WILL Sound Recordings (Digital Surrogates) | University of Illinois Archives
Digital Surrogates from WILL Sound Recordings include digitized audio recordings relating to WILL broadcasts concerning mechanical engineering; World War II; Korean War; Festival of Contemporary Arts; UNESCO; United Nations; 4-H; poetry; journalism; religion; agriculture; international relations (Europe, Asia, Middle East, and Latin America); economic conditions; farm and rural life; home economics; British and American literature; communism; basketball; football; band, orchestra, and chorus performances; atomic energy; modern arts; dance and theatre; human rights; law and legislation; nutrition; comencement; propaganda; Founders' Day; industrialization; secondary and higher education; national elections; military; motion pictures; crime and morality; history and philosophy; natural disasters; aeronautics and aviation; fire fighting and fire prevention; student affairs; health and hygiene; medicine; engineering; communications; natural conservation; folklore and literature; campus recreation; libraries; and biology.
Notable speakers include Stoddard, George D.; Truman, Harry S.; Murrow, Edward R.; Heathman, Jessie E.; Henry, David D.; Green, Dwight H.; Stevenson, Adlai E.; Livingston, Park; Roosevelt, Franklin D.; Somers, Lee A.; Griffith, Coleman R.; Sandburg, Carl; Taft, Robert A.; Harno, Albert J.; Willard, Arthur C.; Beeler, Robert S.; Warren, Earl; Eisenhower, Dwight D.; Kefauver, Estes; Kessler, Hubert; Mills, Douglas R.; Rowse, Alfred L.; Hindsley, Mark H.; MacArthur, Gen. Douglas; Nevins, Allan; Smith, T. V.; Stassen, Harold E.; Hill, Harold E.; Kerr, Robert S.; Ivy, Andrew C.; Douglas, Paul H.; Harding, Albert A.; Peters, Everett R.; Clay, Wharton; Crannell, Jack M.; Foote, Bruce R.; Garrison, Mr.; Morey, Lloyd; Morrisett, Mr.; Savage, Mr.; Smith, F. R.; Sorgats, Wm. A.; Cullen, Victor; Russell, Richard B.; Bryan, Leslie A.; Hoover, Herbert C.; Kuypers, John M.; Lohr, Lennos R.; Roosevelt, Eleanor; Churchill, Winston L. S.; Shuman, Charles B.; Spaulding, Willard B.; Davis, Chester R.; Dirksen, Everett M.; MacBurney, James H.; Wiley, Alexander; Dangerfield, Royden; Jones, E. Stanley; Joshi, Samuel L.; Mayo, Leonard; Thomas, Norman; Bernbaum, Ernest; Black, Max; Brogan, Dennis; Larson, Henning; MacLeish, Archibald; Mead, Margaret; Nolan, Aretas W.; Utley, Clifton; Wherry, Kenneth; McBurney, James H.; Potter, Louis A. Jr.; Audrieth, Ludwig; Benner, Thomas E.; Brooks, Wayland C.; Doland, James J.; Hambro, Carl J.; Marshall, George C.; Montague, W. P.; Reuther, Walter P.; Romulo, Carlos P.; Walden String Quartet; White, Thomas D.; Wilkie, Wendell, Jr.; Adams, Roger; Cross, Hugh W.; Demming, Lanson F.; Denny, George B., Jr.; Jones, Thomas S.; Keefer, Dixie; Laing, Alan K.; Reeder, Edwin H.; Regnier, Earl H.; Shafer, J. E.; Siebert, Frederick S.; Wade, Beatrice D.; Woods, Baldwin M.; Wright, Theodore E.; Youmans, Johns B.; Armsey, James; Bradley, Phillips; Britsky, Nicholas; Brodie, Allan G.; Burns, Eveline M.; Buttrick, George A.; Davis, Allison; Dulles, John F.; Ewing, Oscar R.; Gerber, Mr.; Glasser, Melvin A.; Kilpatrick, William; Kronfield, Mr.; Laird, Anne L.; Lenroot, Katharine; Louise, Norman I; Lybyer, Albert H.; McCarthy, Joseph R.; Miles, Russell H.; Millizen, John E.; Moon, George; Parks, Ralph; Poncher, Henry G.; Price, Margaret (Youth); Reid, De. A. Ira; Rodkey, Frederick S.; Searle, John G.; Smith, Howard K.; Spock, Benjamin; Talbot, Phillips; Whalin, Oren L.; Fletcher, Stanley; Hall, H. Duncan; Hall, Wilson; Hitler, Adolf; King George VI; Landon, Alfred M.; Martin, Joseph; McIlwain, Charles H.; Perry, Ralph B.; Sawhill, Clarence E.; Stern, William; Albig, John W.; Donovan, Cecil V.; Feiner, Herman; Gerig, Benjamin; Hannah, Harold W.; Howe, Quincy; Hutchins, Robert M.; King Carol of Rumania; Mix, Hugh; Newcomb, Rexford B.; Nickell, Vernon L.; Parkinson, C. Northcote; Pope Pius XII; Rhee, Syngman; Ridgeway, Mathew B.; Rolland, Paul M.; Roosa, Walter L.; Smith, Margaret Chase; Stratton, William G.; Thomas, James G.; Weller, Allen S.; Carpentier, Charles F.; Caveny, Charles C.; Douglas, Emily Taft; Ducasse, C. J.; Knowland, William; Mac Burney, James H.; Morse, Wayne L.; Norton, Lawrence J.; Potter, Louis; Rayburn, Samuel A.; Roland, Paul; Sheen, Fulton J.
Note: For more information about the original audio recordings, please see the main catalog record of this series. Additional audio recordings from the WILL broadcasts have been digitized, but are not available for online access yet. Please contact us if you wish to use these materials.
Administrative access to preservation, nearline, and access files are available to archives staff at: https://medusa.library.illinois.edu/collections/94

International Relations
Radio Station - WILL
Sound Recordings
World War II