Shirley Meyer Blankenship Music and Papers


Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Subject Terms

Administrative Information

Detailed Description

Personal Papers

Audio Recordings

Sunshine Dinner Playhouse Theatre Production Photographs

Guido Sinclair Music and Papers

Shirley Blankeship Computer Files

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Finding Aid for Shirley Meyer Blankenship Music and Papers, 1950-2016 | The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music

By Inka Alasade, Justin Carver, Ilona Matkovszki, Eleanor Tewksbury, Noah Lenstra, Carol Berthold, Thornton Miller, Nolan Vallier

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Collection Overview

Title: Shirley Meyer Blankenship Music and Papers, 1950-2016Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

ID: 12/5/53

Primary Creator: Blankenship, Shirley (1938-)

Extent: 14.5 cubic feet

Arrangement: Organized into five series: Series 1) Personal Papers, ca.1900-2009, Series 2) Audio Recordings, 1953-2015, Series 3) Sunshine Dinner Playhouse Theatre Production Photographs, 1995-1997, Series 4) Guido Sinclair Music and Papers, 1958-2005, and Series 5) Shirley Blankenship Computer Files, ca. 1950-2016. Series 1 is arranged chronologically. Series 2 is arranged in two different methods by date of acquistion: materials received in 2009 are arranged by a system of Roman numerals given to each recording by Shirley Blankenship and materials received in 2016 are arranged alphabetically based on their original order. Series 3 is arranged alphabetically by the title of the production. Series 4 contains two sub series based on the primary creator of the material: Sub-Series 1) Guido Sinclair Papers and Music and Sub-Series 2) Shirley Blankenship's Guido Sinclair Legancies. Each sub-series is arranged chronologically. Series 5 is arranged into three subseries based on the bulk of material found within each set of files: Sub-Series 1) Personal Files, Sub-Series 2) Audio Files, and Sub-Series 3) Shirley Blankenship's Guido Sinclair Legacy Files. Each of the sub-series in Series 5 is arranged alphabetically by title.

Date Acquired: 12/04/2009. More info below under Accruals.

Subjects: Adams County, Illinois, Champaign County, Illinois, Compositions-Music, Harps, Jazz, Music, School of, Music -- Indonesia, Music Composition, Piano, Quincy, Illinois, Theatrical Productions, Violin

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

Consists of scrapbooks, reel-to-reel audio tapes, CDs, DVDs, cassette tapes, VHS tapes, sheet music, photographs, correspondence, posters and concert programs documenting Dr. Shirley Meyer Blankenship's career as a music student at the University of Illinois, a harpist, violinist, pianist, composer, theater performer, private music instructor, and University of Illinois School of Music faculty member between 1972 and 1981. Of special note are original compositions based on the music of her former husband and jazz musician, Guido Sinclair (1935-1992), as well as graphic illustrations, concert posters, jazz recordings, and Sinclair's original compositions. Materials in Series 4, Sub-Series 1 represent materials created by Guido Sinclair and donated by Shirley Blankenship to the archives. The Music and Papers were partially digitized by Dr. Blankenship prior to being acquired by the University of Illinois. A small but selected sample of images and recordings are included online.

Biographical Note

Shirley Meyer Blankenship is a music educator, composer, pianist, harpist, and violinist. She was born in Decatur, Illinois, in 1938 and graduated from the Notre Dame Conservatory of Music (Quincy, IL) in 1955 and Quincy Senior High School in 1956. As a teenager, she was awarded the title Miss Quincy. She received a BM in piano performance with a minor in violin from the University of Illinois in 1961. She continued her training in piano performance at Washington University in St. Louis receiving a Master of Music in 1966. She then returned to the University of Illinois to begin a Master of Music Theory degree and taught Music Theory as a graduate teaching assistant. She earned her second graduate degree in 1969 and eventually taught harp and music theory at the University of Illinois between 1972 and 1981. In 1977, she became the first woman to receive a Doctorate degree in music composition from the University of Illinois. From the late 1970s to the early 1990s, Dr. Blankenship performed on harp with the Squareknot Quartet, a group which included such members as Dorothy Martirano on violin. In the mid 1980s, Dr. Blankenship organized an arts exchange between the Squareknot Quartet and the country of Indonesia. At this time, Dr. Blankenship also married Guido Sinclair, a Jazz musician who played saxophone and performed regualarly at jazz venues in both Champaign and Chicago. Between 1988 and 1992, she began performing with Sinclair on violin, harp, and piano at several local bars and restaurants including Nature's Table. Dr. Blankenship was instrumental in promoting Sinclair's music after his death in 1992 and arranged, published, and performed several of his compositions. Around this time she began the Artist in Motion series, which held concerts at several area clubs including Chester Street. From the mid 1990s to the 2010s Dr. Blankenship began working on her Harp Legacy Project, in which several contemporary composers created compositions for her to perform and record. From this project she has created a number of harp webinars and articles on composing for the instrument.

During her teaching career, Dr. Blankenship has been an instructor of harp, piano, violin, viola, composition, music theory and other subjects at the University level. Her appointments include: Washington University in St. Louis; MacMurray College in Jacksonville, Illinois; Quincy College; Lindenwood Colleges in St. Charles, Missouri; Hardin (formerly Jefferson) Junior High, St. Charles, Missouri; Olivet Nazarene University, Kankakee; and the University of Illinois. As a violinist, Dr. Blankenship has performed with the Quincy Symphony, University of Illinois Symphony and also with the Springfield, Kankakee and Danville Symphonies. She has been the harpist for the Decatur Symphony and was the principal harpist with the Champaign-Urbana Symphony, in which she has participated as a violinist, violist and keyboardist as well. Her theatrical career includes being the music director, accompanist and/or actress for productions at the University of Illinois, Little Theater Company and Champaign, Illinois' Sunshine Dinner Playhouse. Dr. Blankenship has contributed her performance skills to the advancement of contemporary and new music, especially for the harp. As a student at the University of Illinois, she was a member of The Contemporary Chamber Players and has been a consultant to numerous composers. Dr. Blankenship has performed and/or composed under the names of Sherilee Niles, Shirley Meyer, Shirley Ann Blankenship, Anne Jazzmin, and Gianne Sinclair.

Subject/Index Terms

Adams County, Illinois
Champaign County, Illinois
Music, School of
Music -- Indonesia
Music Composition
Quincy, Illinois
Theatrical Productions

Administrative Information

Repository: The Sousa Archives and Center for American Music


Additional materials were donated by Dr. Blankenship on July 26, 2016.

Box 21 and 22 were donated by Dr. Blankenship to the Music and Performing Arts Library and then the boxes were transferred to the Center on June 14, 2021.

Box 23 and 24 were donated by Dr. Blankenship to the Sousa Archives on November 1, 2021.

Box 25 was donated to the Sousa Archives on May 2, 2023.

Acquisition Source: Dr. Shirley Meyer Blankenship

Acquisition Method: Gift

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Personal Papers, ca. 1900-2017],
[Series 2: Audio Recordings, 1953-2015],
[Series 3: Sunshine Dinner Playhouse Theatre Production Photographs, 1995-1997],
[Series 4: Guido Sinclair Music and Papers, 1958-2005],
[Series 5: Shirley Blankeship Computer Files, ca. 1950-2016],

Series 1: Personal Papers, ca. 1900-2017Add to your cart.
Arranged in two subseries. Subseries 1: Consists of Scrapbooks, Photographs, Concert Programs, and Writings. Materials arranged chronologically. Subseries 2: Consists of original scores by various composers that Dr. Blankenship edited professionally, as well as administrative documents, correspondance, and recordings. Arranged alphabetically by composers last name.
Sub-Series 1: Scrapbooks, Photographs, Concert Programs, and Writings, ca. 1900-2009Add to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Family Photographs, ca. 1900-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Family Photographs, ca. 1900-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Family Photographs, ca. 1900-1950Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Scrapbook Number One, ca. 1938-1960Add to your cart.
Description from front of scrapbook: Baby pictures, Decatur and Quincy homes, mother and her brother elmer, sister Marilyn, write up from 3 years, sister Angela, teacher, card from Clarence Allen, dad, grade school pictures notes grade cards, program and write ups 1950 recital, orchestra pictures, notre dame activities, harp ensemble, early pictures, voice recitals, apple drawing, pictures playing instruments, friends, dance recitals, older pictures, California trips, junior high, ymca concert, article junior hi-lights, tour with quincy college, programs, band picture, French horn, miss merry Christmas, latin festival, articles, church programs, more with notre dame, family pictures
Folder 5: Scrapbook Number One, ca. 1938-1960Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Scrapbook Number One, ca. 1938-1960Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Scrapbook Number One, ca. 1938-1960Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Quincy Yearbooks, 1951-1953Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Interlochen Programs, 1954-1955Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Programs, 1950-1969Add to your cart.
Consists of concert and theater programs, summer music camp programs, newspaper clippings, Illinois Summer Youth Music programs, photographs, and listings of concert programs contained in scrapbooks. Arranged chronologically.
Folder 11: Programs, 1950-1969Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Programs, 1950-1969Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Scrapbook Number Two, ca. 1950s-1960sAdd to your cart.
Picture, second recital 1953, voice recitals, articles about voice recitals, solo recital, article about graduation voice recital, Horace Heidt, YMCA concert, another year, Illinois summer youth, thank yous, wedding picture, picture of Lydia-mom, beaux arts' ball, seventeen program, news articles, programs, Quincy symphony, interlochen, graduation recital from notre dame, 1955, pictures, wgem talent contest, Europe, grieg's concerto, Kewanee, young artists night, quincy symphony, violin, friends, alpine pops concert, Miss Quincy pageant, miss ilinois pageant, pictures, awards, graduation, grade cards, post graduation, cards from sister Julia
Folder 14: Scrapbook Number Two, ca. 1950s-1960sAdd to your cart.
Folder 15: Scrapbook Number Two, ca. 1950s-1960sAdd to your cart.
Folder 16: Scrapbook Number Two, ca. 1950s-1960sAdd to your cart.
Folder 17: Scrapbook Number Three, 1956-1965Add to your cart.
Description from front of Scrapbook: Scholastic recognition scholarships, pictures, UIUC, grade cards, 1956-1961, letters, receital programs, death of father, friends, sister Marilyn and family, Washington university (St. Louis) 1961-1962, grades and teachers, grad recital 1962, Jacksonville Macmurray College, 1962-1963, Murrayville and Woodson, Quincy College 1963-1965, Chapel, news article, programs and write ups, friends, more programs, Jacksonville 1962-1963, Quincy 1963-1965
Folder 18: Scrapbook Number Three, 1956-1965Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Quincy Diploma, 1956Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Diplomas, 1955-1969Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Diplomas, 1955-1969Add to your cart.
Box 2Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Scrapbook Number Four, ca. 1965-1975Add to your cart.
Description from front of scrapbook: marriage to Larry Blankenship 1965, return to UIUC completed master's wash University and master's in comp studies uiuc, friends, trip to Trinidad, death of uncle Leland meyer, Illinois summer youth, teacher, news article theory project, st. Charles lindenwood colleges and hardin and Jefferson junior high schools, pictures and programs, back to the uiuc, faculty, peninsula music festival, letter from nettle, teacher ratings, article, harpist a bit of a masochist, programs, trip to California, American harp society, friends, death of mother, 1975, mother's pictures, my friends, pool I had built at 3002 perkins road, trip to California, harp society, article for the American harp society journal
Folder 2: Scrapbook Number Four, ca. 1965-1975Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Scrapbook Number Four, ca. 1965-1975Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Scrapbook Number Four, ca. 1965-1975Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Trinidad Trip Slides, ca. 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Programs and books picked up on trip to Trinidad with Larry, ca. 1969Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Programs, 1956-1977Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Programs, 1970-1982Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Programs, 1970-1982Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Programs, 1970-1982Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Notecards from dissertation and student work, ca. 1970sAdd to your cart.
Folder 12: African Music notecards, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 13: "A Study of the Music of the Valley Tonga" paper for MUSIC 320 proseminar with audiocassette, 1972Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Dissertation Final Draft, 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 15: "Visions and Revisions" sheet music, 1974Add to your cart.
Folder 16: Dissertation manuscript: "Berg, Lives: Opus 3: Lyris the Suite", 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Dissertation manuscript: "Berg, Lives: Opus 3: Lyris the Suite", 1977Add to your cart.
Folder 18: Scrapbook Number Five, 1979-1982Add to your cart.
Folder 19: Scrapbook Number Five, 1979-1982Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Indonesia Trip Photographs, 1981Add to your cart.
Box 5Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Contest Sheets - Grade School, 1948-1952Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Portraits, ca. 1940-1960Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Quincy College Yearbook, 1964Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Oversized pages from scrapbookAdd to your cart.
Folder 5: Newsaper clippings from Scrabbooks, Shirley and Guido, 1987-1989Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Artists in Motion fundraiser invitation and RSVPs, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Voice and Harp Sheet Music, two pieces by Gordon Binkerd, 1977Add to your cart.
Includes "Through Your Strangeness Frets My Heart" by Gordon Binkerd and "Secret Love (for Voice, Cello, and Harp)" by Gordon Binkerd.
Folder 8: 1) Young Artists Scholarship Contest - "A Time for SInging" and 2) program for memorial service for Marilyn Loofbourrow, 2000Add to your cart.
Folder 9: 1) "One of the Boys: The Sy Rogers Story" VHS and 2) "Pastor Grogans" DVD, 2005Add to your cart.
Item 1: Artists in Motion and Guido Connection stamps, ca. 1980s-1990sAdd to your cart.
There are a total of seven stamps which have been given the accession numbers: 2009.1205053.001-200.1205053.007.
Box 10Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Scrapbook Number Nine, 1994-1997Add to your cart.
Description from front of scrapbook: Contemporary Music Theatre, Artists in Motion, Student Recitals, Weddings
Folder 6: Scrapbook Number Nine, 1994-1997Add to your cart.
Description from front of scrapbook: Contemporary Music Theatre, Artists in Motion, Student Recitals, Weddings
Folder 7: Scrapbook Number Nine, 1994-1997Add to your cart.
Description from front of scrapbook: Contemporary Music Theatre, Artists in Motion, Student Recitals, Weddings
Folder 8: Scrapbook Number Nine, 1994-1997Add to your cart.
Description from front of scrapbook: Contemporary Music Theatre, Artists in Motion, Student Recitals, Weddings
Folder 9: Scrapbook Number Ten, 1996-1999Add to your cart.
Description from front of book: Julia's wedding, Sunshine Dinner Playhouse, Herbert's Death, Weddings, Recital programs of students
Folder 10: Scrapbook Number Ten, 1996-1999Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Scrapbook Number Ten, 1996-1999Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Scrapbook Number Eleven, 1999-2004Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Scrapbook Number Eleven, 1999-2004Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Scrapbook Number Eleven, 1999-2004Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Scrapbook Number Twelve, 2002-2008Add to your cart.
Description from front of book: Chester Street, Ruby's, Assembly of God, Les Mis, Godspell, Garvey
Folder 16: Scrapbook Number Twelve, 2002-2008Add to your cart.
Folder 17: Scrapbook Number Twelve, 2002-2008Add to your cart.
Folder 18: "Guido's Friend" audio CD, ca. 2006Add to your cart. listed on back. CD-R. Contains eight tracks
Box 11Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Indonesia related correspondence, 1982-1987Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Indonesia related correspondence, 1982-1987Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Negatives of Indonesian Masks and Art ObjectsAdd to your cart.
Folder 4: Books on Indonesian Music and Dance, 1978-1985Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Artists in Motion Business Records, 1994-1996 (2007)Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Artists in Motion Business Records, 1994-1996 (2007)Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Marilyn and Duane Loofbourrow photo album, undatedAdd to your cart.
Description from front: David Guth = Julia Loofbourrow's husband, Galen and Ann Loofbourrow = An's parents; Galen's children = Kent, Kim, Megan, dog; Shirley
Folder 8: Scrapbook Number Thirteen, 2008-2009Add to your cart.
Folder 9: About the Life of Shirley Meyer Blankenship - tapes and data DVD, undatedAdd to your cart.View associated digital content.
Folder 10: Rolled Calligraphy poems, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 13Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Nature's Table poster featuring flyers for Guido Sinclair performances, ca. 1980sAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Junior Hi-Lights Quncy student newspaper, 1951-1953Add to your cart.
Articles on Blankenship marked with post-it notes
Box 14Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Copies of Photographs of Guido Sinclair and Shirley Blankenship, ca. 1980-1992Add to your cart.
Copies of photographs of Guido Sinclair: individually; with Squareknot Quartet; drawing of (1986); with Jane Blankenship; with unidentified individuals.
Folder 2: Shirley Blankenship and Guido Sinclair Photographs, ca. 1985-1992Add to your cart.
Photographs, negatives.
Folder 3: Anne Jazzmin Advertisements, ca. 1988Add to your cart.
Advertisements from International Musician (October, 1988); Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette, November 24, 1988.
Folder 4: Anne Jazzmin Promotional Photograph, Resume, and Recording, ca. 1989Add to your cart.
Photograph; Resume through 1989.  Cassette tape: Anne Jazzmin Duo, Anne - Harp; Guido Sinclair, Sax.  Pieces include: Days of Wine and Roses, Love Boat, Stela by Starlight, Our Day Will Come, and The Way We Were.
Folder 5: Nate Griffin, Not Enough, ca. 1994Add to your cart.
Arranger: Nate Griffin. Orchestration for: Not Enough, Everytime Am I Worthy.
Folder 6: Columbia College Archives Donation, 1996-2009Add to your cart.
Donations of Guido Material to Columbia College, Chicago, IL. Lists of contents in Boxes 1, 2, 3, and additional materials.Gift agreementswith Center for Black Musc Research (CBMR), Columbia College, Chicago, IL,1996. Promotional materials from CBMR. Correspondence with CBMR staff. Finding aid to Guido Sinclair Collection, CBMR, Columbia College, February 1997.
Box 25Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Theory Materials for Ear-Training, undatedAdd to your cart.
An ear training guide created by Blankenship.
Sub-Series 2: Edited scores, 2004-2017Add to your cart.
Consists of original scores by various composers that Dr. Blankenship edited professionally, as well as administrative documents, correspondance, and recordings. Arranged alphabetically by composers last name.
Box 21Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Akhavijou, Ramin, July 2014Add to your cart.
"Seventh Son" solo for harp
Folder 2: Alexander, Eric - Ayers, Jesse, 1997-2004Add to your cart.
Eric Alexander, untitled; Jesse Ayers, "Veni Emmanuel"
Folder 3: Bayer, Elizabeth Kennedy, 2011Add to your cart.
"Pretty Girl Problems"
Folder 4: Barton, Jack - Boyd, Blair, undatedAdd to your cart.
"Peace Was Twice the Story" for multiple harps; "Shift"
Folder 5: Bezdek, Jerry, 2005Add to your cart.
"Kristy's Harp"; "Ballade pour Flute et Harp"; "Passacaglia for Harp"
Folder 6: Cahyo, Scptian Dwi, 2016Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Dachman, Adam Foster - Diaz, Carlos Rojo, 2016Add to your cart.
"The Rabbit"
Folder 8: Dolatowski, David, 2011Add to your cart.
"Veni Creator Spiritus"; "Meditation" for Flute and Harp; "Ostra" for Flute, Viola, Harp
Folder 9: Fields, Matthew H., 2004-2012Add to your cart.
"Progeny of Memory"
Folder 10: Glesser, Frederic, 2006Add to your cart.
"Summer Nights Passing"
Folder 11: Grahn, Ulf, 2004Add to your cart.
"The Forrest Pond"; "Fetching a thought passing by..."; "Concerto for viola and ten instruments"
Folder 12: Guastaferro, Domenic- Guastavson, Mark, 2014Add to your cart.
"The Dream Maker"
Folder 13: Hyland, Marc - Jeandroz, Christine, 2013Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Jordan, Chase - Krein, Michael Reed, 2017Add to your cart.
"Cantos II: Thoughts at Sea"; "Lullaby for Mom"
Folder 15: Lauer, Elizabeth, March 20, 2012Add to your cart.
ThreeBees for flute, clarinet, and harp, mvmt III: "Boogie"
Folder 16: Liu, Elbert, undatedAdd to your cart.
"Manhaunt" for solo harp
Folder 17: Lynn, Monica - Maddox, Art, 2011Add to your cart.
"Le Synchronisme" for solo harp; "Barcarolle"
Folder 18: Martin, Robert J. - Miller, Timothy, 2011-2013Add to your cart.
"fast walk"; "The Journey to Kuwa'hi"; "III: Playful"
Box 22Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Newell, John - Partain, Randy, 2012Add to your cart.
"The Winds"; "Kelevsma"
Folder 2: Perreur-Lloyd, Keith - Peterson, Geoffrey, 2013-2016Add to your cart.
"A Mighty Handful: Symphonic Portraits of the Russian Five"
Folder 3: Pollauf, Jacqueline - Readman, Peter, 2012Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Reinkemeyer, Andrea - Segal, Anna, 2016-2018Add to your cart.
"The Thaw", "NaamJai (Liquid Heart)"; "Lullaby"
Folder 5: Smooke, David - Strickholm, Peter, 2011Add to your cart.
"Anasazi Dance"
Folder 6: Shore, Clare - Sumrall, Jack, 2007-2017Add to your cart.
"Compline"; "Fragility"
Folder 7: Shirangi, Soheil - Taurins, Jason A., 2017Add to your cart.
"The Remarks No. 9"; "Saxharp"
Folder 8: Torresani, Paolo - Warhol, Mark, 2013Add to your cart.
"what burns inside"; "Rencontre", "Pas de Deux", "Amitie"
Folder 9: Toyotomi, Yasamune, 2011Add to your cart.
"Liturgie Rouge"
Sub-Series 3: Squareknot Quartet ArrangementsAdd to your cart.
Box 23Add to your cart.
Folder 1: 1. "Ruby My Dear" [S, P], undatedAdd to your cart.

composer: Thelonius Monk

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 2: 2. "It's Easy to Remember" [S, P], undatedAdd to your cart.

Composers: Richard Rodgers

Arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 3: 3. "A Sinnner Kissed an Angel" [S, P], undatedAdd to your cart.

composers: Ray Joseph and George Shearing

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 4: 4. "I Mean You" [S, P], undatedAdd to your cart.

Violin part only

composer: Thelonius Monk

transcriber: Jerry Kovansky

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 5: 5. "Fine and Dandy" [incomplete score], undatedAdd to your cart.

composers: Paul Jones and Kay Swift

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 6: 6. "Easy to Love" [incomplete score], undatedAdd to your cart.

composer: Cole Porter

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 7: 7. "Love is Just Around the Corner" [S], August 24, 1983Add to your cart.

composers: Leo Robin and Lewis E. Gensler

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 8: 8. Fiddle Rag [S, P], 1984Add to your cart.
arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Folder 9: 9. Golden Slippers [S, P], 1984Add to your cart.
arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Folder 10: 10. Satin Doll [S, P], undatedAdd to your cart.

composer: Duke Ellington

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 11: 11. 900 Miles Improvisation Sheet [S, P], undatedAdd to your cart.
arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Folder 12: 13. Two Arrangements for "Bier Her" [S, P], undatedAdd to your cart.

composer: G. Burmann

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 13: 16. Man of La Mancha [S, P], 1969Add to your cart.
Arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Folder 14: 17. Softly As I Leave You [S, P], 1980Add to your cart.
Arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Folder 15: 18. Fuga XVI [S, P], 1980Add to your cart.

composer: Johann S. Bach

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 16: 19. "Drinking Song" from Stupid Prince [P], undatedAdd to your cart.
arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Folder 17: 20. The Christmas Song [S, P], undatedAdd to your cart.
arranger. Shirley Blankenship
Folder 18: 21. "Where 'ere You Walk" [P], undatedAdd to your cart.

composer: George Handel

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 19: 22. Wedding March [S], undatedAdd to your cart.

composer: Henry Purcell

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 20: 23. Eleanor Rigby [S, P], undatedAdd to your cart.

composer: The Beatles

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 21: 24. Sonata no. 14 [S, P], undatedAdd to your cart.

Only contains violin part.

composer: Domenico Scarlatti

arranger: Gianne Sinclair

Folder 22: 26. "A Taste of Honey" [S, P], undatedAdd to your cart.
arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Folder 23: 27. Sacred and Profane Dances [P], undatedAdd to your cart.

composer: Claude Debussy

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 24: 28. "Barbara's Song" from The Threepenny Opera, undatedAdd to your cart.
arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Folder 25: 29. Serenade [P], undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 26: 30. Anthropology, variation III [S, P], March 1981Add to your cart.

composer: Charlie Parker

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 27: 31. Jordu [P], January 1981Add to your cart.

composer: Duke Jordon

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 28: 32. Alla Turca [P], undatedAdd to your cart.
arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Folder 29: 33. "Night Train" [P], January 1981Add to your cart.
arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Box 24Add to your cart.
Folder 1: 12. "Downtown" Vocal Arrangement [S, P], undatedAdd to your cart.

composer: Tony Hatch

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 2: "Climb Every Mountain" [S, P], 1980Add to your cart.
arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Folder 3: 14."Love Story" [S, P], 1979Add to your cart.
arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Folder 4: 15. "Laura's Theme" from Dr. Zhivago [S, P], October 1979Add to your cart.
arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Folder 5: 16. Man of La Mancha (maracas) [S], August 1980Add to your cart.
arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Folder 6: 25. Op. 314 The Blue Danube [P], undatedAdd to your cart.

composer: Johann Strauss

arranger: Shirley Blankenship

Folder 7: Fugue [S], undatedAdd to your cart.
arranger: Shirley Blankenship
Series 2: Audio Recordings, 1953-2015Add to your cart.
Consists of reel to reel audio tapes, compact discs, and DVD recordings of Blankenship's music performances as a harpist, pianist, and composer between 1953 and 1983 as well as recordings of her music compositions, theatre productions and interviews about her music dating between 1991 and 2015. Audio recordings also include recordings made by Guido Sinclair and commercial recordings collected by Dr. Blankenship and created by performers and composers that she collaborated with during her career. The recordings received in 2009 are maintained in their original order based on Blankenship's roman numeral system for cataloging her tapes. Recordings received in 2016 had no original order and have been arranged by material type and alphabetically by title.
Box 3Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Notre Dame High School (Quincy, Illinois) Recital, 1953Add to your cart.
Duplicated on Cassette IB Sides A and B. Recorded April 6, 1953.
Reel 2: Notre Dame High School (Quincy, Illinois) Graduation Recital Reel, 1955Add to your cart.
(Piano) Bach, Bauer - Aria from the A minor Violin Sonata; Chopin - Etudes op. 25, no.2,1 (Harp) Debussy,Coeur- Claire De Lune (Violin) Bruch - Concerto, 3rd Movement. Duplicated on Cassette IC-1 Side A. Recorded May 14, 1955.
Reel 3: Notre Dame High School (Quincy, Illinois) Graduation Recital Reel, part 2, 1955Add to your cart.
(Piano) Respighi - Notturno; Villa,Lobos - Le Polichinelle (punch); Chopin-Scherzo in Bb Minor; (Voice) Verdi-Caro Nome from Rigoletto; Strauss-Adele's Laughing Song from Die Fledermaus; (Violin) Granados, Kreisler-Spanish Dance. Duplicated on Cassette IC-2 Side A. Recorded May 14, 1955.
Reel 4: Notre Dame High School (Quincy, Illinois) Graduation Recital, 1955Add to your cart.
(Piano) Beethoven - Concerto C minor, op. 37; Audition piece for University of Illinois. Duplicated on Cassette IC-3 Side A. Recorded May 14, 1955.
Reel 5: Quincy, Illinois TV station WGEM Contest, ca. 1955Add to your cart.
Violin - Samuel Gardner, Voice - Ave Maria, Harp, Piano. Duplicated on Cassette ID
Reel 6: Quincy Programs Arts Center, ca. late 1950sAdd to your cart.
Side 1: Marilyn White - Cello, Charlotte Koch - Voice, Shirley Meyer - Piano; Side 2: repeats the Piano music. Duplicated on Cassette IE
Reel 7: Kewanee Civic Orchestra, ca. 1955-1956Add to your cart.
Grieg - Piano Concerto in A Minor, op. 16. Duplicated on Cassette IF.
Reel 8: University of Illinois Student, ca. 1958Add to your cart.
(Piano) Mozart - Piano Sonata K545. Duplicated on Cassette IIA, Side A-1.
Reel 9: University of Illinois Student, 1959Add to your cart.
(Piano) Bach - Praeludium XXII, Fuga XXII; Mozat - Sonate in A Minor K130; Ravel - Une barque sur l'Ocean; Brahms - Sonate in F# Minor, Op.2. Duplicated on Cassette IIA, Side A-2,3,4,5.
Reel 10: University of Illinois Student, 1959-1960Add to your cart.
(Piano) Bach - Praeludium XXII, Fuga XXII; Mozat - Sonate in A Minor K130; Ravel - Une barque sur l'Ocean; Brahms - Sonate in F# Minor, Op.2. Fullbright Scholarship to Greece. Duplicated on Cassette IIA, Side B-1,2,3,4.
Reel 11: University of Illinois Student recording, 1959Add to your cart.
(Violin) Handel - Sonate in A Major; Bach - Concerto No. 1 in A Minor; Barber - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, op. 14. Fullbright Scholarship to Greece. Duplicated on Cassette IIB, Side A.
Reel 12: University of Illinois, Best of My Violin, 1959Add to your cart.
(Violin) Handel - Sonate in A Major; Bach - Concerto No. 1 in A Minor; Barber - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, op. 14. Fullbright Scholarship to Greece. Duplicated on Cassette IIB, Side B.
Reel 13: University of Illinois Senior Recital, 7 August 1961Add to your cart.
(Piano) Bach - French Overture (Overture, Courante, Gavotte I/II, Passepied I/II, Sarabande, Bouree I/II, Gigue, Echo). Duplicated on Cassette IIC-1, Side A-1.
Reel 14: University of Illinois Senior Recital, 7 August 1961Add to your cart.
(Piano) Bartok - Sonate (1926), Chopin - Ballade in F Major, op. 38. Duplicated on Cassette IIC-1, Side A and B.
Reel 15: University of Illinois Senior Recital, 7 August 1961Add to your cart.
(Piano) Debussy - Estampes. Duplicated on Cassette IIC-2, side A-1
Reel 16: University of Illinois Senior Recital, 7 August 1961Add to your cart.
Debussy - incomplete. Not duplicated on cassette.
Reel 17: University of Illinois Senior Recital, 7 August 1961Add to your cart.
(Piano) Debussy - Estampes. Duplicated on Cassette IIC-1, Side B.
Reel 18: University of Illinois Senior Recital, 7 August 1961Add to your cart.
(Piano) Bartok - Sonate (1926), Chopin - Ballade in F Major, op. 38. Duplicated on Cassette IIC-2, Side B, 1 and 2.
Reel 19: Washington University (St. Louis) Graduate Recital, 28 August 1962Add to your cart.
(Piano) Bach - Partita #6 (Toccata, Allemande, Corrente, Air, Sarbande, Tempo di Gavotta); Beethoven - Sonata in E Major, op. 109 (incomplete). Duplicated on Cassette IIIA, Side A.
Reel 20: Washington University Graduate Recital, 28 August 1962Add to your cart.
(Piano) Prokofiev - Sonata #6 (Allegro Moderato, Allegretto, Tempo di Valzer Lentissimo, Vivace). Duplicated on Cassette IIIA, Side B.
Reel 21: Murrayville and Woodsen Grade School Chorus and  Band, 1963Add to your cart.
Shirley accompanied the Chorus and conducted the Band. Jacksonville, Illinois. Duplicated on Cassette IV, Side A.
Reel 22: Murrayville and Woodsen students, 1962-1963Add to your cart.
An ensemble and Chorus presented on a Jacksonville Radio Station. Singing and telling stories on a trip home to Quincy with family - Marilyn Jean Meyer (Sister), Duane Loofbourrow (Brother in law), and Galen (nephew). Jacksonville and Quincy, Illinois. Duplicated on Cassette IV, Side B.
Reel 23: Quincy College, January 1964Add to your cart.
Haydn Violin Sonatas:  I, II, IV, V (January 9); and Sonatas III, VI, VII, VIII (January 16). Duplicated on Cassette IVA, Sides A and B.
Reel 24: Quincy College, 16 January 1964Add to your cart.
(Violin) Haydn - Sonate VIII, accompanist - Barbara Hess. Duplicated on Cassette IV B, Side A.
Reel 25: Quincy College Recitals, 17 May 1964Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Mozart - Sonate for Violin and Piano K. 296, Kenneth Kloweit - Violin, Shirley Meyer - Piano; Strauss - Concerto, Op. 11, Blair Hurt - Horn, Shirley Meyer - Piano; Mozart - Vesperae Solennes De Confessore, Quincy String Ensemble, Robert Koper - Conductor; Randall Thompson - Feast of Praise, Shirley Meyer - Harp, Brass Choir, James Brinkman - Conductor. Duplicated on Cassette IVC-1, Side A.
Reel 26: Quincy College Recitals, 10 January, 28 March, 2 May 1965Add to your cart.
(March 28) Loeffler - Rhapsody for Viola, Oboe, and Piano, George Daniels - Oboe, Shirley Meyer - Viola, Barbara Hess-Piano; (May 2) Prokofiev - Overture on Hebrew Theme, Op. 34, Pamela Schmitt - Clarinet, Shirley Meyer - Violin, Mary Agnes Ridder - Violin, Evelyn Watterson - Viola, Alice Mays - Cello, Barbara Hess - Piano; Jolivet - Concerto for Percussion and Piano; (May 2) Brahms-Trio V, Op. 114 (incomplete), Pamela Schmitt - Clarinet, Alice Mays - Cello, Shirley Meyer - Piano; (January 10) Randall Snyder - Nocturne for Violin and Piano, Shirley Meyer - Violin, Barbara Hess - Piano.  Duplicated on Cassette IVC-1, Side B, 1, 2, 3, 4.
Reel 27: Quincy Symphony Ensemble, 1964Add to your cart.
Mozart - Quartet in F major K. 370, Karen D. Byrne - Oboe, Shirley Meyer - Violin, H. Wayne Pyle - Viola, Mrs. David Yount - Cello; Beethoven - Septet in Eb Major, Op. 20, Shirley Meyer - Violin, Frank Kalitsky - Viola, William J. Dieterich - French Horn, George Irwin - Clarinet, Robert Koper - Bassoon, Mrs. David Yount - Cello, Russell F. Lahl - String Bass. Duplicated on Cassette IVC-2, Side B, 1, 2.
Reel 28: Quincy Parochial School, 21 May 1965Add to your cart.
Program Inside. Contents: Irish Folk song, Spanish Folk Song, German Dance, Humperdinck-Hansel and Gretel Selections, Beethoven, arr. Frederick Muller - The Heavens are Telling, James Hook, arr. Muller - Symphonette, Shirley Meyer - conductor. Duplicated on Cassette IVD, Side 1.
Reel 29: University of Illinois, ca. late 1960sAdd to your cart.
"Solo for Carolyn." Harp and Electronic sounds. Duplicated on Cassette VA-1, Side A1.
Reel 30: University of Illinois, 1967Add to your cart.
Rao was My Indian Vina Teacher, Piece by Bill Brooks , Shirley Meyer on Harp. Duplicated on Cassette VA-1, Side A2.
Reel 31: University of Illinois, ca. late 1960sAdd to your cart.
"Mouthpiece Concerto," Clarinet and Electronics - Paul Zonn. Duplicated on Cassette VA-1, Side A3.
Reel 32: University of Illinois, 11 August 1970Add to your cart.
Performed in Great Hal. Morgan Powell, "Loneliness" for Harp and Tuba (Shirley and Dibley). Duplicated on Cassette VA-1, Side A4.
Reel 33: University of Illinois, 24 July 1971Add to your cart.
(Violin) Paul Zonn - Sonorum One, Contemporary Chamber Players. Duplicated on Cassette VA-1, Side B1.
Reel 34: University of Illinois, ca. 1970sAdd to your cart.
Duet for Tuba and Harp by Chuck Dibly, Dibly - Tuba. Duplicated on Cassette VA-2, Side A1.
Reel 35: University of Illinois, 10 April 1978Add to your cart.
Dan Perantoni and Blankenship perform "A Question of Summer" by Barney Childs. Duplicated on Cassette VA-2, Side A2.
Reel 36: University of Illinois, ca. 1960sAdd to your cart.
"Minatures for Diverse Instruments" by Gerald Warfield. Duplicated on Cassette VA-2, Side A3.
Box 4Add to your cart.
Reel 1: University of Illinois, ca. 1960sAdd to your cart.
Solo Harp and Percussion Mallets by James Stroud. Duplicated on Cassette VA-2, Side A 4.
Reel 2: University of Illinois, ca. 1970sAdd to your cart.
(Harp) "Les Gestes" by Bernard Rands. Duplicated on Cassette VA-2, Side B1.
Reel 3: University of Illinois, 21 May 1967Add to your cart.
"Non Sequitur VI" by Herbert Brun. Performed by Flute - Tom Howell, Cello - Lee Duckles, Piano - Neely Brucs, Harp - Blankenship, Persussion - G. Allen, William Youhass. Duplicated on Cassette VA-2, Side B2.
Reel 4: Shirley and Student at Groove Street, 1960sAdd to your cart.
Shirley with a student at Groove Street residence. Shirley practicing and singing. Duplicated on Cassette VB, Side A
Reel 5: Illinois Summer Youth Camp, 1968Add to your cart.
ISYM String Secotionals, Harp. Blankenship on harp. Duplicated on Cassette VC, Side A.
Reel 6: Lindenwood Colleges (St. Charles, Missouri), 17 May 1971Add to your cart.
"Allegro Molto and Tema Con Variazioni" - New Music Concert. Duplicated on Cassette VIA, Side A
Reel 7: Lindenwood Colleges (Christmas Concert), 14 December 1969Add to your cart.
Britten - Ceremony of Carols; Blankenship - Harp; Kenneth Greenlaw - Conductor. Duplicated on Cassette VIA, Side B.
Reel 8: Hardin Junior High Talent show, 1970Add to your cart.
St. Charles, Missouri. Duplicated on Cassette VIB, Side A,B.
Reel 9: Hardin/Jefferson Junior High Chorus, Christmas Program, 20 December 1971Add to your cart.
St. Charles, MO. Duplicated on Cassette VIB-1, Side A.
Reel 10: Hardin Chorus, 1970Add to your cart.
7th, 8th, & 9th grade. Orginal scongs by students, arrangments by Blankenship. St. Charles, MO. Duplicated on Cassette VIB-I, Side A&B.
Reel 11: Hardin/Jefferson Junior High Talent Show, May 1970Add to your cart.
Raindrops - Emily Penrod on vocal. From the Talent show there is a recording of that rehearsal of the songs: The Wind, Sea Fever, Springtime in Donegal, The Purple Cow, Did You, Twilight, Riddle, Little Wind, Easter Morning Bells, Fun, Little Things, Overtones, The Duck, Eeka Neeka. Duplicated on Cassette VIB-2, Side A
Reel 12: Hardin Concert Soloist, 1970/1971Add to your cart.
Talent show at Hardin. Side 1 - Claire De Lune, More, Trumpet Duet, Edelweiss, The Soulettes, Love is Blue, Hungarian Rhapsody, Raindrops, Rhythmettes, Comedie Routine, Scarlet Ribbons, Revery, Trumpet Solo, sonata Pathetique, Memories, Green River, Born to Be Wild, USSR. Side 2 - Begins with Pathetique, then unidentified sounds. St. Charles, MO. Duplicated on Cassette VIB-3.
Reel 13: Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Great Hall, 7 July 1976Add to your cart.
Side 1: "Elegiac Trio" Side 2: Arnold Bax, "Camerata Trio." Performed by Guillermo Perich - Viola, Charles Delaney - Flute, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Cassette VII-1, Side A 1.
Reel 14: Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Great Hall, 7 July 1976Add to your cart.
Debussy, "Camerata Trio" performed by Guillermo Perich - Viola, Charles Delaney - Flute, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Cassette VII-1, Side A 2.
Reel 15: Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Great Hall, 1976Add to your cart.
Persichetti, "Serenade No. 10 for Flute and Harp" performed by Charles Delaney - Flute, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Cassette VII-1, Side A 3.
Reel 16: Smith Recital Hall, University of Illinois, 1969Add to your cart.
Jolivet, "Alla Rustica" performed by Thomas Howell - Flute, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Cassette VII-1, Side B 1.
Reel 17: Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, Great Hall, 1976Add to your cart.
Holst, "Four Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda." Leonard Rumery - Conductor, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Cassette VII-1, Side B 2.
Reel 18: Faculty Concert. Krannert Center, Great Hall, 17 February 1974Add to your cart.
"Trio (viola, harp, flute) Sonata" by Debussy. Lento, Dolce Rubato, Tempo Di Minuetto, Allegro Moderato Ma Risoluto. Performed by Guillermo Perich - Viola, Charles Delaney - Flute, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Cassette VII-1, Side B 3.
Reel 19: University of Illinois, 1976Add to your cart.
Persichetti "Serenade No. 10 for Flute and Harp" Larghetto, Allegro comodo, Andante Grazioso, Andante Cantabil, Allegretto, Scherzando, Adagietto, Vivo. Performed by Charles Delaney - Flute, Blankenship - Harp; Flute and Viola, Guillermo Perich - Viola, Charles Delaney - Flute; Camerata Trio; BaxTrio. Duplicated on Cassette VII-2, Side A.
Reel 20: Krannert Center, Great Hall, 12 July 1976Add to your cart.
Piece by John Addison, performed by University of Illinois Woodwind Quintet with Harp;  Blankenship - Harp; Arnold Bax - Elegaic Trio, Camerata Trio. Duplicated on Cassette VII-2, Side B.
Reel 21: University of Illinois Summer Orchestra, 24 July 1974Add to your cart.
Debussy, "Sacred and Profane Dances" performed by  Bernard Goodman - Conductor, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Cassette VII-3, Side A.
Reel 22: WILL Concert, Critic's Choice, Program I, 1980Add to your cart.
Side 1: Intro by Grace Babakhanian; Poulenc - Toccata from Trois Pieces (1953 Recital); Bach  Bauer, piano; Chopin - Etude, op. 25 (1955 Recital); Chopin Ballade (1961 U of I Senior Piano Recital); Haydn - Violin (1964 Quincy College);Side 2: Annoucement; Zabel - Marguerite (1953); Ravel - Introduction and Allegro, Meyer - Harp, Joan Becker - piano (1953); Chopin - Etude, op. 25 (1955); Jolivet - Alla Rustica, Thomas Howell - flute, Blankenship - harp; Debussy - Sacred and Profance Dances. Duplicated on Cassette VII-4, Side A.
Reel 23: WILL Concert Critic's Choice Program, ca. 1980Add to your cart.
Harp Etude (1953), Introduction, other pieces. Duplicated on Cassette VII-4, Side B.
Reel 24: WILL Critic's Choice, Program I, 1980Add to your cart.
Side 1: Debussy - Sacred and Profane Dances, U of I Summer Orchestra, Blankenship on Harp; Bax - Elegaic Trio, Camerata Trio, Blankenship on Harp; Chansons Innocentes - Blankenship, Blankenship on Harp; Side 2: Barney Childs - A Question of Summer , Tuba Dan Perantoni, Blankenship - Harp, premiered in Chicago 1978. Duplicated on Cassette VII-4A.
Reel 25: WILL Critic's Choice, Program 2, 1980Add to your cart.
Side 1: Comments by Grace Babakhanian; Poulenc - Toccata from Trios Pieces (1953 Recital); Rands - Les Gestes, with harpists Verilee Mills, Mimi Allen, Harvey Greffen, Dorothy Ashby; Side 2: Dorothy Ashby; Dwayne Fulton; Saalm - Written and played by Blankenship in the 1970s; Interview - mentions the Squarknot Quartet. Duplicated on Cassette VII-4B.
Reel 26: Eastern Illinois University, 17 December 1972Add to your cart.
Britten, "Ceremony of Carols." Performed by Cecilian Singers, Dr. James Brinkman, Conductor. Duplicated on Cassette VII-5, Side A.
Reel 27: Quincy College, 17 December 1966Add to your cart.
Britten, "Ceremony of Carols" Dr. James Brinkman - Conductor, Quincy College. Duplicated on Cassette VII-5, Side B.
Reel 28: New Music Building Auditorium, Urbana, 13 February 1974Add to your cart.
Duo performed by Richard Fuchs - Violin, Allen Nisbet - Cello. Duplicated on Cassette VIII-1, Side A-1.
Reel 29: University of Illinois, 1971Add to your cart.
Side A: Duo, Richard Fuchs - Violin, Allen Nisbet - Cello; Side B: "Chansons Innocentes, Part III," Edwin London - Conductor, Blakenship - Harp. Duplicated on Cassette VIII-1, Side A, 2,3.
Reel 30: Composer's Symposium, Washington University, ca.1960-1962Add to your cart.
Harold Blumefeld - Teacher, "Piano Pieces - Schizoid"; "Vocal Piece" - Blankenship in piano, Harp; and "Viola Piece - Fantasy Struck, "Herb Vanderberg - Viola, Shirley Papdemetriou - Harp. Duplicated on Cassette VIII-1, Side B 1,2,3.
Reel 31: Composer's  Symposium Washington University, 1965Add to your cart.
Two Songs: "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night," "The Trees Stand," performed by Barbara Dahlheim - Soprano, Blankenship - Piano. Duplicated on Cassette VIII-1, Side B 4,5.
Reel 32: University of Illinois Student Composers Concert, 1970Add to your cart.
"Terse Trio in Three Movements" performed by Blankenship, Bettye Krolick - Violin, Howard Osborn - Viola, Robert Swenson - Cello. Duplicated on Cassettte VIII-1, Side B, 6
Reel 33: Doctoral Composition Project, Smith Music Hall, 1974Add to your cart.
Blankenship "Visions and Revisions" (see tapes and data control file for ensemble). Duplicated on Cassette VIII-1, Side B-7.
Reel 34: New Music Building, University of Illinois, 13 February 1974Add to your cart.
Blankenship "Duo for Violin and Cello", performed by Richard Fuchs - Violin, Allen Niset - Cello; Saul "Harp Solo in Baroque Style," with Chorus, Harold Decker - Conductor; Blankenship "Two Songs: Do Not Go Gentle, The Trees Stand," Barbara Dahlheim - Soprano, Blankenship - Piano. Duplicated on VIII-2, Side A-1,2,3,4.
Reel 35: University of Illinois, November 1978Add to your cart.
Saul - Harp Solo in Baroque Style by Blankenship, with Chorus, Harold Decker - Conductor. Duplicated on Cassette VIII-2, Side A 5.
Reel 36: Krannert Center Great Hall, 24 July 1971Add to your cart.
Blankenship "Chansons Innocentes," text - e.e. cummings: I. In Just Spring, II. Tumbling Hair,III. Hist Whist. Performed by Edwin London - Conductor, Barbara Dahlheim - Soprano, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on VIII-2, Side A-6.
Reel 37: Thracian Horses Music, Summer 1962Add to your cart.
Side 1: Music for a play entitled Thracian Horses (Greek Style) for flute, oboe, and harp; Side 2: Blankenship practicing voice. Duplicated on Cassette VIII-2, Side A-7 & Side B.
Box 5Add to your cart.
Reel 1: Illini Union Concert, 1967Add to your cart.
"De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum (of the dead say nothing but good)" performed by Robery Kelly - Viola, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Cassette VIII-2, Side B-2.
Reel 2: Squareknot at Market Place Mall, ca. 1979Add to your cart.
1 - Mozart, 2 - Georiga, 3 - Serenade for Harp and Trio, 4- Dark Eyes, 5 - Roll in my sweet baby's arms, 6-Love Story, Shirley arrangement. Duplicated on Cassette IX-1C, Side A.
Reel 3: Composers' Forum, Washington University, 1962Add to your cart.
Lindenwood Colleges student compositions by Messenger, Niekamp, Freivogel, Beeler, Patterson, Meyer. Not duplicated on cassette.
Reel 4: Washington University Master's Degree Piano Recital, 28 August 1962Add to your cart.
Bach - Partita #6, Beethoven - Sonata In E Major, Op. 109, Prokofiev - Sonata #6.
Reel 5: Urbana Fundraising Concert - Urbana High School, 1983Add to your cart.
Songs performed by The Squareknot Quartet and The Guido Sinclair Quartet. Sqaureknot - Guianne Sinclair, Xandria Robinson, Dorothea Martirano, and Lonsk Jeter. Sinclair Quartet - Guido Sinclair - Alto Sax, Bobby Durham - Bass, Michael Kocour - Piano, Kevin Kingston - Drums. Duplicated on Cassette tapes in the Sinclair Series.Recorded April 13 and 14, 1983.
Reel 6: Urbana Fundraising Concert, Urbana High School, 1983Add to your cart.
Songs performed by The Squareknot Quartet and The Guido Sinclair Quartet. Sqaureknot - Guianne Sinclair, Xandria Robinson, Dorothea Martirano, and Lonsk Jeter. Sinclair Quartet - Guido Sinclair - Alto Sax, Bobby Durham - Bass, Michael Kocour - Piano, Kevin Kingston - Drums. Duplicated on Cassette tapes in the Sinclair Series. Recorded April 13 and 14, 1983.
Reel 7: University of Iowa, Boyents Pub, April 1979Add to your cart.
Unknown electronic music.
Reel 8: Recording of Margaret Klemm and Shirley Blankenship, ca. 1960sAdd to your cart.
Blankenship's harp student in the 1960s and 1970s. Program in case.
Reel 9: Akiko Tanaka Freshman Recital at University of Illinois, ca. 1964Add to your cart.
Piano student of Shirley Blankenship. Program in case. Date Reads "10 April."
Reel 10: Chansons Innocentes, 1970Add to your cart.
University of Illinois, Ed London - Conductor, Barbara Dahleim - Soprano.
Reel 11: The Duo, Saul, undatedAdd to your cart.
Saul - Harp Solo, recorded at University of Illinois.
Reel 12: 10 - Indonesian 201, ca. 1980Add to your cart.
Box 6Add to your cart.
Item 1: The Squareknot Quartet, ca. 1980sAdd to your cart.
Sony U-matic videocassette
Item 2: The Squareknot Quartet, ca. 1980sAdd to your cart.
VHS - Blankenship - harp/violin, Sandy Robinson - viola/guitar, Dorothy Martirano - violin, and Leon Jeter - cello
Item 3: Active Senior Series, TV Show, 1992Add to your cart.
VHS - Film includes Tamra Gingold - violin, Kathy Tessin - Flute, Maria Merkelo - accordian, Stuart Gold & Cindy Pipkin Doyle - dancers, Guido Sinclair - saxaphone/composer, and Blankenship - violin, harp, keyboard.
Item 4: Smoke on the Mountain, 1994Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse. Blankenship plays Vera, pianist, violinist, and singer.
Item 5: Champaign - Urbana Geritol follies, 27 August 1994Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse. Music director and accompanist.
Item 6: Champaign - Urbana Geritol Follies, 23 - 27 August 1995Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse. Music director, accompanist, harpist, and comedienne.
Item 7: Champaign-Urbana Geritol Follies, 23-27 August 1995Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse. Music director, accompanist, harpist, and comedienne.
Item 8: Commercial for Smoke on the Mountain, 1995Add to your cart.
Item 9: Smoke on the Mountain, 6 September - 15 October, 1995Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse. Blankenship plays Vera, pianist, violinist, and singer.
Item 10: Something's Afoot!, 1995Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse. Music director, pianist, and synthesizer accompanist.
Item 11: C-U Kids on Broadway, ca. 1996Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse, accompanist.
Item 12: Seasons Greetings, 1996Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse. Music director, harpist, pianist, and violinist.
Item 13: Quilt, 8 November 1996Add to your cart.
VHS - Parkland College. Music director and accompanist.
Item 14: Li'l Abner, 1996Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse. Blankenship plays Mayor Dawgmeat, music director, and accompanist.
Item 15: Li'l Abner, 1996Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse. Blankenship plays Mayor Dawgmeat, music director, and accompanist.
Item 16: I Do! I Do!, 15 January - 2 March 1997Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse. Accompanist and composed two piano arrangement.
Item 17: I Shall Not Be Moved, May 1997Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse. Actress, singer, violinist, mandolin, bassist, and pianist.
Item 18: Diamond Studs, September - October 1999Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse. Accompanist and conductor.
Item 19: Here's Love, 17 December 1999Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse
Item 20: Mobsters and Molls, Bradford Newquist, February 2000Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse
Item 21: Mobsters and Molls, Martin Pazdioch, February 2000Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Playhouse
Item 22: Smoke on the Mountain - Act 2, October 2000Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Theater
Item 23: Smoke on the Mountain - Act 1, October 2000Add to your cart.
VHS - Sunshine Dinner Theater
Item 24: 2000 Young Artists Scholarship Concert, "A Time for Singing", 6 May 2000Add to your cart.
VHS - Blankenship accompaning one or more of the winners.
Item 25: Artist in Motion Benefit, 25 November 2001Add to your cart.
Item 26: Brenda Rucker Recital, February 2002Add to your cart.
VHS - Blankenship accompanied Rucker for the American Traditions Vocal Competition in Savannah, GA. This recital took place in Champaign and was preparation for the competition.
Item 27: Brenda Rucker Rehearsal, 24 March 2002Add to your cart.
VHS - Blankenship accompanied Rucker for the American Traditions Vocal Competition in Savannah, GA.
Item 28: The Spitfire Grill, May 2002Add to your cart.
VHS - Station Theater, Blankenship was the accompanist and musical director.
Item 29: Ruby's, ca. 2002Add to your cart.
Item 30: Godspell, December 2004Add to your cart.
VHS - Performed at the Virginia Theater
Item 31: Pandora's Box, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 32: One of the Boys - The Story of Cy Rogers, undatedAdd to your cart.
VHS - Interview of Cy Rogers at Video Cafe.
Item 33: Esslinger, ca. 1920s-40sAdd to your cart.
VHS - Pictures/film taken from a 16mm by Orville Jones in the 1920s-1940s. Includes a video of Amelia Varenhorst and Lydia Meyer.
Item 34: Les Miserables, 2 July 2007Add to your cart.
DVD - Virginia Theater CUTC, synthesizer.
Item 35: Beauty and the Beast, 16 - 19 August 2007Add to your cart.
DVD - Virginia Theater CUTC, accompanist.
Item 36: Sweet Charity, 2009Add to your cart.
DVD - Virginia Theater CUTC, violinist.
Item 37: Annie Get Your Gun, August 2006Add to your cart.
DVD - Tuscola
Item 38: Annie Get Your Gun, 2006Add to your cart.
CD - Tuscola
Item 39: The Life, undatedAdd to your cart.
CD - The Station Theater
Item 40: The Follies, ca. 2004Add to your cart.
CD - The Little Theater on the Square in Sullivan
Item 41: Buddies Blues, Losing My Mind, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 7Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Inventories of audio cassettes and programs of performances, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 2: Data DVDs of performances, 1953-1971Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Three data DVD-Rs, created by Shirley Meyer Blankenship.

DVD I: 1953 Notre Dame Recital, 1955 Recital at Notre Dame, 1961 University of Il Graduation recital, 1962 Washington U Master's Degree Recital, Fulbright Audition Tapes, Quincy reunion 1963-5, Quincy Reunion c. 1959-60; DVD I A: Hardin Junior High, Lindenwood Colleges, Ave Maria WGEM Talent Contest c. 1955; Edited Bruch Violin Concerto.

Folder 3: Digitized Performances, 1970-1992Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Seven data DVD-Rs, created by Shirley Meyer Blankenship from compact audio cassettes (referred to as "Case").

Case II - Canterbury Trio at Olivet Nazarene University 1990 and 1991; Case II I - Compositions, Contemporary Music Performances, Delaney Perich Concert, Other Krannert Performances, Radio Show 1962 First Chair Players, Radio Show with Megan WEFT '85, Alla Rustica, Grandjany, Valerie Cribbs; Case III A - Squareknot Quartet (SQ): My arrangements, Demo made at Red Herring, SQ with Debra Zae Munn, SQ with Leon Jeter; Case III B Squareknot and Guido (Sinclair): Concert in Miniature, Kathy Tessin (flute), My Arrangements for SQ, Nature's Table with Raphael Garret (bass), Pogo Tapes, Quincy and Urbana Benefit Concert; Case III C Guido and Shirley with the Squareknot in Quincy, 1983: Blind Pig, Bop Shop, Church of the Nazarene, Concert in Miniature, Demo 1, Demo 2, Nature's Table with Raphael (Garret), Quincy April 14th 1983, Slow Version of Shirley's Delight, Vocals Guido and Shirley, Days of Wine and Roses (3 versions), Ebb Tide, Fools Rush In, Lament, Polka Dots and Moonbeams, Satin Doll, Stella by Starlight; Case III D - Church of the Nazarene, Demo harp, sax, and percussion, Guido Shirley demo, Nature's Table with Raphael (Garret), Slow Version of Shirley's Delight, et al.; Margaret Klemm - Harp and Voice

Item 1: Notre Dame High School (Quincy, Illinois) Recital, 1953Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape. Duplicated on Reel IB. Recorded April 6, 1953.
Item 2: Notre Dame High School (Quincy, Illinois) Graduation Recital, 1955Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: (Piano) Bach, Bauer - Aria from the A minor Violin Sonata; Chopin - Etudes op. 25, no.2,1 (Harp) Debussy,Coeur- Claire De Lune (Violin) Bruch - Concerto, 3rd Movement. Duplicated on Reel IC-1. Recorded May 14, 1955. See Also Box 7 Items 3 and 4.
Item 3: Notre Dame High School (Quincy, Illinois) Graduation Recital, 1955Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: (Piano) Respighi - Notturno; Villa,Lobos - Le Polichinelle (punch); Chopin-Scherzo in Bb Minor; (Voice) Verdi-Caro Nome from Rigoletto; Strauss-Adele's Laughing Song from Die Fledermaus; (Violin) Granados, Kreisler-Spanish Dance. Duplicated on Reel IC-2 Side A. Recorded May 14, 1955. See Also Box 7 Item 2 and 4.
Item 4: Notre Dame High School (Quincy, Illinois) Graduation Recital, 1955Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: (Piano) Beethoven - Concerto C minor, op. 37; Audition piece for University of Illinois. Duplicated on Reel IC-3 Side A. Recorded May 14, 1955. See also Box 7, Items 2 and 3.
Item 5: Quincy, Illinois TV station WGEM Contest, ca. 1955Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Violin - Samuel Gardner, Voice - Ave Maria, Meyer - Harp, Piano. Duplicated on Reel ID.
Item 6: Quincy Programs Arts Center, ca. late 1950sAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side 1: Marilyn White - Cello, Charlotte Koch - Voice, Shirley Meyer - Piano; Side 2: repeats the Piano music. Duplicated on Reel IE
Item 7: Kewanee Civic Orchestra, ca. 1955-1956Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Grieg - Piano Concerto in A Minor, op. 16. Duplicated on Reel IF.
Item 8: University of Illinois Student, Piano Music, 1958-1960Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Mozart - Piano Sonata K545, Duplicated on Reel IIA, Side A-1. Bach - Praeludium XXII, Fuga XXII; Mozat - Sonate in A Minor K130; Ravel - Une barque sur l'Ocean; Brahms - Sonate in F# Minor, Op.2. Duplicated on Reel IIA, Side A-2,3,4,5. Bach - Praeludium XXII, Fuga XXII; Mozat - Sonate in A Minor K130; Ravel - Une barque sur l'Ocean; Brahms - Sonate in F# Minor, Op.2. Fullbright Scholarship to Greece. Duplicated on Reel IIA, Side B-1,2,3,4.
Item 9: University of Illinois, Violin Music, 1959Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Handel - Sonate in A Major; Bach - Concerto No. 1 in A Minor; Barber - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, op. 14. Fullbright Scholarship to Greece. Duplicated on Reel IIB, Side A. Handel - Sonate in A Major; Bach - Concerto No. 1 in A Minor; Barber - Concerto for Violin and Orchestra, op. 14. Fullbright Scholarship to Greece. Duplicated on Reel IIB, Side B.
Item 10: University of Illinois Senior Piano Recital, 7 August 1961Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Bach - French Overture (Overture, Courante, Gavotte I/II, Passepied I/II, Sarabande, Bouree I/II, Gigue, Echo); Bartok - Sonate (1926), Chopin - Ballade in F Major, op. 38; Debussy - Estampes. Duplicated on Reels IIC 1-2.
Item 11: University of Illinois Senior Piano Recital, 7 August 1961Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: This tape was made from a different set of recital tapes. The Debussy does not exist on this tape because the second series Debussy recording was not ocmplete.
Item 12: Washington University (St. Louis, MO) Graduate Piano Recital, 1962Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Bach - Partita #6 (Toccata, Allemande, Corrente, Air, Sarbande, Tempo di Gavotta); Beethoven - Sonata in E Major, op. 109 (incomplete). Duplicated on Reel IIIA, Side A. Prokofiev - Sonata #6 (Allegro Moderato, Allegretto, Tempo di Valzer Lentissimo, Vivace). Duplicated on Reel IIIA, Side B. Recorded August 28, 1962.
Item 13: Murrayville and Woodsen Grade School Chorus and Band, 1962-1963Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Shirley accompanied the Chorus and conducted the Band. Jacksonville, Illinois. Duplicated on Reel IV, Side A. An ensemble and Chorus presented on a Jacksonville Radio Station. Singing and telling stories on a trip home to Quincy with family - Marilyn Jean Meyer (Sister), Duane Loofbourrow (Brother in law), and Galen (nephew). Jacksonville and Quincy, Illinois. Duplicated on Reel IV, Side B.
Item 14: Quincy College Haydn Recitals, 1964Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Haydn Violin Sonatas - I, II, IV, V (January 9); and Sonatas III, VI, VII, VIII (January 16). Duplicated on Reel IVA, Sides A and B. Recorded January 1964.
Item 15: Quincy College Haydn Recital, 1964Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: (Violin) Haydn - Sonate VIII, accompanist - Barbara Hess. Duplicated on Reel IV B, Side A. Recorded January 16, 1964.
Item 16: Quincy College Recitals, 1964 and 1965Add to your cart.

Cassette Tape: Mozart - Sonate for Violin and Piano K. 296, Kenneth Kloweit - Violin, Shirley Meyer - Piano; Strauss - Concerto, Op. 11, Blair Hurt - Horn, Shirley Meyer - Piano; Mozart - Vesperae Solennes De Confessore, Quincy String Ensemble, Robert Koper - Conductor; Randall Thompson - Feast of Praise, Shirley Meyer - Harp, Brass Choir, James Brinkman - Conductor. Duplicated on Reel IVC-1, Side A. Recorded May 17, 1964.

(March 28) Loeffler - Rhapsody for Viola, Oboe, and Piano, George Daniels - Oboe, Shirley Meyer - Viola, Barbara Hess-Piano; (May 2) Prokofiev - Overture on Hebrew Theme, Op. 34, Pamela Schmitt - Clarinet, Shirley Meyer - Violin, Mary Agnes Ridder - Violin, Evelyn Watterson - Viola, Alice Mays - Cello, Barbara Hess - Piano; Jolivet - Concerto for Percussion and Piano; (May 2) Brahms-Trio V, Op. 114 (incomplete), Pamela Schmitt - Clarinet, Alice Mays - Cello, Shirley Meyer - Piano; (January 10) Randall Snyder - Nocturne for Violin and Piano, Shirley Meyer - Violin, Barbara Hess - Piano. Duplicated on Reel IVC-1, Side B, 1, 2, 3, 4. Recorded between January and May 1965.

Item 17: Quincy Symphony Ensemble, 1964Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Mozart - Quartet in F major K. 370, Karen D. Byrne - Oboe, Shirley Meyer - Violin, H. Wayne Pyle - Viola, Mrs. David Yount - Cello; Beethoven - Septet in Eb Major, Op. 20, Shirley Meyer - Violin, Frank Kalitsky - Viola, William J. Dieterich - French Horn, George Irwin - Clarinet, Robert Koper - Bassoon, Mrs. David Yount - Cello, Russell F. Lahl - String Bass. Duplicated on Reel IVC-2, Side B, 1, 2
Item 18: Quincy Parochial School, 1965Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Irish Folk song, Spanish Folk Song, German Dance, Humperdinck - Hansel and Gretel Selections, Beethoven, arr. Frederick Muller - The Heavens are Telling, James Hook, arr. Muller - Symphonette, Shirley Meyer - conductor. Duplicated on Reel IVD, Side 1. Recorded May 21, 1965.
Item 19: University of Illinois, ca. 1960s-1971Add to your cart.

Cassettes Tape: "Solo for Carolyn." Harp and Electronic sounds. Duplicated on Reel VA-1, Side A1. Recorded ca. Late 1960s.

Rao was My Indian Vina Teacher, Piece by Bill Brooks , Shirley Meyer on Harp. Duplicated on Reel VA-1, Side A2. Recorded 1967.

"Mouthpiece Concerto," Clarinet and Electronics - Paul Zonn. Duplicated on Reel VA-1, Side A3. Recorded August 11, 1970.

Performed in Great Hal. Morgan Powell, "Loneliness" for Harp and Tuba (Shirley and Dibley). Duplicated on Reel VA-1, Side A4 Recorded July 24, 1971

(Violin) Paul Zonn - Sonorum One, Contemporary Chamber Players. Duplicated on Reel VA-1, Side B1.

Item 20: University of Illinois, ca. 1967-1978Add to your cart.

Cassette Tape: Duet for Tuba and Harp by Chuck Dibly, Dibly - Tuba. Duplicated on Reel VA-2, Side A1. Recorded May 21, 1967- April 10, 1978

Dan Perantoni and Blankenship perform "A Question of Summer" by Barney Childs. Duplicated on Reel VA-2, Side A2.

"Minatures for Diverse Instruments" by Gerald Warfield. Duplicated on Reel VA-2, Side A3.

Solo Harp and Percussion Mallets by James Stroud. Duplicated on Reel VA-2, Side A 4.

(Harp) "Les Gestes" by Bernard Rands. Duplicated on Reel VA-2, Side B1.

"Non Sequitur VI" by Herbert Brun. Performed by Flute - Tom Howell, Cello - Lee Duckles, Piano - Neely Brucs, Harp - Blankenship, Persussion - G. Allen, William Youhass. Duplicated on Reel VA-2, Side B2.

Item 21: University of Illinois, undatedAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape: "Les Gestes," by Bernard Rands, Shirley - Harp. Performed and Recorded in Festival Theatre at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts.
Item 22: University of Illinois, undatedAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape: "Les Gestes," by Bernard Rands, Shirley - Harp. Performed and Recorded in Festival Theatre at the Krannert Center for the Performing Arts.
Item 23: Shirley and Student at Groove Street, ca. 1960sAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Shirley with a student at Groove Street residence. Shirley practicing and singing. Duplicated on Reel VB, Side A
Item 24: Illinois Summer Youth Camp, 1968Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: ISYM String Secotionals, Harp. Blankenship on harp. Duplicated on Reel VC, Side A.
Item 25: Lindenwood Colleges, ca. 1969-1971Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: (17 May 1971) "Allegro Molto and Tema Con Variazioni" - New Music Concert. Duplicated on Reel VIA, Side A. Side B: (Christmas Concert, 14 December 1969) Britten - Ceremony of Carols; Blankenship - Harp; Kenneth Greenlaw - Conductor. Duplicated on Reel VIA, Side B. Recorded December 14, 1969 - May 17, 1971
Item 26: Hardin Junior High Talent show, 1970Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: St. Charles, MO. Duplicated on Reel VIB, Side A,B.
Item 27: Hardin/Jefferson Junior High Chorus, 1970-1971Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Hardin/Jefferson Junior High Chorus, Christmas Program, 20 December 1971. St. Charles, MO. Duplicated on Reel VIB-1, Side A. Side B: Hardin Chorus, 1970. 7th, 8th, & 9th grade. Orginal scongs by students, arrangments by Blankenship. St. Charles, MO. Duplicated on Reel VIB-I, Side A&B. Recorded 1970-December 20, 1971
Item 28: Hardin/Jefferson Junior High Talent Show, May 1970Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Raindrops - Emily Penrod on vocal. From the Talent show there is a recording of that rehearsal of the songs: The Wind, Sea Fever, Springtime in Donegal, The Purple Cow, Did You, Twilight, Riddle, Little Wind, Easter Morning Bells, Fun, Little Things, Overtones, The Duck, Eeka Neeka. Duplicated on Reel VIB-2, Side A.
Item 29: Hardin Concert Soloist, 1970-1971Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Talent show at Hardin. Side 1 - Claire De Lune, More, Trumpet Duet, Edelweiss, The Soulettes, Love is Blue, Hungarian Rhapsody, Raindrops, Rhythmettes, Comedie Routine, Scarlet Ribbons, Revery, Trumpet Solo, sonata Pathetique, Memories, Green River, Born to Be Wild, USSR. Side 2 - Begins with Pathetique, then unidentified sounds. St. Charles, MO. Duplicated on Reel VIB-3.
Item 30: University of Illinois Faculty Chamber Recitals, 1969-1976Add to your cart.

Cassette Tape: Side A: "Elegiac Trio" by Arnold Bax performing by the Camerata Trio - Guillermo Perich - Viola, Charles Delaney - Flute, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Reel VII-1, Side A 1. Debussy "Trio Sonata" performed by the Camerata Trio. Duplicated on Reel VII-1, Side A 2. Persichetti, "Serenade No. 10 for Flute and Harp" performed by Charles Delaney - Flute, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Reel VII-1, Side A 3.

Side B: Jolivet, "Alla Rustica" performed by Thomas Howell - Flute, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Reel VII-1, Side B 1. Holst, "Four Choral Hymns from the Rig Veda." Leonard Rumery - Conductor, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Reel VII-1, Side B 2. "Trio (viola, harp, flute) Sonata" by Debussy. Lento, Dolce Rubato, Tempo Di Minuetto, Allegro Moderato Ma Risoluto. Performed by Guillermo Perich - Viola, Charles Delaney - Flute, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Reel VII-1, Side B 3.

Item 31: University of Illinois Recitals, 1976Add to your cart.

Cassette Tape: Side A: Persichetti "Serenade No. 10 for Flute and Harp" Larghetto, Allegro comodo, Andante Grazioso, Andante Cantabil, Allegretto, Scherzando, Adagietto, Vivo. Performed by Charles Delaney - Flute, Blankenship - Harp; Flute and Viola, Guillermo Perich - Viola, Charles Delaney - Flute; Camerata Trio; BaxTrio. Duplicated on Reel VII-2, Side A.

Side B: Piece by John Addison, performed by University of Illinois Woodwind Quintet with Harp;  Blankenship - Harp; Arnold Bax - Elegaic Trio, Camerata Trio. Duplicated on Reel VII-2, Side B.

Item 32: University of Illinois Summer Orchestra, 1974Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Debussy, "Sacred and Profane Dances" performed by  Bernard Goodman - Conductor, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Reel VII-3, Side A. Recorded July 24, 1974.
Item 33: WILL Concert, Critic's Choice, Program I, 1980Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Intro by Grace Babakhanian; Poulenc - Toccata from Trois Pieces (1953 Recital); Bach  Bauer, piano; Chopin - Etude, op. 25 (1955 Recital); Chopin Ballade (1961 U of I Senior Piano Recital); Haydn - Violin (1964 Quincy College). Side B: Annoucement; Zabel - Marguerite (1953); Ravel - Introduction and Allegro, Meyer - Harp, Joan Becker - piano (1953); Chopin - Etude, op. 25 (1955); Jolivet - Alla Rustica, Thomas Howell - flute, Blankenship - harp; Debussy - Sacred and Profance Dances. Duplicated on Reel VII-4, Side A.
Item 34: WILL Critic's Choice, Program I, 1980Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Debussy - Sacred and Profane Dances, U of I Summer Orchestra, Blankenship on Harp; Bax - Elegaic Trio, Camerata Trio, Blankenship on Harp; Chansons Innocentes - Blankenship, Blankenship on Harp; Side B: Barney Childs - A Question of Summer , Tuba Dan Perantoni, Blankenship - Harp, premiered in Chicago 1978. Duplicated on Reel VII-4A.
Item 35: WILL Critic's Choice, Program 2, 1980Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Comments by Grace Babakhanian; Poulenc - Toccata from Trios Pieces (1953 Recital); Rands - Les Gestes, with harpists Verilee Mills, Mimi Allen, Harvey Greffen, Dorothy Ashby. Side B: Dorothy Ashby; Dwayne Fulton; Saalm - Written and played by Blankenship in the 1970s; Interview - mentions the Squarknot Quartet. Duplicated on Reel VII-4B.
Item 36: Britten, "Ceremony of Carols", 1966-1972Add to your cart.

Cassette Tape: Side A: Eastern Illinois University, 17 December 1972. Performed by Cecilian Singers, Dr. James Brinkman, Conductor. Duplicated on Reel VII-5, Side A.

Side B: Quincy College, 17 December 1966. Dr. James Brinkman - Conductor, Quincy College. Duplicated on Reel VII-5, Side B

Item 37: Britten, "Ceremony of Carols", 1983Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Central Illinois Children's Chorus, Carolyn Paulin - conductor, Blankenship - Harp, Smith Music Hall. Not duplicated, VII-5a. Recorded in December 1983.
Item 38: University of Illinois Orchestra, 1972Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Mussorgsky/Ravel, "Pictures at an Exihibition." Not duplicated, VII-6a. Recorded March 26, 1972.
Item 39: Fish Creek Orchestra, 1972Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Ravel, Rhapsody. Grant Johannsen. Not duplicated, VII6b - 1. Recorded August 19, 1972.
Item 40: Fish Creek Orchestra, 1972Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Not duplicated, VII6b - 2. Recorded August 18, 1972.
Item 41: University of Illinois Recitals, 1973Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Organ and Harp piece, Smith Music Hall. Side B: Harp, Flute, and Bassoon piece by Andre Jolivet, Sanford Berry - bassoon, Charles Delaney - flute, Blankenship - Harp. Not duplicated, VII-7. Recorded April 10, 1973.
Item 42: Jolivet, "Trio for Flute, Harp, and Bassoon", 1973Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Performed at 1st Methodist Church. Not duplicated, VII-7a. Recorded April 1, 1973.
Item 43: University Concerts and Recitals, 1960-1974Add to your cart.

Cassette Tape: Side A: New Music Building Auditorium, Urbana, 13 February 1974 - Duo performed by Richard Fuchs - Violin, Allen Nisbet - Cello. Duplicated on Reel VIII-1, Side A-1. University of Illinois, 1971 - Side A: Duo, Richard Fuchs - Violin, Allen Nisbet - Cello; Side B: "Chansons Innocentes, Part III," Edwin London - Conductor, Blakenship - Harp. Duplicated on Reel VIII-1, Side A, 2,3.

Side B: Composer's Symposium, Washington University, ca.1960-1962 - Harold Blumefeld - Teacher, "Piano Pieces - Schizoid"; "Vocal Piece" - Blankenship in piano, Harp; and "Viola Piece - Fantasy Struck, "Herb Vanderberg - Viola, Shirley Papdemetriou - Harp. Duplicated on Reel VIII-1, Side B 1,2,3. Composer's Symposium Washington University, 1965 - Two Songs: "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night," "The Trees Stand," performed by Barbara Dahlheim - Soprano, Blankenship - Piano. Duplicated on Reel VIII-1, Side B 4,5. University of Illinois Student Composers Concert, 1970 - "Terse Trio in Three Movements" performed by Blankenship, Bettye Krolick - Violin, Howard Osborn - Viola, Robert Swenson - Cello. Duplicated on Reel VIII-1, Side B, 6. Doctoral Composition Project, Smith Music Hall, 1974 - Blankenship "Visions and Revisions" (see tapes and data control file for ensemble). Duplicated on Reel VIII-1, Side B-7.

Item 44: University of Illinois Concerts, 1962-1978Add to your cart.

Cassette Tape: Side A: New Music Building, University of Illinois, 13 February 1974 - Blankenship "Duo for Violin and Cello", performed by Richard Fuchs - Violin, Allen Niset - Cello; Saul "Harp Solo in Baroque Style," with Chorus, Harold Decker - Conductor; Blankenship "Two Songs: Do Not Go Gentle, The Trees Stand," Barbara Dahlheim - Soprano, Blankenship - Piano. Duplicated on Reel VIII-2, Side A-1,2,3,4. University of Illinois, November 1978 - Saul - Harp Solo in Baroque Style by Blankenship, with Chorus, Harold Decker - Conductor. Duplicated on Reel VIII-2, Side A 5. Krannert Center Great Hall, 24 July 1971 - Blankenship "Chansons Innocentes," text - e.e. cummings: I. In Just Spring, II. Tumbling Hair,III. Hist Whist. Performed by Edwin London - Conductor, Barbara Dahlheim - Soprano, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Reel VIII-2, Side A-6.

Side B: Thracian Horses Music, Summer 1962 - Side 1: Music for a play entitled Thracian Horses (Greek Style) for flute, oboe, and harp; Side 2: Blankenship practicing voice. Duplicated on Reel VIII-2, Side A-7 & Side B. Illini Union Concert, 1967 - "De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum (of the dead say nothing but good)" performed by Robery Kelly - Viola, Blankenship - Harp. Duplicated on Reel VIII-2, Side B-2.

Item 45: Blankenship Duo, undatedAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape
Item 46: Chansons Innocentes, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 47: Hist Whist & Shirley's Delight, undatedAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Hist Whist from Chansons Innocentes - Blankenship; Shirley's Delight - Guido Sniclair; harp on both pieces
Item 48: Student - Valerie Cribbs Spohr, 1970sAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape
Item 49: Metaphysical Waltz, Selection No.1, 1988Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Composed by Blankenship. Recorded in August 1988.
Item 50: Selection II - Peace for Guidosan, 1988Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Peace for Guidosan by Shirley Blankenship. Recorded in August 1988.
Item 51: Squareknot Quartet, Deborah Era before Guido, Nature's Table, ca. 1979Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Summertime; Roll in My Sweet Babay's Arms; Eine Kliene Nacht Musick; My Funny valetine; Mack the Knife; Taste of Honey; Mozart Quartet with Maurice Wong. Side B: Why Do I Love You?; Ragtime Life; Theme from the Godfather; Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms; Hobo's Blues; Girl From Impanea; Embraceable You. Not duplicated, IX-1a.
Item 52: Squareknot Quartet with Deborah from Nature, ca. 1979Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: My Funny Valentine; Wildwood Flower; Eine Kleine Nacht Musik - Mozart; Summertime; Taste of Honey; Mozart Quartet with Maurice Wong on Harmonica; Falling Grace; Serenade; 900 miles. Side B: Why Do I Love You?; Ragtime Life; Theme from the Godfather; Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms; Hobo's Blues; Girl From Impanea; Embraceable You. Not duplicated, IX-1b.
Item 53: Shirley Meyer Blankenship Tapes, The Squreknot at Market Place, ca. 1979Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Mozart; Georgia; Serenade for Harp and Trio; Dark Eyes arranged by Dorothy Martirano; Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms, Love Story arrangement. Not duplicated, IX-1c.
Item 54: Squareknot Demo, Jeter, Taste of Honey, Barok, etc., 1980-1981Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Taste of Honey. Side B: Serenade for Harp and Trio; Pe Loc-Bartok; Quartet Piece; My Funny Valentine; Madrigal; Gypsy Music; Rollin in My Sweet Baby's Arms. Not duplciated, IX-2a.
Item 55: Squareknot before Guido, WEFT and Jumer's, 1981Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: WEFT; Georgia; My Funny Valentine; 900 Miles; Embraceable You; A Foggy Day; Summertime; Country Club Rag; The Lady is a Tramp; Hobo's Blues with Shirley at the Piano. Side B: Jumer's Castle Lodge, Balcony; Dance - Albeniz; Ochi Chernye; Serenade for Harp and Trio; Aria-Bach; Moment Musical; Rondeau-Boccherini; Nocturne-Borodin; Mozart K 464-String Quartet; Hungarian Dance-Brahmns. Not duplicated, IX-2b. Recorded June-July 1981.
Item 56: From the Radio Show WILL, Urbana, IL, 1980Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Recitals from 1953, 1955, Jolivet 1969, and Debussy 1974.
Item 57: Non-Sequitur VI - Herbert Brun, 1967Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Tom Howell - Flute; Lee Duckles - Cello; Neely Bruce - Piano; G. Allen O'Connor and William Youhass - percussion; Blankenship - harp. Recorded May 21, 1967.
Item 58: On Stilts Among Ducks, for Viola and Electrosound - Herbert Brun, 1996Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Viola - Blankenship. Recorded July 22, 1996.
Item 59: Kathy Tessin, Landmark Urbana Country Club, 1991Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A:Odys Na Itace, Fragmentary, Presto-Lutislawski; Serenade; Phantasy Haru No Umi-Molnar; Entr'acte-Ibert. Side B: Kathy Tessin; Days of Wine and Rose; Fly me to the Moon; Whatever Will Be Will Be; The way we were; summer of '42. Not duplicated, X. Recorded October 12, 1991.
Item 60: Radio Interview with Megan on WEFT, ca. 1985Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Interview; Beethoven Sonata from Master's Degree Recital at Wash U; Interview: Difficulties being a woman-roles-caretakers; Synthesizer - Central High School Graduation; Elegiac Trio - Arnold Bax, Flute - Charles Delaney, Viola - Guillermo Perich, Harp; Chansons Innocentes - Blankenship (1971); Interview; Ebbtide - Harp Solo from Quincy Program with Squareknot; Interview: motivation for continuing-Squareknot memories; Embraceable You - Torch Singing with Squareknot
Item 61: Program - Featuring Blankenship on Viola and Violin, 1990Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Milhaud - Suite Pour Violin, Clarinette, et Piano; Schubert - Grand Rondeau, op. 107, Violin, Clarinet, and Piano. Blankenship - Viola and Violin, Gerald Anderson - Piano, Harlow Hopkins - Clarinet. Not duplicated, XIA-1. Recorded November 27, 1990.
Item 62: The Cantebury Trio, 1990Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Alfred Uhl - Kleines Konzert for Viola, Clarinet, and Piano. Blankenship - Violin and Viola, Harlow Hopkins - Clarinet, Gerald Anderson - Piano. Not duplicated, XIA-2. Recorded November 27, 1990.
Item 63: The Cantebury Trio, 1991Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Bach - Trio Sonata No. 2 in G Major; Loeffler - Trio for Oboe (C Clarinet), Viola, and Piano. Side B: Phyllis Tate - Air and Variations for Clarinet, Violin, and Piano. Not duplicated, XIB. Recorded April 23, 1991.
Item 64: 3 Trios: The Squirrel, Be Careful, and Sagileo, 1994Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: 1 - The Squirrel, 2 - Be Careful, 3 - Sagileo. Not duplicated, XIVC-3. Recorded June 30, 1994.
Item 65: Squareknot Quartet, Deborah Era, Nature's Table, ca. 1979Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: My Funny Valentine; Wildwood Flower; Eine Kleine Nacht Musik - Mozart; Summertime; Taste of Honey; Mozart Quartet with Maurice Wong on Harmonica; Falling Grace; Serenade; 900 miles. Side B: Why Do I Love You?; Ragtime Life; Theme from the Godfather; Roll in My Sweet Baby's Arms; Hobo's Blues; Girl From Impanea; Embraceable You.
Item 66: Squareknot Quartet, Deborah Era, Nature's Table, 1980sAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Summertime; Roll in My Sweet Babay's Arms; Eine Kliene Nacht Musick; My Funny valetine; Mack the Knife; Taste of Honey; Mozart Quartet with Maurice Wong. Side B: Falling Grace; Serenade; 900 miles; Why Do I Love You; Theme from Godfather; Ragtime.
Item 67: SQKnot at NT with Deborah, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 68: Fiddle Rag/Golden Slippers, arr. Dr. Shirley Anne Blankenship, undatedAdd to your cart.
Item 69: Guido Sinclair Tapes, with Squareknot, Urbana High School, 1983Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Chanson dans La Nuit-Carlos Salzedo; La Comparsa, Man of La Manch-arr. Blankenship; Two guitars-arr. Dorothy Martirano; Smile; Blues for Tyson-Sinclair; Once I loved; Fiddler on the Roof. Side B: All ye Who Music-Purcell; My Funny Valentine-Rogers and Hart; embraceable you-Gerswhin, arr. Dorothy Martirano; A Foggy Day-Gerswhin, labeled 1. Recorded April 14, 1983.
Item 70: Jumer's Bar, undatedAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape
Item 71: Guido Tapes, Jumer's, Black Bear and More, ca. 1983Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: I'll Remember You; Latin Tune; Seredy; Sagileo; Charade; Stella; Wave. Side B: Two unidentified Tunes; A Night in Tunesia, labeled 4.* (Red).
Item 72: Guido Sinclair Tapes, DAT 4, 1983-1985Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: 10/25/83; Piano Solo; Wave; Latin classical piece; Hobo's Blues; Jazz Tune; Loverman; Jazz Tune; Someone to Watch Over Me; I'll remember you. Side B: 9/23/1985; I'll Remember ou; La Comparsa; Seredy; Sagileo; Charade; Stella; labeled 5.* (Red).
Item 73: EBB Tide Harp, Guido Tapes, with Squareknot, 1983Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: EBB Tide Harp; Chansons Dans La Nuit; La Comparsa; Latin Piece; Man of La Mancha; Two Guitars; Smile. Side B: Half Step Up; Night and Day; Fiddler; My Funny Valentine; Embraceable You, labeled 6.* (Red).
Item 74: Guido Tapes - Black Bear Lounge, Nature's Table and Elsewhere, ca. 1980sAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: I'll Remember You; Latin Tune; Seredy; Sagileo; Charade; Stella; Wave. Side B: Unidentified Tunes; I'll Walk Alone; Days of Wine and Roses.
Item 75: Guido Tapes with Squareknot, undatedAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: I'll Remember You; Anne Jazzmin - piano; Latin Piece; Seredy - Jazz Quartet and Squareknot String Quartet; Masquerade. Side B: Days of Wine and Roses, Demo, Love Boat, Stella, Our Day, April in Paris, The Way We Were.
Item 76: "Variety in Motion" with Guido Sinclair, vol. I, 1988Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Spent with Ghent; Seredy; Shirley's Delight; Five for Tyson; Ella & Liza. Side B: Am I Worthy; Mogo's Gone; Machota; Sagileo.
Item 77: "Variety in Motion" with Guido Sinclair, vol. I, 1988Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Spent with Ghent; Seredy; Shirley's Delight; Five for Tyson; Ella & Liza. Side B: Am I Worthy; Mogo's Gone; Machota; Sagileo.
Item 78: Guido Sinclair Tapes, undatedAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Anne Jazzmin Duol; Days of wine and Roses; Love Boar; Stella by Starlight; Our Day will Come; April in Paris; The Way we Were, labeled 2.* (Green).
Item 79: Nature's Table, Tribute to Nat Cole, 1985Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Lament; Upbeat tune; Never Let Me Go; There Will Never Be Another You; Lush Life. Side B: You Don't Know What Love Is; Waltz; Yes It Is; Have You Met Miss Jones; Coltrane-Impressions; Autumn in New York, labeled 2.* (Green). Recorded October 18, 1985.
Item 80: Demo Tape - Dinner Music - Shirley and Guido, undatedAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Days of Wine and Roses, harp, bass, sax; Polka Dots and Moonbeams - violin-Shirley, sax-guido; Music for Dancing; Fly Me to the Moon; Latin Piece; It is Fools Rush In, labeled 3.* (Green).
Item 81: 80s Good, Guido Sinclair Tapes, Nature's Table - Concert in Minature, 1985Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Entracte-Ibert; Serenade-Persichetti; Japanese Folk Songs; Shirley's Delight-Sinclair; Guido Quartet; Gentle Rain; Rainy Day. Side B: Lover; Upbeat; Funk Type Stuff, labeled 4.* (Green). Recorded June 29, 1985.
Item 82: Guido Sinclair Tapes, 1985Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Shirley's Delight; Days of Wine and Roses; Hello Young Lovers; Love for Sale, Yesterday; Stella. Side B: Somewhere Over the Rainbow; Black Orpheus; Upbeat Guido Group; Night in Tunesia; Vocal Tunes, labeled 5.* (Green). Recorded September 8, 1985.
Item 83: Guido Sinclair Tapes, Nature's Table, 1984Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: Quiet Nights; Upbeat on the Note; Lament; Piano. Side B: Guido Group incomplete, labeled 6.* (Green). Recorded September 10, 1984.
Item 84: Guido Sinclair Tapes with Anne, 80s Tunes, ca. 1988Add to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Side A: A Guido Rock; Big Sound; For Those Who Care; Blue Gardenia. Side B: Mama Ida; Bucky's Song; Weaver of Draems; For Those Who Care.
Item 85: Guido Sinclair, Nature's Table with Anne Jazzmin, ca. 1980sAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Aide A: Days of Wine and Roses; Guido's Allstars; Stella by Starlight; Satin Doll; Lament. Side B: Lament; Quartet; Upbeat; Quiet Nights; April in Paris, labeled 8.* (Green).
Item 86: Church of the Nazarene, ca. 1980sAdd to your cart.
Cassette Tape: Ebb Tide; Improv with Guido; Pastor; Satie; Lament, labeled 9.* (Green).
Box 8Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Mark Zanter "Mirror", cassette tape and  Mark Zanter, "Recent Compositions", Compact disc, 1994 and 1991-1998Add to your cart.
Tape Cassette Recorded Novemeber 5, 1994.
Folder 2: Herbert Brun "Wayfaring Sounds"  and  Rahni Kennedy "Clarinet Masters Recital", 1998 and 2003Add to your cart.
CD. 2003 Concert recorded October 26, 2003.
Folder 3: Brenda Rucker "It's All About Love" and  "American Traditions Competition", 2001 and 2002Add to your cart.
Includes two CDS. CD 1- "It's all about Love" recorded April 13, 2001.
Folder 4: Brenda Rucker "American Traditions Competition", 2003 and 2004Add to your cart.
Includes two CDs.
Folder 5: Mark Zanter "Chamber 10 and More!" and "Recorded Before Concert", 2003Add to your cart.
Includes two CDS, recorded May 2, 2003.
Folder 6: Robert Martin "First Group Proof Disc" and  "Second Group 1st Proof Disc", 2004 and 2005Add to your cart.
Includes two CDs. CD1- "First Group Proof Disc" recored August 28, 2004. CD2- "Second Group 1st Proof Disc" recorded January 21, 2005.
Folder 7: Robert Martin "Third Group 1st Proof Disc", CD and  "Session #3," cassette tape, 2005Add to your cart.
CD recorded April 27, 2005, Tape Cassette recorded April 16, 2005.
Folder 8: Robert Martin "Metamorphosis: Collaboration III" Compact disc, 2008Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Robert Martin "Mt. Fuji" and "Fuji", 2008 and 2009Add to your cart.
MIDI Files on CD. Recorded July 14, 2009 and September 1, 2009.
Folder 10: Robert Martin "Fuji Project Session 4 Proof Disc" and "Fuji" DVD, 2009 and undatedAdd to your cart.
CD recorded September 11, 2009. DVD undated.
Folder 11: "Performances with Rucker, Kennedy, Zanter, Martin" DVD and "Virginia Theater - Les Miserables" DVD, ca. 2009 and 2006Add to your cart.
DVD1- "Performances with Rucker, Kennedy, Zanter, Martin" ca. 2009. DVD 2- "Virginia Theater - Les Miserables" recorded June 23, 2006- July 2, 2006.
Folder 12: "Dr. Blankenship Interview (Racial Issues)" and  "Interview and Film by J.J. Vaught" DVD, 2005 and 2009Add to your cart.
CD "Dr. Blankenship Interview (Racial Issues)" recorded February 8, 2005. DVD "Interview and Film by J.J. Vaught" recored December 2009.
Box 12Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Everybody Digs Bill Evans and Variety in Motion with Guido Sinclair, 1958 and 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Guido Sinclair with John Dahlstead and Dahlstead Pogo Studios, 1988 and 1990Add to your cart.
Folder 11: Guido Sinclair Ads, Radio Shows, and LivePerformances, ca. 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Be Truthful with the Standard Time Quartet and Champaign Underground: Stories to Tell, 1996 and 1999Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Demo #4 with Jethro Cole Jr., 2005Add to your cart.
Recorded July 9, 2005
Folder 14: Guido Sinclair Performances with Happy Blues Band and Radio Shows, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 15: Guido Sinclair's Live Performances at Nature's Table, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 16Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Blankenship Accompanying, undatedAdd to your cart.

CD 1 - Contains audio recordings of Shirley Meyer Blankenship accompanying performances of Schumann, Poulenc, and various jazz pieces.

CD 2 - Contains audio recordings of Shirley Meyer Blankenship accompanying performances of Mozart, Wagner, and various jazz pieces.

Folder 8: Brenda Rucker Recital and Piano Sheet Music, ca. 2015Add to your cart.

CD 1 - Titled "Brenda" contains: Edited Audio Recording of Recital June 14, 2015.

CD 2 - Titled "Brenda Incomplete" contains Audio Recording of Recital June 14, 2015.

CD3- contains piano arrangements of Candyman, Moonlight Sonata, Secret of Mana, Sonata in C Major.

Folder 9: Commercial Recordings, ca. 1979Add to your cart.

45RPM disc 1- Bette Midler, vocal, Stay With Me by Jerry Ragavoy & The Rose by Amanda McBroom, 1979.

45RPM disc 2- The Gospel Exciters of Champaign, Illinois; Why Not Tonight by L. Johnson, and My Hope is Built by D. Bertram, undated.

Folder 10: Compositions by Shirley Blankenship, 1988Add to your cart.
CD- Includes 11 tracks: 1. "Be Careful", 2. "Sagileo," 3. "The Squirrel" (Tracks 1-3: Shirley Blankenship, Piano; Dorothy Martirano, violin; Paul Zonn, Clarinet; David Billman, Percussion; recorded at Pogo Studios), 4. "Metaphysical Waltz" (Performed by Blankenship), 5. "Duo for Violin and Cello" (Richard Fuchs, violin and Allen Nisbet, cello), 6. "Terse Trio for Violin and Cello" (Battye Krolick, violin; Howard Osbourne, viola; Bob Swenson, cello), 7. "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night," (Barbara Dahlheim, vocals Shirley Blankenship, piano), 8. "The Trees Stand," (Barbara Dahlheim, vocals Shirley Blankenship, piano), 9."Nuts and Squirrels," (Blankenship, piano), 10. "Chansons Innocents" (Barbara Dahlheim, vocals), 11. "Visions and Revisions."
Folder 11: "Embrace the Wind!" perf. By Enkidu String Quartet, composed by Robert J. Martin, 2016Add to your cart.
CD. Audio recording. Enkidu String Quartet. Subtitle: Myth, Art, Play, Culture, Spirit, and Energy: A Cycle of String Quartets. Pieces: 1. Predule: The Four Navajo Shake Winds; 2. Pinwheels; 3. Interlude: Twisting Wind; 4. Weathervane Nocturne; 5. Interlude: Dancing Wind; 6. Wind Turbines; 7. Interlude: Circling  Wind; 8. Gusts in a Field of Windmills; 9. Interlude: Biting Wind; 10. Windmill in Christina's World; 11. Interlde: Wandering Wind; 12. Sliding Gears; 13. Interlude: Stinging Wind; 14. Whirligig of the Relentless Dancing Bears; 15. Interlude: Chilling Wind; 16. Mobile Turning in the Wind.
Folder 12: The Enchantment of Heavenly Love: The Music of Neely Bruce, 2000Add to your cart.
CD- Village Harmony and Friends, Directed by Larry Gordon. Tracks include1. Closing year, 2. Johnson road, 3. Butternut, 4. Walkly (solos by Abby Heller-Burnham and Jena Carpenter), 5. Chamberlain Hill, 6. Daniels, 7. Millbrook, 8. Where ships of purple, 9. If she had been the mistletoe, 10. Kill your balm, 11. The Lilac is an ancient shrub, 12. There is a June when corn is cut, 13.  A Lady Red, 14. All these my banners be, 15. Come to Zion, 16. Enchantment, 17. On Cherub's Wings, 18. I want to be Traveling Down, 19. Love, Oh Love, 20. The Living Vine, 21. Help Me, Oh Lord (Solo Andrea Boothby), 22. King of Kings, 23. The Enchantment og Heavenly Love (Solo celeste Neely Bruce).
Folder 13: Guido AD (1 of 2), 1992-1994Add to your cart.
DVD - Titled "Guido AD: Blind Pig, White Street, Zorba's, Norb Andy's" contains audio recordings of tribute concerts after Guido's death by various artists: Ed d'Aleo, Mary Clark, Bill French, Ghent, and Dorothy Martirano at the White Street Arts Center in 1992; Mary Clark and Vicky Capo at the Zorba's Electric Memorial Tribute in 1992; various artists at the White Street Arts Center in 1993; the Kevin Kizer Quartet at Norb Andy's in 1993; French, Brenda, Paynter, Rucker, Shirley, and Mark Zanter at the Blind Pig in 1994.
Folder 14: Guido AD (2 of 2), 1992-1994Add to your cart.
DVD - Titled "Guido AD Prayer Meeting" contains tribute concerts by Anna Flannigan, Ghent, and Shirley in 1992; Dorothy Martirano; Standard Time Quintet; Ghent, Kizer, and McNamara at Zorba's in 1993; and interviews: Radio Show-WEFT with Danny Greenwell, Shirley, and Mick Woolf in 1992; Conversation on Channel 5; and Radio Show with Mick Woolf including Cleveland Bedell, Nate, Sinclair Sr., and Shirley in 1994.
Folder 15: Guido at Nature's Table, 1982-1992Add to your cart.

DVD 1- Contains audio recordings of performances given by Guido Sinclair at Nature's Table including concerts with Joe Grohens; George Staley, Dorothy Martirano, Von Freeman, John Young, the Squreknot Quartet, Salvatore Martirano, Tim McNamara, Kevin Kizer, Sandy Mazzei, Chuck Tripp, Vicky Capo, Brad Wheeler, and Steve Griggs (1982-1991).

DVD 2- contains audio recordings of performances given by Guido Sinclair in Chicago and venues outside of Champaign urbana  with: Mike Kocour, Britta Lang-sjoen, Glen Dewey, Kevin Kingston, Brother Alex, David Swaim, Justin Kramer, Kita Makoto, Tim McNamara, and Elliot Torres (1984-1991).

DVD 3- Contains tracks recorded by Guido sinclair (ca. 1980-1992), performers include: David Swaim, Eddie Cleanhead Vinson, John Dahlstead, Mike Kokour, Raphael Garrett, Dorothy Martirano, Ray Yedinak and Cheryl Phillips.

Folder 16: Guido Cassettes: John Dahlstead Series and Pogo Studios, 1988-1990Add to your cart.

DVD 1 - Titled "Recorded at Pogo Studios" contains a copies of the reel to reel Pogo Studio tapes. Includes performances by Shirley Meyer Blankenship/Anne Jazzmin, Mike Blomme, Russell Cheatum, Danny Deckard, Kevin Engels, Michael Griffin, Lawrence Hobgood, John Hurtubise, Mike Kocour, Tim McNamara, Guido Sinclair, and Jeff Stitely.

DVD 2 - Titled "Dahlstead Series at Nature's Table I" contains performances by Shirley Meyer Blankenship/Anne Jazzmin, Russell Cheatum, John Dahlstead, Jeff Helgesen, Carol Kai, Guido Sinclair. Notes: Also contains descriptions of tracks and audio recordings made on reel-to-reel tapes.

Folder 17: Guido Happy Blues Band, WBEZ Chicago and WILL Radio Performances, ca. 1989-1990Add to your cart.
DVD- Contains audio recordings of the Happy Blues Band, Pat McKern and Dorothy Martirano with Sinclair at Black Bear, and Radio programs of Sinclair at WILL and WBEZ. Radio programs at WBEZ contain the following performers: Larry Smith; Tim McNamara, Tenor Sax; Andrew Agnew, piano; John Hurtubise, bass; Ryan Schultz, bass trombone; Mike Blomme, trumpet; Dave Ruth, Trumpet; Ryan Schultz, bass trumpet; Guido Sinclair, alto sax; Daryl Irvin, drums; Elliott Torres, bass; John Rotan, piano; Thaddeus Expose, bass; Anthony Womesly, piano; Kenny Ashley, trumpet; Guy Focano, trumpet; George Freeman, guitar; Steve Aldeman, drums; Judy Shotkins, piano; Walter Aroon, bass. The WILL performance features the following performers: David Swaim, piano; David Macomber, drums; Elliot Torres, bass; and Guido Sinclair, Alto Sax.
Folder 18: Guido Sinclair - Variety in Motion, ca. 1988-1998Add to your cart.
Tape Cassette. Recorded at Larvick Speaker. This folder also contains paper records of the Larvick Speaker Company's mock-ups of the cover art and liner note design for the Variety in Motion tape cassette. These records were initially found in Box 20, Item 8 and were sent from the Larvick Speaker Company to Shirley Blankenship in 1998 in a separate box.
Folder 19: Guido Sinclair - Variety in Motion - Volume 1, 1988Add to your cart.
Tape Cassette. Audio recordings. Guido Sinclair, sax; Anne Jazzmin, harp.  In original condition. 2 copies.
Folder 20: Herbert Brun and Bernard Rands Compositions, ca. 1970 and 1996Add to your cart.

Tape Cassette 1- Bernard Rands "Les Gestes" performed by Shirley Blankenship at KCPA ca. 1970.

Tape Cassette 2- Herbert Brun "On Stilts Among Ducks" and "Op. 59", performed by Shirley Blankenship, 1996.

Folder 21: Mark Zanter - Mirror, 1994Add to your cart.

Tape Cassette 1 - Audio cassette recording. Mirror, composer: Mark Zanter. Performers: Shirley Blankenship, piano; Deborah Eastwood, trumpet; John Scott, double bass. Recorded at the (Midwest) Composer's Symposium, Ann Arbor, Michgan, November 5, 1994.

Tape Cassette 2 - Audio cassette recording. Pieces include: Shirley's Delight, Sagileo, and Kiss for Kenny, undated.

Folder 22: Mark Zanter Trio: Question Mark, 2007Add to your cart.
CD- Mark Zanter Trio: Russell Clark, bass and guitar; Steve Hall, percussion and drum set; Matt Murphy, tuba (track 6); Mark Zanter, Guitar, guitar synthesizer, and banjo. Tracks include: 1. Samba de los Cocoa, 2. Squeaks and Wiggles, 3. In Between, 4. Question Mark, 5. Quiet Morning Sun Rising, 6. Nawlins.
Folder 23: Mark Zanter WEFT Broadcast, 2004Add to your cart.
CD- Mark Zanter on WEFT. Tracks include: 1. Freddie Freeloader, 2. Chitlins Con Carne, 3. Shiny Stockings, 4. My Foolish Heart, 5. All Blues, 6. The Girl from Ipanema, 7. West Coast Blues, 8. Bock to Bock.
Folder 24: Metaphysical Waltz Recordings, 1988 and 1995Add to your cart.

Tape Cassette 1-  Metaphysical Waltz, performed by Shirley Blankenship 1988.

Tape Cassette 2- Metaphysical Waltz, performed by Shirley Blankenship, 1995.

Folder 25: Robert Martin Compositions, 2007-2008Add to your cart.

CD 1- "Stone and Feather", Shirley Blankenship, Piano.

CD 2- "Intertwines for Viola and Cello;" Shirley Blankenship, viola; Brian Gona, Cello.

CD 3- "The Owl and the Pussy Cat, for Harp and Flute;" Shirley Blankenship, Harp; Amanda Pond, Flute.

Folder 26: Stone and Feather, Shirley Blankenship, 2015Add to your cart.
DVD- Contains video of Blankenship performing Stone and Feather and edited video of the same performance.
Box 19Add to your cart.
Item 1: Guido Class Jam Fall '88, 1988Add to your cart.
12'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Guido Sinclair, Sax. Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel. Marked with roman numeral II.
Item 2: Guido Class Tapes 88-31, 1987Add to your cart.
12'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Performers: Guido Sinclair, Sax; Shirley Blankenship, Harp; Michael Griffin, Bass. Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel November 25, 1987. Marked with Roman numeral XVI.
Item 3: Guido Class Tapes Summer '88, 1988Add to your cart.
12'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Guido Sinclair, Sax; Russell [sic], organ. Tracks include: Shelley's Dance, Our Day Will Come. Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel. Marked with Roman numeral VII.
Item 4: Guido w/Laurence Hobgood and George Freeman 88-25, 1988Add to your cart.
12'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Performers: Guido Sinclair, Sax; Lawrence Hobgood, George Freeman, John Hurubise, Danny Deckert. Tracks include: Shelley's Dance (three takes), Blue Gardenias, Brother David (two takes). Recorded March 18, 1988 at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel. Marked with Roman numeral V.
Item 5: Guido Sinclair 88-18, 1988Add to your cart.
12'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Guido Sinclair, Sax. Tracks include: Ella-Liza, Days of Wine and Roses, Lovable Sweet Messenger, Two for Madoo (Two takes). Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel. Marked with Roman numeral IV.
Item 6: Guido Sinclair 88-23, 1988Add to your cart.
12'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Performers: Guido Sinclair, Sax; Kevin Engles. Tracks include: Ella-Liza (three takes), Half Step Up, Seredy. Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel. Marked with Roman numeral IX.
Item 7: Guido Sinclair Reel I, undatedAdd to your cart.
12'' Polyester Reel to Reel tape. Guido Sinclair, Sax. Titles include Serenity and Spent with Ghent. Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel.
Item 8: Guido Sinclair Reel II, undatedAdd to your cart.
12'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Guido Sinclair, Sax. Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel.
Item 9: Guido Sinclair Spent 88-29, 1988Add to your cart.
12'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Guido Sinclair, Sax; Mike Kocour, Jeff Stitely, John Hurtubise. Tracks include "Spent with Ghent". Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel. Marked with Roman numeral I.
Item 10: Guido Summer '88 Reel II, 1988Add to your cart.
12'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Guido Sinclair, Sax. Guido Simmer '88 class. Tracks include: Our Day will Come, Wonderful World (Guido Vocals), and Mickey Mouse. Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel. Marked with Roman numeral X.
Item 11: Guido 90-I Reel I, 1990Add to your cart.
12'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Guido Sinclair, Sax. Tracks include: Mama Ida, Bucky's Song, Weaver of Dreams. Recorded at Kala Music. Marked with Roman numeral III.
Box 20Add to your cart.
Item 1: Guido 1990 Mohop Sessions, 1990Add to your cart.
12'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Guido Sinclair, Sax; and Shirley Blankenship, harp; Tim?, organ. Tracks include: Mama Ida 1st take, Mama Ida 2nd take, Blues. Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel. Marked with Roman numeral VIII.
Item 2: Guido 1990 Reel II, 1990Add to your cart.
12'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Performers: Guido Sinclair, Sax; Shirley Blankenship, Harp. Tracks include: A Kiss for Kenny, Mohop, In the Bushes, and For those who Care. Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel. Marked with Roman numeral XV.
Item 3: Shirley Blankenship Mixes - Out takes, 1988Add to your cart.
12'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Performers: Guido Sinclair, Sax; Lawrence Hobgood, George Freeman. Tracks include: Blue Gardenias, Rock that Jazz (three takes), The Way You Look tonight. Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel. Marked with Roman numeral VI. Note: Contains many splices.
Item 4: Guido Sinclair, undatedAdd to your cart.
6'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Guido Sinclair, Sax. Tracks include "Machota" and "Not enough of too much." Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel. Marked with Roman numeral XI.
Item 5: Guido Sinclair 88-7, undatedAdd to your cart.
6'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Guido Sinclair, Sax. Tracks include "Shirley's Delight" (1st take) and "Half Step Up". Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel. Marked with Roman numeral XII.
Item 6: Guido Sinclair, undatedAdd to your cart.
6'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Guido Sinclair, Sax. Tracks include "Five for Tyson" (2nd take) and "Am I Worthy." Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel. Marked with Roman numeral XIII.
Item 7: Guido Sinclair, undatedAdd to your cart.
6'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape. Guido Sinclair, Sax. Tracks include "Sweet Messenger." Recorded at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel. Marked with Roman numeral XIV.
Item 8: Shirley Blankenship (Harp), ca. 1988-1998Add to your cart.
Box from Larvick Speaker Company Contains: 6'' Polyester Reel to Reel Tape, Tape Cassette Re-master of Reel, and documentation from Larvick Speaker Company. This Box originally held photographs and mock-ups of Larvick Speaker company's re-master of Guido Sinclair's Variety in Motion Tape Cassette, which were sent by the company in the same box as the recordings currently in the box to Shirley Blankenship in 1998. These paper records have been moved to Box 16 Folder 18 which contains the original tape cassette for Larvick Speaker Company's remaster of Variety in Motion. Recordings included in this box were performed by Shirley Blankenship, harp. Tracks include: 1) Metaphysical Waltz, 2) Peace for Guidosan. Recorded originally at Pogo Studios by Mark Rubel.
Series 3: Sunshine Dinner Playhouse Theatre Production Photographs, 1995-1997Add to your cart.
Consists of mounted color photographs of theatrical productions produced by the Sunshine Dinner Playhouse in which Blankenship was involved.  The photographs are arranged alphabetically by production title.
Box 9Add to your cart.
Folder 1: By Popular Demand: C-U Geritol Follies, August 23-27, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Memories are Made of This, undatedAdd to your cart.
Folder 3: Smoke on the Mountain, 1996Add to your cart.
Box 13Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Holiday Magic, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 4: I Shall Not Be Moved (Gospel Music Comedy), 1997Add to your cart.
Series 4: Guido Sinclair Music and Papers, 1958-2005Add to your cart.

Consists of two distinct sub-series based on the creator of the material. Sub-Series 1 includes materials created by Guido Sinclair and is arranged chronologically. It consists of newspaper clippings, audio recordings, graphic illistrations, concert posters, and original manuscripts.  The music and papers document a portion of Sinclair's career as a jazz muscian while living in Champaign, Illinois and working in Chicago. Sub-Series 2 includes materials created or arranged by Shirley Blankenship based on works created by Guido Sinclair and is arranged chronologically. This sub-series consists of papers, sheet music, books, scrapbooks created by Dr. Blankenship in memory of Guido Sinclair, and articles written by other scholars including Horace Tapscott's book, Songs of the Unsung: The Musical Journey of Horace Tapscott, which includes multiple references to Sinclair.


Sub-Series 1: Guido Sinclair Music and Papers, 1958-1992Add to your cart.
Box 12Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Guido Sinclair Compositions as PDF and Finale Files, undatedAdd to your cart.
Box 13Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Concert Posters, 1985-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Newspaper Articles, Caricature, and Illustrations, 1987-1993Add to your cart.
Box 14Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Songs with Words, Guido Sinclair, 1961, 1992-1993Add to your cart.
Pieces include: A Kiss for Kenny, violin solo, lead sheet Guido Sinclair, solo composer Shirley Blankenship; Black Brown and Yellow, Guido Sinclair; Hymn for Black Mothers, Guido Sinclair; Everytime, Am I Worthy, Guido Sinclair (1961); Not Enough of Too Much, Guido Sinclair (1965).
Folder 8: Fliers, Nature's Table, Cheryl Phillips, ca. 1980sAdd to your cart.
Various fliers from Nature's Table jazz programs.
Folder 9: Guido Sinclair Trumpet Book, ca. 1980sAdd to your cart.
Composer: Guido Sinclair.  For Bb instruments. Pieces include: Everytime, Am I Worthy (1961); Ella and Lisa (1980s); Mac Minor (August 6, 1985); Loveable Sweet Messenger (undated); The Squirrel [Fiive For Tyson] (undated); Rekipuki (undated); Sagjleo (1983); Seredy (1983).
Folder 10: Guido Sinclair Eb Bb Band Book, ca. 1980sAdd to your cart.

Composer: Guido Sinclair. Pieces for Concert include: Ella and Liza (1980s); Everytime, Am I Worthy (1961); Loveable Sweet Messenger (undated); Mac Minor (August 6, 1985); Rekipuki (undated); Sagjleo (1983); Sagjleo, violin solo {also composed by Mike Kokour; transcribed by Dorothy Martrano) (undated); Seredy (1983); Seredy violin solo (trans. by Dorothy Martirano) (1983); The Squirrel [Five For Tyson].

Pieces for Bb instruments: Ella and Liza; Everytime, Am I Worthy; Loveable Sweet Messenger; Mac Minor; Rekipuki; Sagjleo; Seredy; The Squirrel.

Pieces for Eb instruments; Seredy; The Squirrel; Ella and Liza; Mac Minor; Rekipuki; Loveable Sweet Messenger; Sagjleo.

Folder 11: Music of Guido Sinclair, 1980-1992Add to your cart.
Composer: Guido SInclair. Pieces include: Hymn For Black Mothers (undated); Shirl's World (1980) (harmonized by Anne Jazzmin); Master Bates (August 9, 1988); Ella and Liza (1980s); Mogo's Gone (1987); Nuff Said (undated) (harmonized by Anne Jazzmin); Seredy (1983) (also includes: violin solo transcribed by Dorothy Martirano; violin bckground; solo transcribed by Dorothy Martirano); Shirley's Delight (1985); One for Jazzmin (August 10, 1985); Be Truthful (1988); Black Brown and Yellow (undated); In the Middle (1990); I Thought So (November 12, 1990); Popcorn Lover (1988); Quit It (July 9, 1980); Bucky's Song (April 3, 1989); Maryamber's Request (June 22, 1985); Knute's Tune (undated); AirnonasKum (November 25, 1985); Ping Pong Poppa (1988); Machota (1987); Mogo's Gone (August 1987); Nature's Table (1982); The Mo-Hop (1989); Sagjleo (1983) (also includes violin solo, also composed by Mike Kokour, transcribed by Dorothy Martirano).
Folder 12: Variety in Motion and Guido Sinclair Tape Cassette Inserts, ca. 1980-1990Add to your cart.
Inserts containing contents of individual cassette tapes. Inserts were removed at some point from their cassettes, so that performances and pieces listed on the inserts are no longer matched with the performances.
Folder 13: Be Careful by Guido Sinclair, 1988Add to your cart.
Composer: Guido SInclair. Parts include: Concert; Clarinet Bb, arranged by Anne Jazzmin.
Folder 14: Photograph of Guido Sinclair, ca. 1988Add to your cart.
Color photograph of Guido Sinclair in front of Nature's Table.
Folder 15: Guido Sinclair Variety in Motion Ads, 1988Add to your cart.
Ads for studio cassette tape of "Variety in Motion," Guido SInclair and ensemble.
Folder 16: The Guide, "Popeye's Stagepass" by Popeye, 1992Add to your cart.
Article on Guido Sinclair in The Guide.  See pp. 3, 12-13.
Folder 17: Jazz and Blues News, "Local Musician Guido Sinclair Passes Away," by Jeff Machota., 1992Add to your cart.
Publication of Champaign-Urbana Jazz & Blues Association, September/October 1992..
Folder 18: Family Pictures, undatedAdd to your cart.
Xerox copies of family photographs, some with captions.
Folder 19: Guianne, Wave - original manuscripts, and Solitude, Sophisticated Lady Lead Sheets, undatedAdd to your cart.
Composer of manuscripts: Guido Sinclair. Manuscript pieces include: Guianne (violin); Wave (harp and cello). Lead sheet pieces include: Solitude, composers: Duke Ellington, I. Mills, & E. Delange, arranger: Wladimir Selinsky (violin II) (1938); Sophisticated Lady, composers: Duke Ellington, I. Mills & M. Parish, arranger: WLadimir Selinsky (violin I), (1933).
Folder 25: Be Careful - Concert, Bb, Eb, Bass - Master's  Composer: Guido Sinclair, 1988Add to your cart.
Parts for instruments.
Box 15Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Guido Sinclair Original Manuscrips and Transcriptions, ca. 1980-1988Add to your cart.
Sub-Series 2: Shirley Blankenship's Guido Sinclair Legacies, 1992-2005Add to your cart.
Box 9Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Guido Sinclair at Nature's Table - flyers and photos, ca. 1985Add to your cart.
Box 10Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Guido Sinclair, 1983-1992Add to your cart.
Description from front of scrapbook: Guido Sinclair and Shirley Blankenship book 1983-1992, wedding pictures, Guido and Shirley pictures, two harp programs, ads fliers business cards, Johnny Mathis and drawing, wedding programs, my programs and recitals, illini week, gusli [sic] article, Guido-Shirley programs, church programs, Central High, article in week-end, Cantebury Trio, Landmark Dining Room, active senior, script for appearances and disappearances, and theatre.
Folder 2: "After Guido's Death Book (A.D.)", 1991-1995Add to your cart.
Description from Front of Scrapbook: Funeral of Mrs. Keenan (Guido's second mother), Guido's funeral, program of the White Street Arts Center, tribute, memorial articles, Guido's da capo and One for Guido, press releases about Variety In Motion and Guru Guido, about the squirrel, the Guido Connection brochure, about the Guido Connection, Seredy second Sunday series program, three trios performed at the new music cabaret Krannert Center Studio Theatre, listing of the Guido Connection, the Guido Connection at the Bop Shop (Chicago) and the Blind Pig (Champaign), Guido picture by Nature's Table, ad concerning Saint Sinclair's synerjazz, article of incorporation for Artists In Motion (studio), Cleveland Bedell's resume, executive director, New York trip Ella Fitzgerald's tribute, pictures from Dick's last resort, at city life with Nate, pictures, Chicago jazz fest, New Orleans trip with Sina, god children, Deseree and Kekura, Kurt Stone acknowledgement, chinchester psalms programs, program, explanation of metaphor, Leibowitz synthesizer, smoke on the mountain pictures, Midwest Composers Symposium Ann Arbor, student recital program, fundraiser, harp and comments about artists and motion, picture of me drawn by student Jenny Herber
Folder 3: "After Guido's Death Book (A.D.)", 1991-1995Add to your cart.
Folder 4: "After Guido's Death Book (A.D.)", 1991-1995Add to your cart.
Box 12Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Guido Sinclair Recordings Documentation, 1979-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Guido Sinclair's Song Titles and Explanations, ca. 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Saint Sinclair's Synerjazz: The Music of Guido Sinclair, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Songs of the Unsung: The Musical Journey of Horace Tapscott,  by Horace Tapscott, 2001Add to your cart.
Includes multiple references to Guido Sinclair.
Folder 5: Transcriptions and Original Compositions Based on the Music of Guido Sinclair, by Shirley Blankenship, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Jazz Violin: Solos Based on the Music of Guido Sinclair, by Shirley Blankenship, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Jazz Violin Based on the Music of Guido Sinclair, by Shirley Blankenship, 1993Add to your cart.
Box 13Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Guido Sinclair at Nature's Table - posters and flyers, ca. 1982-1987Add to your cart.
Box 14Add to your cart.
Folder 20: Violin - Lead Sheets Bowed & Fingered, 1961, 1983-85, 1992Add to your cart.
Composer: Guido Sinclair. Pieces include: Everytime, Am I Worthy (1961); Loveable Sweet Messenger; One for Jassmin (August 10, 1985); Sagjleo (1983).
Folder 21: Publications about Guido's Life and John Dahlstedt Recordings, 1981-1993Add to your cart.
Lists of the John Dahlstedt Series of tapes; list of publications about and music by Guido Sinclair; descriptions of various pieces and recordings by Guido Sinclair.
Folder 22: Pieces for Violin Solo - Lead Composer: Guido Sinclair, 1982,192-93Add to your cart.
Lead composer: Guido Sinclair. All pieces for violin solo. Pieces include: A Kiss for Kenny, solo by Mark Zanter; A Kiss for Kenny, solo by Shirley Blankenship; Sagjleo, composers Guido Sinclair and Mike Kokour, transcribed by Dorothy Martirano; Seredy, (1983), transcribed by Dorothy Martirano.
Folder 23: Assorted Pieces - Lead Sheet Composer: Guido Sinclair, 1983, 1992-93Add to your cart.
Pieces include: Guianne; Half Step-Up (ca.1983); Half Step-up, violin solo trans. and arr. by Dorothy Martirano (March 1993); Drumski, violin solo by Bill French; A Kiss for Kenny, violin solo composed by Shirley Blankenship; Seredy (1983), violin solo transcribel by Dorothy Martirano; Nuff Said, harmonized  by Anne Jazzmin, violin solo by Shirley Blankenship; A Kiss for Kenny, violin solo composed by Mark Zanter; One for Nancy, violin solo by Bill French.
Folder 24: Extra Violin Music, 1983-1993Add to your cart.
Composer: Guido Sinclair.  Pieces include: Seredy (1983), transcribed by Dorothy Martirano; Sagjleo, violin solo, also composed by Mike Kokour, transcribed by Dorothy Martirano; Seredy (1983); A Kiss for Kenny, violin solo by Mark Zanter; A Kiss for Kenny, violin solo by Shirley Bankenship; Drumski, violin solo by Bill French; Half Step-up, violin solo transcribed and arranged  by Dorothy Martirano; Nuff Said, violin solo by Shirley Blankenship, harmonized by Anne Jazzmin; One for Nancy, violin solo  by Bill French; Sagjleo, violin solo by Mike Kokour, transcribed by Dorothy Martirano; Seredy, violin solo transcribed by Dorothy Martirano;Shirley's Delight, violin solo transcribed and arranged by Dorothy Martirano.
Folder 26: Be Careful - Violin Part for Dorothy Martirano, 1988-1992Add to your cart.
Composer: Guido Sinclar.  Arranger: Anne Jazzmin.
Folder 27: String and Saxophone Arrangements and Lead Sheets, ca. 1988-1992Add to your cart.
Lead sheets composed by Guido Sinclair. Pieces include: I Thought So; Be Careful; Be Truthful; I Thought So; Black Brown and Yellow; In the Middle; Ping Pong Poppa; Shirley's Delight; Popcorn; Popcorn Lover.
Folder 28: Drawings, Reviews, and Programs about Guido Sinclair, 1988-1993Add to your cart.
Folder 29: Be Careful - Edits, 1992Add to your cart.
Lead sheet composer: Guido Sinclair. Parts composed, transposed and arranged by Anne Jazzmin. Also includes score for The Squirrel.
Folder 30: "Guido's Da Capo" by Shirley Blankenship, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Music of Guido Sinclair, Bb  Instruments, Masters & Cover Pages, 1992Add to your cart.
Composer: Guido Sinclair. 66 compositions arranged for Bb instruments included.  Table of Contents included.
Folder 32: Music of Guido Sinclair, Eb Instruments, Masters, 1992Add to your cart.
Composed by Guido Sinclair. 66 pieces for Eb instruments. Table of Contents included.
Folder 33: Saint Sinclair Synerjazz - Edits, 1992Add to your cart.
Commemorative booklet containing Sinclair's compositions, articles about him, copies of photographs.
Folder 34: Sagileo - Edits, 1992Add to your cart.
Lead Sheet composer: Guido Sinclair.
Folder 35: The Squirrel - Edits, 1992Add to your cart.
Lead Sheet composer: Guido Sinclair.
Folder 36: The Squirrel ["Five for Tyson"] (P) - Arr. by Shirley Blankenship, 1992Add to your cart.
Lead Sheet composer: Guido Sinclair.
Folder 37: Three Pieces - Trio for Violin, Clarinet, and Piano - Final Edits, 1992Add to your cart.
Lead Sheet composer: Guido Sinclair. Pieces include: Be Careful; The Squirrel; Sagjleo.
Folder 38: Three Trios for Violin, Clarinet, Piano, and Percussion - Revisions, 1992Add to your cart.
Lead Sheet composer: Guido Sinclair. Composer: Shirley Blankenship. Pieces include: Be Careful; The Squirrel; Sajileo.
Folder 39: About Guido's Song Titles - Material for Booklet, ca. 1992Add to your cart.
Includes articles, background of Guido Sinclair's compositions.
Folder 40: Documentation of the Recordings of Guido Sinclair, ca. 1992Add to your cart.
Lists recordings of Guido Sinclair with pieces for each recording also listed.
Folder 41: Documentation of the Recordings of Guido Sinclair - Edits, ca. 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 42: Guido Sinclair -  Mail Order Advertisement, ca. 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 43: Music of Guido Sinclair and About Guido's Song Titles - Edits, ca. 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 44: Music of Guido Sinclair, The - Eb Instruments, ca. 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 45: Music of Guido Sinclair, The - Bass Instruments- Masters, ca. 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 46: Poster for Sagileo - Tro for Violin, Clarinet, and Piano, ca. 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 47: Shirley Blankenship Correspondence about Guido Connection, ca. 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 48: Saint Sinclair's Synerjazz - Mock-Ups and Edits, ca. 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 49: Saint Sinclair's Synerjazz - Original Documents, ca. 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 50: About Guido's Song Titles by Shirley Blankenship, ca. 1992-1996Add to your cart.
Folder 51: Jazz and Blues News - "About Saint Sinclair Synerjazz" by Shirley Blankenship, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 52: Jazz Violin Edits - Lead Composer: Guido Sinclair, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 53: Jazz Violin Book, Concert, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 54: Jazz Violin Cover Sheets, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 55: Jazz Violin Lead Sheets, Mark Zanter originals, ca. 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 56: Jazz Violin, Combined Masters, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 57: Jazz Violin, Masters Music and Leads, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 58: Jazz Violin, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 59: Sagileo trio for Violin, Clarinet, and Piano (P), 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 60: Three Trios for Violin, Clarinet and Piano, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 61: Three Trios for Violin, Clarinet, and Piano, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 62: Violin Book in Bb, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 63: Violin Book in Eb, 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 64: Guido Connection Concert Lead Sheets and Script, ca. 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 65: Guido Publication and Pricing Lists, ca. 1993Add to your cart.
Box 15Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Jazz Violin, Original Manuscript Masters and Edits, 1983-1994Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Be Careful (FS/P) Edits, 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Be Careful (FS/P), 1988Add to your cart.
Folder 5: Be Careful (FS), ca. 1988Add to your cart.
Composer: Guido Sinclair; Arranger: Anne Jazzmin (Shirley Blankenship).
Folder 6: Be Careful Original Manuscript and Edits (FS), 1988-1992Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Commemorative Notes from Friends and Guido Memorial Concert, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Guido Funeral Materials, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 9: The Squirrel Original Manuscript (FS), 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 10: The Squirrel Master Set (FS), 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 11: The Squirrel, Percussion Cover Sheets and Final Revisions, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Trios, Violin Part Final Revisions, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Trios, Clarinet Part Final Revision, 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Sagileo Original Manuscrip and Revisions (FS), ca. 1992Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Guido Sinclair Commemorative Posters and Cards, ca. 1993Add to your cart.
Folder 16: The Guido Connection Programs and Script, 1994Add to your cart.
Box 16Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Jazz Violin Work Sheets and Originals, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 2: String Quartets with Sax, Scores and Parts, 1994Add to your cart.
Folder 3: Jazz Violin, Revised Masters, and Final Revision, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 4: Marketing of Variety in Motion Cassette, 1995Add to your cart.
Folder 5: About Guido's Song Titles by Shirley Blankenship, 1996Add to your cart.
Folder 6: About Guido Song Titles, Masters, 1996Add to your cart.
Series 5: Shirley Blankeship Computer Files, ca. 1950-2016Add to your cart.
This series consists of DVDs, CDs, and Floppy Discs containing computer files, digitally-born documents, scanned documents, digitized recordings, and digitally edited materials created and modified by Dr. Blankenship. This series is arranged into three sub-series: 1) Personal Files, 2) Audio Files, and 3) Shirley Blankenship's Guido Sinclair Legacy Files. [NOTE: These items are arranged into subseries based on the bulk of material included within each item or within each folder of items. Several items include material that should belong in another subseries but have been included in their present sub-series based on the original order. Nearly every item contains duplicate information or slightly modified documents and/or audio files.] Items have been foldered based on their original order, but are arranged alphabetically by the title of the folder or item given by Dr. Blankenship.
Sub-Series 1: Personal FilesAdd to your cart.
Box 16Add to your cart.
Folder 27: XV Violin, 1964-1991Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains programs and advertisements for performances of the Shirley Blankenship, Barbara Crockett, Cantebury Trio, Champaign Connection, Robert Swenson, Mark Zanter.
Folder 28: XVI Violin and Viola, 1946-2004Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains photographs, newspaper articles, recordings, concert programs, press releases, and advertisements for the performances of Kaleb Barkley, Shirley Blankenship, Mister Cole, Julieanne Cross, Popeye Curtsinger, Linda Dietzen, Jim Dobbs, Alex Feldman, Jenny German, Frankie Kelley, Bill Kephart, Melissa Kibler, Kristen Johns, Malasia Mann, Dorothy Martirano, Brian Mashka, Maria Merkelo, Debra Myers, Aaron Polk, Brenda Rucker, Julie Schum, Jim Siders, Kathy Tessin, Robin and Scottie Totsch, Dianna Visek, A.J. Williams, Derek Woods; and postcard from Rose Marie Joules [sic] to Blankenship; university awards; 1965 Blankenship wedding pictures; Erlanger House Celebration Honoring Jack Baker; and student recital materials.
Folder 29: Back Up 2014, 1930-2016Add to your cart.
DVD. Titled "Back Up IV" contains: Article on Harp Editing "Shirley Meyer Blankenship: Contemporary Harp Music: Compositional Issues in the Music of : Rands, Brun, Blankenship, Martin, Haken, Berg, Baxter, Rouse, Jolivet". Photographs of play "Spitfire Grill"; Documentation for audio recordings in word; Documents transferred from floppy discs; Grant Proposals; Pictures of Blankenship and Sinclair's wedding; Guido Sinclair's Compositions.
Folder 30: Back Up EBook, undatedAdd to your cart.
DVD. Video files on: editing harp compositions, compositions of Hardin-JeffersonStudents and others, personal written materials from floppy discs, grant proposal,personal photographs, scores from "The Owl and the Pussycat."
Folder 31: Back-Up Files, 1938-ca. 2010sAdd to your cart.

DVD 1 - Video files re: Music 169 offered at Allen Hall (Fall 2014 - Spring 2015). Includes course and instructor policies, faculty members, student background, class rosters, programs, homework exercises, testimonials. Also includes: Art Maddox material; programs for Champaign Underground; Chansons Innocentes, composer: Shirley Blankenship, score and parts, audio performances; Charles Applebee and scores for piano pieces he performed; David Avshalomov and score for his "Sonata for Solo Harp"; Elbert Edits and "Manhunt", full score; Elizabeth Kennedy Bayer edits on "prettygirlproblems"; Frans van der Sommen; Giorgio Spagnoli; Jacob Barton; Jerry Bezdek.

DVD 2 - Video and audio recordings, including: $1,000, $500, and $250 movie folders; cover items forr CD 1 ($1,000 and $500), for CD 2 ($500 and $1,000), for CD 3; Legacy Slideshow $1,000; writings; Fantasy 1; Legacy Slideshow 1 & 2; Metawaltz, Shirley, harp solo; honor ceremony.

Folder 32: Desktop August 2015 (1 of 3), 1950-2015Add to your cart.

DVD 1- Titled "Captures for Webinar". Contains photographs and video footage for 2015 harp legacy webinar hosted by Shirley Blankenship; album covers, Blankenship family photographs, images of Blankenship playing the vina (ca. 1971), Cantebury Trio programs (ca. 1991), Concert programs and newsclippings for concerts at the Inman Hotel (ca. 1991), Artist in Motion programs and Mission statement (1998), AwardsÃ??  and University Position recognition (1950s-1970s), Thank you cards and Correspondence to friends in Indonesia (ca. 1950s-2009), Photographs from Chester Street (ca. 2001), Church concert programs and newsclippings (ca. 1957-2009), Biography and Program of works by Gordon Binkerd (ca. 1969), Photographs of Jazz musicians (ca. 1980s-2000s), Hardin Jefferson School photographs (ca. 1970s), Trip photographs from Indonesian Ameresia Jubilamat Project (1985), Student photographs and programs, Symphony photographs and programs, Summer Youth Music camp programs; Guido Sinclair Photographs for Movie; Jacob Barton Harp Legacy Data; Website Information.

DVD 2- Titled "Sousa CU Kids." Contains CU-Kids Programs and Audio Recording, and Christmas card for the Sunshine Dinner Theater, Ca. 1992-1996.

DVD 3 - Titled "Go Daddy Program Names," Contains:Recital Programs, 1953-1979; Concert in Miniature Sound Files; Photographs and Audio Recordings of Guido Sinclair and Blankenship, ca. 1983; Robert Martin Recordings, ca. 1997; Notes on edited sound files; Squareknot Quartet Audition photographs, sound files and WEFT Radio program.

DVD 4- Titled "1000 Movie Folder" Contains: Photographs included with a movie commemorating Blankenship's life, photographs range from early family photographs, photographs of her education, photographs of ensembles, and photographs of students, ca. 1953-2016; Audio Interview with Blankenship; Legacy movie an slide show, ca. 2014.

Folder 33: Desktop August 2015 (2 of 3), 1953-2003Add to your cart.

DVD 1- titled "More Recordings," contains: Programs, Photographs and Audio Recordings for performances by Guido Sinclair and commemorating Sinclair; Recordings by Robert Martin; Recordings of Blankenship on Piano and Harp, ca. 1953-1970; Rahni Kennedy Recital, 2003; Sagileo Parts.

DVD 2- Titled "Kathy Tessin" contains: Parts and full score for "Chansons Innocents", "Fantasy Stuck for Viola and Harp," Audio Recordings of Kathy Tessin and Ellen Finch; Scores for "Metaphysical Waltz;" Photographs of "Peace for Guidosan;" Score for "Taste of Honey," arranged for Cello and harp; Blankenship biography and information on compositions for Victoria Grant; Score and revisions for "Visions and Revisions."

DVD 3- Titled "My compositions," contains: Audio recordings of arrangements made by Blankenship for the Squareknot Quartet; Scores for compositions by Blankenship; Audio demos for the Squareknot Quartet; WEFT radio Jummer's programs and recordings, summer 1981.

DVD 4- Titled "SQ Quincy and Urbana High, 1983". Contains: Canteburry Trio and Squareknot Quartet Audio recordings and concert programs, 1983-1991.

DVD 5-  Titled "For Paul - Guido Connection," contains: Enhanced audio recordings and photographs from 1953-1992 and Enhanced Recordings and Photographs of a Recital given by Blankenship on Hadyn's Sonatas for Violin, 1964.

DVD 6- Titled "Haydn Sonatas - the Best Ones," contains: Audio recordings from 1955-1992 and programs from recitals, ca. 1955-1964.

Folder 34: Desktop August 2015 (3 of 3), 1987-2013Add to your cart.

DVD 1 - Titled "Indiegogo 1" contains: Album Covers and track listings for Shirley's Legacy CDs; Perks Schedule for Donations to Shirley Legacy Project, includes pictures, scores, and audio files; Photographs used for the Legacy Project; Indiegogo fundraising feedback and posting news, 2013.

DVD 2- Titled "Perks" contains: Perks Schedule for Donations to Shirley Legacy Project; Smoke on the Mountain program, cast list, and song cues, 1994; Poems by Blankenship including Peninks, The Finger and Fiddler, The Phantom Goldfarb, The Hollow, and The Stone that Breathes.

DVD 3- "Titled $500 and $1000" contains Perk Schedule for Donations to Shirley's Legacy Project.

DVD 4- Titled "Jacob Barton" contains Material sent to web designer Jacob Barton for Blankenship's legacy Website.

DVD 5- Titled "Honk"contains video files of Tuscola community theater production of musical "Honk", 2010.

DVD 6- Contains audio recording and information about a 1987 recording of the Fantastiks at the Krannert center.

Folder 35: Harp Legacy Project, ca. 2011Add to your cart.

DVD 1 - Includes scores of works by selected composers: Andres Carrizo; Clare Shore; file on contemporary composers; Daniel Adams; David Dolatowski; Devon Yasamune Toyotomi; Ernst von Dohnyani; Man-Dhing Donald Yu; Elizabeth Lauer; Frank E. Warren; Maurice Ravel; Mark Lathan; Matthew H. Fields; Monica Lynn; Myra Kovary; Nickos Harizanos; Randy Partain; Robert Martin; Rudolph Haken; Timothy Miller; Ulf Grahn. Includes some audio recordings, correspondence, lists.

DVD 2 - Includes scores by 20th century composers for harp including:Andres Carrizo; Clare Shore;Daniel Adams; David Dolatowski; Devon Yasamune Toyotomi; Ernst von Dohnyani; and others.

DVD 3 - Includes ompositions by composers from DVD 1. Also lists, promotional materials for Blankenship's legacy project.

Folder 36: Indiegogo Project, 1950-2013Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains photographs, legacy project materials, and poetry of Shirley Meyer; also photographs of Lyrica Duo and Guido Sinclair.
Folder 37: Indiegogo - Summer 2013 (1 of 4), 1950-1999Add to your cart.

CD 1 - Audio recordings, program of "Duo for Violin and Cello" by Shirley Blankenship, copyright 1979, first performance in Champaign-Urbana, February 13, 1974;  "Chansons Innocentes" score, performance -"Hist Whist", 1971; "Metaphysical Waltz" by Shirley Blankenship, August 1988, partial score, cover, audio recording; Slide Show and audio recording of "The Squirrel"; "Terse Trio" by Shirley Blankenship, performed 1970, complete score, performance.

CD 2 - Slide Show (1950 - 1999), photos and audio recording of "The Squirrel".

CD 3 - Audio recording, program, partial score of "Duo for Violin and Cello"; "Chansons Innocentes" score, dedication, performance -"Hist Whist", 1971; "Metaphysical Waltz" by Shirley Blankenship, August 1988, partial score, cover, audio recording; Slide Show and audio recording of "The Squirrel"; "Terse Trio" by Shirley Blankenship, performed 1970, complete score, performance.

CD 4 - Duo for Violin and Cello, score, title page; "Terse Trio in Three Movements for Violin, Viola and Cello", audio recording; "Chansons Innocentes" score, performance -"Hist Whist", 1971; "Metaphysical Waltz" by Shirley Blankenship, August 1988, partial score, cover; Slide Show, photos and audio recording of "The Squirrel"; "Terse Trio in Three Movements for Violin, Viola and Cello", audio recording, score.

CD 5 - Audio recordings: "Terse Trio", "Be Careful".

Folder 38: Indiegogo - Summer 2013 (2 of 4), undatedAdd to your cart.

CD 1 - Audio recordings, unlabeled tracks, label on CD case lists performances of: Chromaticca, Le Polichinele, Beethoven, Adele's, Ebb Tide, Haru - Molnra, Alla Rustica, Debussy, Meta, Holst.

CD 2 - Audio recording. 10 unlabeled tracks. Label on CD case shows the following titles: "Be Careful";"Sagileo"; "Squirrel"; "Squirrel", Guido and Combo (1983), scat; "Days of Wine and Roses", harp & sax; "Shirley's Delight", VIM; "Shirley's Delight", Blind Pig, Shirley/Zanter; "Sagileo", "Everytime", "Squirrel".

CD 3 - Audio recordings including classical pieces by Holst, J. Strauss, Andres Jolivet, Bach, Villa Lobos, Debussy and "Metaphysical Waltz" by Shirley Blankenship. Most tracks are JPEG images that are inaccessible and appear, from track title, to incude programs from Shirley Blankenship's recitals and performances, 1953 - 1983.

Folder 39: Indiegogo - Summer 2013 (3 of 4), undatedAdd to your cart.

CDs. CD 1 - Audio recordings, 10 tracks, all labeled on CD. Tracks include: "Alla Rustica" for flute and harp, by Andres Jolivet (Thomas Howell, flute); "Nine Hundred Miles" (Shirley Blankenship, vocal); "Squirrel" (Guido) scat; "Concerto for Percussio and Piano" by Jolivet; "Trio for Flute, Harp, Bassoon" by Jolivet; "Elegiac Trio for Flute, Harp, and Viola" by Bax (Charlie Delaney, flute; Guiermo Perich (viola); Shirley Blankenship (?) (harp); "Estampes by Debussy; "Roll In My Sweet Baby's Arms", (Shirley Blankenship, vocal); Schuman; "Sonata for Violin and Piano", K.296; by Mozart.

CD 2 - Audio recordings, 7 tracks, all labeled. Include: Pogo recording of "Days of Wine and Roses"; "Hist Whist"; "Metaphysical Waltz", harp solo b Shirlet Blankenship; "Sagileo" by Guido and Shirley"; studio recording of Poesia before May 2003 concert in WV.

CD 3 - Audio recordings, 8 labeled tracks. Include: "Alla Rustica" for flute and harp by Jolivet; "Ebb Tide", harp solo; "Elegiac Trio" for flute, harp and viola by Arnold Bax; "Le Polichinelle" by Villa Lobos, piano; Schumann; Guido Connection from The Blind Pig; "The Squirrel" by Guido and Shirley (Dorothy Martirano, violin; Shirley, piano, Paul Zonn[?]; "Violin and Cello Duo".

Folder 40: Indiegogo - Summer 2013 (4 of 4), 1950s-ca. 2011Add to your cart.

DVD 1  - Audio recordings and video images. Recordings from Guido's Variety in Motion. Video images include: covers and programs from Shirley Blankenship's recitals (1953 & 1955); graduate recital of Thomas Howell (flute), with Shirley Blankenship (harp) (1969); flier for Orpheus performance, (1991) (Kathy Tessin (flute), Anne Jazzmin (harp); Guillermo Perich violin recital (1974) (Wilma Zonn, oboe; Charles DeLaney, flute; Shirley Blankenship, harp; Concert Choir concert (1979); flier for 1983 performance in Quincy by Square Knot Quartet and Guido SInclair Quartet; flier for 1994 performance at The Blind Pig (Shirley Blankenship, violin; Mark Zanter, guitar); documentation for Variety in Motion, Be Careful, Champaign Underground; photographs. Also includes family and personal photographs.  Additional family and personal photos and programs from performances. Fliers, lists for promotion of legacy project. Many files on Harp Legacy Project.

DVD 2 - Contains list of levels of monetary contributions to Legacy Project and audio recordings and photographs that contributors will receive at each of the contribution levels.

Folder 41: Jazz Violin Solos to Michael Mohr, undatedAdd to your cart.
Floppy Discs. Contains 5 Floppy Discs with copies of jazz violin solos
Box 17Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Legacy Slide Show - Indiegogo Campaign - Smoke on the Mountain, 1994-2013Add to your cart.

DVD 1 - includes Legacy Slide Show of Shirley Blankenship with "Serenade for Woodwind Quintet and Harp", Shirley Meyer Blankenship, harpist.

DVD 2 - includes audio program preceeded by appeal for support of legacy project by Shirley Blankenship (2013).

DVD 3 - includes Smoke Over The Mountain, Sunshine Dinner Playhouse (1994).

Folder 2: Photo Collection, 1946-2008Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains concert programs, photographs of, and newspaper articles about  performances of Shirley Meyer Blankenship, Canterbury Trio, George W. Daniels, John Garvey, Ken Kloweit, Brenda Rucker, Pamela Schmitt, Akiko Tanaka, Katherine White, Mark Zanter; and family pictures.
Folder 3: Scrapbooks (1 of 2), 1938-2010sAdd to your cart.

DVD 1 - Labeled "Data DVD - Scrapbooks I - XIV; Harp Article". Scrapbook I  covers early childhood and school and includes: photographs, cards and letters, concert programs, drawings, family pictures, news articles, report cards, articles by Shirley Meyer Blankenship. Scrapbook II covers high school graduation and admission to college and includes: photographs, cards and letters, concert and recital programs, trips. Scrapbook III includes awards, articles, photographs, concert and recital programs. Scrapbook IV includes early professional years, family and personal photographs, concert programs, trips. Scrapbook V: photographs, programs, articles, cards, trips, photos and programs for Squareknot Quartet. Scrapbook VI: correspondence, photographs, Indonesian/Bali trip. Scrapbook VII: Deals mostly with Guido and Shirley. Includes: photos, publicity, correspondence, programs. Scrapbook VIII- XIV: Photos, programs, correspondence.

DVD 2 - Labeled "Data DVD - Scrapbooks I - XIV";  Contents of these scrapbooks duplicate those found in DVD I.

DVD 3 - Labeled "Back-up Data CD Scrap Books I - IV".

DVD 4 - Labeled "Scrapbooks 5 - 14, PDF files, Harp article, Harp pictures.

DVD 5 - Labeled "14 Scrapbooks, Harp Pictures." Note: DVDs 2, 3, 4, and 5 duplicate material found in DVD 1.

Folder 4: Scrapbooks (2 of 2), 1938-2010sAdd to your cart.

DVD 1 - Scrapbook I: photographs from California, dance recitals, voice recitals, of friends; contest sheets, report cards, family pictures. Also includes promotional fliers for rhythm and composition lessons and lessons on harp, piano, violin, viola, guitar, rhythm.

DVD 2 - Back-up of Scrapbooks I-IV.

CD 1 - Back-up of Scrapbooks V & VI.

CD 2 - Back-up for Scrapbooks VII & VIII.

CD 3 - Back-up of Scrapbooks IX & X.

CD 4 - Back-up of Scrapbooks XI & XII.

CD 5 - Back-up of Scrapbooks XIII & XIV.

Folder 5: Shirley Blankenship Composition Projects, ca. 1970-1988Add to your cart.

CD 1- Contains: photographs of compositions made and performed at Hardin-Jefferson Middle School, ca. 1970s.

CD 2- Contains photographs of compositions created by the following composers at the University of Illinois: Beth, Gaburo, Bob Jeffers, Charles Watts, David Means, Gary Punt, Janet Gilbert, Keith Leneski, Michael Baskin, Scott Wyatt, Les Gestes, and Tom Warrington.

CD 3- Contains: Shirley Blankenship Musical Arrangements including: Climb Every Mountain, Lara's Theme, Love Story, Man of La Manchia. It also contains pdfs and photographs of Shirley Blankenship's original Musical Compositions, including: "Metaphysical Waltz" (1988), "Piece for Guidosan" (1988), "Do Not Go Gentle" and "The Trees Stand," "Chansons Innocents: Hist Whist, InJust, and Tumbling Hair" (1974), "Duos for Violin and Cello," and "SAALMM" (1978).

Folder 6: Symphony Programs and Photographs, 1955-2010Add to your cart.

CD 1- Titled "Symphony Programs" Contains Picasa Program files and Presentation and Symphony Orchestra programs and photographs (1955-2010).

CD 2- Titled "Programs Pictures Collected" contains Symphony programs (1946-2010)

CD 3- Titled "Washington University" Contains: Photographs from Quincy College and Lindenwod and Jefferson (1961-1972).

Folder 7: Video and Audio Recordings, 1955-2010Add to your cart.
DVD. Video and audio recordings from Blankenship recitals and projects. Scores, photographs, and programs. Includes: Progeny (2015), Haydn Recital (1964); score for Dream; video recording of Fantasy; audio recording of Beethoven Sonata Op. 109; Haydn Sonatas; score for The Owl and the Pussycat; audio of Metaphysical Waltz; score of Shadows by Timothy Lee Miller (2011); score for Passacaglia, Jerry Bezdek and Progeny by Matthew H. Fields (2006); score fir Quinquagenarium by Rudolf Haken (2010).
Folder 8: Weston I - 1,2,3, 1953-2004Add to your cart.

CD 1- Contains: Audio Recordings where Shirley Blankenship accompanied students including Brenda Rucker, Rahni Kennedy, and Charlotte Koch Tournear; as well as piano concert programs from the 1960s;  audio recordings and their re-masters from recitals performed by Blankenship as well as concert programs performed by her and Kathy Tessin;  concert programs from 1953-1995, including a School of Music +509 Concert poster from 1995 featuring works by Paul Martin Zonn and Blankenship; Audio Files from "CD 1" and "CD2" that have been remastered, ca. 1983-1995

CD 2 - Contains Audio files that were re-mastered from "CD III", which contains tracks from Variety in Motion Tape Cassette; Audio Files and concert programs for concerts with Blankenship and Brenda Rucker (Soprano), 2001-2004.

CD 3 - Contains: Audio remasters of contemporary music recordings made by Blankenship including pieces by Lutislawski, Persichetti, Bernard Rands, James Stroud, Barney Child, Villa Lobos, and Herbert Brun; Concert Programs for Contemporary Music including: Ugly New Music Festival (1995), Contemporary Chamber Players performing works by William Bolcom and William Brooks (1971), +527 Concert Program featuring works by Herbert Brun and Eric Lund (1998), Summer Work Shop of Contemporary Music featuring music by LeJaren Hiller (1967), Contemporary Chamber Music Series featuring music by Herbert Brun and Morgan Powell (1970), +500 Concert featuring Music of Steve Reich and Blankenship(1994), New Music Concert featuring works by Susan Parenti and Mark Sullivan (1992), and An Evening of New Music featuring works by Neely Bruce, James Fulkerson, Denis Riley, and James Stroud (1968).

Folder 9: Weston II - 4,5,6, 1953-2014Add to your cart.

CD 1- Titled: Weston 4. Contains two folders: Pieces for Sound Cloud and Guido. The first folder "Pieces for Sound Cloud" contains programs and photographs of Blankenship's career as a harpist as well as concert programs of ensembles Blankenship performed with between 1970-2015. The second folder "Guido" contains concert programs and re-mastered/ digitized sound recordings of programs performed by Guido Sinclair as well as Programs and recordings of Blankenship's arrangements of Sinclair's pieces from 1983-1994. Of particular note are programs and audio files featuring the Champaign Underground, including Morgan Powell, Ray Sasaki, Donnie Heitler, and Dorothy Martirano and Variety in Motion.

CD 2- Titled Weston 5. Contains:  Concert Programs and recordings of Blankenship on Harp ca. 1953-1983; Programs and audio recordings of pieces for Harp by Andre Jolivet, Bela Bartok, and Sergei Prokofiev, 1961-1973; and Recordings and Programs of Robert Martin's compositions including "The Owl and the Pussycat" and "Vogons on the Beach", ca. 1997-2006.

CD 3 - Titled Weston 6. Contains: Piano and Harp recordings and programs of works by Debussy and Ravel by Shirley Blankenship, made between 1951-1976;  Recordings and Posters for Shirley's Harp compositions Fantasy I, Fantasy II, and Metaphysical Waltz, recorded 2014; and Audio Recording remasters for "Paul" originally made 1951-1961, re-mastered 2015.

Folder 10: Weston III - 7,8,9, 1953-2003Add to your cart.

CD 1-  Contains: Three main folders including: Mark Zanter Compositions, Shirley Blankenship Solo Piano Recordings, and Shirley Blankenship Compositions. Of particular note are Mark Zanter's "Emily Dickenson Songs," Mark Zanter's Programs from the 1994 Composers Symposium, Mark Zanter's 2003 Faculty Composer's Concert, and Recordings of Shirley Blankenship's "Metaphysical Waltz."

CD2: ContainsShirley Blankenship's student audio recordings and programs from 1953-1974.

CD3 Contains repetoire lists, programs, and audio recordings for the Square Knot Ensemble from 1978-1984; and solo piano audio recordings and programs from 1955-1963.

Folder 11: Weston IV - 10, circa 1959-2015Add to your cart.
DVD - First folder includes Video recordings of Fantasy I and Fantasy II (2014) by Shirley Blankenship, harp and Rudolph Haken, viola and of Metaphysical Waltz (2014), harp solo by Shirley Blandenship. Video recordings of Sunshne Dinner Playhouse, "Smoke on the Mountain" (1994); CUSO honoring Shirley Blankenship (2014). Disc also includes audio recordings including: "A Kiss for Kenny," "Sagileo", "Shirley's Delight"; other recordings of violin and viola. A few photos.
Sub-Series 2: Audio FilesAdd to your cart.
Box 17Add to your cart.
Folder 12: I Tessin, Martin, Vocals, Solo Piano Bach, 1952 - ca. 2000sAdd to your cart.
CD. Contains recordings of performances by Shirley Meyer Blankenship, Ellen Finch, Kathy Tessin. Appears to be copy of Disk II More Bach.
Folder 13: II More Bach - Proper Keys, 1952 - ca. 2000sAdd to your cart.
CD. Contains recordings of performances by Shirley Meyer Blankenship, Ellen Finch, Kathy Tessin. Copy of Disk I Tessin, Martin, Vocals, Solo Piano Bach.
Folder 14: IV Programs and Recordings, 1953-2004Add to your cart.
CD. Contains programs and recordings of performances by Sanford Berry, Shirley Meyer Blankenship, Ellen Finch, Rahni Kennedy, Ken Kloweit, Guillermo Perich, Brenda Rucker, Lenard Rumery, Guido Sinclair, SquareKnot Quartet, Sally Strobel, and Mark Zanter.
Folder 15: V Scores and Sketches, 1962-1975Add to your cart.
CD. Contains sheet music and sketches composed by Shirley Meyer Blankenship.
Folder 16: VI Films and Writings, circa 1987Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains recordings of interviews of, performances of,  honor ceremony for Shirley Meyer Blankenship; and copies of Blankenship's poetry.
Folder 17: VII Slideshows, 1950-1994Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains recordings of performances by Shirley Meyer Blankenship and Ellen Finch; sheet music composed by Shirley Meyer Blankenship/Anne Jazzmin, Bill French, Mike Kokour, Dorothy Martirano, Tom Paynter, and Guido Sinclair; and Blankenship biographical photographic slideshow.
Folder 18: VIII Indiegogo (1 of 3), 1961-1999Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains recordings and photographs of performances of Sanford Berry, Shirley Meyer Blankenship, Andres Jolivet, Rose Jones, Dorothy Martirano, Brenda Rucker, Mark Zanter.
Folder 19: VIII Indiegogo (2 of 3), 1953-1983Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains programs, recordings, and photographs of performances of Shirley Meyer Blankenship, Champaign Underground, Lenard Rumery, Andres Jolivet, Dorothy Matirano, Guillermo Perich, Guido Sinclair, and Mark Zanter.
Folder 20: VIII Indiegogo (3 of 3), 1953-1983Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains programs, recordings, and photographs of performances of Shirley Meyer Blankenship, Champaign Underground, Lenard Rumery, Andres Jolivet, Dorothy Matirano, Guillermo Perich, Guido Sinclair, and Mark Zanter. Includes Shirley Blankenship's Legacy project, Smoke on the Mountain materials, and Penicks poetry collection materials.
Folder 21: XI Accompanying, 1960-2004Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains recordings of performances of Shirley Meyer Blankenship, Rahni Kennedy, Ken kloweit, Marilyn, Brenda Rucker, Charlotte Koch Tournear; photographs of biographical information on Brenda Rucker.
Folder 22: XII SquareKnot Quartet, 1981-1983Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains recordings of performances of the Squareknot Quartet, Guido Adler, Shirley Meyer Blankenship, Dorothy Martirano, Victor Herbert, and Sandy Robinson.
Folder 23: XIII Contemporary, 1953-1998Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains recordings of performances by Addison, Shirley Meyer Blankenship, Barney Childs, Contemporary Chamber Players, Charles Dibley, and Vincent Persi.
Folder 24: XIV Impressionism, 1936-2003Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains recordings of performances by Addison, Shirley Meyer Blankenship, Rahni Kennedy, Ken Kloweit, Brenda Rucker, Charlotte Koch Tournear, and Mark Zanter; photographs of Blankenship, and copies of her awards and diplomas.
Folder 25: XVII Violin, 1955-1976Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains recordings and concert programs and advertisements for the performances of Shirley Meyer Blankenship/Anne Jazzmin, Victoria Capo-Britt, and Kevin Engels, Guido Sinclair, and Mike Stitely; Guillermo Perich's Master's Recital in 1974; Sunday Music Club at Quincy Art Center in 1960; Ken Kloweit's Senior Recital in 1955; Jolivet Trio; and Guillermon Perich recital in 1974, Sanford Berry recital in 1973.
Folder 26: XVIII Guido, Jolivet, 1953-2013Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains programs and advertisements for performances of Sanford Berry, Shirley Meyer Blankenship, Andre Jolivet, Guido Sinclair, Mark Zanter; performances at the Blind Pig, Quincy Junior High Auditorium, University of Illinois; photographs of Shirley Meyer Blankenship. Includes Blankenships recital programs and photographs from student recitals at the Notre Dame High Conservatory of Music, the University of Illinois, and at Washington University.
Folder 27: XIX Zanter, Chromatic, 1953-2013Add to your cart.
DVD. Contains both personal and commercial recordings. Includes performances of Addison, Dorothy Martirano, Shirley Meyer, Blankenship, Guido and His All Stars, Andre Jolivet, Shirley May, Jesef Molnar, Mark Zanter; and perfomances at the Champaign Underground, 1983 CMA Concert in Quincy, Illinois and the Midwest Composers Symposium; photographs of Shirley Meyer Blankenship, and Brenda Rucker; and the programs for the Midwest Composers Symposium in 1994 and the Faculty Composers Concert, Marshall University in 2003.
Folder 28: Audio recordings - Brenda Rucker, Mark Zanter, 2003Add to your cart.

CD 1 - Audio recording. 6 unlabeled tracks. Label on CD case reads: Mark Zanter, Emily Dickinson Song, Brenda Rucker [voice]; Mozart, Brenda Rucker [voice]; Shirley Blankenship, accompanist. Undated.

CD 2 - 16 unlabeled tracks. Program on CD case lists some of the selections but track numbers not exact match with CD tracks. CD not titled but may be "Brenda Rucker Concert at Cultural Center: Mozart with Brenda" although the 16 tracks appear to be selections by Brahms, Faure, Hammerstein & Rogers, Norman & Simon, Ira & George Gershwin, Aherns & Flaherty, Ira Gershwin & Kurt Weill, and Lerner & Weill.

CD 3 - Mark Zanter, Faculty Composer's Concert, May 2, 2003. 3 tracks - 1: Ricerar de Poesia, 2002 by Mark Zanter; Dorothy Martirano (violin), Shirley Blankenship (piano). 2: Stella 2001 by Mark Zanter; Zanter (guitar), Blankenship (viola & piano). 3: Still Here 1997 by Mark Zanter; Paul Balshaw (baritone), Martirano (violin), Patty Green (guitar), Blankenship (viola), Solen Dikener (cello), Chamber 10 & more.

Folder 29: Case II: University of Illinois Recordings and Radio Shows, ca. 1960s-1990sAdd to your cart.

CD 1- Contains Audio Recordings of compositions of Shirley Blankenship and performed by her, Including: "Fantasy Stuck for Viola and Harp," "Chansons Innocents," "Peace for Guidosan," "Violin and Cello Duo," "Sagileo," "The Trees Stand," and "Visions and Revisions." In addition, the CD includes the following audio recordings: "Alla Rustica" by Andres Jolivet; "On Stilts Among Ducks," by Herbert Brun; "Duet" by Chuck Dibley; and "Les Gests" by Bernard Rands.

CD 2- Contains: Audio recordings of concerts at Olivet Nazarene Unversity; Radio Shows; performances by students. Folder also includes detailed descriptions of the content of both CDs.

Folder 30: Case III: Guido Sinclair and Shirley Blankenship recordings, ca. 1983-1988Add to your cart.
CD. Contains: Audio Recordings of the Square Knot Ensemble performing with Kathy Tessin (Flute) and Rapheal Garrett (Bass). Also includes audio recordings of Guido Sinclair and Shirley Blankenship at Urbana High School and Quincy Middle School, Pogo Studio Recordings, and Recordings of Guido Sinclair at Nature's Table, ca. 1983-1988
Folder 31: Doctoral Project - Visions and Revisions - Enhanced, 1977Add to your cart.

CD 1 - Audio recording. One track, length 17:48. Shirley Meyer Blankenship, Visions and Revisions, Enhanced. Labeled "Best One." No artist or date indicated.

CD 2 - Audio recordings in Wave (MP2)  and MP3 formats. No artist or recording date indicated.

CD 3 - Audio recording, one track: Visions and Revisions. No artist or recording date indicated.

Folder 32: Enhanced Works, ca. 1961-2002Add to your cart.

CD 1 - Audio recording of compositions by Mark Zanter, include: "I Took One Draught of Life" (ca. 2002); "Sic Transit Gloria Mundi" (ca. 2002); "The Words The Happy Say" (ca. 2002); "Answer July" (ca. 2002); "The Earth Has Many Keys" (ca. 2002) from Emily Dickinson Songs performed by Brenda Rucker; "Visions and Revisions" (1975) composed by Shirley Blankenship; "Ricerear di Poesia for Violin and Piano" (2003); "Mirror for Trumpet, Bass, Piano", Shirley Blankenship, Piano (1994).

CD 2 - Audio recordings by unknown artists. Dates shown indicate performance dates. 5 tracks include: Andres Jolivet, "Alla Rustica for Flute and Harp", Shirley Blankenship (harp), Thomas Howell (flute) (1969);  Andres Jolivet, "Concerto for Percussion & Piano" (1964-65); Bartok, "Sonata for Piano" (ca. 1961); Andres Jolivet, "Trio for Flute, Bassoon & Harp" (ca. 1974); Prokofiev, "Sonata No. 6 for Piano" (1962). Engineer for both CDs: Paul Weston.

Folder 33: Guido and Shirley and Quincy, 1983 - ca. 2010Add to your cart.
DVD - Audio recordings The Guido Connection at the Blind Pig (1992); The Chicago Connection at the Bop Shop, Chicago; Shirley and Guido at Nazarine Chiurch in Champaign; Concert in Miniature at Nature's Table. Demo Tapes 1 & 2 with Shirley and Guido, harp, saxpercussion and vocal. Guido and Shirley vocals, with Shirley at piano. Recordings at Nature's Table with Raphael Garrett. Recording of Square Knot Quartet with Guido and his All Stars, CMA Concert Series, Quincy, Illinois (1983). Shirley's Delight recorded at Nature's Table with Raphael Garrett, bass; Tim McNamara, tenor sax; Guido Sinclair, alto sax.
Folder 34: Harp with Guido and The SquareKnot Quartet, ca. 2006-2009Add to your cart.
CD-Contains audio recordings including: Guido and Shirley Blankenship harp performances at Church of Nazarine; Harp demos with Guido on sax, and bass and percussion; performances at Nature's Table with Shirley Blankenship on solo harp and with Raphael Garrett and others; audio recordings of popular music.
Folder 35: Legacy Disc Recordings (1 of 2), 1953-2006Add to your cart.

CD 1- Contains digitized audio files of recitals given by Blankenship in 1953, 1955, 1959, 1961, and 1963.

CD 2- Contains audio files created by Shirley with performances and works by Robert Martin, Brenda Rucker, Guido Sinclair, and Shirley Blankenship, undated.

CD 3-  Contains audio recordings of Shirley Blankenships compositions including Fantasy Stuck for Viola and Harp, Chansons Innocents, and Visions and Revisions; performances of contemporary music by Blankship including Herbert Brun's "On Stilts Among Ducks," "Solo For Carolyn," "Duet for Harp and Tuba" by Chuck Dibley, and "A Question of Summer" by Barney Childs; also contains recordings made by Robert Martin, Brenda Rucker, and Kathy Tessin, all ca. 2006.

CD 4- Contains audio recordings of the Square Knot quartet at Nature's Table, the Market Street Mall, and Jumer's Black Bear Mall; also contains recordings of Guido Sinclair with Square Knot Quartet; ca. 1988-1994.

CD 5- Contains recordings of Guido Sinclair from Variety in Motion and Nature's Table, Rahni Kennedy Clarinet Recital, and Mark Zanter concert with the Chicago Connection at the Bop Shop, undated.

Folder 36: Legacy Disc Recordings (2 of 2), 1994-2009Add to your cart.
CD 1-  Contains: Audio recordings from the 2002 and 2003 American Traditions Competition; Rahni Kennedy Clarinet Recital; Mark Zanter compositions including "Emily Dickenson Song", "Mirror", "Poesia", "Shirley's Delight", and "a Kiss for Kenny", 1994-1999; And Robert Martin recording sessions including recordings of "The Owl and the Pussy Cat" and "Vogons on the Beach," 2003-2009.
Folder 37: Playful Edge of the Wave: Image-Based Music for Solo Piano, 2015Add to your cart.
CD. Audio recording of 100 Views of Mt. Fuji: 100 Pieces in 100 Minutes by Robert J. Martin; Improvisations by Neely Bruce; Homage to Seb by Neely Bruce; Stone & Feather by Robert J. Martin. Piano: Shirley Blankenship, Neely Bruce.
Folder 38: Promotional Video Clips - Shirley Meyer Blankenship Legacy, 2013Add to your cart.

Video clips for Shirley Meyer Blankenship musical legacy. All shot in Krannert Center for the Performing Arts.

CD 1 - Includes two takes of promotional video of Jane Meyer Blnkenship.  Audio is of poor quality on Take 2_4---Best 3; audio quality is better on Take4_1.

CD 2 - Includes two takes of promotional video of Jane Meyer Blankenship. Audio is of poor quality on both.

CD 3 - One take of promotional video of Jane Meyer Blankenship. Audio quality is extremely poor, as if recorded at a faster speed than playback speed.

CD 4 - One take of promotional video of Jane Meyer Blankenship.  Audio quality is extremely poor, as if recoded at a faster speed than playback speed.

CD 5 - One take of promotional video of Jane Meyer Blankenship. Poor audio quality.

CD 6 - One take of promotional video of Jane Meyer Blankenship. Poor audio quality.

Folder 39: Quilt: A Musical Celebration - Video, undatedAdd to your cart.
DVD. Video recording: Quilt: A Musical Celebration, performance at Parkland Community College. Music director: Shirley Meyer Blankenship.
Folder 40: Shirley Blankenship Compositions, 1966Add to your cart.

CD 1 - Shirley Meyers Blankenship Compositions. 11 audio tracks have no specific titles; Tracks 1 -10 contain audio recordings; Track 11 does not appear to contain any audio recording.

CD 2 - Shirley Blankenship's Music. PDF files. Compositions: "Do Not Go Gentle" (1966,)text by Dylan Thomas, for voice and piano; "The Trees Stand" (1966), text by E.E. Cummings, for voice and piano.

Folder 41: Shirley Blankenship Early Recordings, 1950-1971Add to your cart.

DVD I - (1953-1962) Includes: 1953 Notre Dame Recital, Notre Dame Conservatory of Music, Quincy, IL, performed as pianist, harpist, violinist. Also includes: 1955 Recital at Notre Dame with various classical pieces, most notably segment from Bruch Violin Concerto. Also includes: Unversity of Illinois Graduation Recital (1961); 1962 Washington University Master's Degree Recital. Includes Fulbright Audition Tapes: Fulbright Piano Recording (ca. 1959) and Fulbright Violin Recording (ca. 1959). Also recordings of Murrayville and Woodsen Chorus and Band grades 1-7 (1962). Includes vocal recordings.

DVD II - Contains Audio Recordings made by Blankenship at Hardin Junior High, Quincy College, and Lindenwood college, ca. 1950-1971. Also Contains: typed notes regarding Blankenship's early performance history.

Folder 42: Shirley Blankenship Legacy Materials - Contemporary Folder, Bruch Concerto, 2014Add to your cart.
DVD. Audio recordings. Prepared 6/3/14, Paul Weston. Tracks include: Bruch Violin Concerto in g minor, 3rd movement; Brun N S r VI ensemble; Childs, A Question of Summer for tuba and harp; Dibley,  False Impressions for Tuba and Harp; L-OFP; Lutislawski, Odys Na Itace, Fragmentary, Presto; OSAD, viola and computer tape; Persichetti, Serenade No. 10 for flute and Harp; Rands, Les Gestes; Solo for Carolyn, harp and electronic sounds; Stroud, Harp piece using mallets.
Folder 43: Shirley Legacy Data: CD III, Jolivet-Bartok-Prokofiev, 2014Add to your cart.
CD. Audio recordings. FIles restored, keys adjusted, March 15, 2014. Tracks include: 1. Am I Worthy; 2. Ella & Liza; 3. Five for Tyson; 4. Machota; 5. Mogo's Gone; 6. Sagileo; 7. Seredy; 8. Shirley's Delight; 9 Spent With Ghent. JBP - Tracks: Bartok Sonata; Concerto for Percussion and Piano by Jolivet; Contemporary Jolivet Trio for Flute, Harp, Bassoon; Prokofiev Stereo.
Box 18Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Shirley Meyer Blankenship - Audio Recordings - Back-Up Disks (1 of 2), ca. 1950s - 1990sAdd to your cart.

CD 1 - Labeled  "I Audio".  Audio recordings, 14 unlabeled tracks. Label on CD case reads: "1) Zanter, 1 viola & accompanying on 1 piece; 2) Brenda; 3) Kennedy."

CD 2 - Labeled "Audio II, Compositions". 11 unlabeled audio tracks.

DVD 1 - Labeled "Data Disc III: Compositions, Contemporary Music, Zanter, Martin, Okay items,  Edited Items, Items to be Edited." 9 tracks of contemporary music; "Intertwines", 4 tracks; "Ricercar di Poesia" by Mark Zanter, 2 tracks; "The Own and the Pussycat", 3 parts; works composed by Blankenship and performed by Blankenship.

Folder 2: Shirley Meyer Blankenship - Audio Recordings - Back-Up Disks (2 of 2), ca. 1950s - 1990sAdd to your cart.

DVD 1 - Labeled "IV Data - Squareknot Quartet, Black Bear, NT, Mall, SQ and Guido, Pat and Guido". Contains audio recordings of performances at WEFT, Nature's Table, Market Street Mall, Jumer's, Balcony, Black Bear, Quincy, on April 14th. Performances by: Squareknot Quartet, Guido, Pat and Dorothy, Debra, Blankenship.

DVD 2 - Labeled "V Data - Shirley and Guido; Variety in Motion; Synthezided vln [sic] parts; live performance at Krannert: 3 Trios; Radio interview w/Megan; Interview First Chair Players".  Includes: Live audio performance at Krannert, 1990s. Also includes audio recordings: compositions and transcriptions by Blankenship, Zanter, Bill French, Dorothy Martirano; performances by Guido, Blankenship, Raphael, Michelle, Concert in Miniature; demos; pieces with vocals by Guido, piano by Blankenship; interview with Blankenship. Also The Guido Connection, The Chicago Connection.

DVD 3 - Labeled "Data VI - Harp, Piano, Violin & Viola Music." Audio recordings, mostly classics, of Blankenship recitals, 1950s and 1960s.

DVD 4 - Labeled "VII  Data - Quincy 63-5; Olivet 90-92; Krannert 70s". Audio recordings of performances of classical and modern pieces, most undated, performers unidentified for most pieces.

DVD 5 - Labeled "VIII - Data - Miscellaneous; Murrayville; Woodsen; Singing; Galen". Audio recordings, 12 tracks, some venues and performers identified, most undated. Venues include: Lindenwood, Murrayville and Woodsen, Jacksonville, IL; radio show. Identified performers include: Marilyn, Kathy and Shirley.

Folder 3: "Smoke on the Mountain", 1994, 2000Add to your cart.

DVD 1 - Video recordings of scene from "Smoke on the Mountain". Label reads "File extension".

DVD 2 - Video recording of Act 1 (October 22, 2000).

DVD 3 - Video recording of backstage after the show & rehearsals.

DVD 4 - Video recording of Act 2, pt. 1.

DVD 5 - Video recording of Act 2, pt. 2.

Folder 4: SquareKnot Quartet, 1981, 2006-2009Add to your cart.
CD - Audio recordings include Shirley Blankenship's arrangements for Square Knot Quartet. Recordings of Square Knot's performances at Nature's Table and Market Street Mall. Recordings of Square Knot with Debra Munn at Jumer's. Recordings of Square Knot with Leon  Jeter,  Jumer's Balcony, WEFT - Jumer's (June-July 1981).
Folder 5: Updated Enhanced Audio Recordings, ca. 1950s-1980sAdd to your cart.

DVD 1 - Audio recordings.  Some folders on disk labeled "keys checked", others labeled "revised keys", others labeled "originals not revised."

DVD 2 - Includes audio recordings of classical pieces for piano, flute and harp, viola and harp, harp solo, and harp and choir, and original pieces by Shirley Blankenship (Metaphysical Waltz). Also includes recital programs for Shirley Blankenship and others. Files contain recordings of classical and contemporary pieces in correct and revised keys.

DVD 3 - Recordings of piano accompaniment for Brenda Rucker (voice) and Rahni Kennedy (flute). Also recordings of Guido performances accompanied by Shirley Blankenship, The Champaign Connection, Champaign Underground, and other groups. Programs for performances by various ensembles.

DVD 4 - Audio recordings of pieces by Jolivet, Bartok, Prokofiev. Programs from recitals by Shirley Meyer Blankenship. Audio recordings with Mark Zanter, Photographs of Spitfire Grill musicians, Mark Zanter.

DVD 5 - Video clips from "Smoke on the Mountain", Paul Weston audio and video enhancement. Audio recordings include: "Fantasy 1" and "Fantasy 2", "Metaphysical Waltz", "Visions and Revisions", photographs.

Folder 6: Videos and Photographs, ca. 1938-2015Add to your cart.
DVD. Photographs and videos. Videos include: Stone & Feather video (December 6, 2015);  Shirley and Guido, Days of Wine and Roses; high school friends; early pictures with "Peace for Guidosan" composition;  video from QUILT performances at Parkland Community College, music director: Shirley Meyer Blankenship. Photographs and images include: Harp Legacy Project brochure; Quincy H.S. auditorium.
Sub-Series 3: Shirley Blankenship's Guido Sinclair Legacy FilesAdd to your cart.
Box 18Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Guido's Music, ca. 1950-2010Add to your cart.

CD 1- Contains PDFs and Finale Master Files of compositions written by Guido Sinclair (1950-1992) digitized and arranged by Shirley Blankenship (ca. 2007-2010). Also Contains digitized audio recordings from Variety in Motion Tape Cassette (1988). Compositions include: 1056, Airnonaskum, Asil Kleoranac, Azz Izz Theme, Be Careful, Be Truthful, Black Brown, Bobby Hobby, Brother David Fol, Bucky in the Bush, Bucky's Song, Celibacy, Clydes Pride, Drumski, Ella and Liza, Emit Catch You, Everytime am I Worthy, For those Who Care, Griggs Groove, Half Step Up, How Long Must, Hymn for Black Mothers, I thought So, In Came Beard, In the Middle, Kiss for Kenny, Knute's Tune, Loveable Sweet Messenger, Mac Minor, Machota, Magic Lick, Mama Ida, Maryabmber's Request, Master Bates, Maureen's Dreams, Metaphysical Waltz, Mogo's Gone, Mo-Hop, Mopper, Nature's Table, Not Enough of Too Much, Nuff Said, One for Jazzmin, One for Meeks, One for Nancy, Ping Pong, Popcorn Lover, Quit it, Rekibuki, Sagileo, Sarahsoda, Saykome, Seredy, Shirley's Delight, Shirl's World, Spent with Ghent, Squirrel, Terry's Tune, Too Hot-to-Squat, Tuffy's Jungle.

CD 2- Copy of CD 1.

Folder 8: Lead Sheets for Guido Sinclair's Compositions, ca. 1995Add to your cart.
Contains 14 Floppy Discs containing files of lead sheets for Saint Sinclair's Synerjazz, The Music of Guido Sinclair, Metaphysical Waltz, and Trios.

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Personal Papers, ca. 1900-2017],
[Series 2: Audio Recordings, 1953-2015],
[Series 3: Sunshine Dinner Playhouse Theatre Production Photographs, 1995-1997],
[Series 4: Guido Sinclair Music and Papers, 1958-2005],
[Series 5: Shirley Blankeship Computer Files, ca. 1950-2016],

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