Browse By Series Title | University of Illinois Archives
Holdings Beginning With "C"
11/8/24 C. Dale Greffe Papers, 1945-73

15/13/52 C. Ernest Dawn Papers, 1950-2001

41/20/302 C.E. Pace Postcard, 1908

8/11/814 Cafeteria Issuances, 1966-

15/24/804 Cahokia Mounds Publications, 1922-28

50/12/805 Calendar of Events, 1946, 1948-

24/5/801 Calendar of Events, 1963

25/3/807 Calendars, 1931-

15/35/810 Calendars and Events, 1979-

16/7/802 Calendars and Schedules, 1950-

60/7/805 Call Number, 1968-

24/1/804 Campus Administrative Manual, 1967-

41/81/802 Campus Commentary, 1974-1997

37/4/11 Campus Crime Report Logs, 2010-

37/7/812 Campus Cues, 1948, 1962

0/1/830 Campus Digest, 1977-

41/18/812 Campus Guardian, 1991-

8/1/837 Campus News Briefs, 1965

29/1/805 Campus Pathways, 1952-59

50/1/805 Campus Reports, 1965-

24/1/801 Campus Reports, 1967-1979

8/1/7 Car Book File, 1954-1955

17/1/804 Career Publications, 1958-

20/1/802 Career Publications, ca. 1960-

11/1/810 Careers in Engineering, 1949-

26/20/70 Carl A. Menzel Papers, 1918-88

41/20/73 Carl C. Searle Papers, 1911-12

35/1/28 Carl Deal Papers, 1952-1997

26/20/61 Carl L. Colwell Papers, 1962-76

35/1/21 Carl M. White Papers, 1938-1943

41/20/259 Carl W. Muhlenbruch Photographs, 1934-37

15/15/22 Carl Woese Papers, 1911-2013

35/3/33 Carol Boast Papers, 1975-91

41/20/263 Carol Irene Hasemeyer Papers, 1942-1945

15/7/46 Carol Kyle Papers, 1957-1995

41/20/106 Carroll W. Evans Scrapbook, 1923-27

52/21/804 Case Report Instructions, 1967-

10/15/813 Case Studies in Science Education, 1978

15/1/18 Cash Journals, 1906-21

12/2/15 Catalog of Apparatus, 1881-1901

18/1/64 Cataloging Slides, 1930-70

60/2/801 Catalogs, 1946-

54/1/801 Catalogs, 1874-78, 1884-1941, 1950-

67/1/802 Catalogs, 1968-

50/1/806 Catalogs, 1940-47, 1967-80

52/1/805 Catalogs, 1882-1940, 1948-

25/3/801 Catalogs, 1867-1947, 1949-

31/8/801 Catalogs of Courses, 1934-54, 1961-

7/1/815 Catalogue of Titles, 1914-1941

4/5/53 CATV Committee Files, 1972

14/1/820 Caveat, 1956-81, 1989-90

24/14/801 CDMS Issuances and Reports, 2003-2011

11/5/813 CE Bulletin, 1966-70

50/1/821 Centennial Booklet, 1968

11/10/90 Centennial History File, 1990-91

7/23/801 Center Issuances, 1984-

41/8/821 Chaff, 1957-1962

24/1/802 Chancellor's Issuances, 1969-

13/6/806 Channel 12 News, 1960-

26/20/156 Chapin Family Papers, 1883-1970

41/95/2 Chapter Composites File, 1867-

41/95/3 Chapter Photographs File, 1867-

26/20/14 Charles A. Kiler Papers, 1868-1945

41/20/87 Charles E. Keck Papers, 1992

41/20/151 Charles H. Butler Scrapbook, 1913-1918

15/18/28 Charles M. Kneier Papers, 1927-54

26/20/10 Charles W. Bailey Papers, ca. 1940

26/20/45 Charles W. Clabaugh Papers, 1979

15/23/28 Cheris Kramarae Papers, 1969-70

41/71/20 Chi Beta Records, 1973

60/9/808 Chicago Circle Center, 1968

64/1/805 Chicago Circle Engineer, 1968-

67/1/810 Chicago Circle Studies, 1968-

60/4/835 Chi-Illini Cues, ca. 1950

15/36/18 China Seminar Proceedings, 1971-1982

41/30/176 Christine E. Hammer B.A. Thesis, 2005

12/11/806 Chronological Theater Programs, 1895-

41/66/700 Chronology of Campus Protests, ca. 1972

15/7/828 Chrysalis, 1975

31/4/801 CIES Annual Reports, 1982-

31/4/802 CIES Reports, 1987-

60/1/805 Circle Report, 1961-62, 1968-

12/6/810 Circular Series, 1944-2006

45/1/812 Circulars, 1930-

44/1/805 Circulars, 1932-

10/10/802 Circulars, 1922-1947

43/6/803 Circulars, 1919-1966

8/3/804 Circulars, 1916-

8/2/812 Circulars, 1897-1918

41/1/801 Circulars and Announcements, 1970-

11/5/817 Soil Mechanics Series, 1951-

41/20/161 Clara E. Davis Scrapbook, 1912-1916

41/20/180 Clara Hamilton Scrapbook, 1943-1946

15/18/22 Clarence A. Berdahl Papers, 1920-89

26/20/256 Clarence E. Smalley Papers, c. 1918

41/20/267 Clarence H. Freeark Scrapbook, 1915-1922

15/13/43 Clark C. Spence Papers, 1955-2001

2/5/19 Clark R. Griggs Memoir, 1906

12/5/32 Dorothy E. Clark Papers, 1949-56

26/40/102 1878 Class History, 1911

25/3/9 Class Lists, 1873-1880

13/3/805 Class Materials, 1932, 1948, 1991

26/40/113 Class of 1935 Newsletter, 1947, 1950

18/1/55 Class Newsletters, 1928-41

41/20/8 Class of 1881 Photographs, 1881

26/40/115 Class of 1888 Reunion, 1933, 1938

26/40/118 Class of 1907 Reunion Records, 1937

26/40/119 Class of 1921 Records, 1921-1921

26/40/110 Class of 1928 Records, 1928, 1938-1983

26/40/117 Class of 1939 Reunion Materials, 1989

26/40/114 Class of 1940 Reunion Materials, 1995

41/20/13 Class Photograph Album, 1895

18/1/14 Class Record Books, 1924-42

16/4/806 Class Reunion Publications, 1953

11/4/812 Class Reunion Publications, 2000

15/6/15 Classica Americana, 1935-1941

15/6/801 Classics Announcements, 1908-

41/20/127 Claude M. Swanson Papers, 1911-1944

26/20/79 C. F. Marley Photographs, 1956-76

41/20/27 Cletus J. Boodell Papers, 1918

41/20/41 Clifton E. Barnes Papers, 1918-1920

41/20/265 Clifton Zabka Photographs, 1953-1954

14/80/32 Clinical Law Review, 1994-

2/5/12 Clipping Files, 1912-1920

13/3/10 Clippings, 1928-1939

33/1/10 Clippings, 1948-68

8/12/4 Clippings File, 1901-1936

26/20/161 Clyde P. Davis Family History, 2011

41/2/35 College Day File, 1947-1957

16/1/807 College Issuances, 1983-

15/1/803 College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Annual Awards Ceremony, 1991-92, 1991-1992, 2009-2010, 2012-2014

41/82/841 College Panhellenics Guidelines, 1973-79

11/1/803 College Publications, 1960-2003

18/1/67 Colloquia Tapes, 1957-2002

39/2/23 Color Slides, 1959-

12/12/803 Coming Events Announcements, 1969-2012

39/1/6 Commencement File, 1984

2/0/803 Commencement Programs, 1872-

21/1/812 Commission Papers, 1952-

25/50/8 Commitee Files, 1955-1982

24/1/8 Committee File, 1960-74

11/1/6 Committee File, 1950-77

41/1/8 Committee File, 1939-1958

41/82/50 Committee File, 1947-85, 1999-2001

35/1/14 Committee Files, 1964-1981

10/13/20 Committee on School Mathematics File

1/10/4 Committee on the Selection of a President of the University of Illinois, 1944-45, 1953-54, 1970-80

4/2/825 Committee on University Statutes & Senate Procedures Publications, 1892-94, 1915-18, 1954-55, 1962, 1966-

11/1/816 Committee Publications, 1960-

14/82/1 Committee Publications File, 1950, 1961, ca. 1972, 1977, 1993-98, 2001-06, 2013-14, 2016, 2018-20

15/14/3 Committee Files, 1964-1990

7/1/14 Committees File, 1968-2007

33/1/806 Communicable Disease Materials, 1928

36/1/815 Communique, 1973-

12/8/805 Community Planning Data, 1948-1966

15/47/810 Comparative Literature Studies, 1971-

24/1/840 Computer Promotion File, 1985-

11/15/816 Computer Science Alumni News, 1991-

12/5/806 Concert and Recital Programs, 1923-

31/11/804 Concert Guides, 1964

41/67/176 Concrete Canoe Team Records, 1970-

10/1/823 Conference Announcements, Programs & Proceedings, 1905, 1935, 1936-38, 1940-43, 1945, 1948, 2000

41/81/4 NIC Conference Files, 1924-2009

12/4/812 Conference Proceedings, 1961

7/14/805 Conference Proceedings, 1975-

7/1/822 Conference Proceedings, 1974-

31/8/815 Conference Publications, 1958

4/7/803 Constitution and Bylaws, 1978

11/5/818 Construction Research Series, 1964-

50/1/809 Consultant's Report, 1965

7/15/803 Consumer Behavior Reports, 1976-

41/3/814 Continuing Conversations, 1967-

45/1/814 Contract Publications, 1952-

44/1/817 Contract Research Reports, 1973-

39/1/5 Convocation File, 1942-1957

24/1/830 COPE Action Report, 1974

13/1/814 Coranto, 1950-1951

41/20/6 Corda Lucas Album, 1880

11/1/65 Corporation Files, 1981-2009

8/11/4 Correspondence, 1906-1913

10/12/1 Correspondence, 1950-1972, 1981

41/4/1 Correspondence, 1934-1947

5/999 Correspondence files

8/4/914 Cost Reports & Studies, 1925-47

35/3/803 Council Notes, 1951-

41/9/801 Counseling Issuances, 1958-

30/1/803 County Chairmen File, 1923-

30/2/810 County Chairmen's Handbooks, 1956-90

11/4/810 Course and Conference Programs and Proceedings, 1905-06, 1914-41, 1947-49, 1953, 1963, 1973-89

15/23/812 Course Announcements, 1955-62

12/3/5 Course Descriptions, 1900

11/7/10 Course Descriptions

15/13/805 Course Guides, 1977-2007

15/21/817 Course Materials, 1945

15/5/817 Course Materials, 1905-

54/3/827 Course Materials, 1968-1972

8/7/806 Course Materials, 1941-

8/9/827 Course Materials, 1966-

8/10/827 Course Materials, 1965

8/5/827 Course Materials, 1977-

15/19/808 Course Materials, 1980-

11/11/812 Course Materials, 1947-48

15/18/817 Course Materials, 1932, 1937

15/11/812 Course Materials, 1908

12/8/827 Course Materials, 1915, 1969

18/1/15 Course Materials, 1893-2005

8/15/827 Course Materials, 1965-

12/4/827 Course Materials, 1936-91

17/4/827 Course Materials, 1934-51

17/5/801 Course Materials, 1946-49

8/6/827 Course Materials, 1918, 1965-

8/8/827 Course Materials, 1961-

15/4/806 Course Outlines, 1941

11/1/57 Course Outlines, 1959-79

31/3/801 Course Schedules, 1966-

31/8/805 Course Syllabi, 1964-

12/11/11 Course Syllabi, 1997-2003

8/13/827 Couse Materials, 1965-

50/9/803 CPC Handbook, ca. 1963

21/1/818 CPRD Issuances, 2004-

41/20/193 Craig Poffenberger Papers, 1967-1973

26/20/6 Cream of Tartar Report, May 1886

0/1/809 Credit Union Issuances, 1941-

65/19/801 Criminal Justice Brochure, 1969-

41/8/855 Crossroads Magazine, 1993-1995

11/18/801 Center for Simulation of Advanced Rockets Research Reports and Conference Material, 1997-2002

7/6/810 CSO Updates, 1972-

11/10/18 CSX-1 Computer File, 1961-81

9/11/802 Current Economic Comment, 1938-60

16/3/805 Curriculum Outlines, 1928-42

15/31/801 Curriculum Publications, 1939-44, 1958-

38/1/12 Cut Book, 1900-1924