Records Relating to Agricultural Extension Service | University of Illinois Archives
Records filed under "Agricultural Extension Service" Show Name Authority File
8 3 20 Darl M. Hall Papers, 1934-64

8 3 24 John C. Spitler Papers, 1972

8 3 31 Rural Youth Records, 1939-74

8 3 33 Hubert J. Wetzel Papers

8 3 41 4-H Camp Records, 1957-65

8 3 88 NAFB Publications, 1944-

8 3 90 NAFB Subject File, 1941-2002

8 3 101 AAEA Publications, 1945-

8 3 104 AAEA Photographs, 1934-2005

8 3 804 Circulars, 1916-

8 3 811 The Adviser, 1925, 1962-63

8 3 823 Home Account Books, 1921, 1932

8 3 825 Home Economics Comments, 1966-

8 3 826 Entomology Fact Sheets, 1961-

8 3 839 IFYE Publications, 1959-

8 3 853 4-H Staff Minutes, 1957-

8 3 877 Workbook for Writers, 1960

8 3 879 Telenet Publications, 1971-

8 3 890 Advance Market Newsletter, 1964-

8 3 897 National Corn Handbook, 1986-

8 3 926 Entomology Publications, 1987-

8 3 979 IlliNet Publications, 1982-