By (Unknown); Salvatore V. De Sando; Melissa Gauger
Collection Overview
Title: Avery Brundage Collection, 1908-82

ID: 26/20/37
Primary Creator: Brundage, Avery (1887-1975)
Extent: 152.4 cubic feet
Arrangement: by sub-series and alphabetical or chronological thereunder
Date Acquired: 02/05/1975. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Alaska, Amateur Athletic Union, Amateurism, Argentina - Sports and Recreation, Art, Athletics, Austria - Sports and Recreation, Baseball, Basketball, Belgium - Sports and Recreation, Bobsled, Boxing, Brundage, Avery, Canada - Sports and Recreation, Canoeing, Chicago, Illinois, Chile - Sports and Recreation, Cycling, Czechoslovakia - Sports and Recreation, Denmark - Sports and Recreation, England - Sports and Recreation, Equestrian Sports, Fencing, Finland - Sports and Recreation, Football, France - Sports and Recreation, Germany - Sports and Recreation, Greece - Sports and Recreation, Gymnastics, Handball, Hungary - Sports and Recreation, Ice Hockey, International Amateur Athletic Federation, International Olympic Committee, Ireland - Sports and Recreation, Italy - Sports and Recreation, Liechtenstein - Sports and Recreation, Los Angeles, California, Music -- Australia - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Brazil - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Bulgaria - Sports and Recreation, Music -- China - Sports and Recreation, Music -- India - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Indonesia - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Iran - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Japan - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Korea - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Mexico - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Peru - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Russia - Sports and Recreation, Music -- Spain - Sports and Recreation, National Collegiate Athletic Association, National Olympic Committees, Netherlands - Sports and Recreation, New Zealand - Sports and Recreation, Nigeria - Sports and Recreation, Norway - Sports and Recreation, Olympics, Panama - Sports and Recreation, Pan American Games, Pentathalon, Philippines - Sports and Recreation, Photography, Physical Fitness, Poland - Sports and Recreation, Polo, Portugal - Sports and Recreation, Professionalism, Rhodesia - Sports and Recreation, Rome, Italy, Rowing, Rugby, Rumania - Sports and Recreation, Sailing, San Francisco, California, Santa Barbara, California, Senegal - Sports and Recreation, Shooting, Skating, Skiing, Soccer, South Africa, Republic of - Sports and Recreation, Sports, Sports Publications, Sweden - Sports and Recreation, Swimming, Switzerland - Sports and Recreation, Thailand - Sports and Recreation, Track and Field, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Sports and Recreation, United States Olympic Committee, Volleyball, Water Polo, Weightlifting, Wrestling, Yachting, Yugoslavia - Sports and Recreation
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Collection of Avery Brundage '09 (1887-75), including correspondence, minutes, reports, photographs, clippings, scrapbooks, artifacts, certificates, awards, honors, publications concerning Brundage's service as president of the International Olympic Committee (1952-72), United States Olympic Committee (1929-52) and Amateur Athletic Union (1928-36); national Olympic committees; international sports federations; Olympic games in Australia (1956), England (1948), Finland (1952), Germany (1936, 1972), Italy (1960), Japan (1964) and Mexico (1968); winter Olympic games in Austria (1964), France (1968), Italy (1956), Japan (1972), Norway (1952), Switzerland (1948) and the United States (1960); controversies over the participation of teams from China (1959-66), Germany (1953-65), Korea (1953-68) and South Africa (1963-73); bids for Olympic games (1938-73); international athletic competition; National Collegiate Athletic Association (1952-74); colleges and universities and amateurism. Sports federation and subject files cover basketball, boxing, equestrian sports, fencing, gymnastics, hockey, rowing, sailing, skating, skiing, soccer, swimming, track and field, and wrestling. Correspondence includes J. Lyman Bingham, Asa S. Bushnell, J. Sigfrid Edstram, Daniel J. Ferris, William M. Garland, Gustavus T. Kirby, Otto Mayer, Frederic W. Rubien, Heinz Schobel and James Simms.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
3/5/75; 10/13/76; 5/14/2003; 6/2004
Other Note:
266 Pages
PDF Box/Folder List
PDF finding aid
for Avery Brundage Collection (26/20/37)
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Amateur Athletic Union],
Series 2: Amateurism],
Series 3: Colleges and Universities],
Series 4: Individuals],
Series 5: IOC Presidents and Secretariat],
Series 6: IOC Members],
Series 7: Bulletin Officiel du Comite International Olympique],
Series 8: IOC Newsletter],
Series 9: Circular Letters],
Series 10: Duplicate Circular Letters],
Series 11: Circular Letter Responses],
Series 12: IOC Meetings],
Series 13: IOC Minutes],
Series 14: IOC Commissions and Committees],
Series 15: IOC Subject File],
Series 16: National Olympic Committees],
Series 17: Olympic Games],
Series 18: Olympic Games Bids],
Series 19: Regional Games],
Series 20: Sports Federations],
Series 21: Sports Organizations],
Series 22: Sports Publications],
Series 23: United States Olympic Association and Committee],
Series 24: Personal Materials],
Series 25: Articles and Speeches],
Series 26: Publications],
Series 27: Clippings],
Series 28: Photographs],
Series 29: Olympic Games Programs],
Series 30: Programs for Regional Games],
Series 31: Sports Programs],
Series 32: Subject File],
Series 33: Travel],
Series 34: Book Notes and Sources],
Series 35: Important Letters],
Series 36: Microfilm],
Series 37: Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes],
Series 38: Scrapbooks],
Series 39: Audiovisual],
Series 40: Photo Albums],
Series 41: Certificates and Awards],
[Series 42: Oversize File],
[information restricted]],
Series 44: Series Additions, 2023],
- Series 42: Oversize File

- Sub-Series 1: Oversize Publications

- Box 436

- Sub-Series 1: Mexico 68

- In Spanish and German
- Volume 1: El Pais

- Volume 2: La Organizacion

- Volume 3: Los Deportes

- Item 4: "Twelve Museums of Mexico"

- pamphlet
- Sub-Series 2: Olympic Newsletter and Pictorial Review

- Item 1: Mexico 68

- In English except where noted.
- Item 2: Mexican Culture and Olympics, 1968

- Numbers 1-9, 10 (one English, one Spanish), 11-19, 20 (one English, one Spanish), 21, 22-24 (one English, one Spanish), 25.
- Box 437

- Sub-Series 1: Mexico 68

- In Spanish and German
- Volume 4: La Olimpiada Cultural

- Item 2: XIX Olympiad 7, 1968

- Item 3: XIX Olympiad 8, 1968

- Item 4: Pindaro Olympicas: Codex Vaticanus Graecus 1312, Fol. 1-95, 1968

- Sub-Series 2: Olympic Newsletter

- Item 1: Olympic Newsletter

- Numbers 26-37, 38-40 (one English, one Spanish), 41 (issue on Brundage), pictorial review (one English, one Spanish), 42 (one English, one Spanish), 43
- Box 438

- Folder 1: 1st Pan-American Games, December 1950, January 1951, February 1951

- Numbers 1-3, from Box 222 (old box 202)
- Folder 2: II Semana Deportiva International Centro de Prensa, Mexico City, December 12-20, 1966

- From Box 227 (old box 206).
- Folder 3: IX Central American and Carribbean Games, Kingston, Jamaica, Rules and General Program, July 21-August 4, 1962

- Folder 4: 1970 Calendar, XIth Olympic Winter Games, 1970

- From box 196 (old box 179)
- Folder 5: Asahi Evening News, May 1967

- From box 282, folder: Publications - Asahi Evening News, 2 copies
- Folder 6: Asahi Picture News, 1958

- 2 copies, from box 282, folder Asahi
- Folder 7: Asahi Sports, 1938

- From Box 282, Folder Asahi Sports
- Folder 8: Bulletin of the Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXth Olympiad, October 1968, May 1969, May 1970, March 1971, September 1971, June 1972

- Volumes 1-7, from box 199 (old box 181)
- Folder 9: Chicago Tribune Sunday Magazine, 1960, 1961

- 2 copies, from Box 283, folder Chicago Tribune Sunday Magazine
- Folder 10: Chicago Tribune Sunday Magazine, 1972

- From box 272, folder: Personal Materials - Articles by others: Amateurisms, AAU, Olympic Movement, 1939, 1947-48, 1972, folder 1 of 2
- Folder 11: Contrasts 3, 1964

- From box 116, folder, Olympic Medals, Emblems, Souvenirs, Buttons
- Folder 12: Cortina, 1956

- From box 175 (old box 161)
- Folder 13: Destino, January 15, 1972, July 15, 1972

- Numbers 1789, 1815, from box 284, folder: Destino
- Folder 14: Everybody's, July 12, 1952

- From Box 284, folder: Everybody's
- Folder 15: Hockey Fan, March 1964

- From box 239, Folder Sports Federations, Field Hockey, 1937-38, 1950-52, 1964-66
- Folder 16: Holiday, November 1964

- Volume 36, no. 5, From box 286, folder Holiday
- Box 439

- Folder 1: Italia Sportiva, January 1, 1953

- From Box 256 (old 230)
- Folder 2: The Japan Magazine, July 1936

- Volume XXVI, Numbers 1-2, from box 289, folder Japan Magazine
- Folder 3: Kniessel, 1972

- From Box 243, folder Sports Federations: Skiing Violations, Advertisements, 1972
- Folder 4: Melbourne, 1956

- From box 176 (old 162)
- Folder 5: National Skiing, 1957-58

- From box 256 (old 230)
- Folder 6: The New York Times, January 16, 1972

- From box 292, Folder The New York Times
- Folder 7: Neve Ghiaccio Sole, April 24, 1949

- From box 256 (old 230)
- Folder 8: Olympia 72, August 1972

- Issue 3, from box 202 (old 183)
- Folder 9: Olympicus, Rome, 1960

- From box 184 (old 168)
- Folder 10: Pace, September 1968

- From Box 296, Folder: Pace
- Folder 11: Paris Match, March 2, 1968

- From box 296, folder: Paris Match
- Folder 12: Perspectives, March 16, 1968

- From box 296, folder: Perspectives
- Folder 13: Pictorial California, 1932, 1952

- From box 296, folder Pictorial California
- Folder 14: La Pintura Columbiana en los VI Jeugos Panamericanos de Cali, 1971

- 2 copies, from box 227 (old 205)
- Box 440

- Folder 1: Saturday Evening Post, 1938, 1955

- 3 issues, from box 299, folder: Saturday Evening Post
- Folder 2: Ski Magazine, 1972

- From box 243, folder: Sports Federations, Skiing, Violations, Advertisements, 1972
- Folder 3: Sport in the Week, 1966

- From box 301, folder: Sport in the Week
- Folder 4: This Week, 1952

- From box 301, folder: This Week
- Folder 5: Tokio, 1964

- From Box 189 (old 173)
- Folder 6: Weekend Magazine, October 28, 1967

- Volume 13, number 3, from box 224, folder Clippings - Sports - Ice Hockey, folder 1 of 2, 1960-70
- Folder 7: Weekend Magazine, 1968

- From box 303, folder Weekend Magazine
- Sub-Series 2: Oversize Scrapbooks

- Box 441

- Item 1: Certificate of Acceptance by Avery Brundage of the National Collegiate and Scholastic Swimming Trophy, Melbourne, December 7, 1956

- Item 2: Olympia, New York, Summer 1936

- 2 copies
- Item 3: The World Magazine, "America's All-Around Champion and his Stringent Rules for Athletic Success", October 1, 1916

- 5 copies
- Sub-Series 3: Oversize Photographs

- Box 441

- Item 4: Dr. Theodore Lewald, 1957

- Item 5: Chicago Athletic Association Dinner, January 30, 1930

- Item 6: Avery Brundage at the British Empire Games, 1930

- Item 7: McKendree Gaskill

- from Box 335
- Item 8: Douglas MacArthur

- From Box 335
- Item 9: AAU Banquet Lead Table, November 1955

- from Box 335
- Item 10: Los Angeles, October 8, 1941

- from Box 335
- Item 11: Garden, Santa Barbara, CA

- from Box 335
- Item 12: Skating Championships, West Allis, Wisconsin, February 29, 1970

- from Box 335
- Item 13: Montreal 1976 Stadium Model

- from Box 335
- Item 14: Avery Brundage, ca. 1956

- from Box 335
- Sub-Series 4: Oversize Posters

- Box 442

- Sub-Series 1: No Cross-Reference

- Item 1: Sports in Africa, General Secretariat of the Supreme Council for Sport in Africa, Yaounde, Federal Republic of Cameroon, 1971-72

- 8 copies
- Item 2: Pencil Sketch, Avery Brundage, IOC President, Portrait with Asian Art and 1912 Olympics by Al Rainovic, 1968

- Sub-Series 2: Cross-Reference

- Item 1: Baron de Coubertin, Club Athletico Sudamerica (flag), 1969

- Flag, from Box 108, Folder IOC SF - 75th Anniversary Celebrations of IOC Argentina, 1969.
- Item 2: Bueone Aires (flag), 1969

- Flag, from Box 108, folder IOC SF - 75th Anniversary Celebratin of IOC Argentina, 1969.
- Item 3: "Innsbruck, 1964", 1964

- From Box 185, folder Olympic Games - IX Winter Games, Innsbruck - Data, part 1
- Item 4: Decorations for the Passage of the Olympic Torch, 1964

- From Box 189, Folder XVIII Olympiad, Tokyo, Organizing Comittee, 1964.
- Item 5: Draft Program for 19th Olympics.

- From Box 193-94 (old box 177).
- Item 6: Seat Guide for the Royal Box

- From Box 190, folder XVIII Olympiad, Tokyo, Seat Guide for Royal Box.
- Item 7: Olympische Dorf, 50m (map), 1972

- Map, from box 202, folder Olympic Games - XX Olympiad Munich - Olympic Village, Kiel, 1972.
- Item 8: Sport Arena, Sion, Switzerland, 1963

- From box 209, folder Olympic Games Bids, 1968, Sion, Swizterland, 1963
- Item 9: Revised ICAAAA Indoor Track Meet, Madison Square Garden (Blueprint), 1930-37

- Blueprint from box 229, folder Sports Federations - IAAF, Part 1, 1930-37
- Item 10: Trappeur, 1972

- From box 243, folder: Sports Federations, Skiing, Violations, Advertisements, 1972.
- Item 11: World Cup Winnter, 1972.

- From box 243, Sports Federations, Skiing Violations, Advertisements, 1972.
- Item 12: Vile de Pont du Chateau, 1967-69

- From box 247, folder: Federation Internationale de Lutte Amateur, 1967-69.
- Item 13: "Thank you, Mr. Brundage, We're Voting Yes on A", June 4, 1964

- From Box 273, Folder: "Thank you Mr. Brundage," 4 copies.
- Item 14: How to Go Argentina

- From box 349, folder: Travel-Argentina.
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Amateur Athletic Union],
Series 2: Amateurism],
Series 3: Colleges and Universities],
Series 4: Individuals],
Series 5: IOC Presidents and Secretariat],
Series 6: IOC Members],
Series 7: Bulletin Officiel du Comite International Olympique],
Series 8: IOC Newsletter],
Series 9: Circular Letters],
Series 10: Duplicate Circular Letters],
Series 11: Circular Letter Responses],
Series 12: IOC Meetings],
Series 13: IOC Minutes],
Series 14: IOC Commissions and Committees],
Series 15: IOC Subject File],
Series 16: National Olympic Committees],
Series 17: Olympic Games],
Series 18: Olympic Games Bids],
Series 19: Regional Games],
Series 20: Sports Federations],
Series 21: Sports Organizations],
Series 22: Sports Publications],
Series 23: United States Olympic Association and Committee],
Series 24: Personal Materials],
Series 25: Articles and Speeches],
Series 26: Publications],
Series 27: Clippings],
Series 28: Photographs],
Series 29: Olympic Games Programs],
Series 30: Programs for Regional Games],
Series 31: Sports Programs],
Series 32: Subject File],
Series 33: Travel],
Series 34: Book Notes and Sources],
Series 35: Important Letters],
Series 36: Microfilm],
Series 37: Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes],
Series 38: Scrapbooks],
Series 39: Audiovisual],
Series 40: Photo Albums],
Series 41: Certificates and Awards],
[Series 42: Oversize File],
[information restricted]],
Series 44: Series Additions, 2023],