Title: AAEA Adminstrative Correspondence, 1944-2002

American Agricultural Editors Association (AAEA) is a national organization. AAEA does not have branch or member chapters. There are routinely three meetings each year--the annual meeting held in late Novemeber or early December, a briefing meeting held in late March, and a summer meeting held in June. The annual meeting is held in Chicago. The briefing meeting in Washington, D.C. and the summer meeting is moved from area to area. Because of the deep involvment of the United States government in agriculture, one of the major association efforts is pointed to speeding the flow of research findings, disease eradication rules and regulations, federal extension information, and farm program rules and regulations to farmers. This project is handled through a liason committee that works directly with the United States Department of Agriculture.
The association annually presents a Distinguished Service Award to a man who has made important contributions to American or to world agriculture.
Exerpt taken from "WHAT AAEA IS" circa 1970s