Title: High School Mathematics Texts, 1955-1968
ID: 10/13/810
Primary Creator: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Committee on School Mathematics
Extent: 4.0 cubic feet
Arrangement: by unit number
Subjects: Arithmetic, Mathematics Education
Languages: English
Printed and duplicated "High School Mathematics," a set of texts for courses in mathematics organized by the University of Illinois Committee on School Mathematics staff in collaboration with high school teachers in 11 units, each unit being provided a student's textbook and a teacher's commentary, the latter prepared on the basis of daily reports by participants in the six-year project in which the plan of organization and instruction was decided; the nine units are "The Arithmetic of the Real Numbers," "Generalizations and Algebraic Manipulation," "Equations and Inequations," "Ordered Pairs and Graphs," "Relations and Functions," "Geometry," "Mathematical Induction," "Sequences," "Elementary Functions: Powers, Exponentials, and Logarithms." File copies of commentaries include correspondence from teachers and students.
In December 1951, the Colleges of Education, Engineering and Liberal Arts and Sciences established the University of Illinois Committee on School Mathematics (UICSM) to investigate a new pedagogy for high school mathematics.1 Since then, UICSM has developed instructional materials for use in grades 7-12, for experimental use throughout the country.2
In 1971, the Mathematics Curriculum Development Project (UICSM) was first listed.3
1. Max Beberman, "UICSM: Fifteen Years of Experimentation" in Beberman Folder, RS 10/12/1, Box 21, University of Illinois Archives.
2. UICSM Mathematics Project, June 1970, p. 1, including bibliography of publications on secondary school mathematics curricula, and UICSM textbooks.
3. Staff Directory, 1970-71, p. 47.
URL: https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/uasfa/1013810.pdf
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