Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences Audio/Video File, 1969-71 | University of Illinois Archives
Dean's Office

Four 1-inch open reel Memorex video tapes:
Tape #1: On case: ITV-143: Dub of ITV A-142 "Agronomy in the Fileds June 25, 1969. List in Box scanned and placed in accession folder on storage server provides timings for people and topics.
2: On case: ITV A-140 Agonomy July 11, 1969, cuts #1-#5. On reel: ITV A-140: 1-103 Oldham, 106-208 Sleif, 213-315 Hadley, 326-416 Harland, 423-500 Hymanowitz
3. On case: ITV A-193 Agronomy Day 1971 6/24. On Tape: ITV A-193. Inside cover of case: Agronomy Day 1971: 1. & 2: Introductions 3: S. Corn Leaf Blight, 4:High oil Corn, 5. Genetic Male Sterility 6. Weed Control Corn 7: Double Cropping 8:Spring Small Grains, 8: Winter Small Grains, 10: Forage Crop Varieties.
4. On case: ITV A-194 Agronomy Day 1971 6/25. On Tape: ITV A-193. Inside cover of case: Agronomy Day 1971: 1. Alfalfa Disease and Insect Control, 2. Genetic Types of Soybeans, 3: Insect Control, 4: N, P, &K uses, 5. Nitrogen Use, 6. Nitrates in Soil Drainage Water, 7: Lead: A Soil Pollutant, 8: Field and Furrow.
One 1-inch open reel Sony video tape.
Tape #5: "University of IL Accounting: 'The Price of Bounty'" 11-1-91 Running time 54:03.