By Lois Walker, Adriana Cuervo, Kelly A. Carlson, William Fisher, Jana Kelly, Kimberly Sessoms, Florence Paisey, Jared Lofrano, Raquel Flores-Clemons, Noah Lenstra and Scott Schwartz
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Collection Overview
Title: Paul E Bierley Papers, 1864-2015

ID: 12/9/94
Primary Creator: Bierley, Paul E. (1926-2016)
Extent: 102.5 cubic feet
The collection is arranged in eight series:
Series 1, Correspondence, ca.1960-2000: Sub-Series 1, Correspondence: Authors and Researchers; Sub-Series 2, Correspondence: Sousa Band Members; Sub-Series 3, Correspondence: Recording Companies and Record Collectors; Sub-Series 4, Correspondence: Libraries, Museums and Historical Societies; Sub-Series 5, Correspondence: Universities and Colleges; Sub-Series 6, Correspondence: Military and Government; Sub-Series 7, Correspondence: Publishers (Literary and Music); Sub-Series 8, Correspondence: Sheet Music Publishers and Collectors; Sub-Series 9, Correspondence: Loras Schissel; Sub-Series 10, Correspondence: Others.
Series 2, Sousa Research Materials, ca. 1892-1995: Sub-Series 1, Sousa Subject Files; Sub-Series 2, Sousa Band Personnel Files; Sub-Series 3, Oral Histories and Interviews; Sub-Series 4, Articles and Clippings; Sub-Series 5, Operetta Scores and Librettos; Sub-Series 6, Sousa Band Programs; Sub-Series 7, Willow Grove Programs; Sub-Series 8, Sousa Collection Catalogs and Finding Aids; Sub-Series 9, Dissertations and Theses on Sousa and Band; Sub-Series 10, Original Sousa Novels and Other Books; Sub-Series 11, Original Sousa Newspaper Articles; Sub-Series 12, Original Photographs and Tour Maps; Sub-Series 13, Oversized Materials - Japan Sousa Society; Sub-Series 14, Oversized Material; Sub-Series 15, Sousa Correspondence; Sub-Series 16, Photobook Research Materials; Sub-series 17, Sousa Research Photographs.
Series 3, American Band History Materials, ca.1900-2000: Sub-Series 1, Articles and Clippings; Sub-Series 2, Leonard B. Smith and the Detroit Concert Band; Sub-Series 3, Henry Fillmore Materials; Sub-Series 4, Hallelujah Trombone; Sub-Series 5, Robert Hoe V Materials; Sub-Series 6, Fillmore Correspondence.
Series 4, Paul Bierley Professional Papers, ca. 1953-2003: Sub-Series 1, Paul E. Bierley - Personal and Professional Papers; Sub-Series 2, Paul E. Bierley Honoraria; Sub-Series 3, Paul E. Bierley Publications; Sub-Series 4, Paul E. Bierley Organizational Memberships; Sub-Series 5, Paul E. Bierley Speaking Engagements; Sub-Series 6, Paul E. Bierley Personal Photographs.
Series 5, Audio Recordings, ca. 1925-2000: Sub-Series 1, Reel-to-Reel and Cassette Audio Tapes, LPs; Sub-Series 2, Reel-to-Reel Tape Recordings, North American Aviation Band.
Series 6, Photographs, ca. 1864-1964: Sub-Series 1, Digital Photographs, 1864-1964; Sub-Series 2, Barry Furrer Photographs, ca. 1900-1930; Sub-Series 3, Band Members; Sub-Series 4, Candids and Train Wrecks; Sub-Series 5, Performances, Operettas, Undated; Sub-Series 6, Sousa Band Photographs and Sousa with Others; Sub-Series 7, Non-Sousa Band Photographs and Portraits; Sub-Series 8, The American Phenomenon (University of Illinois Press and Integrity Press) Photographs; Sub-Series 9, The Incredible Band of John Philip Sousa (University of Illinois Press) Photographs.
Series 7, Press Books, 1882-1953. The material is organized either alphabetically by author (or recipient in the case of the correspondence), or chronologically when applicable.
And Series 8, Published Books, 1853-2007. Material is Arranged alphabetically by author's last name.
Date Acquired: 04/08/2004. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Aircraft, Band Musicians, Cartooning, Instrumental music, Sousa, John Philip
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of correspondence, subject files, newsclippings, oral histories, account ledgers, programs, audiotape and videotape recordings, digital photographs, dissertations and theses, books, awards, engineering diagrams, cartoon sketch books, photographs, and press books documenting Bierley's career as an aerospace engineer, leading scholar on John Philip Sousa and Henry Filmore, and managing editor of Integrity Press.
Biographical Note
Paul E. Bierley (1926-2016), tubist, engineer and band researcher, is recognized today as the foremost historian of the music and life of John Philip Sousa. Spending over 40 years collecting material about Sousa's life, band, and music, Mr. Bierley conducted meticulous and wide-ranging research that led to the publication of two definitive works on Sousa: John Philip Sousa: A Catalogue of His Works, which provides a wealth of details about Sousa's musical and literary works, and his biography, John Philip Sousa: American Phenomenon. Other Sousa-related works by Mr. Bierley include Hallelujah Trombone (a biography of Henry Fillmore), The Music of Henry Fillmore and Henry Huff, Nineteenth Century American Musical Theater, Later Operetta, Part 1 (El Capitan), and the revised edition of Sousa's Marching Along. Bierley served as editor for the two volume set of William Rehrig's 1991 The Heritage Encyclopedia Band Music (Volume 3, Supplement, 1996), has published many Sousa-related journal articles about the Sousa Band, and has provided liner notes for numerous LPs and CDs.
Bierley was educated as an aeronautical engineer at Ohio State University. During his 35-year career designing airplanes and missiles, he pursued an active career as a musician as well. As a child he began playing the music of Sousa as a tubist in his high school band, and later played the tuba in such ensembles as the Columbus Symphony Orchestra and the Detroit Concert Band. To honor his 40 years of research and scholarly publications on Sousa and American Band History, Ohio Sate University awarded Bierley an honorary doctorate in 2001. He was also awarded the Academy of Wind and Percussion Arts Award from the National Band Association in the same year.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
April 8, 2004, June 4, 2008, March, 2010, October 15, 2013, and May 5, 2015.
Acquisition Method:
The papers were donated to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Paul E. and Pauline J. Bierley on April 8, 2004. Photographs were donated by Paul E and Pauline J. Bierley in June 4, 2008. Sousa Photograph binders and additional Sousa research files donated by Paul E. and Pauline J. Bierley in March 2010. Another addition of books and recordings was donated by Paul E. Bierley on October 15, 2013, and final donation of Sousa and Fillmore research files, books, and recordings was donated by Paul Bierley on May 5, 2015.
Processing Information:
Papers processed in 2006, photographs processed in 2008.
Finding Aid Revision History:
Revisions made July 17, 2008.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Correspondence, ca.1960-2015],
Series 2: Sousa Research Materials, ca.1892-2012],
Series 3: American Band History Materials, ca.1900-2007],
Series 4: Paul Bierley Professional Papers, ca. 1953-2014],
Series 5: Audio-Visual Material, ca. 1925-2000],
[Series 6: Photographs, 1864-2013],
Series 7: Press Books, 1882-1953],
Series 8: Published Books, 1853-2007],
- Series 6: Photographs, 1864-2013

- Sub-Series 1: Digital Photographs, 1864-1964

- Box 131

- Folder 1: Digital Photographs

- Item 1: Eriner von Roe Messinger (Robert)-Oboe, ca. 1890

- Item 2: Eriner von Roe Messinger (Robert) - Oboe, ca. 1892-1903

- Item 3: Alex Ratzeky -- oboe, ca. 1895-96

- Item 4: Sousa Band oboe section (Anton N. Maly, George A. Abeel and Paul Oscar Gerhardt), ca. 1923-1924

- Item 5: Sousa Band oboists (Paul D. Gerhardt and musician), ca. 1920-26

- Item 6: Sousa Band bassoonists (John T. Linde and Sherley Thompson), ca. 1923-24

- Item 7: Frank W. Wadsworth -- Flute and Piccolo, ca. 1895-96

- Item 8: Giacomo Norrito -- Flute and Piccolo, ca. 1895-96

- Item 9: Chauncey P. McKnight -- Flute and Piccolo, ca. 1895-96

- Item 10: Frank W. Wadsworth -- Flute and Piccolo, 1894

- Item 11: Sousa Band flutists, ca. 1927

- Item 12: Paul Jahn -- Clarinet, ca. 1895-96

- Item 13: Emil G. Preiss -- clarinet, 1893

- Item 14: William Dougherty -- clarinet, 1893

- Item 15: August (Gustave) P. Cercello Stengler--clarinet, 1894

- Item 16: August (Gustave) P. Cercello Stengler -- clarinet, ca. 1895-96

- Item 17: Emil Gerstenberger -- Clarinet, ca. 1895-96

- Item 18: Adrian Whittaker -- Clarinet and Alto Clarinet, ca. 1895-96

- Item 19: Roy M. Miller -- Clarinet, ca. 1920

- Item 20: George M. Jenkins -- Bass Clarinet, ca. 1923

- Item 21: U.S. Marine Band in front of Commondant's house Washington, DC, April 2, 1864

- Item 22: U.S. Marine Band in front of Commandant's house Washington, DC, April 2, 1864

- Item 23: U.S. Marine Band in front of Commandant's house Washington, DC, April 2, 1864

- Item 24: Elisabeth Trinkhaus (Sousa's mother), Washington, DC, ca. 1906

- Item 25: Elisabeth Trinkhaus (Sousa's mother), Washington, DC, 1906

- Item 26: John Philip Sousa and Elisabeth Trinkhaus, Washington, DC, August 1908

- Item 27: Grave marker for George Williams Sousa (brother of John Philip Sousa), Hampton, VA, 1913

- Item 28: Jane Priscilla and Helen Sousa, Undated

- Item 29: Jane"Jenny" van Middlesworth Bellis Sousa (Wife of John Philip Sousa), Undated

- Item 30: Jane Priscilla Sousa (Daughter of John Philip Sousa), Sydney, Australia, May 1911

- Item 31: Jane van Middlesworth Bellis Sousa, Sydney, Australia, May 1911

- Item 32: Jane Priscilla Sousa, 1915

- Item 33: Jane Priscilla Sousa, Sands Point - Long Island, New York, 1917

- Item 34: Jane Priscilla Sousa, Sands Point - Long Island, New York, 1917

- Item 35: John Philip and Jane Priscilla Sousa, Sands Point - Long Island, New York, 1919

- Item 36: Mr. and Mrs. John Philip Sousa, Kansas City, MO, ca. 1920

- Item 37: John Philip, Jane, and Jane Priscilla Sousa, Sands Point - Long Island, New York, ca. 1919

- Item 38: Elisabeth Trinkhaus and John Philip Sousa, Washington, DC, ca. 1908

- Item 39: John Philip Sousa, Jr, New York, New York, ca. 1901

- Item 40: John Philip Sousa II, John Philip Sousa III, John Philip Sousa, Summer 1927

- Item 41: Mr. and Mrs. John Philip Sousa, and Jane Priscilla Sousa, Sands Point - Long Island, New York, 1932

- Item 42: Verela Family Portrait, Washington, DC area, ca. 1932

- Item 43: Jane Priscilla Sousa, Marine T/Sgt Marjorie Moore, Helen Sousa Abert, Jane Priscilla Abert, and Marine Major Ted Curtis, Washington, DC, November 16, 1953

- Item 44: Sousa Band Fraternal Society Dinner (Jack Bell (flute), Helen Sousa Abert, Jane Priscilla Sousa, Jay Sims (trombone) and trombone player - unidentified), New York, New York, 1954

- Item 45: Mrs. Helen Sousa Abert, Sands Point - Long Island, New York, September 1964

- Item 46: Mrs. Helen Sousa Abert, Sands Point - Long Island, NY, September 1964

- Item 47: John Philip Sousa IV conducting U.S. Marine Band, Washington, DC, August 20, 1958

- Item 48: Music School (Conservatory) of John Esputa, Jr., Washington, DC, ca. 1868

- Item 49: U.S. Marine Band under the direction of John Philip Sousa, Albany, New York, September 16, 1887

- Item 50: U.S. Marine Band, Cape May, New Jersey, 1891

- Item 51: U.S. Marine Band shown at Palace Hotel, San Francisco, California, April 4th, 1892

- Item 52: John Philip Sousa, Washington, DC, September 1892

- Item 53: Jane and John Philip Sousa, Washington, DC, ca. 1893

- Item 54: John Philip Sousa, Chicago, Illinois, June 1893

- Item 55: John Philip Sousa, 1896

- Item 56: John Philip Sousa Band, 1898

- Item 57: John Philip Sousa, 1898

- Item 58: John Philip Sousa Band, Admiral Dewey's Victory Parade, New York, NY, September 30, 1899

- Item 59: John Philip Sousa, 1899

- Item 60: John Philip Sousa with boxing gloves, New York, NY, August 1899

- Item 61: Sousa Band performing at Paris Exposition, Paris, France, 1900

- Item 62: Sousa Band performing at Paris Exposition, Paris, France, 1900

- Item 63: Sousa Band performing at Paris Exposition, Paris, France, 1900

- Item 64: John Philip Sousa, 1900

- Item 65: John Philip Sousa, ca. 1900

- Item 66: Sousa with friends at Pension Kosinska, 1900

- Item 67: Sousa sitting with Doris Lyon (daughter of trombonist Marc Lyon and mother of Jackie Pearl), ca. 1901

- Item 68: Sousa in his New York City office, May 29, 1901

- Item 69: Sousa Band and Grenadier Guards Band, Glasgow, Scotland, October 17, 1901

- Item 70: John Philip Sousa, 1902

- Item 71: John Philip Sousa and violinist Maud Powell, ca. 1903

- Item 72: John Philip Sousa, Spring 1904

- Item 73: Sousa Band at Willow Grove Park, Willow Grove, PA, 1905

- Item 74: George O'Donnel (on Roan Gelding) and John Philip Sousa (on Bay Mare "Bessie"), 1905

- Item 75: Sousa Band, St. Augustine, FL, February 4, 1906

- Item 76: John Philip Sousa with individual (Unidentified) in Sousa Band Office, New York, NY, 1906

- Item 77: Sousa Band standing in front of the Corn Palace, Mitchell, SD, September 1907

- Item 78: John Philip Sousa, 1908

- Item 79: Sousa receiving loving cup from John Wanamaker at Egyptian Hall, Philadelphia, PA, November 5, 1908

- Item 80: John Philip Sousa working on "Love Light", October 27, 1909

- Item 81: "King Neptune" greeting the Sousa Band while crossing the equator on the H.S. TainuiPictured (left to right: Helen Sousa [holding glass], Captain Moffatt, Mrs. Sousa, John Philip Sousa, B.H. Cunnington as "King Neptune"), 1911

- Item 82: Elks (B.P.O.E.) members of Sousa's Band while on the H.S. Tainui, March 1911

- Item 83: Elks (B.P.O.E.) members of Sousa's Band while on the H.S. Tainui, March 1911

- Item 84: Sousa Band, South Africa, 1911

- Item 85: John Philip Sousa, South Africa, April 12-13, 1911

- Item 86: John Philip Sousa with family and friends, Teneriffe, Canary Islands, March 9, 1911

- Item 87: Sousa Band and members of the Sousa family, Cinderella Kafir Compound, Boksburg, South Africa, 1911

- Item 88: Walter C. Kelly (center) and John Philip Sousa pictured at the Cinderella Diamond Mine, Kemberly Transvaal, South Africa, March 28, 1911

- Item 89: Walter C. Kelly and John Philip Sousa pictured at the Cinderella Diamond Mine, Kemberly Transvaal, South Africa, March 28, 1911

- Item 90: Mrs. John Philip Sousa, Jane Priscilla Sousa and John Philip Sousa, 1911

- Sub-Series 2: Barry Furrer Photographs, ca. 1900-1930

- Box 134

- Folder 1: U of I Scores, ca. 1928

- Folder 2: Photos of newspaper clippings from the original Sousa Press Books, ca. 1901-1904

- Folder 3: Gentile, Photos of newspaper clippings from the original Sousa Press Books, ca. 1907

- Folder 4: Knutteuen, ca. 1929

- Folder 5: Assorted Photos of the UIUC Sousa Archives during the 1990s, Sousa, Clarke, Victor Nuberk, Vincent Bach, and unidentifiable concert band., Undated

- Folder 6: Holton, ca. 1917

- Folder 7: Jimmy Austin, Sousa, ca. 1917-1926

- Folder 8: Knutteuen, Sousa, ca.1920-1928

- Folder 9: Photos of newspaper clippings from the original Sousa Press Books, ca. 1914-1915

- Folder 10: Huntsville, HLC, ca. 1918

- Folder 11: Photos of newspaper clippings from the original Sousa Press Books, ca. 1911-1912

- Folder 12: Photos of newspaper clippings from the original Sousa Press Books and Full Band in St. Louis, ca. 1912, 1917

- Folder 13: Photos of newspaper clippings from the original Sousa Press Books, ca. 1915

- Folder 14: Photos of newspaper clippings from the original Sousa Press Books, ca. 1899-1901

- Folder 15: Goldman Books, ca. 1923

- Folder 16: U of I Scores, ca. 1925

- Box 135

- Folder 1: Photos of newspaper clippings from the original Sousa Press Books, ca. 1901-1911

- Folder 2: Photos of Conn Ltd's magazine: Musical Truth, vol. XVI, February, 1926

- Folder 3: Photos of assorted Scores: The Golden Cars, New Mexio March, 5/8/1901, 9/18/1907, 6/10/1926

- Folder 4: Photos of newspaper clippings from the original Sousa Press Books, ca. 1905-1908

- Folder 5: Photos of newspaper clippings from the original Sousa Press Books, ca. 1904-1907

- Folder 6: Photos of newspaper clippings from the original Sousa Press Books, ca. 1900-1922

- Folder 7: Photos of newspaper clippings from the original Sousa Press Books, ca. 1907-1910

- Folder 8: Photos of newspaper clippings from the original Sousa Press Books, ca. 1897-1900

- Folder 9: Huntsville, ca. 1923-1926

- Folder 10: Photos of members of Sousa's Band, ca. 1913-1919

- Folder 11: Photos of newspaper clippings from the original Sousa Press Books, ca. 1893-1896

- Folder 12: John Philip Sousa at Union Station, Washington, DC, ca. 1930

- Folder 13: Dance Band, ca. 1920-1930 (Unidentified)

- Folder 14: Furrer Photographs Inventory, ca. 1999

- Sub-Series 3: Band Members

- Box 136

- Folder 1: Band Members, 1894-1900

- Folder 2: Band Members, 1901-1920

- Folder 3: Band Members, 1921-1930

- Folder 4: Band Members, 1931, 1940, 1963 and 1977

- Folder 5: Band Members, Undated

- Folder 6: Band Members, Undated

- Folder 7: William Schueler's Photo Album of Band Members, 1923-24

- Box 139

- Folder 1: Band Members, Undated

- Box 140

- Folder 1: Band Members by Section - Bassoon, 1895-1924

- Folder 2: Band Members by Section -Oboes, 1895-1926

- Folder 3: Band Members by Section -Flute/Piccolo, 1895-1926

- Folder 4: Band Members by Section - Clarinet, 1895-1930

- Folder 5: Band Members by Section - Saxophones, 1895-1931

- Folder 6: Band Members by Section - Percussion, ca. 1890-1930

- Folder 7: Band Members by Section - Mixed, 1915-1924

- Folder 8: Band Members by Section - Cornet/Trumpet, 1892-1929

- Folder 9: Band Members by Section - Horn, 1895-1924

- Folder 10: Band Members by Section - Euphonium, 1895-1931

- Box 141

- Folder 1: Band Members by Section - Tuba, 1895-1927

- Folder 2: Band Members by Section - Mixed, 1895-1915

- Folder 3: Band Members by Section - Violin, 1895-1922

- Folder 4: Band Members by Section - Harp, 1924

- Folder 5: Band Members by Section - Other Instruments, Undated

- Folder 6: Band Members by Section - Volcalists, 1902-1931

- Sub-Series 4: Candids and Train Wrecks

- Box 136

- Folder 8: Candids, 1900-1919

- Box 137

- Folder 1: Candids, 1920-1932

- Folder 2: Candids, Undated

- Folder 3: Train Wrecks, 1929

- Folder 4: Train Wrecks, 1929

- Box 152

- Folder 20: 1899 candids album (photocopy), 1899

- from John Philip Sousa III
- Sub-Series 5: Performances, Operettas, Undated

- Box 137

- Folder 5: Performances, Operettas

- Sub-Series 6: Sousa Band Photographs and Sousa with Others

- Box 139

- Folder 2: Sousa Band Photographs, Undated

- Folder 3: Sousa with Others, Undated

- Box 143

- Folder 1: Sousa Band and Sousa with others, 1890s

- Folder 2: Sousa Band and Sousa with others, 1900-10

- Folder 3: Sousa Band and Sousa with others, 1900-1910

- Folder 4: Sousa Band world tour, 1910-11

- Folder 5: Sousa Band world tour, 1910-11

- Folder 6: Sousa Band and Sousa with others, 1912-19

- Folder 7: Sousa Band and Sousa with others, 1912-19

- Folder 8: Sousa Band and Sousa with others, 1912-19

- Folder 9: Sousa Band and Sousa with others, 1920s

- Folder 10: Sousa Band and Sousa with others, 1920s

- Folder 11: Sousa Band and Sousa with others, 1920s

- Folder 12: Sousa Band and Sousa with others, 1930s

- Folder 13: Sousa Band and Sousa with others, 1930s

- Box 144

- Folder 1: Youth and Marine Corps Band - Annotated, ca. 1850-1892

- Folder 2: Sousa Photo Album - Annotated copies of photos and newspaper clippings of Sousa and Sousa's Band, 1892-1898

- Folder 3: Annotated copies of photos of Sousa Tour from 1899-1900, includes inventory of photos., 1899-1900

- Folder 4: Sousa Photo Album - Annotated copies of photos and newspaper clippings of Sousa and Sousa's Band, correspondence, 1900-1901

- Folder 5: Sousa Photo Album - Annotated copies of photos and newspaper clippings of Sousa and Sousa's Band, concert programs, correspondence, 1902-1910

- Box 145

- Folder 1: 1911 World Tour - Annotated copies of photos/articles from newspaper clippings, copies of postcards, and duplicates of photos of Sousa's Band., 1911-1912

- Folder 2: Sousa Photo Album - Annotated copies of photos/articles from newspaper clippings, duplicated photos of Sousa and Sousa's band, 1910-1916

- Folder 3: Sousa Photo Album - Annotated copies of photos/articles from newspaper clippings, duplicated photos of Sousa and Sousa's band, 1917-1918

- Folder 4: S.S. Sousa and Liberty Loan Tours, 1917-1918

- Folder 5: Sousa Photo Albums (1 of 2) - Annotated copies of photos/articles from newspaper clippings, duplicated photos of Sousa and Sousa's band, 1919-1923

- Box 146

- Folder 1: Sousa Photo Album (2 of 2) - Annotated copies of photos/articles from newspaper clippings, duplicated photos of Sousa and Sousa's band, 1922-1931

- Folder 2: Sousa Photo Album -Annotated copies of photos/articles from newspaper clippings, duplicated photos of Sousa and Sousa's band, correspondence, 1923-1926

- Folder 3: Sousa Photo Albums (1 of 2) - Annotated copies of photos/articles from newspaper clippings, duplicated photos of Sousa and Sousa's band, correspondence, 1926-1927

- Folder 4: Sousa Photo Albums (2 of 2) -Annotated copies of photos/articles from newspaper clippings, duplicated photos of Sousa and Sousa's band, correspondence, 1927-1929

- Box 147

- Folder 1: Sousa Photo Album - Annotated copies of photos/articles from newspaper clippings, duplicated photos of Sousa and Sousa's band, correspondence, 1930-1932

- Folder 2: Assorted/Undated Sousa Photos - Annotated copies of photos/articles from newspaper clippings, duplicated photos of Sousa and Sousa's band, correspondence, ca. 1893-2000

- Folder 3: Sousa Trapshooting Competition Photographs, ca. 1898-1924

- Folder 4: Sousa Family Photographs, ca. 1856-2002

- MapCabinet 3

- MapDrawer 1

- Folder 1: Sousa Band Photographs, ca.1890 - 1934, including 1910-11 World Tour

- Oversize Portfolio Case 142

- Item 1: Oversized Photograph: "Lt. Commander John Philip Sousa, Atlantic City Exchange Band, and U.S. Naval Veterans' Band, July 29, 1927

- Photograph taken at President's Hotel, Atlantic City, N.J., by Fred Hess and Son.
- Item 2: U.S. Marine Band and troops in front of commandant's home. Includes John Antonio Sousa (JPS's father)., April 2, 1864

- Courtesy Mark Elrod. July 1975.
- Item 3: U.S. Marine Band and troops in front of commandant's house, April 2, 1864

- Different angle.
- Item 4: Willow Grove, Pennsylvania., undated

- On back of photo is written "extra dark."
- Item 5: Band of the U.S. Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois. John Philip Sousa conductor. R. Tainter, bandmaster, undated

- Item 6: Sousa's Band. Chattanooga, Tennessee., Thursday, Oct. 16, 1924.

- Item 7: Sousa's band at Steel Pier, New Jersey, July 29, 1928

- Item 8: Sousa poster passed out to American Bandmaster's Association members at annual convention, Kansas City, March, 1983

- Box 167

- Folder 3: Sousa Photographs and Photocopies, undated

- Sub-Series 7: Non-Sousa Band Photographs and Portraits

- Box 138

- Folder 1: Danville, Kentucky, Sousa Exhibit, 1988

- Folder 2: Danville, Kentucky, Sousa Exhibit, 1988

- Folder 3: Performance Venues, Willow Creek, Manhattan Beach, and Alhambra, 1900-1924

- Folder 4: Sousa Burial, Tribute Dinners, and Memorials, 1919-1989

- Folder 5: Port Washington, New York, Sousa School and Band Shell, 2000

- Folder 6: Saber and Spurs March Commission, Stars and Stripes Forever Piano Manuscripts, Pocahontas' Daughter, 1908-1918

- Folder 7: Trapshooters Parade and Exhibit, 1985

- Folder 8: Artifacts, 1898-1924

- Box 139

- Folder 4: Sousa Family, Birthplace and Mansion, 1970-2000

- Folder 5: Band Members with Other Ensembles, Undated

- Box 141

- Folder 10: Sousa Associates, James Gillespie Blaine (?), Undated

- Box 151

- Item 1: Portrait of John Philip Sousa, oil on canvas, ca.1990

- Box 152

- Folder 24: Unlabeled negatives, undated

- Box 163

- Folder 20: Photographs of famous musicians (1 of 2), 1961-2013

- Folder 21: Photographs of famous musicians (2 of 2), 1961-2013

- MapCabinet 3

- MapDrawer 1

- Folder 2: Posters

- Sub-Series 8: The American Phenomenon (University of Illinois Press and Integrity Press) Photographs

- Box 165

- Folder 10: American Phenomemon Photographs (1 of 3), ca. 1864-1949

- Folder 11: American Phenomemon Photographs (2 of 3), ca. 1864-1949

- Folder 12: American Phenomemon Photographs (3 of 3), ca. 1864-1949

- Box 167

- Folder 1: American Phenomenon Photographs (4 of 4), ca. 1864-1949

- Sub-Series 9: The Incredible Band of John Philip Sousa (University of Illinois Press) Photographs

- Box 165

- Folder 14: The Incredible Band of John Philip Sousa Photographs (1 of 4), ca. 1864-1964

- Folder 15: The Incredible Band of John Philip Sousa Photographs (2 of 4), ca. 1864-1949

- Folder 16: The Incredible Band of John Philip Sousa Photographs (3 of 4), ca. 1864-1949

- Box 166

- Folder 2: The Incredible Band of John Philip Sousa Photographs (4 of 4), ca. 1864-1949

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Correspondence, ca.1960-2015],
Series 2: Sousa Research Materials, ca.1892-2012],
Series 3: American Band History Materials, ca.1900-2007],
Series 4: Paul Bierley Professional Papers, ca. 1953-2014],
Series 5: Audio-Visual Material, ca. 1925-2000],
[Series 6: Photographs, 1864-2013],
Series 7: Press Books, 1882-1953],
Series 8: Published Books, 1853-2007],