Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Subject Terms

Detailed Description

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Finding Aid for Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File, 1948-2015 | University of Illinois Archives

By Sarah Harris

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Collection Overview

Title: Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File, 1948-2015Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

ID: 8/1/59

Primary Creator: University of Illinois at U-C. College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences

Extent: 82.0 cubic feet


Boxes 1-36: Promotional B-roll videos, Numbered

Boxes 36-82: Other Videos, Unnumbered

Subjects: Agriculture, Animal Science, Beef Cattle, Experiments, Farming, Foods and Nutrition, Insects, Sheep, Swine

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File, 1948-2015 includes videotapes related to recruitment and promotion; agriculture including farm processes with soybeans and corn, and animals including swine, sheep, and cows; international farm programs in countries including China and Egypt; food and nutrition instructional information; experimentation relating to crops and soil, insects, insecticides and pesticides; interviews with faculty, conferences, award ceremonies, and parties. This series also includes B-Roll/stock footage including video from farms, offices, and landscapes in Illinois.

Boxes 1-36 include promotional b-roll, stock footage that was numbered and inventoried by ACES in a spreadsheet provided to the archives. The information available is from ACES and includes time coded descriptions of what is on the tapes. Boxes 36-82 include other videotapes that are unnumbered. Information for these boxes came from the labels affixed to the videotape. Please note that the videotapes have not yet been viewed and verified to be what the labels describe.

Biographical Note

Agricultural instruction was provided for in the Land Grant Act of Congress in 1862 and it was one of the chief aims of the university at its beginning.1 In 1867, the Board of Trustees established the Agricultural Department, made up of the School of General Agriculture and the School of Horticulture, Fruit-growing, and Landscape Gardening.2 It was formally recognized as a College and the dean's office was established in 1877.3 The dean is appointed biennially by the Board of Trustees and his duties include: preparing the budget; representing and reporting on the college to outside authorities; and coordinating the activities of the departments and special offices.4 The dean is also responsible for the operations of the Office of Publications and the Office of Agricultural Communications, both established in 1966,5 and the Office of International Agricultural Programs, which was established in 1966 to coordinate college-wide programs such as the International Soybean Program.6 In 1965, the title of the office changed from Dean of the College, Director of the Experiment Station, and Director of the Cooperative Extension Service to Dean of the College of Agriculture.7

1. Board of Trustees Transactions, 1st Report, Laws Concerning the Industrial University, Laws of Congress, p. 1-3; 1st Report, May 7, 1867, p. 47.

2. Board of Trustees Transactions, 1st Report, May 8, 1867, p. 50.

3. Board of Trustees Transactions, 9th Report, June 7, 1877, p. 45.

4. University of Illinois Statutes, May 17, 1972, p. 12-14

5. Board of Trustees Transactions, 54th Report, October 13, 1966, p. 169.

6. Board of Trustees Transactions, 54th Report, September 21, 1966, p. 84.

7. Board of Trustees Transactions, 53rd Report, February 17, 1965, p. 393.

Subject/Index Terms

Animal Science
Beef Cattle
Foods and Nutrition

Box and Folder Listing

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Box 19Add to your cart.
Item 1: Strip CroppingAdd to your cart.
00:20 Field Cultivator 01:00 Chisel Plow 02:00 Farmer & Beaumont Approach, Discuss 04:10 Corn, Soybean Strips, Near Harvest Time 06:30 Farmer Walks Thru Crop, Examines Ear Of Corn 07:20 CU Cross-Section, Ear 08:40 Beaumont Stand-Up 12:00 Corn, Beans, Strip Crop 12:20 CU Bean Pods, Ripe 12:55 CU Ear Or Corn, Ripe 13:00 Strips 14:30 Drive-By Strip--end
UnitID: ACES Tape: 166
Item 2: Soybean Planting, 1989Add to your cart.
00:20 Planter, Head-On, Telephoto 02:20 Farmer In Tractor Cab (John Ulser) 05:20 Wheels 05:45 Planter, From Tractor, Detail Of Planter 08:00 Turns 09:20 LS Farm Bldgs, Tractor Crosses Scene 10:30 LS Tractor, Telephoto 13:20 LA, Planter Head-On, Center 13:50 13-Year-Old Girl Drives Tractor, Various 16:10 CU Field Cultivator 17:40 Farmer Fills Planter 20:50 Finishes Filling, Drives Off 21:20  End
Duration: M7 6800
UnitID: ACES Tape: 167
Item 3: Soybean Planting  (John Ulser & Daughter), 1989Add to your cart.
00:25 Seed Sacks, Stacked 03:20 Tractor W/ Seed Bags A-o Fill Planter 04:00 Farmer Fills Planter 07:00 Planter Drives Off 07:35 End
UnitID: ACES Tape: 168
Item 4: Walking SoybeansAdd to your cart.
Family Walks Soybean--Various Shots, Man & Several Kids Walk Bean Field & Chop Weeds w/ Hoe.
UnitID: ACES Tape: 169
Item 5: Spring Field Work, 1989Add to your cart.
00:40 Herbicide Application, High Tractor w/ Foliar Spray 01:30 Herbicide Containers: Banvel, Buctril, Salvo, Marksman 02:00 High Tractor, Spraying 05:30 Anhydrous 06:15 Hooking Tank To Tractor 08:15 Farmer w/ Face Shield, Opens Valve 08:50 Cloud Of Ammonia 09:00 Tank 09:20 Cultivating Corn 11:00 Cultivating, Shot From Tractor 13:30 Farmer, Driving Tractor 16:20 Speedometer, Tachometer 16:45 LS Cultivator, Telephoto, General
UnitID: ACES Tape: 170
Item 6: Water WellAdd to your cart.
00:30 Chemical Appl. Near Well 01:20 Well Head 03:30 Tractor Near Pump 03:50 Pump & Well Head 06:15 Well, Derrick, Tractor & Ammonia 07:30 CU Ammonia Label 08:15 Connect Ammonia Tank To Tractor 11:25 Farmyard w/ Windmill, Trucks, Etc. 12:00 Windmill Turning In Light Breeze 12:30 Bucket Of Water At Farmyard Tap 13:00 Gasoline Pump Close To Well 14:50 Cattle
UnitID: ACES Tape: 171
Item 7: Milking, UI Dairy FarmAdd to your cart.
00:50 WA, Cows Moved Into Area 01:30 Milking Machines 01:45 CU, Machine On Udder 02:30 Various, Milking Machines 04:15 Worker Attaches Machine 05:20 Milking Machines, General 06:15 Machines Attached 06:35 CU Of Machine, Follow Milk Path 07:15 Worker 08:00 Collection Co-m?
UnitID: ACES Tape: 172
Item 8: Winter Farmland Scenes -- No Snow, ScenicAdd to your cart.
0:35 Bare Fields, Farm In Distance 1:40 Country Road 2:25 Farmers Burn Fencerow 3:15 CU Soil & Corn Husk 3:50 Field & Fire 4:35 Tractor Pulling Stump (Dog Barking) 5:00 Digging, Hooking Chain To Stump 7:50 Tractor, Pulling 9:25 Digging, Chaining 10:30 Fencerow Burning 13:50 Empty Field 19:40 Empty Field, Ab?house 20:35 Weed Pod 21:20 Empty Field, Weeds In Foreground 21:30 Country Road 21:45 Fencerow, Abandoned House, Barbed Wire, Weeds
UnitID: ACES Tape: 173
Item 9: Public Swimming PoolAdd to your cart.
00:00 Various, Middle-Aged & Younger Swimmers, Laps, Sunbathing, Etc. 06:55 Older Man, Laps 10:50 Overweight Women, Exercises In Shallow Water 14:20 Other Swimmers, Pool Activity 17:30 Older Man Steps To Pool Edge, Dives In 18:00 Bob Siebrecht Swims
UnitID: ACES Tape: 174
Item 10: Watching TV, Drinking In Bar, GardeningAdd to your cart.
01:45 Man Watching TV While Smoking, Drinking 05:20 CU, Ashtray, Potato Chips, Beer 07:05 Bar w/ Drinkers Hands, Smoking Cigarettes 12:30 Older Couple, Gardening 13:30 CU, Man & Woman Weeding, Collecting Vegetables 15:50 CU, Woman Hoeing 18:25 LA Shot, Woman 22:15 Couple Leaves, Walks Away--Øcamera
UnitID: ACES Tape: 175
Item 11: Gardening, BicyclingAdd to your cart.
00:40 Older Couple Leave Garden Carrying Vegetables 02:00 Middle-Aged Couple Bicycling On Suburban Street (Moving Shots, Head-On & Side) 05:25 CU Woman Cycling, Details Shots Of Bike 06:05 Couple Riding Side-By-Side 10:20 End
UnitID: ACES Tape: 176
Item 12: Jogging & Walking In ParkAdd to your cart.
00:00 Three Women Jogging & Walking In Crystal Lake Park Moving Shots, Various 13:40 End
UnitID: ACES Tape: 177
Item 13: Park Activity  (Middle-Aged Couple In Park)Add to your cart.
00:00 Middle-Aged People Walking Near Play Equipment 02:30 Man On Monkey Bars 03:00 Overweight Woman Jogging On Trail 06:00 Woman Walking On Trail 08:55 Couple Walking On Trail 09:50 Man Doing Calisthenics 10:00 Family Walking On Sidewalk, Jogger Goes By 11:30 People Walking On Bridges
UnitID: ACES Tape: 178
Item 14: Middle-Aged People Walk In Park/  CampingAdd to your cart.
00:00 Middle-Aged Couple Walking In Park 04:05 Family w/ Dog Walking 05:00 Overweight Woman Walking Toward Fountain 06:00 Side View, Woman Walks By Fountain 11:00 Family Tenting In Woods 13:35 Low Angle View Of Woods
UnitID: ACES Tape: 179
Item 15: Aerobics Class, Middle-Aged & Older ParticipantsAdd to your cart.
00:00 LS, Instructor & Four Men 07:30 Side View Activity 10:40 Rev. Angle, Instructor 13:35 CU, Faces Of Participants
UnitID: ACES Tape: 180
Item 16: Aerobics ClassAdd to your cart.
0:00 People Exercising, Instructor, Participants (Middle-Aged Men & Women) 6:05 People Doing Calisthenics, Stretching On Floor 14:10  Ends
UnitID: ACES Tape: 181

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