By Joseph Ansel Hoisington
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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library Milwaukee Police Department Arbitration File, 1973
ID: 35/3/412
Primary Creator: Wagner, Martin (1911-)
Other Creators: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Labor and Industrial Relations
Extent: 5.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: By Topic
Date Acquired: 07/29/2007
Subjects: Arbitration, Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, Labor Law, Labor Relations, Law Enforcement, Mediation, Police, Public Employees
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
ILIR Library Files of Milwaukee Police Department Arbitration conducted by Prof. Martin Wagner in 1973 contains briefs by the City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and its Police Union (Professional Policemen's Protective Association) (1973), transcripts of the proceedings (February 16 - June 19, 1973), evidence and exhibits introduced by the City and the Union (1959, 1967 - 1973) and findings by the arbitrator (1973) relating to a general labor dispute between the City and the Union over issues including wages and salaries, leave, the rights of police officers to participate in political activities and the general terms of employment of police in Milwaukee in comparison to other cities in the Midwest and the United States
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Acquisition Source:
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 1],
Box 2],
Box 3],
[Box 4],
Box 5],
- Box 4

- Folder 3: City Exhibit (cont.)

- Item 5: Population and Income Characteristics, Housing Characteristics, Housing Units, Labor Force Characteristics, Population Projection, Age Distribution, Household Type Projection, Labor Force Projection, and Police Districts: City of Milwaukee and Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (excluding Milwaukee), 1973

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 6: Booklet Containing City Exhibits, including statistics on Milwaukee, the greater Milwaukee Metropolitan Statistical Area, and the Milwaukee Police Dept., as well as previous agreements, fact-findings and relevant city council resolutions., 1973

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 7: The Milwaukee Police Dept. Annual Report 1971, circa 1972

- Creator: Milwaukee Police Dept.
- Item 8: Booklet Containing City Exhibits, including the rules of the Milwaukee Police Dept., legislation at the city, state and national level and court rulings, 1973

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 9: Board of Police and Fire Commissioners, Exhibits I - XXI, 1973

- Creator: Milwaukee Board of Police and Fire Commissioners
- Item 10: Booklet Containing Questionnaires (blank) on topics including Rules and Regulations, Determination of Univorm, Grievance Procedure and Seniority in the Police Dept., 1973

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 11: Folder Containing Exhibits on topics including court rulings, enforcement of residency rules, and agreements and arbitration of disputes in similar circumstances, 1973

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 12: "Police and Their Mission: A Seminar for Journalists", June 17-20, 1973

- Creator: Univ. of Louisville
- Item 13: Southern Police Institute Administrative Officers Course, no date

- Creator: Southern Police Institute, Univ. of Louisville
- Item 14: The City of Milwaukee Group Health Insurance Plan, 1971

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 15: Southern Police Institute Directory, August 1972

- Creator: Southern Police Institute, Univ. of Louisville
- Item 16: Programs Held at the Southern Police Institute, December 1969 - February 1973

- Creator: Southern Police Institute, Univ. of Louisville
- Item 17: Workmen's Compensation Act of Wisconsin, January 1, 1972

- Creator: State of Wisconsin
- Item 18: Statistics on Employment in Milwaukee and Southeastern Wisconsin, 1973

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 19: Statistics on City of Milwaukee Expenditures, 1973

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 20: "GENE SULLIVAN, called as a witness at the instance of the City, having been first duly sworn on oath, was examined and testified as follows:", 1973

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 21: In Re the Petition of the Professional Policemen's Protective Association for Factfinding in the Dispute Between it and the City of Milwaukee, circa 1969

- Creator: Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission
- Item 22: Listing - Policemen's Annuity and Benefit System Active as of November 4, 1972, November 1972

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 32: Booklet Containing City Exhibits, including the City of Detroit's benefit and retirement plans, the history of the negotiation and arbitration leading up to it, and a US Labor Dept. digest of Selected Pension Plans, 1973

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 33: Information from the Milwaukee Comptroller's Office about the Police Benefits and Actuarial Assessments Thereof, November 22, 1972

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 34: Booklet Containing City Exhibits, including labor costs, property taxes and incomes in the United States and the Milwaukee Metropolitan Area, 1973

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 35: Clarification of Certain Cost Figures Relating to the PA &BF, May 11, 1973

- Creator: A.S. Hansen, Inc. Actuaries and Consultants
- Item 36: Agreement Between City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee Dist. Council 48, AFSCME, AFL-CIO and its Appropriate Affiliated Locals, 1973

- Creator: American Fed. Of State, County and Municipal Employees AFL-CIO and City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 37: Agreement Between City of Milwaukee and Milwaukee Professional Firefighters Assoc., Local 215, Intl. Assoc. of Firefighters, AFL-CIO, January 1, 1971

- Creator: Milwaukee Professional Firefighters Assoc. Local 215, Intl. Assoc. of Firefighters AFL-CIO and City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 38: Booklet Containing City Exhibits, including the Milwaukee Area Consumer Price Index, Wage and Salary Increases in the City of Milwaukee and the Police Dept., City of Milwaukee Police Questionnaire and information on salary steps, hours of work, and longevity in Milwaukee and 27 other cities, 1973

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Item 39: Autumn 1972 Urban Family Budgets and Comparative Indexes for Selected Urban Areas, June 15, 1973

- Creator: US Labor Dept.
- Item 40: Regulations on City Employees, 1973

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Folder 4: Joint Exhibit

- Item 1: Calendar

- Folder 5: Union Exhibits

- Item 1: Agreement allowing Professional Policemen's Protective Association Board members leave to conduct the Association's case before Arbitrator Martin Wagner, 1973

- Creator: City of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Professional Policeman's Protective Assoc.
- Item 2: Booklet Containing Association Exhibits, including proposals, complaints filed before the Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission and previous agreements between the Association and the City of Milwaukee, 1973

- Creator: Professional Policemen's Protective Assoc.
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Box 1],
Box 2],
Box 3],
[Box 4],
Box 5],