AALS Annual Meetings, Conferences, and Workshops Video Recordings (Born Digital Records) | University of Illinois Archives
Born Digital Records from AALS Annual Meetings, Conferences, and Workshops Video Recordings include digital video recordings of Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Annual Meeting, Clinical Legal Education, and related conference workshops and interviews, including all sessions of the conference "Critical Choices: Education Decisions for the Next Generation of Lawyers," one session from workshop "Blurring Boundaries in Financial and Corporate Law," selected sessions from AALS Annual Meetings (2015-17), keynote from Conference on Clinical Legal Education, interviews from Conference on Clinical Legal Education, promotional videos for potential exhibitors at 2017 AALS Annual Meeting (2016) and for Before the JD research studies (2018), video or video transcript from Becoming a Law Teacher webinars (2019), transcripts of Faculty Focus webinars (2020), and transcript of President's welcome from virtually held AALS Annual Meeting (2021).
Administrative access to preservation, nearline, and access files are available to archives staff at https://medusa.library.illinois.edu/collections/954

Association of American Law Schools - Annual Meetings
Association of American Law Schools - Legal Education
Association of American Law Schools - Profess. Development and Responsibility
Video recordings