Search Results for "photographs" | University of Illinois Archives
Search Results for Language: Italian [ita]
- Graduate College
Supercomputing Applications & Research & Development
- Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
- Fine Arts and Applied Arts
School of Music
- Lyric Theatre @ Illinois Production Records, 1969-2016
- Bruno Nettl Papers, 1949-2010
- Salvatore Martirano Music, Personal Papers, and Sal-Mar Construction, 1927-1999
- Alexander L Ringer Papers, 1921-2002
- Thomas Schleis Papers, 1972-2012
- Lawrence Gushee Papers, 1794-2008
- Emanuil Sheynkman Papers and Russian Music, 1914-1994
- School of Music Ethnomusicology Audio Archives, 1896-2001
- University of Illinois Black Chorus Records, ca. 1917-2023
- Lyric Theatre @ Illinois Production Records, 1969-2016
- Fine Arts and Applied Arts
Urban and Regional Planning Department
- Fine Arts and Applied Arts
University Bands
- Yolande Oglesby Theater Programs and Kitty Cheatham Papers, 1900-1970
- Hunleth Music Store Sheet Music and Photograph Collection, ca. 1880-1986
- Mark A. Selivan Balalaika and Domra Society of New York Music, 1922-1970
- Henry Hicks Wind Band Sound Recording Collection, 1967-2014
- American Choral Directors Association Special Collections, ca. 1950-2000
- Yolande Oglesby Theater Programs and Kitty Cheatham Papers, 1900-1970
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
History Department
- Donald E. Queller Papers, 1980-1993
- Donald E. Queller Papers, 1980-1993
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Department
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
Classics Department
- Alexander Turyn Papers, 1940-77
- Alexander Turyn Papers, 1940-77
- Chancellor's Office
International Programs and Studies, Office of
- Alumni Association
- University Library
Departmental Library Services

- Search image thumbnails (517 or more images found)
- "Expanding Horizons", the History of Division of Rehabilitation-Education Services at the University of Illinois (Digital Surrogates)
- Columbus Memorial, detail
- 1878 Class History (Digital Surrogate)
- 1987 Campus Inventory of Significant Historic Buildings (Digital Surrogates)
- A. Richard Williams (Digital Surrogates)
- AALS Annual Meetings, Conferences, and Workshops Photographs (Born Digital Records)
- AALS Section on Criminal Justice Publications (Born Digital Records)
- Ad Council Campaign Files (Digital Surrogates)
- Ad Council Photographs (Digital Surrogates)
- Ad Council Washington Office Subject File (Digital Surrogates)
- Advancement Operations Subject File (Born Digital Records)
- Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow (Born Digital Records)
- Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences Faculty and Staff File (Digital Surrogates)
- Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Photograph File (Born Digital Records)
- Alma Mater Behind the Union
- Alpha Epsilon Phi Records (Born Digital Records)
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Newsletters and Photographs (Digital Surrogates)
- alpha Kappa Delta Phi Subject Files (Born Digital Records)
- Alpha Lambda Delta Archives (Born Digital Records)
- Alpha Phi Omega (Born Digital Records)
- Alumni and Faculty Biographical (Alumni News Morgue) File (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Records)
- Andrew V. Nalbandov Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Applied Health Sciences Library Administration Subject File (Born Digital Records)
- Architecture Department Subject File: Manuscript by Nathan C. Ricker (Digital Surrogates)
- Art and Design Department Newsletters (Digital Surrogates)
- ATO Chapter Photographs File (Digital Surrogates)
- ATO Fraternity Website (Born Digital Records)
- Barry Brehm Photographs (Born Digital Records)
- Bernard A. Strauch Photograph Collection (Digital Surrogates)
- Beta Phi Mu Alpha Chapter (Born Digital Records)
- Beta Phi Mu National Records (Born Digital Records)
- Black Graduate Student Association (Born Digital Records)
- Black Student Association Publications (Digital Surrogates)
- Black Students for Revolution (Born Digital Records)
- Board of Trustees Elected
- Bruce Hannon Papers (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
- Building Photographs (Digital Surrogates)
- Center for Democracy in a Multiracial Society (Born Digital Records)
- Charles C. Stewart Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Charles Meyerson Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- COVID-19 "Share Your Story" (Born-Digitial Records)
- COVID-19 Documentation Project (Born-Digital Records)
- Delta Sigma Theta Records (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
- Dr. Zelma George at the United Nations
- Edgar J. Townsend Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Engineering Open House Records (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
- Engineering Photographs and Negatives (Digital Surrogates)
- Engineering Scrapbooks (Digital Surrogates)
- Facilities and Services Project Drawing and Plans Files (Digital Surrogates)
- Faculty Portraits File (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Images)
- Gabriel Guevrekian Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Gene E. and Kristine J. Campbell Aerial Photographs (Born Digital Records)
- Graduate School of Library and Information Science Alumni File (Digital Surrogates)
- Greek Affairs Subject File (Digital Surrogates)
- Hal Bruno Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Harlan D. Fairchild Photographic Collection (Digital Surrogates)
- Harold C. M. Case Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Harold M. and Margaret Osborn Papers (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Records)
- Hester Suggs (Digital Surrogates)
- Hubert L. Allen Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Illini Union Board Subject Files (Born Digital Records)
- Illini Union Photographic Subject File (Digital Surrogates)
- Iltis Mendelania Collection (Digital Surrogates)
- International Hospitality Club (Digital Surrogates)
- Iris Chang Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Jack R. & Harry V. Harlan Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- James B. Reston Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- John Needels Chester Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Kalev Leetaru Papers/ UIHistories Project File (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
- Leon Dash Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Library Photographs and Slides (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
- Lorado Taft Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Louise J. Pellens Scrapbook (Digital Surrogates)
- Lowell Griffith Photographs (Digital Surrogates)
- Male Students Streaking through Campus
- Margaret Erlanger Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Men's Football Programs (Digital Surrogates)
- Michael Stern Hart Papers (Born Digital Records)
- NAPA Photographs and Audiovisuals (Born Digital Records)
- Nathan C. Ricker Papers (Digital Surrogates and Born Digital Records)
- News-Gazette Negatives (Digital Surrogates)
- Nina Ruth Harding Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) Photographs and Audiovisuals (Born Digital Records)
- Office of University Relations Photographs (Digital Surrogates)
- Open House and Student Engineering Exhibit Programs (Digital Surrogates)
- Park Livingston, George D. Stoddard, and John Fornof
- Photographic Subject File (Digital Surrogates)
- Pi Alpha Phi Files (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
- Reginald and Gladys Laubin Papers and Audio Recordings (Digital Surrogates)
- Report of Farm Mechanics Extension Records (Digital Surrogates)
- Richard Nixon and Irene M. Gaines
- Ricker Reader/Ricker Notes (Digital Surrogates)
- Rodrick Lee "Rick" Schmidt Papers (Digital Surrogates)
- Rosalie F. Gehant Scrapbook (Digital Surrogates)
- Scandinavian Club Records (Born Digital Records)
- School of Chemical Sciences Noyes Laboratory Centennial Celebration File (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
- Senior Day Football Game Files (Born Digital Records)
- Sigma Nu Files (Born Digital Records)
- Star Wars Club Records (Born Digital Records)
- Student Organization Websites (Born Digital Records)
- Symphony Orchestra Latin American Tour Records (Digital Surrogates)
- The Millini (Digital Surrogates)
- The Sophograph (Digital Surrogates)
- Trygve Lie with Congress of American Women
- U and I (Digital Surrogates)
- UC2B Initative (Born Digital Records)
- Unit One Administrative Records (Born Digital and Digital Surrogate Records)
- University of Illinois Material (Digital Surrogates)
- Virgil Winkler Biography
- Visual Aids Service fire damage
- Watson F. Lewis Papers (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
- Whitney C. Huntington Papers: Students Thesis (Digital Surrogates)
- William Trelease Papers (Digital Surrogates)

- Ag Relations Council Records, 1980s - 2016
- Agricultural Express Station Subject Files, 1950s-
- Alumni and Faculty Biographical (Alumni News Morgue) File
- Ambrose W. Burger Papers
- August Burnier Scrapbooks, 1940s-80s (gathered 1975)
- Charlie Meyerson Papers (A), 1973-1975
- Class of 1881 photographs, 1881
- College of Business Publications and Photographs from Communications Office, 1980s -
- Delta Tau Delta addition, 1910s
- Donald W. Webb Papers, 1960s-1990s
- Edward "Dwight" Brauns Correspondence and Photographs, 1917-1919, 1970
- Ernest D. Rutenber Current Events Newspaper Clippings, 1908
- Family Housing Division, 1987-93
- Historical File, 1896-2002
- Items from Library Advancement Office, ca. 1980-2006
- Jack H. McKenzie Papers, 1980s and 2000s
- James B. Sinclair Papers
- James R. Anderson papers
- John Bardeen Papers--addition, 1950-1991
- Kuhlemeyer Genre Family Papers, 1905-33
- Lorado Taft Oversize photographs
- Marvin Mischnick Photographs and Papers, 1940-2000s
- Nick Holonyak, Jr. Papers, 1952-2004
- Peter Braunfeld and family papers, 1890-2000
- Photographic Subject File
- Photographs of Campus and Local Urbana, ca. 1880-1906
- Revilo P. Oliver Papers, 1910s-1995
- Robert G. F. Spitze papers
- Robert M. Skirvin Papers
- Robert W. Bohl Papers, 1993
- Samuel K. Gove Papers, Late 70s to mid-90s
- Various Physics Faculty Papers
- WILL Photograph File, 1980-2008
- William Colwell Papers, 1940s
- Zoology Faculty Photograph File, 1953-2011
684 Hits! Click the links to show each category's results.