Records Relating to Experiment Station | University of Illinois Archives
Records filed under "Experiment Station" Show Name Authority File
8 2 1 Subject File, 1942-1999

8 2 3 Staff Minutes, 1893-1903

8 2 5 Warrant Book, 1896-1905

8 2 14 Sludge Reports, 1974-75

8 2 15 Project File, 1925-95

8 2 22 Donald Holt Papers, 1984-93

8 2 801 Bulletins, 1885, 1888-

8 2 803 Illinois Research, 1959-

8 2 805 Biennial Reports, 1887-

8 2 806 Anniversary Programs, 1933-1938

8 2 808 Station News, 1982-

8 2 812 Circulars, 1897-1918

8 2 813 Soil Reports, 1911-1976