Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Subject Terms

Detailed Description

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Finding Aid for Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File, 1948-2015 | University of Illinois Archives

By Sarah Harris

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Collection Overview

Title: Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File, 1948-2015Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

ID: 8/1/59

Primary Creator: University of Illinois at U-C. College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences

Extent: 82.0 cubic feet


Boxes 1-36: Promotional B-roll videos, Numbered

Boxes 36-82: Other Videos, Unnumbered

Subjects: Agriculture, Animal Science, Beef Cattle, Experiments, Farming, Foods and Nutrition, Insects, Sheep, Swine

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File, 1948-2015 includes videotapes related to recruitment and promotion; agriculture including farm processes with soybeans and corn, and animals including swine, sheep, and cows; international farm programs in countries including China and Egypt; food and nutrition instructional information; experimentation relating to crops and soil, insects, insecticides and pesticides; interviews with faculty, conferences, award ceremonies, and parties. This series also includes B-Roll/stock footage including video from farms, offices, and landscapes in Illinois.

Boxes 1-36 include promotional b-roll, stock footage that was numbered and inventoried by ACES in a spreadsheet provided to the archives. The information available is from ACES and includes time coded descriptions of what is on the tapes. Boxes 36-82 include other videotapes that are unnumbered. Information for these boxes came from the labels affixed to the videotape. Please note that the videotapes have not yet been viewed and verified to be what the labels describe.

Biographical Note

Agricultural instruction was provided for in the Land Grant Act of Congress in 1862 and it was one of the chief aims of the university at its beginning.1 In 1867, the Board of Trustees established the Agricultural Department, made up of the School of General Agriculture and the School of Horticulture, Fruit-growing, and Landscape Gardening.2 It was formally recognized as a College and the dean's office was established in 1877.3 The dean is appointed biennially by the Board of Trustees and his duties include: preparing the budget; representing and reporting on the college to outside authorities; and coordinating the activities of the departments and special offices.4 The dean is also responsible for the operations of the Office of Publications and the Office of Agricultural Communications, both established in 1966,5 and the Office of International Agricultural Programs, which was established in 1966 to coordinate college-wide programs such as the International Soybean Program.6 In 1965, the title of the office changed from Dean of the College, Director of the Experiment Station, and Director of the Cooperative Extension Service to Dean of the College of Agriculture.7

1. Board of Trustees Transactions, 1st Report, Laws Concerning the Industrial University, Laws of Congress, p. 1-3; 1st Report, May 7, 1867, p. 47.

2. Board of Trustees Transactions, 1st Report, May 8, 1867, p. 50.

3. Board of Trustees Transactions, 9th Report, June 7, 1877, p. 45.

4. University of Illinois Statutes, May 17, 1972, p. 12-14

5. Board of Trustees Transactions, 54th Report, October 13, 1966, p. 169.

6. Board of Trustees Transactions, 54th Report, September 21, 1966, p. 84.

7. Board of Trustees Transactions, 53rd Report, February 17, 1965, p. 393.

Subject/Index Terms

Animal Science
Beef Cattle
Foods and Nutrition

Box and Folder Listing

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Box 9Add to your cart.
Item 1: Rural ScenesAdd to your cart.
00:00 Abandoned Farmhouse, Interior Walking Shot 08:00 Rocking Horse 11:00 Elevator 13:30 Windmill, With Buildings, Gray Sky 18:30 Windmill & Tree
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 13
Item 2: 4-H Kids Arguing, Tour Of Capitol Bldg., Supreme Court (Ext.), Sen. Charles Robb (Va) On Capitol Steps, National Institutes Of Health, 1990Add to your cart.
Tc:13 00:15 4-H Kids Arguing In Beatrice Hall Of Nat. 4-H Center 01:30 Tour Of Capitol With 4-H Kids, Ext. Shots 03:00 Same, Int. Shots, Rotunda 04:30 Bust Of George Washington 04:45 More Shots Of Rotunda 05:50 Hall 0f States, With Tour Guide's Presentation 10:00 Ext. Shots Of Capitol Bldg. 13:00 Ext. Shots Of Supreme Court Bldg. 14:35 Sequence Of Shots Around Sen. Robb Visiting 4-H Kids On Steps Of Capitol 19:40 Ext. Shots Of National Institutes Of Health 21:53 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 14
Item 3: Rural ScenesAdd to your cart.
00:00 Water Faucet, Toys & Kittens 09:30 Tire Swing & Front Of House
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 15
Item 4: Rural ScenesAdd to your cart.
00:00 Clothes On Line 03:00 Els Farmstead, Across Bare Field 05:20 House & Yard, Truck Arrives, Farmer Goes To House 10:00 Same Scene, Reverse Angle From Across The Road 11:30 Looking Out Kitchen Window At Farm Field, Bare
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 16
Item 5: Super 8, Farm Sale/Auctioneer AudioAdd to your cart.
00:00 8mm Of Farm Sale 05:30 End, 8mm 05:50 Auctioneer, Audio To 14:00
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 17
Item 6: Grain Unloading-No Till PlantingAdd to your cart.
01:05 Farmer Dumps Soybeans From Truck 02:00 Semi Drives Up To Grain Elevator 03:05 Truck Dumps Soybeans-Var. 07:25 No Till Planter In Corn Field 08:45 Farmers Talking In Field W/Specialist 11:00 Planter In Field
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 18
Item 7: Krannert Art Museum/ Augering And Delivering CornAdd to your cart.
00:45 Exterior- Krannert Art Museum 02:40 Grain Augered Into Truck Var. 04:15 Farmer Operates Auger At Grain Bin-Var. 06:50 Truck Drives Away 07:30 Truck Drives Into Country Elevator- Unloads Grain 08:25 Train Cars Pass By Elevator 08:50 Wheels Of Train Cars 09:20 Trackmobile On Rails 09:55 Tractor Pulls Grain Wagons To Elevator 10:15 Farmer Unloads Grain-Var. 14:10 Train Cars Moving On Track 14:45 Loading Grain Into Train Cars-Var. 16:55 Covered Pile Of Grain Outside Elevator
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 19
Item 8: SheepAdd to your cart.
00:15 Sheep In Field Grazing-Var. 02:20 CU Sheep 02:30 Sheep Moving Past Camera 03:10 Sheep By Trees 04:40 Sheep By Shelter 05:40 Lambs And Ewes-Var.
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 20
Item 9: Supermarket Meat CaseAdd to your cart.
00:20 Shoppers At Meat Counter 00:35 Meat Counter Only 01:10 Packaged Chicken In Meat Case-Var. 04:20 Consumers At Meat Case 06:05 Employees Sorting Packages Of Red Meat-Beef 09:50 Beef In Meat Case 10:35 Pork In Meat Case 11:00 Signs Over Case 11:55 Vegetable Oil On Shelves 12:10 Details Of Oil Labels 14:00 Shelves Of Vegetable Oil
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 21
Item 10: Cultivation & No Till Planting-Corn & SoybeansAdd to your cart.
00:50 Tractor Cultivating Soybean Field 03:50 Cultivating Corn Field 05:30 Farmer Climbs Into Tractor - Drives Off 06:15 Tractor Enters Corn Field 06:35 Cultivating Corn Field 08:20 Low Angle- Tractor Approaches Through Field 09:35 Tractor No Till Planting Field 14:50 Farmer Checking Planter 15:25 CU Of Planter 15:35 Farmer Adding Seed 17:45 No Till Planting Field 19:00 Planter Detail From Moving Tractor
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 22
Item 11: Sprayer AdjustmentAdd to your cart.
00:20 Tractor Pulls Sprayer Out Of Shed 01:45 Farmer Climbs Off Tractor, Adjusts Sprayer 02:10 Filling Sprayer Tank W/Water 02:50 Adjusting Boom Arms Of Sprayer 04:00 Changing Filter Of Sprayer 04:50 Sprayer Tested And Adjusted 09:50 Tractor Drives Away While Spraying 12:20 Farmer Checks Sprayer Nozzle 13:35 Tractor Drives Past Stakes In Field to sprayer
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 23
Item 12: Meats LabAdd to your cart.
00:40 CU Porkchops 01:55 Students Taking Tissue Samples From Meat 03:55 Butchers Cutting Meat 09:30 Weighing And Inspecting Beef 10:55 Butchers Around Cutting Block With Pork 16:50 CU Of Stamp Approval 17:10 Meat Hanging In Locker
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 24
Item 13: Farmer, Job HuntingAdd to your cart.
00:45 Ads, Classified, Help Wanted, CU Finger On Ads 02:10 Resume w/ Want Ads 03:25 Farmer (Some w/ Wife) Looks At Want Ads 06:00 Farmer & Son Play Basketball In Yard 09:25 Car Leaves Farm, Up Hilly Country Road 12:25 Cattle Feeding 15:10 Ambulance Crew Around Ambulance 19:50 Ambulance Crew Puts Neck Brace On Jane Scherer
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 25
Item 14: Hay Harvest, Hay-Corn Strip CroppingAdd to your cart.
00:25 Cutting Hay 03:00 Pan, Strip-Cropped Field, Hay Corn 04:00 Panorama Northern Illinois Hills & Fields 07:50 Other Side Of Road From Above 09:30 Equipment In Field 18:20 Strip-Cropped Hay-Corn 19:50 Cultivating Corn On Contour
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 26
Item 15: Wheat On TerracesAdd to your cart.
01:00 Harvesting, Wheat On Terraces 07:50 In Cab 13:45 Butterfly In Wheat Field 15:00 LS Of Combine In Wheat Field 17:20 Combine Unloading
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 27

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