Search Results for "brown" | University of Illinois Archives
Search Results for Language: Italian [ita]
- Graduate College
Supercomputing Applications & Research & Development
- Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
- Fine Arts and Applied Arts
School of Music
- Lyric Theatre @ Illinois Production Records, 1969-2016
- Bruno Nettl Papers, 1949-2010
- Salvatore Martirano Music, Personal Papers, and Sal-Mar Construction, 1927-1999
- Alexander L Ringer Papers, 1921-2002
- Thomas Schleis Papers, 1972-2012
- Lawrence Gushee Papers, 1794-2008
- Emanuil Sheynkman Papers and Russian Music, 1914-1994
- School of Music Ethnomusicology Audio Archives, 1896-2001
- University of Illinois Black Chorus Records, ca. 1917-2023
- Lyric Theatre @ Illinois Production Records, 1969-2016
- Fine Arts and Applied Arts
Urban and Regional Planning Department
- Fine Arts and Applied Arts
University Bands
- Yolande Oglesby Theater Programs and Kitty Cheatham Papers, 1900-1970
- Hunleth Music Store Sheet Music and Photograph Collection, ca. 1880-1986
- Mark A. Selivan Balalaika and Domra Society of New York Music, 1922-1970
- Henry Hicks Wind Band Sound Recording Collection, 1967-2014
- American Choral Directors Association Special Collections, ca. 1950-2000
- Yolande Oglesby Theater Programs and Kitty Cheatham Papers, 1900-1970
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
History Department
- Donald E. Queller Papers, 1980-1993
- Donald E. Queller Papers, 1980-1993
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
Spanish, Italian and Portuguese Department
- Liberal Arts and Sciences
Classics Department
- Alexander Turyn Papers, 1940-77
- Alexander Turyn Papers, 1940-77
- Chancellor's Office
International Programs and Studies, Office of
- Alumni Association
- University Library
Departmental Library Services

- Search image thumbnails (60 or more images found)
- Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Videotape File (Digital Surrogates)
- Andrew Duncanson Interview with Brown and Widup
- CDMS Issuances and Reports (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
- Claude (Brownell) & the E-harp" audiocassette
- Claude Brownell audiocassette
- Dody Cosmedy Interview with Brown and Widup
- Greek Affairs Subject File (Digital Surrogates)
- Ian Shepard Interview with Brown and Widup
- Jake Tatar Interview with Brown
- Jay Rosenstein Interview with Brown and Widup
- John Dolan, Burt Brown, etc. and Fillmore`s Band
- Mark Rubel Interview with Brown
- Rick Sadowski Interview with Brown
- Roger Prillaman Interview with Brown
- Steel Guitar My Way: Claude Brownell and His Long Neck Steel" audiocassette
- Terry Brown Interview with Fredrickson and Leake
- Theodore L. Brown Papers (Born Digital Records and Digital Surrogates)
- Tom Grassman Interview with Brown and Widup
- Victor E. Shelford Papers (Digital Surrogates)

- Brown Photography
- Brown, Allen Brookins (1895-1972)
- Brown, Dee Alexander
- Brown, Dillon S. (1852-1931)
- Brown, Elaine (1910-1997)
- Brown, Evelyn E.
- Brown, Florence Coerper
- Brown, George Bosworth (1914-)
- Brown, Gladys May
- Brown, Robert E.
- Brown, Robert E. (Robert Edward) (1927-2005)
- Brown, Sherman Daniel (1929-)
- Brown, Theodore L. (Theodore Lawrence) (1928-)
- Brown, Tom (1881-1950)
- Browne, Robert Bell (1894-1959)
- Marti Briggs Brown
- Miller Brown, Terry
- Robert E. Brown Center for World Music (2007-present)
131 Hits! Click the links to show each category's results.