Title: Appointments, 1887-1936; 1912-17
ID: 1/1/11
Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Secretary of the Board of Trustees
Extent: 2.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: Chronologically and alphabetically thereunder
Subjects: Faculty Appointments
Formats/Genres: Papers
Languages: English
Appointments filed by the Secretary of the Board, including Agriculture References to Board of Trustees Reports for 1887-1936, and letters, 1912-17, of notification, acceptance and resignation concerning appointments to positions on the University staff, fellowships and scholarships. All routine and form letter notifications and acceptances for 1915-17 have been destroyed. For a complete list of appointments for these and subsequent years see RS 1/1/802, Trustees Reports.
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/0101011.pdf
PDF finding aid for Appointments (1/1/11)