Records Relating to Theatre Department | University of Illinois Archives
Records filed under "Theatre Department" Show Name Authority File
12 11 8 Ticket Reports, 1946-59

12 11 10 Faculty and Staff File, 1945-93

12 11 11 Course Syllabi, 1997-2003

12 11 19 Gary Gardner Play Scripts, 1970-72

12 11 21 John Wesley Swanson Papers, 1942-65

12 11 22 Alan G. Billings Papers, 1965

12 11 23 Burnet Hobgood Papers, 1978-94

12 11 50 Prompters Records, 1986-93

12 11 801 Departmental Announcements, 1965-

12 11 803 Performance Announcements, 1934-

12 11 804 Theatre Programs, 1910-

12 11 806 Chronological Theater Programs, 1895-