Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Subject Terms

Detailed Description

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Finding Aid for Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File, 1948-2015 | University of Illinois Archives

By Sarah Harris

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Collection Overview

Title: Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File, 1948-2015Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

ID: 8/1/59

Primary Creator: University of Illinois at U-C. College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences

Extent: 82.0 cubic feet


Boxes 1-36: Promotional B-roll videos, Numbered

Boxes 36-82: Other Videos, Unnumbered

Subjects: Agriculture, Animal Science, Beef Cattle, Experiments, Farming, Foods and Nutrition, Insects, Sheep, Swine

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File, 1948-2015 includes videotapes related to recruitment and promotion; agriculture including farm processes with soybeans and corn, and animals including swine, sheep, and cows; international farm programs in countries including China and Egypt; food and nutrition instructional information; experimentation relating to crops and soil, insects, insecticides and pesticides; interviews with faculty, conferences, award ceremonies, and parties. This series also includes B-Roll/stock footage including video from farms, offices, and landscapes in Illinois.

Boxes 1-36 include promotional b-roll, stock footage that was numbered and inventoried by ACES in a spreadsheet provided to the archives. The information available is from ACES and includes time coded descriptions of what is on the tapes. Boxes 36-82 include other videotapes that are unnumbered. Information for these boxes came from the labels affixed to the videotape. Please note that the videotapes have not yet been viewed and verified to be what the labels describe.

Biographical Note

Agricultural instruction was provided for in the Land Grant Act of Congress in 1862 and it was one of the chief aims of the university at its beginning.1 In 1867, the Board of Trustees established the Agricultural Department, made up of the School of General Agriculture and the School of Horticulture, Fruit-growing, and Landscape Gardening.2 It was formally recognized as a College and the dean's office was established in 1877.3 The dean is appointed biennially by the Board of Trustees and his duties include: preparing the budget; representing and reporting on the college to outside authorities; and coordinating the activities of the departments and special offices.4 The dean is also responsible for the operations of the Office of Publications and the Office of Agricultural Communications, both established in 1966,5 and the Office of International Agricultural Programs, which was established in 1966 to coordinate college-wide programs such as the International Soybean Program.6 In 1965, the title of the office changed from Dean of the College, Director of the Experiment Station, and Director of the Cooperative Extension Service to Dean of the College of Agriculture.7

1. Board of Trustees Transactions, 1st Report, Laws Concerning the Industrial University, Laws of Congress, p. 1-3; 1st Report, May 7, 1867, p. 47.

2. Board of Trustees Transactions, 1st Report, May 8, 1867, p. 50.

3. Board of Trustees Transactions, 9th Report, June 7, 1877, p. 45.

4. University of Illinois Statutes, May 17, 1972, p. 12-14

5. Board of Trustees Transactions, 54th Report, October 13, 1966, p. 169.

6. Board of Trustees Transactions, 54th Report, September 21, 1966, p. 84.

7. Board of Trustees Transactions, 53rd Report, February 17, 1965, p. 393.

Subject/Index Terms

Animal Science
Beef Cattle
Foods and Nutrition

Box and Folder Listing

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Box 14Add to your cart.
Item 1: Shop Class, Electronics ShopAdd to your cart.
00:00 Shop Teacher With Class, CU Students' Faces 05:50 Students Working With Electrical Wire In Shop 06:50 Factory, Abandoned 09:15 Man Working With Scope 12:00 Woman Soldering 13:50 Woman Working On Circuit Board 18:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 89
Item 2: Caterpillar Factory, DecaturAdd to your cart.
00:00 Randy Mccabe Inventories Equipment 01:00 Assembly Line w/ Workers 06:45 WA Shot, Factory Workers 08:00 Welding 08:40 Man Working w/ Electrical Equipment 14:30 Woman, Black, Sands Welds 17:40 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 90
Item 3: Ag Chemicals, Library, Farm Writing ResumeAdd to your cart.
00:35 Farm Chemicals, Worker w/ Large Tanks 04:15 Chem Plant Worker w/ Truck 07:35 Chem Plant Office Work 10:20 Not Useable 15:05 Library, Man & Woman w/ Book 17:45 Farmer Working On Resume 22:20 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 91
Item 4: Soil Erosion, Crop ResidueAdd to your cart.
00:55 Lake 08:50 Rill In Field, No Crop 10:00 Hand In Rill 12:10 Hill w/ Bare Spot 13:40 Large Rill 14:20 Hand In Rill 15:50 Roots 16:30 Residue In Beans 18:45 Hand Moves Residue 19:00 LS, Field With Test Plot Signs
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 92
Item 5: Gun ShopAdd to your cart.
:35 Hand Guns In Glass Case 2:25 Duck Decoy 2:45 Sign, Van's Country Sport Store 3:30 Seed Dealer Signs & Hats 4:40 Counter Of Gun Store, People Pricing Shells 6:35 Man Inspecting & Cleaning Rifles 9:30 Man Leaves Bldg, Locks Door 9:50 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 93
Item 6: Grain Inspection, Corn  Barge At River, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Inspector Working At Desk 04:00 CU, Work On Desk Top, Various 05:40 Weighing Broken Corn 07:30 Using Line Slides 08:00 Line Slides, CU 10:45 Barge At River Elevator, Seen From Water 16:00 Work Boats, Moored In River 16:20 LS, Barges, Moored 16:30 View From Tug Boat 17:40 LS, Tug Boat In River 18:00 Barge, Filling 18:45 Truck Arrives, River Elevator 19:30 Truck Opens, Dumps Corn
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 94
Item 7: Barge Loading At River Elevator (Sours Grain, Pekin), 1988Add to your cart.
00:00 Barge, From Shore 01:20 River 02:10 Elevator Bins At River 03:15 Conveyor To Barge 04:30 Machinery CU 05:00 Conveyor w/ Worker 05:50 Bins, Seen From End Of Conveyor 06:45 Corn On Conveyor 07:45 w/ River In Bkgnd 08:20 WA View Of River W/ Elevator & Barges 09:25 Tug Boat 10:00 Conveyor 11:15 Spout Filling Barge 14:00 Workers Watch 14:30 Barges, Moored 15:00 Barge, Filling w/ Corn
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 95
Item 8: Corn Tests:  Computer Analysis, Breakage Susceptibility, 1988Add to your cart.
00:50 Computer Analysis, Corn, Marv Paulsen's Lab, Various Shots Of Equipment & Computer Image Of Corn Kernel 07:20 Breakage Susceptibility Testing (Green Centrifuge, Shaker, Stress Crack Viewer), Various Shots 12:20 Piling Corn Behind Glass, (Shows Central Accumulation Of Broken Corn & Dust)
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 96
Item 9: Field Work Spring '89 Cover Crop, Herbicide, Field Prep.Add to your cart.
00:50 Tractor Sowing Oats, Cover Crop 05:30 Telephoto Shots Of Tractor 07:30 LA, Planter Driving Away 07:50 Farmer Checking Over Large Planter Before Season Start 08:50 Planter Backs Out Of Shed, Low Angle Shot 09:15 Planter Drives To Edge Of Field 10:25 Farmers Checking, Adjusting Planters 12:00 Tractor, Still, In Field 12:50 Early Cover Crop, WA & Telephoto 14:15 Tractor Enters & Exits Frame 16:00 Pre-Emergence Herbicide Application 16:35 WA, Tractor In Field 19:00 CU, Weeds 20:00 Tractor In Field
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 97
Item 10: Field Work & Planting, Spring '89, 1989Add to your cart.
00:30 Planter, Disk, And Chemical Applicator In Same Field 05:00 Planter Approaches Camera, Fills Screen, LA 05:55 Inside Planter Cab, Young Farmer Drives 09:20 Field Prep & Planting, Two Vehicles 10:20 Tractor Enters & Exits Frame, ECU, LA 11:10 More Shots, Various, Equipment In Field 16:10 New Location, Plowing
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 98
Item 11: Child Care, Elementary School, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Small Town Street, Mother & Child To Baby Sitter 03:00 Elementary School, Teacher Arriving, Classroom Scenes:  Blackboard, Students,  Student-Teacher Interaction About 4th Grade, Children Printing In Workbooks 11:00 CU, Teacher 16:00 Teacher & Students At Table 19:00 Student-Teacher Or Aide
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 99
Item 12: Soybean Inspection, Andersons In Champaign, 1988Add to your cart.
00:25 Soybean Inspection, Various Procedures 11:07 Comparing Damaged Beans w/ Line Photos, Various CU Of Soybeans 13:15 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 100
Item 13: Corn Planting, 1988Add to your cart.
Drought Conditions 00:25 Tractors, Planting & Cultivating 06:30 Farmer Gets Out Of Tractor 06:55 Farmer Loads Planter With Seed Corn 13:25 Farmer Walks Back To Tractor, Planting 17:35 Seed Bags On Trailer 19:30 End Farmer, Lowell ?? Saybrook
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 101
Item 14: Crayfish Farming, 1988Add to your cart.
00:40 Pond 01:00 Man w/ Net, Examines Catch 01:40 Crayfish In Net 02:00 Pulls Trap From Water 03:50 Empties Trap 04:20 CU, Crayfish 06:30 Ponds, Pan 09:15 Man On Dock 10:00 Crayfish Tanks Outdoors, Beaumont 12:50 Indoor Crayfish Tanks 14:30 CU, Crayfish
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 102
Item 15: Spider Mites, Field Inspection, 1988Add to your cart.
00:30 Local Extension Advisor & Farmer Inspection Field 03:00 Examining Soil & Plants 04:25 Ext. Advisor & Differend Farmer Examine Beans 07:55 Soybean Leaves 08:40 Two Farmers & Advisor 11:35 Low Angle Look At Beans 14:35 Dead Soybean Plants 17:20 Spider Mite Inspection 17:45 Three Farmers & Ext. Advisor 20:00 Farmer & Advisor Inspect Corn Plants 22:00 End
Duration: 3/4 inch videotape:U-matic
UnitID: ACES Tape: 103

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