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Collection Overview
Title: ILIR Library International Union and Federation Vertical File, 1932-2004

ID: 35/3/404
Extent: 9.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: Alphabetical by country and alphabetical by organization thereunder
Date Acquired: 07/29/2007
Subjects: Labor and Industrial Relations, Institute of, Labor Union Organization, Labor Unions
Languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Spanish;Castilian, Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi, Turkish, Swedish, Japanese
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library International Union and Federation Vertical File (1932-2004) includes constitutions and by-laws, contracts, agreements (wages, salaries, benefits, pensions ), correspondence, memoranda, news publications, recruitment materials, promotional materials, and reports pertaining to labor organizations of specific countries, international labor unions and international federations and their actions in terms of services for the members and negotiations with employers.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
University of Illinois Archives
Acquisition Source:
Institute of Labor and Industrial Relations Library
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Unions by Country],
[Series 2: International Federations],
- Series 1: Unions by Country

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Argentina - Confederacion General Del Trabajo, 1964-68

- Announcements, Union Newspapers, Union Publications
- Creator: CGT
- Folder 2: Australia - Administrative Clerical Officers' Association, 1966-69

- Constitution and Rules, Promotional Pamphlet, Union Newsletter
- Creator: ACOA
- Folder 3: Australia - Amalgamated Metal Workers Union, 1967-76

- Rules, Promotional and Recruitment Materials, Monthly Journal, The Amalgamated News, Research Centre Bulletins and Reports, Reports, Wage Proposals, Handbooks, Conference Minutes
- Creator: AMWU
- Folder 4: Australia - Amalgamated Metal Workers Union - Contracts, 1972-75

- Contracts With General Motors, Chrysler, Borg-Warner, Caterpillar and others.
- Creator: AMWU and Cos.
- Folder 5: Australia - Association of Architects, Engineers, Surveyors and Draughtsmen of Australia, 1967-76

- Constitution and Rules, Union Newsletters, Reports, Conference Proceedings, Promotional Materials
- Creator: AAESDA
- Folder 6: Australia - Australian Council of Salaried and Professional Associations, 1967-74

- Constitution and Rules, Promotional Pamphlet, Historical Information
- Creator: ACSPA
- Folder 7: Australia - Australian Council of Trade Unions, 1974-75

- Organization Chart, Standard Hours Award, Wages Resolution, Information Sheet
- Creator: ACTU
- Folder 8: Australia - Australian Teachers' Federation, 1967-69

- Constitution, Salaries Agreement, Annual Reports, Conference Proceedings
- Creator: ATF
- Folder 9: Australia - Australian Workers' Unions, April, 1969

- Industrial Agreement
- Creator: AWU
- Folder 10: Australia - Boilermakers and Blacksmiths' Society, 1969

- Conference Delegate's Guide Book, Industrial Agreement
- Creator: BBS
- Folder 11: Australia - Commonwealth Public Service Association, April, 1969

- Union Official Organ
- Creator: CPSA
- Folder 12: Australia - Electrical Trades Union, 1968-77

- Rules, Handbook, Union Newspaper, Union Official Organ, Annual Report
- Creator: ETU
- Folder 13: Australia - Federated Clerks Union, 1975

- Rules, Reports, Agreement Proposal
- Creator: FCU
- Folder 14: Australia - Federated Ironworkers' Association, 1966-74

- Rules, Labor Agreements, Drafts and Amendments, Retirement Plan, Union Newspapers, Minutes of National Meetings, Union Election Materials
- Creator: FIA
- Folder 15: Australia - Federated Tobacco and Cigarette Workers' Union of Australia, 1969

- Agreement between Rothman's of Pall Mall and FTCWUA
- Creator: FTCWUA
- Folder 16: Australia - Labor Council of New South Wales, 1975-95

- Rules, Enterprise Development Agreement, Industrial Agreement, Annual Report
- Creator: LC of NSW
- Folder 17: Australia - Metal Trades Industry Association, 1958-75

- Rules, Promotional Booklets, Educational Booklets, Policy Paper, Policy Review
- Creator: MTIA
- Folder 18: Australia - Municipal Officers' Association, 1964-75

- Rules and Amendments, Hand book, Union News Paper, Reports, Awards, Policy Document, 50th Anniversary Materials,
- Creator: MOA
- Box 2

- Folder 1: Australia - New South Wales Nurses' Association, 1968-69

- Constitution and Rules, Union History, The Lamp - Union Journal
- Creator: NSWNA
- Folder 2: Australia - Public Service Association of New South Wales, 1966-76

- Constitution and Rules and By-Laws, Union Official Organ, Annual Conference Agenda and Report, Union Newspaper
- Creator: PSA of NSW
- Folder 3: Australia - Vehicle Builders Employees' Federation, 1964-82

- Rules, Union Journal, Union Bulletin
- Creator: VBEF
- Folder 4: Australia - Victorian Public Service Association, 1966-75

- Rules and By-Laws, Union Journal
- Creator: VPSA
- Folder 5: Australia - Water and Sewerage Employees' Union, 1973-74

- Industrial Agreement, Labor Dispute Decision
- Creator: WSEU
- Folder 6: Bolivia, 1996

- Foreign Labor Trends Report - Bolivia
- Creator: U.S. Dept. of Labor
- Folder 7: Canada - Canadian Auto Workers, 1954-94

- News Release, Newspaper Clipping, Educational Booklet, Union Magazine, Union Newsletter, Reports
- Creator: CAW
- Folder 8: Canada - Canadian Labour Congress, 1952-83

- Publications List, Union History, Educational Pamphlet
- Creator: CLC
- Folder 9: Canada - Canadian Union of Public Employees, 1981-88

- Collective Labor Agreement, Union Publication
- Creator: CUPE
- Folder 10: Canada - La Confederation des Travailleurs Catholiques du Canada, Inc., 1945

- Publication - Syndicalisme ou Politique
- Creator: CTCC
- Folder 11: Canada - Council of Postal Workers (Conseil des Unions des Postes), 1970-84

- Agreements, Handbook
- Creator: CPW
- Folder 12: Canada - Ontario Federation of Labor, CLC, 1961-81

- Summaries of Policies, Historical Background, Educational Pamphlet, Legislative Proposals
- Creator: OFL
- Folder 13: Canada - Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada, 1971-73

- Agreements with the Treasury Board
- Creator: PIPSC
- Folder 14: Canada - Public Service Alliance of Canada, 1971-84

- Agreements with the Treasury Board
- Creator: PSAC
- Folder 15: Canada - Public Service Alliance of Canada (2), 1971-74

- Agreements with the Treasury Board
- Creator: PSAC
- Folder 16: Canada - Quebec Unions General, 1979-89

- Agreements
- Box 3

- Folder 1: Canada - U - Canadian Railway, 1948

- Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees History
- Creator: CBRE
- Folder 2: Canada - Mixed Unions, 1971-82

- Agreements of Council of Graphic Arts Union, Canadian Merchant Service Guild, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Federal Government Dockyards Trades and Labour Council, Canadian Office Employees Union, Canadian Air Traffic Control Association
- Creator: CGAU et al.
- Folder 3: China - General, 1973-2002

- Shandong Provincial Federation of Trade Unions Conference Proceedings, Newspaper Clippings
- Creator: SPFTU; Washington Post; New York Times; Chicago Tribune
- Folder 4: Czechoslovakia - Czechoslovak Revolutionary Trade Union Movement, 1969-81

- Congress Documents, Magazine
- Creator: ROH
- Folder 5: Denmark - General, 1973-86

- Newspaper Clippings Regardings 1973 Strike, Report of National Union of General Workers' Growth Commission
- Creator: Wall Street Journal; NUGW
- Folder 6: France - General, 1946-73

- Reports to Confederation Generale du Travail, Newspaper Clippings Regarding French Labor
- Creator: CGT; Washington Post; Chicago Tribune; New York Times;
- Folder 7: France - Confederation Francais des Travailleurs Chretiens, June, 1963

- Report to the National Council
- Creator: CFTC
- Folder 8: Germany - Deutsche Angestellten-Gewerkschaft, 1974

- Newspaper Clippings, Organization Chart
- Creator: DAG; New York Times
- Folder 9: Germany - Deutsche Gewerkschafts-Bund, 1955-66

- Union Newsletters, Bulletins, Declaration on the Reunification of Germany
- Creator: DGB
- Folder 10: Germany - I.G. BAU (Construction Workers Unions), 1963-73

- Address Before Convention; Newspaper Clipping
- Creator: I.G. BAU; Washington Post
- Folder 11: Germany - I.G. Metall, 1971-94

- Newspaper Clippings, Agreements, Educational and Promotional Booklets, Anniversary Publication, Union Magazine, Theses Possibilities Regarding I.G. Metall
- Creator: I.G.M.; Washington Post; Wall Street Journal
- Folder 12: Great Britain - General, 1951-2004

- Newspaper Clippings, Postcards, Union Journals, Anniversary Publications, Agreements, Union Newspapers, Constitutions and Rules, Conference Proceedings
- Folder 13: Great Britain - Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers, 1932, 1947

- Conference Proceedings
- Creator: AUBTW
- Folder 14: Great Britain - Clerical and Administrative Workers' Unions, 1954-71

- Handbooks, Conference Proceedings, Agreement
- Creator: CAWU
- Folder 15: Great Britain - Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers (Amalgamated Engineering Union), 1954-87

- Conference Proceedings, Promotional and Educational Booklets, Handbooks, Agreements, Union Newsletter, Newspaper Clippings
- Creator: AUEW
- Folder 16: Great Britain - Amalgamated Union of Engineering Workers (Amalgamated Engineering Union) (2), 1953-61

- Conference Proceedings
- Creator: AUEW
- Folder 17: Great Britain - Association of Engineering and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen, Undated

- Negotiating Procedure and Agreements, Informational Publication
- Creator: AESD
- Folder 18: Great Britain - General and Municipal Workers, 1953-96

- Union Journals, Accounts Report, Educational and Promotional Booklets, Handbooks, Policy Documents, Reports to Annual Congress, Rules,
- Creator: GMW (GMB)
- Folder 19: Great Britain - General Federation of Trade Unions, 1937, 1971

- Report of Trade Union Organization, Federation News - Quarterly Publications
- Creator: GFTU
- Folder 20: Great Britain - National and Local Government Officers Association, 1965-68

- Constitution and Rules, Reports,
- Creator: NALGO
- Folder 21: Great Britain - National Union of Mineworkers, 1945-73

- Organization Chart, Information Pamphlets, Newspaper Clippings
- Creator: NUM; Chicago Tribune
- Folder 22: Great Britain - Association of Patternmakers and Allied Craftsmen, 1956-74

- Agreement, Reports
- Creator: APAC (UPA)
- Box 4

- Folder 1: Great Britain - Society of Radiographers, July, 1974

- Submission of Evidence to the Halsbury Committee of Enquiry
- Creator: S of R
- Folder 2: Great Britain - Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, 1953-75

- Agreements, Promotional Booklet, Conference Proceedings
- Creator: CSEU
- Folder 3: Great Britain - Association of University Teachers, January, 1978

- AUT Bulletin
- Creator: AUT
- Folder 4: Great Britain - National Union of Teachers, 1968

- NUT Member's Handbook
- Creator: NUT
- Folder 5: Great Britain - Trades Union Congress, 1954-84

- Promotional Booklets, Training and Short Course Materials, Educational Booklets and Pamphlets,Union Reports on Economics and Membership, Rules and Standing Orders, Agreements, Policy Documents, Handbooks, Union Histories, Newspaper Clippings,
- Creator: TUC; New York Times
- Folder 6: Great Britain - Transport and General Workers Union, 1952-75

- Union History, Handbooks, Agreement, Informational Booklets, Report, Union Newspaper, Newspaper Clippings
- Creator: TGWU; New York Times; Chicago Tribune; Wall Street Journal;
- Folder 7: India - Hind Mazdoor Sabha, 1958

- Convention Report and Address, Code of Discipline in Industry, Submission to Pay Commission
- Creator: HMS
- Folder 8: India - Indian National Trade Union Congress, 1953-59

- Reports, Session Proceedings and Addresses, Constitution
- Creator: INTUC
- Folder 9: India - Rashtriya Mill Mazdoor Sangh, Undated

- Union Booklet, Union Newspaper
- Creator: RMMS
- Folder 10: India - Tata Workers' Union, 1956

- Agreements
- Creator: TWU
- Folder 11: Ireland - Irish Congress of Trade Unions, 1980

- Annual Report
- Creator: ICTU
- Folder 12: Israel - Histadrut, 1966-85

- Union Newsletter, 50th Anniversary Publication, Union Magazine
- Creator: Histadrut
- Folder 13: Italy - General, 1972-74

- Report to FISBA-CISL Convention, Newspaper Clipping
- Creator: FISBA-CISL; New York Times
- Folder 14: Japan - General, 1949-86

- Labor Agreement, Union Newsletter
- Folder 15: Japan - Denki-Roren (Electrical Machine Workers' Union), 1961-84

- General Information, Handbook
- Creator: Denki-Roren
- Folder 16: Japan - Densan (Electrical Power Workers Union), April, 1953

- Recent Internal Trade Union Developments
- Creator: Densan
- Folder 17: Japan - Fujitsu Workers Union, Undated

- Young Members' Publications
- Creator: FWU
- Folder 18: Japan - Japan Radio Workers Union, June, 1954

- Resolution
- Creator: JRWU
- Folder 19: Japan - Jichiro (Prefectural and Municipal Workers Union), 1962

- Summary of Union Activities
- Creator: Jichiro
- Folder 20: Japan - Jidosha Roren (Federation of Japan Automobile Workers' Unions), 1983-84

- Educational Booklet, Informational Booklet, Agreement
- Creator: Jidosha Roren
- Folder 21: Japan - Kokuro (Railway Workers' Union of Japan), 1961-73

- Constitution and Rules, Newspaper Clippings
- Creator: Kokuro; St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Chicago Tribune; Wall Street Journal
- Folder 22: Japan - Matsushita Electric Industrial Workers Union, 1979-86

- Survey Results, Informational Booklet, Agreements, University of Illinois ILIR Translation of Union Materials (Constitution, By-Laws, Union Song, Collective Agreement, Sub-Agreements on Wages and Salaries and Severence Pay)
- Creator: MEIWU; U of I ILIR
- Box 5

- Folder 1: Japan - Nikkyoso (Japanese Teachers' Union), 1964

- Papers on the Japanese Teachers' Union
- Creator: Nikkyoso
- Folder 2: Japan - Sohyo (General Council of Trade Unions of Japan), 1953-72

- Informational Booklets, Summary of Union Activities, Union Correspondence, Policy Documents, Report on Wages
- Creator: Sohyo
- Folder 3: Japan - Tanro (Japan Coal Miners' Union), 1959

- General Information Booklets
- Creator: Tanro
- Folder 4: Japan - Tekkororen, May, 1964

- General Information and Organization Chart
- Creator: Tekkororen
- Folder 5: Japan - Zendentsu (Japan Telecommunications Workers' Union), ca. 1961

- General Inforamtion Booklet
- Creator: Zendentsu
- Folder 6: Japan - Zenro (Japanese Trade Union Congress), 1954-60

- Policy Documents, Charter
- Creator: Zenro
- Folder 7: Mexico - General', August, 1974

- Newspaper Clipping Regarding Authentic Workers Front
- Creator: Wall Street Journal
- Folder 8: Netherlands - Nederlands Verbond van Vakverenigingen (Netherlands Federation of Trade Unions), 1952

- International Information Bulletin (4 editions - 15, 18, 19, 20)
- Creator: NVV
- Folder 9: New Zealand - New Zealand Federation of Labour, 1977-86

- Minutes and Reports of Conference Proceedings, Presidential Address, Report of Unemployment Conference, Union Newspaper
- Creator: NZFoL
- Folder 10: New Zealand - New Zealand Federation of Labour - Bulletin, 1978-81

- Union Newspaper
- Creator: NZFoL
- Folder 11: Nigeria - General, 1971

- Reprinted Agreement of Nigerian Union of Bank, Insurance and Allied Workers (International Institute for Labour Studies)
- Creator: IILS
- Folder 12: Norway - General, 1947-55

- Agreements of the Norweigan Federation of Trade Unions
- Creator: NFTU
- Folder 13: Pakistan - General, February, 1956

- All Pakistan Confederation of Labour Publication (Including Constitutions and Lists of Unions)
- Creator: PCL
- Folder 14: Philippines - General, 1982-89

- Agreement of Precesion Electronics Corp. Workers Union, Newsletter of Philippine Workers Support Committee
- Creator: PECWU; PWSC
- Folder 15: Philippines - Kilusang Mayo Uno, 1986-2003

- Union International Newsletter
- Creator: KMU
- Folder 16: Philipinnes - Philippines Trade Union Council, 1958

- Newspaper Clippings, Leadership Listing, Yearbook
- Creator: PTUC
- Folder 17: Singapore - General, June, 1973

- Newspaper Clipping Regarding Singapore Workers Unrest
- Creator: Washington Post
- Folder 18: Singapore - National Trade Unions Congress, 1981-98

- Conference Reports and Addresses, Policy Documents, Promotional Booklets,May Day Souvenir Magazine
- Creator: NTUC
- Box 6

- Folder 1: Singapore - Perjuangan, 1968-73

- Official Organ of the National Trade Union Congress
- Creator: NTUC
- Folder 2: Singapore - Perjuangan, 1974-80

- Official Organ of the National Trade Union Congress
- Creator: NTUC
- Folder 3: Singapore - National Union of Plantation Workers, 1965

- Photographs, General Report
- Creator: NUPW
- Folder 4: Singapore - Amalgamated Union of Public Employees, 1966-67

- Mimbar - Journal of the AUPE
- Creator: AUPE
- Folder 5: South Africa - General, November,1972

- Newspaper Clipping Regarding Right-Wing White Unionists
- Creator: New York Times
- Folder 6: Spain - General, April, 1972

- Newspaper Clippings Regarding Matadors' Strike
- Creator: St. Louis Post-Dispatch
- Folder 7: Sweden - Swedish Trade Union Confederation (LO), 1973-95

- Union Library Materials, Union Newsletter, Union History, Educational Material, Informational Booklets, Report Summaries, Addresses, Organization Chart
- Creator: LO
- Folder 8: Sweden - LO Agreements, 1946-58

- Agreements
- Creator: LO
- Folder 9: Sweden - LO Press Releases, 1962-70

- Press Releases
- Creator: LO
- Folder 10: Sweden - LO Press Releases, 1971-91

- Press Releases
- Creator: LO
- Folder 11: Sweden - Swedish Metalworkers' Union, 1965-82

- Promotional Booklet, Report, Union Magazine
- Creator: SMU
- Folder 12: Sweden - Swedish Railwaymen's Union, ca. 1948

- Promotional Booklet
- Creator: SRU
- Folder 13: Sweden - Central Organization of Salaried Employees (TCO), 1964-94

- Promotional and Educational Booklets, Newspaper Clipping
- Creator: TCO; Wall Street Journal
- Folder 14: Sweden - Swedish Professional Workers, 1967

- Informational Booklet
- Creator: SACO
- Box 7

- Folder 1: Switzerland - Schweizerischen Metall- und Uhrenarbeitnehmer-Verbandes, 1976-77

- Union Newspaper - SMUV Zeitung
- Creator: SMUV
- Folder 2: Taiwan - Chinese Federation of Postal Workers, 1980-2002

- Union Newsletter
- Creator: CFPW
- Folder 3: Thailand - General, 1996

- Foreign Labor Trends Report - Thailand
- Creator: U.S. Dept. of Labor
- Folder 4: Trinidad - General, ca. 1974

- Agreement of Seamen and Waterfront Workers' Union
- Creator: SWWTU
- Folder 5: Turkey - General, 1977

- News Bulletin of Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions (TURK-IS)
- Creator: TURK-IS
- Folder 6: USSR - General, December, 1990

- Newspaper Clipping Regarding Soviet Military Labor Movement
- Creator: Memphis Commercial Appeal
- Folder 7: USSR - All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, 1951-72

- Constitution, Report, Policy Document, Rules
- Creator: AUCCTU
- Folder 8: USSR - Metallurgical Workers Union, 1966

- Agreement
- Creator: MWU
- Folder 9: Yugoslavia - General, 1968

- Report of Congress of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Yugoslavia
- Creator: CTUY
- Series 2: International Federations

- Box 7

- Folder 10: Arab Federation for Petroleum Workers, 1966-67

- Educational Pamphlets, Federation Journal
- Creator: AFPW
- Folder 11: Caribbean Congress of Labour, October, 1997

- Union Newsletter
- Creator: CCL
- Folder 12: Central European Federation of Christian Trade Unions, 1952

- Informational Booklet Against Communism
- Creator: CEFCTU
- Folder 13: European Federation of Public Service Unions, ca. 2003

- Informational Pamphlet
- Creator: EPSU
- Folder 14: European Trade Union Confederation, 1973-2002

- Federation Newsletter, Publication Lists, Federation Bulletin, Newspaper Clippings
- Creator: ETUC; Wall Street Journal; Washington Post
- Folder 15: FIET Info, 1986-91

- News Publication of the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees
- Creator: FIET
- Folder 16: FIET Info, 1992-2000

- News Publication of the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees
- Creator: FIET
- Folder 17: FIET Press, 1987-95

- News Releases of the International Federation of Commercial, Clerical, Professional and Technical Employees
- Creator: FIET
- Folder 18: Inter-American Mine Workers Federation, 1960-62

- Federation News Publication
- Creator: IAMWF
- Folder 19: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, 1950-2002

- Confederation Newsletter, Promotional Materials, Reports, Congress Proceedings, Policy Documents, Federation History, Informational Booklets, Lecture Programs, Organization Chart, Constitution
- Creator: ICFTU
- Folder 20: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions - Education Materials, 1952-67

- Informational and Promotional Booklets, Conference Reports and Agendas (1st ICFTU World Conference on Education in the Labor Movement), Policy Documents, Lecture Notes
- Creator: ICFTU
- Folder 21: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions - Asian Regional Organization, 1959, 1985

- Informational Pamphlet, Federation Bulletin, Federation History,
- Creator: ICFTU-ARO
- Box 8

- Folder 1: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions - Executive Board, 1962-86

- Executive Board Reports, Resolutions and Meeting Proceedings
- Creator: ICFTU
- Folder 2: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions - ORIT Inter-American, 1987-91

- Federation News Publication, Agreements
- Creator: ICFTU
- Folder 3: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions - Press and Radio Service, 1955-66

- Federation Press Releases
- Creator: ICFTU
- Folder 4: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions - Press and Radio Service, 1967-75

- Federation Press Releases
- Creator: ICFTU
- Folder 5: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions - World Congresses, 1949-79

- Policy Documents, Press Release, Reports
- Creator: ICFTU
- Folder 6: International Federation of Building and Wood Workers, 1992-93

- Federation Journals
- Creator: IFBWW
- Folder 7: International Federation of Christian Trade Unions, January, 1955

- Information Publication
- Creator: CISC
- Folder 8: International Metalworkers' Federation, 1968-89

- Conference Publications, Proceedings, and Addresses, Reports, Policy Documents, Confederation Bulletin, Rules, Informational and Educational Booklets
- Creator: IMF
- Folder 9: International Metalworkers' Federation Press Release, 1975-83

- Federation Press Releases
- Creator: IMF
- Folder 10: International Metalworkers' Federation News Release, 1984-94

- Federation Press Releases
- Creator: IMF
- Box 9

- Folder 1: International Federation of Petroleum and Chemical Workers, ca. 1965-75

- Congress Report, Informational Pamphlet, Federation Newsletter, Newspaper Clippings
- Creator: IFPCW; New York Times; Wall Street Journal
- Folder 2: International Textile and Garment Workers' Federation, 1963

- Federation Bulletins
- Creator: ITGWF
- Folder 3: International Textile and Garment Workers' Federation - Asian Regional Organization, 1958-68

- Federation Bulletins, Federation Newsletters, Conference Proceedings, Reports
- Creator: ITGWF-TWARO
- Folder 4: International Transport Workers' Federation, ca. 1952

- Federation History and Informational Booklet
- Creator: ITF
- Folder 5: International Union of Food and Allied Workers Associations, 1960-70

- Federation Newspaper, Federation Newsletter
- Creator: IUF
- Folder 6: Latin American Christian Trade Unions Confederation (CLASC), 1965-93

- Reports, Federation Newsletters, Agreements
- Creator: CLASC
- Folder 7: Miners' International Federation, 1962-63

- U.S. Department of Labor News Release, Federation Information Sheet
- Creator: MIF; U.S. Dept. of Labor
- Folder 8: Inter-American Regional Organization of Workers (ORIT), 1953-65

- Informational Materials, Educational Booklets, Conference Reports and Proceedings, List of Affiliated Organizations, Federation Bulletin, History of Federation (LIR 447 Student Term Paper, UIUC), Policy Documents
- Creator: ORIT
- Folder 9: Postal, Telephone and Telegraph International, ca. 1961-63

- Informational Pamphlet, PTTI-Asia Newsletter
- Creator: PTTI
- Folder 10: Public Services International, November, 1997

- Clippings from PSI Publication
- Creator: PSI
- Folder 11: World Federation of Unions, 1954-88

- Federation Congress Reports, Documents and Proceedings, Memoranda Regarding WFTU, Federation Bulletin, Policy Documents, Informational and Educational Pamphlets, Newspaper Clippings
- Creator: WFTU; New York Times
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Unions by Country],
[Series 2: International Federations],