By K. Corcella
Title: John Bardeen Papers, 1910-2018
ID: 11/10/20
Primary Creator: Bardeen, John (1908-1991)
Extent: 59.4 cubic feet
Arrangement: by type of material and chronologically thereunder
Subjects: Bardeen, John, Bell Laboratories, Electrical Engineering, Faculty Papers, Harvard University, John Bardeen, Many Body Theory, Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Nobel Prizes, Princeton University, Science and Technology, Solid State Physics, Superconductivity, Theoretical Physics, Transistors, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Science and Technology, University of Illinois Center for Advanced Study, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Xerography
Formats/Genres: Papers
Papers of John Bardeen (1908-91), Professor of Electrical Engineering and Physics (1951-91), include publications (1930-91), dissertations and theses by Bardeen students (1952-85), correspondence (1945-70, 1972-91) and reports, certificates and diplomas for honorary degrees and honors, preprints, reprints, drafts, speeches, notes, photographs, slides, tape recorded interviews, & motion pictures (1910-91) concerning theoretical physics, solid state physics, development of the transistor, xerography, development of the theory of superconductivity with J. R. Schrieffer & Leon Cooper, Bardeen's 1956 and 1972 Nobel prizes and lectures, the applications of transistors & superconductivity, many body theory, Russian & Chinese physics research, American Physical Society, Army Research Office, Bell Laboratories & the transistor (1936-68), Center for Advanced Study, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics, Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Navy Research Office, Sony Corporation, Supertex, Inc., White House Science Council (1979-83), Xerox Corporation, electrolytic transistor invention patents (1910-60), consulting work, and the Physics Department. Correspondents include Walter H. Brattain, P. W. Bridgman, Leon Cooper, Harry G. Drickamer, H. Frohlich, Nick Holonyak, Jr. (BS '50, MS '51, PhD '54), Charles Kittel, J. R. Schrieffer (MS '54, PhD '57), Karlheinz Seeger, Frederick Seitz, William B. Shockley, & J. H. Van Vleck. Tape recorded interviews contain comments on theoretical physicists, experimental physics, theory of superconductivity, many body theory, scientific publication, education, Dr. Charles Bardeen, solid state physics, considerations in coming to Illinois, recruitment of new faculty, scientific understanding & communication between & education of non-scientists & scientists. Motion pictures include a May, 1972 interview with Bardeen, and a December, 1972 Swedish film on the contributions of Bardeen, Cooper, and Schrieffer to the theory of superconductivity. Papers also contain Illiniwek cap.
May 23, 1908 Born, Madison, Wisconsin - son of Medical School Dean Charles R. Bardeen and Althea Harmer
1923 University High and Madison Central
1928 B.S. Wisconsin, Electrical Engineering. Western Electric. Edward Bennett electrodynamics course
1929 M.S. Wisconsin, Electrical Engineering. J. H. Van Vleck
1930-33 Geophysicists, Gulf Research and Development Corporation - Leo J. Peters
1936 Ph.D. Princeton, Mathematics and Physics. E. P. Wigner
1935-38 Junior Fellow, Harvard. J. H. Van Vleck and P. W. Bridgman
1938 Married Jane Maxwell, July 18
1939-41 Assistant Professor of Physics, University of Minnesota
1941-45 Principal Physicist, U. S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory (Washington D.C.), magnetism and minesweeping
1945-51 Radar, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey
1947 Surface physics - properties of contacts between metals of semi-conductors depend on electron behavior in surface energy levels
1948 Transistors with William B. Shockley and Walter Brattain. Point contact type
1951-75 Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering, University of Illinois. Louis Ridenour. Xerox Corporation
1952 Transistor literature
March 1953 Fortune article on transistors
Theoretical understanding of semiconductors
Explained why metal-germanium contact gives effect of a PN junction in a emiconductor - in terms of surface energy states
1956 National Academy of Science member
1957 Theory of Superconductivity - vanishing of electrical resistance of some metals at low temperatures
1975 Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois
January 30, 1991 Died, Boston, Massachusetts
Research Areas:
Electrical conduction in semiconductors and metals; surface properties of semiconductors; theory of superconductivity; and diffusion of atoms in solids
Prizes and Honors:
1952 Ballantine Medal, Franklin Institute
1954 Buckley Prize (solid state)
1955 Scott Medal, D.Sc. Union
1956 Nobel Prize for Physics
1960 D.Sc. University of Wisconsin
1962 London Prize
1972 Nobel Prize for Physics
1974 D.Sc. University of Illinois
1977 Presidential Medal of Freedom
1987 Lomonosov Award, Soviet Academy of Sciences
1990 John Bardeen Chair in Physics and Electrical and Computer Engineering Established at University of Illinois
Bardeen, John
Bell Laboratories
Electrical Engineering
Faculty Papers
Harvard University
John Bardeen
Many Body Theory
Naval Ordnance Laboratory
Nobel Prizes
Princeton University
Science and Technology
Solid State Physics
Theoretical Physics
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - Science and Technology
University of Illinois Center for Advanced Study
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Repository: University of Illinois Archives
Accruals: 12/22/1964; 2/8/1965; 2/19/1974; 9/10/1991; 12/20/1991; 5/19/1992; 9/27/2002; 5/14/2003, 5/23/2007; 10/2016; 8/11/2022
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