By Laura Grigg and Christopher J. Prom
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Collection Overview
Title: Timothy J. Nugent Papers, 1939-2007

ID: 16/6/20
Primary Creator: Nugent, Timothy J. (1923-)
Extent: 28.3 cubic feet
Arrangement: By subject and chronological or alphabetical thereunder.
Date Acquired: 02/07/2007. More info below under Accruals.
Subjects: Accessibility Standards, Delta Sigma Omicron, Paralympics/World Wheelchair Games, Photographs, Rehabilitation Education, Students with Disabilities, Wheelchair Athletics, Wheel Chair Basketball
Formats/Genres: Financial Records, Motion Pictures/Videotapes, Other Pictorial, Papers
Languages: English, German, Japanese, Swedish, French
Scope and Contents of the Materials
Papers of Timothy J. Nugent, Director of the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services (1948-85), includes biographical records, correspondence, consulting materials, reports, newsletters, journals, publications, brochures, newspaper clippings, presentations, lectures, conference proceedings, meeting minutes, reference material, photographs, slides, videotape, film, scrapbooks, drawings by Wesley Queypo, and artifacts concerning the personal and professional life of Timothy J. Nugent, including his early life and education; research concerning architectural barriers, accessibility standards, transportation, and recreation; involvement in the administration and activities of the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services, Delta Sigma Omicron, National Wheelchair Basketball Association (1949-2002), National Wheelchair Athletic Association (1959-93), American National Standards Institute (1959-92), National Center for a Barrier Free Environment (1975-89), National Paraplegia Foundation (later the National Spinal Cord Injury Association) (1965-2005), Paralyzed Veterans of America (1972-2007), Paralympic planning committees, steering committees, advisory boards, foundations, and alumni associations; activities as a lecturer, consultant, and publisher; participation in the coaching and organization of sporting events such as the National Wheelchair Basketball Tournaments, National Wheelchair Games, National Veterans Wheelchair Games, and Paralympics.
Biographical Note
Timothy J. Nugent, born January 10, 1923, founded the first comprehensive program of higher education for individuals with disabilities in 1948. He served as Professor of Rehabilitation Education and Director of the Rehabilitation Education Center and the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services at the University of Illinois. He retired in 1985. He founded the National Wheelchair Basketball Association in 1949 and served as Commissioner for the first 25 years. He also founded Delta Sigma Omicron, a national rehabilitation service fraternity. He was President of the National Paraplegia Foundation (now National Spinal Cord Injury Association) for four terms. He has been an international lecturer and consultant, as well as an advocate, publisher, and researcher on behalf of people with disabilities. He was a leader in the development of architectural accessibility standards, public transportation, adaptive equipment, and recreation activities for people with disabilities. He has been and continues to be active in many professional organizations, including the American National Standards Institute, the Illinois State Legislative Commission on the Hospitalization of Spinal Cord Injured, the Committee on Technical Aids, Housing and Transportation of Rehabilitation International, and the Institute for the Advancement of Prosthetics. He holds degrees from Tarleton State University, Texas; University of Wisconsin at LaCrosse, Wisconsin; and the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wisconsin. He also has honorary degrees from Springfield College in Massachusetts and Mount Mary College in Wisconsin.
Subject/Index Terms
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Biographical Information],
[Series 2: Early Life and Education],
[Series 3: Correspondence],
[Series 4: Subject Files],
[Series 5: Professional Service Activities],
[Series 6: Consulting],
[Series 7: Lectures, Conferences, and Events],
[Series 8: Publications],
[Series 9: Newsletters],
[Series 10: Reference Materials],
[Series 11: Audiovisual Materials],
[Series 12: Personal Correspondence],
[Series 13: News Clippings],
[Series 14: Scrapbooks],
[Series 15: Oversized Materials],
- Series 1: Biographical Information

- Includes biographies, resumes, vitae, interviews, a baby book, and certificates and correspondence relating to awards and honors (1947-2007) received by Timothy J. Nugent.
- Box 1

- Folder 1: Bios, Resumes and Vitae

- Folder 2: Baby's Record, 1923-35

- Folder 3: Interview with Timothy J. Nugent, 1974

- Sub-Series 1: Awards and Honors

- Folder 4: 1947-2003

- Folder 5: 1969-2011

- Folder 6: Professorial Research Chair, 1990-97

- Folder 7: Henry B. Betts Award, 1991-99

- Series 2: Early Life and Education

- Includes materials from Nugent's years as a college student, such as class notes, papers and reports, an assembly program, and student council activities.
- Box 1

- Folder 8: Football Materials

- Folder 9: Recognition Assembly Program, 1947

- Folder 10: Student Council Activities - Survey on Student Governments in Colleges, 1946-47

- Sub-Series 1: Student Notes

- Folder 11: 1939

- Folder 12: Education 261 and Philosophy of Education

- Folder 13: General and Educational Biology 100A

- Sub-Series 2: Student Papers

- Folder 14: Student Papers

- Folder 15: Student Papers

- Folder 16: "Baseball Coaching Facts"

- Folder 17: "Basketball Booklet"

- Folder 18: "Boxing! Wrestling!"

- Folder 19: "Recreation Booklet"

- Folder 20: "A Report for Philosophy of Education on Chapters 4 and 5..."

- Folder 21: "Track and Field Booklet"

- Series 3: Correspondence

- Includes correspondence to and from individuals, agencies, alumni, parents, and foreign countries regarding the activities of the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services, the professional service activities of Timothy J. Nugent, and expressions of gratitude.
- Box 1

- Folder 22: 1943-69

- Folder 23: 1970-79

- Folder 24: 1980-2006

- Sub-Series 1: Agency Correspondence

- Folder 25: 1961-86

- Folder 26: Accent on Information, Inc., 1992-94

- Box 2

- Sub-Series 1: Agency Correspondence

- Folder 1: Champaign Park District - Tennis Center, 1997

- Folder 2: Everest & Jennings, Inc., 1950-78

- Folder 3: Imperial Fiber Glass, 1963

- Folder 4: Newman Foundation, 1965

- Folder 5: Other Colleges, 1957-84

- Folder 6: The Physician and Sportsmedicine, 1973-74

- Folder 7: Royal Institute of British Architects, 1961-62

- Folder 8: St. Elmo Steak House, Indiana, 1978

- Folder 9: White House, 1969

- Sub-Series 2: Alumni Correspondence

- Folder 10: 1963-85

- Folder 11: 1967-2005

- Folder 12: 1967-2005

- Folder 13: 1967-2005

- Folder 14: 1967-2005

- Folder 15: 1967-2005

- Folder 16: Kim and Shelly Pollock, 1971, 2000

- Sub-Series 3: Individual Correspondence

- Folder 17: Beckwith, Guy, 1962-65

- Folder 18: Blitz, Carmont, 1983-98

- Folder 19: Bone, Richard G., 1949

- Folder 20: Churchman, Russ, 1998, 2005

- Folder 21: Dart, Justin and Yoshiko, 1994-2004

- Folder 22: Denly, O. A., 1963-78

- Folder 23: Feltes, Richard and Anita, 2007

- Folder 24: Fishman, David, 1985, 1994

- Folder 25: Frost, Wally, 1992

- Folder 26: Goldberg, Allen and Evi, 1990-91

- Folder 27: Goldsmith, Selwyn, 1993-2004

- Folder 28: Guttman, Sir Ludwig, 1970-75

- Folder 29: Hamilton, Sir Patrick and Lady, 1963-92

- Folder 30: McCluer, Shirley, 1979-80

- Folder 31: Smith, Wayland H., 1989

- Folder 32: Terry, George D., 1994

- Folder 33: Tipton, Charles, 1963-70

- Folder 34: Zwirner, Richard T. (John D. Schneider Charitable Trust), 1991-2004

- Sub-Series 4: International Correspondence

- Folder 35: 1963-94

- Folder 36: Argentina, 1986

- Folder 37: Australia, 1984-86

- Folder 38: Canada, 1977-80

- Folder 39: China, 1986

- Folder 40: England, 1962-67

- Box 3

- Sub-Series 4: International Correspondence

- Folder 1: England, 1971-88

- Folder 2: England, 1990-2007

- Folder 3: France, 1963

- Folder 4: Germany, 1962, 1985-86

- Folder 5: Italy, 1967

- Folder 6: Japan, 1981-85

- Folder 7: Nigeria, 1984

- Folder 8: South Africa, 1962-94

- Sub-Series 5: Other Correspondence

- Folder 9: Confidential Letters from Parents, 1954-85

- Folder 10: Fighting Illini, 1992, 2000

- Folder 11: Hawaii, 1967-91

- Folder 12: Letters of Thanks and Congratulations, 1957-2007

- Folder 13: Letters of Thanks and Congratulations, 1957-2007

- Folder 14: Parents, 1959-96

- Folder 15: Responses to Article in Parade, 1962

- Series 4: Subject Files

- Includes correspondence, financial information, reports, research, memorandums, and meeting minutes regarding the administration and activities of the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services.
- Box 3

- Folder 16: Accessibility, 1968-84

- Folder 17: Administration - Longstanding, 1948-56

- Folder 18: Admissions, 1969-84

- Folder 19: Alumni Information, 1983-84

- Folder 20: Annual Report, 1978-79

- Folder 21: Applied Life Studies (ALS), College of, 1987-92

- Folder 22: Applied Life Studies (ALS), College of, 1987-96

- Folder 23: Applied Life Studies (ALS), College of, 1993-2002

- Folder 24: Applied Life Studies (ALS), College of - Dean's Grant Proposal, 1978

- Folder 25: Audit Report, 1961

- Folder 26: Ball State University, 1972

- Folder 27: Beckwith Living Center, 1974-78, 1982

- Folder 28: Boston University, 1967-68

- Folder 29: Budget - Biennial Budget, 1965-67

- Folder 30: Budget, 1966-67

- Folder 31: Budget, 1967-68

- Folder 32: Budget, 1968-69

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Budget, 1969-70

- Folder 2: Budget, 1969-70

- Folder 3: Budget - Biennial Budget, 1969-71

- Folder 4: Budget, 1970-71

- Folder 5: Budget, 1971-72

- Folder 6: Budget, 1971-72

- Folder 7: Budget, 1972-73

- Folder 8: Budget, 1973-74

- Folder 9: Budget, 1973-74

- Folder 10: Budget, 1974-75

- Folder 11: Budget, 1975-76

- Folder 12: Budget - Analysis and Tabulation of Wages, 1976

- Folder 13: Budget, 1976-77

- Folder 14: Budget, 1977-78

- Folder 15: Budget, 1978-79

- Folder 16: Budget, 1979-80

- Folder 17: Budget, 1980-81

- Folder 18: Classes Taught and Program Participation, 1977-82

- Folder 19: College Name Change Proposal, 1969-74

- Folder 20: "College Programs for the Disabled", 1976

- Folder 21: Correspondence - Division of Rehabilitation Education Services, 1965-85

- Folder 22: Correspondence - Division of Rehabilitation Education Services, 1977-79

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Correspondence - Students, 1963-84

- Folder 2: Council on Program Evaluation (COPE), 1972-81

- Folder 3: COPE, 1978

- Folder 4: COPE, 1981-84

- Folder 5: COPE Report, 1980

- Folder 6: COPE Task Group, 1980

- Folder 7: Course Outlines, 1963-64, 1975

- Folder 8: Course Syllabus - Automated Measurements, 1981

- Folder 9: Delta Sigma Omicron (DSO), Disabled Students Organization, 1963-79

- Folder 10: DSO - Honorary Life Membership Certificates, 1958-60

- Folder 11: Department of Leisure Studies, 1974-85

- Folder 12: Departmental Charges, 1977-80

- Folder 13: Dr. Pepper Letters, 1965

- Folder 14: Driver Education Program, 1968

- Folder 15: Electric Wheelchair Users

- Folder 16: Equipment - On Loan or Relocation, 1968-84

- Folder 17: Equipment - Stainless Specialties, Inc., 1965-67

- Folder 18: Equipment - Wheelchair Evaluations and Purchase, 1965-78

- Folder 19: Equipment Requests, 1978-80

- Folder 20: Federally Sponsored Agreements - Vice Chancellor for Research, 1978

- Folder 21: Films: "Bowel and Bladder Technique" and Bus Transportation System Film, 1973

- Folder 22: Funding, 1977-85

- Folder 23: Graduate Assistant Program, 1979, 1985

- Folder 24: Graduate Faculty Membership, 1979

- Folder 25: Grant Application - Strength Levels Needed for Common Tasks, 1965

- Folder 26: Greyhound Bus Project, 1965-67, 1972

- Folder 27: Grievances - Martin Cox, 1976, 1984

- Folder 28: Half-way House Program: Greenbriar, Tanbrier, Beckwith, 1965, 1973-80

- Folder 29: Hawaii Tour - Gizz Kids, 1968-69

- Folder 30: Information Received, 1972-79

- Folder 31: Information Requests, 1966

- Folder 32: Information Requests, 1966-68

- Folder 33: Information Requests, 1966-68

- Folder 34: Information Requests, 1970

- Folder 35: Information Requests, 1970-79

- Folder 36: Information Requests, 1980-85

- Folder 37: Instructional Resources, 1978

- Folder 38: Job Applications, 1972-81

- Folder 39: Letters of Recommendation, 1971-79

- Folder 40: Medical Services Forms

- Folder 41: Memorandums, 1959-83

- Folder 42: Memphis State University, 1965-66

- Box 6

- Folder 1: New Student Orientation, 1970-85

- Folder 2: Notices to Students, 1960

- Folder 3: Occupational Therapy Curriculum

- Folder 4: Office of Services for the Blind and Deaf - Bibliography

- Folder 5: Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) Grant, 1979

- Folder 6: Pre-Registration, 1953-55

- Folder 7: President's Reports, 1965-72

- Folder 8: Press Releases, 1967-76

- Folder 9: Program Review Questionnaire, 1972

- Folder 10: Promotion and Tenure, 1964-65, 1981

- Folder 11: Ramp Construction, 1966, 1978

- Folder 12: Regional Evaluation Centers for the Blind in Illinois, 1967

- Folder 13: Rehabilitation and Vocational Counseling Curriculum - Planning

- Folder 14: Rehabilitation Center - General Information, 1955-83

- Folder 15: Research, 1955-78

- Folder 16: Research, 1960-84

- Folder 17: Research - Highway Traffic Study, 1974

- Folder 18: Research - Rehabilitation and Recreation, 1968-74

- Folder 19: Research Proposals and Reports, 1965-81

- Folder 20: Rutgers Medical School - Neurological Research, 1973

- Folder 21: Safety Measures, 1956-60, 1978

- Folder 22: SAT, ACT, SCAT, MMPI - Raw Scores and Decites by Colleges, 1978-86

- Folder 23: School of Basic Medical Sciences, 1973

- Folder 24: Senior Citizens, 1974-76

- Folder 25: South Africa Tour, 1962

- Folder 26: Spalding Schools, 1966

- Folder 27: Special Statements, Tid bits

- Folder 28: Spinal Cord Injury Centers, 1984

- Folder 29: Staff - Special Events, 1964-66

- Folder 30: Staff Meeting Minutes, May 1962 - March 1963

- Folder 31: Staff Meeting Minutes, April 1963 - May 1964

- Folder 32: Staff Meeting Minutes, Sept. 1964 - April 1965

- Folder 33: Staff Recommendations for Phase II Building Plan, 1972-73

- Folder 34: Staff Vacations, 1966

- Folder 35: Staffing Budget, 1970-81

- Folder 36: Student Papers, 1976-84

- Folder 37: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Admissions Policy, 1958-71

- Folder 38: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Budget Increase

- Folder 39: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Letter to Provost, 1963

- Folder 40: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Meetings and Minutes, 1955-71

- Folder 41: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Membership, 1971-73

- Folder 42: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Miscellaneous, 1959-66

- Folder 43: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Out-of-State Students, 1965

- Folder 44: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Policy on Public Events, 1970-71

- Folder 45: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Public Law 565, Funding, 1961

- Folder 46: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Reference Materials, 1959-64

- Folder 47: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Related Reports and Materials, 1959-63

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Reports and Correspondence, 1955-81

- Folder 2: Student Rehabilitation Advisory Committee - Requests and Chancellor Reponse, 1965-81

- Folder 3: Student Rehabilitation Center - Development Proposal and Summary, 1958

- Folder 4: Student/Staff Aides, 1985

- Folder 5: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - Air France, 1974-75

- Folder 6: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - Correspondence: Scandinavian Seminar, 1973-75

- Folder 7: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - Correspondence: Students, 1973-77

- Folder 8: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - Finances, 1975

- Folder 9: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - Finances, 1975-78

- Folder 10: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - General Information, Brochures, 1974-76

- Folder 11: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - Institut Franco-Scandinave, 1975

- Folder 12: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France - Student Travel Information, 1974

- Folder 13: Summer Pre-College Program for the Blind, 1965

- Folder 14: Summer Programs - Unit 4 Schools, Grades 5-8, 1966-68

- Folder 15: Summer Recreation Program, 1968

- Folder 16: Supervisor of Medical Science Negotiations, 1972-74

- Folder 17: Tables of Organization - DRES, ALS, College of Physical Education

- Folder 18: Teachers and Counselors

- Folder 19: Television Program on Rehabilitation Center, 1965

- Folder 20: Thesis Proposals, 1965-70

- Folder 21: Third Party Cooperative Agreement, 1983-84

- Folder 22: Transportation, 1973-84

- Folder 23: University of Illinois Foundation - Reports, 1984-85

- Folder 24: University of Illinois Foundation - Rough Drafts

- Folder 25: University of Michigan, 1970, 1979

- Folder 26: Visits/Tours, 1967-84

- Folder 27: Wheelchair Athletics - Early, 1951-56

- Folder 28: Wheelchair Athletics - Rules

- Folder 29: Wheelchair Football, 1977

- Folder 30: Wheelchair Squaredancing

- Folder 31: Wheelchair Track and Field, 1969

- Box 37

- Folder 1: Correspondence - Dirksen, Senator Everett M., 1969

- Folder 2: Correspondence - GI Bill of Rights, 1948-49

- Folder 3: Correspondence - Illinois House Bill #233, 1966

- Folder 4: Correspondence - Illinois House Bill #2416, 1967

- Folder 5: Correspondence - Rehabilitation Legislation

- Folder 6: Correspondence - United States Senate Bill 1525, 1965

- Folder 7: Correspondence - Veterans Administration contracts, 1949-55

- Folder 8: Correspondence - Office of Vocational Rehabilitation Research and Demonstration Grant Program, 1957

- Series 5: Professional Service Activities

- Includes correspondence, brochures, event programs, reports, meeting minutes, and newsletters relating to Timothy J. Nugent's membership and/or participation in various committees, boards, foundations, and associations.
- Sub-Series 1: American National Standards Association A117.1 Committee

- Box 7

- Folder 32: 1959, 1969-75

- Folder 33: 1976

- Folder 34: 1976

- Folder 35: 1977

- Folder 36: 1977

- Box 8

- Folder 1: 1977-78

- Folder 2: 1978

- Folder 3: 1978

- Folder 4: 1979

- Folder 5: 1979-80

- Folder 6: 1979-80

- Folder 7: 1980

- Folder 8: 1980

- Folder 9: 1980

- Folder 10: 1980

- Folder 11: 1981

- Folder 12: 1981

- Folder 13: 1982

- Folder 14: 1982

- Folder 15: 1983-84, 1992

- Folder 16: American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)/National Ornamental and Miscellaneous Metals Association (NOMMA) Committee, 1979-80

- Folder 17: BOMA, 1980

- Folder 18: Brochures, 1975-83

- Folder 19: Cleland Letters, 1980

- Folder 20: Inter-agency Task Force Correspondence, 1981

- Folder 21: Meeting of the Secretariat: Chicago, Mar. 28, 1980

- Box 9

- Folder 1: Meeting of the Secretariat, Mar. 20, 1981

- Folder 2: Meeting of the Secretariat, National Easter Seal Convention, Nov. 17, 1982

- Folder 3: Meeting Transcript

- Folder 4: Proposed ANSI A117.1, 1977

- Folder 5: Responses to Proposed ANSI A117, 1977

- Folder 6: Responses to Proposed ANSI A117, 1977

- Folder 7: Responses to Proposed ANSI A117, 1977

- Folder 8: Responses to Proposed ANSI A117, 1977

- Folder 9: Responses for Request for Funds, 1982

- Folder 10: Responses to ANSI "Working Committee", 1978

- Folder 11: Revisions, 1969

- Sub-Series 2: Delta Sigma Omicron, Inc. Board of Directors

- Box 9

- Folder 12: 1987-94

- Folder 13: 1993-95

- Folder 14: 1995-2003

- Folder 15: 1996-2000

- Folder 16: Rough Drafts, 1994

- Sub-Series 3: International Stoke Mandeville Games Federation

- Box 9

- Folder 17: 1969-79

- Folder 18: 1982

- Folder 19: 1984-93

- Sub-Series 4: International Wheelchair Basketball Federation

- Box 9

- Folder 20: 1992-99

- Folder 21: 1996-2004

- Sub-Series 5: National Center for a Barrier Free Environment (NCBFE) - Board of Directors

- Box 9

- Folder 22: 1979-80

- Folder 23: 1981

- Folder 24: 1981

- Box 10

- Folder 1: 1981

- Folder 2: 1981-82

- Folder 3: 1982-83

- Folder 4: 1983-85

- Folder 5: Access Information Bulletin, 1980-81

- Sub-Series 6: National Paraplegia Foundation (NPF)

- Box 10

- Folder 6: 1965-75

- Folder 7: 1971

- Folder 8: 1976-77

- Folder 9: 1978

- Folder 10: Publications/Handbooks, 1972-78

- Sub-Series 7: National Spinal Cord Injury Association (NSCIA)

- Box 10

- Folder 11: 1980-89

- Folder 12: 1990-91

- Folder 13: 1992

- Folder 14: 1993

- Folder 15: 1994

- Folder 16: 1995-99

- Folder 17: Directories, 1985-86

- Folder 18: Newsletter: "SCI Illinois", 1995-2003

- Folder 19: Newsletters: "SCI Network," "SCI Illinois," "SCI Life", 1995-2005

- Folder 20: Press Kit, 1985

- Folder 21: Resources

- Sub-Series 8: National Spinal Cord Injury Foundation - Research Division

- Box 11

- Folder 1: 1981

- Folder 2: 1981-82

- Sub-Series 9: National Wheelchair Athletic Association (NWAA)

- Box 11

- Folder 3: National Wheelchair Athletic Association (NWAA)

- Folder 4: 4th National Wheelchair Games, 1959-60

- Folder 5: 9th National Wheelchair Games, 1965

- Folder 6: 17th and 18th National Wheelchair Games, 1973-74

- Folder 7: 19th National Wheelchair Games, 1975

- Folder 8: 23rd National Wheelchair Games, 1979

- Folder 9: 24th National Wheelchair Games, 1980-81

- Folder 10: 24th National Wheelchair Games - Correspondence, General, 1980

- Folder 11: 24th National Wheelchair Games - Correspondence, Special, 1980

- Folder 12: 24th National Wheelchair Games - Organization and Administration, 1980

- Folder 13: 24th National Wheelchair Games - Organization and Administration, 1980

- Folder 14: 24th National Wheelchair Games - Plaques, 1980

- Oversized materials in legal folder
- Folder 15: 24th National Wheelchair Games - Promotions, 1980

- Folder 16: 24th National Wheelchair Games - Requests, 1980

- Folder 17: 24th National Wheelchair Games - Space and Housing, 1979-80

- Folder 18: 24th National Wheelchair Games - Special Award Letters, 1981

- Folder 19: 26th National Wheelchair Games, 1982

- Folder 20: Constitutions and Rules, 1973-81

- Folder 21: National Wheelchair Track and Field Championships, 1986

- Folder 22: Newsletters, 1975-93

- Sub-Series 10: National Wheelchair Basketball Association (NWBA)

- Box 11

- Folder 23: 1949-51

- Folder 24: 1952-53

- Folder 25: 1969

- Folder 26: 1973-83

- Folder 27: 1986-94

- Folder 28: 1986-2002

- Folder 29: 1991-2000

- Folder 30: 1996-2003

- Folder 31: 12th Annual National Wheelchair Basketball Tournament (NWBT), 1960

- Folder 32: 13th Annual NWBT, 1961

- Folder 33: 15th Annual NWBT, 1963

- Folder 34: 21st Annual NWBT, 1969

- Folder 35: 22nd Annual NWBT, 1970

- Folder 36: 23rd Annual NWBT, 1971

- Folder 37: 24th Annual NWBT, 1972

- Folder 38: 25th Annual NWBT, 1973

- Folder 39: 26th Annual NWBT, 1974

- Box 12

- Folder 1: 27th Annual NWBT, 1975

- Folder 2: 36th Annual NWBT, 1984

- Folder 3: 38th Annual NWBT, 1986

- Folder 4: 41st Annual NWBT, 1989

- Folder 5: 42nd Annual NWBT, 1990

- Folder 6: 47th Annual NWBT, 1995

- Folder 7: 53rd Annual NWBT, 2001

- Folder 8: 54th Annual NWBT, 2002

- Folder 9: Chicago Sidewinders, 1965-71

- Folder 10: Commissioner's Office, 1995-96

- Folder 11: Conference Schedules, 1959-60, 1971-72

- Folder 12: Directories, 1972-93

- Folder 13: Forms, 1949-68

- Folder 14: Grant, 1977

- Folder 15: Hall of Fame, 1990-2007

- Folder 16: Indiana Olympians, 1992

- Folder 17: Manual of Regulations and Procedures of the NWBA, 1964-65

- Folder 18: Meeting Minutes, 1961-86

- Folder 19: National Rules Committee, 1966-70

- Folder 20: National Wheelchair Basketball Championship, 1983

- Folder 21: National Wheelchair Basketball Championships, 1990

- Folder 22: National Women's Wheelchair Basketball Tournament and 1st National IntercollegiateWheelchair Basketball Tournament, 1977

- Folder 23: Newsletters, 1965-89

- Folder 24: Newsletters, 1990-92

- Folder 25: Newsletters, 1993-95

- Folder 26: Newsletters, 1996-2002

- Folder 27: Ninth National Intercollegiate Wheelchair Basketball Tournament, 1986

- Folder 28: Physical Classification Handbook, 1979

- Folder 29: Reference Packet, 1960-71

- Folder 30: Rule Books, Constitutions, 1971-89

- Sub-Series 11: Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA)

- Box 12

- Folder 31: 1972-2004

- Folder 32: 2nd National Veterans Wheelchair Games (NVWG), 1982

- Folder 33: 6th NVWG, 1986

- Folder 34: 7th-10th NVWG, 1987-90

- Box 13

- Folder 1: 11th NVWG, 1991

- Folder 2: 11th NVWG: Participant List and Stat Sheets, 1991

- Folder 3: 12th NVWG, 1992

- Folder 4: 13th NVWG, 1993

- Folder 5: 14th NVWG, 1994

- Folder 6: 15th NVWG, 1995

- Folder 7: 16th NVWG, 1996

- Folder 8: 17th NVWG, 1997

- Folder 9: 18th NVWG, 1998

- Folder 10: 19th NVWG, 1999

- Folder 11: 20th NVWG, 2000

- Folder 12: 21st NVWG, 2001

- Folder 13: 22nd NVWG, 2002

- Folder 14: 23rd NVWG, 2003

- Folder 15: 24th NVWG, 2004

- Folder 16: 27th NVWG, 2007

- Folder 17: Sixth Annual Coast-to-Coast Tour, 1953

- Sub-Series 12: Phinney Branch Mutual Drainage District - Commissioner

- Box 13

- Folder 18: 1956-57

- Folder 19: 1958-59

- Folder 20: 1960

- Folder 21: 1961-65

- Folder 22: 1966-67

- Folder 23: 1968

- Folder 24: 1969-71

- Folder 25: 1972-79

- Sub-Series 13: Seventh World Wheelchair Games

- Box 13

- Folder 26: 1982-84

- Folder 27: Contracts, 1982-84

- Folder 28: Contribution Return Letters, 1984

- Folder 29: Correspondence, 1981-82

- Box 14

- Folder 1: Correspondence, 1983

- Folder 2: Correspondence, 1983

- Folder 3: Correspondence, 1983

- Folder 4: Correspondence, 1984-85

- Folder 5: Cost Analysis, 1982-83

- Folder 6: England, 1984

- Folder 7: Funding, 1984

- Folder 8: IBM Support, 1982-84

- Folder 9: Important, 1984

- Folder 10: Initial Proposals to Board, 1983

- Folder 11: International Stoke Mandeville Games Federation, 1983-84

- Folder 12: Letters from B. Dale Wiley, 1983-84

- Folder 13: Letters from Chancellor, 1983-84

- Folder 14: News Clipping, 1981-84

- Folder 15: Programs and Promotion Materials, 1983-84

- Folder 16: Schedule/Venues, 1984

- Folder 17: Terminal Report, 1985

- Folder 18: United States Olympic Committee, 1983

- Folder 19: University Bid and Responses, 1980-83

- Sub-Series 14: Springfield College Alumni Association

- Box 14

- Folder 20: 1978-85

- Folder 21: 2000-01

- Folder 22: Honorary Degree, 1999

- Sub-Series 15: University of Illinois Foundation

- Box 14

- Folder 23: 1993-98

- Folder 24: Hollister, Inc., 1999

- Folder 25: President's Council, 1988-89

- Sub-Series 16: University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse Alumni Association

- Box 14

- Folder 26: 1993-2005

- Folder 27: Activities and Correspondence, 1978-2000

- Folder 28: Publications, 1978-85

- Folder 29: Alumni Campaign Executive Leadership Committee, 1989

- Box 15

- Folder 1: University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse Foundation, 1977-2007

- Folder 2: Wall of Fame Committee, 1969-99

- Sub-Series 17: Other Professional Service Activities

- Box 15

- Folder 3: American Standards Association, 1965-75

- Folder 4: American Wheelchair Bowling Association, 1973

- Folder 5: Association of Handicapped Student Service Programs in Postsecondary Education, 1978

- Folder 6: Association pf Rehabilitation Centers, 1965-66

- Folder 7: Barr Foundation, 1996-2006

- Folder 8: Commission to Investigate Hospitalization of Paraplegics, 1957-59

- Folder 9: Governor's Task Force, 1985

- Folder 10: Greenleigh Associates Coordinating Committee, 1974

- Folder 11: Hawaii County Committee for Employment of the Handicapped, 1967

- Folder 12: Illinois Public Transit Association, 1976

- Folder 13: International Foundation Disabled Sailing, 1996

- Folder 14: International Paralympic Committee - Atlanta, 1996

- Folder 15: International Paralympic Committee - Atlanta, 1996

- Folder 16: International Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled, 1965-66

- Folder 17: National Campaign for Tolerance, 2000-01

- Folder 18: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Special Committee on Athletic Opportunities for Handicapped Student-Athletes, 1977-80

- Folder 19: National Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults, 1975-78

- Folder 20: National Wheelchair Sports Fund, 1987

- Folder 21: Nationwide Outdoor Recreation Plan - Task Force, 1978

- Folder 22: Paralympic Organizing Committee - Sydney 2000 Paralympic Games, 1996

- Folder 23: Paralympics - Funding and Publicity, 1960

- Folder 24: Parcourse User Group, 1984-87

- Folder 25: Ph.D. Thesis Committee - Robert Szyman, 1977

- Folder 26: President's Committee on Employment of the Physically Handicapped, 1954-75

- Folder 27: Project Break-Thru Transportation Sub-Committee, 1973

- Folder 28: Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) Work Group - Spinal Cord Injury Centers

- Folder 29: Springfield College - Program Advisory Board, 1998-99

- Folder 30: State Wide Assessment of Programs for the Handicapped Project - Advisory Board, 1973

- Folder 31: Tarleton Alumni Association, 1986, 1993-95

- Folder 32: Task Force on Urban Stormwater, 1978-79

- Folder 33: Technical Education Research Centers Advisory Committee, 1972-76

- Folder 34: United Cerebral Palsy of Illinois Task Force, 1974-80

- Folder 35: United Community Council - Health Fair Committee, 1966

- Folder 36: University of Illinois Alumni Association, 1997-2007

- Folder 37: University of Wisconsin-Madison Alumni Association, 1985-2004

- Box 16

- Folder 1: Veterans' Memorial Steering Committee, 2001-02

- Folder 2: Wheelchair Basketball Coaches Association, 1980

- Folder 3: Wheelchair Pilots Association, 1972

- Folder 4: Wheelchair Sports, USA, 1991-2002

- Series 6: Consulting

- Includes correspondence, reports, and reference materials regarding Timothy J. Nugent's activities as a legal consultant and as a consultant on various projects relating to architectural barriers and universal accessibility.
- Box 16

- Folder 5: Case Involvements

- Folder 6: Consulting Materials

- Folder 7: Miscellaneous Cases, 1959-88

- Folder 8: Architectural Barriers Projects, 1960-70

- Folder 9: Penfield v. Central Wisconsin Motor Transport Co., 1963

- Folder 10: Architectural Barriers Projects - Washington, D.C. and California, 1965-67

- Folder 11: Robert Ash, 1966

- Folder 12: Bendix - Aerospace Systems Division, 1968-74

- Folder 13: Sobon v. City of South Milwaukee and Wisconsin Natural Gas Co., 1970

- Folder 14: Wilke v. LaCrosse and Western Stages, Inc., 1971-72

- Folder 15: New York State Rehabilitation Hospital Project, 1972-73

- Folder 16: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Hearings, 1973

- Folder 17: Pepper, Hamilton & Scheetz Law Offices - Philadelphia, 1973

- Folder 18: Radcliffe, Laabs, and Carmichael, Attorneys at Law, 1973

- Folder 19: Stafford, Rosenbaum, Rieser and Hansen Law Offices - Madison, WI, 1973-77

- Folder 20: Alan M. Voorhees & Associates, Inc., 1974

- Folder 21: Del Grosso v. Verson Allsteel Press Co., 1974

- Folder 22: Linke & Associates, 1974

- Folder 23: Court Actions, 1975

- Folder 24: Frank & Melamed, Attorneys at Law, 1977

- Folder 25: Kruse v. Home Insurance, Lisa Nelson, et al., 1977

- Folder 26: Accessibility Manual, 1978

- Folder 27: Human Resources Research Organization, 1978

- Folder 28: Mobility Training Program, 1978

- Folder 29: U.S.A. v. Everest & Jennings, 1978

- Folder 30: Jeffrey Moore, 1979

- Folder 31: Ryeson, et al. v. Grovecrest, 1979

- Folder 32: Krueger v. Tappan, 1980

- Folder 33: Adrienne Garland, Robert J. Lenz (Attorney at Law), 1980-81

- Folder 34: McCraw, et al. v. Thermoflex, Inc., et al., 1980-82

- Folder 35: Cardozo Caucus v. Yeshiva University, 1981

- Folder 36: Gollon v. Roberts Consolidated Industries, et al., 1981

- Folder 37: Jeff Montag - James Hood, Attorney, 1981

- Folder 38: Mullen v. University of Illinois, 1981

- Folder 39: Rose, Mason (Attorney at Law), 1981

- Folder 40: Winston & Strawn, John J. Lowrey, 1981

- Folder 41: Frisch, Sudek and Slattery Law Firm, 1981-82

- Folder 42: Vermillion County Coroner's Office (Special Case), 1981-82

- Folder 43: Bray v. Davis, 1982

- Folder 44: Copsey v. The Upjohn Company, 1982

- Folder 45: Flaminio, et al. v. Honda Motor Co., et al., 1982

- Folder 46: Gary Kahle, 1982

- Folder 47: Johnson v. Carle Hospital, 1982

- Folder 48: Pleuss v. Wisconsin Association of Chi Psi, et al., 1982

- Folder 49: Sumnicht, et al. v. Toyota Motor Sales, et al., 1982-83

- Folder 50: Treat v. Khan, M.D., 1982-83

- Folder 51: Spinal Cord Injury Reference Material, 1982-87

- Folder 52: Curry, Kelly, 1983

- Folder 53: Feist v. Horng, 1983

- Folder 54: Shneidman, Myers, Dowling, Blumenfield & Albert Law Offices, 1983

- Folder 55: Sladek v. Community Hospital of Ottawa, et al., 1983

- Folder 56: Walker and Charles v. Skyclimber and HOVIC, 1983

- Folder 57: Sickman v. Toyota, 1983-85

- Folder 58: Barron v. Everest & Jennings, Inc., 1984

- Folder 59: LePoidevin, et al. v. Western Casualty & Surety Co., 1984

- Folder 60: Wright v. Holtz, Inc. - Milwaukee, WI, 1984

- Folder 61: O'Connell, et al. v. Home Insurance Co., et al. - Milwaukee, WI, 1984-86

- Folder 62: Teshner, et al. v. Pacific Industries, Inc., et al - Milwaukee, WI, 1984-87

- Folder 63: Gobeli v. Doughboy, et al., 1985

- Folder 64: Graham, et al. v. FMC Corporation, 1985

- Folder 65: Kitchen Consult, 1985

- Folder 66: Schilling v. Arena Auto - Dixon-Chicago, IL, 1985

- Folder 67: Wanish v. Allied Farm - Milwaukee, WI, 1985

- Folder 68: McGuire v. General Motors Corp. - Minneapolis, MN, 1985-89

- Folder 69: Craig Henry Reagen - Richard Foley, 1986

- Folder 70: Musta v. Sholfield - Milwaukee, WI, 1986

- Folder 71: Spencer v. Clinicare, et al. - Milwaukee, WI, 1986-87

- Folder 72: Welter v. Donovan Construction Co. - Milwaukee, WI, 1986-87

- Box 17

- Folder 1: Bignell v. Rotary Lift, et al. - Milwaukee, WI, 1987

- Folder 2: Malchow v. Oakwood Camp Sites, Inc. - Milwaukee, WI, 1987

- Folder 3: Thomas v. A. O. Smith - Madison, WI, 1987

- Folder 4: Vivoni v. Florida Restaurant - Jacksonville, FL, 1987

- Folder 5: D'Amore v. Winnebago Park Association - Milwaukee, WI, 1987-88

- Folder 6: Giannoules v. Zephyr Restaurant, 1987-88

- Folder 7: Griebler v. Doughboy Recreational, Inc., et al. - Milwaukee, WI, 1987-88

- Folder 8: Grybowski v. Doughboy, et al. - Milwaukee, WI, 1987-88

- Folder 9: Weber v. Dreis & Kremp Manufacturing - Madison, WI

- Folder 10: Aquarius, Inc. - Ann Arbor, MI, 1988

- Folder 11: Developmental Consulting Program (DCP) Study - Aging Disabled, 1988

- Folder 12: Friedeck v. Klein - Racine, WI, 1988

- Folder 13: Hoy v. Dunbar v. Westside Erectors, 1988

- Folder 14: Olson v. General Casualty Co. - Milwaukee, WI, 1988

- Folder 15: Diggs v. Tully, M.D., et al. - Dixon, Chicago, 1988-90

- Folder 16: Storm v. City of Mattoon - Effingham, IL, 1988-90

- Folder 17: Aquatic Injury Safety Group, 1988-2003

- Folder 18: Brown v. Washington University - St. Louis, MO, 1989

- Folder 19: Hampton v. Calweld et al. - Milwaukee, WI, 1989

- Folder 20: Smith v. Chicago Catholic Diocese - Chicago, IL, 1989

- Folder 21: Bettinger v. Wartak, et al. - Madison, WI, 1989-90

- Folder 22: Dillard v. Wolverine Flexographic Co. - Chicago, IL, 1989-90

- Folder 23: Martin v. Honda - Knoxville, TN, 1989-90

- Folder 24: Cliff Babb Case - Robert Auler, Attorney, 1990

- Folder 25: Evans v. Pella & Rolscreen - Knoxville, TN, 1990

- Folder 26: Alaniz v. Hertz Corporation, 1984, 1990-91

- Folder 27: Anderson v. Northwoods - Milwaukee, WI, 1990-91

- Folder 28: Klomberg v. American TV - Milwaukee, WI, 1990-91

- Folder 29: Satcher v. Honda Motor Co. - Knoxville, TN, 1990-91

- Folder 30: Brown, et al. v. Wisconsin Electric Power Co., et al. - Milwaukee, WI, 1991

- Folder 31: Cooper v. Craven Regional Medical Center - New Bern, NC, 1991

- Folder 32: Evans v. Suzuki, 1991

- Folder 33: Samacovis v. City of Chicago, 1991

- Folder 34: Wicks v. Honda - Nashville, TN, 1991

- Folder 35: Wainwright (Mozingo) v. Peacock, et al. - New Bern, NC, 1991-92

- Folder 36: Erickson v. Abbott Northwestern Hospital, MN, 1992

- Folder 37: Ladd v. Honda Motor Corp - Nashville, TN, 1992-93

- Folder 38: Littleton v. Craven Regional Medical Center, et al., 1992-93

- Folder 39: Whittle v. Dana Corporation, 1992-93

- Folder 40: Huss v. Stokley-Van Camp, 1993

- Folder 41: Cox v. Blount, et al., 1993-94

- Folder 42: Gould v. Countryside Pools, et al., 1993-94

- Folder 43: Fernholtz v. Guinn, et al., 1994

- Folder 44: Noll v. Sta-Rite Industries, 1994

- Folder 45: Blackstone v. MRI Sunrise - Texas, 1994-95

- Folder 46: Jeters v. Moore, et al., 1994-95

- Folder 47: Robinson v. Opron, et al., 1994-95

- Folder 48: Johnson & Johnson v. American Honda Motor Co., 1995

- Folder 49: Hopkins v. American Honda, 1996

- Folder 50: Torgeson v. Hyatt, et al., 1996

- Folder 51: Hanko v. Astral, et al., 1996-97

- Folder 52: Schaub v. West Bend Mutual, et al., 1996-97

- Folder 53: Jackie Jones - Robert Auler (Attorney), 1998

- Folder 54: Mather v. Arizona State University, 1998

- Folder 55: Green v. General Motors Corporation - Milwaukee, WI, 1999

- Folder 56: Davita Carter v. the United States of America, 2000-01

- Folder 57: Mohr v. National Union Fire Insurance Co., 2002-05

- Series 7: Lectures, Conferences, and Events

- Includes correspondence, event programs, conference proceedings, speeches, and agendas regarding Timothy J. Nugent's participation in conferences, conventions, workshops, lectures, symposiums, banquets, and seminars.
- Box 18

- Folder 1: 1950-62

- Folder 2: Minneapolis and Chicago Talks, 1961

- Folder 3: International Society for Rehabilitation of the Disabled, Sweden, 1961-69

- Folder 4: 1963-64

- Folder 5: 1965

- Folder 6: Architectural Barriers Institute, Chicago, 1965

- Folder 7: Commission on Standards and Accreditation: National Conference on Standards, 1965

- Folder 8: National Recreation Congress, 1965

- Folder 9: Seminar - Oxford University, 1965

- Folder 10: Seventh International Conference of the F.I.M.I.T.I.C., Italy, 1965

- Folder 11: Conference - "Mobilizing the Community Resources for Mental Health Through Recreation", 1966

- Folder 12: Conference - "Recreation for the Chronically Ill in the Community Setting", 1966

- Folder 13: New York State College Health Association Annual Meeting, 1966

- Folder 14: Ohio State Convention, 1966

- Folder 15: Tenth World Congress - Wiesbaden, Germany, 1966

- Folder 16: University of Utah - 2nd National Research Conference on Architectural Psychology, 1966

- Folder 17: 1966-67

- Folder 18: 1968-69

- Folder 19: American Institute of Architects (AIA) Barrier Free Architectural Workshop, 1969

- Folder 20: Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults Convention, 1969

- Folder 21: National Citizens Conference on Rehabilitation of the Disabled and Disadvantaged, 1969

- Folder 22: Transportation Lecture and Film, 1969

- Folder 23: University of Miami, 1969

- Folder 24: 1970

- Folder 25: Council on Exceptional Children Convention, 1970

- Folder 26: Symposium - "Teamwork for Overcoming Disabilities", 1970

- Folder 27: 1971

- Folder 28: NPF Lectures, 1971

- Folder 29: Seminar - Pressure Sores, 1971

- Folder 30: 1972

- Folder 31: NPF Convention, 1972

- Folder 32: Designing Working and Living Environments for the Physically Handicapped, Milwaukee, 1973

- Folder 33: Federal Program Development Luncheon, 1973

- Folder 34: 1973-75

- Folder 35: Disabled Living Foundation Study Conference, 1975

- Folder 36: Human Sexuality Symposium, 1975, 1983

- Box 19

- Folder 1: 1976

- Folder 2: 1977

- Folder 3: White House Conference on Handicapped Individuals, 1977

- Folder 4: White House Conference on Handicapped Individuals - Papers, 1977

- Folder 5: White House Conference on Handicapped Individuals - Workbooks, 1977

- Folder 6: Little Rock, Arkansas Seminars, 1978

- Folder 7: 1978-79

- Folder 8: Mount Mary College, 1978-81

- Folder 9: Consumer Conference - Nashville, TN, 1979

- Folder 10: Illinois Bell Workshop on Employment of the Disabled, 1980

- Folder 11: 1980-83

- Folder 12: 1984-87

- Folder 13: Ontario Federation for the Cerebral Palsied Staff Conference, 1986

- Folder 14: Purdue University Lectures, 1992-94

- Folder 15: 1992-2007

- Folder 16: Western Illinois University - 3rd & 5th National Conference on Adapted Physical Activity, 1994, 1996

- Folder 17: Harvard Lecture, 1997

- Folder 18: Springfield College Lecture, 1997

- Folder 19: University of Illinois-Galesburg Reunion, 1997

- Folder 20: Division of Rehabilitation Education Services (DRES) 50th Anniversary Celebration, 1998

- Folder 21: Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago - Nugent Dinner, 1998

- Folder 22: Texas International Shootout, 1998

- Folder 23: "Breaking Barriers" Banquet, 2004

- Folder 24: Lectures, Conferences, and Events

- Series 8: Publications

- Includes Delta Sigma Omicron publications, articles and presentations written by Timothy J. Nugent, as well as articles, serial publications, brochures, and reports concerning Nugent and the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services.
- Box 19

- Sub-Series 1: Publications by Timothy J. Nugent

- Folder 25: "A Comparative Study of the Iowa Revision of the Brace Motor Ability Test and the Rogers Short Physical Fitness Test", 1948

- Folder 26: 1964-91

- Box 20

- Sub-Series 1: Publications by Timothy J. Nugent

- Folder 1: "The Challenge of the Disabled and the Aging, New Avenues of Life", 1965

- Folder 2: Pharmacy Times Article, 1972

- Folder 3: Materials sent to Encyclopedia of Physical Education, 1973-77

- Folder 4: "Physiological Research Relating to the Severely Permanently Handicapped", 1975

- Folder 5: "Housing for the Young Severely Disabled" [digitized], 1975

- Folder 6: Mason Gould Article, 1977

- Folder 7: "Developing an Accessible Campus", 1978

- Folder 8: "International Conference on Rehabilitation of the Handicapped" Papers, 1986

- Folder 9: Publications and Presentations, 1956-84

- Folder 10: Publications and Presentations

- Folder 11: Publications and Presentations - Notes

- Sub-Series 2: Publications RE: Rehabilitation Program

- Folder 12: Timothy J. Nugent, 1961-2007

- Folder 13: Division of Rehabilitation Education Services, 1948-2007

- Folder 14: Gizz Kids, 1963-79

- Sub-Series 3: Delta Sigma Omicron, Disabled Students Organization (D.S.O.) Publications

- Folder 15: "My Chair Lady", 1964

- Folder 16: President's Report, 1959

- Folder 17: Sigma Signs, 1949-59

- Folder 18: Sigma Signs, 1960-69

- Folder 19: Sigma Signs, 1970-79

- Folder 20: Sigma Signs, 1980-85

- Folder 21: Sigma Signs/Media Guide, 1998-2000

- Folder 22: Sigma Signs/Media Guide, 2001-04

- Folder 23: Sigma Signs - Correspondence, 1965-96

- Folder 24: The Spokesman, 1963-86

- Series 9: Newsletters

- Includes newsletters from agencies and organizations relating to disability or the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services.
- Box 21

- Folder 1: Newsletters Related to Disability, 1951-69

- Folder 2: Physical Education News, 1957-64

- Folder 3: Lion Chatter, 1965, 1985

- Folder 4: Komike Ho'ohana, 1967-71

- Folder 5: Newsletters Related to Disability, 1970-79

- Folder 6: Committee on Barrier Free Design, 1972-73

- Folder 7: Applied Life Studies Alumni Newsletter, 1979-85

- Folder 8: Newsletters Related to Disability, 1980-99

- Folder 9: Spinal Injuries Association, 1985-92

- Folder 10: The Rangewriter, 1991-93

- Series 10: Reference Materials

- Includes publications, brochures, and research related to disability, architectural barriers, education, sports and recreation, rehabilitation, medicine, adaptive equipment, and employment of individuals with disabilities.
- Box 21

- Sub-Series 1: Adaptive Equipment

- Folder 11: 1949-64

- Folder 12: Invalid Tricycle Association, 1956-61

- Folder 13: 1965-66

- Folder 14: 1967-73

- Folder 15: 1974-79

- Folder 16: 1980-2004

- Sub-Series 2: Americans with Disabilities Act References

- Folder 17: 1968-2000

- Sub-Series 3: Architectural Barriers and Accessibility

- Folder 18: 1936, 1958-62

- Folder 19: 1963-69

- Folder 20: 1970-72

- Folder 21: 1973-75

- Folder 22: 1977-78

- Box 22

- Sub-Series 3: Architectural Barriers and Accessibility

- Folder 1: 1978-79

- Folder 2: 1980-95

- Folder 3: Architectural Barriers and Accessibility References

- Sub-Series 4: Education

- Folder 4: 1946-59

- Folder 5: 1965-76

- Folder 6: Japan, 1969-71

- Folder 7: University of Wisconsin, Nagoya University, 1976-77

- Folder 8: 1977-78

- Folder 9: Sex Education Handbook, 1979

- Folder 10: 1979-84

- Folder 11: Education References

- Sub-Series 5: Employment

- Folder 12: 1963-74

- Sub-Series 6: Medical Publications

- Folder 13: 1941-53

- Folder 14: 1961-69

- Folder 15: 1970-72

- Folder 16: 1973-74

- Folder 17: 1975-79

- Folder 18: 1980-85

- Folder 19: 1994-98

- Folder 20: Cerebral Palsy

- Folder 21: Medical References

- Sub-Series 7: Paraplegia Publications

- Folder 22: 1963-71

- Box 23

- Sub-Series 7: Paraplegia Publications

- Folder 1: Disabled USA and Paraplegia News, 1963-85

- Folder 2: Magic Carpet and Accent on Living, 1978-85

- Folder 3: 1980-90

- Sub-Series 8: Professional Library

- Folder 4: Professional Library of Timothy J. Nugent

- Sub-Series 9: Rehabilitation

- Folder 5: Rehabilitation Literature, 1960-76

- Folder 6: 1967-74

- Folder 7: 1972-75

- Folder 8: The Promethean, 1975-76

- Folder 9: 1976-79

- Folder 10: American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 1979-80

- Folder 11: 1980-85

- Sub-Series 10: Research

- Folder 12: 1958-69

- Folder 13: 1971-72

- Folder 14: Smithsonian: Science Information Exchange, Inc., 1972

- Folder 15: 1974-75

- Folder 16: 1977

- Folder 17: 1981-84

- Sub-Series 11: Scripts

- Folder 18: 1971-72

- Sub-Series 12: Sexuality and Disability

- Folder 19: 1974-79

- Sub-Series 13: Sports and Recreation

- Folder 20: 1939-47

- Folder 21: 1963-68

- Box 24

- Sub-Series 13: Sports and Recreation

- Folder 1: 1970-79

- Folder 2: Sports 'n Spokes, 1975-86

- Folder 3: 1980-2004

- Folder 4: Sports and Recreation References

- Sub-Series 14: Veteran Publications

- Folder 5: 1949-83

- Series 11: Audiovisual Materials

- Includes photographs, negatives, slides, videotape, and film relating to Timothy J. Nugent, the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services, lectures, conferences, special events, wheelchair athletics, research, and disability.
- Sub-Series 1: Photographs and Negatives

- Box 24

- Sub-Series 1: Division of Rehabilitation Education Services (DRES) Photographs

- Folder 6: DRES Photographs

- Folder 7: Beckwith and Campus, 1980s

- Folder 8: Delta Sigma Omicron, Disabled Students Organization (DSO), 1952-99

- Folder 9: DSO - 45th DSO Awards Banquet and 30th-year Reunion of South African Tour Group, 1992

- Includes photographs of Roger Ebert (formerly reported for the News-Gazette and covered the South Africa Tour in 1962).
- Folder 10: DSO - Children's Christmas Party

- Folder 11: DSO - Faculty/Student Basketball Game and Nugent Retirement Party, 1985

- Folder 12: Drivers Education - Jill Smith, 1978

- Folder 13: Educational Displays of DRES Services

- Folder 14: Japanese Tea Ceremony, 1970

- Folder 15: Nugent Portrait, 1985

- Folder 16: Optimists International

- Folder 17: Picnics

- Folder 18: Picnics - 35th Anniversary of DRES, 1982

- Folder 19: Rehabilitation Center - Blueprints and Models, 1959

- Folder 20: Rehabilitation Center - New, 1972

- Folder 21: Rehabilitation Center - Old

- Folder 22: Satoru Yamazaki Visit, 1984

- Folder 23: Staff, 1967-69

- Folder 24: Students, 1950s-74

- Folder 25: Study Abroad Program: Aix-en-Provence, France, 1975

- Folder 26: Television Program

- Folder 27: Transportation, 1973

- Folder 28: Transportation - Carpenter Body Works Dedication, 1982

- Folder 29: Tours - South Africa, Washington, D.C., Hawaii, 1962, 1968-69

- Sub-Series 2: Lectures, Conferences, and Events Photographs

- Folder 30: Lectures, Conferences, and Events Photographs, 1970s-90s

- Folder 31: Applied Life Studies Graduation, 1993

- Folder 32: Awards Banquets, 1956-71

- Folder 33: Co. E Reunion, 1988

- Folder 34: First International Conference on Rehabilitation of the Handicapped - Beijing, Jan. 1986

- Folder 35: National Paraplegia Foundation Conventions, 1971, 1973

- Folder 36: Oxford University Seminar - British Council for Rehabilitation of the Disabled, 1965

- Folder 37: President's Committee on the Employment of People with Disabilities, 1993

- Folder 38: Seventh World Wheelchair Games - Torch Design, 1983

- Folder 39: University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse - Wall of Fame Brunch, 1991

- Sub-Series 3: Research Photographs

- Folder 40: Research Photographs, 1984

- Folder 41: Japan - Accessibility

- Folder 42: Ramps

- Sub-Series 4: Timothy J. Nugent Photographs

- Folder 43: 1966-85

- Folder 44: Army and Early Life, 1940-44

- Folder 45: Awards and Honors, 1966-85

- Folder 46: Professional, 1950s-90s

- Folder 47: T. J. "Pizgee" Retirement Party, Nov. 22, 1985

- Sub-Series 5: Wheelchair Athletics

- Folder 48: Wheelchair Athletics

- Folder 49: Basketball, 1949-99

- Folder 50: Basketball - NWBA (Dallas), 1987

- Folder 51: Football, 1970-73

- Folder 52: Track and Field

- Sub-Series 6: Other Photographs

- Folder 53: Queen Elizabeth II and Lady Hamilton (Pix)

- Folder 54: Unidentified Photographs

- Sub-Series 7: Negatives

- Folder 55: Assembly Hall, Camp

- Folder 56: Dr. Campbell's Slides

- Folder 57: Rehabilitation Center - New

- Sub-Series 2: Slides

- Box 24

- Sub-Series 1: Division of Rehabilitation Education Services (DRES) Slides

- Folder 58: Academics, 1963-77

- Folder 59: Activities of Daily Living (ADL) - Bathroom, 1963-71

- Folder 60: ADL - Cooking, 1976-78

- Folder 61: ADL - Dressing, 1966

- Folder 62: ADL - Driving and Drivers Education, 1963-74

- Folder 63: Beckwith and Tanbrier, 1975, 1984

- Folder 64: Buses and Transportation, 1963-85

- Folder 65: DSO - Meetings and Christmas Parties, 1972-75

- Folder 66: Occupational Therapy Class, 1967

- Folder 67: Outdoor Recreation, 1974

- Folder 68: Physical Therapy, 1966-75

- Folder 69: Picnics and Luncheon, 1963-83

- Folder 70: Rehabilitation Center (New), 1966-85

- Folder 71: Rehabilitation Center (New) - Models and Blueprints, 1959

- Folder 72: Rehabilitation Center (Old), 1962

- Folder 73: Services, 1963-77

- Folder 74: Students, 1963-79

- Folder 75: Timothy J. Nugent, 1963-85

- Folder 76: Tour - Hawaii, 1969

- Folder 77: Tour - Israel, Greece, and Rome, 1968

- Folder 78: Tour - South Africa, 1962

- Folder 79: Tour - Washington, D.C., 1967

- Folder 80: Tours, 1962-74

- Sub-Series 2: Research Slides

- Folder 81: Adaptive Equipment, 1963-85

- Folder 82: Campus Accessibility - Assembly Hall, 1963

- Folder 83: Campus Accessibility - Buildings, 1960-77

- Folder 84: Campus Accessibility - Churches, 1962-70

- Folder 85: Campus Accessibility - Krannert Center for the Performing Arts, 1973-74

- Folder 86: Campus Accessibility - Memorial Stadium, 1975

- Folder 87: Electric Wheelchair Controls, 1975

- Box 25

- Sub-Series 2: Research Slides

- Folder 1: Research-Experimental Car, circa late 1970s

- Folder 2: Jill Smith - Telephone and Driving, 1977

- Folder 3: Measurements, 1962-72

- Folder 4: Pub, 1971

- Folder 5: Ramps, 1962-64

- Folder 6: Residence Halls, 1963

- Folder 7: Streets and Curbs, 1962-72

- Sub-Series 3: Wheelchair Athletics Slides

- Folder 8: Wheelchair Athletics, 1962-83

- Folder 9: Archery, 1974-78

- Folder 10: Basketball, 1963-77

- Folder 11: Basketball - 20th and 25th National Wheelchair Basketball Tournaments, 1968, 1973

- Folder 12: Football and Ping Pong, 1962-77

- Folder 13: Goal Ball (Blind Athletics), 1985

- Folder 14: National Wheelchair Games, 1966-78

- Folder 15: National Wheelchair Games - Hawaii, 1983

- Folder 16: Paralympics, 1963

- Folder 17: Paralympics, 1966

- Folder 18: Paralympics (24th International Stokes Mandeville Games) - England, 1975

- Sub-Series 4: Slide Presentations

- Folder 19: Accessibility on Campus, 1960s

- Folder 20: Accessibility on Campus, 1960s

- Folder 22: DRES Services Slideshow, 1973

- Folder 23: China, 1974

- Folder 24: DRES Program Presentation - Part I

- Traveling Slideshow regarding DRES activities.
- Folder 25: DRES Program Presentation - Part II

- Traveling Slideshow regarding DRES activities.
- Folder 26: DRES Program Presentation - Part III

- Traveling Slideshow regarding DRES activities.
- Folder 27: Pizgee Retirement Party, 1985

T. J. "Pizgee" Retirement Party, Nov. 22, 1985.
Contains slides that span 1940s-1985.
- Folder 28: Teaching and Adapting Leisure Activities for Special Populations, 1979

- Includes Audio Cassette
- Folder 29: Training Package: Employing Handicapped Persons in the Transit Industry, 1982

- Includes Audio Cassette
- Sub-Series 5: Personal Photographs

- Folder 30: Personal Scrapbook - Family Pictures, 1941-83

- Sub-Series 3: Videotape

- Box 26

- Item 4: Bladder Implant

- Item 5: Centennial Boston Marathon

- Item 6: College: Wheelchair Athletics - CBS Today - Gumbo

- Item 7: Wheelchair Basketball (Paralized Veterans of America) - Volume I

- Item 8: Wheelchair Basketball (Paralized Veterans of America) - Volume II

- Item 9: Big Wheels in Broadcasting, 1962

- Item 10: Bladder and Bowel, 1962

- Item 11: Dressing, 1962

- Box 27

- Item 1: Driving, 1962

- Item 2: Shower and Grooming, 1962

- Item 3: Just Plain Olympics, 1983

- Item 4: Just Plain Olympics, 1983

- Item 5: International Games for the Disabled - New York, 1984

- Item 6: Beating the Averages, 1986

- Item 7: Beating the Averages, 1986

- Item 8: Bladder and Bowel, Shower and Grooming, Dressing, 1986

- Item 9: Driving, Mobility for Everyone, Big Wheels in Broadcasting, 1986

- Item 10: Mobility for Everyone, 1986

- Item 11: Roger Davis's Hall of Fame, 1990

- Series 12: Personal Correspondence

- Includes letters, cards, and email correspondence with individuals concerning personal matters as well as military and high school reunions. Major correspondents include Jack Chase, James A. Nugent, Jeanette Sato, and Margaret Serbyn.
- Box 28

- Folder 1: Personal Correspondence, 1961-2003

- Folder 2: Cards, 1962-2004

- Folder 3: Christmas Cards, 1970-2000

- Sub-Series 1: Individual Personal Correspondence

- Folder 4: Jack Chase, 1955-98

- Folder 5: Cookie and Denny Denley, 1969-95

- Folder 6: Rita and Gibb Fink, 1998

- Folder 7: EurAupair, 1999-2000

- Folder 8: Tom Jones, 1999

- Folder 9: Toby and John Keppel, 1975-95

- Folder 10: Jan Little, 1997-98

- Folder 11: Bruce McDaniel, 1985

- Folder 12: Mary Jane and Carl Neer, 1981-90

- Folder 13: James A. Nugent (Father), 1979

- Folder 14: Jim and Tracy Nugent, 1998

- Folder 15: Kathleen and Bill Serbyn, 1991-95

- Folder 16: Margaret Serbyn (Mother), 1968-83

- Folder 17: Sato Family, 1967-70, 1979

- Folder 18: Jeanette Sato, 1967-68

- Folder 19: Jeanette Sato, Feb. - Apr. 1969

- Folder 20: Jeanette Sato, May - July 1969

- Folder 21: Jeanette Sato, Aug. - Dec. 1969

- Folder 22: Jeanette Sato, 1970

- Folder 23: Jay and Patricia Steuerwald, 1993

- Sub-Series 2: Reunion Correspondence

- Folder 24: 99th Infantry Division Annual Reunions, 1985-96

- Folder 25: 99th Infantry Division Annual Reunions, 1994-2002

- Folder 26: Co. E 395th Regiment - Reunions and Correspondence, 1970-89

- Folder 27: Co. E 395th Regiment - Reunions and Correspondence, 2002-06

- Folder 28: Co. E 395th Regiment - Reunions and Correspondence, 1970-89

- Folder 29: Rufus King High School Reunions and Correspondence, 1988-90

- Series 13: News Clippings

- Includes clippings concerning Timothy J. Nugent, the Division of Rehabilitation Education Services and its programs, students, alumni, Champaign-Urbana, Hawaii, wheelchair athletics, and disability.
- Box 29

- Folder 1: News Clippings, 1948-59

- Folder 2: News Clippings, 1960-69

- Folder 3: News Clippings, 1970-79

- Folder 4: News Clippings, 1980-98

- Folder 5: News Clippings, undated

- Folder 6: Alumni, 1956-91

- Folder 7: Champaign-Urbana Community, 1951-91

- Folder 8: Hawaii, 1967-91

- Folder 9: Hawaiian Tour, 1969

- Folder 10: Jeanette Sato, 1967

- Folder 11: LaCrosse, Wisconsin, 1946-47

- Folder 12: Letters to the Editor - Melissa Wenzel, 1982-83

- Folder 13: Police Station (Champaign) Firebombing, 1970

- Folder 14: Rehabilitation Center and Programs, 1949-59

- Folder 15: Rehabilitation Center and Programs, 1960-2007

- Folder 16: South African Tour, 1962

- Folder 17: Students, 1949-69

- Folder 18: Students, 1970-90

- Folder 19: Timothy J. Nugent, 1944-99

- Folder 20: Wheelchair Athletics, 1948-59

- Folder 21: Wheelchair Athletics, 1960-69

- Folder 22: Wheelchair Athletics, 1970-79

- Folder 23: Wheelchair Athletics, 1980-2006

- Folder 24: Wheelchair Athletics

- Series 14: Scrapbooks

- Box 30

- Folder 2: Miscellaneous Scrapbook Folder

- Item 1: Tim Nugent Scrapbook 1, 1935-1941

- Contains material related to Tim Nugent's membership on his high school marching band and athletic teams.
- Box 31

- Item 1: Tim Nugent Scrapbook 2, 1942-45

- Highlights from Tim Nugent's tenure at the University of Wisconsin, La Crosse. Includes fraternity and football-related material.
- Item 2: Tim Nugent Scrapbook 3, 1944

- Depicts Tim Nugent's military training.
- Box 32

- Series 1: Tim Nugent Scrapbook 4, 1962-70

- Material regarding Tim Nugent's trips to South Africa and Hawaii
- Series 2: Tim Nugent Scrapbook 5, ca. 1941-1945

- A USO scrapbook produced in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Sent to soldiers abroad during World War II with images and stories from the United States.
- Series 3: Tim Nugent Scrapbook 6, 1945

- Includes maps and news clippings of United States Army infantry operations during the final phase of battle in World War II's European theater.
- Box 33

- Item 1: Tim Nugent Scrapbook 7, 1949

- Records and news clippings during Tim Nugent's tenure as a faculty member of the University of Illinois' Galesburg campus.
- Box 34

- Item 1: Tim Nugent Scrapbook 8, 1948-49

- Includes information regarding The Gizz Kids, the formation of Delta Omicron Sigma, and Tim Nugetn's early years as a faculty member at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Box 35

- Series 1: Tim Nugent Scrapbook 9, ca. 1945

- Includes memorabilia concerning Tim Nugent's time as a football coach at Tarleton College in Stephensville, Texas. Also includes personal photographs of Germany during Tim's Army days in World War II.
- Series 2: Tim Nugent Scrapbook 10, ca. 1950s

- Details the rise in popularity of wheelchair basketball during the 1950s.
- Series 15: Oversized Materials

- Box 36

- Item 1: VII World Wheelchair Games 1984 Logo, 1984

- A logo of the 1984 World Wheelchair Games.
- Item 2: VII World Wheelchair Games 1984 Sports Logos - Part 1, 1984

- 1984 World Wheelchair Games Logos - Shotput and Billiards.
- Item 3: VII World Wheelchair Games 1984 Sports Logos - Part 2, 1984

- 1984 World Wheelchair Games Logos - Pentathlon and Discus.
- Item 4: VII World Wheelchair Games 1984 Sports Logos - Part 2, 1984

- 1984 World Wheelchair Games Logos - Diving, High Jump, Tennis, ???m Sprint, and Table Tennis.
- Item 5: VII World Wheelchair Games 1984 Sports Logos - Part 2, 1984

- 1984 World Wheelchair Games Logos - USA National Team, Basketball, Fencing, Weightlifting, Archery, and Marksmanship.
- Item 6: Al Sapora Retirement Commemoration, ca. 1977

- A sheet with pencil drawings and descriptions of "Al" Sapora's youth and career accomplishments.
- Item 7: Illini Wheelchair Athletics St. Louis Post-Dispatch newspaper article, November 4, 1997

- This St. Louis Post-Dispatch article is titled "There is plenty of fight in these Illini wheelchair athletes." It is dated Tuesday, November 4, 1997.
- Item 8: University buildings and pathways relief map 1, ca. 1970s

- A transparent plastic relief map that details university buildings and pathways (presumably for blind students, faculty, and visitors). It extends from Foellinger Auditorium in the north to the Stock Pavilion in the south.
- Item 9: University buildings and pathways relief map 2, ca. 1970s

- A transparent plastic relief map that details university buildings and pathways (presumably for blind students, faculty, and visitors). It details the south end of the Main Quad, encompassing Davenport Hall, the Foreign Language Building, Smith Hall, Foellinger Auditorium, Gregory Hall, Lincoln Hall, the English Building, and a slew of smaller units.
- Item 11: University buildings and pathways relief map 4, ca. 1970s

- A transparent plastic relief map that details university buildings and pathways (presumably for blind students, faculty, and visitors). It details the Rehabilitation Education Center.
- Item 12: Rehabilitation Education Center relief map, ca. 1970s

- A transparent plastic relief map that details the room listings within the Rehabilitation Education Center.
- Item 13: Mathematics rgraph relief, ca. 1970s

- A transparent plastic relief graph that shows a linear equation intersecting a parabola on a Cartesian plane.
- Item 14: Scientific graph relief 4, ca. 1970s

- A science graph relief that displays A) a pipette adding liquid into test tube's solution and producing a solid, B) a pipette adding liquid to a test tube and producing a solution, C) a live rat dying, and D) a live rat that stands on its hind legs.
- Item 15: National Wheelchair Games medals, 1979

- Gold, silver, and bronze medals from the National Wheelchair Games held in New York City in 1979.
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: Biographical Information],
[Series 2: Early Life and Education],
[Series 3: Correspondence],
[Series 4: Subject Files],
[Series 5: Professional Service Activities],
[Series 6: Consulting],
[Series 7: Lectures, Conferences, and Events],
[Series 8: Publications],
[Series 9: Newsletters],
[Series 10: Reference Materials],
[Series 11: Audiovisual Materials],
[Series 12: Personal Correspondence],
[Series 13: News Clippings],
[Series 14: Scrapbooks],
[Series 15: Oversized Materials],