Records Relating to Bureau of Educational Research | University of Illinois Archives
Records filed under "Bureau of Educational Research" Show Name Authority File
10 10 12 School Survey Reports, 1947-1948

10 10 21 William McLure Papers, 1940-1991

10 10 113 Bennett Tarleton Papers, 1972-80

10 10 801 Bulletins, 1918-1947

10 10 802 Circulars, 1922-1947

10 10 803 Publications Lists, 1924-26, 1931-32

10 10 804 Annual Research Reports, 1967-

10 10 805 Research Publications, 1949-1966

10 10 810 Histories, 1919, 1928, 1950

10 10 811 Graduate Theses Lists, 1924-1927

10 10 812 Abstracts of Research Projects, 1967-

10 10 815 Journal of Aesthetic Education, 1966-