belgium - Sports and Recreation, Bobsled, Boxing, Brundage, Avery, Canada - Sports and Recreation, Canoeing, Chicago, Illinois, Chile - Sports and Recreation, Cycling, Czechoslovakia - Sports and Recreation, Denmark - Sports and Recreation, England - Sports and Recreation, Equestrian Sports, Fencing, Finland - Sports and Recreation, Football, France - Sports and Recreation, Germany - Sports and Recreation, Greece - Sports and Recreation, Gymnastics, Handball, Hungary - Sports and Recreation, Ice Hockey, International Amateur Athletic Federation, International Olympic Committee, Ireland - Sports and Recreation, Italy - Sports and Recreation, Liechtenstein - Sports and Recreation, Los Angeles, California, Music -- Australia - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Brazil - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Bulgaria - Sports and Recreation, Music -- China - Sports and Recreation, Music -- India - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Indonesia - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Iran - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Japan - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Korea - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Mexico - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Peru - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Russia - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Spain - Sports and Recreation, National Collegiate Athletic Association, National Olympic Committees, Netherlands - Sports and Recreation, New Zealand - Sports and Recreation, Nigeria - Sports and Recreation, Norway - Sports and Recreation, Olympics, Panama - Sports and Recreation, Pan American Games, Pentathalon, Philippines - Sports and Recreation, Photography, Physical Fitness, Poland - Sports and Recreation, Polo, Portugal - Sports and Recreation, Professionalism, Rhodesia - Sports and Recreation, Rome, Italy, Rowing, Rugby, Rumania - Sports and Recreation, Sailing, San Francisco, California, Santa Barbara, California, Senegal - Sports and Recreation, Shooting, Skating, Skiing, Soccer, South Africa, Republic of - Sports and Recreation, Sports, Sports Publications, Sweden - Sports and Recreation, Swimming, Switzerland - Sports and Recreation, Thailand - Sports and Recreation, Track and Field, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Sports and Recreation, United States Olympic Committee, Volleyball, Water Polo, Weightlifting, Wrestling, Yachting, Yugoslavia - Sports and Recreation
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Collection of Avery Brundage '09 (1887-75), including correspondence, minutes, reports, photographs, clippings, scrapbooks, artifacts, certificates, awards, honors, publications concerning Brundage's service as president of the International Olympic Committee (1952-72), United States Olympic Committee (1929-52) and Amateur Athletic Union (1928-36); national Olympic committees; international sports federations; Olympic games in Australia (1956), England (1948), Finland (1952), Germany (1936, 1972), Italy (1960), Japan (1964) and Mexico (1968); winter Olympic games in Austria (1964), France (1968), Italy (1956), Japan (1972), Norway (1952), Switzerland (1948) and the United States (1960); controversies over the participation of teams from China (1959-66), Germany (1953-65), Korea (1953-68) and South Africa (1963-73); bids for Olympic games (1938-73); international athletic competition; National Collegiate Athletic Association (1952-74); colleges and universities and amateurism. Sports federation and subject files cover basketball, boxing, equestrian sports, fencing, gymnastics, hockey, rowing, sailing, skating, skiing, soccer, swimming, track and field, and wrestling. Correspondence includes J. Lyman Bingham, Asa S. Bushnell, J. Sigfrid Edstram, Daniel J. Ferris, William M. Garland, Gustavus T. Kirby, Otto Mayer, Frederic W. Rubien, Heinz Schobel and James Simms.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
3/5/75; 10/13/76; 5/14/2003; 6/2004
Other Note:
266 Pages
PDF Box/Folder List
PDF finding aid
for Avery Brundage Collection (26/20/37)
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Amateur Athletic Union],
Series 2: Amateurism],
Series 3: Colleges and Universities],
Series 4: Individuals],
Series 5: IOC Presidents and Secretariat],
Series 6: IOC Members],
Series 7: Bulletin Officiel du Comite International Olympique],
Series 8: IOC Newsletter],
Series 9: Circular Letters],
Series 10: Duplicate Circular Letters],
Series 11: Circular Letter Responses],
Series 12: IOC Meetings],
Series 13: IOC Minutes],
Series 14: IOC Commissions and Committees],
Series 15: IOC Subject File],
Series 16: National Olympic Committees],
Series 17: Olympic Games],
Series 18: Olympic Games Bids],
Series 19: Regional Games],
Series 20: Sports Federations],
Series 21: Sports Organizations],
Series 22: Sports Publications],
Series 23: United States Olympic Association and Committee],
Series 24: Personal Materials],
Series 25: Articles and Speeches],
Series 26: Publications],
Series 27: Clippings],
Series 28: Photographs],
[Series 29: Olympic Games Programs],
Series 30: Programs for Regional Games],
Series 31: Sports Programs],
Series 32: Subject File],
Series 33: Travel],
Series 34: Book Notes and Sources],
Series 35: Important Letters],
Series 36: Microfilm],
Series 37: Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes],
Series 38: Scrapbooks],
Series 39: Audiovisual],
Series 40: Photo Albums],
Series 41: Certificates and Awards],
Series 42: Oversize File],
[information restricted]],
Series 44: Series Additions, 2023],
- Series 29: Olympic Games Programs

- Box 335

- Item 24: Athens Olympics, 1896

- Item 25: Universal Expedition, St. Louis, 1904

- Item 26: IV Olympiad, London, 1908

- Box 336

- Sub-Series 1: V Olympiad, Stockholm

- Item 1: Program, July 7, 13, 14, 15, 1912

- Item 2: Regulations, Track and Field, Swimming, 1912

- Item 3: VII Olympiad, Antwerp, Official Program, 1920

- Item 4: VIII Olympiad, Paris, 1924

- Item 5: VIII Olympiad, Paris, General Regulations, 1924

- Item 6: VIII Olympiad, Paris, Track and Field Programs, 1924

- Item 7: IX Olympiad, Amsterdam, 1928

- Sub-Series 2: X Olympiad, Los Angeles

- Item 8: Official Program, July 30, 31, August 1, 7, 8, 9, 13, 1932

- Item 9: Complete Program of Events; Ticket Information, 1932

- Item 10: Information for Official Olympic Groups and Press, July 29, 1932

- Item 11: Parade of Nations, 1932

- This folder is missing
- Item 12: Official Pictorial Souvenir, 1932

- Item 13: General Rules, Boxing - Yachting, Art Competition Regulations, 1932

- Item 14: IV Winter Games, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Daily Program, February 6-16; General Rules and Program; Map, 1936

- Box 337

- Sub-Series 3: XI Olympiad, Berlin, Germany

- Item 1: Official List of Participants, Guide Book, Stadium Plan, Map of Berlin, Time-table and Program, August 1-16, 1936

- Sub-Series 29.3.1: Organizing Committee Publications

- Item 2: Modern Pentathalon, 1936

- Item 3: Rowing, 1936

- Item 4: Wrestling, 1936

- Item 5: Yachting, 1936

- Sub-Series 4: V Winter Games, Sapporo, Japan - General Rules and Program

- Item 6: Explanation of Each Event, 1940

- Item 7: General Rules and Program, 1940

- Item 8: Guide to Kobe and its Environs, 1940

- Item 9: Japan, 1940

- Item 10: Notes on the Organization of the XII Olympic Games, 1940

- Item 11: Olympic Spirit in Tokyo, 1940

- Item 12: Stadium, Halls and Courses and their Equipment, 1940

- Item 13: The Port of Kobe, 1940

- Box 338

- Sub-Series 4: V Winter Games, Sapporo, Japan - General Rules and Program

- Item 1: Travel and Transport Reductions, 1940

- Sub-Series 5: XII Olympiad, Helsinki, Finland - Organizing Committee Publications

- Item 2: Art Competition, 1940

- Item 3: Boxing, 1940

- Item 4: Canoeing, 1940

- Item 5: Cycling, 1940

- Item 6: Fencing, 1940

- Item 7: Gymnastics, 1940

- Item 8: Jeux Equestres, 1940

- Item 9: Modern Pentathalon, 1940

- Item 10: Rowing, 1940

- Item 11: Shooting, 1940

- Item 12: Soaring Flight, 1940

- Item 13: Swimming, 1940

- Item 14: Track and Field Athletics, 1940

- Item 15: Weight-Lifting, 1940

- Item 16: Wrestling, 1940

- Sub-Series 6: V Winter Games, St. Moritz, Switzerland

- Item 17: General Report on the Vth Olympic Winter Games, 1948

- Item 18: Official Daily Programs, January 30, 31, February 1-6, 1948

- Sub-Series 7: XIV Olympiad, London England

- Item 19: Accommodation Bureau, 1948

- Item 20: Catalog of the XIVth Olympiad Sport in Art Exhibition, 1948

- Item 21: Daily Telegraph Guide to the Olympic Games and London, 1948

- Item 22: General Regulations and Program, 1948

- Item 23: Gymnastic Souvenir, 1948

- Item 24: Official Handbook of Information, 1948

- Item 25: Official Program of the Opening Ceremony, 1948

- Item 26: Official Program of the Closing Ceremony, 1948

- Item 27: Official Report of the XIV Olympiad, 1948

- Item 28: The Report of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, 1948

- Item 29: Rowing Musuem, 1948

- Box 339

- Sub-Series 7

- Sub-Series 29.7.1: Official Programs

- Item 1: Athletics, July 30-31, August 2-7, 1948

- Item 2: Basketball, July 31, August 2-7, 9-13, 1948

- Item 3: Boxing, August 7, 9-13

- Item 4: Canoeing, August 11-12

- Item 5: Cycling, August 7, 9, 11, 1948

- Item 6: Cycling Road Race, August 13, 1948

- Item 7: Equestrian, August 9-13, 1948

- Item 8: Fencing, July 30 - August 13, 1948

- Item 9: Fifty-Kilometer Road Walk, July 31, 1948

- Item 10: Football, 1st Round, July 31, August 2, 1948

- Item 11: Football, 2nd Round, August 5, 1948

- Item 12: Football, Semifinal, August 10-11, 1948

- Item 13: Football, 3rd Place Match, August 13, 1948

- Item 14: Football, Final, August 13, 1948

- Item 15: Gymnastics, August 9-11, 1948

- Item 16: Hockey, preliminary rounds, August 2, 4-7, 1948

- Item 17: Hockey, Semi-final, August 9, 1948

- Item 18: Hockey, Final, August 12, 1948

- Item 19: Marathon Race, August 7, 1948

- Item 20: Modern Pentathalon, July 30 - August 4, 1948

- Item 21: Rowing, August 5-7, 1948

- Item 22: Shooting, August 2-6, 1948

- Item 23: Swimming, July 29, 20, August 2-7, 1948

- Item 24: Water Polo, July 30, August 2-5, 1948

- Item 25: Weight-Lifting, August 9-11, 1948

- Item 26: Wrestling, July 30-31, August 2-6, 1948

- Item 27: Yachting, August 3-6, 10-12, 1948

- Sub-Series 29.7.2: Rules and Regulations

- Item 28: Art Competition, 1948

- Item 29: Athletics, 1948

- Item 30: Basketball, 1948

- Item 31: Canoeing, 1948

- Item 32: Cycling, 1948

- Item 33: Equestrian, 1948

- Item 34: Fencing, 1948

- Item 35: Football, 1948

- Item 36: General Regulations and Program, 1948

- Item 37: Gymnastics, 1948

- Item 38: Hockey, 1948

- Item 39: Modern Pentathalon, 1948

- Item 40: Rowing, 1948

- Item 41: Shooting, 1948

- Item 42: Swimming, 1948

- Item 43: Weight Lifting, 1948

- Item 44: Wrestling, 1948

- Item 45: Yachting, 1948

- Item 46: United State Olympic Team Roster, 1948

- This folder is missing.
- Item 47: VI Winter Games, Oslo Norway: News Bulletin, Number 3-4, February 14-25, 1952

- Sub-Series 8: XV Olympiad, Helsinki, Finland

- Item 48: Art Exhibition, 1952

- Item 49: Athletics, 1952

- Item 50: Closing Ceremony, 1952

- Item 51: Opening Ceremony, 1952

- Item 52: Swimming, 1952

- Item 53: Helsinki, Capitol of Finland, 1952

- Item 54: Preparations for the Celebration of the XVth Olympic Games, 1952

- Item 55: Program, 1952

- Item 56: Saar Sportler Helsinki, 1952

- Sub-Series 9: VII Winter Games, Cortina d'Ampezzo, Italy

- Item 57: General Rules and Program, 1956

- Item 58: Official Daily Program, Nos. 1-12, January 26-31, February 1-6, 1956

- Item 59: Olympic Map of Cortina, 1956

- Item 60: Program of Events and Competition, 1956

- Item 61: Report of the Italian National Olympic Committee at the 49th IOC Session, Athens, May 12, 1954

- Item 62: Report of the Organizing Committee at the 50th IOC Session, Paris, June 13, 17, 1955

- Item 63: Suggested Tours for the VIIth Winter Olympiad, 1954

- Sub-Series 10: XVI Olympiad, Stockholm, Sweden

- Item 64: General Regulations, 1956

- Item 65: Program, 1956

- Box 340

- Sub-Series 11: XVI Olympiad, Melbourne, Australia

- Item 1: The Arts Festival, 1956

- Item 2: Football Final and Closing Ceremony, 1956

- Item 3: The Games of the XVI Olympiad, 1956

- Item 4: Map of Melbourne and Suburbs, 1956

- Item 5: Marche Olympique, 1956

- Item 6: Melbourne, 1956

- Item 7: Official Program, 1956

- Item 8: Official Tours, 1956

- Item 9: Olympic Guide, 1956

- Item 10: Olympic Village, 1956

- Item 11: Report to the IOC, April 1953, 1954, June 1955

- Item 12: Review of the Telecommunications Arrangement, 1956

- Sub-Series 12: VIII Winter Games, Squaw Valley, California

- Item 13: Facts and Figures, 1960

- Item 14: The Pagentry Story, 1960

- Sub-Series 13: XVII Olympiad, Rome, Italy

- Item 15: Bulletin Officiel, Number 1, April 1957

- Item 16: Concours de Gymnastique, 1960

- Item 17: The Days of the XVIIth Olympics, 1960

- Item 18: Official Report, 1960

- Sub-Series 29.13.1: Programma Ufficiale

- Item 19: Cerimonie d'Ouverture, No. 1, August 25, 1960

- Item 20: Athletica, No. 2, No. 7, September 1, 10, 17, 1960

- Item 21: Nuoto, No. 6, September 1, 1960

- Item 22: Sport Equestri e Crimonia di Chinsura, September 11, 1960

- Item 23: Roma per le Olimpiadi, 1960

- Item 24: Rome, 1960

- Item 25: Sports Program, August 25-September 11, 1960

- Item 26: Yachting, August 29 - September 7, 1960

- Sub-Series 14: IX Winter Games, Innsbruck, Austria

- Item 27: Map, 1964

- Item 28: Photo Album, 1964

- Sub-Series 15: XVIII Olympiad, Tokyo, Japan

- Item 29: Amateur Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, 1964

- Item 30: Booklet of Athletic Terms, 1964

- Item 31: Cuadernos Olympicos, No. 11, 1964

- Item 32: Expose sur les Preparations pour les Jeux des las XVIII Olympiade, 1964

- Item 33: Kenichi Kuriyagawa, 1964

- Item 34: Hymn to Sport, 1964

- Item 35: Olympia, No. 1-2, 1960

- Item 36: Olympia, No. 3-6, 1961

- Item 37: Olympia, No. 1-2, 1962

- Item 38: Olympic Races Final Placings, 1964

- Item 39: The XVIII Olympics, 1964

- Item 40: Preparatory Committee for the Tokyo Olympic Games, 1964

- Item 41: Reader for the Olympic Games, 1964

- Item 42: Tokyo, 1964

- Item 43: To Tokyo, 1964

- Box 341

- Sub-Series 15: XVIII Olympiad, Tokyo, Japan

- Sub-Series 29.15.1: Art

- Item 1: Art Exhibition, 1964

- Item 2: Catalogue of Near-Eastern and European Antiquities, 1964

- Item 3: Postage Stamps in Japan, 1964

- Item 4: Verso Tokyo, 1964

- Sub-Series 29.15.2: Facilities

- Item 5: Main Gym, 1964

- Item 6: Record of Major Construction Works, 1964

- Item 7: Sports Facilities, 1964

- Item 8: Summaries of the Construction, 1964

- Sub-Series 29.15.3: General Programs

- Item 9: Opening Ceremony, 1964

- Item 10: Outline of Tokyo Olympics, 1964

- Item 11: Program for the Games, 1964

- Sub-Series 29.15.4: Meetings

- Item 12: Reports to the IOC, 57th - 61st Sessions, nd

- Item 13: International Congress of Sport Sciences, October 3-8, 1964

- Item 14: Olympic Medical Archives Report, nd

- Sub-Series 29.15.5: Official Programs

- Item 15: Athletics, October 4-21, 1964

- Item 16: Baseball Demonstration, October 11, 1964

- Item 17: Basketball, October 11-18, 1964

- Item 18: Boxing, October 23, 1964

- Item 19: Budo Demonstration, October 15, 1964

- Item 20: Canoeing, October 20-22, 1964

- Item 21: Clay Pigeon Shooting, October 15-17, 1964

- Box 342

- Sub-Series 15: XVIII Olympiad, Tokyo, Japan

- Sub-Series 29.15.5: Official Programs

- Item 1: Closing Ceremony, October 24, 1964

- Item 2: Cycling, October 18-19, 1964

- Item 3: Equestrian Sports, October 16-19, 22-24, 1964

- Item 4: Fencing, October 13-23, 1964

- Item 5: Football, October 23, 1964

- Item 6: Gymnastics, October 18-21, 1964

- Item 7: Hockey, October 22, 1964

- Item 8: Modern Pentathalon, October 11-15, 1964

- Item 9: Rifle Shooting, October 15-20, 1964

- Item 10: Rowing, October 15, 1964

- Item 11: Swimming and Diving, October 18, 1964

- Item 12: Volleyball, October 11-23, 1964

- Item 13: Water Polo, October 17-18, 1964

- Item 14: Weight-Lifting, October 11-18, 1964

- Item 15: Wrestling, October 14, 19, 1964

- Item 16: Yachting, October 12-21, 1964

- Sub-Series 16: X Winter Games, Grenoble, France

- Item 17: Grenoble et ses Alpes, 1968

- Item 18: Grenoble Reception, 1968

- Item 19: Press Information, 1968

- Item 20: Rapport Presente au Congres de l'AIPS, Helsinki, June 13-18, 1966

- Item 21: Semaines Internationales, 1968

- Item 22: Semaines Internationales de Grenoble, 1967

- Sub-Series 17: XIX Olympiad, Mexico City, Mexico

- Item 23: Guide Map of Mexico, 1968

- Item 24: Programme Sportif Billets Sites De Competition, 1968

- Item 25: Programma Artistico y Cultural, 1968

- Item 26: Simbolos Culturales, 1968

- Item 27: Official Report on Ireland's Participation in the XIX Olympic Games, 1968

- Sub-Series 29.17.1: Regulations

- Item 28: Basketball, 1968

- Item 29: Boxing, 1968

- Sub-Series 18: XI Winter Games, Sapporo, Japan

- Item 30: Map of Sapporo, 1972

- Item 31: Program for the Opening Ceremony, 1972

- Item 32: Schedule of Events, 1972

- Box 343

- Sub-Series 19: XX Olympiad, Munich, Germany

- Sub-Series 29.19.1: Art

- Item 1: Olympic Art Posters, 1972

- Item 2: Postcards of the Art Posters, Series 1-4, 1972

- Item 3: Hallendbad Villingen, 1972

- Item 4: International Canoe Federation, 1972

- Item 5: Olympia in Munchen, 1972

- Sub-Series 29.19.2: Official Reports

- Item 6: The British Olympic Association, 1972

- Item 7: Olympic Council of Ireland, 1972

- Item 8: La Republique Khmere, 1972

- Sub-Series 29.19.3: Regulations

- Item 9: Baskeball, 1972

- Item 10: Hockey, 1972

- Sub-Series 29.19.4: Kiel

- Item 11: Information on the Olympic Yachting Competition, 1972

- Item 12: Olympic Exhibition "Man and the Sea", 1972

- Item 13: Sports in My Country, 1972

- Sub-Series 29.19.5: Meetings in Munich

- Item 14: V General Assembly of NOC's, September 7-9, 1971

- Item 15: IOC Executive Board with the Representatives of the NOC's, September 9-11, 1971

- Item 16: Scientific Congress, 1972

- Sub-Series 29.19.6: Tourist Information

- Item 17: Gipfel-Marsch, 1972

- Item 18: Merian, 1972

- Item 19: Munchen, 1972

- Item 20: Olympic Stamp Album, 1972

- Item 21: Stausberg, 1972

- Item 22: Welcome to the Federal Republic of Germany, 1972

- Box 451

- Sub-Series 1: XIX Olympiad, Mexico City, Mexico, 1968

- This information is replicated in Series 44: Series Additions, 2023.
- Folder 1: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 1 of 16.
- Folder 2: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 2 of 16.
- Folder 3: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 3 of 16.
- Folder 4: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 4 of 16.
- Folder 5: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 5 of 16.
- Folder 6: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 6 of 16.
- Box 452

- Sub-Series 1: XIX Olympiad, Mexico City, Mexico, 1968

- This information is replicated in Series 44: Series Additions, 2023.
- Folder 1: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 7 of 16.
- Folder 2: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 8 of 16.
- Folder 3: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 9 of 16.
- Folder 4: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 10 of 16.
- Folder 5: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 11 of 16.
- Folder 6: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 12 of 16.
- Folder 7: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 13 of 16.
- Box 453

- Sub-Series 1: XIX Olympiad, Mexico City, Mexico, 1968

- This information is replicated in Series 44: Series Additions, 2023.
- Folder 1: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 14 of 16.
- Folder 2: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 15 of 16.
- Folder 3: Cultural Programs, 1968

- Part 16 of 16.
- Folder 4: Nautical Programs, 1968

- Part 1 of 2.
- Folder 5: Nautical Programs, 1968

- Part 2 of 2.
- Folder 6: Catalog of Olympic Souvenirs, 1968

- Sub-Series 2: XX Olympiad, Munich, Germany, 1972

- This information is replicated in Series 44: Series Additions, 2023.
- Folder 7: Calendar, 1972

- Sub-Series 3: XXIV Olympiad, Seoul, South Korea, 1988

- This information is replicated in Series 44: Series Additions, 2023.
- Folder 8: Olympic Organizing Committee Program, 1988

- Sub-Series 4: XVIII Winter Games, Nagano, Japan, 1998

- This information is replicated in Series 44: Series Additions, 2023.
- Folder 9: Maps and Daily Programs, 1998

- Sub-Series 5: XXVII Olympiad, Sydney, Australia, 2000

- This information is replicated in Series 44: Series Additions, 2023.
- Folder 10: Travel Program, 2000

- Sub-Series 6: XIX Winter Games, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2002

- This information is replicated in Series 44: Series Additions, 2023.
- Folder 11: Olympic Guides, 2002

- Box 457

- Folder 10: XVIII Olympiad, Tokyo, Japan, Japanese Historical Games & Sports, 1964

- Oversized. This information is replicated in Series 44: Series Additions, 2023.
- Box 460

- Sub-Series 1: XIX Olympiad, Mexico City, Mexico, 1968

- This information is replicated in Series 44: Series Additions, 2023.
- Item 1: La Olimpiada Cultural, vol. 5, 1968

- Collection of trinkets and collector's items separated into 10 folders.
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Amateur Athletic Union],
Series 2: Amateurism],
Series 3: Colleges and Universities],
Series 4: Individuals],
Series 5: IOC Presidents and Secretariat],
Series 6: IOC Members],
Series 7: Bulletin Officiel du Comite International Olympique],
Series 8: IOC Newsletter],
Series 9: Circular Letters],
Series 10: Duplicate Circular Letters],
Series 11: Circular Letter Responses],
Series 12: IOC Meetings],
Series 13: IOC Minutes],
Series 14: IOC Commissions and Committees],
Series 15: IOC Subject File],
Series 16: National Olympic Committees],
Series 17: Olympic Games],
Series 18: Olympic Games Bids],
Series 19: Regional Games],
Series 20: Sports Federations],
Series 21: Sports Organizations],
Series 22: Sports Publications],
Series 23: United States Olympic Association and Committee],
Series 24: Personal Materials],
Series 25: Articles and Speeches],
Series 26: Publications],
Series 27: Clippings],
Series 28: Photographs],
[Series 29: Olympic Games Programs],
Series 30: Programs for Regional Games],
Series 31: Sports Programs],
Series 32: Subject File],
Series 33: Travel],
Series 34: Book Notes and Sources],
Series 35: Important Letters],
Series 36: Microfilm],
Series 37: Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes],
Series 38: Scrapbooks],
Series 39: Audiovisual],
Series 40: Photo Albums],
Series 41: Certificates and Awards],
Series 42: Oversize File],
[information restricted]],
Series 44: Series Additions, 2023],