By Hannah Jellen
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Collection Overview
Title: Michael Manion Music and Papers, 1965-2008
ID: 26/20/188
Primary Creator: Manion, Michael (1952-2012)
Extent: 5.25 cubic feet
Arrangement: Content is arranged in five series: Series 1 contains published and unpublished music, Series 2 contains correspondence, Series 3 contains materials related to publication and research, Series 4 contains materials related to Michael's education, Series 5 contains sound recordings and audiovisual materials of Michael's music as well as the music of his contemporaries. All series are arranged alphabetically.
Date Acquired: 02/04/2013
Subjects: Compositions-Music, Computer Music, Electronic Music, Music Composition
Languages: English, German
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Consists of original and published music, new music ensemble performance directions and diagrams, correspondence, research notes, correspondence, audio recordings, photographs, concert programs, and posters documenting Michael Manion's career as a percussionist, composer of electroacoustical music, and scholar of the music and performance practices of Karlheinz Stockhausen between 1965 and 2008. Of particular interest is correspondence between Stockhausen and Manion related to the performance and notation practices for Stockhausen's works between 1984 and 1987 while Manion served as an assistant to Stockhausen.
Biographical Note
Michael Lawrence Manion (1952-2012), percussionist and American composer of electroacoustical music, earned his Bachelor of Music degree in composition and percussion performance from the Oberlin Conservatory of Music in 1977 and Master of Music in composition from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1983. He studied composition with Randolph Coleman, Dary John Mizelle, and Gary Lee Nelson at Oberlin and Salvatore Martirano and Ben Johnston at the University of Illinois. In addition, he studied with Robert Ashley at Mills Collection from 1977 to 1978, Mauricio Kagel at the Musikhochschule Koln from 1980 to 1981, and Jonathan Harvey at the Univeristy of Sussex from 1985 to 1988. Between 1984 and 1987 he served as an assistant to Karl Heinz Stockhausen for the publication of such works Kindheit, Nausenflugeltanz, Wochenkreis, and Madchenprozession. He remained an active composer and performer throughout his career in Europe and the United States until a stroke in 2008.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music
Acquisition Source:
Mrs. Floy Manion
Acquisition Method:
Related Materials:
Published scores of Stockhausen's music and books on Stockhausen's music that were not worked on by Michael Manion and not used for his research articles on Stockhausen were transfered to the Calvin College Library.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Original and published music, ca. 1972-2008],
Series 2: Correspondence, ca. 1972-2004],
[Series 3: Research, Publications, and Performance Materials, ca. 1977-2008],
Series 4: Education and Personal Papers, ca. 1974-2010],
Series 5: Sound Recordings, Audiovisual Materials, and Computer Files, ca. 1974-2007],
- Series 3: Research, Publications, and Performance Materials, ca. 1977-2008

- Box 10

- Folder 1: Compositional and musicological notes, undated

- Includes handwritten notes regarding both Michael Manion's compositions and research. Folder 1 of 2.
- Folder 2: Compositional and musicological notes, undated

- Includes handwritten notes regarding both Michael Manion's composition and research. Folder 2 of 2.
- Folder 3: Dienstags-Gruss, undated

- Segment of unknown piece.
- Author: Manion, Michael
- Folder 4: From Tape Loops to MIDI: Karlheinz Stockhausen's Forty Years of Electronic Music, undated

- Includes full final copy, fragments of copies, and drafts.
- Author: Manion, Michael
- Folder 5: Introduction to the Formula of Stockhausen's 'Donnerstag aus Licht', undated

- Includes draft and final copy.
- Author: Manion, Michael
- Folder 6: Lukas Foss Echo I analysis, undated

- Author: Manion, Michael
- Folder 7: Material Things as Logical Constructions, undated

- Author: Manion, Michael
- Folder 8: Miscellaneous fragments of pieces, undated

- Fragments of drafts and final copies of essays and papers.
- Author: Manion, Michael
- Folder 9: Stockhausen lecture transcription drafts, 1982

- Author: Manion, Michael; Stockhausen, Karlheinz
- Folder 10: Stockhausen lecture transcriptions, 1982

- Author: Manion, Michael; Stockhausen, Karlheinz
- Folder 11: Techniques of Formula Composition in Stockhausen's 'Donnerstag aus Licht', undated

- Author: Manion, Michael
- Folder 12: Two Views of Beethoven's String Quartet Op. 132, First Movement, undated

- Author: Manion, Michael
- Box 11

- Folder 1: Le mois a caen, undated

- Folder 2: Introduction to the Super-Formula of 'Donnerstag aus Licht', undated

- Copy of published paper.
- Author: Manion, Michael
- Folder 3: Ear, 1977

- Folder 4: Contemporary Music Review brochure, 1988

- Folder 5: 'O Alter Duft': Stockhausen and the Return to Melody, 1976

- Author: Toop, Richard
- Folder 6: Eine Teezeremonie horen, 1977

- Author: Stockhausen, Karlheinz
- Folder 7: Sight Reader: A Computer Language Program for the Transcription of Piano Music, 1977

- Author: Ross, Daniel; Fravel, Carl
- Folder 8: Stockhausen's 'Tierkreis', 1978

- Author: Stockhausen, Christel
- Folder 9: Papers from IRCAM, 1978

- Includes Perceptions of Timbral Analogies, Musical Acoustics, Low Dimensional Control of Musical Timbre. Collected at IRCAM in 1978.
- Author: Ehresman, David; Wessel, David; Risset, Jean-Claude
- Folder 10: Stockhausen interviews, 1980-1987

- Folder 11: The Evolution of Macro- and Micro-Time Relations in Stockhausen's Recent Music, 1983

- Author: Kohl, Jerome
- Folder 12: Contact, 1984

- Folder 13: Electronic Music for 'Kathinka's Chant as Lucifer's Requiem', 1984

- Author: Stockhausen, Karlheinz
- Folder 14: Gaudeamus Information, 1984

- Folder 15: Stockhausen in Calcutta, 1984

- Author: Schnebel, Dieter; Frisius, Rudolf; Stockhausen, Karlheinz
- Folder 16: Michael im Himmel wie auf Erden, 1985

- Author: Riethmuller, Albrecht
- Folder 17: Zeitschrift fur Musikpadagogik, 1987

- Folder 18: Kontakte, Stockhausen 60. Geburtstag, 1988-1990

- Folder 19: Literatur und Kunst, 1990

- Folder 20: Our Path to Hearing Webern, 1990

- Author: Johnson, Donivan
- Folder 21: Von Kommenden Zeiten, 1990

- Author: Hennenberg, Fritz
- Folder 22: Hymnen: Tractatus Musica Unita, 1991

- Author: Hopkins, Nicholas F.
- Folder 23: Tempo, 1991

- Folder 24: Clavier Music, 1992

- Author: Stockhausen, Karlheinz
- Folder 25: Plan K-Ars Musica, 1992

- Folder 26: Dansk Musik Tidsskrift, 1992-1993

- Folder 27: Computer Music Journal, 1993

- Folder 28: Y (Muziekcentrum De Ijsbreker), 1995

- Box 12

- Folder 1: The American Music Center, Directory and "Opportunities for Composers", 1991

- Folder 2: Camilla Hoitenga profile, undated

- Folder 3: DuMont Dokumente Musik: Karlheinz Stockhausen, 1984

- Folder 4: Ex Machina '96 materials, 1996

- Folder 5: GIMIK and Studio Feedback Koln materials, 1977-2005

- Folder 6: International Computer Music Conference program, 1986

- Folder 7: International Music Conference questionnaire, 1984

- Folder 8: Michael Manion profile and list of compositions, undated

- Folder 9: Nicholas Isherwood profile, undated

- Folder 10: Prix Ars Electronica 94: A Duel Between Jurassic Park and France, 1994

- Folder 11: Stichting Logos flyer, undated

- Folder 12: The Stockhausen Project speech, ca. 1982

- Folder 13: Stockhausen-Verlag materials, 1991-1993

- Folder 14: Works list of Shigeru Kan-no, 2004

- Box 13

- Folder 1: Michael Manion concert programs, 2001-2008

- Folder 2: Concert programs, 2000-2007

- Includes programs from concerts of mentors and contemporaries.
- Folder 3: Stockhausen concert programs, 1992-1996

- Folder 4: Concert programs, 1991-1996

- Includes programs from concerts of mentors and contemporaries.
- Folder 5: Michael Manion concert programs, 1991-1996

- Folder 6: Concert programs, 1982-1987

- Includes programs from concerts of mentors and contemporaries.
- Folder 7: Stockhausen concert programs, 1981-1987

- Folder 8: Michael Manion concert programs, 1979-1984

- Box 8

- Folder 18: Michael Manion concert posters and copy of painting, 2000-2004

- Folder 19: Michael manion concert posters, 1996

- Folder 20: Michael Manion concert posters, 1980-1988

- Folder 21: Michael Manion concert poster with Camilla Hoitenga, flute, undated

- Folder 22: Stockhausen album sleeve, undated

- Oversize Portfolio Box 1

- Item 3: Trapezium poster, 1995

- Removed for conservation August 8, 2014
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Original and published music, ca. 1972-2008],
Series 2: Correspondence, ca. 1972-2004],
[Series 3: Research, Publications, and Performance Materials, ca. 1977-2008],
Series 4: Education and Personal Papers, ca. 1974-2010],
Series 5: Sound Recordings, Audiovisual Materials, and Computer Files, ca. 1974-2007],