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Collection Overview
Title: Research File, 1976-92

ID: 15/45/10
Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Extent: 2.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetically
Subjects: Atmospheric Research
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Atmospheric Sciences Department Reserch File includes grant proposals and contracts; research reports; correspondence and memoranda and account summaries concerning research grants received by department faculty for research concerning climatic changes and circulation, sea ice formations, green house effect, arctic, snow, monsoons, atmosphere, cumulus clouds, tropical cyclones, and severe weather. Granting agencies and subcontractees include NASA, NSF, U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Department of Energy, NOAA, Shell Oil Company, and Integrated Systems Analysts, Inc, Colorado State University, MIT, Oregon State University, Texas A & M, and the University of Wisconsin.
Biographical Note
The atmospheric research program began in July 1966 with the establishment of a Department of Meteorology in the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences as the first phase in the establishment of a degree program in the atmospheric sciences. On March 20, 1968 the Board of Trustees established a Laboratory of Meteorological Research in the Graduate College to provide an adminstrative and technical focus for research and development. In 1969 the laboratory's name was changed to the Atmospheric Research Laboratory.
The second phase of the program became effective in April 1973 when the Atmospheric Sciences graduate degree program was established under the auspices of the Graduate College.
The third phase of the program took effect in 1981 when the Laboratory for Atmospheric Research was supplanted and succeeded by the Department of Atmospheric Sciences in the Graduate College.
Board of Trustees Transactions, 54th Report, July 27, 1966, p. 8; 1966-1968, p. 975.
Board of Trustees Transactions, 54th Report, March 20, 1968, p. 975.
Staff Directory, 1969/1970, p. 20.
Board of Trustees Transactions, 57th Report, April 18, 1973, p. 249-250.
Board of Trustees Transactions, 61st Report, April 16, 1981, p. 235.
Subject/Index Terms
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Ogura, Yoshimitsu (continued)

- Item 1: NSF: convective storms, 1982-84

- Item 2: NSF ATM 84-15222: convective storms, 1985-87

- Item 3: NSF ATM 84-19811: cumuli and fields in tropics, 1985-88

- Folder 2: Ramamurthy, Mohan K.

- Item 1: University of Oklahoma subcontract, 1987-88

- Item 2: NSF ATM 88-07128: Data Assimilation System, 1988-91

- Item 3: NSF ATM 90-20722EQ statements: atmosphere, 1991-93

- Item 4: Res Brd IC: approval and guidelines, 1991

- Item 5: Res Brd Beck: Research Board Beckman agreements, 1992-93

- Folder 3: Rauber

- Item 1: NSF ATM 88-16309: Mesoscale and Microscale winter storms, 1988-91

- Item 2: RES BRD IC: UIUC Research Board approval and guidelines

- Folder 4: Robinson, Walter A.

- Item 1: Research Board GR IC SCI: Grant in Atmospheric Sciences approval and guidelines

- Item 2: NSF ATM 88: climate dynamics,1989-91

- Folder 5: Sasamori, Takashi

- Item 1: NSF ATM 78-09159: atmospheric circulation,1978-81

- Item 2: NSF ATM 80-20738: planetary waves, 1980-83

- Item 3: NSF: atmospheric problems, 1982-85

- Item 4: NSF ATM 84-17941: stratosphere and planetary waves, 1985-86

- Folder 6: Schlesinger, Michael E.

- Item 1: NSF ATM: clouds and carbon dioxide climate change, 1989-90

- Item 2: DOE: U.S. Department of Energy grant request and Oregon State University Contract, 1989-90

- Item 3: Research Board RES BRD IC: UIUC Research Board approval and guidelines, 1990

- Folder 7: Trenberth, Kevin E.

- Item 1: Proposals: climate and atmosphere circulation in southern hemisphere, 1978-82

- Item 2: NSF ATM 79-16485: atmosphere circulation in southern hemisphere, 1979-83

- Item 3: AMS Editorship: American Meteorological Society Editorship, 1981-84

- Item 4: (NSF): climate dynamics and atmosphere circulation in southern hemisphere, 1982-86

- Item 5: NSF ATM 85-16541: climate dynamics

- Folder 8: Walsh, John E.

- Item 1: Arctic Inst N Amer/Sea Ice Drift A: Arctic Institute of North America, 1976

- Item 2: NSF DPP: Division of Polar Programs and the arctic, 1976-78

- Item 3: Arctic Inst N Amer 218 Sea Ice: grant checks, 1978

- Item 4: Arctic Inst N Amer Sea Ice Drift B: grant checks, 1978-79

- Item 5: NSF DPP 77-17348: arctic sea ice, 1978-80

- Item 6: US NAVY SBC ARCTIC INST N A ONR-463: Arctic Institute of North America subcontract; sea surface temperature, 1979

- Item 7: NSF ATM 77-22510: climate, 1978-80

- Item 8: NSF ATM 79-20014: crop-related meteorological data fields, 1979-81

- Item 9: DACA 89-81-M-0687: ice simulations, 1981

- Item 10: NSF Equipment: atmospheric display, 1981-82

- Item 11: NSF DPP 80-25218: sea surface temperature, 1981

- Item 12: COM NA81AA-D-00022: snow cover and atmosphere1981-82

- Item 13: NSF (HIBLER): fluctuations of arctic sea ice1982-85

- Item 14: NSF DPP81-18563: observing ice systems, 1982-86

- Item 15: CDC: Control Data Corporation: soil and snow, 1984-85

- Item 16: NAVY POSTGRAD SCHIPA Naval Post: Navy assignment agreement, 1986-87

- Item 17: NSF DPP 85-11443: sea ice simulations, 1985-87

- Item 18: NSF ATM 85-07782: snow and soil, 1985-88

- Item 19: SHELL WESTERN E&P: Shell Oil research proposal; sea ice

- Item 20: NSF: sea ice and temperature, 1987-89

- Item 21: NSF ATM 88-08192: land surface boundary anomalies, 1988-91

- Item 22: NASA NAGW-1389: sea ice concentration, 1989-90

- Item 23: INTEGRATED SYSTEM: Integrated Systems Analysts, Inc contract, 1989

- Item 24: N00014-89-K6006: sea ice, 1989-1992

- Folder 9: Wilhelmson, Robert B.

- Item 1: US COMM NOAA PO 04-6-022-44034: storms, 1976-78

- Item 2: US COMMERCE NOAA: storm and observational data,1979-80

- Item 3: NOAA : storm modeling, 1982-83

- Item 4: NSSL COMM NA84RAD05050: storm modeling and analysis, 1984-85

- Item 5: NSF SBC UCAR: University Corporation for Atmospheric Research sub-contract; advanced scientific computing, 1988

- Item 6

Browse by Series: